#cw: gunshot
robynnandco · 1 year
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doublel27 · 2 years
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For the dear nonny who asked for some of the Tarlos Bodyguard AU this week for WIP Wednesday, and @lilythesilly who always thinks to tag me, I am here with a little bit of fun for you all. (Well, fun for me. You can decide if it's fun for you ;) ) ~*~*~*~
If TK had known it would be the last semi-normal day he would have for a while, he would have done things differently. He’s not sure what exactly he would change. TK just knows that he would have liked the last day of the before to include more than just a walk to get boba and head home. Maybe he wouldn’t have badgered Carlos into letting him walk the distance to his favorite tea shop. Maybe he would have woken up early, insisting they should go to the Smithsonian, knowing the earlier they went, the more likely he would have been allowed to make his way through at least half of one while the Secret Service kept the flow in whatever wing he was in light. Or they could have gone to the botanical gardens and TK could have spent time in a place meant to preserve some of the beauty of the earth for a little while longer. Or he could have brought food by the firehouse to amuse Judd and drive the Secret Service insane. Or a million other options than what was a basic part of his life.
Instead, TK walks down the street, blissfully unaware, boba in hand while Carlos scans the street in the way he always does. It’s a beautiful day and TK is glad he has it off. He’ll work the next few days and then Saturday will hit. They have shortened hours at the gym on Sunday and everyone deserves a break.
“So, what are the odds we can go out this weekend?” TK asks, the invitation for his presence at a new club had skirted across his desk and as he’s making public appearances again, there’d be some perks to it. “There’s this club—”
Carlos shifts his attention so that his head is facing TK. An eyebrow raises above his sunglasses as Carlos asks flatly, “We?”
“Yes. We.”
“Who does we entail?” Carlos tries again, only adding inflection on the word we, before going back to his actual job of scanning the street. 
TK squints at him, because Carlos is being weird. He can’t figure out why though. “Uh, me, my friends and you know, you and the rest of my friendly neighborhood detail.”
TK would joke about not being able to go anywhere without an entourage but it’s not the way he actually wants to live his life. 
Carlos hums noncommittally before saying, “I don’t know. I’ll have to check in with Agent Washington.”
TK sucks hard, pulling up three tapioca balls. He chews on them while he continues walking, considering. Security has been tight for the longest time, even if TK’s allowed outside, Carlos has been edgy since he mentioned the death threats. TK’s still a little upset to find they filter the death threats out of his mail.   
“Things are still weird? You would normally just be upset about it but say yes and grumble about paperwork. It can’t be that much paperwork.”
“Do you know how hard it is to cover you in a nightclub?” Carlos asks, almost absently. He’s looking across the street at one of the brownstones.
“You do such a good job covering me though, Agent Reyes,” TK can’t help but respond.
The comment is pushing things, just a little, and TK knows he shouldn't. Ever since Carlos admited that it's not that TK misread the signals but that Carlos refuses to do anything with the giant pink elephant that sits between them, TK does his best to not lean into it. But sometimes, when the opportunity presents itself, TK has to let a little of the feelings out rather than explode.
He might try to kiss Carlos again.
The snort and brush off TK’s expecting don’t come. Instead Carlos’s voice is harsher than TK’s ever heard it. “Get down!” Carlos tackles him to the ground and something burns TK’s arm. The taro and boba spill as the cup cracks on the pavement. Carlos is on top of TK, one hand cupping the top of TK’s head. He’s entirely enveloped by Carlos and it’s not as hot as any of the dreams TK has been having lately. Probably because this is terrifying. Two thuds reverberate in TK’s ears and Carlos seems to jolt and thud in tandem with them. TK’s brain races through all the possibilities and then his brain alights on what’s happening.
Someone tried to kill him. And Carlos…Carlos took two bullets.
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adie-dee · 2 years
Rules: find all 7 colors of the rainbow in your wip(s)
Thanks for the tag @catharticallysarcastic
I'll tag @hottubraccoon @vexed-hexed-perplexed @isherwoodj @thegreatobsesso and anyone else who wants to join in!
A shot rang out, the noise punctuated by Marcus’ wide eyes and his mouth opening in a gasp. A bright red flower bloomed on the front of his shoulder. As I gaped, my hand covering my mouth, Marcus collapsed in my lap.
“Talk about what?” I asked, attempting to whack his knuckles with my fork when he reached for another blueberry. “How lame your kidnapping attempt was? Or your stupid threat?”
He fidgeted with the leather band around his right wrist, rubbing at a dirty bit of orange ribbon braided through it. “‘Bout the fact someone wants you dead.”
 “So I assume you being here means your friend didn’t pass on my message,” I said, “Or he did and you just don’t care. How’s it feel to be the last man standing against me, anyway?”
“Fucking lucky, that’s for damn sure,” he said, gently touching the now yellowing bruise below his eye. “Dunno how you managed to stab Evan in the foot of all places, but he is pissed.”
Faith was near the back bar, standing under a large banner with the words HAPPY NOT BIRTHDAY painted on it in large pink letters. Her pink bob was styled into a halo of curls, the colour a brighter shade than usual, though the pink tinge to her creamy skin suggested the bar lighting was the cause. She was dressed up too, pairing a black leather miniskirt with a crisp white shirt and hot pink ankle boots, leaving me feeling a little underdressed in my baggy denim overalls and neon-green crop tee. My outfit was cute, sure, but Faith was always a level above.
When I came back out Blake was laying on his side with his t-shirt pulled up to his neck, exposing bruises all over his back. The deep reds and blues of the bruises contrasted with his tanned skin, the marks spreading far enough up his back that they coloured in what appeared to be a normally monochrome tattoo of a lily.
INDIGO (didn't have it, found PURPLE instead)
After that was all done I rummaged through my pile of clothes, finally managing to find a black miniskirt that was mostly clean. It wasn’t the work uniform per se, but it would do in a pinch, and considering I was doing Greta a favour by coming in at all I couldn’t really see her having cause to complain. I finished it off with a sheer purple cami over a stripy rainbow bralette, and grabbed an oversized denim shirt to use as a jacket. My work shirt would cover it all while I was working, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t look cute once I was done.
VIOLET (Didn't have it, found PINK instead)
I started with my makeup. I didn’t know how to cover a bruise but YouTube came to my rescue, and soon I couldn’t tell I was ever injured at all. My hair didn’t take much; a ponytail would do the job, and with the pink lights over the bar I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone noticing it was white and connecting me to the abduction. And if they did, it would be easily deniable. After all, who would go to work the day after something like that?
I threw most of my cleanish clothes into the bag without concern for any wrinkles, but the maxi dress hanging in my wardrobe received the utmost care. It was the one thing I’d planned for my birthday: my final outfit, as it were. It had cost me almost a month's worth of wages, but I knew I needed it the moment I saw it. It was a creamy pastel rainbow, like a pale oil slick, and the material was so soft that it felt like wearing a cloud. Mum was going to flip when I rocked it down to breakfast on Monday.
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casdeans-pie · 3 months
I just still think it's funny how Naomi had Cas kill only Dean clones. Not even a single Sam.
Why is that? Hm??
Why would it possibly need to be that Cas needs to practice killing only Dean clones specifically??
Because Cas was already in lo
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residentmara · 8 days
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the s*n
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placeboelysium · 1 month
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Eyes taking the bullet (and the L) for Kim
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re-dracula · 9 months
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Dracula Daily / Re: Dracula content warnings for September!
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mikakuna · 3 months
warning for gore!!! but erm actually i want to see the horrors of bruce finding his fifteen year old son, 4'6 and barely 90 pounds, under the rubble of the blown up warehouse in the most terrifying way possible.
so instead of how we see it in canon, bruce moves that piece of rubble off of his son and just sees... absolutely nothing recognizable.
his baby's skull is beaten in, head caved in on from the right side. his face is lopsided from the brute force of the crowbar repeatedly smashing his cheeks, jaw, and forehead. what's left of his little boy's face is contorted into an expression so horrified-- jaw hanging off the hinges and eyes bulging from its withering sockets-- that bruce lets out a scream of a possessed man.
jay's feet are completely shattered, hanging loosely from his broken ankles. his legs are in different directions-- right knee detached from its socket. there are rips in his child's torso, revealing bones and guts, from the sharp part of the crowbar sinking into his skin and tearing.
the explosion burned his entire body, burning the skin off his chest and back and little fingers. his hair, oh his baby's little curls, have been singed off with only a few remaining strands.
jason no longer looked like bruce's sweet little jay baby-- his happy boy who smiled and giggled, and whose dimples would make a home in his flushed cheeks, and whose blue eyes sparkled when he laughed.
the detective at the scene of the crime chooses not to ask bruce wayne if he was certain this body belonged to his son.
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yakitori-queen · 8 months
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a showstopping number.
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pamela-lntt · 2 months
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Doomed from the start
I had this drawing as a WIP for 3 weeks-ish and only now finished it thanks to the finale :,0
anyways, this is basically a redraw of this shot from the Romeo + Juliet film:
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and I tried a different coloring style so uh we'll see if it sticks lol
Like my art? Consider buying me a coffee!
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Vincent Price -
Diary of a Madman (1963) dir. Reginald Leborg
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inspired by this post i will say. when i say ‘gortash would do anything, truly anything, to further conquer, shape, bend & break the world after his image’ most people agree. but as soon as i elaborate ‘and horrific sexual manipulation & sometimes even assault is included in that, because again, anything as long as he deems it necessary he will not only do, but see as something to be prideful about, as a victory.’ everyone goes crazy (negatively)
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autisticandroids · 2 years
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dean could have shot sam execution style in unity and no one would have ever known about it but chuck, cas, and jack and i think that's beautiful
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Anakin and Ahsoka by Emma Kubert
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mewcharm · 2 months
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i hope my insurance covers this!
dm for comms! here are my prices!
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 21 - Dystopian AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 21, word count 979
CW- Death by gunshot
The Earth was dead. Nothing grew apart from genetically modified mushrooms. The planet’s water was so toxic it had to be run through filters repeatedly to make it even halfway drinkable. The once beautiful green country Sirius lived in was now brown.
The HOB owned everything. They owned the food, water, phones, housing, and vehicles. Whatever you could buy. Somehow, it all led back to The HOB. 
Sirius lived in an old block of flats that had been converted to house hundreds of occupants. His room was a small pod. It was barely tall enough for him to sit up in. He did, however, have a shelf, which most people would kill for. It’s the little things in life. 
Most of the Earth's inhabitants, at least those with money, had bought passage on the gigantic space cruisers. They were cities in the skies, set to blast off into outer space to protect the elite from the Earth’s final days. 
Sirius had helped to build these beasts, but apparently, he wasn’t good enough to be part of the crew. So he spent most of his time in a local garage helping to fix the vehicles of the same posh prats that would be leaving.
One such vehicle had an issue that took him the entire day to sort out. He pulled out a stack of paper real-life paper from the air filter box. The customer brushed him off when he came for the vehicle, and Sirius was left with the papers. 
That night, he pored through the papers. He didn’t understand half of it, but he understood enough to know this was important. Sirius decided he needed to show a friend of his what he’d found.
“It’s, it’s, it’s amazing. Sirius, The HOB, has been hiding this from everyone. It’s not too late to save the Earth!” Marlene exclaimed as she typed some complicated equations into her computer. 
The door burst open, and armed guards flooded into the small space. They raised their guns and shot Marlene before she could even open her mouth. Sirius ran. 
He didn’t know how he got out of that room, but if he had to guess, they probably hadn’t expected him to move. 
Sirius had always been fast, and he used the adrenaline coursing through his veins to run as fast as he could. The men were right behind him, though. He dashed around a corner and found himself on the airfield with the space cruisers. 
He raced towards the nearest one and, with the knowledge only someone who’d helped build one, opened a secret hatch in its belly and wiggled into the cramped space. 
He gulped in air as he tried to catch his breath. The hull was so dense. He had no idea if the men were still there. He’d have to leave it for a few hours at least before he tried to escape. 
With the adrenaline wearing off and nothing but his thoughts to keep him company, he let the misery of Marlene’s death wash over him and focused on how it was his fault she was gone. The tears that fell from his eyes were thick and hot. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried. 
Suddenly, a horrendous booming rumble blasted his eardrums. It took him precious moments to realise the ship was about to launch. He tried in vain to open the hatch, but once the engines were engaged, all external doorways were locked down. 
The noise got louder, and he screamed as his eardrums tried hopelessly to block out the noise. He crushed his fists to them and felt the ship begin to rise. 
The booming got worse, and he was crushed into the floor as the behemoth gained speed. He felt his bones rattling and shaking as the ship fought against the Earth’s gravitational pull. 
After what felt like an eternity, everything stopped. He knew there would be the gentle thrum of the engines if his ears could actually pick up sounds anymore and that the ship wouldn’t feel like it was moving at all if his body wasn’t still trembling. 
He reached his hand above him and unlocked the internal hatch above him. He dragged himself up into the corridor. It was made for crew and never meant to be seen by the paying passengers. He wandered along it, having no idea what he was going to do. He didn’t have permission to be here, and he didn’t put it past some of the employees on here not to just expel him into the void. 
His ears popped as he walked down another corridor, and he regained some of his hearing just in time to catch the sound of boots walking towards the next bend ahead of him. He flew through the door beside him and waited for the footsteps to disappear. 
Sirius glanced around the room he was in. It appeared to be sleeping quarters, and compared to his tiny pod, it was huge. Two full-sized beds, built into the wall in bunks, a door that probably led to a washroom and two sets of drawers. 
Before he could plan his next move, the washroom door opened, and a tall shirtless man wrapped only in a towel, with beads of water running down his chest, walked out into the room. 
“Oh, hello. I didn’t think I had a bunkmate.” He reached out a hand. “I’m Remus.” Sirius tentatively took it and shook it. 
“Sirius,” He introduced himself. 
“Well, hello, Sirius. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
Sirius forgot all about the previous hours of his life. He���d have to find a way back to Earth and figure out a way to get the information out that would save it so that Marlene’s death wouldn’t be meaningless. But right now, all he cared about was the man with the honey eyes beaming at him.     
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