#gabriel oneshot
winchesterszvonecek · 6 months
Clothes - [ Gabriel ]
Prompt: How he’d react to you wearing his clothes requested
Word Count: 1155
Warnings: female!reader, fluff, suggestive tones
A/N: the prompt was meant to be a headcanon but i decided to make it a little fic instead
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You were always cold in the mornings. No matter how warm the room you were in was or who was sleeping next to you, you couldn’t help but feel a chill. It’s what made getting out of bed that much harder for you most days.
And today was no different as when you woke, your eyes fluttering sleepily open at the sound of rowdy neighbours in the motel room beside yours, you were quick to feel the cold seep into your body. Right down to your bones in a way that had you shaking almost immediately and it was as though someone had you on vibrate.
Normally you’d just pull the covers back up and nestle into the bed until you felt a smidge of warmth beneath your skin. But this morning you really, really needed to pee, therefore you couldn’t wait any longer otherwise you’d burst. So you were left with no other choice but to suck it up, and face the cold of the room.
Before you did that though, you glanced to your side, the early morning sun that crept through the thin curtains casting perfectly over Gabriel’s sleeping face, making you smile softly as you still couldn’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating an archangel.
If someone had told you back when you first met him, when he was making people believe they were being abducted by aliens and having alligators roam about the sewers, that you’d be here with him now you’d have laughed in their face.
Yet here you were, nestled beside one of God’s first born angels in bed after a night of… Fun. And honestly? If you could go back and do it all over again, you wouldn’t change a thing as there wasn’t anywhere else you’d rather be than right here next to him.
Well actually, there was one place you’d rather be right now and that was the bathroom. You may have stared dreamily towards Gabriel a little too long and now you were on the verge of being unable to control your bladder anymore. You swung your legs out of bed, wincing at the sudden coldness that cascaded over you, erupting your skin in fierce goosebumps that could be seen from a mile away, they were that prominent.
Your feet hit the linoleum floor with a soft thud, sending a chill straight up your legs as they carried you around the bed. You grabbed the first article of clothing you could find on your way across the room, of which most of your clothes had been scattered about last night in yours and Gabriel’s vigorous attempts at speeding things along as it had been a while since you last saw each other.
It didn’t click in your head that you’d picked up Gabriel’s shirt. The dark red button down that the angel favoured so much, which was evident by how often he wore that same outfit as he never had any reason to change. He didn’t sweat, not like humans did. He was able to clean them up with a click of his fingers should they get bloody or dirty, therefore he could wear the same clothes for a lifetime and never once need to change them.
And you were totally not jealous of that at all. (You were.)
But anyway, you didn’t seem to realise that you were wearing it, not until you left the bathroom, feeling much better, and spotted him sitting upright against the headboard, his arms folded over his chest and a rather cheeky grin on his face.
“Look at you…” Gabriel exhaled, trailing his eyes up and down the length of your body, drinking in the sight of you hidden away beneath his shirt. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were purposely trying to turn me on.”
“What are you talking about?” You chuckled, hurrying towards the bed again as even though your top half was covered, your legs were still bare and you always did get incredibly cold feet.
“You’re wearing my shirt.” Gabriel pointed out, watching with amusement as you slowed down on your travels across the room and glanced down at yourself.
He could see that smile itching to rise on your slowly blushing face. The way your hand landed on your stomach telling him it was fluttering beneath the fabric of his shirt and it was only then you both came to realise that even after the years you’d been seeing each other, you’d never once worn an article of his clothing.
“I was cold.” You said shyly, dipping your face to hide it from him.
You didn’t know why it felt so… embarrassing to be caught wearing his shirt given the things you both did together, but perhaps it was because it was seen as a more romantic thing than inherently sexual is what made you a tiny bit nervous as to his reaction.
“There’s no need to be shy, hotstuff.” Gabriel said playfully, cocking his head a little to motion for you to come towards him. “Not when you look far better wearing it than I ever could.”
He held out his hand the closer you got to him, pulling you onto his lap the second your fingers brushed and the moment you landed on him he could feel the goosebumps on your legs as they straddled him. His hands were quick to delve beneath the material, holding you close to him and allowing his own body heat to help warm you as he kissed you.
“Mhm, you like seeing me in your clothes, don’t you?” You teased, your shyness gone instantly as your arms slinked around his neck, fingers threading through his hair. “In nothing but your clothes.”
“You’re damn right I do, baby.” Gabriel whispered, the hotness of his breath puffing out over your lips before he took them in his again, kissing you with enough heat that it was like your entire body went up in flames. “It’s almost better than seeing you without any clothes at all.”
He kissed you once again, his hand trailing its way up your back, his fingers ghosting over the bumps of your spine in a way that had you shiver beneath his touch. Your own hand slipped from his hair, dropping between your bodies as you slowly began to pop open each button, something Gabriel was well aware of given how his lips rose beneath yours as he couldn’t help but smile.
It’s safe to say that what happened after that final button popped open, the way your bodies pressed tightly together; each brush of his lips and graze of his hands over every inch of your skin, was enough to make you forget all about the cold. And enough to make you want to wear his clothes forever as after that, you were pretty sure you’d never feel anything but hot ever again.
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Pairing: Gabriel x Reader Word count: 1,881 Warnings: Character death, angst Request: @lovetusk gabe dies before reader can tell him she’s pregnant. uncles sam, dean, and cass visit often to tell the child stories of dad (gabe) and teach lore of creatures.
Read on AO3
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“No.” You shook your head. “You’re wrong.” Despite what you were saying, you felt that lump in your throat, the tears fighting their way out to betray your words. “He can’t be dead! He just can’t!” Looking into Sam’s face, the damn broke. You couldn’t hold back the pain. Sam had broke the news to you a few minutes ago that Gabriel had been killed.
He took you in his arms, your fists grabbing his shirt, that was now soaked with your tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, his hand cradling the back of your head gently. His eyes went up to Dean, who simply watched. His heart breaking for you. You’d been with Gabe since before they ever met him. You and him were perfect for each other.
You shook your head again. “No. H-he can’t!” Your voice was muffled in Sam’s chest. “How do we know it’s not one of his tricks? That he won’t show up in a few days?” You looked up to your friend with puffy red eyes.
Dean decided to come over, seeing the look on Sam’s face. “I’m sorry, he’s gone.” He said gently. Your eyes moved to gaze at him. His normally bright green eyes were dim with sorrow. “Lucifer stabbed him with an angel blade.” He swallowed. It was hard for him to say those words to you. Gabe had left you behind to help them, not wanting you in the room with all those Gods. And it cost him his life. The Winchesters had become like your brothers since you’d met them. They thought of you as their baby sister.
Your chest felt like it was caving in on itself, like it was being crushed. Sitting down, your put your head in your hands. Sam sat next to you, pulling you into his side. “He can’t be gone. He has to be here for the baby.” Your voice was quiet, so they weren’t even sure that they heard you right.
“Did you say baby?” Dean asked, wanting to clarify.
Looking up, you nodded. “Yeah. I found out this morning that I’m pregnant. I never got the chance to tell him.” That brought another round of sobbing on. Sam and Dean locked eyes, their hearts breaking even more.
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You shot up in bed, breathing heavy. Despite that night being nine years ago, it still felt like it was just yesterday. Every day you were reminded when you looked in your son’s eyes. His father’s honey-colored eyes. While you were pregnant, you’d stayed at the bunker. It was the safest place for you. After your son, Gabriel, was born, the guys helped you find an apartment not too far from them. This way they could check in with you, and you were able to get to safety if needed. No one knew who would come after you when news spread of him being born.
Wiping your cheeks, you slid out of bed. You’d moved into a house a year ago, one with four bedrooms. This way, the guys had one when they came to visit. Which was whenever they could. Cas was the most frequent visitor, as he didn’t  have to be near by. They would tell Gabriel, who they called by his middle name, Elliot, all about his father. They were his favorite bedtime stories, especially when Cas would tell him about his father in heaven. All those fantastic stories would light up those beautiful eyes, which was so bittersweet. Every night you prayed for him to return to you. It was all you ever prayed for. Dean had told you about God. About how he’s basically a ‘dead beat dad’, but you couldn’t stop. You’d pray until the day you died for the love of your life to come back.
As you sat at the island in the kitchen with your coffee, you glanced at the clock. It was five in the morning, so there was no use going back to bed. Gabriel had school that morning, so you would have to wake him up in an hour or so. Hearing footsteps down the stairs, you hurriedly wiped your eyes. “Can’t sleep?” You heard the gruff voice of Dean join you.
“No.” You whispered. “There’s fresh coffee made. Your have your creamer in the fridge.” Whenever they came, you made sure to have things they like stocked up. Hell, you had a chest freezer in the garage half full of frozen pies.
As he poured himself, he glanced at you, seeing the redness in your cheeks. “You dream about that night again?” He asked softly. You’d told him all about it one night while crying into his shirt. Ever since, he just knew. You nodded, holding on to the coffee mug with both hands and looking into it it. A tear slipped down your cheek. “I know it’s hard, looking into Elliot’s eyes every day and seeing Gabriel.” He sighed. “But, you’ve got to move on. You deserve it.” Dean wasn’t saying it to be mean, and you knew it. He wanted you happy.
You gave a half-hearted chuckle. “How the hell can anyone measure up to an archangel? And how do you tell someone that your son’s father is the Gabriel? An archangel. Meaning your son is half angel. A Nephilim. That’s not exactly a topic that most sane people have.” Glancing at him, he nodded. “And I can’t be with a hunter, Dean.” That was out of the question. He joined you at the table, both of you sitting in silence. It was oddly comforting. Just to know that you understood each other. “I’m gonna go take a shower. If he gets up, can you just make him a bowl of cereal?” You asked, putting your empty cup off to the side to have more later.
“Sure thing.” He gave you a small smile.
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The rest of the morning seemed to drag on and on. You showered, got Gabriel ready for school, and Dean brought him to school for you. Once he got back, he hung out in the garage, tuning up your car. His Impala sat in the drive way. Sam was on his way back from a ghost hunt that had come up a day after they showed up. They played rock, paper, scissors to see who went. You had rolled your eyes and said that it was like having three kids in the house.
You were wiping down the furniture in the living room when the doorbell rang. The only people that ever stopped by unannounced were the boys, and Sam was still six hours away. Setting down the rag and furniture polish, you blew the strand of hair from your face. You wiped your hands on your pants and moved to the door.
Opening it, you froze. “Hey, sugar. Miss me?” He smirked. You didn’t move, were barely breathing. “Y/N?” He asked.
“Hey, Y/N? When’s the last time you had your oil changed?” Dean asked from the kitchen. When you didn’t answer, he came to where you were, all covered in grease and oil. “Gabriel?” He stared, wide eyed. “You really did fake it, didn’t you?” He asked, angry. “It’s been nine years.” Dean snapped, stepping forward. All he could think about were the sleepless nights, the tears, and watching your heart break every day.
Turning, you put your hands on his chest and looked up at him. “Dean.” You warned. “I will deal with this.” He knew that tone. Glancing back to Gabriel, Dean saw how pissed he looked.
He nodded. “Fine. I’m gonna go back to the garage. Call me if you need me.” Dean kissed the top of your head before walking out.
You swallowed, turning to Gabriel. “You’re with Dean?” He asked, his voice dangerously low.
“Get in here, you ass.” You ordered him, not wanting your neighbors to see this. Once he was in and the door was closed, you punched him as hard as you could. “NINE YEARS!” You yelled. “You’ve been gone nine years, Gabriel.” He stared at you, surprised at how much power you had in your smaller frame. “You have no right to walk back in my life after nine years and question who I allow in my home!” You shoved him. Not hard enough to make him move, but you had so much anger at the moment. “And no, Gabriel. I’m not with Dean!” How the hell did you even begin to tell him how angry you were?
He was angry, too. “You think I stayed away on purpose? I DIED, Y/N.” He yelled back, that fire in his eyes. The one that you’d longed to see. “I don’t know how or why I’m back. I’ve been back two years. You know how hard it is to find someone with when you come back as a human?” That shocked you. He came back…human? “I followed every lead I could.” His was losing that anger, and it was turning to sorrow. “You disappeared without a word from the hunting world. There were only whispers of you. All anyone could tell me was to find Sam and Dean. Every time I caught wind of a hunt they were on, they were in the wind again.”
“So, how did you find me? And why didn’t you ask Cas?” You asked, your eyes watering.
He sighed. “I couldn’t find him, either. I don’t know why.” Gabriel told you, rubbing your cheek.
Your eyes locked with his again. “And…you’re human?” You whispered. He nodded. “I prayed, Gabriel. Every night. For you to come back.”
“And I’m back, and I get to spend the rest of my very human, very normal, very mortal life…with you.” He smiled, kissing you gently. You returned it, tears falling.
You pulled away and hugged him for a minute. “We have a lot to catch up on.” You told him.
Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the wall to your right. There were pictures of you, Gabriel, the boys, and Cas. From pictures of Christmas, his birthdays, his first trip to the fair, and candid shots. Your eyes followed his. Would he ask if he was Dean’s, too? You chewed your lip.
“His name…is Gabriel.” You said quietly. “Gabriel Elliot. He’s at school right now.” He looked at you questioningly. “I found out I was pregnant the day that you died.”
He moved to look at the pictures better. “I have a son?” His voice was sad. “Does he know who I am?”
You smiled. “He does. Cas tells him stories about your time in heaven. His eyes light up. Dean and Sam, well, they tell the fun trickster stories. Of course they edit them to make them child friendly. But, he knows exactly who you are. You’re his favorite bedtime story. By the time he could talk he’d ask for ‘Daddy bedtime stories’.” You hugged him from behind. “He’s going to be happy to see you, Gabriel.” You said, resting your forehead on his back as his fingers laced with yours.
“I think my father brought me back for you.” He whispered. “That’s the only thing I can think of.” Why God has answered your prayers, you didn’t know. Nor did you care. Gabriel was back.
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aesthetic-babyyy · 7 months
Because I love you!~ Dean Winchester imagine
Warnings// Angst, Fluff and a little bit of smut, Sam’s a lil bit of an idiot
Word count// 1706
(Gif from Pinterest)
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Dean was cleaning the dried blood around the edges of the three stitched up claw marks on Y/Ns side when she slowly opened her eyes “Dean?” She asked, still groggy from waking up. Dean looked up acknowledging that he heard her but still not saying anything “how are you feeling Y/N” Sam asked sitting on the other bed watching for any sign of his friend to wake up so he knew she was okay, Y/N turned her head slightly to look at the younger Winchester seeing the blood that covered his arms and grey shirt, “I-I’m okay…is that mine?” She asked her voice wavering at the end “yeah you lost a lot of blood, we were really scared there for a bit” Sam said and Dean scoffed making both of us turn to him
“Dean don’t!” Sam knew a blow out was coming but he also knew Y/N was in no condition to fight, not tonight, “don’t what Sam, she was an idiot for doing that!” Dean said grabbing the blood covered towels and throwing them in the trash, “excuse me? I’m an idiot for saving your life?” Y/N said trying to sit up, Sam and as quick to help her placing her against the pillows to keep her stitches from tearing Dean turned to her an enraged look in his face “yes you are Y/N, don’t ever try to save my life again! I don’t want you hunting with us anymore, you can leave once your side is healed” Dean said making Y/N tear up at his statement, she tried to control her tears not wanting to give Dean the satisfaction of making her this upset, dean turned away from her storming towards the fridge, opening it only to see there was no beer left.
“I’m going to get food and beer” he said grabbing his jacket heading for the door, Sam was quick to storm after him yelling for his brother to stop, Y/N stared at Dean in shock and sadness, once Sam had shut the door she finally let her self go, sobbing into her hands, if dean wanted her gone, fine she’d leave before he got back. After taking a few minutes to calm down and ignore the yelling outside she moved to get off the bed gasping in pain holding the her side that was wrapped in a bandage, she was slipping her shoes on with great difficulty when the older Winchester was coming back into the room muttering about how much of an ass Sam is, Y/N hadn’t beard him yet, too focused on getting her freaking shoe to co operate “the hell do you think your doing?!” Dean yelled before moving to help her sit back up on the bed and gently taking her shoe from her
She wouldn’t let go of her shoe, snatching it back off him she kept her gaze off him because she knew if she did she’d break into tears again “I’m leaving just like you want me to do!” She said trying to stand to her shoe clad feet, however deans hands on her shoulders keeping her down was preventing her from doing so “let me go!” She demanded trying to push deans hands off her “Y/N just listen to me” he said not taking his hands off her “no dean, I heard you loud and clear! I’m leaving tonight!” She said finally getting his hands off her shoulders, she was finally able to stand, she slowly made her way towards her bag on the small dirty couch of the motel.
Dean was walking in front of her he gently took her wrist in his grasp “Y/N I didn’t mean what I said, I want you to stay with us. Look I was pissed you got hurt and I-” she cut him off “no dean, you don’t get to be pissed, I’m not sorry for pushing you out of the way” taking a shaky breath she continued “if I could go back in time, I’d do it all over again Dean because I love you!” She exclaimed, Deans eyes were wide in shock, his jaw slack, without saying anything more Y/N pulled her arm away from him and turned away heading for the motel room door.
“wait! Y/N please just stop!” She heard Dean yell as he chased after her, sighing she turned around ready for the ‘I’m sorry I just don’t like you like that’ speech. Dean was rushing towards her before coming to a stop centimetres from her he gently placed his left hand on her waist careful to avoid the injury, and his right hand on her cheek he pulled her into a gentle yet firm kiss, gasping into the kiss she didn’t respond for a second before letting the bag on her should fall to the ground she took the lapels of deans jacket clutching the fabric tightly in her hands, kissing him back with everything she had, it wasn’t long before she felt deans tongue swiping at her bottom lip, begging for entrance to which Y/N granted, patting her lips slightly to let their tongues meet in a heated kiss
Dean moved his hand from her face to the back of her head holding her closer, his fingers running through her hair, the two parted for air but quickly reunited, this kiss more heated than the last as dean moved her to the wall on the building he tapped the back of her thigh signalling for her to jump which she did, careful not to heart her side, Y/N wrapped her legs around Dean’s hips pulling him closer so he was hitting her center making her moan his name, Dean smirked pulling away from her lips he moved his kisses down her neck, nipping and sucking his way down to her chest, Y/N was a moaning mess running her fingers through his short spiky hair “maybe we should take this inside?” Y/N asked through moans, not answering dean grabs her ass, holding her up as he moved them towards the motel room which door was still wide open.
Dean gently laid her on the bed, much like he had earlier, Y/N was kicking off her shoes as Dean was pulling away from her now red neck, rushing to get his jacket and flannel off, he didn’t have much time before Y/N was pulling the collar of his shirt Dow to her level she was kissing his swollen lips, wrapping the leg on her uninjured side around his hips once again digging her heel into his lower back so the hardness concealed in his jeans was pressing against her, Y/N moved her hands up his shirt to pull it off, Dean got the hint and was pulling away from the kiss to pull his shirt over his he through it behind him ready to dip back to the sensual kiss
“hey! What the- Oh my god” Sam exclaimed rushing to turn his back to the lovers, Dean sighed against her neck as his head and shoulders dropped disappointed in how they were interrupted “mind reading the room Sammy and leaving” Dean said not making any signs of moving away “while I would love to leave this room, which believe me I would, but Bobby called we gotta get going he said there’s a vampire nest in Ohio causing a lot of trouble and we’re the closest hunters in the area” Dean rolled his eyes sitting up “well then get out and give us 5 minutes” Sam was already running to the door at this point and Dean had turned to face Y/N “sweetheart, I really am sorry for what I said earlier… and incase you didn’t get what I was saying there, I love you too and I’d really like to take you out for a drink” Y/N smiled grabbing deans warm hand and joking it in hers “you asking me on a date Winchester?” Dean smirked at her “yeah I definitely am” she tugged his hand pulling him back down to her giving a gentle kiss before pulling away “I’d love to go on a date with you Dean”, Dean opened his mouth to respond but the horn of the impala stopped him “ya know I’m gonna kill that idiot” Dean said standing to pull his shirts and jacket back on before helping Y/N with her shoes, he wrapped his arm around her waist helping her up from the bed, they grabbed their bags and head to the impala where Sam was waiting for the two lovers very impatiently.
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oops-i-write · 3 months
"It was a heat of the moment..."
With first notes of the song Gabriel who chilled on the backseat of the Impala immediately went tense, eyes wide. Sam hurried to change the radio station, fighting unwanted flashbacks but there was a distinct flap of wings and Gabriel was gone.
It's not like they never acknowledged their past. They did, actually, and Gabriel apologized for what he has done, not once. But they never had a direct confrontation like this, like a slap in the face.
Dean surprisingly did not comment, was going to say something but changed his mind under Sam's heavy stare.
When they were back in the bunker Sam half expected Gabriel to not show up for at least a few days, but when he entered his bedroom - their shared bedroom - he saw a dark silhouette of the hunched over archangel on the bed. Sam didn't even say anything, didn't have time before Gabriel turned around abruptly. The archangel's eyes were red and puffy. Sam's heart shattered. He almost could read the archangel's thoughts, they were written on his face. Sam knew this look, has seen it a few times, and he knew. Despite being together for a few years already, despite all the words of love shared between them, Gabriel still thought he didn't deserve it. Not after all the wrongs he has done.
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wwwbestgoredotcom · 1 year
I saw your toon Gabriel post and I loved it!
If it isn't bothersome could I please get more of him, with an s/o who doesn't want kids?? In the post you mentioned it. Would that be a deal breaker for him? Also, maybe perhaps some nsfw hcs and stuff for him??
Toonbriel with a s/o who doesn't want kids
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Warning : nsfw, abortion talk, babys
Genre : romance ig
Characters included : toon\angel Gabriel, gn! Or f! Reader
Writing style : headcanons
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❥ he really wants kids, like really
❥ but it really depends on why you don't want kids
❥ a) if it's because you're scared of childbirth, he'll say he wants to adopt or get a midwife
❥ b) if it's because you don't want the stress of kids/you're not mentally ok enough to take care of them, he'll try to help you so maybe you'll change you're mind
❥ either way if you still don't want kids, he won't push you more
❥ it's not a deal breaker for him but he gets set back a bit
❥ if you accidentally get pregnant and don't want it, he'll support every decision you make
❥ if you want an abortion, he'd be right by your side the whole time
❥ if you decide to keep it even if you didn't want kids before, he makes sure like 1000s of times that you're ok with it
❥ as much as he wants it, he wants to make sure you're ok with it too
❥ he'd want like a "replacement" instead of a kid tho
❥ like a puppy or kitty or another animal
❥ either way it's not a deal breaker to him
❥!!nsfw stuff below!!❥
❥ like I stated before (I think I stated it before) he likes dirty talk
❥ he'd dirty talk during see, saying stuff like "m gonna pump you 'til you're full of my cum" and "you're going to look so pretty when I get you pregnant baby"
❥ after that, if you tell him not to impregnate you, he'll listen and just cum on your stomach or back
❥ or if you tell him to (bc heat of the moment) he'd start thrusting faster
❥ occasionally calls you "mamas" or "mommy" during sëx
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Ok so I'm adding another character to my list bc why not
I'll do a seperate post with more nsfw stuff for toon Gabriel
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mercyluvsyouuu · 8 months
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Welcome to the blood pit!
Hello friends, this is my blog! My name is Mercy, and I usually just post about games or whatever else that I like :) info about me under the cut! 🫀❤️
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🩸 I'm super into video games! They're my special interest (=^ェ^=)
🫀if you couldn't tell, I'm super into ultrakill at the moment.. but I do like other games like Cruelty Squad, Fear & Hunger, DUSK, FAITH, Blasphemous, Fatum Betula, OneShot, Inscryption, Buddy Simulator 1984, picayune dreams, project arrhythmia, and all sorts of other things! Feel free to chat with me about games ^_^
🩸some other media I really like are things like Berserk, I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream, SCP, Junji Ito stuff, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Electric Dreams, Interstellar, and things similar! It would take too long to name everything that I like..
🫀proudly objectum! For those who don't know what that is, that's the romantic or sexual attraction to inanimate objects, usually machinery, computers, and other tech, but it can be anything :) im in love with my gaming pc, Eclipse! I probably won't post photos of her very much, but I do occasionally talk about her on my objectum blog. Feel free to take a look!
🩸Also, I should mention, I will not be posting nsfw of any kind here, aside from jokes here and there! I'm not exactly comfortable posting publicly about such things, and I value my safety, so I would appreciate it if everyone kept it sfw here!
🫀I have an objectum side blog here! Feel free to follow me there :3
🩸I'm comfortable with all ages interacting, but pls keep in mind that I am 15, and if you are uncomfortable with interacting with minors on here for whatever reason, that's totally fine! Of course, I would appreciate it if no nsfw blogs followed me for this reason :) but if you're fine with interacting, so am I! Just don't be weird, obviously
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🩸also, feel free to use any prns :) she, he, they, it, I don't mind! Whatever's good (^o^)/ I'm agender, but I do like xenogenders sometimes.. don't be a dick ( ´・_ゝ・) also, I use bot/botself and zap/zapself prns :)) neos r awesome !!
🫀On the topic of identity, I'm also robotkin, dollkin, and angelkin!! I've always felt this way, but I didn't know it had a name until recently! I suggest doing your own research, but please don't cause any arguments about it! Think what you want, but there's no need to spread negativity to people doing harmless things on the internet :)
🩸And that's about it! I'm not uncomfortable with much, but I would appreciate it if you didn't flirt with me, joke or not :) i hope we can get along !!! d=(^o^)=b
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Shutting down . . . (-.-)Zzz・・・・
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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They'd actually get along pretty well. Fleur probably would've met you first at the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. You became friends with her and some of the other students from the Beauxbatons Academy even though some of them seemed like complete snobs and kept bad mouthing Hogwarts
You most likely would've become her friend after the first challenge. She seemed pretty shaken up after facing the Welsh Green Dragon. You though she'd done really well and you went to congratulate her. Very few people congratulated her after her task from Hogwarts and you happened to be one of them. Needless to say, you'd managed to catch her interest
You started hanging out with her more often and she told you a lot about her sister. You already knew she was a quarter Veela since she'd told you. Now, fast forward to the time the Yule Ball took place (I wish I could go to the Yule Ball 😔). Fleur wanted you to go with her but you'd decided to go with another Gryffindor much to her sadness and disappointment but no worries, she was going to get you back no matter what
But her plans had to be put on hold after the second task was announced. Fleur couldn't save her sister Gabrielle after she got taken underwater by the Merfolk. She'd managed to use the Bubble head charm against the Grindylows but she didn't save her sister yet. She felt like the most useless person on the planet till you came along and comforted her. Oh, and how grateful she was for your comfort. She started crying onto your chest while you patted her head gently telling her that her sister would be all right. You even offered to swim in the lake to find her and get her back but as much as Fleur appreciated and admired your courage, she didn't want you to get involved with such dangerous creatures. She was scared of what they might do to you
After Harry got Gabrielle back, you started hustling and bustling around to get them towels and you placed a hand on Gabrielle and asked her if she was all right. It was literally love at first sight for the younger one. She nodded and Fleur could sense that her sister had started having a crush on you. She was amused and kinda annoyed at the same time. Both of them however realized that they needed to work together when they saw you tending to Cedric and Harry. Their jealousy literally sparked up through the roof and they felt the urge and the need to make you theirs. You would become theirs eventually soon after the tournament was done
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ruewrote · 3 months
𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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just a little longer
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noahtally-famous · 22 days
after publishing “hi, im dave”, the urge to write more stuff involving dave and his family (as well as him and noah interactions bc to me they’re family friends) both pre, post, and during tdpi has grabbed ahold of me
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
EVIL DEAD RISE ; crush headcanons
includes ; danny & bridget
warnings ; swearing, that's it lmao
pronouns ; they/them
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probably realized he was falling for you on a late night karaoke drive
you guys had nothing better to do so you drove around town and blasted music in the car to try and get tired on that random Friday night
just seeing you all dancey and happy, like, couldn't stop staring at you with a smile
if you give him any compliments, he kinda stutters up a thank you and tries to hide his face getting a little pink
once you walk away or anything he then overthinks the whole thing and starts mumbling to himself
"what the fuck was that????"
he tries to reach for your hand to hold it but always backs out
you catch onto it
at one point it pisses you off sm that you just grab his hand and drag him along
gets all red and shit
"What's this for??"
"Just hold my hand, pussy"
probably one to remix songs you like and stuff and send them to you
you upload them to a spotify artist account for him so you can listen to them and stuff
plus he can start growing a platform early on, so win win situation
he probably attempts to make you fanart but gives up
his art style is music, not drawing lmao
I hc that he knows how to play piano (much to his father's dismay, he says piano is for girls only,) and plays some piano to you over one of those YouTube videos where you click the numbers for the notes cause it'll skip through the video LMAO
you definitely ask him out first
he tried to once and backed out...
"hey, y/n/n, can I ask you something???"
"uh- nevermind, it's not important"
the way you make him smile.
his family are your biggest shippers
bridge thought it'd be funny to make an edit acc for your little ship and holy shit is she a good editor
she got videostar and everything 😭🙏
I feel like she tries to stray away from her feelings about you
she has more important shit to worry about like equal rights and protesting to help free colonized/enslaved countries
she probably met you at a pride parade (whether you're just an ally or not, you were there lmao)
and you became friends rlly quickly, you complimented her hair, she complimented your outfit
probably realized she was falling for you during a sleepover while you were watching a movie
the way you were making some commentary over Terrifier to not puke out of disgust had her cackling in laughter
she worships you like a God when she gets past her "I don't like them" phase
constantly talks about you to her mom and danny
danny teases the hell out of her 💀💀💀
she probably has the balls to ask you out first bc she never gave you any signs to work off of other than being extra nice to you and always talking to you
her friends constantly take pictures of you guys holding hands and stuff
she's not big on pda so hand holding is mostly it for public and stuff
you guys probably started a YouTube commentary channel to react/talk about movies and stuff lol
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winchesterszvonecek · 7 months
Can’t really think of anything specific with Gabriel but just the idea of cuddly Gabriel makes me cry (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Like clingy and cuddly Gabriel?? Shot me now (lovingly)
Nothing Better - [ Gabriel ]
Summary: After a rough day you find yourself needing nothing more than a cuddle from Gabriel
Word Count: 886 short but hopefully sweet
Warnings: female!reader, sex references
A/N: it wasn’t really clingy gabriel but hopefully it was cuddly enough for you as it kind of went in a different direction than i meant it to
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You should have known he’d be waiting for you the moment you got back to the bunker. Should have known that the second you walked into your room you’d see him there, already under the sheets with that signature grin on his face. The one you’d normally love to see.
But tonight you just weren’t feeling it. You’d had a bad case. The worst case in a long time and you really weren’t feeling up to spending half the night with an archangel between your legs, no matter how fun and pleasurable it was.
Tiredly, you stepped into your bedroom that, low and behold, Gabriel was already occupying. You closed the door, glancing towards him just in time to catch that playful smile on his face, the sheets barely covering him as he waited for you to greet him like you normally did. Which was to throw yourself on him as you never were one to waste time. Not when it came to this anyway.
Only, tonight you didn’t. Tonight you didn’t even acknowledge him with anything more than a half assed smile that you had to force out as you peeled off your blood stained jacket, dumping it straight onto the floor instead of your laundry hamper.
“Baby?” Gabriel sat up a little, brow furrowing over your distant behaviour as this wasn’t like you at all. You hated mess so for you to leave your clothes lying messily about? Well that was the first sign that you weren’t exactly feeling like your usual self.
“Not now, Gabriel.” You sighed breathily, pulling off your t-shirt which quickly joined your jacket in a heap on the floor. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Everything okay?” He asked, growing worried when he got nothing but silence in response as you continued to undress.
The further you moved into the light the more he could see it. That faint redness to your otherwise glistening eyes and the deep, dark circles beneath them that were the starting point for the stains that ran down your cheeks.
Even as you rummaged through your drawer he could still see the way your lip never fully settled, trembling lightly with every quiet breath that parted them and it was clear that you’d more than likely only just finished crying.
“Come here.” He said softly, patting the bed next to him which had another quiet sigh escape your mouth as you misread his intentions.
“I said I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled, clumsily throwing your night shirt over your head and ending up with your arm in the wrong hole, which might have pushed you to the brink had Gabriel not shuffled towards you to help you into it properly.
The second the material sat right on your shoulders his hands moved up, brushing your hair from your face before gently cupping it. His thumbs ghosted lightly across the blackened marks beneath your eyes, watching as they began to shimmer faintly in the dim light of the room.
“Rough day?” Gabriel said quietly, barely a nod of your head answering him as you couldn’t quite find the words to. He moved back across the bed, pulling the cover down and motioning for you to join him.
You were quick to do so, feeling that warmth seep into your body as you nestled yourself next to him, his arm draping around you the instant you settled. His chin landed atop your head, his other arm wrapping tightly around you as you buried your face against his chest, allowing the comfort he brought to fully engulf you.
It was a little strange for you to be like this as Gabriel never was one for cuddles, at least not like this as he happened to like the after sex cuddles you both shared, but that was mainly due to his likeness to see your reaction afterwards.
You weren’t exactly “exclusive” either, given what he was and nothing ever seemed normal with him. But in this moment, as you did nothing but lay in his arms where you could feel the rise and fall of his chest, it felt more normal to you than anything ever had. Only at the same time, you couldn’t help but worry that you were bothering him by being so down.
“You don’t have to stay with me, you know.” You whispered, your voice barely audible for even yourself to hear but luckily for you Gabriel had celestial hearing which meant he heard you perfectly. “If you have better things to do.”
“There isn’t anything better than this, sweetheart.” He said sincerely, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head before his cheek came to rest atop it.
You nuzzled your own over his chest, where you could make out the gentle rhythm of his heart beneath your ear. Every quiet beat only brought you more and more comfort. Made you forget the day as the tension slowly faded from your body with every minute you lay there, neither of you saying a word as you simply enjoyed each other's company.
You didn’t know when you’d have this again. This moment. This peace. And so for as long as you were able, you’d be making sure to cherish each moment, as Gabriel was right… There truly was nothing better than this.
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You Deserve the Best
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Pairing: Gabriel x Reader Word count: 2,227 Warnings: Unprotected sex Request: Anonymous. could I please have a Gabriel fanfic. I have been really down lately and I would love a fic where the reader is treated like a princess/goddess/royalty by him after she has a really bad day. Like she goes to bed upset and crying but wakes up in a place she always wanted to visit in a 5 star hotel. Lots of fluff and some gentle lovemaking
Read on AO3
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“You could have gotten yourself killed!” Dean screamed at you as he paced the motel room. You were leaning on the headboard of your bed, while Sam patched you up. “How could you be so reckless?” His eyes were blazing with fury.
Wiping your eyes, you stared at your legs. “It’s okay for you to jump in the line of fire to protect someone, but not me?” You asked quietly, not wanting to keep up the yelling. You heard Sam sigh, but he kept out of it. He knew that the two of you were beyond stubborn, and there was no use speaking up. “Time and time again, you’ve taken the blow for Sam and me. Yet, I try to protect you, and suddenly I’m reckless?”
Dean stared at you, hands on his hips. “Yes.” He snapped. “I can handle my own, Y/N. I don’t need to worry about you dying on a case. News flash- we tend to come back from the dead. You? Not so much. So, I would appreciate it if you’d stop being so damn stupid and think.” He turned and stormed out, slamming the door. You jumped slightly.
Sam finished patching you up and sat back. “He’s just angry. It’ll pass. I think he was more scared than anything.” He told you gently. “He’ll come around. Get some rest. You need it, you worked hard out there.” He patted your leg gently and you nodded. “See you in the morning. We’ll get ice cream on the way out of town at that place you pointed out.” He smiled at you.
You smiled back, grateful that at least Sam didn’t look down on you. “Thanks, Sam. Sleep well.” You told him before he walked out, shutting the door much quieter than his brother had.
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After he left, you curled up on your uninjured side and cried. Your body shook with sobs, and your eyes burned after awhile. Finally, you cried yourself to sleep, your pillow wet with your tears.
Gabriel could tell that something was wrong with you, and was hurt that you didn’t pray for him. He’d never told you how much he loved you but tried his best to show it. He popped himself into your motel room and he felt his heart break. The look on your face told him that you had been crying, and that it wasn’t over anything silly. This was a full on meltdown.
He moved to your side and suddenly the two of you were in a five star hotel in England. For the most part, you figured that he never listened to you. Oh, but he had. He was riveted by how passionate you got about travel, never letting your hunting life squish those thoughts. Now was his chance to show you that he was listening, and that those dreams weren’t out of your reach. Seeing as he didn’t need to sleep, he paid a visit to the wonder twins.
“Wake up!” He yelled at them, making them jump. Dean scrambled for his gun until he realized that it was just Gabriel.
Dean rubbed his eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He snapped, laying on his side, propped up on his elbow.
“You two are really something.” He started. “I just popped into Y/N’s room, because I knew that something was off. Do you have any idea what I found?”
“Her….sleeping?” Dean asked, wanting to get back to dreamland himself.
Gabriel shook his head. “No. I found her cried out. Her pillow was soaked. And, I just know it had to be your two.” His was pissed.
Sam sat up and yawned. “She was fine when I left.  A bit upset with Dean after he stormed out, but I promised her ice cream tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah, because that makes up for whatever you did.” He snapped.
Dean swung his legs out of bed. “I’m going to see what the hell is going on.”
Gabriel stopped him. “Don’t bother. She is currently resting in a five star hotel in England. I’ll bring her back to the bunker when she wants to go back.” With that, he snapped his fingers and was gone, leaving the brothers to look at each other, confused.
When you woke up, you sat up, blinking. You had no idea where the hell you were, or how you got there. Your side no longer hurt, and all your injuries were gone. Lifting up the side of your shirt, there was no sign that you had ever been injured. “What the hell?” You muttered to yourself.
“Not hell, sweet cheeks. England.” Gabriel smiled at you.
“England?!?!” You gasped, shoving the blankets back and rushing to the two glass doors. Opening them, you stepped out, looking around. You could see the double decker busses, Big Ben, and you smiled. Turning to him, your eyes lit up. “How in the world did you know this was the first place I wanted to visit?” You moved back into the suite, gently closing the doors behind you.
Gabriel chuckled. “I listen.” He gave you that heart stopping smile. “England, Italy, Tokyo, and then a few odd places, but those were the top ones.” You stared at him, in complete shock. “What?”
You rushed over, hugging him. “I don’t know why you did this, but thank you.” You told him as his arms wrapped around you.
“You don’t see it, do you?” He asked quietly.
Pulling away you shook your head, giving him a confused look. “See what?”
He gave you a sad smile. “All the ways I say I love you.” Okay. You had to be dreaming. There was no way that this beautiful angel just told you he loves you. “Showing up when I know you’ve had a bad day with your favorite movie, some candy, and fluffy blankets? Popping in on a tough hunt, just as you’re about to get hurt, and getting you out of the way? Leaving little gifts in your room for when you get back to the bunker? You think I do that for all the pretty hunters?” He smirked, making you roll your eyes. “Nope. Just for you.” His thumbs moved gently on your back, as neither of you wanted to break the hug. “So, until you decide you want to go back to those to idiots, you will stay here, with me. And you shall be showered with all the love, gifts, praise, and goodies you could imagine.” You chuckled. “Basically, I’m going to treat you like royalty.”
“Well, what do you get out of this? Huh?” You teased him.
“I get to see–” You cut him off, pulling him into a loving kiss. His arms tightened around you slightly as one of your hands ran through the back of his hair. When the two of you broke the kiss moments later, he had that goofy grin on his face. “Well, I guess I get that.” He laughed. “Now. You are going to start your day with a luxurious bubble bath. Complementary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries will be provided.”
You moved your hands to rub his chest lightly. “Will I also have an angel accompany in this bath?” You asked, looking up at him through your lashes.
He pecked your nose. “As much as I would love to, this is about you. You need to get some time in to relax. Besides, I need to hunt down some clothes for later. We’re having a night on the town, my beautiful huntress.”
Shaking your head, you moved out of his arms. “I think I’d prefer to stay in, to be honest.” You shrugged. “Watch movies and hang out. I just don’t feel like dealing with people right now. They’re kinda shitty in my mind right now.” He chuckled at that. “Except Sam. He’s not.” Gabriel rolled his eyes, earning a playful slap on the arm.
“Go get that bath.” He told you, motioning to where the bathroom was.
Walking in, you gasped. Never in your life had you seen such a gorgeous bathroom. There were gold accents on almost everything, and the white was actually sparkling. It certainly was a major change from the dingy motel bathrooms you were used to. Gently shutting the door behind you, you stripped out of your clothes, which you just realized weren’t even your own. They were a pajama set you didn’t recognize. After adding some bubbles, you turned on the water and stepped in. It was rare that you got to actually take the time to relax like this. The tub was a couple inches from the top when you turned off the water, letting your head fall back.
You had lost all track of time before you heard a knock on the door. Looking over, you smiled when you saw Gabriel walk in with a tray. There was a bottle of champagne, a wine glass, and a bowl with chocolate covered strawberries. “Why, thank you.” You shifted to sit up a bit, the bubbles blocking everything from view.
That didn’t mean that Gabriel didn’t find it extremely erotic. “You deserve this all the time. Seeing you in here is like it’s where you’re meant to be.” He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, making you blush.
“That’s sweet, but I belong out there.” You motioned behind him to the door. “Saving people.” He nodded, knowing that was what you felt you needed to do.
“Join me whenever you’re ready.”
Twenty minutes later you emerged. All you were wearing was the fluffy robe, as you really hand nothing else to put on. You blushed as Gabriel looked up at you. “That was amazing.” You smiled. “However, you failed to leave me any clothes…” You pointed out bashfully.
Gabriel was lounging in one of the chairs when you came out. He got up and walked over to you. “I meant to do that, beautiful.” He told you. His thumb brushed your cheek gently. “What better way to relax than not confining yourself?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “There are other things we can do as well.” You suggested, moving so that your chest was touching his. The movement caused your robe to shift, giving him a slight view.
He wiggled his eyebrows at you. Grabbing the back of his neck, you pulled him into another kiss. Without pulling away, he moved you so your legs hit the bed. He kissed down your jaw as his fingers untied your robe. His fingers felt like whispers almost, as he slid his hands to your shoulders, letting the robe fall to the ground. You could feel his grace on your nipples, making you moan slightly. He smiled against your chest as he kissed downwards.
When he reached your core, he lifted one of your legs to his shoulder, his hands holding you up. Gabriel leaned forward, licking you slowly, gently. One of your hands moved to his hair, relishing in how soft it was. Suddenly, you felt his grace enter you, making you gasp at the sensation. He continued licking your clit, smiling when he felt your grip on his hair tighten. “Oh, Gabe!” You moaned, almost there. He pulled away, making you look at him, silently asking if he wasn’t wanting to do this.
Gabriel snapped his fingers, exposing him to you completely. He snapped them once more, and you were laying in bed with him. He was resting between your legs, looking down at you. Your hands rested on his biceps, enjoying the feeling of his muscles moving slightly. Gabriel moved down and kissed you as he slowly entered you. It felt like the two of you would melt together at any moment. It wasn’t about a quick fuck, or just getting off. This was him showing you how loved you were, enjoying the moment together, and simply being.
As he rolled his hips, you moved your arms so that one hand was on his shoulder blade, and the other was on the nape of his neck. You playfully bit his lip, making him groan. He kissed your neck before biting it, making you arch your back, your nails digging into his back slightly. “I’ve always wondered what you sound like.” His voice was husky in your ear. It went straight to your core. “It’s better than anything I could have imagined.” He moaned, rolling his hips harder.
You shifted just slightly, and snapped your eyes shut. “Gabriel…” You moaned, feeling yourself on the edge again. He leaned down, taking a nipple in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Gabe!“ You cried out his name, clenching around him, holding him close.
He wasn’t far behind you, burying his head in your neck, you could feel his breathing quicken. His left hand moved down, grabbing your thigh and pulling it up. He started thrusting, and on the last one, he cried out your name, pulsing inside you.
Gabriel let your leg down, kissing you once more. Smiling, he rolled off of you, holding you to his chest. You traced small circles on his chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. Smiling up at him, you simply watched the way his eyes seemed to be taking in every aspect of you. “Hey, Gabriel?” You whispered.
His eyes locked with yours. “Hm?”
“I love you, too.”
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briecheese-3 · 1 year
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A/N: please don’t judge, wrote this at 3 in the morning, fighting off sleep. not checked, prolly not good, jus show some support if you can! 🩷
warnings: angst, mention of suicide, praise kink, pet names, oral (f receiving), lemme know if i missed anything!
Turning up the music, I drove to Addis house. Of course she had to live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. I didn’t need directions. I frequented her house so much, I’m surprised her mom didn’t ask for rent. She didn’t answer my last text, but I head straight to her room anyways, petting her dog on the way up. I opened her door, the hinges creaking slightly. There she was. As beautiful as ever. She was the prettiest girl I knew, even though she didn’t think so. The prettiest girl, dead. Knees giving out, I felt the floor against my face, not knowing how I got there. Its my fault. I can’t face her mother. Our school. My car. Everything reminds me of her. Its my fault. I’ll never love again.
5 years later:
Peter was nice. An FBI agent, one with the sweetest heart. Of course, I’ve been in love with him from the beginning. His face is the second in my mind when waking up. My apartment was lit brightly with the lights of the never sleeping city. Washington DC, home of the POTUS, white house, government officials. It should make me feel safe. No one has sinc- Its my fault. I rub my eyes, removing the image from my mind. Besides, I had a date tonight. Grabbing my phone, I texted the out of service number. “Getting ready, heres the fit. Hope he likes it, hes such a cutie!!”
Grabbing my keys, I walk out the door to the restaurant. When I get there, he’s standing there with a flower. Such a gentleman. He holds the door for me, pulls my seat out, he even walks me back to my car and opens the door when we’re done.
“Do you wanna, maybe, come back to my place? For a movie, of course, I don’t want to force you and if you don’t want to I absolutely understand, since this is our first date since we’ve been friends and stuff-“ He grabs my hands to cut me off.
“A movie sounds perfect.” There it is. The smile and the comfort and the peace in his warmth. I give him a ride, since he took a bus here. I turn the radio down a little as we talk, the ride only being a few minutes back to my apartment. He’s watching the scenery fly past, while I’m focused on him. “Man, I love this song.” He reaches to turn on the radio, and I recognize the song. The first few strums. Iris by the goo goo dolls.
Turning up the music, I drove to Addis house.
“That song,” I say softly, “it was playing when I drove to her house.”
He doesn’t ask who, he doesn’t have to. We sit in silence the rest of the way, basking in the music.
I drop my keys on the table and shrug off my coat. Sitting on the couch we get comfy. I snuggle to his warmth, his large form covering mine with ease. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and how the fuck am I supposed to focus when he’s right there. His gaze is hard against my face, and I know he isn’t even watching. I turn down the volume and turn to look at him. My tank top exposes the dark ink on my shoulder, and Peter brushes a thumb over it.
“What’s this?” It might be a ploy to get under my shirt, but I couldn’t care less. It’s Peter. I grab my shirt and begin to pull it off, but he stops me.
“Woah, I asked about the tattoo, not whats under your shirt. Although I am interested, you don’t have to.”
His thoughtfulness starts a blush in my stomach.
“It’s alright, Peter.” I say as I pull off my shirt. “Can you get this for me?” I ask, and he unclips my bra for me, sliding it off my arms. He rubs his fingers over the outline of the giant tattoo that resides on my back.
“Addi was an artist. The best I knew. She drew these flowers everywhere. I got the artist to blow one up for me so I have her with me wherever I go.” He sighs, and I’m startled by the proximity of his warm breath on my skin. He kisses the top petal, working his way all around it. I turn towards him and pull his face towards me, finally kissing those blush red lips I’ve had my eyes on since the beginning. Sighing into his touch, he deepens the kiss with one movement. I forget how toned he is sometimes, pulling off his shirt to reveal his muscled torso. He has a few tattoos here and there, and I run my fingers over them. He kisses down my throat, sucking a little to creat small marks. Wrapping my fingers in his hair, he makes his way farther down. I make a movement to pull my bottoms off, but he pushes my hands away and does it himself. He makes eye contact with me the whole time, waiting for a sign to stop. He can’t pull himself away, and, personally, I definitely do not want him to. He stands a little to pull his own pants off, his boxers with them. His body is beautiful, his touch almost painful with the pleasure it brings. Curling his fingers into your folds, he sighs at the wetness. “So pretty. How could anyone pull themselves away from this.” Blushing at his words, I pull his hair a little, his groans a reward. I jump a little when he inserts one finger, and his eyes widen with hesitance.
“No please keep going you feel so good Peter”
“Atta girl”
He grins at my words, and I blush at his, as he’s pumping his fingers in and out, curling them just right. It’s like heaven on earth, and I almost scream when he inserts another finger, going faster with every thrust and curl of his long fingers. He’s hitting just the right spots, and my moans make that known. I scream his name when I feel his the presence of his mouth, against my clit, sucking and biting. My end is nearing faster than ever, and I open my mouth in a silent scream when he inserts yet another finger. Seeing white, my release comes easy. He has a shit faced grin on his face, covered with slick from my pussy. I pull his hair to bring him up to me and kiss him, hard, with no hesitation. He smiles into the kiss and pulls away for air.
“My good girl, so pretty. But I’m not done with you yet.”
You look down at hiss throbbing dick, and gulp at the size.
It’s going to be a long night.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤 ➳♡
summary - after sam falls into the pit, dean leaves you for another, and you end up being attacked by demons, leading you to your future husband.
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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wwwbestgoredotcom · 1 year
Could I pretty please get something just for real Gabe, what he looks like, acts like, and how he is to his s/o :3 please
Sweet angel
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Warnings : fluff ig
Genre : romance
Characters included : toon Gabriel, gn!reader
Writing style : one shot
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How he acts with his s/o
✟ oh he treats you like royalty
✟ like he gets on his knees for you if you just tell him to
✟ let's you play with his wings
✟ calls YOU the angel
✟ surprisingly, he moves really fast I the relationship
✟ gifts you flowers regularly
✟ loves seeing you in white
✟ reads and sings to you
✟ loves physical attention from you, and loves giving it
✟ does ask you to marry him after 2-3 years
✟ after that, he asks you if you want to have kids with him
How he acts in general
✟ probably has asthma
✟ he's very soft spoken but his voice is kinda echoy
✟ doesn't hate the color black but doesn't like it either
✟ he's really good with kids
✟ against cussing (but doesn't mind other people cussing)
✟ huge bookworm
✟ probably into painting too
✟ loves nature sm like he could sit outside for hours unbothered
✟ has EXTREME patience like you could never believe
✟ loves sleeping like he could sleep for 14 hours at a time
✟ super unjudgmental, he doesn't care what anyone does as long as it's not hurting anyone else or themselves
What he looks like
✟ blonde, short curly hair
✟ he has a transparent golden halo around his head
✟ pale skin and green-blue eyes
✟ has a mole on his top lip, more to the left
✟ long slender fingers
✟ probably wears rings and a rosario around his neck
✟ never wears silver jewelry, only gold
✟ never wears anything else BUT white and gold
✟ big eyebrows, but his eyes are kinda small
✟ his eyes looks like he's been crying but he hasn't been
✟ does wear Jesus sandles
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ice-candy-pop · 2 years
Soft Winter [Sus gabriel x reader] Fluff One shots
It was winter and you had no one at home, just you.
It was dark at home exactly this night and you only had candles lit up in your room. Waiting for your angel... ------------------------------------------------------
"Huff..." You shivered when a cold wind hits off your figure even though you didn't turn on the AC, but of course it's winter. You curled up into a ball, pulling a pillow close to you when tears started to well up into your eyes.
"Gabriel... Where are you..? I miss you.." You softly mumble when tears keep going, eyes shut tightly, teeth chattering from cold.
You hid yourself under the blanket therefore the cold wind stopped bothering you, as you kept waiting for him, waiting , waiting till you snapped.
You quickly stand up and go get a hot chocolate with some marshmallow in it, literally ignoring how Gabriel isn't here yet. Let me tell you that you don't like being alone and you always need someone to be by your side, depending if they want to...
As you finish making your hot chocolate and go back to your room, shutting the door behind you quietly without noticing a big shadow hovering your figure. After that you went to look up at him, of course he's back but it took him so long to come back home.
You angrily shoot him off to the side and sit and drink your hot beverage while watching the snowflakes falling off from the icy blue sky.
"I'm sorry dear." He said softly. His dead blue eyes lazily targets you when he suddenly starts approaching you but you harshly glared at him but in seconds, your eyes soften. but then the voices in your head start talking which you didn't mind at all. Don't forget that he can read your mind.
Voice1: You should be grateful that he's back!
Voice2: Grateful?! But it took him so long to come back! We've been waiting for him for about 3 hours!
Voice1: And? Does it even need to be so harsh to him anyway? Have patience please?
Voice2: 🖕
Voice1: 😒 -------------------------------- "Pfft dear I'm sorry for making you wait that long, I promise to make it up for you." Gabriel disturbs and chuckles deeply, looks like you forgot that he can READ your mind but he didn’t mind it, it was his fault. You finished your drink and finally looked at him, a sad look. “I’m sorry gabriel… I didn’t mean to be that mean to you, I just- I just want you to be here with me.” You mumbled quickly in a low voice hoping he did not hear that. Oh poor of you, a small little bunny was left alone and waited for their partner for so long. He comes closer then sits besides you, wrapped his wings on you so you could be warmer than before. He raises up his veiny skinny hands and hugs you from behind and kisses your head. Snuggling his head onto your neck, tilting your head to the right. “Oh dear that’s adorable but you don’t have to apologize and after all It’s my fault. I love you.” He said in an angelic voice [not the whispering voice?] He pulls you closer as you finally turn around and hug him back, breathing heavily in his crook of the neck. Snuggling closer to him like a hungry cat pleading to an owner. He chuckles joyfully and runs his slender fingers on your silk hair… "I love you too..." And then you quickly dazzed off to sleep. He’s so cold but inside him is so warm yet so calming, he’s the one of your light, YOUR ANGEL.
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