#dungeons dragons and dating
foldingfittedsheets · 11 months
So one thing I’ve noticed is that people’s DnD characters may vary but there is usually an underlying thread that they all have in common. This thread is typically related to what that person struggles with the most.
For instance, my betrotheds DnD characters: a bitchy warlock we had to bust out of two different pacts, a sassy barbarian, a reformed drow cultist, and a sunshine fighter cleric.
All these characters were wildly different but at their very core struggle was them grappling with their self worth. My betrothed struggles with their worth a great deal and even with different facets showing their characters all have that too.
Mine all tend to contend with different themes of loneliness and acceptance. Surprise, surprise, the little autistic gremlin yearns to have been met with more love and lasting friendships.
So we’re at breakfast. I am meeting a new friend of my betrotheds for the first time. It’s been twenty minutes since I’ve met this man. I say my theory. He laughs. He starts to describe a few of his characters but specifies that he often has healing aspects. He gives a very broad overview of their character arcs.
I ponder for a moment then said, “Would you like to have my assessment?”
He laughed, “Sure!”
“We’ve just met. It’s gonna get real.”
“Bring it on.”
“I think your struggle is that you feel you must offer something of value or service to people to be worthy of their love.”
His jaw dropped. His fork froze midway to his mouth. A potato fell. He stared into space as this sank in. Quietly he said, “Oh.”
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caemidraws · 4 months
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Things we're finding again (I)
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 years
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started sketching this comic for Day 13 of @thebeardlyben’s “Gnollvember” prompt list... decided to use it to practice a more casual sort of inking style, and finished yesterday in between working on art people are actually waiting on me for.
Day 13 - “Think Twice”! Sweet Pea knows what money is, but Nettle wishes she'd be more mindful of their food budget.
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thebeardlyben · 6 months
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I started the sketch of this during my Pride Month art stream but I can finally call it done.
My bugbear druid Jerry Goodberry and Burly floating above the Witchlight Carnival in a bubble.
Yes, this happened in-session! <3
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qkayoostudio · 2 months
OUT NOW! A Tavern at Night: Firelight
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Past, present, or future. What fate will the cards uncover?
After striking up conversation with a wandering terrifying mercenary in a remote tavern, he's agreed to travel together for a while before you go your separate ways. 
That separation is approaching soon.  To commemorate your final night together you suggest reading him his fortune; might be useful for the road ahead, right?
Except neither of you are particularly looking forward to saying goodbye..
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♡ a cosy campfire
♡ chooseable pronouns
♡ a variety of fantasy-tarot readings
♡ multiple endings
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heybiji · 7 months
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dingodoodles · 5 months
WE GOT A TEASERRRRR Along with some updates for the channel. So go check out the video if you wanna get some updates on Kickstarter stuff/podcast/videogame.....uh...more stuff. We got a lot going on! :3
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lemongrace · 1 year
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beware the Ruby Viper; she set fire to my heart, and utterly scorched my soul
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possamble · 2 months
Do you think Falin ever saw Marcille in her little elven loungewear or would it be a bit of a surprise for her? In "a little creature" it might be a bit of a (pleasant) surprise, depending on whether Marcille hasn't used the clothes up to that point. Though it might make things a bit more awkward
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so this doodle from Ryoko Kui implies that Falin has seen it, but the fact that they're on an ipad and a phone means this isn't really supposed to be canon... still, I figure an informal image in the creator's mind is still closer to canon than anything else.
I'm imagining that Marcille prooobably started wearing this type of stuff closer to her later years at the academy? Maybe she finished the graduate track program and went on to the post-graduate whatever the fuck they have. That would probably mean getting a dormitory upgrade to something a little bigger and more private, too.
As for Falin's reaction seeing it for the first time... going by how casual they are in this image, I get the feeling she didn't have much of a reaction beyond the usual "oh Marcille is wearing something new and nice" ?? I do lowkey believe she just kind of Didn't Think About Herself hard enough that her horny teenager phase was incredibly muddled and mild. That, and she got so good at "I'm not allowed to think about Marcille like that" that it just didn't happen until the dragon came along and was like. HEY. WE'RE HOT FOR ELF. CAN YOU PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
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justaweasel · 5 months
Headcanons but I'm a big fat nerd
I've seen a couple times here that Satan totally got hooked on DND (Levi too probably but this isn't about him right now), so I just imagine that his rare gemstones collection is a huge compilation of DND dice that he has and only the brothers know that it's just DND dice.
A few years back Mammon tried to steal Satan's "gemstones" and was mildly disappointed when they were just some dice. But then he realized that they're pretty and his crow instincts leapt in (also nerds on the internet will pay A TONNN for dice, just look on Etsy).
Solomon is suspicious of the true nature of Satan's collection and will always try to get a good look at it. Satan isn't ashamed of his collection but really likes to fuck with Solomon.
Though, his collection isn't a complete lie, he does have dice made from gemstones (that's a real thing just so everyone knows), the dice are just kept somewhere safe as having them in a pile will wear them down much faster. He can also use his metal dice as paper weights.
Satan also uses his sharp edged d4s to prank Lucifer. He'll place them outside Lucifer's door and watch as Lucifer's foot basically gets stabbed with the force equal or even greater than stepping on a Lego. Satan always washes those dice afterward (gotta get old man stink off of them).
Bonus! Levi, Satan, and Solomon all love DND. They're trying to get Diavolo into it too but his schedule is too hectic for sessions to last too long. One time, they got Simeon to be a DM and they were hit with the most heartclenching, blood pumping, juiciest, most well written out storyline ever. They'd love for Simeon to do that again but Luke is getting curious and Simeon wouldn't want him to find out about all the "other" aspects of DND (other = seducing the dragon, and how they could've possibly gotten out of that dungeon alive).
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xpastelsweetsx · 5 months
Okay for me the most emotional thing about FHJY is that I’m a high school Junior rn and the MINUTE I finished Sophomore year everything EVERYTHING went so entirely downhill- and its really kept doing that tbh- its been a long, stressful, emotionally difficult year and I’m only halfway through, with FHJY starting when I return from winter break and ending about a week before I finish Jr year so in full honesty I’m really excited and terrified for these characters I love so much. i’ve been like emotionally dumped(?) thrice, lost a lot of big opportunities, classes are hard, testing is stressful, I have to think about college and community service and social lives and all of this crap while having like no friends and no sleep and it’s exhausting. I’m so excited to experience Junior year with them, but I feel so bad cause I know Junior year right now and it SUCKS- praying for all these characters, myself, all high school juniors and anyone in school rn period. I’m excited to have the rest of my senior year with the bad kids but also know im gonna break down lol
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
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I love Percy de Rolo so much I made him into a pin...
He's got a mask that attaches via a magnet so you can leave it off to admire his handsome face, or equip his mask to ready him for some tasty vengeance.
Percy will be available in my Etsy shop when it's updated in May.
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caemidraws · 4 months
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carameldansan · 1 month
This is really heartbreaking at the same time cool in a sense she’s part of the dragon now???
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cardboardfisher · 7 months
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Last session, Florian took an old werewolf guy out on a date - and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since
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qkayoostudio · 2 months
devlog 32
Hi dear friends,
And please get out your calendars, because…
A Tavern at Night: Firelight will be releasing on 24 April, 2024!
That's right!! We get to annoy the living daylights out of our big green boy again!!!
I'm so thankful for all the love and support A Tavern at Night has received (and continues to receive!)--and of course for the demands for more. Well, I heard you loud and clear, and here he is.
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Firelight picks up after A Tavern at Night's "good" ending. There will be multiple endings, chooseable pronouns, and... some kind of card game! Sorry, Azram. There's no escape.
And of course this game is ace-friendly as always :)
I'm so excited for you all to play!!
Much love,
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