#yoruba Tribe
pyramidmedia369 · 1 year
Christ, Pisces and The Mother Goddess
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Official Pyramid Media 369 website: www.pyramidmedia369.com
Last week I dropped an article about the Moon Goddess, IXCHEL to shed light on an actual experience I had last week during my meditations. Just connecting some dots as I go. A few years ago, I met a Dogon Goddess named Yemaya; we were in cosmic waters together but separated by a different densities of water. I won't go too deep into that story, but main point is that I know for a fact that the feminine aspect of God is alive and well! After I lost my mother on December 20th, 2012, my spiritual journey intensified x10. Almost as if my spirit alone was yearning for a greater awakening. Back then, I was still in the process of unlearning and relearning a few belief systems. Something deep down was telling me I could interact with my higher self with much more depth. That's the best why I can describe the feeling. I just knew, but the process of healing from that trauma made my enlightenment more purposeful. After all the Astral Travels and Outer Body Experiences I've had up until this point, I have a lot of things to share.
The Jesus Story & The Symbol of Pisces
By now, I know that many of the Bible stories are theatrical representations of something realer than the actual stories being told. It's much deeper than the surface level understanding we were taught in church growing up. The "Fishers of Men" are known to be the First Disciples of Christ.
In the Bible story, on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus called upon the First Disciples as he performs a miraculous catch of fish after the fishermen had been unsuccessful. Jesus calls the common fishermen to leave everything and become his disciples as "Fishers of Men." It's pretty evident that the esoteric definition of a Fisherman is not nearly the same as hunting for Bass or Walleye! Let's get the ball rolling with the deep stuff now. I am not denouncing the Bible. But I will say that there are ancient tablets & illustrations of symbols that are much older than the Bible was. And much of the same information can be found, but what we focus on today seems to be the incomplete stories, which ultimately leads to having incomplete knowledge.
Below, you will see the original symbol of the Pisces fish, which is known to be Christ's symbol. This is where it gets a little tricky. In all of ancient history, the Pisces Fish wis actually the symbol of The Great Mother.
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Many might ask, "How did a fish become the symbol of the Son of God?" Well, lets breakdown the esoteric meaning of what a Fisherman is.
Where does the term "Fishermen" originate from?
A spiritual Fisherman, is someone who has activated Christ within themselves and can show others the way to the Christ within, as well. Here I am trying to help you understanding the association between The Fisherman (Christ) and The Great Mother (Pisces symbol). I feel this is the missing part of the Biblical story.
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The Mother Goddess is the divine feminine symbol of sex and fertility. She is the mother of all living things. The zodiacal Pisces is also symbolic to the vagina and the Cosmic Womb. (I'll speak more on the Cosmic Womb in another article). If you don't believe the things I say, just look it up for yourself. There are many different archetypes of this energy. The divine feminine and divine masculine both have core archetypes that express themselves in a different light. There are Gods and Mother Goddesses that are connected throughout all cultures on the land. And most times, it's the same Gods/Goddesses, just with different names. All the Mother Goddesses seem to be associated with either the Moon, Venus or the Fish.
If you read about the Dogon tribe and the Mother Goddess, Yemaya, you may learn that these stores are very real and play a huge part in our Biblical history today. Yemaya was understood to be the mother & protector of all Fishermen. She is a water deity often depicted with Mermaid qualities; she is also equivalent to The Great Mother, Mother of Dreams, Roman god Neptune, Greek god Poseidon, and the Virgin Mary! Yemaya gave birth to the Sun, Moon, Stars and all the Waters and all Orishas. Wait, doesn't this sound very similar to IXCHEL, the Moon Goddess that I wrote about on last week's article? I guess we might need to add her to the list of Yemaya equivalents too! Lol
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Here is an illustration of the Yoruba/Dogon Goddess, Yemaya.
The Nommo & The Dogon Tribe
Yemaya is associated with the Nommo, who are fish-like creatures according to ancient hieroglyphs and texts. These water-beings originated from Sirius and taught the Dogon tribe the earliest knowledge ever recorded about the stars, astrology, and astronomy. Sirius is known as a 5th dimensional gateway and Earth's "Spiritual Sun", and also known to be where Dolphins come from. Look it up! Here is an ancient picture of the Pisces Fish (Left). You will see it is no different than the ancient depiction of Nommo (Right); these are water-beings that can still breathe above water. Pay close attention to the pictures. I'm not very sure what to say about the scales, but they definitely don't look like regular fish scales. These fish seemed to function as part-mammal!
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Just thought I'd share some knowledge. Hopefully this can serve as healthy seed for a conscience in need! Thank you for tuning in.
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ourrainyevenings · 8 months
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hallasimss · 3 months
not something i usually talk about here but i had a little breakthrough in the family genealogy research today and istg i felt something over my shoulder. like an ancestor or something i'm not even kidding
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harrelltut · 9 months
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ausetkmt · 11 months
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the9jafresh · 2 years
Actress Toni Tones Biography - Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth
Actress Toni Tones Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth
Actress Toni Tones Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth Let us discuss Toni Tones’s Biography in terms of her Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Musics And Net Worth and much more. Toni Tones is a photographer, actress, artist, and editor from Nigeria. She began her career as a photographer in 2009, then moved on to music and acting. Her…
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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In Africa, European colonial governments and European Christian missionaries criminalized and stigmatized the cultural practices of tattooing and scarification; consequently, the practices underwent decline, ended, or continued to be performed as acts of resistance.
Among the ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa that traditionally practice scarification are the Gonja, Dagomba, Frafra, Mamprusi, Nanumba, Bali, Tɔfin, Bobo, Montol, Kofyar, Yoruba, and Tiv people of West Africa, and the Dinka, Nuer, Surma, Shilluk, Toposa, Moru, Bondei, Shambaa, Barabaig, and Maasai people of East Africa.
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Traditionally, the most common reason for scarification has been as a rite of passage.
Scarification has been widely used by many West African tribes to mark milestone stages in both men and women's lives, such as puberty and marriage.
In many tribes, members unwilling to participate in scarification were generally not included in the group's activities, and are often shunned from their society.
According to anthropologist Grace Harris, group members lacking the normal characteristics consistent with the group are not considered as having acquired the full standing as agents in their society; they would also lack the capacity for meaningful behavior, such as greeting, commanding, and stating. 
Therefore, scarification can transform partial tribe members into "normal" members entirely accepted by the group.
Scarification is a form of language not readily expressed, except through extensive and intricate greetings, and gives the ability to communicate fully, which is a key element for being considered as a normal member of the group.
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One reason why scarification is used as confirmation of adulthood is how it shows the ability to endure pain. With young men, the endurance of the pain of scarring exhibits strength and discipline, especially in tribes where males have roles as hunters and warriors.
A young man who has already experienced the feeling of torn or cut flesh is considered less likely to fear the teeth of a wild animal or the tip of an enemy's spear.
In Ethiopia and Zambia, elaborate scarification is often done on women at puberty, used to denote a willingness to be a mother. The markings show that she can stand the pain of childbirth, as well as being an indication of her emotional maturity.
Some of these rites of passage have spiritual or religious roots, such young boys in the Chambri tribe of Papua New Guinea undergo scarification resembling crocodile scales to mark their transition into manhood, a ritual which stems from the belief that humans evolved from crocodiles.
In Ethiopia, Suri men scar their bodies to show that they have killed someone from an enemy tribe;
the Mursi practice scarification for largely aesthetic reasons in order to attract the opposite sex and enhance the tactile experience of sex. 
The Ekoi of Nigeria believe that the scars serve, on their way to the afterlife, as money.
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mxmajor · 1 year
Cool things i learned abt the Dora Milaje from the dora milaje training manual
this is canon to the 616 and comics, not the MCU, but it was cool to learn about and definitely impacts my canon compliant AU fic. So it might be useful to others. Its not the full book, not even a chapters worth of info, but if you were considering getting it, do so. It made me look at wakanda forever differently, too.
they accept women from all 5 tribes (17 in the comics) between the ages of 15-20 to become Dora
They have to bring a gift and be accepted by Bast to begin training
If accepted they are called Kanwata and the process takes 4 years to complete.
Upon initiation they go through an ori ceremony where their heads are shaved and they received their first ritual tattoo. They receive another tattoo each year, an ink with vibranium, until the second and final ori ceremony where they receive the final tattoo after their acceptance from Bast.
They have to learn 7 of 10 languages: Wakandan, Xhosa, Hausa, Arabic, Yoruba, English, Igbo, Mandarin, Swahili, and Korean. They have 9 additional elective languages they can learn, especially to connect to the diaspora and blend in: cantonese, Hebrew, Japanese, French, Farsi, Spanish, Amharic, and Portuguese. They get to conversation and translation in the following years.
In the first year they must learn hand to hand combat in the forms of Ngolo, Laamb, Silat, Muay Thai, Musangwe, and Krav Maga. Once the required mastery has been met they add weapons in the second year. The Dora are considered "living weapons".
In the comic verse, they have a mystical and supernatural combat section. The kanwata training is in 3 pillars: physical, mental, and spiritual/herbal. They study vibranium application and properties as well as herbal practices like identifying plants for food and medicinal purposes.
Essentially, Dora are super smart and well trained so it takes a unique situation for them to be unprepared lol. There is even more that goes into what was listed above.
The DM have 3 major units: Guard Units, Airborne Units, and Support Staff Units. This includes Domestic, international, and Off world teams in the comics.
Dora can be broken into units, squads, or teams (helpful when trying to name group that they might be on a mission in)
They are all trained in combat and munitions (weapons) but some units are researchers, mechanics, pilots, healers, or apart of a secret division (like the cia) but no one knows who is in that secret division
Kanwata are the trainees, the 3rd and 4th years apprentice with Iya Dora and/or train younger Kanwata.
Ile Dora Milaje is what the group of active, graduated, and fully initiated Dora are called.
Iya Dora is the council that confers with wakandan leadership (Taifa Ngao, the council of elders), determines the graduation passage of kanwata, and governs the active duty, dismissal or removal from Dora ranks. There are Dora that have been re-instated after dismissal.
There are some cool excerpts if you clicked the link below. I am tired of typing lol.
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cartermagazine · 7 months
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Today We Honor Oluale Kossola, Renamed Cudjo Lewis
Zora Neale Hurston tells the story of Cudjo Lewis, who was born Oluale Kossola in what is now the West African country of Benin in her book “Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo.”
A member of the Yoruba people, he was only 19 years old when members of the neighboring Dahomian tribe invaded his village, captured him along with others, and marched them to the coast.
There, he and about 120 others were sold into slavery, after the “Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves" took effect in 1808 slavery was abolished, and crammed onto the Clotilda, the “last” slave ship to reach the continental United States.
The Clotilda brought its captives to Alabama in 1860, just a year before the outbreak of the Civil War. Even though slavery was legal at that time in the U.S., the international slave trade was not, and hadn’t been for over 50 years. Along with many European nations, the U.S. had outlawed the practice in 1808.
After being abducted from his home, Lewis was forced onto a ship with strangers. The abductees spent several months together during the treacherous passage to the United States, but were then separated in Alabama to go to different owners.
“We very sorry to be parted from one ’nother,” Lewis told Hurston. “We seventy days cross de water from de Affica soil, and now dey part us from one ’nother.”
“Derefore we cry. Our grief so heavy look lak we cain stand it. I think maybe I die in my sleep when I dream about my mama.”
“We doan know why we be bring ’way from our country to work lak dis,” he told Hurston. “Everybody lookee at us strange. We want to talk wid de udder colored folkses but dey doan know whut we say.”
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered in April 1865, Lewis says that a group of Union soldiers stopped by a boat on which he and other enslaved people were working and told them they were free.
He and a group of 31 other freepeople saved up money to buy land near Mobile, which they called Africatown.
CARTER™️ Magazine
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readyforevolution · 3 months
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(In no particular order)
1) Zulu ?? South Africa – The Zulu tribe is popular outside Africa. They’ve been featured in music, documentaries and movies. Shaka the Zulu was a warrior king whose popularity is well spread. Famous Zulus, Lucky Dube, Nasty C, black Coffee etc.
2) Yoruba ?? Nigeria – The Yorubas are globally known for their history, culture, art and literature. Fela, Wole Soyinka, Wizkid, Davido, Tiwa Savage, David Oyelowo, John Boyega, Anthony Joshua etc are a few Yorubas who have taken their culture to the world. The Yoruba culture has been featured in many Hollywood movies.
3) Masai ?? Kenya – The Masai are perhaps one of the most documented tribes in Africa, with alot of documentaries shown about them and books written about their culture.
They are known for their traditional clothing and hunting skills
4) Hausa ?? Nigeria – The hausas are very popular. Often known as the Igbos of the North, The richest black man in the world Aliko Dangote is Hausa along with his brother from the same state Kano Abdulsamad Rabiu (BUA). Their culture has also been well written about and have featured in a few Hollywood movies including the Amazon prime series were a woman was seen eating Tuwo shinkafa.
5) Igbo ?? Nigeria – The Igbos are undeniably known world wide. Chinua Achebe wrote about the Igbo culture alot. They are known for their history, culture and literature.
The popularized the kolanut and palm wine through books, movies and music
Chinwetalu Ejiofor, Zain Asher, Ckay, Flavour, Chimamanda, phyno, P-square are Igbos who have taken their culture to the world. Igbo are known in Nollywood movies.
6) Swahili ?? Tanzania – This tribe have phenomenal spread their language in East Africa and a few central African nations.
In the 70s, their language was part of the African-American black pride movement been pushed forward.
7) Edo/Bini ?? Nigeria – The Binis are perhaps the culture in Africa with the most famous artworks outside Egypt.
Binis are known for their history, culture and art/architecture.
The famous Benin bronze, ivory and brass artworks are known globally. The country Benin republic gets their name from them. Benin art and culture have been featured in Hollywood movies including black panther. Many Nigerian cultures have roots in Benin. The bronze mask of Queen Idia is perhaps the most famous mask in Africa and one of the most famous in the world. Popular Edos are Kamaru Usman, Rema, Odion Jude Ighalo, Victor Osimhen, Dave, Sam Loco Efe etc.
Asante Ghana – This tribe are known for their history and culture. Popular American hip hop artist was named after this tribe Asante. Their Kente is perhaps the most popular African attire outside of Africa and were known to be masters of the gold craft.
9) The Fulani – This nomadic tribes are known for their history and culture. They are predominantly in West Africa and are found in 18 African countries. Most In Nigeria ??
Popular Fulanis or people with Fulani ancestry are Muhammadu and Aisha Buhari, Tafawa Balewa,
10) Berbers/Amazigh – They are predominantly found in North Africa. They are predominantly found in Morocco ?? and Algeria ?? They known for their use of silver silver. Their culture and history well documented and have a unique language and writing system that traces back to ancient Egypt. Books are currently being written about them including a book titled salt by Haitian-American Pascaline Brodeur.
Disclaimer: Every African tribe and culture is beautiful, unique and important. No one culture is more important than the other. This only highlights tribes known outside the continent overall, this doesn’t mean there aren’t other cultures that aren’t known.
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Black history is not slavery
This is a message to my black brothers and sisters in America “read more”
Today I will tell you about
The Yoruba tribe of West Africa has a myth about how they where created:The chief god Olorun ruled the sky, and the goddess Olokun ruled what was below.Obatala, another god, reflected upon this situation, then went to Olorun for permission to create dry land for all kinds of living creatures to inhabit. He was given permission, so he sought advice from Orunmila, oldest son of Olorun and the god of prophecy.He was told he would need a gold chain long enough to reach below, a snail's shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and a palm nut, all of which he was to carry in a bag. All the gods contributed what gold they had, and Orunmila supplied the articles for the bag. When all was ready, Obatala hung the chain from a corner of the sky, placed the bag over his shoulder, and started the downward climb. When he reached the end of the chain he saw he still had some distance to go.From above, he heard Orunmila instruct him to pour the sand from the snail's shell, and also immediately release the white hen.He did as he was told, whereupon the hen landing on the sand began scratching and scattering it about.Wherever the sand landed it formed dry land, the bigger piles becoming hills and the smaller piles valleys. Obatala jumped to a hill and named the place Ife. The dry land now extended as far as he could see.He dug a hole, planted the palm nut, and saw it grow to maturity in a flash. The mature palm tree dropped more palm nuts on the ground, each of which grew immediately to maturity and repeated the process. Obatala settled down with the cat for company. Many months passed, and he grew bored with his routine.He decided to create beings like himself to keep him company. He dug into the sand and soon found clay with which to mould figures like himself and started on his task, but he soon grew tired and decided to take a break. He made wine from a nearby palm tree, and drank bowl after bowl. Not realizing he was drunk, Obatala returned to his task of fashioning the new beings; because of his condition he fashioned many imperfect figures.Without realizing this, he called out to Olorun to breathe life into his creatures.The next day he realized what he had done, and swore never to drink again, and to take care of those who were deformed, thus becoming Protector of the Deformed.The new people built huts as Obatala had done, and soon Ife prospered and became a city. All the other gods were happy with what Obatala had done, and visited the land often, except for Olokun, the ruler of all below the sky.She had not been consulted by Obatala, and grew angry that he had usurped so much of her kingdom.When Obatala returned to his home in the sky for a visit, Olokun summoned the great waves of her vast oceans and sent them surging across the land. Wave after wave she unleashed, until much of the land was underwater and many of the people were drowned. Those that had fled to the highest land beseeched the god Eshu who had been visiting, to return to the sky and report what was happening to them. Eshu demanded sacrifice be made to Obatala and himself before he would deliver the message.The people sacrificed some goats, and Eshu returned to the sky.When Orunmila heard the news he climbed down the golden chain to the earth, and cast many spells which caused the flood waters to retreat and the dry African land reappear.
So ended the great flood.
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Oh hey, it the zoomer, but yeah I dislike the anti white narrative
Black activists: White people are evil because they enslaved us!
Me: My brother in Christ we are so backwards we lionized the African kingdom that kidnap our ancestors and sold us to the white man
I said it before, but I didn’t not know the Dahomey role in the Atlantic slave trade until white people like you revealed it when the women king trailer dropped
And that people already did dna ancestry to where most African Americans genome came from…I’m a assassin creed fan and I never thought about it weird
So I started to look up Yoruba history and culture. Side note, I’m not on that pan African bs and I understand that me and a average member of the Yoruba tribe are strangers to each other
If I ever go to Africa, I’m not trying to find family or think I would immediately connect to Africans. Funny enough the left globalized attempts in media strengthen my American identity
I simply want to see what areas my pre enslaved ancestors were and raised in. What kingdoms and empires they were apart of.
Just to show my community that while we are not part of their society anymore. The chains and shackles aren’t our only connection to the old world?
Make sense? Sorry for flowery wording
It makes total sense. Wanting to connect with your ancestry is a universal concept. That's why we have at least three different businesses dedicated solely to genetic testing so people can find out where they come from. My dad did a DNA test once and found that we have like 2% Mesopotamian ancestry, which is kinda wild if you think about it. Like, every single person alive today has a bloodline that can be traced back to some of the first humans just by virtue of still being alive. We have the genetic history of our whole species inside us, and we carry it forward into the future, possibly indefinitely.
I think that's pretty cool.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Oh I mean when I say do leftists see history as a Disney cartoon because how they talk about people
“Indigenous people wouldn’t do that to their native lands!” Well that because most tribes learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, like modern American farming-
Holy shit Dave is right that they never left their metropolis area
But there this complaints how geeks spaces don’t want black people in it
Black activists: Why don’t white people want us in it?!
Me: Every since we somehow switch from racial equality to black supremacy
Hmm what we done in media? Oh yeah let start in black Panther where
1. They made a oversized shantytown with different African cultures, many of which hate each other guts
2. Expect to believe that everyone with sympathies with the main antagonist, now the movie did point out Killmonger was a hypocrite because he took a mask that didn’t belong to wakandans because he felt like it. And did the exact things he bitch about white colonizers to Wakanda
Though the irony is that Killmonger represents a lot of bitter black supremacists with a pan Africa fetish
Oh oh fantasy, my Indian friend pointed out that the issued with modern fantasy is that they are using a post mayflower American structure vs any form of feudalism
Because my chimera republic made realize it more easier to create black fantasy characters in a colonial and beyond world like ones based off George Carver or Bass Revees
Also like that black elf in rings of power and black Aragon, the problem to me that they look like larpers especially the black elf
Pssst modern Hollywood hairstylists, the fade was a post ww2 thing black men started after vets return from duty, so it automatically stick out for most black people
Also if you want to use Middle Ages hairstyles for black characters. Just go to the tribes that exist as many hairstyles we use today are thousands of years old and if you stretch it to the 13 century you have enough resources for reference
Actually someone pointed out that lot of fantasy places have LA demographic structure, this got me thinking and I’m paraphrasing
Who more bigoted?
My countryhick West Virginia friend who gave me a lot of insight on American history including my people and you who help me try to research west African cultures like the Yoruba?
Or the colored hair, glasses, usually upper middle class feminists that rarely interact with non whites unless they’re genetrifed and lived in gated communities?
Keep in mind a lot of them write or influence current fantasy stuff
Oh I mean when I say do leftists see history as a Disney cartoon because how they talk about people “Indigenous people wouldn’t do that to their native lands!” Well that because most tribes learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, like modern American farming- Holy shit Dave is right that they never left their metropolis area
Not all of them, but for the most part ya, it's respect for the land created after generations of learning that it's important to respect the land, with a additional healthy sized dose of religion and remembering to thank the land and everything else that provides for their needs.
"Noble Savage" is the term you're looking for there, "soft bigotry of lowered expectations" is another one you'll see a lot and not just for natives.
Low hanging fruit in Berkeley talking about why voter ID laws are bad and racist because black people may not know how to get one, or be able to afford one, or even get to the dmv.
Forever funny
But there this complaints how geeks spaces don’t want black people in it
Geek spaces are welcoming and inclusive, they just want you to geek out with them and not start trying to force changes, I honestly don't blame some people for gatekeeping their hobbies. People are coming in and demanding changes to fit their sensibilities and what not and when they're done the 'space' completely different.
That and all the other stuff you mentioned as well.
The question to ask is, why are you in this particular fan space if you are going to change 80% of it, can you maybe just make your own instead?
Oh oh fantasy, my Indian friend pointed out that the issued with modern fantasy is that they are using a post mayflower American structure vs any form of feudalism Because my chimera republic made realize it more easier to create black fantasy characters in a colonial and beyond world like ones based off George Carver or Bass Revees
Look up the show Firefly, if you don't already know about it. There's two really good SciFi western tv shows and neither of them are Westworld, the one besides Firefly is The Adventures of Briscoe County Jr. and it's there in my list because it stars Bruce Campbell.
Which actually you might give that one a look too,
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Keep forgetting how much of a giant Julius Carry was, it's got a lot of steampunk elements and it's funny as heck.
Mentioning Bass Reeves made me think of that.
Also like that black elf in rings of power and black Aragon, the problem to me that they look like larpers especially the black elf ECT
Never saw the show, but everything I did see told me they had zero respect for the source material so I didn't expect respect for anything else to appear.
Hair thing we have current year references that since as you said, they haven't really changed them up much in the last few thousand years.
Who more bigoted? My countryhick West Virginia friend who gave me a lot of insight on American history including my people and you who help me try to research west African cultures like the Yoruba? Or the colored hair, glasses, usually upper middle class feminists that rarely interact with non whites unless they’re genetrifed and lived in gated communities?
I'm sure you already know the answer. As a generalization at least.
The joke about internet racists being a tolerant group of people, 'they don't care what race you are so long as you're racist' actually pans out to be fairly true a lot of the time.
Granted a lot of them aren't actually terribly racist, they just like to be able to rip on each other and like doing it Eric Cartman style, le edgy people.
The "Anti-racists" are the ones to watch out for, that's the people from berkeley in that video up there.
It's performative for them, look at how tolerant and accepting I am.
Like this.
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I know it's what you want there my whatever you are, but there's a multitude of reasons why this
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won't be happening, but I'm sure you've managed to take great strides in the effort to eradicate racism and didn't just totally become a joke for millions of people of all colours.
Except maybe this creature
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I love how that's become a insult to people for some reason, she just called him a individual thinker and is mad because he doesn't support the hive mind.
Granted any positive accomplishment in the black community is greeted with several different cheers about how they all share in that accomplishment, but when bad shit happens all of a sudden we're not a monolith.
That's human psychology tho so not much more to expect from that honestly.
Multimillionaire tv host saying she's oppressed and that black people can't make it in the US will forever be funny to me, also sad because that sentiment is holding people back by saying things like that, since it's discouraging, why should I try if I've got no chance to make it anyhow.
May as well just get mine any way I can or maybe lay down and give up.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 8 months
Hey! I've seen all your posts about how Greek gods and characters in mythology should be depicted more like, you know, Greek people, and l just wanted to ask if you think the Trojans would look Greek too :) love your posts btw
Hello! 💙It's important to remember that the large majority of ancient Greeks didn't have a good idea of how people from far regions looked. The further back in history you go, the less they are exposed to other peoples. This is to preface that Greeks' references for foreigners were limited. And if someone was to be very different from the average Greek, they got their own special description in the narrative. (Like the warrior Memnon.)
Of course, Troy/Ilion was very close to Greek areas in terms of latitude. There is almost no difference in geographical latitude, and the people of this area looked like Greeks anyway. It's the distance from the equator that makes people lighter or darker. But when they are the same distance from the equator they evolve similarly in skin tone over thousands of years because they have the same needs for sunlight. Trojans were so close to Greeks that the mixing with other peoples would have been similar. More Eastern peoples might have found their way easier to Ilion than to Greek areas, so there would a difference lie. But due to traveling distances, it wouldn't be very notable, I think, more so if these eastern areas were at the same latitude
But still, the Greeks didn't have much exposure to foreigners, and traveling to Ilion was a feat. From Argos to Ilion it's almost 1.000 kms and it would take 10 months to arrive there by land. Traveling by ship is faster but still not exactly easy, considering the travel to Ilion with the Greek ships was still a daring expedition for their time.
So it's logical to assume that the Greeks drew inspiration from their own people when making these foreign characters. In the text the Trojans are not differentiated in looks and some even have descriptions that show they were fair (whatever our ancients considered fair anyways). They share the customs and pantheon of the Greeks, albeit not being Greeks. Trojans and Greeks understand each other without translators, although their tribes would speak different languages historically. Paris' name is "Alexandros" ffs 😂This shows that the Greeks didn't have a good picture of Trojan (probably Hittite) culture and they didn't wish to delve that deep. It was just a story about a war with "the foreign peoples over there".
Drawing from native culture and appearances when depicting foreigners of other lands has been the go-to for people of old times. It's shown in the text and also in the ancient/medieval art of the native culture. The Persians and the Chinese making tales come to mind but I also imagine that if an ancient Yoruba tribe were to tell a tale of "a very beautiful prince from a faraway northern land" they would depict him as one of their own, and not like a north Egyptian or like an "white" Italian. It comes down to what nations the natives have been exposed the most. If this figure had been established through millennia looking like a native, I'd go by that when depicting them.
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fernthewhimsical · 2 months
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Rainbow Spirits
Through many cultures the rainbow is something magical and sacred. These are some of the deities and spirits associated with the rainbow
Manzat: Mesopotamian and Elamite Goddess who was the personification of the rainbow
Iris: Greek Goddess who personifies the rainbow, or in other myths, the rainbow is the path she travels as the delivers messages from the Gods to the human realm
Rainbow Serpent: Aboriginal Australian Creator god who also controlled the rain
Hong: Chinese two-headed Dragon who represents the rainbow
Ix Chel: Mesoamerican Goddess of rain, birth, and healing. Chel means rainbow.
Anuenue: Hawaiian messenger Goddess to her brothers, Tane and Kanaloa. She is the Rainbow Maiden.
Oxumare: Yoruba Orisha who is the personification of the rainbow.
Ayida-Weddo: Haitian Vodou Loa who is the personification of the rainbow
Dan: West African Vodun spirit who is represented as a rainbow serpent. Dan is the androgynous son of Mawu, the Divine Creator, and acts as a mediator between the spirits and the living.
Uenuku and Kahukura: Māori atua's and prominent ancestors, both of which are personifications of the rainbow, and usually represent omens.
Cuchavira: Meaning "shining air", she is the personification of the rainbow and protectress of working women and the ill for the Muisca, the indigenous people of the highlands in the Andes.
Amitolane: Rainbow spirit from the mythology of the Zuni, a Native American tribe.
Prende: Albanian Goddess of the dawn, love, beauty, fertility and health. Her belt was said to be the rainbow.
Indra: Hindu God who is the King of the devas and Svarga. He is a God of the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storm, rain, and war. In Sanskit the rainbow is called the "indradhanus" or the Bow of Indra.
Rama: Hindu hero-king who was the seventh avatar of the God Vishny in the Vaisnava tradition. A Bengali word for rainbow is "rongdhonu", meaning Rama's Bow
Rainbow Prince: French fairytale prince who can only speak when there is a rainbow
Christian God: After the devastating flood that killed all life except for fish and the animals and people on Noah's Ark, God made a promise to never again destroy all life in this way. He gave Earth the rainbow as a symbol of this covenant.
Leprechaun: being from Irish myth that is sometimes classed as one of the Aos Sí. The leprechaun was thought to guard the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Unicorn: A new link between the mythical unicorn and rainbows has been forged, where these have become almost inseparable. It is unsure where this first started. Unicorns symbolize purity, blessing, healing, and freedom.
[Part of a Rainbowmancy series, masterpost here]
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ausetkmt · 11 months
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