#doctor visit
Okay get Calli's shots, that is rather responsable, but calm down until she shows more signs of sickness than one, singular sneeze. It might've been dust in her nose.
Nurse: Call…ee—lollipop?
Alastor and Lucifer: *blink in confusion*
Lucifer: I think you mean “Calliope”
Nurse: *looks at clipboard* Oh? Is that how you say it? Yeah that’s it. Come with me
Alastor and Lucifer: *get up, Alastor is carrying Calliope, and they follow suit.
Nurse: Let’s get this little thing weighed and measured *puts Calli on a scale and writes down her weight* 16 pounds…big for an imp.
Alastor: She’s not an imp.
Nurse: She’s not? *looks at Calliope* Coulda fooled me.
Alastor: *seething* Lucifer. Surely there are more competent health professionals we could go to?
Lucifer: *laughing nervously* not in such short notice.
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stillfuckingtired · 2 months
Going to the rheumatologist for the first time this year. Send good vibes
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lizzzieread · 25 days
Going to the doctor, tomorrow, and finally opening up to my pcp about a lot of health issues that I’ve been experiencing for a while now. Some of it is stuff I’ve mentioned to him before, but some of it is new. I’m pretty nervous about it, actually. I’ve had severe dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath for four months now, and I’m hoping that I can go through testing or something so I maybe we can do something about it and I won’t have to sacrifice school or work or both because my body can’t function properly.
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sadistic-softie · 4 months
Checkups (CW-Mild medfet)
I feel like I'm not alone in this...I secretly love yearly checkups. I get to be vulnerable without feeling afraid. There's just something thrilling about being gently ordered around to do a series of mildly uncomfortable and varyingly intimate medical things at the doctors office while being treated and talked to really kindly... My favorite parts are when the doctor presses on the stomach to check for abnormality and when they check the lymph nodes in the neck. It always feels amazing (because I'm touch starved as fuck) and it's like a hug, though I can't help but feel a bit guilty for liking it. Looking forward to this years checkup. My new doctor is a sweetheart.
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burning0leaf · 2 months
Am I the only one???
I have been feeling especially suicidal lately. I have been gaining so much for the past 8 months despite ALWAYS BEING IN A DEFICIT. For most months I was eating under 1000, only presently I started reversing a bit and went up to abt 1100. But nothing helps. I go to the gym, get my steps in, take vitamins, eat "clean" but I'm a fucking ugly pig. Is it possible that my metabolism is so fucked? Whenever I research it ppl tell me that metabolic damage is fake. I even went to a doctor and told her how I have gained weight when I'm eating "super healthy" (I can't tell her I have ana lol) and she literally said "oh no you're fine, just don't gain anymore". (I cried for 4 hours after that lol) but yeah now I'm gonna run some blood tests, but still WHYY I'M BEGGING YALL TO HELP
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gayartanni · 2 years
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The doctor is also gay and burst out laughing after this.
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mossroott · 14 days
every time i go to the doctor and they take my blood pressure they tell me the funny fraction as if it means anything to me...
ahh yes one beighty over fifty or whatever I totally understand what that means for me health
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Overwhelming Significance of Surprisingly Small Jellybeans
Gunpowder and Watermelon (part one)
Autocorrected Anxiety Attacks and Messy Sexts (part two)
Pachyderms and Pointed Teeth (part three)
Knocked Up Knockouts and Cheesy Puns (part four)
A Little Less Sparkle, A Little More Reality (part five)
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO/Omegaverse dynamics (knots, slick, vaguely confusing reproductive explanations), doctor visits, depictions of ultrasounds and exams, PTSD around exams, hinted sexism, hinted human trafficking (a mention of almost being sold by family), more puns, sticky boys, Col being a goof, attempted cunnilingus, sweet moments, playful insults, mpreg 🖤 Rating: mature
I got a little choked up writing this so please keep yourself safe if you have any problems with things mentioned above. It's a very sweet chapter but it still revolves around emotions and fetal doctor visits. If anyone understands issues with that it's me. I write things like this to help me heal. I love you all 🖤
Colson didn't think his hand had ever been squeezed so hard but at the same time nothing had ever felt so good. He knew he might be bruised later but he'd heal fast even if something broke. It was heaven though because his lover was turning to him for comfort. For at least the moment he was a good enough alpha his omega felt safer with him. Of course he couldn't bring attention to any of that though without probably losing it, Dom wasn't any better at admitting fear or need than he was besides maybe sexual. Need, not fear obviously- if his baby momma was scared of something in bed he damn well better say. "Ya know if you put your feet up and give me like two minutes down there I can relax your tense ass." He teased, trying to break a little tension. It was thick enough in the room you could cut it with a fang and the stench of nerves was starting to turn his stomach.
"Ya need two? Weak game bruv." Dom huffed back but his death grip eased. He still didn't move for the stirrups however and Col shrugged, he supposed that wasn't necessary yet but he wasn't opposed to playing a little.
Dom had been right about his friend, he actually had set up multiple appointments for the week so whenever the alpha showed up they had one. Thankfully they'd just been resting when Tom entered the room without knocking to tell them. They'd rushed around to get ready, everyone including Dom fearing if he was given any time to think about it he'd have to be convinced again so that was easiest. The omega just hoped he didn't have too much of his alpha's cum still inside him.
He shifted nervously again, his thighs clenched tight even though he wasn't naked. He'd ranted enough on the way that Colson told the nurse who led them back the boy wouldn't be nude unless they absolutely had to do an internal exam. He could still remember his first appointment at such a place, it was etched into the parts of his mind that carried all his trauma. He'd barely been a teenager at the time but they knew from his birth what he'd present as, that was obvious. He remembered feeling a little sick for a few days and his mum said she was taking him to the doctor. Of course his young mind thought that was normal until he was spread wide with a male beta checking out parts of himself he'd never even explored. He'd been dry since it was before his first heat and the bastard hadn't been gentle. It didn't help that both his parents stayed in the room to hear the 'okay'. He found out a few days later his father, 'uncle', and their mob type friends had set him up to be sold. It wasn't supposed to happen anymore but rich enough men could procure whatever they desired and a male omega was rare enough his family would have been set for life. He'd run away to London the next day and never looked back. He truly never thought he'd be in this position, he didn't think he'd find an alpha he could trust. He didn't even trust most betas so finding Colson was… mental.
"We should steal some of this medical shit and play doctor." He was pulled from his thoughts by his daddy's purr and he was surprised when he could smile. He started to reply when there was a knock on the door and he startled, his body locking up tight when the doc didn't even wait for a 'come in'.
"'Ello, I'm Doctor Ward. Miss Ha-"
"Mister." Dom corrected before she could finish. He understood the confusion but that should have been fixed outside.
"Oh Mister Harrison."
"Alright I guess but Dom. Please? Jus' Dom."
"Dom. Good afternoon Dom and you- Mister- oh my god!"
Colson tried to cover a laugh with a cough while his partner huffed and he leaned over the prone punk to offer his hand. "You can just call me Col. But please, I'm barely here. He's in charge." He wasn't going to let anyone treat him like Dom's alpha, this was the kids rodeo, his stud horse just put on a good show. The doc nodded and collected her professionalism again, focusing back on the important one in the room. She smiled down at him and it seemed genuine but they both knew how some people could be around his kind.
"You know, if the two of you wouldn't mind this would be a wonderful help to the medical community. I don't believe we've had a mated pair in…" She trailed off, her gaze going distant behind her glasses but the boy squeezed him tighter.
"We'll think about it, thanks. Can we just… ya know." He tried not to grumble but it was hard, he just wanted to get his anxious omega home and safe but he needed to know his whole pack was okay first.
"Of course, I apologize. Please think about it though. Dom, do you know about how far along you are?"
"Two months, twenty eight days, and… damn. I'd remember the hours but ya know. Time zones." Kells teased and he grinned when his boyfriend blushed and rolled his eyes.
"Thank you. Well, I hate to say it but it'd be best if we checked internally. I can do an ultrasound through your abdomen but not everything may be as accessible as you'd like yet." She kept her tone gentle but Colson still felt his lip curling up in a snarl.
"Tha's fine. Luv shut the fuck up. I'm good. Jus'... Don't leave?" His voice went soft and Col nodded, kneeling next to the examination table so they could be eye level. "Stay right 'ere."
The woman left the room long enough for him to wiggle free of everything below the waist and he immediately felt a rush of cum escape him to soak in the rough crinkly paper. Kells tried not to crack a smirk but Dom could feel the pride radiating from him. "Bastard you is. Right bastard." His cheeks felt on fire by the time their doctor came back but they never broke eye contact and as soon as he could he was holding onto his daddy again. His baby daddy. Fuck.
He tried to drift while she worked, his pink socked toes curling but his alpha kept him breathing and as relaxed as possible. They were so in their own little world that when a fast steady beat started up they almost jumped, blinking at each other owlishly. "There we go." Ward cooed, moving the screen so they had a visual and for the first time Dominic didn't mind having a bloody alien probe up his core. "Is tha'?" He whispered, absolutely refusing to let his emotions take over. He would not cry. He would not.
"What? Is it what?" Col almost whined, he was too wrapped up in keeping his lover soothed that he was so fucking lost but the fingers on his free hand were tapping out the fluttering beat on the table.
"I fink tha's our baby Cols." Dom whispered, his hold on his lover's hand the only thing keeping him from floating away. It was the first time it felt truly real and the first time he didn't almost hurl at the word. There was a baby and it was his. Bloody hell.
"Fuck. What? Isn't that fast?" Colson's throat felt tight but he absolutely refused to cry. He couldn't, Dom needed him.
"That's normal for a fetal heart. They seem perfectly healthy. Thankfully." She winked at the omega, playfully chiding him for not seeing a doctor sooner. Dom thought she might be alright for them even with the rough start. "As long as you're careful now and keep up with appointments I think everything will be perfectly fine even though you've been living normally I assume?" She was trying to be polite but they all knew what was written on the papers, he didn't exactly live healthy before all this.
"Actually um… not entirely true. Jus' cause I refused to admit it don't mean I kept up me 'abits. Ain't 'ad nuffin to smoke or drink since me test. Swear." He explained nervously and Kells chewed his cheek so he wouldn't grin.
"Perfect!" She beamed at them both and moved the wand until she found the best angle.
Dom stared at the screen and tried to figure out how such a tiny jellybean was changing his life so much but as he listened to that rhythmic noise he couldn't imagine not having it now. She froze the picture for them and pulled everything free, handing him a box of wet wipes before she left quietly. The punk couldn't figure out why her demeanor had shifted until he glanced back at his friend and caught the tear tracks down his cheeks. "Oh."
"Shut the fuck up. You're crying." He wasn't actually but he knew he would later, he couldn't let himself break in public he could feel he was going to be a mess.
"'Elp me clean up and get me 'ome? I fink she can get us a video." He whined low, trying to help by giving the alpha a job. "No playing!" He snapped teasingly just in case the man got an idea while wiping him up. Kells glared but wiped his face on the back of Dom's hand before letting him go to walk around the table. Of course he didn't trust him there but he was just thankful to have a moment where he wasn't being stared at and he took a deep breath. He was starting to calm until he felt something against his hole that definitely wasn't a wet nap. The sound of the rapper gagging had him trying to sit up but he was stuck and so messy. "Twat. It ain't flavored lube ya knothead!" He huffed but he couldn't help giggling through the rest of their time in the office, his tension disappearing on a wave of… happiness? How weird.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @jaxbreaker @hollywoodxwhore @cole-way-iero28 if anyone else wants tagged let me know! Hope this was good, I just thought it was a cute idea 🖤
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nei-ning · 8 months
Never before have I asked help for my mental state from hospitals (I always have talked with my sis or friends) but today I simply had to. I honestly felt I can't anymore, that everything is falling on me etc. Lots of horrible feelings.
So I walked to local hospital, meeting a nurse in the waiting area. She looked at me and asked what I am there for. I instantly burst into tears, saying I just can't anymore. She rushed to hug me, asking am I having mental issues. I said yes and she instantly escorted me in small waiting room. She stood by my side, rubbing my back and shoulder as I told her everything. She bend to hug me more, holding me. She was so sweet and kind. She told me to wait while she would go get a doctor.
Doctor came and took me in his personal room. He said nurse already had told him what's going on but he wanted to hear it all from me too. I started to cry hard again, telling him everything. I told him I've been having issues to sleep for 3 weeks now, I just can't go on alone anymore, I have been having depression symptoms for years, no longer I get joy from things which brought me joy in the past, I can't eat and I drink very little, I see nightmares every night, I wake up sweating, I get panic-, anxiety- and depression attacks etc.
He listened to me while writing notes to himself, asking things carefully at times. He finally said that he can give me pills (I get them tomorrow from pharmacy) which are now first-aid to my situation. They help me sleep better and reduce my symptoms. However, he was very firm, in gentle way, when he said that in Monday I need to contact my own hospital and go there to talk with therapist and get better medication for depression. He was especially worried since my sleep issues have been going on for 3 weeks now.
I told him I've try to go on on my own in life, thinking my depression symptoms are actually symptoms of being bored and nothing more. I also admitted that I can't go more further on my own anymore. That I have come to my point of asking help.
He smiled gently while looking in my eyes, saying: "I am happy you are here now."
So, tomorrow I get the pills from local pharmacy and on Monday I can book a time for nurse / doctor online, telling them everything there and see how things start to go from there.
I feel a bit more relieved now but there's still these anxious feelings and thoughts, bringing fear and panic attacks. And tears. Lots and lots of tears.
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📷 Sla Vanifatev
IG -> sla_vanifatev
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tears-that-heal · 2 months
Sick Again! 🤒
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Well on the positive side, I think I'm over the hump cause I had a fever of 102 this morning and it broke around midday. I was able to see the doctor and got antibiotics today too. Now all I need is more rest.*sigh* I think my body has been fighting a few different viruses cause my symptoms have been all over the place. Plus I've been feeling more tired and weak weeks before now. At least it has been addressed and my body has treatment to fully recover. I hope I can get well enough to DoorDash next week. Dearest Jesus, please heal and help my body recover soon. You know I have responsibilities that are weighting on me, and I wish to be well so I may do them. You know my heart Lord. I simply wish to be my best, and surrender the rest to you! Amen
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davekatzdefensesquad · 8 months
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9•28•23 || everything is looking good at my checkup. My doctor is pretty proud that my husband and I are getting healthy. Apparently, I could start doing therapy through the bemidji va clinic instead of Fargo and we can do it over the phone. Good to know.
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huffle-dork · 2 years
even if seeing villain alt breaks my heart, could we get 17. “This is stupid. Goodnight.”? I don't have a scenario in mind but I hope it's enough!
(Oops I got super carried away with this but- also introducing some new swaps! But- not JSE swaps :3c it’s the Googles! this is actually a huge throwback to some of my original fics I used to do inspired by @reverseblackholeofwords !! Hope y’all don’t mind the break from angst to actually establish a doctor for the boys to visit XD )
Alt had gotten careless. He managed to get into a fight with Bro after a day of not eating well- affecting his glitches. And he didn’t know Bro had like- this ability to channel his energy into his fingertips. Which he could then fire off like an electric bullet. And… he had scarily good aim.
While trying to glitch away, the bolt had knicked Alt’s leg causing him to yell out and skid across the ground. He gripped at his leg and stared at the gushing blood- it had taken out a big chunk.
Bro still wasn’t used to fighting Alt- all of this still felt so foreign. So when he saw he had really hurt him- the hero paled and tried to rush over. “O-Oh fuck! Are you okay??”
The glitch just bared his teeth at Bro like a cornered animal. He looked over to find the shit he was trying to steal that fell out of his hands and his mask- reached out desperately to grab them- then glitched away before Bro could fully get to him.
He didn’t need Chase’s fucking pity.
He managed to glitch to Mag’s latest lair (he often switched between a few in the city to keep trails off him) and almost passed out. One of Mag’s panthers, a smaller one that has a pink and black freckled nose, nudged Alt a bit as she found him before grabbing him by the scruff of his jacket. She started to trot off with him to see Magnificent. Usually Alt wouldn’t mind and would just let it happen- but sadly he wasn’t a kitten and being dragged was scraping his injured leg on the ground.
“Ow ow lucky! I-I’m okay girl just- let go!”
He glitched weakly out of her grip and fought to catch his breath. Lucky sat down and cocked her head at Alt in confusion and let out a concerned rumble. She nudges her nose against Alt’s hurt leg.
“I-I know girl I’m gonna fix it just-“
The sounds of dress shoes clicking on the concrete floor has Alt stiffening. He whirls around and sees Magnificent approaching. The cat masked magician cocks his head at Alt, much like his panthers.
“Is there a problem, kitten?” He purrs.
Alt grits his teeth and then throws the bag of goods at Mag’s feet. A couple jewels fall out and clink on the floor.
“No trouble. Fantastic got the jump on me but I got the shit.” Alt mumbles, trying to hide his bleeding leg.
Lucky however presses up against his leg with a tiny roar and the pressure is enough to make Alt cry out.
Magnificent pauses in studying the stolen goods. “You’re injured-“ he observes.
Alt thinks back to his previous mistakes while employed by Magnificent and stammers out, “I-It’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle. It won’t stop me from working, I promise you.”
The cat masked villain gets back to his feet and approaches Alt. Alt can’t help but want to stumble back but Lucky keeps him from moving.
Magnificent eyes the injury the best he can then shoos Lucky away so he can kneel down and take a look at it. Alt’s heart is in his throat.
But Magnificent merely hums in thought before getting up.
“It will be troublesome to you to not get that treated, Alt. And I can’t have my apprentice going around hurting himself unnecessarily.”
He flicks up his hand and in a flash of green magic Alt’s phone is yoinked out of his pocket. Alt yelps and tries to grab it only for the magic to drop it in his hands easily. Alt blinks slowly and looks up at Magnificent.
He waves his hand, “Look up a nearby clinic and get that taken care of. The longer it’s left alone- the worst it will heal.” He starts to turn away.
Alt is confused. Mag… hadn't been this understanding to him with injuries before. Well… maybe he hadn’t gotten this injured… but- mistakes were usually met with harsh punishment. guess… things really were different now that he was his apprentice. Alt felt a bloom of warmth he didn’t understand in his chest.
He bit his lip and shakily asked, “Hey- you’re magic though… you don’t… have any healing spells?”
Mag stops to look back at Alt and then chuckles.
“A fair question but… no. I can’t heal. That’s not something a dark magician can do.”
Alt narrows his eyes, seeming more confused. Mag sighs. “I’ll teach you the difference between light and dark magic when you’re not bleeding out.”
He throws something out at Alt and the glitch struggles to catch it. Luckily- lucky does and she proudly drops it into Alt’s hand. It’s a black credit card.
“Do not glitch around. Use that to get help, feed yourself and for the physician's bill.” Magnificent instructs before teleporting away in a wave of tv static.
Alt looks down at the now slightly slobbery card. This was… most likely stolen. But- he didn’t care right now. His leg was fucking killing him.
The closest clinic Alt could find was… odd. In big red letters its side read: DOOM URGENT CARE AND CLINIC.
“Well that’s not fucking ominous…” Alt mutters under his breath. Sounds like a place that a sketchy doctor would lure patients in to kill them…
Still though- Alt didn’t have time to be picky- as much as he wanted to be. Now that he was working as a criminal… going to a high end hospital was out of the question. He hated those fucking places anyways.
He swallows shakily then starts to limp into the clinic, pulling his normal smiley face mask over his face.
The door chimed slightly to alert his presence. Alt was surprised- this place was way more colorful than any hospital he’d been to before.
The large waiting room had a long stripe of color on the main wall showing off blue, yellow, green and red. A bright blue desk that slightly glowed was waiting in the middle. In front of the area was a collection of chairs, the same bright colors as the stripes. And there was even bean bag chairs and toys for kids from the looks of it. A tv quickly played from where it was hung on the opposite wall. It was so pleasant in here for a place with the word ‘doom’ on the outside…
An older bearded gentleman was sitting behind the desk, idly watching the tv. He blinked as he saw Alt out of the corner of his eye then perked up.
“Hello! Welcome to Doom urgent care!” He greeted cheerfully.
“Uh… hi?” Alt muttered back, shifting uncomfortably. He was gonna get blood on those nice chairs wasn’t he-
“What can I help you with, sir?”
Alt limped to the desk and anxiously played with his scarf. “I uh… got injured on my leg. I need someone to look at it.”
“Oh of course! Lemme call one of the nurses to get you all checked in.” He pressed a button on the phone behind the desk. “Ollie? We got a patient- can you get him set up?”
It didn’t take more than 20 seconds for the double doors leading further into the practice to spring open. A cheerful younger male in yellow scrubs and glasses raised his hand and smiled. “Here, dad!”
Alt blinked in surprise. Dad? Guess this was a family business… huh. And woah… this guy not only had the same name as Jackie’s kid but.. if you squinted they almost looked the same. Alt felt a pang in his chest he quickly tried to ignore.
The receptionist winced with a laugh. “Not at work Oliver- we gotta keep it professional looking remember?”
The younger boy, Oliver, blushed and gave him an embarrassed smile. “R-Right…” He turns to Alt, “Sorry I’m really new… just came out of nursing school- still getting used to this… but-! Let’s get you helped out, alright?”
Alt felt uneasy- especially with how nice everyone was here and how eager they were to help. God- if they knew they were helping a criminal…
“I uh… t-this is stupid. I shouldn’t be here… g-goodnight-!“ Alt quickly stammers out- trying to back out. He could solve this on his own- he always had.
Oliver and the receptionist looked confused. Alt almost tried to glitch out but- he was so low on energy. He hadn’t eaten anything before coming here… the effort alone of trying to glitch had him seizing up and starting to see spots. He stumbled back, gripping at his dizzy head. His leg slipped on one of the loose kids toys and he toppled back- hitting his head hard on the tile below. The last thing he heard was strangled cries of concern.
Alt came to later with a low groan, blinking his eyes open blearily to try to figure out where he was. He was in a small white room that had a band of yellow at the top of the walls. The table and other equipment had accents of yellow too. This place was so colorful it almost hurt his eyes…
Wait- that’s right! He went to that weird clinic then… he- he passed out? What happened?
He tried to get up and yelped slightly as he tugged on an Iv drip in his arm. …why is there a fucking Iv drip in his arm??
He almost tries to yank it out- but a frantic voice stops him.
“W-Wait! Don’t do that!”
Another man stumbles in, not the same guy as before. This one looks slightly older, with different octagonal glasses and green scrubs. The name tag on his uniform reads “Dr. Jayden Doom, PN”
Alt stops his action but glares slightly at this new ‘doctor’. The doctor seemed to gulp before calling out into the hallway. “O-Oliver! Your mystery patient is awake!”
Rapid footsteps come down the hall before the yellow scrubbed man from before practically slides in. He beams at Alt. “You’re awake!”
He claps the other man on the shoulder with a smile, “Thanks, Jays!” The doctor nods and wanders off, muttering for Oliver to keep a close eye.
Alt bristles like a cornered cat. He hated going to the doctors… this whole thing set his nerves on fire.
Oliver’s face falls slightly before he tries to laugh. “Ha… not a cheery waker huh? I get it… I’d be pretty crabby too after waking up from hitting my head…”
“Why do I have an Iv?” Alt growled.
The nurse perks his head up, “oh! You had an extremely low blood sugar! Usually we’d give you juice and crackers and monitor it but… well… you did faint. So this is just a precaution. Let’s see if your levels are better.”
After going though the usual procedure (although Alt was squirmy the whole time) Ollie finally steps back and nods.
“Well- it’s not great but you did lose a lot of blood. Once the doctor’s done checking your wound we can get you some snacks to help build it back up!” Oliver beams, keeping his cheery composure.
Alt makes a face but nods. Oliver makes quick work on removing the IV and patching Alt up.
While he’s finishing another similar looking man peeks his head in, wearing red scrubs. His hair was slightly messed and more spiked than the last guy’s was. He looks way more tired to- like he’d been awake for a day or so.
“Yo Ols- I’m heading home… you need anything?”
Oliver had just finished bandaging up Alt and smiles to the other man. “I’m good Rhett- get some good rest!”
The man simply nods and heads down the hall.
Alt observes quietly before speaking up, “You guys are all… really friendly to each other for doctors…”
Oliver laughs, “That’s cuz we’re all family! All the doctors here are my older brothers. Our step dad, Dr. Iplier is the one you saw at the front desk. He helps keep the clinic running!”
“Woah, really?” Alt asks, eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“Yup! All of us really love helping people… so we all worked together to keep this clinic strong. We have some other staff but- this clinic is our pride and joy. We live close by so me and my brothers often switch shifts around so we can be open whenever.” His brown eyes twinkle with excitement, “That’s why I’m so excited to get through this and earn my doctorate too! That way my brothers won’t have to keep an eye on me and we can all work to help as many people as we can! ” He chuckles nervously though, his ears reddening. “I’m… just a nurse for now though… but I’m glad I can support everybody here.”
There’s a cough in the doorway that has both Alt and Oliver looking up. Another man, a bit older than the other two, stands in the door. He has deep blue scrubs and a white coat with an embroidered G on the lapel.
“Is our patient awake enough for an examination?” He asks, his voice borderline monotone. But, he has a soft look in his eyes as he looks at Ollie.
Oliver blushes more but smiles, looking to Alt. “Oops- sorry to ramble at ya but.. thanks for listening! Uh… before i go, what’s your name? I forgot to ask…”
Now it’s Alt’s turn to blush slightly. “Uh… it’s Alt. Alt B-Brennan.” He muttered, making sure to use one of his alisies he’s accumulated over the years.
The nurse smiles brighter. “Alt huh? What a cool name! Well- it was nice to meet ya Alt! I hope Google can help you feel better!” The doctor opens his mouth with a scowl at Oliver but the boy quickly springs away, making the doctor sigh.
“That’s… my brothers’ nickname for me. It’s been a joke since we were kids…” He sighs, “it’s a long story so I won’t bore you with the details but. Anyways.” The doctor straightens up to look more professional, holding his clipboard close to his chest.
“Hello Mr. Brennan. I’m Dr. Griffith Doom and I’ll be taking care of you today. Now…” he checks Alt’s chart. “It looks like we got your wound patched up to try to stop the bleeding while you were unconscious. However, we didn’t want to assess the damage fully until you were awake. Do you mind if we look at it now?”
“Uh… no that’s- go ahead…” Alt shifted uncomfortably, trying to resist the urge to glitch.
Dr. Doom nods his thanks and shifts to move Alt into a better position before unwrapping his leg. The doctor pulls out some tools and studies the wound with a critical eye.
Eventually he asks, “What was the cause of the wound? Bullet? Or perhaps- something superpowered?”
This made Alt jolt, looking at the doctor with wide eyes. “H-Huh?? How- how did you know that?”
The doctor’s lip just barely went up in a smirk. “You’d be surprised how often those injured by supernatural forces come to see small clinics, Mr. Brennan. Since we’re out of the general public’s eye we can treat those kinds of injuries with more…discretion.”
He flips through a few pages on his clipboard before addressing Alt again. “I have my suspicions but- who caused the injury?”
Alt grits his teeth and looks away, curling his hands into fists. Should he say… and risk being treated as the criminal he really was?
Google seems to notice Alt’s hesitantation. He places a gentle hand on Alt’s knee and adds in a soft voice. “I ask only for treatment purposes, not to judge or incriminate you. We have an oath at this clinic to treat anyone who comes through our doors to the treatment they deserve. And we believe everyone deserves to not be in pain. That’s why we're here…”
Alt feels tears in his eyes that he quickly tries to blink away. He tugs on his jacket like it was weighed down with his sins.
“And well- we’ll try to keep your identity a secret as well. We’ve dealt with enough to do our job on that pretty well. I know it’s hard to trust a stranger, but this is information needed to get you back on your feet.”
Alt finally sighs and just barely glances at the doctor before answering. “…it was Bro Fantastic.”
He expected a raised eyebrow or a judgmental glance from the doctor. But Dr. Doom just simply nods and walks over to his computer and types some stuff in. Eventually he nods again and starts to grab supplies.
He comes back over and sets out burn cream and bandages and gets to work cleaning the wound with fresh water. Huh- Alt can barely feel it… maybe they put numbing cream on it earlier.
While he works the doctor explains, “Bro Fantastic usually only gives us impact patients from the forces of his blows. However he does create injuries like this- similar to a bullet wound but with no metal to extract, and slightly burned skin around the exit wound from the heat of his energy. If not properly treated and just covered it would take longer to heal so… we need to treat it like a burn until that skin is healed enough to close the wound.”
Alt slowly nods. That makes sense but.. he would have never thought of that. “You sure do know your stuff, Doc…” He mumbles.
Dr. Doom chuckles lightly. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks.” He works quickly and expertly to apply to burn treatment and wrap Alt up. Alt tests his leg and wow- it hardly even felt like the wound was there.
“Better?” Dr. Doom asked with a hidden smile.
“Much,” Alt sighed with relief.
“Good.” The doctor turned and gathered up some materials in a bag for Alt. “Here’s some small packs of that cream and bandages. Try to change them regularly and check on the wound. Keep activity on your leg light for a few days to really help it heal. Any other questions for me?”
Alt looked at the bag of supplies with surprised wonder. Didnt doctors usually expect you to get your own supplies? Jesus these guys were so nice-
The pickpocket shakes his head and pockets the bag, trying to get a more stoic look back. “N-No I think I’m good…”
Dr. Doom smiles just barely. “Good. Don’t be afraid to come back if you have any more trouble. Oh and-“ He leans over to his desk then gives Alt a card. “Here’s our business card. We try to be open as much as we can be so… if you need any assistance day or night, give us a call.”
Alt blinks at the card then pockets it too. “Uh yeah… thanks Doc.”
The doctor shakes his head, “it’s no problem. Now let’s get you some snacks from Ollie- and I’m giving you some doctors orders to go get some real food after this.” He gently puts his hand on Alt’s back to lead him out.
Alt chuckles, “you don’t have to tell me twice… I’m starving.”
Huh… maybe Alt would start trying to visit this clinic more often…
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getphysicalexam · 1 year
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its-all-down-hill · 11 months
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bibsquid · 9 months
Sorry for being whiny the last few posts, here is tiny bit more, but also some good stuff.
So today I had to go unexpectedly to the doctor because my ear hurt. Long story short, for today I had to wear a disinfectant thingy in my ear and have to use a salve for a week. But not everything was bad. Because I had to wait for an hour, I walked through the city and saw some cool stuff, also visited the weekly market and saw a cute cat sunbathing ^u^. After the doctor visit I went to the bakery and got me a cheese bun and a croissant and the person working there was so nice, they gave me a small extra croissant for free *u*
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