hustleharbor · 4 months
How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog for Beginners?
What are the next steps after publishing a blog post? Learn how to promote your blog post to increase blog traffic. I share tips on top places to share your blog posts, from Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and other less well-known sites where you can promote your blog posts. | blog promotion ideas #bloggingtips #promoteyourblog #blogpromotion #growyourblog #blogtraffic #blogtraffictips #blogtips #blogging101
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kahlua01 · 5 months
My Resolutions: A Re-Post from da-AL's Happiness Between Tails
Resolutions: Lori Pohlman + Messy Marie Kondo + Nonlutions + Pod
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loripohlman · 5 months
My Resolutions: A Re-Post from da-AL's Happiness Between Tails
Resolutions: Lori Pohlman + Messy Marie Kondo + Nonlutions + Pod
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mdalimranhossain · 1 year
Unlocking the Secrets of SEO: A Comprehensive Guide
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Hey Tumblr fam! 👋🏼 Are you ready to take your website or blog to new heights? Today, we're diving into the captivating world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and uncovering its best-kept secrets. 🕵️‍♀️✨
📖 Chapter 1: The ABCs of SEO In this chapter, we'll break down the fundamentals of SEO, giving you a solid foundation to build upon. From understanding keywords and their relevance to optimizing your content, we've got you covered. Get ready to boost your website's visibility and attract organic traffic like never before.
🔍 Chapter 2: Cracking the Code of Keyword Research Keywords are the key to unlocking your website's potential. We'll guide you through the process of discovering high-performing keywords, conducting competitor analysis, and integrating them strategically into your content. Buckle up, because your website is about to skyrocket in search engine rankings!
💻 Chapter 3: Mastering On-Page Optimization Learn how to optimize your website's structure, meta tags, and URLs for maximum SEO impact. We'll also explore the importance of crafting engaging and relevant content that captivates both readers and search engines. Get ready to stand out in the vast digital landscape.
🌐 Chapter 4: The Power of Off-Page SEO In this chapter, we'll unravel the mysteries of off-page SEO, including link building, social media signals, and guest blogging. Discover the art of building a strong online presence beyond your website and watch as your domain authority soars to new heights.
📈 Chapter 5: Analyzing and Measuring Success No guide would be complete without discussing how to measure your SEO efforts. Learn about essential tools and techniques for tracking your website's performance, identifying areas for improvement, and staying ahead of the competition. It's time to transform data into actionable insights!
🚀 Chapter 6: Staying Ahead of the Curve SEO is a dynamic field, constantly evolving. In this final chapter, we'll explore emerging trends, such as voice search and mobile optimization, ensuring you stay one step ahead of the game. Buckle up for a thrilling journey into the future of SEO!
So, dear Tumblr friends, are you ready to unlock the secrets of SEO and witness the remarkable growth of your online presence? 🌟✨ Stay tuned for this comprehensive guide where we'll break down the complexities and provide practical tips to conquer the world of SEO. Let's soar together to new heights! 🚀💻
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casperlawrence · 1 year
Uncovering the Secrets of Blog Hosting, Domains, and Blogging Platforms
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When it comes to blogging, there are a lot of questions that first-time bloggers may have.
Questions like “What is blog hosting?” and “What are the best blogging platforms?” can be daunting to answer.
This article will discuss blog hosting, domains, and blogging platforms to help you get started on the right foot.
Blog Hosting
Blog hosting is a type of web hosting that is specifically designed for blogs. It is a service that allows you to set up and host a blog on the Internet.
There are many types of web hosting: shared hosting and managed hosting. Shared hosting is a cheaper and easier solution for beginners, but it may not offer the best performance for your website.
Managed hosting is more expensive, but it offers better performance, more features, and better security.
A domain is the address of your website. It is what people type in to access your website.
When you register a domain, you are essentially renting it for a certain period of time. It is important to choose a domain that is easy to remember and reflective of your blog’s content.
Blogging Platforms
Blogging platforms are the software used to create and manage blogs. There are many popular blogging platforms, such as WordPress, Blogger, and Typepad.
Each platform has its own unique features, pros, and cons. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform and is used by millions of bloggers.
It is free and open source, which means you can customize it to meet your needs. Blogger is another popular blogging platform and is easy to use, but it lacks the customization options that WordPress offers.
When choosing a blogging platform, it is important to consider your needs and goals. If you are looking for a platform that is easy to use and offers basic features, then Blogger or Typepad may be right for you. WordPress may be the better choice if you are looking for a more robust platform with more customization options.
These are just a few of the basics regarding blog hosting, domains, and blogging platforms. There are many other aspects to consider such as SEO, design, and themes.
Doing research and reading blogs from other bloggers can help you decide which platform is best for you. With the right knowledge and resources, you can create a successful blog that is both enjoyable and profitable.
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dpomalescreative · 2 years
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I do not fear the shadows Nor do I fear the night I persevere the highs and lows For God has blessed me with his divine light I can see through the darkness He has blessed me with his sight Like the blind walking I maneuver my way cutting through like a knife It's like night vision He has cured me miraculously alright I navigate my soul with eyes wide open free of fright There's no fear in these eyes Try as the devil might My God protects me in all ways of life I am always under HIS protection ...day or night I shall follow HIS WORD for as long as I Breathe I shall remain vigilant and take heed Of the goods and bads Avoiding the rise and falls set before me Leaping from the highest of summits Taking to the skies effortlessly Soaring on the wings of majesty My soul is HIS to do with as he please My feet shall never hit the ground As he always catches me So I live each day honestly There are no shadows to fear speaking candidly Letting any doubts fall to the wayside My God is always by my side This is my truth I cannot hide I've lived in fear and lies Back when I was filled with foolish pride Back when I didn't know any better Back when I didn't care if I lived or died Things have since changed in life Now having taken on a better light © All Rights Reserved #poetry #poetrywriter #writing101 #fear #theshadows #blogging #bloggerlife #blogging101 (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkoVZjKP7Ev/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lexpertztechblog · 2 years
How to make money online with free blogger
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This article is for complete newbies and it explains the various ways that you can make money with a blogger blog. A Blog is a short name for "Weblog" and it is basically a website that you can get for free and use for multiple different things. In this case you will be using it for Internet marketing purposes – more specific to sell products as an affiliate marketer and/or to make money from clicks, via Google Adsense revenue. A Blogger blog is a blog that you can get for FREE from Blogger.com. They are owned and operated by Google, so if you have a Gmail account or a Google Account, you can use your same login name and password as that to log in and you don't even have to create a new account! If you do not have an account with Google already, you can create one forfree, at http://www.Blogger.com or Gmail.com. Once you log in to blogger.com, you can create a blog right away! You get your own domain name that will look something like this: www.YourDomainName.Blogspot.com Of course, you would replace "YourDomainName" with whatever you want your URL to be. Most of the time, people choose keywords that are popular search terms on, so that the blog ranks higher on the search engines. If you are in the weight loss niche, you might want to choose a name like "LoseWeightFast.Blogspot.com" for example, because the term "Lose Weight Fast" is a very popular search term and brings up over a million results. The fastest and easiest way to make money with a blog, is with this formula: RB + AL + AM + T = $$$. You might be saying, what the heck is that? Don't panic, I hate math too...just watch how easy this is: RB = "Review Blog" - This is a blog that you will create with Blogger.com and you will use it to post product reviews, about products that you are promoting as an affiliate. AL = "Affiliate Links" -At the end of each product review, you would include your affiliate link to the product you reviewed. Your "affiliate link" is the URL that you send people to, so that you can earn a commission on the product if they purchase it. AM = "Article Marketing" - By writing articles (or outsourcing them) you can drive quality, targeted traffic to your blog. T = "Traffic" - This is the traffic you will receive from both the articles, as well as people who are surfing Blogger.com for blogs in your category. The more popular of a niche market you choose, the more traffic you will likely receive. $$$ = MONEY! - This of course represents the money you will earn when you make an affiliate sale! Think about it...this WHOLE ENTIRE process won't cost you a dime. The blog is free, with blogger.com. Becoming an affiliate of Clickbank.com, Amazon.com, Ebay.com and CJ.com are ALL 100% FREE. Writing and submitting keyword optimized articles to EzineArticles.com or GoArticles.com is also 100% FREE and that is all it takes to make money with a blog. Many big name marketers and Warriors use this method to make tons of money...and the more articles they have out there, the more money they make. If you choose to outsource articles, this would be an expense and it could cost you anywhere from $2 - $12per article for quality articles from a freelance writer. OK, that was just the gist of it. Let me give you more elaborate details and instructions so that you can start doing this right away. Step 1 would be to sign up as an affiliate with Clickbank.com.Read more : https://www.lexpertztech.com.ng/2022/09/how-to-make-money-online-with-free-blogger.html Read the full article
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surajkirve37 · 9 months
"Unlock Your Blog's Earning Potential with Our Earn Money Blogging Course"
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"Discover the path to financial freedom through blogging with our Earn Money Blogging Course. Gain expertise in monetization strategies and start generating income from your passion. Join now for a brighter blogging future!"
#blogging #bloggingtips #blogginggals #blogginglife #BloggingMom #bloggingcommunity #blogging101 #bloggingbabes #bloggingyourway #blogging4style
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ummowais8 · 3 years
Since 1848, appeals for women rights have stormed the globe. The first rally at Seneca Falls, New York, was the formal commencement of the movement for women rights.  However, over time, around 1960, claims to women rights began to take a twist and branched out into Feminism and Women Empowerment. Feminism, as we all have heard more of it than the latter, is the belief and advocacy of social,…
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Leave the Empty Nesting to the Birds!
Leave the Empty Nesting to the Birds!
 Why your children leaving is a beginning, not the end.
Seriously, who coined the phrase empty nest anyway?
Just saying it evokes sadness and a slight feeling of hopelessness.
Do not get me wrong.  I have shed my share of tears after my son left home.
After dropping my son off at college, I was the woman crying over my dark beer in the local British pub down the street from campus. It was all I could do to compose myself long enough to order food.  My husband was at my side, ever supportive if  slightly embarrassed.
Less than an hour before the tears, I was joyful and bursting with pride as I watched my son settling into his dorm room.  Everything was just exactly how I envisioned it, maybe even better than I dreamed.  Realizing we had raised a strong, independent child that was settling into to his own thing was an incredible feeling.  He was attending a small private, Catholic college on a campus the whole family was familiar with and loved.
The genuine aforementioned joy and pride does not negate the sadness I felt when I realized this tiny little human, we devoted our lives to raises was now off in his new world, leaving life as I knew it behind.  As the door to his dormitory slammed shut, I knew life would never be the same.
As my husband and I sat at the pub restaurant neither of us were ready to leave because it was so near the campus where our son was located. We enjoyed a long dinner full of laughter as we reminisced over our favorite family memories.  Finally, we knew it was time to leave.  We made sure to compensate our server well since we kept her table occupied, then we headed North. Things seems to be going well until we crossed the Brent Spence Bridge, and the tears began to flow again.
My poor, sweet husband. Here I was from one end of the spectrum to the other joy, tears, laughter, tears – over the course of one long afternoon into early evening.
I will let you in on a little secret that my fellow College Moms did not share with me: It is OK to simultaneously feel overjoyed and overwhelmed with sadness. Mom hearts have the capacity for both.
Here is another secret:  you do not have to stay in your sadness.  There is not a mandatory grieving time for when your child leaves. It is OK, and quite healthy to not mope all day.  Although discussed as a matter of pride, how sad the College Moms are, there is no award given for the mother who stays sad the longest or smiles first.
When my son left for college, I refused to buy into the empty nest syndrome, and here is why you should too.  It is all about perspective.
As the intro says, I left the empty nesting to the birds!
One evening a few weeks into this new journey, I was scrolling through beach photos and this smile washed over my face as I realized the tide had turned.  The winds of change shifted us from Mom and Dad to husband and wife.
My perspective changed from weeping College Mom to excited wife.
It occurred to me out how we were to survive this phase, make it our own.
I was redefining this part of our lives as Relationship Renewal Phase.
My husband and I had dedicated our lives to our 3-sport son, and I would not have wanted it any other way. As we began this new journey together, I was unsure what relationship renewal was going to entail, but I knew Step 1: Focus on each other.
We got back into remembering why we fell in love in the first place and realizing the many new ways we had grown to love each other over the years.  The next step was to plan time together.  My husband came up with the idea of date night.  So that is exactly what we did!  We began dating each other – one night a week we shut the world out at 5 pm and spent the evening together.
The time together shifted the focus from the sadness of the sound of a much quieter home, to the joy of each other’s company.  It has served us well.
Eight years later, this is a snippet I journaled after a recent date night:
Here we were in a crowded restaurant with loud music and it was as if none of the signs or sounds existed.  We were in our own little magical space: our own time space continuum.  Eye to eye in the most intimate way as we discussed the topic of the day. It was magical.
So, take your time to weep, but not for too long as you need to decide what the next phase of your life is going to look like.
You have got magical times ahead.
Until next time…
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artanissnow · 3 years
Stuck at home? Here is why you should use Picsart
Stuck at home? Here is why you should use Picsart. Tired of those same old photos in the same old spots at home? You should check out the blog for why I started to use picsart and you should too.
I have been stuck at home and it makes it hard to come up with photo ideas for my blog, which is allegedly a fashion blog. (Joke) I mean it is a fashion blog for sure. Anyways, I feel as though taking pictures in the same old spot isn’t so creative for me. So I decided to give Picsart a go. And I love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I have been able to create some fabulous photos. Even if some of them I am…
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foreverbeachblonde · 4 years
Feeling stuck.
Over the last 2 years I have felt extremely confused and unable to move forward. 2 years ago I graduated university and it was the best time of my life. Fast forward two years I’m still doing the same part time job I was doing then and another part time job I hate.
I feel completely stuck in my life, every route I think to take presents a problem and a risk I’m not sure whether to take,…
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thehumantouchblog · 4 years
Making eagle moves
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Soar eagle, soar
There’s something magical about eagles. My fascination with eagles began when my friend told me to continue making “eagle moves”. I loved the sound of it, even though I had to do some research to fully grasp her message. Thank you Lady V! I get it now!
Fast forward a few years, I now own my “eagleness” with pride. Yeah, I know it’s not a real word, however it…
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omojowoabraham · 4 years
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Everyday each of us are faced with numerous choices. What should we do when the Bible doesn’t seems to speak directly to the situations we are face and the choice we make.
The following Ten Principles will help you to make a choice that will glorify God and honour others.
Principle One
What Biblical Principles Should Inform My Choices.
Proverbs  2:6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his…
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🤔Have you ever been curious about how I make money as a style/travel blogger? 🌍👗 I’ve finally put together a blog post that explains the various ways I make a living from my blog! Direct link is in my bio. 👆🏻 (This photo was taken in front of my apartment in Moscow last summer.) • • • • • http://liketk.it/2Pnxd #liketkit @liketoknow.it #LTKtravel #LTKunder100 #LTKstyletip #blogger #blog #blogging #bloggingtips #howimakemoneyonline #howimakemoney #bloggingals #bloggerlife #makemoney #modcloth #mymodcloth #blogging101 #bloggingforbusiness #travelblog #styleblog #wisconsinblogger #bloggersofinstagram (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAf1BsCh6VA/?igshid=1rmrryicbftds
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I never had a writer's block | an emotion and a thought
I never had a writer’s block | an emotion and a thought
As much as it is difficult to continue coming up with new ideas when you write every day or close to it, it’s possible to never experience a writer’s block ever again.
A helpful distinction to make I think is writing for yourself and writing because you want a specific outcome only. It is natural that you would intend for something as the outcome to the situation, but if that is your only…
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