#except my dad he used the names of our pets because he loved them more
thedawningofthehour · 2 months
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Draxum is a fearsome commander and warring warrior scientist, but he's also a Dad and does exactly what Dads do.
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elvendria · 1 year
NOTICING YOU - e.m x fem reader Part Three
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tw: Reader is a cynic who doesn't believe in love, Claudia Henderson isn't the best :/ (is that a trigger? idk.), big sister acts like a parent, smoking, insomniac (??kinda if you squint??), swearing, jealous!Eddie (if you squint), pet names
word count: 4710
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
"So, were you able to get through to someone to get your car fixed?" Mom asked. I told her the conversation I had over the phone with Eddie and explained that he'd be here first thing in the morning to collect the car and take it to the shop. 
"First thing? But they're always swamped with cars on a Saturday. I thought you wouldn't get seen till Sunday, Monday at the latest." Mom said. 
"Same here," I attempted to stifle a yawn but failed. "I've to be up early so uh... goodnight." I turned around and walked away.
I was never close with Mom, and then things kicked off with Dad. 
I guess it was then I realised I wasn't as close with either of my parents as I had thought.
I padded down the hall towards Dustin's room in my bare feet, the feeling of the cool wood underneath my feet relaxing me with each step. I passed by my room to see Tews sitting on my bed cleaning herself. I hate that cat and I have no idea why my mom loves it so much. 
That's not to say all cats are bad, I just don't like this particular cat. 
Knocking on Dustin's bedroom, I waited to hear him say "It's open," before opening it slightly and sticking my head around the door. 
"Goodnight boys," I smiled at them, all gathered around together talking about god knows what.
 Mike, Will and Lucas will always feel like little brothers to me, I've known them so long. It felt weird seeing them as a trio, and a part of me missed seeing Will around the place. I hope he's happy in California. 
"Night Y/n!" 
"Thanks for letting us stay over!"
"Sleep. Soon." I said pointedly, "Just because you're in high school now does not mean you are to be up all night. You'll just end up being super tired tomorrow."
"But can't we just have-" Dustin started. 
"Dustin the last time you had coffee you went nuts. Not happening again under my watch." I said, leaving the room
"Technically we're under Mom's watch," He mumbled back defeatedly. 
I stuck my head back around the door, giving him a look that blatantly said 'Really? Moms' watch? Have you ever even met our mother?' before he groaned causing me to laugh as I exited the room. 
Sometimes I love to play the authoritative big sister card just to mess with him, it can really piss him off. 
I didn't know how what time 'first thing' was, I'm grateful and all but couldn't he be a bit more specific? Either way, I was going to need to get to sleep so I could wake up early. I set my alarm for 7:30 am, which isn't even a time that should exist on a Saturday morning, so I could get up and be ready for when he calls. I had switched off the handbrake and managed to push the car till it was outside my house. Could've done with Robin's freakishly strong arms but she had her Family Video shift, plus I'm fairly sure I earned a few muscles of my own. 
Changing into a pair of old biker shorts and an oversized misfits t-shirt, I crawled into my bed and lay on my side, willing sleep to come, but my head was so full of thoughts it was like there was no switching it off. I lay like that until I could hear everyone in bed, and the faint sound of my mother's snoring echoed through the halls. 
When I was certain that she was asleep, I snuck out of the house and sat on the swing bench on our porch, curling my knees up to my chest underneath my shirt and resting my head on them. 
There was something about the nighttime, the way the town went silent. As a kid, I used to believe that because it was so quiet, everyone would be able to hear the slightest noise you make. On nights like these, I sometimes wonder the same thing. 
Except now I know about science and the speed of sound, so the idea is a complete fantasy. 
Sitting on the bench, lighting up a cigarette from my stash that kept my hands slightly warm. I looked out at the sky, not seeing a single star. Not seeing anything but the faint glow of the street lamps from down the road. There was a faint breeze that wrapped around my ankles now and again, but other than that it was a warm night, unusually warm for October. 
I sat there until I could see orange streaks beginning to paint the sky. So much for trying to get some sleep. I unfolded myself from the swing and walked to my room, careful not to wake anyone. Checking my alarm clock, I saw that it was 7 am. I could try and get a 30-minute nap in but knowing me, I'd sleep past my alarm. 
I took a shower, scrubbing the smell of the night air off my skin. I wanted to stay in the shower, to feel the steam rise around me, but I didn't have the time. I turned off the water, wrapped my hair and body in a towel, and then made my way to my room to start getting ready. 
I debated drying my hair but decided I wasn't in the mood to deal with the frizz today (I never am). Pulling on a low-cropped white shirt, black ripped jeans and combat boots, I got changed and grabbed some cereal before sitting on the couch and reading. By the time Eddie pulled up, my hair was almost dry but still damp in places. 
The doorbell rang and I looked at my mother, not surprised to find her fawning over that stupid cat once again. I got up and answered the door, a part of me freaking out before remembering why he was here.
"Hi," I said quietly, fear washing over me as I suddenly realised this was my first time talking to Eddie, face to face. 
"Hey," he replied equally as sheepish. Was something wrong? Had I done something?
His eyes moved down towards my exposed waistline, and I desperately wanted to grab a hoodie to cover up.
He must've found the shitty brown carpet very fascinating because he couldn't seem to look away from it. "So the truck is parked out front, I've hooked your car up to it and everything, I just need you to come down to the shop to fill out some stuff." He told me. I figured I'd have to go to the mechanics at some stage today, I just didn't think it would be so soon.
"Do you want a coffee or something before we go?" I pointed my thumb towards the kitchen, the mannerisms that my grandmother drilled into me coming into play again. He looked up, our eyes holding each other and suddenly I felt like there was a magnetic in each of his eyes, drawing me in closer. 
From where we were standing you could see beside the kitchen, where my mom was sitting there, talking to Tews like it was a human baby. 
"Uhm, maybe some other time?" He said, suppressing a grin.
"Yeah sure," 
Had I just 'yeah sure' d the idea of coffee with Eddie Munson? 
"I'll grab my mom's car keys, just hang on two seconds." I turned towards the living room where my Mom was sitting, combing the cat with an old comb of mine. 
"Um, there's room up the front of the truck if you want to ride up there with me?" He asked me, "It might be a bit easier." 
I turned one more time to look at my mother, who was now singing lullabies to this freaky cat before agreeing.
God, I miss Mews. Now that was a cat who did not like to be coddled.
Just as I was about to pull the door behind me, my mother called out. "Remember you're trying on dresses for homecoming this afternoon! We'd better hurry or all the good ones will be sold out!" 
My heart dropped and I wanted to strangle her. I prayed to whoever was up there that Eddie hadn't heard her.
I threw my book bag over my shoulder, I never liked to leave home without it. He opened the car door for me and waited till I was in okay before running to check that everything was hooked up properly. While I was waiting for him, I sat noticing all the little details in it. Things like his pack of cigarettes and a lighter, or a few jumbled-up mix-tapes sitting in the glove box and in the pockets on the driver-side door. A black bandana was thrown across the dashboard, most likely the one that Eddie carries around all the time. 
What surprised me most was the pack of hair ties hidden underneath his rolling papers. Although I guess when you have as much hair as he does and work as a mechanic, tying it up is more of an occupational precaution.
He opened his door and threw off his coat before jumping in. He grabbed a hair tie and pulled his hair back, and I tried my hardest not to look as every muscle in his arm flexed. Made all the more visible by his grey muscle shirt, his tattoos on full display.
"Buckled up?" He asked me, I nodded as I closed the seat belt around myself. He did the same and then started up the car. He drove with one hand on the wheel and another on the gear stick, right next to my knee. Every so often there'd be a bump in the road and his knuckles would graze against my jeans or my exposed knee, sending off shocks from where he touched me. 
The silence was deafening, the only noise coming from the metal music on his radio. It was a bunch of different bands which made me think it was a mix-tape. I was going to say something, compliment the music, but Eddie beat me to the punch before I could open my mouth. 
"So, you're going to homecoming?" His eyes were fixed straight ahead on the road. There was a tone to his words that I couldn't quite decipher, almost nervous.
"Um. Yeah," I fidgeted with my hands in my lap. "last year and all that, figured I'd see what all the fuss was about while I still can."
"And uh," His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his eyes unwavering from the road ahead, "and do you have a date?"
My chest tightened and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe given the thickness of the air around us. 
"No, it's just me and Robin," I said lowering my head, suddenly very fascinated by my hands, "We'll probably both just sit on the bleachers till 10 pm before figuring out some way home."
"Good," he muttered quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear him. I had so many questions, but a few stuck out in my mind. 
 Was he happy I wasn't bringing a date? Or that I wouldn't be dancing?
"Are you going?" Why had I asked that? 
"No, it's uh," He chuckled slightly, "Not really my scene,"
I don't know why my blood felt cold and my heart sank as he said this, but they did. 
 Master of Puppets by Metallica came on, and I started tapping my foot quietly, letting the questions and feelings fade with every strum of the guitar. Dad hated this song, but I always thought it was a good one. Hearing it again after so long caused goosebumps to make their way across my skin.
"Come Crawling Faster,"
I thought I was singing under my breath, but that last line came out louder than expected. I sat there and prayed he hadn't heard me. 
"Obey Your Master," He sang back, a smirk plastered on his face. 
His voice sent tingles down my spine and makes the hair on my arms stand upright, leaving me with goosebumps all over my skin. He was so close to me that I was almost certain he could feel the tension rising within me. 
He looked like he was going to say something, but then we turned onto the gravel path leading up to the mechanics, and the moment was gone.
Why does he make me feel like this, it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. Crushes are for girls in middle school and people with their heads in the clouds.
Maybe it was just because he was helping me out with the car. Yeah, people find plumbers and firefighters hot all the time, it's just because they're providing a service. 
Not that I find Eddie hot. I mean he is very attractive, and when he stretches his arms it makes me feel all weird inside, but I am most certainly not attracted to Eddie. 
The truck came to a halt outside the workshop. Eddie jumped out of the truck and rushed around to my side just as I was opening the door. 
"Here, it's a bit of a step-down. I'll give you a hand." He said. I swung both of my feet out as he held the back of my arm with his large hand, and I would've been fine. 
But I'm me, and I have to fill my daily awkward quota.
I started to climb down, my back to Eddie as I side-stepped out of the van, the coldness of his rings sending mini shockwaves from where he held my arm and wrist when my ankle went from under me, making me fall sideways. 
I squinted my eyes, sure that I was going to hit the pavement. An absolute goner that was going to end up in the hospital before dying of pure embarrassment. But the ground never came to meet me. 
Instead, I was pulled tight against something, a pair of arms wrapped around my back and legs. It felt like all the breath had left my body, and a strong smell of cigarettes and sandalwood filled my nose. 
I opened my eyes as Eddie gripped me to his chest, looking down at me as he held me bridal style. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as his dark orbs explored my face. 
I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but he rubbed his finger in circles across my knee where his hand gripped my leg. The air felt electric, almost as if it could shock us both if we moved. His arm was on my back and I was glad it wasn't a few inches lower.
I was almost certain his dark eyes flickered down to my lips and lingered for a second, before quickly returning to look me in the eye. 
We looked at each other in silence. I felt his hot breath fan my face and caught the smell of mint.  I was almost certain he was going to say something, but he just cleared his throat.
"Are you okay?" He said at the same time as me. 
"Oh uh. I'm okay." I stammered through my words, "Thank you." 
We looked at each other again, and a small part of me didn't want him to put me down, but that idea was quickly erased from my mind when Eddie cleared his throat again, gradually lowering me till I was on my feet. I could tell that the awkwardness I was feeling was mutual as we both shuffled our feet.
The workshop was on the other side of town, it was a long walk home without the car, and I didn't want to trouble Eddie with driving me home. But it was like he was reading my mind because the next thing he said was, 
"You should come in and sit down," He motioned to the desk and chair beside him, piled high with paperwork. "It's supposed to rain on and off all day. I'll drive you home after I take a look at this baby." He unhooks the car from the truck before pushing it into the shop.
"Oh, thanks. You don't have to." I replied, moving towards the desk and placing down my book bag,  desperate to keep the nerves out of my voice.
"My pleasure." He smiled.
 He bent into the driver's side, fiddling for something. 
"Oh, there's a knack for popping the hood,  here I can-" I started, but before I could finish he had done it, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
Eddie looked at me, and suddenly the concrete floor became very interesting, "Just a bit of pressure and some elbow grease should do the trick." He says, climbing back out of the car. 
He opens up the hood and takes a look as I sit down and place my bag on my lap. I want to ask if he minds me doing homework, but I don't want to look like I'm ignoring him or being rude.  
"Ok so, " he started, and I suddenly felt a drop in my stomach. What if my baby was fucked, and I could never drive her again? What if all she was good for anymore was spare parts? I was so worked up about never being able to drive my girl again that I completely forgot about the guy inspecting her. 
My freak out must've been clear on my face because Eddie's face became very soft and gentle, 
"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, it's only a faulty spark plug and wire casings. You're alignments a bit off and your transmission is failing, but it's nothing I can't fix for you. There are some other things here and there that I'll need to get some parts for, and no offence but your car is an older model so it might take a while to get them all." He gave me a small smile, easing my nerves slightly. Eddie sounded like he knew what he was doing, so clearly he did. Right? 
"I'll be honest, none of that makes sense," I said, as he walks around and pulls out the chair for me. He's surprisingly chivalrous, opening car doors and pulling out chairs. I don't know what I expected him to be like, but it wasn't this. "I don't think she's ever been looked at after Dad renovated her." I sat in the chair and wonder why I ever thought my dad was a reliable person as Eddie walks into what I assume is a storage closet. 
"Here," he says, handing me a radio and a box of tapes that were just around, "Pick out some music, I wanna see what you choose." He had put the car on a lift earlier and was in the process of raising her, a skateboard and toolbox beside him. Once he was happy she was at a reasonable height he dropped to his knees beside the board, then flipped himself over so he was lying flat against it, using it to push himself under the car. 
I was flicking through the mix tapes he had when one stood out to me. Dad used to play it for Dustin as a kid, which in hindsight seems a bit weird but at the time it made him laugh and dance like crazy. 
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions started to echo around the building, and I hesitantly pulled out my economics textbook and attempted to try and understand this nonsense they tried to teach us, while Eddie just silently bopped his foot along to the tempo. 
Silence passed between us as I attempted to do homework and Eddie tried to fix my car, the only sound surrounding us being the music from Eddie's radio. Once homework was completed I started on a piano lesson plan for Joanna Kelly, a girl who lived down the street from us, I gave her parents a discount given how nice they were to myself and Dustin growing up. 
When that was over, I slyly pulled out a math notebook and began to work out my expenses. Eddie could try and sugarcoat it as much as he wants, but I knew this service wasn't going to be cheap. I mean, needing to get replacement parts? It's got to cost at least $2000+, which is definitely more than I make teaching kids how to play twinkle twinkle and three blind mice. I'd landed a job over the summer at the Hawkins Hypnotic Record Store, but only as a way to save up for college.
Now I'll have to apply for scholarships if I want any hope of getting into somewhere decent. That meant taking on more extracurriculars and writing a killer college essay. 
Ms Kelly had advertised on the intercom the other week about finding someone to help out in the front office for extra credit. Looks like I was going to be taking her up on it.
 I'm barely going to have time to breathe let alone sleep. 
Listening to Eddie banging and crashing around the car had me nervous, but only a small bit. Eddie knew what he was doing, his uncle didn't seem like the kind of guy to give Eddie a job based on familial connections. 
Suddenly Eddie comes flying out from under the car, grease and oil covering his face and sweat glistening along his arms, his tattoos practically shining. 
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts about how much this was going to cost me that I didn't even notice him talking to me. 
"Hey, Y/n?" He asked with a touch of confusion, "Hellooo?" 
My head snapped to look at him, his voice bringing me to my senses.
"Sorry, I was lost in my own mind. Worrying about stuff y'know?"
He rubbed the grease off his face with a cloth and a soft grin, his eyes closed. I took this moment to examine him a bit further. He looked like he had strong arms, and his tattoos were kinda impressive and cool. I heard he paid his friend a 3 months supply of weed, and they did them with a pin and some type of ink. 
But I don't know if any of that is real.
"What does a pretty girl like you have to be worrying about?" 
Pretty girl.
The words bounced around my stomach before settling between my thighs. I squeezed them together as if on instinct, the words rolling over my skin like waves.
I remained silent, not too sure how to answer that, my mind was blank as I tried to ignore the sudden throbbing I felt.
A few moments pass by and Eddie sits up and looks at me, his hair coming loose from the hair tie.
"Hey, could you pass me the wrench? It's on the counter over there, it's the one with the round-"
"I know what a wrench looks like Eddie, I'll grab it now," I said shuffling around to the counter to look for it, silently loving the way his name felt on my tongue
5, maybe 6 minutes pass, and I've no luck. I had handed him a wrench, but apparently, it wasn't the right wrench. So now I was back staring at a workspace full of stupid tools with stupid names. 
I hadn't even heard Eddie come up behind me until I felt his breath. 
"Here, let me help" He spoke softly, "It's the least I can do,"
I wanted to tell him that he was fixing my car, and it was the least I  could do to find the stupid wrench when suddenly his hand was on my waist as he moved to step beside me. His fingertips brushed off me like tiny flames searing into the exposed skin, and I knew what was coming next.
I tried to resist it, believe me. But I can't help it. I've never been able to, it's my number one weakness. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I braced myself.
His fingers trailed along the base of my back. I managed to suppress the moan, but that was about it. Like always I arched my back and jerked sideways in a fit of the most unattractive laughs you can picture. 
Eddie didn't have to pull his hand away, I had already squirmed from his grip as he looked at me stunned. A toothy grin formed on his face as he crossed his arms. 
"What was that?" He said laughing slightly.
Looking at him laugh made me laugh more. It was like someone flipped my giddy switch. I turned to the countertop and bent over on it, determined to catch my breath with my hands clasped behind my head. 
"Oh god," I said breathlessly, "I'm sorry, I just have a really ticklish back."
I couldn't see his face, but when he spoke he whispered, 
"Heh, yeah," He said lowly, "That's definitely a first. I'll try not and accidentally tickle you in the future." I felt like he was grinning, but I was too embarrassed now to even look him in the eye. 
I nearly made a potential sex noise in front of Eddie Munson. 
After a bit of silence, I hear him say "Found it, it was a torque wrench I was looking for, sorry for the confusion."
His voice had become very soft, and once again we were wrapped in silence, only now it wasn't uncomfortable.
As the day went on, and while I was fretting over how I was going to pay for my car and most of the house bills, a few people came in to drop off their cars, barely exchanging words with the guy classed as the town freak. Eddie didn't look too bothered as they tossed him their keys before turning on their heel and walking away, but something told me deep down it annoyed him.
But what could I do? I doubt he'd want any consolation from me, he barely knows me. 
"Well, from the looks of things, the repairs shouldn't take more than 3 to 4 weeks. Maybe 5." He told me, which downhearted me slightly, I mean a whole month without my car? Maybe more? That was a whole month getting the bus to school, adding an extra touch of hell onto the day. 
"Oh, okay. Would you be able to give me a rough idea of the price? It's ok if you can't, I really appreciate you doing this for me." I gave him a slight smile and watched curiously as he looked to the ground and walked behind the counter. He almost looked nervous. 
"It's not going to be cheap, as you probably guessed, but luckily for you," He released a breath that sounded like he had been holding onto it for a while, resting his fist underneath his face "Flattery works with me." 
I gave a small chuckle, relieved that he was easing the tension. 
"I'll write up a docket next time you're here, we can sort something out then." He said calmly, moving to sit back in his chair. Meanwhile, my heart had started beating a mile a minute. 
"Next time I'm here?" I asked curiously
"Yeah, next time you're free and I'm working on your car. It's kind of nice to have someone around who appreciates good music," He was flipping through papers on the countertop, and I was praying he didn't look up anytime soon and see the mixture of surprise and confusion on my face. He looked at the clock on the wall behind him and I saw that I had spent the whole day here, and it was almost 9 pm. 
"C'mon it's getting late. Plus now you definitely can't walk home, it's too dark. My car is parked out front, I'll give you a lift." He pulled his keys off the rack and threw on his jacket that he took in from the back of the van earlier. 
"Um, thanks. Means a lot." And suddenly I was back to tripping over my words in front of him. 
He likes having me around?
He appreciates my music taste? 
Edward Munson, what are you doing to me?
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
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damnslippyplanet · 10 months
Slippy Watches: Only Friends, Episode 1
Okay SO. A friend is feeling poorly and not able to fully do subtitles right now, and I was like, I am not local to you, I cannot bring you casseroles and pet your hair, but I can and will write you a recap of Only Friends Episode 1, because sometimes that’s friendship.  SO.  Only Friends!  I love mess.  Here we go. It's been years since I did a Slippy Watches, so let's see how this goes.
Most of our key players as outlined by a voiceover in the beginning assigning them each roles at a drunk night out are:
Mew, the designated table-holder who keeps other people from taking over the table while his friends are all off dancing and hooking up.  
Cheum, The Girl, also the designated dancer who just wants to get ONE more dance in before they call it a night.  Cheum needs more backstory.  Let’s hope she’s queer.  Girlfriend rights for Cheum!
Sand, the singer/guitarist for the bar band.  Sand is played by First and so I love him with all my heart and nothing he does could ever be a crime.
Ray, who I don’t think we actually learn until later is called that but I don’t care, who is The Drunkard in our montage.  Because he is played by Khaotung he is unfairly beautiful even with his head in a toilet.  It’s rude.
Top, because sometimes Thai BL just shrugs and gives people the names they deserve, who we don’t learn much about at this point except that he’s a hot guy who knows his way around a cheesy-smooth pickup line
Boston, The Hunter, who is at the time of our story cuddled up in a narrow hallway trying to talk his way into a threesome.
Yo, the owner of the YOLO bar where these folks apparently spend much of their time.  Yo wants everyone to have fun, get drunk, and get laid.  We love Yo, i think.
In a tidy little montage of Mew attempting to haul his assorted drunk and horny friends out of the bar we learn several things:
They are at a singles(-ish) event where various wristband colors indicate what you’re looking for and who can try to hit on you, long live hanky code in spirit if not practice
Ray is a pretty but also fighty drunk, Sand is trying to do his damn job and would just like to take a piss in peace and is not above threatening to pee on Sand’s head if he won’t get it out of the damn way, and Mew is fairly well-practiced at dragging Ray out of stupid drunk-fights he’s picked.  I assume by the time I have posted this for you, friend, there will be at least five piss-kink fics on AO3 about Sand/Ray.  Long live fandom. <3 <3 <3
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Mew does not know what to do with a cute boy he has accidentally stumbled into, but Top knows exactly what to do with him so that’s fine, except for how Ray is giving Mew the disgruntled-crush eyes of I Can’t Believe You’re Letting This Guy Flirt With You Right In Front Of My Drunk Salad.  Ray drags Mew away.  Again: I love mess.
Boston would absolutely have talked himself into that threesome if Cheum hadn’t come to drag him away, RIP, Boston’s dick.  Also his phone, which gets its screen cracked when Cheum causes him to drop it.
And then we are at school, where apparently Cheum, Boston, Ray, and Mew are all in business class and doing some sort of final graduation project involving creating a business plan for a hostel.  Ray’s rich dad has just sort of given them a spare house he has lying around to use for their project, which seems exceedingly normal.
Their teacher: “This is awfully ambitious given that you are four messy queer college students and also Ray might literally be asleep on his feet right now, are you sure you don’t want to rethink this?  You could literally just write me the expected report about an imaginary business plan, you don’t have to *actually start and run a hostel*.”
Students: “Nah, it will be fine, what could go wrong?”
Me, who has seen narrative foreshadowing before: *cackles*
If they’re gonna build an actual business, though, they need a designer to help them renovate their free building.  Luckily, Boston knows a guy.  Stick a pin in that, it will be relevant.
But first: Boston needs to get his phone fixed.  So he slides into a phone repair place being staffed by Mark Pakin. I know his name is Nick but he’s just Mark Pakin in my heart.  There’s a bunch of flirting about who’s the nong-est of the two of them, and how oh no, Mark Pakin can’t fix the phone right on the spot, so Boston’s gonna have to leave it and come back to make fuck-eyes at Mark Pakin another day.
It’s important to know that Mark Pakin’s shirt says SVSS on the collar, and I’m sure that’s a designer, but if I want to believe that Mark Pakin is a Bingqiu shipper, you can’t stop me.  
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So now we are back at the bar for trivia night and I have some real questions about the nature of the trivia, like, is “what was the first hotel in Thailand” a normal thing to know?  IDK, maybe.  The important things to note here are that Mew isn’t drinking so Ray cheerfully drinks all the shots Mew wins for getting questions right, which will no doubt end well.  And that Top shows up like a heat-seeking missile to see if his pickup line impressed Mew the other day, answers the hotel trivia question, and slides on into the booth to help them rock trivia night.  Ray: Not happy.  Still drinking. 
HEY GUESS WHAT, Top is the designer Boston knows who can help them all with their unnecessarily complicated hostel project.  Love that for Top, Mew, and me.  I’m not sure if it’s an academic integrity issue but that seems like too complicated a question for bar trivia night.
Ray does not love it. Ray gets pissy and Mew tries to cut him off and get him a ride home, but Ray fucks off crankily.  I think all his friends lose a point here for letting him leave that drunk, but maybe they think he’s just going to stick his head in the toilet again and will be back. Unclear.
Meanwhile, Top and Boston head over to the bar for a little confab about whether Top should try to fuck Mew, while Cheum and Mew stay at the table for a parallel confab about whether Mew should try to fuck Top.  The answer is yes, everyone should try to fuck everyone.  Boston isn’t so sure the fucking thing is going to work out - he’s pretty sure Mew would like to go home early, drink milk, read a book, and put on some easy listening music.  Which sounds like a banger of an evening to me, and also to Top, who is bored of easy bar hook-ups and thinks it might actually be fun to fuck to easy listening for a change.  He could learn to like milk!  But Boston is being weird about this, for reasons we will find out later.  I love mess.
So while Top goes off to see if Mew wants to re-enact the “Johnny teaches Baby to dance sexy after she carries a watermelon” scene on the dance floor, Boston stands around waving an I Am Down To Fuck A Rando sign.  (Figuratively.  Sort of.)  With his sign he catches my boy Drake Laedeke, who I don’t think even gets a name here, he just showed up for a cameo as One Night Stand Guy who sidles up to Boston wearing the worst shirt in the world and still manages to pick him up.  Hi, Drake!  
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Meanwhile: Sand is out in the parking lot in a great leather jacket, getting ready to take off on his motorcycle, but whoops, he has parked next to Ray’s fancy car, which currently has Ray sort of half in it.  Ray has managed to get himself even more trashed and *absolutely* should not drive anywhere.  And he has also managed to run down his phone battery, so Sand’s disgruntled attempts to get the drunk dipshit to call his friends for help don’t go well either.
Ray: I mean, YOU could drive me home, hot bar singer guy
Sand:  Or you could take a nap in your back seat and drive home later, worst person in the world who I am definitely not going to end up in love with during the course of this show
Ray: OR I could pout at you until you drive me home, also I am going to give you my street name but not my house number before I pass out, this will in no way be a problem.
Sand: *folds like a cheap card table, hauls Ray to the passenger seat and buckles him in because Thai BL never met a seat buckle it couldn’t eroticize, grumbles about how much he’s going to charge Ray for being his personal taxi service, and drives away in his car, leaving his poor motorcycle behind.  
Oh my god, that was all the FIRST SEGMENT.  On the plus side the remaining three combined are the length of this one, so we’re halfway through.  No one has actually fucked yet!  We’re gonna make up for it, though, hang in there.
Now we are in Mew’s apartment, which Top has talked his way into with a line about needing a glass of water for a headache.  They manage two minutes of bland chitchat about the decor and the water before Top is like, okay, I recognize that you’re the virgin cinnamon roll but just to check in, you DO realize the water thing was a line, right? Also can I take your glasses off?
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Mew does realize it was a line and he is down for some making out which turns into some “stripping down to our boxers in the kitchen, clambering onto the countertop together, and letting Top grope him and lick his chest extensively.”  Good for them.  Good for them! 
But I do not think Mew’s first penetrative sexual experience should happen on his countertop, and fortunately for me he agrees, calling a halt to the proceedings and offering Top some ice cream instead because he doesn't actually feel like he knows the guy well enough yet to fuck him.  But he’s very pink and fetching without his glasses as he makes the ice cream offer. 
I have decided to accept Mew into my heart and I would have had to yell at Top if he decided to be a jerk about it, but fortunately Top is kind of into the novelty of someone who actually wants to get to know him before jumping straight to the kitchen hookup.  So this honestly goes much better than it could have, good for both of them for navigating an awkward moment gracefully.
AND NOW, everyone spirals out into the inevitable outcomes of their evenings:
Sand has given up on finding Ray’s house and taken him back to Sand’s, where Ray promptly resumes sticking his head down a toilet and puking.  I hate puke scenes so I’m forwarding here but it’s important to know that Sand does pat Ray’s back while he empties his entire soul out through his mouth.  And then they collapse onto the floor together and Ray puts his head on Sand’s shoulder and Sand stares off into space for a while like, this is my life, these are my choices, why is the most beautiful awful man in the world in my bathroom right now.
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Boston and Drake are back at Drake’s, where they strip out of their terrible shirts, vault into bed, and Boston proceeds to fold Drake in half and rail the lights out of him.  Bless.  Thank you for your service, Drake.
This is hilariously intercut with Mark Pakin, who has taken Boston’s phone home with him so that he can jerk off to Boston’s saucy selfies.  Aw, buddy.  I mean, don’t do that, but also the montage is funny enough that I’m going to overlook all of my opinions about why you should clear anything sensitive off your phone BEFORE leaving it with the phone store rando
Mew and Top have put their shirts back on but not their pants, and are handfeeding each other ice cream in the kitchen while Mew explains very reasonably that he knows himself well and knows that if he has sex with Top he’s gonna get obsessed with him.  Study his instagram, listen to sad music and wallow if they can’t be boyfriends, etc.  And that seems like no fun, so isn’t it better to just eat ice cream?  Top is incredibly charmed. *I* am incredibly charmed.  They agree to have a sleepover and just cuddle, and proceed to do just that.  
Ray wakes up the next day hungover on Sand’s couch.  He has somehow ended up in a shirt reading POOR BOY in huge letters and I am, once again, cackling.  Thai BL shirts are my favorite thing.  How pissy was Sand when he picked that out.  How much did he have to bully Ray into wearing it. Someone write me the missing scene immediately.
So Ray spends a few minutes taking stock of his surroundings in a way that strongly suggests that “waking up blacked out in an unfamiliar place and doing a quick scan of where his stuff is and whether he’s in any danger is not an unfamiliar experience for him” and, oh. Oof.
Sand wanders out into the living area still pulling his shirt on, and Ray starts to get his bearings and to slip into more jokey “oh, it’s YOU.  YOU didn’t have to get me drunk if you wanted to fuck me, ha ha ha, so, uh, DID we fuck, and was it, uh, consensual, or did you like roofie me?” mode.  Awkward. Very awkward.  And Sand isn’t finding the joke funny, so Ray shifts gears into “Where the hell is my stuff anyway, did you rob me?” mode.
It all ends badly with Ray shoved out the door with his stuff in his arms.  Which, fine, but he’s gonna have to return the Poor Boy shirt eventually.  Anyway we all know I love an enemies-to-lovers arc so please keep sniping at each other for another episode or two, boys.
Meanwhile, Mew and Top have just…deciding to keep having a cute date on into the next day, I guess?  They’ve gone to the bookstore, where Mew is explaining how much better it is to read about love than to be IN love with all the mess that entails.  Top is like, counterpoint, books are great but there are some things books can’t give you, like emotional intimacy and also blowjobs.  Point to Top, there.
But he doesn’t get to press his point because that’s when Ray calls from his car (still wearing the Poor Boy shirt) to complain about his bad night.  And then Ray gets pissy when he finds out Mew is STILL with Top the next DAY, and hangs up, and then his seat belt gets stuck.  Because you can’t eroticize a seatbelt by yourself.  Poor Ray, everything is the worst.
Boston goes back to get his phone from Mark Pakin, who apparently did fix it at some point in between jerking off to it.   Mark has also a) given Boston the People I’m Horny About discount, and b) left his own saucy pictures on Boston’s phone.  Again: the infosec is terrible, but I love the moxie.
Boston: WHOOPS my phone somehow broke again right now while I was looking at this hot picture of you, I need you to fix it immediately.
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Mark: Store’s closed for business right now, i gotta go bang Boston behind the display of screen protectors.  I will turn off the lights but I will NOT lock the door.  
And then they jerk each other off about it.  Sorry, pal, I really wanted to make some kind of phone sex pun here but I just can’t think of one tonight.
And now: a school project montage.  Top has come to class to bring Mew notebooks for some reason?  He’s a fully grown adult who is not in school with them, correct?  Let’s not think about it too hard.  Maybe they brought him for show and tell.  Anyway, a week passes in montage while they work on redecorating Ray’s dad’s building into a hostel.  Both Ray and Boston are really annoyed about all the MewTop flirting going on.  
Do we think Ray and Boston are going to have a little proxy-fuck about it at some point?  I think that would be nice because, again, I love mess.
And then the week is over and it’s time to go to the bar again, where Cheum is heartily on Team MewTop and thinks they should fuck before covid or radioactive cesium kills everyone.  Oddly nihilistic, Cheum, but you’re not wrong.  Ray thinks maybe Top’s a secret asshole.  Mew is like, hey, I’m a grownup, I haven’t slept with him yet but I might if I feel right about it, and I can make my own decisions, everyone please care less about my dick.
Honestly, Mew is way too well adjusted and sensible for this friend group.  Is he going to melt down spectacularly at some point?
In a scene that is a gift for me personally, Ray goes outside to find Sand apologizes for accusing him of being a thief and possibly maybe just a little bit rapey, thanks him for saving his life, and bums a light for a cigarette off him while standing around in just the *most* submissive and breedable posture about it?
Sorry, youths who were young enough to have missed the years when smoking was sexy, but *I* still remember the intense frisson of having your cigarette lit for you, and so for me personally this is actually the sexiest thing that happens in this episode.  I feel like I need a cigarette about it but I do not smoke anymore so I’m just gonna gnaw on my fist for a while. Fuck.  It’s so good.  I’m going to make this scene my entire personality now, sorry.
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Apparently the show is still happening even though all I care about now is Ray and Sand, so:
Boston and Top head off to the bathroom to piss in adjoining urinals while Boston eyes Top’s dick intensely and is like, man, are you SURE you actually want to bother with Mew?  I’m RIGHT here and super willing to fuck again - which is how we learn they’ve fucked in the past - and I’m a much surer thing.
But Top wants to *date* Mew, which is the most horrifying thing he could have said to Boston.  Apparently they’ve talked about this before and Top has a “one and done” rule for Boston, which Boston is not pleased about. Boston, buddy, the dick cannot have been so good that you need to do this somewhat embarrassing level of throwing yourself at the guy at the urinals.  
Anyway the gist is: Boston’s kinda trying to undermine the MewTop thing, but Top has decided he wants to be Mew’s boyfriend.
So just to hammer the point home, Top immediately goes out to the bar stage and takes over the microphone from Sand and makes a big public thing out of asking Mew to go steady.  AUGH, public relationship announcements are my kryptonite, I hate them, make it go AWAY.
But Mew’s into it, and Yo is delighted with the drama in her bar, and Cheum is living her MewTop shipper dreams, and Ray and Boston are making sour faces, and Sand just wants his microphone back.
Somewhere, Mark Pakin is presumably jerking it about whatever he unethically downloaded off Boston’s phone.  I hope he gets to meet the rest of the gang at some point.
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sagiow · 11 months
15 questions
tagged by @tough-n-dumb, thanks friend!
Were you named after anyone?
Not “after”, per se, but my dad “discovered” my name after making a new friend in the glorious Montreal Red Light Disco District... who turned out to be an Italian exotic male dancer (he never told my mom that’s where he got the inspiration from until 30-some years later)
My middle name is my mom’s because my frazzled, mid-20s, overwhelmed first-time parents hadn’t thought of one before he went to register my birth so he kinda blanked and went with hers and she was pissed off because she doesn’t  like her name.
0/2, Papa.
When was the last time you cried?
Some time in the last month.
Do you have kids?
Two, elementary school age, although the eldest is solidly in his tweens and giving me a fantastic preview of the fun years ahead.
Do you use sarcasm?
Just did, didn’t I?
Actually, much less than I used to when I was younger. Mostly for joking around  or ranting about our incompetent colleagues with my work wife.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Not to sound like a hippie on Main, but I’d say their energy? Their vibe? Some people come off as very warm, and others colder (and some, downright antipathic). Some have this bubbling, crackling energy to them, others are super chill and calm. Some have this spark of intelligence or quick wit about them, and others make you wonder if there’s anybody home. So a bit of all of that.
A smile, greeting and eye contact (can all be super quick, just acknowledge you see the other person) go a long way in giving off good vibes, so we’ll definitely start on the wrong foot if the other person doesn’t do any of those. Be polite.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like scary / horror movies with gore and torture. I do enjoy a good ghost story (the Gothicker, the better) and some psychological horror.
Love happy endings although unhappy ones definitely inspire a lot more fanfic.
Any special talents?
I never look at the picture when doing jigsaw puzzles and WILL complete it before you do.
Where were you born?
Province of Québec, Canada
What are your hobbies?
Phew... there’s a few, and they tend to be seasonal. Summer is reading, hiking, baseball, gardening, camping. Other seasons have baking, crochet, watching TV, playing old-school computer games, and getting ready for whatever holiday or birthday is upcoming. Puzzles and writing year-round (if inspiration striked and fellow fans are around!)
Have any pets?
2 cats (and often at least another because we are a foster family to our local rescue), 2 rabbits and 4 3 chicken (found one dead yesterday after that major storm / tornado passed. Her ancient 3 year old heart couldn’t handle it. RIP Matante.)
What sports do/have you played?
Phew... there’s a few there too. I’m always down to play pretty much anything with a ball (beach volleyball! street ball hockey!), but on the other hand, will probably get my Canadian citizenship revoked at some point because I do no winter sport except for snowshoeing and some shitty skating.
I played provincial-level softball and badminton in school. I did recreational synchronized swimming, various styles of dance, varsity basketball. Now, I play softball, tennis (although my dad is aggressively trying to draft me into pickleball), try to get in a game of golf or two per summer (every addition to this sentence makes me feel 10 years older). In non-summer, I practice aikido, and love hiking, especially in the fall.
How tall are you?
5′7″, or 170cm
Favorite subject at school?
History and Drama in High School, Anthropology and some of my Forensics classes in University (”no applied science”, you ask? meh, not really. Science was me playing Life on Safe Mode).
Dream Job?
I would’ve loved to study Anthropology further and become an archeologist (although I did take one Biological / Genetic Anthro class that was absolutely fascinating and made me reconsider Things) but I’d had enough Academia back then. I wanted to get a job, stop being beyond broke, and travel.
Nowadays I get this massive urge to dump everything corporate and move someplace with shorter, kinder winters, ideally not too far from the sea, and get a bunch of goats and chicken, fruit trees and grapevines, grow a shitload of tomatoes and eggplant, bake bread daily, and write in the evenings. Just need to win the lottery first but then I’m makin’ it happen.
tagging (apologies for the double tags if you got them, I lost track) @jomiddlemarch, @tortoisesshells, @fericita-s, @combat-librarian, @divinecomedienne, @luarenah
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nuclear-frog · 4 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough Complete!
After 183 hours! Some final thoughts as well as details about the ending I got and where everyone ended up!
Will I play it again? I do not know. It is SO LONG. It has utterly consumed me for weeks. I need to put it down for a while at least. But I am satisfied with my ending and it's been so much fun!
Spoilers after the cut.
Raphael's battle theme was baller.
I wish I'd bothered to keep Jaheira alive at Moonrise, because being forced to kill Minsc as a result did not feel very nice.
Before fighting the brain, Orpheus declined to hear me out on the whole "if we need an illithid, I know a guy in the city who could be persuaded to help," so he therefore volunteered to become an illithid himself for the drama~. I was able to persuade him not to kill himself for the drama, though, so he is alive and well someplace where he keeps an eye on Lae'zel as she conquers Vlaakith and leads her people to glory.
In the end, we all lived. Except the Emperor, who didn't believe in the crew so hard that he just decided to join the haters.
Gale and I got married because I have a thing for nerds and he is a sweetheart. He goes back to Waterdeep and becomes a professor at his old school.
Wyll and Karlach stayed in Avernus and they do Doomslayer sh*t on the daily. At the timeskip party, it sounds like they fell in love and that is EXACTLY what I want for Karlach! Also they have leads on a fix for her engine! And I can hug her at the timeskip party!! But only once. Also, Wyll's somehow able to visit his dad? And his dad is proud of him.
Astarion has his freedom and is accepting of his inability to walk in the sun, but he's definitely keeping his eyes out for a solution. I was under the impression he'd go join the other spawn in the Underdark, but he did not explicitly say so. He is doing some general heroic adventuring! He seems satisfied. Though he is salty Withers did not provide blood for him to drink at the timeskip party. Fair.
Shadowheart has been chilling in a Selunite temple in Waterdeep this whole time and has presumably seen Gale AND Tara but not ME?? Gale has some explaining to do. Actually, that was only one stop. She's been travelling the world while fighting off the odd Sharran attacker or two. She accepts as many hugs as you want to give her, 10/10.
Halsin is the most precious. He has set up a settlement for refugees in what used to be the Shadowlands. He is much more at peace there and tells stories to the children. I'm glad he's settled and seems to have found his purpose. Also, he whittled me a duck! You can hug him as many times as you want, too (10/10).
The owlbear cub has made several new friends! One of which he ate in revenge. Well. I always have pets to spare for my good boy. I volunteered Shadowheart to take care of him and they were both exstatic with the arrangement. Apparently Shadowheart gave him many pets and treatos on our adventures, which is a cute tidbit to learn. I could also have volunteered Halsin, but I thought Shadowheart would most benefit from another companion.
Scratch is living with a new owner in Baldur's Gate and is still very happy to see you. I always have pets to spare for my good boy.
Volo came uninvited! He wanted to let me know he's been writing tales of our heroic deeds and forging my name on all the associated paperwork. Why did I help him, again?
Withers booked a bard named Milil to play for us during the party. He is apparently Important, but I know nothing about DnD lore, so I am grateful for my successful Religion check. He was upset no one knew who was playing for them. I told him it was an honor to listen to him and that seemed all he needed to cheer up. He and I and Volo all played a song together.
There are a bunch of letters from people you've helped in a box. My top 3 reveal that Alfira opened up a bard school, Arabella is learning magic from Gale (whom she calls Beard Man), and Dammon wants Karlach to call him, lol.
There are newspaper clippings on the wall beside the letter box that, among other things, mourn Minsc and Jaheira's deaths. I'm so sorry.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
15 QUESTIONS, 15 (or whatever) TAGS
tagged by @lostcol ily bb
Nope. Family lore is that my mom and dad went through a baby name book and my mom circled all the names she liked in red and my dad circled all the names he liked in blue and mine was the only one with two circles. My first middle name is the name my mom wanted to give her sister when my aunt was born. And my second middle name is my mom’s maiden name.
When my spouse and I were on vacation abroad and our flight home had been cancelled and we got scammed trying to get another flight and had to cancel our credit card and still find a way home. I very rarely cry (except when watching stupid things on tv) but I sobbed I was so stressed out. And on my period. Which y’know made traveling home super fun.
Childless by choice (I love being an auntie to my nieces and friends’ kids though!) (I hate that I worry people will assume I hate kids because I’m a woman who didn’t want them!)
No, never. 😉
I played basketball for one memorable season in elementary school. I ran cross country for one memorable season in high school because it exempted me from gym class (joke was entirely on me when I realized being on the track team meant actually exercising more than going to gym class. And I used to be a (very very slow) runner (a whole slew of half marathons, 5 and 10ks, and exactly 1 marathon). My body doesn’t work like that anyone. But I miss it.
Their smile. What they’re wearing.
Blue like my mama.
I don’t do scary. I definitely prefer happy endings…but a good story is a good story.
I have a freakishly good memory for personal details. Like I will pretend to have never heard something about someone before to avoid freaking them out. It does come in handy at work though!
New York, New York baby!
Reading, writing, watching drag (on tv or live), going to concerts
2 dogs, 2 cats
5’9” yes I can grab that for you
In HS: AP US History and Latin (because my teachers for each were incredible - shout out to Ms Favretti and Dr Polsky!)
In college: Fairy Tales, Abnormal Psych, Mythic Imagination, and that seminar where I got to read Timothy Leary’s research
In grad school: Psychopathology I & II and Social Bases for Behavior
I do not dream of labor. But if I must work for a living, I literally have it. When I went to grad school my hope was to be part of a group private practice and voila! I am clinical director of an awesome practice with incredibly talented folks. And my hours permit me to also do some consulting work with CMSC which is also a dream.
no pressure tagging: @flowerswehadgrowntogether @bartbarthelme @sheisraging @headbandsandflats @provenance
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teacherintransition · 2 months
Chunk: A Dream Come True
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How often does a real personal dream come to realization?
I’m a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons; old school …Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, Super friends, etc. etc.. All of these cartoons had the stereotypical bulldog cartoon rendition : gray or white fur, scrunched face, pointy ears and a scowl, I loved it! Whenever I would see a picture of a bulldog or if the god of dogs granted me the blessing of actually seeing one, my heart would melt. I’m a dog guy from the start. I loved them all whether if they are a beagle, chihuahua, terrier what have you, I loved them. But an English bulldog? It was a dream. I learned how expensive they could be and how problematic their health often is and discovered the expense was going to be a wall I couldn’t get over. I could do problematic all day long …I’m a teacher for goodness sake. I resigned myself to admiring them from afar.
I’m a grown man nursing my father while he is fighting a fourteen year battle with cancer. Dad was raised in poverty in the mountains of Georgia trying to eke out a living as a sharecropper farming family. My kids were in FFA as I was in school and the farm mentality was strong with us. Most people who farm for a living all pretty much have the same view of having pets …don’t. This obviously wasn’t a steadfast rule, but if you raise animals they are for profit or sustenance; it didn’t pay to get attached …too attached to farm animals or any domesticated animal. This was dad, except …for big slobbery, English bulldogs, it was the only time he ever mentioned wanting a pet. Since dad was a child of the depression, any expenditure on dogs or cats was deemed unnecessary. He’d bring up the bulldog longing and I would reply, “ dad, just get one.” “NAAAAHHHHH, don’t need to spend the money,” he would respond. Same old dad.
In 1998, dad got cancer for the first of three times and it was as rough as you could imagine. It’s a common reaction to know something a cancer patient really wants and wanting to get it for them, because, you know. In early 2012, dad got his last cancer diagnosis and by September, his struggle would end. I kept thinking about our mutual love of bullies and set about locating and …um, purchasing a bullie for me to raise and give dad a much needed boost to his mood. I looked and the average $2000 asking price was too much.
Serendipity happens. A good family friend’s mother was a breeder of beautiful English bulldogs. I lamented to them my inability to afford a registered bullie and my friend asked, “are you wanting one to raise for breeding or just to have as a pet?” “Pet,” was my reply. They then informed that they sell one year olds that were spayed or neutered for a couple of hundred dollars. It was on. Within a couple of days we were at his mom’s house shopping for bulldogs and I found “Fancy.” I was in love with the dog, but I couldn’t own a bulldog with a name like Fancy. When she came home, our home, I renamed her “Chunky.” It seemed more appropriate for their slobbery, chubby, funny demeanor of bulldogs and I had my dream come true.
Dad had returned to the hospital the day after Labor Day after getting to hold his great granddaughter for the first time. I got Chunk on September 12th, and dad’s condition worsened. I just knew that if he got to go home and meet Chunk, he’d be ok for a while. My father passed away on September 17th never having to experience the dream of having the dog in his family. It was my dream as well, but the additional heartbreak of dad not getting to love on Chunk made her so much more special to me and my family. I just wished dad could’ve held her once.
The average lifespan of an English bulldog is 8.5 years, due to their many health issues. In January, my Chunk celebrated her thirteen birthday. Every day that my lovable buddy greets me by putting her chin on my lap is an additional blessing for us. She is my shadow, she doesn’t let me get out of sight, she just wants to sit beside me and have her head scritched …not scratched. She travels with us all over the country and tolerates two yapping Pomeranians and is true, blue loyal and loving. It’s been heartbreaking to see her age and start moving slower and slower. Five years beyond her average and it’s been wonderful to have her every day. I hear her breathing get ragged at night. I see her sleep most of the day. I see her just stop and stare into space. I notice that she doesn’t seem to hear me as well. I can see her slowing down.
This draws my memories back to seeing my dad slow down. It’s terrifying to be aware of this slowly aging soulmate show her age; just an ominous as it was seeing dad …
It does little to assuage my sadness to realize that I’ve had her five years longer than average. I want my Chunky forever, but miracles and having dreams don’t always come together. It was special enough that I got to have her as my friend. How much longer? No way of knowing; no one has that special knowledge about anybody or anything. I had to tell myself that I have her today. Slower, achey, aging but I have her to love today. I’ve experienced the loss of many close canine, leporine (rabbit), hirsine (goat), friends throughout my life and my connection to and love for animals makes the loss excruciating. Retrospection helps me realize that our lives were immeasurably better for having them with us. Chunk carries a little more of an emotional connection. The inevitable will happen one day, but today isn’t that day. I get to live the dream a little longer and get to love my buddy another day. Tomorrow? Who knows? Who knows about anything tomorrow. All I know is I’m going to go sit in the backyard with my Chunk …and think about dad a little.
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Dave Strider, Kanaya Maryam
Page 108-111
DAVE: you ever feel like our whole lives are eventually gonna end up like this
DAVE: just blasting through space on a sweeps long journey to ""somewhere"" chasing after or running from some vague enemy thats sometimes a god modded pet dog and sometimes your dad
DAVE: without the faintest fucking idea of whats going to happen when we get there
DAVE: thats a little specific but you know what i mean
KANAYA: Hello Dave
DAVE: sup
DAVE: am i buggin you
DAVE: do you want me to leave you to it or
KANAYA: Not Particularly Now That Youre Here
KANAYA: But Shouldnt You Be Asleep
DAVE: shouldnt you
KANAYA: I Need Less Sleep Than I Used To
KANAYA: Less Food Too Which Is Fortunate For The Rest Of You
DAVE: oh right
DAVE: i always forget about the vampire thing because youre already an alien
DAVE: and if somebody tried to sit me down and get me to watch a movie about a vampire alien id be like
DAVE: come on pick a genre
DAVE: except id watch it anyway because lets be honest the only person whod ever try to get me to watch something like that would be karkat
DAVE: and if he can get me to watch serendipity he can get me to watch anything
DAVE: but you get what im saying
DAVE: rose even told me
DAVE: shit
DAVE: sorry
KANAYA: Its Alright To Say Her Name
DAVE: i just dont want to remind you of that shit if i can avoid it
KANAYA: You Arent Reminding Me Of Her As I Rarely Think Of Anything Else
KANAYA: I Close My Eyes And I See Her
KANAYA: I Keep Them Open And I See Her
KANAYA: Well I See Space And The Corner Of My Shoe Right Now
KANAYA: But Her Too
KANAYA: Shes There In The Glint Of Fluorescence Shining Off The Shoe
KANAYA: And Shes Out There Somewhere In The Sea Of Stars
KANAYA: Which Just Reminds Me Of One Of The Nursery Stories Shed Reserved To Read To Young Broods Of Grubs Back Then
DAVE: oh huh
DAVE: i still kind of have a hard time picturing rose reading to kids
DAVE: maybe a dick thing to say but she doesnt seem like the type
KANAYA: I Understand
KANAYA: Its One Thing To Come Into The Responsibilities Of Adulthood Yourself
KANAYA: And Another To Dwell On Those You Were Once Close To Struggling With Similar Pressures
KANAYA: Growing Up So To Speak
KANAYA: Its Strange
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: so what was the story
KANAYA: Oh Its A Wriggler Story About A Young Prince And The Beloved Flower He Loved And Lost
DAVE: flower
DAVE: like a plant
KANAYA: Its A Fairytale Dave
DAVE: right
KANAYA: A Singular Wild Rose He Failed To Cherish When He Had Her
KANAYA: And His Journey Of Discovering What She Meant To Him All Along
KANAYA: Culminating In A New Quest To Find Her And Win Her Back
KANAYA: The Story Comments On The Nature Of Friendship
KANAYA: And Of Course In Turn Love
KANAYA: How Once They Connect There Is No Distance Or Circumstance That Can Seperate Them
KANAYA: How The Worlds In Each Ones Mind Take On Contours Shaped By Their Memories Of The Other
KANAYA: Places And Moments And Orbiting Passersby Becoming More and More Entangled In The Context Of Their Mutual Affections
KANAYA: Such As With A Garden Calling To Mind An Engagement Once Declared There
KANAYA: Or Something To That Fucking Effect
DAVE: that seems kind of wack for a kids story
KANAYA: Its Possible I Am Projecting Slightly In This Specific Circumstances
KANAYA: It Was Just A Metaphor
KANAYA: But In A Way I Feel As If It Is the Greater Universe Trying To Tell Me Something
KANAYA: It May Simply Stem From My Longing To See Her Again And How Much Is Indicative Of Something More Sinister
KANAYA: She Is A Goddess Of Light And The Only Of Her Kind We Know Is Alive After All
KANAYA: Maybe Shes Wrested Dominion Of The Entire Concept In All Its Appearances Within This Frame Of Reference
KANAYA: Or Within My Personal Frame Of Reference At Least
KANAYA: And Made Them Her Own In Some Strange Way
KANAYA: So I Cant Help But See Her When I See It At All
KANAYA: Whether Its A Star Or a Lightbulb
KANAYA: They All Just Leave Her Burnt Into My Mind Like The Blazing Imprint Of An Afterimage
DAVE: i mean it sounds like you think its BECAUSE shes a god like shes wielding some kind of cosmic power over you
DAVE: but if it was really true love or w/e
DAVE: would you even know the difference
KANAYA: I Guess I Wouldnt
DAVE: would you want to for that matter like isnt feeling that strongly connected kind of how youd want it to be anyway
DAVE: i think its how id want it at least
DAVE: can i sit down
KANAYA: Of Course
KANAYA: Its Not My Observation Deck
DAVE: cool
DAVE: sorry i know you say you got your badass monster powers but kanaya you look tired as hell
DAVE: not that im tryna psyche you or whatever but youre waxing poetic in the dark which i guess is maybe on brand but still
DAVE: kinda worried about you sis
KANAYA: You Dont Have To Call Me That Anymore
KANAYA: In Fact I Wish You Wouldnt
KANAYA: It Really Hasnt Ever Been Accurate
DAVE: yeah well im pretty sure rose didnt serve you divorce papers before she left on her fucked up father/daughter rp
DAVE: so youre still my sister
DAVE: i mean you could always decide to divorce her yourself but i doubt youre going to find a lawyer in space
DAVE: unless terezi is lurking in the vents somewhere and now that i bring that up its actually not out of the question so im kind of gonna be thinking about that one for a while
DAVE: but yeah this whole situation blows
KANAYA: You And Karkat Didnt Have To Come With Me
KANAYA: I Know You Have Your Own Lives And Your Own Matespritship
DAVE: no offense dude but yeah we did
DAVE: i wasnt going to let the only family i have left fly off without me
KANAYA: Roxy Didnt Have To Come Either
DAVE: debatable
DAVE: also i dont just mean roxy did you not just hear my heartwarming insistence that i think of you as my sister
DAVE: and yeah roxy is rad but our relationship is pretty fucking convoluted if were being totally honest
DAVE: youre the only person i know whos still basically the same as when i met you
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survey--s · 9 months
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Would you rather have another job?  I mean, I'd rather not work at all, but seeing as life isn't free, I'm happy enough doing what I do. I doubt I'll do it forever, but it suits me perfectly for the time being.
Did you ever live in a house with more than one story?  We always have done, except for when I was in a flat for a couple of years.
What room of your home do you spend most time in?  The living room. I only really use my bedroom to sleep.
Is your second toe longer than your big toe?  Yes, on both feet and they're permanently bent because of it, lol.
Have you ever given yourself a tattoo?  No.
Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother?  Yeah, a couple of things.
Do you have health insurance?  I have dental insurance but otherwise I just use the NHS.
What are some medical issues you’re currently dealing with?  Nothing really.
Why did you last take pain medication?  I had a headache this morning. I really need to remember to drink more at work.
What physical traits have you inherited from your father?  We have the same hair type and we're both pale skinned. We're also very similar in terms of our facial structures - like, there's no denying he's my dad, lol.
How about your mother?  We have the same hair/eye colour.
What personality traits do you wish your children would inherit from you? I don't want children.
What parts of the world are your ancestors from?  Scotland, Spain, Australia, the Seychelles.
Have you ever had a strange pet, outside of the normal animals people keep?  No. Over the years, I've had six cats and a dog.
Do you believe in astrology?  No.
Do you drive an electric car?  No. There's not really the network for them around here yet. We're too rural for them to be reliable, especially as we don't have decent off-road parking.
What are your opinions on global warming?  I think it’s too late for us to do anything about it - this planet is fucked regardless of any changes we make. < I am pessimistic about it too, yes. <--- same.
Do you like facial hair on guys or do you prefer the clean shaven look?  It depends on the person.
Who was your first celebrity crush?  Josh Hartnett and Michael Owen.
Are you good with kids?  Apparently so.
Are you usually late, early, or right on time?  Early or right on time. I HATE being late, it really stresses me out, even if I'm just picking a dog up for a walk and the owners aren't there to know anyway, hahah.
Are you good at applying makeup?  No.
Do you like pastel colored hair?  I think it's really cute but it looks like a lot of work.
What do you think about the most?  Work, my animals, life in general, food.
Do you like to see it snowing outside?  I love snow but we never get the proper stuff. We're too close to the sea - we mostly end up with slush and sleet.
Do you have your national flag hanging up anywhere outside your house?  Most definitely not.
Have you ever been in a choir?  Yeah, just school ones though.
Do you look older or younger than you actually are?  Younger.
When is the next time you’ll be up on stage?  I have absolutely no idea.
Where did you spend your last birthday at?  It was actually a snow day - I had a couple of cat visits that Mike had to drive me to (my car wouldn't get up the hill) but otherwise I just stayed at home and I think we ordered takeaway.
What was the last show that you watched a full episode of?  Keeping Up Appearances.
Is there anything you need to work on doing soon?  Nah, not really.
Were you ever a boy or girl scout?  Nope.
Do you take your medications in the morning or at night?  I don't take regular medication.
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch?  No.
What is the best type of donut?  Apple cinnamon fritters.
Do you like thrift stores?  Not really. All the ones around here are just super disorganised and it stresses me out, hahah.
What is your town known for?  Being an old mining town that's now run-down and poor, lol.
Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks?  Probably as a teenager, yeah.
What color is your lava lamp?  I've never had one.
Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character?  I never had any Lisa Frank thing.
What’s your favorite movie that you remember seeing in the theater?  Pocahontas.
Do you know anyone who has ten cats?  I don’t think so. Have you ever had a cat?  Yeah, we currently have three cats.
Have you ever had a dog?  Yeah, we have a beagle.
Have you ever any other kind of animal?  No.
Have you ever had a pet rock?  No.
What were you voted in the senior class polls?  Most likely to change in ten years time.
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?  Mr Cox, my German teacher.
Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names?  I don't want kids.
What collection are you thinking of starting?  I have no intention of starting any collections.
What are five of your favorite stores at the mall?  I haven't been to the mall in years. But generally I love book shops, jewellery shops, candle/gift type shops, stationary places and I guess clothes shops.
Do you organize your clothes by color?  No, they get organised by style/item.
What do you want to name your first child?  ...
List ten favorite girls names.  Catelyn, Sophia, Samantha, Emilia, Scarlett, Harper, Clara, Nathalie, Chloe and Lauren.
List ten favorite boys names.  Seth, Liam, Samuel, Nathan, Alexander, Harrison, Dylan, Thomas, Oliver and Xavier.
What season do you want to get married in?  We got married at the very end of summer/beginning of Autumn.
Is your Pinterest cluttered?  I don't use Pinterest.
What is your favorite insect?  Ladybirds.
What bugs scare you?  Hissing cockroaches and tarantulas.
Who picked your name, your mom or your dad?  My dad.
What are your siblings’ names?  I don't have any siblings.
Have you ever fallen asleep in a significant other’s arms?  Sure.
Do you have a television in your room? If you do, is it one of the old school big ones? Or i it a new flat screen?  We do. It's a flat-screen but it's ancient.
What was your favorite cartoon or television show as a child? What about movie?  Arthur was my favourite show. Movie-wise, probably Lion King or Land Before Time.
Did you have sleepovers at your friends’ houses a lot as a child? Or did your friends come over to your house more often?  Not really. I didn't really start going on sleepovers until I was at secondary school. Generally my friends slept at mine as I had a spare bed and no annoying brothers lol.
Do you have any significantly older siblings?  Nope.
When opening presents on Christmas or birthdays, do you first try to guess what is in the package? Do you tear the wrap off slowly, or just rip it to shreds? Are you polite no matter what the gift, and say you love it anyways?  I try and guess but then I just open as normal. I always thank the person who's sent it, yes.
What happened last time you got drunk?  I don't remember, it was years ago.
What are you listening to?  The Desolation of Smaug is playing in the background.
Which parent do you feel the most affection for?  My mum.
How do you feel about God?  “If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” A quote that reached fame by being found carved in a concentration camp wall. And I will forever agree with it, violently so. <– I like this answer. < There you go. <--- yep.
Which platform do you use to listen to music on the most?  Spotify or YouTube.
Who do you care about the most?  My family, my animals and myself.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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raziroo · 3 years
Cotton Candy
Pairing: Lotor x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Saying "Shit" twice
Word count: 2,076 (yay) (also, I edited this, I still need to update the word count)
Author’s Note: I'm crap at writing dialogues, and this is my first time writing for a gay couple. I'm so sorry if it seems forced or unnatural or shitty. Don't be afraid to call me out.
Story Moodboard!
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It’s with a grunt of effort that I manage to lift the carton containing the cotton-candy-maker.
‘Here, dad,’ I say as my dad takes the box from my hands. ‘That’s all?’
‘Yep, that’s all of it. We’ll conquer this carnival with our delicious cotton candy,’ I nod, doing jazz hands while saying the last part. Dad chuckles. I grin.
‘Hey, Honey!’ I turn back, squinting to spot where my other dad is in the crowd of bustling people. Where, where…? Yep, there he is – in his embarrassingly brilliant sunshine yellow and bottle green striped shirt and hot pink trousers, a sharp contrast to his natural bright red hair. Don’t say that it can’t look that bright; you’ll never know just how blindingly bright bottle green can really be until you see the shirt my dad’s wearing. And trust me, he usually dresses in simpler tones; such bland tones that you’d be surprised to know he was capable of wearing colourful hues as well. It’s only that he’s very passionate about his job, and so whenever we set up a booth in fetes such as the current one, he never misses to match the shop logo.
‘Hul-lo, father dearest, how seems to go your day?’
‘Oh, quite lovely, if I do say so.’
‘Well, that’s simply charming –’
‘Alright, enough,’ my other, not redhead dad snaps with an exasperated sort of smile on his visage. You see, my not redhead, a.k.a. brown-haired dad happens to be British. And that means that me and dad would rather paint our teeth blue than to not tease him. ‘You both need to shut it and start helping me with the decorations, now. You know I’m trash at all that.’
‘Aw, now don’t get discouraged,’ I say, patting dad on the back. ‘After all, not everyone can be as blessed as me, can they?’
‘Hey, why don’t you go look around for a bit? You’ve been helping out since before I have.’
‘Yeah, he’s right, pet. You should.’
I huff, rubbing my palms on the fabric of my jeans. ‘You guys sure? I’m not tired, if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘We’re not worried, we’re just saying you should also get a look, you know? There’s a lot of surprising booths this time around. I mean, there are aliens participating too, so…’
‘Hmm,’ I play with my bottom lip a little, then, ‘yeah, okay. I’ll be back in like, an hour? Forty five minutes? Sound okay?’
‘Sounds great.’
‘Bye, then.’ And with that, I turn on the heels of my Converse, wandering about the pretty stalls and eager children and kissy couples and aliens with curious features.
It really feels bizarre, just how astonishingly fast mankind has accepted the existence of aliens. It seems simultaneously ages and just a day before when conspiracy theorists raged all around the world, presenting baseless theories and concepts as to why and how the three-man squad on the Kerberos mission disappeared. Then came the Galra, bringing along with them global terror – because alien life, intelligent alien life existed and humanity remained oblivious all these millennia, and now they were actually attacking us. It could’ve been, perhaps even was, in some other dimension, the end of Earth. But then a defender appeared; Voltron appeared in all its glory, bringing along with it proof that however much these purple aliens claim that humans are scum of the universe, humans were, in the grand scheme of things, the ones that saved the universe too.
It feels even more puzzling to actually be on a first-name basis with the leader of Voltron; that’s right, I’m personally acquainted with Keith Kogane. It was around six months after him leaving the Garrison did I come across him. He’d been loitering around the neighbourhood, had ended up in a fistfight with some other kids, and along with that a split lip and bruised cheek. I’d been watching. When the fight ended, I (somehow) persuaded him to come along so that I could at the very least provide him with a band-aid.
Long story short, we’d bonded over how our moms were no-shows and how dads were the best and we became surprisingly close friends; the only difference was that after the death of his old man, he lived alone. I’d been adopted by my two current fathers. I told him about how when they’d initially adopted me, I was excruciatingly shy. I wouldn’t even come out of my room except meals. It was only when I came to know that they knew how to make candy floss had I timidly approached them if I could have some, because previously I’d always been grossed out at the thought of having to eat that. I’d overheard this group of kids saying that cotton candy was actually just dyed granny hair, so that’s where that came from.
I love cotton candy now. So much so, that even at the age of twenty-six, I will pout if someone takes some of mine without my permission. As if I’d ever allow them to.
Speaking of Keith, I haven’t seen him in years. We lost all contact when he turned eighteen, and then he went off into space, and even when he came back, I didn’t get a chance to meet him. I bear no ill will, though. He must have formed some close relationships. Our past friendship is comparatively much more trivial.
I spot a booth selling grilled corn. I instantly head there.
As I’m about join the crowd of humans and aliens who also want corn, a familiar call of my name leads me to pull a three sixty.
Lo and behold. Keith Kogane.
Despite him having obviously grown a lot, the face was still the same. I’m sure that, if he gets a split lip and bruise on his cheek right now, he won’t look all that different.
There’s a questioning hesitance on his features; he’s probably wondering if he’s got the right person. My pleasantly surprised smile and raised eyebrows assure him. As I step away from the grilled corn stall, I notice a motley crowd behind him; some are purple, some are holding Voltron plushies, and some look way too curious to be in a carnival. The introduction is going to be fun.
‘Keith! You're gonna live a hundred years - I was just thinking about you. But anyways, it’s – it’s great to see you,’ I say with a little giggle. ‘Though I am kind of surprised you actually approached me. The sixteen-year-old you would never.’
He smiles awkwardly in return. ‘Y – yeah… I, just… oh God, this is – I’m sorry,’ he says, his inner turmoil evident.
‘It’s all good. I know you’re shit at small talk, so… like, introduce me? Maybe?’
He nods rapidly, brows furrowed. ‘Yeah, um,’ he turns to the people behind him, telling them my name, how we met, the whole affair. I give them a wave. Most of them greet me back.
‘And, this is Shiro and Curtis,’ he points to the tall, white-haired yet young man, holding hands with a tanner guy, ‘Lance, Pidge and Hunk,’ he points to a lanky, bright-smiled guy, a buffer, kind-seeming person, and a short chestnut-haired woman who, despite wearing baggy jeans and a baggier tee, looks somehow better dressed than me. ‘Then that’s Allura, Coran, and Romelle, they’re Alteans,’ a woman with enchanting beauty and a regal aura surrounding her, a redhead who’s significantly older than the rest with an impressive moustache, and a youthful appearing girl with a big grin, ‘and Lotor, he’s Galran. The Galran Emperor, in fact.’ Lotor is a tall, lilac-skinned man with aristocratic features who shares the same cheek markings as the Alteans. Oh, and he’s unfairly gorgeous, his hair a luscious mane of white which I just know will be soft. It’s hard not to stare. You remember how I said Allura looked like royalty? Yeah, the way this man carries himself, he has the aura and visage of a God. Even in a white tee-shirt and jeans he looks way better than should be legal.
I rip my eyes away.
‘So…are Noah and Oliver here too? I’d love to see them. I mean, I never did get to thank them to permit a possible criminal to sleep in their house.’
I laugh. ‘Never mind that, but we actually sit up a stall here. I could, you know, maybe even get you guys something to eat.’
‘Free? Please don’t.’
‘It’s nothing, really, just… I don’t know, accept it as a small thank you present for not letting the planet go to shit.’
A bit of thinking. Even after a nod from Shiro, it was Lance who said yes. Good ol’ Keith.
When we reach the stall, my British dad is the only one we find there. He looks up, about to say something to me, when he notices Keith.
‘Dad. You remember Keith?’
‘Your possible criminal friend who turned out to be the saviour of the universe Keith?’
‘That Keith. He wanted to see you.’
‘Oh? Well then,’ he dusts his hands, stands up, and greets Keith. Both of them engage in a conversation.
‘You guys wanna try something?’
‘What do you got?’ asks Pidge.
‘What do we got? Um, we got chocolates, candy, marshmallows, jellybeans, tortilla chips, ice cream, popcorn – butter, cheese, caramel, peri peri – Lays, like, a lot of Lays, and the good old cotton candy. What d’you want?’
So, after providing the humans with two Cream n’ Onion Lays, a pack of tortilla chips, a double scoop of butterscotch and chocolate, a small tub of popcorn, and three cotton candy sticks, I turned to the aliens.
‘I’m assuming you guys aren’t familiar with a lot of this stuff, so you could either pick whatever looks to be good, ask your friends, or I could recommend something. What’ll it be?’
Romelle was the one who asked, ‘What’s ice cream like?’
‘It’s sweet. It’s cold. And it’s like… heaven in mouth.’
‘Ooh. I want an ice cream. The… pink one?’
‘That’s strawberry. You can eat it in a cone, or in a cup.
‘What’s the difference?’
‘Well, the cup you can’t eat. The cone is like a crispy biscuit,’ judging by her face, she didn’t know what biscuit was. ‘I’ll just give you a cone. It’s all on the house, so no worries if you don’t like it.’
I watched eagerly as she licked the ice cream. An unreadable look crossed her face. Then – ‘This is almost as good as Hunk’s cookies!’
‘Really?’ Coran asked, twirling his moustache. ‘Well, then…’ he squinted to read the names of the various flavours. ‘I would like “cookies and cream”. Yes.’ A cone of cookies n’ cream was served.
‘Do you have something that isn’t sweet?’ That was a plot twist. I’d have taken her as someone who appreciated sweeter foods.
‘We do. You want spicy?’
‘…Sure.’ Peri Peri popcorn was given and enjoyed.
And last… ‘Lotor. What would you like to have?’
It takes me a lot of will to not laugh at Lotor’s way too analytical expression. ‘What would you recommend?’
‘Out of all this stuff, candy floss is my favourite.’
‘Candy floss… the item that looks simultaneously like a cloud and an old woman’s hair?’
‘I would like a helping of candy floss, then.’
As I hand Lotor a stick of cotton candy, I wait with anticipation for his reaction.
‘How am I supposed to eat this?’
It takes me a moment to process that. ‘Uh, you just… pinch a little of the stuff in between your fingers, then eat it. Or you could just, um, go in directly, which I’m thinking isn’t really your style.’
He narrows his eyes, but follows my instructions nonetheless. Only a second after putting the stuff in his mouth, Lotor purrs.
Everyone around him, being me, Coran and Romelle (Allura’s off telling Lance how great Earth food is), looks with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Lotor appears as if he’s just died inside. The berry-shaded blush on his face is adorable, though.
'I didn't, like, poison you or something, right?'
'No. It's that... I would never in my lifetimes have expected something so tooth-rottingly sweet to be this delicious.'
'So you're okay?'
‘Yes. In fact, I quite like… this cotton candy.’
I grin.
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amorisland · 2 years
My more detailed thoughts on the Leak/spoilers as I read them:
[don’t read if you don’t wanna know I just want to vent somewhere while reading through them]
(I decided to post this after all for those who couldn’t read the scripts before they were privated and maybe want to know more) 
the line in episode 34 where MC’s partner says they don’t understand how people expect men and women to smell like different things is such a Will thing I just love him sm 
Wowsers they’re shoving Kelly down our throats, I think they really are trying to push her as the next Chelsea or something she’s EVERYWHERE in chapter 34 its kinda annoying. Like she seems lovely but FB really set her up stalking mc  
Will CAN pick MC at the recoupling sobbing crying throwing up but his speech should be better, he poured his heart out for thabi then we get “i don’t know what i’m doing or where i’m going but i like the ride” 🙄
AWWW Will was nervous about picking MC even though it was a guys day (also its an exclusive text for him, the others are nervous too but written differently) 
OH MY GOD if you aren’t with Will he picks Tiffany? Plot twist and here we all were thinking it was Kelly (but Will has a prom outfit and Tiff and Kelly don’t interesting) 
Oh god yeah Tom isn’t for me, you’ve known each other like 3 days and you pop an I love you during a recoupling speech? gives me the ick 
Kelly gets eliminated??? Over Angie (no offense I ADORE Angie but she’s been single for 3 recouplings??) People are gonna be PISSED 
The omelette/scramble talk sounds like Will too, (Pretty sure it is Will exclusive seeing MC call him Will directly) talking about the slow burn and how lots of people don’t like waiting around 😭 I’m falling in love
“Will finds James comforting. He thinks of him as a dad.” 💀
The game remembers that Will is ticklish I love that 
HAHA Will being worried about another boy with tats 
Youcef’s “Maybe I made a mistake” talking about Dylan I’m dying 
Oliver is turning my head a little, might need to run a second game for him buuut I still feel weird that Will is the only dom guy (and even then I get the feeling Will is a switch) every guy this season is subby which isn’t totally bad I love myself a good switch 
LOL poor Anj she finally see’s a guy she's interested in and MC gets voted to go on the dates instead of her, also yet again we go on another date where we can’t pick our date sigh LET ME GO ON A DATE WITH MY CHOSEN PARTNER 
Will better not get up to something while I’m on a date AGAIN or I’m gonna slap someone probably him
Not Dylan saying artist have unsteady jobs, which is so funny bc I headcanon my mc as being a successful artist who finally got her big break and is selling her art for a lot of money like babe she probably makes more money than you
Dylan is literally just Jakub 2.0 
Dylan “back at home they call me vanilla ice cream” MC “Because it's bland and full of low expectations?”  💀 💀 💀 💀
Oliver Oliver Oliver I love him he’s turning my head so much its spinning also towel daddy is no daddy he’s subby and that’s okay
People seriously thought Will would cheat on us when its Dylan being a dickhead and saying WE cheated my heart’s going to break 
AND THEY FIND OUT ABOUT YOU KISSING HAZEEM HAHAHAHA but I wasn’t with Will when it happened so he can’t be mad at me for it? He had just pied me off for Thabi and my mc was so confused 🥺
During the Dylan argument Will seems to have his own separate dialogue in which he opens up a bit more and I like that there’s multiple outcomes like? Will can dump you or you can work things out from what I can tell which is nice its giving me ON vibes except in this we’re Noah??? and someone is trying to test our relationship??? lol
“I had a miserable night without you too. As lonely as the moon hanging in the empty sky above a mountaintop” WILL HAND IN MARRIAGE RIGHT NOW 
“No one does this kind of crap to my girl. No one.” this is probably Bruno or all the LIs/Besties but this line right here. I love. 
“We belong together now, you won’t get rid of me that easily!” 😭
MC gets to pick first at the final recoupling! Hee haw 
Endgame options (as far as I can tell) are Angie, Bruno, James, Najuma, Youcef, Oliver, Tom, and Will? 
Okay I skipped ahead to chapter 47 and Will YOU KINKY BASTARD I LOVE YOU he’s done it in airplanes, saunas, you name it 
okay back to chapter 42 the way I screamed at the “you and Will are enjoying a lazy afternoon in the sun” AS I SHOULD’VE BEEN ALL DAMN SEASON 
 “It might have taken us a long time to find each other, but I'm glad we did." " feel like a fool for not coupling up with you sooner.” WILL 💍💍💍💍 
Okay that dialogue is repeated with like everyone 😔 
And that’s all that I live wrote as I was reading because I was getting tired and skimmed through the last few chapters, I didn’t even get to read chapter 48 😭💔 I hope it gets reposted somewhere  
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Jaune walks into his home a little sandy and completely tired. He lets out a long sigh before hearing the babbling of his one year old daughter who is sitting on Ruby’s lap as the woman watches tv. Smiling, he takes off his armor to go set next to them, laying his head on Ruby’s shoulder and greeting a baby happy to see him.
Ruby:Hehe, I think our little dummy misses her daddy.
Jaune:And I miss her just as much. You know eventually you are going to have to give her a more complimenting pet name?
Ruby:I’ll do that when she puts a cube block in the square hole. She’s my adorable little dummy who I love very much until then. How was the mission?
Jaune:Tiring. New kind of grimm again. They were like giant spiders and they sucked aura.
Ruby:Ah, so they made for you?
Jaune:Wouldn’t go that far, but considering there’s only one person who could be making new grimm....I’d say she may have had particular people in mind. Nothing I couldn’t handle though.
Ruby:Still...*rubbing his arm* I’m worried. The world seems to be getting safer and more dangerous at the same time. Our world anyways. Carmine’s world.
Jaune:Yeah...it’s daunting for sure. No real scares yet but ya never know what is an accident and what’s planned anymore. Guess Cinder learned a thing or two from Salem’s playbook. The job was in mantle though, and a remote village. New grimm or not, that’s as common as a mission gets. *kisses cheek* don’t over think it.
Ruby:You’re surprisingly calm about this.
Jaune:I missed you both, my happiness given form.
Ruby:*red* Yeah you missed us if you’re saying that. I missed you too. *kisses cheek* Which is why I’ve been thinking more than usual. Hey, do they still call for me? The people?
Jaune:Hehe, yeah. No matter where I went, your name was said in good will.
Ruby:Hmm? Oh, sorry I just....it’s nothing.
Jaune:Carmine, does your mother look fine?
Carmine only tilted her head at her father before laying against Ruby’s stomach to ask for head pats, which she got.
Jaune:Yeah, she doesn’t does she? Maybe mommy should tell daddy her woes?
Ruby:What!? I’ve been trying to get her to nap for twenty minutes.
Jaune:Magic touch baby. So, what’s wrong Ruby Rose? Missing the ground work?
Ruby:....Is it bad I do? That regardless of how much I keep falling in love with my girl, I miss grabbing my scythe and dashing into danger?
Jaune:Well it’s been your entire life, and it still is. Having a kid just meant taking a leave of absence.
Ruby:It’s basically been two years almost. I’m a little out of shape, sweatpants have taken over my closet, and my corsets terrify me. I don’t like them terrifying me Jaune. I like them making me look cool and having you blush as I kick grimm butt. The people I save, the joy I helped spread, it was my dream come true. The goal I always wanted.
Jaune:Well I’ll blush at you just when you smile.
Ruby:*squints* I’m being serious over here.
Jaune:I know. So you wanna get back in field. We could switch roles? I have no problem with that.
Ruby:I know, but.....*looks at Carmine*......her in arms never felt so right. I’m gonna go crazy for this kid when I leave and I’ll worry for an entirely different reason!
Jaune:Stuck between two worlds?
Ruby:Unfortunately. Being a mom is a trap. I got so many dreams and so little time.
Jaune:Having regret.
Ruby:Hell no. *cradles Carmine* I wouldn’t trade this moment for anything. I’m kinda scared how much I love her. I wanna keep the world safe for her, but doing that means being away. I....I wonder if this is how my mom felt? As much as I wanna say I can go out as a huntress and comeback to be a good mother, I’ve lived the reality where I know that’s a promise that very well might break. Carmine doesn’t deserve that. Nobody does. I’d never forgive myself if I left you mourning and child.
Tears welled up in her silver eyes and were wept away by Jaune immediately. The knight pressed his forehead against his wife’s forehead and rubbed her hands that held their child.
Jaune:If there’s anything we know for certain it’s that nothing is. Going on missions makes me think about these things too but that’s why I go with people like Weiss, or your dad. They remind me I got someone watching my back. Hehe, hard to think of not seeing you again when Nora shows up with ammo in crates.
Jaune:Honestly I think it is to break the tension I feel. Our friends make it pretty clear they’re down for anything. I know this might bruise your ego a tad bit, but being known as a living legend doesn’t mean you have to cool all the time. If a mission worries you, get help. If it seems hopeless, reconsider falling back.
Ruby:That’s just-hearing them call my name for help....I can’t ignore it. They call for me to give them hope when they run out.
Jaune:Then I’ll be selfish, and call louder for you to come home. As a hero, the world can have you to a degree, but they don’t get have my wife, or Carmine’s mother. The world will just have to call on another hero. So Ruby, I’m asking you to please, please don’t let your first dream cripple the other? I want you back in the field. I know how much that makes you happy. Huntress Ruby and Mom Ruby are my world too. I mean one made me fall in love and gave me the other. I’d very much like to keep the other around. She’s pretty cool in her own ways.
Ruby:.......Sigh,you’re so evil you know that? Praising, pleading, and comforting all at once. My mind is all jumbled.
Jaune:Sorry about that.
Ruby:No, it’s fine. It’s more than fine. I guess it’s really all on mean then huh? If so then I guess....I’ll tough it a little longer. At least until I think Carmine is big enough to need me less. She’s a very clingy girl.
Jaune:You’ll miss that when she’s a teen.
Ruby:It’s terrible because you’re right. Several more months and in the meantime I can at least get a workout routine started. Who knows, maybe Glynda could babysit? I miss having you as mission partner.
Jaune:That might work. Glynda is probably more qualified to raise a child than us. Let’s be honest.
Ruby:Glynda is more qualified at basically everything. That’s just a fact.
Jaune:Feeling better about everything.
Ruby:Little bit. Thanks. Yet again you prove your leader pep talks have grown stronger.
Jaune:The student as surpassed the teacher .
Ruby:The teacher would like a kiss right now.
Jaune:Ooo how scandalous.
Ruby:*smiles* Shut up you big dummy.
Ruby tilts her head up and kisses her inspiring yet dorky husband. It wasn’t long before she felt a hand between them. Ruby looked down to see her daughter pouting and reaching for Jaune. The girl practically jumped into the man’s arms and swatted Ruby away. Ruby’s jaw dropped as Jaune laughed.
Jaune:Hahaha someone is jealous and wants me all to herself. I guess Carmine isn’t as needy for you as you thought?
Ruby:Unbelievable! He was mine first you know?
Carmine:*sticks tongue out*
Ruby:Ah! This is what I get for pushing you out?
Jaune:Sorry Rubes, the baby has spoken. You have to wait your turn.
Ruby:Carmine, you’re lucky you’re mine. I’m not big on sharing but I’ll make an exception for you.
Jaune:Look at the bright side. You’ll get your turn later on tonight.
Ruby:*red*.....Ffffffff fine....
Jaune:You act like those weren’t your true intentions.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} – Cherry Blossom & Tangerines – Trafalgar Law x Y/n – Part 5
Modern AU. Trip to Jeju Island, SK. No spoilers.
Female reader. No physical descriptions. Everybody is +18, canon ages. Chopper is human.
Tw: NSFW, blindfolding, soft sub/dom, unprotected sex (this is just fiction, pls wear protection). Fluff. A little bit of ZoSan
A/N: I haven’t had the chance to visit South Korea due to Covid, so everything included is pure research. Excuse me in advance if there is something that’s not 100% accurate! Keep in mind is purely inspired ♥
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31059467
Word Count: 4.5 K
» List of parts: {P1} {P2} {P3} {P4} {P5} {P6}«
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Chapter 5
“Y/n it's our turn, let’s sing!!” Vivi told me, while pulling me from my arm. “Vivi, wait”, I said. I kept watching how Law was still hugging the girl. “What is it?... Oi!”, Nami said, also witnessing the scene.
“Don’t go, just… wait”, I begged my redhead friend who was ready to kill him. I saw how the mysterious woman and Law laughed together. Zoro didn’t even care, he was more drunk than anything else.
The girl was ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks. Law didn’t even look at me. I didn’t know if he was just simply so amused about the girl that he simply forgot about me, or, he was doing this on purpose, knowing that I’ll be watching, maybe to let me know he wasn’t going to commit to me in any way.
“That’s it. I’m leaving”, I stated. Vivi, Robin and Nami insisted on me shouting at Torao, but I couldn’t. I was so hurt, and, besides that, I wasn’t even his girlfriend, so I had no right to reproach anything to him.
The girls came with me, and we drove home. The boys didn’t realize we had left until long after we weren’t at the karaoke bar, when Sanji texted Nami asking what the hell had just happened. “Sanji, you should ask your stupid ass friend Torao, what the hell is he doing with a bitch?, plus, go get your boyfriend too, she is right next to him”, Nami said via audio.
Sanji sent an audio back, “Nami-swan! Zoro is not my boyfriend… wait, you were talking about him, right?, whatever, Torao is still with her, I’m gonna see who the hell is she and kick the hell out of stupid Law for hurting Y/n-chwan”.
I drove as fast as I could, at that point I only wanted to bury myself in bed and cry my eyes out. I was silent all the way. My friends knew there was no point in saying anything else, so they just strung along with me.
We got home, and Robin offered me some tea, yet, I politely turned the offering down and headed almost running to my bed. I covered myself up to my face, and pitiful tears sprouted from my eyes.
I heard my cell phone ring several times, I knew it was probably my friends asking if I was all right. But I didn’t have the strength to even see the screen.
“Why did you choose to hurt me like this, Law?” ... I whispered to myself, unable to understand why I was in that position, why after all the romantic stuff he has done for me he didn’t even care I was there…
I reached my phone and simply turned it off, I was fed up with it ringing. Some minutes, perhaps half an hour passed until I fell asleep, crying.
Suddenly, Nami’s loud screams woke me up. “TORAO, WHAT THE FUCK? WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS SLUT HOME?”.
I didn’t hear Law’s voice, but I did hear someone climbing the stairs, quickly, almost running.
The door opened suddenly with a loud sound, like someone kicking on it. I was still in bed, and the bang of the door made me take an upright position instantly.
There he was, the villain of my story with tears on his eyes, hopeless, shaking. “Y/n-ya!!! it’s not what you think, let me explain…” “STOP, what type of lie are you going to spit out from your stupid mouth?, plus, what the hell? I heard Nami saying you brought that girl home. Have you been drinking? Are you drunk? what the fuck?” I shouted at him, also crying.
Suddenly, before Law could say anything else, I saw a brunette, tanned, tall girl, with big eyes that resemble Law’s ones. She looked at me, smiling and peacefully said, “Hello Y/n, my name is Lami. Trafalgar, Lami”.
I opened my eyes, and mouth… “Trafalgar?”.
“That’s right! I’m Law 's sister! Nice to meet you! I’m sorry if you got things wrong!” she said to my stunned me. “Oi, brother, she is so pretty!! Even more than in the pictures!”.
“Oh God…”. I was somehow relieved that Law wasn’t flirting with a girl, yet mortified because not only me, but all my friends had called Law’s sister a slut… a bitch.
“I am… I am really sorry… And, uhm, N-nice to meet you…”, I said, wiping the tears on my eyes. “It’s ok, darling! I’m leaving you alone so you can talk in peace, I’ll be downstairs!”. “O-ok”, I said sniffing.
Law slowly approached to the left side of my bed and sat there, next to me, in silence. I wasn’t capable of saying anything to him, either. I had put up a show, he probably thought I was a toxic girl, jealous or even worse things. I had mistrusted him. It was probably the end of something that hadn’t even started.
Suddenly, Law hurled himself on me, hugged me and nuzzled on my lap. “I thought you wouldn’t believe me, I’m sorry, I really do. Lami lives in Jeju and I wanted her to meet you because she is not traveling to Seoul any sooner, we just decided that we will be meeting at the bar so… so you could get to know her”. He said, still with his head buried onto my legs.
“Law…”, I began to cry again. I petted his hair and told him “I am the one who should be sorry. I- I thought you were a bad guy, a typical man that doesn’t care about the girls. I am sorry…”. I felt horrible.
I could hear downstairs my friends laughing, Sanji and Zoro fighting, Luffy shouting. Luckily everybody would make Lami feel comfortable, after all. Law was still sobbing over my lap.
After several minutes I decided to speak up. “Law, stop, you are not the one who should be crying asking me for forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. I was completely mistaken. I hope you will be able to forgive me someday”, I said, gaining composure in order to make things clear.
He sat back, looked at me with teary eyes and asked, “someday? There is nothing to forgive. I want to be with you, I … L…”
“Oi, you two, stop crying, Lami is leaving”, said Nami leaning on the door frame, smiling at us. As she left, and Law wiped the tears off my cheeks, we stood up from bed. I was still dressed so we headed downstairs right away.
“Sis, let’s go, I don’t quite remember how to get your home from here, so you tell me”, said Law. Lami looked at him with loving eyes, and said, “My big brother is always taking care of me, I missed you doc”. Law’s cheeks became red, and he hid under the white with black spots cap he was wearing.
Lami said goodbye to everybody, except me, “she probably hates me”, I thought.
I was going to wish her a good night, when Lami held my hand and pulled from me. “Let’s go sister-in-law, come with us!”. I followed them into the car unsure if Law wanted me there, because he was still embarrassed as hell.
I let Law’s sister sit on the passenger seat, and I sat on the back seat behind Lami. A few seconds after Law started the car Lami said, “Oi, Y/n! did you know that Law has never ever introduced a girlfriend to the family before?”. I choked a little when I heard her say “girlfriend”, and simply chuckled. Law told her to stop, but Lami continued telling me how “emo” he was when he was an adolescent, making fun of his sibling.
We finally arrived at Lami's house. It was a traditional Jeju stone house, with big windows and a typical korean roof construction. On the entrance was a tall guy wearing a cap with “PENGUIN” written on it, waving at us. Law parked the car next to a black Hyundai Ioniq.
“Oi!! brother-in-law!!! How are you? It’s been a year my dear friend!” the guy at the door told Law. We descended the car, and the guy hugged Law in a way “man” do. Lami introduced me to the man, he was his boyfriend, and they had been living together for a few years, and apparently before dating Lami, Penguin knew Law since they were little.
We went inside, and had coffee while chatting about everything. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at any moment, Lami and Penguin were really warm people.
Law’s sister and I headed to the kitchen. It was a perfect opportunity to ask her about their parents so I thought of the best way to bring up the subject. I didn’t need to, because it was the first thing that Lami mentioned.
“Y/n, I’m sure my cold brother didn’t tell you anything about our parents… right?”, she said. I was helping her putting some mochi onto a plate, so I looked at her and said “Not really… At first I thought Rosinante was his father, but then I realized that his surname was Trafalgar, not Donquixote”.
“That’s right, Rosinante is something like Law’s dad. When my brother was 10 years old, my parents passed away in a car accident. They were both doctors, the best ones of this city. Law looks exactly like my dad when he was younger…”, she stopped for a little, and continued, “We stayed with our grandparents at the moment. After two years, Law became really ill and had to be taken to Seoul for some doctors to cure him. Luckily, Rosinante was a volunteer at the children’s hospital where Law was being treated. After six months of intense treatment, he recovered and forged a friendship with “Corasan” who took care of him… Oh sorry, I meant, Rosinante. Corasan it’s just a nickname Law gave him during… the chemotherapy...”, she concluded.
“Oh… poor baby…I’m sorry for your loss too, Lami” I said, feeling a lump in my throat. “Don’t worry, we are all right now, time has passed”, she said, grabbing my hand softly and smiling. She continued, “but let me tell you something, I’ve never seen Law with that type of twinkle in his eyes in the 24 years I’ve known him. He loves you; I can sense that. Plus, when you left the bar earlier, he became so desperate, he was truly worried about losing you”.
I blushed instantly, yet, I was so happy of hearing how he probably loves me that I giggled. And Lami, too.
From the living room we heard Law calling me, “Bab… Y/n-ya, let’s go home it is pretty late”. “Ah… my sweet loving brother and his ways…”, Lami said with a sarcastic tone, rolling back eyes. We both laughed and headed where the boys were.
“Oi Penguin, do you have a bottle of cold water? I tend to get thirsty when I drive”, Law asked Penguin and looked at me with some sort of look I can only label as… horny?. “Right, bro, let me get you one”, said the cool cap guy and headed to the kitchen. “He gets thirsty?” I said to myself a little confused, but dismissed the thought as my attention went to Lami who was showing me a photo of his brother when he was a little baby.
The happy couple invited us to the lantern festival that was taking place the next night at the historical center of the city. They told us to bring all of our friends too. We were excited about it, so we accepted the invitation and left the house.
During the ride along a road by the sea, Law asked me, “Babe, can you please turn the GPS on?, I don’t really know where I am going…”. I searched for my phone in my pockets, but realized I’ve left it at home. “I didn’t bring my phone… give me yours”, I told him. He grabbed his from the black jeans pocket and gave it to me. “Law, your phone is dead…”, I said, trying to turn it on.
“Yeah, my battery died after calling you twenty times when you left the bar…”, he said, kinda joking. “Oh…”, I gasped, and continued, “Well, let me enter the address on the car sat nav”.
I approached my hand to the little screen when Law stopped my hand and smirked. “It would be a shame if the computer wouldn’t work and we ended up lost…”.
“You clearly had this planned, right?” I said arching a brow. “Me, planning things? that’s not something I usually do…”, he said in a sarcastic way, but with a sexy tone that made me somehow fidget on my seat.
I came closer to his face and almost talking next to his ear I said, “Let’s get lost”. Law licked his lips, placed his right hand over my lap and said “Heh, sure… I can’t resist myself anymore”.
He suddenly turned the wheel and took a little road that took us to the beach. Finally, my lover parked the car, luckily it was a deserted zone, a cliff area, and there weren’t any houses or places nearer.
The beach ahead of us was lightened by an intense moonshine, the sea was choppy so the waves hit hard on the cliffs.
Law threw his seat back and patted his lap, “Strip for me, and come here, baby”. “Ah, so we are fucking on the car, nice…” I thought and began to take my clothes off.
“Don’t take that off, yet. You know that little bandanna you have on your head could help us…”, he said to me after I jumped over his lap. I felt a rock hard bulge under my core, he was already so ablaze for me.
He then untied the cloth that was holding my hair, smirked at me, and said “may I?” while covering my eyes with it.
“Lay you back on the steering wheel, baby girl”, he ordered me. I remember instantly how he likes to dominate me, so I followed his order to a “Yes, sir”.
His fingers ran from my mouth to my neck. He kept lowering them softly caressing my flesh. I could barely feel the touch of his fingers over my skin. He wasn’t talking, and I was unaware of what was coming next, I was blindfolded, but surrendered completely to this man.
All of a sudden I felt a cold sensation over one of my nipples, “Uhg…” I moaned, throwing my head back. Then the chilly stinging feeling moved to my other nipple. God, what is that?... and suddenly remember Law asking Penguin the cold water bottle. “Damn you, Law”, I said to myself but only being able to verbalize moans and grunts.
He began to trail an icy path from my breasts to my lower stomach. My heated skin mixed with the cold water that began to melt over my flesh, felt like a sweet torture.
“Your hot body is making the icy water melt and wet my jeans… or is it perhaps your own arousal for your Master, baby girl?”, he said to me, while running a thumb over my clit.
He then penetrated me with two fingers as he only knew how to, took them off and asked me to open my mouth. “Taste yourself, baby girl”, he commanded me, and I opened my mouth and sucked.
I heard - and felt- how he unzipped his jeans, and slowly took his member out. I could feel how he began to softly hit his manhood over my sex. He was playing with it, but my body couldn’t wait for it to be inside of me.
“Is it getting hot in here, huh?” he said and unbuttoned his black shirt. I knew it because he then grabbed my hands making me caress his skin. My hands wandered along his chest, but my mind was only focusing on how much I wanted to be penetrated by this man.
I was drowning in lust, I needed him to do something, but he didn’t. “Law… Sir… What are you doing?... fuck me, I want you to fuck me…”. He laughed, and violently but gently enough he pinched and twisted one of my erect nipples. A strike of intense pleasure hit my center, and it was so unexpected that I only purred at it.
He then ran his inked fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to his face, this time he wasn’t being gentle, he was being rough… and I loved it. “What do you think you are doing? I am the one who gives you orders in here, are we clear?” he said, whispering with a grunt in my ear.
“Y-yes sir, I- am sorry…”, I said, stuttering. “Good”, he said and kissed me. We made out, hard, feverishly. I could feel over my entrance how his sex became even harder.
He suddenly put his hands on each side of my waist and lifted me up a little bit, so I could place my knees on each side of the seat. He used his right hand to guide his pennis inside of me. It was just the tip of it, he was enjoying how I was probably miming the words “fuck me” repeatedly. After a few seconds of torture, he grabbing me again from my waist, pushed me down against his lap. “Ugh..” I said, opening my mouth, throwing my back to the steering wheel, so hard that I made the car horn sound.
I wanted to be penetrated, and he did it so roughly, yet so pleasantly.
I began to ride him, back, forward, up, down, tracing circles with my pelvis. My left knee hit the emergency brake handle, it hurt but I didn’t care. I placed my hands over his strong abs, letting all of my senses focus on the pleasure, imagining the expression he had on his face when I heard him groan.
Law pulled my hair and threw my neck back, again making me hit my back on the wheel, and used his hips to bang me, hard, burying himself into me. Every thrust made my body react with little spams; I was being sent to heaven.
Law untied the bandanna that was covering my eyes, and said in between the thrusts and an agitated voice, “I want to see your precious face when I make you cum”. My eyes slowly returned to its functions, admiring the sweaty thorax of Law, the way his stomach would go up and down picturing his rapid breathing. His face showed a red glowing, he was more than aroused. I was too, and as I reached for climax, placing my right hand over the steamy glass of the car window, Law did too with a hard “Huh”.
He bathed my insides once again. I remained still enjoying the warming sensation inside of me, trying to erase any worry at the time.
Law placed a hand on my back and pulled me closer to his chest, while lying his neck over the headrest of the yellow Sonata.
I rested my whole tired body over his, enjoying the touch of our warm skins, the scent of his body, with my lips wandering along his neck, leaving soft kisses over its skin.
“We should go back home; they might get a little bit concerned…” I told Law, still over him. “Yeah, you are right, let’s go back…”.
It was 4 am so once we got home and opened the door, we entered stealthily. I walked behind Law when he suddenly stopped, and I fell over him. “What is it, Law?!” I whispered, “I don’t know, this is kind of a slumber party…”, he whispered back at me.
Suddenly all the lights turned on. Everybody was sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the living room.
Little by little our friends but Zoro and Sanji woke up.
“Oh my god, finally…” said Nami and everyone began to laugh. They weren’t laughing at us, but at Sanji and Zoro who were sleeping cuddled.
Law looked at them and looked at everybody else and said, “Excuse me, is this something new to you? Oi Mugiwara-ya, tell them every time you three get to sleep at home they do the same”. Luffy nodded, still laughing.
No matter how much noise they made, nor Zoro or Sanji woke up, they seemed to be happily enjoying sleeping like this, so we didn’t want to bother them anymore.
“Let’s go back to sleep, guys. Y/n and Law you can sleep upstairs, we left Law’s bed intact”, said Franky winking at us. “Thank you!!” I said, and we went upstairs jumping through the multiple legs of our friends.
We climbed up the stairs, and went into the boy’s room. I was undressing when suddenly Law offered me a big loose t-shirt. “Don’t get me wrong I love your naked body, but what if the boys enter the room and see you naked?”, he said. “Oh, Law, are you jealous? hahaha”, I mocked him. “Well, let's not discuss jealousy…”, he said frowning.
I grabbed his white loose t-shirt with some kind of black power ranger called “Stealth Black” printed on it and put it on, giggling. I could have sworn he was a geeky nerd, and that was the proof.
Law and I jumped into his bed and muffled up with the bedding. He hugged me, kissing my head. “Thank you for making this the best holiday of my whole life…”, he said. “Thank you for paying the bus ticket that time…”, I whispered with my face pressed up against his chest. We both laughed and soon after fell asleep.
I woke up with the sounds of some birds chirping on the window. Law was still asleep beside me, with his ruffled hair, his cheek pressed against the pillow with his mouth open, snoring softly. I couldn’t help but drool over that image, so handsome even like that, the intimacy, the person I wanted to wake up to each morning.
I placed my head over the tattoos of his chest, following with my index finger the lines of ink on his skin. I remained there for a few minutes hearing his heartbeat, drunk of his skin scent.
Softly he began caressing my cheek, still without opening his eyes. He was probably half asleep yet.
I felt a million butterflies trapped on my stomach, I was so in love, I had fallen for this guy, hard. I felt a little guilty, I mean, how was I supposed to fall in love so quickly with a man?... I guess it was just love at first sight…
Law’s hand stopped moving, and suddenly I heard him mumble something like, “Mmmm- hum - I-I- love you Y/n-ya”. I widened my eyes, “did he just say he loves me? “I was completely surprised and even unsure if that was what he said or if it was just my imagination.
Some minutes later, he opened his eyes, slowly. “Good morning, baby girl”, he said, kissing my forehead. I was immobile, watching his face still trying to process what he had just said. “What is it?, are you sleeping with your eyes open? you are gorgeous but that would be a little creepy”, he said, surprised.
“N-No, uhm, I am awake, yes. Good morning”, I uttered. “Are you ok, Y/n-ya?”, he asked with a confused expression. “Yeah, uhm… Law… Do you sleep talk?”, I inquired him. “Oh… did I? I’m sorry... I do, yes. Sometimes. What did I say?”, he said this time with a worried expression. “Oh, no, nothing, I thought I heard something but I don’t know. It’s nothing”, I said, trying to settle the matter.
We remained cuddling up a little bit more, until we heard movements downstairs. They were probably waking up, so I decided to go to my room and get ready for the day.
“New pajamas”, I thought while taking off Law’s shirt. I folded and put it on my suitcase, I wasn’t willing to give it back to him.
I went ahead and showered. I let the warm water bathe my skin while thinking about Law saying “I love you” while he was asleep. Was he really? Did he really feel that or was it just a dream?... I guess I should wait…
After the bath, which clearly made me more anxious than relaxed, I went downstairs to the kitchen where Sanji was already preparing breakfast. I decided to help him with setting the table while chatting about the lantern festival of that night. Nami, Vivi and Robin joined us and were pleased that Lami and Penguin invited us to such a pretty event.
Our last day in Jeju passed with us visiting the Samseonghyeol Shrine, which is the oldest historic site in Korea. That place is considered as the birthplace of three demigods of the island, founders of the Tanma Kingdom that governed Jeju Island before the Joseon dynasty took over.
At noon we came back from the city and began to get ready for the festival that night. I received a message from Lami, “@TraffLami.06 > hello Sis! How is the day going? Is my brother treating you right?. Listen, we usually wear “hanbok” to the festival. If you want to too, you can rent them from a friend's shop. I send the location. See you tonight! ♥”. I got super excited for it, I loved cultural clothing and I wanted to see Law wearing those clothes too. I told my friends and we all agreed on renting one. Law, being the warm boy he was, wasn't so sure about it, but with a little kiss and a little begging I could convince him.
The night came and we all drove to the historical centre of Jeju. The place was all garnished with paper lanterns, string lights hanging from some bridges, lit inflatable displays, food courts, typical music being played that mixed with the buzz of hundreds of attendants that were enjoying the night.
I was wearing a hanbok in yellow and orange tones, while Law used a green and black one. He looked like a typical groom; I couldn’t help but fantasize a little about us getting married someday.
Luffy of course ran to the food stalls followed by everybody else, Zoro went ahead and attacked the stall where they were offering some kind of soju and Law and I waited for his sister and Penguin to arrive at where we were.
Law was more silent than usual and his face showed concerned. I thought at first about him missing his parents or family, maybe the festival triggered some memories, so I held his hand without saying anything. He squeezed my hand, and began to sweat.
“Are you ok, doc?”, I asked. He looked at me, I could sense he got really nervous and finally mumbled, “Y/n-ya we need to talk…” …
Part 6, FINAL
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half-bakedboy · 3 years
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Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz Rated: General Summary: “I’ve recently found myself with a lot of time on my hands and since you don’t seem to have enough to romance someone,” Buck began, settling his drink on the table, “I think it only makes sense for someone to romance you.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh and shot back, “Yeah, and how are you going to find someone willing to put in that effort?”
“Oh, you’re lookin’ at him.”
Or… Eddie gets the romance he deserves in the form of fluff-filled dates with Buck.
For @911fluffweek - day six: “But you love me anyway” // In your lap
(read chapter six on ao3 or start from the beginning)
Eddie found himself to be just as nervous standing on the step to Maddie’s home as he had been those few months ago. Back then, he was terrified of meeting his team’s families and having to somehow keep himself at arm’s length. He glanced over at where Buck gripped his hand tightly and realized just how badly he had failed at that task. 
“You know, you have to knock on the door, Eds,” Buck said, furrowing his eyebrows in equal parts confusion and concern. 
“Deja vu,” Eddie muttered, raising his hand to do just that. Before he could, the door flung open and Maddie stood before them, a wide grin on her face. 
“Little brother!” She shouted and Buck rolled his eyes at the name before wrapping his arms around his sister’s waist and hugging her tightly. Eddie loved the way Buck hugged. He always put his entire body into it, rocking from side to side with his arms enveloping every inch he could. He loved watching Buck hug others and the way their smiles lit up their faces almost as much as he enjoyed being on the receiving end of one of his embraces. 
“Hey, Mads,” he muttered, kissing her hair as he pulled back. “Where’s my favorite goddaughter?” He asked excitedly. Before Eddie could even so much as say hello, he was already making his way into the living room and picking Jee-Yun out of her pack-and-play to blow raspberries into her neck. 
“Has he always been like that?” Eddie asked, giving Maddie a one-armed hug and holding up the bottle of wine he had to insist Buck pick up. He never went to a home empty-handed and Buck never felt like a guest anywhere, so it was a miracle Eddie had convinced him to grab it in the first place. 
“He loves kids. Babies, toddlers, eight-year-olds with cute dads,” Maddie teased, winking at Eddie when he tried to stifle a laugh. “Even when we were teenagers, he was always looking after younger kids. Saving them from bullies, playing with them when they had no friends, sitting with them at family gatherings. It’s probably cause he’s such a kid at heart,” Maddie said, watching her brother fondly as he set Jee-Yun back down and walked over. 
He wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist before he said, “She’s the cutest baby I’ve ever seen, Maddie. Are you sure she’s yours and Chimney’s?” Maddie smacked him with the towel she had over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. 
“Here I was telling your boyfriend all about how great you are with kids, alluding to what a great dad you’ll be someday,” she said pointedly causing both of them to go wide-eyed, “and you insult me. Little brothers are always so ungrateful.” 
“I’ll be sure to tell Christopher that,” Eddie chuckled. He froze when he realized what he had said and had never been more grateful for a doorbell in his life. 
The rest of the team and their families arrived over the next few minutes and all of Eddie’s nerves washed away just like they had the first time. He was comfortable around his team, around the people he trusted every day with his life, and with much more than that if he was honest with himself. More importantly, Buck was a calming weight beside him that reminded him he wasn’t alone. 
“Howie and I thought it would be fun to do our little version of The Newlywed Game,” Maddie said once everyone had their drink of choice in hand. “So, everyone have a seat…” She gestured around, frowning at what Eddie assumed was the shortage of chairs. 
“I counted out before—” 
“You forgot to include yourself, didn’t you?” Maddie guessed and Chim didn’t say she was wrong. Eddie shrugged and stood behind the comfortable recliner Buck had planted himself in, reaching around to rest his hands on Buck’s shoulders and massaging gently. 
“Hey, that’s okay,” Eddie said quickly, not wanting to be the person that inconvenienced the rest of the party. “I’m totally good with standing and I’ll kick his lazy ass out of the chair if he gets too annoying,” Eddie added when Maddie stared worriedly in his direction. Eddie winked at her as Buck gasped dramatically, tugging on one of Eddie’s hands.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Buck challenged and Eddie wouldn’t admit he was right. “Besides, this chair is absolutely big enough to support the two of us, even if you’ve been eating extra bites of the desserts Christopher and I make when we’re not looking,” Buck accused. 
“No, seriously, Buck, it’s—” He was already tumbling onto Buck’s lap before he could finish his sentence. 
It was awkward at first as his hands flew out to try and grab onto the back of the chair and the armrest when he felt himself start falling. Eddie wasn’t a small guy, by any account. He was just under 200 pounds of muscle from years in the military and kept up with his physique with most mornings spent in the gym or hauling around 60 pounds of gear each day. Suddenly, though, he felt so small. 
Buck wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist and rested his chin comfortably in the crook between Eddie’s neck and shoulder. He let his legs fall open so that Eddie could slot between them and Eddie let himself form to Buck’s warm body. He leaned into Buck’s touch, resting his own arms on the ones secured around him, and ignored the incredibly pointed gazes of his team.
Chim tossed his hands up in the air and defeatedly said, “Oh, they’re totally going to win.”
He wasn’t wrong, but Eddie attributed that to the fact that out of all of the couples around them, they were the newest. Hen and Karen had been together the longest out of all of the couples, working on ten years of marriage by the time Eddie joined the team. Bobby and Athena had six years under their belt and were just as ‘disgustingly in love’ as the day they met—Chim’s words, not his. He didn’t have much room to talk, though, because he and Maddie were almost at three years and it would take a crowbar to pry them apart when they were together. 
About an hour into the game, Hen made it clear that one of the happy couples would meet their bitter end while Maddie became increasingly more annoyed that Eddie seemed to know more about her brother than she did. 
“Why would you possibly know when Eddie and I had our first kiss?” Buck seethed as Maddie rolled her eyes in frustration. “You didn’t even know when you and your husband had your first kiss!” It was the wrong thing to say and they both knew it as Buck hid his face behind Eddie’s neck. 
Maddie didn’t care as she yelled, “He’s the one who didn’t know! I was right and I know it!” She grabbed a handful of popcorn from the neatly plated platter in between them and tossed it at Buck, effectively only coating Eddie in the snack. He held his hands up in defense just as Chim did. 
“Hey, I was in a hospital bed and I thought we had kissed then. I was on a lot of pain medication, Maddie, you can’t blame me for that!” 
“And you can’t throw food at me because your brother is a coward!” Eddie shot back, wriggling in Buck’s lap when he poked his fingers into Eddie’s sides in retaliation. 
“Can someone read the next question, please?” Bobby said in that commanding tone that had all of them muffling their laughter and ongoing arguments. 
“Alright, Bobby and Athena are up,” Chim said, clapping his hands together. “If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy together?” Athena started to write down her answer and Buck attempted to it, leaning over a bit too far considering the space Eddie took up on his lap. Eddie elbowed Buck in the ribs and pulled a face he hoped clearly told him to stop cheating before the team got even angrier at them. Buck pressed a messy kiss to his cheek and pretended he wasn’t even trying to peek. 
“What d’ya say, Cap?” 
“Athena is too smart to let us spend money on anything. It’s going straight into a college fund for Harry and May,” Bobby answered, crossing his arms over his chest smugly. It was called for because Athena turned over her board to reveal the word COLLEGE spelled out in all caps. She cheered and pressed a big kiss to Bobby’s lips. 
“Lucky round, we all knew the answer to that one,” Hen teased, patting Karen’s thigh as she turned toward Chim for their question. “Hit us up, Han. We’re kicking all of your asses,” she commented. 
Buck chimed in, “Except for us!” It was a reminder that literally no one needed and they all glared daggers in Buck’s direction. Eddie didn’t mind the way Buck hid behind him that time. He laced their fingers together, bringing one up to his mouth for a soft kiss as Chim read out the next question. 
“What was the last date that you went on?” Buck stifled his laughter in Eddie’s shoulder the second both Hen and Karen’s eyes widened in panic. Athena was brazen as always and allowed hers to ring loudly over everyone. 
“Oh, c’mon ladies, really?” Athena shouted. Hen glared at her while Karen wrote down—and then crossed out and then wrote something else—on her board. She shook her head guiltily at her wife when the timer buzzed. 
“The reason we’re kicking all of your asses is cause you know the answers to those ridiculous questions about your partner’s childhood pet but can’t even remember when you last got them flowers,” Buck pointed out. The looks on everyone’s faces told Eddie that while he shouldn’t have said it, he was absolutely right. 
“Yeah, well, what was Eddie’s first job, then?” Maddie shot back to which Eddie sighed because Buck knew the answer to that. They had talked about it one night when Eddie was explaining why he enlisted in the army in the first place. 
Buck smirked and answered, “Easy. Technically, he worked construction with his uncle before he turned 18 but he was paid under the table,” he paused for only a moment before finishing, “and he enlisted in the United States Army almost the second he was old enough to.” He held up his hand for a high five but Eddie gauged the looks around him and decided his team already hated him enough for one night. 
“Hen, what’s your answer?” He asked, knowing that out of everyone in the room, Hen would be the one to get him out of the situation he found himself in. She took pity, if only so that they could get their round over with, and took a deep breath with her eyes closed. 
“Alright, I had the day off three weeks ago but Denny was sick and the day off before that was spent getting the foster twins settled…” Hen looked up at the ceiling and let out the breath she was holding slowly. “We went to that Japanese steak house and sushi bar a few months ago?” Karen cheered and flipped her board over revealing what Eddie assumed was the name of the restaurant Hen had been talking about. Karen leaned over and kissed her wife soundly, both of them glaring over at Buck who waved his hand dismissively. 
“Will you stop pissing off our friends, please?” Eddie whispered while Maddie and Chim prepared themselves for their round. Buck shook his head and hiked himself up a little in the chair causing Eddie to immediately panic. He had almost forgotten that the two of them were sharing a damn chair like teenagers who thought they were in love. Eddie made to get up as he said, “Do you need me to—”
Buck grabbed onto his arms and shook his head, smiling softly up at him. “I’m good, just had to reposition. Just let me…” As if Eddie weighed nothing, Buck moved him to a more comfortable position still on his lap and Eddie let out a very embarrassing yelp at the suddenness of the motion. He wasn’t used to being… manhandled, the way Buck had apparently been comfortable with doing. 
“We have a spare bedroom if you two need some privacy,” Maddie offered, gesturing over her shoulder and down the hallway. The entire team groaned in displeasure while Buck flipped her off, but she shrugged and mouthed, The offer still stands, in Eddie’s direction. 
“Babe, pay attention,” Chim began, earning an eyebrow raise from his wife. He grinned at her as he usually did, and asked, “Describe what you first thought of me in one word.” 
“Maddie, now’s your chance to really let him know how you feel,” Buck teased, egging her on with an excited nod of his head. Maddie rolled her eyes in response and as she wrote her answer on the board, she gestured between her and Chim’s heads as if trying to somehow start some telepathic connection. 
“I can’t believe Chim somehow found someone just as strange as he is,” Hen muttered much to the agreement of everyone around them. The couple in question didn’t care, though, because they were too busy staring at each other. Eddie thought it was cute, but apparently, everyone else was ready to get on with the game. 
“Hey, weirdo, what’s your answer?” Bobby shouted and Buck let out a huff of laughter. It was always nice when Bobby let loose a little and he was seemingly at that point if the name he chose said anything. 
“Cute. She thought I was cute,” he answered. Maddie turned her clipboard around slowly, beaming wider each second because she got the answer right. She cheered and pulled Chim into a very full kiss, both of them smiling into it. 
“Alright, boys, we’re three for four this round. You get this right or wrong, you still win, so we’re gonna pick the toughest question,” Hen commented and before Buck could argue, Athena held up a hand and raised her eyebrows at him. It was the easiest way to shut him up and everyone there knew it. 
“Oh, honey, this one. This is the one,” Athena said, laughter already brightening up her voice. Eddie winced even as Buck squeezed the arm still wrapped around his waist a little tighter in reassurance. Maddie let out a loud laugh before she read the next question out loud. 
“Which one of you would Buck say is the most attractive in the relationship?” 
“That is so not a fair question!” Buck whined immediately, grabbing the board from his sister to scribble his answer. 
Eddie eyed him and at Buck’s inquisitive look, he said, “You answered that incredibly quickly.” 
“Hey, no cheating. Eddie, what’s your answer? Who’s more attractive?” Chim asked and then let out a barely contained cackle. “Wait, oh my god, Eddie is either going to say himself which is going to sound extremely narcissistic or Buck is going to have his own name on that board which is the most egotistical answer and man, this question was genius. Athena, I would bow to you if I could.”
Eddie shook his head and glared at his captain’s wife, uncaring that he was there to witness it all. Bobby had a warm smile on his face that Eddie connected to the fact that he was there, with the family he said he wasn’t going to become a part of, laughing and teasing and cuddling up to his boyfriend of almost six months. It wasn’t where Eddie thought he’d be but where Bobby had assumed they’d end up. 
He made a mental reminder to thank Bobby later. 
“The answer is obviously Buck, but before you start with me,” he pointed at Chim accusingly before he continued, “it’s not because either of us are full of ourselves. It’s because he knows that I would never name myself in any situation. He knows we’re both equally attractive—”
“—And have tested it on many occasions!” Buck interjected but Eddie wasn’t about to explain to his team that they had competitions on who could get the most numbers when they went out together. 
“He knows we’re both conventionally attractive men who would possibly fight someone for thinking otherwise but would never actually admit it about ourselves. He also knows that I would just argue with him if he said anything else. So,” he took a deep breath before he finished, “that board says Buck’s name.” 
“I don’t think all of that could fit on a whiteboard, Eds,” Buck teased, but he flipped over the board to reveal his own name. Scribbled underneath was one short sentence, squished in the small space. It said, Because Eddie won’t let me say it’s him.  
He wasn’t sure what came over him, but all of a sudden, Eddie had his arms tossed around Buck’s neck and their lips pressed together passionately, uncaring that his entire team was watching him. He had never had a connection like the one he had with Buck and this stupid game had solidified to Eddie that the fact they knew each other so well wasn’t all in his head. It made every part of Eddie so incredibly happy. 
“Next game night, Buddie stays at home,” Chim said begrudgingly and Eddie didn’t mind that everyone around him agreed. He felt like a teenager again; sitting in the lap of the man he really, really loved, with warm arms wrapped around him, and what felt like a permanent smile on his face. 
“Eh, we’ll just take the guest bedroom next time,” Buck shot back. Eddie blushed darker than he had been already, but he didn’t say anything in return. He just let Maddie and Chim tease, Hen and Karen roll their eyes, and Bobby and Athena watch the people they considered their ‘kids’ enjoy the night together. 
It was as perfect as perfect could get, Eddie thought. Even when he felt his eyes drooping shut at the end of it all, he knew he would wake up to Buck in his bed and the feeling of family and home etched into his heart. He was starting to believe it would never disappear and he held onto it tighter just to be sure. 
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vivithefolle · 3 years
Hi Vivi, can you share some thoughts on the "Hermione deserves to be/should have married to XYZ because she is way too good for Ron" mentality of this fandom??
I’m gonna copy-paste a Quora answer of mine, because recycling is important!
Claiming that Ron is “out of Hermione’s league” is a statement rooted in sexism, classism and probably a bunch of other -isms.
It might seem like I’m just throwing buzz-words around but let me explain.
First off, the sexism.
Oh, the sexism.
As I’ve pointed it out in yet another one of my answers  (I’m so sorry for drowning you all in a plethora of links), Ron is very much a female-coded male character.
Ron is emotional, wears his heart on his sleeve, has anxieties and inadequacies, walks off in order to cool down, has a temper, puts other people before his needs, and pretty much adopts Harry when he rescues him in the second book. He’s the Heart of the Trio: he doesn’t rely on sole logic, he can believe something without proof, he is sensitive and thus is the easiest to hurt emotionally.
Whether you call it a “beta male”, a “wuss”, “defying gender roles” or a “soft boy” is your own business, but the core of it is that Ron doesn’t meet the standards for people’s vision of a “desirable” masculine figure.
The little things Ron quietly performs in the books - when he helps Harry into his pyjamas in Chamber of Secrets because Harry’s arm is bloop; when he’s worrying about Hermione’s whereabouts in Prisoner of Azkaban; when he helps Harry unwind after his visions in Goblet of Fire; when he puts food onto Harry’s plate and wakes him up from his nightmares in Order of the Phoenix; when he beams that Hermione was “perfect, obviously” when she passes her Apparition test - all those caring gestures don’t seem like much, but if you bother to think about it, they paint an enormous picture.
Who gets Hermione to stop overworking while making her feel good about her accomplishments? Who comforts Harry from his nightmares and cares for him in the dead of the night, when nobody is awake? Who makes sure his friends are healthy and happy? Who wards off the dark and depressing thoughts, be it with his fists or a joke?
It’s Ron.
When you think about it, “traditional masculinity” in Harry Potter is as much frowned upon as “traditional feminity” is - which sometimes bites Rowling in the butt when you remember how she obviously seems to consider that Hermione and Ginny are the only desirable kind of girls.
Vernon Dursley? The entrepreneur “king of the household” prejudiced suburbian middle-class Dad? Fits in the usual tropes of traditional masculinity.
Dudley Dursley? The typical “boys will be boys” spoiled middle-class only child who’s the apple of his parents’ eyes and even takes up boxing, as if he wasn’t traditionally masculine enough.
Draco Malfoy? See Dudley, but toss in “upper-class posh aristocrat bully who doesn’t like to get his hands dirty so he has henchmen do it for him because he’s too rich for this sh-t”, would remind you of a few Christian Greys or Gatsbys.
Dolores Umbridge? Oh no, cat pictures, decorative plates, talks to teens as if they’re babies and PINK, SO MUCH PINK!!! So disgustingly feminine!!
Rowling very much frowns upon traditional gender roles - with Molly Weasley being an exception because Rowling feels very strongly about being a mother, and relates to Molly a lot.
Right - so, being a beautiful mess of paradoxes and contradictions (a “soft boi” who also punches bullies in the face, a fussy mother-hen who swears like a sailor, a tall athlete with badass scars on his arms who’s nurturing and sweet; in short, a wonderfully human character), Ron is obviously going to be a polarizing character. You painfully relate to him and get defensive when he’s criticized, you feel his characterization hits a bit too close to home so you hate him, or you disregard him completely because you can’t see anything “special” about him…
Now, onto another very, very sexist point that is often made.
People say that Hermione “deserves better” than Ron, often claiming that they “aren’t intellectual equals”, then citing Harry (who is mistaken as being some sort of slumbering genius but honestly, the kid is really a bit daft) or Draco (since apparently, being rich must equal to being intelligent) or, god forbid, Snape (because he’s a teacher and teachers are meant to be clever).
Soooo, I could go the loooooong way and pull out all the receipts that prove that none of these characters are perfectly intellectually matched to Hermione…
Or I could go the long way and simply give you this: this obsession with finding an “intellectual equal” for Hermione reflects the mentality of “women are not allowed to be better at something than their husband”.
A woman has to be all-around pretty good at everything, whereas a man has to be the absolute best in his area of greatest competence (surely better than any puny female!) with a help-meet there to compensate for his weaknesses. People are very, very uncomfortable when Ron and Hermione reverse this dynamic. Hermione is extremely intelligent and dedicated to intellectual pursuits, but is complete pants at things like self-care and people skills. Ron is bright enough to keep up with her and strong in her areas of weakness.
Even if Ron was as dumb as a sack of rocks (he’s not), his other virtues are more than enough to “justify” Hermione loving him. (Because she needs an excuse?) But no. A woman has to be with a man who outdoes her in her area of greatest strength. - credit to @lytefoot
People don’t want Hermione to be with a man who’s her “equal.” They want her to be with a man who can be The Man so she can know the contentment of being The Woman.
But, with this sexist line of thought, how do we justify how Ron is supposed to be such a bad match for Hermione? Because if it was just about mere sexism, Romione would surely be more popular. Imagine! Ron happily raising the children, being a house-husband and proud of it, while Hermione is out there fighting for justice in the wizarding world! What a power-couple, defying norms and gender roles and not being the least bit conscious of it, prime OTP material for sure! So why do people still want Hermione to put Harry, Draco, or god forbid², Snape in Ron’s place? Is this an irrational hatred of redheads? An Harmionian’s delirious wet dream? A failure to separate the actors from their characters?
It’s all this and, quite frankly, something more: the inherent classism that comes with Ron’s status as an explicitly working-class coded character.
I know, I know, “Vivian! Calm down with the buzzwords, you’re starting to sound like an online pretend-feminist magazine!”
Or “Come on, people who don’t ship Ron and Hermione together aren’t all sexist or classist!”
Of course, of course! I know that! I’m not implying that!
But some of the “reasons” why they claim that Ron and Hermione can’t work - are extremely classist in nature, that’s just it!
Come on, think about it! What are the Number Ones arguments people always pull against Ron? Or the most common Ron-bashing tropes (look at fanfics and watch the number of stories that use at least one of those)?
Ron is stupid/mediocre
Ron is lazy/useless
Ron resents his wife’s hard work/success
Ron is a homophobe
Ron is a drunkard
Ron (the big prude who at 16 had never kissed a girl and sees a first kiss as the prelude to a wedding) is massively oversexed and cheats on Hermione with anything that moves
Not only do these “reasons” completely ignore ALL OF RON’S CHARACTERIZATION - except for the “lazy” bit but come off it, all teenagers are lazy and Hermione’s the exception to the rule - but it matches perfectly with the negative stereotypes associated with working-class white men in fiction.
It’s also very funny to note how many (assumedly middle-class or financially secure) fans look down on Ron for being “whiny” or “greedy” when he expresses the desire to have money of his own, or blame his parents for “not knowing when to stop” or “being irresponsible”, or even look down on them for being “too proud to accept help”!! Also how shocked people are when Ron dares to stand up for himself when Hermione or Harry act badly towards him. How dare this country boy not listen to the wisdom of his social “betters”?
So, obviously, because our Heroine can’t go with a Nasty, Mediocre Working-Class Man, she must be paired off with someone of Proper Status: say, a Hero that was raised in a middle-class home and might be a bit psychologically damaged but it’s nothing all those gold coins in his vault can’t fix; or this Rich Posh Aristocrat who actively rooted for her death, he’s a little bit eccentric and has some exotic pet-names to call you, but I’m sure you’ll learn to love him and will unearth the gold coins in his bank account… I mean, the heart of gold that lies within the surface; oh, why not a Way Too Big An Age Difference Teacher if you’re looking for a “cultured man” who has zero things in common with you; we can also bring Convenient Plot Device Famous Rich Foreign Athlete if you want some diversity and you don’t feel original!
But we can’t - oh, we mustn’t let her be with this Terrible Working-Class Boy! His brothers are fine, they have money, they have jobs, so they’re obviously Not As Mediocre. But let our precious Hermione be with this Just-Got-Out-Of-School hooligan? She can’t possibly be in love with him! You’ll see darling, you’ll get bored eventually! He’s too mediocre for you, you deserve a man who outclasses you - I mean, who can provide for you! You’re a fragile little flower who scars people for life when she’s not happy with them, what makes you think that this boy can possibly handle you even though he’s done so for the past seven years?
You wanted it, you got it.
People are shallow, have misconceptions about Ron’s character that they are unwilling to correct or use classist and sexist arguments to try to make it so that either Ron is the Devil himself / Hermione is a higher kind of being that can only orgasm if sufficiently “intellectually stimulated” / what-have-you.
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