#but idk how to do transitions n that n need to have a play around
killa-trav · 11 months
i don’t think i’ll be able to get the seb bday edit up before his bday is over rip
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Can you do sp main 4 with a reader who is trans mtf?? I really like your ftm one and since my sister is trans mtf she would love to read this x
sp main 4 finding out reader is trans mtf
A/N: i am so glad you liked it and i hope your sister likes this too!!!! i know this is really similar to the ftm one mainly because i dont think they'd react too differently! link to ftm vers here
also i wanted to add that i usually write with a fem reader differently than a g/n or masc reader!! mostly because they're like 4th graders and the whole girls vs boys thing. so i'm sorry if they're... colder??? idk how to describe it😭
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stan marsh
he's just like "oh" in a surprised voice
doesn't really care but might ask a few,,, personal questions. he's genuinely curious and he doesn't mean harm. asks about what it means and why you transitioned
"how did you find out? like what does it feel like?"
he might encourage you to talk to wendy and the girls if you haven't become friends with them already! he says this because he knows it'd probably be nice for you to hang out with other girls so they can dress you up and help you feel like you fit in
also puts in a good word to wendy for you and u two become friends :)
again you coming out might make him question his own gender. he just gets really confused because he's never had the chance to explore himself and having a trans friend makes him more comfortable to do so!!
might ask you questions at first about how you found out, but other than that he just treats you like how he normally does; probably forgets that you're trans if anything
kyle broflovski
kyle never really hangs out with girls in the first place, the closest girl friends he has being you and sometimes wendy. he is very awkward around girls .
so you don't have to worry about him treating you like more of a bro after you come out, because he doesn't. if he were to treat you any differently he would treat you like more of a girl if anything if that makes sense
like he doesn't mean to exclude you but he figures it'd make you feel better to not be grouped with the boys??
"yeah, i get that. sometimes i feel like i was made to be a tall black man. it's really hard to play basketball as a 4'3" jewish white boy."
mostly, he doesn't really care, and he probably actually would prefer not to hear you talk about it. like i mean he prefers to not hear about 'assigned genders' because it makes him think of genitalia and honestly he does not like to think about that
so yeah, he's a little confused but he tries his best to understand, and he might be appreciative that you opened up about it, but for the most part he's just like "good for you" and moves on
eric cartman
similar to the ftm one, since he's known you as a girl all this time that no matter how hard he wants to misgender you he never truly sees you as anything other than a girl
he'll call you names and tease you for it but at the end of the day he still sees you as a cootie-ridden girl
he kicks you out of games because 'girls can't play games' and the others say you can play and he gets all pissy
he shoos you away at lunch not because you're trans but because you're a girl. he would rather be caught dead than hanging out with a chick. so in a way he's kind of accidentally an ally LOL
he gets uncomfortable when the topic gets brought up and would prefer not to think about it. he genuinely wants to stay out of it because he does NOT want to know what people have down under. absolutely hates thinking about it
"dude, i already live in a hot dog. i don't need to have any more wieners in my face."
kenny mccormick
he looks at you funny all confused.
"mph, nmph? mphph? (wait, what? really?)"
"mmphmph, mph mphph mmf mmphh.. (jesus, dude, i never would've guessed.)"
he's genuinely really confused because all the stereotypes of trans girls he's seen on tv and they all depict them looking super masculine and stuff. he's never really met a trans person so he's confused when you're just some normal kid
he's supportive, but he doesn't really care. he pats you on the back and says cool and then goes back to like. playing mario kart or whatever you guys were doing
he doesn't know anything about what it means so he might ask some questions about what dysphoria is and transitioning and all that. he will listen genuinely but he might fall asleep. he actually does care though!!!
thinks it's interesting but never brings it up again or talks about it and treats you like normal. honestly he would be very happy to play princesses with you as princess kenny
you have sleepovers and he acts all girly. like you do his hair and nails and dress him up and he kicks his feet having the time of his life
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lizzie-boo · 2 years
Not Like I’m In Love With You
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Request:  I have recently become obsessed with this song called Not like I’m in love with you by Lauren weintraub and I was thinking that Eddie and the reader are best friends but she afraid to tell him how he feels so maybe after one of his gigs she goes and performances this song for him idk if you want :)
Requested by: Anon
Summary: You decide the best way to confess your feelings for your best friend is by performing a surprise love song or three. 
Words: 1,206 
Don’t forget that my follower celebration is going on now. Check it out here! 
A/N: First off, this request was so much fun to write. The song this is based on is soooo good and I ended up adding it to my playlist so thank you for that. Also, this very much reminds me of the one scene in Gilmore Girls where Lorelia goes to sing to Rory and then Luke shows up. Anyway, I thought about that scene a lot while writing this. 
You weren’t entirely sure how you had managed to do this but somehow you had convinced the bar to let you open for Corroded Coffin. Normally they only had one band play a night, but this was important, and it took everything in you to convince them. So here you stood on the edge of the stage waiting for your cue to go on. So far you had managed to avoid your best friend, Eddie Munson, who still wasn’t clued in on your plan to open for his band. 
If everything were to go according to plan, then he wouldn’t find out until you took the stage in a couple of minutes. You knew that if you saw him before then you would back out of your perfectly curated plan to confess your feelings. 
It had seemed like a great idea at the time. Taking the stage to sing a love song directed at your best friend, what could go wrong? Now standing here you felt jittery. The nerves finally setting in as the rush of horrible ways this could end filled your head. The last thing you wanted to do was push Eddie away and lose his friendship, but you weren’t sure you could go keeping your feelings a secret for much longer. So, you had spent nights pouring over different love songs and painstakingly picking out the select few you wanted to sing to him. 
You watch as one of the employees takes the stage to introduce you. Wiping your hands on your jeans, you take a deep breath. You shake your hands trying to release some of the building nerves. The man on the stage begins to wrap up his introduction and as he finally welcomes you to the stage Eddie rounds the corner. He calls your name, the shock painted all over his features. 
Ignoring Eddie, you take one last breath and make your way to the microphone stand. “Thanks for having me,” your voice cracks as you stare out at the waiting crowd. 
You scan the crowd and contemplate backing out. If you leave right now you can still cling to your friendship with Eddie and not risk throwing it all out. The doubt creeps in slowly growing louder. Instead, you reach for the microphone, fingers tightening around it, grounding you in the moment. 
Glancing to the side of the stage you catch Eddie’s eye. From where he stands, he is beaming at you like he couldn’t be prouder of what you're about to do. That is all it takes to know that you have to do this. Even if he doesn’t like you back, he would never stop being your friend. That’s all you need to tell yourself to decide that you’re actually going to do this. 
You start singing the first song and slowly the crowd begins to get into it. One by one they start to dance moving in time with the music. Letting go of the last of your nerves you begin to move around the stage. The cheers from the crowd have you smiling while you sing. Transitioning into the second song you turn to gauge Eddie’s reaction. The stage lights flash illuminating the empty spot where he was standing only minutes ago. The ache in your chest becomes hard to ignore as you continue the song. Turning back to the crowd you let their excitement wash over you, distracting you from the way your heart was breaking. 
Then as you finish up the song you notice Eddie leaning against the bar. He must’ve moved to get a better view of your performance. Either that or he was trying to drink away the thought of your confession. 
There’s a lull in the music as you prepare for your last song of the night. The big finale to fully put your feelings out there. As the music fades in you turn to look at Eddie. He leans against the bar, settling in for the song. 
“We’re just friends, right? Like we’ve been right?” you sing as the first verse kicks in. The words seem to catch his attention and he pushes off the bar to make his way towards the stage. Your eyes follow him as he moves closer. 
As the chorus approaches you prepare for what you’re about to do. You needed to make sure he knew that this song was directed at him. That every word you had sung tonight was all for him. Your bold and very public declaration of love for him. 
“It’s not like I’m in love with you…shit,” you sing while pointing at Eddie who now stands directly in front of the stage. 
The crowd erupts in cheers as they watch you point him out in the crowd. Moving to the front of the stage you kneel, reaching your free hand out towards him as you continue singing, “I want you more than anyone else, want your body all to myself.” 
You stare into his eyes, and it feels as if no one else in the room exists. As if you’re singing to only him and not a packed bar. Standing you make your way back to the stand, never breaking eye contact with your best friend. 
With your heart trying to beat out of your chest you finally sing the last line, “I’m in love with you.” 
The crowd goes wild, their screams and cheers making your ears ring. Biting your lip, you put the microphone back on the stand and give them a shy wave as you make your way to the edge of the stage. Eddie is already waiting for you, a smile stretching across his face. 
The second you enter his eyeline he reaches for you pulling your body flush against his. He pauses for a second, searching your eyes for any sign that you changed your mind. Not finding any he pulls your face to his lips meeting in a hurried kiss. His cool rings press into your cheek as you try to deepen the kiss. Letting your hands tangle in his hair drags a moan from the depths of his throat. 
When you finally break apart, he leans his forehead against yours. His warm breath tickles your skin, and you bask in the moment. Everything you had ever wanted was right here in front of you. 
“I’m in love with you too,” he confesses. The words send your heart soaring, and you can’t help but place another kiss on his lips. 
When you decided on this plan you had thought through countless possibilities of how this would go but none of them compared to this moment. None of them had captured the amount of pure joy you would feel when he held you in his arms. 
As the guy from earlier announces Corroded Coffin you start to pull back, ready to let Eddie go play his set. At the last second, he pulls you back to his chest, giving you another deep kiss. One that leaves you panting and wanting more. 
“We’ll continue that later,” he tells you with a wink before following the rest of his band onto the stage. Leaving you staring at him from the sidelines imagining everything you would do later. 
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obscureblorbos · 2 years
Scott Evil w/ a Trans Male S/O
This imagine was brought to you by Anon:
idk if you're still active but your scott evil/reader hcs are so good!! if you take requests, could you do hcs for scott evil with a trans male reader? thanks in advance! 
A/N: dw i’m still alive and kicking! i’m just really slow with writing these days and this year has been pretty busy. july was like 2 weeks ago, it feels. anyways enjoy!
Coming out to him would not be an issue. He’s a very supportive person, whether or not you’re out. Needless to say, he is accommodating to your needs, and he appreciates that you feel comfortable enough to tell him 
This goes for Dr. Evil, Number 2, and Frau. Dr. Evil and Number 2 don’t make a fuss about it at all. When you announce you’re trans, they’ll just say “Excellent. Welcome, Mr. (L/N). Anyway...” Frau, on the other hand, will congratulate you and tell you how brave you are
Because he’s the son of a rich supervillain with lots of connections, you have access to whatever you need for your transition (binders, packers, HRT, surgery, etc.). He normally hates his status, and prefers to use his own money to fund everything, but if it’s for your benefit, he believes it’s going to a noble cause
Scott has a fairly large wardrobe, so if you wanted to borrow (or just take) his clothes, you’re free to do so.
“Wow, you’re voice is getting deeper, babe!”
If you have any, he admires your top surgery scars, and he’ll even tell you they’re “sick”
He puts extra effort in making sure you feel like “one of the guys” when his friends are around
“What’d you say about my boyfriend?” He doesn’t argue with people who throw hate your way. He just fistfights them. This can be embarrassing sometimes, especially if you don’t find it to be a big deal. Scott just can’t stand how much people disrespect you when you don’t deserve it
On days where you’re feeling dysphoric, he tries to take your mind off those thoughts by offering to play games or watch a movie with you.
He isn’t too good with words, but he does everything he can to show that you are loved and he’s proud of how far you’ve come
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ch4nb4ng · 2 years
The Unexpected Encounter
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Pairing: afab artist x artist DILF Hyunjin, enemies to lovers
Word Count: 12.2k (woops)
Warnings: degradation, penetration, nipple play, praise, cream pie, implication of blowjob, mentions of pain, semi switch!hyunjin, sub
Summary: Your new job working for your favorite artist was very exciting, but your work colleagues, well one in particular, was not so nice, and you wanted, no needed to get to the bottom of it.
Note: Okay idk what happened but this fic disappeared from my blog so im uploading it again !
Today was a nerve wracking day.
The professional painting scene was very new to you. Being a graduate in art and art history was very new. It was always your passion, you knew this from a young age. From the creative diary entries you made when you were 10 years old, to the several theses completed on why Jackson Pollock portrayed what he did in drop paintings, or how Claude Monet impacted the movement towards modernism: art was your one true passion in life.
Most college students know that the difference between studying and actually getting out into your field of choice could sometimes be a difficult transition. Sometimes it takes years before you find the connections you need to. To find the artists that you have looked up to to get in contact. But today was finally the day. After 5 years of working your ass off, you have attracted the attention of your all time favorite artist: Christopher Chan Bang. Everybody knew him. He was an artistic icon all around the globe in the modern world. From paintings, to sketching, even lyrical pieces and music making: Mr. Bang was an artistic prodigy. He was a man of many talents, someone you had discovered in your teenage years, all the way through until now. When you received that very formal invitation over email, you swore you almost passed out. A tear, or two, or three slipped from your eyes, and it was the first time in your life that things finally started to feel like they were falling into place.
Your life started today, and boy, were you excited to start this new chapter of your life moving forward.
A couple of canvases, some paint palettes and your trusty, old but very reliable, paint brushes, you headed out the door, jumping into your car, and making your way to the famous Christopher Bang Studios building. You had looked it up in your maps previously, multiple times, making sure you would be ontime by estimating how long it would take to get there at this time of the morning. Suitcase in one hand, morning coffee in the other, you trailed off, excitement riddling your bones. Even the drive up was scenic. Although a commercial building, the uniqueness of this man was close to none. Any person who saw a commercial building in the middle of nowhere, broad acres of green and hilled land surrounding the studio would think it was the closest thing to being strange. But artists understood. It was typical of him to do something as such. It reflected the way he portrayed himself in his art. The loneliness, the isolation. It was what all his pieces symbolized in some sort of way. The fact that he was surrounded by thousands of people daily, and followed by millions around the world spoke volumes, but the idea that he could still feel such emotions; that was what drew people in, what drew you in.
The ascending hill had reached its peak. A beaming smile came to your lips as your car approached the Victorian gates. Reaching into your handbag, you fumbled for the paperwork, sticking your head out through the window as you waited for the sound to come over the intercom.
“Hello and welcome to the Building of CB97, how can I help you?”
“Oh, uhm hi,” you mumbled, “my name is Y/n. I am supposed to start in the canvas department today.”
“Ah yes, Ms. Y/l/n, welcome. Once the gates open, you will need to drive straight for about 500m, then make a sharp left into the west car park. Please park in the carspot with the number 34.  I will meet you at your car. Do you have any questions?”
“No,” you blurted, “no thank you . I’ll see you then.”
The intercom went silent, and the doors began their grand opening, the rust of the metal beams aching as they slid open. You gasped, completely entranced by the grandness of it all. They moved quickly, and you began to drive forward, counting the distance to yourself, until you reached around the 500 meter mark. “West” covered the pavement in large black block letters, and the number ‘34’ on the edge of the spot on the floor. You took a deep breath as you opened the car and shut the door behind you. Even the air felt fresh. The secret was truly amazing, and it would be something that you might never get used to. You walked towards the closest door, a lady with a small frame almost guarding it. Her hair was blonde, and she looked around 5’5 ft tall. Assuming she was the one you had spoken to prior, you stuck your hand out, hoping she would return the favor and shake it.
“Ms. Y/l/n. Welcome to the team, My name is Yeji, and I will be helping you settle in today. Please, follow me.”
You nodded, thanking her as she opened the door for you. The walls were painted a variety of colors, the left mixed with cool toned, the right mixed with warm toned; it was like a hallucination. Although a very grand and bold first impression, it field your heart with warmth, soul with security. The creative juices and innovations were already oozing, and you couldn’t wait to meet the man that you knew was behind this. 
“I should give you a little bit of background. This building was first truly established in-”
“2005,” you interrupted, not realizing how obsessed you sounded at this moment, “sorry, I have done a lot of research before coming here.”
Yeji chuckled as she continued to walk, “I take it you're a fan of Mr. Bang’s work.”
“Oh, uhm, yes. He was kind of my biggest inspiration as a teen and in college. I can’t even believe I’m here right now.”
She smiled politely, enjoying your enthusiasm towards her workplace. “That’s great to hear. Of course, I am in the dance/musical department, so I may not see you much.”
“Oh,” you frowned, “that’s okay, I’m sure I’ll see you around more than you think. I’m very curious to see what goes on in such a department.”
She nodded. You felt like you were lost in a maze, walking down hallway after hallway. In all honesty, it probably was not that long, just the multitude of artwork covering the walls. Yeji had come to an abrupt stop, facing a pitch-black door in the hallway. ‘Creative Director and CEO’ were printed on a gold plaque in the center of the door, and your heart skipped a beat when you realized what was happening. The smile on your face dropped, and your palms were beginning to condensate. Was he really behind this door, waiting for you? You swallowed the large lump forming in your throat, coughing a few times to clear your chest as Yeji knocked a special kind of beat.
“Come in.”
She looked back at you once more before opening the door. You were so easy to read, exactly like a book. She placed the hand that was free on your wrist, giving you a small nod of enthusiasm.
“Don’t be so nervous. Mr. Bang may be a really well known person, but he’s not a typical CEO. He’s very nice, and I’m sure he’s looking forward to meeting you.”
And with that the door opened, a violet gradient filled the room as you took a step inside, and there he was. The man that you had looked up to for more than half of your life. The person who helped you to find your true calling. To create things that move people, make them feel things. He was sitting down, behind a desk, glasses pushed right up to his face as he looked to be drawing on an ipad screen. He looked super intimidating, and the closer you got, the more you wanted to run away from him.
“Mr. Bang, Y/n has finally arrived this morning. She will be starting her internship today.”
He looked up, swiping the glasses off his face as a rather large smile came to his lips. The side of his eyes crinkled, and two deep dimples formed in his cheeks. He stood up, walking around and putting his arm out in front of you.
“Ah Ms.Y’l/n,” he greeted, “so nice to finally meet you in person. Please, have a seat.”
Your mouth froze, saying nothing and just doing as you're told. Yeji was still standing next to you.
“Great, thank you Yeji, if there’s anything else you need for the dance studio today, please email me or don't be afraid to call, you know which number it is to call right?”
“Of course sir,” her tone was very polite, “always, 0325.”
“Great, thank you, see you later.”
And with that, she was gone. Just you. In a chair. In front of a very established, well renowned man that changed your life. No big deal. You weren't panicking or anything.
You looked down, unsure if he was okay with eye contact.”
“Y-yes,” you mumbled, “Hi Mr. Bang.”
“Please,” he smiled, slouching back into his desk chair, “call me Chan. I’d also prefer if you looked at me while I spoke to you.”
Your eyes snapped up immediately. It’s not that you were trying to be rude. If anything, it seemed impolite to look at him. Such an enormous figure running an enormous company. It felt like a burden to look him in the eye, but you did anyway, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot.
“Ah, sorry Mr. Bang – I mean Chan, just a little nervous.”
“Oh,” the smile on his face drained immediately, “why is that? Is there something I can do?”
“No no,” you blurted, putting your hands out in a swiping motion, “it’s just. This is really embarrassing to say, but I am such a huge fan. I have been following your work since I was a teen, as well as writing a couple of theses in my graduate year about your works,” you paused, “you’re the person that helped me find my true meaning and true passion in my life.”
“Oh wow,” he gasped, placing a hand on his chest, “I did not know I could impact someone so deeply. I appreciate your honesty.”
He got out of his chair, dragging it around as he placed it next to you. He sat back down, placing a soft touch to your wrist as he spoke.
“I feel emotional hearing your words. It’s people like you who truly inspire me to do what I do. I have looked over some of, actually no, most of your work and saying that I am impressed is an understatement.”
You could feel the moisture begin to soften in your eyes. You had to blink once, making sure that you weren’t living in a dream. A new layer of goosebumps coated your skin.
“My work?”
“Absolutely,” he smiled, tone calm as ever as he continued to speak, “it impacted me immensely. Through your work I see a lot of myself in you, you know?”
He stood up and wheeled behind his desk as he was previously. A tear slipped out of the corner of your left eye, making you chuckle as you quickly swiped it away, not wanting your boss to see such emotion. “Which is why I am very excited to have you here with us! Today will be very introductory. This is a big building so someone, one of the other painters,a fellow colleague, will give you a tour. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to knock on my door or shoot me an email. I’m always here to listen.”
He handed you a card with his name, number and email. You smiled and nodded, thankful for his gracious welcoming to such an environment.
“Thank you very much Chan, I am looking forward to the opportunity you've given me here today.”
“Oh please,” he scoffed, “it’s the least I can do for such an amazing artist.”
He picked up the phone on his desk, dialing a few numbers on the keypad before letting it ring through the speaker.
“Hello Mr. Bang, what can I do for you.”
“Yes hi. Could you please send Mr. Lee Felix down from the canvas please?”
“No worries, He will be there in 5 minutes.”
“Great thank you, bye.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Was it just a coincidence, or was the Felix he was talking about the one you knew from college. There was no way, surely. The Felix you knew was a video game engineer. He was bound to spend his career in the world of video games. Yes, this was a creative building of all sorts, but there was no way. You met Felix in college through an elective. It was an art elective, one you took with enthusiasm, but one he did not. You were always paired up in assignments, which he was very thankful for seeing as he had no artistic ability when it came to artwork. He was one of your closest friends, but you lost contact when he moved back to his hometown in Sydney. You thought about him from time to time, and the person that Mr. Bang had called over the phone and was pulling at the heartstrings. 
“Do you know Mr. Lee by any chance?”
You were snapped out of your thoughts by his question.
“Mr. Lee, I have it here that you both attended the same college. Graduated the same year, do you know him?”
“I actually did have a close friend with a similar name, but he was in an engineering major, so I’m not sure why I-”
You were interrupted by shuffling footsteps at the door frame. You snapped your neck around, a gasp covered by a hand covering your mouth as you looked at your long lost friend stared back at you.
“Felix,” you mumbled in disbelief, “Felix Lee.”
“It’s been a long time,” he beamed, walking to your chair.
You stood up, opening your arms as you took him into a very large, very warm embrace. The muscles in your face relaxed as you closed your eyes. The past couple of weeks made you homesick to say the least. Moving to a different country, getting used to the environment around you made you miss your family. You wanted to share it with them. Show them what's beautiful place this was. Seeing Felix helped relieve you of this stress. He reminded you of home, something that reminded you of home. Like a piece of home floating around you everyday from now on. It was nice to see a familiar face.
“I’ll take that as my answer,” Chan mumbled, “Felix, please show her around the art department. It’s important to show her the building, yes, but it’s most important that she becomes familiar with her everyday work environment.”
“Sure thing Chan,” Felix smiled, pointing his arm towards the door, “shall we?”
“We shall,” you giggled, turning to Chan and bowing one more time, “thank you for everything so far Mr. Bang, I’ll see you at a later time.”
“Please,” he chuckled, “call me Chan.”
Your lips folded in, a polite smile as you walked out of the door with Felix, bag full of supplies in your hand. You interlocked your arm with Felix’s skipping down the hallway as the two of you laughed together. It was like no time had passed. The conversation was broad, running from one topic to another. The thing with Felix was that he was the type of person where you could not see him in years, yet it was like it had only been a week. He was very attentive, wanting to know everything that had happened since you had left.
“I can’t believe it,” Felix sighed.
“Believe what?”
“You’re really here. You really made your dream come true huh?”
You stopped, facing him as the feeling of shock ran through your blood.
“You remembered?”
“Tsk, of course,” he beamed, throwing his head back in disbelief, “how could I forget?”
You smacked him playfully, shedding a tear. The sincerity was very genuine. It warmed your heart to a temperature that you didn’t know was possible. 
“Geez you cry so easily,” he scoffed, “keep it together, we are about to approach the studio.”
“Oh shit,” you gasped, quickly wiping any remaining condensation stinging your cheeks, “does it look like I’ve been crying?”
“No, you’re fine.” 
He nodded as you reached the mysterious blue double door. The letters “Canvas” were painted in large block white writing. It was a little intimidating, you couldn’t lie. It was extremely nerve wracking to be entering your dream career right now, especially at a young age. It seemed like you would probably be one the youngest coworkers. Solely based on the people you saw around, and Chan’s age, it was a fair statement. Felix gave you one last look, snapping you out of your nerve wracking thoughts, barely giving you a moment to get your cognitions together.
“Are you ready?”
A deep breath escaped your chest before you answered, “Let’s do it.”
Your hand was on the door handle, pushing hard as the loud sound echoed into the next room. Everybody stopped, staring at what, or more who, created the loud sound. The five different pairs of eyes could be felt at the pit of your stomach. They felt very hard at first, which in all honesty, did not surprise you. The art community was very competitive, and they probably were not very fond of a new person encroaching on their space. There were seven easels, placed in a circle, all filled with a canvas. Felix could feel your apprehension. Nonetheless, he dragged you to the center, keeping everybody’s attention.
“Now, everybody knows me of course. I am the wonderful Felix, but you don’t know the lovely person standing next to me.” He paused, grabbing you by the shoulders and pulling you in front of himself.
“This y/n. She is starting an internship from this day forward. Please be nice to her, she is actually a very good old friend of mine and she is a very talented artist.”
“Felix stop,” you mumbled, smiling at everybody before bowing in front of them.
“I’m y/n,” you stuttered, “it’s so nice to meet all of you. I’m looking forward to working with amazing artists.”
“Welcome to the studio.”
A man in green pants and white shirt greeted you first. He walked out of his chair, standing up and reaching his hand out to shake his own.
“I’m Seungmin, I am head of the canvas department. We’ve heard a lot of great things about you.”
“Oh,” you replied with surprise, “really? Thank you so much.”
“Of course, here I’ll help you get settled in.”
He picked up your bag, placing it beside one of the empty chairs. You looked around, still nervous as you ignored everyone else’s eye contact. 
“Let me introduce you to everyone.”
“Ah yes of course,” you nodded, moving back to the center, “I’d love to get to know everybody.”
“Great,” he replied. He pointed at each person, introducing you to Jisung, Minho, Ryujin and Hyunjin. The moment you made eye contact with him, everything had suddenly changed. His eyes were soft, very soft, extremely doey. The others got up and shook your hand, introducing themselves, except for him of course. He acknowledged your presence was very brief. It hurt your feelings at first, but you brushed it off, not wanting to let something small ruin the positive run that was your first day. 
You had settled in a little more, sitting down and opening your bag as you took out your brushes, lying them on the floor. A man looked at you with much confusion, an eyebrow cocked at your odd working space.
“Why on earth are you putting your brushes on the floor?”
You were looking down, not paying attention to who was talking to you. You decided to ignore him, unsure of what he actually said.
“Excuse me? Can you not hear someone talking to you?”
You snapped your neck, looking up to the mystery man staring at you. It was this moment when you finally got a good look at the one named Hyunjin. He was very mature looking, aged approximately early thirsties. His hair was medium length, black, and looked freshly cut. A few of the front pieces framed his face. His physique was tall, very slender, tattoos covering his forearms, once peeking out of the side of his neck. His hands were large, pointing to the array of brushes splattered across the floor. You stood up immediately, accidentally stepping on his foot as you used all your weight to stand. He yelped, stepping backwards as you jumped off of his foot.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, shaking your head with concern, “I’m so sorry I-”
“Watch what you’re doing,” he mumbled, “What are those brushes doing on the floor?”
You swore you broke out into a sweat. His face made you starstruck. His eyes were small, the speck of a beauty mark marking the underneath of his left eye. Nose in proportion, but his lips. So big, so soft, juicy. You had to swallow before responding, eyes fixated on them. Anybody would have noticed. The longer you stared, the more lost you got in them. Hyunjin brought his fingers in the air, snapping them and snapping you out of your almost perverted stare.
“Oh uhm,” you mumbled, “I like to have my brushes on the floor, it’s just something I’ve always done-”
“Don’t care,” he interrupted, brushing his hands towards them, “they’re distracting and will hurt somebody.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, seeing how Felix and Ryujin had their brushes on the floor.
“But other people have theirs on the floor, why can’t I?”
You could see Felix behind you, lifting his arms and crossing them into an X. His eyes were wide, warning you to stop questioning him.
“Because I said so. First you step on my foot, then you have the audacity to question me?”
“No I-”
“That’s what I thought,” he interjected, interrupting you once again, “once you’ve picked them up like I said, go next door, all the acrylic paint is there, I’m assuming that’s what you use”
“Sure thing Hyunjin,” you replied, voice sounding a little defeated, “sorry to upset you.”
He said no more, walking back to his seat and continuing his own artwork. 
Embarrassment and humiliation filled your body as you walked fast out of the room. You stood against the door, a heavy breath escaping your lips as you looked into the window, spotting the acrylic paint. How come everybody else was so lovely? Maybe it was because he was your senior, someone that demanded respect. Regardless, it really wasn’t necessary for him to scold you like that, especially on your first day. You were too much of a positive person to let someone like this bother you. This was your dream job, and you weren’t about to throw it all away from a bad first impression. You weren’t sure why, or how, but the words of such humility shot straight in between your legs. You ignored, however, ridiculing yourself for such a thought for such a rude man.
The room was huge, shelves upon shelves of different types of paint, as well as the numerous shades you could choose from: it felt like heaven. But it’s not like you cared at the moment. Too irritated by the crudeness of your new colleague. How could someone be so cruel? A rather annoyed sigh escaped your lips as you walked over to the wall of acrylic paint. Going for a warm toned palette, you picked out the brightest of oranges, deepest of reds, and mid-range shade of yellows. You were the type of person to let little things bother you. The simple thought of walking back into the room and everyone staring at you like you were a clumsy person, or just the disrespectful new girl who thinks she owns the place was becoming agitating. You were a nice person, but you were not a pushover. 
“Y/n, are you okay?”
You turned to see a concerned Seungmin standing at the doorway. You walked over, already planning to leave the room anyway, seeing as you had grabbed everything you needed.
“Me? Yes I’m fine,” you smiled, somewhat fake, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Listen, y/n,” he smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder, “you don’t have to pretend with me. Hyunjin can be a little.”
“A little?”
“Well, a lot. He actually is a very nice person, but he just got separated recently and his life is in a bit of shambles right now. Sometimes he just lets his anger out on the wrong people.”
“Oh,” you sighed, that tiny build of guilt beginning to eat at your bones, “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, how would you know? A lot of people at the company don’t really know, just me and Felix. He is very private, so I’d appreciate it if you kept this information to yourself.”
“Oh yes of course,” you nodded, “I obviously do not want to intervene with anybody's personal life, especially on my first day.”
“Cool,” Seungmin paused, “I’m glad you’re okay, let’s head back into there and discuss what the topic of art shall be today.”
You nodded, allowing your nicer colleague to escort you out of the paint room and back into canvas. You looked at no one, but could feel the 2 orbs of sight burning holes into the side of your face. Great. Now you had to tiptoe around somebody whose life was supposedly ‘falling apart.’ Really, if this was someone you knew, or someone you saw on the street, you would give them a piece of your mind. But you did not want to do that here. Not on the first day at least. You were not going to give up everything you dreamed of to pick apart one person who was having an off day. It was fine. You sat back down into your chair, taking a deep breath as you watched Felix address you and your peers once more.
“Okay everybody, today’s inspiration for artwork is an emotion. Would anyone like to guess what it is?”
“Close, but no.”
Everyone began to guess, yelling out the wide variety of emotions they could name. Well, everyone except you and Hyunjin. He sat back, legs spread open as he watched the rest of his coworkers guess hopelessly. A thin wooden paintbrush tip prodding at the tip of his lips. He opened his mouth, biting down on it gently, before giving you a subtle look. ‘Fuck,’ you thought, taking your focus off of him and back to Felix. You had been caught. But what were you worried about? Why would it be a bad thing about being ‘caught.’ 
The problem was, you couldn’t look away. The slenderness of his dress pants accentuated the length of his lower limbs, making your eyes travel. He continued, however, completely against your will as you looked at his stomach. The buttons near the bottom of the shirt were almost undone, exposing the bare minimum of skin. You could feel your eyes bulge, unable to take them away from the area that you should not see in everyday work. They traveled further, reaching his neck. His head was tilted to the side, ink peeking out from the upper area of his neck, mostly covered by the collar or his sheer shirt. He watched the other like a spectacle, some sort of amusement, allowing the rise of the warm sun to radiate across the half of his body that was facing you. You bit down on your lip, imagining what it would look like marked, which brought you back to his lips. You weren’t sure why, maybe because of how soft or plump they looked, but you were fascinated. Like a work of art, pun very much intended.
The heat came to your face immediately, knowing very well that truly had been caught in the crossfire. Your eye snapped back to Felix immediately, praying that no one saw you practically boring your soul into the man that yelled at you five minutes prior.
“Sorry, what was the question?”
“I said, which emotion would you like to paint today?”
“Oh,” you chuckled nervously, “ I would like to paint-”
Everybody had turned to Hyunjin, who had just completely interrupted you and not let you answer. The smirk on his face was priceless, and Minho was covering his mouth in shock. The man stood up, walking over to Felix, placenta friendly hand on his shoulder as he opened his mouth to speak once more.
“I think anger would be the perfect one for the day,” he paused, maneuvering his glare to land directly onto you, “I know I’m feeling that a little bit today.”
You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. All you could do was stare back, knowing that if you responded, it would come across rude and unprofessional. He was such a smartass, dying for you to snap back at him. But you knew better. You would not give him the satisfaction of giving him a reaction. The more you were around him, the harder it was to empathize with the guy. 
“Okay that sounds great,” Felix whispered, patting Hyunjin to get him back to his seat. A roll of the eyes was inevitable, praying that he did not see you do it. He acted so high and mighty, but what for? This only increased your anger. Grabbing the thickest paintbrush, you ripped it out of your bag with one hand, palette in the other as you squirted heavy amounts of paint on the palette. You had no time to think, nothing but gross motor skills moving as you flicked your hand away on that canvas. 
Although you were beyond pissed, painting was always a way to relieve you of that stress. It was the only way you knew how to calm yourself. Everything around you became silent once the brush touched the canvas material. You had no time to notice him staring at you once more. You were much too engrossed. Another scoff could be heard, of course it was the cruel hater that was Hyunjin. Time flew when you painted, and before you knew it, it was lunch. The rest had already left the room, of course, you were much too distracted in your passion to see the only person left was the one you had already developed a disdain for. He tiptoed over, stood right behind you and he brought a hand to his chin, squinting his eyes and alaysing what you had created.
“Did you not hear?”
You jumped in shock, falling off of your chair and onto the ground, hard. You looked up, sighing as you prepared yourself for the scolding or hurl of insults that was about to be thrown your way. 
“I’m sorry Mr. uh, Hyunjin, sir, I’m not sure what you mean.”
The man bit down on the corner of the inside of his mouth, a chuckle of annoyance filling his lips.
“Do you think you’re a hot shot or something?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, genuinely unsure of what he was talking about. You stood up, looking up at the man as he spoke.
“You heard me?”
He took a step closer to you, gazing down on you patronizingly, too stubborn to give up his point of making you look bad. The thing is, Hyunjin did not know who he was messing with. You kept your stance, folding your arms across your chest as you glared back at him.
“I don’t think I’m a hot shot, and no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He reached below, snaking his hand around your palm, grabbing the paintbrush from your hand. Your heart skipped a beat, adrenaline coursing through your veins at his touch. You could feel your palms already sweating. He had suddenly become close, in your personal space. He was at eye level with you when he reached down, dark brown eyes boring into yours. Time had stopped, and you had to blink, bring yourself back to reality and how you were talking to. The previous image if his head tilted, neck covered in an array of purple and blue. 
“When I say it’s lunch time. It’s lunch time. You don’t keep painting, you leave. It’s that simple.”
Your lips smuggled into a line, left eye twitching, mouth salivating at how angry he was making you.
“So how was I supposed to know that? Huh?”
He said nothing. You took a step closer, elbows gently digging into his sides. Oh. Oh was all you could think when he was closer, feeling the hardness and firm tone of his body. He was attractive; there was no doubt about that. Tall, glowing skin, nice smile, delicate. The image of his neck flew into your mind once more, but this time you were determined to push it down and out. Yes, this was your first day, but there was no way the foundation of your relationship with this credulously rude man was going to be set like this: like you were just some pushover that would easily get scolded for something as simple as this. A smirk of arrogance turned on his lips as he saw you gulp, hard, mumbling a curse word under your breath. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
“How am I supposed to know that everybody goes to lunch at the same time?”
Hyunjin wasn’t intimidating in the slightest. His glare intensified the more you spoke back to him. He leant down, face now in eye level with your own. You gulped nervously, noses almost touching, why was he so close? His lips were slightly ajar, close enough to feel the delightful scent that was his breath tingle across your cheek.
“Don’t you pay attention to your surroundings? Tsk, you’re so ignorant.”
You went to open your mouth once more, but it was too late, he was already off. If you could punch the wall now, you would. You did not know it was possible to be this angry. You wanted to follow him, slap the shit out of him quite frankly. Anything that you could do to take out on him was good enough. It’s not like he even said much either. Yes he was arrogant, condescending, patrionsing, anything with a negative connotation you could label him with. You weren’t sure what it was, but Hyunjin had already found a way to crawl under your skin, make a home for himself there and kick around as much as he pleased.
What felt like two minutes ended up being fifteen, because everyone had already come back. Heat creeped on your face, and your palms became sweaty. A wave of humiliation came over you out of nowhere. You forgot to bring lunch, or even just take a rest. You don’t know why, but you were feeling embarrassed. Your head faced downward as everyone walked in, smiling or engaged in conversation, until they looked at you. The smile on Felix’s face faded immediately. Being an old friend of yours, he could tell when something wasn’t right.
“Y/n,” he asked, running over, placing his hand on your lower back, “is everything alright?”
You looked up, the first face you saw was Hyunjin’s of course, like your eyes were naturally drawn to him. It was the first time the two of you had made eye contact, and his facial expression was soft. No glare, no evil stare. If anything, it looked like concern. You only spent a brief moment looking at him, before turning to Felix. He could see the tear threatening to spill from your left eye. Maybe Hyunjin was right. Maybe you weren’t good enough to work here. Not talented enough. 
“Yeah, I’m um,”you paused, fanning yourself, “I’m just a bit hot in here, just going to go splash some cool water on my face. Where’s the closest bathroom?”
“Down the hall on your last left,” he replied, “do you want me to show y-”
“No no!” you accidentally yelled, already making a break for the door, “it’s fine, I’ll work it out.”
Nothing but forward worked into your stride and as you bolted down the long hallway, you skipped the bathroom altogether, finding the nearest exit from the building. A large sigh came to your lips when you felt the cool breeze attack your face. You sat down on the curb, feeling the previous tears give way. They kept coming, one after the other. The actualisation that you weren't good enough to work here had hit you like a ton of bricks. Nobody respected you, and if they did before, they certainly did not know after the way Hyunjin treated you in there. Any bit of sympathy you had prior to his situation was gone. Thrown right out of the door. It was until you felt the presence of someone not to you that you took your face out of your hands, quickly wiping your tears and standing up.
“Mr. Bang?”
“Y/n please, call me Chan. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes everything is great!”
The smile on your face was extremely forced; anybody could see that. He lifted a hand, patting you on the shoulder before asking you once more, “is everything okay?”
You could feel the lump in your throat about to burst. As if today couldn’t get any worse. A large sniffle came to your nose, refusing anything that could further humiliate you in front of your new boss. 
“I don’t think I should work here.”
Chan’s lips turned upside down, genuine concern filling his voice as he looked at you. It made him sad, very sad. He could see himself in you alot, especially when he was still an up and coming artist. Doubt was a strong feeling in these times, and he wanted to do everything he could to push past these feelings, and not deal with what he had to deal with.
“Oh y/n, trust me, I understand what you’re going through. You don’t have to be alone and trust me when I say this: you are very talented and deserve to be here just as much as anyone else.”
You looked at him, smiling at the sincerity his words meant. You could tell he was saying it with a heavy heart, wanting to make you feel better. He was a good person, and a really good boss; you couldn’t ask for more.
“Thank you Chan, that means a lot. Today has just been overwhelming. I’m not very good at meeting new people and making good first impressions.”
“Ah, I understand,” he nodded, “meeting other artists can be confronting. I say this, I know who the tough ones are and the sweet ones are. If someone doesn’t like you, do not pay any of them your mind. I can name a couple in your department that are like that off the top of my head, but since I am your boss, that would most definitely be a human resources violation.”
The joke made you chuckle, and in this moment you felt very grateful towards him.
“Thank you Chan, I should head back inside before Felix starts to worry about me.”
“Sure thing, take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.”
He walked back inside, yourself soon following, making your way back to the canvas room. The doors were loud, and everybody turned around to see you come through. A few smiles, a few expressions of indifference. The one you were told to ignore was looking, but no glare. Same expression as before, one that looked to be concerned as you took your seat. Taking on your bosses advice, you ignored everyone around you, mind endlessly filled with ideas and cognitions on how to enhance your artwork. It was your one true passion after all. Everything had become clear, and your reasons as to why you were hired here were reignited.
Time had flown and before you knew it, the work day was over. Everyone had put their brushes down, and grabbed their belongings as they stood around, chatting to each other and waited for what seemed to be some kind of public service announcement. Your confusion was soon cleared, seeing the team leader, and one of your more friendly colleagues, standing on the block in the middle of the room to address everyone. It made you giggle. He was already tall, and it’s not like he needed the extra height.
“Right everyone, that brings us to another day wrapped up. Usually now would be the time to discuss what we have come up with, but we shall save that for tomorrow morning. Instead, Mr. Bang has put us up to our first group task of the business quarter. Splitting into pairs, he wants each of us to come up with a logo for a new company he is getting into. Something musical, like you would see for a,” he paused, taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and reading it carefully, “rock inspired edm.” 
The other looked around, barely phased. Maybe this was something Chan had asked of them often. 
“Now seeing as there are new faces around here, I probably should explain how we pick the partners. We basically just draw them out of a hat.”
He turns around, nodding at Ryujin as she hands him a cup, full of tiny papers which you assumed had names on them.
“Why not give y/n the honor of picking her partner first?”
Everybody agreed, making your heat begin to race. You were a good sport, and usually quite enjoyed group work. As you walked over to the podium, your heart began to speed up again. You truly were happy to work with anyone. Anything was worth the sacrifice of quality content. It truly would be good to make a new friend you thought, reaching your hand into the hat. Everything would be great, that was until you opened the folded paper, reading the person’s name you really did not want. The smile on your face faded straight away, opening your lips to tell everybody who you had chosen.
The room suddenly filled with awkward air, everybody averting your gaze. A large scoff could be heard from him across the room, causing you to roll your eyes. Of course, knowing your luck you would get partnered up with the one person that you already despise. He would probably make it so hard to work with, wanting to take the credit for everything. Nonetheless, this was for work, and if that meant you had to put aside your pride for a few days to get this project over and done with, so be it. The rest of the partners were sorted, Felix mouthing you a ‘good luck,’ before leaving with Seungmin. It didn’t look like Hyunjin was going to approach you, so you decided to be the bigger person for once, approaching him instead.
As you walked over, you stuck your hand out, politely waiting for him to shake it.
“Hi, I’m Y/n. I think we started on the wrong foot.”
He wasn’t even looking, too busy texting on his phone to even acknowledge your presence. It took him a good five minutes before he even looked up. He nodded, throwing his backpack over his shoulder as he rolled his eyes. Your hand came back to your side, obviously not going to be seen or heard by him.
“Look, I know you don’t want to be partnered up with me, trust me, the feeling is mutual. Come to my place at 7pm tonight. Let’s do as much as we can so we can get this over and done with.”
“Sure thing.” you smiled, exaggerating your tone, “really looking forward to it.”
 You exchanged numbers, waiting for him to text his address.
As you walked away, adrenaline dispersed in your body. All of a sudden you were nervous to see him. Maybe it was because it was outside of work hours. Probably because he hated your guts. It did not matter. You wanted to prove to him and yourself that you can do this. Put all the pettiness aside and get the job done. 
The dreaded time of 7pm had arrived. His place was not too far from yours, which you were somewhat thankful for. Not like he did that on purpose. Walking onto the porch, nerves setting in, your knuckles came to the sooden front of the door. You knocked, gently, not wanting to be more obnoxious than you were already perceived to be by this idiot of a man. Your lips stuck out, air from the sigh blew out pushing it as he opened the door. 
Your eyes opened wide for a moment, noticing a completely different look. His hair was wet, tingy strands covering his forehead as your eyes trailed, collar bone slightly exposed from the wide collared shirt he was wearing. The sleeves were short, practically non-existent as his tank top exposed his shoulders, oh my, they were large. His arms were slim, yet so defined, covered in a continued array of more ink. His bicep flexed even at rest as he stood there, hips slightly forward as he smiled. The smile caught you off guard, not the fact that he was standing over you, a lot more naked and exposed than he was today. Your eyes, however, traveled straight to his neck, now familiar with the rest of his tattoo now exposed. The rose was large, thorns spiking out and around. It was a beautiful piece, definitely something that was original and unique to the man.
“Welcome, would you like to come inside ?”
“Uh sure,” you mumbled, walking in front of him. The apartment was nice, almost too nice for someone like him. It was a very minimalistic style, but it was right up your alley. You appreciated it and it was the way you would design your dream home. You sat down on his couch, waiting patiently for him to join you. He was in the kitchen, opening the top cupboard and bringing out a glass.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh uhm, just water please.”
He nodded, turning on the tap and filling it up, walking over and placing it on the table in front of him. He takes his seat, awfully close to you, causing you to sweat a little. His demeanor had completely shifted from the moment you met him. He suddenly felt so warm, welcoming. You felt comfortable for the first time, really comfortable. You could feel a gentle ache erupting in your core, but it wasn’t enough to distract you. Hyunjin objectively was a very attractive individual. It would be ridiculous for anyone to look at him and not feel something, right?
“Before we even start, can I please apologize?”
“Apologize? What are you apologizing for?”
“I was having a really bad day,” he mumbled, unable to look at you as he placed a hand on the outer edge of your knee, making you jump slightly in your spot, “ I shouldn't have taken it out on you.”
You could feel the sincerity in his voice, like it was the first time he had ever been sincere in my life.  His fingers were twiling on your knee cap, the tickling sensation making you want to squirm. It was so soothing. It was making you feel gently aroused. You leaned into him, closing the gap quietly and he continued to speak. His lips were all you could stare at, and you felt him getting closer and closer, those lips you began to fantasize about almost touching yours. You knew what he was doing, what you were doing, but you did not want it to stop. Your opinion on Hyunjin has changed drastically. All you could think about right now was his hands on you. Lips crashing into yours, and marking that-
The voice startled you, covering your mouth to not scream and scared the person behind you. Turning round, you gasped, seeing a small child with a tiny frame standing from across the hall. Her hair was disheveled, and she had a hand on her face, rubbing her eye gently as she waited for her dad to come and get her.
“Hey honey,” he whispered, crawling over and kneeling down, hand on either side of his face as he looked at her, “what are you doing out of bed?”
“I could hear somebody outside, it sounded like mommy, but I’m not sure so I came to see if she was here.”
Hyunjin’s stomach dropped, and so did yours when you heard the doorbell ring. He stood up, grabbing his daughter’s hand as he walked over to the door. A heavy sigh escaped his chest before he opened the door. A very beautiful woman was on the other side, barging in without saying anything. She gave you one look, a look that said it all: anything but impressed.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hello to you too Hyunjin, what a surprise seeing you here.” 
She paused, pointing her finger at you as she rolled her eyes, “This your booty call for the night?”
“Excuse me?”
She was taken aback, not expecting you to talk back.
“She’s from work, we have a project to do. It’s not like you would care anyway, at least if something did happen, I would be single, unlike you.”
The smirk on her face disappeared within milliseconds. You could tell she did not like that comment. She ignored instead, swooping her daughter up and into her arms. The daughter was not smiling. If anything, she looked terrified. You weren’t sure what the situation was, but you knew that this wasn’t right. 
“Mommy, your breath smells funny.”
He stood behind his daughter, mouthing ‘you came here drunk?’ to his ex wife. You could feel your blood beginning to boil. You weren’t sure why it made you so mad, but it did. This lady that you knew from a bar of soap was getting on every single one of your last nerves. 
“Please put her down, let’s talk, but not with her here.”
She nodded at Hyunjin, putting her down. Her response was heartbreaking, seeing her run behind his legs. 
“Why don’t I put you to bed?”
You stepped forward, unsure if you were crossing a line here, but it was better than just sitting there like a bystander, doing absolutely nothing. 
“I can put her to bed if you want?”
He turned to you, and you could see the water foaming at the brim of his eyes. That guilt that had developed from when Seungmin told you his situation was coming back, and you felt this urge, no, demand to do anything to help him right now. 
“You can?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, walking over and grabbing his daughter's tiny hand, “you know, just so you guys can talk.”
Her smile came back, and she nodded as she came closer towards you.
“Daddy, can the pretty girl read me a story?”
He tried to suppress the smile, heat coming to his face at the description she used, “she sure can.”
You smiled politely at him as he gave his approval, death glaring at her as you walked down the hallway. You allowed her to guide you to her room, smiling when you saw the litter of dinosaurs sprayed across her bed. You sat on the edge, allowing her to get into her bed and pull the sheet over her. You tucked her in, making sure to get her chin under the cover. She giggled as she looked at you. It made you feel warm, reminding you of home ,tucking your nephew to bed. Children were so sweet, something you were always passionate about and loved, dreamed of always having. They were so innocent, so it made you sad, filled with despair when you saw the look and fear cowaring her face.
“Is there a story you would like me to read?”
“Yes,” she turned to her side, pointing at the book on the floor, “daddy just read it to me, but I couldn’t fall asleep.”
“Well,” you giggled, picking the book up, “ I better do a better job than your dad then.”
As you opened the book, you could hear the voices of the other two adults in the house starting to escalate. It wasn’t enough for their daughter to hear, but it certainly was for you. You raised your own, an attempt at drowning out the noise coming from the living room. You turned on the animations, ranting and raving, doing everything you can to make it a true story. She was such a sweet kid, giggling, chuckling, just bursting out laughing. She was really enjoying it, right until her tiny eyes fluttered shut, and all that could be heard was the sound of her chest rising, and falling with each breath.Your lips turned upwards, placing a hand on her forehead, stroking the skin gently. She looked peaceful. It was nice. 
You were too engrossed in how calm she looked to notice the door opening slightly ajar, Hyunjin’s head peering out of the side as he checked in. He came up behind you, down on his knees as he placed a hand on your upper back.
“Did she fall asleep okay?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, “she fell asleep as soon as I started reading her book.”
You stood, tip-toeing out of her room and back to the kitchen. He soon followed, grabbing your wrist, and pinning you against the fridge. The action took you aback, the cool temperature of the fridge calling onto your skin as he pinned you against it. His head bowed down, eyes boring into yours as he leaned in even closer. You bit down on your bottom lip, looking up at the once man of menace as you tilted your head, watching him move in what seemed to be slow motion as his lips touched yours. They connected so easily. You could feel the heat behind them, body already pushing up against you as he groaned into you. The contact was heavy, and you didn’t know why, but you really did not want it to stop. 
He was listening to your mind, hands snaking down your side, halting at your hips and squeezing the flesh, spinning you around, lower back hitting against the bench, hard as he continued to kiss you fervently. You pulled away, wincing from the slight pain it caused. His eyebrows furrowed, pulling away as he came to the realization of what he had just done.
“Oh my god,” he gasped, index and middle finger sitting on his lips, “I’m so sorry, I should have asked I-”
“It’s fine,” you nodded, averting his gaze at all means. Your chest was heavy, breathing dramatically in unison with Hyunjin. You weren’t sure what to do now, seeing as he had regretted his advances.
“I’m also sorry about,” he paused, waving his hands in the air, “all of that. She’s a lot.”
“Oh,” you nodded, “I understand. Did you want to talk about it?”
You could feel him pacing up and down, fingers on his chin as he began to explain himself.
“Ugh she’s just,” he grunted, anger visible in his face, “she’s such a piece of work. We were married for 10 years, 10 years!! She cheated on me for at least half of the marriage, barely paid attention to me or my art. Came home drunk around my daughter multiple times, bringing home different partners. Men, women, anybody she could cheat on me with.”
Your eyes squinted, cringing at how horrible she sounded. He paused, standing next to you with his back also against the kitchen bench. His head rolled back, hands covering his face as another large sigh escaped his lips.
“I finally gained the courage to file the divorce papers, but now, she shows up here every now and then, solely to just annoy me. Me? I don’t care, I was so over the relationship a long time ago, but it’s my daughter I worry about. She is terrified, and her coming here only reminds her of the times where strangers would come into the house.”
“She doesn’t need that,” you slightly interjected, turning to face him.
He removed his hands off his head, turning to face you.
“Exactly,” he exclaimed, “you get it!.”
“Yes of course,” you replied back, just as much enthusiasm in your voice, “children need stability.”
This side of Hyunjin was very refreshing. It was nice to see such a genuine side of caring, and your perspective of this man had changed drastically, and you were not complaining. He stood close to you once again, hands traveling back to where they were prior.
“Thank you for all of that, back there,” he smirked, thumbs pressing into your sides, “if there’s any way I could thank you for doing that, I would.”
The implication caused the heat in your face to rise. There were many things you were thinking. Hyunjin down on his knees, you down on your own, hair back. A chuckle escaped your lips, biting down on your bottom lip once more as you looked up at him. Your arms were in the air, traveling up and around Hyunjin’s neck. His hips pushed against your own, left leg splitting your legs down the middle. His thigh flexed, grinding against your core as you whimpered. His smirk grew, leg twitching more, almost like he was experimenting how much sound he could get out of you. You were treading on extremely dangerous waters. He was a very stressed out man, and you would be lying if you said that this day wasn’t a bundle of stress.
“Are you sure,” you paused, taking a deep breath, “you want to do this?”
“Take it as my thank you for, you know, being so good with kids.”
You said nothing, instead using your lips to reply, reaching up to his. The reconnection was even more passionate than before. His tongue was already pushing, begging for entrance as you opened your mouth, tongues wrestling hard as he subtracted his leg, hoisting you up and onto his counter. Your legs were parted, inviting him in as you took your hands away from his neck, wrapping them around his lower back and pulling him close. The sounds of metal clanging on the floor took you of your dazed lust. Luckily his daughter was a heavy sleeper, because he swiped everything off the counter, including his keys, wallet, even his phone as he lunged onto his own counter, pushing you down, grabbing your wrists and pinning them down above your head. His body was on top of your, crawling up your body as he skipped your lips, trailing past your jaw, down your neck, and right to your chest. The kisses were small, feverish and abrupt. These were little luxuries that he wanted to give to you. Small, yet teasing bits of pleasure as a sneak peak of what was to come. His face came back to your own, eye level with you as he whispered, “take it off.”
You needed to get up, pushing him off of you as you stood, slowly unbuttoning each button on your dress. Hyunjin stood there, leaning on his knees as he watched you. So much hunger, so much desire, lust. Desperate to relieve stress. To forget about what had just happened. In all honesty, it really didn’t matter, he just needed you right now. A huff came from his lips as he watched you, and in his opinion, you were taking way too much time to gett this stupid fucking dress off. He leaped from the counter, assisting you in getting the job done as he undid the last three buttons, ripping it up and above your head, planting itself on the floor. The sudden exposure of the no bra, panties only combo was a little confronting to say the least. Hyunjin’s eyes ogled at your body. It made you self-conscious for a moment, but that was quickly wiped away, seeing as he was pushing your back into the counter,pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he grazed straight down to where he wanted him. He looked up at you as he tongue stuck out of his lips,gently licking his top one before diving into your left nipple. The sound from you was immediate, a soft groan escaping your lips as your hands involuntarily traveled into the thickness of his hair as you brought him closer, more intimate to your body as his entire mouth latched onto your parallel nipple, teeth digging into this delicate flesh. His fingers were on the other, twisting and pinching in an attempt to stimulate the similar feeling.
“Shit,” you whispered, unable to contain your profanity, “Hyunjin I-”
“You like that,” he mumbled, taking his mouth off your breasts for a brief moment, “talk to me baby.”
“Yes,” you mumbled, unaware of how loud you were in the heavenly bliss that was Hyunjin’s mouth, “how are you?”
He arose at your question, grabbing your wrist, and placing it in between his legs.
“Oh wow,” you gasped, feeling his intense bulge, “you’re really hard.”
He scoffed at your response, “is that all you have to say?”
“Was there something else I was supposed to say?”
“Touche,” he smirked, stepping away for a brief moment. He lifted his arms, removing his own shirt. He quite enjoyed the way your smile dropped, gaze becoming enveloped by his torso. At least 65% of his torso was covered. Your mouth was agape, hands unconsciously stuck onto his body, feeling the texture of his ink under the prints of your fingers. You always had a thing for tattoos.
“Are you enjoying yourself there?”
You were brought out of your curiosity, snapped back by the seductive tone of the man of the body you were fixated on, looking up at his look of satisfaction at how lost you were, how attracted you were to him.
“Have you had these for a long time? The tattoos, I mean.”
“Oh yeah,” he replied, grabbing your wrist, placing your hand against the ink on his chest, “this one is fresh, about a week old, the other two,” he paused again, placing on hand on his rib, the other just below his waistline, “these are a couple of years old.”
“Oh wow,” you gasped, marveling at the artistry of the unique tattoos, “they’re so beautiful.”
“They are?”
“Oh of course,” you scoffed, looking back up at Hyunjin, “I never took you for someone that likes fine lines.”
He said nothing, instead using all of his force to push back up into you. A loud groan escapes your lips, Hyunjin’s hand wrapping around your lips. Your eyes widened, realizing how loud he was causing you to be.
“Sorry,” you mumbled under his hand, skin on his calloused painter's hand tickled from the vibrations, “I just, I don’t know what it is, but I just simply cannot control myself.”
Hyunjin’s hands traveled back to your hips. In a matter of seconds, you faced the opposing wall, back bent over the coolness that was his kitchen counter as your hand spread to your sides. His presence could be felt, outline the stance of your own as his fingers came to your ear, gently pushing the hair behind your lobe. Coming closer, you gasped, teeth gripping onto the bottom of your lobe as he whispered, low and harsh tones vibrating through your skin as he spoke.
“Please, let me thank you, you know, for helping me out.”
You could not see, but you could hear the drawstring of his pants coming undone, undergarments swiped off, all the way until you could feel him. Feel his nakedness pressing against your behind. He felt big, thick, you weren’t sure. All you were sure of was that your core was throbbing, dripping wet. The residue was dripping out and onto the floor, making Hyunjin salivate. He grabbed his length, jaw dropping when he saw how easily the tip of his cock glided through your folds. 
“S-shit,” he stuttered, trying not to get too carried away with things, “you’re so wet.”
“Yes,” you mumbled, though barely coming together at pleasure his cock was giving you, “so, good, more.”
“You want more huh?”
“Please,” you blurted, whining at the top of your lungs, “give it to me.”
“Fuck,” he shivered, lowering himself towards your gaping hole, “how could I say no?”
A simultaneous moan escaped both of your lips, another one coming from you as his cock filled you up, a very slow pace at that.
You were correct in your assumptions about Hyunjin being thick, seeing as he really was stretching you out. It wasn’t painful, just confronting. He went slow, able to tell that taking him was a lot. He cooed, lips attaching to your neck as he waited, wanting you to move against him. Give him a sign to say it was okay and that you were well adjusted to the gratifying stretching out his dick was giving you. 
“Holy shit,” you whimpered, sliding your hips against him, “you’re so big. Feels so good though.”
“Yeah? Does it?”
“Yes, Hyunjin.”
It was the first time he had heard his name from you in such a, well, sexual manner. It was a weakness he didn’t know he was capable of having. His throat swelled up, instead, hips snapping immediately. He didn’t know if it was because you were saying his name, or if it was the fact that you had completely let go, letting him take you. Maybe it was from past trauma in his previous marriage, he really didn’t know. All he knew was that he wanted to hear it again, and again, and again, over and over until your throat gave out, vocal noodles rubbing together. Hyunjin wanted to fuck you so raw, so dumb that the only thing he wanted you to be able to say was his name.
“Say it again,” he grumbled, teeth sinking into your neck, “say my name again.”
“Hyunjin,” you moaned, causing his hips to snap one more time, hard, “fuck, Hyunjin.”
“You’re so fucking dirty,” he grinned, picking up his pace inaise of you, “you sound like such a slut when you say my name like that.”
Your hips moved against his involuntarily, little self control to be found at the heaviness of his words. Maybe it was the reason you found yourself caught up in this, well, entanglement. It was true. The first time you had conversed, it was hurtful. But the second, and the third time, you felt different. You should have just ignored it. That familiar ache that formed between your legs when he looked at you. So much disgust, so much irritation in his eyes, it really turned you on. 
You felt himself lean back, the pressure of his body weight removed as he put one foot up on his counter, hands grabbing your hips as he changed his position, thrusting into you from a new angle. Your head was thrown back, eyes rolling to the back of your head at how well he was able to fuck you. It hadn't felt like long, but the buildup from a nice slow, gentle pace to a fast, hard, loud skin slapping pace was nowhere to be found. His hips were already working hard, fingers clipped onto you for dear life as he truly fucked you hard. The sound of skin was so loud, so lewd, it really baffled you how his daughter had woken up from mere dialogue, but not from the sound of a moan escaping your lips at every thrust. Hyunjin’s breath was heavy, easily heard through his teeth as he began to grunt. His hands loved to travel, heavily gripping your ass, throwing a couple of spanks in there. The pain crept up into you quickly, but you loved every second of it. It was like Hyunjins already knew your body inside out. Where to touch you, how much heat to apply. He was reading you like a book, and not part, not one inch of your body was complaining. From the slightly purple marks already scattered across your neck, or the red handprints prominent against your ass cheeks, Hyunjin was truly blowing your mind, and every single bit of this was bringing you closer to the edge. 
“Oh my god,” you moaned, “Hyunjin I can’t-”
“Say it again baby,” he grunts, moving even faster, “ I love it when you say my name like that.”
“Hyunjin,” you whined, “Hyunjin, Hyunjin, Hyunjin.”
“Oh fuck,” he shivered, “I’m not gonna last much longer if you keep doing that.”
A small giggle left your mouth, truly enjoying how easy it was to rile him up. You reached around, gripping tightly onto his hand as you yanked him forward, abs pressed against your back once more as your brought his fingers to your mouth, eagerly sucking on his digits, coating them in spit and saliva, entrenching them with as much of your juices as you can before withdrawing them, and placing them against your bundle of nerves. Your legs gave way almost immediately. The combination of Hyunins slender fingers effortlessly rubbing your clit, and the utmost speedy pace was becoming too much. Hyunjin chuckle was justified, admiring how easily it was for you to falter, to become over-stimulated. In a way he was grateful, knowing you were close from the way you were clenching around him, knowing that he wasn’t far off himself. The other part of him loved to see it. It was so easy to fuck you like this. It helped him relieve himself of his stress, his ex wife, all of it. He knew he was mean to you today, sure, but he really wasn’t aware of the stress that was pent up in his body. It only became apparent when he gazed down, seeing his hard and fast his cock was moving in and out of your drenched pussy.
“Fuck fuck,” you mumbled, “I’m going to cum.”
“Me too,” he grunted, hips noticeably slowing, “fuck this pussy till it’s screaming, begging for me to stop.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you moaned, unable to form any coherent sentences, “fuck fill me up Hyunjin, please fill me up.”
“Fill you up with my cum huh?”
“Yes! Please! Fuck me fuck me fuck me,” you bursted, somtach beocming tight, “I need to cum.”
“Cum for me then baby.”
He couldn't finish his sentence, orgasm taking over your body as your back collapsed, hand gripping onto his counter top for dear life, not wanting to embarrass yourself and collapse onto the floor.  Hyunjin gasped, seeing his cum spill out of your abdomen, spasming heavily as he came to his own high, releasing himself into you. A gasp from your mouth soon followed, seeing his own juices spilling out of your pussy, dripping down your leg. You turned in shock, bringing a hand to your stomach, wincing at the pain, and the long red mark stretched across your stomach. Hyunjin looked down, bringing his own hand to it, concerned at the color of the mark.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckled, brushing it off, “it’s fine, it doesn’t hurt.”
“Are you sure?”
The expression on his face did not budge, and it made you appreciative. Someone who fucs, hard, but also someone who can be gentle. He moved swiftly, sweeping underneath your legs and taking you in, carrying you bridal style in his arms as he brought you to his bathroom. Opening the door, he smiled, putting you down, and opening the shower door. Any outsider would be in hysterics, seeing the two of you walk around his compartment completely butt naked. But it didn’t matter, you had other ideas anyway.
“You can shower in here. I’ll also grab your clothes. Then we can work on the project,” he paused, scarting the back of his head awkwardly, “if that’s okay with you of course.”
You twrield your finger in your hair, attempting to be innocent after such sinful acts had been committed. Your brain clicked, creating an idea that seemed too irresistible to say no to.
“You look pretty worn out yourself,” you smirked, twindling around, and yanking his arm inside with you, “unless you think that’s a bad idea, and you wouldn’t want to join me of course.”
Pushing his back against the wall, you dropped to your knees, watching him turn the shower nozzle, watching the droplets pour across your already drenched face, hair sticking to your forehead. They cascaded on the edge of his pelvis, dripping across your face as you looked up at him.
“I’m sure you have so much stress built up in those muscles,” you pouted, soothingly rubbing your hands on either side of his body.
“Just say the words,” you whispered, moving closer and closer to his hips, “or we can work on the project,” you pouted, “like you suggested.”
“No,” he shouted, quickly covering his mouth, “we can work on the project later.”
Inching closer, you stuck your tongue out, barely touching his tip. This was going to be a long night.
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vneuns · 3 years
HI okay so I WAS THINKING OF A FIC OR HEAD CANON OR WHATEVER YOU FEEL LIKE WRITING about any or all of the feral boys getting a media share dono of a tiktok their gf or s/o looking HOT ASF. If this req makes you uncomfy or you just dont want to do it no worries!! Please and thank you :) <3333
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author's note(s): nonnie were you trying to kill me with this request question mark. because i feel like you were. but also ( don't be shy send some more )
cc warnings: not a fem reader but reader wears makeup, bunch of fluff, and other things ig? idk its midnight leave me alone
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*click this to see the tiktok*
It’s his first media share since he’s face revealed and he’s in fucking sweat
He’s sitting in the middle of George and Sapnap with one of your merch hoodies on while your in the discord call doing your hair and makeup for a photoshoot you have
“These suck.” Dream states plainly running a hand through his hair spreading his legs a bit to get comfortable
“Well chat has never been funny so.” Sapnap adds fixing his hat slightly
George snorts shaking his head as the video on screen changes
And to every single one of the boys on screens surprise there’s you
The video starts with you sitting on your bed with your charcoal mask on your face as the song like a boy by ciara plays
You move the camera around in disgust before turning your head
Your hair is now done and styled and you have makeup and your background is a dark blue illuminating as you lip sync the rest
Dreams eyes widen when it comes to an end chat spamming things like “hot” and “omg y’nnnnn”
“Go off N/n” Sapnap whoops and George laughs manically at Dreams reaction
“Wait what do you mean go off what do you mean?” you question finishing your eyeliner as you go to check on the stream where your boyfriend looks like he just saw a ghost
“Wh- I-.. Um.” He lets out a breath “That was hot-”
*click to this tiktok*
George and Jack sit on a discord call as they do a you laugh you lose
( which is not going to well )
“It’s like.. None of these are funny.” George states running a hand over his face as the rick roll sent to the media share comes to an end
In the corner he sees a tiktok watermark as the video starts black before you appear
You lipsync to an edited version of “Need to know” by Doja cat turning your phone and acting very energetic
Georges mouth drops a bit a little drop of drool falls from his bottom lip
As the beat drops and the song connected begins your led lights are on and you have a full face of makeup
“Woah, that was something.” Jack says sipping a bit of water moving on
Whilst george is still in shock he hadn’t seen the tiktok before
*click to see the tiktok*
“Karl, I'm so tired. Why is chat so unfunny!!?” your ginger boyfriend groans and sulks into his brunette’s friends’ shoulder
Karl giggles and shrugs patting the top of his hatted head
And before the two boys even have a chance to blink cannibal by Ke$ha is playing and your face has appeared on screen
You bring the phone up from a downwards angle lipsyncing the lyrics before turning the phone upside down and bringing it over your head
When you bring it back down your licking your lips (in a submissive and breedable way might i addd *wink wink* jk jk… unless)
Trying your hardest not to lick off some of your lipstick rasing an eyebrow and just as quick as it started the video ends
Sapnap perks up eyes wide
“Oh my- that was my partner-”
Karl laughs and nods
“Damn their kinds sexy not gonna lie”
*click to see tiktok*
Your sat on the floor of karls streaming room as he streams a ylyl with the rest of the feral boys
It was his idea, so you sat scrolling through your phone or doing work on your laptop
“Okay i’m kinda tired after these next few then i’ll end.. That alright with you guys?”
He gets a collective group of yeahs before you appear on the screen
Hair wet and smiling widely
Karl takes notice you’re wearing one of his favorite shirts and smiles to himself
But the smile on his face drops when you turn your head and the scene changes
You’re in your shared bathroom hair done and makeup done as well, as karl lays in the background on his phone not paying a single mind to what the heck your doing
You turn your phone to the mirror leaning up against the wall and now it’s only you in frame
Your smile absolutely melts karls heart as the video comes to an end and he can feel the heat rising up on his face
“Or on second thought ill just end it now”
*click to see tiktok*
“This is tiring” the boy in a beanie moans throwing his head back looking over at you desperately as you sit on the chair next to him
“You decided to stream, no one forced you to.” you chuckled turning your attention to the screen before your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets when your face appears
Starting off your face is clean and your hair is up in a messy bun
You pull the phone over your head giving the illusion the next time you’ll be fully glamed
But instead you still look the same
Once again you do it but this time you let your hair out of its bun and have gone for a purple kinda look
When the tiktok ends Quackity turns to look at you
A smirk on his face
He turns to the camera grinning “i told them to do that transition.”
*click to see tiktok*
“I’m gonna be ending soon guys, I know this was kinda early for some of you but Y/n is gonna be up soon and I don’t wanna be streaming when that happens.”
Chat spams with “awws” “how cutes’” and “i need a man like wilbur in my life.”
He smiles and shakes his head but an eyebrow raises in question when he gets a mediashare of one of your tiktoks
Starting off your in your bathroom wil has seen countless of times in a pair of pjs’ he had gotten you for Christmas and a pair of gold rimmed glasses you had gotten so the two of you would match
He bites his lip when he feels like his smile is getting a bit too big
And then as the beat drops you lower your phone and raise back up in a different scene
Your led lights are turned on red and you’re wearing a black button up shirt with no shirt under
(obviously pg-13 because tiktok is an asshole)
“Do you guys want to see a simp or something?”
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@heyninachumain @inniterhq @basilly @yamturds @dysfunctionalcrab @siriushxney @sqpnap @tinyegg @ttakinou @charnease @i-mmunity @b3l0v3ds @alice-blue-skies @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @mitzimania @joyfullymulti @acidtabletz
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Morning Dew // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut (18+) ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 1.2k 🌸 | includes: no power dynamic, soft morning sex, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names for dayyys, soft ending, idk it’s just pretty cute :)
☀️ | synopsis: You and Jeongin have been dating for months, and waking up next to him is the best feeling, especially when he wakes up with morning wood.
🌊 | requested: “Hi!!! could you write a fem!reader x jeongin soft morning sex :)) ive been thinking about this for so long imagine waking up to a shirtless jeongin and his voice being all raspy omg 🥵” don’t mind if i do anonnie!
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You flick the sand from your eyes as you wake up, finally awake enough to start your day. Your head is pressed into your boyfriend, Jeongin’s chest, your arms around him as his arms are around you. Looking up at his face, he looks so calm and pretty when he’s asleep; You can’t help but peck his cheek with a sweet kiss. His eyes flutter open, a full view of you smiling at him in his vision.
“Good morning, sweetheart. How’d you sleep?” You kiss his cheek again as he struggles to comprehend your question despite its simplicity. You patiently wait for a response as Jeongin stretches his arms out before holding you closer to his body.
“I always sleep well with you. You know that!” You both giggle at his slight raise in tone. The room feels warm with the sunlight creeping in through the blinds. If it hadn’t been for the alarm clock sitting next to you, you’d have no idea what time it was. “I have off today, babe.”
“Oh really?” You raise an eyebrow, meeting your lips with his in a short kiss. “So we can stay in bed as long as we’d like?”
“Of course, baby. I could cuddle with you forever.” You smile and nuzzle into his chest, both of you enjoying the emotional warmth you give to the other. You peck light kisses into his chest, wrapping your legs around him to bring him closer.
“Oh my god, I forgot we were naked.” You feel his dick right below your thigh, totally forgetting the events of last night until right now. The temptation to rub against him is strong, but you refrain for now. Jeongin just laughs at your shocked expression, kissing your forehead.
“I didn’t want to say anything but,” Jeongin sighs, unsure how exactly to express how much he wants you, “I might need a little help down there.”
Jeongin almost always wakes up with morning wood, so this was no surprise to either of you. The only thing holding you back was how sore you still were from working all week and the rough night prior. You didn’t want to move your body at all, but you also wanted to make Jeongin happy.
You move your legs off of Jeongin to get a view of his cock, not fully hard but definitely getting there. Your hand inches down his chest to his length, teasing him as you take the base of his shaft into your hand. Your wrist flicks your hand up and down his dick as Jeongin lets out labored sighs and quiet groans.
In no time, Jeongin’s hard as a rock, thrusting his hips into your hand while you stay still. He holds your wrist tightly while fucking your hand slowly. It was a sight to see for sure, and if the wetness between your legs was any indicator, you biting your lip certainly cemented the fact that you were turned on to an otherworldly extent. Your boyfriend just looked so painfully sexy you could hardly believe he was yours.
“Baby, turn over. I want to be inside you.” Jeongin moves your hand off of him, holding your hips to move you to your side. You nod, swiftly adjusting your body so you’re facing away from him as he bring you into his arms, spooning you close. His cock sits between your legs, resting until Jeongin brings his hand between down to position his cock to line up with your entrance. “Ready?”
“So ready, baby.” You whine, pressing your ass back against him. Jeongin groans deep as he pushes into you, your head engulfing his cock as he bottoms out. As many times as he’s been inside you like this, the stretch is always pleasantly jarring. You’ve always appreciated how Jeongin would let you adjust to his size until you tell him to move. “You can go, babe.”
“Anything for you, my love.” He slowly pulls out and back in, never letting his cock completely fall out of you. His strokes are long and deep, your cunt feeling full every time his hips jerk into yours. You close your eyes and let Jeongin take you, whining slightly as he takes your waist into his hand while his other hand holds your hips in place. “You feel so good, fuck~”
The drag of his cock against your walls made your head spin, and his frequent thrusts into your g-spot made you see stars. If he wasn’t moving so damn slow, you’d be through the moon right now. The lazy pegs from Jeongin made you burn for more. Your hand went between your legs to play with your clit, the sensation becoming intense rapidly. Your body was on fire, you just needed that push.
"Jeonginnie, can you go a little faster?” You whimper has he pushes his cock in deeper, faster, his grip on your hips tightening as you clench around him. He groans your name right in your ear, his deep morning voice sounding hot as ever. You squint your eyes closed even tighter as one of Jeongin’s hands leaves your hips and comes up to squeeze your tit, teasing your nipple between his fingers. He starts sucking on the side of your neck, careful not to make any marks. “Th-thank you.”
“No need to thank me, doll.” His pace is soft and tough at the same time, a clear care in all of his moments. As you begin to contract around him, he hisses, his hot breath blowing down your neck, sending chills down your spine. “Can I cum inside you?”
“Cum wherever you want.” You can’t think about his orgasm right now, the feeling of yours growing overwhelming strong within seconds. Your hips rut against Jeongin as he holds himself inside you, shallowly thrusting into your cunt while you cum on his cock. You feel like heaven, not to mention the moans coming from your throat being enough to make Jeongin breathless.
“Are you alright, babe? Can I keep going?” Jeongin caresses your curves as you catch your breath, nodding sheepishly as you feel him start to move inside you again. The overstimulation is totally worth having Jeongin possibly release inside you. “G-gonna cum.”
You ride him gently, his movements becoming infrequent and, when they do happen, erratic. He can hardly control his body as he cums, only his tip inside you. His arms hold you close to him, your back flush with his chest. You can feel his fast heartbeat against you. The high-pitched whines coming from his throat contract greatly with his raspy morning voice you’ve grown to love, but nonetheless, he sounds hot as ever.
“I don’t wanna pull out.” He pushes fully into you as his cock softens, the atmosphere transitioning from sexual to sensual. He rests his forehead against your back, taking in your smell, your feeling, your view. His heart feels complete when he’s with you like this. “Let’s stay like this.”
“I’d love that, Jeongin.” You close your eyes again, this time from tiredness rather than pleasure. Jeongin’s eyes shut similarly, both of you ready to crash after the activity. “Promise you won’t let go of me?”
“I wouldn’t let go of you for the world, Y/n.” He pulls you closer, blushing as he feels his heart begin to swell with adoration. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You have a smile on your face as you drift back to sleep with your lovely boyfriend.
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x fem!reader
summary: Reader is outside practicing volleyball when she gets overheated and Kuroo jumps to the rescue.
genre: Fluff!!
warning: descriptions of feeling overheated. Lots of sweaty talk too
word count: 1200
a/n : I get overheated pretty easily but idk if the symptoms I list are normal but its pretty much what happens to me. So remember to drink lots of water!!
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Volleyball is all about the hours you put in. The more time you spend practicing, the better you’ll be. Which is why a group of us third years on the girls volleyball team are practicing despite the extreme heat wave we were having. As if the heat wasn’t enough we have to play outside because the indoor court air conditioning had broken a few days and and had yet to be fixed. 
We were practicing our blocking when a few of the third year boys came over, also determined to play despite the heat wave. We took a quick water break as Kuroo asked our captain if she minded if him and the others used half the court so they could practice too. She agreed with no problems. Kuroo then made his way over to you and slung an arm around you shoulder which you quickly shrugged off.
“No way, its way to hot for cuddly Kuroo.” You jokingly scold at him. It was truly way to hot for any kind of physical affection. You were really starting to feel it. Your skin started to tingle as if it was cold. It felt like you had just stepped outside into the heat after being in front of the air conditioning. It was a strange sensation. You chalked it up to just the sweat doing its job. 
Kuroo’s response to you shrugging him off and scolding him was to press his cold water bottle to the back of your neck.
“Kuroo!” You shriek startled by the sudden coldness. Kuroo and the others laugh at this. 
“Sorry I couldn’t help it.” He said still laughing. You take the towel you were using to mop up some of your sweat and whip it at him causing him to run off. 
“There is no way I am chasing you.” You say now laughing too. Both teams settle down and get back to practice. You transitioned to receives which was a little easier on your bodies than jumping up but still required a decent amount of running back and forth. You stopped running for a moment on the court as you teammate served and the heat just seemed to hit you. All the running around and moving created a sort of breeze but now standing still that breeze was gone and all you felt was hot. You look up trying to concentrate on the ball coming at you but the bright sky made it hard to focus. Everything suddenly seemed brighter. You managed to receive the ball but it was much sloppier than usual. You lean forward and rested you hands on your knees waiting once more. Now you really felt it. Everything was turning splotchy bright, the ground, the sky, everything and anything you could see was overwhelmingly bright. Then you felt your limps go weak. It was now a struggle to use your muscles to stay standing. You were already in a squatting receiving position so you just lean forward a little more. No one else realizing what was happening since they were so focused. The other side set the ball for you to receive but it hit the ground a few feet away from you and you didn’t even take a step to get it. Now they noticed something was up but not before Kuroo had. He was on the same side of the court as you, just all the way over on the other half hitting serves to his teammates as a warm up. After your messy receive he had noticed something was up and as soon as you missed the ball completely he was making his way over. Completely ignoring his own game. 
“Y/N you okay? You’re looking a little hot there.” Kuroo was crouched in front of you, ready to grab you if you began to pass out.
“What do you mean, I’m always hot.” It came out a little weaker than you intended but the heart was there. How could you miss such a perfect opportunity to send a flirty comment back. Kuroo rolled his eyes.
“Seriously right now?”
“Sorry I couldn’t help it.” You quote him from earlier. You feel a little better after being crouched for a minute with you head between your knees. Really craving some water to help cool down, you go to stand up but you do it too quick and the whole world spins for a second and you stumble back a bit. Kuroo is on his feet in a second and holds you steady trying to not touch you too much but also make sure you won’t pass out and hit your head.
“I’m okay, just need a little water.” I say making my way over to the benches where all our stuff was. 
“I can get your water, I think you should go sit in the shade instead.” You captain chimes in who has come over. 
“Yeah come on.” Kuroo says giving you no option to refuse. You sit down with you back against the tree and your head between you knees willing yourself to just cool off. Apparently Kuroo had the captain get his water since it still had ice in it, yours had melted a long while ago. Taking sips of the cool water definitely helped. 
A little while had passed and you were feeling better. You definitely couldn’t continue practice though which was annoying but you weren’t going to improve any playing like a zombie one receive away from passing out. 
Kuroo insisted on walking home you home, despite your captain offering, his argument being, 
“What happens if you pass out? Are you going to make your poor captain drag you home?”
Eventually you all gave in and let him walk you home. Halfway on your way home, which also happened to be in full sun, you got a bit woozy again. Kuroo immediately noticed and decided that he’ll just take you to his house, since it was closer, so you can sit the air conditioning so you would actually make it home later.
You made it to his house and he sat you down in his room in front of the air conditioning unit and cranked it up as high as it went. He left to go get you some more ice water and by the time he was back you felt much better. Now you were just tired. You took a few more sips of cold water before setting it down and making grabby hands at Kuroo. He looked at you confused.
“Do you need another fan? Ice cream? More water?” He panicking thinking of anything he could to make you feel better. You shake your head lazily the sleepiness hitting you full force. 
“Cuddles.” A blush came up on Kuroo’s face. You were expecting a joke but it never came. Instead he laid down on his bed without a word allowing you to move up the bed and snuggle into his side. Your head pressed into his chest and his an arm wrapped around you keeping you snug into him. As soon as your eyes closed you were out, a small smile gracing your face as you slip into sleep.
Kuroo spent the entire time you were asleep wide awake trying to comprehend what was actually happening. The girl he had a crush on for ages was currently sleeping in his arms, in his bed. It was too much. He was trying anything to distract himself from just staring at you like a creep as you sleep. He even recited the entire periodic table to himself as he tried not to explode with joy.
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sofiaaaaaaaa03 · 3 years
Pairing: Dan!Din Djarin x Teen GN reader
 hello ily u and ur writings are so great
uhhh may i request dad!din with a teenage reader (like, 15 idk) after grogu leaves with luke? like maybe comforting each other, and the reader asking what happens next, etc etc
just some good ol' angst fluff :] 💞
Scenario: After Grogu leaves with Luke the Reader and Din comfort one another after having to say goodbye.
Rating: PG
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 1,980
A/N: I love you!! Thank you so much for reading and I’m sooo happy you like my writings. And yes! I LOVED that Idea. I hope you don’t mind if I sort of went with my own thing for how the reader and Din argued a bit, it sort of just made sense in the situation??? Anyways, I hope you like what I came up with :))) I haven’t written anything in awhile so I’m a tad rusty. 
  Saying goodbye to each other was always something you’d always known would happen.  You simply chose to not think about it and greedily hoped that Din would not be able to find another Jedi who would take Grogu under their wing. In your world, Clan Mudhorn would never break apart and you’d three live together for a very long time. However, life in its mysterious ways is ever changing and never promises one’s future. It certainly never promised yours. 
You thought of this as you watched the Jedi in front of you. It was not just any Jedi, but a Jedi who was offering to take care of  your little brother. You felt your face blanch at the thought of Grogu leaving you and Din. The thought of you leaving this ship with only Din and the memories you’d made with Grogu terrified you. It couldn’t be real. It can’t be real. You shut your eyes tight, turning your head toward the ground before anyone could see your expression. 
Din’s hand rested on your shoulder, when you’d looked up you were surprised to meet flesh instead of metal. He took off his helmet. For a moment there was nothing that mattered but the expression your guardian made. It was… sad. Tears pricked his eyes, something you’d never expected to see from him. Din gave you the tiniest of smiles and told you it was time to say goodbye.
Din held Grogu out for you to take. Slowly you accepted him close and relished one last time on what it was like to hug him tight.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuu, ner vod.” You whispered. During the time the two of you spent with Din he’d taken it upon himself to teach you Mando’a. It’d become a habit to show affection in his native tongue. Grogu cooed, leaning away to take in your face. You gave him a tight lipped smile, taking in his own. He’d grown so much. It was hard to believe that he was once a small little thing. “ I’ll always be your sibling. Don’t forget me.”
You sat Grogu back down on the floor and began to rummage through your bag before pulling out a small, plush frog, making Grogu’s ears perk up.
“Can Grogu take this with him?”
 Luke nodded, but Grogu made it clear that he wanted you to keep the plush when he wouldn’t reach out for it like he always did. Instead, he stared at you with his big eyes before gently pushing the frog back to you. You bit back a frown. You wanted to ask him, beg him to take the frog you’d put so much love into just for him. Instead you stood up straight and held the plush close to your chest, glancing again at Din who was holding a stoic expression. You forced a smile onto your face.
The goodbye was harder than you’d imagined. So was the deafening silence when the Jedi, his droid, and Grogu disappeared into the elevator. 
The moment the elevator door shut you snapped your head towards Din, but he turned his back to you and walked away. He wandered to the far end of the room and stayed there, quiet as he kept to himself. His hands fiddled with the darksaber that weighed more than you ever imagined it would before this mission began.
It was easy to forget that there were others in the room, though you were quickly reminded of their presence when they surrounded you to provide comforting words, some giving warm embraces and telling you about their own separations from loved ones. They reassured you that you would be fine in the end. You didn’t believe them. Fennec was talking to you, but your focus was on the far side of the room where Din was currently talking to Bo-Katan and Cara. You wondered what they talked about. You wondered what was going to happen now. Now, that the clan lost one member and had no ship to call home. 
Din would barely look at you when Bo-Katan and the other women left the cockpit, looking for supplies and scrounging up any valuable information left. That was assuming that there was no emergency delete button someone pushed in a panic amid the raid. You didn’t bother thinking about it long, as you stared at the back of Din’s head. He’d kept his helmet off, making it the longest that you’ve seen him without it. You stared at the helmet from where it sat on top of the mainframe. 
“Are you going to rule Mandalore now?” Your voice cut through the barrier between the two of you, making Din shuffle in his steps.
His back remained towards you and his tone was cold. “I don’t want to talk right now.”
You frowned, taken aback by this sudden attitude he’d taken on. “What do you mean by ‘I don’t want to talk right now’?”
“Exactly that.” 
“But I want to.” You crossed your arms. 
“It can wait.” 
His response came off indifferent as though he wanted to move on. For a moment you felt like you’d shut down, sure there were times where Din would behave like this coming home after a long day, too exhausted to deal with two children. But he’d never done this before. No. This was new. You didn’t like new. Not now, not when things were so uncertain for you.
“You can’t just shut me out so quickly!” You walked up so that you spoke to his back. “You’re not the only one who just went through that. I never wanted to say goodbye to Grogu. I didn’t think it’d be this soon, either. I didn’t think that. And now I don’t know what you’re going to do after this, where you’re going to go, if you’re going to let me go with you, if-”
“If I let you go with me?” Din turned to face you, eyebrows furrowed. “Y/N, of course you’re coming with me. You’re my foundling.”
“So was Grogu!” You exclaimed, suddenly realizing that tears were streaming down your face. The stress and grief were suddenly catching up to you and it showed, causing Din to raise his hands up a little. He slowly lowered them, seemingly in thought. He sighed, and gently pulled you to sit down with him on some chairs by the mainframe. You felt ashamed of yourself for crying in front of him, but didn’t say anything. Instead you were wiping your tears with your shirt as you waited for him to finally speak.
“You know Grogu is too strong with his magic to be left without training.” Din scratched his ear, eyes downward so that you couldn’t see the tears pricking his eyes again. “You… you’re only a kid. You remember that, right? You need me to protect you before you’re strong enough to leave the clan.”
You stared at him with big eyes as though you were pretending to process what he was saying. But you understood what he meant. He had the best intentions for Grogu and he has the same intentions for you. You were lucky to have someone like Din. The cloth of your shirt suddenly caught your interest as you stared down at it, playing it in between your fingers.
You sniffed, rubbing your arm across your nose. “I’m sorry for yelling at you…”
“It’s okay, Y/N.” Din wrapped an arm across your shoulder and pulled you close. As you settled into him you rested your head against his shoulder, waiting for him to say something though he never did. Maybe he was thinking about Grogu. It wouldn’t be a surprise. Anyone could see how much he’d grown attached to the little thing, despite his initial response to having to care for him. 
“You’re a great dad…” You whispered, playing with the frog in your hands. Din smiled warmly, something you missed as you continued to look down.
“Do you remember how happy Grogu was when you gave him that frog?” Din’s voice made the armor he’d dawned vibrate slightly. It ticked your cheek. You liked how it felt.
“Mhm.” You nodded as you made the frog dance in your hands. It’s chipped, mismatched buttons stared back at the two of you. 
“When I was young I used to lose my toys all the time.” 
You looked up at him, “But that was before the Mandalorians took you in, right? Weren’t they, I dunno, strict about toys?”
“No.” Din looked off, watching the stars that decorated the space they shared. “If they found a kid that still had their toy with them  they didn’t take it away. In my clan, every child had a toy of their own, to help make their transition easier, though I kept losing mine.” 
The two of you shared a small laugh. Din shook his head and looked at you fondly. “Grogo went everywhere with that frog. It meant so much to him. Guess it was because of you.”
You didn’t say anything. A warmth began to spread through your sternum at Din’s remarks. You hugged the frog close to your chest. It still smelled like Grogu. The same, earth-like geranium that followed him around. He knew that you needed the plush more than he did now that you had to say goodbye, and you were thankful for that.
 “Are you going to miss him?” 
“Of course I am.” Din nodded solemnly before he turned towards you and ruffled your hair. “But we’ll see him again.”
A moment of silence falls upon you two, one of the mainframes makes a sound and the security shows the women entering a room on the other side of the ship. They were covering good ground and carried several bags of what was assumed to be supplies for their next mission. Would Din be a part of that mission? 
“So, what happens now?” You inquired, glancing up at him. “Are you going to rule Mandalore?”
Din looked up and inhaled deeply as though he was pondering the question. He must have made some sort of plan prior. But his possession of the dark saber meant that plans had now changed. “I never expected to become a… king. Though, there’s not much to be king of.”
Behind closed doors between Din and the adults you’d hear bits and pieces about what the Empire had done to the planet. Though you were heavily uninformed, you had a good grasp that the planet was practically not worth ruling. 
“Are you going to go with Bo-Katan? She wants to take back Mandalore. With you as king it’d be fitting.”
You didn’t miss how Din grimaced slightly at her name. “What?”
Din pushed himself up and motioned for you to follow as he grabbed his helmet and began walking out. He draped an arm across your shoulder when you caught up to his pace. “Bo-Katan doesn’t seem to be all too happy with me having the darksaber. I should keep some distance and wait for her to cool off.”
 You whispered a small ‘oh’ and looked ahead. Guess he wasn’t going to go with her then. “So we have no plans then, great.”
Din glanced at you, “ What do you think we should do?”
Your mind flashed back several days ago to when you’d barely escaped being destroyed along with the razor crest. “I miss the ship.”
“You and me both.” 
“Do you think we can find a new one?”
“You can’t just find a ship, kid. It’s gonna need some credits.”
“Yeah but technically you’re a king now! Use that royalty of yours and get us one.”
“That’s not how it works kid.”
“You don’t know yet! You’ve been king for what, five minutes?”
“Maybe I will leave you here.” 
“No you won’t. You love me too much to do that.”
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village girl - mg
michael request! fluffy! i think! 🪴 finally lol but i will try and wrap up regret? or im not her
sorry this took so long! is this good? idk i’ve been busy with school and fluff just does not come that easily but hopefully it’s okay? ending is vague ?
michael gray x fem!reader (i think it could be interpreted as gn but just to be safe)
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you had known henry johnson your entire life.
growing up next door to him, afternoons were spent in the orchard, climbing trees, playing games. with age, came stolen kisses, whispered “i love you’s,” promises of a life beyond the village.
both of your parents absolutely adored your relationship, having seen it coming from the start.
he would relay information from his classes, the both of you sharing a spirit for learning, things that weren’t necessary to life on an orchard. other afternoons, you would read to one another under the shade of an apple tree, taking turns, usually with him against the trunk, and your head in his lap, or vice versa. stories of great modern cities, captivating adventures, budding romances. these books became windows and inspirations for a future together.
henry loved his family, you knew this, but you understood his need for more, for a less mundane life.
he told you about the man in the dark suit and the flat cap who visited his mother, her weariness after his visit. it sparked a curiosity within him, and he went out to look for more information.
when he found out the truth of his family and his origins, he was torn. he didn’t know what to think, and ran to you. his face conflicted, you didn’t pry, simply offering him some comfort, that whatever it may be, you would be there for him.
“this is so exciting henry!” he laughed at your giggles, free hand in yours, excitement visible, though much more subdued than yours.
“i’m gonna be michael now, love, not henry,” he said a bit sadly, like he was nervous- not quite comfortable with his new name. you simply nodded in acknowledgment, and the two of you boarded the train.
michael had been to small heath, met his mother and family, and had come back to get you to bring you back to birmingham. your parents had been hesitant at first, but trusted the boy they had known since his birth, and permitted you to leave with him, just once you yourself had turned eighteen.
michael, ever the gentlemen, let you sit near the window, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the sights, sliding in next to you, his hand gently placed on your knee.
the view slowly transitioned from the bright familiar orchards and villages, to the industrialized and gray city that you assumed to be small heath.
once the train stopped, he grabbed your hand and helped you leave the carriage.
the air was thick with smoke, making you cough a little, but the adjustment came quickly.
“are you alright, love?”
the genuine concern in his voice made you giggle a little.
“i’m alright mickie, but thank you for asking,” you added with a little peck on his cheek.
he tried to suppress his blush, but not before you were able to see the red on his cheeks spread to his neck.
hand in hand, the two of you wove through the bustling streets, michael briefly mentioning his mother’s home and a betting shop.
upon arriving, he went ahead, confidently opening the door as if he lived there his whole life.
“mum! i’m home!” he announced.
he led you towards the kitchen, where a firm, but beautiful looking woman in a dark dress sat with a cigarette and a steaming pot of tea.
“well you must be y/n. you’re even more beautiful than my michael told us all.” she said with a smile.
“thank you, mrs.gray, you have such a lovely home.”you responded with a smile.
“now please sit, let’s have some tea.”
michael, ever the gentleman, pulled out a chair, and conversation came quickly, surprisingly easily as you and polly- as she insisted you refer to her as- traded stories of michael, as he tried to look as nonchalant about it all as possible.
it was all going quite well before three, quite handsome- tall, besuited men with flat caps came barreling through.
one of them, with the lightest hair and a toothpick hanging from his mouth stopped in his tracks at the sight of you.
“well who’s this? our dear cousin’s got himself a country tart, eh?”
“fuck off, john” michael responded cooly.
your eyes had widened a bit, not quite anticipating such a response or initial dialogue.
“look at her, scared as a little field mouse from the country. you reckon she’s simple?” came from a gruff voice- the oldest looking one with a very prominent mustache.
“i wouldn’t be the one talking about simplicity when you can’t register your proximity to whom you insult, and weakly at that. it’s hardly noon and you’re swaying in your step, sir. drunkards don’t scare me, and neither do simple men. so scared as a field mouse, no. certainly not as meek as one either, i was simply stunned by your blatant displays of stupidity.”
you had shocked yourself a bit with your response, but by polly’s snicker and wink, you could tell it was a well received. the oldest, with the mustache, simply backed off with two hands held forward in surrender, and was quickly followed by john, the other.
“welcome to small heath, not so meek little mouse, i’m thomas- you can call me tommy. i think you’ll fit in quite nicely around here.” introduced the last cousin, with a hint of a smile on his lips. you thanked him, introducing yourself a bit more formally.
as he left you heard a rambling of how you should meet someone named ada, but you would have to ask michael later.
you thanked polly for tea as michael insisted on showing you around the city beyond her parlor.
barely outside the door, he pulled you into a firm, but loving kiss.
“that was brilliant in there love, absolutely brilliant,” he emphasized with some additional, but brief, kisses.
you gave a cheeky wink in response, but nuzzled your head in his chest in slight embarrassment.
he grabbed your hand and you eventually left the embrace, headed onwards, ready to discover what the city had to offer.
“welcome to small heath love.”
“thank you for taking me to small heath, love.”
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
The Burden of Time
The Burden of Time
Vampire! Fred
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Daddy kink, Dom fem reader sub Fred, Dom Fred sub reader. cum play? idk if I would call it exacly that, but they taste each other. There’s mentions of violance, blood and biting into the reader. Once again i’m sorry if I forgot something and please say something if I did :) 
Summary: Fred as lived on this earth for a long time, and y/n is the cute new worker at the local bakery. 
a/n: So hi! If you don’t like supernatural stuff you can just totally skip this. If this is your type but you’re not sure if you like it, that’s also totally ok! I just did this because my need for vampire stuff came into play and yeah... i just needed to get this out of my system. Also once again, I just really apreciate you all so much, thank you. 
Part 2 
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Fred has lived on this earth for several decades. In all honesty he had lost count of how many years it has been since he was put into this state of immortality. For many this life is hard to get too, the denial phase for them prolongs for thousands of years, the idea of killing other people all because you desire their blood, their flesh. For Fred it was quiet the opposite. Fred had been turned at the ripe age of twenty five, he was working in the forest near the house he lived at with his family when he was attacked by something. At the time he was suspicious of a bear, or a tiger or any other animal that they might know it did not exist. He came to find out after that a vampire was roaming near by his house and had caught his scent and couldn’t resist, so Fred had become this. His family had never found him, the vampire made sure after he was well fed that Fred was kept hidden specially during the transition, because it was very hard on anyone. Fred would wake up with the thirst of a thousand animals and he his creator couldn’t bare for him to destroy his whole family.
After all, it wasn’t Fred’s fault of what had happened and of what he had become. It took a while after being turned came to the conclusion and acceptance that he wouldn’t see his family again, that he wouldn’t touch them or feel them, or talk to them ever again. After a while Fred became use to that life. He had always dreaded death. It was something that scared him and made shivers appear all over his body. He hated seeing people around him die, and think about where they were going, if they were going somewhere. Did their lives ended their? He couldn’t really bring himself to think of him inside that wooden casket and … it was just something he didn’t want to think about. So, after being turned and his creator, Joseph, explaining everything to him and of this new life Fred was at peace. He didn’t have to think about death anymore, in fact he gained peace when it came that. Of course there’s always that small chance that he can be killed, but Fred always made sure he wasn’t getting himself in ay trouble that would allow for that to happen.
Also one of the reasons Fred was so at peace was because he broke one of the biggest rules there is in his species. He had contact with humans after being turned. Can you blame him? He did promise to stay way from his family, so that they could cope his death and morn him and he could find some peace. But he had to break that when his parents were on death bed.
His father was first, dying of old age, in the last hours he would be on this earth, Fred came to visit, when he knew his mother or any other family member would be around. Although without a soul, Fred still felt all the love his parents gave him, and he swore if he could he would have cried there, seeing his father so helpless. He thought for a moment if he should…but then he would be condemning his father to something he never believed in, or probably never thought of. So Fred stayed in that room, held his fathers warm hand against his very cold one and spoke some loving brief words. He had to let him know he was okay, he knew their parents had never gotten over his ‘death’. So this was way of knowing when his father was gone, we would be at peace. Fred watched him take his last breath, a small smile on his father’s face , and his name was the last thing he had said before being gone completely. Fred left almost immediately because his mother had made an appearance not long after that.
His mother had left him a few years after. And this time it was harder for Fred to be close to her because since his father wasn’t here anymore, his siblings were the ones who were there all the time, and like the good kids their mother had raised them to be, they were by her side every second that was possible. It was one day, when his sister Ginny was in the leaving room playing with her daughter and the door of his mother’s room had been left closed that Fred took his chance.
He remembers, the look in his mothers eyes, she barely could speak, but she didn’t hesitate one second to, with all her strength, stretch her hand to him, and Fred took it and squeezed it and murmured how much he loved her, how much he had missed her and, like he had done with his father, that he was okay, that she could be at peace and could meet his father wherever it would be, and they could know he was good.
With his siblings he had to take another approach, he had to watch from afar at the funeral, mourning each one as he saw them pass, they all hurt like hell, but seeing his twin brother, George, go and not be able to be next to him and say goodbye was probably the bad thing at he top of the list Fred had to point, relating to this life. He didn’t have many to point.
After they were all gone, his immediate family he could finally leave that place, although he always made sure he got back and kept an eye on his family. Thru the decades he watched the family grow. Right now he actually lived close to one of them, he was a baker at Fred’s favorite bakery.
His main and most important source of food was in fact Blood, but sometimes to get thru life and situations he had to eat human food.  Although not poisonous and deathly it usually left him a little nauseous after. But he could never deny a good cake or sweet, so every morning after he woke up (when he could sleep) he would get dressed and go there.
He was already use to the smell of blood and Fred was proud to say that he had so much control compared to a lot of other blood thirst monsters he had encountered in his life time, and there were a lot. And the places he visited the most were places were the people who worked there had a neutral blood smell to him, something that he could take and live with and know he wouldn’t get into a horrible fit and cause a very bad scene.
But today, as Fred entered the warm cozy bakery at only seven thirty am, a strong sweet vanilla and mint scent hit his nostrils. His fists became a ball and he could feel his eyes wanting to become red. He had to stop at the door before fully closing it to regain his strength, and to think twice if he wanted to get in or not. But the cute boy behind the counter who Fred found very attractive since he had began working here years ago didn’t allow him to do that because he had already called his name.
“Fred, good morning.” The happy, pale guy, with blonde hair and the greenest eyes he had ever seen said. His name was Philip. Fred gave the best smile he could muster up.
“Good morning.” He was usually a very cheery costumer, he always made small talk with Philip and loved to see him squirm under his look, and give him that sweet smile of him. But today his mind could only think of who could have such a sweet scent that evaded everything in him, his smell, his mind and his thirst.
The bakery was still empty, they had only open thirty minutes ago, and Fred was almost always their first costumer, so it couldn’t be that. It had to be someone behind the counter.
“Today I’m not the one who you should ask what you wish, although I already know your regular.” He said, giving Fred a wink, any other time Fred would have taken a chance to actually do something about that small talk they always had, but today wouldn’t be that today. “y/n here will do it instead.” He said, and in that moment from the door that led to the kitchen and into the counter came out a girl, her hair was tucked behind, and tied in as to not get into the food. She wore the bakery’s apron, and underneath that she wore a very cozy black sweater, along with some black pants and some boots.
As she got out she gave her colloeague a smile and then looked at Fred and kept her smile.
“Hi, I’m y/n. I’m new here. What would you like for your order?” y/n asked, her hands close to the screen of the machine in front of her to register his order and then get onto it.
Fred cleared his throat at the same time he tried to clear his mind. Her scent was intoxicating and he couldn’t find anything to say, she was also extremely beautiful. And also a human.
“Ahm, it’s the red velvet cake with the hot chocolate, with caramel, please.” His voice came out strangled, and a little to low, stripped of the confidence he always had. He got closer to the register and although it was part of him but he didn’t really need to, he always made sure it looked like he was breathing, so people wouldn’t suspect. When alone he would only do that when he was hunting. He looked at Philip that had his eyes on y/n and what she was doing to make sure she was doing it right.
“You’re her first costumer.” He said, he put his elbow on the glass counter and supported his head on his hand looking at Fred with those cute puppy eyes, but unfortunately his attention was on the girl.
He could only nod, and when y/n got away from the counter to prepare his order his eyes followed her every move.
“So, the red velvet cake, and your hot chocolate caramel, that will be, six dollars please.” She looked from the screen to him, and now that he was closer to her she felt less confident. The look he had on him, dominant and dark made her spine cripple with shivers and her hands shake a little. He was also beautiful so to speak. He was tall, which y/n loved that on man, she loved a good tall man that could man handle her. His red hair and those yellow eyes were something out of this world.
Fred was able to keep his eyes yellow, which was a sign that his next feeding was close, because the reddish color they always had, had disappeared and been replaced with this yellow, brilliant color. That was always a problem for him to explain why he had that eye color. He wasn’t very much into using eye contacts.
He took the money he had in his pocked and put it on top of the counter. usually, with Philip he made sure to give it to him to his hands, and feel him get all red and blushy because they had touched. But he thought that if he were to do that with this girl right now, that the outcome would be a lot worst.
“Tomorrow we’re gonna have lemon cake, it’s very good and my favorite, you should try it.” y/n, although feeling intimidated by him, still kept her happy voice.
She was new here, this was her first day after being hired last week. This bakery existed since she was small and a baby, her mother always brought her here, and so working here was her dream job, specially since baking was her favorite thing. She was the one who always did those cool cakes at the parties and her friends and family would always come to her. When the spot had opened after one of the girls in the kitchen had been fired for stealing, she took this opportunity. She was still young, only twenty one, she had a small little apartment at the end of the street, where the cheapest and less expensive and modern part of the town started, but it was everything she could wish for and she made it work. She wasn’t in college, but her dream was to be able to go to culinary school. But she was still saving money for that one.
When Fred had finally gain all his confidence and make himself has presentable as he could in this situation he was finally able to give a genuine smile.
“Of course, if you’ll be here.” He said, but this time looked at Philip, gave him that smirk and then looked at y/n to see her eyes wide and her mouth fighting to stay closed. “See you tomorrow, loves.” He said, took the little bag y/n had put his things in and left.
As soon as he was out the door, the gasp that left y/n was huge and Philip was clapping his hands excitedly.
“Did you see the way he looked at you? Is he always this flirty?” y/n was genuinely curious, for a second when he got in he was so quiet, and almost scared, that this last interaction came to her as a surprise. Philip nodded smiling.
“I think he’s bi, you see.” He started, starting to organize some things that should have been done sooner but the Fred had came in. “He already brought many girls here, but I’ve also seen him with some guys. And he comes here since I can remember and way before I started working here. And then I started here and he always flirted with me. But that’s the extent of it.” y/n was nodding, listening closely. “But he also looked interested in you, did you see? They way he looked at you? I don’t think he’s ever looked at me like that.”
“He’s very beautiful. And looks rich too.” y/n looked at Philip, a puzzling look o her face.
“He lives on that penthouse, near the museum.” Shit, y/n thought, that guy was rich, rich.
People who lived in this area of the bakery and close to the museum were rich, rich. She could only ever dream of living there. And the penthouse, she remembers that old building being remolded a few years back, and the way it was town gossip because they had used millions of unknown dollars to build it, all while the poor were strolling to pay taxes and basic things to live. She remembers her and her mother doubling their time on the nearest shelter to help with food and clothes and things to keep the ones in need, warm. All while the rich were… well living their best lives.
Philip felt the need to continue, after a minute of silence from y/n and the frown that had appeared on her face. “He helps more than you know. He’s donated to every place around here and he’s the first to help if anything happened in those communities. I don’t know if you ever heard, or even remember, but that very bad weather we had, and pipes burst open and all, the responsible of the town took him weeks to help with anything. Fred came right up, presented a stupid amount of money and that’s how thing got better. He also hates the rich, every time he comes and talks a bit more he can only talk bad about them.” He laughed a little.
That somehow had made y/n a little less mad and sad. He cared and helped.
“What exactly does he do to have that much money?” y/n asked, curiosity coming to her. Philip shrugged.
“I don’t know, he never told and I never asked, and no one really knows around here because we don’t seem him actually working you know?”
All she could do was nod, but her mind a little lost, his eyes came to her mind, and his pink lips, dry from the cold weather outside. She shook her head quickly and brought herself back to reality and into her work place. She had a long day ahead of her.
The next, at six am y/n was opening the bakery along with Philip. Since they had left early the day before, they got the job to open today, and they had to be there on time because all the people in the kitchen who did all the baking needed to get started.
y/n was still sleepy, her eyes swollen from the lack of sleep. Her arms were bunched up around herself to keep her warm, even though she had layers of clothing and the warmest jacket ever, given to her by her mother last Christmas.
“Hurry up, I’m cold.” y/n said, pushing Philip playfully, and when he finally did they hurried inside and close the door again to keep the warm inside.
After getting herself ready, and since Philip was preparing the costumer area she was in the kitchen looking at everyone working. This was her second day but most of the people here were her family, since they all knew her since she was little. And since they also knew her love for baking, they, sometimes let her in and decorate cakes herself. Since working here, in these two day, well one, she hadn’t been asked yet, but she was hopeful they would.
“I hope mister Fred Weasley decides to eat here today and not take his food.” y/n looked at him, they were both behind the counter counting the last few minutes before they officially opened. “He doesn’t always, but sometimes if he brings company he does. He never ate here alone, though, so don’t get your hopes up.”
“I wasn’t gonna get any hopes up, Philip. I’ve had one interaction with him, that lasted all of three minutes, I think.” She gave a confused look, she wasn’t exactly sure of long she had talked to him, and between preparing his food and him paying and leaving. “You can have him all you want, I’m sure any cute girl can walk in here and I’ll be happy.” Philip looked at her a big smile on his face.
y/n was never closed about her sexuality. Her mother was always and had always been very loving even when she knew (before y/n officially told her) that her daughter was attracted to girls. y/n’s first ever romantic interaction had been with a girl. She was never scared of being her true self.
“Whatever, the way he looked at you? I’m sure you could punch him in the face and he would say thank you.” Philip smirked, and got from behind the counter to open the door.
For the first ten minutes no one came in, but after that they started to get easy. Some people came to pick up bread, some their coffee, others some treats for the day. And then after eight people started to actually stay inside. But Fred was no where to be seen, and Philip pointed out how weird that was because he came here everyday without missing. Unless he was out of town, but then he always took enough treats with him to last him the full time he was gone.
Until nine am hit, Philip and y/n were having their pause, after an hour of craziness when he got in, gray sweat pants, a white seat shirt on and some tennis. He had a more relaxed look o him, compared to yesterday where he had more of a casual look.
“Morning.” He smiled to both of them, although his look lingered a bit longer on y/n. She smiled, getting ready to take in his order. She had forgotten yesterday that she had suggested the lemon cake, and since Philip told her that his order right now was the one he asked for yesterday she was ready for.
“Morning, is gonna be the red velvet cake and the hot chocolate caramel?” y/n kept her eyes on the screen, trying to not look at him directly, in fear her legs might collapse from how strong his look was on her.
“If I remember correctly, you suggested I try the lemon cake, was that correct?” he took one of the hands that was in his pocket and came to ruffle his already messy hair. Had he just woken up? y/n swallowed hard, Fred heard, they was it went down her dry throat. He could also hear her heart, beating faster after he came in, and the her pulse and her blood running in her veins. He wasn’t very far from her, but even if he was he would be able to smell her in a crowd of people. Her scent something he had never felt before in all his long years of life. His fangs threatening to come out, his venom already trying to make it’s way into them. Control yourself, Fred thought.
“Ahm, yes, I did, sir?” Sir? Come on y/n he’s not that older. Sir? Her mind making her every move feel weird and like he was judging her. Little did she know Fred got of on names like that, and it made it even harder for him to contain his pointy teeth. “Would like that, with the same beverage?”  When he nodded, y/n put the last things there and went to prepare.
“To eat here, please.” Philip was shocked, and he didn’t want to show it but Fred was able to feel his change, the smallest detail that silly human eyes couldn’t detect even if they wanted too. y/n was also surprised, but she hid it better, Fred noticed. He knew it was unusual, he only came here to eat when he brought all of his hook ups. Never alone. This was a first.  
She only nodded, directing her route to pick up a plate on where to put his cake, and then making his chocolate. All while he made small talk with Philip.
“Here you go, it’s seven dollars, today.” He gave her the money, three dollars more than the final total.
“Keep the change, beauty.” She winked at her, and then picked up his stuff and went to sit at the table by the window.
“Well, that went…”
“well.” y/n finished for Philip, and they both laughed a little. Her laugh stoping when she noticed his eyes were on her the full time he was eating. And how fucking sexual did he have to make that? The way he bit down on the cake, without his fork, with his hands on it going all messy. A hot feeling spread over y/n. his gingers got all dirty with he buttercream, but instead of going for the napkin, he brough his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. His fingers would also get all sticky after that. The smirk he had on him was sinful, and y/n had to turn around and occupy herself before her mind got to dirty and her panties to wet.
Two days, to freaking days and she’s already getting her mind dirty over some guy? Some rich, also mysterious guy that looked like he came out of a movie? She needed to get her head straight.
Her luck was that other costumers were coming in, some looking surprised at seeing Fred here. From what Philip explained to her later that day when they were organizing their things to leave, it was a very rare sight, since he was completely alone.
“y/n, I’m so sorry can I speak with you for a minute?” It was their boss, Melissa, she was the most kind sould y/n had ever seen, red hair, like Fred’s and a big smile always plastered on her face. y/n nodded, putting her bag back down.
“I’ll wait for you.” Philip said. And y/n nodded going with her boss to little room where she took care of everything related to the bakery but not related to baking.
“I’m so sorry, I know you were getting ready to leave, but the person responsible for closing today, can’t come. They had an emergency. Would you mind doing it? I know it would be your first time, but Philip did all of last week and I can’t bring myself to ask him that.” It was the gentle tone to her voice, the friendly way she always approached y/n that made her say yes, and think how hard it would be to say no.
“Sure, I can do that. I just have to warn Philip to leave without me.”
“Thank you so much my dear, really. And tomorrow you can come in later.” She gave y/n the key and smiled politely before allowing her to leave. She warned Philip who proceeded to leave. And y/n suck up some more hours until closing.
It was midnight when the last person in the kitchen left. y/n helped them clean what was necessary so she could also leave. Because they had stopped serving to costumers a little while ago, but the kitchen remained open to prepare things for the next day.
She was all alone, and truth be told the street where the bakery was, had very little light. So y/n had her phones lantern on, closing the door as fast as she could, so she could head home. The street was also silent and she didn’t know what to make of it. Was it good or bad? Might be good because then it meant she could be safe until home, but bad because at anytime anyone could show up and she would be all alone and defenseless.
She started to walk down the street towards where she lived when a group of man started to walk on the same lane she was in. She wanted to move, she really wanted, but at the same it would bring attention to her and she didn’t want any more unnecessary attention.
They passed her in silence, but then another shadow appear on the other side of the street, and she squinted really hard to see who it was until she realized it was Fred. He was already looking at her, and he was crossing the street coming towards her.
“What are you doing at this hour on the street?” Her mind was still processing the fact that they had found each other outside of her work. It wasn’t impossible, he lived in the area, but still, her luck! She looked back at the group of guys that she hadn’t noticed were looking at her, and she thanked to herself, the presence of Fred.
He had approached because of that. Because he was looking for his meal, and then her smell hit all his senses again and he lost focus. Until he saw the group he had been eyeig pass her and then how they had stopped to look at her. He wasn’t planning on intervening, specially when his fangs where out, full of venom, and ready to bite into a fleshy, smooth skin full of blood.
“Oh hi.” She started, a little less nervous now in his presence, but still not fully. They were only two and the group that had passed them were five. They were in disadvantage. “I just left the bakery, I was asked to close. Was heading home now.” She gave him the uneasy smile, her hands coming to the pockets of her jacket to warm her cold hands.
“I think I should accompany you home.” He said, after he looked again behind her to see the guys lurking around talking, maybe waiting for her to be left alone so they could do something. “Where to you live exactly?”
“I live just too more blocks way.” She said. And when he put his hand, gently, on her back guiding her to start walking, she did so, without hesitation. She also didn’t fight him on, how she was strong and independent enough to go on her own, because she knew that deep down she was scared to walk the rest of her time alone. “Thank you.” She said, when silence fell upon them, his hand had left her back and they had a little distance between them.
“No need to thank me.” He was mostly silence because, well, the proximity they had made it even harder for him to control himself specially when he was mid hunt. Right now there wasn’t a thing separating them. And they had walked a long distance that they were finally alone, in the dark street, and in the cold almost no one dared to come outside.
The mint in the scent was stronger today, and when he, from the corner of his eye, or when he actually decided to look at her for brief moments, could see the thick veins in her neck, the blood pumping thru them, calling for him. His venom leaked a little from his teeth and burned his throat. But he could still smell the sweet vanilla in there, and how that mixture, although unknown to him until now, was something he couldn’t forget.
It made his hunger even stronger.
“Do you wanna come in?” The had arrived at what he assumed was the place she lived. She lived in one of the small buildings that only had two floors and usually only two to three people lived in those. “It’s the least I could do, since you brought me home. I can offer you hot tea, or even hot chocolate?” She suggested, the door already opened. He nodded, his eyes trailing over how old the building was and how cold it also was.
He was a vampire, he was always cold and nothing ever bothered him. A lot of his manners were eyes of him disguising himself to humans, so they wouldn’t suspect he wasn’t like them. He couldn’t care less if the temperatures his below freezing. But for humans? Humans were fragile. He doesn’t remember much from his human time, has it happens to any old enough vampire. With time those images are just memories and sometimes something he thinks he invents some of them. But he knows there fragile, that they get too cold, and too hot. That they need different attention that he does. So this house he for sure knew was very cold, the walls were old, almost nothing separated them from the outside.
But when he got into her apartment, he realizes she tried her best to make it warm and cozy.
She gestured to her sofa. “You can seat.”
“I’ll take the warm tea, please.” He realized he hadn’t answered her question from moments ago. She nodded and after taking her jacket and taking her shoes of, she want to the kitchen.
Also mentally preparing herself because, the cute guy she had seen only two times until now was in her house. And how hot and bothered (in a good way) she was about it. When the tea was ready she brought it to him and put in the small coffee table she had in front of her sofa.
“Thank you again. I-“ she stopped for a moment trying to gather her thoughts. “Those guys gave me an off vibe.” He nodded.
“Yeah, I realized that.” He hid the fact that they were his dinner, and that her appearance had disturbed not only him, but also them on their conquest. She yawned, sitting next to him but still leaving a safe space between them.
Good, she’s smart enough to know, not to get too close. Fred thought, his had«nds picking up the tea cup and drinking some of it. He watched her close her eyes, her once rapid breathing was starting to get calm, she had somehow between arriving and making his tea, turned her small eater on and she was warm, but she still had her work clothes on.
“You are tired, you shouldn’t have invited me in. Go to sleep.” He was getting up, but she stopped him in his movements, her hand coming to grab his pants and pulling him down.
“I’m sorry.” She mumble sleepy. “Stay a little bit more. I can stay wake.” He wanted to laugh, how her voice wanted to show this big girl who was able to stay wake way past her bedtime, and how she was a rule breaker, it was cute actually.
“Sure you can.” He said, trying to hide his mocking tone, and she tried to give him a look but her eyes were threatening to close. And then… then they did.
y/n was so tired, from waking up at five am and then having to close the bakery that she couldn’t take it. Her body gave in. her head was resting back on her sofa, her hands on her lap and her breathing was once again calm, letting Fred know she was asleep. And then is thoughts evaded his mind. How her neck look so delicious. How her smell was even stronger now, because, it wasn’t just her now, it was her whole house. Everything around him smelt like her, and of her, and he had to get up quickly.
His mind fighting, if he should put her in her bed, or if he should just bite down right into her. Drain her of all her blood because, in all honesty her scent was to powerful for him and he didn’t think that if he started he would be able to stop.
But the better part of him was winning, and instead of biting down onto her, her looked around her apartment for something he could cover in. moving himself swiftly around until he found something. And then after that he didn’t gave anything else a thought and left, before he regrated anything something else that could happen.
It had been more than a week since y/n invented Fred to her home and ended up falling asleep not even ten minutes later. When she woke up the next morning she was alone and Fred’s half drank tea was on the table, she was still fully dressed, but warm and cozy non the less.
y/n thought that day would make things awkward for them. She couldn’t help but overthink, on how she invited a complete stranger into her house. But at the same time the feeling of comfort and protection she had gotten from him being by her side. But no, that day he came in and acted like he had the last two times, and y/n imagines all the times before that.
And that first full week of work for y/n was amazing. She loved the place she was working at, loved that fact that everyone was always so nice and she and Philip were so close. Since they were the ones who spent so much time alone in the front they grew closer very quickly.
But y/n couldn’t wait for her break. She was free from work tomorrow, Sunday,  and after the exhausting week she had, she really needed sometime for herself.
“Know what you doing on your day off?” Philip said, throwing the wet cloth he had on his hand on top of the counter.
y/n gave it a thought for a minute, a small smirk appearing on her face after a while. “I will sleep, and rest, that’s all.”
“Boring.” He said, prolonging the ‘o’ on the word, and then started to rearrange some stuff on the shelves. “Mr. Hot could ask you out on a date no? After all wasn’t he the one who took you home?”
“Philip stop. He took me home once, and I fell asleep after ten minutes. It was the shortest interaction we had.”
Philip was gonna talk again when the little doorbell rang and when they both looked, Fred was coming in. Trying to hide the smirk that was threatening to appear on face because… well, Fred pretty much heard what Philip had said, and wished that y/n went on, so he could know what she thought about him. His super earing came in handy in times like this.
Maybe, just maybe he should invite her out. After he left her house that day he couldn’t find it in himself to stop thinking about her. Not only was her blood engraved on every one of his heighten senses, but also her touch, her face, her smooth skin. Everything. After two days, his hand was asking for a time out. It looked like anyone else he had fed upon was not even close to what she smelled like, and what she could possibly feel like.
Fred hated what he was feeling. Every time he fed it was a one-time thing. He never, ever caught feeling for anyone who he had fed upon. Sometimes if he was busy or wasn’t feeling like having sex he would find some criminal and feed of that person. But the majority he would usually feed of the person he was sleeping with. Now, he knows consent isn’t something you can just get when you’re him. But Fred always makes sure the person he slept with is well cared for. He never does anything to make that person unconfutable and they only sleep together if there’s consent. If at any time they want to leave, they can and Fred will find another way of feeding. He also always makes sure that they don’t have any marks after and that they don’t remember anything. One of the things that came with immortality is persuading people into forgetting things and doing what he wants. Fred only does it when he feeds of someone.
“Good morning, Mr. Weasley.” Fred had to contain himself to not moan right there, in front of everyone. The way it just left her lips, those lush beautiful lips, it just made him hard in his trousers. Philip smiled and after saying good morning, turned around leaving y/n to attend to Fred alone, for the first time since she’s here. “What will it be today?”
“How about the chocolate cake, with just a black coffee?” Fred took it upon himself to put his hands on the counter, closer to where she rested hers before going to prepare what he asked. She nodded. “So, how has it been working here?”
“It’s been nice, I like everyone here, and the people who come are also very generous and nice.” y/n said, while preparing what he asked. Fred had the question on the top of his tongue, but… wouldn’t it sound weird asking it? Just like that? Would she find it suspicious? That he was asking her out without even, technically knowing when her free day is? But before his mushy brain could gather anything else it just left his lips. “Do you go out tomorrow?”
Shit, Shit, Shit, he cursed himself all over. The look she gave him when he turned around was of shock. He had to think fast.
“You know, after work I mean.” He said quickly, before she could say anything else. “That is, if you’re free.”
y/n was speechless for what felt like forever, well for Fred after he stammered that’s what it felt like.
“Sure, I would love to. I’m also free tomorrow, so whatever works for you, is fine to me.” y/n gave a small smile, putting in between them Fred’s request, and then taking the money he had already prepared.
“How about I pick you up for lunch?” When she nodded, he felt a sense of relieve all over his body. “ Perfect then, see you at noon?” She gave the same gesture as before, her mouth looking like it had difficulty opening, to speak because she couldn’t believe what she was earing. “Then it a deal. See you tomorrow.” He winked, and this time his smile was bigger, and y/n for a second thought she had seen some sharp enough teeth that could ripple through her skin, or anyone’s for that matter.
Fred often refused to smile big because he never knew when they would be out. Sometimes when he least expected they were out because someone smelled really good, and almost all the time he couldn’t tell when they were out because they’re sharp feeling was something he was use to already. So he didn’t even notice her prolonged stare on his mouth, or even that his teeth were out. When he probably should’ve know that they were because she smelled absolutely divine and it was almost impossible for him to get any control next to her.
After he left y/n was left to her thoughts. It’s weird really, she probably should have looked at those teeth and just put in her brain that he had sharp teeth and a beautiful white and brilliant smile. But sometimes her mind got the best of her and of all the books and things she loved to read online about werewolves, vampires, and just all the other stuff that no one believe it existed, and she sometimes tried to put in her mind that they actually didn’t, but other times, she liked to think somewhere, they did, and that, she didn’t know how, brought her some comfort.
Seconds before Philip interrupted her thoughts, she made herself put in that head of hers that she was just overthinking and things like vampires wouldn’t exist.
y/n was finishing up the last touches of her outfit, the minutes for Fred to arrive coming closer and closer. She decided on something casual and simple since she didn’t know where they were going. She silently prayed it would be somewhere cheap because she wasn’t swimming in rich money to eat at places where plates costed more than god knows what.
So the pair of black skinny jeans, along with a her favorite t-shirt and some snickers would have to do for today. Oh and a jacket, she tended to be very picky when it came to cold.
Although the thoughts of yesterday had gone to the back of her mind they hadn’t completely disappeared, and she didn’t even know why she was thinking about this so much and why Fred. Although other small things Philip had told her until know just made a lot more sense if she looked at him as a vampire and not as normal human. But she didn’t had time to let those thought fulfill her mind again because Fred was here. She knew because the door bell rang and she hated to leave people waiting so she picked up her stuff faster and run to the door.
“Hi.” y/n said, a cute smile on her face, she was messily putting her bag over her shoulders.
“Hi, you look cute.” Really Fred? Cute? Of all the things you could’ve said?
“You look very handsome yourself”. She laughed a little, and thanked all the universe that he had also chose a more casual look that looked way to good on him, and did things to her that she shouldn’t be having for someone she knows for such a little time. But the way the shirt hugged his body, those hands that just looked so muscly and how his jeans hugged his legs and how all of sudden his things looked way to appetizing. Well, y/n was in for a hard time.
And Fred… he also in for a harder time. Because he knew immediately in that small amount of time what he was doing to her because he could smell her. And he was not talking about only her blood. He was talking about the pool of wetness that was forming in her panties, right in front of him. The venom was there again, threatening to leave his fangs, his control almost leaving him.
He had to block all those thoughts before he regretted what he might do. Why, why did she have to smell that good? Why now? After all the time he’s had on this earth, why now? When he’d learned to contain himself.
“Ready?” y/n’s voice took him out of his moment, he streacthed his hand out for her to take and when she did he nodded.
“yes, hope you don’t mind, but I chose the place where we’re going.”
“Not at all, may I know where?”
“It’s a surprise.” He winked, after she closed the door they both went to his car. y/n knew that it wasn’t in town, because otherwise they wouldn’t be taking his, may she had, very extremely expensive car. Entering it even felt like the biggest sin ever, she felt way to weird riding something like this.
Although this clearly wasn’t the biggest sin she had committed and she for sure had ridden way dirtier stuff. She wanted to laugh because of what her brain was picking up. Fred noticed.
“Everything alright?” That’s when she finally looked at him, and the way he had one hand on the stirring wheel and his hand on the gearshift, and how his muscles flexed every now and then because of he changed. She clenched her thighs.  Her smell only intensifying even more.
“Yes- yes everything ok.” She made herself look way, trying to avoid and think to much on the stickiness that was in between her. “Can I know where we’re going now? I mean I know it outside of town.”
“Smart little thing you are, no?” He joked, looking at her for a brief second but the way he retained information was enough for him to know that way the sun hit her face in just the perfect way making her eyes stand out, and her skin be has shinny as his would if he wasn’t wearing things that made him not shine in the sun.
She shivered, only that small name made her tingle all over. If this man wanted to forget lunch and just do it, she, well she wouldn’t mid would she? He was just that good.
“We’re going to the mountains, it’s close but far enough that no one had to know our business.”
She looked out the window, seeing that was the path they were taking. This only confirmed what Philip had said about Fred being a very private person. How he didn’t want people in town to know they were going out. It didn’t hurt her. Actually she was relieved, y/n loved the place she lived in but people talked and sometimes they tried to guess things way out of their league and ended up making rumors that were far from the truth. So, them going to the mountains, was good for her.
She had heard of the restaurant up there, she knew it was expensive but she could take in that type of expensive.
They actualy talked for the rest of the way, both finding it very easy to speak with each other, like they were friends their whole lives. It was easy to look at Fred and want to talk to him, know more about him, it was like he was enchanted and was this person, a brilliant one at that, that just made everyone fall in love.
And Fred? Fred was able to look at y/n outside of a food type of way. He didn’t always looked at her like that, he didn’t always let his animal side come out. But her blood was powerful and sometimes it was hard. But now, in this car and with the way she talked to openly to him about her family, about her work and what she loved the most Fred found his frozen cold heart feel something else. It was like an electric shock, it looked like it was only for a brief second but he could have sworn he felt his skin heat up.
How weird was that? A cold vampire with warm skin? Jokes. Total jokes. But it felt like that. And his hands almost felt sweaty. They were things Fred had last felt a long time ago, when the blood in hum ran in his veins, when he could feel warmth and could blush. It was things he swore he could have forgotten the feeling.
He knew nothing of what he was thinking was happening, but somehow his brain was picking up on those things again.
Fred had become somehow closed when it came to love. He didn’t have a wife, nor a girlfriend in his human time, but he was in love… she was just always out of reach. And Fred had to become what he was today, with a broken heart, knowing he would never love. Because, the rumors were true, vampires were soulless. That’s what Fred had made himself believe even after some vampires he had known along the years had told him otherwise. Vampires who had find they’re soulmates.
Fred had lost his hope a long, long time ago. So this now was just probably a way of his body reacting to her blood. A way of coping that is.
When they arrived, Fred made sure to take up a faster pace than usual but trying to hide his super speed so he could take the role of gentleman and opening the door to her. Some things, even after all this time living on earth, were part of him. He tried to let some things of his time go, try not to be so modest, and in somethings he managed.
But opening doors, and making sure the person he was with was well taken care of? That was something that would always stuck with him. He knew now a days not everyone had that way of acting. They just wanted to get someone to bed.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Weasley.” y/n said in her teasing tone, squeezing the hand he had gave her. He rolled his eyes playfully trying to hide the way his cock twitched in interest in his jeans. When she went in front of him to enter the restaurant he took a few seconds to get himself together.
He asked for the table with the best view, that ended up with them in the balcony that had a beautiful view to everything below, including their town that now looked so small.
“This is beautiful.” y/n stated, putting her bag in the seat next to her and straighten her jacket, because it was breezy outside.
“It is.” Fred was looking at her, although she was still looking around. She just looked ethereal really, angel like, he was lucky she had even said yes to this lunch. It didn’t took them a long time to have what they had asked for in the table. Fred opting for something light. It was now that he was regretting having suggested this because he had to eat and would probably leave him sick. So his best plan was to distract y/n while she ate and maybe she wouldn’t notice he hadn’t touched the food.
It was going well, he made sure to ask some for stuff about some things she had mentioned while in car. About her family, about were she studied, what she liked to do in her free time. But when she finished and was ready to ask for some dessert she noticed he hand’t touched his food.
“Are you ok?” Her voice was filled with worry, she was so distracted sharing things about herself with him she barely noticed his food. And now she felt guilty all over and her eyes had a different look to them.
“More than ok, I just realizes I didn’t want this. Don’t worry I’ll eat something else.” He smiled a little and the hand she had close to him he squeezed in a gentle gesture. She felt his cold skin touch hers. If hers was cold how could his be cold her? She wondered for barely a second, but then justified it with him probably being very cold.
“You’re also very cold, are you sure you’re not getting sick?” her voice still had the same tone. “maybe we should go.” She said ready to get up and pay, so they could go.
“I’m ok y/n, please sit.” He laughed a little seeing how worried she was. His heart could’ve skipped a beat if it wasn’t frozen.
“No.” She stood her ground. “I’m gonna pay and we’re going home, you’re getting sick.” They was she was speaking in that moment was so dominant that Fred couldn’t help getting hard. He was avoiding, thru all the little twitches he gave during the time they had been together, getting hard and he had managed until now. She was worried sick about him and here he was getting hard over it, because well, he wasn’t anything close to sick. It was who he was, she just didn’t know that. But maybe, just maybe he could get on a little about this. He was actually enjoying having her worried sick.
Fred followed her, but did not allowed her to pay. He did tho allow her to drive his expensive cat, because she was focused on the road he was focused on her. He had his head resting back and turned to her, how, unlike him, she had both hands on the steering wheel and only took one when she had to change shifts. Otherwise they were both there, that showed Fred that she didn’t have as much confidence driving as he had, and she was more scared of anything happening than he was. She also had a frown on her face, her features still showed worry.
he looked at her thighs, the way they looked so appetizing in those jeans and how all of sudden thoughts of his fangs biting thru them made him readjust in his seat trying to find a positing where his hard cock wasn’t visible. He had to fight the want in putting his hand on her leg and squeeze it.
y/n realized half way there if she was even ok with her going to his house. But when they got to town and he said to go to his she got the conformation that maybe it wasn’t bad after all. Maybe it was ok. And well her frown had disappeared for a while when she had to take in how everything around her looked. It was so modern and slick, it was amazing.
Fred, on the other hand, was actually getting a little sick, because hiding his hard on was becoming even more difficult. He was starting to feel his body ache, and shivers prickle in his skin. He now looked actually sick. When she took a notice of that, she hurried to his side.
“Oh poor boy, here.” She said, letting him support himself on her, which wasn’t what he needed. He needed her touch yes, but in other way. He was a moaning mess by the time they arrived at the elevator to then get to his house. He didn’t’ even know what had gotten into him.
Never, had he felt like this. He was ok always when he was horny, he was never like this. This achy feeling, his cock somehow already leaking. How had she not noticed it? Fred couldn’t bring himself to have coherent thoughts in his head. All he could think and smell was her. And she was everywhere now. She was right there next to him feeling all of his senses, his house would smell like her. The thoughts he had about her in the last week would be even more vivid not that she was there.
He was a whiny mess. When she managed to open the door to his house she didn’t have time to take in everything around her. The closest she managed to bring him was his sofa, that she for moments realizes was a dark blue color, almost royal.
“Fred.” She called gently, now that he was laying down on his sofa he had let his eyes close, he was trying very hard to get is head straight. To think rationally and not do anything that might ruin him. Or her for that matter. “Fred, come on let me help you.” The gentleness in her voice, his hands in fists to make him stay in that position and not abuse anything. He opened his eyes a little, a small smile on his face, she had a pillow in her hand and he got his head up a little so she could put it underneath is head. “I’m gonna go find something you can take.”
Fred couldn’t speak, so he couldn’t tell her she would find zero things around his house for him to take. He was a vampire and he they never got sick or needed any of those human medicines. But now, in the state he was in he was reconsidering everything in his life and trying to pull up any thought of anything he might’ve read that would explain this.
Well, he… he did remember once his creator had explained to him what this might be. It was a weird thing that rarely happened to vampires. If the need for blood was to much, they could get to a point where they were a complete mess. Fred knew she had created this. Her blood was to much for him and he should’ve known, he should’ve pushed her way from him. He should’ve stopped when he could’ve, but he didn’t. And now here he was, hard like a rock, his cock leaking in to his boxers and probably his trousers too, he couldn’t tell. All because her blood her smell her touch had brought him to a breaking point.
“Fred I didn’t found-“ She stopped mid sentence, because from the place she was coming she could see it clearly. The dent in his trousers. She had taken a lot more time because she didn’t knew his house and he could barely speak to explain everything to her so she had to manage on herself. She looked in the bathroom she had found, but nothing came up. He moaned a little louder now, turning on his side and them on his belly, his cock rubbing against the material oh his jeans and helping him getting some relief. The movement of his hips got a little faster, y/n was at lost for words.
She had so many ways she could react to this. She could leave and let him take care of it alone. She could stay and try to figure out what he had and she could also stay and help. Somehow her brain was yelling that the last option was the best.
“Shit, y/n.” If she had any doubts, the moan of her name made the decision firm in that option. She walked slow like any sudden movement was gonna scare both of them. She kneeled next to the sofa, she brought on of her hands to his face and moved it so he could look at her. “Fuck.” He shook, his whole body starting to get rigid because he was so, so hard and achy that any movement brought him close the edge, and then her touch just made him a whole lot more close.
“You have to tell me Fred, what is wrong?” She knew he was hard she had seen it and now knew he was trying to find some kind of relief, but she was lost, she had mistaken the signs for him being sick, and he was… just horny? Very much at that.
“Fuck, please.” His voice was low, almost sub like, his eyes closing his movements becoming faster, he was gonna bring one of his hands to cup himself truh his jeans. She stopped him before he could do that.
“Please what, baby?” Her hand caressed his fingers slowly, every fiber in her body now almost matching his, like they were synchronized, made for each other. Her body starting to match his, in pleasure and adrenaline.
“Please, I need you, so bad, please.” His voice was raspy Fred had lost himself completely, to the point where his fangs were out, right there in front of her, and his brain couldn’t pick up on it. But y/n, she still had some coherent thoughts and she picked up on it. But she wasn’t scared. Her body telling her to trust him.
One of her hands came to stay on his face and the other that had his hand in his let go of it and grabbed his cock thru the jeans and she squeezed it hard, a loud moan leaving his mouth.
“Does it feel good baby?” Her voice was so gentle, and Fred was so lost in himself that anything she said or do, only brought him closer to the edge. He nodded. “Words, please.” She asked nicely, since she could very much see how lost in pleasure he was wasn’t doing it on purpose.
“It does, please, I beg you.” His voice was breaking into moans and whines and his hips came to meet her hand, trying to find his release. She smiled, taking the hand that was on his face of, and coming to help her other hand open the zip of his pants. And she didn’t waste to much time teasing him because she knew he needed this. She pulled his pants down along with his boxers, letting his cock spring free. He was red, and hard and he was veiny to. y/n felt her mouth water, he was beautiful. Now being on his side his cock rested in one of his flexed legs, even the slightest touched making him feel overwhelmed.
y/n didn’t waste any time taking him in her hands, stroking him first in a slow and gentle manner to get a feeling and grip of his cock. He almost shouted at how it felt.
“F-fuck.” He opened his eyes to look at his cock, her warm and soft hand gripping him so good he felt his stomach tighten and his orgasm so, but so close. “Thank you.” His voice was low, and raspy because he was feeling he was loosing it. y/n increased the speed of her movements, her hands massaging his cock all over, from the base where she squeezed a little more and then back to the top, keeping the pressure almost the same until she hit the head of his cock, where she would engulf it a little more, seeing his legs tremor and his mouth open in pure bliss.
“So close aren’t you lovie?” She had such an adorable look and at the same time so dominant and Fred was feeling so many things that this moment would forever be engraved on his mind. “You weren’t sick after all were you?” He shook his head the best he could, she had her hand at the head of cock pressing her thumb on the little whole where his cum was gonna come out of way to soon. “You just needed a little attention, baby boy just wanted someone to touch him.”
“You.” It barebly came out of him, y/n look at him, they locked eyes and they way she lowered her head to meet the head of his cock all while mantaning eye contact, he lost it there. As soon as her lips envolved his head and the rest of her hand massaged the base of his cock he was a gonner. He came so hard his vision went white, his whole body got rigid, but somehow his toes kept moving almost like little spasms. “Only you.” He managed to get out, mid orgasm, one of his hands somehow finding her face to caress it.
y/n swallowed every single drop he gave her, she milked him dry, sucked him all thru his orgasm. All while taking in the sight he was, how he looked so but so beautiful that her pussy tingled with just the look of it. How she could cum from just looking at him.
When he was sensitive, she moved away, bringing one of her hands to her face to clean the bit of cum that was threatening dropping to her chin. She collected it in her finger and brought it close to his face. “taste it for me baby, you taste so good don’t you?”
He opened his mouth the best he could, a vampire had so much strength and barely needed any sleepy, barely anything could tire him. But here he was, lost of words, tired but in a pure state of bliss. He involved her finger in his mouth and sucked on it, tasting himself. y/n felt the velvety skin of his mouth and how those sharp teeth she had thought about since yesterday, were scratching at her finger, but never once hurt her.
Fred was astonished with himself how he could have done that and not bite into her. Although tired that desire was still there, so present in his mind. She pulled her finger out and rested her hand on his tummy and gently petted him.
“Did so good for me too didn’t you?” She came closer to his face and finally what she was also thinking during this, came to happen. She kissed him. It was a deep kiss where she felt sparkles happen all over her. Her hand fisting around his shirt and she moaned into his mouth. Fred had been so lost into his pleasure, the post orgasmic bliss that he had forgotten that she was had been wet for had long had he was hard and had his cock twitching. She, in that state that made humans even more vulnerable, had taken care of him.
Shit, she really was something else. He went to get up, still kissing her but she stopped.
“No, you don’t have to.” She said, looking at thse beautiful eyes, where she could get lost so many times.
“I don’t, but please, I want to.” She was still on her knees on the ground next to the sofa so when Fred sat down on it he was taller than her and all of a sudden, y/n who had been dominant moments ago, felt all that power get taken from her just by the way he looked.
“You also did so good to me baby didn’t you? Sucked my cock like the good girl you are, went around the house looking for medicine to make me feel better… but the only thing I need is you.” His hand came to pet her face, his thumb on one side and the rest of his fingers in the other and he squished her face a little. His fangs came out of his mouth for the first time, the pointy tip meeting his bottom lip. The realization hit him but somehow instead of panicking, he gave a devious smirk, because he could hear her heart beat speeding up, the blood in her veins running faster, going to meet the little bundle of nerves between her legs that was aching to be touched.
y/n wasn’t scared, she realized finally that Fred wasn’t like her, but in this moment, right between his legs, his cock that had soften starting to get hard again, she couldn’t care less. She needed him so bad. Her cunt so wet that she knew when she took her panties that her wetness would drip down her legs.
She nodded. “Words y/n.” he was more dominant in the way he was speaking than she was. She was soft, and he although still soft and caring had a different way of speaking. She felt her spine tingle and came to rest her head on his thick thigh her look lingering a little bit to long on his cock and then look at him in the eyes.
“Yes daddy.” Fred groaned, one of his hands coming to pull at her hair.
“Up you go then little girl, come and lay here.” He patted his other hand next to the big space next to him, given his sofa was so big, and y/n was about to find out cozy too. She did as she was told. “But take your jeans and panties first beauty.” She nodded, her trembeling hands coming to do just that.
“The shirt and bra too, daddy?” She asked a little low, she was feeling so many things too, she couldn’t wait for what Fred was thinking of doing. He nodded. She was fully naked in front of him. The first thing he looked at was her wetness, he could see it dripping down, but before he even looked, as soon as she took her panties the smell hit him like a thousand things. If it was strong before, it was now consuming everything in him.
She laid down and Fred turned to his side, kneel and opened her legs moving himself in between them. He looked directly at her pussy for a few moment and then at her perky rigid nipples.
“You just wanna be touched don’t you baby? Just as desperate as daddy was for your touch.” Fred referring to himself as daddy had her clenching her pussy around nothing, Fred noticed and one of the hands that was on her thights keeping her legs opened came to graze at her pussy. He touched from her clit to her entrance where he rolled his index finger around, spreading her wetness all around. He then brought that finger to his mouth and sucked on it, the sight making y/n moan.
“Please, daddy I was good. Please touch me.” The desperation in her voice made Fred feel pitty for her. He nodded and came to lean down on it. y/n was about to get her pussy eaten by what she possibly thought was a vampire, and she should be scared and run, or stop this and ask so many questions, but she felt this immense trust for Fred and that he would always stop if she asked, if she needed and he would never do anything she didn’t feel comfortable with. His face was so close to her pussy and he didn’t waste any more time and sucked at her clit. His fangs giving a different kind of touch that her screaming in pleasure her legs threatening to close around him, but one of his hands kept one of the legs where it was before, the other came around his shoulders.
She was so wet, she didn’t think she had ever been this wet with a man. She usually found herself never releasing when she was with a man. They had all but forgotten and negletected her during. She usually only got to come when she was by herself or when she was lucky to have a beautiful girl laying with her. So being with a man and being so wet without any foreplay was astonishing to her. Fred was alternating his mouth movements between gentle and more harsh suckles on her clit and small little pecks and kissed that had her clit tingle in pleasure. y/n was a complete and whining mess, both her hands coming to meet his hair and pulling at it hard. Fred moaned into her and that only made her belly tighten in pleasure.
The two fingers that where now inside of her where moving fast, the only sound in that room besides y/n’s loud whines moans and whimpers where the wet splashing sound that were coming from the wetness of her pussy, that was now a mixture of her juices and Fred’s spit. He pushed his face away and looked at her his mouth was as messy as her pussy. His face and chin covered in her wetness and her spit. The coldness of his touch in her contrasted so well with how warm and velvety and squishy she felt and it was all too much. Her orgasm was so close and the pressure felt so… so different, it was like it was pulling al her muscles and wanted to just explode all over.
“Come on baby, I can feel you squeeze my finger good, gonna cum for me aren’t you? Gonna cum for your daddy.” His voice was like a melody to her ears. “Fucking soake me baby. Give me all this sweet honey I know you have.” His fingers curled right on her spongy spot, she screamed his name and her body tensed. He lowered so his face was close to her pussy again and went on to suckle at her clit again, and the way her pussy was being touched by Fred, how he knew what to do and where to touch her, in just the right placeshad her orgasm splitting her open inside.
Her hands threaded his hair in between her fingers and pulled at it hard, and that only had Fred moan into her, making her orgasm all more intense. Her vision was so blurry and her hearing had a piercing noise that she only heard sometimes and never during this time.
She was so lost in herself that she wasn’t seeing what Fred was seeing, her juices hitting his face, wetting him all over, his fingers coming out of her to rub at her clit feverishly only intensifying it more and he pushed back so he could take in all of her, the way she had now her eyes close and moans of his name were coming out, come low others a little higher and how her juices started to decrease and she started to shake and tremble and her hips trying to get way from his touch letting Fred know she was very sensitive. So he stopped, he put both his hands at her thighs so they had to stay open, and she couldn’t close them like she was trying to do.  He felt her shaking beneath his touch.
“Fuck- I- daddy.” She couldn’t master up any thoughts and her hands that weren’t on his head no more, were squeezing her breasts, finding some conform in that gesture. Her nipples still hard and unplayed with, but Fred knew what he was doing.
“Are you too sensitive baby? Or can you take my cock?” He asked gently, caressing her things very smoothly too and letting small kisses along her bare legs.
“I can take your cock daddy, I’m a big girl.” She opened her eyes finally, and  that’s when she finally looked down to see the mess. The shirt he still wore now see thru because her orgasm had made it that way. All wet. Her thighs also wet and his face just like that too, but the smile on his face didn’t let y/n be embarrassed because, well she took it that he liked it. And she had liked it very much also. Fred shuddered at her words, his cock rock hard again and coming to meet his stomach. He was so big and thick and y/n just couldn’t wait to feel all of him.
“Please.” She asked lightly, and took one of his hands in hers and pulled him to her. Fred took his other free hand to his cock and positioned it to her entrance. He looked from her they meet, from where his cock scratched at her pussy, at her cute little clit, to look at her, her mouth opened, a whine leaving it.
He sinks in slowly, not only because he cared for her, because he knew he was to much for her to handle if he just went fast and hard, but because Fred cared and although he always cared for the people he slept with, he cared differently for y/n. The girl he knew for so little while but that was making his heart feel some kind of way. A deep groan leaves his throat, his cock coming to sit snuggly against her smooth walls, his balls fitting snug against her ass. The hand that had been on his cock came to rest next to y/n’s head to give himself some leverage and the other hand now free came to play with  one of her nipples, pushing it and rolling it in between his thumb and pointer finger. She clenched deliciously around him.
He back up his hips after he feels she’s a little use to his size and then comes to meet her hips again, the slow yet hard movement made both of them moan. He was so big, now inside her felt even bigger than when she touched him with her hand. She could feel the vein that ran up along his cock caress her walls and along with that the pure look of pleasure he had in his face was making y/n a moaning mess again.
Fred kisses y/n, her tongue rasping around his sharp teeth and the feeling had her whimper into his mouth. He pulls out a little faster this time and came snapping against her again, the force of this had his pelvis coming to meet her clit, the extra pressure and sensation had her legs quiver hard.
Fred was fucking her now hard and deep, his other hand on her nipple came to the other side of her face so he could gain more force and speed and his head lowered down do his mouth met one of her nipples, the one who still hand’t gotten much attention and proceeded to get it all wet and messy with his spit, sucking on it while also moaning against it, because y/n was squeezing him hard, and spasming around him. He knew her orgasm earlier had been strong, squirting always made people extra sensitive after, and he knew she was more than usual, and that also having her nipples played with was even mesmerizing.
All the little nerves in her body are on high alert, feeling and letting her know another orgasm approaches, how her hands come to find Fred’s face and pull him in for a deep kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance, his hands becoming fists around the cushions on his sofa. His legs also threatening to give out, because he also had a strong orgasm earlier and he was closer than he would like to admit.
She has to pull herself way from him because her orgasm hit her like a truck, she was expecting to last a small while longer, but all of sudden everything came crashing down on her. The orgasm again strong, she shakes and quivers all over, her hands squishing Fred’s face strongly and her mouth wide open, whimpers start to leave her mouth again
His movements never stop, now that had come, Fred could chase his own orgasm better. He continues, he fucks y/n thru her orgasm, one of his hands comes to her throat and squeezes it. y/n smiles the best she can and turns her head to the side exposing her neck to him. The orgasm still pumping thru her veins, and the vein in her neck prominent, he could see the blood passing in them.
“Bite me.” She said low, if Fred didn’t have that hearing he could’ve sworn it would have pass him. His body almost gave out on him. He felt himself ask low ‘What’.
“Bite me.” She repeated again, with one hand taking the one that was still around her throat but kept her position. “Please.”
“y/n..” Fred started but she didn’t let him finish.
“I’m giving you consent, bite me.” Her pussy squeezing his cock and the request had Fred at the brim of his orgasm and then when he lowered his head again, his lips brushing against her neck and his fangs that had been out all this time and full of his venom came to bite down on her skin. The sweet honeyed flavor of her blood was something that made Fred feel his body relax and just… well Fred didn’t even know how to describe what he was feeling.
y/n screamed, it felt like a sharp, sharp pain in her skin, but then after a few moments if didn’t hurt anymore, it did sting a little, from what she thought was his venom entering her system.
That’s how Fred came, with her pussy spasming around him, sensitive from the two strong orgasms he gave her, him, also sensitive because this would be his second orgasm and from her taste on his tongue, on his mouth and her smell everywhere. He moaned close to her, and right after he hit the top he pulled way from her, licking at the two small marks his teeth had left and it healed.
y/n was now a little lost, he made sure to only drink enough to sustain him, but he had still drunk her blood so she was a little limp.
“Thank you.” Fred said gently, caressing her face and kissing her lips gently.
y/n was trying hard to find words, feeling a little loopy, but still there none the less.
“You’re welcome.” She yawned. “But you have a lot of explain to do.” The both laughed, Fred scooted y/n over a little so they could both fit on the sofa and pulled a blanket that was usually there to just be, but now it would cover and warm y/n.
“I will, I promise. Thank you for trusting me.” That was the last thing y/n remember Fred say before she fell into a deep sleep, snuggled into Fred’s chest.
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maddiewritesstucky · 3 years
Ok ok ok so this isn't exactly jock 'verse related but it also kinda is & I need 2 tell u or I might explode 🤣🤣🤣 its legit a perfect fanfic trope but irl
So, my university has fraternities like a lot do BUT there's this dude (he's in a few classes with me) & this dude is just a Frat. Bro. thru & thru. He loves his frat & would likely die 4 those boys. Idk literally anything else about him besides the fact that he knocked a girl up his freshman yr & now, just, brings his kid everywhere. 2 zoom meetings & 2 in person classes (according 2 my friend) when we had them 😅
but wait
it gets Better.
I learned today when we were sharing about ourselves that his "frat name" (idfk how that shit works😂) has transitioned from a pun on his last name 2 just- D A D D Y
All the other dudes just. call. him. daddy.
y are so many frats so straight that they loop back 2 being gay?
Literally everything about this is fucking incredible!?
Being one of those dudes who probably ends up getting matching ‘bros in, bros out’ tattoos with The Boys™️ by the end of college? Impeccable 👌
This very same bonafide FratBro rocking around with a baby? DELICIOUS 👏
You already had me, Nonnie, but then you go and heap on the fact that there’s a group of young adult men casually walking around referring to this man as DADDY?!?
T R A N S C E N D E N T 🙌
This might be the best story I’ve ever heard to be honest. And you know what, as for the relevance to JockVerse? I think this fits right in, and I’m gonna go ahead and tag my girl @rainbowsandcoconut here because you’ve probably just made her day by prompting me to write this, Nonnie.
Consider, if you will:
Bucky having to take care of his 6 month old niece on short notice, on a day when he can’t afford to skip class. It’s a short day for him, only one morning lecture then a team meeting, so he just...brings her with him
In a baby carrier, strapped to his front, so he can still carry his backpack and have his hands free
He doesn’t make a big deal about it, and no one in his lecture takes issue because she sleeps pretty much the entire way through
But when he walks into the meeting and his teammates clock his situation?...
“I knew this day would come! I knew Barnes was gonna knock someone up!”
“How could you not tell us you had a spawn? I thought we were friends, man!”
“Jesus, she looks exactly like you.”
(That one’s accurate - this kid is all Barnes, dark hair and slate eyes and perfect little Cupid’s bow)
“Nah, this is our new linebacker,” Bucky lifts her out of the carrier and grabs her blanket out of his backpack, spreading it on the floor to let her stretch her little body out
She’s a pretty chill little person so she’s unconcerned by the bunch of jacked up football players all kinda crowding around, she just looks at them all in turn, babbling a quiet assessment of the situation to herself
Steve and Coach Fury walk in at the same time, and they both do a double take - Fury, because “why is there a goddamn baby on my floor?” and Steve, because Bucky’s hands - those grabbing, pinning, shoving, spanking hands that he’s so intimately familiar with - are now very gently slipping a tiny sock onto a tiny foot
“Barnes is playing Daddy!” Clint oh so joyously informs them, and Fury just kinda shakes his head and mumbles something about how he’s ‘been waiting for some bullshit like this’
Bucky explains his situation, and Steve doesn’t say much of anything, but his face is doing a whole lot of something. There’s no time to examine that though, because Fury is getting the meeting underway
It all goes pretty much as normal, except this time when Bucky’s running his mouth about how they’re gonna fucking obliterate the opposing team at the upcoming playoff, he’s doing it with a baby in his arms and his fingertips drawing soft, absent patterns over her belly; occasionally cupping his hands over her teeny ears when his verbiage gets a little more colourful
Steve does not know what to do with the duality of this
Since when does Bucky know how to do shit like one-handed prep a bottle of formula? Where the fuck is this soft-ass smile coming from? Why is Steve’s gut doing weird swoopy flippy stuff every time Bucky quietly coos “oh, you think so?” to his niece’s incomprehensible little sounds?
Crisis 2.0 comes when Clint insists on referring to Bucky as ‘Daddy’ for the entirety of the meeting, even after Bucky points out the inaccuracy, because in Clint-logic it would apparently be “way too fuckin’ weird to call you ‘uncle’”
This is not a kink Steve has ever considered before, it’s certainly not one he and Bucky have played around with, but fuck if his body isn’t doing some Thangs at hearing that title used on Bucky. His throat gets inexplicably dry every time, and a few strangled sounds make their way out when he’s not quick enough to catch them
He knows it’s not lost on Bucky, he can feel Bucky looking at him every time Clint drops the D word, but Steve can’t bring himself to return that stare
It’s a miracle Steve survives this maelstrom at all, to be honest. It’s making him think entirely too hard, and he doesn’t want to think when it comes to Bucky. The whole point of them is that they don’t have to think
He disappears pretty quick after the meeting, and it doesn’t go unnoticed, but Bucky decides to be gracious this time and let it slide...
...At least, he does until the next time he’s putting Steve through the headboard, when he just can’t help but tuck his smug grin right up against Steve’s ear, and purr “...gonna come for your Daddy?”
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4stars-uswnt · 3 years
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes [Tierna Davidson x Reader]
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requested by anon: Idk if you’re taking requests or not but could you do a tierna x reader where reader’s kinda reserved and the team doesn’t know her super well but her and baby t just bond together and one gets the courage to ask the other out. And maybe they like hide their relationship just to mess with the team or something cause they were trying to set them up. If not then it’s perfectly fine. You’re a great writer!!
A/N: thanks anon! i honestly don’t know how this got so long... oops
You hesitantly make your way down the aisle of the bus, unsure where to seat, given that this was only your fourth camp and you didn’t necessarily have a designated seat.
Spotting an empty spot next to Tierna, you sheepishly ask, “Hey, is anyone sitting here?”
“Nope,” she gives you a kind smile, glancing up from her phone. “Go ahead.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, a small smile of your own tugging at your lips.
As you’re putting in your ear buds and turning on your music, Tierna curiously watches you. “So how you liking the team so far?”
“I love it. It’s honestly better than I could’ve imagined. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and so willing to teach,” you ramble slightly nervously, scratching the back of your neck.
Ever since you’d gotten your first call up last year, your nerves hadn’t calmed down at all. You were a naturally reserved and quiet person, but being around the best players in the world only intensified your nervousness.
Given your shyness, none of your teammates knew that much about you. The only one who knew anything about, apart from your position, your hometown, and where you currently reside, was Alyssa. The veteran goalkeeper had taken you under her wing when you went pro at just nineteen and joined the Red Stars. The two of you immediately bonded, forming a sort of big sister-little sister relationship, as you were both so similar in the way you carried yourself on and off the field. So when you got your first national team call up, Alyssa was the one to show you the ropes and help you make the transition.
And although you played on the same NWSL team as Tierna, you’d never actually had a real conversation with the other woman, so neither of you knew each other at all.
“Yeah, it’s an incredible environment,” the defender agrees. “It really does become like one giant family.”
“Hopefully, I’ll stick around long enough to become a part of that.” You anxiously chew your lip. Being on the national team has been a dream of yours ever since you could remember, and now that you are presented with the opportunity, you were scared you were gonna do something to mess it up.
“I have a feeling you will,” Tierna muses, smirking. You can’t tell if she’s flirting with you or if she’s just being nice, but either way your face flushed red.
The three hour bus ride went by seemingly quick, as you and Tierna engaged in an easy flowing conversation, talking about topics ranging from the basic introductions to the incredible cinematography of The Queen’s Gambit.
You find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable and relaxed around the other woman, and you feel this is the start of a wonderful friendship.
After a quick team meeting upon arriving to the hotel, Vlatko starts to announce roommates and distribute room keys.
“Tierna and (Y/N),” he calls out, giving Tierna two key cards.
“Looks like we’re roomies,” she beams, as she hands your key.
“Looks like it.” You grin, excited at the idea of spending more time with the defender.
Both of you were pretty tired, especially after a long day of traveling, so you each quickly jump in the shower and change into your pajamas.
As you slide into bed, Tierna, already under the covers, grabs the TV remote. “Anything you wanna watch?”
“I’m fine with anything.” You shrug, as you pull the blankets over your body. “Have you seen the docuseries on Netflix about the Challenger?” You ask, remembering her passion for space and aeronautics.
“I haven’t,” Tierna gasps. “Can we watch it?”
Your heart warms at the sight of her pure eagerness. “Of course! I’ve been meaning to watch it for a while too.”
You quickly set up your laptop, connecting it so that your screen projects onto the TV.
As the episode progresses, Tierna spits out additional facts about the Challenger as well as NASA itself, and you can’t help but listen in awe and admiration.
The two of you barely make it through two episodes, as the hours of travel catch up to you and sleep takes over.
It was the last day of camp, and you and Tierna had grown quite close, bonding over being the youngest on the teams as well as your similar interests.
You’d discovered that, when not playing soccer of course, you both enjoyed going on hikes, reading with a cup of coffee, and also relaxing at the end of the day with a good TV series.
She’d also given you some insight on how she adjusted to being on the national team at such a young age, something you were having trouble doing. It’s not that your skill level wasn’t up to par; you were just finding it difficult to put yourself out there and connect with the rest of the women. And just maybe your newfound friendship with Tierna would be just what you needed to open up to the rest of the team.
Over the past couple of days, as you’d gotten to know the defender, you couldn’t develop feelings for the other woman.
So here you were, packing up your hotel room, as you worked up the courage to ask Tierna out. At the moment, the freckled woman was currently rambling about some new book she’d found, but you were to stuck in your own head to really pay attention.
“(Y/N)?” Tierna pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” You shake your head, turning to see an amused smile on Tierna’s face.
“Did you hear anything I was just saying?”
“Umm, yes?” You try sheepishly.
Tierna rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right. It’s alright. You can make it up to me by reading the book I was talking about. And by the way it’s about a depressed neuroscientist at Stanford.”
“Sounds peachy,” you groan, earning a chuckle from the defender.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, shrugging.
“Come on, what’s bothering you?” She asks, as she sits down next to you, lightly elbowing your side.
You take a deep breath, gathering all the courage in the world, before asking, “Would you maybe wanna go out sometime? Like grab some coffee or dinner when we’re back in Chicago?”
Tierna stills, her eyes widening, as her brain tries to process your question. “What?”
“I’m asking you on a date, T,” you clarify, feeling a new wave of confidence take over. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
A gigantic grin breaks out Tierna’s face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
About six months later, you’d received another national team call up, and so had your girlfriend.
After last camp, you and Tierna went out to dinner at a restaurant back in Chicago, and from then on, you began dating. It helped that you both played for the Red Stars, getting to spend more time together and not having to worry about the trouble of a long distance relationship.
However, the two of you decided to keep your relationship under wraps, not feeling the need to announce or flaunt it. In fact, in public, your relationship didn’t really change, and to most people, it looked as if the two of you were just best friends.
But Alyssa had known you well enough to see that you definitely had a crush on the younger defender, and to be fair, you did, but the goalie didn’t know that you were already dating.
The Red Stars training before the national team players left for camp, Alyssa decided to see if anyone else shared the same suspicions.
“Hey, J!” she calls out, catching up to the blonde midfielder.
“What’s up, Lys?”
“Do you think there’s something between (Y/N/N) and Tierna?”
“What do you mean?” Julie furrows her brows, confused.
Alyssa gives her friend a pointed glare, nodding her head in the direction of where you were leaning your head on Tierna’s shoulder, giggling at something your girlfriend had said.
“Ah, I see,” Julie muses, nodding her head in realization. “Are they together?”
“Nope, at least I don’t think so. I’m sure (Y/N) would’ve mentioned something.”
“Well, should we help them get their head’s out of the butts and try and set them up?” The midfielder proposes.
“Camp is this weekend…” Alyssa smirks, as the two women share a knowing look.
“Kelley’s gonna have a field day with this,” Julie chuckles.
After morning training the next day, the team split off into groups, as they head into town to grab a bite to eat, do some shopping, or just walk around the streets of Santa Barbara.
A group of the veterans decided to try out a cute little cafe they’d seen. As they were all sitting around the table, sipping their coffee and eating some pastries, Julie decided to bring up the subject of their two favorite team babies.
“So, have you guys noticed anything going on between (Y/N) and Tierna?”
Conversation stopped, the entire table going silent.
“Wha?” Kelley asks, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth. “(Y/N/N) and Baby T?”
“Kel, please swallow your food,” Christen requests, cringing at the defender.
“Sorry.” The freckled woman gulps down her bite of her croissant. “But Tierna and (Y/N)?”
“You don’t see it?” Alyssa raises her eyebrow, surprised that she might be the only one who saw the chemistry between you two.
“Aren’t they just best friends?” Tobin chimes in on the conversation.
“That’s what people always said about you and Chris until they got their heads out of their asses,” Ash snorts, pointing between the two forwards.
“Fair point.”
“Now that I think about it,” Christen hums. “They do act very couple-y.”
“And Tierna is really the only one that (Y/N) hangs out with, besides Alyssa,” Pinoe points out, as the others nod in agreement.
“True, though she is warming up to the rest of us,” Julie lightly argues.
“So do we have a plan?”
The rest of the table just stares blankly at Kelley, who rolls her eyes.
“A plan to get them together?” She clarifies, as if to say ‘duh.’
“Well, that’s what I thought we could discuss.” The blonde midfielder suggests, sparking the discussion of how to get the two youngsters together.
Meanwhile, as the veterans were scheming, you and your girlfriend were taking a walk along the beach, your hands laced together, as your bare feet sunk into the sand.
“I hear you might start in the match versus England,” Tierna smirks at the shy blush that creeps up your neck.
You duck your head and brush a loose strand of hair of your face. “I don’t know. Our midfield is already so stacked, so I don’t know why Vlatko would start me.”
“Hey.” Tierna stops walking, stepping in front of you, halting your movement as well. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a phenomenal player, one of our best middies, at only twenty-one years old I might add.”
“You have to say that.” You bashfully roll your eyes. “You’re my girlfriend.”
“That I am,” Tierna proudly states, as she kisses your cheek. “But seriously, (Y/N/N), you’re amazing and you’re here for a reason. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“Thank you, babe.” You lean in to give her a chaste kiss before bringing her in for a hug.
The two of you decide to walk back up to the sidewalk and sit on one of the benches that overlook the beach. After a couple of minutes of peaceful silence, you remember something Alyssa had mentioned to you a couple days ago.
“I think Lys might know we’re dating.” You raise your head from your girlfriend’s chest to look up at her.
“Hm,” Tierna hums, not looking concerned or fazed, only curious. “Did she something to you?”
“The other day she asked me if I had feelings for you.” You snuggle back into your girlfriend’s body, comforted by the fact that she didn’t seem to be freaking out about the possibility of one of your teammates knowing. “Well actually, her exact words were: ‘Do you have a crush on Tierna?’”
“And what did you say?”
“I said ‘yes,’” you mumble, your cheeks tint pink.
“What was that?” Tierna teases.
“I told her ‘yes’ I have a crush on you.”
“Aw, babe,” she coos, tapping your nose. “I have a crush on you too.”
All you can do is scrunch your face and stick out your tongue at your girlfriend and her antics.
“Do you think we should tell the team we’re dating?”
“Words probably gotten around that you have feelings for me, and seeing how we’re ‘best friends,’ knowing them, they’re already probably devising a plan to get us together.” Tierna shrugs, lightly chuckling.
Though you hadn’t been on the team as long as the defender, you knew she was most likely right.
“Well, who are we to stop their fun?” You say with a small smirk on your face.
Your girlfriend raises her eyebrow at you, surprised by your uncharacteristic boldness and mischievousness.
“Whatever you say, babe.” Tierna softly kisses the top of your head.
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s presence, the calm waves crashing in the background, before you have to return to the hotel for team dinner.
As you and your girlfriend were off on a brief romantic walk, the rest of the team, who had been recruited by the Kelley, had been finalizing their plan to set you and Tierna up on a date, so you can confess your feelings.
“So,” Kelley, the leader of this operation, announces. “Tomorrow, when we have dinner off, Alyssa, you’ll ask (Y/N) if she wants to grab a bite to eat, and Casey and Abby, and whichever youngsters wanna tag along, will bring Tierna out to dinner.
“The rest of us will grab a table in the backroom so we can see them without being seen. Everybody got it?”
They all nod along, voicing their agreement.
“Awesome,” Ash cheers and claps her hand together. “What do you think Lys?”
“I think it’s good, hopefully it works.” Alyssa nods, quickly glancing at her phone. “I also think we better head back for dinner before Vlatko sends out a search party.”
The rest of the women check the time, their eyes widening, as they all scramble out of their seats, rushing to make it back in time for team dinner.
The next day, at the end of training, many of your teammates, mainly Kelley and Sonnett, were anxious about their upcoming blind date they’d set up for you and Tierna.
“Gosh, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” Kelley groans dramatically, watching from across the field, as you and your girlfriend were leaning on each other, laughing at something you’d said.
“How can they be so oblivious?” Tobin shakes her head, following her friend’s gaze.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Megan snorts, as she approaches the two women.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chris had heart eyes for you for like three years before you actually noticed.”
“That’s different,” Tobin protests, earning a laugh from her two teammates.
“It’s really not.” Kelley clasps the forward’s shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.
“But we’ve learned.” Pinoe boasts with a pointed look.
Tobin just tilts her head and furrows her head in confusion, not following along.
“Oh, Toby.” The freckled defender slings her arm around Tobin’s shoulder, as they make their way back to the bus. “After being tortured by you and Press’s oblivious pining for many many years, the team collectively decided that when two teammates develop obvious feelings for each other, we’d put our own dignities aside and get them together.”
“Hence, our dinner plans for Tierna and (Y/N),” Megan finishes.
“You guys are all crazy,” Tobin says with a light-hearted roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, but you love us,” Kelley chirps before skipping off to catch up with Alex on the bus, leaving the two forwards chuckling at their teammates playful behavior.
After hopping out of the shower and getting dressed, you decide to text Tierna to see if she wants to grab some dinner.
Hey, you wanna grab some dinner?
I think I saw a taqueria that looked good :)
T 🤍 :
Sorry, babe :/
Casey already asked me to get dinner with  Abby  and Sam.
Aw man, okay.
Stop by after?
T 🤍 :
Of course
I’ll see you later :)
You give the message a heart, before shutting off your phone. As you contemplate what you’re gonna do for lunch, there’s a knock on your door.
“(Y/N/N),” you hear Alyssa’s muffled voice. “It’s Alyssa.”
“Come in!” You call back.
The goalie saunters into your room and plops on your bed. “You wanna grab some dinner?”
“Yeah,” you beam. “I saw a Mexican place downtown that looked good.”
“Hmmm, I had tacos for dinner last night,” Alyssa hums, pretending to think it over, even though she already has a restaurant in mind. “Tobin mentioned a good Japanese place they ate yesterday. We could try that?”
“I could go for Japanese,” you agree. “You wanna head out now?”
“Yeah, I’m down.” Alyssa jumps up from the bed, as you gather your things, following her out the door.
The two of you make light conversation, as you walk through the streets of Santa Barbara, enjoying the warm evening air.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, the hostess leads you to a table by the window, but as you sit down, Alyssa remains standing.
“I just have to run to the bathroom real quick,” she tells you. “If they come by to order drinks, could I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.” You nod, before scanning the menu.
While you think Alyssa is going to the restroom, she is actually going to text Casey that you’re sitting at the table near the window.
After a couple minutes, you hear footsteps approaching, which you think is the waitress coming to take your drink order.
“Hey, funny seeing you here.”
You immediately snap your head up when you hear your girlfriend’s voice.
“T, what are you doing here?” You ask, obviously quite surprised, as Tierna sits down in the chair across from you.
“Well, I was supposed to meet the girls here, and they just they’d be at the table by the window,” she chuckles amusedly. “Obviously our teammates are setting us up, not that I’m complaining.”
You roll your eyes at the teasing smirk on your girlfriend’s face. “Yeah, Lys brought me here for lunch. I didn’t think it was in her to be a part of their little matchmaking plans.”
“Alyssa is full of surprises.” Tierna shrugs, as she picks up the menu to look at it for herself.
“Aint’ that the truth,” you laugh.
As the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, deciding what you wanted to eat, you spot a familiar head of purple hair out of the corner of your eye.
“I think we’re being spied on,” you whisper, leaning forward in your seat.
“Pinoe’s pink hair is a dead give away,” you slightly nod your head towards the back room of the restaurant.
Tierna turns her head to subtly scan the room, and then lets out an amused chuckle. “So how are we gonna play this?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, since they’re watching us, do we wanna play into their hands or should we mess with them a little?”
“We could do a little bit of both?” You propose, earning an impressed grin from your girlfriend.
Before Tierna can respond, the waitress comes by to take your orders.
“What can you see?” Sonnett shouts from the other end of the table.
“Keep it down, Sonny,” Kelley scolds, swatting the younger defender’s arm. “But, P, seriously, what’s going on?”
“They’re just talking, laughing occasionally,” Pinoe reports, as she cranes her neck to see the table in the other room. “From what I can see, no sparks are flying yet.”
“Gosh, this is painful. We need to move them along,” Kelley whines, before her eyes widen and her eyes light up, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. “I have an idea.”
“Oh no,” Christen groans. “This should be good.”
The freckled defender just waves her hand, ignoring her friend’s comment. “Just you wait and see. This is gonna work.”
The team has to wait a couple more minutes until the waitress comes back to refill their waters for Kelley’s plan to unfold.
“Excuse me,” Kelley calls over to the waiter, briefly glancing at her name tag. “Virginia, could I order some dessert?”
“Of course.”
“I’d like to get one slice of your cheesecake, please. And if I could ask for a favor?”
The waitress nods with a polite smile.
“Would you deliver it to my two friends over there sitting by the window?”
“Aren’t those your teammates?” Virginia turns to see where Kelley’s pointing.
“Yeah, we’re trying to set them up. So if you could just say it’s on the house or something, we don’t really want them to know we’re here.”
The waitress just chuckles, as she shuts her notepad. “Of course.”
“Oh, wait,” Kelley stops her one more time. “If you’re cool with it, maybe you could flirt with one of them, maybe say the cheesecake is from you?”
Virginia pauses for a second to contemplate her options, before ultimately agreeing. “Fine, but only if I can get your friend’s number over there.” She smirks and points over to where Emily’s sitting, sipping on a glass of wine.
“Deal, but only if my friends over there get together by the end of the night.”
Virginia just smirks, as she leaves to continue her job and get a slice of cheesecake.
You and Tierna took advantage of the date your teammates had set up for you, enjoying some delicious rolls and a bowl of udon. Even though your teammates were technically in the backroom watching, you and your girlfriend enjoyed a nice evening to yourselves.
As you’re finishing up your meal, the waitress comes over with a slice of cheesecake and places it down in front of you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You move to return the dessert. “I didn’t order any dessert.”
“I know, cutie,” Virginia flirts. “That’s from me, on the house.”
“I- I, um.” You blush, flustered, while Tierna shoots silent daggers at the waitress. “I’m flattered, but I actually have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” the waitress apologizes, glancing between the two of you. “Is this your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I am,” Tierna answers, hints of jealousy lacing her voice, as you give a sheepish nod.
“Ah I see,” Virginia observes, amused, knowing that the other group of soccer players were going to be quite shocked. “Well, I’m sorry, again, for hitting on you. Keep the dessert as an apology?”
“Everything’s forgotten,” you amend with a kind smile. “Thank you for the cheesecake.”
As the waitress turns to leave, she suggests, “Maybe you guys can share? I’m trying to win a bet.”
Before you or Tierna can respond, Virginia gives both of you a knowing smirk, as she takes your plates and goes back to the kitchen.
“What does that mean?” You tilt your head and push the plate of cheesecake towards the middle of the table.
“I assume that our teammates probably had something to do with that whole scene,” Tierna guesses, shrugging, as she takes a bite of the dessert. “Mmmmm, but thank goodness they did because this cheesecake is delicious.”
“Oooooo, let me try!”
As you and your girlfriend share the slice of fluffy cheesecake, your teammates were waiting for something to happen.
“Anything?” Alyssa asks impatiently. The goalie had been becoming increasingly agitated, because she had seriously thought there was something between you two.
“Not yet,” Kelley sighs. By now, the rest of the team had lost interest and decided to just enjoy their night out.
“Oh wait!” Pinoe gasps, holding her hand up to get everybody else’s attention. The pink-haired forward watched intensely, as you leaned in closely to Tierna, who was holding out her fork with a bite of cheesecake for you.
“Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake. I repeat, Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake!” Megan exclaims. “It was the last slice, too!"
“And they are totally giving each other heart eyes right now,” Kelley adds, excitedly bouncing in her seat.
After a few minutes, as the team bubbles with anticipation to see what would happen next, Virginia returns to the table with the checks and hands it to Kelley.
“By the way, you owe me your friend’s number.”
“Um, I don’t think so. We don’t know for sure that they ended up together,” Kelley protests, as she passes the checks down the table.
“Yeah, we do, because they’re already together,” Virginia boasts and moves to collect the empty plates, smirking when she sees you and Tierna holding hands, as you make your way over to the team’s table.
“What? No, they’re not.” The defender frowns, not noticing her two youngest teammates.
“Yes, we are,” Tierna simply states, leading you out the backdoor, as you duck your head to hide your flushed cheeks.
“And, thanks for the cheesecake,” your girlfriend throws over her shoulder, leaving your teammates sputtering in shock with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“Well, that was fun,” you snicker, as you step outside.
“Yeah, it was,” Tierna agrees, kissing you cheek. “Now let’s go have some fun of our own.”
Laughing freely, you relax into your girlfriend’s side. You couldn’t help but feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, now that the team knew about your relationship, and maybe this is the push you needed to open up to the women who would soon become your second family.
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Dancing and Drunken Cuddles
All or Nothing
Part 2 of 1
Word Count: 2646
Uhhh idk y'all I have cravings and just need to get them out. As always no smut cause we sex repulsed up in this house babes. Anyways this is a Loki x Bucky x Reader imagine. And also the reader is a werewolf.
Like I said it's a lot and idk but I needed it to be written
A/N: Shout out to @superheroesandstardust fueling me to write this with some sweet tags on the last part.
Exhausted. That was what you were, nothing but exhausted as you lay on the floor of your containment cell. It had been an especially rough night in your wolf form, both of your boys weren't there since they had to go on a mission, and they'd figured out a way to calm you down on the nights of the full moon. It wasn't much and you were still extremely dangerous but with a combination of Loki's magic and the both of them holding you but it helped with the stress and made the transition the next morning more bearable.
So, yeah, not having them there to calm your nerves, plus an especially hard night, you couldn't bring yourself to get up off the floor. They weren't even there for you if you got up and went to your shared quarters, so, you might as well stay there until you have the energy to get up. You end up falling asleep right there on the padded floor, which made sense seeing as you didn't sleep on these nights, meaning you were up for over 24 hours at least.
You wake up around noon, sitting your head up you're surprised to see that you weren't in your cell but in your bed. From there you realize you're thoroughly trapped with two sets of arms around you, a head using your stomach as a pillow and a tangle of legs at the end of the bed. You relax your head back, letting it fall to the side, bringing you face to face with a sleeping Loki, yeah, you weren't getting out of here any time soon if your moving hadn't disturbed them at all.
It wasn't so bad to be trapped in their arms, you honestly loved it, the only problem was you were starving. When you were a werewolf all you wanted to do was eat, you couldn't do that though because humans didn't need to be eaten, but all the energy that went into transforming then trying to shred the walls of your cell as you tried to get free then transforming back, left you running on empty.
Oh so carefully you begin to untangle your legs from their's, then you begin escaping their arms. You're so focused on doing so without disturbing your two boys that you don't notice the fact that their legs once again entrap yours or that an arm you'd thought you'd gotten out from under was back around you. You keep trying, slowly growing more and more frustrated.
"She's quite cute when she's frustrated, don't you think?" you hear a voice say with a hint of a smirk to it.
"I believe she is, but she's always cute, though I do think she might begin trying to kill us if we don't let her go eat soon," the voice comes from the head on your stomach.
Your head flops back onto the pillow with a groan. "Might?" you ask with a hint of sarcasm as a hand cards through the hair on your scalp.
"Fine, love, I suppose the two of us can make do without you for a time," Loki responds in your ear as his arms remove themselves from around you.
You turn your head to look at one of the two men you loved so dearly, "thank you my trickster, it was quite difficult being without you last night."
You feel Bucky roll over on your other side and move so his head is by your's and Loki's rather than on your stomach, "hey, what about me?" he asks teasingly.
You give each of them a kiss, "yes, yes you too Bucky." You say as you get off the bed, "though I'm sure the two of you didn't miss me nearly as much since you had each other," you say with a dramatic hand to your forehead as you walk out of the room. Unfortunately for everyone else in the compound Loki's taste for theatrics had begun to rub off on you and Buck.
When you head down stairs you find everyone hanging out on the couches around a coffee table piled with pizza, you don't hesitate to grab an entire box and plop yourself down on the couch next to Nat.
"The beast as awoken I see," Tony  taunts.
Once you shoot him a glare you say, "yeah, I have and I haven't eaten yet so I suggest you shut your trap before I decide to eat something besides pizza."
"I'm sure theres a reason she's down here without those two love sick puppies Tony, on that note keep taunting her it seems like fun to watch," Clint says from his spot on the other side of Nat.
Tony shuts up after that, leaving you alone to eat. "So, how'd things go?" you ask Steve, since you always felt bad when you couldn't join them due to wolfing out. They brief you on what happened and how they all got some sleep in the quinjet, except those two boyfriend's of yours who were up all night worrying about you. That gets a smile out of you as you finish off another piece of pizza. You roll your eyes, "I told them I'd be fine," you say, blushing a bit, knowing how over protective they could be.
"My brother isn't one to leave the things he loves alone," Thor says.
"Yeah," you say softly, a smile coming to your face as you think about it, as much as Loki got on your nerves for being possessive and over protective it was cute.
"Oh, now you've done it- y/n is being sappy."
That gains Clint a glare from you. Nat jumps in to change the subject from off of your love life, since you could be just as overprotective as the other two thirds of your relationship despite you being a bit more subtle about it. "So, the three of you planning on joining us for Tony's party this evening?" she asks.
This causes you to pause, you'd been in this relationship for nearly a year now, but you all preferred to keep it quiet. So, this meant you didn't usually go to parties together since when you got the least bit tipsy you had trouble keeping your hands off of them, "not sure, I'll ask." The three of you were reformed war criminals, you weren't exactly sure how the world would take it knowing you were all in a relationship. Sure, you kept each other stable, Bucky was reformed, Loki didn't want to take over the world anymore, but you on the other hand were still dangerous even if you didn't want to be. No matter what you did you'd all always be seen as threats.
An hour later you're back in bed with your boys, "Tony's having a party this evening, do you guys want to go?" you ask.
Loki answers first from his place propped on his elbows over you and Bucky, "it's up to you two, I've always said I have no problems with going to a party and being able to show the world that you're mine."
You giggle, your heart fluttering as it always does when he calls you his, and turn your head to look at Bucky, "what about you Bucky?"
"It's been a while since I was able to go out dancing," he says, fingers combing through Loki's hair, "I'd love to spend the night doing that with my two favorite people, doll," he says to you.
You smile, "then it's settled, we'll go out tonight and let the world know that you're both mine and I'm yours," you giggle once more before leaning to kiss Bucky's stubbly cheek.
You movement opens your neck up for Loki to press a kiss to it, "that sounds perfect darling," he practically purrs. From there he turns and kisses Bucky, "right love?" he asks him.
"It does, Lo," he responds, his hand once again running through the other man's hair. A smile settles on your face, everything was perfect.
"Love," you use Bucky's pet name, "could you zip me up?" You ask hours later as you turn your back to him, after asking for help with your dress.
"Of course doll," he responds gently and you feel him run a finger up your spine before he zips up your dress that matched your eyes beautifully. His arms then settle around your waist and trap you against him, you giggle as you feel him lean down to press a kiss behind your ear.
You turn around and lock your arms around his neck, "I love you," you say softly and kiss his lips.
"Might I say, the two of you look ravishing this evening," Loki's voice says from the doorway before he comes over to join in the hug. "It's going to be quite the challenge to be sure that no one else looks at either of you."
You laugh and turn your head to look at him, "I could say the same for you darling," you free a hand to cup his cheek and give him a kiss, "I cannot keep others from looking at me, but I can tell you the only attention I want or need is yours and Buck's."
Loki turns his attention to Bucky with a slight shake of his head, "I suppose," he says running a hand through the other man's hair, "I could play nice for this evening."
Bucky laughs gently and kisses Loki, "at least for a little, you probably don't want the wolf mad at us again, especially cause last time she kicked us out of the bed for the night."
You laugh and shake your head, "that's a lie and you know it. I tried to kick you out of bed but as soon as the both of you gave me those puppy dog eyes you've perfected I let you right back in bed."
"Tsk," Loki clicks his tongue, "no worries darling, the two of us will behave," he pauses and smirks at Bucky, "until we're alone... You on the other hand, I'd be surprised if you can keep your hands off of us, y/n."
This gains a pout from you, "it's not my fault you two can't get drunk," you mutter. They both laugh at your reaction to their teasing before each one linking an arm with yours and escorting you out of the room and down to where the party was being hosted.
The room is set up magnificently, Tony knew how to host a good party, as always it would start out with some casual conversations, drinking and dancing. After the first couple hours it could then go one of two ways, elegant and royal ball like, or like a club with everyone hammered and dancing up on each other. No matter which way the party ended up going all of you always had fun with it.
The three of you weren't exactly late, but you entered after enough people arrived to cause a bit of a scene as everyone's heads turned to see you with an attractive man on each arm walk into the party. You immediately forget their teasing from a few minutes previous and let go of their arms to go get a drink from the bar. They both shake their heads, exasperated but knowing they were in for a fun night. "Might I have this dance, Love?" Loki asks, offering a hand to Bucky.
Bucky accepts the hand with a smile, he hadn't danced for reals since the 40s and he was excited, he'd always loved dancing and so had Loki. They move amazingly together, and you're more than happy to just sit and watch your two boys twirl one another around the dance floor since dancing wasn't so much your thing as it was theirs. They go on for a few songs and when they finally stop they were glowing with happiness. as they then approach you at the table where you had settled yourself with your drink.
"May I doll?" Bucky then asks you to dance and you accept before following him out to the dance floor. The night continues on like this the three of you taking turns dancing together, clearly together for everyone to see, and you of course get a little handsy later in the evening once you're a bit more than tipsy.
Finally all the guests leave and this leave the three of you and the rest of the team sitting around a table chatting and drinking some more. It's at this point that Thor brings out the Asgardian liquor dubbed "excelsior" and pours out four shot glasses, passing one to Steve, Bucky and Loki before keeping one for himself. Your two boys take the glasses offered to them, glancing at each other then you, happily zoned out across their laps, before taking the shots.
Bucky had one of your hands trapped in his and Loki was dealing with your other one that kept trying to creep up his shirt. You were lucky you were cute because you were quite the handful as drunk as you were. They weren't more than a little tipsy from the Asgardian mead they'd had access too, now the excelsior was beginning to set in for them, and let them both get drunk for once. They were still interested in talking with the others while you had given up on conversation a while before, preferring to lounge on them and keep trying to make out with them.
They were having fun with their friends and brothers so they were succeeding with ignoring you for the time being. Plus you were tired out from dancing so even if you did manage to drag them back to the room you'd only pass out after maybe a few kisses. You free your hand from Bucky's eventually to begin running it through his hair while your other hand continues to rest just under the edge of Loki's now untucked button up shirt.
Once the stronger stuff had been consumed by the two men, the three of you didn't last long remaining with the others. It had been really easy for you to get them to carry you to your bed, sure they weren't as drunk as you but now they were more than just tipsy, It had just been a matter of you pulling Bucky into an awkwardly angled kiss, since you were lying across his lap, and the hand that was resting on Loki's side moving so your fingers were just under the waistband of his pants. With that the three of you were getting off the couch, you being carried in Bucky's arms while Loki puts his arm around both of you and teleports you to your room.
Once you're in your bedroom you're suddenly motivated to move on your own, slipping out of Bucky's arms and standing on your own. You struggle with your dress for a few moments, forgetting about the zipper, before Loki rescues you. You giggle drunkenly and kiss his cheek before stripping down to your underwear, stealing one of their shirts off the chair it had been thrown over and flopping down on your side of the bed and promptly passing out. It wasn't exactly your side since you were usually in the middle but they made do, climbing in on the other side of the bed.
They organize themselves and get comfortable, letting Loki be the little spoon and Bucky the big spoon. At least until you roll over and throw an arm and a leg over top of both of them and slip your other arm and leg underneath them to make yourself the biggest of all the spoons. Somehow you're comfortable despite the fact that you are in a position similar to that of a sloth in a tree, completely wrapped around them.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!DK Fluff
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Thanks for the requests anons! I hope you guys like it! Jun and Jeonghan have been requested so the rest of the series will hopefully be out soon! (Sorry requests are taking so long, I’m transitioning between jobs right now so I’m technically working two and I’m a little stressed, so idk if this one is even that good... sorry guys!)
Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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DK feels unbelievably ridiculous and stupid
He cannot believe he’s actually about to do what he’s going to do
He turns around several times to make sure no one is around
He even came out there in the middle of the night to avoid anyone watching him
But there he is, standing in front of a water fountain, holding a coin, getting ready to make a wish
He feels so childish
But also at this point, he feels as if making a wish is the only choice he has left
After one last look to make sure no one is watching him, he holds the coin up, whispers his wish, presses a kiss to the coin and throws it in
He sighs at the insignificant “plop” sound, hangs his head for a moment, then turns to leave
Right as he moves, he hears someone yell
And then a bicycle hits him
Well it doesn’t actually hit him
Just kind of brushes his side and knocks him off balance
But later he tells the boys that it full on hits him when he’s recounting the story and wants to be dramatic
But the encounter also throws the cyclist, aka you, off your balance so now both of you are on the ground
It’s honestly not that bad
He just scraped up his hands and you have one big scrape on your leg
But there’s no serious injuries on either of you
You get up immediately
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you at first. Are you ok?”
You rush over to where he is on the ground and help him sit up
He doesn’t really say anything at first, just sits there in kind of a daze
So you start to panic
“Do you need me to call you an ambulance?”
There’s one more beat of silence
Then he starts laughing 
And you’re like ????
“I didn’t think I hit you that hard, did you hit your head?”
He shakes his head as he keeps laughing
“No, no, I’m fine, I think I was just shocked for a moment”
You start laughing too but mostly out of relief
He finally composes himself and looks up at you
“Are you ok?”
You’re not sure why this random stranger asking you if you’re ok makes your heart skip a beat when it’s a totally normal thing for someone to ask in that situation
“Hey, I’m the one who hit you, you shouldn’t be worried about me”
DK stands up before he responds
“Yeah but that scrape looks pretty bad, you should definitely get some disinfectant on that asap”
You look down at your leg and realize he’s right
His phone buzzes and he looks down at it
“Oh, I’ve got to go. You’re really ok, right?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m fine, what about you? You’re ok too?”
He nods and smiles brightly at you, “Yeah, I’m good! Get home safely!”
And then he runs off
You honestly think about him nonstop for the next week
The handsome stranger you accidentally hit with your bike
You kick yourself for not getting his name at least
But once the week is up, you just kind of sigh and tell yourself that you’ll probably never see him again so you should just get over it
Then the next day
You’re on a street corner waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green
You look down at your phone for literally two seconds
You hear someone yell
“C’mon DK, hurry up!”
Then suddenly
Something hits you and you fall to the ground and your breath is knocked out of you
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
You look up to see who ran into you
“Fountain boy?”
When he sees that it’s you, he breaks out into a grin
“It’s you, the cyclist!”
“DK seriously, we need to go!”
You look over to see another boy waving him towards a van
DK leans over and pulls you up off the ground
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so, is this revenge for what happened at the fountain?”
He lets out a laugh
“No, I promise I’m not the type to get revenge”
“Alright, I believe you... DK”
His eyes widen
“How’d you know my name?”
“That other boy over there that looks like he’s about to lose it keeps calling it out”
DK turns around to see Woozi stomping over towards him
“Oh right, I guess I’ve got to go”
Woozi grabs DK, apologizes to you for interrupting and starts to drag him towards the van
Before Woozi can drag him away fully, DK turns back towards you 
“Hey before I go, what’s your name?”
He can barely hear you call it over the crowds of people around talking and Woozi scolding him but he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard 
DK grins through the whole van ride
After that, you two run into each other all the time
You bump into him on an elevator
He gives up his seat for you on a bus
You accidentally spill your coffee on his shoes
He sends your report papers flying into the wind
You trip over his feet when he’s sitting around waiting for Mingyu and Minghao to be done shopping at the mall
You two learn a little bit more about each other with the opportunities presented every time you see each other
He finally asks for your number when the two of you end up volunteering at the same charity event
“It’s about time, Fountain Boy, I was thinking you were never gonna make a move”
“[Y/N], my name is DK and you know it”
“I like Fountain Boy better”
He just grins at you
Your first date is nice
Everything feels easy with DK
Mostly because it feels like you’ve already known each other for years somehow
He always makes you laugh 
The more time you spend with him
The more you realize he’s truly the kindest, most genuine person you’ve ever met
He’s always so considerate of you and your feelings
Always making little sacrifices to make you more comfortable or more happy
Honestly every little action of his touches your heart
The idea of ever hurting or upsetting or disappointing the other seems unacceptable to both of you
So your whole relationship is that way
Just the two of you always being so completely selfless for the sake of the other
DK is honestly the softest boyfriend ever
He’s just so grateful for every moment he gets to spend with you so he tries his best to show it in every way possible
He’s always smiling around you
Because even when he’s had a bad day, he knows you’re going to be supportive, listen to him, and offer help and advice
You become his safe place so he always feels comfortable and content when he’s with you
The other boys love you
They didn’t think there was anyone as kind and selfless as DK, but here you are
They love how much you do for DK
And you also do nice things for them all the time too, so they have no complaints
Sometimes DK gets jealous of how well you get along with the boys
But not in the way you expect
“I thought you guys would say something like ‘make sure they treat you right’ or ‘only the best can date our Dokyeom’ or ‘if you hurt DK, you’re in for it’”
“Seriously DK? They just made us all cookies for no reason and brought them up to the dorm themselves, if you two break up we might keep them instead of you”
DK is grumpy™️ for the rest of the day lol
But DK seriously adores you
I feel like this is obvious, but he’s super cuddly
He’s kind of like a cat
You’ll be working on something on your laptop
And he’ll just push himself into your arms and giggle as you roll your eyes and run your hands through his hair
You’re showered in kisses every single day
The type of boyfriend where whenever you say you’re cold, he’s suddenly pushing one of his sweatshirts over your head and piling blankets on you
If you get sick, he does. not. leave. your. side.
A super doting boyfriend
He gets nervous all the time still 
When you meet up for dates or when you take new steps in your relationship
He does that thing where he bounces his legs up and down and gets all jittery
But it’s honestly super sweet
Even when you’re dating and well into your relationship
You find yourself unable to get away from each other
He wishes you luck one morning when you have a job interview but then you run into him there bc SVT is having a meeting with someone in the same office building
He says he doesn’t have time one day to come see you bc his schedule is super busy but then you end up on the same bus as him and some of the other members on their way to one of their chores for the day
It’s like the universe is making sure you two are weaved into every part of each other’s lives
And you love being a part of each other’s lives
You live for when he opens up more about what it means to be an artist and what writing music and performing is like for him
DK just kind of casually sings all the time so you get to hear his voice whenever you want
Your all time favorite is when you’re laying in bed next to him, playing with his hands and he’s just singing softly
It makes you feel so safe tbh
But then sometimes he has to go on vocal rest and you have to do all sorts of ridiculous things to make sure he lets his vocal chords get the rest they need
I’m talking
The quiet game
Tape over the mouth
Making up funny little penalties every time he starts singing or talking too loud
Make out sessions where every time he puts strain on his vocal chords you just push him down and kiss him until he remembers that he needs to be quiet lol
Sometimes you’ll just guide him to the bed and soothe him to sleep bc you know that he as a whole needs tons of rest, not just his throat
And you catch yourself just lovingly staring at him as you run your fingers through his hair methodically to coax him into a nap
When he’s half asleep he gets sort of talkative and he says the cutest things
You don’t try to trick him into saying anything that he wouldn’t be comfortable saying to you fully awake
But sometimes you ask him questions about random things to get his honest answer just for fun
“What were you doing that night?”
“What night?”
“At the water fountain when we first met, what were you doing out there?”
“Making a wish”
You can tell by his voice that he’s about to fall asleep
You can’t help but smile at his sweet face as his eyes flutter closed when you run your thumb over his cheek
“A wish for what?”
You wait for a moment, thinking maybe he fell asleep before he heard your question
But he’s just awake enough to give out one more answer
“To meet my soulmate”
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tomoonine · 4 years
[reaction] nct 127 with an intimidating yet soft s/o
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hello! reactions are open yes?? how about 127 squads reaction to an s/o who seemed intimidating at first but is actually very soft and motherly with them?? like cooks (extremely well) for them any time they ask, big spoons them and cuddles them bc they just wanna hold their bf, just a whole cutie yano? thank you in advance!! ^u^ ☽. i did my best to make it sound less repetitive and gender-neutral, so i hope i wrote this to your liking! if you enjoyed reading this, please check out more in my masterlist! requested: yes; anon word count: 2.4k words
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[Taeil] —
Taeil is kind of hard to read as an individual, and I think he would have said the same thing when he had to describe you
At least, that was what he thought first when you weren’t very close yet
He was pretty easy-going and he didn’t feel particularly off-put by your initial intimidating disposition, but after a while when you begin to get to know each other
And after you two suddenly feel something much more that friendship
Taeil experiences first-hand the steady transition of your demeanor and not gonna lie, he’s taken aback at first
Because hello?? Taeil remembered you for being his aloof s/o who was pretty quiet and shy at first????
But you know what? He can Vibe with That 😎
There are times where he feels like he should try to show his affection more, but you really do insist that you enjoy showering him with love
It takes him a while to adjust with your affectionate self, but it goes really well!!
He’s used to the sudden bursts of affection from Donghyuck, but he’ll be even more open with it when you do it to him
He even tries to take small steps as well, starting with joining you as you cook something for him
Simply because he wants to spend time with you, and so that he can show how much he cares about you in subtle ways
And after a while, he’s more comfortable about giving you hugs and asking for them as well uwu Cuddling time is the best with Taeil
He truly wouldn’t have expected all these changes when you weren’t very close yet, but Taeil wouldn’t have it any other way
[Johnny] — 
He’s thankful that that first impression didn’t last long because throughout your relationship, Johnny has been trying to find a way to subtly show his affection to you
Now that you’re the one actively providing it, he’s feeling really great about it !! He feels reassured !!
Like before you’ll catch this guy contemplating on whether or not he should reach his arm to wrap around your shoulder
Sometimes his fingers secretly brush your hands, hesitating on holding your hand
But now you just willingly snuggle up to his side and hug him warmly
And you like to hold his hands a lot, sometimes if it’s a little chilly your hand goes up in his sleeve for warmth
Everyone liked to clown him for attempting to show skinship w you, now they’re clowning him because he looks so lovestruck every time you’re around uwu
If you start to look intimidating again, he’d lovingly poke your nose and ask you if you’re alright
And your reaction always makes him melt </////3
AND OMG.... Cuddling with him is your favorite thing in the world....
Since you like being the big spoon, you enjoy wrapping the entirety of you around his large frame
Please,,, it’s like trying to hug Clifford the Big Red Dog,,,
Usually he’d try to assert himself more and actually be the big spoon during cuddling, but recently he’s starting to enjoy being in your loving embrace instead
You’d play with his hair at times and you’d let him talk about his day, with soft music playing in the background
They’re very precious moments he holds dearly, and even if he’s been itching to shower you with love, he’ll let you hold onto him dearly
[Taeyong] —
Taeyong surely would see past your intimidating demeanor because he could tell that you had a soft heart uwu
I personally believe that Taeyong is capable of seeing people for who they truly are, simply because he himself has a heart of gold
Frankly, Taeyong has enough love to share for the two of you to be honest
And he’s always willing to be the one to initiate skinship and to do domestic things with you and for you
So he’s really fine being the more affectionate one between the two of you
But when you start to take initiative instead, he honestly isn’t very surprised?? And he’d definitely relish in the love you give him இ௰இ
Taeyong is used to looking after people, yet at the same time he’s always being babied by everyone around him
He’s accustomed to the affection, but it would mean so much more to him since it’s coming from you :,)
Sometimes he doesn’t even need to tell you that he needs a hug of comfort and yet you readily welcome him with open arms before he says anything
Your hand would find its way in his, and you’d listen to all his worries
It’s also really cute because you always trace this certain pattern on his hand when you listen to him talk, and Taeyong pretty much has that pattern memorized
It always relaxes him and brings him bliss uwu
Taeyong deserves all the love in the world, and the love you give him is enough to make him the happiest person alive
[Yuta] —
He’s pretty affectionate himself and I’m sure that Yuta, at first, was very much alright with keeping his distance
He wouldn’t want to make his s/o uncomfortable in any way you know, because he must obtain Consent first !!
Especially if initially, your external appearance would make you look aloof and a little intimidating
HOWEVER... As soon as you begin to open up to him????
You know how sometimes Yuta just stands there doing absolutely nothing
And next thing you know, he gets this burst of energy and hugs or smothers someone with love out of the blue?
Same thing with his s/o, except........ it’s much more intense
Yuta, upon seeing just one (1) glance of you: >:3c (Y/N) Free Real Estate >:3c
And MAN does he enjoy every bit of affection he receives, especially because you willingly reciprocate his insane amount of love in his system
Yuta genuinely feels like he’s at home when he’s with you, because you’re such a homey person and you take care of him so well :,)
Sometimes when he doesn’t even ask, you actually make some of his favorite homecooked Japanese dishes and it seriously warms his heart :(
You even made an effort to ask his parents how he likes certain dishes cooked :,(
Yuta can confide in you, and you make sure he gets to pour his heart out when he needs it most
You treat him so well, and even if home is far away, it’s much closer when you’re around :,)
[Doyoung] —
Ah yes, the tables have turned on Doyoung
Because now, someone is taking care of him and doting on him
And it’s what he deserves <///3 because sometimes the members like messing around with him ya know <///3
Although he pretty much tolerates it, he’s so happy that when all of that is over, Doyoung can cuddle close to you for comfort
Complain a little bit, let out his frustrations
So his time alone with you in your arms is like heaven to him, his own special place 🥺🥺🥺
And it’s funny too because apparently, everyone else still finds you a bit intimidating so they avoid messing around with Doyoung too much when you’re around
They’re lowkey afraid that if things go out of hand, they’ll have to submit to you
Not everyone really understands that you’re just a cutie pie who just wants to look after everyone <///3 Cook food for them too <///3
Doyoung encourages you to interact with the other members, and he convinces everyone to try to get to know you better
Because you’re his s/o :((( His love and light :((( Even if you carry a dark expression around sometimes, you’re still his sunshine :(((
Doyoung, while you tend to be very nurturing yourself, can’t help but take care of you as well uwu
He’s always looking at you fondly when you initiate conversations with the others, and a smile finds its way on his face when they start to become comfortable with you
Except.... Now that you guys are all close.... They’re back to teasing him
But you’re always there to side with him, so it doesn’t matter that much anymore to him uwu
[Jaehyun] —
Jaehyun doesn’t seem like someone who would be fazed by your intimidating exterior
He’s very headstrong from the way I see him, so I don’t think just a dark aura and piercing gaze will back him down in any way
His heart starts to mellow down when he realizes that you actually don’t want to intimidate him at all, and would rather support and dote on him
Jaehyun didn’t expect that either but honestly????? It’s a Win for him !!
Although now it means he has someone to compete with when it comes to showing affection..... Like how is he going to shower you with love unexpectedly when you like doing that too.....
In that sense, it suddenly becomes a friendly competition of who can out-love the other
Like he’d try sneaking up behind you but you just have this Jaehyun Radar so you know when he’s around and you’re ready to Hug and Cuddle
Jaehyun: (Y/N) I know you’re really cute n all... but I need you to turn back around and pretend you didn’t have your arms open for my surprise hug....
You: (´・ω・`)? huh?
AND SINCE BOTH OF YOU CAN COOK... Sometimes Jaehyun will be seen watching ASMR cooking videos of your favorite dishes because he wants to make something for you
But when he’s about to give it to you, he finds out that you whipped up something for him to like ?????? Your Jaehyun Radar is something else
Jaehyun: i was planning on making you something why do you have a dish too ://
You: idk !! >:( but more for us to share while we cuddle and watch movies >:(
It’s all friendly competition, but both of you are just soft about it it’s so cute,,,
[Jungwoo] —
Jungwoo thinks you’re at par with him when it comes to being cute
Like everyone in NCT can’t believe someone can out-cute this guy... Jungwoo is an absolute ray of sunshine and no one would have expected that you would be the same
Because you looked a bit intimidating at first lol
And since that was the case initially, Jungwoo had a tendency to act more cutely towards you
But when you started to open up to him more, I feel like he’d start to tease you more often (he finds your reactions cute WAHAHAHAHA)
Jungwoo is pretty tall, and if you’re shorter than him you’ll definitely expect that this guy will teasingly keep things out of your reach
Especially during the times you’d cook (and if you aren’t shorter than him, then he’s just never going to hand to you what you needed from him LOL)
Your soft demeanor prevents you from being too mad at him, and most of the time you just huff at him and Jungwoo thinks it’s absolutely adorable
It doesn’t always end up like that though, because sometimes you’d retaliate like this
Jungwoo, with the container of sugar up his head: do you need this one (Y/N)? >:)
You, grabbing his hand: fine if you won’t hand me the sugar, then I won’t let go of your hand >:( until you give it to me >:( fair trade >:(
Everyone in the vicinity thinks that the both of you are too cute for your own good
Especially with the way you guys cuddle together all the time and share sweaters like hhhhhh Cute !!
[Mark] —
Introvert Mark actually felt awkward around you at the beginning, despite knowing how to initiate conversations and perform small-talk
He couldn’t really read your expression at first, and he never really knew what to say because he was afraid that he might make your mood even more sour than it already appeared to be :,)
Well that was his concern at the beginning
These days however, his current concerns revolve around how he can compensate for all the love you’ve been showering him with :,,,,)
From the way I see it, Mark looks like someone who not only feels bashful quickly but also is someone who may have a hard time expressing himself romantically
It’s something that the other members share about Mark, and I think you can tell that in some of their content, Mark seems a bit shy taking in compliments from others
His bashfulness is very endearing, even to you uwu
But that gives you more reason to show how much you love and appreciate him, and just how special he is as an individual !!!!
There are so many ways you can show it, especially with your skillset !!!!
You’d take time to cook some comfort food for him during tough days
You’d leave sticky notes on his things just to remind him to take care always
You’re still careful about skinship and cuddling though, because you don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable in any way
But Mark really appreciates just how much attention you put to these little things, and they really do mean a lot to him 🥺🥺🥺
He’s still having a hard time thinking about ways to compensate for all your love, but one day he’ll find his own way to express his love for you
[Haechan] —
This guy???? Probably did not even MIND the fact that you were intimidating to begin with
He’s a cheeky boy, and I personally feel like it’s in his personality to be a bit playful with the people around him, and you’re no exemption from that
When you do start to open up to him more, he thinks it’s the best of both worlds !! He’s super happy about it !!
Donghyuck??? Being able to tease you??? AND receive recharge hugs from the Love Of His Life???????
He truly loves it Here 🤩
Like okay he loves getting recharge hugs from Taeil and he likes to tease the other members too, but he’s just so lovable and that surely extends towards your relationship with him
And you’re totally open to it !! Please,,, he loves cuddling you and he loves being cuddled by you,,,,
He just feels elated at the fact that he can really be comfortable around you
And omg.... you Feed him food too....
Hyuck: if I don’t marry (Y/N) right now theN WHAT DO I DO???
Mark: omg chill bro ur like..... Young...
And since you like to smother him with love, he might Explode if he doesn’t get enough affection in a certain time period
Hyuck, at the thought of not getting one (1) hug from you: I hate it Here !! 😠😠😠
He thinks you’re the most adorable person in the world.... A literal Angel... He really loves you but who wouldn’t though, you’re adorable,,,, 
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