#don’t love him as a dad
littlelenas-blog · 2 years
Demetrius: Good Dude, Bad Dad
I’d like Demetrius a lot more if he were a stand alone character, or even if he had better writing. At first I saw him and Sebastian’s relationship as emo son and step dad doing his best,,,,but the more interactions I had I realized it was more than that. Especially as a kid who had issues with their sibling when their parents favored one child over the other, I know how it causes depression and anxiety and low self esteem to the point where you think no one cares about you and if you disappeared “would it even matter” as Sebastian puts it. Where you just become so depressed you isolate yourself and don’t even try to fix things because after so many years of the same behavior from your parent, why even try changing it because it never has. 
The first thing that hit me was actually a scenario between Robin and Demetrius. Not the tomato one—in which it’s clear that Demetrius being right matters more to him than someone’s feelings—but the one where Robin is proud of her four poster bed. 
In this scenario Demetrius argues that the aesthetic is useless and an inefficient use of materials, which obviously hurts Robin’s feelings because she was showing it off to the family after being so proud of it. If you agree the aesthetics are beautiful and well done, Robin is very happy, so is Maru, and Sebastian vocally supports his mum, meanwhile Demetrius gets angry and storms off.
If this was a stand alone incident and they made up after it, fine, but it seems like Demetrius cares more about being right and logical than his wife’s feelings. Be proud of your wife dude. She’s trying to make you happy. 
And in rebuttals to this incident I see people diagnosing Demetrius as autistic, which is a possibility, but there’s a difference between explaining and excusing behavior. It doesn’t excuse the behavior as an over a decade married man putting down his wife and making her feel bad about something she is proud of. 
The second thing I noticed was the incident with Maru. We all know what happens here. Over protective dad, blah blah blah, but what bothers me is after. After he straight up lies to Maru and says that “I just didn’t want to embarrass you” and something like that. And she believes it. When it clearly isn’t at all what happened. 
Finally, his relationship with Sebastian. It is not abusive, but it’s just,,,so toxic and unhealthy. Between Demetrius never talking about him unless it’s the comment where he says that he’s so relieved Sebastian is out of the house, and that he was worried he was never going to get out, set off the first red flag. The second was how it seems as if Sebastian is uncomfortable in his own house and later state how he did not feel appreciated in his own home. He comes out of his shell and starts becoming more happy and optimistic when he moves I with the farmer—showing what he’s like when he’s in an environment he’s comfortable with and feels safe in. Not one where someone favors another kid over him, never talks to him, only nags him, and seems to want him gone. A man who also makes him mum feels bad. Favoring one child over another is so mentally damaging to the less favored child that that alone made me not like Demetrius. 
Yes Sebastian is a young adult who should be standing up for himself, but when you’ve isolated yourself out of depression and anxiety given to you by your step dad favoring your sister over you? You’re not going to stand up for yourself because a) you know nothing is going to change b) you don’t think it’s worth it and c) you don’t think you’re worth it. It’s awful. 
That’s why I wish Demetrius was a stand alone character. I love his passion for science and how he loves bringing his daughter into his passions. When my dad did that we only became closer and it’s honesty such a good parenting move. And I’m a scientist and seeing Demetrius geek out over everything or observe the local environment is so awesome!! 
And it would be so much better for representation too: showing a black (possibly autistic) man with a passion for science who is overly friendly to the farmer and such a kind man to others? YES PLS 
Oh my god and all the funny quests he has you go on too? Killing crabs, giving him random things to dissect, learning about what he likes and dislikes? I’d love his character so much more if we focused on him as a stand alone too. 
But I cannot get past how bad of a family man he is. Because I don’t see any other good interactions between him and Sebastian or him and even Robin besides them dancing at the saloon or standing near it each other at events. I do love Maru and Demetrius father daughter science tho. Adorable.
Demetrius: good dude, bad dad I guess. 
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sutorus · 4 months
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this is best friend’s dad!toji and reader
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
"When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman-"
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"Oh, hey, is it that late?"
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This is such a funny father and son moment between these two, and I love it way too much.
Not only with Raph trying to get out of hearing a story from his dad that he's not interesting in/in the mood to hear, but also immediately wanting out the second he realizes it's about his dad's love life.
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Wanted to draw Paige with fancy mourning clothes for her widow persona. That's her dad's jacket btw
Click for better quality! Anyways pls if you have not listened to @thesiltverses literally what are you doing go fix that now
[ID: digital painting of Paige Duplass from the Silt Verses walking against an abstract background. Paige is a thin white woman with dark brown hair and eyes. She wears a long black dress with a brown leather jacket over it. Her hair is covered by a black cowl which she holds in place. She looks towards the viewer sullenly.
She walks through a trail of blood, bare feet covered in it. White crocus flowers sprout up from the ground around her path. End ID]
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xiaq · 5 months
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I really admire B’s faith in me because the man questions literally nothing I do to our house. And any time I try to get his input on home design related things he’s like “I know I’ll like anything you come up with and also do you remember the apartment I lived in for a decade until you moved in with me?” And that’s fair.
So, this morning, when he walked in on me painting the bedroom wall black, he just offered to help.
When I asked if he wanted to come to Home Depot with me to pick up a bunch of wood?
He sure did.
Did he ask why?
No he did not.
Did he express concerns about the compressor and nail gun I borrowed from our friend down the block?
He sure didn’t.
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The man just vibes and offers to help sand or paint or hold things until a project is finished and then tells me he loves it and he had no doubts through the (admittedly sometimes concerning!) process. Amazing.
Anyway, I’m building a slat wall/headboard for our bed and my husband is great.
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limboraptor · 3 months
SIGH….Salty Sibling antics
Sprite edits by Cosmicwhoreo!
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timdrakeslawyer · 1 year
my guilty pleasure is seeing bruce call tim his son, especially to his face! my fav father & son duo ;(
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fantasykiri5 · 5 months
Cashing in a bribe (and good luck!) — can i get a Doc mayhaps?
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I think I’ve finally settled on a Doc design. Also I’ve decided the new skin has a crop top actually because I said so
(Vote proof screenshot under the cut, thanks for sending it in a second ask lmao!)
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fruit-colored-ninja · 4 months
I think it’s so funny how many ninjago show fics (both au and canon compliant) have kai going through an ‘I hate this kid so fukcing much he ruins everything he SUCKS’ phase about lloyd at first and then movie fics are almost always like. Hello I’m Kai this is lloyd I met him five minutes ago and if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in the room and then myself and if you say a SINGLE bad thing about him because of his father I’ll kill you too
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thememerman · 1 year
I went into this on Twitter but I’m gonna go into again bc I don’t have a character limit over here 🧚
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he’s had this helmet since Aftermath. It was one of our first introductions to Imperial Crosshair and the things he was willing to do (and was at first forced to do) to get ahead and be seen as someone important to a higher cause. It represented his loyalty *screams* to the empire and the new goals he had that ended up separating him from the Batch in the s1 finale.
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and WHEN HE LOSES IT??? practically every trace of imperial Crosshair is gone too. he doesn’t care if Mayday is dead weight or not, he’s going to get him back to base or die trying. he doesn’t care about what the empire wants anymore. he doesn’t care about being a good soldier. he doesn’t care about orders. he’s more himself than he has been since the chip activated god only knows how long ago. he’s throwing everything to the wind because he cares, because he doesn’t want to be alone again, because he sees too much of the people he cares about *COUGHS* HUNTER AND CODY *COUGHS* in his brother and he can’t stand to lose him too. and then he does anyway. and Crosshair is so done and so broken that he’s literally willing to probably be executed for treason just to avenge Mayday’s death. he was ready to die right there on that godforsaken outpost and he’s not a commander anymore he’s barely even a soldier anymore it’s just. Crosshair. all alone. all over again
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luobingmeis · 1 year
anyways thinking abt the amount of people involved in jin zixuan’s death is gonna make me a little insane. like u have wen ning who physically did it. wei wuxian who lost control. jin zixun who planned the ambush. jin guangshan who gave the fucking order to kill wei wuxian in the first place because his son *checks notes* wanted his wife to be happy. the many other people in jinlintai who knew that the ambush was going to happen. and then jin guangyao. oh boy. jin guangyao knowing about the ambush, being involved with the hundred holes curse, hating jin zixun, and then sending jin zixuan to the site of the ambush like. buddy how many birds did u kill with that stone.
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protesliaus · 2 years
some young technoblade lore💖
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sorry1975 · 4 months
Dad Ross 🥹😭❤️
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I haven’t Leo posted in so many…so long…..so much……
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bruciemilf · 9 months
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No thoughts. Only gf
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girlsdads · 3 months
sooooo what we’re NOT gonna do is hold max responsible for his dad’s bs and we’re not gonna villainize him for the fact that his dad has influence over him we’re definitely not gonna do that right
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