#but if you just write for a target audience of 1 (yourself) then it feels good no matter who sees!
the-golden-ghost · 17 days
Last night I was getting sad cause of the rustiness of my writing after a year's break and how I feel like I lost my touch and all that; but then I remembered that it ultimately doesn't matter. I don't write fics for an audience anymore. None of my fics from this year have done "well" in terms of number; they're the 3 least popular fics I have up, and yet I enjoy them. I think they're fun and I'm happy with how they sound.
This one I honestly expect to do even worse, if numbers are what counts, but I also remembered a few months ago when I was in the middle of the process and I was thinking this was the most fun I'd had writing in about 3 years, and rereading for myself only reminds me to just go back to that :D
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copperbadge · 3 months
I'm getting depressingly good at identifying the formula for Pop Academic Books About ADHD.
Regardless of their philosophy it pretty much goes like this:
1. Emotionally sensitive essay about the struggle of ADHD and the author's personal experience with it as both a person with ADHD and a healthcare professional.
2. Either during or directly following this, a lightly explicated catalogue of symptoms, illustrated by anecdotes from patient case studies. Optional: frequent, heavy use of metaphor to explain ADHD-driven behavior.
3. Several chapters follow, each dedicated to a symptom; these have a mini-formula of their own. They open with a patient case study, discuss the highly relatable aspects of the specific symptom or behavior, then offer some lightweight examples of a treatment for the symptom, usually accompanied by follow up results from the earlier case studies.
4. Somewhere around halfway-to-two-thirds through the book, the author introduces the more in-depth explication of the treatment system (often their own homebrew) they are advocating. These are generally both personally-driven (as opposed to suggested cultural changes, which makes sense given these books' target audience, more on this later) and composed of an elaborate system of either behavior alteration or mental reframing. Whether this system is actually implementable by the average reader varies wildly.
5. A brief optional section on how to make use of ADHD as a tool (usually referring to ADHD or some of its symptoms as a superpower at least once). Sometimes this section restates the importance of using the systems from part 4 to harness that superpower. Frequently, if present, it feels like an afterthought.
6. Summation and list of further resources, often including other books which follow this formula.
I know I'm being a little sarcastic, but realistically there's nothing inherently wrong about the formula, like in itself it's not a red flag. It's just hilariously recognizable once you've noticed it.
It makes sense that these books advocate for the Reader With ADHD undertaking personal responsibility for their treatment, since these are in the tradition of self-help publishing. They're aimed at people who are already interested in doing their own research on their disability and possible ways to handle it. It's not really fair to ask them to be policy manuals, but I do find it interesting that even books which advocate stuff like volunteering (for whatever reason, usually to do with socialization issues and isolation, often DBT-adjacent) never suggest disability activism either generally or with an ADHD-specific bent.
None of these books suggest that perhaps life with ADHD could be made easier with increased accommodations or ease of medication access, and that it might be in a person's best interest to engage in political advocacy surrounding these and other disability-related issues. Or that activism related to ADHD might help to give someone with ADHD a stronger sense of ownership of their unique neurology. Or that if you have ADHD the idea of activism or even medical self-advocacy is crushingly stressful, and ways that stress might be dealt with.
It does make me want to write one of my own. "The Deviant Chaos Guide To Being A Miscreant With ADHD". Includes chapters on how to get an actual accurate assessment, tips for managing a prescription for a controlled substance, medical and psychiatric self-advocacy for people who are conditioned against confrontation, When To Lie About Being Neurodivergent, policy suggestions for ADHD-related legislation, tips for activism while executively dysfunked, and to close the book a biting satire of the pop media idea of self-care. ("Feeling sad? Make yourself a nice pot of chicken soup from scratch and you'll feel better in no time. Stay tuned after this rambling personal essay for the most mediocre chicken soup recipe you've ever seen!" "Have you considered planning and executing an overly elaborate criminal heist as a way to meet people and stay busy?")
Every case study or personal anecdote in the book will have a different name and demographics attached but will also make it obvious that they are all really just me, in the prose equivalent of a cheap wig, writing about my life. "Kelly, age seven, says she struggles to stay organized using the systems neurotypical children might find easy. I had to design my own accounting spreadsheet in order to make sure I always have enough in checking to cover the mortgage, she told me, fidgeting with the pop socket on her smartphone."
I feel a little bad making fun, because these books are often the best resource people can get (in itself concerning). It's like how despite my dislike of AA, I don't dunk on it in public because I don't want to offer people an excuse not to seek help. It feels like punching down to criticize these books, even though it's a swing at an industry that is mainly, it seems, here to profit from me. But one does get tired of skimming the hype for the real content only to find the real content isn't that useful either.
Les (not his real name) was diagnosed at the age of 236. Charming, well-read, and wealthy, he still spent much of his afterlife feeling deeply inadequate about his perceived shortcomings. "Vampire culture doesn't really acknowledge ADHD as a condition," he says. "My sire wouldn't understand, even though he probably has it as well. You should see the number of coffins containing the soil of his homeland that he's left lying forgotten all over Europe." A late diagnosis validated his feelings of difference, but on its own can't help when he hyperfocuses on seducing mortals who cross his path and forgets to get home before sunrise. "I have stock in sunburn gel companies," he jokes.
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csuitebitches · 6 months
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Things I Have to do for My Sanity
1. Wake up at the first alarm - no snoozing and no going lying around in bed. Getting up straight away and head to the bathroom. It’s going to suck initially but you’ll get used to it in a few days.
2. Mental self care: 30 minute meditation, brain games mental math, reading, news. Knowledge is sexy and don’t deny yourself sexiness.
3. Daily review in my diary at the beginning and end of my day: what went well, what didn’t, what I need to accomplish to achieve my goals. This has tremendously helped my goals and keeping my motivation more consistent, especially at work. Analysing and correcting incremental changes creates long term success.
4. Cleaning up before bed - clothes, shoes, organising my bag, etc. I set a timer for 5 minutes and try to get as much done as possible.
5. Pick out my clothes the night before and steam iron them for the next day.
6. Face masks twice a week, a hair mask once a week, I scrub the soles of my feet with that foot scrubbing thingy once a week. Manicures every month because my nail beds are too sensitive to do it biweekly, iron supplements so that I’m not a moody bitch. Matching underwear to feel good about myself. Lavender spray on my pillow before sleeping so that I don’t get weird dreams.
7. Reading biographies and autobiographies. My mentor had suggested this to me and it’s amazing how literally I don’t have a single original experience - everything I’ve felt or mistakes I’ve made have already been done by someone else.
I’m going to curate a list of business books that I feel that have helped me the most recently.
8. I write a short essay everyday in the language I’m currently learning. I also end my day by talking about my day for at least 2 minutes in that language and I record it in voice memos to keep a track of my progress. I want to be fluent to a level where I can think in this language.
I don’t generally share a lot about my personal life - none of you know my name or where I’m based and I feel comfortable doing that. But I do want to start giving out more insights to what I’m doing personally in my career - the good, the bad, the ugly.
Being self aware and honest to myself has helped me improve a lot. I know that shame is my Achilles heel, so now I’m reading books to combat that. I’ve caved in and decided to try therapy for a bit to see if what I’m doing is useful or not. My first session is tomorrow. Staying disciplined was my initial hurdle but the systems I’ve set (waking up early + habit stacking) have helped me slowly overcome that.
Work side, I’ve started establishing myself publicly more. I don’t want to reveal too much about what I do exactly but the good news is that our biggest competitor has noticed my progress (a former employee of that company came to us for an interview and directly asked our top management about me). It’s been 4 months that I’ve been working here but I know that next year I really have to swing the bat and hit a home run. I’ve decided to work on the field more and less in the office to really understand people’s needs and create unique solutions.
The daily/weekly/quarterly diary is definitely credited to my recent wins. That’s the biggest change I’ve made in my routine and i can already see that it’s working well. I’m going to continue refining and implementing that method.
Recent work methods I’ve decided to start working on (I’m not required to do these but I do it for my growth):
1. I’ve started studying popular companies’ business and revenue models in detail. Everything is adoptable and adaptable, you just have to figure out how to tweak something for your company’s clients and needs. Now I’ve decided that I want to keep a track of our competitors, their business models, their owners names, pricing strategy, their target audience etc etc on an excel sheet so that I’m aware with what’s happening in the market. 
2. I’ve started making client profiles. Every time I meet a client, I note down their name, the company name, what they were like, anything specific they seemed to like or want, how much they had paid us for a service, what their paying capacity could be, etc. 
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2soulscollide · 1 year
tips to level up your writing skills
1. read, read, read
okay, I know, everyone keeps saying it... but it's true, and I truly believe the more you read, the better you write, because you come across different writing styles, different voices, new characters, and worlds. This applies to every writer, from amateur to professional.
2. practice makes perfect
another cliché, right.
but hear me out: I feel so much more confident about my writing skills when I write daily, rather than when I write a bit occasionally. you get lots of work done, see your book coming to life, and get better at it.
3. create an outline before you start writing
guysss, I know many people like to go with the flow, but I would recommend planning your novel before writing it, especially if it is one of your first projects.
when I started, I refused to plot my novel because I thought it was a waste of time, and I couldn't plan it all ahead. turns out that I could never finish my novels, because I started to get lost in the plot. as most of you may know, I LOVEEE to plot now!
4. use active voice instead of passive voice
passive voice is alright sometimes. I like to use it, too. but to create an immersive experience for the reader, you should go for the active voice since it creates more impact.
see something like this:
"the letter was written by Marcus who had tears in his eyes." VS "Marcus wrote the letter with tears in his eyes."
such a basic example (don't judge me!!)... but can you notice the difference? it seems so much more expressive.
5. avoid using overly complex language
repeat it after me: short. sentences. are. valid.
don't overcomplicate it! I know it's tempting to write huge sentences sometimes and make your book seem more complex and professional, but sometimes it just doesn't come out as expected, and we end up exhausting our readers.
6. don't just for yourself
this can be a polemic topic. it's quite common to see people saying you should write for yourself, but let's be honest here: if you're trying to get your book published, you should have your target public in mind while developing your book. knowing your audience to know what works and what doesn't work is extremely important. but hey, you must also enjoy what you're writing!
7. use dialogue!!!
I find dialogue so important, and I love it so much! ensure you develop a distinctive voice for your characters to make them seem real to the reader. also, if possible, read the dialogue out loud and imagine if it would work out in real life.
8. don't be afraid to use metaphors
metaphors will turn a "basic" work into something more sophisticated when applied in the right places. you might want to avoid overusing it because it can ruin the experience, but it's something up to you, and what feels better to you.
9. research your topic before writing
okay, this is pretty self-explanatory. if you're writing about a topic or a location you don't know much about, avoid making assumptions or clichés. instead, do some research, take notes, or even ask chatgpt questions to help you.
10. don't be afraid to experiment and try new things
I was a fanfiction writer for a long time and was so scared to try original fiction because it seemed so much different from what I was accustomed to doing. however, once I decided to try something new, I discovered I liked to do it more than fanfiction. you'll never know until you try it!
11. never give up on your writing, keep practicing and learning to improve your skills
it takes time to acquire new skills, so if you're new to writing, please don't give up! It's fun and a long path, and I promise you'll love it, even more, the more you write!
I hope this was helpful! <3 have a nice day
also, i just released a new freebie!!! it's a free workbook for writers with over 90 pages to guide you through the process of plotting a novel. you might be interested in checking it out!! :D click here
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rescue-ram · 8 months
Why The Joker Is Wild Hits Different
I was thinking about this last month when I wrote 'The Time Has Come For Us To Say Sayonara', and I'm feeling motivated to write up my thoughts tonight. I'm going to list my reasons why this episode in particular rubs people the wrong way roughly in order of importance.
1) Timing This is the most obvious reason but it bears mentioning. Because yeah, the episode where Hawkeye's friends team up to drive him crazy in the same season that ends with Hawkeye having a serious Mental Health Crisis definitely changes the impression this episode leaves, especially in rewatches. I've seen theories that it was intentional foreshadowing, as well as that it was meant to be a lighthearted throwback episode that's just squiffy in execution; both seem plausible. But regardless, I think the timing increases negative feelings towards this episode among people for whom it doesn't land.
2) The Pranks Are Lame This might seem petty or subjective, but the more I thought about it the more important it seemed. Because MASH has a lot of pranks, and the ones people remember and like the most are the most outrageous ones- there are a lot of creative set ups, and some opportunities for great prop or physical comedy. But the pranks in TJIW all happen off screen, for punchline reasons, and with the possible exception of Klinger blowing himself up are all very tame and unremarkable. The "victims" reactions are not particularly hilarious either. This means there's little entertainment value in the pranks themselves, so all of the focus stays on Hawkeye's reactions, and his reactions are "increasingly irrational intense distress" which obviously some people will find very difficult or upsetting to watch.
3) No Back And Forth Other "prank war" episodes are just that- a war. There's retaliation and escalation and often a final twist to the conflict that keeps the action moving. Hawkeye never gets to retaliate or take the upper hand until the very very end of the episode- he's not even really fighting for it. He's consistently put in a reactive and vulnerable position throughout the episode, so it feels targeted in a way that's usually reserved for characters we're meant to dislike and not empathize with- but Hawkeye is our charismatic protagonist, we're constantly invited to empathize with him! So seeing him get picked on and not fight back kind of sucks for a lot of people, especially if, in putting yourself in his shoes, you would find this an insanely upsetting scenario to find yourself in.
4) No A-Plot Other "prank war" episodes are usually paired with a much more serious dramatic story line. Even "April Fools", one of the silliest, has the characters seriously thinking they're all about to be court-martialed. "An Eye for a Tooth" has Mulcahy fighting for a promotion, "Bottoms Up" has Margaret reckoning with her friend's alcoholism- even "The Smell of Music", which has one of the meanest things they do to Charles, has an A-Plot where Potter tries to help a suicidal soldier. The pranks are a welcome break in tension, and the more serious subject matter means they don't get as closely analyzed by the audience- they are straight up comedic relief. But in TJIW, there is no other plot- our focus stays, relentlessly, on Hawkeye losing it. There's no break from the tension, and as already established the weak pranks mean they don't provide that release in themselves. It is very easy to get stuck stewing in Hawkeye's distress.
5) Bad Casus Belli I really think, if Hawkeye had been the one to issue the bet- "Yeah, I said your prank was stupid and I'll say it again, Trap and I coulda pranked all of you in 24 hours or less and you'd've never seen it coming"- that A LOT of this episode's problems would decrease. His come-uppance would at least feel earned- Hawkeye has hubris, gets punished, punchline. But that isn't what happens!! BJ is exhausted and in a bad mood. He takes it out on Hawkeye in a petty destructive prank. Hawkeye is annoyed, and BJ gets mad at him for being annoyed, and then cold bloodedly manipulates him into a bet he fully intends to cheat, in order to punish him for... not finding having his boot ruined funny? For talking about Trapper? There's no explanation given for why the other characters go along with it, especially a character like Mulcahy who not only participates, but is gleeful about it to an extent that's kinda OOC. Hawkeye's punishment feels more like the sort of thing dealt out to Frank, who we expected to deserve it because he was so consistently awful. Why does Hawkeye, our loveable hardworking part-time prankster full-time doctor, deserve to get humiliated? It's charitable to say it's a lack of inciting incident causing problems- to be uncharitable, we'd have to say the inciting incident is BJ taking out his temper on Hawkeye in an honestly pretty cruel way. I say cruel especially given his reaction to seeing Hawkeye lose it in the ward was to make it worse by deliberately feeding Hawkeye's paranoia after Klinger's prank. If you are not a fan which finds BJ's fits of "evil genius" funny in themselves then yeah, the unearned targeting feels infuriating.
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Play Time!
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Kinktober Day 7 - Sex Toys + Tartaglia
Genre: Smut (MDNI)
CW: sub!reader, gn!reader (no pronouns/genitalia mentioned), petnames (baby, dear, darling, sweetheart), ONE (1) use of slut, brief praise, orgasm denial, a little aftercare, wearable vibrators, public sex, swearing, teasing(?), dirty talk, use of Childe's real name
a/n: Apologies for the late publish but I was unfortunately busy during the end of September and the first little bit of October (not to mention lack of motivation) so I'm only getting to Day 1 - 14 now. Not to worry, all days will be posted eventually! It’s just a matter of when and in what order lol.
Regardless, I hope this is at least decent! I'm new to writing full on smut so I'm really sorry if it's not the best!
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Your eyes widen in horror, watching as Childe goes to speed up the vibe. The new level of stimulation has your hips shifting, legs twitching. Oh, how you wish to buck your hips, just to feel a sliver of friction. Alas, the audience of patrons around you prevents you from doing such.
“Is something the matter dear?” You hear his tease more than anything, unable to bring yourself to lift your head from its spot in your hands, instead opting to act like you're shifting into a more comfortable position. The minimal relief it gave was enough to hold on to the last bit of control you had. All you can do now is hope to finish this dinner date ASAP.
“Pardon me, but are you alright?” The sudden appearance of your waiter shocked you into straightening up. Archons, this was the last thing you needed. Through the haze of lust you compose yourself, hoping that you're able to sell the lie.
How foolish you are to think he wouldn't use this to his advantage, milking it for all it can be. What an evil, evil man the ginger in front of you is, turning up the speed again. "I'm alright, I just- ngh!"
The reaction to the new wave of vibrations was unavoidable and you end up hunching over, barely suppressing a moan. The waiter begins to spew worry after worry, but you pay no mind to them. The only thing you can focus on is the innocent smile Childe gives you across the table as he leans his cheek onto his propped up hand. Cheeky bastard. Well, then you suppose he deserves a nudge between the legs himself.
You were able to bump your target, the smile wiped clean off his face and to be replaced by one of shock and barely contained lust. It was all worth it until a dangerous glint sparkled in his eyes. You’d pay dearly for your actions later…You got bigger fish to fry though, because if you didn't act now the whole restaurant would surly look your way.
Managing to bullshit some excuse about an upset stomach while stifling a whimper, Childe took this as his cue. Standing from his own chair he feigned concern as he placed a hand on your elbow and shoulder, convincing those around he would take care to escort you home. However, not a street away and the male has you pushing up against an alley wall, back pressing against the cold stone as his lips meet yours feverishly.
"Bravo," he teases, kissing along your jaw and up to your ear, "what a marvelous performance you put on for me. I was worried we'd be caught, but you managed to keep it together. As always, you do not disappoint." You gasp at the feeling of his hot tongue licking a straight line, nearly buckling to the ground if not for the the knee he's situated between your legs.
As your lover works to mark and bruise any skin he can reach, Childe dips a hand under your waistband, skillfully unclipping the toy just enough to move it aside. “Don’t fail on me now sweetheart,” he whispers. The dangerous tone his voice held was all you needed to let you know you were in for it now. No mercy would be served to you - you were going to get fucked here and now.
As he touched you like he’s done so many times before a breathy chuckle tickles your ear, shivers running down your spine. “Look how turned on you are for me. Were you that excited at the opportunity of someone finding out?” Yes is what you confess to yourself, but can’t voice it even if you wanted to. Not with how his thumb relentlessly circles your most sensitive spot, or with how the rest of his fingers toy with another part of your sex.
“Answer me darling.”
“Y-yes, I liked it. Fuck I really liked it!” you gasp, bucking your hips into his hand. With the nonstop toy usage you’re already close, so fucking close.
Satisfied with your answer, Childe hums, hand retreating and leaving you high but far from dry. Whining, any complaint dies on your tongue at the swift tug of your clothes, stripping you of any fabric that separate him from your twitching hole. The sudden coolness of the night air felt nice on your hot skin, but even more so on your throbbing sex.
Collecting your arousal, Childe flips you around so you’re facing the wall, spreading your slick along your opening, fingering and scissoring you hastily before lining up the tip of his cock. “You ready?”
You babble out a flurry of ‘yes’s and ‘please’s, eager to finally feel him. You're more than ready, you've been ready for some time now.
Something between a sigh of relief and a pleasured moan slips past your lips when he final pushes in, the sounds of sin echoing faintly in the vacant alley. With the burning flame set alight in you both finally being tended to, all care about someone catching wind of your naughty deeds flies out the window.
"You feel so good, so tight for me darling." Childe breathes, leaning and hooking his arms around your waist as he sets a brutal pace, slamming his hips against yours with renewed vigore. It’s the need to feel you wrapped tight like a glove around his cock that’s taking hold of all rational. "So, so good, playing along with my fantasies so willingly. Naughty slut."
Somewhere in the throes of pleasure your eyes slipped shut, focusing on nothing else but how nicely Childe's dick stretched you, rubbing against that sweet spot deep within and then some, how his balls would slap against your skin with ever particularly rough thrust.
Archons, you're all for tender and romantic moments but there’ll always be a special place for fucks like this in your heart. Even on cool nights like this these devilish acts keep you pleasantly warm and heart a flutter.
The next handful of minutes are a blur of intoxicating pleasure, and with no signs of the ginger slowing down you're certain the long anticipated climax is just around the corner.
Picking up the telltale signs, Childe pipes up, “you gonna cum baby?” Unable to manage words you nod vigorously, the beginning of tears pricking your eyes.
All in one go the fast rhythm slows down a couple notches to practically nothing. It’s enough to give you whiplash. Turns out what you though was a precursor to permission was actually what led you to losing that high. The first cohesive thought in a while that filters through your mind is that Childe isn’t going to let you cum at all. That… that is a fearful thought: after all that build up no less!?
"A-Ajax? What are you do-ah!-doing?" You manage to ask, though something tells you you already know what he's up to. What else could he be doing just out of eye sight other than reaching for the forgotten vibe?
"Well, I have to punish you for that little stunt you pulled before." he replies, continuing to keep you on edge. You're not really sure you can take anymore abusing from the tiny toy but nevertheless let him clip it back into place. The second it's turned back on you're jerking back into his hips, an unrestrained moan spilling out. There's no way it went unheard.
"Close, 'jax, 'm close. Please let me - let me cum this time, please!"
He laughs, something close to the one he lets out in the midst of an interesting conversation or high stakes battle. At the same time his cock twitches inside you. Unbelievably sexy, it shoots pleasure right to your core. It only dawns fully right then that he’s getting off on your suffering. “Alright,” is all he gives, picking up in his bruising pace once more, spearing you on his cock. If the twitching you feel is anything to go by you’d put your mora on Ajax growing close to his end too.
He’s a man on a mission now.
Reaching below he presses the vibrator further again you as he pounds away, determined to make you cum hard. Slurring of his name fall from your lips as you work to meet his thrusts, the knot in your stomach almost at its limit.
As you twitch around his length, Ajax goads you on, the final push you needed, “that’s right baby, let go and cum for me.”
And it snaps, your climax finally achieved just as Ajax slams into you one final time, stilling his hips as he lets his hot cum paint your insides. Only after he’s sure he’s emptied every last drop from his balls does he move again. Play time’s over.
Sliding his cock free from it's confines, Ajax keeps you steady on your feet much like earlier. This time though there was care in his touch as he fixed your clothes, switching off the toy completely. Pressing tender kisses to your temple, your lover gives you a moment before slowly guiding you both home. As you pass by the unaware, Childe occasionally asks if there was anything you need the moment you got home - water, a bath, anything and it's yours.
Though when you smile and decline, reassuring him that you're all good, you made the mistake of joking that you could even go for another round. And you realize this, but the dark tone that swirls in his eyes tells you you can’t take it back.
"Oh? Then don't think we're done sweetheart. When we get home you're really in for it. Clear your schedule for tomorrow because I don't intend to let you go at all tonight."
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Tag list: @rain-soaked-sun @stygianoir @the-purity-pen @londonstylesxx
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kaliido-s · 4 months
Forgive me if this is inflammatory or something, but a criticism that I have of the WoF books (arc 3 onward but the latter half of arc 2 showed the beginnings of it as well) is that it really feels like tui’s writing and prose has… downgraded? I’m not sure if it’s just me, but it was absolutely glaring in the WoF guidebook. Having adult/elderly characters and even ones in government roles speak in a manner indistinguishable from the toddlers written alongside them is. a choice, i think. It feels like she’s leaning too heavily on the humor of “serious thing to unsERIOUS THING THAT DESTROYS THE MOOD OF THE CURRENT SCENE” if that makes sense? Which is a shame; I really feel like her writing peaked at Darkstalker, which I feel had an even mix of that brand of humor, other expressions of it, and scenes and dialogue that can be fully taken seriously. The first arc and first half of arc 2 also shared that balance. Arc 3 was where it became obvious. I have other issues with arc 3, but I feel like the change in writing style is the most distracting, to me- It was grating enough that I couldn’t get through the third arc. I don’t care for any of its writing choices but I could have at least read it if the style hadn’t changed in that way.
Sorry that this has kind of become a ramble. I’m a weirdo who actively enjoys discussions that amount to “this thing i like kind of sucks <3” but I agree that a lot of people with a similar attitude about it should focus a bit more on what’s drawn and kept them with this series.
I hope you’re having a great day!
As a fan of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies, I am very familiar with “this thing I like kind of sucks ❤️” discussions.
Anyway, I agree with this a lot. I enjoyed the Guidebook, but the writing shift was more glaring than it had been before for me, even though it had also really bothered me with books 14 and 15.
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The section with Queen Coral really got on my nerves honestly. I don’t think she was ever this absurdly over-the-top in The Lost Heir? She feels indistinguishable from Kinkajou or Cricket going on long nerdy rambles. Like girl, you are 65, please stop overexerting yourself before you get a heart attack. There are similar moments in Book 14 and 15, either with characters like Snowfall that never stop screaming in all caps, or with the prose itself having very juvenile wording. I agree with you that arcs 1 and 2 had a better balance with this, I’m never annoyed when I read them like I am with the later half of arc 3. It makes me wonder if I might just skip out entirely on arc 4 since it’s likely the whole thing will be written this way. I understand if it’s Tui’s attempt to gear the series more towards it’s target audience, but when characters screaming nonsense in all caps is contrasted with oppression and psychological horror, I’m really not into it. I feel like your ask put it best, I really don’t have that much to add lol.
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slayingfiction · 1 year
Types Of Professional Editing
There are many ways to edit your work. The editing process itself is most often broken down into 5 major categories, give or take. The 5 steps are like building a house! This is a brief description of each, and I will then make separate posts to further develop on each topic, so stay tuned and follow along!
Step 1: Developmental Editing (AKA conceptual editing)
This stage of editing is early in the writing process. The editor helps you plan and plot your story and gives you ideas to help organize your story so that it flows well. They tell you what’s working and what’s not. They do not write or rewrite anything, but are simply there to help you strategize and plan to avoid plot holes, work on pacing and help you create a story that everyone will love. This is the house building part of designing the house layout, pouring foundation and putting up the whole house! It’s a big job. (I wrote that in Mario’s voice)
Step 2: Structural Editing (AKA content or substantive editing)
Much like developmental editing, this stage of the process is all about big picture in a more specific way. Here the editor will work through chapters, paragraphs and go through your whole story in a detailed way to find errors in continuity, plot holes, incomplete sections and smooth out the story, working on tone, voice and your target audience. They may move lines or paragraphs around to help with flow. This is the house moving part where you are looking at every room, finding which room you want dedicated to what, and you start moving your larger items into the house like beds, TVs, tables, etc.
Step 3: Stylistic Editing (AKA line or comprehensive editing)
This step is much more in depth. The focus is on the flow and impact of every word in every sentence. The editor moves line by line, eliminating jargon and cliches, unclear sentence structures and using clear and precise words when it helps the story. You’re now getting reading to move into the house. You’re picking the perfect wall colour to match your sheets and the decor you have packed up in bins and picking the perfect spot for the rest of the your furniture.
Steps 4: Copy Editing
This step is very straight forward and should only be done once the book is completely finished. This is all about grammatical errors, punctuation and spelling. I promise you, you can’t get all of these on your own. Even professional editors may only be able to catch up to 90% of mistakes. Spelling and grammar mistakes can be hard to spot, but even just having a few in your book can make people put your story down and never pick it up again. You’re putting all your stuff away. Clothes go in the correct drawers, spices get lined up in the pantry, your cutlery is getting separated into their own groups and you’re organizing your books on the shelf.
Step 5: Proofreading
The final step! This is all finishing touches, going over everything for any lasting mistakes. This step is usually done after formatting and typesetting to make sure everything flows properly and nothing is missing before being send to print or publish. Finally settling into the house :) You’re putting up a couple paintings, fixing the scratches and scrapes that happened while moving in, and setting fresh flowers into a vase in the kitchen. You can finally relax and maybe even invite people over to see it.
Some people don’t get an editor, while others may have multiple. It’s best practice to have multiple to look over it, and that’s typically what happens at traditional publishing houses. LOL it’s so expensive though, so do what you can. Are there any of these that you feel you’ve got handled by yourself? Are there any of these that make you dread editing your future book?
Did you know I currently offer services for steps 1 and 5? Send me a message if you have any questions :)
Keep an eye out for a more in depth description and explanation of each one separately!
Happy Writing and Happy World Book Day!
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herbgerblin · 1 year
Hi Herb!! I was wondering if you had any advice on opening commissions? I enjoy your art immensely and you were one of the first people I thought of to ask since I know you do commissions on occasion
Sorry if this is totally weird, I am just at a complete loss! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
These are things I wish I had figured out when I started selling art commissions. Also, feel free to use my current commission form to pattern your own. (also if anyone >.> wants to commission me, I am open <.<)
Step 1: Write a Terms of Service
Good terms of service will manage the expectations of your clients, establish a level of professionalism, and protect you if someone tries to argue something already made clear in writing. You can keep your ToS really simple, but it's good practice to include the following:
What kind of art you will/won't do (I don't do nfts)
Estimated duration of the project (2-4 weeks is my M.O.)
Number of revisions (more than 3, I add a fee)
When and how often you will update the client
Rights that you retain as an artist/permit to the client
Note: This mainly applies to personal/non-commercial work. If you are approached to make art for a game/magazine/website, do a ton more research. You will need to write out a contract that makes things Boringly Clear, and you will want to retain all of your rights as an artist.
Step 2: PRICES (scream)
Everyone starts out underselling. I'm underselling (I'm trying to get better.) Just go at your own pace. Look at what other artists are offering, but don't just look at the quality of their work. Think about your turnaround time, your style, and your target audience. If you are a fast worker or very detailed, that's worth a pay bump. Niche communities will pay solid money for artists to cater to them. So for example, if you draw fetish art, you have more room to charge higher.
ALWAYS GET PAYMENT UP FRONT. You can offer half upfront and half upon completion. If it's a big or long-term project, it's okay to go 30/70. BUT NEVER START WORK WITHOUT SOME SORT OF COMPENSATION. I just had a client that has not paid me the 2nd half and they are blacklisted. This rarely happens but it does happen.
Once you think you've got a price chart you feel comfortable with, add $20. Do it, even if it feels wrong. You may have to pay transaction fees, or the work (often) takes longer than expected. It'll be a small mercy to yourself to account for these things. Raise your prices a little bit each year because you are growing in experience and inflation (scream) is a thing that affects the arts too.
I wish I had done this step years ago, but I slacked off, and therefore staying organized was a nightmare. The less "business" stuff you have to do manually, the more time you can focus on "creative" stuff.
Make a google form. Make it as easy for the client to input information as possible. In the settings, set it so that responses will go to an excel file. The questions you ask will be the titles of the fields, so keep them short and easy to read. Reference image attachments will save to google drive.
You can set it up so that you will get an email whenever you get a new response (you might want to make a separate email account specifically for commissions.) Prewrite confirmation responses and save them as templates so that you're not writing the same email to clients over and over again.
Set reminders for responding to clients, requesting payment, and finishing work. This can be through google calender or some other app. You are responsible for facilitating communication. Even if the email is just, "Hey, just letting you know the work is still in progress, I will send you a wip in 1-2 days." Client assurance is high priority.
I use paypal invoice for payments. It means I have to pay a transaction fee, but I factor that into my prices. It also ensures that I have clear documentation for orders, I can send reminders easily if I haven't been paid, and it just looks more professional overall. You can use whatever service feels most comfortable, just make sure you practice good bookkeeping (*stares at my taxes in horror*)
Step 4: Mockups and Descriptions
Provide examples of the work that you are going to. Make a mockup of busts/half body/full body, etc. Don't include anything you don't intend to actually produce.
Make sure that your form includes room to answer EVERY question about the commission that you might have. This will reduce the amount of back and forth you need to have with your client. You want to be able to get that request, confirm it, send that invoice, and jump on it ASAP.
Step 5: Start small, be honest, be firm
If you haven't done commissions before, have a limited number of slots available. Take break time after you've finished a certain amount. Don't languish over an art piece. At some point, it will be as done as it can be. Send it to the client, and keep rolling.
If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed, tell your client. It's bad practice to go on hiatus and not notify them while they're waiting on an update. If you genuinely forget to touch base with them, do so as soon as possible. Apologize, then finish the work as soon as you can. Refund if you think that's the most polite route, but completing the task is usually more appreciated.
Be cordial, but firm. People will try to bully you over little things, but don't give in. Ignore folks who say your prices are too high. Make it clear that if they ask for more than what is agreed, you will charge a fee. If you feel like a request is sketchy, get a second opinion.
obligatory paypal link: help me pay kravitz jr's vet bills
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Profile Me Up! (short fic)
I couldn't stop laughing while writing this fsdjnfsjdfdj It's short and sweet, but only because I didn't want to overdo it 😂
Written for the February "All 4-1 Challenge"!! Tagging @turtle-babe83 and @thelaundrybitch for visibility :) Splinter asks Mikey to help him set up a dating profile, just for the shits and giggles. But they also need Donnie for technical help....
"Oh you've got to be kidding me...."
Donnie said those words while turning around in his chair, now facing his younger brother, Mikey, and their father, master Splinter. The bespectacled terrapin's traits were ones of concern, slightly frowning, while the two others were dead serious.
"What?! Come on, it'll be fun!" replied the orange clad one. "We need your help setting up the profile."
"Dad, please, tell me Mikey didn't force you to this idea," discarded Donatello, his gaze focused on the rat.
The rodent's ears perked up a bit, his expression soft as he simply answered:
"Oh no, it is my idea in fact."
Donnie's expression fell into a deadpan look, a long exhale leaving his nostrils as he slowly swiveled back towards his computer's screens.
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"Aight, just tell me which website to go to. jesus fucking christ."
Michelangelo was already rushing to his brother's chair, gripping the back of it and shaking it in slight excitement.
"Fuck no!"
"Language," warned Splinter.
Donnie tsked, expertly and quickly slapping one of Mikey's hands away from his chair without giving the action a look. Now how the heck could he find the perfect... dating site for his father?
"You do realize that you won't be able to put an actual photo of yourself, right?" he asked, still typing, while giving a quick glance at his father standing nearby.
"I do have an idea in mind, don't worry."
Oh now Donnie was starting to feel suspicious. After some quick searches (and questionable suggestions from Mikey), the trio did find a somewhat okay website that was targeted to a reasonably normal audience. The purple banded mutant clicked the "Sign Up" option with a sigh, then vaguely gesturing his screen.
"The floor is yours, MC Mikey," he said in a neutral tone.
The younger one was now slapping his brother's shoulder, urging him to give away his seat so he could sit down and get to work. As Donnie moved, Mikey asked him to get a stool for Splinter to sit on next to him. The tall terrapin could only comply, next standing close and watching this weird life event occur...
"Name?" asked Mikey.
The rat shrugged: "Splinter?"
"Short and straight to the point. Love it," added the orange one, typing. "What about your hobbies?" he continued.
"Meditating. Attending to my bonsais. Reading."
"This is getting nowhere," mumbled Donnie, pinching the bridge of his nose under his glasses.
Mikey seemed to be typing more than what he was told, always humming in approval to his father's words.
"Occupation?" ask the younger terrapin.
Splinter's features seemed to light up as he smiled: "A martial arts teacher!"
"Damn, you're the perfect man," commented Mikey, amused. "A dreamboat!"
"I am quite the catch indeed," added the rat in a similar tone.
Donnie was trying not to laugh.
"What do you look for in a partner?"
Oh now the tall mutant was apprehending that answer...
"... To be patient, kind, and with a good sense of humor," started the rat after some quick thinking. "Oh and bonus point if they smell like cheese," he added playfully.
That made Mikey laugh as he typed, soon joined by Donnie's muffled chortle.
"Anything special to add?" asked the young terrapin, still smiling.
The rodent did ponder for a moment, his ears shifting slightly with his thoughts.
"If they don't mind hair, being a bit adventurous in their travels, and are more of a night person, then they can - as you youngsters say - hit me up."
Oh this time Donnie let out a loud snort.
"A true modern man," commented Mikey. "Gettin' hip with the crowd and using the right lingo. I'm so fuckin' proud."
"Language," repeated Splinter.
"My b, my b," quickly apologized the young one.
And now came the question of what to use as a profile picture. Without hesitation, Splinter asked for Donatello's phone (which immediately confused the terrapin). Requesting a web browser to be opened, the rat then snatched the device and started to type into a search bar, patiently scrolling until finding the right choice.
"Let's use this," he said, now showing the phone's screen to his sons, revealing this picture:
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Both turtles lost it, the rodent smiling at the reaction.
"Please, tell me all of this is a joke," asked Donnie, trying to calm his laughter.
"Oh, absolutely," answered Splinter. "But I'm still curious to see if anyone would answer to this profile!"
"Fuck, you're the best," giggled Mikey.
"Language. And don't make me say it another time or it's straight to the hashi. Both of you."
"I'd still take the hashi over any spicy responses you may ever receive on this," commented the purple clad mutant with a chuckle.
"Let's get wild on this ride!" said the young one, uploading the picture and finalizing the account's creation.
The clock was now ticking.
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seonghwaddict · 3 months
hi I'm an aspiring fanfic writer....have a few (read: a lot of) drafts and ideas, but I have zero ideas how to start a blog here. Can you please give me some writing tips and some how to promote your blog here tips because I'm afraid no-one is going to actually read my fics :(
hi :3 of course i'll give some tips, but please keep in mind that i am by no means a professional + most of these are based on my opinions/observations!! if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out
one. be original! the most interesting thing about writing, in my opinion, is brainstorming and coming up with original plots. of course, it is okay to be inspired by an author, but it feels more rewarding. two. try to write a bit every day! it's easy to get burned out or get writer's block, personally i think the best way to get around this is by writing a little every day. it doesn't have to be anything that you see yourself publishing, little paragraphs or scenarios should be enough. additionally: set yourself some writing goals to keep it consistent and keep yourself motivated. three. write what you want to read! this is kind of related to the first point, but here i'd like to emphasise just that: write what you want to read. if you thought of an idea, whether it's a plot or an au or anything, and you try to look it up but can't find it, it may be fun to bring that idea of yours to life to share with others!
one. tags! always make sure to tag your fics relevantly to reach the target audience. for example, "#(group/member) fluff" "#(group/member) fanfic" two. timing! to keep engagement consistent, make sure to post at least once or twice a week. additionally, try to figure out at what times you get the most notes and schedule yourself to post at those times. three. fic layout! the layout and overall look of the fic is also important. having a messy or boring layout will not catch the reader's eye. if you look at other authors, you'll notice that the structure is commonly: 1. title + person // 2. some type of header (usually mood boards) // 3. summary/synopsis // 4. specific of the fic (e.g. genre, trope, warnings, word count) // 5. at least the first paragraph of the fic // 6. a cut. this is also my personal go-to for formatting and i usually stick to three images side by side for the header. the summary and starting paragraph are probably the most important part of getting people to read your fic, make sure it's intriguing and gives enough information without telling the whole story
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smallfrenchstudyblr · 4 months
ahh i should have clarified that i myself don't have a degree (yet). i'm not from an academically inclined background so when i didn't do well in my first two semesters of university (i failed some classes and only barely passed others), i got very discouraged and saw it as a sign that university is just not for someone like me. i then learned a trade and have been working in the field; but i'm interested in going to university as a mature student and i'm going to apply this year for a BA :)
still, precisely because i don't have a degree it really upsets me that someone who used the chatGPT shortcut is a teacher now. teaching high school students is an academic profession, and it doesn't sit right with me how common it is for teachers to say things like "i learned so much useless stuff in university; none of which i need as a teacher"; it's actually really frustrating. then why do you go to university/become a teacher? ??? ????? (i mean i know why, because it pays well here.)
in our country, MA/MSc degrees are required for a lot of positions, so grad school isn't quite as "you're here because you choose to be" but still.. his sentiment is basically, since he teaches high school students it should just be sufficient to be able to teach them, what’s the point of a thesis? like ok with that sort of logic i could have been a teacher with just a high school certifcate. i think tbh there is a wider discussion here about how people just don’t value knowledge too.
he also later said that he sometimes regrets not just paying someone to write it for him and save himself a lot of time and trouble 💀to me that is just the epitome of being so full of yourself. he has just decided that he has what it takes to be a teacher and making him write a thesis is a waste of time because of that. lmao??
also I would like to point out that this guy is not my friend, just someone i met through a mutual friend (and they’re not exactly friends either, they work together💀) i talked about this with my friend and she said that he isn't even the first person she knows who has casually admitted to using chatGPT like this. i guess they feel emboldened to casually admit to cheating because they know that their peers won't report them because that would then make them look like snitches
i'm sorry about venting like this to you; i just remembered that you spoke about the chatGPT problem before
Well first of all: fingers crossed for your BA applications !! Everyone got at their own pace, sometimes you need a few years to figure out how to best approach University!!
That is indeed upsetting that someone who does not value critical thinking and does not understand the point of research/research writing is teaching now. "I don't need it anyway/I did so much useless stuff at school/Uni" is such a dumb. dumb. Argument.
Like, I had to study German and Spanish and Latin and theology. I took the equivalent of AP biology and physics in school and learned how to use a soldering iron and identify rocks. I learned Roman Law, and company insolvency rules, and the procedure to contest a refusal to grant you a construction permit. During my PhD, I had to become proficient in advanced data-driven research methods and 2 different code languages. NONE OF THAT has anything to do with me job, whatsoever. I teach students about the International Court of Justice and some of them are Literature and History majors. I KNOW that their dazzling knowledge in embeddedness theories of international adjudication is NOT what will get them a job.
But it's not about the raw knowledge, it's about
1. Transferable skills: targeted reading, critical thinking, information gathering, writing for different audiences, time management, group work, self-reflection, project management, conflict resolution...
2. Learning how to learn: adapting to new situations, new rules and new logics; switching from one type of reasoning to another; picking up on new practices, new skills, as fast as possible, knowing how YOU best do that: on your own, with friends, listening, writing, visuals, with cues, independently, by teaching...
3. Putting your future work (and honestly, yourself as a person) in a broader context: knowing what the ICJ is to spot dumb and wrong info when you see it. Knowing that it MATTERS that we know different types of rocks, and therefore we should fund research on geology. Knowing quantitative research methods to know when they are used well and when it's bullshit. Knowing that Latin shaped some languages and not others, to understand the limits of translation itself. Knowing how 'generative' AIs work to understand that there is very little about them that is actually 'generative'.
I would evening argue that just being confronted with the sheer vastness of Things and Knowledge and Fields that are not yours has value in and of itself. It keeps you humble, aware that no matter how much you are knowledgeable on your one (1) thing, in the back of your mind, there is the knowledge that there is much, much knowledge you actually do not have and cannot claim to have. OR, in the wise words of Dan Olson on CryptoBros, to avoid being the kind of person that:
"assume that because they understand one complicated thing [...] all other complicated things must be lesser in complexity and naturally lower in the hierarchy of reality"
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
I am thinking of getting into writing but I am a bit scared to do so. Do you have beginner writing tips?
my biggest tip: read!
what kind of story do you want to write? read stories like that. do you have a favorite author? read their work. what makes their writing stand out to you? what turns of phrase do they use? what makes a story into one of your favorites? what kinds of words, what kinds of sentences, what kinds of descriptions...?
now, that probably feels like a lot and might be pretty overwhelming, unless you happen to be the sort of freak who just enjoys sentence diagramming and literary analysis (<- self-descriptive). but the best place to jump into writing, in my opinion, is to read what you want to write, and then to write what you want to read.
in a similar vein, if you're scared of mistakes (which - everyone makes 'em! i sure as hell still have areas in writing that i definitely want to improve in!), it can help to think about what you don't like to read. inconsistent verb tenses take you out of the narrative? there's something you can make sure you look out for in your own work. hate it when a story can't decide if it's third person limited vs omniscient viewpoint? there's something else you can ponder for your own writing! long-ass paragraphs of detailed description make your eyes glaze over? boom now you know you dont wanna do that yourself.
when i read, i particularly love looking at ways authors use figurative language, and how they direct reader attention. for example:
She swings her sword at her opponent, but just barely misses.
Her blade sings through the air, just a hair's breadth shy of her enemy's skin.
both contain the same information, but the second is more vivid. how? the subject is the sword itself, the verb is more unusual, the longer description is more precise than the lone adverb. so if i were to read this line somewhere, i might think to myself, ooh, the desc "her blade sings," i like that! and then i might return to that kind of phrasing later when i try to write myself.
all of which is, i guess, a longform way to say, "become a more active reader, and you're sure to become a better writer!" more than anything more technical about sentence variation or particular kinds of description or narration or anything else i could tell you, that's probably the best piece of advice i could possibly offer.
and hey, don't be afraid to reread your own work!! you are your #1 fan and your own target audience. write the kind of thing you would like to read. if it's not quite where you want it to be, you can reference things that do accomplish the things you want your writing to, and try and see what those authors did differently. if there's a story in there you want to tell, it's worth polishing and figuring out!!!
i hope this is at least somewhat helpful :D if you have any other questions or more specific anxieties or anything im happy to try and answer more. good luck with the writing!!!
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inthe-neighbourhood · 2 years
Damian Wayne Fanfiction Recs
our favourite demon brat <3
The Different Degrees of Suffering by KamalasFanfiction
Words: 6,270 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen and Up Audience
The woman in the classroom (the teacher, he realizes, only after seeing her name tag) stares at him just as hard as the seated students. She starts to speak, her mouth going too wide, and he braces himself before he notices that he’s doing it. Forces his shoulders to move down from their halfway point to his ears. “Damien al Jewel Wayne, right?” She has a smudge of red lipstick on her front tooth, and he is stuck staring at it. She repeats his name, which he doesn’t recognize as his name, then sticks her hand out. The only familiar word was ‘Wayne’.
Everyone is staring at him.
This fic I believe many poc can relate to, the sterotypes, the judgement, the insults. It's hard to describe, but this fanfiction resonates deeply, capturing the experience perfectly. Growing up poc while many people couldn't tell what I was, they would assume I was Latina or Filipino and make presumptions about me according to what they saw. I remember the first time I wore cultural clothing to school and began talking about my Caribbean heritage, to people I finally fit into a box that they could pass judgement onto. Sometimes you want to retaliate, but you're afraid what you do will only reinforce what they believe you to be, even just regular action and words, there's the weight, the feeling that what you do will be re-contextualized by your race and culture. My father and his side of the family is Indian desent and most of them are also muslim, which made me relate more to what Damian goes through in this story. It's certainly a worthy read, also paired with amazing characterization, Damian's character being beautifully portrayed.
2. Cherry Soda by downfall_muse
Words: 1,855 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne
After being jumped by a group of racist classmates, Damian seeks refuge at the bouncy castle Steph had once taken him to, to clear his mind. Prompt: Dami & Steph bonding
A sweeter fanfiction to break up the heavier ones, but it still discuses racism and bullying. I found the imagery of a kids birthday party, the artificial soda and bouncy castle to be interesting, it's a reminder that Damian's a kid who has to deal with issues with growing up, but that these issues are still serious. Sometimes with Damian it's easy to write him as an adult, because his kid aspect is hard to handle, but this author did a good job. The comparison of Stephanie to Damian's bully is interesting too and I love how this author wrote Stephanie's and Damian's dynamic, because I know they're sort of close in the comics so expect this fic to make a rare dynamics post one day too lol
3. troubled one by orphan_account
Words: 3,177 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Tim Drake & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne has always hated school, but it gets worse after awhile, and he isn’t even willing to tell his family.
Similar to the first two fic recs with racism in school, but it also covers homophobia in school and anti-semitism and physical bullying. While the main focus is general bullying, the other topics do get watered down by not focusing on just one of them, but that is how bullying happens, you're not just going to be targeted for one thing. Being bullied invites more things about yourself to be targeted. Lastly, the ending is very sweet, I teared up reading it, this author is very good at portraying emotions and writing dialouge.
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desertfangs · 6 months
💫🎀🧿💌 for the ask game!!
Oh my gosh, thank you for the ask! 💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I love all comments and feedback (as long as it's not like.. mean). Just knowing people read or enjoyed something I wrote is honestly an incredible feeling. But I think my favorite thing is when I've made someone laugh. That always makes me really happy. Also love hearing when I nail the characterization because that is important to me, but making people laugh is like... my favorite thing.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing I mean I sure do a lot of it. 😅 Sometimes I worry I post too much fic (is that a thing??) and I definitely don't expect to people keep up reading when I'm posting weekly or whatever, but I really enjoy writing, and it's part of how I engage with fandom and I write fast, so I end up with a lot of fic. (I also end up with a lot of scraps, unfinished stories, false starts, and stuff I don't think is worth posting.) Also I do think I'm pretty solid at dialogue. Not all the time but I try to get the character's voices correct or as close as I can. Marius and Louis are often the hardest, but Lestat and Daniel having conversations takes me FOREVER to write because I want them both to sound like them. (That's two compliments, whoops. The first is sort of dubious I guess.)
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
I always take it personally. 😂😂 No, no, I'm kidding. I try to remind myself of several things: 1. Sometimes you just post at a weird time or a day when people aren't around and then it gets forgotten and buried so it doesn't get as much love. 2. Sometimes it's just not a popular pairing or type of fic. But I like to experiment with different stuff and different groups of characters. 3. Not every fic is for everyone and neither is my writing style. I tend to write a lot of dialogue-heavy slice of life stuff, which I love, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. I've gotten a lot more confident writing smut, and someday I want to write a big Plot-Heavy Multi-Part fic or try cowriting with someone, but I love little fics that just explore the nooks and crannies left by canon (both reading them and writing them). Not everything I write is going to have broad appeal and that's okay! Mostly, I'm writing for me. I am my own target audience. Of course I want other people to enjoy what I write, and I always hope they do! Which is why comments really help, it makes it feel like I'm not writing into a void. But at the end of the day, as long as one or two people enjoy it and it's what I set out to write, then I'm happy, and I move on and write the next thing.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I am desperately trying to write something Lestat/Daniel for Lestat Birthday Bingo but I have like 3 half-finished fics I'm not super happy with any of them right now, so we shall see! Their conversations are so hard to write, I think because they get deep and getting Lestat to actually open up is a challenge! 😬
I also have an idea for a fun Devil's Minion Christmas Fic that I want to start soon, so I'm really excited about that but I don't want to say too much since I don't want to jinx it.
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painterofhorizons · 5 months
Criminal Minds Evolution... Rant, under the cut. Aka here's random things I dislike about it and because CM played a bit role in my creative life I'm making it everyone's problem here.
So... It's on German free TV the first time and I'm poking in and... Let's just say I'm not the targeted audience. Sigh.
When they first said they would do another season I was very excited. Not so much verbaut I enjoyed the past few seasons, but because I enjoy the series overall, have done so since I was a teenager. So the team getting back together was something that made me happy (they could have just made it a road trip to Italy vacation movie with everyone having good food chilling at the pool movie for my taste).
Then when Evolution aired and I've second hand seen it here on tumblr, I was already ugh. Very gruesome, and covid centric. And let's face it, we have all gone through years of pandemic, and it's exhausting as fuck, and I don't need to see that shit on TV in my recreational time as well. I can't stand that with any movie or series. It was okay on 911, I don't remember it was made huge there. Like it was the setting, but not so much the theme? It felt like that, and it was okay. In Evolution (or the episode of it that's running rn) it's like BAM IN YOUR FACE HERE IS EVERYTHING THAT SUCKS ABOUT COVID IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE.
Anyways. I'm not the target audience for this theme. Which is okay. But there's more reasons this season feels ugh.
David Rossi has a different German voice actor. Which probably has good reasons, but it breaks my ears.
The characters all feel very very ooc?! Garcia what's wrong with you? Rossi? Emily? Like Emily for real?? And why AGAIN break Rossi with another dead wife? Are the writers that lazy, really? Couldn't they come up with ANYTHING different? Did they hire a noob to write that?
So, yeah
Just a few random big no no's that disappoint me about the new season. I'm not sad I didn't watch it until now, and I don't think I'll watch it completely. I'll stick with season 1-7ish.
But I really had hopes. Not high hopes. But hopes. Small hopes for a few nice team scenes. Instead we got ooc gruesome covid shit.
Woohoo. 😐
@sheeplessthings @thornhands if you guys didn't watch it yet - spare yourself and don't watch it.
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