#fate rpg
yourplayersaidwhat · 1 month
DM: So how many times would you like to punch the six year old?
Monk: I’d like to spend a ki point to punch them five times.
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dungeonofthedragon · 1 month
Non-Violent Adventurous TTRPGS
Today is ANZAC day in Aotearoa New Zealand. It seems a very appropriate time to share some games about helping and healing.
Monster Care Squad by Sandy Pug Games
A game about nurturing monsters and healing them of their pain. In the creator's own words, you play a squad of elite veterinarians. I love games that make you feel you're making a positive difference. I hope to play this one some time.
Ngen Mapu by Helena Real and Evil Hat Productions
This game's gorgeous art is what first caught my eye, but what really drew me in was the premise. Playing as manifested spirits from the dawn of time, you must stop people who are causing serious harm to the natural world without hurting them. What happens if you hurt them? Well, you risk becoming a corrupted ngen called a wekufe.
Wanderhome by Jay Dragon of Possum Creek Games
A game of wandering animal folk. Wanderhome has been on my 'to buy' list since its release. This review sums up a lot of why I love it. The grief and hope of a game that takes place in a world recovering from war appeals to me far more than a game about fighting a war. Plus, my favourite part of roleplaying is exploring a character's internal world, and there are so many chances for that here.
Lunar Echoes is a hack of Wanderhome set in a solarpunk future!
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zeroefficiency · 7 months
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Some FATE dice I did some time ago
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literalcatpod · 1 month
46 - Making An Alchemist Who Wants To Be a Real Boy in Magonomia
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Special thanks to @davrial for the cat prompt this episode!
Magonomia by Shewstone Publishing is a Fate-based RPG of wizards in Renaissance-era Europe. The spells and skills included in the game are inspired by the actual notes and teachings of real scientists and charlatans of the era. We are kinda bastardizing this by saying a cat also did Alchemy in that setting, but in our defense, it was for the bit.
Follow the show online: https://literalcatpod.start.page/ 
Follow Joel Holland: https://jholland.start.page/
Follow Avalon: https://twitter.com/AvalonAlchemist
We’ve got a Patreon now! https://www.patreon.com/BadgerTrove 
Download the character sheets: https://bit.ly/literalcatpod 
We’re on Bluesky now! https://bsky.app/profile/literalcatpod.bsky.social 
Cover art, midroll theme, and Intro/Outro music made by Joel Holland
Thanks for listening! We’ll Cat-ch you later!
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probablyfunrpgideas · 7 months
Idea: a campaign set on Earth, a few years after the War of the Worlds. The Martians have been vanquished, but they leave a mark on human society and technology - with laser beams and mechanized tripods available, new advancements have been made. And hopefully, the common enemy from beyond our atmosphere will keep the various nations from using them on each other.
The campaign follows an eclectic group of pilots, chemists, diplomats and/or soldiers who are assembled to help the Russian government investigate a suspected Martian landing in the Siberian forest. It’s strange that the aliens would choose a place with so few inhabitants, but several parties are desperate to see what happened. How will the player characters balance their own goals with the gung-ho military contingent? What about the tsarina’s notorious advisor, who is rumored to be searching for Martian medicine?
I think this could probably be a Pulp Cthulhu scenario, or something you could run with Savage Worlds. The major drama is the wilderness exploration combined with internal conflicts, but you could always have some combat with a haywire mech or another expedition to spice things up.
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pages-and-potatoes · 4 months
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The Burden – Golden Shovel
Haiku Credit: @victoria-at-last
Context: Victor Valentine feels responsible for the death of Helyglys’s mother and makes a decision.
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elkhim · 11 days
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His name is Cornelius, the embodiment of Fire as Crucible, and he is a nightmare. Complete with signature look of smug superiority.
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onehobgoblin · 10 months
My new dice just arrived! And my friends decided to cancel the game 🔥🔥💯😎
(I feel pain)
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akdrawingcorner · 7 months
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So my husband has posted several comics that involve the race I ended up running when I attempted Stellaris. I have yet to get to a game win cause it gets so complicated real fast compared to Civ games. I'm woefully behind on DLC for Stellaris so most of my little shroom guys (known as the Gorf Gorf) are simply another empire in my husband's games as he made a point to make a copy of the Gorfs so he could have them in his games.
The Gorf Gorf are a hedonistic Oligarchy empire that employs caterpillar aliens known as Shrek (it was a dumb at the time haha funny name that just stuck after changing what game gave as a name for the Syncretic Evolution race) as servants (among other things). The Gorf are fanatical spiritualists who worship the Great Gorf.
Fun fact: Since Gorfs mainly communicate in spores they usually need devices to translate these into speech. These devices come in a few forms such as below:
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Ebony Wolfbane is a Gorf I played as for a Fate rpg game set in space. From streamer to spy they navigate the stars via their modified mobility rig of a chair and computer that has an on board AI named Archie. I had made this character with a running set of gags or puns to mystery novel detective Nero Wolfe. They acted as the party's main tech/hacker of the group using their gamer skills when needed.
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nerdyperday · 4 months
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Day 2687 Kenny G. Saxophone
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Fate: Genre Aspects
I was recently re-reading the section on Aspects in the Fate RPG, and realized I had never done anything interesting with the idea of "Game Aspects": aspects that exist throughout the world, and can be invoked by anyone.
Initially I hit a mental block, until I started thinking of them instead as Genre Aspects: a description of what sort of stuff the system wants to reward and encourage.
For instance, an action game might have the aspect "but explosions are cool" to emphasize the way things tend to explode spectacularly. Or you could just cut straight to the chase and make "rule of cool" into a genre aspect.
Conversely, "somehow, that succeeded" can go in a different direction, and allow actions to succeed despite the protagonist's failures - it turns out that weak punch was really all it took to knock out the guard. Or maybe you missed, hit the wall, and then a moment later a lose chunk of ceiling falls and takes out the guard.
You could also use these to create mechanical biases like "the best defense is a good offense" - easy to invoke on attacks, much harder to invoke on defense. You could even use it to establish power tiers, by saying "dragons are just better than you".
A clear factor here is that the more aspects you can bring to bear on a situation, the more Fate Points you can spend. A single generic aspect like "rule of cool" makes it easy to spend at least one Fate Point. Numerous Genre Aspects ups the drama level and lets you reliably save up for epic moments where 3 aspects converge on a very expensive +6 to a critical roll.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 8 months
'My mother thinks we’re dating.’
‘Oh Gods. Why? That would be like… dating my sister. No wait, I hate my sister. Or any other family member. Gods, I hate those too. If only there were some convenient group of people that it would make sense to be close to platonically… but alas I killed all of those.’
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dungeonofthedragon · 7 months
Doctors Without Borders charity bundle
Score yourself a great deal and get nearly $150 dollars worth of ttrpg material for just $9.99! All while supporting an excellent cause.
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thegmsighs · 2 years
And just where are we going to find and ETHICALLY SOURCED baby skull?
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m0thcl0wn · 8 months
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“Welcome to The Game, Max Green.”
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merelyroleplayers · 1 year
A body in the back room. A mysterious figure fleeing the scene. What’s a newbie PI to do but give chase?
Follow us on your usual podcast app - search Merely Roleplayers or head to www.merelyroleplayers.com
COMPERE: @merelymatt
Vikki as Cadence Fairchild, baby-faced P.I.
Ellie as Cam, cinnamon roll newshound
Alexander Pankhurst as Reginald Skinner, infamous corrupt businessman
Helen as Stella Sylvester, woo-woo femme fatale
MUSIC BY: Alexander Pankhurst
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