#bi lesbian problems
bilesproblems · 3 months
Ace(spec)s and aro(specs): hey romance and sex are TWO DIFFERENT things! Romantic and sexual attraction are different! It's extremely harmful to our community/communities to say they are the same. Aces can love without sex/without feeling sexual attraction and aros can have sex without it being a romantic thing/without feeling romantic attraction and that's fine!
Exclusionists online: um it's acephobic to use the split attraction model if you're not aspec btw. Your romantic and sexual orientations have to be the same. I am a good aspec ally.
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arotrixic-disaster · 2 years
Me: What if I'm not really a lesbian...?
Also me: *thinks back to the fact I feel much better when with women and there's actually a hint of attraction there* Yep, definitely a lesbian.
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that-bisexual · 1 month
I’m tired of my “friends” making homophobic comments, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me being queer is just a trend, I’m tired of my “friends” saying homosexuality is a sin but they still like me, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me it’s a phase, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me to grow up and date a boy, I’m tired of my “friends” disrespecting me constantly.
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viktheviking1 · 4 months
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Meme (very loosely based off of real events and) made by @viktheviking1
Let me know if you want a part 2
Original video below:
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iamaqueerbitch · 4 months
Do I like them or were they just nice to me once?
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missjessefantastico · 8 months
i'm so sad we don't have happy interactions between tara and oz, not only i maintain that they would get along amazingly, i'd also love to see what that would do to willow's brain
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iwouldkickahorse · 5 months
REMINDER! If a republican wins this year, all content that would be considered woke is going to be illegalized in America and restricted access as much as possible and will be illegal because project 2025! SO IF YOU ARE AN AMERICAN
Buy every bit of woke media you can before it could get illegal to own (I know that sounds terrible but they’ll probably arrest you anyway). For digital stuff find a way to download it on a hard drive GUYS IM NOT KIDDING
(for those who say that would get you in more trouble, being gay in general would be criminalized so it doesn’t even matter. Vote blue by the way)
Edit: this isn’t doomerism, this is preparing for the absolute worse a year in advance
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emeldiir · 9 days
Hi just wanted to say I love your blog, I'm a fat butch lesbian and questioning if I'm transmasc and I nearly cried when I saw your fat butch friday selfie. Thank you for being so open about yourself and your experiences, it's been really nice to see myself reflected. (On anon because I'm a coward)
This such a nice ask!!
it’s taken a long time to get to a point where i am at the very least ok with my body, least of all happy and appreciative of it. to be seen and loved by other queer and trans people is so incredibly healing, and i’m so glad that through healing my self image i’m able to inspire other fat trans people.
being a fat trans person of any gender or orientation is so difficult and it’s such a hard life we live in todays society. we need more visibility, and I will continue to create spaces where we are prioritized and supported.
and lastly, you’re absolutely not a coward, engage in whichever way makes you the most comfortable! no shame here :>
have a fantastic day anon, you’ve made mine <3
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I'm always stuck in my gay little world with my favorite gay media/ships that I forget the fact that people can be homophobic. Like what do you mean you don't like it ☹️
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
like we are on our nine billionth positivity post for cis men with beards and masculine trans men and feminine lesbians and bi people in m/f relationships and nb people who are comfortable passing as their agab etc.... do we need more? is straight people not being able to tell you're gay/trans really the biggest issue facing lgbt people right now?
there seems to be this undiminishable reservoir of care and sympathy for the very idea of having ur queerness slighted in any context. meanwhile people who never get the choice whether or not to hide it are routinely dehumanised, othered, and ignored. if the issues facing these groups do get discussed it's almost never with much concern for their feelings. invalidation and erasure may be one of the issues facing lgbt people and it deserves attention too but I really don't think you can claim at this point that it isn't getting its fair share already.
for what it's worth, even your hypothetical most flaming butch lesbian/fem gay man/androgynous nb person etc still meets people who assume they're cishet, who even actively refuse to acknowledge that they're not. the false equivalence between erasure and overt prejudice alleged exclusively by those who largely experience only the former is in fact erasing the reality of people who experience both
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bilesproblems · 2 months
Another day another reminder that "bi lesbian" is not, never was, and never will be a TERF term. Historically it referred to bi sapphics. But you know what is a TERF thing? Lesbian separatism. The idea that lesbian is exclusive, and that lesbians can't like men, was a movement made by TERFs and for TERFs. It's such a braindead take when exclusionists say we're using a term made by TERFs when TERFs have never liked us, and our term predates lesbian separatism - the thing they're ACTUALLY affiliated with.
I don't even know how any of you fell for this anyway. Why would TERFs make a term for being attracted to cis and trans women. Because they sure as hell wouldn't count that as being lesbian, and probably aren't attracted to trans women - because y'know, they're TERFs.
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sammythetrxnny · 4 months
Me and my friend got into the 2nd argument this month, and we had one on Christmas. I was about to come out to her officially (ig you could say that) but she responded with "oh yeah the thing I don't care about" then I texted back, "this is why I didn't want to come out to you" then she said some queer phobic things and she isn't even denying that she could care less if I killed myself so I might as well do so.
I fucking hate Earth.
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hussyknee · 10 months
You know what? You're right about everything. In fact people who shit all over mspec gays/lesbians not only have no concept of how anything works, but they're also fucking selfish and horrible members of the community. I'll die on this hill. A bunch of assholes only out for themselves.
We are actively under fire in many countries. US and UK are actively heading into a trans genocide. Russia is getting worse, too now. Loads of other countries I haven't named. (Before anyone says jack shit the fucking center named after the person who coined the term genocide said we were headed that way. Genocide isnt an overnight thing you stupid leftists Do your damn research and shut up.)
We are at a high rate of suicide and sexual violence, regular violence housing and health care denial, etc. Do you think someone is going to stop and make sure someone isn't a snowflake queer or "tucute" or mspec lesbian before they bash their fucking head it? Do you think a doctor is gonna tell a nonbinary person who looks visibly queer "of course I'll treat you, you're not one of those trans people" Not to mention how you're so quick to exclude closeting and questioning kids who already want to kill themselves? Do you fucking hear the way you talk about your own people? LEAVE OUR OWN PEOPLE ALONE AND CALL YOUR GOVERNEBT REPS OR GET PETTITIONS CIRCULATED OR DONATION POSTS BOOSTED!
You would really rather attack people who's fucking LABELS you disagree with than do anything fucking positive to protect the rest of us? It makes me sick to my fucking stomach that y'all care more about policing than you do about your own people? Absolute selfish and cruel bootlicker behaviour. It's disgraceful, and I'm ashamed and enraged to share space with you people.
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genderfuckyou · 1 year
Hiii. If you are bi and openly use lesbian to describe yourself bc it feels right sometimes,,,I’m so sorry for all the shit you have to put up with. You deserve 200 million dollars
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u ever hear a friend say something that they think is like this highly political and progressive thing and ur just kind of sitting there like. oh you haven’t gotten the new update yet
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ma-du · 3 months
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