#brainwash hero shinsou
mflanart · 6 months
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day 24 - shinsou hitoshi 💟
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alilreader · 3 days
Rule #34, by Fish in a Birdcage. Villain!Shinsou Hitoshi
warnings: dubious consent, brainwashing, implied violence, shinsou villain au, nsfw
contains: smut, foreplay, brainwashing, semiconsensual brainwashing
written to the song Rule #34, by Fish in a Birdcage.
not much plot, just a lil disaster caused by the LOV, that now contains Shinsou as a member.
18+ Minors DNI
requests open :3
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Right now, you're mine…
Footsteps fell silently, as one boot and then another met with the hard ground. A head of indigo hair blew weightlessly in the gentle breeze of the outdoors. Dark, deep, mauve eyes trailed lazily about, searching for your figure amongst the hard bark of the surrounding trees.
He was hunting you, as if it was a game. In fact, maybe it was, to him at least. Everything was a chance, a moment, an opportunity to him. He waited patiently for his opportunity, an opportunity to strike.
There it was, his moment, he thought, getting restless as heard the snap of a branch in the distance.
But he had to plan this carefully. You knew of his quirk, you were well aware of it by now. He couldn’t lull you into answering him, like he had everyone else. Although… 
Maybe, with some skill, he could do just that.
All mine…
Wordlessly, silently, he unraveled his capture weapon, and used it as a spider would use their web to cover distance. He was zoning in on you, and fast, capturing your shape in his vision. 
Quickly, feeling tingles along your back, as if you felt his gaze, your eyes snapped towards him. This rendered him frozen, as if when he stood still you wouldn’t see him.
He stumbled, innocently toward you, feigning an injury, praying you hadn’t seen him swinging your way.
“Shinsou?” you called out, a flicker of excitement seen on your features, any distrust gone. “Shinsou, I was worried for you. Where have you been?”
Guilt flitted across his conscience. You were always so trusting of him, stupidly trusting of him. Of course you wouldn’t assume he was with the League, nor the cause of this disaster.
“Don’t worry, doll.” Shinsou’s voice came out smooth, as he returned to his movement, covering the distance between you two. “Are you harmed?”
He held your face tenderly, as if it might shatter in his hands. He could feel your heartbeat from the proximity. 
You shook your head.
Give in, you’re mine…
His eyes, as if it was even possible, darkened. You barely had time to register, before answering, “No, no. I’ve been on the run.” As soon as you finished your claim, you felt the mind numbing tingle that had grown familiar to you. “His quirk,” you thought.
He smirked, ever so slightly, his victory raising his ego. “Doll, I’d been waiting for this..”
Fear struck you through the heart, but some of it went straight to your gut. Setting in on a heavy feeling, a warm feeling, a feeling you’d deny ever having. 
As if he noticed, Shinsou spoke, his voice unwavering and confident, “Surrender yourself, completely, to me.” 
Your now dull, lifeless eyes met his. You raised your arms slowly into the air, powerless to his control. If you had half a mind, which at the moment you didn’t, a blush would’ve spread across your face at the eye contact you were met with.
Deeply intense, sullen eyes met yours. A flicker of something unknown hidden behind his pupils. 
All mine…
His hands gingerly met yours, as they dangled in the air. He brought your knuckles to his mouth, pressing gentle kisses to your flesh. 
“You’ll tell me if you don’t want this,” he commanded. Your body, idle, told him everything he needed to know.
Gentle, soft kisses met your throat, as he backed you up against an oak. He searched desperately for your sweet spot, the small place where your neck met your shoulders, that elicited a gasp from you. Leering, he suckled gently on that spot, nibbling and pulling at your skin. He pushed his knee softly between your legs, spreading them, feeling your wetness beneath your skirt.
A crash was heard, further into the forest, making him stand at alert. A growl was pulled from his throat, as he glanced back at your form. He couldn’t be caught, drawing such illicit sounds from you, not now. 
He moved to escape, before letting his gaze fall back on you. “Later, doll..” he said, releasing you from your brainwashed state. “Until next time,” he smiled smugly, as he left you there in a stupor.
“That bastard,” you thought to yourself.
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quirkwizard · 6 months
If you haven't done so already, could you do a mix between Brainwashing and Overhaul?
I'm honestly amazed I haven't gotten this combination yet given how popular these two usually are for Quirk Marriages.
New Quirk Name: Subjugate or Undermind
This Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user touches someone's head, including their own. After doing so, the user can extensively manipulate the target's mind. This can let the user bring forth, repress, or invent new aspects of the mind, like giving someone a fear of spiders, hiding away someone's memory, or even inducing trigger phrases to activate certain effects. This can even include making the target more receptive to the user's orders, effectively turning them into a zombie under their control. These can last until the user removes them, such as by setting a time limit on the effect or another condition for it. This gives the user a dangerous ability, able to subjugate and control others in all sorts of ways. They can turn enemies into allies, create sleeper agents to do their bidding, put them under mental blocks to make people less affective, help people remember certain events, or simply remove painful memories from their own minds. Aside from needing contact with the head and relying on the user's hands, strong physical, mental, and emotional jolts can free the target from control. The directives will take some time and detail to properly implant, should there be any loopholes for them or make the control too obvious, and trying to alter things like personalities and memories can be more difficult.
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20001541 · 5 months
instead of blasting away machia with his quirk for disobeying him, afo should've done this instead to him along with an apology
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iamtheanimeweeb · 1 year
shinsou's mind control quirk in combination with his voice changing mask makes him arguably one of the most overpowered characters if we look at this logically.
like if he can strengthen it to the point that they don't need to respond verbally, only mentally/not at all/with emotion/etc, then he would be literally unstoppable.
this kind of discovery and expansion of his quirk could likely be done if he was in the hero course, right?
okay, so lets assume he strengthens his quirk to this point
he is too strongly loyal to proving a bunch of people that he isn't the villain they believed him to be, so he'd definitely follow the path of a hero and could potentially, even be stronger than deku???
he would totally make an amazing main character
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
I'm not touching bnha canon with a ten foot pole, but I feel like this is a prime time for a fic self plug. Friendly reminder that two years ago I wrote an AU where the next little stray the HPSC would prey on if they ever lost control of Hawks would 100% have been Shinsou
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shouta-edits · 1 year
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"can you make a moodboard for Hitoshi Shinsou/Shoto Todoroki/Izuku Midoriya from mha with themes of forced relationship/forced love,brainwashing,abuse?" - anon requested
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paigefillyr · 10 months
alright istg I need to write this down somewhere so when I'm right it's fuckin documented-
everyone's like ohhhh Shinsou's hero name's gunna be mindjack but that's STUPID! That's the name of his 'move' when he uses his quirk. The trading card used it because his official hero name hasn't been picked/announced yet.
It should be Siren
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suugiart · 2 years
I had to draw Shinsou.
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The urge was there and completely unavoidable. I needed to draw this fluffy porple boy.
I love him so much and I really want to see more of him in the manga! Horikoshi really likes to make us wait on this baby.
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starry-average · 7 months
idk if this is canon or not, but I like the idea that everyone gets sent to their quirks when Shinsou brainwashes them, it’s just that not many people have ghosts living in them lol
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linphd · 1 year
They see your costume rip | Headcanons
female reader
-> While on a fight, your costume rips, making almost all of your breast visible. Luckily for you, they see it and cover it up.
-> Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Hitoshi Shinsou.
Katsuki Bakugou
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It was a random training, nothing unusual. But you, using extra knives whenever your quirk can’t be useful, didn’t really expect them to bump into an hardened Kirishima, throwing them right back at you. But luckily for you, you were able to move away so they wouldn’t pierce through you.
Still, it was enough for one of them to rip your costume, on your chest era. Nothing out of the extraordinary for you, often wearing clothes that weren’t really hiding your breast, but still, you were at school and training.
Katsuki was quick to make an explosion, big enough to make smoke, hiding you and him. Indeed, you guys had been paired up, so he was close to you. « Thank you ! » you said. He only nodded and gave you his gauntlet so you would hold it in front of the rip and no one would see.
« But you know, I often wear clothes that show them like that. » you snorted. « So what ? Stop being a whore and be grateful I hid you. There’s this guy in a diaper creeping around. » he replied, his usual angry expression on. « Mineta, right. » you said.
« Come on ! Go back to the lockers to get it fixed ! » he exclaimed, seeing you not moving. « I’ll go, I’ll go ! I just stayed cause I know you like it when I’m a ‘whore’. » you explained, earning a snort from the blonde. You were lucky he never shut you up for flirting with him.
Shoto Todoroki
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You were paired up with Shoto during a training. As Bakugou made an explosion too close to you, you were fast enough to jump and not face directly the explosion, but you were still close enough for you costume to rip at its strength.
You didn’t even notice, waiting for the blonde to leave so you’d be sure to stand up and keep training in peace. But as you stood up, Shoto noticed the huge rip in your costume. Not enough for you breast to be out like Momo’s, but enough to be embarrassing for you.
He immediately averted his gaze and created a tiny ice wall in front of you. You were about to look at him curiously when you noticed that you were just way too naked for your liking. « Oh- thanks ! » you said, trying to tie your costume to hide the rip.
« I didn’t look, I just saw a bit your skin so- » he started to explain. « Don’t be embarrassed, it’s okay, it wasn’t on purpose. » you reassured him. You knew a bit about his crush on you, as Izuku was quite the tattletale, actually.
« I managed to tie the front, see ? » you said. He nodded, a bit blushing that he had to look at the knot you had made -it was still your chest area and he was still rather awkward. « You should still… go back to the locker rooms to get it properly fixed… » he said, looking away. You giggled and went to Aizawa to tell him about your rip.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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It had been a few weeks since Shinsou started training with the hero branch. You had had your eye on him since the sports festival -where he brainwashed you to be on his team- even before he became muscular and friendly.
So let’s say it was already quite awkward for you to have to train with your crush. But it became even worse when your team -including you, him, Kirishima and Ojiro- got chased by Bakugou’s and the blonde made an explosion so big its strength just made rips on your costume.
At the loud sound, Shinsou turned to see if everyone behind him was okay, when he noticed you. You weren’t hurt, but you had rips in your costume, making it look like you had borrowed Momo’s. The guys had theirs ripped too -if it was possible for Kiri’s to be worse- but he was focused on you.
He threw his scarf at you, so you just caught it, not knowing much what he wanted. Once you all stopped, he noticed you looked confused. « Aren’t you a bit cold ? » he asked, the tiny grin on his face hidden by his mask. Ojiro pointed out your rip and you gasped, hiding by just wearing the scarf.
« Thank you ! » you told the purple haired boy, your cheeks warmer than ever. « You should go to Aizawa to get that fixed. I mean- if you mind it. » he said. « I DO ! I do- yeah… » you tried to say, even more embarrassed than before. Your team left, Shinsou hiding his giggle at your reaction as you also walked away
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
◇─◇──◇─── ;  Shinsou reached to tie the other's fingers with a strong. It must look strange... "Hang on... it's gonna be a tea cup, I swear---" He pulls more strings and finally it grins. "What I tell you? A tea cup."
Hellmare's fingers were tied. She is curious as she waits. When the other said it's going to be tea cup. She is intrigued and eager to see this trick. Then when the other pulls more of the strings. It reveals itself.
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"Oh!" Hellmare smiles. "Indeed it is."
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"Do you do this with every person you meet?" She chuckles.
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quirkwizard · 11 months
foresight x brainwashing?
New Quirk Name: Long Play
This Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user grabs someone and looks into their eyes. When they do, the user may start to give them commands. Once they let go, the target will then follow the orders to completion, becoming free from control once they're done. The user can give a series of orders, like a step-by-step plan. The user can be detailed with this, such as telling them what to act and say, and can be told to pull on the knowledge they have to complete it, such as telling them to put in passwords. The target of this does not seem any different outside of seeming more tired and out of it. The user can apply this to themselves if they wish. This gives the user a dangerous tool for control, sending out pawns to do their dirty work as they follow every step. They can send enemies against each other, sink sleeper agents into places, set others up for failure, control themselves to execute a plan, or simply make someone keep walking into a wall. Aside from the necessary setup for activation, the user can only target one person at a time, and will require them to be specific with their orders. The target can be figured out if those close to them notice changes and are forced out of the control with enough force to knock them unconscious. Directly harmful orders can have a tougher time sticking.
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darkmajesty-xo · 1 year
soft awkward izuku fluff
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izuku doesn't do this.
he doesn't like nightclubs, finding them too loud and crowded. with his line of work he's constantly on edge, so it's seeming impossible for him to "let go" in an environment like this.
he doesnt like hard liquor, preferring to sip a beer, or two, throughout the night because he'd always been a lightweight and he'd hate to ruin someone else's night by having them babysit him. kacchan's complained about it more than once.
he doesn't like small talk, it's not one of his strong suits. he can be a bit oblivious to social cues and tends to ramble incessantly about quirks, and all might and topics much too personal for polite conversations with strangers. he always ends up stammering out apologies and turning beet red when he gets "the look".
izuku doesn't do this.
he really did not want to go out tonight.
he really did not want to put on this dress shirt.
he really did not want to wait at the bar.
he turns around to look at his friend group. they're all laughing and carrying on with models and bottle girls that are desperate for their attention. even kacchan seems to be having a good time, probably recounting his victories and relishing in the way the girls linger to his every word. it's just not like that for izuku, he's always felt so awkward.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't some cassonova, like shinsou or sero, that can have a girl leaving with them before they'd even exchanged pleasantries.
he isn't cool or funny, like kaminari or kirishima, that can laugh a girl right out of her panties.
he isn't mysterious like shoto or confident like kachaan, whose mere existence is enough to attract a harem.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't his friends.
he's just--
you're pretty, so so pretty; beautiful even. your smile is radiant; it leaves him breathless. your voice is angelic; like his own personal symphony. your eyes are kind; he could stare into them for hours. your body is amazing; you look so soft-- he wants to touch you in all the best, and worst, ways. your scent is hypnotic, it compliments you perfectly; he can't stop himself from leaning in-- it's like he's in a trance.
"wow, i can't believe i'm meeting my favorite hero! what can i get for you?"
he's your favorite hero? praise all might, he's blessed. to think that an angel like you had even considered his presence was astounding. if this was a different time, he'd worship at your feet with offerings of sacrifice and allegiance. you are the embodiment of all the beautiful things in the world that he'd sworn to protect. he doesn't even know your name but he's already named your three children and decided where you all would vacation in the summers.
izuku doesn't do this, because if he did he wouldn't have said that out loud and you wouldn't be giving him "the look". and fuck if he isn't mortified. can he not be a fucking nerd for once in his miserable existence ? maybe shinsou can brainwash him into forgetting how you flipped him off and called him a creep. his self deprecating mind can't handle that kind of torment on repeat.
izuku doesn't do this… and it seems like you can tell because why haven't belittled him ? why haven't you ran in the other direction? why aren't you giving him 'the look' anymore ? why are you smiling at him ?
"do i at least get to help plan the wedding? or was marriage not on the agenda?"
a joke.
that was a joke.
you were laughing with him, and not at him.
"of c-course you could help p-plan it but i think you should give me your number first".
he can thank the vestiges of OFA for that confident delivery because he was on the verge of passing out.
you whistled lowly, then bent down to grab two beers from under the bar.
"how about we start with names and see where the night takes us, huh? cheers".
izuku doesn't do this, but with the feeling of your fingers brushing his own as you hand him the drink lets him know that you're well worth it. he doesn't like his shirt, or this club but he likes you.
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So...does anyone find it kinda scetchy that Shinsou’s using his brainwashing to make an imprisoned villain fight other villains for the heroes?
Like, do you think he was he told to do that or did he decide to do it himself?
Would we have to worry about that being a regular thing once he turns pro? Because considering where his arc started, it’d be a real bitter ending for him if he ends up the heroes’ next go-to human rights violation.
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random bnha headcanons because theres worms in my brain. (more under the cut)
- Kaminari, Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero and Hagakure have ADHD
- Kirishima is a gay transman (started transitioning in middle school)
- Midnight is a wlw transwoman
- Shirakumo was pansexual and used he/they pronouns
- Kaminari has lightning scars and does his best to hide them (they're mostly in his back, chest and arms)
- Bakugou genuinely has anger issues and is in the process of getting diagnosed
- Ojiro, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure have body dysmorphia
- Jirou, Bakugou and Present Mic are all either HoH or fully deaf (i.e.: Present Mic has hearing aids and Bakugou needs them as well)
- Uraraka has an anxiety disorder (GAD, likely)
- Iida has restless leg syndrome
- Kaminari gets seizures when he overuses his quirk
- Shinsou, Uraraka, Jirou and Kaminari deal with migraines often
- Shoji and Midoriya have chronic pains
- Mineta got fucking expelled.
- he got his ass beat by like half of the class for the shit he was doing to the girls and some crap he said to Kirishima (who's openly trans)
- Asui, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and Yaoyorozu are autistic
- Aoyama is gay and under the nonbinary umbrella
- Bakugou and Midoriya are also transmasc
- Midoriya's first binder was a birthday gift from the Bakugous (Bakugou half-jokingly wanted to make matching All Might binders for them)
- Tokoyami, Bakugou, Jirou, Todoroki and Shinsou often hang out together (either going to Hot Topic or just listening to music)
- the band/Jirousquad play whenever they have free time
- Satou stress bakes (Aizawa has walked in on him baking cakes at 2am several times)
- "... hey Mr Aizawa. Red velvet?" *deep sigh*
- most of the class has nightmares often and it's not new when they're awoken by or run into each other in the middle of the night
- Tokoyami having a nightmare, waking up with a scared Dark Shadow and then deciding to watch TV in the common room VS Asui curled up with a couple blankets on the couch because she also had a nightmare
- Jirou being hyperaware of her classmates' shallow breaths and shakes, feeling bad for not knowing what to do
- Bakugou wakes up the entire dorm by accident because he caused an explosion while waking up from a nightmare
- Koji uses sign language most the time and is semi verbal (autism and anxiety)
- Mirko is a lesbian
- Mr Compress is mlm
- Shinsou goes to sleep at 5am while Midoriya wakes up at 5am
- Shinsou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu are insomniacs
- Magne was like a big sister to Dabi (and he misses her. it was nice to know what it would've felt like to be the little sibling.)
- Bakugou is (stubbornly) teaching himself sign language
- Midoriya, Present Mic, Aizawa also know sign language (the Bakusquad are getting lessons from Midoriya)
- Monoma is on the aromantic spectrum
- Midoriya uses wrist braces and needs a cane (All Might and Recovery Girl are trying to get him to)
- Bakugou also needs wrist braces but refuses to get them
- Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou are "Rich Kids With Family Issues" solidarity
- Natsuo used to the dye bits of red in his hair, but as he grew older, the red stopped growing
- it reminded him of Touya and he couldn't look in the mirror for the longest time
- Sero dislocates his shoulders often
- class 1a are banned from playing dodgeball (Recovery Girl had a really busy day the one time they played it)
- Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are gay-lesbian solidarity
- Kirishima, Uraraka, Tetsutetsu and Bakugou are gym buddies
- Midoriya learned English because of All Might
- Bakugou, Jirou, Kaminari and Shinsou are also fluent in English
- Midnight talked to Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure about their hero costumes and if they were truly comfortable wearing them; they ended up getting they fixed
- Shinsou sometimes uses his quirk to brainwash his classmates into doing self care
- "What're you doing, Sero?" "Oh, not much, just-" "Go drink water."
- Monoma, Midoriya, Kirishima, Denki and Bakugou have imposter syndrome
- if Yaoyorozu is caught off guard, she creates tiny figurines by accident
- Aizawa has had to catch Uraraka with his capture weapon a few times due to her sleep floating
- Shiozaki has extreme religious guilt
- Present Mic does his hair up while in his hero costume out of spite because high school kids used to make fun of Aizawa's hair when he used his quirk
- Kendo is bisexual
- she/they Fuyumi. you agree. reblog
- class 1a has sleepovers sometimes; blanket forts, movies, snacks, everything!
- (Aizawa knows and allows it every time. they deserve and need to be kids)
- sometimes they invite class 1b as well
- Monoma, Shinsou and Midoriya get along well to everyone's surprise
- Kirishima once ran into Dabi while buying hairdye but it was his day off and it looked like it was Dabi's day off too so he just pretended he never saw him grab a box of jetblack hairdye, shove it in his hoodie pocket and leave
- for the sake of his own sanity
- Hagakure can 'turn her quirk off' but only does so when she feels completely safe and comfortable, or when she's totally worn out
- when she did it for the first time around the rest od the class everyone was shocked
- "... is something wr-" "YOU'RE SO PRETTY???,?"
- Ashido, Uraraka and Kaminari hold Shoji's hands while crossing the street (mostly for fun, but he doesn't mind)
- Kaminari absent mindedly braided the hair on Ojiro's tail one day and he just let him
- Koji's bunny is an emotional support animal named Cotton
- Shigaraki decays door handles on purpose just to mess with the rest of the LOV
- he gets bored, okay?
- Aizawa teaches Eri sign language as a surprise for Mic (as well just so Eri has a way to communicate when she doesn't feel comfortable talking)
- Uraraka makes a casual comment about not having enough money to buy something for herself or her parents and Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou hand her their credit cards like its nothing
- she is startled by that Every Time without fail
- Twice and Toga paint each other's nails
- Mr Compress lets Twice borrow his masks sometimes
- Himiko is a vegetarian, funnily enough
- Mt. Lady has chronic pains and stretch marks
- Bakugou has scars and burns from his own explosions (he wasn't born with perfect control over his quirk, and sometimes he takes his anger out on himself)
- Fuyumi and Natsuo's quirks are extremely powerful ice quirks, but Endeavor never bothered to train them and never let Rei teach them how to control their quirks
- while Fuyumi has Frost, Natsuo's quirk is called Subzero; he can lower his body temperature dangerously low and when he does so, whatever he touches freezes
- if he's emotional or focused enough, he can create icicles and wield them
- Todoroki considered dying his hair several times (black was on top of the list but after Dabi revealed he was Touya, he decided against it)
- the LOV took turns helping Dabi dye his hair
- Kurogiri helped Dabi with his staples (the only other person willing to do that was Himiko but everyone agreed it was a bad ideia)
- Spinner sticks around Dabi during winter because he's a human heater
- no one in the LOV liked Overhaul
- like, killing Magne was bad enough. but straight up child abuse? come on
- they know what it's like to be a kid and to be scared and hurt and they don't want that
- Himiko has nervous tics
- Hatsume is autistic and will infodump about her babies to anyone that will listen
- she and Midoriya infodump to each other
- sometimes, Kurogiri's gaze lingers on the morning sky. he finds clouds strangely amusing for some reason
- Aizawa and Present Mic have been together since they were 17 and have been married for nearly six years (they wear their rings on necklaces underneath their clothes)
- they officially adopted Eri first, then Shinsou
- (It's Free Real State Children)
- "I'm having another kid." "That's great, sensei-" "it's you. Mic and I have the papers already."
- Bakugou, Iida and Yaoyorozu tutor the class before tests
- Kaminari has dyscalculia and dyslexia
- Satou always has snacks on him (especially ones the made himself)
- he keeps an eye on Yaoyorozu and makes sure to give her something if he notices she's looking particularly pale
- most if not the whole class 1a has PTSD (this doesn't shock anyone. Aizawa is desperately trying to get them to talk to Hound Dog sometime)
- Aizawa needs reading glasses and refuses to wear them
- Aizawa and Present Mic & Midnight share custody of Sushi unironically (the cat Shirakumo rescued)
- Aizawa and Mic own other cats (Mochi and Tessie) (it's short for Tshirt, Mic thought it was funny)
- Iida and Yaoyorozu were at Aizawa and Mic's wedding due to their family status, everyone else was clueless to their marriage
- no one was aware they adopted Eri and Shinsou though
- like yeah Aizawa-sensei's taking care of Eri, BUT ADOPTION??
- "oh, Shinsou's in our class- HITOSHI AIZAWA-YAMADA?"
- Aizawa may have only two (2) legal children but by god does he love his other nineteen little bastards.
- Iida made a groupchat for class 1a for "school purposes" but it quickly descended into madness and he gave up
- the gc is now named something incoherent and incomprehensible and there's like seven other chats for different purposes (such as "dekusquad", "bakusquad", "the band" and "is this fucked up or are all parents like this?")
- Iida and Yaoyorozu keep note of everyone's allergies
- so does Aizawa
- Yaoyorozu has a bad relationship with food and often has trouble using her quirk due to it
- Tetsutetsu is a stealth transman (only Kirishima is vaguely aware)
- Kuroiro was extremely afraid of the dark as a child
- Ashido gets acid burns often (they're not too bad and mostly in her hands, but if it's a particularly bad day, she gets burns in her face)
- Kirishima has trouble walking/moving in general when he overuses his quirk
- Present Mic is mlm
- Aizawa is a gay transman
- Jirou and Kaminari are both bisexual
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