goldenyew · 11 months
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Witold Pruszkowski (1846-1896), Falling Star, c. 1884
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blessed1neha · 9 months
What is the purpose of chanting mantras in Hinduism?
To connect with the divine. Mantras are frequently visible as sacred sounds that may assist to attach the practitioner with the divine. When chanted with focus and attention, mantras can assist to quiet the mind and open the coronary heart, taking into consideration a deeper revel in of oneness with the divine.
To invoke a deity or energy. Mantras also can be used to invoke a selected deity or electricity. For instance, the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" is frequently used to invoke the Hindu god Shiva. When chanted with the proper purpose, mantras can assist to deliver the practitioner into alignment with the characteristics and energies of the deity or power being invoked.
To create wonderful change. Mantras can also be used to create effective alternate in the practitioner's lifestyles. For example, the mantra "Om Shanti" is often used to convey peace and calmness to the mind. When chanted often, mantras can help to promote superb qualities such as love, compassion, and know-how.
To heal the frame and thoughts. Mantras have also been proven to have a advantageous effect on the frame and mind. For example, chanting mantras can assist to reduce stress, improve awareness, and improve the immune gadget. In some instances, mantras have even been used to help people heal from bodily and emotional ailments.
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williambillconnor · 2 years
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For those that want a better understanding of what nurse's do or are thinking of pursuing a career in nursing, this book will help. After 30 years I've compiled some incredible stories that you will not believe. Find " I WAS A NURSE " on BarnesandNoble.com . Just enter the title in the search bar to change your perception of the life we lead !
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ziamj10 · 5 months
Have you ever felt that you are not who you are because you just don't want to lose the person you love? I want to let go but how?
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terencekempmckenna · 7 months
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The Overman (Superman)
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pyramidmedia369 · 1 year
Christ, Pisces and The Mother Goddess
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Official Pyramid Media 369 website: www.pyramidmedia369.com
Last week I dropped an article about the Moon Goddess, IXCHEL to shed light on an actual experience I had last week during my meditations. Just connecting some dots as I go. A few years ago, I met a Dogon Goddess named Yemaya; we were in cosmic waters together but separated by a different densities of water. I won't go too deep into that story, but main point is that I know for a fact that the feminine aspect of God is alive and well! After I lost my mother on December 20th, 2012, my spiritual journey intensified x10. Almost as if my spirit alone was yearning for a greater awakening. Back then, I was still in the process of unlearning and relearning a few belief systems. Something deep down was telling me I could interact with my higher self with much more depth. That's the best why I can describe the feeling. I just knew, but the process of healing from that trauma made my enlightenment more purposeful. After all the Astral Travels and Outer Body Experiences I've had up until this point, I have a lot of things to share.
The Jesus Story & The Symbol of Pisces
By now, I know that many of the Bible stories are theatrical representations of something realer than the actual stories being told. It's much deeper than the surface level understanding we were taught in church growing up. The "Fishers of Men" are known to be the First Disciples of Christ.
In the Bible story, on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus called upon the First Disciples as he performs a miraculous catch of fish after the fishermen had been unsuccessful. Jesus calls the common fishermen to leave everything and become his disciples as "Fishers of Men." It's pretty evident that the esoteric definition of a Fisherman is not nearly the same as hunting for Bass or Walleye! Let's get the ball rolling with the deep stuff now. I am not denouncing the Bible. But I will say that there are ancient tablets & illustrations of symbols that are much older than the Bible was. And much of the same information can be found, but what we focus on today seems to be the incomplete stories, which ultimately leads to having incomplete knowledge.
Below, you will see the original symbol of the Pisces fish, which is known to be Christ's symbol. This is where it gets a little tricky. In all of ancient history, the Pisces Fish wis actually the symbol of The Great Mother.
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Many might ask, "How did a fish become the symbol of the Son of God?" Well, lets breakdown the esoteric meaning of what a Fisherman is.
Where does the term "Fishermen" originate from?
A spiritual Fisherman, is someone who has activated Christ within themselves and can show others the way to the Christ within, as well. Here I am trying to help you understanding the association between The Fisherman (Christ) and The Great Mother (Pisces symbol). I feel this is the missing part of the Biblical story.
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The Mother Goddess is the divine feminine symbol of sex and fertility. She is the mother of all living things. The zodiacal Pisces is also symbolic to the vagina and the Cosmic Womb. (I'll speak more on the Cosmic Womb in another article). If you don't believe the things I say, just look it up for yourself. There are many different archetypes of this energy. The divine feminine and divine masculine both have core archetypes that express themselves in a different light. There are Gods and Mother Goddesses that are connected throughout all cultures on the land. And most times, it's the same Gods/Goddesses, just with different names. All the Mother Goddesses seem to be associated with either the Moon, Venus or the Fish.
If you read about the Dogon tribe and the Mother Goddess, Yemaya, you may learn that these stores are very real and play a huge part in our Biblical history today. Yemaya was understood to be the mother & protector of all Fishermen. She is a water deity often depicted with Mermaid qualities; she is also equivalent to The Great Mother, Mother of Dreams, Roman god Neptune, Greek god Poseidon, and the Virgin Mary! Yemaya gave birth to the Sun, Moon, Stars and all the Waters and all Orishas. Wait, doesn't this sound very similar to IXCHEL, the Moon Goddess that I wrote about on last week's article? I guess we might need to add her to the list of Yemaya equivalents too! Lol
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Here is an illustration of the Yoruba/Dogon Goddess, Yemaya.
The Nommo & The Dogon Tribe
Yemaya is associated with the Nommo, who are fish-like creatures according to ancient hieroglyphs and texts. These water-beings originated from Sirius and taught the Dogon tribe the earliest knowledge ever recorded about the stars, astrology, and astronomy. Sirius is known as a 5th dimensional gateway and Earth's "Spiritual Sun", and also known to be where Dolphins come from. Look it up! Here is an ancient picture of the Pisces Fish (Left). You will see it is no different than the ancient depiction of Nommo (Right); these are water-beings that can still breathe above water. Pay close attention to the pictures. I'm not very sure what to say about the scales, but they definitely don't look like regular fish scales. These fish seemed to function as part-mammal!
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Just thought I'd share some knowledge. Hopefully this can serve as healthy seed for a conscience in need! Thank you for tuning in.
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thedivinef · 1 year
I'm not a woman trying to impress. I'm a woman trying to progress. The focus is different.
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consciouspoetry · 2 years
More Love
In this world we need more…
Peacemakers, less moneymakers,
Preachers not horrible creatures.
Teachers, which teach beautiful features
Leaders with inspirational speeches.
Readers, holy text teach us,
Healers, protect us from reapers
The ones which are non-believers
Sometimes known as creepers
In this world we need more love <3
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oftengrok · 2 years
Just a question
Are these hippies, conspiracy theorists, strange ones really the gullible deluded?
Fallen for the tricks of this or that,
To scoff, laugh at, or demean and ridicule?
Or are the everyday average ones with thoughtless materialism, occupational insanity, ignorance of the obvious, marching on like robots focused on not a thing with actual meaning,
Are they really the ones drowning in the practicalities, the patient waiting on them to help themselves, wasting the precious time and blessings and the ones we must try not to feel sorry for?
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infinantefade-blog · 1 year
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Really the type of prophetic shit I be on
I am so in love with you
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practicalpriestess · 2 years
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When you start seeing others as one with yourself the way you experience the world will start changing.
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blessed1neha · 6 months
The secret told by Shri Krishna
The secret told by Shri Krishna
There is no character more attractive than Lord Krishna in Mahabharata. People who have read Mahabharata have many doubts in their minds about such character of Lord Krishna.
Why did the Pandavas have to face so many difficulties despite the presence of Krishna? If Draupadi calls but Krishna does not come? Could Krishna have stopped Dharamraj from going gambling? Like Suodhan had played with Shakuni, Dharmaraj might have played with Krishna in the same way? Why didn't all this happen? Unless you are in danger, can't you stop the danger from coming? Many such questions naturally arise.
Lord Shri Krishna also answered these. At the end of Mahabharata, the above questions were asked by Uddhava to Lord Krishna.
Uddhavadu: And you are very close to the Pandavas, right? Can you stop Dharamraj from gambling or would you have gambled on Dharamraj's behalf?
Krishna: Uddava! Remember, the wise always wins. Suodhana was intelligent and played with Shakuni because he did not know how to play. Dharamraj did not have that intelligence. It would have been different if Dharmaraju had also asked me to play, but he did not. I was waiting at the door for him to call. He didn't call, he prayed that I wouldn't come that way. Because of his request I did not go. All the other Pandavas were scolding Dharmaraja for his defeat but he did not call me. Even Draupadi did not remember me until she took off her clothes. If I had been called, wouldn't I have come?
Uddhavadu: Does this mean that if you are in grave danger and you have been called but you will not come?
Krishna: Whatever happens in life happens according to karma. I can't change karma, but I will be with you and see everything.
Uddhavadu: What I mean to say is that when we are trapped in trouble, danger and confusion, what do you do except staying with us and watching us?
Krishna: Uddava! You are not noticing one thing here. How can you make a real mistake if you can see that I'm right next to you? But you have forgotten that I am there.. You do not know me, you make mistakes and suffer the consequences of those mistakes. Recognize and remember me who is always with you…do the work…then see how sweet will be the fruit of that work..
That secret has been told by Krishna. It is enough to have the vision that Krishna is always with us. If you remember that he is next to you, watching everything..
Our life goes on smoothly. This is the main secret which Lord Krishna told to Uddhav.
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lethiakx · 2 years
I am only wise to the infinite scope of my ignorance. But if you think about it long enough, you'll always come around to the same conclusion, I reckon. There's no grand plan and no one's in charge.
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wellbeingomo · 5 months
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the-unseen1 · 6 months
The Seeker and the mysterious Stranger (Part 2 of 7)
2. The fate of Humanity
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“No, please don't tell me another joke,” the Seeker begs the mysterious stranger. “I am still in the process of recovering from the last one.”
The mysterious stranger clears his throat:
“Well then, let us get serious... Since millennia, humanity has followed the same old pattern. Unable to change for the better. Repeating the same mistakes over and over again.”
“Oh no... What have I done,” the Seeker mumbles, regretting their decision immediately. “Should have went with the joke.”
“Look at what we have done to the world,” the stranger continues.
“The earth is bleeding. Wildfires, mass extinction, pollution. Look at what we have done to each other. All these wars, all these atrocities... Hate, greed, power and violence... You may deny it, you may ignore it, but deep within, you are well aware, that there is something going horribly wrong with us.
Don't you ask yourself, how any of this makes sense?! The world is such a beautiful place, yet all of us are suffering... Can't you see how paradoxical that is? To live in a world, so colourful, so wonderfully vibrant, where beauty can be seen in all of nature... And yet at the same time, we have made this experience here on earth insufferable.
So we should start to ask the question, why we have allowed this to happen. We need to understand, why humanity has trapped itself in this pattern of destruction and why, after all this time, we are still unable to escape it.
As a species, we may have evolved biologically, we may evolved technologically, but inwardly, we have remained same. We are still the same limited, selfish, violent creatures. So self-centred. So destructive. So separated. Always in conflict with another. Always dominating each other. We are selfishly running from our fears and chasing our desires, without caring about the harm, we are causing to our brothers and sisters. ”
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“Well it's just in our nature,” the Seeker argues dismissively. “It's not like there's anything, we can do about this.”
The stranger chuckles:
“Ah yes... The same excuse we have been telling ourselves since generations. 'There's nothing we can do, so there's no reason to even question it'... So we just keep on ignoring our inherent problems, because thinking about them is uncomfortable.
Listen Seeker, it's about time we face reality. If we continue on this path, the story of humanity will end as a tragedy. Surely, the earth will at some point regenerate from all of the damage we have done. Certainly after a couple of millennia the climate will balance itself out, nature will adapt... However if we continue following the same direction, Humanity will face extinction.”
“This might be for the better,” the Seeker suggests. “You yourself just listed some of the reasons. We are parasites. It's better to cut off an arm, before the sickness harms the entire body.”
“And you just simply accept that,” the stranger questions. “You believe that these reoccurring patterns are just in our human nature. That they are set in stone. Let's look at it objectively. We are animals, mammals, just as monkeys. But why aren't any other animal species as destructive as we are? Why is nature in balance, while we cause unbalance? Why is the universe in complete order, while we are causing disorder? What is the root of our collective and individual problems?”
“I don't know,” the Seeker sighs. “And I don't care... It might be in our genes... It might be in our culture... It's not like we could change anything about this. There have been countless religions and ideologies, but nothing has helped us to improve. So why even try... It's too late anyway... Yeah we might die out... So what? “
The stranger sheds a tear. “You can't see it. I wish I could show it to you. This beautiful story of humanity. This great song of love and hate, of suffering and laughter, of beauty and bitterness. This wonderful human experience.
Can't you understand that we do have a role play in life? Just as the insects, the birds, fish, plants and mammals are playing their role in nature, we have a role to play as well.
Can't you see, how boring the earth would be without us? Who else would there be to gaze at the stars and give them meaning? Who else would stare at the rising sun, the trees, the clouds and the mountains here on earth and be amazed by the beauty of existence, if it weren't for us?
Do you truly believe, that there's nothing worth saving in humanity? Are you really content with our story to end so soon?”
The Seeker groans in discontent. “Listen here fellow. I have no idea, where you are getting at. I agree with you, that it would be sad indeed, but humankind will die out eventually. So why should it matter, if it happens in a hundred years or in a thousand years? We are living on a tiny planet in the vastness of space. Our extinction means nothing to the universe. Our existence is completely meaningless. So why, for fucks sake, does this even matter?”
The stranger smirks.
“Yes, Earth might be just a tiny, blue speck in the vastness of space... But it's our speck. It's our home... Why should you care, how large the universe is? You are living here on earth. You might believe, that the universe is indifferent about your experience as a human being. You might believe yourself to be small, worthless or irrelevant, but in the story of humanity you aren't. You are an integral part of humanity. You are shaping the collective consciousness with every thought, emotion and action. Why do you question your role in the universe, when you don't even see your role here on Earth**?**”
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The Seeker gets annoyed:
“I don't care about humanity. I don't even care about the earth. I have my own worries, my own problems to take care of. I have bills to pay... So why should I even make the effort?”
The stranger takes a deep breath:
“Have you ever wondered, dear Seeker, whether your individual problems may be related to our collective problems?”
Find previous part Here:
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thedivinef · 2 months
Don't cling to things that have stopped serving it's purpose in your life. Do not Forget who you are.
You are made of magic and dreams, wishes and light. You come from infinite possibilities and incredible odds. You are here for a reason.
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