#big buddy little buddy vibes fr
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
Eyy so can I request for fem!reader headcanons that she has a familiar that is actually the Stitch himself? With first years' reaction (Lol imagine Stitch literately gonna throw hands with Ace during their first meeting and still hold grudges-)
cute and fluffy!
Characters: First Years (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek, Grim)
Synopsis: how the first years get along with your cute and fluffy dog familiar
Tags: mostly platonic but can be romantic (except ortho), stitch!, fluff, crack
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: definitely should have wrote this back in the summer, buuut now we all get to think of nostalgic summer vibes hehe
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bond: 5/10
you can't tell me these two don't argue(?) every moment they have
usually it's ace trying to play a prank on him, get revenge on him
but stitch is way too clever, and always manages to shift all the blame onto ace
ace can try all his might to convince us, but his acting skills are way too flashy to be realistic
just look at those big innocent eyes! how could you accuse him like that, ace!
all the while stitch is just on your shoulder, smirking at ace
though there are times when these two team up, particularly when they're trying to prank other people
riddle and deuce get pranked... a lot
usually it's stitch either playing cute, or messing around to create a distraction for ace
they're a powerful team these two T_T
"Hey prefect! Have a little faith in me, okay?!" Ace says, his eyes wide in disbelief. "It really wasn't me, it was Stitch!" he points towards Stitch, sitting comfortably on your shoulder. You shift your gaze to Stitch, and he tilts his head innocently.
Raising an eyebrow, you look back at Ace.
"Argh! You're getting tricked by him again!"
"Haka taba, ika patootie!" your familiar exclaims.
(How embarrassing, stupid head!)
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bond: 7/10
these two get along pretty well!
stitch really admires deuce for trying his best, even if his efforts aren't always visible
it reminds him of himself, so he's always enthusaistic about helping deuce when he struggles!
though... deuce is pretty much fooled by stitch's cuteness most of the time, so he still gets pranked by stitch
only deuce usually doesn't realise stitch was the culprit, and even if he does, he just ends up laughing good-heartedly
they're like the sweet elder brother and the genius little brother omg
"Hm? Oh, hi Stitch," Deuce acknowledges quietly, his gaze fixed on the textbook, unfazed by Stitch's arrival on the adjacent seat. Stitch makes a questioning sound, and only then does Deuce turn to face him.
"Oh, I'm trying to figure this question here," he points to the page. "I just can't get my head around it... How did they get that answer...."
Stitch peers at the page for a moment, then reaches for Deuce's pen, swiftly scribbling away at a scrap piece of paper. Once he's done, he holds it up for Deuce to see.
"Wha-? Wait.. you solved it??" Deuce mumbles. His eyes scan over the page as a sudden realization dawning in his eyes. "So that's how you do it...! Thanks Stitch!" he says as he pulls Stitch in for a hug.
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bond: 6/10
omg best workout buddies!!
yeah, he isn't really affected by stitch's cuteness
but his strength??? absolutely
these two love having competitions to see who can lift more weight
im sorry jack, it's stitch, you can't beat my six-armed alien dog familiar
but if anything, this just motivates jack to work on his muscles even more
positive loop i guess??
and stitch joins him sometimes! but he gets frustrated at the equipment easily
so make sure you stop him before he starts throwing things around
his dream is to see stitch and leona having an arm wrestle but we all know that's not happening soon T_T
sibling rivalry vibes fr
"Alright, you want me to move that bookshelf over there right? Where exactly do you-"
Before Jack can even finish his sentence, the bookshelf quickly moves to the other side of the room in a blur of blue, exactly where you wanted it.
"Pitcha! Stitch! Strong! Ahahahaha!" Stitch cackles, rolling on the floor with laughter.
You feel Jack tense up beside you. "Grrrr... Are you tryin' to show off??" he growls. He turned to you, determination evident in his eyes, "Prefect! What else would you like to move? Leave it to me!"
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bond: 8/10
epel has a lot to learn from stitch!
anyone with a keen eye can tell stitch is really good at fooling other people with his cute appearance
and many times, he can use it to his advantage! mostly from you, lilia, and floyd who cannot resist the cute and fluffy
the poison apple is always observing stitch to see how he can use his features as his weapon
and stitch very glady teaches epel in alien talk but we've got body language, because epel always brings delicious apple snacks for him!
so you always find epel listening attentively while stitch does some dramatic recreation of a scenario
Perched on a cushion, Stitch begins to act out a scene, the crumbs of apple pie still lingering on his face.
"Uhh... some bad guy caught you in his arms?"
Stitch vigorously nods, then switches to a puppy dog face and executes a jump-kick in the air.
"You acted cute... and then you managed to kick him?"
Stitch nods again, transitioning between a sweet, innocent expression and a fierce, growling one.
"Ahhh... So you shifted between being cute to catch them off guard..." Epel hums thoughtfully. "That's really smart Stitch!"
Proud, Stitch beams, "Stitch! El kiyotay!"
(Good idea!)
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bond: 7/10
in the same vein that ortho is a sweet kid who has a mischevious side, he gets along really well with stitch!
he loves how affectionate stitch can be with hugs, and also finds it funny how he can lose his temper very easily
he's also fascinated with the alien stuff, after all, stitch's existence proves there are extraterrestrial beings! he loves expanding on his database
the two of them also love building tiny gadgets out of whatever scraps they find, it's like a competition to see who can come up with a more useful gadget
not to mention, his big bro is dying to meet stitch! a cute alien dog who loves climbing onto other people's shoulders? sign him up!
but his social energy can't... so it's up to ortho to get more interactions with stitch!
"You're so cool Stitch!" Ortho laughs as he takes in the sandcastel Stitch built in seconds. "Idia would be so impressed..."
Stitch makes a inquisitive sound, prompting Ortho to explain, "Oh, Idia is my big brother! He'd absolutely be amazed by you, but he's too shy to make new friends," Ortho pouts.
Stitch tilts his head and asks, "Ohana?"
"Ohana?" Ortho repeats. "You've said that before... it means family right? Yeah, Idia is my Ohana."
"Goobaja! Meet! Ohana!" he exclaims.
(Let's go!)
"You want to meet my big bro?" Ortho asks. Seeing Stitch's enthusiasm, Ortho laughs again, "Hmm... alright then, let's go see him now!"
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bond: 2/10
oh boy... these two should not be in the same room together
it all started when sebek was looking for malleus during one of malleus' late night ramshackle visits
and though malleus was endeared by how unstartled stitch was to just casually climb onto his shoulder, sebek certainly was not
of course, first impressions really do matter, so whenever the two of them see each other...
they hiss at each other. both of them.
though sebek will behave if lilia or malleus are present, but the silence vanquishes almost immediately when they're gone
he will be impressed by stitch's physical strength and speed, just in a more condescending way as compared to jack
"Sebek. isn't it amazing how strong Stitch is? He lifted so many logs at once!" Lilia exclaims admiringly, while Stitch grins smugly.
"Yes., Lilia... It certainly is impressive..." Sebek mumbles, shifting his gaze to a glare directed at Stitch. "...for a creature of such moderate stature,"
Stitch, in turn, growls ferociously back at Sebek. "Meega, nala kweesta!"
"Oh dear..." Lilia sighs. "Young people these days are always so eager to get into fights,"
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bond: 4/10
what do you mean his henchman has a familiar?! you're his henchman!!
ahem ahem jealousy
will argue about everything with stitch, and he could be completely wrong but still argues confidently
honestly, stitch finds grim amusing
it's kinda like a 'i don't need to prove myself to you' smug grin
fights about food! always.
stitch your favourite food isn't even tuna, stop bullying grim T_T
but stitch is still a sweetheart sometimes, and will be nice/help grim whenever he can
"Hench-man!" Grim exclaims as he jumps up and down. "Why does that guy get to sit on your shoulder? It's not fair~"
"Grim, didn't you complain when I carried you last time?" you ask.
Grim freezes for a moment. "Well... uh... That's different! I wanna see from high up too!"
Stitch laughs at his response, "Wahaha! Toga meega patookie!"
(Kiss my butt)
"Henchman~" Grim whines.
Sighing, you pick Grim up and have him sit on the other shoulder. Oh, the woes of having two 'familiars'.
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gettinshiggywithit · 9 months
「“ᴍʀ & ᴍʀꜱ”」
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Scenario :- “hmmm what about something like being kuni's housewife idk i just want him to come home and eat my meals” ( @diagonal-queen )
Pairing :- kunikida x wife!reader
Genre:- fluff!
Type:- headcannons!
TW:- mentions of sex but no actual nsfw!
A/N :- here’s a little something i did for @diagonal-queen!Hope y’all like it!
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Okayyy so you wanna be MRS kunikida huh?
Let’s see what it’ll be like!
First off if you actually make the cut? Congratulations!
You’ve effectively beat out 99.99% of the women population 😭
But no fr if u and Kunikida actually get hitched that means you are his perfect person.
No matter what flaws you have or you think you have,to him it’s all immaterial.
And if you ever get down,remember he chose you!
If you guys get hitched and you wanna be a housewife he’s all for it!
Its very classic, if u know what i mean.
And he kinda likes that at least this one thing could be simple(in his not-at-all-simple life)
Let’s go back to your wedding day shall we?
Okay imagine after a beautiful ceremony yall go back to your room and then have the most romantic night ever.
Just you and him in each other’s company~
After that you move into his apartment and settle down.
Kunikida is a hard working lad so he most probably won’t be around much after your honeymoon.
He goes to work everyday without fail and comes back home to you,also without fail. (Although sometimes he’s a little more scraped up and scarred than usual)
He texts you to see if you’re okay during his breaks and always lets you know when he’s goin on a mission and where.
If he needs to cut communications cos it could interfere with the mission,he tells you and reassures you that everything would be alright
And honestly youre only worried about his and his colleagues safety.
Cos like let’s be real, a relationship with Kunikida would be secure af! Because we all KNOW he would never cheat!
On days where he gets days off he still works at home🥲 (im sorry but buddy NEEDSS to have his stuff in order
But when he’s done he spends his time with you.
Whether it be baking,watching a movie or your favorite show,or just cuddling or vibing,yall are together.
And lemme tell you mans is talll
He’d be the big spoon when cuddling btw!
Oh and on days when he does work he looks forward to coming home to you and unwinding~
Oh and he LOVESS your cooking!
It reminds him of his childhood and it’s just that good.
One time you suggest packing him some lunch for work and he later got sooo much shit from dazai (that bandaged bugget was making kissy faces and shit and jusy not letting mans eat!)
One time dazai sneaks a bite and then he’s like “okay yeah no i get it now”
(buddy takes a bite and says, serious as ever, “Kunikida…this food is truly magnificent! Please tell y/n to make me some on the day before my suicide🥰. He gets promptly whacked on the head☺️)
Oh and this man can COOK
in any instance where youre tired or dont feel like cooking,mans has got it!
Makes a simple yet delicious meal and astounds you~
OH! And imagine for your anniversaries he gives you a card and as you open it he says “doppo poet!” And he turns it into a mini bouquet! (And when i say mini,i mean it.remember guys he can only summon stuff that are smaller than or the size of his notebook!)
Oh and he never forgets important dates😌
He’s a little new to romance but is surprisingly good!
And when it comes to more intimate times, he knows exactly what to do and how to make it enjoyable for the both of you
And in conclusion,
He’d literally be the best husband ever.all parents wish their daughters could marry him
And here you were! Doing just that!
I wish y’all the best frr♥️♥️
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Tagging: - @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
@vessel-posts-stuff I know you haven't been on that account in years, but I still wanted to include you. Thank you for introducing me to Tumblr and allowing me to make such wonderful friends. I think of you quite often <3
@v1vz-arttt We're moots on your old account, and while you didn't refollow me (?), I still love you!!!!!! Thank you for everything my good friend :)
@adorablemew Mew!!! Oh my god hi we haven't talked in forever. How did I get someone so cool to be my moot? Your art is incredible, your creations are wonderful, and thank you so much for putting up with me back in my previous Undertale fixation. You inspired me greatly.
@psycho-chair BITES YOU. You have been an inspiration for me forever at this point and I thank you for being just!!! YOU!!!! We need to chat more fr fr. You helped me through a rough time, no matter if you were aware of it or not. Also good to see another Crepic shipper here on the front lines. Sorta unrelated but I'm so glad my secret little otp has gotten a little more traction. You keep being you buddy grrrhshjfskjdhfdkjjksjkh <33333
@glitchysquidd Another instance of HOLY hell how did I get such a cool art moot???? You're really cool. I go feral over your art, whether youre aware of it or not. I love your vibe, your aesthetic, your everthing. Its so cool. You're so cool. A.
@thosegoodbois We don't interact much these days, but I still think of our conversations often. I like how unabashedly you you are. Its refreshing and fun and I still enjoy scrolling through your posts and seeing you on my dash. Tee hee.
@skyedancer2006 Hi hi!!!! We met because of a Secret Santa, and I'm happy we're moots. I love seeing you guys on my dash, and I love seeing the positivity yall bring to it all. Keep it up, and if I referred to you incorrectly, I am so sorry ack.
@bean-with-a-knife grabs your shoulders and shakes you. You are so. the most ever. We've been besties forever, and I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You keep me going, and encourage me when I'm not so sure, and you put up with my bullshit, and I absolutely love you big ol platonic kiss for you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
@naaru304 HI!!!!!! You're so cool. I know we don't really talk but I really really like seeing you on my dash and you reblog all of the best stuff. YOUR ART IS SO EDIBLE ACK. Its so round and clean and just. Stuffs in my mouth and shakes it around and giggles cutely. I love it.
@p3-mochishira HI!!!!! Vamp you are such a moot. I love your edits and I love your ocs and I love your whole vibe. You light up my day and I'm so happy that we're moots. Big ol hug sent your way!!!
@queen-ofsunflowers oh my god you are such a cool author. And we're moot what. WHAT. AAAA!!!!! I really look up to you, and MnM is such a treasure I hold close to my heart. I look forward to whatever is in the future, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best in this coming year.
@mmmn-thirsty-for-vinegar Yet another cool incredible mutual I don't know how I landed with. Your art? incredible. The posing and lighting is immaculate. I love all of your art so much, and you're a big old inspiration foundtain haha. <3
@yoshikass HI!!!!!!!! I love your reblogs. I love the variety. I love everything. Your blog's vibe is also so much fun. You keep being you <33
@dollar-store-emo-413 Your brain is fascinating. Congrats on your freedom from our hell, and I wish you luck on your future /lh!! (for context we went to the same school)
@snowdoesthings Man. It's been forever and a half huh. I'm happy we're still moots, and I'm happy that we still kind of brush shoulders sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with 2020 me haha. Love you <3
@dexxeal Im in the walls of the Miku chruch btw can you come let me out I'm stuck.
@mhafanlol2000 Happy new year and I wish I'd see you around on HKRP more often ahah! See you in the new year :)
@cordycepsbian You're so cool. Like wow. I love everything about what you post. Your humor is so on point and your art is so skrunkly I'm obsessed.
@vivasharme Its so nice to see you again!!! I missed you a lot while you were away. I hope you're feeling better, and I can't wait to get back to talking soon. I'm gonna blow up your dms hee hee >:) /j
@someguyiguess23 Your art!!!!! Its so awesome I'm eating it and framing it and just. Nom. I hold the art you did of Nago dear to my heart. Your art is so shape!!!!
@christiankirbo Poyo
@mantis-on-a-table I adore your art so much. I have so many cool art moots but I especially love what you've got going on. Its so high quality and tickles my brain in such a wonderful way!!! Happy New Year!!
@extreme-exe water (you're a really great friend, never forget that!)
@wintar0 Hi!!!! We dont talk much but you're a wonderful moot. Best of wishes for the new year, and I can't wait to see more of you and your creations!!!
@drallion No, not for Drallion, for his creator! You've been such a delight in HKRP, I'm so happy I get to know you. <3333
@rentavoider Hi hi hi have fun on your trip to Italy and see you next year!!!
@crownne-prince !!!! HI!!!!Thank you for being such an incredible and encouraging moot. You really cheer me up and I love seeing your posts on my dash. Akechi is in your walls fun fact.
@lemmykirby Your art is so cool. I love the style and I love how its executed and bottom line I just. runs away with your art tee hee
@jayjar100 YOU!!! YOU ARE SO COOL NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!! I loved drawing your baby forever ago, and I think about them constantly. In fact I have some extra doodles laying around that I probably should post haha.
@kotoneshiomiofficial You are so right. About everything. All of the time. You are correct and are the coolest trans fox girl I have ever met and I think you're awesome. Big ol heart for you <33333333
@finleyforevermore Hi Finnley. Thank you so much for everything. You are such a light, and a huge encouragement, and thank you for enjoying my HPII content (theres more cooking up trust me). You're a precious moot of mine, and I don't think I can ever describe how much I like your posts. And the fandoms we have in common? Incredible. UMTV, RTC, HPII, Sonic, etc. Like wow. I love it !!!!!! <3333
and finally @box-o. My darling partner in crime and girlfriend. I love you so much, and cannot wait to spend another year with you. Your art is so cartoony and fun, and thank you for passing the Sonic (no, not the metal) virus on to me. Heres to another year <3
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lettermanjack · 11 months
Anyway so I've been thinking about this all day here have what little pokemon friends II characters would have. (not teams cause if I had to choose 6 I'd die)
I only got the 2 polycules and the brothers done so far lol.
Tissues: Cubchoo and Komala. Sleepy babies. Enough said.
Trophy: Scraggy/Scrafty and Cutiefly. Idk I feel like Scraggy or Scrafty would be a good work out vibing buddy and Cutiefly would act as like a little drone for sky photos. Most people in the hotel don't even know Cutiefly is Trophy's they just see her flying around the hotel sometimes and assume it's one of the girl's. (Also Cutiefly would sleep in his cup because yes.)
Cheesy: Alolan Rattata and Lechonk. Alolan Rattata because Cheesy is the type of bitch to name it "Luigi" and Lechonk because that name is funny as hell and Cheesy thinks so too.
Knife: Pancham and Purrserker. Pancham because they have the same vibe and Purrserker because lmao little knife cat man.
Pickel: Treecko and Charjabug. Cause if anyone is gonna have a starter Pokemon it's gonna be the resident video game nerd Pickle. And Charjabug because I think Pickle would think it's cute and Charjabug acts as his personal charger for his phone + switch.
Microphone: Chatot and Liepard. Chatot because colorful song bird that mimics people and Liepard cause Mic would be the type of bitch to keep a large semi feral cat around the house if given the chance and you cannot convince me otherwise. (Liepard and Purrserker cuddle a lot because they're both big ol cats lol)
Mephone4: Minun and Rotom. Minun because I feel like all of the Meeple devices should have Pikachu clones and Mephone would be twinning with 4S and Rotom because if anyone is gonna have a pokemon that can become a fridge and an oven it's gonna be Mephone c'mon.
Mephone4S: Plusle, Sylveon, and Krookodile. I picked three because I physically couldn't narrow it down. Plusle to match with Mephone because they're the brothers fr. Sylveon because he definitely nicknamed her "Kitty" after "Hello Kitty" and Krookodile because.... literally look at it. Krookodile is just 4S as a pokemon. The fact Ash's Krookodile in the anime wears sunglasses doesn't help.
ANYWAY I have no idea if anyone cares about this at all. Probably not but I thought it was cute lol. 12 year old me would be so happy. Good for her BSBDBD. I'm also definitely drawing these later but it's 2am so that's happening tomorrow l.
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magnuficent76 · 8 months
No pressure but like. If you wanted an excuse to talk more about your ocs' (hypothetical) Pokémon (teams). This is it oooo ooo
(<- would really like to hear more if you have ideas for what mons your ocs would have bc I seem to now be so in love with the concept) (but no pressure)
Oh Beetle, you know me all too well and you just know I will absolutely talk more about random Pokémon on this blog. Here we have the Solar Years guys and their mons !
BALTAZAR (They don't have a main type because they're just a farmer, but back in their elite 5 days they were probably grass/dragon)
- Torterra [It's just a big fuggin lad !!!! A huge guy !!! It's nice and steady and good for a guy who's lived in a farm for most of their life. I like to think they would let kids ride it around too :]]
- Tangrowth [Its a huge guy with crazy hair. I just can see Balt with a Pokemon like this so clearly its insane. I love this Pokémon too so ofc im giving it to my favorite little guy !!!]
- Salamence [Probably was the symbol of his old elite 5 team, but once that crashed and burned.... yeah, they don't like talking too much about it. This guy brings back bitter memories, but Balt does his best to separate them from the team itself. Its better for both of them.]
- Haxorous (shiny) [Same as salamence, but even more so. It makes Balt feel bad that he ever put these poor guys in harm's way by battling with them as hard as he did, but he already apologized like a thousand times for it so they already forgiven him don't worry. Honestly probably a huge baby, given Hax was given to him when he was young <3 they grew up together !!]
- Leavanny [I just think Baltazar deserves a buddy okay !!! Its a silly little lady !!! Also Sewaddle is adorable and I love the idea of Balt finding a grub in their garden and taking care of it instead of throwing it out okay. Grab that Grub]
LUIS (ice/fighting or ice/dark. Are you surprised that the angry ice guy is angry and ice. Probably training to be elite 5, and getting pretty fucking close to it)
- Walrein [This is Luis' starter simply because I just think the Vibes are fit. Probably just picked up a spheal in his youngin days and it stayed with him forever !... this sounds a lot sadder now, huh..]
- Sneasel -> Weaville [Angry and competitive little fellow with a fondness for stealing ? Why, that's just exactly like Luis !! He didn't even have to try to catch this guy, it just showed up one day and then stuck around because Luis kept giving it bacon bits. Now they're the bestest smuggest buddies...together ♡]
- Annihalape [No surprise here huh. This Pokémon follows literally the same premise as Luis' whole story: Got so fucking mad it dies and comes back wrong. Luis saw this Pokémon for the first time and is like you just like me fr (takes good care of it to project)]
- Krookodile [It has cool ass sunglasses and it kicks a whole lot of ass on the battlefield. Luis gets it primarily for aesthetics but secondarily for its sheer power. More than happy to kill for any of his mons but especially this guy]
ANDROMEDA (Fairy/Fire gym trainer !)
- Volcarona [That's her starter right here. It slays cunt and its also a gorgeous little thing !! Just like xem fr fr !!]
- Flareon [Matches with Sylveon because they were from the same litter ! Evolved to keep Andromeda safe because this fuckin idiot keeps getting himself in situations and shit. Extremely defensive of everything but mainly because of the first thing- just a really well trained guard dog that forgot how to have fun. Still very soft and silly]
- Sylveon [Matches with Flareon because they're from the same litter ! LOVES Andromeda to death and it is absolutely mutual ! Most spoiled ever !!! Also insanely brutal. don't worry about it though 🙏]
- Alcremie [Just a sweet lil thang. I like to think this one is mostly for aesthetics but its still really well cared for]
- Quilava [Starter Pokémon. I think the angry looking and explosive personality just sold it to him. He wants to evolve it SO bad but they're both still working on it.]
- Houndour [Its a fire ouppy... he has to have the fire ouppy. They're both young and growing up together but they'll both be the most destructive hounds ever just you fuckin' wait <3]
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lootkey · 2 months
Okay first listen through of TTPD standard edition thoughts:
This is very sonically cohesive I think? I know some people were irritated she didn’t go in a new sound but honestly this album isn’t about the sound. It’s about the lyrics. Most of her albums find a balance of production and lyrics but I truly think that for this record more than any other the lyrics are supposed to shine. I really like it I think. We will see after a few more listens but there’s some high points and there’s some lows (tattooed golden retriever I’m looking you 🥴)
Fave 3:
Down Bad
The Alchemy
Best 3:
But Daddy I Love Him
So Long, London
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Functioning alcoholic?? Ma’am?? Im confused a little by the lyrics and the perspective here. Also, why are you’re so murderous Taylor?? It sounds nice though! Love Posty’s vocals in the background. This song is definitely going to be stuck in my head at random times. This would have been huge on Tumblr during 2014-2015. 7/10? I think this may be a grower for me.
The Tortured Poets Department
Okay drums! “Who uses a typewriter anyway” get his pretentious ass Taylor. Personally not loving that slip into a falsetto in “hold me” but I digress. The second verse (?) where the Puth and gold retriever line is? 🤨 “we’re crazy” a self aware queen… this is not my favorite? It’s not bad but I don’t think I will actively seek it out. 6/10
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
I really like this heavy dark synth in the background. I fear this is about J*e and RIP buddy. She’s the only person who could get away with “litany of reasons” in a song. Queen of Sandcastles?!?! The bridge is ruining me, girl was going through it. 8/10, I think.
Down Bad
I fear this one may let me down because I loved that stupid AI snippet that went viral on TikTok lmao. I wasn’t sure about the first verse but HOLY SHIT THIS CHORUS. “Fuck it” Ms. Swift I am scandalized (no I’m not you go queen). The gaylors are going to run wild with the “I lost my twin” bit 🙄. Love this one!! 9/10
So Long, London
Admittedly I hear a leak snippet of this one beforehand but I do love the production of this one. The intro is a bit jarring at first but it goes with the rest of the song well! Her voice sounds so fucking good here. The lyrics are ripping me apart. “All that youth for free” ouch ouch ouch ouch. This somehow sadder than Tolerate It???? Like they tried to soften the blow with the production but oh my god. 10/10
But Daddy, I Love Him
I’ve heard whisperings that there’s shade to the “SpeakUpNow” travesty that happened last May? Get them parasocial weirdos girl. Oh god yeah this is definitely in relation to Taylor Swift™️ and how people forget she’s an actual human fucking being. Honestly I love this and some of it reminds me of Fearless kind of?? But also girl is a little delulu here. Love the BRIDGE YES YES YES. big dictionary girl here. I feel like the last verse is more towards TK than matty but I could be wrong?? This is not a song I will reach for but it is really so so good. 9/10
Fresh Out the Slammer
The western twangy start? Interesting. Love her delivery and cadence here. Matty really wasn’t the only consistent guy on the roster huh? Good for you girl. Another song a little delulu but I forgive her. Another one I think the Gaylors are going to take and run with 🙄 this may be the first “filler” so far but it’s not really 7/10
I’m so excited for this one personally. OH MY GOD THE CEREMONIALS INFLUENCE. FLORENCE!!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Another hint at murder??? Oh she was PISSED. This song is going to make me get a speeding ticket. The BRIDGE!!!!!!!!!! The feeling of restlessness when you feel stuck I life and up and running to Florida, she’s just like me fr. 10/10 immaculate
Guilty as Sin?
Blue Nile? Oh this is about Matty. Loving the instrumental. This is such a “windows down cruising on the highway” song. The vibes are so good. Oh girl… you want him so bad. I love this one, it reminds me of something but I can’t put my finger on it. Also the religious references in this one? Wow. THE FINAL CHORUS?? Jack Antonoff they could never make me hate you. 9/10
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me
This is haunting. The lyrics are so dark but her delivery is almost smug? Excellent. “Whos afraid of little old me? You should be??” Again, a self aware queen. Also for some reason I’m getting Control by Halsey vibes?? She’s never beating the witchcraft allegations, sorry. She’s slowly loosing her mind over the course of this song and oh my god. “Sue you”????? Oh girl get them. This is one where I probably won’t reach for it but it is such a good good song holy fuck 9/10. Self written and self produced too?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
I don’t know why people thought this is about Matty, this to me is so clearly about Joe I think. The outlaw imagery paired with the production is so interesting. The lyric change at the end? Love it. Overall this isn’t my fave? 6/10
Oh this one is going to hurt me isn’t it. It’s so clear that she really does value marriage and wanted that with her past partners, which makes Lavender Haze so heartbreaking in retrospect. The chorus is going to make me sob so thank you Taylor. Wait wait wait, “Mr. Steal Your Girl” ma’am???? Be serious. Well this is about Joe lol. I’m so glad she seems happier now because this was written from a place of deep hurt. 8/10
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Holy fucking vibe change from the last song lol. The haters are going to hate this one but it is the classic ironic song that people will love to shit on without using any critical thinking skills. Thematically this is actually kind of genius because the lyrics are depressing and the rhyme is kind of elementary but slapping this beat behind it paints this picture of you know a pop star who has to go out and preform even though everything is falling apart. This stripped down would be devastating. 8/10
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
The inhaled breath to start oh my god we’re crying again. She’s implying he’s poor isn’t she? Oh my god. I do think this one is about Joe again? Stabbed me with my push pins??? Oh girl. Sank in stoned oblivion?? See I don’t think she’d make that comment about an addict who’s clean now but she’s given us other songs where it alludes to the fact that Joe smokes (YOYOK, paper rings, etc). She’s so angry here and it makes me so sad for her because I feel like it’s a feeling most women understand. This hurts so so so bad. 10/10.
The Alchemy
Yes lower register!! Ohhh this is a love song 🥹 also is this about TK? The team references?? I love this one. Another that I can see with windows down, cruising on a highway. Okay wait maybe Matty? That heroin line sounds like a joke he would make lol but everything else is so TK coded so idk. This scratches my brain in such a nice. 9/10
Clara Bow
This is definitely going to be in the same category of The Lucky One and Nothing New isn’t it? STEVIE NICKS SHOUTOUT OH MY GOD!!!! Oh this is bittersweet. Oh my god that last bit about TS with edge? How hard it must be to be this self aware and yet still have to sort of accept that fate. 8/10.
Okay that’s the end of the standard edition!!!
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.69--Episodes 9-10
I have watched through S7E10; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Oh, excuse me, it’s Drizella with a Z. Also, I think it’s kind of funny that two of these girls have names with Ella in them.
—So if I’m understanding this correctly, Drizella was a bit spoiled as a child, so her mother decided to hate her for the rest of her life. Okay. Sounds reasonable.
—The heart-shaped bodice on Cecilia’s dress was gorgeous.
—Little Cinderella’s dress was cute, too.
—Oooooh, lavender lemonade! That’s the good stuff, let me tell you. There’s barely a tastier beverage to be found.
—This may just be the most complicated family situation any Cinderella story has ever had.
—Oh, boo, it’s less fun when Hook isn’t calling Rumple “crocodile” at every turn.
—Kay so these witches are much creepier than most things that have appeared on this show. Ngl, proper witchy stuff freaks me out, and these ladies were specifically designed to do that, so…not living large right now.
—Not complaining about seeing Rumple in one of those delightful red robes again, but him regressing is sad. And he apparently gives, like, zero sh*ts about being alive, which isn’t surprising because his current goal is literally to die.
—I know I said this recently, but he keeps on upping the ante: Just when I think I can’t possibly love Hook any more, he proves me wrong. He gave up the knowledge that Alice is his daughter, gave up the relationship that he’s been searching for for years, to give Lucy a chance at having her mother in her life. Killian Jones is the most beautiful man alive and I would die for him.
—Rolling Bayou is the perfect name for the food truck and I one hundred percent believe that Tiana’s the one who came up with it. And it’s even starting to look like an actual food truck!
—Y’all, watching Henry almost die, and knowing that if the curse is broken he has to die, is terribly upsetting.
—I would like to rip my brain from my head and hurl it across the room. Even the writers have given up on establishing a timeline—which, to be honest, is hilarious to me. But fr, Henry is possibly somewhere in his thirties, Robin is twenty-five, Alice is still indeterminate, and nobody else has apparently aged? What kinda looney is this?
—I’d love to know what hijinks happened in the eight years between Drizella being statue-d and Drizella being un-statue-d. Regina knew Rumple was in that world, so he obviously wasn’t keeping too low a profile. How long has he been crazy? Why is Henry’s buddy still living with them? Where was Lady Tremaine that whole time?
—I go wild whenever Regina wears her regal clothes, but her wearing that cute little scarf in her hair when she went to Zelena clobbered me. She’s so pretty.
—Of all the things Zelena might’ve done in her cursed life, I would not have guessed cycling instructor. Interior design lady, maybe. Personal shopper, yes. Not cycling instructor.
—I love that Robin is an archer. I don’t care if it’s the most obvious thing ever, it’s perfect.
—Also, ROBIN AND ALICE? *inhuman screeching* I didn’t only get Alice being a dumbass lesbian, I got Alice with an actual girlfriend that she’s actually in love with and they actually exchanged promises to know each other even when they didn’t know each other like any other couple would and I CAN’T EVEN! And, you know what, the daughter of Zelena and Robin Hood being lesbian simply *slaps*
—If I ever shut up about this, I am dead. Ain’t no other option.
—*Also again* Rumple cowering with the lesbians in the face of the Dark Curse tracks. Rumple seems to collect wlw vibe ladies, I swear. (Autocorrect wants to change wlw to wow, which is yes. Lesbians rock.)
—My mom and I just watched Zelena, the Charmings, Regina, and Hook’s songs from the musical episode again and damn is Hook a fine singer. Once again, that bar is mighty high.
—I adore Rumple and Hook for being willing to work together. Hook pushes Rumple for the truth, gets it (which  is a big deal in itself), offers to help, and Rumple actually accepts. Once again, it shows how much he’s been changed by Belle’s death, but it’s cool anyway.
—And I love that as soon as he realized Lucy was in trouble, Rumple went into protective great-granddad mode.
—Noah Fence, but I think Drizella’s power level (before her magic was thieved) was bogus. It’s established canon *as if I ever really cared about that?* that it takes years of training to get magical people to the level of control and ability that she exhibits, apparently after a single afternoon hanging out with Regina. Baloney.
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hardfeeling505 · 3 months
All about her
This story is about my experience became friend with someone i accidentally met on random tiktok live and i asking her to be FRIEND MOOTS
her nickname idk, i just call her M, she is the oldest child, from what i see she is a very good big sis to her younger sis(her sister is so lucky to have u M).height 5'4 feet in cm its like 162.56 (she told me how else i know😐)born on September something 2005. I thought i'm going to jail man😐 but i born on 2001 so it okay, thanks God for that✊ (im a little bit cooked tbh i'm on a thin ice right back there😔) she a Filipino Canadian Girl, raised in Alberta , Edmonton , Canada. It take about 24hr 45 min flight from my place. One day i hope for to meeting her in person😤,even though i know its not gonna happen(just me being delulu).
Actually, i want to witness the flower bloom in spring with my own eyes + Also meeting my buddy. She told me her province is known for Grand Prairie’s and stuff, it's like a full green land and have so many lake ,as i recall there also a moutain (6 hours ride from her home) bcs she told me that there is so many wild flower will bloom when it spring season. I bet the view is so beautiful, you know nature and beautiful, a word that can't be separated, and yes always beautiful + watching with her? Bro!! i gotta prepare insulin injection bcs i might got sick from all those sweet moment with her
(🗣️📢🔥🔥🔥this is not a pickup line).
Other thing about her.She is one of the lactose intolerant victim , can't drink or eat anything contain dairy stuff ,only almond milk. She told me she can't eat corndog ,poor her.😭 Bro!! i eat corndog like i cant even count how much i eat.When she say that , i wish i can give her a hug but must keep it halal (yes i'm a muslim). Furthermore, i like like like it when she go suddenly share random fact about her ,one example of it "i hate energy drink" and "im just got choke from reading your comment bro" , she so random Bro that is one of her charm and i loving it (as a buddy ofc)
And one moment, my dumbass go tell her to try drink banana milk, After re-read my chat i go Oof what have i done😐. I genuinely want to kick myself for that I'm so sorry M forgive me please i think i half asleep at that moment not thinking straight. 🙏 (im doom can't think of any better excuses Help😔)
Also the so CUTE impression of her i can't hold myself to tease her😭(im cooked). SO STRONG INFJ VIBE FR. There is one morning we chatting about breakfast , she say she making a toast bread, I ask her "M you eating the bread with what? peanut butter?" and she answer "i eat it with banana and something" , then i say "i like banana too" for real i like banana💯. Then, i saw my opportunity to tease her and i took it😭, i start with asking her "u know what i like too?" ,she reply "what?" , it might seem crazy what gonna say, i with my full consciousness say " i like strawberry jam, strawbewwy jam is so✨✨" , and she reply with "Oooh" then "okay". I feel like a bad guy at that moment but man she so cute i cant resist it I am so sorry M forgive me🙏😔. (i want to do it again frfr)
She going into Nursing then paramedics like ambulance people, praying for her to achieve her dream, Amin .Please God give her All the strength she need bcs im so far away from her🤲.(Proud for her Bro as buddy ofc).She enjoy work out so much (i like it too💯), consider it her hobby for now.She like to say LOL a lot i know everyone does but her LOL is different for me (dont attack me).
One more thing i like about her is her habits to explain to me about something until i truly understand, her effort Bro!!. (she like to express her feeling by put it all in her writing). I swear i will like and always read everything she wrote man like i feel like my eyes and brain (my whole life existance) is created by god to read her essay man, to listen to her. I literally crying right now while writing this. thank god i not writing this on paper man.She so precious to me Bro!!! like very unreal to me and i dont deserve to get to know her, to good to be true.
(Pls read this one paragraph below while listen to Everygreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners trust me)
one moment , i talk to her about snow (we like to talk about random stuff) anyways it go like this i ask " M, is it spring there?" she answer "it still winter season " , after that i told her "i like winter but i like to see flower bloom in spring more" , and she start telling me all of her life experience living in 4 season, after that we caught in deep talk moment it for like forever for me (it feel long for me) It so beautiful man talking to her, its healing me. Then the sentence hit me.I dont want to lose her as a buddy ofc(she already on a somewhat relationship).
- her Twice bias is dahyun meanwhile mine is sana
- her Aespa bias is karina(same as me)
- her Nmixx bias is lily(same twice) Do you see there is a sign here.
Finally we are here thank for staying with me on this journey,The Main Topic is her MBTI😤
A Beautiful yet So Soft INFJ personality ,i have so much interest in this mbti man,you know this type of mbti is so rare. I am shooketh yes my jaw drop ahh so cringe but it is frfr when she told me her mbti i am so shock Lol, i never found this type before all of my friend male/ female is always started with E and end with J or some case started with I and end with P, what i want to say is it so weird to me this type of MBTI INFJ. It so UNIQUE thats the word .Don't want to be so hype talking to her so i tried to cover with "oh idk u were an I" meanwhile me talking to myself ofc she an I you dummy she like nature and stuff also she admire cat ☝️😃 Also it her fav animal. (i bet you 100 dollar she will pat every cat she bypass)
About her song taste is interesting .Quite similar to me or just the same genre?🤔 As expected from her MBTI type. Her fav song is My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski (this song is PERFECT just like her)😤 *i want to cry again bro. She has 39K+ minutes streaming on spotify for this song ALONE (she told me). JUST FOR 39k MINUTES ??? THE SONG IS IN YOUR BLOOD GIRL FRFR . It Mother Mitski song never ever doubted her song✊). One statement from M. "I actually have 209k minutes of listening to music on Spotify😌"
I want to ask her ig so bad Bro!!! or anything that can i use to reach/contact her others from tiktok. i can't use my sticker that the main reason, all my hilarious meme collection relatable go to waste and also i'm a coward.
Something i truly get hurt from is the fact she have anxiety/panic attack(she frequently got stomachache).I really want to know how to pleasant or calming her, tbh i try search and read many article about anxiety, unfortunately ,i don't find any effective ways just some drinking water and stuff like that😔. Even though i suffer from same thing but i too don't know any tips.Maybe try go to therapy session like me once a week?(its not working for me my therapist just want my money i know it not that right Mr Lim? you scammer he is chinese).Article nowadays is unhelpful.
I think i just like her personality or am i? or im just too easy to catching feeling (maybe its true). It just a phase i guess i will get over it😌
Sorry i forgot to put her Newjeans bias(her ultimate Gir Group). Her bias is Kang Kaerin😸 , i agree with her Kang Haerin is so cute but She more cuter to me ahh i wish i could tell her this, what a coward i am. Ofc bcs they share the same Mbti INFJ (she like her so much, i bet her photo album of Kang Haerin is more than 500+ pic). Her bias wrecker is Danielle🐶(my bias), YES if you notice there is pattern here.If you a Bunnies, DaeRin Friendship you will get it what i mean. Also i make a Favorite Collection on my tiktok profile for her, I know i know, it nothing but i should do something for her. The Title "For Her , yep U" . I remember creating it 3 day after meet her, and ofc as buddy nothing personal. My tiktok name is Newjeans Haerin (cactus name)🥕 on her Jean'Zine solo vlog.
Btw I'm an INFP My MBTI ,funny right?
About my MBTI there is story too🤟.
Before the covid, i take the MBTI test between 2018-2019 i'm still in college back then and My first MBTI test result is ENFP. Fyi, i'm quite not shy person. Main reason, 2nd child curse?. i believe this is so true My family always ignore me frfr😭 but i know deep down of their heart they still care or maybe bcs“ i'm annoying "ahh kinda kid back then, I like hugging them, its that wrong?😃 that not a crime and i am still kid. I think clingy is the word😌🤟.Don't blame me, since birth i'm like this (im cooked)
After Covid, between 2023 year i retake the test the reason is i notice that my social skill is gone ,maybe bcs im live alone. Literally, It was like i scare to talk , i'm worry that someone will judge me when i approach them. I hate anxiety bro!! My condition is so bad at some point i can't breath normally , it like my chest is so full, i took various antistress pill(i stop taking them now) this entire pain after years not talking much to someone, only my cat Lol, i love my cat he so cute like frfr😭 his name is kuromi. he a black cat with yellow eye + he like hugging me,he is the only creature that like back when i hug😭 the other half of me. About friend i have friends so many friends but i don't usually contact them by phone or online its just me, i prefer go meet them , stop by for a drink like that , Face to face Obviously before covid what harm can happen to you by doing outdoor activity?get hit by car? actually that is harmful.Super harmful actually, really what the dangerous thing could happen to you? got sick from fever? Back then even social anxiety scare to me😔. Yeah i know what u thinking My friend when don't like the idea i want to hug them too , that not a new things to me i'm just joking 😔(im not).Frfr i have so many friends. It so easy to make friends Bro!! like just go talking to someone new i don't see any problem at all . It just 2 human talking like .
Agree with me Dangerous Virus is just a myth before covid-19 exist, its like a movie title Bro so dumb. Just a small dumb virus ruining my life.
Continue my story about mbti test , i retake it, the result come out, and i got the INFP BRO!!☹️ as expected ,yeah the E is gone. Untill now i still not retake the test but im 💯 sure the E is back bcs starting this year at my workplace i slowly not slowly tbh Lol, easily can approach people now bro like frfr, i think i enjoy talking to people back , i like listen to them. i know what u think the hugging thing i can control it now.Bro i'm a grownass man now😭 (i still like hugging but not other gender keep stay halal). Maybe i should consider retake the test again this year🤔.Overall For who reading this now.Thank You Very Much For spend your time reading my yapping essay about someone who already i lost contact with. My conclusion is, Heals Really Take Time FRFR,you just has to trust the process.
side note : i type all this while listen to her fav song on loop, I'm not good at writing essay unlike her, sorry for all grammatical error or miss place, word conjunction. Thanks all for the memory M. Hope ur doing Great Now.
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cadcnce-archived · 2 years
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more like a relationship vibe meme || [ openish ]
@exrhlab​ sent:  ✿ saria + zephyr / katelynn
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
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Zephyr & Saria
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
I feel as though this would be the case of one of Zephyr’s one sided friendships where he gets buddy buddy while Saria merely tolerates him... if that. When it comes to business and work he can be more serious about things, and on missions I imagine she would come to respect him a little more. That said catch this Liberi trying to get the vouivre to crack a smile. Life mission.
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
Not really feeling anything romantic happening between these two. But I’ve been proven wrong in the past...?
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
Saria putting this shitlord in his place seems more likely than not. There could also be something coming of her friendship with Katelynn that has Zephyr behaving more ... proper? For current lack of a better term. This still isn’t a big vibe but I’ve seen stranger with this muse.
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
You won’t find many at RI that don’t see Zephyr as some kind of threat. It comes down to how a woman like her handles his antics and incessant badgering when he finds himself interested by another person. Again, that mission to get her smile will be a pestering one.
imouto under the cut-
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Kat & Saria
FRIENDSHIP.    childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
Kat is somewhat aloof, and a different kind of enigma compared to her brother. She has walls and lines on the ground yet welcomes companionship beyond the wariness of her guards. In the AK verse especially, with oripathy not doing her any favors, she’s careful of the bonds she makes. But I see Saria as a good figure in her life if only for the stability she symbolizes and the no nonsense she provides. A... slightly softer touch than Kal’tsit.
ROMANCE.    childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
Romance isn’t on her mind. She had someone back in Ursus but had to leave them. It’s on the backburner compared to.. trying to stay in good health herself as well as doing the best she can for those around her.
FAMILIAL.    siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other.
Sure she’s got the older brother slipping around RI but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t need older sister figures. I say all this, but I should stipulate I feel it just as likely that they can stand as emotional ‘equals’ to one another. Kat is far from a weak damsel. She has a stubbornness. It just needs a little bit of honing and guidance.
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
Wow, for once a case where I don’t see antagonism applying. It feels... refreshing leaving this section blank, y’know. Two muses that have no reason to bicker. (’: Maybe some firmness on tone, but not beyond that?
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11h36 · 3 years
JJK Characters but they're your roommate
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The perfect roommate to have but he's still adjusting to mundane life in general. He insists on cooking for the two of you but its not great (u gotta let him down gently pls) Your place will be clean as HELL tho he deep cleans like biweekly. If you genuinely don't want to, He'll make "The Important" phonecalls like when something goes wrong w the wifi or when you need your landlord to fix something. He's just really helpful in general and is always looking out for you.
Literally always at work so?? When she is at home though, she takes care of her own messes and expects you to do the same. She mostly keeps to herself (at first) especially cause she doesn't really have all that much time to socialize anyway, But if y'all are drinking buddies? You get that much closer to her. She doesn't talk about herself much but she truly enjoys your company, and after a while you'll get to see her more humorous side.
The rent is always on time bih! If ur his roommate you gotta be the opposite of Gojo, literally when he gets off work all he wants is peace. The type to remind you that y'all are renting if you try to put nails in the walls or paint them, he's not paying for any damages. He cooks so he'll share his meals with u, and while he doesn't expect it, he's so appreciative if you cook too or clean up afterwards. You know you're in good hands cause he reads the conditions of the lease like 100 times to make sure y'all aren't trapped in any predatory contracts.
Another person who's barely home, he'll come in and out at any hour but he never really stays for long. His room is messy af but as long as it stays in his room , its not a big deal right? He'll unapologetically eat your food and not understand why you're so upset about it, "it's just food 🙄" He'll also use your products, basically what's yours is his unless you literally lock that shit up. The perk is that you usually have the place to yourself and he can fix things when they break so you save a lot on utilities.
Such a considerate roomie but she's no pushover. Like if you are actively fucking up the Vibes she'll let you know. She's so resourceful tho like if you ever run out of anything she probably has extras somewhere in the house. She cares a lot about the decor and keeping things tidy so her space is really pleasant to look at. After a long day of work she just wants to come home and have a drink or two and if you'll listen to her ramble she's a happy camper.
The roommate you either love or hate. While he's barely there, when he is he makes his presence known no matter where you are (even if ur showering) Would probably play dumbass tiktok pranks on you that range from mildly annoying to making you consider packing up your stuff and leaving lmao. Hes a roommate you could do anything with tho, like one day ur at an art gallery the next you're on a road trip stopping at various beaches. All in all, there's never a dull moment when he's around.
One of the best roommates to have? He's easygoing, not really loud or messy and he can get along with most people. A true homie fr. Will love u forever if you can cook (like bro anything is better than the curses he has to eat) and he be having The Munchies 👀 He has excellent music taste and will softly bump that shit throughout the house. He's cracking tf up if he catches u shazaming his songs cause u were too embarrassed to ask for the names of them lmao.
Mei Mei
She Ballin. No fr though she wants a high rise, with an amazing view and on-site amenities. Rarely home because she goes where the money resides, but she's fun to be around when she is. She gets everything y'all could ever need delivered but she doesn't mind shopping with you once in a while, it's one of the few times you get to really interact. She can be a little messy but you can't really complain cause... look where u live lol.
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rottingflovver · 4 years
Random relationship (and just general stuff) headcanons for the ADA squad!!
Atsushi Nakajima 🐯
Soft boi
Smells like strawberries and vanilla
Don't question me on this, he just does
Also probably adores eating strawberries and vanilla, alongside ice cream and anything sweet really, but like, in moderation (it's gotta be a soft food tho)
He also likes fruits and veggies
A healthy boi
His ideal date would be sightseeing, just walking around town with his s/o and admiring the scenery
Would try to be really cheesy and say something like "you're prettier than any location we've been to" but he'd get too embarrassed halfway through so it would just come out as a stammering mess
He's adorable tho, you love him
When sleeping, if you sleep in one bed, he'd legit be like a big cat (no pun intended)
He'd be so warm, and his arms would be wrapped around you in a soft embrace
Prone to having nightmares so please comfort him
Ozamu Dazai 💀
The literal opposite of a soft boi
What I mean by this is that he's a straight up f-boy
Don't @ me, it's official; he's left every woman he's ever been with crying
But don't worry, once he gets attached to you, he'd be all giddy and happy whenever you even exist around him
My dude adores coffee (+ alcohol!)
Doesn't really eat much (please force him to eat more) but he's a sucker for sweets (I feel like he'd be really picky tho, like "no this brand of chocolate is absolute garbage I only eat the finest *insert niche brand literally no one has EVER heard of*"
We love him for it
He'd also really be into salty snacks, anything that has a crunch to it really
Did I mention that he smells like washed out Cologne mixed with his natural scent (+ the most recent way he tried to commit not-living)
His ideal date would be a coffee-date
He knows it's not much but that's where he feels the most relaxed and happy, so he wants you to experience that with him as well
Unlike Atsushi, this boy can FLIRT
Expect a cheesy remark every few seconds
It comes to the point where it's actually kinda annoying
Once you start firing it back at him (it's gotta be something sincere tho) he'd be flustered and kinda flabbergasted
Is also prone to nightmares, but don't expect to see this side of him unless he REALLY really trusts you
Kunikida Doppo 📚
Stoic boi
Idk how to explain this but I feel like the 🗿 emoji really represents him
Also he smells the most normal out of everyone ㅡ literally just some kinda nice perfume and neutral, washed out shampoo (by neutral I mean that you can't really identify what it is, but it's nice)
I feel like he'd be warm
Like not to Atsushi's level, but he'd be a good heat provider if it ever gets windy or rainy
Not to mention how comforting his hugs are, although, extremely awkward (he's so inexperienced with them Lord help him)
Also a sucker for coffee but that's because it's the only thing keeping him sane (and awake, Kunikida go to bed challenge)
He's a really good cook
Like it surprises you how many dishes he actually knows how to make, given how much time his work occupies
He's also more like your dad (or even mom tbh) than your boyfriend, because he's always nagging cuz of some idealistic criteria you failed to meet (ie. "cLeAn YoUr RoOm")
That's why his preference for dates are dates that don't even feel like them
It's literally just everyday activities
Going shopping together? Sure, he's down, gotta get it done anyway and it's nice to have company. You want him to teach you how to make a certain dish? Geez, finally, it's about time you start doing that yourself. You wanna join on a mission? That's a bit too dangerous, but you can meet him afterwards
Like do you get what I'm saying
It's so obvious you two have a thing for each other but he's just so damn dense and yet somehow gets super flustered at the same time
Compliment him on something he's insecure about and he'll be a mess for like 10 whole minutes (by this I mean he genuinely won't be able to utter a word)
Akiko Yosano 🦋
She listens to girl in red
Okay maybe not, but she definitely stans Dreamcatcher
I'll stop you get the point
Her favorite LOONA solo is Heart Attack
(That was the last one I swear)
But fr tho, she looks and acts scary but she's a whole sweetheart
Kind of cold but it's okay you can warm her up (melts if you do that)
Really scared of letting people get too close to her, but if you keep insisting and being nice to her she'll have to accept your love
ALSO fond of coffee (seriously what's with these people) and a mediocre cook (she's trying ok)
Will always be down to try and make something with you, whatever the dish may be
Smells like oranges and roses (not mixed, obvi on different days it's a different vibe)
Also sometimes has a lingering aftertaste of blood due to her job at the ADA and you're kinda just like 😶 about it because?? Do you tell her?? Does she know?? What do you do???
Hint: you should definitely tell her tho
Although she doesn't force you to carry everything around like she forces everyone else to, because you're special ✨
That would also be your assumption on what her favorite date is, but she can actually be pretty romantic!
Don't expect anything grandeur tho, it's just a fancy dinner date at a restaurant
Poor bb has been planning and saving up for this for months now so please appreciate it
She sleeps like a rock
She's just straight, like a soldier
Oh the irony
But I feel like if you were to hug her she'd instantly melt into your embrace
Is ALSO prone to nightmares (seriously what's with these people) but she doesn't wanna bother you with them
Edogawa Ranpo 👓
Praise him
He has a praise kink
So please praise him
He's surprisingly soft
Maybe it's all the sweets he eats, but he's both soft to hug and soft personality wise
Oh yeah did I mention he emits an aura of candy
Like he walks into the room and you don't even have to look to know that it's him, cuz it'll just smell like sweets all of a sudden
Speaking of, he really adores them
To the point where you'll have to force him to eat something healthy from time to time as well, I mean, seriously, that much sugar CANNOT be good for you
If you give him some homemade baked goods (ei. cupcakes, brownies, cake, ect.) listen he will LITERALLY lose it
You're his angel now
No not even that, you're a GODDESS/GOD to him
(Yes he's that dramatic)
He likes taking you to see detective movies with him where he figures out the killer in the first 3 minutes
Also he gets lost so gosh darn easily; never ever let him out of your sight or he'll just be gone forever
Other than that, he lets you organize and plan the dates, cuz he thinks you could do a way better job at being romantic than he ever could
He's really okay with anything you wanna do ㅡ he's just happy to be with you
(Just don't take him to someplace where he can't eat candy)
Force him to eat spicy food and he's breaking up with you nckdndjc
When sleeping together, he's sprawled out across the mattress
In many ways he's just a big teddy bear, you can climb on top of him and sleep there and he'll just be chill with it
These next few ⬇ are only friendship hcs bc a sis doesn't wanna go to jail
Kenji Miyazawa 🐄
Baby boy, baby
Listen I can't explain it but he smells like grass and that fresh air country smell
Like you just know he does
LOVES getting head-pats
Loves giving them too!!
He's so confused when it comes to city stuff, so he'd much rather chill with you somewhere on a grass field
Expect to play a lot of tag and hide n seek with him!! It'll be extra fun if he drags Kyouka and Atsushi with him as well
Sometimes he'll randomly drop a country fact that seems so obscure to you (think; that one time he mentioned they just throw criminals off a cliff) and you'll just stare at him like; 👁 👄 👁
He loves to eat
Literally anything
"I love cows but I love eating them too"
He mentioned before that he shouldn't eat a lot cuz he has no power when full but you can't just??let him starve??
Give him an apple and water and he'll be fine
Introduce him to arcades and he'll get hooked in a matter of seconds
Kyouka Izumi 🌺
baby girl, baby
Loves to go sightseeing like Atsushi
Kind of stoic in the beginning but as she slowly warms up to you she'll be smiling all the time
Brings out Demon Snow to protect you if a leaf falls a little too threateningly
Cdndjdj no but fr ㅡ she never really had friends that accepted her and wanted to spend time with her so she really doesn't want anything to happen to you
You have to remind her that she's just a kid; she should be allowed to relax and enjoy the moment for a bit
Smells like flowers and death
The death part of it fades away with time
Spends a lot of time with Atsushi!! Meaning you will spend a lot of time with Atsushi as well
If you don't like him I'm sorry but you two just can't be friends
She has no idea what counts as friend activities and what doesn't so expect her to either: a) not propose anything, or b) propose totally obscure stuff
But if something cute catches her attention she'll make an attempt to guide you to it
Like if she thinks you two should eat ice cream she'll stare at a nearby ice cream shop intensely
Sadly missing Junichiro and Fukuzawa cuz I just don't know enough about them 😔 we sad
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etherealfangirl10 · 4 years
One Shot
Pairing: Jerome x Reader
Gender: Female
Genre: Fluff (?)
Warning: Mention of murder (?)
-(Y/N) is an inmate at Arkham Asylum, preferring to keep to herself and her only want to get out of that hellhole. But what happens when she catches the attention of a certain red head?-
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(Y/N) let out a long sigh, plopping her head down onto the metal table she had seated at. Day 17 at Arkham. All she had to prove that she was sane, which shouldn’t be too hard, considering she was. But, alas, her psychiatrist didn’t think so. The creep. He probably only wanted her to stay so he can continue to ogle at her and have an excuse to brush his disgusting hand over hers. It made her wanna chop it off, sometimes.
Now, now. She truly wasn’t crazy. But taking the insanity plea was better than wasting away at Blackgate for 20 or so years. She figured she’d be out of Arkham in no time. But the more days (Y/N) spent wasting here, the more she doubted she’d get to leave anytime soon.
The slop on her tray forgotten, she lifted her head to place an elbow on the table to support her head as she gazed around almost lazily. It was full of crazies and psychos in here. Serial killers, cannibals, rapists... (Y/N) shivered at the thought of it. She didn’t have any strong opinions against murder, considering the reason why she was there in the first place, but she certainly didn’t want to be the object of those dark thoughts.
It was difficult, though. Being a woman in Arkham made it hard to stay unnoticed. Men, and even some other girls, seemed to watch (Y/N) every time she entered a room. Not because she was drop dead gorgeous, at least she didn’t think she was, but because they were thirsty, horny, and, oh alright, she wasn’t a terrible sight to look at, but she just couldn’t believe there was anything special about her.
(Y/N) tried to avoid the other inmates, mostly. It would do no good to get buddy- buddy, and do even less good if she were to get on bad terms with some of these people. If she stayed away, she’d be okay.
That’s why, when her (E/C) gaze caught the eyes of another, a dark green gaze framed by dark red lashes, standing out against pale skin... she instantly looked away, down at her tray, biting her lip gently in slight panic. They didn’t think she was staring, right? Oh jeez, please don’t come over.
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut as she heard a shuffle from that direction, then footsteps. Please be walking away, please please please?
Nope. Quite the opposite, in fact.
“Hi, gorgeous.” A boyish voice sounded above her, and she felt the table shake as someone jumped over the seat next to her, settling down beside (Y/N).
The girl slowly opened her eyes, plastering on a fake smile. Don’t piss other inmates off, (Y/N). She turned towards the male, taking him in. Oof. The male looked more boy than man, with boyish features and body shape. Lanky, but she could tell that he had lean muscle hidden under those stripes. Pale skin, freckles scattered across his face. Catching her attention, her gaze flickered up to his fiery red hair, combed neatly into place, or at least attempted to be. It gave off untamable vibes, strands of fire falling over his forehead, leading (Y/N) to his facial features once again. Not gonna lie, cute nose. It wasn’t too small or too big, and his pink lips were boyishly thin, stretched into a wide smile. While the smile seemed to portray the male had ‘friendly’ intentions, she couldn’t help but be unsettled by it, yet some part of her drawn in, nonetheless.
“Anybody home?” (Y/N) was broken out of her trance as he spoke once more, his words trailing off into a short, contagious giggle. (Y/N) felt her cheeks flame in embarrassment as she realized she was staring, and ducked her head before meeting his gaze once again.
“Er, yeah, sorry.” The girl breathed, and cleared her throat cautiously. “Can I help you?” (Y/N) inquiried, gazing at him curiosly.
“Sure ya can, Doll. You can start off with telling me your name.” He hummed, leaning forwards slightly, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
“Didn’t you know it’s rude to ask for someones name before giving your own?” (Y/N) shot back without thinking, and she internally face palmed at her stupidity. Why would they care about manners? We’re in Arkham for goodness sake.
Surprisingly, the males grin only widened, and he placed a hand over his heart, his eyes turning mockingly apologetic. “Oh, how rude of me! The name’s Jerome. I hope you can forgive such that grievous mistake on my part.” Jerome chuckled, teasing her. Well, too late to turn back now.
“We’ll see about that.” She responded, and he tilted his head slightly, one eyebrow raised before she continued. “I’m (Y/N).” Instinctively, she reached a hand out for him to shake, but, with a glimmer in his eyes, Jerome took her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. Letting out a soft, nervous laugh, (Y/N) took her hand back and placed it on her lap.
“Nice meeting ya, (Y/N). Whatcha in for?” He pressed on casually, as if he was asking about what she was eating. Ah, right. Couldn’t forget she was surrounded by maniacs.
“Ah...just...murder.” More specifically, her ex boyfriend and ex best friend, even though they were her boyfriend and best friend at the time they decided to bang each other. She didn’t mean to kill them, but things escalated, and once she grabbed a knife and drew blood, it was like something else took over her body. She liked the feeling, and that’s what scared her the most.
“No way! Me too! Chopped up my mom.” He replied almost enthusiastically. “She deserved it, though.” He added, his boyish tone discarded and replaced with a type of darkness, his eyes darkening and his smile suddenly appeared to be more sinister. What the frick?
“I’m sure she did, Jerome.” (Y/N) responded after a couple of seconds, trying to gauge his change of attitude. It disappeared in a flash, though, returning back to the bubbly personality he had before.
“Ya know, a girl as pretty as you is sure to attract attention around here.” He continued, propping his head up on his fist. “I thought you might wanna have a friend by your side, (Y/N).” Jerome hummed, blinking innocently up at her. Had she just imagined all of that?
“A friend?” She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. She didn’t need a friend. She just wanted to keep to herself and get out of here. “Thanks, but I’m good.”
“Aw, come on. Everyone needs a friend! See that big handsome fella staring at you like you’re fried chicken?” Almost reluctant to turn and look, (Y/N) followed Jeromes gaze to see an older looking man, indeed checking her out. Eesh.
“Yeah? What about him?” She inquired, instantly looking away and back to Jerome, wondering what he had in mind. She was used to the staring.
“Richard Sionis. He’s a millionaire. Got his own airplane, got a boat with a hot tub on it. And he killed twenty five people-.” Jerome gave a tiny chuckle at that. “Just for fun.” Why was he telling her this?
“Am I supposed to be scared or something?” (Y/N) huffed. For some reason, this whole exchange had fueled her with the confidence to actually speak up for herself. So that’s what this was? She was a damsel in distress to him?
Jerome grinned at that, turning to face her more clearly, angling his whole body towards her. “So. He likes you.” He chuckled, and she lifted an eyebrow, feeling her own smirk play at her lips from watching the male smile so much. What was with this dude? “He wants to be your friend.”
She spared another glance over to the man, and caught his gaze running over my body. (Y/N) fought back a cringe and turned to lean closer to Jerome. “But I don’t wanna be his friend.” She murmured, frowning. “I don’t know about you, but he doesn’t seem like the... friendly type, if you know what I’m saying.”
Jerome giggled, before whispering, almost like they were on some secret mission, “That’s why you could use a different friend, to protect you from guys like him.” He persevered. Hmm. He had a point. She didn’t exactly need protecting, but extra armor couldn’t hurt. (Y/N) analyzed him once more. But how would that Richard guy know that she even had a fr- ohhhhhh.... well, public displays worked. She just hoped she was on the same page as him. And if not... ah, well, let’s just hope they are.
“Mm... I see.” She murmured softly, letting her gaze travel down to his lips and back, leaning in closer. Jerome blinked in mild surprise as he felt her hands delicately run up his chest, her nails trailing over his neck before resting her thumb on his jawline. “So will you be my friend, Jerome?” (Y/N) asked with a slight purr to her tone, batting her eyelashes innocently up at him. His smile had faltered slightly, his eyes trailing down to her lips and back, his breathing becoming shallower.
He didn’t get to reply before she finally connected their mouths, brushing her lips over his softly before pulling back, his body automatically leaning forwards to try and stay in contact. (Y/N) let out a smug hum as he pressed his mouth to hers eagerly as she ran her free hand through his already untamed locks, grabbing onto it and tugging gently, enticing an almost inaudible groan to to fall from his lips.
It was over quickly, perhaps quicker than (Y/N) would have liked. The girl pushed against his chest lightly, tilting her head away from his as he caught his breath. She was used to kissing, her ex had loved to drag her into bed anytime he could, even if she didn’t feel like it. But to her surprise, Jerome was quiet, a large smile taking over his face. Little did she know, that was his first kiss.
Sneaking a look over at Sionis, he could see the man looking away, a disappointed expression on his face. Huh. That was easier than expected.
Turning back to face Jerome, she saw he was now gazing at her, clearly amused. “You’re bad...” he muttered, and for a moment, she couldn’t think of anything to say in reply. Bad in what way? Bad bad? Good bad? Was bad bad a bad thing? Was good bad a bad thing?
Luckily, she didn’t have to sort out her thoughts and reply, because the bell signaling that lunch was over rang out through the room.
Without another word, her mind struggling to figure out what had just flipping happened, she stood up and strode away, not even bothering to spare a glance behind her.
If he was serious about her being his ‘friend’, then he should be following like a lost puppy.
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dolldirector · 3 years
Fallen Realm Playlist Masterpost
Big infodump under the read more, if you like my OCs and/or agree with my flawless music taste this should be interdasting
1. MUSE - Thought Contagion
Vampire stuff, punk vibes, a nod to thriller, all of the above fit the mood of a FR show + the song is genuinely very good and I could see it being used on stage easily.
2. PAIN - Call Me
Absolute banger. But that's besides the point. I see this as being the bassist Jez/Jamie's song (with a side of Deuce as the second vocalist). Jez is a fairly quiet lad who generally keeps to himself but I always imagined that he’d be secretly very flirty and cheeky, but would mostly only really express it via music. I actually wrote a lil short story where most of FR's band (minus Rex and Isabella) find themselves in some dive bar after a show, and end up performing in the place of the no-show band that was meant to be there that night. That band ends up being the very same one that kicked Jez out, so it’s a bit of a revenge story for him. This short is on my discord by the by.
3. Emigrate - Eat You Alive
Oh boy, this is a strong one. Basically, just watch this video but pretend that Axl is Richard (the frontman). That’s it. That’s the explanation.
Being serious though, RZK is and always has been a huge influence for Axl's visual design, mannerisms and on-stage behaviours. On top of that, this is 100% the type of music he'd listen to, and the lyrics may as well just be plucked right outta his brain. Are the words meant to be aimed at Valeriya in a threatening way? Or is it a cheeky flirt with Trinity? Both? Neither? We’ll never know.
Also, completely unrelated I’m sure, here’s a wip you may or may not be able to force me to finish on stream via channel points soon...
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4. Axel One - Out of the Dark
Can't exactly say much about this one cause it's spoilers, but I will say it's less about the song itself and more about the video, and that it does concern the one FR character who is already dead when the story begins.
5. Lord of the Lost - Raining Stars
Just seems to me like a real good song to perform to. I can imagine seeing acrobatic stunts in slow-mo to this track. That’s it for this one, just “I just think they’re neat”. Gorgeous song and video by an amazing band anyway though.
6. Oomph! - Supernova
Kinda the same deal as the Emigrate song, you can just insert Axl into this one in Dero’s place, along with Jez, Vlad, and Thatch. Once again the style and lyrics fit him perfectly, and this one earns bonus points since Dero is actually Axl's canon voiceclaim - specifically in this era of Oomph!’s music too.
7. Die Kreatur - Kälter als der Tod
At the risk of this thread becoming Oops All Axl TM - AH YES. This one is perfect for the point where Axl finally gets the fuck over himself, and stops being horrible to Vlad because of guitar jealousy, and they become bros.
Realistically, I doubt that Vlad - the clueless human vampire fanatic - will ever realise that Axl is a real actual vampire, but he'd be so glad that they seem to have this ~shared interest~ in them, and he'd by hyped as heck to do a performance like this with his guitar buddy. By the way, Vlad wonders to himself, isn’t it odd that he’s never seen Axl putting his fake fangs in?? Weird
As for the girl on the altar, there are a couple ideas I’ve toyed with. Random audience member for fun. Trinity but Axl gets mad jealous even though he thought and said he wouldn't. (No sharing!! Not even for jokes.) Valeriya but the poor thing is scared to the point of tears because this is just a little too close to a real experience for her and Vlad just can't figure out why. Axl insists she’s just being dramatic. Rex has to rescue her because she’s too shy to put her foot down.
Or perhaps Isabella would wanna join in, but she can't take it seriously and keeps laughing which just causes a chain reaction every time with even Axl cracking a smile. There are like a million cut takes now. Send help.
All in all a fun crossover to think about.
8. Adelitas Way - Still Hungry
This one is just Diesel’s anthem. This is the story of a young punk who can’t stop, won’t stop, never gives up and needs more. Right kinda music for him too.
9. MONO INC. - Shining Light
100% a full-cast song. I feel like the lyrics apply to a number of different things about various members of the circus' backstories, and their found family vibe together - if you think about them in super vague terms, at least. I liked to consider the vocals a duet between Rex and Isabella, being the two singers, but there are a couple lines that are kinda too adult for Bella and would make the duet sorta odd so ehhh 90% of it can be that, let’s say. (This is baring in mind that Isabella is an orphaned minor and Rex is like a father figure for her - as he kinda is for many of the members of the circus)
I also did a doodle of this. This one will also be on the force-me-to-work-on-this-WIP-live pile.
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9.5. Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt a.k.a the original version of Shining Light
Same song, just German and carrying a much darker, creepier tone. It fits in new, fun ways.
10. Oomph! - Viel zu Tief
Lyrics are very important for this one. Once again, music is the right style, Dero is still his voiceclaim, and Axl actually speaks German in canon (and NO I didn’t do that just so Oomph! songs fit him better, shUT UP)
11. Pet Shop Boys - It’s a Sin
Bit out of left field for this playlist, sure, but with all the controversy and extremely shakey morals in FR's world and with its characters, this one just seems fitting. Plus I'd want em to cover it for a show. Banger.
Honorable mention goes to Ghost’s cover of this song. I don’t even listen to Ghost but my reaction upon finding out this exists was like “lmao yes, of course, why wouldn’t they”.
This song in general I associate instinctively with Vlad, purely because its 80s and campy and I feel like he’d be the type to listen to Ghost.
12. Destiny Potato - Lunatic
Very strongly feel this is a performance song featuring Isabella. This song fits the character - and in particular her tragic backstoryTM pretty well. I’d even go so far as to say the singer would be a pretty good voiceclaim for her if her voice wasn’t meant to be more robotic in canon. This is pretty close to what I imagine, though. Strong n sweet.
13. Nightwish - I Want My Tears Back
One of the first songs I imagined to go well with stage performances. This one for sure would be a duet between Rex and Isabella.
Plus at about 3:10 there's a long solo with a bit of back-and-forth between the guitar and hurdy gurdy (I think?) that I could 100% see Axl and Vlad doing on guitar and keytar respectively.
14. Lord of the Lost - Drag Me To Hell
Yeah this one is just Axl @ his ex
15. Lindemann - Steh Auf!
Bleib nicht liegen, es wär schade - Zirkus ist heut in der Stadt
So, this would be from Isabella’s perspective. Did I mention she was orphaned? Yeah. I guess this one is a little dark.
16. Otetsu & GUMI - Disordered Self-Restraint Girl
The song itself seems to be the story of a child who is trying to coax their parent/guardian into getting up and doing things, not realising that parent had passed away from a drug overdose. Drugs isn’t the way Isabella’s parents died, but the rest of the song fits that part of her backstory imo. Plus, it’s German, and Isabella is German, so yay!
Uh oh, vocaloid.
For a long time I've associated this one with Valeria, and her feelings towards the circus in the early days. After she's accidentally turned by Axl, Val gets effectively kidnapped by FR, taken in before she can even regain consciousness and completely against her will, since it would be incredibly irresponsible of them to just leave a fresh new vampire out in the world so they kinda don't have a choice. While she eventually finds her place and elects to stay after some time has passed, there was a period of time where she definitely would have felt trapped.
This is without even going into the fact that she's now stuck travelling and living with her would-be murderer, and - due to the fact that half of the circus don't even know non-humans exist, let alone what actually happened to Valeria - many of the people around her don't seem to care, or simply do not understand why she's so scared and stressed. It leaves her, at times, feeling like she could be killed tomorrow and nobody would give a shit.
Showtime, katanamochi bunbun furimawashi kubi kara ue hanetobashite mo - ashita ni nareba minna motodoori, waratte yurushite
Translation: Showtime, even if a sword wielder slices my head and makes it fly off, tomorrow everything continues as usual, smiling, forgiving
(Don't worry, in reality Rex, Diesel, and Thatch are there for her & understand the shit she's going through. I promise the folks in the circus do actually care. It's just hard for her to see it in this period of time.)
(There will almost definitely be more songs and doodles added here in the future, but for now that’s all folks!)
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cherwd-pen · 3 years
Hello! I hope I'm not bothering you. I was hoping for a BNHA male matchup. She/they, Black hair that reaches past my shoulder blades, dark eyes with glasses, olive skin. I tend to be distant to people but close to those I hold dear. I'm working on my confidence and body (working out), I prefer the night and value my time alone (although I wouldn't mind spending that time alone with my s/o.) I'm the shoulder you can lean and cry on, open-minded, caring but I can be chaotic (sometimes..) ~1/ -♋
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a/n: im tryna expand more on characters so don’t murk me plz! its short but sweet
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▸ your sweetheart is … INASA YOARASHI
▸ other love letters from … IZUKU MIDORIYA
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— my reasoning
ok look stay with me here don’t jump the gun just yet
ESFJ and INTP and the exact opposite with like zero room for similarities
but i think that can be good for you both; the Ixxx can calm his Exxx while also building your confidence
i hc him as a leo so he definitely is prideful and will not back down from a challenge and your cancer is less brash and more peaceful with a pinch
sadly there will be more fights than another couple but they are less severe, more talk than actual meaning, and there is a understanding that it wont tear you both apart
his xxFx works so good with the love for theate
— dating
umm damn uh so your besties with his 'rival' which is mega awkward
but fr you give me "buddies with shoto" vibes and yall would be relatively close like you, shoto, iida, and izuku are the quad. the ones who are so sweet but zero common sense
yall met maybe during license arc or even a little before
he fell for your power and kindness with everyone despite being a big target
asked you out with very much enthusiasm and volume afterwards
literally everyone saw and you definitely denied (for now!!)
there were a lot of dates and getting to understand each other; he learnt how to just enjoy silence and you learnt how to just be confident (courtesy of his compliments)
a common ground is going for ice cream at night and watching movies together switching who choses every time
another hc i have is inasa is good at memorization and speeches so wanna duet a musical? he's all for it
he is pretty petty as we say in the show so any fights are somewhere between 1 week to 1 ½ weeks and sadly you are often the one to apologize first
inasa does try to make it up by spoiling you more than he already does (a lot!) and is working on pride
in all you both are so likely to marry and very few things and even stop you both! the ring is also the same color as his cape -
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ally-fr · 6 years
Lair Review for NebulaLagoon
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Okay I felt super obligated to add in Alyssa here because we’re name buddies!! Her colors are so bright and remind me of spring, all tied together by the lavender of her unusual eye color. I’m a big fan of the color matching between her silks and the cloudgazer apparel; her whole aesthetic is just so pastel and nice on the eyes!
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Krysta is a true beauty and I adore her color scheme. Pear, vermillion, and cantaloupe aren’t colors I see very often, but they all work together amazingly on this lovely lass! Not to mention, firefly has already grown on me as a gene and she’s absolutely rocking it. All the different orangey shades cope well with the reds and greens; it gives her an air of elegance!
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Ice is a good frosty boy!! Despite being in fire flight, I really do adore the ice aesthetic and this is certainly no exception. I always love seeing the winter wolf cape integrated into colder designs! Honestly Ice looks like a dragon I’d be afraid to meet in a dark alley but I would also trust him with my life?? Not to mention bee might just be my favorite secondary.
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Last but not least, Elwen is such a good witchy bog! I’ve said it before in another review, but I’m usually not a big fan of bogsneaks, so this gal is pretty impressive! I also really love that her accent gives her multiple eyes; it really contributes to the spooky swampy vibes I gather from her. And look at her little frog friends!! What great pals
Thank you for requesting a lair review! @nebula-fr
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