spanishskulduggery · 10 months
Just discovered while talking to someone in Spanish that "Adiós" is more of a permanent goodbye, something you might say to someone you expect to never meet again, like a stranger. Instead, he said I should use "nos vemos" when speaking with people I know, which makes sense. I was wondering what other goodbyes I could use that aren't permanent? Obviously there's "hasta luego" and "hasta mañana."
I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but yes adiós can be used for people you don't expect to see for a long time (possibly never again like sayonara means in Japanese)
Literally, adiós is "go with God" which would have been a lot more impactful in the time of needing to journey days/weeks/months to meet some relatives, and possibly having to deal with war, disease, wild animals etc
A lot of Western langauges have something similar, even "goodbye" is "God be with you/ye"
Some people do use it for a permanent goodbye. Others use it for an indefinite but probably long period of goodbye
And some people just say adiós as a standard goodbye with no deeper meaning other than "bye"
Note: You can also say adiosito which I wouldn't necessarily recommend outside of friendly conversation since it can sound sarcastic; it's like "toodle-oo" but it's literally a little goodbye
Note 2: If you vehemently hate someone and you hope to never see them again, you can say hasta nunca which is like "see you never" and I think that's beautiful
Today people do use adiós just as "goodbye" though it can read as "we won't see each other for a while"
The more short-term is nos vemos "we will see each other"
Another variation is a direct object version rather than reflexive. You can say te veo pronto "I'll see you soon" for example, instead of nos vemos pronto "we will see each other soon", that sort of thing
There's also hasta pronto "see you soon", hasta la próxima "see you next time"
And a lot of people have adapted certain words into Spanish like bye/bai or chau/chao for goodbyes
chau/chao in particular comes from ciao and is super common especially in South America
Another common one I say is cuídate "take care of yourself" / cuídese for polite, cuídense for plural
Depending on context you can also say ¡Suerte! "Good luck!" (or ¡Buena suerte! or ¡Que tengas mucha suerte! "Hope you have lots of luck" or te deseo mucha suerte etc)....
Another common one I say is ¡Ánimo! which means something like "Chin up!" but literally it's "energy" or "cheer"; if you're saying ánimo with someone you're essentially saying ¡Aguanta! or ¡Resiste! which is like "Hang in there!" or trying to pep someone up, where animar is "to cheer someone on" so it's all related there
Also I know you said spoken but just in case, if you're signing off on a letter/email there are some basic phrases you can use:
saludos = (a generic kind of goodbye) [lit. "salutations" or "regards"] un cordial saludo = (something like "kind regards")
atentamente = "yours truly" / "sincerely" [lit. "attentively"]
estamos en contacto / estaremos en contacto = "we'll be in touch"
And if you're writing a friendly letter you can say abrazos or besos for "hugs" and "kisses" respectively; it's very common to say something like te mando un abrazo "I'm sending you a hug" or something like that
Also, if you're at a party or something, you can say something like ya me voy or me largo or something like "I'm heading out"
I tend to say something like hora de irme "time for me to go" because in my English-speaking brain saying me largo feels awkward like I'm storming out but I know that's not what that always means
Additionally you can say debo irme "I should go", something along those lines is pretty standard
If you're being funny, I think me piro vampiro is somewhat used in Spain (but maybe not so much now)... it's just there for the rhyme. Literally "I'm out, vampire" or "I'm leaving, vampire" [pirarse is an idiomatic way of saying "to leave"]
For Latin America, more common would be chao/chau pescao which is literally "goodbye seafood/fish" since pescao is an informal spelling of pescado where the D can kind of be aspirated
You may also see/hear chao/chau bacalao "goodbye cod"
Again, all for the rhyme. The equivalent of "see you later alligator" in English. Everyone loves a rhyme
But obviously only do this among friends because it's informal and a bit childish
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to my one hundred followers
what’s wrong with you?
also i love you! /p
that will be all have a good day
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seancamerons · 8 months
i hate my voice so i can't do a podcast. i do not know how to make fan videos. i can barely gif, its so complicated so i do edits/artsy and sometimes i do that. play with my strengths (lack there of) i think i have a good idea.
so with that in consideration, would anyone be interested in me being super in-depth about like written reviews like white wedding thoughts, this paige one here or this piece on caitlin ryan, this lil thing about when doves cry here for degrassi on here or
on some side blog? i have a lot to say and idk.
with boycott the caf gone basically (humourous but true insight/peek into the past), broomheads is mostly about fashion aspects (which i like!) and trends of the 2000s and the djh/high persuasion too. maybe people can suggest topics to share opinions. i gotta do something/contribute to fandom bc the show has ended and there's so much to talk about. just an idea. just wanted to see if anyone was interested or it's something i could pursue.
i do make art, write stories. when i feel like it i do post a lot off opinion pieces, prose, the occasional lovefest but i can have neutral viewpoints, universal comparing contrasting, breaking down things, etc. but i never did like the whole review thing, combined with all this. i think it'd be cool. I'll tag people who are frequently in the degrassi tag in the tags or people who post a lot of degrassi even if we all don't have the same opinions, i think we can all have a bit of fun in our investment the franchise that arguably brought a lot of people together. having different opinions open up debates and such, or looking at things from different povs and perspectives. it could be a good thing with connections to be made. who knows? who is interested? if it flops this is dead. i don't want it to be but oh well.
thanks for reading 😊📝 don't be a stranger. if you're not into it cool don't be mean. that's it.
love always, brimi
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kuro-morale-events · 1 year
hi, sorry to ask out of nowhere, but do you guys happen to know why @birdyntea deactivated? 🥹
No, I don’t, unfortunately. I was a huge fan of their work and would always do my best to tell them, but then one day they were just gone. It’s such a shame.
Maybe someone else may know more? Feel free to chime in if you do.
And no need to apologize. We’re happy to answer asks like this if we can so long as they don’t infringe in someone’s desire for privacy ;)
-plague of insomnia
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toastbutteregg · 3 months
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girldraki · 6 days
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lesbiciousbeginnings · 3 months
When you’ve been cooking for long enough, you stop making recipes and start making “shit in a skillet” and “whatever soup”
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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memeclassheroes · 2 months
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arrgh-whatever · 2 months
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spanishskulduggery · 2 months
Is there a way to like tell your friends to `fuck off` in Spanish used in Spain? Or is this even a thing?
Absolutely there is - Followers if I miss your favorite one please comment below
A very basic universal one is no me jodas which is literally "don't fuck with me" like "fuck off" or "cut it out" or "don't joke" etc
Others are like vete a la mierda which is "go fuck yourself" but literally "go to shit" or vete al carajo which is the same thing but literally "go to dick"; [in Mexico you'd probably hear vete a la chingada]
Another one for Spain is something like (irse) a tomar por culo which is literally "go take it up the ass" kind of like a "go fuck yourself" thing
The less vulgar one for Spain is que te den but it's still kinda vulgar; it's "(I hope) that they give it to you"
And another one that most people would understand is chúpamela which is "suck it" but it's "suck my dick" essentially
The not very nice but not explicitly vulgar one is púdrete which is literally "go rot"
Note: a lot of these are commands, all in tú but it could be plural if you were addressing a lot of people too - or potentially usted possibly
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assumptionprime · 6 months
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Sometimes we could all use a reminder. (source)
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wizard-laundry · 5 months
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heeppy hoolida
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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toastbutteregg · 2 months
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peggycatrerr · 8 months
today on the train home the guy next to me was on his phone and at one point i saw him go on tumblr and he just had like. a normie dash. like it was all photography. of nature and architecture. he was using tumblr the way a heterosexual landscaper for rich people might use instagram. i actually had to watch his screen for a few seconds to be sure it really was tumblr because i was so taken aback by the content he was viewing. this is why algorithmless websites are so beautiful btw because i genuinely didn't know that this side of tumblr even existed. he didn't even so much as scroll past any text posts.
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