#do have a personality for her and interests etc but ill save all that for a reference sheet
bitter--boxx · 4 months
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my new splatoon oc, her name is steph ,,, im not very creative with names sorry XD
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hannya-writes · 1 year
When they save you from a brothel (Zoro Edition)
Title: The perfect Girl
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro x Reader
Other characters: The Owner
Category: romance, adventure
Warnings: there's a Kiss! Zoro is a bit Ooc because I couldn't found a way to make this happen 😅, as before there is kidnapping and violence in this chapter, there's no smut in here, walk away, horny people!! (No wait come back!!)
Author's note: just like with Luffy, this happens 6 years in the future, so Zoro would be 27 years old, why did I wrote this in the future? Bc I thought only that way Zoro would change enough to take the decisions he does (?) Nah, I just like characters to be older! Anyways, to the story we go!
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You didn't started working there because you wanted.
When you were 15 your Mother/Father were sick and you wanted to help them.
You started cleaning the floors, washing dishes, serving the woman who needed help with make up or hairstyles.
The owner of the place tried to make you work for them as a prostitute, but you didn't wanted to.
So they started to pay less, at first just some berries. But those berries lost made you unable to pay for your parent medicine.
After a month without the medicine your parent started to feel worst and worst.
And like a balm, the brothel owner offered you a loan, just the right amount for the medicine.
And you thought the owner was a good person, that you would be able to pay back. :readmore:
But one day some one robbed you and the owner give you more money.
In another occasion someone stole your clothes as it was drying in the sun, the owner gave you money to buy yourself some clothes.
You couldn't pay the owner back and somehow the loan got bigger and bigger until it became an impossible amount.
Then the owner offered a deal: You could pay working for them as a prostitute or he could turn you to the police for stealing.
That time there was no room for you to say no.
Since then they gave you a room, nice clothes and even a maiden to help you with everything you needed.
Close to no clothes, very tight clothes or the worst: Lingerie and a silk robe.
And you do what you are forced to do.
There are clients that are gentle but there are those who get violent, who creep you out, who enjoy when you say no.
It's a nightmare so you try to escape. At first you sneak out but get caught.
Then you jump from the window of your room, but the guards save you from a sure death.
When they realize that you are trying to kill yourself they start to drug you.
And that's the worst because then you can't leave, you need the drug if you don't have your dosage you start to feel ill. You feel like dying but without dying.
And then you just… give up.
Unlike Luffy, Zoro actually had the pleasure house as his objective.
However, it wasn't to exchange his money for sex. He was only interested in the Sake. The pleasure house you were trapped in was famous because of theirs.
The thing was, the place was full of people. Men with women at each of their sides. Women with skimpy clothes and big smiles.
The bar was packed too, but he was lucky as a men decided to stand up and leave with a woman.
He took the open spot and he would have ordered sake but the bartender was too busy.
"Oh god, here comes the golden bitch" a woman commented by his side and Zoro tried to not pay attention to her
"Ugh she's the favorite but she's so arrogant, who does she think she is? Boa Hancock?" The other woman complained and suddenly he got interested, he had met the ex-shichibukai but in his opinion she wasn't as beautiful as everyone said.
He followed the gaze of the two annoyed women and saw "the golden bitch" (aka you) walking towards the bar.
Zoro had seen his fair share of women, princesses, queens, warriors, samurais, minks, giants, mermaids, etc. but in all that time he had never seen a woman quite like you.
You were elegant dressed with a black dress that accentuated your figure, with a turtleneck and window in the shape of a heart. At first sight you seemed arrogant and intimidating, but after further inspection Zoro noticed how empty your expression was.
However it was easy to overlook your expression with all that gold jewelry in your wrists, neck, ears and hair. You were so eye-catching, he even felt there was a halo around you.
'Golden bitch' he almost laughed because of the accuracy of the nickname. He turned back to look if the stupid bartender was free but to no avail "the fuck do I have to do to get some Sake?" He thought to himself.
"Excuse me" you said, taking the seat by the side of Zoro before bending over the bar, almost giving everyone around an excellent view of your ass hadn't been for the dress.
When you sat back there were three bottles of sake in your hands and a sakazuki cup on your cleavage.
"I believe this is what you want to drink," you said calmly, putting two of the bottles and the cup in front of Zoro, suddenly turning into the most beautiful woman he had ever met. "I apologize for the wait the bartender is having a hard day"
"Sure" he said as you got down from the seat with your bottle of sake "thank you" he added as you turned to look at the two women who had spoken before.
"If you two have time to bad mouth me, serve the clients and stop being a couple of common bitches" you said and Zoro actually enjoyed seeing you metaphorically bite them.
After that he poured his sake on the cup and tasted the very first sip of the famous drink.
You on the other hand walked back to the side of the room, to the owner of the pleasure house, just on time to hear someone inform him that a very important pirate was there.
The owner asked who it was and the person informing showed him a wanted poster of the man you just had helped.
Which explained everything, after all you had heard his thoughts over those of everyone else.
Some time ago you had eaten a devil fruit in hopes of getting a power to escape from the pleasure house, but all you got was a power to hear people's thoughts, desires or intentions. The more powerful they got, the louder and clearer were the voices.
Moments ago all you had been able to hear was "sake, sake, sake" and the person giving you a headache with his desire for sake had been Roronoa Zoro.
"Come on, darling" the owner told you as they took you by your hand and dragged you back to the bar. "You got a special assignment" he added as he pushed a little bottle of poison on your cleavage.
'I'll get so much money if I kill him' the owner thought to himself and you felt dread filling your body.
You didn't want to do this, not again. If Roronoa Zoro discovered you were trying to poison him he would certainly kill you.
"Don't make that face, it makes you look ugly" the owner ordered you before caressing your cheek. They disgust you, with a sigh of defeat you composed your face."That's it, much better"
The owner walked to the swordsman and introduced you, adding that you will be serving him his drinks in a room since he was one of the most wanted pirates of the world and he didn't want some marine to appear and try to stop him from having fun.
Zoro accepted without a doubt, after all a place away from all those people sounded good.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Roronoa-san" you said when you got in the room.
Zoro only hummed. not wanting to give the impression that he was interested in you since you were a prostitute. He knew that give you attention would only make you try to get physical with him.
"Do you always do this?" He decided to ask as you poured the drink for him.
"Only for very special clients" you admitted without lying since this wasn't the first time you were forced to do poison someone.
"What kind of clients?" You could literally feel his distrust, it was like a needle piercing your chest.
"Ummm…" you thought for a moment, feeling that if you lied he'll know, and you weren't wrong, Zoro was studying your face. "famous clients" you smiled but he noticed the happiness didn't reach your eyes.
"How did you know I wanted sake?" He continued and you felt a cold sensation wash down your back.
"It was a hunch, I also like sake, I know how a sake lover looks like" you lied and mixed it with a truth, you liked sake, you could recognize someone who liked it.
"Get another cup then, you'll drink with me" he decided and you looked at him surprised. He hadn't took that decision as a safety measure to avoid getting poisoned, but out of a whim. That made you giggle, he seemed invincible.
"Roronoa-san is very generous" you commented and that time when you smiled a spark of life appeared in your eyes. Zoro liked that spark of vitality, he wanted to see more.
You left for a moment and when you got back you had brought the cup and more sake.
That time Zoro poured the drinks and you took a sip that made you sigh.
"Roronoa-san, you must have many stories, would you share them with me?" You spoke to him with respect and fake admiration but so naturally he almost believed it.
"I'm not good at telling stories" he answered and he immediately regretted it since you simply accepted and drank another sip of your drink with a slightly disappointed expression.
"I met my captain the day I was going to be executed…" he started his story and was instantly rewarded with an expression of surprise and happiness on your part.
'How cute' you heard him think at some point of the story when he described his friend Chopper and you got excited.
Usually men thought you looked hot, sexy, fuckable and those kinds of things. No one saw you as someone cute, it made you blush and Zoro enjoyed the unrestrained emotion his thought had provoked.
"It's your turn" he said when he ended his story and you looked at him with a confused expression.
"My turn?" You asked frowning.
"Your turn to tell me your story, it's how it works" he explained and for a moment you got trapped in a flashback, a succession of escapes ending bad, hits, lightened cigarettes being pressed on your back only for someone of the staff to "erase" your scars with the power of a devil fruit.
"I'm afraid that will kill the good mood" you commented but since he had told you a story, you decided to humor him. "This story is not mine…" you said as you started your narration.
You were creating the story as you told it but everything made sense, it was about a Swordsman, since Zoro was one.
Zoro enjoyed the story, as you were telling it, he noticed how relaxed you were, how your vacant expression came alive every now and then.
"You are good at telling stories" he praised you making you blush again.
"Thank you" you answered with a smile that made Zoro's ears turn red, how were you doing that? How were you managing to get all of his attention?
"Could you tell me another story, Roronoa-san"
"Sure, why not?" He said and noticed how you leaned forward on the table expectantly.
"Wait, Roronoa-san, I'll go for more sake" you interrupted him moments later as he told you about Enies Lobby, he nodded and you left in a hurry wanting to hear more.
"What is taking so long?" The Owner asked you when he saw you in the kitchen.
"He asked me to drink, I can't poison him" You explained and the man slapped you across the face.
"Stop being useless and find a way" he said angry and left you there.
When you got back to Zoro it was with a tray in your hands that had three bottles of Sake and a plate of snacks you ordered to poison.
"What happened?" He asked the moment you crossed the threshold.
"I'm sorry I took so long…" you started to apologize but Zoro wasn't listening, his gaze was on your cheek. In the small amount of time he had seen you, you had shown to be a level headed, smart and elegant woman who didn't bother anyone… So, who had slapped you and why?
Fuck, why was he so fucking angry about it? Has Sanji's character rubbed off on him?
"What happened?" He asked curious, pointing at your cheek and you touched it softly
"I made a mistake" you said without thinking, touching the burning skin where you had been hit. "It's ok, I deserved it"
'no, you don't' his thought warmed your heart, it made you wonder how could such a rough looking man be so sweet.
"I thought you were the favorite" He said frowning and you laughed without happiness.
"I'm just a caprice of the owner" you said, offering him a cup full of sake that he gladly took. "I'm their precious canary, but that doesn't mean he won't hit me" it took you a moment to realize what you had said, you had spoken your mind without thinking, showing him the real you.
"What an idiot" he said, still bothered every time he saw your red cheek.
Feeling his annoyance directed at the owner made you comfortable but wary, no one was that good.
"Why? Would you treat me better if I were yours?" You teased taking a seat on the table, by his side. "You know what's my work?"
'of course' Zoro answered in his mind but only looked at you with a serious expression. You leaned towards him and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"I'm a whore I kiss men, I make their fantasies reality, I let them use my bo…" it was his hard gaze that made you shut up.
Why were you saying that? Why were you discouraging the infatuation the swordsman had on you? Why did it bother you that he had made you drop your act of the perfect girl?
'how annoying…' His thoughts made you smile, a weird sensation prickled on your brain and it took you a long moment to comprehend what your devil fruit power was catching on him.
Yeah, coexisting near the love cook had finally rubbed off on him because he wanted to hold you, kiss you… get you to a safe place.
'protect' was what you were catching from the swordsman. He wanted to protect you and you were building walls to reject feeling like a damsel in distress.
"Roronoa-san…" you whispered before pushing away the sake for you to sit right in front of him with parted legs in an inviting way. Your hand took his and you guided it to your thighs. Maybe if he fucked you he'll forget about his attraction to you "It's fine if you want me" you guided his free hand to your chest but he suddenly reacted by getting away from you.
He couldn't do it, he was not made of stone, he felt things, he had urges but he didn't want to do that with you. No when you were doing it because it was your job. It would be like taking advantage of you.
"Roronoa…" you followed him with your eyes only, knowing he didn't want you to touch him, knowing what he was feeling because you were in synchrony with him.
"Shut up" he told you and you obeyed "Stop trying to get in my pants" his choice of words made you blush and laugh, laugh for real.
With a huff you hopped down from the table and he watched as you went to the very lavish bed in the room. The very same bed Zoro had been actively ignoring from the beginning.
"You aramazing...Your feelings are overpowering me" you finally said as you lay in the bed hugging a pillow.
"What?" Zoro asked, taken aback by your words.
"You have a crush on me but you respect me, you think I shouldn't be here, that I should leave" you said so softly that Zoro got closer to hear you.
"I don't…" Zoro was blushing big time.
"I ate a devil's fruit, I can read minds, so don't bother denying it" you cut his sentence.
A slight blush stayed in his cheeks.
"Fine, whatever" he almost went back to the table but noticed that you had in your hand the last bottle of sake "hey, what are you…?" He saw you drink from the bottle, his eyes followed the path of the sake that spilled from the corner of the bottle's mouth forming two very appealing rivers that traveled from your mouth to your chin and then down your throat.
He hated his sudden urge to lick the sake from your skin.
"There's been others like you," you said when you drank, taking him back to reality. You cleaned the corners of your mouth and continued. "You think you are heroes, but you just want to chain me, hide me where no one else but you, can see me" Zoro got closer and tried to take the Sake from you but you pulled your hand away to avoid his hand. "I mean, it's kinda an implanted fantasy, look at these" you showed your wrists with bracelets that covered almost half of your forearm. "This scream shackles, this says save me! Be my Prince charming" you mocked
"Pathetic" He suddenly said and you looked at him bewildered since you were able to feel his very clear desire for you but his words and attitude were the opposite. "You have embraced your cage" he leaned over you, you felt his intentions of taking the sake from you.
He was right, you were able to read minds but you felt like he was the one reading yours.
You were afraid, you didn't want to get your hopes up only to crash and discover he was a liar.
'Say the word' his mind was saying and your movement to get away from him staggered at that.
Word, what word? What was that supposed to mean? You tried to retreat but in a blink you were caged between two strong arms, the bed and the body of Zoro.
You took the last sip of the sake but before you drank it Zoro lifted you from the bed and put you over him, straddling his lap. The gravity did its job and the sake went from your mouth to his as you graced his tongue with yours slowly, so very slowly and sensually.
'Ask for Help' he thought and you pressed closer to him, wanting more if only for him to stop asking that of you.
"I'm not a damsel in distress...They sent me to kill you, Roronoa-san" you confessed not expecting anything from him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"And how would you do that?" he asked amused, taking you by surprise. You tried to get away from him, but his hands kept you close to him.
"With poison" you answered with seriousness and he smirked.
"Poison" he repeated in a mocking way dismissing you "I'm no prince charming, you know? I'm a pirate" one of his hands gently pushed a strand of your hair away from your face.
You didn't have time to even be confused by his words because the idea in his head slipped inside yours: kidnap' Your eyes grew bigger and the smile in his face let you know that he was aware that you knew. You opened your mouth to tell him not to do it, but with an easy move he put you over his shoulder and started his escape.
The next minutes were filled with people trying to stop him and you giving him directions to get out of the brothel.
But Zoro is terrible with directions, so of course he turned in the wrong direction and of course he entered the wrong hall and somehow he ended up destroying the whole place.
When you finally got out, you looked in disbelief at the building in flames. How had that happened? You were not sure, but sake was flammable so…
"Roronoa-sama, you are amazing" you said as he walked away from the crime scene "wrong direction" you let him know and he stopped, turned in the other direction and started walking again.
"Your welcome" he said and you groaned in his shoulder.
"It would be easier to get you to your ship if you put me down," you said, resigned to your future.
"I'm fine, I don't need…curly brows?" When he said those last words you frowned.
"Marimo?" A man's voice answered, leaving you in the dark "that is no way to carry a lady!" He complained and Zoro growled.
'I forgot about the love cook' you heard Zoro think and you were puzzled wondering what could that mean.
The swordsman put you down and you looked at the blond man before you with an expression that made Sanji's eyes become hearts and you were able to hear his thoughts, all of his thoughts.
And Sanji's dirty and sweet thoughts at full speed scare the shit out of you, making you hide behind Zoro and fist your hands into his clothes.
"Oi! You scare her!" Zoro complained annoyed. There was a small discussion and finally Sanji guided you two to the ship where Zoro had a short conversation with the captain, who got closer to talk to you minutes later
"Y/n, do you want to be a pirate?" Asked Luffy in front of everyone and you looked at him seriously.
"No, I just want to stay by Roronoa's side"
Luffy laughed, satisfied with your answer.
"Then, welcome to the crew!"
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Next... ?????? Edition
Who's edition should I write now?
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sepublic · 1 year
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            It’s wild to me that the storyboards for Watching and Dreaming depict Odalia taking Camila’s place during this scene, and at a notable distance from the kids here, no less…
         It really makes me wonder if the original plan was for Odalia to use the light glyph to awaken the kids from their puppet states, hence the setup of her being in the Archives as the Collector’s servant. She would’ve helped the kids save the people of the Demon Realm, perhaps realizing that her way of life was simply unsustainable, and that she contributed to Belos possessing the Boiling Isles as both knowing bystander and supporter.
         They’d ultimately succeed, but Odalia being at a distance from the kids implies that they don’t ever forgive her; They won’t go out of their way to kill Odalia, nor keep her from improving as a person. But they don’t owe her personal forgiveness, which I appreciate. We may still have some variation of this scene where Amity reunites with Alador;
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        Odalia may or may not be salty, but it still reminds the viewer that even after all that, Amity rightfully doesn’t forgive Odalia, and chooses Alador; While Odalia is visibly upset, but can’t do anything about this but just maintain distance and accept it (Hence why she looks so awkward and closed-off, compared to Camila rejoicing with the kids in the final product).
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         That makes me wonder if we would’ve seen her in the epilogue, with the group shot depicting Odalia notably isolated from the rest of her family, instead besides Tibbles or something like that, as redeemed capitalists (maybe we should put her at the top left). Her redemption IS accepted, but not by her family members, who still maintain a distance;
         Odalia improving herself could also be a way to emphasize one of the themes of the finale; That people can and should be allowed to change, but also they must choose to do so for themselves. Having Odalia be a contrast to Belos would’ve further hammered in that idea; They’re both detested by the fandom as abusive, controlling parents who mold their kids into the image of someone else, are complicit in the same genocide (to varying degrees), represent a particular real-world social ill, etc. Both claim to act on behalf of their families, but it’s clear they’re actually just self-interested.
         These parallels highlight that the main difference between these two, why Belos is killed unmourned while Odalia has hopes for a brighter future, is that Odalia actually chose to change. It’s Restorative VS Retributive Justice taken to its natural conclusion; The fact that Odalia is much younger, and thus has turned down far less chances to turn back, also contributes to why she’s actually willing to change, as she hasn’t doubled down the same way Belos did, while still being guilty of some heinous things (Note that Blight Industries, as an arms manufacturer, always got its wealth off of the expectation that others will be hurt and even killed; It’s blood money).
         It may also add to the Collector’s story; They’ve failed to redeem Belos, so it’d be easy to believe that their compassion is an inherent mistake, as is giving others a chance, the agency to decide for themselves, etc. So when Luz reassures the Collector that they DID do good… Well, they end up going to the Archives to prevent it from collapsing. And THAT leads to the Collector potentially seeing Odalia, maybe being wary after what happened with Belos (Odalia and Belos are both adults who sought to exploit the Collector for their own ends)…
         But the Collector doesn’t let Belos ruin their compassion and accepts Odalia’s change, even if they personally may not forgive her (They have less of a past with Odalia than the other kids, so it’s not as unlikely). Just as Gus felt like his kindness was taken advantage of, only to be reminded afterwards that it’s still worth it in the end when Hunter does reciprocate, we could’ve gotten something like that with the Collector and Odalia.
         And on another note, I also wonder if this was the writers’ way of addressing criticisms regarding how Odalia was handled in Clouds on the Horizon, by providing a sympathetic side to her character as compensation; We’re reminded in the episode right after that Eda still remembers her as a stand-offish friend and not an Evil Child, instead of the writers doubling down by excluding Odalia from that flashback. Eda thinks she’s about to die here, but the memory of who Odalia once was is included to comfort her alongside other childhood companions, reminding us she wasn’t always like this and isn’t pure evil (not without working to become that at least).
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         But by the end of the day, it seems the writers opted to exchange Odalia’s role for Camila having more of a story in the finale, and tbh… I think that’s the right call, I agree with them there. This is the series finale to a show that’s ultimately about Luz, our main protagonist, and it’s why the finale places particular emphasis on Luz, and her relationship with her fellow main protagonists Eda and King. If they did take the Odalia route, I think we still would’ve seen Camila reunite with Luz at the Owl House, meet Eda and King, etc. But…
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         Camila is Luz’s mother, and their relationship is the inciting, beginning incident of the series. To see it all start because Camila was worried for her daughter, only to finally encounter a worst-case scenario with Luz despite everything she did to improve… and emphasizing her reaction to it, how Camila handles herself, picks herself up because as much as it hurts, she’s got other kids to look after? Just as Camila picked herself up after Manny’s death for Luz’s sake? Or kept herself strong in Yesterday’s Lie for Vee? Good stuff.
         It wraps up Camila’s storyline more nicely, as someone whom we began the series with Luz; Camila is more important than Odalia, so I don’t blame the writers at all for prioritizing her. Odalia having a redemption of sorts likely would’ve felt too rushed, and while she contributes to the narrative of Belos, the Collector, and Amity, Camila contributes to Luz’s story and thus takes precedent, especially at this point in the story.
        Especially since some have criticized TOH’s handling of characters of color; The crew has shown themselves responsive to these points, hence Luz and Camila’s hair changing in S3. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the criticism of white characters being prioritized over PoC stuck, and contributed to them having Odalia get shafted for Camila, rather than the other way around. It’s not perfect (an ideal situation in terms of budget and/or writing would’ve had both), but it does show a willingness to listen and actually respond to criticism, which I appreciate.
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        So in the end, the kids are awakened from their puppet states, not by a conscious Odalia who isn’t transformed and stumbles across the light glyph, but because like Camila, Amity is able to muster enough emotional will over her love of Luz to barely nudge her finger... just enough to tap the light glyph and activate it, freeing herself! The kids go out of their way to free Camila for help, and we get to reap the rewards of Camila’s development in how she copes with her daughter’s death, when fear for Luz was what incited the series and led to a less-than-ideal handling of the situation.
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         Camila gets to guide the kids with glyphs like her daughter does, showing an engagement with the isles after being apprehensive in the previous episode; And a connection to Luz, who has the Titan’s magic and is powering these spells… Camila is unwittingly calling upon her daughter for help and Luz is answering! And when it’s done, Camila gets to stand by the kids and not at a distance, because they love and accept her for having always been a good mother to them.
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arson-09 · 5 months
Why AcoMaF is a subjectively BAD BOOK
Point 1: feels like a different series
Acomaf does NOT feel like a sequel to acotar. The main reason being your introduced to a whole new cast of characters without warning. Typically, in a series your introduced to your main characters in the first book and the cast that will come and go throughout the rest of the series (ex pjo, six of crows, the cruel prince) you get new characters introduced at some points but you already know all the really important people. in acomaf though we basically forego the og acotar cast (which was small) and given a HUGE cast of important characters. Along with a new, large plot that really didn't get footing in acotar. The only thing that carries over between the two books in Feyre. Tamlin and the spring court hardly count in my mind cause its so drastically different from how it was written in acotar
point 2: characters, their motivs, and their writing
I can go on for AGES about the character assassination of Tamlin. Sjm completely re-wrote his character. There was no actually foreshadowing for this behavior in acotar and i will talk on this more in a later point. But back to our main girl Feyre. Feyre wasn't horrific in this book (shockingly) however she frequently states things that aren't true. Example, she says that "He [Tamlin] hadn't tried to kill her [Amarantha], hadn't crawled for me." which is false. to quote acotar "I found Tamlins eyes- wide as he crawled towards Amarantha, watching me die, and unable to save me while his wound slowly healed, while she still gripped his power." I could also cite early passages where Tamlin is BEGGING Amarantha to stop hurting Feyre. We are told why in acotar Tamlin couldn't fix everything (giving reason to Feyre having to do the trials etc etc) however this is promptly forgotten in acomaf to villainize Tamlin and give Feyre some sort of motive. A completely unnecessary thing. SJM can't commit to what she wrote previously, having to retcon things instead of thinking up some other motivation or reasoning. Its frankly lazy and makes the story feel cheap. I made many highlights in acomaf where something is directly retconned.
point 3: SJM and writing anger issues and mentally ill characters.
This will mainly focus on Tamlin as his character and his issues are quite personal to me.
Tamlin is written to have anger issues. these are vaguely hinted at in acotar when, after Rhysand comes and threatens the shit out of everyone Tamlin orders everyone to leave the dining room and then takes his anger out on the furniture (that is what is hinted at anyway) and then in acomaf these outbursts of anger are amped up. And used to go "look! he's actually evil and a bad person!"
As someone who has anger issues, a short temper, whatever you want to call it, finds this really disheartening. It's clear to me that sjm doesn't actually put thought or care into writing characters with tempers. Its also extremely biased as Rhysand is written to have a short temper however this is never a problem, but it is with Nesta and Tamlin. Now this is not me excusing abuse, but a character having anger issues does not equal abusive and bad like the acotar fandom heavily does with Tamlin. In general Tamlin's character is so dissolved in acomaf its just sad. SJM didn't even try to write a convincing character descent. At some point in writing acotar she fell in love with Rhysand and decided she wanted to change the love interest. (she had done this before in throne of glass) and while that's fine choosing to use Tamlins anger issues and protectiveness to attempt to write an antagonist was a cheap cop out. She couldn't even commit to making him an actual villain. Shes just capitalizing off of mental issues.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume meta 6x10
Costume metas are back baby!!!! I’m so happy to be back writing these - you have no idea how much i missed writing them. This one is not quite as full on as my normal metas and has taken me far longer than I’d intended - if you’ve been following my posts over the last couple of days you will be fully aware of my insanity spiral over the Eddie of it all (as well as poker Buddie!) so I hope you’ll forgive me - I’ve not had the mental capacity I normally do to dedicate to costume spiralling!
No Eddie this week as he only appeared in uniform 😭 
A couple of more general things to point out - the use of Check - we see it on Nathaniel Greene and Phillip Buckley - which I think is a very interesting and loud choice considering this episode was all about fathers and fatherhood and the two fathers who are not all that (Mr Han is also in that number but his grey on grey suit was a deliberate choice that I will talk about in a minute) are the ones wearing check and tapping right on into my check theory!!! So Nathaniel is going to find himself in hot water very soon so the check is foreshadowing this for him. Philip (and Margaret as well actually!) in check is also foreshadowing whatever is about to go down with the Buckley parents (that happy family facade they’ve been putting on is about to crack big time!).
Grey is one of those colours that can be either warm grey (like we often see on Buck) or cool grey (which we have here on Mr Han) and that affects which meanings you attribute to it. Mr Han in double grey just about sums him up as a person - cold, conservative and controlling. Its also a colour that conveys gloom and frustration when worn in multiple like this, there is also the fact that ill people are often described as looking grey - which leads me to think that Mr Han being terminally ill is actually very likely!
The other thing I want to point out is the red harnesses - I know I don’t talk about the uniforms all that much except when there is something important an interesting in relation to them and this is very much that! Chim, Buck and Eddie are the ones we see in the red belt harnesses. Chimney removes his after Buck stakes his claim on it being his turn to go up the ladder and Chimney steps back from ladder detail. The reason I point this out is because its a very bright visual way of identifying and connecting both the fact that Chimney also has a red string of fate connected to Buck (I’m talking about family here and I know that technically all the firefam have strings of fate connecting them, but in this specific incidence its about the brotherly connection - the parallel to Kevin and Albert) which is relevant at that first moment but then the focus needs to shift. Eddie and Buck become the only ones distinguishable in the pouring rain - the only ones tied by that red string of fate - even when (and especially) when Buck is on the gurney.
over to our mains - below the cut to save your dashes!
Athena and May
I’m doing the two of them together this week because they are the costume version of yin and yang!
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The silk blouse has a monstera leaf print - monstera symbolises suffocation in western culture which is a perfect symbol for this story arc - suppressing of evidence or information because of money etc. the use of navy red and white is also interesting - its very much a hint towards patriotism - a deliberate choice to play into the upperclass America vibe they’re claiming to be part of! 
Mays two main costumes are costumes themselves - they aren’t representative of who May is or her character, the are the clothes of the character she’s playing - Jada. As outfits for Jada - they are very much playing to type - teenager with issues who’s rebelling against straight laced parents - Both Athenas and Mays outfits work perfectly in sync with each other as the anthesis of the other. Mays are both in the same tonal range - burnt dusty reds, washed out blue greys and beiges - all in the same colour spectrum as Athenas ‘costume’ but tonally at the oposite end - where mays are dark and muted, Ahtenas are bright and bold
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in the middle of the undercover work we get a reminder of who they really are - Athenas generally more muted palette - her comfort colour choices of black and olive khaki green, while May is back in her bold and bright blocks of colour. Perfectly summing up that while Athena is playing a role that is not a million miles away from who she is (and channeling a bit of Beatrice in the process because that blouse is a Beatrice blouse in every way!), Athena also tends to wear the olive khaki colour on top when she’s investigating something outside of work - and by this I don’t just mean full blown investigating, I also mean low key - clocking something is going on with a member of the extended firefam and she’s paying attention. May is at the opposite end of the spectrum from Jada! I’ve talked about May wearing this sugary bright pink before in season 5 and the scene here is somewhat of a parallel to the one in 5x15- youthful and considered feminine but also compassionate and caring. It is sensitive and intuitive. All things we see in this scene - May is using her intuition about Tamara and her being a ‘weak link’ that will get some information. We also see her showing compassion for Bobby in this scene.
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keeping it simple for Bobby this week - just the one outfit and its supposed to essentially blend in with his uniform - we see him working on things related to the wildfire that Wendell died in both at the station while in actual uniform, and then at home with Athena and May (as an aside the fact that we see bobby with his family esp his stepdaughter and then with Buck and no other members of the fire fam is very telling!!) - it’s all signalling Bobby is in work mode even when he’s at home.
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If there was ever a cardigan to signal the fact that Hen is puzzled by Denny’s behaviour and new interests - this one is very definitely it - it literally has neutral face emojis all over it 😐😐😐 which are often used to convey mild irritation and concern - both things Hen is clearly feeling in this scene. Red is also a colour associated with both anger and and love - we know Hen loves Denny, but its very likely that there will be anger down the line when she discovers what Denny has been up to. This jumper also fits with my check theory - it is a big checkerboard - so its foreshadowing for the upcoming Denny issues!
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I’m going to say something here which is being used as a narrative device - Hen is wearing maroon, because she is in the ‘male’ or ‘father’ parent role at this moment - I don’t prescribe to the concept of queer parents fitting into gender stereotypes of parenting (that theres a fatherly one and a motherly one!) nor do I believe sport is a fathers domain but in this particular instance the wardrobe team are playing into a costume theme they’ve developed - namely that maroon is the colour worn when (mostly male) characters are being fatherly in someway. It is implied in this scene and the one in the firehouse, that Hen is the one who has been the one mostly supporting Denny in his sporting interests - football (sorry soccer - Im British its football 😂) initially and now she wants to be supportive in his baseball interest. 
Not a costume thing, but I think its interesting and its costume adjacent, but I love the fact they’ve chosen two very different sports - one played with hands, the other with feet and the one Denny is taking up is the one where curveballs are a thing!
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Or should I be calling him ‘D’?? 
we have this blue and black shirt - I have to confess my brain went off in 6 different directions on this one. Firstly there is the fact that its not that disimilar to what Christopher is wearing when Eddie catches him talking to his friends online late at night - the colours are different but the use of patterning is similar and the fact that Chris and Denny have paralleling story arcs is very 👀👀 It also ties Denny in with Hen as she also wears a lot of patterning similar to this. then there is the fact its black and blue - what is the first thing you think of when you say black and blue - being beaten up - potentially foreshadowing - not necessarily for a physical beating, more likely for the psychological bruising ahead. there is also the Rorschach test and camouflage elements as well. All in all its a shirt that speaks of secrecy pyschological trauma and trouble ahead!
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This tee has me feeling all levels of insane. We have green for growth and renewal- its a bright green too, so its really reenforcing that idea. Then there is the design - a leopard in a jungle setting which is so many metaphors all rolled into one - the obvious ones of the jungle being dangerous, leopards not changing their spots and hiding in pain sight. But there are a few others - camouflage, the fact that leopards are nocturnal and solitary, they are also opportunistic. Then theres the jungle - jungles as well as being dangerous places, are also dense and in places impenetrable, they are overgrown and tangled. All of these things speaks volumes about what is going on with Denny right now, and the fact that he’s getting himself deeper and deeper into the jungle where opportunistic animals are waiting to strike. It a really clever use of imagery in graphic tee design to convey information and its something the show does a lot with the kids clothing!
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some really interesting stuff going on with Chimney in this episode - namely the fact that he’s wearing check - all the time, as well as the fact we get him in this lovely burnt orange colour!
Starting with the check - I’ve said it a million times and I’ll probably say it a million more, but the check is foreshadowing trouble ahead - in this instance its the unexpected arrival of the Han’s. The button down shirt under the jumper is maroon and burnt orange check - maroon is the colour of fatherhood in 911 verse so the maroon is a nod to that, both the fact that Chimney is a father (and a good one), but also that his father is the trouble ahead! While the orange - well orange is the colour of optimism, enthusiasm and emotional strength - the perfect colour for Chim in this scene - he’s being optimistic about what having the Buckleys to visit will be like - that together he and Maddie can get through anything. This opening outfit for 6b also shows us that Chim is in a much stronger place - things are going well for him - life is good and that has given him confidence and placed him in a better place emotionally.
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then we get this blue check button down shirt - its light blue and a darker blue, and again the check is portending doom. I don’t want to make this all about Buck, (becasue it isn’t) but, the fact we see Chim in a blue check specifically while the Buckleys and Hans argue over Bucks sperm donation is super interesting. Its not only foreshadowing that Buck - who is also in blue, is about to come to harm in the place that was very nearly chimneys (as inBuck going up the ladder instead of Chim). It is also hinting at the fact that Chimney and his father (who is incidentally also in a blue shirt) are on a collision course. This check is about foreshadowing the two opposite disasters/ issues heading Chimneys way - the fact that he is about to potentially lose a brother - and one that has taken the place he was supposed to be in. That Chimney is going to have to reckon with the guilt and grief that causes - making this shirt about Chim’s connection to Buck but also connected to the idea of another man raising a child - much of Chimneys trauma stems from that very issue - he was raised by Mr Lee, had Kevin who was a brother in all but blood - who died in a work related accident and now he’s going to go through the same thing with Buck. the whole thing is setting up for Chimneys trauma to come and hit pretty hard - which all goes back to his own blood father - which is why we see Buck and Sang in the two very different blues and chimney in the check of both of them.
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Maddie & Jee-Yun
Maddie going for full on black is such a choice! Black is a power colour, its sophisticated and mysterious, while also being authoritative and protective. It is also a colour of rebirth which is really important here for Maddie. This is a Maddie who is in the best possible place right now, but her choice to wear all black for the arrival of her parents is all about her wanting to but on a display of power while at the same time protecting herself and her family (Chim, Jee and Buck) its very much fake it till you make it - its not necessarily about her having power/control (which she does), but about the appearance of it.
This is about her rebirth as a person and as a mum and her showing that rebirth to those who have judged her in her life. 
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the purple suit and bright blue top are an interesting choice. The jewel tones exude happiness and contentment. I’ve spoken before about how we often see characters in these brighter versions of colours when they’re in a good place or having fun (think of the times we’ve seen Athena in bright jewel colours, or even Buck) and here we see Maddie embracing that her daughter is having fun with her grandparents and her family is all together and not fighting or distant from one another - don’t forget this is likely the fist time she has experienced this ever. The purple blazer is in line with other things we’ve seen on Maddie this season - we’ve seen her in bright purple before. Purple is a really interesting choice to me because so much of its meaning is connected to mystery, but also the understanding of ones self better, building and strengthening emotional connections to our deepest thoughts and desires. its such a choice for this scene - the happy family Maddie wants, has wanted all her life and hasn’t had in her grasp until now, but also the Daniel of it all - that she is now free to talk about her brother, to share her knowledge of him and that she has been able to actually sit in her grief and come to terms with it. It’s a really powerful choice for her and speaks so much about how far Maddie has come.
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Look I love love love what the show does with the kids clothes - its always so on point for the scene - and this Baby Jee tee is no exception. ‘Shapes I know’ - a literal point at the fact that families can look different - they come in different shapes and thats something Jee ‘knows’ and is experiencing. It’s literally one of the cornerstones of he show - that families look different and come in a multitude of shapes and sizes and in this scene the show is very much pointing out that the Buckley parents and Han parents don’t really understand that in any great depth. The Buckleys are only being supportive and nice when it suits them - when they’re in front of others and can be judged - creating a fantasy of a loving and supportive family to the outside world - while behind closed doors - they’re not really interested and are in fact the complete opposite. The Han’s have a very rigid view on family and that there is only one type of family (I’m expecting Sang Han to make some comment about Jee being born outside of marriage etc at some point) and anything that doesn’t conform to that isn’t acceptable.  
I so desperately wan to quiz the wardrobe department on the choice to have Buck in trousers that sit two inches above his ankle. 
You can’t see them in either of these pictures, but Buck is still wearing trousers far too short for his legs and its making me insane. I know Oliver has stupidly long legs, but its not like they don’t have the budget to get trousers made and tailored to fit him. I mean its been this way since season 2 and everything is intentional so they must have decided on it as a character thing but I for one cannot figure out what its supposed to tell us about him - the only thinking I’ve managed to come up with is that he’s stuck in this liminal space between child and adult - not really one or the other (because of the saviour baby and not knowing about it of it all) so its a play on the historic idea of breeching and short trousers! It’s literally the only reason I can think of as to why they would do this. Especially because the outfit he is wearing in his coma dream he’s wearing trousers that fit his leg length which only proves to me that its intentional!
If we see Buck figure things out this season and we then see him start wearing longer trousers going forwards - ones that are actually the right length for his legs I might actually ascend to the astral plane!!!
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This green top continues the theme of seeing Buck in either blues or this light green shade - it echoes both the polo shirt from 6x07 when he made his donation, and the one he wore to the Ren Faire in 6x08 and continues to prove my theory about the use of these green shirts on Buck - the colour might not have gotten darker, but the fact its still the same light shade and we’ve had no further progress (in terms of where Buck is at mentally - the pregnancy is obviously progressing!) at this point in time - we know he’s wearing gree ni the coma - and its a darker/brighter shade - hinting that progress- growth etc is happening and that the coma will be the catalyst for that growth to start - I fully expect to see Buck in more green as the season progresses and to see it getting deeper and brighter as we go along.
I have so many thoughts about this dark navy blue shirt we see Buck wearing for the Buckley-Han showdown. Its yet more Buck in shades of blue - forget 50 shades of grey Buck is all about 50 shades of blue (I think were up to 12 blue tops now for him this season and the next highest colour he wears is green with 3)!!  theres the uniform aspect of it all - a bit like Bobby in this episode as well, but for Buck its almost like wearing the uniform gives him confidence and strength - superhero style - something he feels he needs to go through another experience with his parents. 
There is something to be said about the use of blues at opposite ends of the spectrum on Buck - from the light pastel blues to this dark navy almost black blue, almost like Buck is oscillating between where he’s at mentally - projecting confidence, reliability, loyalty and trustworthiness, while also suggesting that internally he is struggling - blue is also a colour depression and suppression. We have to remember that Buck is still trying to figure out who he is, what he wants and how to be at ease with himself and so the use of both dark and light blues speaks of the duality of Buck right now. I bring this up because looking back through my costume plots for each character its become obvious that this season its very much deliberate - all his blue outfits in previous seasons have been within a much smaller spectrum of colour - wearing blue but all similar in shade - tending toward bright blue or navies!
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If you’ve made it to the end then I thank you - have a cookie on me 🍪🍪🍪 we all deserve them after that episode and we’re going to need out strength for next weeks!!
I hope you’ve enjoyed my deep dive ramblings on costume for 6x09 - drop me a reblog or a comment to let me see your thoughts - I love reading them!!
As always tagged people below - if anyone wants to be added (or removed from) to the list please let me know in the comments!
Until next week (when I have a feeling I might be being set up for a very very long meta post 😬😬😬) 
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes  @spotsandsocks  @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @dickley-buddie  @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz  @ktinastrikesback  @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose  @talespinner230 @pop-kam @swiftiebuckleys @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @butchjerry @mandzuking17 @yelenasbuddie​ @copyninjabuckley​ @name-code-black-widow​​ @rogerzsteven​
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cinamun · 2 months
One thing that I think I've noticed as this story has progressed, and in general, is that we always expect and or look for reason in men's bad behavior. There is always a reason for them to do bad things, outside of them actively choosing to be a bad person. Someone must have failed them, she must have failed them, she must have failed him, etc.
Elliot tried to kill Hope. He tried to drag her with him into the abyss, and yet he was not viewed as an attempted murderer, but instead as a friend who had gone astray. Someone who needed more support or more attention. At his funeral, people wept over the fact that he couldn't be saved! It is always tragic when someone makes a fatal decision that harms themselves and others around them, but I notice that, especially in the black community, black women's victimization takes a backseat to the pain of black men.
Now we see something similar with Bishop. While it's interesting to ponder the complexities of why he is the way he is, Mercy is being preyed upon! She sets boundaries, and he crosses them, always with an undertone of violence. There is talk about whether he cares or if he can change, and it falls into that same line of thinking. "If I love him more, then he'll do right." "I can fix him" "He just needs..."
Anyway, let me know if I'm way off the mark, but it seems like women tend to take on far too much responsibility for the feelings and actions of men, to the point of forgoing their best interests.
Yes... and
That's society for you, amirite? Always prioritizing the needs of men.
But I'm going to challenge that..... as I do. Spoilers below the cut.
Yes I believe that, in the case of Elliot and Darren, there was absolutely a reason for them to do bad things and some have chosen to dismiss those reasons. Elliot was actively mentally ill, but rather than address mental illness, we chose to throw him away. We literally witnessed this young man's decline and if we can't separate his actions on the pier from his diminished mental state, what does that say about us and how we perceive mental illness?
In fact, when did Hope take a backseat? Once Elliot was collectively thrown away, all eyes centered on Hope's healing and rightfully so! But one thing I'm not gonna do (I feel it would be irresponsible as a Black woman writer) is stifle Hope's healing to uplift the man who hurt her. Hope was wrapped in love by everyone, including her husband (a Black man).
Why didn't we throw Indya away for the nasty shit she did like taking a baseball bat to Darren's nose? Or throw Jerri away for the literal attempted murder of Juan? If I do nothing else, I want us to think about things like this and force questions that we wouldn't ask ourselves otherwise.
I've opened up a space in this current arc to look at a very clearly damaged individual (Bishop) through multiple lenses. I don't think acknowledging Bishop's humanity (pixelness) necessarily means "I can fix him". Like, at all. I think our readers are smarter than that and only recognize nuance. Some of y'all be trippin tho ngl lmfao
Not everyone saw Bertie as preying on a drunk Jackson but she was. The reason no one really flipped it is because Jackson is a man. But he was a man who was not capable, in that kitchen, of making a wise decision; so he made a horrible one.
Men irritate me just like anyone else but one thing this story has tried to do is simply acknowledge the humanity and capacity for growth within all of us.
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kisaraslover · 5 months
anon kskkasak ITS FINE ILL SAVE YOU OK? here goes:
Scenes from a Kaiba Marriage and Temptation by my blueshipping queen @kisara-kaiba as the opening. the peak of modern life blueshipping fluff, very lovesick, when im reading them its heart full, head empty. youre gonna be lucky to start them now cuz ill be rereading and drawing scenes from them this week👀. itll be like premium fanfic reading.
Enjambment -> this fic might be the single best written blueshipping fic by the virtue of MIRRORING their encounter in ancient Egypt beat by beat, including BOTH of their character arcs and the netflix show vibe of suspense and the sharp, cold and bleak setting is chefs kiss. changed my brain chemistry. still one of my favorite portrayals of Kisara.
Maiden with Eyes of Blue -> Sometimes time needs to slow down and a single scene should be a character study/ hashing out of things you needed acknowledged by canon, the situation is ESPECIALLY dire for Seto Kaiba as ive made my feelings on his writing known many times. This is it. Kisara isnt reincarnated in this one though, but her love for him can be felt in the air. Ngl you could just incorporate this into post canon and it would be fine. canon compliant+ canon enriching.
Shades of Water, Ice, and Sky -> I'm skimming through each fic to see what they were about and i just gotta say: why so heart-wrenching if so short?? theyre in love your honor.
Their Promise: Book I -> ok gonna be honest w you i havent finished this one and the main reason is that i cant go past the SPECTACULAR first chapter. ive started and failed to draw it in its entirety. i open it, i chew on the first chapter like a rabid dog, i close it more often than not. the second reason is it has a lot more angst and heartbreak than most blueship fics do and im weak to that sort of thing. still, if we follow their ancient egypt encounter beat by beat, which is a fantastic way of following and enriching the canon, their first meeting needs to be as kids with him saving her from a cage. chefs kiss.
who are you? -> JUST the right amount of Seto Kaiba immediate fixation obsession on Kisara (which means insanely obsessed)
You Will Crave Your Ancient Roots -> this is so good and so heartbreaking man. Seto and Atem are shot back into ancient Egypt and Seto is only able to slightly alter the events around Kisara. hes fated to fall for that woman every single time and *starts sobbing*
Ancient Rules -> all i gotta say is this Seto Kaiba gives me brainworms. hes chuck full of Passion and Cockiness and Insanity. blueshippers sometimes take out his insanity. he is very unsettling here i love it. Kisara is truly at his mercy..
never forget your first dream -> fem!Set and Kisara in ancient Egypt, this story twists more than just Seto's gender. im a yuri seto truther so its great to have written proof of it. jokes aside, very well characterized Set and Kisara, rich writing.
One in Forty -> pretty short but this one fundamentally changed how i viewed Kisara's canon influence over BEWD cards and her constant and unbendable favor around Seto. canon compliant + canon enriching.
ok so these are the cream of the crop for ME personally, might have forgotten some in my other folders, i might have missed reading some, its probably not all encompassing. but frankly ive liked and saved fics for a single resounding line, single funny joke, one interesting implication about the story or the characters the author wrote up so in my heart theyre all worth checking out, always. fanfic writers are carrying this ship on their backs and theyre all 9 ft tall and im just walking around them, clearing the path, giving them a sip of water and snacks etc. so THANK YOU BLUESHIPPING AUTHORS I LOVE YOUUUUUU
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suffarustuffaru · 3 months
I voted for Otto because while I do think Julius is the better boyfriend, Otto is the better friend no? At the very least my reasoning was that Otto has spent a year in proximity with Subaru collecting all sorts of small moments in addition to their bigger moments in arc 4, really forming the case for Otto to get the best friend title. Tho arc six really did make it hard to choose.
(for future reference this post is about this poll 👍)
HAH you raise really really good points yeah!! i honestly voted for julius as half a joke (arc 8 ch 24 to walk in the light was totally about otto being mad about juliemisuba if you squint. totally /lh) and absolutely if you took grown up subaru and told him to assign julius and otto as either boyfriend or best friend, julius would get the former (…..subarus attraction to julius is really really obvious HAHA) and otto would get the latter exactly for all the reasons you said as well yep!! ottos been living with subaru, ottos supporting subaru and their camp, etc etc hes been there more consistently, etc etc like otto is a very dedicated and loyal friend, but imo otto loses some points by arc 7-8 bc its the same dedication and loyalty that makes him shitty now :<<< mr otto “i walk in darkness” suwen, mr otto “im gonna not tell my friends about the tome or info that would save spicas life lol bc i want her dead” suwen, mr otto “its fine if 50 million people die” suwen :<<<<< at least julius is honest about wanting spica dead and he wont just let 50 million people die :<<<
but also you raise a good point bc otto IS a good friend in the sense that youll be alive as long as hes there bc he wont let you die. but will otto be alive by that point?? :<<<<<< will 50 million people still be alive????? will your previously problematic daughter figure be alive….??? a little debatable but hey hes dedicated ill give him that :<<< hes a good friend and he can definitely be kind and comforting and stuff but absolutely a questionable person BAHA and julius has got otto beat in the good person department LMAO. this is otto:
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:<<<<<<< ottos Devoted……. but definitely not GOOD i think HAH. if dude worked on his moral code he’d be the bestest friend ever :<< like no person is not without their flaws yknow? ottos flaws just allow him to think about KILLING PEOPLE FOR YOU LMAOO 😭😭 its why i chose julius :<< that and i think it was really really funny to choose julius bc its the canon answer (see: otto punching a wall over julius like ok you asshole you can have your gay breakdown over julius and juliemisuba :<<)
but anyway ty for the ask, loved hearing your thoughts on the boy drama poll pfft. i think its a really funny poll for sure (and the moral dilemma side of the boy drama is interesting yes)
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sprngcat · 2 years
i just finished rereading solitaire and I wanna share my thoughts
I just like a LOT how the metaphors in solitaire are used to explain how tori was feeling sad and alone, as the history pass
like, tori is always feeling cold and with several layers of clothes. in contrast, michael with a t-shirt and pants not showing any signs of being cold.
and tori's cold just get worse and worse as the story develops, proportional with her mental health gets worst.
in chapter 14 of the second part of the book, tori says that "the uk has witnessed the heaviest blizzard since 1963" and I really think that this is a metaphor for UK being tori's body and the "heaviest blizzard" being her sadness, that never been so hard to control and pass through.
for Michael, I believe that his body being always warm can be a metaphor for his feelings too. he says that he is always angry, and this feeling cause some kind of heat, like when u have an angry crisis and your ears start being red and u feel hot, etc.
if u start thinking about, sadness and rage are feelings that walk side by side, if too much, can do a lot of harm to a person. and I really think this is tori and michael, u know? sadness and rage killing them because they feel intensely, and this is what unites them, this is how they understand each other so well. they complete.
also, in the same chapter (14) we can see the post that solitaire does, saying "we hope that we have added something to what could be a very boring winter" and we know that Lucas create solitaire because he hopes that some jokes and caos in Higgs can make tori happier (or just with less desire to kill herself), cause he was so angry and afraid that school left tori sad.. I think the word "winter" is another metaphor to sadness: lucas trying to put some happiness in the students lives, trying to do something good for everyone, but mostly tori
and at least but not less important, Michael wanted Higgs to burn, he thought that he can start feeling better if this happens, he thought that this might be a way out of it all (bullying, rage, feeling of not being part of something, etc). tori trying to put out the fire can be interpreted of her attempt to have all in her control, not letting her feelings be shown to the world. when Michael throw the fire extinguisher out the window, he says indirectly to tori "you dont have to hide, let it all out" and this is when she tries to kill herself, cause she is lost: in her feelings, in her mind, in her thoughts and she allows herself to feel what she's been saving for her all this time
but Michael stops her, he offers help and says that he wasn't okay too.. "I was never good enough. I get so stressed, I don't make friends... God, I don't know how to make friends. sometimes I wish I was a normal person. but I can't, I'm not. no matter how hard I try" but they can help each other to pass through this, to understand their feelings. if they are going to be broken, they are going to be broken together.
and after tori and michael let their feelings out of their chests, they start feeling better, not perfectly fine (cause nobody feels like this) but they are ok, neither cold nor hot. just ok.
"I do not say that all this happened in a single day, by a single event, due to a single person. I just know that once it started, it became much easier to let go. and I think that's how I ended up here."
love doesn't heal mental illness, but love can make you start thinking that the world isn't so bad, even if is just for some hours, minutes, or seconds. of course, if u have depression, anxiety or some disorder like this, somedays you are going to wake up and feel like shit, have crisis and think like you did before, but maybe you can count on someone to help you rise from the abyss :)
"well, you hate yourself, I hate myself. common interests! we should unite"
well, this was a little part of my interpretation reading solitaire, I hope u liked it, and if u wanna talk about it, I am very excited to hear some points of view!
btw, sorry if my english is bad, I'm Brazilian and don't speak fluently :(
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lumilasi · 3 months
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Fitting I post this on women's day I guess. I've had her on my to-do list for months, and finally I figured out her updated design. I also wanted to give her kind of a fun, playful sounding surname, and landed on Duffy. I think its Irish/Scottish? She's supposed to be from British isles anyway, or at least lives & works in Scotland currently.
More info below:
Name: Scarlet Duffy
Nicknames: Letty
Age: 25
Family: birth family unknown, honorary big brother figure Mihail Câine, kind of a surrogate parental figure Thalia Swanson
Friends: Harrow Araknos/Blackthorne (Soul eater & her boss) Aiden O'Kelley (their gardener) more tba
Love interest: none
Occupation: Housekeeper of the Blackthorne mansion/former pickpocket
Sneak 100: She's super sneaky, able to even creep up on Harrow and Mihail, both beings with hyperaware senses naturally. (Though there is debate if Mihail just let's her catch him off-guard)
Lockpicking/Pickpocketing: She's a true rogue thief if she wants to be
Street smarts: She generally knows how to survive in dangerous situations in urban settings, like how to de-escalate a fight, or when its the best to run, and generally how to defend yourself etc.
Angy Dog Brother Whistle: She can whistle in a manner that only Mihail (and dogs in general) can hear, which'll help lead him wherever she is.
Language skills: She has learned Romanian from Mihail, and also knows some Japanese given her boss' wife is Japanese.
She's kind of overtly impulsive and curious that can lead her to sticky situations. She sometimes takes Mihail's help for granted, and that has led to situations where she's almost gotten badly injured or worse when he wasn't able to show up. (Typically saved by either Thalia or Harrow)
She sometimes wishes she had magic powers too because of the previous situation described, and does feel frustrated when she can't get out of something on her own anymore, like she used to before getting involved with the world of mythical and magic.
She is very upbeat, extroverted and curious young woman, who is always up for mischief and trickery. She loves to learn about the world of magic and mythical beings, eagerly listening to Harrow's stories from his youth and about his family. (whether she believes all of them is another matter entirely)
While Scarlet has a very friendly demeanor, she is very cautious and distrustful of new people at first, having lived a rough life as a child and a teen. Probably the only people she truly trusts at this point are her found family, and even among them the only person she has 100% faith in is Mihail.
She's the type of person who, due to her difficult earlier life, really wants to help any stranger kid who seems to be in trouble, which can sometimes lead to tricky situations.
Fun Facts
Out of all of Harrow's family members Scarlet has met, she likes little Hitomi, his granddaughter, the most as she can tell Hitomi is a troubled kid but is doing much better now, just like her. She can relate, and enjoys being able to be the big sister for once.
She was initially kind of scared of Mihail once she found out he had a human form, but after couple months of tension she concluded he had no ill intent in hiding this, and its just what the mythical folk do for their own safety.
She teases the absolute SHIT out of Aiden for crushing on her big brother.
Scarlet is a Demiromantic Lesbian
Her personal style is typically fairly simple plain clothing with some sort of statement piece, like the pink leather jacket/hoodie that Mihail got for her a while back. It does also always have a slightly girly vibe to it too, with laces or frilly bits.
Scarlet loves detective stories and murder mysteries
She really looks up to Thalia, who almost acts as her mother figure in a way. She does find Harrow cool too, but not as cool
Scarlet had a fancrush on Avane Faydream, the employee of her boss' son Jurou/Alistair, that visited them alongside the aforementioned man.
She also actually really liked Avane's boyfriend as he reminded her of her big brother Mihail, just much friendlier and sweeter by default. That, and she could tell Mihail and him had history, so she was naturally curious of Roman.
Scarlet loves singing Karaoke, and she's actually a pretty good singer, able to do some amazing duets with Mihail.
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genderqueeradrien · 11 months
ADRIEN AGRESTE BPD CODED? explain pls <- going O.O slash pos
ok so !!! this turned into an ESSAY i'm so sorry i've been thinking about this for ages and haven't put my thoughts on paper together yet so this is me doing that. also disclaimer irl at least in the us people usually cant get diagnosed with bpd until theyre atbut this is a french kid's show about magic superheroes so i'm ignoring a bit of real-world logistics for the sake of analysis. also, i'm starting with things that ARENT kuro neko specific but trust me we'll get to her.
warning: really long post. actual warning: there's mentions of self harm, talk of suicide and metaphorical suicide, and some discussion of canonical abuse + coping mechanisms. generally lots of mental illness stuff
(also in case the readmore breaks at some point im putting this here bc i want to have it saved Somewhere)
[blank paragraph in case the readmore eats the first paragraph. i love this website]
some bpd symptoms i see in adrien/chat noir:
identity disturbance, markedly/persistently unstable self-image/sense of self: there's been several times here adrien talks about wondering whether adrien or chat noir is his "true self," which is super interesting to me bc i (dissociative disorder haver) used to angst about that exact thing (though his situation is definitely different on account of being a superhero lol). there's also the fact that he doesn't have any idea who he is or what he wants to do with his future, and his mind goes blank whenever he thinks about it, which aligns with the difficulties in committing to goals/jobs often seen in bpd
potentially self-damaging impulsive behavior: he's always sacrificing himself for ladybug- here's 2 minutes straight of him doing it in timebreaker, dark cupid, zombizou, chameleon, gorilla, and gamer 2.0. he also does it in lies, reverser, and the shangai special, and probably several more. imo as well as showing an intense attachment to ladybug, it also shows a lack of regard for his own health and wellbeing :( not to mention all the times he runs to fight akumas with no plans or tries to fight them on a broken ankle or other general recklessness
suicidal or self harming behavior: i know this is a stretch but this is a kid's show so we're probably not going to like. see any of that onscreen in a literal sense. but i do feel like some of the times where he sacrifices himself over and over could count. because no matter how much he trusts ladybug there's no guarantee she'll be able to fix everything, and he's immediately willing to die/be teleported into a shadow realm/turned into a kissing zombie/despawn/etc despite that. also he tried to cataclysm himself during guiltrip, tho that was bc of an akuma (although akumas do generally amplify preexisting emotions)
inappropriate/intense/difficult to control anger: trying to cataclysm kim because he played a mean prank on marinette is the first thing i think of. i feel like he definitely tends to suppress anger until it bubbles up and explodes, like in representation when he's going off on his dad about his parenting being shitty, which, while justified, definitely put him in more danger of being hurt. also i know it was in an alternate timeline + he was akumatized but he DID kill everyone in the world that one time. i support him though. he's allowed to do that because i love him
a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, splitting: prefacing this with i dont think ladybug + chat noir are in an unhealthy relationship, but i do think that sometimes the way he sees ladybug can be unhealthily idolizing, in a way that's very reminiscent of favourite persons in bpd. most of season 4 is him being in love with ladybug but feeling pushed aside, until he splits on her in kuro neko (which i'm getting to i promise. this post is way longer than i thought it'd be). there's also desperada where he spends months in a time loop trying to save her despite presumably knowing he's not the person who should be saving her right now.
stress-related paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms: tbh i dont know much abt paranoid ideation so i won't speak on that too much, but i do think his worst fear in sandboy being ladybug being upset with him despite having never acted that way before might fall into that category? as for dissociative symptoms, aside from the identity thing i mentioned earlier, i guess the scene in kuro neko where he's sitting on his couch doing nothing except running his video game character into a wall could be him dissociating? also apparently (i havent read/seen this myself but ive heard abt it) astruc said chat noir is resistant to akumas because he's so used to disappointment, which could suggest a level of emotional numbing
when i first was watching miraculous i was kinda thinking abt adrien having bpd but i didn't have anything super solid to explain it. but it's fun for me to analyze characters' mental states and nothing explicitly contradicts it so whatever. BUT THEN. KURO NEKO.
when ladybug snaps at him he immediately jumps to the conclusion that she hates him/is tired of him (splitting, paranoid thinking)
he decides to leave, which may seem contradictory to "frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment," but pushing people away and essentially abandoning someone before they abandon you (whether or not that was actually going to happen) is a super common result of that symptom and it's what he's doing here. he thinks she doesn't need him, so before she can tell him this he leaves
he leaves his miraculous behind where someone couldve grabbed it because he felt rejected (impulsive behaviour)
then he goes home and tries to destroy all the traces of his love for ladybug, getting rid of his pictures of her on his phone and physical pictures as well (splitting, difficulty controlling anger)
when he wakes up he lies in bed, skips school, doesn't change out of his pajamas, and spends his time running his video game character into a wall. to me it looks like he's completely shut down (dissociation)/in a depressive episode
the show from the beginning sets up that being chat noir is an escape for adrien, and the beginning of season 4 really hammers that point home. we see adrien having an awful day and only finally perking up when he gets to see ladybug. so when adrien gives up his ring that's him giving up on not only himself but on a huge part of his life and one of the only parts that brings him happiness. the way he talks about giving up his ring ("i just can't do this anymore. i give up. on everything") sounds like something a suicidal person would say. this is also something he's expressed before, in syren, when he says "no one'll know if I quit. no one'll care!" (not for nothing, this also comes after him feeling rejected by ladybug). to me it feels like he's been balancing on this metaphorical-suicide metaphorical-ledge for a very long time and kuro neko is him giving up, and then realizing that giving up isn't the way to feel better. (suicidal ideation, fear of abandonment)
adrien doesn't hesitate at the idea of completely changing his personality to be who he thinks marinette wishes he was. the need to make himself into whoever he thinks will be wanted has been a running theme through his life (his childhood dream was to be whoever his parents wanted him to be), and it doesn't fully end with kuro neko- the same insecurities about not being good enough are still shown in the later half of season 5, with him telling marinette he's not worthy of her love and telling ladybug making jokes is all he was ever good for (both in revolution). (low self-esteem, fear of abandonment)
catwalker in general makes me go insane. i think a lot of catwalker comes from the persona he puts on when he's acting as adrien agreste, gabriel agreste's golden child. and i think the constant deference is also something he learned from the abuse from his father. he leans into the "fawn" coping mechanism (adapting to an abuser's wishes to appease them, denying your own needs for those of others) because it's what he's learned to do his whole life because of his father.
catwalker is like a personified fawn fear response. he's the personification of adrien's frantic attempts to avoid abandonment. he's loyal to a fault and would do whatever ladybug asked him to just to try and be good enough for her to stay. he doesn't realize that he's already good enough as adrien/chat noir, that ladybug needs him to be himself or her magic literally doesn't work. she can't do it on her own. she needs him but he's so scared she'll leave that he tries to leave first and then tries to mold himself into someone new who she could love. when he was already loved fully the whole time. aough.
some other smaller examples of his low self esteem & desperation to avoid abandonment:
trying to get good grades to impress his father and earn his love
staying friends with people and trusting them for far longer than is logical (chloé and lila)
feeling like he's not worthy of marinette's love or ladybug's partnership, feeling like he's not worthy to be a miraculous holder or that he's not helping the team, etc
the shocked relief in his eyes when ladybug says she won’t abandon him :(
when gabriel says to chat noir that his son is precious and chat/adrien looks at him Like That. yeah .
SO. YEAH. this post kinda got away from me a little bit as i defended my agresteology dissertation or whatever.
TLDR: he's impulsive and loyal to a fault, yet terrified of abandonment to the point where he tries to sabotage his relationships himself. he idolizes ladybug until he feels rejected by him, when he splits on her and becomes convinced she doesn't care about him. he has low self-worth and places a lot of his perceived worth on how (he believes) others think of him and is always striving towards that ideal even when that ideal is something he can't reach, or something that hurts him to try to reach. also i want to give him a hug and some milk and a blanket. he deserves it
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
Human World AU (part 2)
The long-awaited update to this post that I meant to write forever ago but never got around to. This one will focus more on the relationships between the characters, how they met, what their living situations are like, etc. 
Warnings: mentions of death during childbirth, several mentions of child abuse/neglect, implied/referenced underage sex, mention of binge eating disorder, mentions physical and verbal violence
The Brothers
The seven of them had a very tough life, especially in their childhood.
Everything started going wrong when their mom died while giving birth to triplets. Beel and Belphie were both fine, but Lilith gave her major complications. She died, and so did Lilith. 
Lucifer remembers the most vividly, since he was 12 at the time. Mammon and Leviathan remember bits and pieces, but they were a bit too young to remember all of the details. 
After the death of his wife, their father became very abusive towards them. Lucifer and Mammon took the brunt of it because they wanted to protect their brothers, but they couldn’t save them every time. 
Beel and Belphie had it especially bad because their father blamed them for what happened. 
This went on for six years until Lucifer turned 18. The second he was of legal age, he moved out and took his brothers with him. After a couple years of fighting, Lucifer was able to get full custody over her brothers and even adopted them. To this day, he has major oldest sibling syndrome, and he still can’t get over it. 
Mammon began acting out a lot when he became a teenager. He would constantly get bad grades in school, get into fights, and even ran away a few times. Lucifer struggled to deal with him, but he knew deep down that Mammon was just struggling like the rest of them. 
Leviathan developed major agoraphobia, resulting in him having to be homeschooled for both middle school and high school. Eventually, his brothers were able to convince him to go to college in person after Lucifer promised he could stay at home instead of living in the dorms. He still has yet to fully get over his agoraphobia, and there are some days where he has to revert back to online classes, but he’s trying his best and his brothers are very proud of him. 
Satan was seemingly the calmest of the brothers, but he developed horrible anger issues. If Lucifer thought Mammon’s fights were bad, he was not at all prepared for what Satan would do. He also had a major superiority complex, and he would often get into (verbal) fights with teachers when he thought they were wrong. Satan has been suspended many times, and yet he was also able to remain at the top of his class every year since kindergarten. 
Asmodeus fell in with the wrong crowds as a teenager. He always felt left out or ignored by his brothers, especially Lucifer, so he became friends with people who definitely did not have his best interests in mind. He lost his virginity at an early age, around 14 or so, and became very hypersexual. It was a nightmare for him, and he regrets everything he ever did as a teenager. He’s gotten better over the years, but he can never fully escape his past, and sometimes he falls back into old habits. 
Beelzebub developed a binge eating order at a very young age. He always overate and was pretty unhealthy as a kid. To try and make up for it, he got into sports and athletics, but it didn’t help that much. He was able to develop muscles, but his disorder never went away, and he was constantly falling ill due to how much he ate. After several doctors visits, he’s started the healing process, but he still can’t be trusted to fix his own meals, so Belphie is usually the one to fix him meals. 
Belphegor suffers from narcolepsy and depression. All of the brothers have depression, but his is the most severe, and his narcolepsy does not help. Beel is almost always around him just in case he suddenly falls asleep, and they’ve shared classes together since they started school. Belphie is another one who constantly fights with his teachers, but he’s better at keeping quiet most of the time. He and Satan cause Lucifer a lot of trouble, but he loves them regardless. 
Now, they’re all grown up and doing a lot better. They are all in therapy, both for the family trauma and their own personal struggles, and it helps. As of now, Lucifer lives with Diavolo and Barbatos, Mammon and Leviathan live in an apartment complex near Lucifer’s home (but they do not live together for obvious reasons). Satan, Asmo, and Solomon live together. Satan has his own room while Asmo and Solomon share. Beel and Belphie live in the college dorms, and they are roomates. 
Lucifer and Simeon
The two of them met in high school and quickly became good friends. They were on student council together. Simeon was president and Lucifer was his vice, and they were a great duo. Everyone in their school loved them and their dedication to the school. 
When they graduated, they both knew they wanted to be lawyers, so they applied to the same school. They took many courses together, but Simeon was a philosophy major while Lucifer majored in psychology. After graduation, they began working at the same law firm, and they mainly focus on child abuse cases. These types of cases are very important to Lucifer, and Simeon wanted to support his best friend. 
They partner up on many cases, and one of their cases actually introduced them to Luke, who Simeon later adopted. Together, Lucifer and Simeon have saved many children, and both of them are very successful in their field of work. 
While they do not live together, Lucifer often finds himself at Simeon’s place. Activities range from working on cases to simply having tea and chatting. Sometimes, Lucifer will bring Diavolo and Barbatos, and all four of them will hang out. On rare occasions, even Luke will come out and interact with them when he is not feeling shy. 
Simeon is very close with Lucifer’s brothers, especially Leviathan and Satan. They’ll often hang out and discuss their favorite writers/novels. Lucifer is just glad his brothers all seem to like Simeon. 
Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos
Lucifer met Diavolo and Barbatos during a work-related event. Diavolo is a close friend of Lucier’s boss, so it was natural they would meet at some point. The three hit it off right away, and it was practically love at first sight for Diavolo. 
At the time, Diavolo and Barbatos were already together, but Barbatos already knew Diavolo was poly and did not mind him pursuing Lucifer as another partner. 
For a long time, Lucifer declined his advances. He was a very busy man between his job and caring for his brothers, so he had no time for a partner. However, Diavolo was persistent, and eventually scored a date. 
The date was at Diavolo’s home, and Barbatos even made dinner for them. It was a lovely evening, and Lucifer was finally able to admit his attraction for Diavolo. 
It took awhile for the three to work out the relationship, but it got there. Lucifer and Barbatos were more than fine with sharing Diavolo, and they worked together to create a schedule for dates and the like. Diavolo is just happy to be included. 
Naturally, Diavolo loves spoiling his partners, and he has the money to do so. Barbatos is already used to it since they’ve known each other for so long, but it took Lucifer some getting used to considering he was never exactly rich growing up. However, he does get used to it eventually, and will often ask Diavolo to buy things for his brothers instead. 
Lucifer only moved in with Diavolo and Barbatos once Belphie and Beel went off to college. He was afraid to move in any earlier since he didn’t want to leave any of them behind. 
All of his brothers love Diavolo, but it’s mostly because he’s rich. Diavolo does not care and is just happy Lucifer’s brothers like him. Barbatos is also well-liked, especially by Beel and Belphie. 
Barbatos has also become close with Simeon because of their get-togethers, and Luke has gotten very attached to him. At this point, Barbatos is as much of a father to Luke as Simeon is, and Simeon is very happy Luke has found another person to look up to. 
Satan, Solomon, and Asmodeus
Satan and Solomon were in the same year in high school. At first, they did not get along at all, and they had a constant rivalry going on. In fact, they never quite got over that rivalry, and still (half-jokingly) fight from time to time. 
Around their junior year, they actually became very close friends and started hanging out all the time. Once, Satan brought Solomon over to work on a project, and that’s when he met Asmodeus. The two of them fell in love at first sight, and Satan had never regretted having friends more than in this moment. Of course the one time he tries to have a friend over his brother just swoops in and romances said friend. Don’t worry, he gets over it eventually and actually becomes their number one supporter. 
Solomon and Satan moved in together once they started college, but Solomon dropped out after a couple years. He went on to get a part-time job at a cafe while Satan continued school full-time. 
By this time, Solomon and Asmo had already started dating, so it surprised no one when he moved in with the two when he graduated high school. Everyone thought Satan would get annoyed with them immediately, but they’re respectful of boundaries and rarely cause a disturbance. 
As of now, Solomon still has his part-time coffee shop job, but he’s lowkey embarrassed about it and is looking into better jobs. Satan works at a local library full time and occasionally does pet-sitting for some extra cash. Asmo is still in school and plans on becoming a fashion designer when he graduates. 
Simeon and Luke
As stated earlier, the two initially met because Luke was the victim of a case Simeon and Lucifer were working on. At the time, Luke was about eight, and he had very neglectful parents. He also had no other family who could take care of him, so he was at risk of being put into foster care. 
Simeon saw what foster care did to young children, and he couldn’t let a kid suffer like that, especially not when said kid was relying on him to protect him. 
As expected, they won their case, and Luke’s parents lost custody of him. However, Simeon was not done with this case yet. He wanted to be the one to take care of Luke. The adoption process was long and difficult, but Simeon never gave up hope, and soon the day arrived when he could officially adopt Luke and become his dad. 
It was a huge deal, and everyone was very excited for him. Lucifer and his brothers all showed up to watch the adoption be officiated, and they had a small party afterwards. 
The first couple months were a bit shaky. Luke had already gotten used to Simeon’s home, but it was still a bit awkward to get used to living there full time. They took it slow, and Luke gradually relaxed more. 
At school, Luke is a very shy kid, and he has no friends. Simeon knows it’s because of his trauma, and he's trying his best to help Luke open up more and make friends. Surprisingly, Luke does like some of Simeon’s friends, specifically Barbatos. Barbatos comes over often to teach Luke how to bake, and they get along much better than anyone could have guessed. Luke is also fond of Beel, and often bakes him little treats. 
Everyone adores Luke and does their absolute best to accommodate him whenever he’s around. Simeon is very glad to have their support, and he’s happy Luke has begun to branch out more and interact with others. 
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merrysithmas · 2 years
Do you really think Ahsoka doesn't believe Obi-Wan tried to save Anakin ? And what do you think her feelings were when she felt their deaths ?
you know, i've thought about it and in the last few episodes of The Clone Wars Ahsoka and Obi-wan were really on the outs with each other more than they EVER were in the entire run of the show.
They even have a legitimate argument in public in front of Anakin. They are having an angry daughter/strict dad type fight with Ahsoka having unvented resentment towards Obi-wan regarding her feelings of betrayal post-trial.
I think Ahsoka, at that point, having been essentially kicked out of the Order definitely harbors some anger towards Obi-wan (a Council member who had a say in her treatment during the trial).
Of course Obi-wan's actions during that time period were in what he saw as her best interest - he wanted to keep the integrity of the Order afloat for her future and also maybe wanted to teach her a, yes terrifying and very ill-conceived, lesson in the same (definitely misguided) vein of his Rako Hardeen arc. But the fact is he and Plo Koon were two of the only Council members who dissented & voted NOT to remove her from the Order - but Ahsoka doesn't know that for sure.
Obi-wan adores Ahsoka. He is her protector alongside Anakin - she in canon considers them her parents. This whole ordeal hurt her greatly.
But Ahsoka doesn't know Obi-wan's private thoughts as a Council member and he doesn't openly share them either. He doesn't make grand gestures of devotion.
Ahsoka only knows Anakin ran after her, begging her to stay, letting her escape, getting her Padme as her legal representative, swearing to her that he would do anything to clear her name, that he would not stop until it was done, and he did it.
He did clear her name and save her.
Ahsoka would never, ever forget that.
She remembers that moment and regrets she was not there to do the same for Anakin, who she grew to respect as a friend and compatriot. To stand up for him when no one else would or be the last voice in dissent when everyone else thought he was lost.
Her last words in the Clone Wars with Obi-wan, very interestingly, were in a quick stilted sort of half-apology type convo scuttling around the whole ordeal from Obi who was fumbling a little. From what I remember. And then Ahsoka cuts to the chase and warns him about Anakin, that something is going to happen to Anakin (as per Maul), to protect Anakin and to tell him something for her.
She knew Obi-wan was going to confront Anakin and something big was going to happen.
So I do think Ahsoka might hold some lingering resentment (and doubt) towards Obi-wan -- seeing what happened to Anakin's body in Rebels, and also not exactly knowing what happened on Mustafar. She is out of the loop to a degree. Naturally, Obi-wan (in true Obi fashion) might have wanted to keep it all from her to protect her image of Anakin. But he also was definitely more than a little ashamed that he - what he sees as - failed Anakin and Ahsoka.
And no, I don't think Ahsoka would have seen chopping Anakin's limbs off and leaving him to burn while he was still alive as the optimal way to handle that situation lol... I think she would've tried to neutralize him and then bring him in, captured, etc.
That pivotal moment on Mustafar I can see her trying different means to subdue and capture this new person Vader who inhabited Anakin. The change was fresh, the possibilities still there. (And she was less experienced than Obi-wan but also free of the strictures of being a Jedi... open to her emotions and willingness to fight for her attachment, Obi-wan on the other hand at Mustafar was overwhelmed and astonished by this as-yet unadmitted emotional turmoil he had regarding Anakin & his own capacity for attachment). In Rebels she was fully ready to die fighting Vader to avenge Anakin, all to show Anakin she would never leave him alone again.
She didn't know Obi-wan left the lavafields heartbroken after confessing his love. She didn't know she probably risked being turned herself on Mustafar if she was there. There are a lot of unknowns and half-knowns and tragedies involved there.
And of course, she is still following Obi-wan's guidance in Rebels via his holocron message, so she still loves and trusts Obi-wan, but I can definitely see there being some resentment towards Obi-wan on Ahsoka's part for a time. She probably even resents him in a way (even though she's an experienced war commander) for not making an effort to find her after the Republic fell. Obi-wan was her only remaining 'parent' (in her eyes) and he left her alone.
But Obi may have looked for her and secretly kept tabs on her - and we don't know it yet!
Maybe we will get a resolution to this in the Ahsoka show! I'm sure we will get a lot of juicy Ahsoka-Obi insights during the show and I am looking forward to it.
As for how Ahsoka felt when she senses their deaths? I think she felt very much at peace finally after all those years. She knew Obi-wan entered the Force in peace (and I like to think he visited her as a Ghost and spoke to her!). And I think when she felt Anakin join the Force she felt utter relief and happiness.
She knew Anakin was free as he never was in life. I think, being older and wiser now, and the ultimate in-verse Ani Stan, she knew how much Anakin suffered and what he carried and wanted him free at any cost.
And best of all, she knew they were together again in the Force!
I think that would give her the most comfort of all, and allowed her to go on and live in peace. I like to think that they'd ask her, as ghosts, after reconciliation, to watch over the family - Leia, Luke, and any of their descedants and attachments, alongside supporting her in her own ventures (and pestering her incessantly as ghosts).
Which we all know she hates to love & loves to hate.
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scumscuttlers · 4 months
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Roleplay sideblog. Not mutual exclusive. If you need something tagged, please ask! Mobile navigation and need to knows under the cut.
LINKS: Main Blog | Stats | OOC
Blog style RP account for an independent homestuck fantroll named Inezra Thamus. The blog is canonically the defunct shared Grumblr account for the Scum Scuttlers. All posts on this blog are in-character unless otherwise stated.
OOC posts are typically tagged with OOC.
Content: Violence & Gore, Death, Profanity, Gallows Humor, Sexism and Misogyny, Prejudice, Microagressions, Ableism, Classism, Swears or curses, Talk of Superior Race, Trivializing Mental Illness, Escalating Violence, Suicide Baiting.
Character: Inezra is a dick liable to do things to your character such as, but not limited to, doxxing them, telling them to kill themselves, harassing them, and generally making their online and in-person experiences miserable. She's not always like this, but please be aware if you plan to start interactions.
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punkrogue · 1 year
I always feel so frustrated with how unimaginative Marvel is with Remy, the only interesting things he's had is New Sun and X-Factor. Idk if this is true, but I read there was some rumor that Remy was gonna be an alter ego of Sinister, which would've given the writers more to work with imo. I think why some writers like Rogue and Erik more since they're much easier to work with outside of shipping. Same with Kurt, whom I sometimes think Remy is a pale imitation of (Catholic, martial artist, looks demonic, ladies man, even his powers suit a thief more than Remy's). If Kurt and Rogue weren't siblings, I'd sooner ship Rogue with him than Remy. Also, since Remy can only charge non-living things, it just makes him look weak and limited compared to other characters. I don't say all this shit to be mean, but I do get frustrated with how little material he's given, and can understand why his character is constantly put on the back burner in various media compared to other X-Men characters.
Yeah I remember reading somewhere they'd thought about doing something like that with Remy and Sinister and I think instead went with New Sun? Something like that. Also considered having him be ANOTHER Secret Summers Brother and I'm glad we didn't go this route lol we need to stop the Summers-Grey family tree from taking over the whole X-verse while we can.
I'll say that I don't feel that Remy is a pale imitation of Kurt mainly because I feel Remy deals with a lotta things that Kurt really doesn't on a personal level (true parental abandonment like no margali in SIGHT kinda shit, street life, crime, child soldier gangland shit, the greys and blacks of morality etc). You see more of those things in his solos which can even get a bit of a noir vibe to them which is nice but people just rarely wanna put in the time and effort with Remy. They rarely get him so they knock him down into say, the TAS 90s Gambit mold and call it a day. Which is just ....... no one wants that. Not Gambit Haters, not Gambit Stans.
And I get what you're saying about his powers but I think if he could charge living matter constantly like he can as New Sun homie would be so comically OP. I think the real issue here is just again, fuckers don't know how to write him so they go for whatever's easiest. So it's all lame, dumb and boring. If they let him get funky with his powers a bit more it'd could be super cool.
The pro of Rogue and Magneto when made scene partners is that they do have much more solid pre-existing characterizations, vibes and "story packs". As a writer you can walk in and already there's a couple of things you can do which are kinda like Rogue or Magneto Classics. Remy not so much so he ends up being like, Rogue's loser sidekick which sucks.
I feel you tho on the shitshow that is comic Rogue-Kurt dynamics. I too can see the appeal and charm of them as a romantic ship just as much as I can see them working wonderfully as a sibling pair. My beef around them has been for years that we get this Big Reveal that Mystique is Kurt's Bio-Mom but after he has his initial freak out for a couple issues in Excalibur or Uncanny or w/e he was in at the time I forget I just remember Amanda is there this whole thing-- IT NEVER REALLY COMES UP AGAIN BETWEEN HIM AND ROGUE AND THEY JUST ACT LIKE NORMAL AND OCCASIONALLY MENTION THEY'RE SORT-OF RELATED IN A WAY THAT'S MORE OF A REMINDER TO THE AUDIENCE????? LIKE IT'S FUN TRIVIA INSTEAD OF A PLOT POINT OR IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP????
their first serious non-combat interaction was basically Kurt telling her to drop dead when she comes to Xavier for help when she's 17 and he's 21. He finally cuts her some slack after she ALMOST DIES IN A SUICIDE BY VILLAIN ATTEMPT to save Wolverine's fiance which makes Wolverine go "yeah okay fine your not total dogshit ig" so NOW Kurt'll stop being a raging asshole to the mentally ill teen lol (I'm shit talking Kurt rn but this is genuinely part of why I love him). Then there's MAYBE a couple of scenes that are outside of Action Stuff before the X-Men "die" in the late 80s and we get Excalibur where the two of them interact, the biggest of them is him FLIRTING WITH HER.
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #192
Now-- it's Kurt so this isn't anything really all that crazy. He jokingly flirts with like 90% of the X-Men. It's just the kinda silly funny quirky guy he is. But when I'm trying to think of say, Rogue-Kurt moments POST the Mystique Reveal that really feel like People Connecting or them Actually Being Siblings I draw a blank. This flirting scene is more iconic and stand out than basically all of their 00s and on interactions because it feels like a natural and very emotional conflict they WOULD have. He goofs around like he always does, her feelings get hurt, he realizes what he's done and feels like an ass and wants to fix it. EMOTIONS HAPPENED HERE, CHARACTERIZATION AND CONFLICTED OCCURRED. THIS CONFLICT AND LATER RECONCILIATION WILL LEAD TO A BETTER FRIENDSHIP AS WE GO! THANKS CLAREMONT!
Even at her wedding he's basically just like "well I AM her brother (remember? did you see that watchmojo listicle? have you read my wiki recently) and I AM blue so I should ALSO be in the wedding."
There's really not a lot of content of them like, hanging out, post 2004 or so. Some of that is just them being in different books but a lot of it just no one putting in the time or effort. X-Treme X-Men (2001) was all about Rogue looking into shit related to Destiny's writings and grappling with some Family and Personal Grief at the start there. Kurt shoulda been around for at least the first arc. Not thunderbird that absolutely nothing of a dude. It was the perfect setting to work on this issue that the 6 degrees of Mystique™ has made. One of the only other encounters between them I can think of that's post-90s is this:
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Rogue (2001) #4
And this interaction is set like VERY SOON after she joined the X-Men!!!! So it's not even a truly modern scene of them just vibing!!!!
To me, they're NOT siblings. Not in the way Kurt is with Amanda who's his ACTUAL adoptive sister or even in the way that Rogue is with Bobby, Sam or Scott who she just has Massive Broship Energies with and it's entirely because their 6 Degrees of Mystique™ is tenuous at best for how much it would really matter to them. Kurt HAS a family! He HAS siblings! Mystique abandoned/lost him and never looked for him or intended to tell him about their connection until forced to. He was raised by Margali and sees HER FAMILY as HIS family and they think the same! Like that's a standard ass adoptive family vibe.
Rogue is found by Mystique and Irene and raised by them in near isolation ON ANOTHER CONTINENT and is never informed about Kurt even in a past "i had a baby and lost him" tense kinda way or Graydon either. To her knowledge growing up she HAS NO SIBLINGS OF ANY KIND. She meets and fights against and then beside Kurt with no idea there's literally anything connecting them but that they're both mutants and x-men for like, YEARS even IN canon. Their whole relationship is rocky as shit for a WHILE there and then she gets YEETED SECRETLY TO AUSTRALIA AND HE THINKS SHE DIED. And let's be clear-- sure he's upset about her "death" too but he is MUCH more upset over the "deaths" of Logan, Ororo and Peter who he ACTUALLY NAMES WHILE TALKING ABOUT THIS GRIEF. Because you know... THESE RELATIONSHIPS ACTUALLY HAD FUCKING SCREENTIME.
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Excalibur (1988) #1
He's not a monster, he does give a shit about her, but realistically over the years VERY little time has been put into building ANY relationship between Rogue and Kurt of ANY kind and it's frustrating when they really wanna act like they've got one. They don't. And it pisses me off because realistically Rogue/Kurt is less fucked up than Amanda/Kurt and guess which one is canon. Because of the 6 Degrees of Mystique™ people don't really ship them even tho there's an even more Yikes Kurt ship that's canon and Does Not Seem To Fucking Die, there's been no real development of ANY kind of relationship between him and Rogue, they've lived their ENTIRE lives not knowing each other or not really being more than coworkers and Kurt has NO INTEREST in truly claiming Mystique as his mother which is valid-- she fucking sucks.
I think Rogue/Kurt has legs and it's aggravating to me because I also really like Rogue & Kurt siblingship! I grew up watching Evolution! The sibling vibes and friendship that grow naturally up between them even BEFORE the Mystique Reveal in that show are just CHEF'S KISS. But in comics they IMPLY a familial connection that really.... doesn't mean much... and then they don't show these two deciding it to make it mean something or organically falling into a good sibling relationship... so they cut off the dynamic at the knees. You'll be shit on if you try to go off script and explore a more romantic angle because "ew they're rElAtEd" (ignoring all the previously stated flaws in that argument), there's nothing in canon that helps you figure out how friendly they even truly are so good luck building something canon compliant and they just generally don't seem to even give a shit about this dynamic at all so without dipping into other adaptations/AUs it can be hard to find something to even SAY about them.
Like I'd love to see Rogue and Kurt engage like, finding out what the Mystique Reveal means to them and how they see each other. I'd love to see them becoming friends and then family. I'd love to see them making that CHOICE. Because really in this context it's a CHOICE. She's not his adoptive sister, Amanda is. She's not his bio sister either in 616, that idea got shot down early on. She's a girl his bio mom who is a stranger to him raised an ocean away while he was raised in a loving home with siblings he adores. They met when she was a villain, he vehemently disliked her until she almost died saving someone's life then he tried to at least be civil and friendly. He finds out Mystique is his bio mother and asks Rogue about her but at the end of the day feels no real connection to Mystique or her life. His mother is Margali. The circus was his family. He cares about Mystique, Irene and Rogue because he's a decent human being but like, not in the same amount or extent as his adoptive family.
You can't have a scene of him flirting, even jokingly, with her in the 80s then think a 1993 mom reveal some how totally erases that vibe. Especially when you then put like no effort into exploring that GOLDMINE OF A PLOT THREAD. They've got so few non-combat just hanging out and engaging in character development interactions in 616 canon I can count them on my hands. At this point you could spin a wheel and decide to give them any relationship dynamic and it could genuinely work because there's no real content of them in comics to use contest it.
Like at her wedding they bring up that he's her brother again. That shouldn't be something we have a "turn to the camera and remind the audience" moment about. That should be as "well duh" to me as Bobby being her best man or Scott and Alex being brothers. It's not. It's just not. Their connection is just a factoid at this point and I hate it. You can't close off all these other potential dynamics for them (romantic/enemies/rivals/shitty roommates/etc whatever) by making them connected via Mystique, having an line every like, 10 years that reminds us they're "siblings" (are they tho? are they really? is that how this works?) and kinda vaguely imply they don't hate each other which is really just riding on the fact that pretty much ALL the X-Men like Kurt and we the audience like both of them and then GIVE US NOTHING WITH THAT STATED DYNAMIC!
fsdkjghksdl so i just get VERY heated about this it's a pet peeve of mine.
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jomnki · 1 year
OKAY FINALLY ABOUT CHLOE. last time i tried to write something about her it turned into frustrated screaming so ill try not to do that this time.
"i can fix her?" well i can accept her as she is, you don't like the murder? grow up. the atrocities are part of her and i think they're funny.
chloe is built for people to hate, everything about her- from her appearance to her personality everything is engineered to take as much hatred as possible like a punching bag. she's rich, spoiled, a bully, wears make-up, treats her friend like garbage, ungrateful etc. basically, the mean girl archetype you see in a lot of children's tv shows. either the opposite or the wrong love interest (shes mean go for your best friend who is not like other girls instead) to the perfect main character.
the important thing about characters like these is that there's always something charming about them. i can name pacifica from gravity falls, marsha from the owl house, sharpay from high school musical (if i spell any of these wrong im so sorry). you can trust that there will be a line they won't cross- and that there will be something important to them. once a character is fictional you tend to be entertained by their antics regardless of how unpleasant their personality may be in real life- because they aren't real.
the problem with chloe is that- she did have a line she wouldn't cross, things that she would protect- but they took that away from her for no apparent reason
prior to season 3, chloe, while still being herself was a fan of ladybug to the extent that makes me think this poor 14 year old has no idea about lesbianism yet. which in turn made her want to save people and want to apologise for several things that she'd caused.
other episodes in s2 that focused on her development includes her-
-wanting the approval of her mother to the point where she imitates her entire demeanour and personality
-being one of the first people to actively deny getting akumatised
-obtaining the bee miraculous - leading her to work in a team.
all things that lead to a possible redemption arc, right? you think spending an entire season dedicating episodes to her growth would've meant something right?
the end of season 3 had her completely hating ladybug and willfully getting akumatised to defeat her. im not going into what happened - but it was.. really weird? especially because a season later they replaced her role of bee miraculous holder with her half sister, zoey, in the episode after the one zoey was introduced in.
you see, there was no reason to give a character a redemption arc if you're going to destroy it and give what gave her arc some meaning to another, "better" version of her character. there seems to be the misconception that chloe needed to change completely for her to become "likeable" but, she already was likeable to a lot of people in the fandom. hell, i still like her, like the red text earlier suggested, i think she's funny. you couldve used the bee miraculous and zoey storyline as a "who deserves to be a holder and who doesn't" thing, but not after an entire season of writing chloe into a possible redemption arc. not after the show confirms her as a miraculous holder. it genuinely feels like zoey herself was a preteens wattpad self insert oc.
"gave her chances but she didn't take it" arc could have worked as well, but it doesn't feel like that, it felt like you wrote yourself into a corner because giving chloe the bee miraculous was something marionette would've never done in the first place! because giving chloe the bee miraculous a se c o n d t i m e would'nt have made sense in the first place. i get that you can blame it all on marionette being inexperienced and too trusting, but.. god, this doesn't feel like good writing.
look at the season 1 ladybug fangirl chloe and season 4 chloe. season 4 chloe is a punching bag made by a fanfic writer because she's the most evil person in the world and season 1 chloe is a troublemaker. even if i dont really mind what direction they couldve taken her the very fact that she had so much potential but they just decided to make all of that mean nothing is just, so disappointing.
she deserved better.. rest well my queen #slay #girlboss #gaslight
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