#bone grinder
anim-ttrpgs · 1 month
"All our projects" so there's other ANIM projects in production? anything you're able to talk about?
Yes, we plan to have a long-running career in the TTRPG space, and have several backburnered!
I’m just gonna rapid-fire these off the top of my head. We don’t know exactly which one of these is coming after Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is fully released, because it is actually our patreon subscribers that vote on that.
Mastadon(title pending)
Yes, this is intentionally misspelled though we might change that in the future in case it hinders search results and stuff. This is a world where dark fantasy and 90s retro-futurism collide, literally. Think of knights with machine guns, space marines with enchanted swords, high-calibre rounds leaving dents in mythril breastplates, and men-at-arms on cybernetic horses. In the distant future of 2016, a scientific experiment on a lunar research station opened a portal to another world. At the same time, in a dimension of sorcery and feudalism, a council of wizards opened a portal to another world, and explorers from each land found themselves in the same mysterious place.
Cultures and technologies have clashed and mixed in these mysterious lands since. The PCs are mercenaries, taking odd, usually violent, jobs to get by.
Gameplay-wise it’s largely a combat-focused dungeon crawler emulating retro-FPS combat in TTRPG form, with an emphasis on making every type of gun feel totally unique by tying them to entirely different dice mechanics, which in turn makes warriors using these guns strategize entirely differently.
Bone Grinder
Bone Grinder is a “dumber” game, but still with an emphasis on combat. It has a notably more punk and metal aesthetic. Imagine a rocker with a mohawk and leather jacket killing a demon with an axe guitar that is also actually an axe. One of the core mechanics is that players will “bone” the game master by “throwing the bones” at them, which means literally trying to hit them with dice. A successful hit will add a bonus to whatever dice roll comes up when the thrown die lands. When it is the monsters’ turns, the game master will throw that same die right back at them. So if you throw a D6, that’s a D6 attack coming back at your PC next turn. If you throw a D20, that’s a D20 attack coming back at your character next right, so you better make it count, better kill ‘em in one shot!
(We recommend using plastic dice for this one, no metal dice!)
Death Bed
This is another working title, and it is a very serious attempt to emulate Dark Souls and Dark Souls style combat in a turn-based TTRPG in response to the abysmal Dark Souls: The Role-Playing Game that was just a lazy D&D5e book.
This game will be a bit more OSR-y, with D20 roll-under mechanics like old-school D&D for skill checks, and very simple attack determinants. It will have an emphasis on predicting enemy movement, stamina management, and choice between blocking or dodging attacks. It will also feature a system whereby the PCs are not permanently dead after being killed, but do “hollow” after each death. There are several stages of hollowing, each with downsides and upsides. Fully alive PCs will be more nimble, alert, and powerful, but stand out more to mindless hollow enemies, drawing more aggro. More hollowed PCs will have stat debuffs, but hollows are less likely to attack other hollows, giving them less aggro priority. Of course, if a PC dies too many times without restoring their life force, they will become a mindless hollow themselves, becoming an enemy that the party must slay if they want to recover that PC’s equipment.
Untitled Mushroom Game
A working title of course. This game takes a lot of inspiration from the earlier Paper Mario games, and like Bone Grinder, it will have actual physical things you can do with the dice to gain bonuses to your characters’ attacks, which is meant to emulate the “action commands” from Paper Mario in TTRPG format. One example would be building a larger dice pool for an attack based on how many D6s you can stack into a tower before they fall down, with the tower falling down constituting the rolling of the dice.
Eureka Adventure Modules Vol. 2
(Vol. 1 is the set of adventure modules that are coming with the Kickstarter.) Eureka fully releasing won’t mean we’re done with it. We plan to support all of our games for as long a time as possible with new adventure modules and other supplements. (But expect the other supplements to be very cheap if not outright free. We don’t want to make Eureka a game where you have to buy 15 $50 books just to have the full experience.) This will be a set of 5, 10, maybe more pre-written adventure modules for use with Eureka. For a few teasers, one of our ideas features the PCs getting stranded in the Mojave desert, one of them features the PCs getting trapped in underground drainage tunnels with a mysterious creature stalking them, and more horrifying mysteries.
The Eureka Mobster Manual
Another working title, but it’s pretty catchy. This will act as a “monster manual” for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, featuring prémisse stats and GMing advice mundane NPCs like cops, mafia enforcers, hapless bystanders, etc. and also actual monsters, both human and inhuman. One of the monsters I am most excited about introducing is actual demons. Not just some red guy with horns, in fact they’re likely to be completely invisible. I know this term gets thrown around a lot by people who don’t know what it means, but in Eureka demons will be more “biblically accurate.” Think more The Exorcist and less DOOM. A demon doesn’t want to go “blahrarawa!” and kill you, a demon wants to gradually talk you into killing yourself. This also may feature additional playable monsters, such as the gorgon and dullahan(Kickstarter stretch goals for the main rulebook that I don’t think we’re going to meet unfortunately), plus others if we can come up with more.
A working title again. This will be a large collection of “drag-and-drop” tactical combat encounters for Eureka, for when a GM needs a fleshed out and challenging final showdown between the PCs and the bad guy goons. These will feature plenty of cover, alternate routes, and “woo roll elements”(stuff that can get knocked over, exploded, destroyed, etc. by stray bullets, thereby changing the environment in exciting and unexpected ways.). All of this is so that the GM doesn’t have to come up with all the complexities of a good Eureka combat encounter on the fly.
That’s about all I can think of right now. After Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is fully released and the dust is settled, we will hold a vote with out patreon subscribers to find out what the fans most want us to work on next.
However, all of these things that I have mentioned are in a very raw state of completion, or even just in the idea stage. If you want to see all these projects, and more, release in the coming years, then RPG-making needs to be a long-term viable career for us. I, personally, am disabled and have a very hard time finding regular, sustainable work at “real jobs,” so this is especially important for my financial future. It’s about the only (marketable) skill I’m good at, and it’s something I enjoy doing, so I’m making this push now for my future.
The best way you can make this a viable long-term career for us is to support the Eureka Kickstarter (only 24-hours left at the time of posting this), buy our games, and subscribe to our Patreon.
The more successful the Kickstarter is, not only does more art and stuff get added to the Eureka rulebook and adventure modules, but the more buzz it generates, and the more buzz it generates the more journalistic support and more financial support we get. Even if it’s just for charity purposes to help me pay future bills when I can’t hold a normal job, pledging $10 is enough to get your name in the Eureka rulebook, and if you can’t give anything, we totally understand—we’d rather you put food on your table than go broke supporting our dreams. If you can share the Kickstarter to discord servers and the like in the last 24 hours of its crowdfunding window, or just share news of the game with people after the Kickstarter closes, that is a huge huge help on its own.
We, and especially I, am thankful beyond my ability to express in words for how much support the Kickstarter has already gotten, and the patreon subscribers whose support paid for all of our advertising budget to get Eureka as well-known as it is. This is a project of extremely professional scope and calibre, and I’m proud to say that we probably shouldn’t have been able to pull it off with as small a team as we are, we’re just that talented and persistent, but no matter how talented or persistent we are, it is the fans and supporters that make it possible for us to pursue a creative career. Thank you all.
24 hours left on the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Kickstarter, crowdfunding closes at 2:00 PM CST on Friday, May 10th! That’s mid-day tomorrow! Please support it while you still can! If you’re reading this after the Kickstarter has closed, you can support us through ko-fi or patreon, and if you’re a $5 subscriber or more to our patreon, you will get regular PDFs of increasingly finished beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and its adventure modules as we continue to work on finishing it using the Kickstarter money.
You can also help us by checking out our merchandise!
If you just want to play, you don’t have to pay. You can get a beta PDF of the Eureka rulebook plus character sheets and adventure modules FOR FREE from our website or itch.io page.
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Join our TTRPG Book Club We nominate, vote on, and split into groups (based on schedule compatibility) differnt indie games, then discuss, just like a book club! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 22 days
hm. a thought re: the life of sunday (ruby's leitmotif)
so ruby is the Only companion during murray gold's tenure to have her leitmotif in a really, really minor sounding tonality.
technically martha's theme is also in minor, but it switches between aeolian and dorian, which are two different types of minor scale that are both more folk song esque. but either way, martha's theme is still ambiguous about its tonality, whereas the life of sunday is very very obviously in harmonic minor (the sad / spooky sound we all know).
(also, technically donna's theme is also sort of in minor key, but its ambiguous as well and undeniably more silly than anything else. and especially NOT sad)
every other companion's theme is very clearly in major key (rose's theme, amy's theme, clara's theme, and bill's theme).
She. Is going. To Die
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beebfreeb · 21 days
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Bone Grinder Evil Machine my favorite band
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revitalizationrat · 1 month
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Let me ratt-e-you
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boneinator · 4 months
No clue if those requests are still open, but if so I wanna see your take on the Ghost Grinder. The headcanons I've gathered from others has gotten me interested in them despite having no in-universe lore
Despite being one of my favorite tunes from spg, I don't think much about them tbh
All of the spg heroes feel like just silly little guys that live wandering around somewhere in kazooland. Thinking about possible interactions between them is pretty fun tho, so maybe him and Delilah have some kind of frenemy stuff going on :]
Have a lil doodle ⬇️
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(reblogs > likes !!)
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spicyspell · 6 months
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Commission of @emmilybee ‘s lovely PC!!!!
Loved getting an opportunity to play around with the environment!
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eff-plays · 8 months
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I'm a fucking lore bard you dipshit. I'm gonna fucking kill you.
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band-of-limbi · 8 months
[ Bones just appears. Opening Ardor's window and stepping in the moment Sang leaves. ]
"Helllooooo, Ardor~!"
(Cue Ardor being extremely startled, and also he now looks different…and he kinda looks like he’s on fire.)
HOLY SHI-…Bones??
(Moth creatures are also fluttering around him.)
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realized I haven't really drawn a skel with their mouth open yet. Also a mini go at "can I do weird lighting"
And of course whenever I try something new at art there's always intruding sketches on the side.
edit: oh btw character belong to loverofpiggies, I was spaced out last night and forgot to credit
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coccolithophore · 10 months
we found a burning building on a farm in dnd and we found a hiding person who said "THEY TOOK THEM TO THE BONE GRINDER!!" and then our dm got a panicked expression and said "wait i dont know why i said bone grinder theres not a bone grinder!!!!! its a wheat grinder!!!!!!!!" and now we wont stop talking about the Bone Grinder
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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As Khare's mutation continues to advance, the harder she becomes to kill. Injuries that would cripple or outright kill grown men can be healed in minutes while entire limbs can be regrown in around 24 hours. Currently she's survived taking a bullet, tumbling down a mountain and getting mauled by a bear with 'only' a few scars to show for it but as her humanity diminishes, her absurd levels of durability will only continue to increase.
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storytellingvibes · 7 months
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Made a cast of my hand. It’s not done yet tho lol
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beebfreeb · 2 months
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I've unlocked a new and frightening power: drawing the kind of images that people put on nightcore videos
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iceskatingmobsters · 11 months
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One Piece real????
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
What I love most about the magnus archives s5 is that the entities that I didn't find scary at all in seasons 1-4 are suddenly the ones that hit the closest because it's no longer supernatural horror in an otherwise realistic world but something far more real wrapped in abstract metaphors
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poptartmochi · 9 months
the wrestlemania of the mind wages on.. ghost grinder + honeybee having a hell in a cell match in the arena that is the 👯‍♀️ playlist
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