#femme witch king
deconstructthesoup · 25 days
I'm restraining myself so hard from gushing all about my players in a campaign that hasn't even started yet because all of their character ideas are so good
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ginawoods · 1 year
mars & sun, aries & leo, thoughts on the king & queen of wands
seeing as both mars and the sun are traditionally thought of as masculine energies and they've been on my mind for a while, I've written up some annotations on the differences between mars and sun:
mars represents the individual on a micro level. their personal goals and desires. their conviction. what they're passionate about. mars comes with a table of contents. he's heavily affected by the sign he's in and the rest of the chart.
as opposed to the sun who represents individuality within a community, on a macro level. how they show up for the world. full potency displays of strength. the sun will have more of an effect on the sign it's in than the other way around.
any area which the sun rules in someone's chart is an area where they'll be the most reliable. even if it's the most reliable in being annoying. our sun always shows up just like the moon, though for a different purpose.
extra special bits:
planet mars rules the astrological sign of aries.
mars in aries corresponds to the 2 of wands.
mars in leo corresponds to the 7 of wands
sun in aries is represented by the queen of wands, who I like to think of as the femme with all the power. this card can also rep the self esteem that comes from accepting your feminine energy in all of its glory.
our sun rules the astrological sign of leo.
sun in aries corresponds to the 3 of wands.
sun in leo is represented by the king of wands, or the masc at full potency. kings are thought to be masters of their domain, while they also have the power to abuse the qualities of the suit. basically summing up the phrase, "with great power comes great responsibility."
I'm thinking about everything astro, correspondance, and relationship lately so there's a lot more coming.
Thanks for reading me! <3
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so the netflix show has already shown us two of dream's other aspects, kai'ckul and the king of cats, but one of my favourite things about the endless in the comics is that they have a different incarnation for every single species and culture that has ever experienced them, in this case, if your people dream, you have a personalised Dream
and the comics are also part of the dcu, which means there are a LOT of other species out there to dream
many of these screenshots were taken from one issue which involves a meeting in dream's head between all of his different incarnations, some are just from other places in the comic, but my personal favourites include:
l'zoril, dream god of the green martians
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to fill out the superheroes requirement, kryptonian dream
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fish dream
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flower dream, and tree dream
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femme dream, with just as much dedication to not wearing a shirt as her masculine counterpart
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bird dream, insect dream, and robotic insect dream
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two different kinds of cat person
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these funky lil guys
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whatever is going on here with the tentacle robot, the teen titans looking motherfucker, the dragon, and the guy in the witch hat (all equally dream of the endless)
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a literal stone statue that speaks mostly in egyptian hieroglyphs
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and then there's this guy
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read-alert · 3 months
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Another crosspost from my Instagram!
I won't be participating in the Trans Rights Readathon because I only heard about it the day before yesterday and as a library reader, I don't think I can get my hands on the books I would need that fast. But I figured it was a good time to post my favorite recent trans reads! Full titles and authors under the cut
Black Movie by Danez Smith
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
A Prayer for the Crown Shy (Monk and Robot #2) by Becky Chambers
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada translated to English by Kit Maude
Femme in Public by Alok Vaid-Menon
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea by Kai Cheng Thom and Kai Yun Ching
The Fae Keeper (The Witch King #2) by HE Edgmon
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the femme version of king gizzard and the lizard wizard is queen snitch and the bitch witch
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duskforged · 4 months
Badly Described WIPs Poll
Okay. I know this is kind of a weird move but I realized that in my first iteration of this, I actually did not include Lodestar. Shame on me!!! So I'm doing it again and tagging a new host of people.
Key: n = original novel/novella/novelette (lengths vary) c = comic (of some form)
I also have fanfic on the side which I might do. Not sure yet!!
Amid Wisteria
Unto Summer Kings
The Vespertine
Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing
These Absent Gods (Title WIP)
Dame-Errant (Title WIP)
Witch Boy (Title WIP, coauthoring with @fallenorpheus)
The Black Dowry (unannounced)
Tagging: @marathefallen @aowna @encrucijada @chauceryfairytales @dreaminggoblin and anyone else that wants to tap in!!!
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vacantgodling · 3 months
right, sexualities of all my MAIN characters from ALL my wips (as i can best describe them)
i'm leaving out rouge ocs like stellan or lauchlan just cuz they don't have a story they're just vibing lol. i'm also leaving out ones where i genuinely don't know yet like itri or seamus.
hyacinthus shrapnel (paramour) -> gay but extremely picky. he was wholly uninterested in sexuality and sex AT ALL until amon
amon (paramour) -> gay and he’s being very whorish about it
lavendula calderon (requiem for the monochrome) -> bisexual but hasn’t really been able to explore her attraction to non-men until the story starts.
erecia (requiem for the monochrome) -> straight-lesbian. she’s butch & troibemme (nb in this universe) but would consider herself bigender she/he in our terminology and fully considers herself both a man and a woman at the same time. she would honestly prefer the label straight-lesbian more than sapphic bc she’s not a woman all the time and that speaks to her experience more than anything.
narcissus spokes (prim & provocative) -> aro-graysexual (sex and romance positive). it’s something she comes to discover throughout her narrative. she doesn’t really experience or feel romance or desire for sex in a traditional way; she desires being wanted so she wants those things for herself but she doesn’t experience the actual attraction herself. she didn’t realize it bc on paper before her divorce, she didn’t have to question any of it—being with myrtus and being casually intimate but never hot and heavy seriously never bothered her. once he leaves though, through meeting new friends (i’m cooking) and generally going through it grants her new perspective.
tagetes gunn (empire) -> aroace (kink positive). the only attraction they have is to power.
kirsi sunniva (alizath) -> bisexual, with a preference for mascs
quill (teardrops of the gods) -> bisexual, with a preference for femmes
darren de leon (vampires don't take roadtrips) -> bisexual with a preference for mascs. he actually thought he was gay for most of his life until he turned like 14 and then he realized "oh, girls are kinda hot too"
julissa vaughn (donut wip) -> bisexual & polyamorous. the dream ending of this wip is her, joaquin, andres, saul and daisy ending up in a quintouple but alas.
noi randiche (noi, alone) -> nblm. they're nonbinary and they like men so. they don't really like labels anyway, but if they had to describe it that's what they'd say.
jenna magboo (jenna the reaper / jenna the witch king) -> bi-ace lesbian. she and carlos are in a qpr basically but in terms of fleeting romantic feelings she'd align more with lesbian (all of her 'crushes' have been women or femme-aligning but she doesn't experience attraction That strongly) but she also doesn't think she's had enough experience to say she's not bi also. lesbian is an important label to her especially because both of her mothers are lesbian, but she also knows she's young and likes the complexity of her labels.
carlos carvalho (jenna the reaper / jenna the witch king) -> aroace (sex/romance repulsed). in a qpr and is a caretaker of jenna - though when i say they're in a qpr its a very unspoken thing between them. like, jenna's whole goal is to become a witch and then make carlos her familiar so they're never separated, so i think that's very explicit about what they are to each other pff.
n blackburn (dead rites) -> the way that n barely registers his sexuality bc he's married to his work LMAOOOO. he'd say that he's pan, it really has more to do with the mental connection than physical attraction for him so anything is fair game (but again... married to his work actually)
beau bellerose (dead rites) -> gay gay homosexual gay
jihan (supernatural dads) -> pan, he's too old to have a preference and he's very open to experimenting.
hue rvynwell (supernatural dads) -> gay and he definitely had a crisis about it when he was growing up. however in his family it was such a nonissue LMAO they were like "why the hell would we care about that just make sure you have a kid" and whaddya know, he had 2!
piper fairwind (tcol) -> queer probably but she doesn't really think about any of that. if she were in our world, labels would be like the most meaningless shit to her LMAO.
san dearborn (tcol) -> aro-queer. romance is just not something she can wrap her head around however she does get into a... teammate with benefits relationship in book 2 that i think is funny as fuck.
deux undershield (tcol) -> literally the first cishet character to appear on this list LMAO
forte symphonia (tcol) -> bisexual
clear brightendale (tcol) -> gay and he's hiding So Deep in the closet he needs someone to tell him its ok to come out lmaooo (aka: literally everyone)
di absyna (lukewarm rejection) -> gay but at what cost (his strict religious parents being generally horrible is one cost pff)
toph (lukewarm rejection) -> bisexual and a menace, but mostly attracted to mascs.
nyseah nicoletti (nondisclosure) -> she's trans heteroflexible basically. she's mostly attracted to guys but she also definitely cares more about a connection than anything else so she's open to exploring. (also she's pff married to my partner they love her LMAO)
donte macbride (nondisclosure) -> gay but more than being gay, he's fucking exhausted.
alona springwell (nondisclosure) -> the second cishet to appear on this list LMAO.
dagmar (celestial weddings) -> being mspec and polyamorous is literally just the default sexuality of the world of celestial weddings so yeeee.
graves (the graves we dug) -> FAGGOT COWBOY YEEHAW. pff but yeah he's gay. and sad.
dove (the graves we dug) -> another faggot cowboy lmao he's gay.
calvin im (purple haze) -> the first cishet dude on this list
jake deluna (purple haze) -> bisexual but he has a rough time coming to terms with this.
nevaeh (god eater) -> tbh i don't think nevaeh even knows what sexuality is (being a beacon of paradise is a very isolating lot in life) but i think they're probably gray across the board. the idea of romance or sex isn't really something they have much of a concept in their brain yet but they're curious about it.
little bear (god eater) -> mspec polyamorous; he doesn't really have time for relationships most of the time but he's definitely open to being ridden by anyone who wants to give it a go.
taj (god eater) -> pan and very in... some sort of codependent infatuation with thei.
thei (god eater) -> pan and tired. in a codependency relationship thing with taj.
lennon rhapsody granger (gothica) -> a surprise cishet appears.
aurora o'rion (gothica) -> bisexual and a whore about it
morrigan briarcos (gothica) -> gay and longsuffering. lennon is his (1) exception.
chidori jonson (train master chidori) -> just generally considers himself queer :)
nyoka (the virgin of mt heredosa) -> demi. its verin or bust.
verin (the virgin of mt heredosa) -> mspec but he's a centuries old god so like the concept of sexuality is mostly funny to him. he likes what he likes.
red (red death and the oracle's favor) -> aroace (sex repulsed bc of trauma). her and hel are in a qpr and i'm obsessed with them and their relationship
hel (red death and the oracle's favor) -> gay but loves red more than he loves dick and that's saying something. he doesn't expect her to say it back or feel the same as him but she cares about him in her own way and he's extremely not normal about it. he also wants to jump arden's bones and Did.
arden (red death and the oracle's favor) -> gay but he can't be gay and the king so he's very closeted. not unaccepting of it but he definitely is not talking about it and only allows himself to indulge with hel under the cover of darkness.
ranger pellish (sixteen candles) -> aro-bisexual and Very sex positive. he's such a slut and he lives by that. him and nan are basically a qpr.
nanette rosenfeld (sixteen candles) -> lesbian but she & range are inseperable and she's definitely given him the strap on many occasion to make him shut the hell up.
tuker hayes (sixteen candles) -> disaster bi with a 13 year long crush on vani he's hopeless.
vanilla vega (sixteen candles) -> demi-pansexual <3
roger grant (sixteen candles) -> probably not straight but is he willing to admit that to himself right now? absolutely not :DDDD
marvin (marvin & linda) -> sexuality doesn't matter because the company is more important (probably gay but yknow. his identity is kind of irrelevant to him)
linda / stephen (marvin & linda) -> mspec but marvin's the first person he's had a connection with on a romantic level.
prosper morning (the white shirts) -> hasn't thought about it too hard, but he definitely thinks marin is attractive and he Hates That a lot.
jane morning (the white shirts) -> she hasn't thought about it before so unknown
marin (the white shirts) -> gay asf
noh bell (noble) -> gay gay homosexual gay space super solider teehee.
peri (peri & dandy) -> outside of dandy, most lifetimes he's demi-gay. but he's really only ever attracted to dandy
dandy (peri & dandy) -> outside of dandy he's pan but he's also only ever looking for peri and only sleeps with people who have "peri energy" (whatever the hell that means lmao)
utah (broken clouds) -> fagggggggggggggggggg
gator (broken clouds) -> faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggg
slug (broken clouds) -> literally they don't know or care about any of that.
sjaak de witte (btaf) -> if he were in modern times, he'd be bisexual probably. and suffering.
biscella (btaf) -> another surprise cishet but i think in modern times she'd also probably be bi i just don't think in the canon verse she had the thought or bandwidth to explore her attraction to women (much to azelie's sadness)
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Movies that make wlw folks lose it:
Thor: Ragnarok (Hela saying kneel is my origin story)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (The outfit made entirely of bandages- wow)
Encanto (you got the femme lesbian and butch bisexual)
Alice: Through the Looking Glass (that beautiful and ornate dress at the beginning combined with the White Queen HAD ME-)
A Wrinkle in Time (that redhead lady that was played by Reese Witherspoon>>>>)
Captain Marvel (Carol is truly a name for the lesbians)
Thor: Love and Thunder (never seen it but King Valkyrie supremacy)
Hamilton (Mariah Reynolds>>>>)
Pirates of the Caribbean (You know why)
Cars (there’s not even a lesbian reason, we just like the Kachow man.)
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crazylistlady · 1 month
Queer books
Anything 18+ will be in red. content warning will have a *
The do's and donuts of love by Adiba Jaigridar
These Witches don't burn by Isabel Sterling
Reaping the benefits by E.J Noyes
Robber Girl by S.T Gibson
Snow Roses by Taryn Tyler*
The Unlocked Tomb series by Tamsyn Miur*
Not your sidekick by C.B Lee
Orpheus Girl by Brynne Rebele-Henry
Cafe con Lychee by Emery Lee
Tales of Verania by T.J Klune
History is all you left me by Adam Silvera*
When Harry met Harry by Sydney Smyth
Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
What if it's us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
Consorting with Dragons by Sera Trevor
the Dragori series by Ben Alderson*
A little bit country by Brian D Kennedy
Jays Gay agenda by Jason June
Lord of eternal night by Ben alderson*
The Green Creek series by T.J Klune *
The Captive Prince trilogy by C.S Pacat *
Hani and Ishus guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigridar
Tale from the High Court series by Megan Durr*
A Dowry of Blood by S.T Gibson*
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
The Alphas Son by Penny Jessup
Iceabreaker by A.L Graziadei*
The Meet cute Diary by Emery Lee
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid*
So this is Ever After by F.T Lukens
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Witch King by H.E Edgmon
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars : A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng*
Transmogrify! 14 Fantastical Tales Of Trans Magic by various authors
The Deep by Rivers Solomon*
The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R Capetta
Hell followed with us by Andrew Joseph White*
The Spirit bares it's teeth by Andrew Joseph White*
Every Heart a doorway by Seanan McGuire
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson*
If it makes you happy by Claire Kann*
Love letters for joy by Mellissa See
The Lady's guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi lee
This is by no means a complete list, if you have any you want to add feel free!
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larsisfrommars · 1 month
Wild Wild Reviews
The Night of The Inferno
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Overall Score:
Story: 3/5
Dame: 4/5
Villain: 2/5
Gadgets: 5/5
Disguises: 2.5/5
Bonus Points: Gay Subtext: 1/5
The Yikes Dated Factor: -3/-5
Score: 14.5/25 (58%)
Tier: D
Next Review
The Story
It’s a pretty straight forward plot that introduces most of the core elements of the show fairly well. We’ve got our inflable and courageous James West, our over the top villains, our femme fatale and our gadgets but it feels as though the story is missing a limb. That limb of course is Artemus Gordon. Yes Ross Martin is there playing counterpart to Robert Conrad but he doesn’t really seem like the Artie we know and love yet. He’s less intelligent marvels at inventions that given the later context of the show he could’ve (and probably did) build himself, and lets Jim do the detective work. His disguises aren’t a big focus, and he’s noticeably more of a coward than he is later on. Luckily they fix all this almost immediately but between this and the casual early 60s racism this episode suffers a bit.
The Dame
Our woman of the week is Suzanne Pleshette!
Most of us young’uns know her as the witch Yubaba from Spirited Away and/or Zira from Lion King 2. However she was a very accomplished TV actress before that! I think she does a fantastic job as Lydia Monteran!
She and Jim have history which is always a fun gimmick, and certainly way more fleshed out than the parade of other women in this series. She’s got her own illegal business and lots of personality, a classic femme fatale. She just doesn’t have a lot in the way of complex/personal motivations and doesn’t really affect the plot with her direct actions, which is why she isn’t a perfect score.
The Villain
Our villains of the week are Nehemiah Persoff and Victor Buono!
Now I don’t know Persoff from anything other than Papa from American Tail. His character bordered on caricature/hammy but I am honestly shocked to say that he was WAY more entertaining to watch than Victor Buono of all people?! He was very animated and had a lot of fun lines. Meanwhile Buono (who I know as the unhinged King Tut from Batman) was both chronically underutilized and the crux of the more dated and problematic aspects of this installation of the series. Generally though these villains lacked the camp and ridiculous plans/motivations that I love the series for. So I’d say they’re a little subpar overall
The Gadgets
The gadgets were PHENOMENAL in this episode. If it has a real saving grace it’s the gizmos, a cornerstone of what makes this show work. We get an introduction to The Wanderer, West’s notorious toolbox boot heels, and a really fun Chekhov’s Gun scenario with the self-defense measures built into the billiards table! Excellent visuals and gimmicks that will carry on throughout the series.
The Disguises
The disguises were… eh. Which makes sense for the pilot but also it’s a shame, considering just how much it becomes an integral part of Ross Martin’s multi-faceted performance as Artemus Gordon. We get him as some sorta grave robber/carpet bagger that seems to exclusively exist to be silly at Jim’s expense, and a brief appearance as a Mexican beggar. Only one really makes sense for the story and we see it for all of two seconds.
The Gay Subtext
(Don’t ship it? Skip it!)
So long as Artemus and Jim are in an episode together the Gay score will never be 0. That being said they haven’t established a rapport, or even Artemus as a solid character yet. So is absolutely bottom rung for subtext in a given episode to me. Artemus frets over Jim a little and musters up his courage in spooky environs but that’s about it.
The Yikes Dated Factor
I’m giving this a solid -3 because yes there are more sexist/racist episodes than this but there are also LESS racist/sexist episodes of this show than this one. The only reason this doesn’t get a worse score for the yellow face is because it was part of the villain’s ploy, so they technically didn’t have a white man playing a Chinese guy. It was a white guy pretending to be Mexican pretending to be Chinese, which is almost funny, almost. But then, we got a couple white guys playing Mexicans which (there are plenty of people in the Latine diaspora who are white.) still runs into caricature and colorism issues. The baddies are all foreigners sometimes pretending to be different foreigners with some casual orientalism. But hey! At least the Spanish wasn’t gibberish!
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transbookoftheday · 11 months
Valerin the Fair by Rien Gray
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Follow a fellowship of sapphic knights as they’re seduced by witches, queens, goddesses—and each other—in a dark, lush fantasy inspired by Arthurian legend.
Under the reign of King Theomacha the Exalted, the Land of Maidens flourishes. Her knights protect and explore the realm, seeking artifacts lost to time and fending off wicked, cunning magics. 
Born in the isolated Brocéliande Forest, Valerin is raised as a warrior by druids of great power. Her unusual strength and invulnerability is said to be the blessing of a goddess, but when Sebille, a sorceress empowered by fire and rot, arrives to challenge her claim, Valerin must come to terms with her true nature — or fall to the seduction of the woman she's destined to kill.
Valerin the Fair is a 15,000 word high heat F/F fantasy romance featuring:
➼ a genderfluid butch protagonist ➼ an older high femme sorceress ➼ highly intimate duels and notions of chivalry ➼ consensual / body-affirming transformation
This is the first book in the Out of True novella series.
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lilitophidian · 3 months
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ALIAS / NAME : Bambi ▪︎ Pamelynn
BIRTHDAY : 09 / 02
HEIGHT : 5'3 or 5'4
HOBBIES : Writing ofc, music/singing, sewing, hoarding vintage items,
FAVORITE COLOR : Purple & pink
FAVORITE BOOK : I really like poetry books and used to be obsessed with Stephen King for a bit oops, the weirder something is the better, though!!
LAST SONG : Green Fuz by The Cramps
LAST FILM / SHOW : Does a random YouTube video about top ten unsolved mysteries count?
RECENT READS : Sabrina the Teenage Witch graphic novel. ♡
INSPIRATION : I wanna say femme fatale type personas. (1920s - 1940s especially) As well as O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill. And a dash of Catwoman from Batman returns.
STORY BEHIND URL : Lilit is one of the many forms to spell Lilith's name, ophidian is literally just snake.
FUN FACT ABOUT ME : I have a tattoo of a mushroom holding a knife on my arm, and most of my clothing is older than I am.
Tagged by: @tempteve
Tagging: @flxshy , @timelostobserver , @taleswritten , @cast-you-dxwn aaaannnd whoever else wants to do it!!
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 1 year
Do u have any headcanons of ebenholz? Please i need even more content
(Ebenholz Headcanons)
Do I?! Absolutely! Here's some of what I've cooked up:
As I've written in at least one fic now, Ebenholz gets into rock music and this has a huge effect on him, from his fashion sense to his music. I like the idea of him learning to play guitar so he can say he's mastered an instrument under his own power (while continuing to spite the Witch King!)
I see a couple viable paths for Ebenholz's approach to music going forward. One is that, since he's gifted with so many instruments, I'd love to see him get into composing and conducting. On the other hand, pivoting hard into rock music but incorporating some orchestral stylings would be hella rad? Things like incorporating his flute into rock songs like Jethro Tull, or occasionally pulling Czerny for a piano accompaniment to a song (specifically along the lines of Blue Oyster Cult's Joan Crawford. Just listen to this and imagine.)
As he continues to open up, Ebenholz actually befriends quite a few operators. There's the book club gang, of course, and I also think he becomes a pal of Beeswax as they talk records and stuff during horn care sessions. Connected to the music headcanons above, Ebenholz being besties with Vigna is one of my faves. But also, I feel like his particular backstory lends well to him befriending fellow operators with prickly and traumatic backstories. Like Rosmontis. Let them be "child experiments put some literal fucked-up shit in my head" pals.
Once he comes out of his grief-stricken shell, Ebenholz is so damn excited to explore this world he's only ever dreamed of. He can be convinced to explore anywhere and try just about anything at least once. And with how sheltered he was in the Spire, there's a lot to catch up on! Between missions, music, and adventures with his growing circle of friends, he's always busy. (And is able to drag along friends with more hermit-like tendencies as well, to everyone's benefit. *coughCzernycough*)
One line Ebenholz does refuse to cross is alcohol and other intoxicants. Overhearing the noble's plans to turn him into a useless alcoholic has thoroughly shut down his desire to touch the stuff. Not knowing how the Witch King will affect him when he's under the influence is another factor.
Since he was a sheltered noble for so long, Ebenholz has been trying to educate himself but still makes the occasional insensitive comment. Old habits die hard, so he can still be a little defensive when called out, but...he's working on it.
My personal queer headcanon for Ebenholz is that he's gay and demisexual, but thinks he's ace because...well, he's never actually gotten close enough to anyone to build that emotional connection that leads to attraction. (I have a fic on this in the works right now, actually!)
I can also see Ebenholz experimenting with gender and presentation a bit. I'm not sure if he'd actually be nonbinary or just "cis but comfortable enough to present more femme/androgynous/etc when he feels like it", but I wouldn't be surprised to see him experiment once he learns about genders beyond the binary.
Goat boy has goat habits. He likes to climb random shit, and will do so without thinking if he needs to get away with a migraine. Folks have found him in the strangest places...
Also, because goat and because he's open to new experiences, Ebenholz will try to eat just about anything. Though you'll definitely get a snarky remark if he doesn't like it...(and no Hibiscus, this isn't an excuse to give him more health food, put the kale smoothie down...!)
On the subject of migraines, Ebenholz acquires some assistive tech and help with his migraines. Though they're mostly fueled by arts (and the Witch King), I can see him with some light-sensitive shades and learning other migraine management techniques to help some of the symptoms. Also maybe a camera or recorder to help handle his occasional hallucinations by recording something and playing it back to tell what's real?
Alright, that was...a lot of headcanons. I've had many thoughts about this boy. But I hope you enjoy this offering of Good Goat Boy content!
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Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom
I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World by Kai Cheng Thom
Ana on the Edge by AJ Sass
Finna by Nino Cipri
Homie by Danez Smith
Mooncakes by Wendy Xu and Suzanne Walker
A Place Called No Homeland by Kai Cheng Thom
A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Our Bloody Pearl by DN Bryn
Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada (English translation by Kit Maude)
Femme in Public by Alok Vaid-Menon
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea by Kai Cheng Thom and Kai Yun Ching
May the Best Man Win by ZR Ellor
Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus by Chuck Tingle
The Witch King by HE Edgmon
Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
She of the Mountains by Vivek Shraya
Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare
Don't Call Us Dead by Danez Smith
Dreadnought by April Daniels
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Oh wow, that‘s a gigantic and incredible list! Thank you for the submissions, they were added :)
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mogai-headcanons · 17 days
inbox check!
i may deny your request if i don’t have the spoons to make transparents, sorry!
tekken: transfem kazuya, angelcoric angel, demonic demon, naturecoric jun, greyro jin
the king of fighters: polyam choi
baldur’s gate: trans dame, nonbinary isobel
blue archive: mspec all characters
gorillaz: t4t noodle
the king of fighters: trans leona
steven universe: transmasc jasper, lesbian pearl, nonbinary amethyst, lesbian garnet, nonbinary peridot, lesbian lapis, aroace white diamond, bluegender blue diamond, transmasc yellow diamond
project sekai: pupcatgender minori, aro haruka, transmasc airi, transfem shizuku, fembeau an, hamstergender kohane, gay akito, genderqueer toya, wonderhoylexic emu, transfem nene, transneufem rui, veldarcian tsukasa, agender shiho, straight ichika, lunian saki, transfem honami, transfem kanade, transfem mizuki, jiraikeic ena, bigenderflux mafuyu, agender vs miku, nonbinary vs rin, trans vs len, aroace vs kaito, aroace vs meiko, nonbinary vs luka, cistrans vbs miku, ace vbs rin, turihet vbs len, cistrans vbs kaito, aroace vbs meiko, ambonec vbs luka, abigender mmj miku, sapphic mmj rin, darcian mmj len, jamian mmj kaito, intersex mmj meiko, catgirlgender wxs miku, aroace wxs rin, transmasc wxs len, genderjendere wxs kaito, bigender wxs meiko, agender wxs luka, aroace ln miku, futch ln rin, boyloser ln len, trans ln kaito, bigender ln meiko, tutelary ln luka, agender 25ji miku, bungender 25ji rin, thistle femme 25ji len, anattractional 25ji kaito, anattractional 25ji meiko, unlabeled 25ji luka
tf comics: aro administrator, nonbinary miss pauling, bi saxton, gay bidwell, aro grey, bi maggie, gay charles - 2 asks
inside out: feminine joy, agender sadness, demiboy fear, polyam disgust, polyam anger, gay bing bong
scott pilgrim comics: nonbinary knives, agender tamara, aroace evy, trans lynette, transfem ramona, bi scott, lesbian kim, homoflexible lisa, bi gideon, intersex hollie, bicurious jimmy, gay joseph, gay stephen, heteroflexible julie, straight kyle, trans ken, bi crash, heteroflexible young neil, bicurious lucas, homoflexible matthew, trans mobile, gay wallace, unlabeled other scott, futch roxie, trans stacey, bi todd
hereditary: trans man paimon (peter)
disco elysium: logskillic logic, encycloskillic encyclopedia, rhetoskillic rhetorics, draskillic drama, conceskillic conceptualization, viscaskillic calculus, volitskillic volition, inlampskillic inland empire, empathskillic empathy, authoriskillic authority, escorpskillic espirit de corps, suggeskillic suggestion, enduranceskillic endurance, presholdskillic pain threshold, phystrumentskillic physical instrument, echemskillic electrochemistry, shiverskillic shivers, halflightskillic half-light, coordskillic hand/eye coordination, perceskillic perception, reacskillic reaction speed, savairskillic savoir faire, interskillic interfacing, composkillic composure, horriskillic the horrific necktie: 4 asks
gorillaz: nonbinary noodle
get the freebies: gay man terry, lesbian whitney
toy story: aroace babyface, bi legs, straight ducky
many fandoms (friend group): bigender jesse, oriented aroace sydney, nonbinary leo, transmasc eugenie, bi like, unlabeled wonderheart, pan go, bi darren, bicurious chris, bi terry, questioning eevee, oriented aroace hat kid, angled aroace starlow
scott pilgrim: homoro todd, unlabeled mobile, demiro wallace
powerpuff girls, demon slayer: aroace utonio, bi gay giyuu, bi lesbian shinobu
the ballad of songbirds and snakes: aro lucy gray
mlp: transfem ditsy doo, nonbinary dinky doo, greyro doctor whooves, aroflux rose, transfem berry punch, bigender berry pinch, futch carrot top
into the spider-verse: transfem gwen, bi miles
pokemon scarlet and violet: gay geeta, butch brassius - 2 asks
witch hat atelier: bi lesbian agott, sapphic coco, intersex riche, xenogender tetia
stranger things: aiab eleven, bi max, bi lucas
the muppets: gay uncle deadly, gay bobo, ace tex
tribe twelve: [f slur] observer
persona 5: autistic futaba, adhd akira
one piece: queer enel
one piece: omni rob
marble hornets: genderfreak skully
huxley brothers: bi ruficel - 3 asks
gorillaz, harvey birdman: cis noodle, nonbinary birdgirl
ultrakill: nebularo v1, aster boy v2, transera mirage, bi king minos
percy jackson: bi thalia
one punch man: nonbinary one punch man
always sunny: gay rickety cricket
life is strange: lesbian victoria
the daily object show: bi lava bucket and water bottle
recovering anorexic menhera-chan
homestuck: transmasc meulin, pan kurloz
scott pilgrim comics: trans man simon
danny phantom: lesbitend ember - 3 asks
spider-verse: transfem pavitr, transmasc hobie, transfem gwen, transmasc miles
scott pilgrim: autistic young neil, autistic stephen, autistic scott, autistic wallace, autistic stacey, autistic knives
jujutsu kaisen: transmasc yuji, femme kugisaki, transmasc megumi, transneu nanami, bi gojo
jujutsu kaisen: autistic choso
saw claymation: transmasc nathan
disco elysium: bi harry, gay kim, gay cuno
ben ten: nonbinary whampire
sinbad legend of the seven seas: nonbinary eris
dork diaries: biro nikki, bennetian zoey, bi chloe, femme mackenzie, trans brandon
ponyo: trans boy ponyo
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ivquatro · 8 months
Apprentice - Sabel Diaemus
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I wanted to post when everything was ready, but I really wanted to post what I'd finished! (Oh, my anxiety)
Default (at home).
Costume at the palace
Dress for the Masquerade.
Devil Sabel.
(I still want to make some expressions and the clothes of: Final Upright, the cloak of the standard version of her outside the house, the robe, her version of the past and the tales, Baewatch and the winter ball. I also want to do Crinsom and Sabel's relatives, as well as her room in the palace.)
Here is more information about Sabel:
Banner information:
Sabel Diaemus: "And what do you have to offer me, sweetie?" 🦇🥀
Pronouns: She/Her
Familiar: Crinsom (Red - Dobermann)
Birthday: 13/04 (Aries)
Height: 1,63 cm / 5,4 ft
Fashion sense: Femme fatale, vampire, high collars and extravagant necklines.
Fursona: Bat
Most likely to: Start fights and sneak out to watch the chaos.
Other: Blow up the kitchen trying to fry an egg.
Resume of the background:
Sabel is the daughter of a witch and a warlock. Sabel's mother(Solenia) left the Scourge of the South tribe, and her father(Urias) is a baron who owns a winery in Venterre. She is the youngest of three siblings. Sabel is the daughter most spoiled by her father, since she inherited the "power of the penumbra", a power that the witches of her family, the "Diaemus", inherited from the matriarch witch "Red Sorceress", who was gifted the power of the King Bat, a pagan deity, granting her and her descendants a great affinity for magic.
The winery is just a cover for the real purpose of Sabel's family, (although the wine produced at the winery is also somewhat expensive and of high quality) which is to make alchemy and powerful potions, sold to powerful and important people and magic services, regardless of the purpose, the only thing that matters is how much they pay.
Sabel, although diligent in her study of magic, had always been negligent in other aspects of her life, as well as being arrogant, vain and spoiled by her power. The most likely places to find her were parties and shops.
As she had the power inherited from her father and was very good with words, she always did what she wanted, as her father never reprimanded her, as well as being the heir to the head of the family business, causing friction between her and her older brother(Ulisses), as well as indifference between her and her mother.
Her father was only strict about her studies and family obligations, but otherwise he supported Sabel's bad behavior. Sabel and her older sister(Selene) had a very good relationship of sincere friendship and a lot of sisterly love.
Sabel's friendliness and beauty made her have many contacts, she was a great diplomat, which brought her closer to many important people, doing services out of her family business, using magic, she followed the same principle as her family, but was less cautious, doing dangerous magic and shady services, without any scruples.
On one of her trips, she went to visit her aunt, the owner of the Magic Shop. There was a festival going on in Vesuvia and as Sabel is a friendly party-goer, it wasn't difficult for her to get close to Lucio, and soon the two of them entered into a business alliance. As a result, she established a certain closeness to Vesuvia before the story began.
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