#everyone was changing ‘Chucky chucky!’
rubbish78 · 1 year
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Chucky killin’ in DA CLUB at DC Awesome-con afterparty 🦹‍♀️✨💃🔪
Not gonna lie I could only dance with Chucky for a few songs because omg he’s a big heavy boy and holding him up killed my arms lol 🔪💪
📷 - @amvisuals
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elitewrestlinghoe · 11 months
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From: @dirtytwenny on twitter
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myersesque · 8 months
welp. it's about that time again. return of the king
(t4tashwilliams -> t4tchucky)
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renthony · 3 months
Animation (specifically 2D animation) is my preferred TV/film medium. A piece of live-action has to go above and beyond to get over my personal bias of, "most things would be better if they were animated," but it's taken me a long time to figure out what, exactly, makes a piece of live-action really do it for me.
I think what it really comes down to, for me, is the little details. If your live-action doesn't have some level of nuanced physical acting, intense detailing in costuming and set design, a strong sense of visual storytelling, or kickass practical effects, I'm pretty much always going to come away thinking, "I'd like it better as a cartoon."
I think some of this is due to my issues with face blindness--I need characters to have distinct silhouette and costuming, or they will all blur together in my head. Animation tends to stress the importance of silhouette, so I have an easier time telling everyone apart and following who's who. That's not to say that this problem doesn't happen in animation, or that it always happens in live action, but I do think it contributes to my personal preferences.
Anyway, just for fun, a random shortlist of some live-action that I think uses its medium well:
Child's Play/Chucky. Half the appeal of Chucky (IMHO) is the incredible showcase of practical effects and animatronics. Each incarnation of the Chucky doll incorporates incredible advances in animatronic and puppeteering technology. I have on multiple occasions compared the Chucky puppeteer team to Muppet performers. That shit is its own art form, and it's incredible. The current Chucky show makes some use of CGI, but it's all to enhance the practical effects, and the puppeteers are all given the spotlight in the show's credits. I love that.
Killjoys. The incredible nuance to the actors' body and facial acting is mind-blowing. The set design and costuming are gorgeous, and there's a lot of very good detail worked into the visual space that would be hard to animate. They use their CGI well when they do use it, but a significant amount of the show seems to be practical effects and props. Additionally, Hannah John-Kamen's ability to flawlessly portray multiple characters is so good it's uncanny and makes you forget they're literally being played by the same woman. She changes her entire body language, and it's phenomenal.
Jordan Peele's entire body of horror. His films pack in so much symbolism and subtlety that I could probably watch them all a million times and still find new details. The nuance in the acting, the sheer detail packed into the costuming and set design, the use of color...god. It's unreal.
Crimson Peak, because the set design for that film...holy fuck. The costuming and set design in that film are pure gold. The acting is also phenomenal, but I could probably talk about the set design for hours. The house is a character in its own right.
Galavant and Our Flag Means Death, both for the same reason: both shows feel like I'm hanging out at a ren faire being goofy with my friends. They feel like I'm watching a LARP. They feel like they could easily exist in the same setting as Muppet Treasure Island, and at any second Kermit is going to show up and start singing, and it wouldn't be out of place at all. I think I'd also include Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in this category, along with The Princess Bride and Labyrinth--all of which also include kickass practical effects, choreography, and costuming.
This isn't some sort of objective truth or anything. I just like that I've finally been able to nail down some reasons why I prefer animation, beyond just, "idk, cartoons are fun."
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End of month update - November
Hello, all!
Here is this month’s end-of-month update on Tumblr’s top four films that have received the highest percentage of “yes,” “no,” and “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
As of today, the top four films with the highest percentage of “yes” votes are:
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Finding Nemo (2003) | Monsters, Inc. (2001) | The Incredibles (2004) | Ratatouille (2007)
Next, the top four films with the highest percentage of “no” votes are:
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Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014) | Bonnie and Clyde (1967) | Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015) | Scarface (1983)
This top four changed in that Scarface (1983) replaced Curse of Chucky (2013).
Finally, the top four films with the highest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes are:
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My Father and My Son (2005) | The Source (2002) | Like Stars on Earth (2007) | The Princess and the Robot (1983)
This top four changed in that Like Stars on Earth (2007) replaced Advantageous (2015) and The Princess and the Robot (1983) replaced Top End Wedding (2019).
Currently, The Incredibles (2004) is the still only film to receive absolutely zero “haven’t heard of this” votes!
I also said I'd make another data chart every so often for these monthly updates (as I did once before for September's update,) so below is a pie chart breaking down the decades seen in the 58 movies that have received majority "yes" votes:
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As you can see, the three most popular decades are the 2000s (with 25 movies,) the 2010s (with 11 movies,) and the 1980s (with 8 movies.)
That's it for November's end-of-month update! Remember that you can view last month's update by clicking here. Additionally, you can view the full ranked Letterboxd lists of movies that have come up on this blog by clicking the following links:
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “yes” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “no” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
Hope everyone has a great December!
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streets-in-paradise · 11 months
Chucky headcanons: Charles finding out you are being harassed at your workplace (requested)
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Warnings: Implied sexual harassment leading to assault and Chucky avenging the reader. The description of the abuser was especified by the requester.
Notes: I didn't properly proofread this cause i'm finishing writing from my phone and i don't have my translator on it. Also, this is the first male reader request i got and i hope i'm doing it justice :) My inspiration for this were bits of the series and the Curse deleted scene where Chucky kills Daniel. Despite being two different versions of Chucky at different points of the franchise, i found both usefull to imagine this.
-At first you were very afraid to tell Chucky of what was happening to you. You know he has volatile, violent reactions and you were afraid of what that could unleash.
-Your abuser was a coworker and it all started in little hints, jokes going a bit too far and confusing episodes that left you feeling like it all could be a misunderstanding.
-The accumulation of those ' misunderstandings' changed your perception and you started to be very afraid of being left alone with him. You were feeling constantly surveiled and terrified but the source of your fear was completely invisible to everyone arround you.
-The creepy old dude harassing you was a long term employee everyone knew. Even you were deceived by him at first, at least untill he started getting too " friendly" with you.
-Chucky perceived something was wrong. Not that you have allways been super passionate about your work, but he could tell you didn't want to go there anymore. You would allways deny every of his attempts to point out you weren't alright. He just wanted to help, but you wouldn't let him.
-He may not be the best talking about feelings, but he is very protective and he hates to see you suffering. You may think he didn't, but he realized you are terrified. He knows the signs of fear in a victim too well to not spot those.
-In the first discussions your position oscilated between denying everything and begging him not to interfere because you needed the job, but the situation kept escalating untill reaching a point of no return.
-You were supposed to pick up a few boxes from the warehouse. While you were searching for the stuff you didn't realized you were being followed inside. You ended up completely alone with your abuser and he cornered you, taking advantage of your shock, then easily overpowered you.
-That was the moment in which you knew it had to stop. As soon as you could you reached the phone to call Chucky.
-You tried to explain yourself, but couldn't get into details. All he heard clearly was your wrecked voice begging him to come pick you up.
- It was the sign he was waiting for. Not that Chucky needed any permission to do it, but he didn't want to upset you and he had been craving to step in for so long.
- Only that his intervention could have one single possible end and you were aware of it, which was the cause of your refusal. Chucky wouldn't just scare him, he was not going to let the job unfinished.
- He had killed for way less, you could be sure he was 100% ready to get revenge in your name.
-By that moment he was aware. He has passed by your workplace a few times and had seen the dude. You wouldn't have to tell him anything for him to spot your " friendly " coworker is a creep, he could smell it from a mile away.
- Chucky has been stalking the place behind your back, learning his schedule and following him outside to figure out his after work habits. He had it in mind all along.
- " Don't worry, I'm coming for ya." He interrupted your rambling on the phone with macabre excitement. " ... I got you, let me handle it."
-You stoicly endured the rest of your shift with the only comfort of knowing he would show up, but it was taking too long.
- He was going after your abuser, following him out. They already knew each other and he wouldn't suspect of anything when approached.
- During the last moments of his life he made him experience the exact kind of powerlessness he made you feel. Chucky utilized his trusting appearance to deceive him into keeping a lower guard, followed him like a shadow and cornered him in a spot where no one could hear him.
- " This goes for (y/n). Did you think you were gonna get away with it, you piece of shit? Is that what gets you going? " He mockfully asked him ríght after the first stab. " Well this is what gets ME going and you ain't messing with him anymore"
- The lifeless body of your attacker was still in the trunk of his car when he arrived to pick you up.
- It was his surprise for you and that night you helped him dump it in the river.
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kandyzee · 25 days
Something I hate when u try defend Debbie, Mandy, Karen, fiona and even Monica is how someone will always come back with the "Frank was abused and you hate him🤡" like yes I do!! Cause its different.
Debbie, mandy and Karen are all teenage girls who show that they have grown from their actions and are better after! Frank is a old man who has had his whole life to work through his trauma and get better. Frank didn't do something wrong and change for the better (in the space or a couple years) like the girls. He forced Monica to keep fiona and did it YEARS later with Carl too. Frank didn't just 1 or 2 horrible things, he did hundreds.
And can we talk about how Frank is a massive factor to why Debbie, fiona, Monica are the way they are?? Frank didn't break the cycle and he abused his kids and his partner. The other 3 actively try not to do that! Debbie is a fantastic mum she's not perfect, but she would never tell her kid to sleep with an adult or insult and belittle her. LIKE FRANK. Fiona spends her life till she is 28 doing everything for her siblings, sure she makes some mistakes, but she would never hurt them on purpose. LIKE FRANK. Monica is a terrible mother, but she tries to get help. She wants to get better, and who is it that almost always pulls her down?? FRANK.
A lot of what Frank does can be explained by his abuse and I really sympathise with him when we meet his mum. I hate that women. But a tragic childhood is not enough for me to forgive a man who has done the following things
-got his very young son kidnapped over a bar bet.
-used a dying woman for money and slept with her knowing she would likely die
-gave his son a bloody nose over a t shirt
-neglected all his children from fionas birth to his own death
-sexually assaulted his wife
-got a convicted pedophile into Congress
-told his underage daughter to sleep with grown adults so that he could sneak into that adults house to sleep
-broke his mental ill wife out of hospital, with the help or his young children
-tricked his son into thinking he had cancer
-tricked his son into being the bio father of 6(?) Kids
-used another mental ill woman for his own enjoyment
-told his own daughter to be "skins" in a game (meaning to take her shirt off 😃)
-forced his 9yr old daughter to become the main carer of all her siblings
-left his 3 very young children on the side of the road while one of them was extremely ill
-lied about being gay to hundreds of people for personal gain
-used ANOTHER mentally ill woman
-became the sponsor to an addict just so he could live with him and later outed him as gay even tho the man wasn't gay ??
-brought monica back into his children's life because he wanted money(he tricked her to coming back)
-has used prostitution services
-steals form pretty much everyone
-repeatedly ignored his youngest daughters attemps at closeness
-hes racist
-seduced his daughter in attempts of getting her liver
-ruined his daughters wedding
-given drugs to a baby with down syndrome
-called CPS on his own kids, particularly forcing his young adult daughter to now legally becoming guardian of her 5 siblings
-creating credit cards under his kids names
-used homeless people to create a second family
-handcuffed his wife to a bed so she couldn't get an abortion
-spiked his kids with drugs
-pretending his kids was homeless and begging with him
-showed clear sexual interest in Karen (a teenage girl)
-tried to strangle his daughter
-He advised Carl to use Chuckie to smuggle drugs, and then gave both of them away for police
-He refused to go Carl's parent night at school, but instead went to Karens
-encouraged his son to be a drug dealer
And that's just what I can remember of the top of my head. So yes FUCK FRANK and love my shameless girls
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menofchaos · 8 months
Coco x Reader
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Note: Not sure where this came from but I'm not questioning writing inspo! This look holds a special place in my little heart. Shout out to @thesewickedhands for the gif and @spideyspeaches for the divider. Sexy warnings. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Her foot tapped anxiously against the floor, her eyes watching the clock on the wall as it ticked by, minute after minute. The playlist on her phone was on its third round, the mostly-melted candles on the table were put out only moments before. The street outside was silent, no rumbling of his bike engine alerting her of his arrival. She looked at her phone screen, tapping the screen to illuminate it again. No notifications still. She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the prickling anger she felt in her veins. He had never stood her up before and was never late without an explanation. The hour hand moved to the 12 and she shook her head. He was officially three hours late. She cleaned up the remnants of their date, covering his plate with tinfoil and sticking it in the microwave. She considered how to approach him when he came home. While it was his first offense, it was their second anniversary. Two years of dealing with their own individual relationship traumas, the club, exes to get to the solid ground they found themselves on. Or so she thought. She entertained herself with going the toxic route. Texting him and telling him not to come home, locking him out or waiting up for him and blowing up on him as soon as he stepped foot through the door. Before she finished eating, her phone lit up with a call. From EZ. Fuck.
“Hello?” she answered nervously.
“Hey uh…Coco needs a ride home from the clubhouse,” EZ sighed, “Jesus, dude.”
She frowned, “Is he okay?”
“He’s wasted. We had some club shit run long and as soon as we got back, he hit the bar hard. Finished a whole bottle. He’s mouthing off to everyone. Can you take him home? He’s getting belligerent. Gilly and Angel said they’ve never seen him like this.”
She closed her eyes as she listened, hearing arguing in the background, “I’m gonna change and then I’ll be on my way.”
“Thanks,” he murmured, “The gate’s open, we’ll be here to help you get him in the car- bro, why don’t we go outside and have a cigarette? Your girl is coming over.”
She heard a voice she knew anywhere, slurring and harsh, responding to the suggestion.
“I’ll see you soon, E,” she sighed, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he hung up and she pulled off her dress, changing into a pair of cotton shorts and one of Coco’s old flannel shirts. She slid some shoes on and grabbed her purse, the ride silent as she drove through the dark streets of Santo Padre. When she pulled up to the clubhouse, Coco and EZ were sitting on the porch steps. Coco was resting his head against the stair railing, a lit cigarette in his limp fingers. Chucky was cleaning the other side of the steps. Gilly walked outside as she got out.
“What happened?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Gilly scoffed, “But he better get it together. I almost knocked him the fuck out.”
“Fuck off,” Coco’s retort was raspy and low but lacked the usual bite.
Gilly rolled his eyes, “Come on, boy scout,” the two men picked up Coco, helping him into the passenger seat of her SUV. EZ handed her a water bottle after they closed the door, “He threw up already but he’s been quiet since. Hopefully he just goes to bed.”
“Good luck,” Gilly nodded, “Text when you get home so we know you made it. We can come kick his ass if you need us.”
“I can handle him but thanks boys,” she smiled softly, “I’ll make sure he apologizes tomorrow.”
EZ laughed, “Want me to follow, just in case?”
She shook her head, “I'll call if there’s a problem. Good night,” she got in the car and started driving home. Coco’s eyes were closed and his head was against the door.
“You got anything to say?” she asked him a few minutes later.
He grunted, “Got a cigarette?”
She sighed, “In my purse.”
He reached down and opened her bag, lighting a cigarette and opening the window to let the smoke out. She waited for him to take a few drags, pulling up to a red light.
“Anything else you wanna say?” she looked over at him.
He rubbed his eyes, “We almost home? I’m fuckin’ tired.”
She scoffed, “Unbelievable.”
He narrowed his eyes, “What?”
The light turned green and she started driving, “You don’t call or text all day. You stood me up to get shitfaced with your brothers, who you pissed off so bad they almost beat your ass, and all you have to say is you’re tired?”
“Pretty much,” he grumbled.
“You can get yourself inside because picking you up is about where my hospitality runs out,” she snapped.
“I can walk,” he hissed, “I’m drunk, not paralyzed.”
She pulled into the driveway and got out of the car after grabbing her purse, slamming her door behind her. Coco stumbled out, following her up the path to the house. They went inside and he collapsed on the couch, closing his eyes.
“I don’t know where you get the balls to treat me like this, Johnny,” she glared, “I don’t know what your fucking problem is but I didn’t do shit to you. We were fine this morning, you were more than happy to let me suck your dick in the shower but now I get this drunk, pissy asshole who doesn’t even have the decency to let me know he’s gonna miss our anniversary dinner for what? Drinks with the guys? Something you can do literally whenever-”
“Celia has Letty doing fuckin’ porn.”
She froze at the admission, her eyes wide in shock as she watched his still form. She hadn’t heard his mother or daughter’s name since he first told her about their situation. They had been looking through some old boxes of his and a few pictures fell out of a stack of papers. One was of a newborn, her eyes big and her hair dark. His twin. It hung in his cell while he was inside. The other was a picture of 8 year old Coco next to a woman in a green dress, fixing his little matching tie. It was one of the few good memories he had of his childhood, the one event at school she attended. Celia had a sugar daddy and wasn’t on the corner or strung out. It didn’t last long and it wasn’t perfect, but at least he wasn’t cooking heroin to shoot into her veins. 
Question after question tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself, “Are you sure? How do you know? You talked to them? Why didn’t you tell me? Do you want me to knock Celia's ass out?”
She stepped closer when he didn’t respond. She rolled her eyes when she saw his chest rising evenly, “Pendejo,” she mumbled.
She moved a pillow behind his back to make sure he was propped up, then set a bucket on the floor near him. She watched him for a few minutes, his face soft in sleep. She took his shoes off and set his gun on the side table, then covered him with a blanket. She texted Gilly and EZ, letting them know they made it inside unscathed. She climbed into bed and tried to sleep but her mind was still going a mile a minute. Last she knew, Celia and Letty were living in Fresno and Coco’s only contact with his mother was when she needed money. She tossed and turned for a while until she fell into a very uneasy sleep.
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She woke up alone with even more questions and even less answers. She heard movement in the kitchen and decided to let him come to her. She was checking her phone when the bedroom door opened to reveal Coco with a mug in his hand, showered and in different clothes.
“I wanted to let you sleep,” he explained and set the mug down on her nightstand.
“Thanks,” she sat up slowly, putting her phone down in favor of the coffee.
He sat on the side of the bed by her legs, “I made it the way you like.”
She nodded and took a sip, “Hungover?”
“Pretty bad one,” he smiled softly, “Guess I deserve it.”
“At least,” she murmured, taking another sip.
“Good?” he checked, motioning the mug. She nodded, “Look, ma. Yesterday was fucked. And that's on me, you know? You were right, you didn’t do shit but I took it out on you anyway. I’m sorry for that.”
She set the coffee down to tie her long hair up in a messy bun, “Thank you for apologizing but I still have a million questions.”
Beeping from the kitchen sounded faintly, “I gotta get that, I cooked you breakfast,” he stood up, “You wanna come eat? I’ll answer your questions.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she agreed.
He went to the door but paused, turning back around, “Can I kiss you or am I still in the doghouse?”
She couldn’t help smiling at his serious face, eyes wide and sad. She crooked a finger at him and he darted across the room, pressing a few hard kisses to her lips.
Coco headed back to the kitchen, taking a steadying breath as he fixed her a plate. His military training still had him up early, long night or not. He woke up on the couch alone, still dressed with a bucket on the floor. Memories of the previous day and night flooded back to him and he knew he needed to stop wallowing and talk to his partner. She was his queen. She always accepted, never judged and matched his energy effortlessly. She deserved better than how he treated her, which is how he found himself buying a bouquet of flowers at 7:30 in the morning, the cashier smirking knowingly. He cooked her favorite breakfast, texting apologies to his brothers when he had a free second. 
She joined him a few minutes later, sitting down with her coffee mug. He set their plates down, “How’d I do?” he asked.
“So far, you’re going in the right direction,” she admitted, taking a few bites, “This is actually perfect. You buy this?” she joked.
Coco laughed, “Damn, alright. I deserved that,” he lit a blunt, “So…the club and I were talking to Louie the other day and he told me he made a movie with my little sister but he didn’t know till she came back all pissed off about money.”
She frowned, “Shit. So it’s too late to stop it?”
“Already uploaded,” he murmured, letting the smoke out, “I saw the little picture thing. The thumbnail.”
“Coco,” her face softened, “Why?”
He shrugged, “I guess I was hoping he got it wrong, you know? Even though she threatened him with the club.”
“I guess he didn’t,” she took a drag of the blunt when he passed it over.
“It’s her. Remember when I got back late the other day? I found Celia on the corner,” he admitted, “Told her to arrange a meeting. I met them at a diner yesterday afternoon. Celia told Letty I’m her dad and she ran off with a trucker. I uh…I don’t know where she is.”
She set the blunt in the ashtray, “Baby…”
Coco shook his head, “Club shit went a little weird yesterday. Took much longer than we thought. I was so in my own head that time just got away from me. I know that’s a shit excuse but…”
She took another bite, “And the drinking?”
He leaned back in his chair, pushing his food around with his fork, “I was gonna have one and come home. It was like my brain shut off. Next thing I knew, I was throwing up on the stairs.”
“That’s heavy,” she held her hand out across the table, “You don’t need to deal alone anymore, my love. You know that.”
“I know, I know,” he squeezed her hand, kissing her knuckles, “I just…it’s Celia.”
She nodded, knowing his mom was one of his biggest issues, “So…we getting a bigger place?”
His eyes widened, “What?”
She stroked his hand with her thumb, “We don’t have a spare room for Letty, she’s what, 16? We aren’t gonna bring her here just to have her sleep on the couch.”
She barely had the sentence out before he kissed her with bruising pressure, holding her cheeks as she whimpered. They were breathless when he broke the kiss, their lips still brushing together.
“Why are you so fucking good to me?” he whispered, “I don’t deserve it. Especially after last night.”
“I’m good to you because we’re in this together,” she licked her lips, smirking when his eyes fluttered closed at the feel of her tongue, “And because you’re taking the day off to make it up to me. That’s not a request.”
A devilish smirk crossed his lips, “Does that mean I get to eat your pussy all day?”
Her eyes lit up, “I mean…at least.”
She laughed as he carried her over his shoulder back to their room, tugging her shorts down her legs and leaving them in the hall as the bedroom door slammed closed.
“Taking advantage while you can?” she joked as her back hit the mattress. Coco crawled over her, pushing her shirt up and kissing the skin he exposed before helping her out of her shirt, kissing her hungrily. She wrapped her legs around his, pressing closer to him. He groaned as he ran a hand down her side, slipping his fingers between her legs. She gasped, her hips rolling as he touched her. He kissed back down her arching body, his tongue and fingers moving slow and deliberate. Coco smirked when he sucked harder, his tongue speeding up on her clit. He loved eating pussy but there was something about hers that made him feel insatiable. Her taste, her smell, the needy sounds she made when she got closer. Her long nails were scraping his skin as she gripped his hair, moans getting louder as she fell over the edge. Hearing her cry his name over and over like a prayer had him grinding against the bed as he brought her over a second time. He looked up to see her trembling, her chest heaving as she collapsed back on the bed.
“So that was one?” he smirked, licking his glistening lips as she laughed. He didn’t wait for an answer before lowering his head between her legs.
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urwifebabes · 3 months
my name is heaartz. or anything you want!
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Who I write for:
Poppy Playtime (mostly Smiling critters)
Chucky/Tiffany (BOC)
Teen titans
(update if this changes!!)
What I won’t write:
Mini smiling critters (the toys) smut I will not.
no child x adult at all
no child x child smut
no feet or piss or anything like that
What I will write:
Only x reader
I am open to it and if you want to, please message me! I love making friends.
anywhoo, thank you for reading! please comment or DM any suggestions. see you soon mylove.
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shelbyinubakilee · 4 months
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Peter: Who’s my fluffy baby?
Rocket: Shut. Up. —————
I don't wanna die or fade away I just wanna be someone I just wanna be someone
Dive and disappear without a trace I just wanna be someone Well, doesn't everyone? And if you feel the great dividing I wanna be the one you're guiding 'Cause I believe that you could lead the way
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone, oh I never had nobody and no road home I wanna be somebody to someone
And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall I really need somebody to call my own I wanna be somebody to someone Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you (someone to you)
I don't even need to change the world (change, change the world) I'll make the moon shine just for your view I'll make the starlight circle the room (circle the room) And if you feel like night is falling I wanna be the one you're calling 'Cause I believe that you could lead the way
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh (somebody) I wanna be somebody to someone, oh I never had nobody and no road home (I don't have) I wanna be somebody to someone (somebody)
And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall I really need somebody to call my own I wanna be somebody to someone Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you
The kingdom come, the rise, the fall The setting sun above it all I just wanna be somebody to you
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone, oh I never had nobody and no road home I wanna be somebody to someone
And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall I really need somebody to call my own I wanna be somebody to someone Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you Someone to you -The Banners
———To the all the chucky raccoons that won our hearts.
@bbasmos’s what if…?
What if Rocket got fat instead of Thor? The answer: Cuddles!!
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marvelsage · 1 year
Wednesday & Wick
“Wick! Hey Wick! Open up!” Pounding at your door disturbed you latest read. Annoyed you lay the book down and approach the door. Opening the slot in the door to see the Sheriff.
“I need your statement-”
“I already gave my statement. Now what do you really want?”
“It would be better to discuss more in person.”
“You have a warrant?”
Leaning away from the door you listened as he gave up and returned to your book. Though your mind just read over the same line and after the sixth you gave up. You noted that you were late for your club meeting.
On the way to the hive you notice Wednesday and ‘Rowan’ talking by Ms.Thorhills car. Approaching as they were about to drive away you step in front of the car.
“Oh my- Wick!” You smile and approach ‘Rowans’ window as it rolls down slowly, leaning down some.
“Leaving without saying goodbye. I’m hurt and here I thought we were friends, Ro.” Looking deep within his eyes as he tries to look away.
“I-I um sor-bye”
“Alls well, Rowan. Do keep in touch hmm.”
“Apologies, Ms. Thornhill, didn’t mean to scare you.” Standing straight, tapping the top of the car stepping back. As it drives off, Wednesday steps up beside you.
“What do you know?”
“I know what I know.” Stepping close to seem more ‘intimidating’ your demons hum in bliss at being so close to her aura.
“Care to share.”
“I’d have to care in order to share, wouldn’t I”
“I find you infuriating.”
“Never said I was nice.” Side stepping her, you set off.
Entering class last you scan the room for an open seat. There was a seat in the back corner you were going to sit in until Bianca called you over.
“You can sit over here.” You shrug and detour to her table.
“Wick, haven’t seen you very often lately.”
“You would if you took your eyes off Xavier.” A few snickers were heard before Xavier stole the show with his drawings. You look over as he tries to impress Wednesday with his ability. Silently laughing when all she does is slam her hand on it.
Class goes on as Wednesday and Bianca compete to see who knew the ghost orchid more. Spacing out as recent events circle your head repeatedly. Suddenly everyone’s standing and leaving the class.
“Wick, please stay back for a moment.” Reluctantly you sit back down, and wait for everyone to leave.
“You’ve been spacing out a lot, Wick. Is there anything you’d like to talk about? You know I’m always here.”
“No I’m alright.”
“Does it have to do with Rowan leaving? I know you two were pretty close. You must miss him very much.”
“I guess so but I’ll always have a piece of him with me.” You smirk internally as you pat the chest pocket of your vest. The conversation ended shortly and she dismissed you soon after.
You had just finished checking the last of your assigned section when Wednesday and Enid had appeared. You entered the shed after giving them a few minutes. Swinging the door open, you were met with Enid in a bee suit, Eugene showcasing a honey jar, and Wednesday with a knife raised.
“Relax, Chucky it’s just me. What the hell are you doing now?” Letting the door slam shut as you pull off the net from your head. Unzipping the jumper halfway and letting the rest hang off your waist.
Turning around, you lean back against a one of the tables with your arms crossed. Taking note of Enids slight blush and Wednesday discreetly checking you out.
“It’s none of your concern. Shouldn’t you be putting hearts into dolls.”
“Shouldn’t you be taking hearts out of dolls.” Smiling sarcastically back as she goes over her plan with Enid and Eugene.
“Wait. Enid is supposed to decoy you? Huh”
“I’m sorry but if Principle Weems can’t see the blonde with pink and purple highlights through the net I’d be more impressed.” Glaring at you as you stand to change in the hidden closet of the shed.
“Nobody asked.”
“You quiet literally did 30 seconds ago.” Strutting out the closet, making sure your uniform was straightened out. You decided on the ‘boys’ version of the uniform today, with a customized corset to go with.
“Let’s go.” It took Wednesday a moment to follow as she caught up on the fact that you had invited yourself along.
“What are you doing?”
“Coming along. I’m not letting you go alone after what happened that night.” Stepping over certain parts of the ground to lessen the amount of noise.
“I don’t need-”
“My help, we’re not friends, blah blah blah yeah I got it, darling. Watch your head.” Holding a branch high enough for her to walk under which didn’t take much.
You hear him before you see him as suddenly Wednesdays yanked out of sight. Leaping up into the tree next to you, masking your scent as the sheriff walks pass. Sniffing the air to make sure that was it you step off from the branch you were on and land gracefully between Wednesday and Tyler.
“Whoa, Wick.”
“Tyler.” Tilting your head in greeting before turning around to Wednesday. Checking her over unknowingly stepping closer to her to make sure she was unharmed.
“I’m fine.” You hold her gaze and see truth until Tyler clears his throat. Snarling ‘unintentionally’ at him, he raises his hands in show of no harm.
“Sorry force of habit.” Moving on from the situation you let them have their talk and tune them out as the whispers start up again. The same ones that happened the night of the festival and they seemed to be coming from a certain area. You spot something on the ground at the same time Wednesday does.
“I was right.” She goes to pick up the glasses- Rowan’s glasses when she’s snapped into a vision. Tyler rushed forward to hold her up as you stumble back from the force of something unknown that caused your nose to bleed a little.
‘what the f*ck’
Finishing up getting everything ready for tonight a knock on your door stops you. Opening it you saw no one but heard little thuds, you look down and smirk.
“Hello, Thing. It’s been quiet a while since I’ve seen you.” Letting him in you wait as he climbs up your work table and let’s you in on the plan Wednesday had in mind for the Poe cup.
“Hmmm nice I like it.” You both brainstorm on ideas like old times and catch up briefly before you decided to end the night.
“What’s wrong?” Wednesday asked as Enid has another panic attack right before the game.
“We’re down another person!And now we’re going to have to forfeit! Oh my gosh!”
“How is that possible?” Rapid thudding caught their attention as Thing motioned to the entrance of their tent. Right on time for you to strut out of it with the matching uniform, though yours didn’t have long sleeves, filling it out nicely.
“Hope you don’t mind, Enid but I need full range of my arms for today.” Coming up beside them as Enid squeals of happiness and jumps on you thanking you repeatedly. She set off to the boat after, leaving you with Wednesday who had yet to say anything.
“What did you do?”
“Well you look lovely as well, darling.” Her glare doesn’t waver and you inch your head to thing.
“That’s for me and thing to worry about.”
“Didn’t know you two were friends.” Nudging her chin lightly with your knuckle to meet her gaze.
“Don’t worry, you’re still my number one.”
“I didn’t know you had tattoos.” Shifting your arm to fully show it.
“Oh yeah family heirlooms and stuff like that. Come one we got a race to win.”
And your off, your enhanced strength along with Enids helped to speed up the rowing. Dodging the others tactics easily and making it across. Wednesday went ahead to get the flag as the rest of you stayed to make sure nothing happened to the boat.
“Hey thing, now.” Thing distracts the other team and you motion to Enid to claw their boat. By the time Wednesday came back the others had started to leave already.
“Your alright?”
“Fine. Let’s go.” This time you were at the back of the boat and used a bit more of your strength to catch up to Bianca’s team. Passing the jokers as they sink, waving to Xavier on the way and laugh.
“Thing! I think flounder needs a hand.” With the help of thing and your last use of reinforcements, your team made it to the finish line in first place.
“We did it!” High fiving a few people along the way as everyone celebrated.
You were tired from todays events as Principle Weems went on about your teams victory. Drifting away from the group you come across the Wednesday sitting at the foot of one of the many statues.
“You alright?”
“Why do you always insist on checking on me?” Sitting down beside her you sigh.
“Cause whether you like it or not, I’d like to think we’ve come to be partners in crime. Don’t you think?”
“I don’t” She tilts her head up the slightest bit once again lessening the distance between one another.
“What are you guys doing down here?” She backs away as Enid appears at the entrance of the hall. Wednesday explains how she didn’t like how everyone was staring at her.
“Leaving. I’m tired, I’ll see you guys later.”
“Oh well good night, Wick. Thanks for stepping up today.” Sparing Wednesday a glance between her and the statue.
“No problem, Enid.” Saluting her just before you turn the corner.
“So what was that about?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh come on everyone can totally see the romantic tension between you too.” Wiggling her fingers at tension and at that Wednesdays face twitch just the slightest.
“Romantic? Never. Tension? Quiet irritably. Mention this to anyone and your pig stuffy is getting decapitated.”
“Got it…”
sorry if your tag didn’t work out. also for taking a while I decided to make this part just a bit more lengthy. hope you all enjoy:)
@official-clint-barton @smolgayhooman @elduster @dreifhraniquo29 @lonelylesbian @coralbirdstudent @marice23top @dragonfly358@n0p35 @1-800-depressedlesbian @darlingtwice @e-dollly @gengen64 @mrchiipchrome @frogtits1 @bubbabobabubbles
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frankenbacon99 · 4 months
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Ok Mattel I fixed your problem cause seriously wtf was that. I would've loved this set if it wasn't so lacking in style and looking so wrong in so many places. Like first of all Tiffany's dress is ugly af and it's also boring as shit she looks too much like barbie ngl. Her hair is too long she doesn't have black roots, those earrings don't fit her, her eyebrows are too thick and her eyeshadow is not black it's purple everyone knows this. The only things that are fine that don't need to be changed are her fishnets and boots. Chucky's overalls I think look too long for a monster high doll the girl needed help so I fixed her up. I got inspired a little bit by bishojou's versions of Chucky and Tiffany were the girl version of Chucky just had a short overall dress. And I have her pigtails with blue bows and red buttons. I also felt that Chucky's hair was too long and just lacked a certain personality. Her face was too bland and too tan so I basically just bleached her and added more scars. We all know that every iconic monster high doll has interesting earrings so I gave Chucky knife earrings and Tiffany heart of Damballah earrings. The same goes for their shoes too I changed Chucky's shoes from a wedge to a knife heel and gave Tiffany a cigarette stud for her shoes instead of that lipstick stud that's unidentifiable. And I also gave Tiffany fishnet gloves and a studded belt as well as a choker. Chucky didn't need the choker Tiffany did. Does Mattel not study these characters before creating these dolls or what because I feel like fans create better doll concept's than Mattel. Idk you tell me, which looks better to you. I think my design kicks ass
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks with a Queer and/or Trans Partner
(Head Cannons)
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Quick announcement before reading. I am a nonbinary AFAB individual so I cannot speak for all of these. If there is something you want to add that you feel as if I didn't give it enough justice please let me know! You can comment, message, reblog, or ask!
Coming Out
Coming out in general can be scary. But you know you need to come out to your current partner Randy.
(As Bi/Pan) You sat Randy down telling him you love him. He's panicking because this usually doesn't end well for him.
You tell to take deep breaths even though you're the one panicking. He notices you seem nervous and cuddles you in his arms.
You whisper saying you're [Bisexual/Pansexual/Questioning/Queer] and that you're still with him but you needed to tell him.
At first he's silent and then lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, I figured baby! It's okay! I support you!"
Ever since that you both talk about people you find attractive together. One time you both admitted to Billy being attractive but being an asshole. Or how Tatum's too pretty for Stu.
If there's a queer character in a Horror movie he's telling you. He grabbed the Rocky Horror Picture Show and forced you to watch it.
(Coming out as Trans) Again this is super scary. Yeah you dress differently to make yourself comfortable and change your hair but you never told him.
You waited until Randy was half asleep to tell him. You said it softly to where he can barely hear. He sat up lazily and rubbed his eyes.
(Nonbinary). "I go by They/Them pronouns.." you whispered. Randy nodded, "Okay, so..." He looked a bit confused not upset though. "I don't feel like a guy or a girl. Deep in my soul I feel something else. Like I don't belong?... It's hard to explain.."
(NonBinary) He nodded, "I'm sorry you feel this way. I'll try my best and I'm sorry if I mess up.".
(FTM) "Randy.. I'm saying that I don't wanna be a girl. I'm not a girl!" Tears built up. "I know you dated me when I was... I'm sorry but it's who I am.". Randy looked at you, "I love you for you. Besides we can get matching haircuts."
(MTF) "I feel feminine, I want to be pretty, Randy..". Randy scooted closer to you, "You are pretty..".. "No, I wanna be.. a girl.. I know the difference between drag queen and trans. This is who I am.". Randy nodded and kissed you before going back to the movie.
He'd then mention how Chucky's kid uses different pronouns.
Pride Events
He gets tacky Rainbow stuff for you all the time during June.
He even scribbled on a T-Shirt "My Partners [Queer/Trans] so what?".
He constantly tells you he's proud of you for being you.
During events he'll ask random questions going "What's the difference between Bi and Pan?" Or "What do you mean I'm queer coded?!" Then ask if Stus queer coded.
He gets little souvenirs for everyone. He handed Billy a fan saying PRIDE, Billy sat there confused. "Use it. It's for the better of human kind.".
Randy's mom gets confused when she' sees the rainbow stuff and thinks he's queer (which he might, who knows?). He shakes his head in disappointment, "No, Mom. We talked about how Y/N is celebrating this month! We have to be festive with them."
With Friends/Family
Randy would ask if your family knows, if you say No he'd respect that. He doesn't want to out you to your family. (For pronouns) He hates using the wrong pronouns and/or preferred name. After he apologizes a million times to you.
He'd be right by your side when you tell the friend group. Sidney and Tatum accept you and Stu is just confused. Billy zoned out and then nodded.
Stu would make a joke thinking it's harmless. Randy would fuss at him and Tatum would join him.
(For Queer individuals) Billy would even go to you and ask, "How'd you know?". You're pretty sure he likes Stu.
At school some kids are childish and mean. But Randy will stand up for you. So will everyone else of course! But Randy would be the meanest to the person who insulted you.
(For Pronouns) He'd passive aggressively correct people that should know which ones to use. At first he's nice and then he's like. "it's actually, [Preferred Pronouns]
(For Pronouns) When Ghostface calls you he even uses your proper pronouns and/or preferred name. You stop mid conversation and go "Uh- thanks. But imma hang up-".
That's all I got for now, Happy Pride!
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erinsintra · 7 months
stupid shit i believed (and did) in as a kid
I thought parrots could talk. Like, talk for real, like a cartoon character. When I visited my aunt, who kept a parrot as a pet, I kept trying to engage in small talk with it, and was pretty disappointed when I realised all he could say was my aunt's name.
I once read this comicbook story about a magical tree that was immune to the flow of time, and such its leaves did not change colour during autumn nor did they fell during winter. I live in a tropical country, and all the trees here are like that, so I just assumed they were all magical as well.
If you ate fish and drank water afterwards, the fish would come back from the dead inside your stomach.
I thought these things (idk how they're called in english) were tiny DVDs for ants.
I would refuse to eat seedless fruits. It didn't matter if they tasted good, it didn't matter if they were cheap. They were an unholy creation of mankind and would never be welcomed inside my mouth.
When my mum yelled at me, I would go to my grandpa and ask him to ground her. It did work once.
In my head, the Moon was a giant living being that could see us from where she stood on the sky, and I was 100% sure whe was following me wherever I went.
Wasps were the boy version of bees.
I believed George Washington was like Santa Claus for Americans and he also wasn't real.
Whenever I heard a cicada singing (or ringing? idk), I would sing back to them so they wouldn't feel lonely.
When presented with a new kind of food, I would first imagine myself eating it. If I didn't like the taste inside my head, I wouldn't even bother eating the actual dish. There's still a shitton of stuff I have never tasted because of that rule.
When I was like, seven or eight, I watched a few clips from the Chucky movie on youtube. After that, I started to believe all dolls had the potential to become evil muderers, and so I would always be nice to the ones I owned (asking them if they were okay, sitting them comfortably on my bed instead of laying around on the floor) so if they ever turned evil they would at least spare me.
I believed the voice in my head was a different person, and whenever "it" got mad at me, "it" would start endlessly listing all of the things I feared in order to make me anxious. I still don't know how to explain this, but I'm glad they stopped doing that.
For over eleven years of my life I genuinely believed everyone in Greece still went around wearing togas and worshipping the twelve Olympians. I was rather disappointed when I learned they are mostly Christian nowadays.
I was one hundred percent sure the Easter Island was not real, and it was instead some sort of fictional fantasy place like Wonderland that at some point became public domain and everyone started using it. Even nowadays, I still go "oh, right, this exists" whenever someone mentions the place.
When I raised my hands in a windy day, I could feel the wind passing between my fingers. I thought I was the only person who could do this, and this I had secret airbending powers that would show up when I got older or something.
Johnny Bravo was the grown-up version of Johnny Test. I mean, they were both blond, from the same channel, and were both named Johnny. It made perfect sense.
Whenever I closed my eyes to wash my hair at the shower, a demon showed up in my bathroom to try and kill me, so I had to open my eyes as fast as possible, even if I got some shampoo on them by accident, otherwise I would die.
I couldn't sleep in total darkness, I always needed some light source near me, however small it was. I wasn't necessarily scared of the dark, or anything lurking in it, I just believed that if my eyes suddenly vanished for whatever reason, I wouldn't know I had been blinded if it was dark. I don't understand that part either.
I thought Halloween was an American celebration about having burned all their witches and the reason we didn't celebrate it in my country was because we still had witches here.
My mum once gave me this fancy plastic cup with a built-in straw and a small extra cavity to store tiny things and I loved it so much I would only drink water from that specific cup. I also started drinking water a lot as an excuse to use it, and whenever I was sad, I would drink more water because using the cup made me feel a little bit better. To this day, I still drink a lot of water when I feel upset.
I had my own place at the couch, just like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang. I wouldn't mind if anyone sat on it, but I would never sit in another part of the couch unless explicitly forced to.
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End of month update - October
Hello, all! Sorry that this update is late; I had a busy Halloween, and my phone is broken! I'll try to be more timely next month's update. Anyway:
Here is this month’s end-of-month update on Tumblr’s top four films that have received the highest percentage of "yes," "no," and "haven't even heard of this movie" votes!
As of today, the top four films with the highest percentage of “yes” votes are:
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Finding Nemo (2003) | Monsters, Inc. (2001) | The Incredibles (2004) | Ratatouille (2007)
This top four changed in that Finding Nemo (2003) took over first place, knocking Aladdin (1992) out of the top four.
Next, the top four films with the highest percentage of "no" votes are:
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Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014) | Bonnie and Clyde (1967) | Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015) | Curse of Chucky (2013)
Finally, the top four films with the highest percentage of "haven't even heard of this movie" votes are:
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My Father and My Son (2005) | The Source (2002) | Advantageous (2015) | Top End Wedding (2019)
This top four changed in that Top End Wedding (2019) replaced Babysitting (2014).
Currently, The Incredibles (2004) is the still only film to receive absolutely zero “haven’t heard of this” votes!
That's it for October's end-of-month update! Remember that you can view last month’s end-of-month update by clicking here. Additionally, you can view the full ranked Letterboxd lists of movies that have come up on this blog by clicking the following links:
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of "yes" votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of "no" votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of "haven't even heard of this movie" votes.
Hope everyone has a great November!
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breanime · 2 years
Because EZ is daddy
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#gif drabble submission
You were asleep when EZ came back to his trailer. You heard him come in, heard the door close behind him and heard the soft thud of his feet on the floor. You were tucked in bed, exhausted after spending the better part of the day shopping for EZ's sparse trailer with Letty and Chucky (of all people).
It was a good day.
You felt the bed dip as EZ got in with you, and a moment later, he kissed the side of your face.
You smiled, "You smell like crime."
He chuckled, "Crime?" He kissed your cheek again. "Crime must smell good."
You giggled, turning over and looking up at him, "It smells like gasoline and leather and smoke."
"You know I don't smoke."
"Yeah, but Angel does. Everyone else does."
"Manny doesn't."
You laughed, your boyfriend was suspiciously fond of Manny. "I bet he doesn't get into bed with his lady smelling like outside," you countered.
EZ laughed back, getting up and shedding his kutte, "Okay, okay, I hear you loud and clear," he turned, his muscled back to you, and you watched the way his broad shoulders moved underneath his tiny little tank top. He looked around the trailer, noting the changes you made with a quiet satisfaction.
You, however, only had eyes for his body. He was built like a fucking god. "Come here."
EZ turned back to you, a wide grin on his face, "Yeah? Even though I smell?" He teased.
You held your arms out, "My sense of sight is stronger than my sense of smell."
"Eh, I dunno," he swayed as he stood over you, smiling down at you warmly, "You made a pretty compelling argument, maybe I should get outta here and shower up before--"
"Ezekiel," you interrupted, impatient, "either get your ass in this bed or give me Manny's number, dammit, cause I--"
He laughed, launching himself into bed and on top of you, wrapping you in his arms as he did. "Manny's my boy, but I'd kill him if he ever touched you."
You kissed him, and as he kissed you back, you knew that neither of you would be getting any sleep tonight.
Not that either of you minded.
Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you think!
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