#don’t judge a book by its cover
laurieaconley · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 Day 17: Demon
Sometimes a ghost can be found cheering up a friend. Somebody called Lil Death a demon.
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octobersociety · 10 months
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theuniversalscat · 28 days
Firestarter by: the prodigy
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buzz-the-cat · 5 months
Karlach is honestly a perfect example of never judging a book by its cover, she looks like a demon glows with hellfire and is a barbarian, and then she opens her mouth and she’s the most lovable idiot you’ll ever meet.
Karlach is the only companion not hiding anything from you, Besides Lae’zel who I almost don’t think can lie (convincingly)
The only people she’s actively hostile towards are demons or people who ruined her life like rat boy gorty
Overall she’s just so pleasant to be around that you start to forget she’s a tiefling
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notetaeker · 8 months
You know, if this conflict was a movie you would easily figure out who the protagonist is. These nations slap on a few labels ‘religious conflict’ ‘terror*sm’ ‘antisem*tism’ ‘self defense’ and suddenly we can’t see what’s right in front of us.
Open your eyes people. Do your own personal research. Don’t just believe what you see. This is your chance to actually dig up the issue from both sides and figure out what’s going on.
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Freddie Mercury : My favorite gif set
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”don’t judge a book by its cover” tf else am I supposed to judge it by? the cover has:
-the cover art
-the title
-the author
-the synopsis and about the author on the back or inside flaps
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soulinkpoetry · 2 years
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People judge others by what they see on the outside. When they have a chance to take a look inside , they’re often surprised.
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“Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Yea, but like.
Have you ever just wanted to have a bookshelf full of beautiful looking books that.
are just.
Aesthetic ™?
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kaywrites23 · 11 months
Don’t ever judge a book buy it’s cover; you just might fall in love with what’s inside.
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laystruth · 1 year
“Come here , turn around” as she feels his hands trying to pull the top of her blue pajama pants that’s tied tightly she’s standing there for a second trying to figure out what’s going on he says they tied to tight she walks off & sits back down still puzzled at what just took place he says you don’t know what I was trying to do do you she replies no also not really trying to find out she goes home thinking maybe he’s a little intoxicated the next day she sees him again & he corners her in a hallway & say let me see that pussy WHOA she thinks to herself because this is her cousin who’s saying this she goes back to the night before where he was evidently trying to look in her pants she’s says no & walks off thinking he couldn’t have been that drunk yesterday saying this to her today she walks outside where her kids & father are thinking he’ll just let it go & leave the situation alone NOPE. Her father is walking her dog & kids down the street giving him the opportunity to come back questioning & asking why doesn’t she want to mess with him as if they aren’t cousins he says I’m not a bad looking guy what’s the problem ? He’s suppose to be her dads favorite cousin on top of them being related she just couldn’t understand why is he coming on to her like this.
To be continued..
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jojomills · 1 year
‘Encyclopedia Organica’
In the library of the world,
there is no end to the stories told.
A record of every plausibility,
a reference to everyone grown old.
Catalogs and catalogues
of figures, of information,
and other argued knowns.
Crucial knowledge,
subtle knowledge.
Concrete fantasies dipped in velvet facts.
Where every grain of truth is challenged,
and ever not alone.
Every tale will face a fate,
and despite the well-known lesson,
will earn a spot on desk or crate,
oft from superficial matters.
I can't decide
which are worth the effort
of the climbing of the ladder.
But ho! Bestsellers,
and gilded awards,
deign the hierarchy.
This one.
That one.
None of these!
A literary masterpiece!
The canonical axiom
of cultural significance.
How the Cow beat Russia to the Moon.
A rag, a scrap of taboo filth!
A frivolous rollicking vagary
of negligible consequence.
Why the hated all left too soon.
I'm given my required reading list,
by those who know the best.
Forget your passions,
be quiet,
and listen,
or you'll end up like the rest.
The work of sifting hardly done,
the novel tower looms.
But for every book, and word, and letter,
the seconds tick,
and shadows lengthen,
furthering me from noon.
I must progress,
as I've been behest,
but I'm falling through the pages.
If I'm to do as I've been told,
I must contain my clumsiness.
I cannot hang off every word
or swing care-free
from thought to thought.
I must remain in stony vigil,
with eagle-eyed precision.
Push forth,
don't think,
just memorize!
For a priori recitation.
But lo, I cannot!
I must regard the tomes of pain
residing in my largest toe.
Or the buzzing in my ears,
shadowing all in a blinding glow.
In the light of anguish, I forget my place,
and even with so much left unread,
now it's time to go.
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mama-sunni · 1 year
so i saw a post and it got me into a mindset of deep shit and i thought about the phrase ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ and this is what my dumb ass came up with
“People are like books. the cover is what reals you in or pushes you away but you don’t know what it’s like until you read it. some books are interesting until later in the book, some are uninteresting until the middle/end, some are too simple or to complicated, some have multiple parts, some are nothing like the cover, some are short and have little to them, some are long and have deep, complex meaning, some are sad, some are horrific, some are happy, etc.people are like books, you don’t know what you’ll find till you sit down and read.”
the post was about sun, moon, and y/n and @bamsara was the one who made the post :/
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
Are u really/still LDS? Saw ur tags about himbo not being a gendered word, am very curious to hear more about ur experience as a member of LDS who also cares about trans rights/trans people.
Hi! Welcome!
i will put my answer under a cut bc it’s long and rambly, but hopefully it makes sense!
I am indeed still an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I will hopefully be serving a mission soon.
First of all, every true Christian knows the two great commandments: to love God with all thy heart and might, and to love thy neighbor as thyself. (which you can’t do if you hate yourself, but that’s a discussion for another time.)
There is also the commandment that goes something like: don’t comment on the more in thy brother’s eye when thou hast not plucked the beam out of your own eye, which means don’t go policing other people about what you say is right and wrong when you have your own faults to overcome.
I am literally just some guy. I’m not perfect, and I’m definitely not God. But i am a child of God, and so is everyone else.
I don’t know what anyone except for me is really going through, and i honestly try not to think too much about myself or else I will break (it’s a problem I’m trying to overcome).
Basically, it all boils down to i think everyone deserves kindness and respect and safety, and I think offering those is a much more effective way to share the Light of Christ than preaching at people who don’t really want to hear all that.
Something people unfortunately don’t talk about enough about my church is our belief of the importance of agency. I don’t know how other religions explain the existence of Satan, but we believe one of the reasons he was cast out of Heaven was he wanted to force us to do what it takes to return to heaven. We wouldn’t have free will. We wouldn’t have agency. This is one of our foundational beliefs.
Obviously, some things do have consequences, like murder. Murder shouldn’t go unchecked. But even then, I don’t know why so-and-so killed another guy. So I’ll leaving the judgement to God and focus on being a good person myself.
I wouldn’t barge into the house of someone who is catholic or Muslim or Jewish or Buddhist or anything and tell them their beliefs are wrong and they need to adopt my beliefs; why would I do that to someone trans?
I’m not going to say my church’s beliefs are wrong bc I believe my church is true, but I heard someone say perception is reality, which I really like. What I believe is true to me, and what you believe is true to you. Hopefully we will all find truth, and we will love each other along the way.
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gentlytoastedsub · 2 months
I’m actually a terrible person I’ve just gotten good at only showing it to those who push their way in regardless of what I say, and then driving them away, but everyone else thinks I’m an Angel
Hope this helps!
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wizedaily · 5 months
Emily’s tulips 🌷 Don’t judge a book by its cover
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