#career advice post
izicodes · 5 months
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Sunday 21st January 2024
>> I made a post yesterday of me mini-ranting about how I don't have any proper career goals because the ones I made years ago I've achieved now, so I'm questioning myself "What now? 🙃".
Then I remembered I have a recruiter mate and I emailed him asking for help and he gave me a long list of what I could do now to get better from my position. And I like sharing help so here's what he said + my own notes of what I understood from them~!
Hope this helps you too~!
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🩶 Assess Current Skills and Set Goals
Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Set clear goals for technical and leadership skill development.
My notes: I am good at some languages/technologies whilst I am a complete noob in others. Yes, I use them but I am not confident in them and always have to Google what is going on. I need to make a list of all the languages I am good at and those I am not so good at. Maybe even list why I'm not good at them. The same goes for non-technical skills. Got to make plans/goals on how I will improve them and get out of my comfort bubble on my comfort technologies and expand! Leadership skills would probably improve when I get solo projects given/have to present at Team meetings on my own in front of everyone~!
🩶 Technical Skill Enhancement
Deepen your proficiency in current programming languages.
Explore new technologies and frameworks relevant to your field.
My notes: I already answered this in the top one, but I shouldn't neglect my current skills to be able to learn the new ones. With the languages I am good and confident in, I still feel as though I haven't reached the more advanced stuff of that language. OOP stuff skill scares me in any programming language so I need to face my fears and learn it. From time to time, check what's popular in the market in terms of technology used and see which one aligns with my dream tech stack to use in the future and make plans to learn and develop myself~!
🩶 Project Leadership and Collaboration
Volunteer to lead small projects or take on more responsibility in current projects.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand different aspects of project development.
My notes: At work, I eventually (since I'm still new) should ask to be the lead on some projects just like my higher-up developer is to me. Lead my own projects, without having to report to someone unless in dire need or when the project is complete for testing, etc. The team is small so I should talk to the non-developers in the team and see from their POV how the project is. Understand different types of people in the team and communicate effectively. All of this can be transferred to non-work projects like an online group project on an Open-Source project on GitHub for example - lead projects and taking more responsibilities. Being able to talk to people with different skillsets as we work on a group project~!
🩶 Attend Workshops and Networking Events
Attend workshops, conferences, and networking events to expand your knowledge and connections.
Seek mentorship from experienced professionals, including CTOs.
My notes: My gosh, I dread this honestly. I'm still a relatively shy person so going to workshops and events still brings small anxiety but that's something I do want to break~! I will never know what I will learn, who I will meet etc if I don't go to one! I want to aim that this year I would like to go to one, preferably in or near my city. I always love the idea of having a mentor, honestly, I was going to pay someone to help mentor me on that part ( >> loads of cites offer mentorships for programming!!! ) but I feel like my manager right now is that person so I will keep working with him to develop more~!
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In conclusion, self-improvement as a programmer is both challenging and super hard to get started BUT rewarding in the end~!
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mediapen · 2 years
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and i think... i think that’s what a father is - a blade that never stops cutting.
the new york times, ‘carlos sainz jr learned early to be the hunter, not the prey’   ++   e. schwab, the invisible life of addie larue // marla miniamo, ‘sea salt’ // hermann hesse, demian // frank bidart, ‘the third hour of the night’ // katherine angel, daddy issues // [x] // leah horlick, for your own good // hera lindsay bird, ‘mirror traps’ // mario puzo, the godfather // andrea gibson, ‘i sing the body electric, especially when the power’s out’ // [x] // [x] // deaf havana, ‘caro padre’ // [x] //  [x] // [x] // [x] // rachel mckibbens, blud // [x] // [x] // ocean vuong, ‘someday ill love ocean vuong’ // molly brodak, ‘bee in jar’ // eleanor hsieh, ‘the last scene in the movie’ // andrea abi-karam, villainy // the national, ‘blank slate’ // rainer maria rilke in a letter to lou andreas-salomé // etel adnan, ‘untitled’ // [x] // [x] // [x] // myther, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL // [x] // [x] // rainer maria rilke, letters to benvenuta // richard siken, ‘little beast’ // erin slaughter, i will tell this story to the sun until you remember that you are the sun // [x] // sigmund freud, die traumdeutung // rachel mckibbens, blud // silas denver melvin - nov 4 2021 // desireé dallagiacomo, ‘origin story’ // james baldwin, ‘they can’t turn back’ // [x] // traci brimhall, come the slumberless to the land of nod // natalie diaz, ‘grief work’ // alain de botton, essays in love // [x] // richard siken, ‘the dislocated room’ // sylvie baumgartel, song of songs // ocean vuong, 'dear peter.’ 
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xiabablog · 1 year
Might be helpful!!! ✅
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Really wish everyone wasn’t like “don’t go to college if you aren’t passionate about what you’re majoring in”
Like unfortunately I am not blessed enough to really have a passion, much less one I can major in and get a job about, and I am not privileged enough to just do fuck all until I somehow find that passion
So I’m gonna keep doing what gives me a direction in life, and maybe I’ll never find that passion, maybe I’m not someone who was made to love working, but if I can find a career that doesn’t overwork me while paying me enough that I can take a few days off every week and get vacation time to do hobbies, I’ll consider that the jackpot and it’ll be enough for me
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anxietyfrappuccino · 5 months
humanity over occupation
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chouhatsumimi · 4 months
It only took four years and three months to add another 1,000, but I finally hit 4,000 followers on this blog! I don't have too much planned but I do want to make some resource sheets for getting into translation that hopefully I can share at the end of next week, so keep an eye out for that~
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gentle-author · 8 months
I care about your success.
I care about your happiness.
I care about your achievements.
I care about your grades.
I care about your behaviour.
I care about your discipline.
I care about you.
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But, I also care about how tired you are.
I care about how much of yourself you give everyday.
I care about how stressed you feel.
I care about your fears.
I care about your ego.
I care about your insecurities.
I care about you.
You are so much stronger than you actually think you are. And I'm so proud of all those people who are giving their whole every day for this cruel world to become a better place.
Give yourself time to bloom.
You are worth it. Never doubt about your worth. You're here for a reason. To live.
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branmer · 13 days
anyway can't dwell, i say, continuing to dwell
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jobcal · 17 days
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izicodes · 5 months
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Saturday 20th January 2024
Someone asked me earlier this week a question that I didn't really deeped about beforehand. Basically, I was stuck answering it and it boggled my mind ever since because it stuck to me how I didn't think about this earlier on?
"What are your career goals?"
Since I started learning programming and Web Development back in 2020, I just thought "Oh getting a proper job in Tech would be great!"... but now I got it, it's like okay what now? Do I just continue this, learn new things, and just stick to this position?
I had to answer this person straight away for specific reasons but I said "Maybe being a Senior Software Engineer would be nice 🤷🏾‍♀️" and yeah I'm sure having that title would be great for my Dad to boast to his family and mates about "Oh my daughter is a Senior Software Engineer~! 😎", which honestly I don't mind as he's happy, but what else? What do I actually want to work towards now - short and long-term?
But making short and long-term goals is very important. For some people, this helps them have a path for them to work towards. I am one of those people because that's what I did to get where I am now in my programming journey, but I didn't think THIS far as to what next after I got the job I wanted. I came up with some ideas but I might work on them a bit:
Senior Software Engineer be nice?
Whatever a CTO actually does? (long-term)
Be proficient enough in Web Development technologies to teach others properly maybe? Especially the younger generation (HELP I tried teaching my sister coding and she called me a nerd...)
Work on my own web app product thingy?? and sell?? and earn money?? (confused about how I would do that though)
Venture out to Game / App Development maybe? (long-term)
Ability to work anywhere internationally (I have other goals where I would have to visit countries so would also like to work in Tech as I complete those side-quests)
Right now I am comfortable working FOR someone / company - I'm the type that SOMEHOW I become a CEO I still would work than be a no work/meetings/travel to conferences type of CEO if that makes sense
Help other companies temporarily on Web Dev stuff (free or paid, I don't mind - just want experience, innit?)
Work in another country maybe? That doesn't speak English though cause that's cheating (to me, I like challenges and language learning is a really good one)
But maybe now I will have something to work towards, but I will soon convert this bunch of ideas to a roadmap a bit~! 🤔
Thank you for reading and hope this makes you think about your own goals in terms of career/work/profession~!
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Hey darling, an avid reader of your blog here! I want to say your advice and posts have helped me so much through the past year of my life and completely changed my way of thinking, but now I have a specific question for my situation. I am 22 years old, just graduated from university and I come from a middle-income family (not struggling but needs to be careful with spending) and am very ambitious - I want to live a life of ease and luxury and I am aware I can’t just wait around or expect a man to show up in my life and give me that, so I am also not scared of building a career. My parents continuously tell me they think I am too ambitious for my own good and that they think I can’t handle the stress of having such a career, especially as I have hyperactive thyroid issues due to stress.
On one hand, my diagnosis is correct and I am glad they are caring about me and worried, but on the other I am wondering if it’s their scarcity mindset playing a role in their opinion; for example when I was in school my mom fully thought having painted nails or putting effort into your appearance meant your grades were gonna be worse, which obviously isn’t true and also wasn’t true in my case (which she attributes to her theory, naturally). What do you think I should do in this situation?
Thank you in advance, I hope you have a wonderful day 😘
Hi love! I'm so glad to hear that my blog adds value to your life and has played a role in your personal growth journey <3
Your ambition, especially given any medical-related hurdles, is very admirable. I think this sentiment will help you reframe this situation (and potential conflict?) in a more objective light: People can't see your growth past where they've grown themselves. It sounds like they're projecting their struggles onto you, even if it's more unconscious than intentional. Like you said, I believe you're spot on in saying your family has a "scarcity mindset" and think you would love Carol Dweck's book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
If I were in your shoes, I would accept that I cannot help someone in a "fixed" mindset decide to expand their horizons and cultivate a "growth" mindset (concepts Dweck describes in her book – I've linked an article that summarizes these terms HERE). Additionally, I would focus on meeting like-minded people with a growth mindset, building skills necessary to my desired field, networking with people in my dream field/industry/role with informational interviews, networking/ charity events, post-graduate career programs, etc., and keep the parents on a semi-information diet.
Share information on your budding career on a "need to know" basis and news you know they will be delighted to hear. Reach for the stars with your career and life goals. Just don't let small-minded people ruin your exciting milestones ahead because they're afraid to see outside of the thinking patterns that have kept them emotionally safe for decades. Let them know you're doing well and happy with what you do. Once any bills you need to pay are paid independently, what you decide to do with your time is none of their business.
Hope this helps xx
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freerangeranger · 1 year
What's it like in the Almia Ranger School? And what can I expect from internships?
Can a high-schooler, or high-school graduate become a Ranger?
I'm about to graduate and I'm thinking of become a Ranger, but really I have no idea what I want to be.
hello! congrats on finishing school!
The Almia ranger school is very much a post-secondary option. Its considered more of a trades school than a university. like most post secondaries there also isn't a age maximum on enrolment. The youngest you can be is around 17, maybe 16. I also haven't seen anyone older than 50 attending, but you never know!
i can't really recommend it if you want to go into into purely academic pursuits. head for the Ivysauur leagues or something similar if you wanna be a Pokemon prof.
if you wanna be a Ranger though, GREAT! this is the ticket for you. there are also a ton of different jobs within the union so if field work makes you cringe you can always become one of the support staff that keeps the bases running. they are the real unsung heroes ngl.
the union employs operator, researcher, mechanics, IT staff, medics, security guards, rehabilitation specialists, field ops and area rangers, among others. you don't have to be a ranger!
as for the school itself; Almia is a temperate climate all year but gets super hot in the summer. bring a fan and light clothing; and remember to drink so much water. the people there are generally pretty welcoming although be prepared to get harassed constantly about pokeballs and how they work - Almia legislation doesn't allow them within the islands.
teachers aren't going to hound you to finish your work like in high school; you are responsible for your own learning. They will always help you if you are having issues though. MAKE SURE TO GO TO OFFICE HOURS.
internships aren't mandatory, but expect to be paired with a senior ranger who will supervise you as you help them complete their day-to-day missions. You will always get assigned to a ranger base once you graduate, regardless of if you decide to take an internship. If you don't (or nothing is available) the local Vientown ranger base is super involved with the school as it is. if you have questions about field work or any concerns, just take a stroll into town on your lunch break. Say hello to Crawford and Budew for me if you do!
in conclusions: I highly recommend the Almia ranger school if you are undecided on your career path. they are very supportive, and have a lot of different avenues you can take, both inside and outside the Union.
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fulcrvm · 10 months
was so caught up in the euphoria of completing my first full page illustration since febuary after 10 months of work that i completely forgot im getting kicked from my dream major
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literaila · 3 months
hi, i want to start writing stories, and i admire your work, and i have a few questions if you don't mind, have you always been good at writing, do you write something everyday and how did you feel confident enough to start posting your work?
have i always been good at writing? no. absolutely not. i have always written things (evidence: the 1k novel i wrote in third grade about a dolphin adopted by a lobster which lacked quotation marks) if that’s what you’re asking.
writing, like all things, only truly improves with practice (and reading, absorbing information is no joke). sometimes i read things i wrote in the last year and have to sit and question myself for a good hour on exactly what i was thinking. my first work on tumblr was god awful, but i can admire it from afar because it got me where i am.
i personally think i lack the natural affinity for writing because i struggled in school and couldn’t really read until i was 10, but you’ll find your niche and it’ll work out.
do i write something everyday? ummm unfortunately no. i certainly think about writing every day, but typically i write 2-3 times a week during a good writing period. though! i wish i was disciplined enough to write something everyday because if would probably make writing a lot easier and less strenuous for me
(take that with a grain of salt though because i have a terrible attention span and can’t sit still for periods longer than 10 minutes. recently i’ve been writing when we’re slow at work, if that means anything to you)
how did i feel confident enough to start posting my work? simply put, i didn’t. i still don’t most days. writing is an entirely debilitating experience in my opinion and it sucks! i hate it! it makes me feel like walking on a thousand legos!
but if you’re feeling nervous about posting something, i encourage you to just do it. don’t worry about what others will think. when i posted my first story (on here, don’t ask about the eras before) i didn’t really like it, but my readers did. and that made it worth it to keep posting more. if you’ve got an idea that you’re passionate about, go for it! no one’s going to write it like you will.
honestly, i try not to take my writing too seriously (and i do a terrible job, obviously) because it’s supposed to be an escape from all of the terrible things about the world. so i’ll keep pretending it is an escape (wink wink). so, write whatever story you want, and post it on every platform across the earth. someone, like me, will love it.
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ei-mugi · 9 months
i wish i could drop out of uni and spend all my time learning languages and making art instead
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stinkrascal · 1 year
people who leave critiques on random fanfics where the author isnt asking for a critique are such dicks. like is it that hard to just keep the thought to yourself, did the op really need your awe inspiring hot take on the literary devices used in this sans undertale x reader fanfiction. why dont you critique works of art from idk actually published authors who are making careers out of their works, instead of the free works provided by a 14 yr old ao3 enthusiast
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