#but I do appreciate the retro vibes
oluka · 1 year
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New War Machine armor dropped!
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mintyjinx · 7 months
(Retro & Vintage) Rotary Telephones - Rainbow Colors
Orange because Autumn Vibes. 🍂🍁🍄🐻
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Information: ♦ Base game compatible ♦ Decorative. ♦ 10 swatches (A Solid color version can be found HERE!)
Note(s): Compatible with the Solid color version, i.e. you can use both in-game at the same time. For any questions or requests, leave a comment or ask me anything HERE.
———— I also want to give credit to these badass CC creators who’s items are shown in the preview picture(s) ⤵️
CREDIT(s): ★ @hydrangeachainsaw: Cozy Ruffle Bed ★ @mxims : Butterfly Chair with Fabric Blanket ★ @artvitalex : “dakota end table” on TSR (unable to link bc tumblr is being less than cute.) ————
Download on SFS (free)
———— Notes for CC creators: Contact me right away if I happened to use your CC in my promo pictures without credit or permission! I try to contact CC creators in advance as I like to give credit where it’s due. However if I’ve overlooked you, please contact me so we can sort it out!
TOU for CC creators: ✦ You may recolor my CC - do not include the mesh.  ✦ You may edit my meshes - Credit me & provide a link that leads to the page of my original upload stating that you’ve used my mesh as a base/source etc. ✦ You may use my CC in promo pics - credit is highly appreciated but not required.
For more detailed notes regarding this, click HERE or contact me directly. ————
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viccharine · 5 months
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hurry, hurry (you put my head in such a flurry, flurry!)
( prints available [HERE] )
reblogs greatly appreciated!!!
process and commentary under the cut:
ok so w.a.m.s is one of my FAVORITE (if not my favorite) songs off folie à deux and since it was recently folie’s bday (I’m like. two week late but it doesn’t matter) i thought i should do a piece for it!!!!!
about the piece: this piece went thru a LOT of redesigns because I really didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted it to look like—at first I wanted to have a bit of a retro, 50s diner, mid-century modern look but that kinda all fell apart with the composition I ended up choosing (and yes, i could have changed the composition to make it work but that is seriously overestimating my creative ability tbh). it’s supposed to be like a headshot covering the waitress’ face (haha get it. bcuz w.a.m.s stands for waitress, actress, model, singer. get it) but also I haven’t drawn an actual face in SO LONG so that’s why it. looks like that. originally I wanted to have some sort of receipt or diner menu that had the lyrics to the song but ultimately i couldn’t make that composition work so I scrapped it
speaking of which, the LETTERING FOR THIS DAMN PIECE. oooooh i Talk a lot about having trouble w lettering but this one takes the cake—i could not, FOR THE LIFE OF ME, figure out how I wanted to make this lettering and I’m not 100% sold on it so do me a favor and just tell me it looks good without looking tooooooo closely at it.
while I work in black and white usually, the colors weren’t all that complicated because they are taken from the folie à deux album cover! in case it wasn’t obvious LMFAO
also ended up using a different brush than my other pieces so it looks a bit more polished than the rough, traditional art-looking vibe of my other FOB pieces—I’m not sure which one I like more!! what do u guys think :0?
some process pics (you can kinda tell how much i struggled with the composition and lettering here):
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about the song/album: I’m a relatively new fall out boy fan and let me just say. i did not believe that folie was originally so hated because it’s genuinely my fav FOB album. it took a couple of listens to reeeeeaaaaallly get into it but it is such a good album. like omg. THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE U FOLIE!!!!
cork tree, stardust, and folie are all probably my top FOB albums (do NOT ask me to choose between those three. i could never)
i also didn’t really like w.a.m.s at first but the second time I listened to it was like something unlocking in my brain. clouds parted, angels singing, trumpets blasting, the whole thing. ITS SUCH A GOOD SONG it makes me want to scream into a pillow do u guys understand me.
anyway, that’s pretty much all I have to say k thanks byeeeeee (and go stream folie!!!!)
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My thoughts on The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie
I don’t know if I liked it as much as the original films (maybe Mockingjay 1 & 2 as they are pretty emotionally draining), but I still enjoyed it.
I think where it fell a little flat for me is 1. The beginning was a bit slow (tbh I only really started getting interested when Lucy Gray stuck that snake down that girl’s dress & even then I enjoyed the story more when the setting changed from the Capitol to the district) 2. I knew Snow would survive 3. I’d already been spoiled online for a lot of stuff that happens & 4. while I know the director did his best to make Snow as “likeable” as he could for as long as possible, even before he started getting “a little too comfortable” with killing & snitching I didn’t find him as sympathetic as Katniss or Peeta (but that is probably again down to the fact that I know what he goes onto do & there’s no real way around that), this made engaging with him difficult for me.
The world is fascinating. Getting to see all the new locations we never had access to before as well as old locations now in a totally different light (for example district 12 which, while still clearly suffering, seemed like such a bustling industrial town compared to how it is in Katniss’s time). It might have a much more retro aesthetic but there's also just a more vibrant, natural, wild & lawless atmosphere to this movie compared to the others in the franchise. The whole scope of the film just felt more cinematic then I remember the others being yet also weirdly intimate. Maybe because it was one contained story & we knew the main character’s fate from the start. I also loved the title cards signifying the start of each section of the story like from the books & wished they'd done something similar for the other films. It just added a certain flair to the whole thing. Almost gave it the vibe of a tragic play.
The costuming was great. The bright red of the academy uniforms.  Flickerman’s snazzy suits. Snow’s dapper black & white outfit. Both peace keeper uniforms (despite one of them giving very ‘1930’s Germany’ vibes) looked great. Grandma might have been a bigot, but at least she was well dressed. Everything Dr Gaul wore (except the top that looked like a used tampon, lol) was exquisite. The main ladies of fashion, Tigris & Lucy Gray slayed. Our Future Capitol stylist looked like some regal yet exotic bird & Miss Survivor was giving Bohemian, country girl realness the entire time she was on screen. Even the extras were serving (like that random couple Snow walked past on his way to the reaping ceremony).
The music was amazing. Every song that played was fantastic (shout out to Olivia for her end credit contribution). The lyrics & instrumentation were beautiful & my god does Rachel Zegler have pipes! Anyone who says the singing scenes are cringy is just stupid like I’m sorry you can’t appreciate art. Also, the words ‘ballad’ & ‘songbirds’ are literally in the title. Plus, Lucy Gray is from the poorest district, so what exactly do those people want her to do in her free time? She can’t exactly hop on an X-box for a few hours. Not too mention that (as the offspring of someone who’s musically inclined) I can tell you, it’s completely realistic for a musician to use their craft to help them deal with trauma & Lucy Gray clearly had more than her fair share of that.
The Grandma'am helped to paint a sadly very realistic background for Snow. As who among us hasn’t met at least one delusional old person who thinks that their/their group’s suffering (regardless of the severity of it or the reason behind their former/newer status in society) means that no one else are deserving of even the tiniest shred of humanity & there are some people who are unlucky enough to not only be related to these people but be raised by them.
Hunter schafer as Tigris is clearly the superior Snow when it comes to things like empathy & overall mental stability but I do kind of wish they’d been more for her to do. Credit where credit is due though her & Tom did actually look like they could be related & I did buy their familial bond (which makes her appearance in Mockingjay so much sadder in hindsight).
Peter Dinklage as Casca Highbottom was a bit of a mix for me just due to his purpose as a character & the limit of film as a form of media. Like sure the audience know that Snow’s going to become an irredeemable monster in the end but without a window into his mind it really does just seem like the Dean is just out to get him & even when we find out why it seems kind of unfair. Like sure his dad sucked but haven’t the Games shown that blaming children for violence caused by others is unjust (& like ok he hates Coriolanus & probably the grandma but Tigris hadn’t done anything to deserve living in poverty, as she can’t control who she’s related to)? Plus, it felt like he could have at least tried taking Snow under his wing at some point to try to hinder Dr Gual’s influence. Saying all of that, though, Peter Dinklage is great at playing an addict with depression & the idea that some drunken rambling could lead to such long-lasting suffering is terrifying. Also its pretty realistic that living with that kind of guilt & in such a cruel environment for that long would make most people jaded & bitter, even if they did have good intentions.
Omg we finally get a Mayor family on screen & they’re assholes! Madge would be so disappointed 😭. It was interesting to see how harsh & overall “boot licky” the mayor & his family seemed compared to decades later, which makes sense as the war wasn’t that long ago for them so the dad probably felt more incentive to align himself with the Capitol as well as not feeling very connected to the district people as 12’s decline probably didn’t fully set in until they really started running low on coal & Snow became president (oh I just know he wanted to blow that district off the map 😆). I also wouldn’t put it past Billy to come up with some sob story of how he really does love Mayfair but wicked Lucy Gray is somehow preventing them from being together. Still no excuse to try to send her to her death twice in one week, though. Definitely not a girl’s girl.
Ok, so a liar. Cheat. Drunk & someone who hits women. Is there anything good about Billy Taupe? Also, trying to get your ex back, while your current girlfriend is literally standing right next to you? Dude, have some god damn back bone! You made a choice, now stick to it. Also, fumbling Lucy Gray, for a girl like that? What’s it like having no brains or taste? Well, too bad, coz you’re stuck with her forever now, lol.
Viola Davies, the actress that you are. What else is there to say? Dr Gaul is almost comic book levels of insane. Like she is how the Right see women in STEM, on crack! I don’t know what she did to get into character, but whatever it was, it worked.
Jason Schwartzman as Lucretius Flickerman is a very interesting addition to the story despite playing such a small & seemingly insignificant role. He is strange in how unthreatening he is while also extremely blasé about the abhorrent violence he witnesses that it’s as funny as it is disturbing. Making him come across as  more human yet harsher than his son, who at least pretends to care about the tributes (in a very Capitol way, obviously but still). There’s also a polish & confidence to Tucci’s performance that I think Schwartzman did a great job of avoiding copying (despite knowing what audiences were probably expecting) because not only are their characters in entirely different stages of their careers but the whole ethos of the Hunger Games is different in Snow’s youth than it is in Katniss’s. Caesar is a well established presenter & during his time, the games have always been a success (minus the year with the tundra) that the entire Capitol is invested in & seemingly in support of. On the other hand Lucretius had the unique task of not only coming into a job like this with zero experience (I mean imagine going from announcing the weather to presenting the fucking hunger games) but also there were no vibes to try to emulate let alone guidelines to follow because he truly was the first person to do this. On top of that, the "event" his presenting has been panned for years as both boring & unethical. Schwartzman brought a slightly awkward, experimental, yet try hard vibe (like a comedian who's desperate to get a laugh) that I think worked wonderfully for the character.
Tom Blyth's performance was great & he was visually perfect for a young Snow (the power of a good wig! Who knew lol). Even having the cool, analytical stare of Donald Sutherland, down pat. While his appearance was very Eminem during his peacekeeping days, his realisation in the cabin and subsequent breakdown in the woods were crazy. There was so much tension between him & Rachel in that scene that for a second, it literally felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. I could almost hear the record scratch for both of them, & all that building paranoia finally coming to a sudden crescendo in the way that it did? Pure cinema!
Josh Rivera, as Sejanus, was honestly a mix for me. Obviously, I agree with his morals, but his way of going about it did seem a little dumb. However I do think it’s pretty realistic that a teenager, especially a rich one, would be rather naive. Also I’ve heard that he’s smarter in the book & I think at times my frustration with him is more just down to the fact that I’m seeing him from Snow’s point of view. Meaning scenes that would be portrayed as noble in any other film instead come across as almost painfully inconvenient because the focus is always on how they affect Snow rather than the actual victims of the situation. Lastly, sorry, Snowjanus shippers, I just don’t see it (especially on Snow’s end), but whatever floats your boat.
Rachel Zegler played Lucy Gray with the perfect mix of natural charm & emotional vulnerability with clear pride in her culture & a refusal to let the world around her change who she is. Yet there was also an air of mystery & a subtle resilience to her that makes her potentially surviving out in the woods for years without being detected actually believable (though I don’t buy the theory that she went on to become president Coin). Definitely the highlight of the movie for me.
PS. I'd love to know what you think of my review in the comments/tags & am open to criticism (as long as it's respectful) just remember that I'm only talking about the movie so please don't reference anything spersific to the book.
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actualbird · 9 months
I was so confused because your ask button kinda disappeared on tumblr web tsogshosogs
Anyway: Pokémon. Who in the NXX would have watched it and what do they feel about the show?
on my ask: oh nah, that happens cuz i close my ask box randomly and without announcement these days because sometimes i get overwhelmed by getting too many asks and that can trigger my brain issues, sorry abt that huhu
on pokemon: OHHHHHHHH this is gonna be a tad difficult because i didnt watch much pokemon growing up (i was a digimon kid) but....
i feel as if....artem watched it. luke played it. marius read it. and vyn has no idea what a pokemon is.
artem watched it
hes the most classic and i think of the watchable pokemon medias, he'd actually like the movies much more than the shows. since, in contrast to the show's longform episodic nature, the pokemon movies have a tighter plot that artem, even as a child, appreciated much more.
i cant say more than that because i havent watched much of the show and have only watched one (1) of the animated movies.
that being said i also think artem liked Detective Pikachu. he would die for the bulbasaurs in that movie.
luke played it
luke has played every single pokemon game ever. the mainline games, the spinoff games, the old ones, the new ones, ALL OF EM. hes the resident gamer boi and his creds hold up here
i like to think the first pokemon game luke played was actually the original pokemon yellow on a gameboy color that he got from a retro antique store (it was definitely among the first things that inspired him to also open an antique store)
marius read it
as in, he read the pokemon special manga. why? because i read the pokemon special manga and im bestowing this honor upon him JHVSJKHFSD
BUT ALSO I JUST THINK HE'D REALLY ENJOY THE STORY. the manga is so dear to me and i think marius in particular would really enjoy ruby (because ruby is a campy bi bitch of a dude and marius vibes with that so much) and also the diamond & pearl arc because the whole premise of platinum, rich girl extraordinaire, being sent off with two fake bodyguards diamond & pearl...well i just think marius would love the hijinks in that arc a lot HAHA
vyn has no idea what a pokemon is
he didnt know how trading cards worked in SR Eternal Whisper, so this could totally happen. like, idk, pokemon didnt get a svartish dub so it never got imported there JKHVSDKJFHS
vyn: ....and you mean to say that the word is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster"?
luke, who has been trying to explain pokemon to vyn for the past 15 minutes: //strained voice. yeah. yeah it sure is, buddy
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seyvia · 24 days
📩 Simblr question of the day: A non-sims simblr question/s! Besides Sims, what other games do you play and what platforms do you like to play on? (PC, Console, Mobile...) What would genre/s do you tend to lean towards? (FPS, Sandbox, Multiplayer, Simulation, etc.)
Bonus! If a game has character customization, do you like to make a completely new character everytime or do you like to use the same OC/Sim?
Feel free to ramble, especially if you really enjoy a game (❁´◡`❁)
Thank you for thinking of me💕(>/////< " ). (Sorry it takes me so long to answer these) I'm only playing pc/mobile games currently, but I used to play lots of console/ds games. But I'll stick to talking about what's current. (I'm honestly a bit behind the times, lol 👉👈)
I play Syberia religiously every year! All three games, if I can. I didn't enjoy that recent one that came out. I wish I could explain why better then, 'the vibes were way off and the actual gameplay part of it was nonexistent,' I've played this game since I was 7, ok! It developed my brain! I have HIGH expectations and no tolerance for anything less at this point.
I also pick one of the old Her interactive 'Nancy Drew' pc games to play on the side because they make me happy and give me so much nostalgia. (The problem is I know who did it, so no surprises for me🥲) they just don't make these kind of games like they used to.
I've played farming sims since the GameCube, as some of y’all know, I only recently started playing Stardew Valley. I enjoy it far more then I imagined. If you're wondering why I hadn't played it before now, well, I simply didn't appreciate the pixel style until recently. I find it charming now♡ I've been playing Palia since last September and I'm really enjoying it. It's charming and the characters designs are something I've wanted from a farm sim for a long time, plus+ its freaking free♡ (I'm not big on multi-player, tho so I have to build up the courage to play it, I'd have loved it if it was a solo🫤). I played Ooblets on my hiatus. It was very cute and reignited my imagination♡
I bought Fallout 4 when it was on sale. I hope to play it soon, I love retro 50s/60s atomic age. My brothers are really big on it, and it actually brought us a little closer since they didn't understand my enjoyment of the era before they played the game.
I played all of Spyro reignited last summer♡ pretty proud of myself for getting almost perfect. And for mobile I play 'Good Pizza, Great Pizza' It's so cute highly recommend. I want to get home chef hustle and recreate my character in Sims, lol!
CHARACTERS: Honestly, I make a new character depending on the game and what suits my interests at the time, but they are usually the same? Like, they all kind of look like...me, sometimes...😅 when in doubt, brown hair! that's about it.
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taylorswiftstyle · 2 years
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MTV Video Music Awards | Newark, NJ | August 28, 2022
Pat McGrath 'Rose 001 The Essence' - $86.00 Pat McGrath 'Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Primer' - $45.00 Pat McGrath 'Sublime Perfection Foundation in Light Medium 11' - $68.00 Pat McGrath 'Sublime Perfection Concealer in Light 7'- $34.00 Pat McGrath 'Sublime Perfection Setting Powder in Light 1 and Light Medium 2' - $39.00 Pat McGrath 'Blurring Under-Eye Powder in Light' - $32.00
I'm appreciative and grateful for Pat McGrath's beauty work on Taylor last night - and for posting all. the. deets! It's so fun to be able to have insight into the exact details of Taylor's beauty lewks.
As I've had a moment to process and go over close up photos, my thoughts on beauty styling are the jewels are awesome choices (especially those earrings) and I generally love the makeup and glow.
But I do wish that in order to commit to the retro vibes and provide a cleaner finish around her forehead that her bangs were styled in finger curls and perhaps paring down the crystal appliques to a single one (or 2-3) at each corner of her eyes to further emphasize her signature cat eyeliner. That or instead of black liner, a fun silver glitter liner.
Worn with: Oscar de la Renta dress, Lorraine Schwartz jewelry, and Christian Louboutin sandals
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xirayn · 11 months
Stonathan Week Day 2: Roommates - Slightly inspired by the video of Charlie Heaton and Joseph Quinn at an Arctic Monkeys concert together.
Steve overhearing Jonathan mention a one-night stand while playing Animal Crossing with Argyle gets him to ask the big question on his mind.
Do I Wanna Know?
written by @xirayn and @aibhlynn
Trying something new by writing screenplays rather than short stories. Feedback on this format appreciated.
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A bedroom with a mix of modern and retro decor. It is lived in, but not cluttered. There are posters for the Arctic Monkey’s ‘Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino’ and ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ on the wall. A record player is set on a cube shelf with a milk crate of vinyl records beside a desk with dual monitors. A Nintendo Switch is set up in front of the smaller monitor. JONATHAN is leaned back in a computer chair with a gaming headset on and a controller in his hand. ANIMAL CROSSING is on the screen with characters that are obviously JONATHAN and ARGYLE fishing. JONATHAN’s character pulls up a horse mackerel.
Great, another horse mackerel. They're barely even worth selling.
(Through the headset)
Dude, catching the fish is not the goal.
Maybe for you. I need a surgeon fish for my museum.
You should have asked me, brochacho. I have, like, five of them in storage.
That feels like cheating.
If you say so, my dude.
On the screen, ARGYLE pulls up a moray eel. 
JONATHAN’s character gets another bite. It is an anchovy.
Damn it.
KEVIN, an orange pig in a blue sailor suit complete with hat, comes on screen to seemingly watch them. ARGYLE laughs. JONATHAN glowers.
Stop judging me, Kevin.
Dude, are you still pining over Steve?
I am not, nor was I ever, pining over Steve. I have Olivia around here somewhere for Nancy.
If you say so, dude. Though, if you aren't looking to knock boots with that fine specimen of a man, I'll gladly take him off your hands.
You and everyone else. He's out on another date tonight. He even wore his ‘lucky jeans’ that show everything.
Man, my dude, for someone who says they aren't jealous, you sure are crushing the vibe with your jealousy.
There is a pause filled by the sound of ARGYLE taking a drink. 
Or is this about Eddie?
JONATHAN misses reeling in another fish.
No. This isn't about Eddie. That was - It was just a hook-up after the concert last Saturday. And I'm not jealous or stuck on the fact I was supposed to go to that concert with Steve.
My dude, your voice does not match your words. It's clear as day, you are hard for Harrington. Why did he miss the concert, anyway?
A bachelorette party came into the bar when they were already slammed, so he offered to stay.
The fishing rod JONATHAN’s character is using breaks. JONATHAN puts his controller on the desk and scrubs his hand over his face.
Fuck because you banged Eddie and not Steve?
JONATHAN is quiet for a long moment, simply staring blankly at the screen. He finally heaves a sigh.
I don’t know. Maybe?
If you could do it over again, would you pick Steve?
If it wouldn’t mess up our friendship and my living situation or make my life extremely awkward?
JONATHAN hesitates before shaking his head and picking the controller back up.
JONATHAN misses the sound of the door opening as STEVE comes home early. The LIVING SPACE of the open concept apartment is an eclectic mix that shows STEVE and JONATHAN have been sharing space for a few years. The large flat screen, a graduation gift from STEVE’s parents, is a prominent feature. There is also a record cabinet full of vinyls with a Fisher MC-4550 stereo and a bookcase with authors like Vonnegut and Gaiman. STEVE looks tired and irritated as he takes his shoes off to throw in the closet before heading to his room.
You worry too much, my guy. Stop being indecisive or worrying he’ll be all weird about your fling with Eddie and get sloppy with your hot roomie.
It was a drunk one-night stand, not a fling.
STEVE stops outside the partially open door, having heard JONATHAN say ‘drunk one-night stand’. He frowns, then looks guilty and decides to go get a drink from the kitchen where it will be harder to hear JONATHAN.
One-night stand, fling, either way you boned the metalhead, man.
I know that, flight just sounds like it was something more than sex.
ARGYLE starts running his character in random patterns around JONATHAN’s character, who is doing idle animation as JONATHAN simply holds the controller.
Was he at least good?
He knew what he was doing.
Come on, bro, give me the details of your sordid encounter with the guy across the hall. Eden will want a play by play and I have to please my goddess.
My sex life is not your foreplay.
STEVE knocks over his cup when his attempt not to eavesdrop fails. Water spills over the tile as the cup clatters on the floor. The sound is loud enough that JONATHAN takes his headset off and turns his chair toward the door.
JONATHAN sets his headset on the desk and pokes his head out of his room. STEVE freezes as if he just got caught doing something wrong.
How long have you been home?
A few minutes.
STEVE grabs the cup and puts it in the sink before taking off his wet socks. He puts them on the floor after looking around to decide an acceptable spot and grabs a dish towel.
She stood me up.
That’s rough – Have you eaten yet?
No. I came right home when I realized my date was a no show. Have you?
No. I was going to warm up some leftover, but we can order a pizza. Let me just tell Argyle I’m done for the night, then I’ll clean that up while you put the order in.
Okay. The usual from Enzo’s?
JONATHAN goes back into his room and puts the headset back on. He picks the controller up to log off.
I’m done for the night. I’ll talk to you later, man.
(In a teasing sing-song)
Have fun, dude.
JONATHAN goes to clean up the spill. STEVE is heading to his room in the background on the phone as he puts in his order. Once JONATHAN is done, he sits on the couch. STEVE emerges from his room shortly after in gym shorts and a tank top.
So, did you have fun with your mystery guy?
You mean the one-night stand I was talking to ARGYLE about?
STEVE drops onto the couch and stares at the ceiling. JONATHAN looks at him thoughtfully
I guess.
There is a long moment of silence. STEVE is obviously debating something while JONATHAN waits for his response. When STEVE finally speaks, he sounds small and keeps his eyes on the ceiling.
Why him and not me?
This is very obviously not what JONATHAN was expecting for STEVE to say.
STEVE sits up enough to look at JONATHAN.
Why him and not me? Fuck, dude, I've been trying to gauge your interest for months by wandering around shirtless in those side split shorts I wore to Pride last year.
I thought that was because of the heat!
At first, sure. Then I noticed you staring and thought maybe you were interested, so started doing it more, but you never said anything.
Of course I didn't! We've been friends since high school. I'm not going to risk that for sex.
Not just sex.
It won't be just sex. At least, not for me.
Me either.
STEVE laughs and shakes his head. JONATHAN joins him after a beat.
Shit. We're both dumb.
STEVE and JONATHAN look at each other with matching fond smiles. STEVE starts to move in, but JONATHAN’s smile falls and he shrinks back.
It was Eddie.
STEVE stops. He doesn’t move back, though his smile is replaced by a look of confusion.
Eddie across the hall?
The same metalhead who drives you crazy by playing his music too loud?
After the concert last week. You couldn’t go, and I didn’t want to go alone, so I asked him.
STEVE sits back and rakes his fingers through his hair. He frowns.
Yeah, okay. I can see why. Honestly, I’ve thought about it myself, I just – It kind of hurts that it wasn’t me. I’ve been pining after you for months now.
It didn’t mean anything. We had a few drinks at the concert, then shared a joint after and – 
JONATHAN shrugs.
You don’t have to explain anything. I still wish it had been me, though.
Maybe next concert if you don’t cancel on me.
STEVE leans in again, his voice taking on a teasingly seductive tone as he gets as close as he can without actually invading JONATHAN’s space. Everything about his body language invites JONATHAN to close the distance between them. JONATHAN appears unfazed.
Are you seriously going to make me wait?
At least a first date.
STEVE laughs. His phone rings and he picks it up.
Challenge accepted.
(Answers phone.)
Hello. Yep. I’ll be right down.
STEVE hangs up. He heads for the door, opening the closet and putting on some flip-flops. Before he leaves, he turns back to JONATHAN.
How about right now? We can do dinner and a movie.
JONATHAN rolls his eyes with a fond smirk.
Fine, but you have to actually pay attention to the movie, and I’m not answering any questions until after the credits.
There is a smutty continuation to this that I was not able to edit in time. The entire thing will be up on AO3 when I get to it.
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mitigatedchaos · 6 months
VOL - Value-Over-LLM
(~700 words, 3 minutes)
3) Ken, an estate campus resident: "Cycling through my neighborhood this morning, I can't help but appreciate living in a place that values sustainable transportation and community spirit! 🚴‍♀️🌳 #EstateCampusLife"
I instructed Nous Capybara to generate 5 fictional characters after reading about the hypothetical country I've mentioned before. On previous runs I didn't specify to make ordinary people, and got pairings like:
An influential [country's politics] philosopher and political thinker known for her radical ideas about the role of religion in governance and societal order.
"The path to true enlightenment lies not within abstract notions of good and evil, but in the practical application of morality and ethics in our daily lives." - Hera
A high-ranking member of [country's military], known for his exceptional strategic thinking and leadership skills in [country]'s wars and conflicts.
"In times of war, it is often those with the sharpest strategies who emerge victorious. But in peacetime, it is the leaders who can adapt quickly to changing circumstances who will prevail." - Shu
With respect to both the text and the knowledge base of the model, with respect to meaning, we can think of LLMs as moving sideways and downwards - they generate a related text in the text-space, which generally has less meaning. This can result in an information gain if you are not familiar with the meaning of the original text, or with that portion of the LLM's knowledge base, or just haven't thought about it much yet.
In my opinion, LLMs as a technology, by itself, are likely to be at least as consequential as email.
First, I expect this to reshape how human beings communicate with each other. A ChatGPT subscription costs about $20/mo. The existing generations will get used to nearly-unlimited, on-demand, LLM text generation. Future generations will grow up with LLM text as a baseline.
This is likely to socially devalue text that sounds like an LLM. I can already feel the outline of socially lonely people turning to LLMs in some way, and this generating a vibe of, "All your friends are puppets," / "all my friends are flesh and blood," where the latter will be seen as the result of superior social ability and fitness.
It may lead to the devaluing of all generic business talk, or push some individuals to a higher level of consciousness or understanding. These conditions may spark new artistic or philosophical movements, and are likely to change the way society views itself.
It's unclear what follower-personalities, whose beliefs are more socially determined, are likely to do in the face of the text onslaught, as they are not currently reading text into a coherent model for evaluation. Some of them may be "trapped" by this technology and fail to reach a new level of development.
Future teenagers will likely project retro nostalgia for the pre-LLM era and its greater authenticity.
There will likely be development of a writing style which is deliberately LLM-illegible, but it would likely be an awful lot of fucking work to read.
Second, humans are likely to accumulate a ring of text information and spreadsheet type data that can be fed into LLMs and related systems. Right now, it's difficult to get the information back out, because you have to do it manually, which is high attention. An LLM's reading of this data will be low-attention, but cheap.
What's in this ring of text information is likely to depend on copyright or intellectual property law, but the provisioning of textbooks or articles for inclusion in LLM use may emerge in the coming decades.
Automatic summarization, even of middling quality, is a big deal. LLMs still have the issue where processing a large document at speed requires a tremendous amount of VRAM, but documents could be summarized in a hierarchy, and then searched and processed in a multi-step process.
Regardless, the text information is likely to include the user's own creative content.
A lack of access to this ring is likely to result in reduced mobility, for lack of a better word.
Third, an increasing body of text will likely be written for LLMs. I don't mean messages or queries. Rather, the goal of an article is to add information, so text will be written as LLM source materials.
Fourth, what you get out of an LLM depends a great deal on what you put in. People with a higher aptitude can get more out of an LLM because they better understand the limits of the system, but also because they ask the right questions.
Fifth, constant exposure to text generation of this kind might also result in atrophy of skills in reading and writing.
It's difficult to tell at this juncture. What seems more likely is a split. Some people will focus on what gives them the advantage, writing in a way that provides a very rich and understandable information source, providing "value over LLM." Others will let the machine write everything and gradually pay less and less attention to it, and would eventually find it challenging to write a quality email on their own even if they were forced to at gunpoint.
The effect of the latter may end up being be similar, in some ways, to online environments in which someone's avatar is "physically" present, but the operator is not at-keyboard, and you don't know when the operator will be at-keyboard, and if they don't want to answer you they may pretend to be not-at-keyboard. (This is one reason to avoid brain-computer interfaces, as they could lead to a society of people who are never anywhere - even online.)
It may be necessary to apply some class of future social conservative policies, such as banning the use of LLMs on school grounds, but we will see.
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
Disclaimer: I didn't want to set this post as "mature" content because it really isn't. However, there are a few mentions of sexual themes in it, just so you know.
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GIF by chellestrash
Earth folks value QUALITY and they usually have defined tastes and preferences for how they like things to look/smell/taste/be. This is why "surprising” them with something out of their comfort zone or trying to introduce them to a new aesthetic, might be a mistake.
They love SENSUAL gifts. HANDMADE is better than TECH for them. They value their time and energy, which is why they cherish the fact that you put yours into their gift. Furthermore, the palms of our hands are connected to the Hearth chakra, so handmade gifts are literally made with love. 🥰
♉ TAUREANS are the most sensual of the Earth signs, and they love to get “wined and dined”, go to the spa, get a nice massage, and treat themselves at the beauty salon. They also love classical art and are fond of the traditions of the past, so you can take them to an art gallery, or a museum, give them a vinyl player or take them thrift shopping! The last two are a bit specific, but you get the grounded, retro vibe.
They love their home and would surely appreciate it if you cook them a nice meal or gift them something that makes their home feel even cozier – scented candles with earthy notes or elegant decorations can create the perfect relaxing ambiance. Similarly to Cancers, they love soft blankets and pillows, and they can be fond of cooking. Even kitchen appliances are a decent gift idea since Taurus is a grounded, practical sign, after all.
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite energy can be a good move. Especially if they are your significant other, you can gift them a slightly Scorpionic gift - sexy lingerie for the ladies, or a steamy (lap) dance for the gents. It can just be something extra in the bedroom to bring more passion to your routine, lol. So, besides sexual bondage, Scorpio is also connected to soul bonding and intimacy.😁 So, you can try to find some sort of a "game" or experience that can help you get to know each other (or themselves) on a deeper level. They usually aren't that connected to the invincible world or the psychology of human nature, but they are deeply intrigued by these topics. Plus, they are ruled by Venus - what wouldn't they do for love?!
♍ VIRGOS are ruled by Mercury, so they are essentially the “Air sign of the Earth signs”. You can’t go wrong if you gift them a good book to read or a notebook to put their thoughts to paper and ease off the chatter of their busy minds. Aromatherapy and other methods to help them improve their health & well-being in some way are also perfect. They need to take care of things and living beings, which is why houseplants are a great gift. I I surely wouldn't recommend getting them an actual animal unless you know EXACTLY what they want! They are extremely picky, and you surely won't want to listen to them complain about "dog hair everywhere" when you surprise them with that Bearded Collie! 😂
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite energy can be a good move. To help Virgos find balance, you can sprinkle some Pisces energy – take them to the movies, go dancing (or host a dance party at home), and help them let their hair down. Pisces is connected to spirituality, sleep, dreams, and art, so why not help them improve their night routine in some way? If you decide to appeal to their Mercurial nature, a dream/manifestation journal can be a curious idea, and so is a good fictional book. They usually gravitate to non-fiction, but a good fantasy escape might just be just what they need. 
♑ CAPRICORNS - let’s get the obvious stuff out of the way – they would appreciate something to help enhance their public image and reach their ambitions/goals. There, I said it. I know, we are all tired of associating Capricorns with career/ambition but it's true - even if they don't have a career, they STRIVE TO ACHIEVE something, and this kind of responsibility and drive is super important to them. Long story short, they just have Big D#ck energy, what can we do?!
Well, I'll tell you what. Similarly to Virgos, they are big on structure and time management, which is why planners and watches are a great idea. You can gift them a high-end wristwatch, a nice suit, or lipstick to help them exude confidence before even opening their mouth. They always aim to be the best they can be, which is why they need to learn how to relax. Just like Taurus, they can be quite traditional and old-fashioned, which is why they appreciate classical art and history, love architecture, and might enjoy a trip to the antique store. Essentially, their vibe can be summed up as "old money".
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite energy can be a good move. To help Capricorns find balance, gift them a Canceranian gift - help them make their home feel safe, warm, and cozy. Cook for them, have a movie night, and snuggle under a blanket. Like...a lot. The worst thing a Capricorn can do is to come back from work to a place that looks sterile and feels like being back at the office. 
- Foxbörn
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Unless I've missed them (and with Tumblr's search functions, who knows), I haven't seen a huge amount of posts analysing the 15th Doctor's costume?
So while I don't know anything much about fashion, or costuming, I thought I might as well give it a go.
Here's the costume:
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My honest opinion: I think it's... fine? I like it less than the 12th or 13th Doctors' costumes, but I don't hate it.
I had been hoping that since Ncuti Gatwa is the first Black Doctor, the costume might have some Afrofuturist elements. Here are some examples of Afrofuturism from Pinterest:
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But RTD and the BBC costume department apparently didn't get the messages I telepathically sent to them about that, so instead what we got was very 70s. Very, deeply 70s.
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Or rather, the pattern and the colour scheme are 70s (as is the moustache!) but the cut is bang up to date - no shoulder pads, oversized jackets or flares for the 15th Doctor (thank goodness).
It's less a 70s-inspired look and more a look inspired by retro ideas of the 70s. Which feels appropriate for a time traveller.
I'm not going to go into Ruby Sunday's costume in detail, but I do like the way that the check on the Doctor's costume echoes the check on her jumper.
Again, I am not a fashion person, but I also get considerable Burberry vibes from the costume.
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The Doctor's costumes have often been quintessentially British in one way or another (the 5th Doctor's cricket outfit especially!) and Burberry is often described as a quintessentially British brand.
Still, much as I like some elements of it, I'm still not sold on the clothing choices overall. Ncuti Gatwa looks good in practically everything (and dresses very well in real life - there's a reason he keeps appearing on 'best dressed' lists) but I think that shade of orange is a challenge even for him.
Besides clothing, though, there are accessories.
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And I love the accessories. The rings! The Gallifreyan nail art! I don't have a huge amount to say here in terms of analysis, but I just think this all looks great. There could be something to be said, maybe, about the contrast between the masculine suit and these more feminine details, but I'm not sure that the overall impression they give is feminine. This costume feels all of a piece, rather than having contrasting elements, at least to me.
I do love that the kids watching Doctor Who will get an example of a man who gets to enjoy accessories - and pretty, delicate accessories, at that. That feels important, and valuable.
So on balance still not my favourite Doctor Who costume, but I appreciate the small details. And I am counting down the days to getting to see the 15th Doctor onscreen.
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
I think in hindsight, one of the things I most appreciate about Prime 3 that I didn't when I first played it, is the double genre misdirect/switch.
The big bombastic first hour or so on Norion, even if I enjoyed myself with the crazy action setpieces like that falling fight against Ridley, had me feeling like Retro was trying too hard to turn Metroid into Halo or something, (and I do like Halo too, mind you) instead of just letting it be Metroid, but then after the timeskip the game settled down into more familiar territory. Still more on the more blatantly linear and action-oriented side of the series' typical genre range, sure, but it wasn't quite so overblown.
The early half of the Pirate homeworld was probably my favorite section of the game to play overall, the almost stealth-section like vibe of trying to avoid getting noticed, punctuated with frantic firefights to eliminate any Pirates who did spot you, the quite welcome return of a relatively more complex and mazelike layout to wind my way through... and all set to that eerie, ambient music that's near silence yet ooozing with tension waiting to be released.
And then yeah big epic battle on the train pushing through all the security checkpoints to the Seed, yet another chance to smack Ridley down with a steel chair, etc. A nice way of bringing it full circle, even if I did just personally prefer the tension itself to the release.
But then.
But then towards the end, with the GFS Valhalla and then Phaaze, the game did a complete 180 and leaned hard into pure, unadultered, pants-shittingly terrifying eldritch horror. If not for the rest of the game (and the final boss) counterbalancing it with bombast, taken on its own, those sections could possibly count as the scariest any Metroid game has been, with only Super's crashed ship, Prime 2's Dark Aether, and of course a lot of the original Return Of Samus as significant contenders. (Dread's EMMI zones are going for a different sort of scary) And given how retro-horror-inspired the series as a whole is, that's saying something.
But I think part of the beauty of it is because of the contrast with that earlier Norion action extravaganza I had been so put off by, and the context of Prime 3 coming out specifically for the Wii, one of the most-purchased consoles by "casuals." (I mean hell, that's why my family had it and I was thus able to play the Trilogy in the first place, when my parents saw videogames and their consoles otherwise as a total waste of time and money.)
I don't know how many people outside of Metroid's pre-existing fans actually did buy Corruption, (especially given it unfortunately got overshadowed the same year by another sci-fi shooter with a 3 in the title) but I feel like there has to have been at least a few people out there who picked it up and played it, got drawn in by the promise of a rocking military action-adventure, were indeed bouyed along by hypermode, and then got completely blindsided by the late-game shift to Peak Metroid Nightmare Fuel. I would love to know what they thought.
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akamikazae · 3 months
Sorry in advance for asking all these things 😭 but first up, your oc is cool! She’s so stylish as heck! She gives me that 80s funky/chill vibe and her hair is flawless! And I adore for bond with sasuke so much, Ahh. Would it be ok to ask about their lore together? How did they meet and bond together like mother and son? (And kakashi too! He’s papa).
Plus, I also appreciate all the Sasuke positivity so much. From your drawings to random posts. It’s so refreshing and uplifting for me. There’s to much negativity for the poor kid these days. And I greatly respect the “my son!” Feeling to for sasuke. I to get that parent vibe haha (sasuke is little guy no matter what, must squish respectfully).
And for atla, if your oc and characters you like. What benders would they be? And if they are besties with any of the Alta crew?
P.s; i do Like seeing the snake positivity! It’s wonderful seeing that. Poor things also get bad rap as well. (I like seeing hognoses, they are cute!! Myself I wish I had one and tarantulas😭) ANYWAYS, TY FOR POSITIVE CONTENT SO MUCH. Be well and have a great day/night! Sorry again for the long ask!
Never ever be sorry for sending an ask! I love love getting them and getting to chat w lovely pals like you! So thank you for popping over to send me an ask ❤︎₊ ⊹  You are always welcome to ask about my lil fam! I will try to keep it short and sweet lol ₊⊹ Ahhh thank you so much for saying so, Akami is very very dear to me! I’m glad u think she’s got a bit of a retro vibe. I always see her fitting in well w that 90s-ish style from the 80s to the 00’s ! (I actually have a 90's au for them too)
Shisui was one of Akami's first childhood friends and later her first lil love. She goes w Shisui to meet Sasuke when she’s 13yr, he’s only a few weeks old but the second she holds him and his chubby baby hand swipes her chin she falls in love. Bc of her relationship with Shisui Akami spends more and more time around Sasuke— he’d be tagging along after the big kids, but she always made time for him. Even if it was 20 extra minutes before a mission or after a long day of training, she’d hide her injuries and play with him instead. She’s one of many Anbu called to the scene the night of the Uchiha massacre. The second she found him all alone she knew she was taking him home and she quit Anbu that night.  Akami never felt heard or seen as a child so she tries her best to make sure that Sasuke has a voice. She didn’t intend to take on a parental role; it just happened over the years. She’s always open about his family and ready to listen when he confides in her, she teaches him every single uchiha jutsu she knows (and eventually kakashi does too) so Sasuke can still feel connected to his Clan. She gets him through his nightmares and defends him tooth and nail, she teaches him how to cook and use a sword. No matter what, he's always gonna be her baby and she’ll be his Kami-chan. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for him.  Akami and Kakashi knew each other as kids, they did not get along until their traumas sort of forced them to see eye to eye and rely on each other.  But it wasn’t a friendship until their early-mid teens, even then it always felt like more. Shortly after she takes in Sasuke they start a tumultuous FWB only to realize they very obviously love each other. Sasuke approves bc Kakashi makes Akami happy and is always there for her (for better or worse) and Kakashi and Sasuke start to have a very meaningful connection well before he becomes his sensei.  Yes parent squad ! Sasuke deserves the world and I love that you love him too!!<3 In ATLA Akami would be a water bender, she’s a descendant of the Yuki clan so it just seems fitting for her heritage! Tho I’d be wary of her healing abilities, she’s more of a fighter and I would not put it past her to learn how to blood bend! (She was Anbu Root for a reason💀)  Sasuke is fire bb! Kakashi I go back and forth on but I think he would be fire too .I love love love love ATLA and have tried to make an au for her but I find it hard to imagine Akami interacting w the gang (They all just feel so young lol- though she’d probably like Suki and Zuko best) I think that she would get along really well with Piandao! June, Jet and Iroh too. She’d def feel some sort of kinship for Azula (ruthless + manipulative never taught to love, w similar mommy and daddy issues!🤝lol) Yes Yes! I love snakes, they are so beautiful !! When I made my oc I really wanted to have her be ostracized because of her father and resemblance so it’s so fun to play w both the beauty and monstrous qualities for her. 🐍Akami and her summons Ryū are based off of mangrove pit vipers and Copper bellied water snakes ! Thank you again for the ask! I could blab about them all day if my super long winded response wasn’t proof lol 💕💕Take care my dear and have lovely day and or night :)
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thebaileybugle · 2 years
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Pairing: Dom!Natasha x sub!male reader x Dom!Wanda
Warning(s): Suggestive smut, nicknames (baby, Lyubov), most likely in-corrections in writing let me know if I missed anything please
A/N: This is part 1 of 2 for Moving
Request by: @lovefanfiction01
Pulling onto the road of your new estate, you heard boxes shift and bump into each other from the front of the moving van. Nat and Wanda can see the obvious bounce-of-the-wall excitement radiating off of you and it genuinely made them feel excited and giddy themselves but they held their smiles back, choosing to instead focus on the road in front of the three of you.
As much as you loved the other Avengers, space and privacy for the three of you was really needed. This relationship was new to you all so letting it just be you was the best option to further the comfort level for you guys. They of course understand the reason for your departure and Tony even offered to install a mini Jarvis system in your new house to stay connected to the tower for mission assignments and just staying connected on a regular basis, to which you agreed.
-Tiny Time Skip
“Alright! That’s the last box!” Wanda called out while she made her way into the house with said box in her hands. Her voice echoed off the walls of the hollow estate.
“Lyubov, you were such a good helper.” Nat cooed to you as she brushed past you to close the door of the van’s unit. Wanda set down the box in the kitchen and walked over to you. You blushed at Nat’s praise but tried to hide it by lowering your head to look at your feet.
“Yes, I agree, you were so strong for us, baby.” She squeezed your shoulder and laughed at your very flustered expression.
“Thank you, I try to be.”
“And we appreciate it.” Wanda ran a hand through your hair but stopped it at your neck to give it a small squeeze also.
An idea popped into your head just as Nat walked back into the front door. Well, not much of an idea but more of a thing Tony brought up to you in private after you told the team about the move.
“So Sam, Steve, Tony, Buck and a couple of others will be here later to help with the rest of the furniture.”
“Great! So what is it we do next, loves?” Nat asked with her hands on her hips.
“…What if we… what if we like had sex right here since we just can.” This took your girlfriends by surprise. It was of course normal for you to initiate sex, but never just out of the blue like you just did.
“Mm, Lyubov, as much as I like that idea, some dinner might suit us better for right now. Especially since you haven’t eaten since breakfast.” Natasha shut down your idea lightly. You didn’t take it badly as you knew she and Wanda only had your best interest at heart, and took your health very seriously.
“Mk, Natty.”
-Time skip dinner cause my eyes are very droopy-
You and your girls sat down in the booth the hostess of the diner led you to. Nat and Wanda sat across from you. It was a nice retro-y place that held a comfortable vibe.
The waiter came up to your table, visible exhaustion radiating off of her… or maybe that was just your powers. Anyway.
“Can I get y’all started with some drinks or do you have everything you want already.”
“Oh, we’ve been here before. I have the Brooklyn Bowl, medium well, she will have the French onion soup, and he would like the y/f/m, all with lemonade, please.”
“Alright, those will be right out, menus please.” You give her your menus and she walks away tk another table.
There’s a small beat of comfortable silence that sits with the three of you before you break it.
“I’m really happy that you let me into your relationship with open arms. I love you both and hope that we can last forever.”
“Oh, baby, we love you too.”
“Yes- and of course we’ll last forever. We will always love you.”
And for the upteenth time that night your cheeks began to burn with a deep blush. You started fiddling with your fingers flusteredly but paused when you felt a hand on each of your knees.
“And when we get back home we’ll show you just how much we love and appreciate you.”
“Y-yes Mommies.” You gulped.
Tag list For Wanda: @iliketozoneout
Tag list for Natasha: @iliketozoneout
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H/t to @cozotoro on this one, they recently brought up a very cool Mamimi fanart that is apparently from something I did not know existed; The "GAINAX NET Art Musuem", a collection of CDs Gainax released assembled special art that they published on their website. Btw their OG website was amazing:
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So this art wasn't just a "whatever" collection, they put some degree of work into it. The CD cover is great of course;
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But anyway I just wanted to highlight a few of them that I think are neat. The original shared one is of Mamimi (from FLCL ofc) by Tsurumaki himself:
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Which, being dated to 1999, makes this something from right in the middle of production. I love this piece because its hitting all of my boxes right now - after reading paragraphs of Tsurumaki talking about the manga influences of FLCL, how much this art screams the styles of Moyoco Anno & Kyoko Okazaki is a direct proof of that influence thread. The color stacked with the sketchy fill of her jacket really sells that haggard, aimless fog of the rebel teen. (Having no bra isn't hurting that vibe either)
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Takeshi Okazaki being aggro as fuck on this one, love the perspective shot. Rei is portrayed as passive and without agency very often, but not so much with this level of vulnerability, and I like how it plays that note on both the physical and emotional levels.
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Here we have Hajime Ueda doing fanart for The Wings of Honnêamise, which is exactly the tonal opposite of everything he stands for and therefore the perfect choice for his gremlin hands. Making everything a fish-eye lens so that the picture is itself a globe the rocket is taking off from is just cute shit.
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This one actually broke containment, you see it in FLCL fanart dumps around the net. Yusuke Yoshigaki may be one of the youngest of the FLCL crew but he obviously gets it. Though he apparently hates Ninamori, poor girl getting very short billing here.
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Fucking Princess Maker fanart, I have never seen Princess Maker fanart! Princess Maker 3 girl has a great outfit, what a trim, even if Princess Maker 2 in the middle is ofc the best game in the franchise
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This Nadia piece by Nishigori works well for me, I love how smooth it is with the faded colors and thin lines while Nadia is still rocking things like a rainbow belt. The "modern AU" genre complete with girl-with-oversized-headphones is always a win, and hey now its retro; and I appreciate how modernized Nadia is while still looking like herself, its a good style blend.
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Obligatory Imaishi Gonna Imaishi!
But yeah there is a lot more in there, actually this is one of several volumes of CD's. Definitely worth a look.
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