#furuhashi koujirou
Kiridai if Kiridai were involved in agriculture
Britain edition because I know little to nothing about Japanese agriculture
Hanamiya Makoto
Large animal and equine vet
The type of vet who sells various prescription drugs under the counter (or, to be specific, from the boot of his car): everyone knows and no one calls him out on it, because cheaper drugs are cheaper drugs
There’s a rumour that he used to be a specialist small animal cardiologist abroad, best in the country, and only moved because he may or may not have made an ethically dubious decision that may or may not have resulted in his breaking criminal law
But he also has a great eye for spotting lameness that another vet would miss, and in general his diagnoses are never wrong, so livestock owners flock to him because one consultation almost always gets the job done, and equine owners flock to him because he always finds a problem to explain their paranoia 
Yamazaki Hiroshi 
Has a flock of sheep in the Uplands 
I.e. he spends lambing season in sideways rain and gales, getting soaked to the skin and swearing that he’ll give up on sheep, and yet he never does and never will
Breeds for meat, but dreams of a world where he could breed primarily for wool and earn a living from it 
Has a couple wethers living in his house full time - all were orphaned at birth and thus hand-reared by him, making him too attached to them to send them to slaughter
Also has a slightly deranged collie that still hasn’t quite figured out why it has to leave said wethers alone but herd all the other sheep
Names as many of his sheep as his memory can manage, even though he knows it just makes the goodbyes harder
Furuhashi Kojiro 
Flower farmer - has some bee hives on the side, and grows seasonal vegetables, but his primary focus/income is cut flowers
Has a good 400 varieties of flowers (everything from Achillea to Weigela) growing on his land for commercial use, most of which he will cut and organise for wedding and hotel arrangements and bouquets
Also grows his own rose breeds (one purple to red climbing rose; one mostly white with hints of purple Damask rose) but he rarely, if ever, sells any of the progeny. They’re practically his children, after all - you don’t sell your children
Some of them will see the inside of rose shows, and the climbing rose has been planted at a rose garden, but otherwise they spend his days in his garden
Meanwhile, the other flowers and the foliage both get sold throughout the year, as does the honey and the vegetables (at the local village market), and, though he doesn’t love cutting them, he doesn’t miss them like he would the roses 
Doesn’t use any insecticide or herbicide and very much judges flower farmers that do     
If he’s not silently tending to his plants for hours on end, then he’s grumbling about the loss of insects, and if he’s not grumbling about the loss of insects, he’s frowning reading the latest reports on climate change
His plans for the future involve an exceptionally sharp pair of scissors and a Bonsai tree
Seto Kentato
Large animal vet
Tried small animal for a while, and then equine, but neither worked because he found the owners talked too much or ‘loved their animals too much’ (aka made them obese). Hence moving onto, and sticking with, large animal. 
The farmers he works with know that he doesn’t like to talk too much, and can be brusque, but none of them care because he’s the best large animal vet in the area
Doesn’t particularly like cows but, for reasons unknown, cows really like him (and bulls despise him)
Can be found sleeping at the back of the clinic whenever he’s not on call
Thinking about getting some training and specialising in large zoo animals, for the added challenge - something about rhinos and elephants is calling his name
Hara Kazuya
He was a man child struggling with boredom and too much money for his own good, who therefore decided he’d try his hand at farming
Wasn’t initially sure what to farm - at one point, he was seriously considering snails - until he read that the ostrich industry had collapsed because no one could figure out how to keep them healthy in the UK. And he took that as a challenge.
Hence Hara, the ostrich farmer.
Went through a phase where he had his hair dyed half black and half white, to rep the ostriches
Keeps saying he’ll get a dangerous animal license, so he can get some pet zebras to continue with “the theme”… the mad* lad might just do it
He’s also the kind of owner to ask whether he can give his ostriches weed to help them chill out “because it works for people in the States”… it’s safe to say that his local vets avoid doing his call-outs as much as possible, 
The ostriches like him though :) 
The business is profitable, the animals are healthy so clearly he’s doing something right
*and by mad, I mean despicable. do not keep wild animals as pets. 
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lesberrian · 2 years
Black Widows Web
also posted on ao3 i promise im not stealing
Yui had been dismissed from the hospital and couldn’t even make it to the car without her mother verbally berating her over the image this would reflect. Once they reached the car, her father was waiting inside talking to the driver.
“Mother please trust me that nothing will come of this. This hospital is under the name of a close friend and I informed them that it was simply from a change in altitude because of summer travels.” Yui puts a hand over her heart. “I’ll be more cautious from now on, I promise.”
Her mother sighs, temporarily satisfied with her daughter's excuse. “Fine. I’ll be having Hanamiya boy watch after you from now on. You two are already attached at the hip, although I’m not sure if it’s a good thing.” Shaking her head slightly, her mother looks back up. “He’s no son of a businessman but his mother is a trusted friend and assistant, he has my approval.”
Hearing his wife speak of approval he lifts his head from his phone. “Whoever the boy is seems good enough if he can deal with my daughter's personality.”
Yui has to fight the urge to roll her eyes, “Makoto and I have no romantic involvement with one another, we are simply friends.”
Just the thought of dating him- much less getting married to that boy makes her feel sick again. She couldn’t see herself living with anybody for the rest of her life, with the exception of Haya, her vice. It was only natural for Yui to be alright with it, they were close friends and head of the student council together.
Yui doesn't touch her phone the entire drive back to the house, even though her parents would be too busy on theirs to notice. It was improper of her, somehow.
The drive back took almost an hour and by now the cooks would be finishing up dinner. Stepping out of the car, her mother gently grabs her hand. It would’ve been nice if she didn’t immediately dig her pointed nails into Yui’s skin. Yui stands there, completely unfazed by her mother's usual antics.
“If I even hear a word about you from the parents at that school…” Her mother had leaned in close, and Yui felt like her glare was gripping her own neck.
“Noone will say anything,” Yui untucks the hair behind her ear and lets it fall in front of her face, “I’ll personally make sure of that.”
Her mother lets go and puts a hand on her shoulder, smiling. “Good.”
Yui is left outside with the car. Her father was still in the car, now watching her every move. The only time he ever played attention was when mother commanded it. Neither move to do anything and soon the car pulls away, leaving her alone.
Before she could open the door, the front gates opened and another car pulls in. It's not the same brand as what they buy so it couldn’t be father. ‘Perhaps mother is having friends over and didn’t inform me.’
The car pulls to a stop in front of her and Furuhashi steps out. The car pulls away and the two of them are left standing outside, staring at each other. Yui wasn’t sure why he was here, everything was paid for at the hospital and he’s not qualified for home checkups.
“School doesn’t start for two more days, you know.” 
“Captain wants to know why you were at the hospital.”
Yui rolls her eyes, what a shitty lie. “We’ve known each other for years, I’m sure he would know why. Just tell me why you're really here.”
He stares blankly and shakes his head. “Our parents want us to talk more.”
Yui laughs, covering her mouth as she regains her composure. “Didn’t know I was your type, Kojiro.” Both teens cringe at that and she shakes her head. “Yeah, that felt wrong to say.”
Furuhashi looks up and notices her mother watching them. Looking back at Yui, he signals her to follow him. Yui leads him to the garden where they can talk without being watched. Sitting down at a bench together neither say anything.
“When will you tell her about you and Haya?”
Her head snaps towards the boy who was staring at her like he didn’t say the most ridiculous thing in existence. “There is nothing between me and her. She is simply my right hand that I trust. I have no romantic feelings for any girl-boys- both. Both of us are wasting our time here, mother wouldn’t seriously marry me off to your family either. We have nothing in common in our fields.”
Furuhashi watches as she stands up and goes to stop off before remembering what her mother would say. “Aha, Please let your driver know you are ready to be picked up now.”
He stands up and walks off. “He’s down the road, I told him I wouldn’t be long.” He walks ahead of her through the garden neither saying anything. He didn’t feel the need to and Yui was to angry to say anything. 
When his car came, Furuhashi got in and left without saying anything. Yui scoffs and goes to her room. All her assignments had been finished, everything is packed, her room is perfectly clean and her new outfits are put away just the way she liked.
There was absolutely nothing to do.
Even when there was something to do, it was never entertaining, at least not at home. The nights spent bribing the maids not to tell a soul while she snuck out with Haya and ran around Tokyo, going into tourist gift shops and eating bad convenience food while in a back ally no one goes… that was fun.
Yui lies on her bed while scrolling through her gallery, most of the photos were with the basketball team or important things for the student council.
Walking into her closet she grabs a jewelry box from the top shelf and pulls it down. Inside was photos from her first year at Kirisaki Daiichi with Haya. The ones where they were wearing dumb hats and glasses, posing like she wasn’t a famous model, or her trying to grab the camera from Haya’s hand because she had marker all over her face, the ones her mother would never be allowed to see.
She looks through the photos a while longer before she hears her mother's heels against the stairs. She quickly shoves the photos back and changes into a new outfit. The sun had already set so pajamas made the most sense.
By the time her mother had knocked on the door, Yui was already at her desk making notes of her biology textbook. Without waiting for an answer her mother comes in and stands behind her. “Why was the oldest son from the Furuhashi family here with you just now?”
Yui pauses, was he not he because their families wanted them together? She did doubt it but at the same time went along with it, she thought he had no reason to lie. “He came to check up on me now that Hamamiya has to be coach and captain. Hanamiya and I will be splitting the responsibilities of coach.”
Her mother stares down at her daughter with pursed lips, pulling back the hair that was always covering part of her face. “I’ll never understand today's youth obsession with dying their hair.”
Without a word, she walks out of the room. The clock on her desk showed it was almost eight already, the day had gone by quicker than she had thought. Shutting her textbook, Yuismiles slightly that her mother didn’t realize this one was from last year and not her new one.
Putting the book away she walks into her bathroom for her nightly routine. Once she was finished and checked her phone, she didn’t know if she should be more confused or creeped out by the text. 
It was from Akashi Seijiro. She had met him a few times before and exchanged numbers due to their family. The text read like an email but it was hard to laugh due to the question.
Reading it out loud to herself she had to make sure she wasn’t still in the hospital. “Dear Miss. Fukami, although it is inappropriate to ask so directly and so soon, my father insists on me bringing a date to a business dinner, whether or not I plan to be with the girl. Due to your public disinterest in dating men, I have no worries about having you as my guest.”
Yui takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. How does she even respond to this? Obviously with a yes. Her mother would kill her if she declined. She responds quickly and waits for him to send the information.
While waiting, she lays her phone on the wireless charger and shoves her face into a pillow. She really does not want to deal with anyone who would be at the event. 
It doesn’t take long for him to respond. She reads the text from the notification bar and lays her phone back down without replying. She’ll inform her parents tomorrow, tonight she binge watches Makoto’s favorite show to correct him on things he didn’t notice.
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flamewing · 3 years
KnB Season 2 Dub Thoughts!
Sounded to me like like the voice acting from the returning cast has gotten better overall~
Though, Kagami’s voice is still a bit iffy for me tbh? Funnily I said for Season 1 that his voice didn’t start out “as ‘rough’ as I was expecting” and now I feel like it’s a little too rough at times 😂
P satisfied with the newer voices (Himuro, Alex, etc.)
Kiyoshi calling Himuro “Kagami’s homeboy” pffft [plain text: Kiyoshi calling Himuro “Kagami’s homeboy” pffft]
Takao is calling Midorima “Shin-chan” again and he’s (thankfully) not Americanizing the pronunciation anymore yay
Furuhashi sounds more like Akashi than Akashi sounds like Akashi [plain text: Furuhashi sounds more like Akashi than Akashi sounds like Akashi] (same VA) 😭
Yeah uhh I don’t think there’ll be any getting used to Akashi’s deep voice rip- [plain text: Yeah uhh I don’t think there’ll be any getting used to Akashi’s deep voice rip-]
I chuckled at Aomine’s “w h a t the fu—” [plain text: I chuckled at Aomine’s “w h a t the fu—”]
Now that I’ve heard more of Mura, I still think a deeper voice would’ve been more fitting for him considering he’s a big guy, but the personality and emotions definitely seem to be there :3
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3
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hawkstincan · 3 years
Then can I ask about Kirisaki Daichi (separately for each)? Guys ' reaction to their gf bringing them Breakfast in bed. Please.
I'm sorry it took me so long... In my defense... I have nothing in my defence to be honest. I just couldn't find time, or inspiration, or ideas. It's not that I have them now, but I'm sleep deprived enough to not care. I'm quite sure these are not what expected or (if) waited. Sorry. I'm going with "significant other" for all of them. Cause Hanamiya? Pansexual. I'll die on this hill. I wish after all this time I'd brought something spectacular. But nope. It's just my usual pieces for inktober.
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Mission "breakfast in bed" failed. Hanamiya hadn't slept yet and just asked to wake him 'round six pm and hit the bed
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Yamazaki'll just devoured everything on the tray.
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I don't think Hara have a significant other. He seems like one night stand type to me. I'll add something later if I'll come up with an idea.
Furuhashi would be cooking breakfast. And he's not happy about eating at bed. At all.
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Furuhashi looks like first year Izuki with a little different hairstyle
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Salute! It's my first time here and I liked it. Can I ask for a scenario about Kirisaki Daichi (+Matsumoto, for every guy)? They've had a fight with their fem s/o and haven't spoken for two or three days. And suddenly they heard a guy (not from the team) talking to his friends about their s/o: "If they break up, then I will not miss my chance."And then this guy spots their s/o at the end of the corridor and heads toward her. Thank you for your creativity)
I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing!
Hanamiya: He supposed he had let this go on long enough. There were slimier guys in this school than himself, and he was well aware. You were standing by your locker, like a gazelle at a watering hole, and it was so fun to slam his hand on the lockers on either side of you, trapping you. When you didn't give much of a reaction, he knew you were still mad. It was probably justified, so he wasn't going to bring it up. No. He just wanted to make up, and he wanted to make a scene of it so that guy knew what was up. "I'm an asshole," he admitted with a soft sigh. "But I need you to kiss me right now so I know that I'm your asshole." Far from a romantic gesture, but you couldn't help but comply.
Hara: In any other situation, he would have let this go on until you were the one to cave. But knowing that there were wolves lurking about, ready to pounce on you at the first chance, he realized he wasn't willing to risk your entire relationship for the sake of pettiness. He was approaching you from behind and already had the pack of gum in his hand, ready to offer you a piece. The bubble he had been blowing popped when he finally reached you. "It's mean of you to make me apologize," he complained softly. "But I don't want to fight anymore, so I'm sorry."
Furuhashi: Enough of this. He didn't bother with any words as he grabbed onto your arm and turned you to face him. Without giving you a second to register whose face you were looking at, he slammed his mouth against yours. He stared directly at the guy for a moment as he felt you melt into the kiss, almost as if he were trying to turn him to stone. But your touch was able to send such waves of euphoria through him, pretty soon his eyes fluttered shut as well and it was just the two of you in the moment.
Yamazaki: Enter panic mode. You hadn't even looked at him since the fight, which was already making him nervous, but now he had to worry about someone trying to weasel their way into his place as your boyfriend? He seemed composed, maybe a bit angry, as he made his way swiftly toward you, although anxiety was bubbling underneath his skin. "Are you still mad at me?" Straight to the point. He didn't have time to waste trying to play petty games with you. "Not so much," was your reply, which earned you a soft sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around you.
Seto: This was more annoying than anything else. He would have been just fine giving you the space you needed to cool down, but hearing what that guy said actually motivated him for once. He approached you from behind and, when he was close enough, he slipped his icy hand in yours, startling you slightly. He leaned over you, pressing his nose into your hair almost affectionately. "I know we're not breaking up soon, but if I ever see you around that guy, I'll have to beat the shit out of him."
Matsumoto: He had to pass the guy who made the comment on his way towards you, so he took the opportunity to "bump" into him, nearly knocking the guy into the lockers. The noise drew your attention to him, which wasn't planned but also wasn't unwelcome in the slightest. Your arms were folded across your chest, which wasn't a good sign, but he managed to approach you while maintaining his composure. "We're not breaking up," he told you sternly. With a raised brow, you simply responded, "Well duh."
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animescenarios · 4 years
Headcanons please. KiriDai find their s/o sitting in a secluded part of the school, knees up to her chest and face in her crossed arms. She explains that she's just having a rough day and she'll be back to normal after she sulks a bit. What do they do?
- sighs at her explanation, clearly sensing that something was much worse than just a bad day
- he tries to persuade her to admit it, but when she curls up into a ball he decides to stop
- leaves her for a while to give her time, but shows up again and gets her out of school
- doesn’t like seeing his s/o down, it makes him feel uneasy
- brings her home and suggests watching a movie to get her mind off of things
- plops down onto the floor beside her, trying to meet her gaze while she’s hiding behind her knees
- with a light but soft tone asks what’s wrong
- it’d help a lot if she decided to tell him, otherwise he’s clueless on what to do
- eventually decides to pat her head and grab her hand, pulling her out of the school building
- asks a lot of questions to trick her into giving him some hints
- takes her on a walk, maybe for ice-cream to cheer her up
- tells her to stop hiding and definitely doesn’t believe any excuses
- his mind immediately starts working on full speed, searching for things that might’ve caused her mood to drop
- it makes him worried that she’s avoiding explaining anything because he doesn’t know how to help
- decides to sit there with her in silence, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and waits until she either gets better or wants to talk
- there’s no way he’s gonna leave her alone
- no need to tell him anything, it’s obvious from her pose and look that she’s not at her best
- doesn’t question her much because he doesn’t want to trigger anything even more
- asks if she wants to be left alone and acts from there, but would prefer to stay
- definitely doesn’t want her to “just be fine after a while”, no way, he wants to see her smile right now
- but doesn’t push
- he’s not the best with words of comfort, so instead tells her about his day and hopefully cheers her up
- he’s the one to shrug at first and take her words for granted, because everyone has some bad days and why would she lie to him?
- but doesn’t want her to just sit there, so he decides to take her to practice or to just spend the time doing something together
- treats her to her favorite meal and acts more goofy than usual
- understands if she wants to be alone for a while instead, but texts her often to check if she’s alright
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s-dei · 9 years
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u are in trouble, maaaaaaaan
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laustersinfulplate · 5 years
No Forgiveness Part I [Hanamiya x Reader]
TW: Mention of death / angst
Summary: Hanamiya has gone missing, but the hope was shattered, he’s dead. and that was not something [Y/N] could bear. And the culprit didn’t get the punishment they deserve. so, [Y/N] and her friend have to do something
Word count: 872
Hanamiya was really exhausted.
You agree to let him went home by himself. You didn’t want to make hanamiya annoyed more than he already is.
But you would never know that this will lead to tragedy.
The next morning hanamiya was gone missing, that was weird. Where should he be? His mother sounds so worried when seto picked up the phone. That was concerned with all of your friends. Furuhashi didn’t let his emotion show, but you sure that he was extremely worried. Seto woke up all the time, he can’t just go back to sleep like he always does. Hara still fooled around, but he didn’t enjoy it. Yamazaki asked the question all the time, he was scared that something might happen.
It was only one day, but it felt like years. You missed his nagging, his smirk, his warm body, his sincere smile that only show to you and his mother and many more of him. When you look at the blank table in front of you, you saw him sitting there, reading peacefully like always. What wasn’t had happened is you confessed to him, but you knew deeply that both of you have strong feelings for each other.
“[y/n]” Seto called you out, you snapped out from the thought and turn around to meet his amethyst orbs. “The principal wants to meet us”
“Me and you?”
“No, six of us” He looked calm, yet uneasy.
“What?... Don’t tell me that principal suspected us?” You breathed heavily
“Maybe yes. But calm down first, don’t need to be panic. Maybe he’ll get us some useful information to make us relieved for what had happened” seto put his hand on your shoulder and squeeze it tightly.
“Even so, I have bad feelings about this.” You hugged yourself and look at the ground
“Me either.”
Seto lead me to the principal’s room and when the door flung open. You felt the dark atmosphere flew through the air and you can smell it. Yamazaki looked like he can’t keep his breakdown emotions. Furuhashi looked stressed. Hara sat still. Everybody looked like they out of their minds, even the principal didn’t say any word.
“Come and sit Mrs.[y/n], Mr. seto” the principal drew his hand toward the empty chairs. You and seto sat on the chairs “Okay then, all of you are here now. You guys are the closet of hanamiya makoto right?”
“Yes,” furuhashi said.
“Good,” the principal nodded his head, then looked at yamazaki that looked extremely anxious. “What brings you guys here, maybe all of you already know. Yes, you’re the closest witnesses before hanamiya gone missing.”
“So, you need us to attest? Is that it?” seto raised his eyebrow.
“Yes. please be cooperative.”
“I let him went home by himself because I knew that if I’d object him, he’ll be mad and I don’t want that.” You tried to stay calm, but the heart that pounding in your chest won’t let you.
“Thanks for the cooperativeness of yours, little miss.” You nodded your head in response then sigh in relieved, you blink a few times, feel like tears dwelled in your eyes. You just didn’t felt really good, before furuhashi put his hand on your back to make you felt better.
“We have something to say to all of you.” the police officer said.
“What is it?” seto asked.
“We’ve found the traits of the car, that might be related to hanamiya makoto’s missing. It was an old white van that has basketball stickers on the side window,” he said and hand the picture to us, it was a picture from the closed-circuit camera. “It doesn’t have a license plate. So it was kinda hard to track it down. The other camera’s memory from the different corner gone missing.”
“What?!” Yamazaki screamed. “What do you mean by ‘gone missing’!? Are you kidding with us!?”
“Calm down hiro!” You yanked him down to sit on his seat.
“[y/n]! But-”
“Calm down you moron” seto growled, “It’s not that hopeless isn’t it?”
“Yeah, I know you’re upset but please… at least don’t yell.” you rubbed his arm.
“Tch...” Yamazaki hugged himself.
“Just like Mr.seto said,” The police officer said “It’s not that hopeless, because, in another side of the road, we can catch the same van. And if we investigate a little more, we can know where he is.”
“Thank god.”
“Wait, there’s no sign of extorting?” hara asked.
“No.” The police officer said.
“Strange, so what did they want?”Seto said to himself.
“Right? Why is that?” Hara patted his hair in uneasy feelings.
“Hmmm, that’s right...then okay, thanks for everything today. If we have any progress, I’ll tell your principal. Have a good day!”
Such an annoying ringtone.
You picked up the phone, showed the time that is 5 in the morning. It’s too early because you can’t sleep but concerned about hanamiya. The person that has called you is Hara. You growled and picked up the call.
“What the hell dude? It’s at 5 am.”
“...Kazu? W-What’s wrong?” you can catch the vibrate in his voice. Your instinct told you that it’s nothing but that “I-Is it about mako?”
“What is it?”
“Hanamiya is dead”
To be continued
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knbgifimagines · 5 years
How team KiriDai feel when they're with their decently endowed crush on a crowded train, chest to chest.
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Hello hello
I hope you're having a nice day ❤️
Can I please ask for some relationship hcs with furu, under what circumstances you think he would fall for someone, what the further relationship would look like etc. I'm in a fluffy mood so please, include some cute content (I mean, as cute as it can get with him, it can have unsettling undertones haha).
Please save me from the torment of not being able to accept any other way of writing him than yours.
Thank you in advance 🦭
i reckon the best route for him to meet someone, fall for them and vice verse, and have a good relationship would be if he met them outside of school/uni
someone who knows him only as “man who tuts as he walks past the florist because he doesn’t think they’re looking after their gardenia optimally” or “quiet, but always very polite, customer at the library who only ever checks out cookbooks on baking and the most gruesome thrillers and neo noir”
you consider him quirky but kind
and the more you get to know him, the more that becomes quirky, kind, and surprisingly funny on the rare occasions he makes a joke, always deadpan. and then quirky, kind, funny, and even more surprisingly thoughtful and considerate when he catches you on a bad day. 
basically, furu’s one of the good ones.  
i feel like the relationship would stay platonic for a long while
furu doesn’t have much interest in pushing it into becoming romantic - as much as he does like you, he’d much rather continue having someone to talk to, especially when that someone’s you, than risk it all by taking the relationship in a different direction
you’d have to be the one to make the first move
even when you do, a lot stays the same
you’re still two pals sat at a cafe discussing the state of affairs, what books you’ve been reading recently, what recipes furu recommends for an amateur baker, coming up with plans for how the two of you are going to kidnap the florist and hold them ransom as revenge for the gardenias they keep killing 
furu’s not a pda type, nor is he touchy-feely. even something like holding hands won’t be common in the relationship, especially not when in public. 
the big tell that you’re his no1 is how much more talkative he is with you, and how much more aware he is of your emotions, compared to those of others
i’ve probably brought this up on other furu hc posts, but furu’s love language is 100% gifts/acts of service
bringing you your own flowers (in a pot, with strict instructions on their care), baking you bread and sweets (and then going on a tangent about how bad the processed stuff people buy in stores is for the body), and so on
he might sound like a real pain at times, but he means well
he’s basically like gokushufudou’s main character: 50% organised crime, 50% threatening people’s lives and polishing knives, and 100% about taking care of his s/o
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knbzone · 6 years
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herdustisverypretty · 7 years
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KiriDai/Mako-chan dump because I’m still not over this
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namelessdream · 7 years
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The Kiridai stage play actors are a gift ♡♡♡
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fictional-birthdays · 7 years
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Happy Birthday! (June 30th, pt. 2)
Haruka Nanase (Free!) 
Monakatchi (Tamagotchi)
Aoi Suzuki (Big Windup!)
Amatsu Ida (Prince of Stride: Alternative)
Koujirou Furuhashi (Kuroko no Basuke)
Nanaba (Attack on Titan)
Riina Tada (Cinderella Girls)
Peko Pekoyama (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
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Hello. Can I ask for a scenario for Kirisaki Daichi (+Matsumoto,if possible)? Their cute manager resembles a naive fawn, but when they get to know each other, the guys realize that she is strong and independent, understands people and knows how to manipulate them, is not inferior in intelligence to Hanamiya and has nothing against the team's style of play. Please. I would like to see the manager of this team a strong and smart girl who sees all their dirty tricks, but still be friends with them.
I apologize for the excessive head-cannon.
Hanamiya: Now, this guy is the only reason you're this team's manager in the first place and honestly, sometimes he regrets his decision. You were in a few of his classes, the kind of girl who keeps to herself, sits in the front of the class, and he was more than ready to take advantage of your agreeable nature. He thought that he convinced you into taking on the responsibilities that came with the job, saying something about club dissolving without a manager and everyone losing potential scholarships. Blah blah blah. Despite the concerned look on your face and the fact that your innocent eyes were glinting with empathy as you looked at him, you weren't really listening. You needed volunteer hours if you wanted to graduate. This was a great opportunity for you. Besides, Makoto was no stranger to you. He was more than just a menace, and you were almost flattered that he even managed to see you beyond his self-interested schemes. So of course, you accepted the offer. You learned the game pretty quickly, just by watching their practices, and nowadays, he relies on you a lot more than he wants to admit.
Hara: While Hanamiya is busy berating Yamazaki about something, Hara slips off towards the bleachers where you’re seated. He thought you looked a bit too content, biting your lower lip as you worked through the team's monthly expenses. He leans forward a bit, his attempt to intimidate you oh so apparent. At first, it's easy to ignore his presence, but then he starts making snide comments, telling you your math is wrong--liar--and asking one stupid, unnecessary question after another just to watch the vein next to your temple start to stick out as you clench your jaw in frustration at his mere presence, but you're the most patient person you know. You roll your eyes as he begins to blow an obnoxiously large bubble in your face. Enough of this. Without a second thought, you poke it with your pen, popping it and causing some of the gum to land in his bangs. "Oops," you murmur with a shrug, attention returning your clipboard. Of course, you eventually help him find some peanut butter and get the gum out of his hair without needing to cut his shaggy bangs. Next time, you won't be so nice.
Furuhashi: The last of the boys to come around and be comfortable around you, it was a challenge for you. Since you first became their manager, you made it your mission to find at least one thing to like about each member of your team (which really wasn't that hard for you--most of the time). Whenever you spoke to him, he would always just look at you with dead, uncaring eyes; it felt like they could freeze you on the spot. It was hard to tell if he even saw you, let alone if he was listening to you. It was so much effort just to get to the "friendly" level, let alone considering him a friend. It required some prodding of his teammates, figuring out his hobbies. And one day you just so happened to be at the library during a committee meeting, searching for an indoor gardening guidebook. He didn't quite buy your story, but the effort you were putting in didn't go unnoticed. He still doesn't talk to you or look in your direction that much, but it doesn't send chills down your spine to make eye contact with him like it used to.
Yamazaki: He was a bit nervous around you at first. Everyone else perceived you as some harmless, helpless even, but he must have known from the start that you weren't one to mess with. You had expected him to be as nasty as the others, although that might have been a harsh judgement based on his features more so than anything else, as you quickly learned that he didn't quite have the capacity to play as dirty as the rest of the team. The discomfort he originally felt around you quickly dissipated as you took up the habit of bringing the products of your cooking class to practice to get some honest opinions on your kitchen skills. And you always let him get the first taste as he's the only one guaranteed to enjoy 100% of the food you bring in. Although, sometime's he's tempted to swipe a second bite, in which case you slap his hand away faster than he's able to register. "No seconds until everyone has a first," you have to remind him.
Seto: It's always your job to retrieve him (after figuring out where he's napping that day). Nowadays he just grunts and rolls his eyes before complying and heads to practice without complaining. However, it took a few days to train him to do this. When you were first given this task, no one thought you could do it. He was stubborn, and good at tuning people out to sleep. When you found him, you gave his face a few pokes before sighing dramatically. "It's troublesome if you don't just come back with me now," you murmured in his ear. "Coach will be mad if he has to come drag you to practice." He groaned and sat up, glaring at you. Despite how wide and naive your eyes were, when he looked at them he knew that it wasn't a threat. It was a promise. There was a lot of groaning and insulting quips thrown your way that time. They lessened as the days went by, as he realized that they didn't bother you in the slightest. Sometimes you'd throw one back. Today you're feeling nice, and despite knowing exactly where he is, you let him get another twenty or so minutes as you head to the vending machine instead.
Matsumoto: He was so worried about you when you first took up the position of manager. It didn't seem like a good idea to have someone who seemed so delicate around someone like Hanamiya. Of course, it quickly became apparent to him (much more quickly than almost anyone else) that you were the one manipulating the coach, not the other way around. He appreciates that for sure, and he tends to pick your side when you and Hanamiya have verbal altercations. He likes to hang around you, which a lot of people assume is because he wants to protect you. In all honestly, it's because he doesn't have to worry about you.
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