#brock rumlow x you
e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Never Again Pt. 3
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Some swear words, alluding to smexy time, violence, some fluff
Word Count: 3.9k-ish
Summary: Part 3 of 3. You’ve been staying with Brock for about 2 weeks since your ex tracked you down, and you’re trying to figure out what to do next because it’s only a matter of time before he finds you again.
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: I had such a good time writing this series, and I appreciate the 6 of you that have read it. 🤣 I’m kidding, I’m kidding 😆 It won’t deter me from writing for Brock again, he’s fun to write for, plus have you seen him? 🥵 I had a hell of a time figuring out how to end this, it was giving me some problems but I hope you like it! ♥️ Oh and I have an ask for Billy that should be out REAL soon! Ok I’ll stop.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The dream you were having wasn’t exactly exciting. The dripping candles in the middle of the table, the crisp white tablecloth, and the dim lights of the restaurant were all very romantic.
Brock looked very handsome in a suit, he wasn’t wearing a tie but it didn’t suit him anyway, the top buttons undone, and he was taking a sip of his whiskey.
“What’s so funny, doll?” He asked.
You continued to chuckle. “I don’t know why you brought me here, Rumlow. You look so uncomfortable right now.”
“Well I thought I’d take you somewhere nice for our first date. You don’t like it?” He asked.
You continued to smile. “Oh I like it fine, clearly you don’t though.” You said, taking a sip of your red wine.
“But it’s not for me, it’s for you.” He said.
You reached across the table to touch his hand. “Well it’s very sweet of you, Brock but I would have been happy with bar food and a cold beer.” You said.
He looked down at your hand as your fingers brushed against his knuckles and brought his gaze up to meet yours. “I’ll remember that for next time, sweetheart.”
This dream was a lot different than the nightmares you had been having. Seeing Danny’s fist coming straight for your face, you could almost feel his fingers squeezing your upper arms, and the pain in your side when he pushed you into the bookcase. Everything felt so real, like the tears streaming down your face as you begged him to stop.
From the violence to all of the apologies, they played on a loop in your mind. You remembered all of the flowers and gifts he brought you and when you thought about it now, you felt so stupid for taking him back all of those times.
Back then, you felt weak, defeated, and worthless but you had become strong enough to leave, not take it anymore and for the first time in your life, you felt strong and in control of how you wanted to live your life.
It had been a long couple of weeks. The tension between you and Brock finally coming to a head earlier tonight and letting go of that tension that sparring couldn’t get rid of. He fucked that tension right out of you and you couldn’t remember the last time you had been that calm or relaxed.
The man was absolutely crazy about you.
You tried to make tea after the shower but as soon as Brock saw your nightshirt creep up to reveal your panties reaching for the box of tea, he was all over you.
The loud sinful noises he continued to pull from you over and over again echoed inside his apartment, you were starting to feel bad for his neighbors for having to listen to it all.
You felt like your entire body was trembling from overstimulation coming down from your high but you managed to ask him, “I may have a hard time walkin’ tomorrow. How much tension were you holding onto, anyway?”
“I’ll admit, at first I didn’t wanna like you but I hated seeing those marks on you, that bruise around your eye made my blood boil and to see how determined you were to learn because you didn’t wanna be afraid anymore. You impressed me, sweetheart and that ain’t easy to do.” He had said.
You imagined that no one else really saw the sweet side of Brock that you had witnessed the past two weeks. The moment he came home with supplies for Peanut, you knew that he was soft but only a little.
You had even caught him petting the cat a couple of times.
“Were you just petting Peanut?” You asked, the corner of your mouth curled up revealing half a smile.
He turned to face you and even though he was caught, he denied it.
“No!” He said, emphatically.
“Because from here, it looked like you were scratching him behind his ears.” You had said, trying to control your laughter.
“Well I wasn’t.” He said.
“Ok, then why is he rubbing up against you and purring? He doesn’t do that unless you pet him first.”
“I dunno.” His gaze aimed at the floor.
You walked over to him slowly, he was facing away from you. Snaking your arms around his waist you pulled him flush to your chest, pushed yourself up on your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Whatever you say, Rumlow.”
Falling asleep in an unfamiliar location was difficult but being able to dream and remember that dream was against all odds but you had managed to do both sleeping next to Brock.
You hummed against his chest as he laced his fingers with yours, trying to keep your eyes open but your eyelids just became heavier and heavier.
“So I’m guessing I don’t have to sleep on the couch anymore?” You joked.
You felt him smile against the top of your head. “Not unless you want to, doll.”
“Well I don’t want to.” You said.
He rolled on top of you, his hips in between your legs, and gazed at you with his warm golden eyes. “I don’t want you to either. Go to sleep, sweetheart.” He said, his voice sounding extra raspy as he swept a stray hair away from your face and kissed your forehead.
As soon as he said that, your eyes closed and were too heavy to open again. It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you felt the hand clamp over your mouth. Your eyes shot open and struggled for a brief second when you heard Brock’s voice.
“It’s just me, doll. It’s just me. I need you to be quiet, do exactly as I say and keep calm for me, can you do that?”
You nodded slowly as you tried to adjust your eyes to the darkness.
“Someone’s here.” He whispered in your ear.
Brock slowly moved his hand away from your mouth, reached under the bed and pulled out one of his guns. You started to get out of bed when he stopped you, whisper yelling at you to stay put even after you offered to help.
“Stay there, do NOT move!” He whispered again.
You nodded again.
Carefully, he moved over toward the bedroom door, you could see the faint warm glow of the kitchen night light and then he was gone.
Suddenly, you heard a crash, followed by a struggle and incoherent yelling before you clearly heard a voice yell, “RUMLOW!!! IT’S ME! IT’S JACK…ROLLINS!!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!! I could have shot you, asshole!” Brock yelled.
He called out to you from the other room. “It’s alright, y/n!”
Quickly, you threw on some sweats and walked out into the other room and saw a tall angry looking man standing next to Brock.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here, Jack?! And how did you get in here anyway?!” He asked and then glanced in your direction. “Oh, y/n…this is Jack Rollins. We work together…Jack, this is y/n…we, uh, sleep together.”
Warmth spread across your cheeks, you were flushed with embarrassment as you covered your eyes and reached out to shake Jack’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” You said.
“Likewise.” Said Jack before turning back to Brock. “Your phone was off and Fury needs us for something, he didn’t say what. And I still had your key from when you were away and you wanted me to water your plants.”
You started to chuckle and bit down on your thumb. “You don’t have any plants, Brock.”
“Not anymore, thanks to this guy!” He said with a raised voice.
You continued to laugh and finally took a good look around. “Well you two made a hell of a mess, didn’t ya?” You said.
“He’s lucky I didn’t fuckin’ shoot him. I should shoot him anyway just for scaring you.” Brock said in a disappointing tone, glaring at Jack. “Lemme just get my stuff, hang on. Will you help me, doll?”
“Sure.” You replied, following him to the bedroom. “Where’s the bag with all of your--?”
Brock turned, pulled you in flush to his chest as his lips crashed against yours. His lips parted and his tongue glided against yours making it difficult to catch your breath.
His touches sent tremors of pleasure down your spine. Your breath was caught in your throat and you could only let out a muffled gasp as he kissed up and down your neck and throat.
“Not that I mind but what is all this for?” You asked, gently tugging on his hair.
He pulled back to look at you. “Just sayin’ see ya later.”
“Oh, ok.” You said with a wink.
“I want you to keep this with you.” He said, placing the gun in your hand. “I’ll let you know how long I’ll be and when I’ll be back, hopefully it won’t take too long.”
Jack called out from the other room. “Come on Rumlow, we gotta go! Fury’s gonna be pissed!”
“I’ll clean up the mess you two made.” You said with a warm smile.
He smiled back. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but when Fury calls, I gotta answer.”
“Are you ever gonna tell me what you do?” You asked in a joking tone.
He kissed the tip of your nose and said, “Maybe.”
“I gotta find Peanut, you two probably scared the shit outta him…be safe, baby.” You said, gently pressing your lips to his.
Brock turned and walked out of the bedroom, leaving you alone for you weren’t sure how long. “I’ll see you soon, doll.”
Before they closed the door behind them, you heard Jack say, “Dude, she is super-hot, does she have any single friends?”
His comment caused a smile to stretch across your lips and you smiled even bigger when you heard Brock’s response. “No, let’s go…you wrecked my house. Get out, now!”
The door closed behind them and you were alone with a mess to clean up and a cat to find.
You decided to wait until the next day to clean up the mess Jack and Brock made. It was late so you stuck the gun under the bed next to you and tried to get some sleep.
You did end up finding Peanut and he slept in the chair Brock had in the bedroom, but it was a little lonely sleeping by yourself.
The next day was spent cleaning up and you even went further cleaning his entire place which wasn’t a complete disaster considering he lived alone.
Brock texted to say he would be back later that night so after you had finished cleaning, you spent the day cooking and even baked some cookies.
You did remember to bring the gun with you to every room you went into even while you were taking a shower.
As you sat on the couch watching a movie, your mind wandered and you were lost in a daze thinking about last night, thinking about Brock touching you, kissing you, and leaving a trail of love bites that only he could see. Goosebumps peppered your skin as you clenched your aching thighs together thinking about it all.
You wanted him home.
Three quick raps on the door snapped you out of your daydream. Without thinking, you walked over to the door and threw it open, as you said, “Did you forget your keys, baby?”
Standing in the doorway was Danny. You tried to slam the door shut but he pushed his way through.
“Hey beautiful. You shouldn’t open the door for strangers.”
You pulled the gun Brock gave you and aimed it between his eyes. “Get outta here, Danny and I won’t have to shoot you.”
Just then, Peanut jumped onto the counter and started meowing.
“Ah, there he is.” Said Danny, walking over toward him.
He leaned down to give him a pet and Peanut swiped at his face, scratching him above the eye. Danny cried out in pain and touched the cut the cat just gave him.
“I told you he never liked you.” You said with a slightly wicked smile, still pointing the gun at him. “Now, get out!”
“You just gonna shoot me, y/n? You don’t wanna try and put those fighting skills to the test? You got lucky last time, knocking me out with the freezer door. Put the gun down, lemme see what you can actually do.”
The day you met Brock, you remembered what he said to you before your first training session. “Leave those bruises uncovered. I want you to take one more look at them because after I’m done with you, those will be the last set of bruises he’ll ever give you.”
You switched the safety on and set the gun on the kitchen counter behind you.
Danny was never going to stop coming after you, he was never going to leave you alone, and you realized that this has to end. It has to end tonight, you didn’t want to have to look over your shoulder anymore when you walked down the street or wonder if he was going to show up at your door again.
You were tired of running and you were going to make him leave.
Brock said you were strong, one of the strongest people he’s ever trained and you didn’t want to let him down or more importantly, let yourself down.
He knew you were very capable of taking down someone larger than you, and that fierce look you had in your eyes when you kicked Brock’s legs out from underneath him.
It excited you and gave you the confidence you desperately needed and the confidence Brock was trying to give you every time you trained together. Rage burned throughout your body, it felt like white hot fire and something inside you just snapped.
You took two steps toward him, took a swing and landed a punch to the nose. Danny’s eyes began to water and his nose started to bleed. His only response was to laugh and when he was done laughing, he said, “Now that’s more like it.”
While Jack was driving back to the apartment, the feeling Brock had in the pit of his stomach was a feeling of uneasiness like there was something wrong back at home. He didn’t want to leave you even just for the day he was gone, not because he knew you couldn’t take care of yourself but because he…missed you.
He had grown to care for you in the past six months and even more so in the past two weeks since you had been staying with him.
“Drive faster, Jack.” Brock said sharply. He had a piercing dryness in his throat which made it difficult for him to swallow.
“I’m goin’ as fast as I can, I’m sure she’s fine.” Jack replied.
Softy and under his breath, Brock said, “I hope so.”
He remembered the day he met you, the pale greenish-yellow bruise on the top of your cheekbone, and the bruises around the tops of your arms…he remembered how angry it made him, how it caused his muscles to tighten and his face to flush with rage.
Brock could tell you were nervous to talk to him. He was hyper aware of how scared you were to even approach him, but also how it took a lot of guts to do that.
You didn’t even lie about why you wanted to learn from him, not that you could with the bruises that were visible.
He didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to relationships, or even friendships for that matter but he knew that he cared about you and couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong at home.
And he was hoping that he would get to you before it was too late.
Once you started landing punches, it was difficult to stop. Danny tried countering but he was predictable. You knew his patterns of how he would go about trying to hit you or grab you, trying to make it so you didn’t get up again but you weren’t going to let him.
Brock was right. There WAS a lot of blood in the face.
With every crack to his body, he would let out a loud groan and wince in pain, yet he would still try and come for you. You didn’t need the help of a freezer door to subdue him this time and you didn’t need to run either.
Using duct tape and rope, you tied him up so he couldn’t escape. A piece of tape also went over his mouth in case he came to and decided to try and call out for help.
“He said he was on his way.” You whispered to yourself. “Please don’t wake up yet.” You said, pointing the gun in Danny’s direction again. “Please don’t wake up.”
Even though the apartment was warm, you felt cold and your teeth chattering together sounded like tap shoes against a dance floor. Wiping the sweat off of your upper lip, the taste of salt and blood danced across your tongue although it wasn’t your blood you were tasting.
It was Danny’s.
Looking around, there was blood and broken glass everywhere and when you looked at Danny’s unconscious body, that’s when you finally let go. Your eyes welled up with tears and you broke down sobbing.
Everything you had been feeling up until that point, all of the anger, frustration, hurt and betrayal hit you all at once like a wave crashing against the shore.
He wasn’t going to do this to you or anyone else ever again.
Time seemed to stand still before you heard your name being called from the other side of the door followed by a few quick knocks.
“Y/n? Sweetheart, it’s me and Jack. I’m gonna open the door.” Said Brock.
They were stunned to see the state of the apartment and a man lying unconscious and tied up on the floor, his face slick with blood.
Their guns were drawn when they opened the door but quickly put them away when they saw Danny.
“Check him!” Brock said with a deep growl to Jack as he rushed to your side.
“He’s alive but he is OUT!” Rollins said.
He was a little difficult to make out because the tears in your eyes made him blurry but as soon as he got to you, Brock brushed the tears out of your eyes, told you to put the gun down, and pulled you close to his chest.
He pulled away to look you over. “Are you hurt?” He asked, gripping your face by the chin and turning it from side to side and looking at your neck.
Danny did get one hit in, he managed to cut your lip and your knuckles were badly bruised and sprinkled with tiny cuts but other than that, you were unharmed.
“Lemme see your hands.” He took your hands in his and saw how badly they were marked up. “You’re gonna need some ice or they’re gonna swell.”
You heard the faint moaning sounds of Danny waking up and watched him struggle to free himself but getting nowhere.
Brock’s face stiffened and suddenly his eyes glowed with a savage fire as he pulled his knife from its sheath, walked over to Danny, pulled him up by his hair, and held the knife to his throat.
“I oughta kill you right now, you piece of shit!” Brock shouted in Danny’s ear.
“Brock, don’t!” You pleaded.
He flicked his gaze over to you and you could see in his golden eyes that he wanted to. He wanted to open Danny’s throat and spill his blood all over the floor. Brock’s lip curled back to reveal gnashed teeth, trying so hard to reel in his anger.
“Please. Put the knife away, Brock. He forced his way in here, let’s just call the police.” You said softly. “I’m ok…really.”
After you hung up with the police, you watched Brock put his knife away and shove Danny’s head forward so hard that it made a “thud” noise against the floor.
Your mouth narrowed to a fine line. “Was that really necessary?” You said in a slightly sarcastic tone.
Brock pointed down at a bloody Danny and asked you, “Was THAT?! You beat the shit outta him, doll.”
“Yes I know I did.”
Brock pulled Danny by the hair again. “You are never gonna bother her again. I’ll kill ya myself if you come near her, tell me you understand, asshole. TELL ME!!”
Danny tried to nod but Brock was still holding on to his hair and he still had the tape over his mouth but he managed to let the both of you know that he understood.
“Mmmm hmmm…” He mumbled.
The police took Danny away and said they would be in touch. Watching him being led away in handcuffs gave you a sense of relief, like for the first time in a long time you could exhale and just…be happy.
Brock never took his eyes off of you. After the cops left, he gently touched your shaking hands. His hands felt warm against your cold skin as he pulled you in close to his chest.
You could hear his heart racing as it beat rapidly against your ear and the fabric of his t-shirt felt soft against his cheek.
“I swear the apartment was clean before all this.” You said, cracking a smile. “I’ll pay for everything I broke, just let me know—“
Brock interrupted and captured your lips in a soft kiss, his stubble scratched against your chin and cheeks, and his hand migrated to the back of your neck.
He held onto you tightly, like he never wanted to let you go.
“You know I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you’re safe, sweetheart.” Brock said, kissing your forehead.
Jack looked over at the two of you with a confused look on his face.
“Wait…so y/n can break a bunch of your shit and gets a pass but you’re still mad about me killing a few houseplants?!” He exclaimed.
Brock gave you a wink.
“She’s a LOT prettier than you are, Rollins! And since you brought it up again, how ‘bout you replace the plants that you killed…right now.”
Jack was trying to stop Brock from pushing him further down the hallway.
“Right now?! Ok well, if I get you new houseplants, will you ask her if she has any single friends?” Asked Jack.
A wide smile stretched across your face and you let out a slight chuckle.
“I’ll think about it, now get out of our house.” He said.
You felt your heart jump into your throat.
“Our house?” You asked.
Brock gave you a devilish smirk. “If you want it to be, I kinda like havin’ ya here.”
“Oh, just kinda huh?” You said with a laugh.
“Yeah, plus you’re a much better cook than I am, doll.” He said.
You raised your eyebrows in agreement. “Well, I can’t argue with you there Rumlow, I don’t know how you manage to mess up scrambled eggs but you do.”
He gave you his signature subtle smile and closed the distance between you. His presence was solid and reassuring as he tilted your chin up and tenderly pressed his lips to yours.
“So what do ya say, doll? Will you stay?”
You returned his kiss before telling him with a smile, “Yes Brock, of course I’ll stay.”
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thewritergremlin-rae · 4 months
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A Drunken Goodnight
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x new SHIELD Agent!Reader Rating: M Words: 618 Content: 2nd person, pre-WS so Hydra!Brock but pretending to be SHIELD, age gap (reader is 21+, Brock is 40+), power dynamics, tipsy reader, implied manipulation, unreliable narrator Summary: You have a few celebration drinks in honour of you joining SHIELD. A few too many, so your kind of mentor, Brock Rumlow, lets you crash at his place.
Banner by cafekitsune
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His large hands cup your cheeks and you sway a little, feeling light headed. 
You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or his warm, rough hands. “Congratulations, agent,” he hums, grinning and pretending like he can’t see how open and desperate your expression is. “But I think it’s time to get outta here.” 
He picks you up easily, your legs and arms wrapping around him as his hand rests on the delicious curve of your ass. But you don’t think anything of it, even when Brock needlessly adjusts your position, fingers brushing the seam of your jeans. 
Brock gets you into his car with no problems, you wonderfully pliant and happy to follow his instructions. 
You might have drifted off for the drive home because it seems like in only the blink of an eye the car has come to a stop in an enclosed parking lot. “I worry about leaving ya alone like this so you can have my room, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He breezes past any protests by hauling you out of his car and into his side as you stumble a few steps. 
His apartment is warm as he gets you through the door and helps you lean against the wall. You hastily grab his shoulder when he’s crouching and carefully removing your tired feet from the heels you decided to try out for the night. When he looks up at you from between your legs, heat rushes to your cheeks and you might think it had some kind of purpose but your brain is slow and Brock is on his feet again, kicking his own shoes off as he leads you to his room.
You sit on the bed with a soft thump as your legs realise they can finally give up their task for the night. Brock is flicking through his wardrobe and turns to toss a loose t-shirt and shorts. “Hope these are good enough for our new agent,” he teases with a grin and you nod with a soft laugh. “You think you can get changed by yourself, sweetheart?”
More heat tingles against your cheeks as you nod and put the flung clothes to one side. You barely wait for him to turn away before you’re pulling off your favourite top. It catches on your yawn and you giggle again, managing to free yourself with a few grunts. 
“That sounded pretty tough, you sure you don’t need my help?”
“No - no I’m good!” You assure him in a determined voice that is way too loud for the two feet he’s stood away from you but his chuckle is amused and you get his spare t-shirt on much more easily. Next are the shorts but given that your legs gave up about a minute ago, you flop back on the bed unceremoniously and lift your hips to get the jeans over your ass and kicked off the rest of the way. His shorts go on with one more jut of your hips to pull them in place and this time you stay laid back on the bed. “I did it!” You declare - like you just solved complicated algebra. 
Rumlow laughs as he turns, giving you a playful eyeroll to hide the way he drinks you in. “Real cute, agent. You gonna get under those covers or do I gotta tuck you in?” 
Your embarrassment fuels you as you scramble back and manage to get under the duvet, pulling it back down to cover you. Only to find Brock leaning over you, so dangerously close you think he might kiss you.
He brushes a kiss to your forehead and wishes you goodnight, knowing he leaves you a frustrated and tipsy mess.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Brock Rumlow/Crossbones Masterlist
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Masterlist for all Brock Rumlow stories
Contains: 💔 angst // 💕 fluff // 💦 smut // 🖤 light smut // 🤍 implied smut
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The enemies wife
His latest target
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Divider by me *for my blog use only*
Find more Marvel stories here: Marvel Masterlist
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader (past), Brock Rumlow X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader
Word count: 930 words.
Summary: Steve broke up with you, but after that, you found the love of your life.
Warnings: Angst, but a happy ending.
A/N: This is my gift to @sweetascanbee’s Love Is A Game Writing Challenge with the prompt:
"They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I ain't done much healing–Hello, 25.”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow  @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch​  @chaoticcollectivenightmare​
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April 25th
 You saw the clock hanging on the wall. Steve had been five minutes late. That was odd; he had always been on time.
"Steve, what's wrong?" You asked with concern when you saw the look on his face.
"I'm sorry, but I can't go on; I don't feel anything for you anymore." Steve's voice sounded cold.
"Oh, it's okay; I understand," you said, blinking several times, confused. You left the room; you didn't expect Steve to end your relationship; you never expected it to happen.
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"Did you?" Bucky asked as he saw his friend enter, and Steve nodded, "Are you sure it was the right thing to do?"
"Y/N is wonderful, but she won't be happy with me; she deserves someone else, someone from her era, who won't put her life in danger."
"Y/N is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; she knows perfectly well what she is exposed to," Bucky interrupted him.
"I love her so much; I want her to be happy, but I don't think she can have everything she wants and deserves with me."
"I think you're making a mistake." "All you did was break her heart, and now she'll hate you."
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After 25 weeks
 From the moment you broke up, you didn't have a single assignment where Steve was around anymore. In fact, you noticed that he avoided you; if he saw you around, he would divert his path or just walk away; he wouldn't say a word to you either.
You were sitting alone in the bar; you didn't even know what you were doing there, but you were getting bored. You looked up when someone approached you; you frowned a little and thought it was strange that he approached you since you had never talked before, except for the missions.
"Is this seat taken?" Brock asked, and you shook your head; you were so bored you couldn't even be bothered to have a conversation with him.
"I know who you are; we've had missions together as a team." You interrupted him.
"I thought you never noticed me," he commented.
"It's impossible to ignore you," you replied. You continued talking for several hours, and unexpectedly, Brock was not as unfriendly and hateful as you always thought. "You know that most people don't respect you, don't you?"
"They're afraid of me, but I'm not complaining; none of the others is interested in getting to know me; I'm very different from what they think," Brock assured, and you let out a chuckle. "I haven't seen you lately with Rogers."
Rogers: "We broke up; I guess it didn't work."
"That idiot doesn't know what he's missing."
"Excuse me?"
"Come on, Y/N, you're one of the best agents."
"You really believe that?"
"I do."
You kept talking until you ended up at your apartment. Maybe you were starting to have feelings for Brock, and maybe he always had feelings for you.
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After 25 months
 "Steve, are you going?" Bucky asked, catching up with his friend.
"Where to? "Steve paused, not remembering that he had a mission.
"Y/N and Rumlow's wedding...
Steve stopped listening; he didn't even know that you and Brock had a relationship, much less that you were going to get married. During all that time, he thought a lot about what happened; he thought he had made a mistake, but he didn't know if you would forgive him. However, he had just realized that he had let a lot of time pass and that life had continued.
The next few days, Steve couldn't stop thinking; he had to see you one more time before you walked down the aisle, and he managed to find out all the details of your wedding.
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It was 25 minutes before the ceremony started, and you were looking at yourself in the mirror. All the details were the same as you had always imagined, but you felt a little pressure in your stomach because of your nerves. You blinked several times when you saw your reflection in the mirror; you wouldn't carve your eyes to avoid ruining your makeup.
"Steve... "
"You look beautiful—more beautiful than ever," Steve said, approaching you. You turned to face him.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned if, if he came to ask you to run away with him or something, you would refuse; you were so happy with Brock.
"Are you happy?" Steve asked without looking away from you.
"Yes, I am; don't even think you're going to ruin my day," you answered in a challenging way. If he tried anything else, you would call security to get him out.
"No, I would never think of doing something like that; the only thing I wanted to know was if you were happy."
"I told you I am," you replied.
"I'm glad, Y/N, you deserve it; enjoy your wedding," Steve said, heading for the exit. "You swallowed saliva when you heard the door close. "Goodbye, my love."
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Steve listened to the other people in the support group; he knew that at that time you would be on your honeymoon, and he didn't know who else to tell what he thought and felt.
"They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I ain't done much healing," Steve said. "I made a big mistake believing that I couldn't make the love of my life happy, and now she's married someone else, probably the love of her life, but if she's happy, then I'm happy too, but I still believe I made a mistake, and now there's no way to fix it."
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Coming Soon - Only You
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x Reader
Summary: After a long day at work Brock comes home to you and a romantic night that you planned.
Warning: Smut, Oral (Fem)
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talia-rumlow · 1 year
Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eleven - I´m Not Dipping My Dick In His Leftovers!
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You still think about Steve, when you close the door behind you in your apartment. You can’t quite shake the feeling that there is something special about him. Something different. You’re usually a person that figures people out quite fast. But this guy… This guy, you can’t figure him out.
You open your laptop and Google «Non Disclosure Agreement"
«A confidentiality agreement (also called a nondisclosure agreement or NDA) is a legally binding contract in which a person or business promises to treat specific information as a trade secret and promises not to disclose the secret to others without proper authorization.»
Yeah. Well, you’re not the kinda person who broadcasts that you work in the Escort business. So this won’t be hard to do. It’s not like you’re planning on going to the grocery store and be like «Hey, I’m fucking SHIELD Agents». Or, well. To be honest, they are the ones fucking you. Or, did Alexander mean something else with this contract?
You’re not working for SHIELD exactly. You just provide a service. So what is this specific information that is mentioned? And what kind of trade secrets can you possibly get to know? It’s not like you have access to their computer systems or anything. And you can’t imagine Rollins and Rumlow will ever leave you alone inside the building, other than the elevator.
You really don’t want to think about this, you’ll probably never find the answers anyway. So you spend the rest of the day, going trough your clothes and your make up. Searching on line for new stuff to buy. Deciding on what’s best to use for this high end job you just got.
The following Friday, you once again show up at the SHIELD building. This time you have a code you use on the panel by the door, and you get yourself up to the 14th floor. When you reach the door, you can hear Rollins and Rumlow inside. You don’t know why, but it’s something in their voices that intrigues you. So instead of knocking, you press your ear up against the door, and listen in.
– I don’t know Rumlow. Do you think that’s a good idea? It’s only her second time. And we’ve already scared away two of them before!
Her? Are they talking about you? You try to be as quiet as possible, and continue to listen to them.
– She is the only one who’s coming back for a second serving. She can take it. And it could be fun?
You swallow. What the hell are they planning to do to you? Should you leave?
– Fun? I thought we were the ones who was gonna have fun with her. How could this be fun for us?
What the fuck? Are they bringing in another Agent as well? How is this going to end? A SHIELD orgy isn’t exactly what you signed up for.
– Come on, Rollins! We can watch. We can hold her down. And we can have her afterwards.
– Before, Rumlow. We’ll have her before. I’m not dipping my dick in his leftovers.
You don’t understand a single thing. Are they bringing in another Agent they don’t like? Why the hell would they do that? Is it like to make fun of someone with a small dick, or someone who hasn’t done it before? Someone they know can’t make you come like they did?
– Fine! Before! We can warm her up first. Make it a bit easier for him. The mission he’s about to go on, requiers loyalty from his side. We need him back.
Aha.. That explanes a lot. A disloyal Agent, or at least an agent they believe to be disloyal. And they are going to use you, as what? Bait? Reward? Dangle you in front of his face, and threaten to take you away if he doesn’t follow orders. Can you do that? Are you prepared to let them do that to you? 70%, YN! You can do this for 70%, and a company card. 70% means you can cut off some of the sleazy clients, you really don’t like. Although these Agent guys are rough and scary at times. They are the most good looking clients you have. Yes! You can do this. You just hope that disloyal Agent is just as good looking as them.
– Do you think he’ll be able to do it?
– What do you mean, Rollins? Will he be able to fuck her?
– Yes, Rumlow! He probably haven’t had a hard on for years!
– Well if not, she can probably teach him a trick or ten. She was good, Rollins. You know that!
Wow, you were good? They actually said that to each other? You never thought about that before, if you were good or not. You usually just show up, do the stuff they want you to do, and then leave. And you always, ALWAYS fake it. But you didn’t with them. Is that why you were good? No! Most of your clients are regulars, maybe you’re always good. Or maybe they just don’t care. As long as they get a hard on, get sucked off, or a hole to put it in.
– Of course I know that, Rumlow. I just don’t get why we are going to GIVE her to HIM. What has he ever done to deserve her?
Rollins seems to have a hate towards this other Agent. And your curiosity wants to know why. Do they know you’ve arrived? Can you continue to listen in, or will they start to look for you?
– We’re not going to give her to him. We’ll be in charge the whole time. We’re not going to leave her there!
There? Where is there? There is no way in hell you’re leaving the SHIELD building with them. In fact, you’re not allowed to. The madam has strict rules about stuff like that. She wants to know where you are, when you do a job. Stories about escorts being kidnapped and killed goes around. And these rules are for your safety. If you break the rules, you can get fired. The madam is adamant about your safety on the job.
– You’re the boss Rumlow. But I’m still not thrilled!
– You will be, when you get to watch the show.
Oh, so you were right. Rumlow is the boss. That’s what you thought after last time. Although Rollins has a rougher look, Rumlow seems more like the boss type.
– And well, if you don’t want to dip your cock in his leftovers, we can always give her the reward she deserves in the shower. Wash him off her…
Jesus fucking God. They are standing in there, planning the night with you down to the teeth. Did they have a plan last time too? You’re not afraid of them anymore, like you were last time. They both turned out to be pretty nice. But this new person they’re talking about, makes you a little nervous. And you don’t know how you feel about being used like this. Like a reward, a threat…
– Shower sex is my favorite.
– Yeah? Maybe it’s hers too!
Rollins laughs a bit.
– To me it kinda looked like she enjoyed the pain we put her through last time.
– Who said we can’t inflict pain in the shower?
OK, you’ve heard enough. You already know this night will be painful. It’s not your first visit here. And it’s better if you don’t know everything. You take a deep breath, before you knock on the door.
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @randomlittleimp @here4thefanfics
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girl like you 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as kidnapping, marital discord, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: a fight with your husband leads to an unexpected situation.
Characters: Lee Bodecker, Jake Jensen
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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"Marge," you struggle to keep the exasperation from your voice, "that's not how it works. It's a civil dispute, not criminal--" 
"They signed a contract," the blonde dictator bites back at you. 
"Right, and we're going through the appropriate channels to have there violations dealt with--" 
"Ugh, whatever," she throws the folder at you, "shoulda know better. I heard you never even passed the bar." 
You catch the file before the papers can flutter out. You scowl at her as she pushes her hands out in frustration and stomps her pink heel. You pinch your cheeks between your teeth. You never got to take the bar, you got married. Like her. Maybe you should ask about the dust on her English degree. 
"And that lipstick is tacky. It looks awful with your skin tone," she snarls as she rams a manicured nail in your direction, huffing and spin, taking off like a tornado towards the rest of the doll-like HOA clones. 
You look down as you shuffle the papers straight and shrug. You've never quite fit in. This place is like high school 2.0. You never have the right clothes or the right makeup, and no matter how much you primp, your hair just won't behave. You don't know why you bother. 
Well, it's something to do. A hobby in your mostly empty life. Brock promised you it wouldn't be like this. To his defence, you're the idiot who believed him. 
Your husband hasn't exactly kept his promises, has he? You leave through the gate, not bothering with the niceties. You're certain your dismissal was thoroughly witnessed. Besides, the meeting is as good as done. 
You wait by the curb, a text sent to Brock. Your feet kill in these slingbacks. You hate those as much as you hate the mascara that makes your lashes stick. 
The black car comes down the street and you open the door, dropping inside with a puff. You rest the folder in your lap and roll your eyes back against a repressed yawn. You shut the door and buckle your belt. 
"Hey, honey," you greet your husband. "How was your day?" 
"Busy," Brock answers curtly. 
"Oh, did you have dinner? I left it in the oven to reheat--" 
"Your my wife, you're the one who warms my dinner," he insists. 
Your nostrils flare and you look away. This is exactly what you dreaded the day you accepted that ring. All those years of schooling and you threw it away for an empty vow. 
"Alright, I'll turn the stove on when I get in--" 
"How was it? You're early. You didn't stay for drinks?" 
"I'm tired." 
"So? Five years and what do you have to show for it? Like I wanna hear about those dumb bitches at the barbecue? No, I wanna hear about my wife. About everything she's doing for the neighbourhood." 
"Don't talk like that," your murmur. If he thinks they're dumb, what does he think of you? 
"Don't tell me what to do," he snorts, "you know, you might be a little happier if you put in a little effort. Not like I don't bust my ass so you can buy nice dresses and yet you're still wearing this." 
He reaches over and tugs your skirt. It's one of your favourite dresses. You don't see an issue with it, other than it might be a bit past its prime. Besides, he does make a lot of money but you're the one who counts it and makes sure the bills get paid. There isn't room for you to buy Chanel. 
"Sorry," you mutter towards the window. 
"Don't be sorry, do better," he rolls the steering wheel as he rolls around the cul de sac. 
Your chest sinks and your lip twitches. Do better. You're tired of hearing that. You're tired of trying. You're just tired. 
"Stop the car," you demand as you sit up. 
"What?" He scoffs.  
"Stop the car and let me out--" 
"We're almost home." 
"I said let me out of the car," you snarl, "now!" 
He slams on the breaks so hard, you nearly smack into the dashboard. You hit the button on the seat belt and let it rebel. You grab the folder and throw it on the dash so the pages scatter. 
"You can turn a fucking dial," you snip and push the door open. 
He catches your arm, his grip tight and unbending, "where are you going?" 
"I don't know. Anywhere but here." 
"Don't be fucking stupid, get back in the car," he commands. 
"Let go!" 
"You're being stupid--" 
"Like always, right?" You spit at him and wriggle free, his nails scratching you hotly. "I'm done. I can't make you happy and I'm tired of trying." 
You get out and swing the door shut. You grip the strap of your purse, still hooked over your shoulder, and turn on your heel. You click down the sidewalk as he revs and jolts forward, following you. 
"Babe, get back in the car," he calls through the window. 
You ignore him and stomp on, nearly bending your ankle as you do. 
"Stop PMSing and get in the damn car!" He speeds up, almost driving past you, "don't make me tell you again." 
You keep quiet and march on. His brakes scrape to a halt and the car door opens and closes. You hear him behind you. You speed up to evade him. 
"You always gotta make everything a fucking task--" 
He grabs onto your purse and yanks you back, nearly knocking you on your ass. You cry out and face him, tugging on the bag as you play tug-of-war on the sidewalk. The sudden woop startles both of you and the purse drops to the ground.  
You look over as the cruiser pulls up. You know the car number and the face above the wheel. The same on that patrols the suburb. The HOA buys Sheriff Bodecker a special Christmas turkey every year and several other throughout to mark even the most redundant holidays. He's firmly in the pocket of the Stepford robots. 
"Everything okay over here?" Bodecker drawls as he rolls down his window.  
"Yes," Brock answers in tandem with your "no." 
Your husband sighs, "just a marital spat, sir, you know how it is." 
You grimace and shake your head. You pick up the purse as Brock looms close, "nothing to worry about Sheriff," you stand and swoop the bag over your elbow. "Thanks." 
"Babe," Brock says, "let's go home." 
"No," you retort and turn around, continuing on your way. 
You hear a footstep and another wail of the cruiser's siren, "sir, I'm gonna have to ask you not to follow the lady. She said no. She probably just needs to cool off." 
You shake your head and continue on. Brock's voice croaks but he can't summon words. He growls and backs off. 
As you continue down the block, tires slowly turn on the tarmac and you glance over at the sheriff keeps a light foot on the gas, "ma'am, you wanna get in? I'll take ya to the station to settle your mind." 
"It's fine, sheriff," you say, "thank you." 
"Now, miss, I don't mean to frighten you but I gotta," he insists, "I can't just drive off in case your husband decides to follow. I only wanna get you outta the way do he don't do anything dumb." 
"Sheriff, I--" you stop and your soles aches from the high arches of your shoes, "he wouldn't..." 
"Y'all were pretty heated back there," he says, "I'm not saying what would happen, but I'd feel better knowin' you're not wandering the streets alone." 
You chew your tongue and look back and forth. Brock watches from down the street, leaning on his car. You know he's just waiting for Bodecker to take off so he can do exactly what the policeman suggests. 
"Thank you, sir," you step towards the curb, "I appreciate that." 
"Anything for a good lady like yerself," he nods, "'fraid you're gonna have to ride piggy back though." 
He shifts into park and gets out. He opens the back door and you teeter at the edge of the pavement. You never pictured yourself in the back of a police car but it's preferable to the alternative. 
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ethereal--muse · 14 days
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goshhh, those women were always kidnapped and forced to marry HOT dark men
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The Color of Blood [2]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: angst, canon level violence, cursing, oh did I mention angst?
Word Count: 3,372
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
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There were some people out in this wild, wild world who didn’t know what it was like to slowly wake up with a concussion, in an unknown room, surrounded by people who meant you harm. Unfortunately, you were not one of those people. Double unfortunately, you were finding yourself in that position again.
You blinked your blurry eyes a few times, trying to make the world stop spinning, and when things finally did become clear it took you a second to remember what had happened. Not the being attacked on a bridge thing. The suddenly being able to see color thing. You couldn’t help but suck in a sharp breath of shock. The room around you was so vibrant and sharp. It made you wish you had the time to fully absorb this new view of the world.
You didn’t though because suddenly you were being hit in the face again.
With a hiss of pain, your head snapped to the side and before you could do anything someone roughly grabbed the front of your shirt and yanked you off the ground into a seated position.
“Welcome back to the world of the living.” Rumlow grinned at you.
“Being stuck staring at your ugly mug,” You spat at him, “I kind of wish I was back in the world of the dead.”
The traitorous agent chuckled, “Oh, don’t say that. I thought we were friends, Agent.”
“That was before I found out you were HYDRA scum.” This time you literally spat at him.
Rumlow threw you aside with a growl as he swiped at his face. You threw your foot forward to kick out his knee. He crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain and you got up to run past him, but his rough hand wrapped around your ankle causing you to hit the floor again.
Your already concussed brain groaned at the impact, but you didn’t stop swinging. You kicked your leg out, trying to make contact with Rumlow’s stupid face, but he army crawled across the ground until he was lying on top of you. His hands pinned down your wrists as he sat on your hips.
Rumlow gave you a sickening smile, “No need to play rough.”
“Fuck,” You spoke between clenched teeth, “You.”
“You wanna know what I just got back from?” Rumlow replied.
Rumlow’s hands tightened around your wrists, “I was out burying your little friends.” You felt your entire body tense as your jaw clenched down. “Don’t worry. I remember exactly where we put ‘em. Just in case you wanna visit their unmarked graves one day. That is if we don’t put you beside them.”
“God, you just talk way too much.” You growled. There was no part of you that thought Brock Rumlow of all people had finally brought your friends down. Maybe it was blind faith, but you were sticking by it.
The sound of a door opening made Rumlow push up off of you, but you held back on going onto the offense. The door had swung open because a whole new squad of HYDRA goons had strolled in. At the head of the pack was Alexander Pierce. Somehow seeing him in color made you hate him all the more.
Pierce called out your full name then hummed with a polite smile. As if he was casually running into you at SHIELD headquarters rather than looming over you as the hidden HYDRA thug in charge. “I am so happy to see you here.”
You shakily got to your feet, in a defensive position, “You come a step closer, and I will kill you.”
“There’s no need for that.” Pierce clicked his tongue in disappointment.
Alexander Pierce had been your hero. You hadn’t worked with him personally in quite some time, but he was the one to recommend your recruitment to SHIELD in the first place. Where the world saw anger, chaos, and delinquency, he saw potential. He got you into the field agent academy and put you on the path to who you were today. Nick Fury’s pride and joy was Natasha Romanoff. You were Alexander Pierce’s.
He stopped a few steps in front of you and the only thing holding you back from clawing his face off were the agents right behind him with guns. Pierce stuck his hands into his suit pockets, “I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’m not sure why the asset brought you here, but I couldn’t be happier. You belong here. With us.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh, but you do.” Pierce smirked. “Why do you think I recruited you in the first place? I saw exactly what you could be from the start. You can do the world a lot more good from this side than the one you’re on.”
You scoffed, “Says the man who’s planning on slaughtering a few billion people.”
“Necessary sacrifices.” Pierce shook his head in disappointment. “Sometimes if you want to change the world you have to get your hands dirty. I taught you better than to think so small.”
“You didn’t teach me shit.” You snapped. “Your name might be on my entry paperwork, but I am not your puppet, and I never will be.”
Pierce sighed and you watched him move his jaw to the right and left as he thought. You recognized the look of irritation he wore. He nodded once and Rumlow was on you again. The agent grabbed you by the back of the neck and shoved the end of his handgun to your temple. The older man stepped closer again so he was right in your personal space, “Why did the asset bring you here?”
“He’s your asset. You tell me.” You replied with a raised eyebrow. Telling him the truth about your apparent soulmate seemed like a very bad idea. Pierce must have recognized the determination in your eyes. He clenched his jaw and walked toward the open door to the left, opposite from the one he came into. Pierce made a motion with his hand and Rumlow dragged you after him. The next room looked like it used to be the back of a bank. The walls were covered in small, locked vaults. In the center of the room though was a strange set up. A chair surrounded by technology. In said chair though, was your soulmate. The Winter Soldier. Men in lab coats fluttered around him, but you couldn’t look away from the man in the chair.
The Winter Soldier was shirtless and slumped over with a look of confusion and fear on his features. It didn’t suit the mental image you had constructed of who this man was. His eyes were blue. That stood out to you. Red and blue were the only two real colors you were able to recognize and name at this point. The Winter Soldier’s blue eyes were mixed with some form of gray making them look stormy. It was hypnotizing, but the pain in them was distracting. Your eyes slid away from his eyes to where the metal arm was hooked to his body. Ugly, red scars decorated his shoulder where metal met flesh. It looked painful.
“Sir, he’s unstable.” One of the men working on the computers said, “Erratic.”
It was only then that you started to connect dots. They called this man an asset, yet he was seated in some sort of contraption, confused and lost, while his fellow agents had him surrounded at gunpoint? That seemed less asset and more prisoner to you. It also bothered you that you recognized his face still. It was familiar, at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“Mission report.” Pierce said. The Winter Soldier stared ahead at nothing. As if he were in a daze. “Mission report now.”
Pierce slid his glasses off, sliding them into his coat pocket, then he stepped forward to stand in front of the Soldier. He bent down just a bit and after a beat of silence the older man backhanded the Winter Soldier across the face. You physically flinched at the motion as your heart raced in your chest. You weren’t sure if your reaction was from watching your supposed soulmate get so casually slapped or from the gnawing fear in your stomach that something was very wrong here. This entire situation wasn’t what you originally thought it to be. The Winter Soldier looked back to Pierce, more life in his eyes, “The man on the bridge. Who was he?”
“You met him earlier this week on another assignment.” Pierce replied.
The Winter Soldier’s voice was softer than you thought possible, “I knew him.”
Pierce rolled a stool over and sat down, “Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century…”
The traitorous old bastard continued to talk, but you stared at the Winter Soldier’s face. Steve had frozen in shock. The Soldier knew him. Finally, it dawned on you. The realization felt like a sucker punch to your chest, all the air seemed to be knocked out of you. Of course, you recognized his damn face. You had just been at the ‘Captain America and the Howling Commandos’ exhibit with Steve just earlier this week.
“You’re Bucky Barnes.” You cried out in shock.
The Winter Soldier—no, Bucky’s eyes snapped to meet yours as if he was just realizing you were in this room too. Pierce barked out a curse to you, but Rumlow was the one to punish. The man slammed the butt of his handgun into the side of your face and threw you to the ground. His boot kicked your gut before you could even focus on the throbbing of your face. The blow to your temple left your ears ringing again as you tried to focus, and the next sound that came to you was yelling. You glanced up to see that Bucky had lunged across the room to you and he now held Rumlow by the man’s neck as he crushed him into the wall.
Rumlow was gasping for breath, clawing at the metal hand crushing his windpipe, while Pierce screamed at all the soldiers to not shoot. Nothing the old man or the scientists said made your soulmate stop. Rumlow’s face was turning blue and his desperate movements were slowing.
Pierce held a gun to your face, “Say his name now. Get him to stop.” You glared back at Pierce, lips pressed tightly together. He could shoot you if you wanted. You’d die happy with your last sight being Rumlow suffocating to death. Pierce locked his jaw then turned to hold the gun to the back of Bucky’s head. Your eyes widened. “Now, Agent!”
You had no other options. You were backed into a metaphorical corner.
“Bucky!” You called out.
Steve’s old friend released his grip on Rumlow. The agent fell to his knees gasping for breath while Bucky backpedaled in shock. You didn’t know what they did to the poor man, but he looked so lost. It was like every other moment he was trying to grasp where or who he was. Other agents grabbed him, and he didn’t fight back as they dragged him back to the chair. Before he could sit back up, they clamped metal rungs over his arms to lock him in.
“What the fuck was that!?” Pierce roared at you. He reached down and yanked you up in anger, “Why the hell did he bring you here with him!?” Pierce just stared you down and you tried to keep your face as blank as possible, but you could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes widened after a moment and you prayed it wasn’t for the reason you thought it was. Pierce nodded once and walked over to Bucky. He pointed the gun at him again, “What color are his eyes?”
You shook your head, “How am I supposed to know that?”
“Tell me the color of his fucking eyes.”
“I don’t know!” You yelled. Pierce wouldn’t shoot his asset, right?
Pierce lowered his weapon and you held back a breath of relief. Instead, the man motioned to one of the agents, “Start cutting off fingers on his right hand.”
Your eyes blew wide in panic, more than a trained agents’ probably should, but it was a scientist that spoke up, “Sir—!”
“He can still complete mission a few fingers short!” Pierce barked.
An agent walked over and pulled a knife from his belt. You tried to hold back, but the moment the agent’s knife pressed against Bucky’s skin you blurted the word out, “Blue!” Pierce gave you a sinister smile and you your entire chest ache. “He has blue eyes. Please don’t— Pierce, please.”
“Soulmates.” Pierce nodded with a chuckle. “Wow. Who would’ve guessed it? Your fated soulmate is a man who should’ve died 70 years ago. Huh.”
“What did you do to him?” You seethed.
“We made him the perfect weapon.” Pierce shrugged. He sat back down onto his stool. “The real question is… now what?”
“Sir.” The head scientist, you assumed since he had spoken the most, stepped forward with a gleam in his eyes, “I think we can use this to our advantage. We’ve been running into roadblocks with the asset. The longer he’s out of cryo, the harder it is to control him, but with his soulmate here…”
You clenched your hands into fists. Absolutely not. You’d die before being used as a part of this man’s torture. Your soulmate’s torture. Your thoughts were interrupted when an arm suddenly wrapped around your throat and lifted your feet off the ground. You clawed at the arm, knowing it was Rumlow behind you based on his angry growls in your ear, and tried to kick back at him futilely.
Bucky strained against the locks around his arms, his blue eyes burning with rage, and the scientist motioned to him, “See!”
“Rumlow.” Pierce said, but the man’s arm tightened around your throat. “Rumlow!”
Finally, you were released and when he dropped you, you stumbled to your knees gasping for air. You forced yourself to look up and your eyes met Bucky’s again. The rage had simmered into misery. You weren’t sure how present he was, how aware of the situation around him, but the sadness in his eyes was dreadful. Bucky was broad and large, significantly larger than you, but he looked so small in that chair. You had never felt such a strong urge to pull someone into your arms and whisper comforts to them. This wasn’t a man you knew. Not really. No more than the facts Steve told you or the fact that he was your soulmate, but you ached to bring him relief.
“Prep him.” Pierce commanded.
The scientist shook his head, “He’s been out of cryo freeze too long.”
“Then wipe him and start over.” Pierce replied and you watched as Bucky’s face crumpled in a mix of defeat and pain.
“Please, sir, I’m telling you.” The scientist tried to argue. “We use his soulmate to our advantage. His mission isn’t a success? Then she’s punished as well. The mission goes perfectly? He’s rewarded with time with her.”
You shot a glare to the scientist talking with his stupid bow tie. If you survived this, if you got the chance, you were gonna beat the shit out of him right after you dealt with Rumlow and Pierce.
As you mentally planned his fate, Pierce walked back over to you and reached his hand out. You refused to flinch as he let his hands trace the side of your face. He shook his head, “A stick always works better than a carrot. Wipe him now.” His lips curled up into a cruel smile. “And you, Agent, I want you to watch. You only just met, but I hear soulmates can bond extraordinarily fast.”
He gripped your chin tightly and snapped your head to watch as the scientists began to move about. The one with a bowtie grabbed a black mouth guard and brought it over to Bucky. Your soulmate’s jaw clenched briefly, eyes flared in determination, as he opened his mouth and let the scientist place the mouth guard in. They pressed a button, the seat lowered just a hair, and the large, metal circle behind him began to spin downward. Bucky’s chest was heaving with each breath.
You struggled against Pierce’s hand, “No. Don’t!” The arms of the circle stretched out as electricity bounced from site to site on the inner surface of the arms. The inner surfaces closed in to cover portions of Bucky’s face. You tried to tear yourself away, but your body was too weak to get the momentum it needed, “Stop it!”
The metal plates clamped down on Bucky’s face and you could briefly hear the humming of electricity. That sound was immediately washed out by the sickening screams coming from your soulmate. It was gut wrenching. Watching a man be tortured was rough, you had dealt with that before on a mission gone bad, but this was different. This was in a league of its own. You felt hot tears roll down your face as you clenched your eyes shut. That did nothing to drown out Bucky’s screams though. For the remainder of your life, however long that might end up being, you’d never be able to forget that sound. You’d never forget the absolute pain and agony and despair in every single scream that filled the air and cut through you like a hot knife.
And it just kept going and going and going.
It felt like a million years had come and gone.
Pierce let go of your face and you collapsed to your hands and knees. The scene had ended. Whatever it was they did to him had ended, but the screaming hadn’t. You could still hear it echoing in your head. Bouncing around your skull. Pierce knelt down beside you with a hum, “This is your last chance. Reach your full potential. Come with me. Help me change the world.”
You forced your head up so you could glare at the old man kneeling beside you. Never had you hated someone as much as you hated this man. Your training told you what you needed to do. Play the game. Tell Pierce what he wanted to hear. Go along with him until you found your moment to end him. You knew that. You knew that, but God, all you felt right now was rage. Your blood boiled under your skin. Your fury wouldn’t let you play this smart. You couldn’t even pretend to appease this man.
Regardless of what the consequence would be, you lunged forward and clawed at his face. Your nails caught his skin and dragged down enough to leave three long scratches down the side of his right face. Pierce howled in pain and then kicked you in the face. You went sprawling onto your back, blood pouring from your now broken nose.
“Such a waste.” Pierce spat at you. You groaned in pain and sat up just enough to watch as Bucky was released from his chair. The old man used his pocket square to blot at the bleeding scratches on his face. “Soldier?”
“Ready to comply.” Bucky said in an emotionless voice. It wasn’t Bucky anymore. It was the Winter Soldier again.
“You will kill Captain America. You will not let him reroute the helicarriers.” Pierce said gruffly. He glanced over at me and threw his bloody pocket square at me, “But you can start by killing her.”
You watched Pierce and Rumlow, along with the other agents, stalk out of the room without even a single look over their shoulders. Your face still ached, and you could feel blood running down the back of your throat. You slowly turned to look back at your soulmate to see he had risen from the chair and was now staring down at you. The stormy blue eyes were cold and lifeless. He began to march toward you while clenching and unclenching his metal hand.
You scrambled back as he continued to march toward you.
There was no recognition in his eyes.
Just malice.
Just the mission.
[previous chapter] [next chapter]
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Pretty Little Thing Part 9
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18+ Minors dni
Mob!Bucky x f reader, Rumlow x reader (forced marriage)
Other characters: Sam, Peter, Steve, Thor, Nat, Clint, Loki, Walker
Here is part 9. Things come to a head when Rumlow took back what’s his, but were you ever really his to being with? Also time for a character reveal. 
Warnings: forced abusive marriage, cheating, swearing, violence, kidnapping, fluff
(Some bits of this felt a little rushed but I really wanted to get this part out because I’m also working on part 10!) 
Word count: 2.4k
Part 8 
If Rumlow wanted to come after you, then he should have come after him.  
Bucky replayed the video from the security footage around his property. Rage pumped through his veins, seeing your limp body tossed over Rumlow’s shoulder, throwing you into a van and screeching off. You were supposed to be safe with him. The clicks of guns and the sound of loading of bullets filled the room as the rest of the team suited up to come find you; Bucky was done with peace. He tucked his gun in the waistband of his pants, the screen of his phone lighting up with Nat’s number.
“We already checked two of his other warehouses, they’re empty. He might’ve taken her to the storage at the docks; Barton and I are headed there now”
Sam, Thor and Steve followed Bucky out of his office, making their way to the vans where Peter was already waiting, his jaw ticking.
“Peter, stay here with May” Bucky was about to send him back inside, but Peter shook his head, his stance unwavering. “Parker, it’ll be danger-
“No, I’m coming” He shrugged, pulling away and climbing into one of the SUV’s, impatiently waiting to put a bullet through someone. Steve could tell by the way Bucky swallowed thickly, something was eating at him. He twirled his knife between his fingers, a habit it picked up when he got nervous.
“Spit it out punk”
Bucky shook his head but Steve gave him a pointed look, staying rooted in place until his best friend told him what he was thinking.
“I love her” 
“Mind telling me something, everyone wasn’t already aware of”  Steve snorted, shaking his head.
“If anything happens…make sure she’s taken care of. Save her first”
Steve wanted to argue and tell him everything would be fine but he knew it was pointless. He nodded while Bucky’s jaw clenched as everyone else jointed, ready to leave.
“I’m killing him” Bucky’s voice was a growl, his body tense while Steve gave his shoulder a squeeze as they got into the back, the SUV doors slamming shut.
“C’mon, let’s go get your girl”
Loki and Walker looked at each other while Rumlow paced around the room, growing more and more unhinged by the second. He had all his men surround the building, while Loki and Walker were assigned to guard you. He grinned, watching your eyes flutter open, your head throbbing from the sedatives he pumped you with.
“My pretty little thing”
You winced, your hands numb from the harsh ropes digging tightly into your skin. You were tied to a metal beam in the middle of a warehouse, the walls made entirely from concrete; no one would hear you scream. The faint smell of metallic copper and alcohol lingered in the air; you knew exactly where you were. His favourite place for business deals. The easiest place to dispose bodies. You felt bile rise in your throat as he brushed his lips against your temple, his body pressing against yours.
“Did you miss me doll?” You refused to meet his eyes even when he grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. A permanent scar ran down his face from when you had hit his face with a bottle. His hot breath fanned on your, groaning as he inhaled the lingering scent of your perfume. “You smell good, so good.  Look at what you started sweetheart, this mess I have to clean up, all because you couldn’t keep your legs closed” Rumlow tsked, his thumb caressing your cheek. “I lost a few of my men already, all just for you”
“This isn’t my fau-
The sound of his hand slapping your cheek echoed through the room, his chest heaving. You wanted to spit in his face, tears stinging your eyes, your skin hot from where his palm met your cheek.
“It is your fucking fault” He hissed, his teeth grazing your cheek. “You’re MY wife, MINE. YOU’RE MARRIED TO ME, I’D RATHER SEE YOU DEAD THAN LET HIM HAVE YOU” Walker flinched, watching Rumlow raise his hand to strike you again but Loki grabbed his wrist before he could touch you.
“If you kill her now, we lose leverage” He whispered, tugging Rumlow a few steps away from you. You rolled your eyes, smirking to yourself, enjoying the reactions you got from him. If you were going to die, might as well make him suffer too.
“He. Can’t. Have. YOU” Rumlow growled, his hands balled into fists; he knew he had to keep you alive until Bucky got there but he wanted to wrap his hands around your throat so badly, flashes of you spread out and moaning for him clouding his mind.
“He’s already had me” You sneered, licking off a drop of blood that tinged your lips. “I might be married to you but it’s him that I want”
“Boss don’t let her get to you” Walker warned, hearing the screeching of tires approaching the area. His heart was already racing, he knew he’d signed up for many things but dealing with Bucky’s blood lust wasn’t one of them. Loki grabbed Rumlow and held him back while you continued to taunt him, not holding back on a single thing you let Bucky do to you.
“You know I let him cum wherever he wants, dripping all over his bed”
“You better stop y/n” Rumlow hissed, but you didn’t care, your eyes locked with his.
“I know how he tastes”
“You fucking whore” Loki had to drag him back as he tried to lunge for you again, his hand desperate to reach for his gun.
“I let him fuck me the first time I stayed with him. He didn’t even have to ask”
“YOU FUCKING BITCH-”  Before he could fight Loki to get to you, the faint sound of gun shots caught his attention, pulling away from Loki, his lips curving upwards. “You’re little boytoy is here” He sneered, locking and loading his gun, striding over to grasp your face in his hands.
“First I’m going to kill him in front of you” His lips brushed your cheek, while his other hand trailed down your body, grasping the soft flesh of your thighs. His breath fanned on your neck, moving to whisper in your ear, gripping the back of your hair “then I’ll show you how a real man fucks”
“PARKER, WILSON, GO COVER THE NORTHERN SIDE” Steve shot down the men that charged towards them while Bucky shot two perfect rounds into the two guards at the front, before taking down a few more of Rumlow’s men. There was no slow build up; as soon as the cars screeched to a halt, the echoing of bullets rang through the air. Sam and Peter sprinted off to the front of the warehouse; Peter was going to make use of every single bullet he loaded without leaving any to spare. Nat and Clint had already covered the south wing while Thor and Steve joined Bucky’s side, searching for you.
The three men made their way down the dimly lit hall way, straight to the main metal doors that led to the center of the warehouse. Bucky had never felt fear and anger like this before, where he could feel his blood coursing through his body. He didn’t care what happened to him, killing Rumlow was a secondary issue; he just needed to see you alive and breathing.
As soon as they reached the doors, he burst through them, chest heaving, jaw clenched. You were the first thing his eyes fell on; you were alive. Cuts and bruises littering your body, you clothes were nearly in shreds. He couldn’t stand the way you were tied up, dark bruises from where Rumlow had his hands on you scattered on your arms and thighs but right now all that mattered to him was that you were alive. Loki stood near you while Walker joined Rumlow’s side. Rumlow grinned at the three men, his mind conflicting between killing Bucky on the spot or making him watch while he took you apart. 
“Are you here for someone Barnes”
“My girl” 
Walker felt an eerie chill watching Bucky silently stalk towards them, his eyes completely dark, void of emotion. His finger was already on the trigger, itching to put a bullet in Rumlow’s mouth but he wasn’t going to risk anything with you still there. Ironically, Rumlow felt the same; he couldn’t have you die in a shoot out when he didn’t get his way with you yet. His eyes switched between Steve, Thor and Bucky, all three men armed. He had to get you out first, before killing them off. 
“Loki, take y/n, GO, GET OUT”  Rumlow commanded, unwilling to let Bucky or any of his men rescue you when he finally got you back. He kept his eyes locked on Bucky, his chest heaving when he continued to stalk towards him. “Banres, don’t take another ste-
Rumlow whipped his gun out, his blood running cold when he heard the click of a pistol from behind him, the cold metal suddenly against his temple. Loki pressed it against Rumlow’s head, his lips curved upward into a smirk.
“Loki, what the fuck are you doing” He hissed, his eyes growing wide, feeling the barrel press further into his skin.
“I’m simply doing as I was asked” Loki smiled, while Walkers eyes grew wide, swallowing thickly, leaving Rumlow’s side and inching towards the door. 
“Brother” Thor nodded at Loki, before blocking the exist, preventing Walker from escaping.
“Who the fuck asked you to do this” Rumlow spat, his blood running cold at the satisfied smirk Bucky had on his face. 
“My boss James Barnes” Loki whispered, nearly cackling, he could practically hear Rumlow’s heart race “I don’t suppose you looked into my last name”
“Laufeyson” Rumlow growled through gritted teeth, his empire slipping from under his teeth. 
“I see you never heard of the Odinson brothers” Loki tsked, while Thor snorted as his brothers mischief. “Now drop the guns”
How anger surged through Rumlow, dropping the gun on the floor while Loki kicked it over and stepped aside, allowing Bucky to have his way. Steve rushed over to you, taking you off to the side while Bucky finally lunged for Rumlow. Sam and Peter ran into the warehouse having cleared what was left of the other guards. 
“You shouldn’t have taken her” Bucky threw a punch to his jaw, earning a satisfying crack, while Rumlows rings cut through his cheek. Bucky kicked him from under, sending him to the floor, unable to hold back anything any longer. 
He hurt you.
Bucky’s fist connected with his face repeatedly. 
Took you from him. 
Abused you. 
He made sure Rumlow’s vision was clouded with blood, he didn’t even have the right to look at you. 
His sweet baby.
You didn’t deserve any of this.
He broke each of his fingers with a satisfying snap, the pained cries only adding to his satisfaction. 
He’d never let that monster touch you again. 
“This ends now-
Bucky winced, feeling the knife slice into his side as Walker plunged it into him  before getting shot down by Peter. 
“You’ll- Rumlow grinned, blood staining his teeth.”-You’ll never get my wife” he hissed, gasping for air when Bucky’s hand wrapped around his throat. “I’m-I’m the one that-the on that married her” 
“You may have married her but I love her” Bucky threw Rumlow to the floor, catching the gun Steve tossed to him, pointing it between Rumlow’s eyes. “You’re never hurting her again” 
5 bullets. 1 would have been enough but the  4 were just to be sure. 
“Dispose of him” Bucky ordered, while Sam and Peter happily dragged Rumlow’s lifeless form off to the side of the warehouse. Bucky ran to you where you sat with Steve, tears streaming down your face looking at the blood that soaked his side. 
“M’here baby, look at me Angel, you’re safe”
“James!” You were hardly able to stand, but you pushed yourself to your feet, your hand pressing against the gash on his side. “You got hurt because of me-
“Shhhh, y/n, careful” His arms wrapped around you, slipping his blazer off and wrapping it around your body. You tried hard to stay standing, your knees giving way, letting him scoop you in his arms, setting you down on one of the crates.  “I’m here for you angel”
He looked over your body to see if there were any injuries he missed, but you were impatient. You just wanted to be in his arms again and take care of the cuts that now littered his body. 
“James, please, you’re bleeding” You tried to plead with him but he smiled softly at you, carrying you in his arms again. 
“Hardly a scratch angel” Your arms clung around his neck, breathing in his scent, hot tears flowing down your cheeks as he carried you back to the van. “Lets go home doll”
You could finally go home. 
He was your new home. 
Steve, and the rest followed behind while you clung onto him for dear life, refusing to let go, sitting in his lap as he sat in the back. You were joined with Thor, Peter and Loki while Sam sat at the front with Steve. Your heart raced, seeing the man who Rumlow had guard your locked room for days. Granted, something about him never made you feel unsafe. You remembered the many times he had stepped in before Rumlow could touch you. Bucky felt your body tremble slightly, rubbing your back soothingly, kissing your forehead. 
“I sent Loki to watch over you angel. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. I needed to know what he was doing to you” You peeked over at the man with dark raven hair, an apologetic smile gracing his face. 
“James sent me to watch over you after Rumlow locked you away. I apologize for not telling you anything or being able to do more. We didn’t want him growing suspicious and endanger you” 
“Thank you” You whispered, snuggling further in Bucky’s hold. Nothing mattered as long as you were with him again. You knew he would keep you safe. You fell asleep, tucked in his arms, stirring awake again when you felt the cool night air hit your skin. He held you close to him, carrying you up the drive way and through the doors of his home, taking you right to his room so he could take care of you. Just like he always did. 
“Welcome home my sweet doll” 
@glxwingrxse​  @hungryyeyess​  @sebsgirl71479​  @beabutterfly987​  @teambarnes72​  @witchywhore​ @jamesbuckybarneswify​ @slutforsexyseabass​  @chrisdrysdale​ @littlemarvelmenfan​  @buggy14​  @whimsyplaty92​  @sergntbarnes​ @inkedaztec​   @pono-pura-vida​   @moonlightreader649​ @brooklynscherry-z​  @elle14-blog1​ @justsebstan​ @littlelightnings​ @psychomanniac-blog​  @happyt0exist​   @emmabarnes​  @bethyruth​ @matchat3a​  @cjand10​   @getwellsoontana​  @cherryschaos​   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen​  @ashenc-blog​  @buckybarnessimpp​   @potatothots​  @goldylions​  @high-functioning-lokipath​ @morganemorganite-blog​  @kingfleury​   @peaches1958​   @spiderman-stilinski​   @peaceinourtime82​  @gublur​   @wintersmelodie​ @geeky-politics-46​   @lolawassad​  @almosttoopizza​   @a-poor-gryffindork​ @alternativeprincess​   @buckycallsmeaslut​    @kamaria-sweet-writes​  @charmedbysarge​    @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7​ @alina02​  @gh0stgurl​    @batprincess1013 @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​
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e-dubbc11 · 5 months
As I read through the prompts for your sleepover, I fell over "Breathing frosty fog onto a surface and drawing in it." And I couls just imagine Brock's S/O doing this and it would make that big strong man blush 🫠❤️
My lovely Lily,
I do love writing for Rumlow so thank you for sending this in, thank you for being a part of my sleepover and thank you for being such a good and supportive friend to me. Love you lots and I hope you like it.
A Kiss Out in the Cold
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Maybe a couple of swear words, Rumlow being his normal brooding self, little jealousy, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 1.1K-ish
Summary: Reader is a realtor, her client is her ex. Brock thinks he has an ulterior motive
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“He could have gone to any other realtor, ya know that right, doll?” Said Brock, he sounded angry enough to spit nails.
He was talking about your ex coming into your office earlier today, looking to buy a house. Obviously, you weren’t expecting him, of all people.
Without looking up from your paperwork, you said, “Hi there, give me one second and I’ll be riiiiiight with you.”
“Take your time, pretty eyes.” He had said.
You knew that voice but you hadn’t heard it in months.
John was your ex-boyfriend and apparently he was in the market for a new home. He had plenty of money so if you were to find him one, the commission on it would be staggering. D.C. was a very expensive area to live in so you looking at John at that moment was like looking at two life size dollar signs. Nothing more.
“D.C. is full of realtor’s, y/n and he chose your office?” He said. Even on the phone, you could tell he had a sour look on his face. “I don’t like it.”
“You are such a cynic, Rumlow. You know I’m with YOU, right? Ya big dumb animal.” You snapped into the phone.
“I still don’t like it, sweetheart.” Brock stated with bitterness in his voice.
“You’ll like it when I bring home that commission. I have the perfect house in mind for him too. I gotta go, handsome. I’ll see you at home.” You said and hung up.
He’ll get over it.
You hated showing houses in the winter time. Getting in and out of the car, sometimes the homes were vacant so the heat was only on low so the pipes wouldn’t freeze, and the homes with yards didn’t look nearly as nice in the winter as they did in the spring and summer.
For the next few days, you lost count of how many houses you showed to John. He just kept finding new ones to look at, going back to previous ones, finding little things that could easily be fixed but he “wasn’t sure,” or it wasn’t the right neighborhood. Showing him house after house was exhausting.
But you just had to keep thinking about the payout you’d get.
Brock came home and found you in your comfortable clothes, your feet up and a cold towel over your eyes. It had been a long day.
“Well it looks like you had a long day, sweetheart.” Said Brock. Even with a towel over your eyes, you knew he had a slight smirk on his face.
The little lines around his amber colored eyes crinkled when he smiled. You heard Brock set his work bag down and went to the kitchen to grab a beer. You already had a glass of wine that was resting on the coffee table.
“How many houses did you show Ritchie Rich today?” He asked, sarcastically.
Without removing the cloth from your eyes, you replied, “Four.”
“How many do you have to show him before you realize he’s just tryin’ to spend as much time as he possibly can with you so he can get back in your pants?” He asked, after taking a sip of beer.
You removed the cloth from your eyes and sat bolt upright. His wild brown hair looked a lot different than it did this morning; it was slightly messy and fluffy.
“Why do you have to be so crass? How many times do I have to tell you that I’m with YOU, Brock? What do I have to do to convince you?” You asked.
Brock set his beer down, stood up and walked a few paces away from you then turned around. With his hands on his hips, he glared at you, his face was tight with anger, and the early evening sun made his eyes look a lot more golden than usual.
“I don’t like calling your office and your assistant telling me that you’re still out showing houses to captain money bags. I know what he’s trying to do and I just…I just don’t want him to take you away from me.” He said, his raspy voice low and soft.
Brock wasn’t the type to share his feelings so when he actually did, it was always a complete shock to you. It was like pulling teeth to get him to say anything about how he felt about you.
Flustered, you started to say, “You don’t wan—“
Popping up off of the couch, you slipped your shoes on and headed for the front door.
Confused, Brock asked, “Doll, what are ya doin’? You can’t go outside dressed like that, it’s freezing.”
The bitter cold stung your lungs when you stepped outside in your tank top and lounge pants. Goosebumps erupted all over your body as you walked over to the large living room window. With the frame at eye level, you expelled hot air against the cold glass, casting a fog against the window. You began to write something.
“Will you get in here?!!” He shouted.
Violently, you shook your head and continued to write. I…♥️…U. And you quickly kissed the window, leaving a perfect print of your lips against the glass.
He cracked a smile…a big one, which wasn’t easy to do. You thought you saw him mouth the word “Crazy.”
Brock flung open the front door and stuck his head out.
“Get your ass in here! What is the matter with you?!” He yelled, his warm breath visible in the dry cold winter air.
You quickly ran inside and he pulled you into his chest, trying to warm you up. He pinched your chin between his forefinger and thumb, tilted your chin up so you were looking into his eyes, and he inched his face closer until his lips gently touched yours sending flutters to your stomach and a shiver down your spine that wasn’t because of the cold.
“You’re crazy, ya know that?” He husked with a subtle smile.
“No one is gonna take me away from you, Brock. I love you.” You said, raking your fingers through his soft brown hair.
“I love you too, doll.” Whispered Brock.
He kissed you again, harder this time, his tongue tangled with yours as he pulled you in close by the waist. His body heat radiated from underneath his shirt and easily warmed you from the outside clear to your bones.
“You’re sexy when you get a little jealous, Rumlow. You’re sooooooofffftttt for meeeeee.” You taunted him with a devilish smile and a playful tone.
Brock hated being teased like that but he couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“Ok, ok…very funny, sweetheart.” He said.
Your tone turned a little more serious. “Alright, I’ll stop…I can get someone else to show John houses if it REALLY bothers you.”
He shook his head and said with a wink,“Nah…go get ‘em, baby. Bring home that paycheck.”
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @k-marzolf @redstarsandnightmares @nutmeg17 @gijos @randomlittleimp @nekoannie-chan
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Pride, brown, dutiful, & country, for Brock Rumlow and Billy Russo? 👀
Congrats on your milestone again 💕💕 this is such a great idea, I love it
Pairing: Billy Russo x female reader x Brock Rumlow
Word Count: 1071 words
Outline: Billy is not particularly fond of his unique deal with Brock but he would do anything to make you happy.
A/N: So, this took a while to brainstorm alongside @alohastyles-x but finally I decided to go with pure filth and an interesting dynamic just for the thrill of it ;)
Warnings: swearing, oral sex (f + m receiving), daddy kink, spanking, spit play, pet names, dirty talk, double penetrative sex, roughness, nipple play, fingering, slight pain kink, cumshot, anal play.
Minors dni!
Main Masterlist ・❥・Sleepover Masterlist ・❥・ Billy Russo Masterlist
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"Turn around." 
Brock's commanding voice makes you leave Billy's cock with a pop, turning your attention to him. 
"Yes, daddy?" You smile, saliva and cum dripping down your chin, and use your fingers to press the excess inside.  Brock is slowly stroking his cock with a concentrated expression on his face. 
"Suck." He commands and you know how to follow an order once you hear one. His cock is fat and girthy, pre cum already dripping. Billy comes up from behind while you begin to kitty lick Brock's cock with the tip of your tongue. 
"Always coming second, Rumlow." Billy chuckles and lands a hard spank against your ass cheeks making you squirm while trying to wrap your lips around his cock. 
"Not even close. You had her here all morning long. She looks completely unused. Not my fault if you don't know how to use her properly."  You bop your head down his length, Brock's big hand wrapping around your head moving you along his cock, his hips pushing it deeper inside you. 
"She's begging to get perfectly fucked. God, look at her. Look how she moves her ass for you." You are backing your ass for Billy, wiggling, and Billy is licking his lips before spanking you again causing you to gag on Brock's cock. Brock pulls your head away from his cock, saliva dripping down your face again and you look up to him with doe eyes. 
"Billy doesn't know how to fuck you, little pet, he leaves you all neglected and needy. I think is time to show him. " He slaps your face with his dick before pushing you on the bed. Billy falls back on the bed and you climb on top of him. 
The truth is that just five minutes ago he had cummed down your throat, fucking your face so devilishly and furiously when he had heard Broc pull up with his motorcycle. It was thrilling and exciting, this arrangement you had.  
“Ride his cock.” Brock commands you and you begin to position your self. 
Your pussy was wet and ready. You sink down on his cock, taking him in inch by inch, landing your hands on his chest. Brock comes from behind you and kisses your neck possessively. He didn't like sharing at all but you were Billy's girlfriend first. You knew very well what was coming next, Billy put his hands on your hips moving you slowly, lifting you a little up giving space to Brock. 
Brock entered you from the back, their cocks so close to one another and the series of moans that left your lips sounded like the best symphony. Often they fucked you like this exhausting you by trying to outfuck one another. They were relentless, Brock was girthy and big, Billy was lengthy and it was easier for him to cum than Brock. 
Slowly Brock adjusts his length inside you pushing you then on Billy's chest. With a smirk, he begins to fuck you hard pushing you on Billy who is trying his best to match his pace. You liked this game, sometimes you wondered if they wanted to fuck each other and you were just the vessel but most of the time you only cared about getting fucked open.
Brock's bicep wraps around your throat lifting you up and Billy follows suit fucking you back at the best of his abilities. Where Billy was gentle Brock was rough, where Brock was a menace Billy was delicate with you. Billy loved you, Brock just wanted to fuck you stupid. Getting lost in the pleasure and the sensation, allowing yourself to feel everything. It didn’t happen as often as you’d like. Unfortunately, they were both busy men. 
You can feel Billy's head going to your breasts, darting out his tongue and licking your nipples, but Brock was moving you fast causing Billy to pull at your nipples. A little pain was always good, you liked it rough and dirty. 
Once Billy moves his one hand to your pussy you begin to orgasm so beautifully and loud, your whole body shaking. That’s what one of the rules, being Billy’s girlfriend meant that he could make you cum whenever he wanted and Brock sometimes took offense to that. Brock slows down for a moment and then he pushes Billy down on the mattress and lifts you off his cock. He slips out of you and turns you around grabbing you by your hips and lifting you up against the wall.
Oh, he was pissed. 
He buries his face between your thighs so fast and begins to suck at your oversensitive clit. He didn't like the fact that Billy had made you cum, not at all. Your thighs clench hard around his face and you watch as Billy comes closer to you, gently kissing your arms, your fingers buried inside Brock's short hair. The thing is that Billy had fucked your face so fast and rough earlier that had already made you so sensitive. Your pussy had been begging for some attention and you and Billy hadn’t had the chance to be intimate since the early morning.
It doesn't take you long to cum, hitting vocal highs you didn't know you had. It feels glorious until it doesn’t. Brock doesn't pull his face away no matter how much you push him away not until Billy shoves him off with both hands. You breathe out and Billy catches you holding you in his arms. 
“I wanna cum on her face.”  Brock commands and your boyfriend reluctantly helps you kneel down. Obediently you pull out your tongue and open your mouth wide like a puppy. Brock strokes his hard length with loud groans and he shoots his load on your face. You're happy, you love being used. You loved this game becoming their sex toy, their pet. Billy pets your hair sweetly and pats your head praising you for doing a good job. He knew this wouldn’t come from him. 
"I will shower. Have her asshole ready for me when I return." Billy looked as if he wanted to murder him right there but your blissed-out face and your nodding made him reconsider.
By the time Brock was out of the shower Billy had you ready and stretched, your ass up in the air. 
“Perfect. “ He says rubbing his hands together, his cock as hard as before. 
“Let's get to business, Billy boy.”
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for updates follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary!
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Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Characters: Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins Additional Tags: Christmas fic, sorta fake dating, Triple Agent Rumlow, Fake/Pretend Relationship Series: Part 8 of Merry Christmas, Baby Summary:
Things are pretty casual between her and Brock--and Darcy's fine with that. So, she's mildly disappointed when her sometime-hookup wants to have The Talk.
Only it's a completely different talk than she anticipated: he needs her to come home with him for the holidays.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Ruined anniversary
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Reader.
Word count: 610 words.
Summary: You have plans to celebrate your anniversary, but would change.
Warnings: Little angst.
A/N: This is my gift to @talia-rumlow​. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREYA!
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @navybrat817​ @angrythingstarlight​ @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum​ @hallecarey1​  @nana1000night​ @mylifeispainandiloveit​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry​  @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch​
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You felt Brock's hand caress your cheek as you took a nap after the mission. That mission had been one of the most exhausting, even though it didn't take many days.
Back on the ship, you decided to take some rest, but Brock had inadvertently woken you up.
“Is something wrong? “Brock asked you when he saw you looking thoughtful.
“I just remembered how we met," you answered.
“On the first mission after we left the Academy," he remembered, for the first time in his life he felt nervous, in fact, he wanted to ask you out since you were at the Academy, but he never dared, however the adrenaline he felt on that first mission pushed him to ask you.
“You almost shot me on that mission," you commented.
“I thought you were from the enemy team," Brock excused himself.
“If you wanted a kiss you should have asked me instead of pointing a gun at me," you teased.
“Oh, come on, well, maybe if I had asked you, our first date wouldn't have been ruined by the Chitauris. "
You snorted, everything was going so perfectly, you were about to kiss when one of the damn monsters walked past you, that's when you realized you had several messages where S.H.I.E.L.D. required your presence, but you had been ignoring your cell phones until you saw the monster.
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Your anniversary would be next month, and you were planning to go to the beach that weekend, but maybe your plans were going to change for the next mission.
You were collecting all the information you could from the computer you found.
“T/N, status," Brock asked you over the intercom.
“Getting information from a computer in the south wing," you replied.
A few minutes later Brock was running to where you were, he had heard you arguing with someone, whose voice he didn't recognize, then some explosions and screams.
He wasn't going to lose you, he knew you usually didn't need to be rescued, but he wasn't going to let anything bad happen to you, let alone lose you.
When he got to where you were, he found you unconscious, the person who had attacked you was gone.
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The next couple of days, Brock did not leave your side, he would stay with you, he did not want you to wake up and he was not there.
It was on the third day that you opened your eyes, and he immediately called the doctors. Everything was fine, but you had to stay a couple of days more in the hospital.
“I'm sorry, I don't think we will be able to go to the beach," you apologized, a little disappointed, you had let your guard down and that's why you had been attacked.
“The only thing that matters to me is that you are well, we’ll celebrate later. "
“Brock, tomorrow is our anniversary," you commented, he nodded. "Do you think they'll let me out tomorrow so we can celebrate? "
“I'd rather you follow the doctor's orders," Brock said sternly.
“Oh, come on, I bought some lingerie, especially for the occasion," you commented seductively.
“Well, we'll celebrate later, but that day I'll make you scream so much until your voice is gone and you might not be able to walk after what I'll do to you," he got up to go to the door, he would go to buy something to eat.
“Brock, hey, no, come here, I want us to celebrate right now. Brock, hey, don't ignore me!"
But he had already left the room, you snorted, the day you celebrated, you would get your revenge and enjoy it.
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Only You
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow x Reader
Word Count: 1277
Summary: After a long day at work Brock comes home to you and a romantic night that you planned.
Warnings: Smut, Oral (Fem) and fingering
A/N: Thank you to my beta readers @pigwidgeonxo & @lfnr-blog-blog-blog & @music-culture-mythology (any mistakes on spelling & grammar are my own)  Divider by @firefly-graphics​
A/N 2: This has been something I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. Thank you @americasass81​ for encouraging me to write this when I wasn’t sure.
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps, or third-party sites. If you see my work anywhere else besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts then it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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Tonight you were going to surprise Brock with a relaxing night at home. You were making his favorite meal and brought out a bottle of wine you both loved in hopes it would lift his spirits. He had been in meetings all day at his job. You knew he was in a mood when you texted him something sweet and his response was “okay.” So here you were finishing up cooking like crazy in hopes of bringing a smile to his face. With dinner going to be ready in fifteen minutes, and him home around the same time, you headed upstairs to change quickly.
You peeled off your shirt and leggings as you entered the closet. Looking through your lingerie you pulled out his favorite black lacy panties and matching bra. After you put them on you grabbed his favorite sundress that you wore just for him. As you pulled it over your head you went to look in the mirror. Your hands brushed down the dress as you took yourself in. The light from the closet hit your ring finger making your wedding ring sparkle. Your eyes looked down at your wedding ring and you couldn’t help but smile. It has been two years since you both said “I do” and yet it still feels like just yesterday that you walked down the aisle. 
The headlights of the jeep that Brock drove pulled into the driveway and you briskly walked down the stairs to the kitchen just as the timer was going off. As you pulled the meal out of the oven, in walked Brock from the garage. 
“You have perfect timing babe.” You placed the dish on top of the oven.
“Smells delicious, sweetheart.” Brock walked over to you and kissed your lips. He continued to the sink and quickly washed his hands. Once he cleaned up you both served yourselves in the kitchen and brought your plates to the dining room. You sat next to one another and made small talk while you ate. 
“This is delicious, sweetheart.” Brock complimented in between bites. If there was one thing he enjoyed, it was your cooking. Of course, there were other things he enjoyed a lot more and the thought of it had your thighs pressing together. Watching you bite your bottom lip he chuckled. “What’s my wifey thinking of? Hmmm? Care to share?”
Your cheeks heat up as you almost choked on air from him calling you out. “I was, ummm, just thinking of you and me. How I want you to take me apart with your tongue.”
“Already thinking about dessert? Good thing I have an appetite ‘cause I could feast between your legs all night.” Brock licked his lips as he stood from the table, gently grabbed your hand, and kissed you before pulling you up to lead you to the living room. You held his hand as he walked you to the couch and made you stand in front of it. “Let’s see what’s under this pretty dress.” Brock helped the dress off you and left you in your lingerie. He let out a low groan at the sight of you. 
“God, you are gorgeous.” He guided you to sit on the couch but as he knelt in front of you the sight of him on his knees made yours buckle. Brock caught you and rested you on the couch. 
You’re his guiding light when his nights seem the darkest. Only you could excite him and fill his heart full of love. Seeing you in his favorite lingerie made his cock ache for you. Whether you admitted it or not you owned his mind, body, heart, and soul. You were his queen and he planned on treating you like one tonight. 
His hands pulled your bottom to the edge of the couch. His hands caressed you from your ankles to your thighs. Brock’s beard tickled your inner thigh as he kissed you everywhere except where you needed him most. Finally, his thumb ran up and down your clothed pussy causing you to whimper. He teased you with his finger as his lips continued to kiss your inner thighs.
“Baby, please. I-I need you,” you begged for him. 
“So impatient.” He nipped at your inner thigh as his hands roamed up your thighs to where your underwear was, gently he slid them down your legs and brought them to his nose, inhaling the sweetness that awaited him. He dropped your underwear on the floor as he moved closer to where you needed him. His dark eyes gazed up at you as he licked a slow stripe up your wet channel. You let out a whine from his teasing but didn’t have to wait long before he was eating you out like it was his last meal on earth. Every flick of his tongue and gentle suckle of your clit had you about to come off the couch. Brock eased one finger, then two inside your wet pussy with ease. His fingers searched for that soft spongy spot inside you that would have you cumming in no time. As soon as his fingers found it you let out a loud moan as he fingered you with precision. Brock gently rubbed your clit with his other hand and within seconds you were cumming for him, moaning his name loudly. 
Brock let you come down from your high before he stood and removed his clothes. He pulled you to your feet, spinning you around, and took off the rest of your clothes before he gently pushed you to your hands and knees on the couch. He knelt behind you, slowly stroking his cock as he pushed in between your legs, getting himself covered in your arousal. The tip of his cock gently nudged your entrance a few times before he fully sank into you. You both let out a groan as you took every inch of him. 
With a roll of his hips, Brock started to take you apart. In and out, his pace was slow and easy but he knew this wasn’t what you wanted. You liked it a little rougher with him. So he gave you what you wanted, snapping his hips quicker into you as he thrust into you harder. Brock was pounding into you and you couldn’t help but throw your head back moaning to the heavens above. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room along with your moans and his deep grunts. Brock pushed between your shoulder blades making your upper body fall flat against the couch. The change in positions helped him hit deeper inside you and once again you could feel your orgasm building within you. 
“I can feel you gripping me tight, sweetheart. Be a good girl and cum for me.” Brock huskily said as he hit your g-spot over and over again. You let out a loud mewl as your body tensed up and you cummed for your husband. Brock wasn’t far behind you and within moments he was cumming deep inside you. He pulled out of you softly and slowly kissed your back. “How about we go upstairs for more dessert time?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “What about the rest of dinner?”
Brock ran his beard over your soft skin. “I had plenty to eat. Don’t want to spoil my appetite with anything else but you.” Brock stood from the couch and bent down to lift you in his arms. Together you made your way upstairs where the night was just beginning.
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kassies-take · 2 years
If You Found Out Detrimental Information
Can be read a stand alone imagine
Warning: Abuse, Assault
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
You: *gets a tip of Hydra infiltrating SHIELD*
You & Stike Team: *go to James Island, Washington*
You: *sneaks into the computer room to back up drive*
Rumlow: *guards door* you find it
You: 80%
“Hydra” guards: *starts making their way to room*
Rumlow: *whispers* they may have found us
You: *whisper yell* hold on!
Rumlow: they’re getting closer
You: it’s fine let go!
Rumlow: *shoots at the wall giving the Hydra agents a warning*
You: *shoots through a window, harness yourself in the building with a grapple hook, repels down the building*
Runlow: *behind* Strike move out
Building: *explodes*
You & Strike: *board the Quinjet and leaves*
Rumlow: *flies the Quinjet and keeps an eye on you*
You: *sits on laptop and trying to decode information*
Computer: *gives you all the Names of Hydra Infiltration*
You: *blood runs cold, subtly looks around and THINKS* everyone here is Hydra *looks through all the names to memorize, THINKS* thank god for photographic memory
Rumlow: you should join us Romanoff
You: *realizes the jet is hovering not flying*
Rumlow: you’re already doing hydra’s dirty work
You: *glares* Hercules defeated Hydra
Rumlow: you’re a smart kid, but your old man the Winter Soldier works for us
You: *continues to glare*
Rumlow: we had to erase all his memories of you, but something tells me you won’t be that easy *taps on your temple*
You: *punches Rumlow*
Strike Team Members: *tries to hold you down*
You: *fights a 1 v 20*
Strike Team Members: *lands a few punches and wrap their arms around your body*
Rumlow: *punches your face*
You: *busted, bruised, on the verge of being knocked out*
Rumlow: *reaches into your vest pocket* you put up a good fight kid, just like your Pops *takes out the drive* but cut off one head, two shall take its place *grabs your collar and drags you towards the back*
Strike Team Members: *opens the Quinjet door* Hail Hydra
Rumlow: *punches you in the gut and then your face* Hail Hydra *throws you out of the Quinjet*
You: *sees Rumlow smirk, hits the water, passes out*
Rumlow: *crushes the drive and throws it out incrementally* She saved our lives from the explosion. Say exactly what happened till the building exploded, Hydra rigged the place to blow whatever information was there was very important. Some of us tried to find her but agents started to surround the place, Romanoff and the intel was lost.
A Strike Team Member: would it have been better to make sure she was dead
Rumlow: injuries like that and a fall like that would kill her. If not a shark would.
Rumlow: *contacts Alexander Pierce*
Rumlow: The intel is valuable to Hydra. They knew we were coming for it and blew the building. Y/n tried to get the information, didn’t make it out
Fury: we’re you able to get any information
Rumlow: no
Natasha: *knows Rumlow is emitting information* my daughter
Rumlow: sorry for your loss, Agent Romanoff
Natasha: *storms out of the room* I’m coming to get you baby
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