#female gnoll
Could..Could I get a sneak peak at something you are working on? Even if its for Patreon...pretty please? I love your writing and Im impatient <3
Sure! Why not. I'm a sucker for validation of any kind, so have the start of a steamy moment with a female gnoll.
“I’m…almost jealous, to be perfectly honest with you.” She admitted. You stared up at her, wide eyed. “I wanted…I wanted to be your first. Every time you’ve come in here; when we’d fool around and spend entire nights with each other…I’ve wanted nothing more than to take you like you wanted. But you were so unsure. So shy. I didn’t want to push you.” 
Your surprise was met with Shori’s lips against yours. You melted into the kiss, the soft fur of her muzzle tickled as she brushed her tongue along your lower lip. You reached up to tangle your fingers in the scruff of her fur. Deepening the kiss as she yipped quietly against your mouth. Then she pulled away, both paws cupping the sides of your face so you were forced to look at her. 
“I can smell him on you,” She almost snarled. “That werewolf. I don’t know the other smell, but, fuck, it makes me maddening to know that two others got to have you before I did.” You whelped as her hands moved to your hips and you were lifted, effortlessly, to sit on Shori’s lap. Her massive thighs held you aloft as her hands traveled under your shirt and pawed at your breasts. 
“I had it all planned, you know.” Shori whimpered as you melted under her touch. “We’d go out, find some nice place to set up camp. Cook something over the fire and I would start to massage you, relax you.” Her teeth scraped against your collarbone and you moaned her name. Gripping onto her shoulders as she bucked up against you. “I’d lay you down, undress you. Suckle on those gorgeous tits of yours and make you all warm. And I’d keep going. Until you begged me to take you. To be your first under the stars. I wanted it so fucking badly.” 
This is a section of 'Pleasure by Firelight' Part 2. I'm currently editing it to post up some time tonight. Part 1 is here. Also I'm writing the female Gnoll as a hermaphrodite (please let me know if thats not the correct word) as a play on Spotted Hyenas.
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thebeardlyben · 1 year
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Meet Revza, a gnoll that became a wizard by wandering into a magic school and demanded that someone taught her how.
This commission is for MightyKraken
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mxnsterbabe · 4 months
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Male Gnoll/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 2,919 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
When you're convinced to go on a blind date with an asshole, Adamu saves you from a sticky situation. As it turns out, you'd rather go out with him anyway.
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Outside the restaurant, the city's ambient buzz mingled with your own whirl of anticipation and nerves. The cool evening air did little to soothe the flutter of excitement in your stomach as you approached the restaurant's entrance, a quaint spot chosen by Eirik for your blind date.
Stepping inside, the warm glow and soft murmur of conversation enveloped you. The hostess greeted you with a welcoming smile, and you found your voice slightly trembling as you mentioned, "I’m here to meet - I mean, table for Karl?."
"Oh, you must be Eirik's friend! He mentioned a blind date," the waitress exclaimed brightly. She seemed genuinely enthused about the setup, a sentiment you wished you could fully share at the moment.
As she led you through the restaurant, the clinking of cutlery and low hum of diners' chatter accompanied your steps. The waitress stopped at a cosy table for two, where a man was seated, his back to you.
As she announced your arrival, he turned around, and you were met with a young face and a mess of curly, dark hair. Karl was undeniably handsome, with sharp features, a well-groomed beard, and eyes that seemed to appraise you in a single glance. His smile was confident, almost rehearsed, as he stood to greet you.
"Ah, you must be the mystery woman Eirik has been raving about," Karl said, his voice smooth, his handshake firm. There was a charm about him, no doubt, but it felt somewhat polished, a little too perfect.
As you took your seat, the nervous flutter in your stomach intensified. You smoothed out your dress, trying to appear composed, though inside, your nerves were a tangled mess. The idea of a blind date, already daunting, now felt even more so with Karl's poised demeanour.
The waitress, still beaming, handed you the menus, wishing you a good evening before leaving. You offered her a grateful smile, her enthusiasm a small comfort for your nerves.
"So, Eirik tells me you're quite the adventurer," Karl began, leaning back in his chair with ease. “Have you been to the alps? I have; there I was, standing at the summit of the Alps, the world beneath my feet. It's quite the rush, you know?"
You nodded and the first bubble of excitement welled in you. "That sounds incredible. I've always wanted to try mountain climbing. Last year, I..."
Karl, however, swiftly steered the conversation back to himself, barely acknowledging your input. "Yes, it's an experience of a lifetime. Then, when you lead the lifestyle I do, these things become somewhat routine."
As Karl delved into another self-centred anecdote, your attention drifted across the restaurant. There, at a table set for two, sat a young gnoll man. His dark fur contrasted strikingly with his bright green eyes, which stared at his glass of wine. His muscular build suggested strength, yet there was a patience about him as he checked his watch, clearly waiting for someone.
Your gaze lingered, intrigue. It was a welcome distraction from the one-sided conversation at your table.
Karl, noticing your diverted attention, cleared his throat pointedly. "I'm sorry, am I boring you?"
You snapped back to reality, meeting Karl's eyes, which now held a flicker of annoyance. "No, not at all. Please, go on," you said, though the sincerity in your voice waned.
Karl huffed, his demeanour shifting. "You know, when someone takes the time to share their experiences, the least you could do is pay attention."
The sharpness in his tone took you aback. The evening, already teetering on the edge of disappointment, had taken a turn for the worse. "I'm sorry, Karl. I just noticed someone across the restaurant. I didn't mean to seem disinterested."
Karl's response was a curt, "Well, perhaps you'd prefer their company then."
The air between you grew tense, the remnants of the evening's potential dissipating with each passing second. "I think I need a moment," you said, standing abruptly. "I'll be in the bathroom. If the waitress comes back, could you ask her to give us a few more minutes to decide?"
You couldn’t have left fast enough. The walk to the bathroom felt like an escape, each step a respite from the stifling atmosphere at the table. Inside, you took a moment to gather your thoughts, the disappointment of the evening weighing heavily on you. Eirik's well-intentioned setup had spiralled into an evening you couldn't wait to forget.
When you returned, bracing yourself for more of Karl's self-absorption, you found his seat empty. Confused, you glanced around, half-expecting to see him returning from a break of his own; but he was gone. The only evidence of his presence was the menu, left at the edge of the table.
You sat, a flush of embarrassment warming your cheeks. You tried to compose yourself as the waitress approached with a concerned look. "Can I get you a drink?" she asked, her gaze flickering to the empty seat.
You offered a small, somewhat sheepish smile, "uh, no thanks. Honestly, I think I should just head home. Maybe I’ll have just one..."
The waitress nodded, her expression softening with understanding, before leaving you to peruse the drinks menu. The bustling ambiance of the restaurant suddenly felt more pronounced, each laugh and clink of glasses echoing your own discomfort.
As you deliberated over your choice, a tentative voice interrupted your thoughts. "Excuse me, would you mind some company?"
Looking up, you saw the gnoll from across the restaurant standing beside your table, a hint of apprehension in his green eyes. Up close, you could see the intricate patterns of scars beneath his dark fur, tugging down the corner of his left eye. Yet, his posture was unassuming, almost gentle, as if he were trying to make his formidable presence seem less intimidating.
"I, uh, couldn't help but notice... It seems we've both been stood up," he added, his voice tinged with a shyness.
Surprised but touched by his gesture, you found yourself nodding, "Take a seat. It's been quite the evening."
He took the seat across from you, his movements careful, mindful of the space he occupied. Together, you ordered cocktails, a silent attempt to salvage what remained of the night.
As the drinks arrived, the initial awkwardness gave way to tentative conversation. Sipping a martini, you asked, “why did you come over? It's not every day that someone does something so kind."
He paused, his gaze lingering on his drink before meeting yours. "Well, I suppose I didn’t want both of our nights to be wasted. I thought, maybe, we could turn them into something a bit more... bearable, together."
His honesty, coupled with the softness in his expression, struck a chord in you. Here was someone who, despite his own discomfort, had reached out with an offer of companionship. It was painfully sweet.
You watched him above your menu, unable to hide your smile. Maybe tonight wasn’t a total loss. "How about gaeng som?" you suggested, “I’m pretty sure they make it extra spicy here.”
His eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds perfect! Back home, the hotter the meal, the better."
You smiled, pleased with the common ground you'd found. The waitress took your order, and as you waited for the food, the conversation flowed effortlessly.
"Not that I was listening in earlier, but I heard something about the alps?" he asked, his eyes curious. "There's something about exploring the unknown, the challenge of a steep climb, I just love it."
You nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. There's a trail I've been eyeing for the next weekend. It's supposed to offer some of the best views of Oceanhall."
“Yeah, I know the one! I’ve never gotten around to it, though. I- wait, hold on.” You were sure that beneath his fur, he was blushing. “I'm Adamu, by the way, I guess I forgot to say. Tonight was actually supposed to be a meetup with someone I met online."
His expression clouded slightly, a hint of disappointment creeping in. "I wonder if she saw me and... well, decided against it. I know my appearance can be a bit... daunting?"
You shook your head, the notion absurd to you. "I think you look lovely. If you really did scare her off, it's’ her loss."
His face softened at your words, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Thank you," he said, his voice laced with a newfound warmth. "I know I’m an acquired taste.”
You smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand. It wasn’t a secret that gnolls had a reputation for being intimidating. Rude. Violent, even; but when you met Adamu’s gaze, there was a softness there that made you melt.
Whatever you were about to say, though, was cut off when the waitress arrived with your steaming hot food. “Two portions of gaeng som,” she announced cheerfully. “Can I get you anything else?”
You didn’t remove your hand from Adamu’s as you ordered another round of drinks. He didn’t pull away either, though, and you found yourself warmed by his coarse fur.
He only tugged his hand free when it was time to eat, and you missed the tickle of his fur and claws against your palm. You ate in silence for a moment; content to be in each other’s quiet company.
Eventually, Adamu's curiosity got the better of him. "So, what actually happened to your date? He left pretty suddenly."
You paused, a spoonful of soup halfway to your lips. The memory of Karl's abrupt departure brought a stutter of relief. "Well, let's just say we weren't exactly a match. If I'm honest, I'm quite glad he left."
Adamu raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, why?"
You met his gaze, the connection between you palpable. "Because if he hadn't, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of your company, Adamu."
Adamu's smile widened, a look of contentment settling on his features. “Oh. That’s… actually really kind.”
In the warmth of the restaurant, with the lingering heat of the soup still dancing on your tongue, you found yourself caught in Adamu's gaze. The soft, ambient light of the room cast gentle shadows across his features, softening the scars and highlighting the soft brown of his fur.
There was an undeniable pull, a desire to lean across the table and bridge the gap between you with a kiss. Yet, you hesitated, the weight of nerves holding you back. You didn't want to rush, to shatter this delicateness between you.
Adamu seemed to sense the shift in your mood, his voice drawing you back. "I wasn't entirely sure about moving to Oceanhall," he admitted, his tone reflective. "It was a leap of faith, really. I needed a change of pace, something different from what I was used to."
You nodded, understanding the sentiment all too well. "Sometimes, that's exactly what we need."
He smiled. "I'm glad I made the move. Especially now," he added, his gaze holding yours.
The remainder of the meal passed in a comfortable quiet, punctuated by shared glances and soft laughter. It was as if the world beyond your table had faded into the background, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble.
When the waitress came by to inquire about dessert, you both scanned the menu, settling on sharing mango sticky rice. The sweet, creamy texture of the rice, paired with the fresh, tangy mango and the rich coconut sauce, promised a perfect end to the meal.
Adamu's earlier admission echoed in your mind as you ate, blending seamlessly with your own feelings. Oceanhall, with its beautiful beach and multiples cultures, was exactly the kind of place to get away from the drag of real life issues.
When the waitress returned to collect your plates, her knowing smile was directed at you. “I hope you both had a good time,” she said. “Can I get you anything else?”
You couldn't help but return her smile, a sense of gratitude swelling in your heart.
“Just the bill please,” Adamu said, before you could ask for the same.
As the waitress disappeared to retrieve your bill, she left you alone with Adamu. You became acutely aware of the details you hadn't fully absorbed before—the way the low lighting played off the contours of his muscular build, his broad shoulders straining against his grey shirt. The gentle curve of his smile made you flush too, more pronounced as his initial shyness melted away.
You found yourself openly admiring him, taking in the rugged handsomeness that his scars only seemed to accentuate, not diminish. There was a raw, authentic beauty to him, and it made your toes curl.
Adamu caught you looking, a flicker of self-consciousness crossing his features. "It's the scars, isn't it?" he asked softly.. "They don’t hurt. I sometimes forget they're there until I see that look in someone's eyes."
Your heart clenched at the thought of him feeling any discomfort, especially when, to you, he was nothing short of captivating. "No, Adamu, it's not the scars," you said softly, earnestly. "I was actually.. You’re absolutely gorgeous, you know that?"
The air between you thickened with the admission, a warm blush colouring your cheeks. Adamu's gaze held yours, a mixture of surprise and something deeper flickering within his eyes.
"Thank you," he said after a moment, the tension in his shoulders visibly relaxing. "I’ve had them since I was a kid - boating accident. My fur hides the worst of it, at least."
His soft voice, the twinkle in his eyes, it made you want nothing more than to grab him by the collar, and kiss him. The space around you seemed to pulse with the unspoken attraction that had been simmering beneath the surface all evening.
Adamu leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a huskier tone that sent shivers down your spine. "I knew tonight was going to be great as soon as I sat across from you."
The confession, so openly shared, fanned the flames of your own desire. The thought of being close to him, so close you could smell the sugar on your breath, made you shudder.
As the waitress returned with the bill, breaking the spell momentarily, Adamu's gaze lingered on you, loaded with unspoken questions. Once the bill was settled, he turned to you with a hesitant yet hopeful look.
"I don't want this evening to end just yet," he said, his voice laced with a quiet intensity. "Would you... would you like to come back to my place?"
The invitation hung in the air, a tantalizing promise of more. The thought of spending more time with Adamu was irresistible.
“I would love to.”
As you stood to leave, Adamu, ever the gentleman, assisted you with your coat, his hands brushing against yours in a fleeting, electric touch. The restaurant's warm ambiance gave way to the night's chill as you stepped outside, the sudden drop in temperature making you instinctively draw closer to him for warmth.
Noticing your shiver, Adamu gently draped his own coat over your shoulders, enveloping you in its warmth and the subtle scent that was uniquely his. It was like sweet mango and cinnamon, and something rich you couldn’t place.
The gesture, so simple yet intimate, stirred something deep within you, heightening the anticipation of what was yet to come.
The streets were quiet, the city's nighttime serenade a soft backdrop to your shared silence. The proximity to Adamu, his coat wrapped around you, created a cocoon of warmth in the cold night air. It was in this intimate bubble that Adamu stopped, turning to face you, his bright eyes searching yours in the dim light.
The tension between you was a tangible force that seemed to draw you closer. Then, almost as if it were the most natural thing in the world, your lips met in a kiss that was both tentative and desperate, a mingling of warmth and want that sent sparks flying through your very being.
The kiss was imperfect—the slight awkwardness of human lips meeting a gnoll's muzzle—but it only made you want him more. Neither of you cared for symmetry when the kiss deepened, fueled by the pent-up desire and the night's earlier revelations.
As you parted, breathless, Adamu's shy smile returned, a hint of his earlier awkwardness peeking through. "I, uh, live just a short walk from here," he said, his voice a soft rumble. "Would you like me to call a taxi?"
The thought of parting, even just to sit side by side in a taxi, seemed unthinkable. "I'd much rather walk with you," you replied, your voice steady despite the racing of your heart.
He beamed. “Yeah? Great, me too.”
The walk to Adamu's home was a blur of shared smiles and soft laughter, the earlier kiss lingering like a promise between you. The walk was brisk, quick, your hand nestled in his the entire time. Soon enough you were stood outside a little wooden gate, looking up at a narrow townhouse, garden blooming with wildlife.
Adamu paused at the gate, turning to you once more. The streetlight cast a soft glow around him, illuminating the gentle lines of his face.
In that soft light, you shared another kiss, this one laden with the promise of more to come. It was a seal on the unspoken agreement that tonight was just the beginning.
“Come on inside,” he said, tugging your hand.
With a grin, you followed him inside.
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bloggingnsfw · 6 months
Deep in the forest pt 3
Sequel to Werewolf breeding
Warning: smut, pregnancy, female reader, Gnoll, mutiple Monsters X fem reader, creampie, implied creampie, rough
Part 4
Each movement of the gnoll's hips brought forth a wave of euphoria, consuming her completely your mind drifted far beyond the limits of reality, carried away by the sensations coursing through her body. Her grip on his shoulder tightened, her nails digging into his skin as she sought to maintain balance amidst the turbulence of emotions raging within her. Despite the immense pleasure, Y/N also encountered moments of pain, which only added to the overall experience. Her muscles stretched and contracted, adapting to accommodate the foreign intrusion. As she felt herself getting increasingly accustomed to his size, Y/N grew more adventurous, allowing her body to undulate with each thrust. Arching her back and pushing her breasts forward, she tried to take control momentarily, drawing out his pace. But the gnoll proved too skilled; despite her efforts, he easily regained command, continuing at a frantic tempo. Y/N gritted her teeth, accepting defeat gracefully. With each passing second, the intensity increased, taking them both to previously unknown levels of passion. As the climax drew nearer, Y/N felt her insides quivering with excitement. Her breath came in short gasps, echoing loudly in the dimly lit room. In response, the gnoll quickened his pace, knowing exactly how close she was to reaching the peak. Just as Y/N felt herself about to lose all sense of reason, the gnoll pulled out suddenly, leaving her hanging on the edge of ecstasy. Gasping for air, she watched intently as he released a stream of semen onto her chest, painting her pale skin with his seed. Her pussy was a gaping mess, she would only find pleasure in giant cocks. Everyone took turns to fuck the pregnant elf, their lovemaking looked like gnolls raping a poor elf, but she loved it. More and more her pussy got destroyed, now resembling a giant gaping cunt leaking thick seed. It wasn't enough anymore. The greedy pregnant elf wanted more. She demanded the male members of the gnoll gang to line up and give her what she desired - raw hardcore sex. There were no boundaries, no morals, just sheer animal lust and savagery. All limitations were broken. Her slutty appetite seemed never ending. Eyes glazed over with desire, she called for one after another gnoll to ravage her soaked hole, spreading her legs wide apart to receive the incoming invasion. "Fuck me harder," she growled with feigned aggression, biting her lip as if suppressing a cry of exhilaration. Each thrust pushed her closer to the brink of collapse, forcing her to grab hold of anything stable nearby to prevent herself from falling apart. As her muscles strained under the pressure, she welcomed the feeling of her body succumbing to the merciless force. Every fiber in her being rejoiced in the knowledge that she was experiencing true depravity. Y/N reveled in the sight of the gnolls lining up before her, their massive erections pointing toward her. It was a testament to her wanton nature, proving that she was truly unfettered in her desires.
One by one, the gnolls took their turn, plunging themselves deep into her slick, dripping folds. They were rough and demanding, their movements lacking finesse or gentleness. Yet, Y/N didn't mind; instead, she embraced the brutality, finding solace in its harsh embrace. Some used their strength to hold her down, pinning her against the wall, while others simply mounted her from behind, taking her roughly. No matter the method, Y/N met each gnoll with equal enthusiasm, eager to satisfy their needs as well as her own. She embraced their rough handling, often matching their vigor with moves of her own. Until a gnoll penetrates her ear with his phallus and started fucking her ear. The elf screamed, first in pain in pleasure, than in pain, before her eyes rolled into her head and she orgasmed crazy, each orgasm frying her brain, getting dumb and dumber each screamed orgasm. Her vagina opened up like a flower blossoming, allowing more space for the ever increasing numbers of gnolls who joined the queue waiting to be serviced. Soon there was barely any room for anyone else, everyone shoved themselves in, turning the small area into a chaos of limbs and sweaty bodies.
You, now thoroughly addicted to the feeling of being violated by these large creatures, couldn’t help but beg for more. “Please,” she pleaded hoarsely, her voice cracking with exhaustion.
“More.” Even as she spoke, her gaze locked onto yet another gnoll entering the makeshift boudoir. Trembling slightly, her body buzzed with the promise of unbridled passion.
Her body hungered for debauchery. She gave herself entirely to these beings, baring her soul alongside her body. she accepted the consequences willingly, as cum burned fiercely within her brain. She was dumb now.
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adaru32 · 1 month
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I forgot to share this here. This was done a few weeks ago. Was trying to get back into the swing of working on unfinished pieces, but it wasn't working out. Instead I had a little too much fun doodling some things. These are the results. May plan to make these as full pieces some time in the future.
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daily-dragon · 1 month
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My gnoll Sapphire for #InternationslHyenaDay
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artsy-trash-panda · 1 year
Exophilia fic recs
Beware 18+ works below
@momolady / @momosmonsters
Some of my faves
Werewolves : Beau | Big Billy
Orcs : Ozren 1 ; 2 ; 3 | Uram | Maim | Rube 1 ; 2 ; 3 | Mr Vladik | Roald 1 ; 2 ; 3 | Rogan 1 ; 2
Others : Mask the slasher
Minotaurs : Codras 1 ; 2 ; 3 | Brifsteinn 1 ; 2 | Mac | Deo
@thetravelerwrites masterlist
Rantha | Declan | Thandur | Feera
Ravadhi | Varik
@monstersandmaw / @monstersandmawarchive masterlist one and two
Khuruz | Brenn | Kelyn | Lasza | Curran & Nil | Thur'khul |
@snowkissedmonsters masterlist
Obsidian and kitty | Úlla and Hawthorne
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swedebeast · 10 months
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kunnasaiii · 9 months
I forgot to edit this in cap cut so excuse my tik tok water mark lol
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art-of-goddess · 1 year
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This is Vel, my Gnoll Psion Shaper, and her little crystal turtle dog companion
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nottinghamotter · 11 months
This is Juniper, a kholo (what gnolls they call themselves) and an oracle. I've been working on her as a character for a while now and I'd love to tell folks more about her.
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I'll put some details about her in a thread here, but I'd also enjoy answering questions about her, if asked. 💙
Art credit goes to @punt-speedchunk
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Ok but! I didn't even think of a female gnoll having---omfg i think I'm in love
Its a dreamy idea right!? The moment I had that thought I was fixated on all night and I still think about it. Even editing it I get all gushy.
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billblok · 6 months
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Unlike hyenas, gnolls can be placated with any kind of hearty, meaty entre. Look, Amina's got herself a bowl of hot soup! She couldn't be happier.
My Patreon--> www.patreon.com/billblok Please keep your comments relevant to and within my posts' rating. Thanks, and God Bless!
Posted using PostyBirb
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mxnsterbabe · 4 months
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Male Gnoll/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 3,343 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
Ruhui owns a steakhouse across the road from your new cafe. You’ve been pining over him for months, not knowing if he’s into humans at all.
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Your heart raced with excitement as you unlocked the door to your new cafe It was the culmination of years of dreaming and months of hard work. The aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air, a welcoming scent that you hoped would entice passersby. As you flipped the sign to open, your stomach fluttered with a mix of nerves and anticipation.
The first few customers trickled in, offering smiles and congratulations. You felt a surge of pride with each new face that appeared at the door. Your cafe, with its cosy armchairs and warm lighting, was exactly how you had envisioned it – a haven for those seeking comfort and a good cup of coffee.
Mid-morning, a sleek black cat sauntered in, its green eyes scanning the room before settling comfortably in a sunny spot by the window. Your heart skipped a beat, the old superstition about black cats and bad luck briefly crossing your mind.
A tall orc with a friendly smile noticed your gaze on the cat. "Ah, a black cat! That's a sign of good luck in orcish culture, you know," he said with a chuckle.
You raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at your lips. "Funny, for us it’s often seen as the exact opposite."
The orc laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that filled the cafe. "Well, I say take the orcish perspective on this one. Looks like good fortune is on your side."
The morning passed in a blur of activity after that. You poured coffees, served pastries, and chatted with customers, the hum of conversation a pleasant and constant undercurrent as you worked. Yet, despite the busyness, your attention kept drifting to the steakhouse across the street.
You had noticed him a few times before, the gnoll who worked there. His tall, imposing figure was hard to miss, as you watched him linger outside with a cigarette. His coarse fur was a rich brown, and he had broad shoulders that strained the think fabric of his uniform shirt.
It wasn’t until three o’clock, however, that there was a lull long enough for you to take a break. With a smile towards Jessica, your sole employee, you stepped outside for air.
There he was again, standing with a cigarette clasped between thick, sharp claws. You offered a wave, but the gnoll only gave a curt nod before slipping back inside.
Well. So much for making friends, then.
Summoning your courage, you decided to introduce yourself anyway. If nothing else, perhaps you could grab a quick lunch and say hello to the steakhouse owner.
The steakhouse was busy, the scent of grilled meat wafting out as you opened the door. You spotted him almost immediately, the gnoll, busily moving between tables.
Approaching the front desk, you were surprised to see the gnoll was the host for today. You felt a knot of nervousness in your stomach as you waved.
"Hi, I'm the owner of the cafe across the street," you began, extending a hand. "The Honeypot. Maybe you’ve seen it? Just wanted to introduce myself." You offered your name, too.
He looked at you, his amber eyes assessing. "Ruhui," he said simply, shaking your hand briefly before turning his attention back to the tables.
“Is the owner or manager around?”
“I’m the manager on shift. The owner only comes in on weekends.”
You shuffled awkwardly. “Right, thank you. I suppose I’ll see you around then?”
“Suppose you will.”
The interaction was brief, polite but lacking warmth. You couldn't shake off the feeling that your human heritage was a barrier he wasn't willing to cross. Gnolls were known for not being exactly… friendly outside of their small social circles.
Disappointed but not deterred, you returned to Jessica and the Honeypot, the black cat still lounging in the sunbeam by the window.
As you stepped back into the warm embrace of your café, the comforting scent of coffee greeted you like an old friend.
Jessica looked up from the espresso machine. "How did it go with the neighbours?" she asked, a playful curiosity in her eyes.
You shrugged, trying to mask your disappointment. "It was alright, but the host wasn't exactly the friendliest."
Jessica wiped her hands on her apron, a knowing smile on her face. "He's probably just busy, you know. Now’s about the time people are coming in for early dinner. Maybe he's not great at first impressions."
You considered this, glancing out the window at the steakhouse. "We should go there for lunch one day, get a feel for the place... and the staff," you suggested, your eyes involuntarily flicking back to where Ruhui had been.
Jessica laughed, leaning against the counter. "Is this a business strategy or are you just curious about the mysterious gnoll?" she teased.
You felt your cheeks warm slightly. "Purely professional interest," you quipped, though your heart betrayed your words.
"Of course, purely professional," Jessica echoed, her tone dripping with mock seriousness. "Should I start looking up how to communicate with gruff gnolls for our team training?"
You joined in the laughter, the sound filling the cafe. "That might not be the worst idea," you said, the corners of your eyes crinkling with amusement.
The rest of the day passed with the comfortable routine of café life. As you served customers and shared jokes, the earlier encounter with Ruhui retreated to the back of your mind, though not completely out of your thoughts.
Closing time came, and as you and Jessica tidied up, the ease of your friendship made the tasks feel less like work and more like a shared hobby.
"So, when are we planning this espionage lunch?" Jessica asked, stacking chairs.
"Let's give it a week. Don’t want to make it too obvious," you replied, a playful edge to your voice.
Jessica nodded, playing along. "A strategic move, boss. I like it."
As you locked up the cafe, you looked across the street at the bustling steakhouse. Just as you were locking up, they were only starting to get genuinely busy.
You hoped for a glimpse of Ruhui as you walked by, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Several days passed, the rhythm of the café becoming second nature to you. The black cat had become a regular, much to the delight of your customers. The buzz of conversation, the clink of cups became so familiar that you almost felt lost without it.
On Thursday, as you stepped outside to clear your head and stretch your legs, you spotted Ruhui across the street. He was leaning against the wall of the steakhouse, a lit cigarette dangling from his fingers. The smoke curled upwards, dissipating into the cool air.
You hesitated for a moment, then, driven by a curiosity you couldn’t quite suppress, you crossed the street. As you approached, Ruhui’s amber eyes flicked towards you, a hint of surprise crossing his otherwise impassive features.
"Hi, Ruhui, right?" you said, trying to sound casual.
He nodded, taking a slow drag from his cigarette. "Yes; and you own the Honeypot?"
His voice was deep, with a rough edge that made your stomach warm pleasantly. Youwere surprised that he remembered you.
"That's right," you replied, shuffling your feet slightly. "I hope I'm not disturbing your break."
Ruhui shook his head, a small gesture that seemed to convey more than words could. "It's fine," he said, his gaze returning to the street.
You searched for something to say, a way to extend the conversation. "I've noticed your steakhouse is always busy. Business must be doing well."
"It is," he replied simply, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before looking away.
There was something about his quiet, reserved nature that intrigued you. It was as if there was something more to him that he kept hidden, a story behind those guarded eyes.
"Well, I won't keep you," you said, feeling the conversation reaching its natural end. "See you around."
"Sure," Ruhui said, a noncommittal response that somehow didn't feel dismissive.
As you walked back to the café, his image lingered in your mind. Ruhui was an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a quiet, unassuming package.
Inside, the afternoon light streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. As you began to tend to the remaining customers and clean up the counters, your mind kept drifting back to the brief interaction with Ruhui.
Just as you were wiping down a table near the window, you glanced across the street and caught Ruhui's figure through the steakhouse's window. He seemed to be watching you, his expression unreadable. As soon as your eyes met, he quickly turned away, resuming his work as if he had never been looking in the first place.
A small smile played on your lips. Was it possible that Ruhui was just as intrigued by you as you were by him? The thought made you laugh to yourself, despite the flutter in your chest.
The rest of the day passed with your thoughts occupied by Ruhui. Every so often, you found yourself stealing glances across the street, half-expecting to catch him looking your way again. If he did steal any more glances, he was careful not to be caught.
As the week progressed, the idea of visiting the steakhouse crystalliszed into a plan. Finally, on a quiet Tuesday evening as you were closing up the café with Jessica, you broached the subject.
"Jessica, how about we grab dinner at the steakhouse tonight?" you suggested, wiping down the last table. "We’ve been talking about it for ages, and I finally have a free evening."
Jessica raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Is this for the food, or the gnoll waiter?" she teased, stacking chairs.
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn't suppress a smile. "Jessica..."
"Sure, sure," Jessica chuckled, following you to the door. "Let's go, then."
With the café locked up, the two of you made your way across the street to the steakhouse. The warm glow from its windows promised a bustling atmosphere. A small flutter of anticipation tickled your stomach as you pushed open the door.
The steakhouse was lively, filled with the sounds of clinking cutlery, sizzling grills, and animated conversations. The hostess led you to a table, handing you menus with a smile. As you scanned the room, you couldn't help but search for Ruhui.
To your surprise, it was Ruhui himself who approached your table, notepad in hand. The look of surprise on his face was brief but noticeable.
"Good evening," he said, regaining his composure. "I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?"
Jessica winked at you subtly across the table, a barely suppressed grin on her face.
"Just water for now, thanks," you said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "We're still looking over the menu."
Ruhui nodded, jotting down your request. "I'll be right back with your waters. Take your time."
As he walked away, Jessica leaned in. "Well, this is an interesting development," she whispered. "He looked genuinely surprised to see us."
You nodded, your eyes following Ruhui as he moved through the restaurant with an effortless grace. "Maybe I’m not as predictable as he thought."
With a smile, you turned your attention to the menu. The array of choices was impressive. It seemed to cater to all kinds of people, from humans and orcs, gnolls to fae elves.
Jessica, ever the one for simplicity, opted for a classic steak and salad combo. Your eyes, however, were drawn to a more exotic option.
"What about the fireheart steak you mused aloud. It was orcish, known for its intense spiciness and bold flavors – a choice not commonly favored by humans.
Jessica raised her eyebrows. "Going for the adventurous choice, I see."
You smiled, feeling a sense of daring. "Why not? It's good to try new things."
When Ruhui returned to take your order, his expression was one of polite professionalism. That is until you ordered the fireheart steak. His eyebrow quirked up, a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.
"That comes with an incredibly spicy sauce," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Not many choose it."
You met his gaze, a playful challenge in your eyes. "I like a bit of spice. Keeps things interesting."
For a moment, there was a flicker of something akin to amusement in Ruhui's expression. "Well, consider yourself warned. It's not for the faint of heart."
The exchange felt almost like flirting, and you suppressed a delighted shiver. As Ruhui walked away to place your orders, you couldn't help the smug feeling that crept up. It seemed you had managed to pique his interest, even if just a little.
When the meal arrived, the intensity of the spices hit you immediately. The heat was powerful, but it was also citrusy and rich. You couldn't help but savor each bite, the spices making your face flush.
Jessica watched with a mix of amusement and awe. "I'm impressed," she said, taking a more cautious bite of her steak. "I didn't expect you to handle it so well."
You grinned, feeling a bead of sweat form at your temple. "I may have met my match, but I'm not backing down. This is delicious."
Across the room, you noticed Ruhui stealing glances in your direction, an unspoken question in his eyes. It was as if he was waiting for you to reach for the water, to admit defeat against the dish's fiery nature.
You didn't. Instead, you continued to enjoy the meal, the spice a welcome challenge. With each bite, you felt a sense of pride.
When it came time for dessert, Ruhui approached with a hint of curiosity in his stance. "How was the dish? Not too overwhelming, I hope?"
"Not at all," you replied, your voice steady despite the lingering heat. "It was fantastic. I'll definitely have it again."
A flicker of respect – and was it admiration? – passed through Ruhui's eyes. "I'm impressed. Not many can handle our spicy stuff. You're full of surprises."
The tone of his voice had changed, lighter, almost playful. It was as if your tolerance for the dish had shifted his perception of you, or perhaps broken down a barrier he had erected.
Jessica, picking up on the change, chimed in, "We'd love to try some dessert. What would you recommend?"
Ruhui's suggestion was thoughtful, and he described the desserts with an enthusiasm that seemed new. You chose a fudge brownie at his recommendation, a decision that seemed to please him.
As he walked away to place your dessert order, Jessica leaned in, a sly smile on her face. "Seems like you're not the only one full of surprises. Ruhui might have a softer side after all."
You chuckled, the warmth of the meal and the interaction leaving you in high spirits. "Maybe. He's definitely more than meets the eye."
The dessert was a perfect end to the meal – sweet, indulgent, and beautifully presented. As you savored each bite, you couldn't help but feel that the evening had been a success on more than one front. Not only had you enjoyed a fantastic meal, but it seemed that Ruhui was even managing to open up to you.
The thought made your stomach flutter, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Jessica grinned at you from across the table.
“You should ask him out,” Jessica informed you. “Leave your number or something when we pay.”
You rose a brow. “Do you think that’ll work. Isn’t that like workplace harassment?”
Jessica’s laughter was soft, muffled by her hand. “Oh come on, it doesn’t hurt to try. Worst case scenario, he ignores you and you go back to staring wistfully every time you see him.”
True. Fine, you were sold. You scribbled your number on a piece of paper, your heart racing the entire time. Just as you were about to discreetly leave it on the table, a different waiter approached with the bill.
"Here's your bill," he said cheerfully. "Ruhui had to take his break, so I'm covering his tables for a bit."
You nodded, a hint of disappointment washing over you. As you reached for the bill, the piece of paper with your number lay conspicuously on the table. The waiter's eyes flicked to it, and a knowing smile crossed his face.
"Is that for Ruhui?" he asked, a playful tone in his voice.
You felt your cheeks warm with embarrassment, but before you could reply, the waiter continued, "If it is, you might not want to bother. Ruhui isn't really into humans. No offense."
The way he said it, so matter-of-factly, stung more than you expected. It wasn't just the words, but the dismissive tone, the insinuation that your interest was somehow misplaced or unwelcome.
Jessica, who had been watching the exchange, frowned. "That's a bit rude, isn't it?" she said, her voice sharp. "It's not your place to comment on someone's preferences like that."
The waiter seemed taken aback by Jessica's response. "I didn't mean any offense. Just, you know, saving you some embarrassment."
You quickly paid the bill, your earlier excitement now replaced with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. The waiter's words echoed in your mind. Was he right? Was your interest in Ruhui misguided?
As you stepped outside of the steakhouse, the cool night air did little to soothe the sting of the waiter's words. Jessica stayed close, her support a small comfort.
Just as you were about to cross the street back to your café, you noticed Ruhui in his usual spot, taking a smoke break. Your first instinct was to avoid him, but as you passed by, he called out.
"Hey, wait a minute," Ruhui said, his tone holding a note of confusion.
You hesitated, then stopped, gut twisting. Jessica stood beside you, her presence a silent show of solidarity.
Ruhui approached, flicking away his cigarette. "Is everything alright? You seem upset."
Your thoughts raced. Part of you wanted to dismiss him, to walk away, but the other part wanted to confront the situation. "Fine, at least now I know not to waste my time. Or yours." The words came out in a rush, tinged with hurt and embarrassment.
Ruhui's expression changed to one of annoyance, then understanding. He let out a short laugh, not of amusement but of disbelief. "Colleague… you mean Turner? He's an asshole. Don't listen to him. He enjoys stirring up trouble."
You were taken aback by his response, the bluntness of his words unexpected. "So, it's not true?" you asked, a glimmer of hope rekindling in your chest.
“What’s not true?”
“That you’ve no interest in humans.”
Ruhui snorted. "No, it's not. I don't know where he gets these ideas. Wait, why?"
You shifted from one foot to the other, and your lips pursed. “No reason.”
There was a pause, a moment of hesitation before realisation seemed to dawn on his face. “Oh, I get it. I’ve got to admit, I’m surprised. I've been... intrigued by you, too."
His admission caught you off guard. The doubts and hurt from moments ago began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief.
"Really?" you asked, a cautious optimism in your voice.
Ruhui nodded, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "Yeah. I noticed you the day your café opened. You've got something... different about you."
Jessica nudged you gently, a silent encouragement to seize the moment. You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. "I thought there was something different about you too. That's why I... why I wanted to leave my number."
Ruhui's lips curved into a small smile, an action that transformed his usually stoic face. His muzzle twitched adorably. "I wish you had. I would have called."
The night suddenly felt warmer, the earlier embarrassment fading into insignificance.
"Well, it's not too late," you said, a newfound boldness in your tone. "How about we start over? Maybe grab a coffee together at the Honeypot?"
"I'd like that," Ruhui replied, his smile widening.
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bloggingnsfw · 6 months
Deep in the forest pt 4
Sequel to Werewolf breeding
Warning: smut, pregnancy, female reader, Gnoll, 2 Monsters X fem reader, creampie, implied creampie, rough
Part 1
Completely gone, all rational thinking drained away by endless waves of pleasure. For hours, the horny elf remained suspended in the haze of her sexual escapades, the sound of grunts and groans filling the small cavernous space. Finally, spent and weak, she collapsed onto the ground. The smell of sweat mixed with cum permeated the air, enveloping her in a cloud of erotic indulgence. The sight of exhausted gnolls surrounding her served as evidence of the night's debaucheries. Their bulbous heads and bestial expressions told tales of wild abandonment, their eyes glazed over with arousal. Draped across the ground, the frail elven queen lay amidst this sea of sweaty flesh, oblivious to everything save the last few droplets of energy lingering in her weary limbs. With every remaining drop of vitality, she whispered prayers of gratitude to those gods who allowed her this glorious experience. A mixture of blood, semen, and other bodily fluids covered the surface beneath them. Their combined odors filled the air, creating a unique atmosphere of raw passion and lust. The dumb elves breasts were pierced, her tongue got pierced and the ink of a tribal tattoo stained her crotch. Next morning the elf notices the changes on her body. Noticing her swollen vulva, tender nipples, bruises and marks covering her whole body. She smiled with contentment remembering the previous day. The sunlight flooded the chamber where they all slept, adding a warm touch to her already sensitive body. "Well, I guess you know yesterday was quite some event." said one of the gnolls standing besides her bed. Y/N looked at the large creature beside her bed, smiling. 'This one seems quite polite', thought You. 'But don't worry,' she reassured him, 'you won't disappoint.' As she began mounting the gnoll, her body trembled with anticipation. The power and dominance radiating from the creature made her heart race faster. This time, however, she intended to assert her authority as well. Y/N positioned herself astride the gnoll, straddling his waist. Grabbing firmly onto his shoulders, she leaned forward, pressing her soft bosom against his face. With a seductive smile, she whispered into his ear, "Take your time, my friend. Let us enjoy this together." The gnoll's eyes narrowed, understanding her intentions clearly. A slow, feral grin crossed his features as he nodded once in agreement. Reaching up, he carefully wrapped one huge hand around her breast, teasing the nipple until it protruded even further. His thumb grazing over it sent electric sensations coursing through her body. She could feel her core begin to pulse rhythmically again. Unable to resist, Y/N pressed her lips to his, letting her tongue taste his as her hands reached below to stroke his impressively large member. He responded by wrapping his arms around her, pulling her body flush against his own. Their mutual need throbbing through the veins of their intertwined flesh, they moved seamlessly into their dance of conquest. With a fluid motion, he bent her backwards over his arm, exposing her beautiful ass for all to see. His hands found purchase on either side of her, anchoring her in place as he probed her opening with his finger. Once inside, he slowly rotated his digit, stretching her entrance and causing her to writhe in ecstasy. Despite his initial hesitancy, Y/N knew exactly when to step in and reclaim her power. Leaning backward slightly, she guided his rod deeper into her moist tunnel, allowing herself to become completely consumed by the act. Groaning in delight, Y/N tightened her grip on his broad shoulders, arching her spine gracefully to push herself onto him with greater intensity. The pair moved as one entity, their breaths synchronized as they matched each other's tempo perfectly. Each thrust brought forth an audible moan from the elf, whose body trembled with excitement. As their bodies moved harmoniously, their sweat melded together, lubricating their union. Their skin flushed with heat, their hearts raced in tandem with the rising crescendo of passion.
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adaru32 · 11 months
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Felt I had to make some images of me and Venn fighting after making the comic sequence. And this image (sources of the vector background in the description there, too). Was a lot of fun to make, but quite hard since perspective is one of my weaknesses. I also made the mistake of forgetting to blow up my images, so I was working with small pieces which is tricky when trying not to go colour over the lines. I also made a bloody version of this. Done on Sai with an Intuos Medium Pro tablet and mouse.
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