katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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The Team used for the Tempest Trial “Engagements”
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cheebuss · 2 years
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^ me returning to the party after crying in the bathroom for 20 minutes😝
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mariocki · 2 years
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Deadly Games (1982)
"It's an incredible feeling, you know? You hold someone's life in your hands, and because you choose... the life passes out of them. Now there's a game again. With winners and losers."
#deadly games#1982#slasher film#american cinema#scott mansfield#jo ann harris#alexandra morgan#sam groom#steve railsback#saul sindell#dick butkus#denise galik#christine l. tudor#robin hoff#jere rae mansfield#colleen camp#june lockhart#william patrick johnson#modest indie sort of slasher that's less about slashing and more about the sickly deterioration of small town suburban america after#the vietnam war. shot in late 79 and early 80 this suffered the fate of many a low budget horror‚ being sold to a distributor that tinkered#with the film and ballsed up the cinema release. eventually director Mansfield got so fed up he bought the film back and set up his own#home video label to release it and other such poorly maligned indie projects. having learnt all this (an excellent interview with jere rae#mansfield on the arrow disc) it explains some of the weaknesses in the film; those non director mandated cuts and edits are#presumably responsible for the somewhat confused plot and characters who appear and disappear without warning (Jere confirms in the#interview that her character is killed‚ but the footage was completely removed). a very good looking film (beautifully shot and lit) but#hampered by those edits which cloud the sharper more compelling aspects of the character building. regardless the cast do well; Railsback#is great when he's doing less (just stalking around looking sinister) but goes a bit too big whenever he has to have a coughing fit or pal#around with Groom. Harris does well to keep her endlessly chattering protagonist likable even when talking all through a monster movie (an#unforgivable crime in the Mariocki handbook of good date etiquette)
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creativewaygrace · 2 months
Bible Verses About Witchcraft
1 Chronicles 10:13- Saul died for his unfaithfulness to the Lord because he did not keep the Lord's word He even consulted a medium for guidance.
1 Samuel 15:23- For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.
1 Samuel 22:23- Stay with me. Don't be afraid, for the one who wants to take my life wants to take your life. You will be safe with me.
2 Chronicles 33:6- He passed his sons through the fire in Ben Hinnom Valley. He practiced witchcraft, divination, and sorcery, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did a huge amount of evil in the Lord's sight, angering him.
Leviticus 19:31- Do not turn to mediums, or consult spiritists, or you will be defiled by them, I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 20:6- Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists and prostitutes' himself with them, I will turn against that person and cut him off from his people.
Leviticus 20:27- A man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritists must be put to death. They are to be stoned; their death is their own fault.
Revelation 18:23- The light of a lamp will never shine in you again and the voice of a groom and bride will never be heard in you again. All this will happen because your merchants were the nobility of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.
Revelation 21:8- But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.
Galatians 5:19-20- Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions.
Galatians 5:19-21- Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing and anything similar. I am warning you about these things, as I warned you before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Micha 5:10-12- In that day, this is the Lord's declaration, I will remove your horses from you and wreck your chariots. I will remove the cities of your land and tear down all your fortresses. I will remove sorceries from your hands, and you will not have any more fortune tellers.
Acts 19:17-20- When this became known to everyone who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, they became afraid, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high esteem. And many who had become believers came confessing and disclosing their practices, while many of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in front of everyone. So they calculated their value and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver, in this way the word of the Lord flourished and prevailed.
Isaiah 8:19-22- When they say to you, "Inquire of the mediums and the spiritists who chirp and mutter, shouldn't a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead, on behalf of the living? Go to God's instruction and testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, there will be no dawn for them. They will wander through the land, dejected and hungry. When they are famished, they will become enraged, and looking upward, will curse their king and their God. They will look toward the earth and see only distress, darkness, and the gloom of affliction, and they will be driven into thick darkness.
Isaiah 19: 1-4- A pronouncement concerning Egypt: Look, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. Egypt's idols will tremble before him, and Egypt will loose heart. I will provoke Egyptians against Egyptians, each will fight against his brother and each against his friend, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. Egypt's spirit will be disturbed within it, and I will frustrate it's plans. Then they will inquire of idols, ghosts, and spiritists. I will hand over Egypt to harsh masters, and a strong king will rule it. This is the declaration of the Lord of Armies.
Acts 8:9-13- A man named Simon had previously practiced sorcery in that city and amazed the Samaritan people, while calming to be somebody great. They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest and they said, "This man is called the Great Power of God". They were attentive to him because he had amazed them with his sorceries for a long time, but when they believed Philip, as he proclaimed
Deuteronomy 18:10-14- No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or spiritists, or inquire of the dead. Everyone who does these acts is detestable to the Lord, and the Lord your God is driving out the nations before you because of these detestable acts. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Though these nations you are about to drive out listen to fortune-tellers and diviners, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do this.
Isaiah 47: 8-14- So now hear this, lover of luxury, who sits securely, who says to herself, I am, and there is no one else. I will never be a widow or know the loss of children. These two things will happen to you suddenly, in one day, loss of children and widowhood. They will happen to you in their entirety, in spite of your many sorceries and potency of your spells. You were secure in your wickedness, you said No one sees me. Your wisdom and knowledge led astray. You said it yourself, I am, and there is no one else. But disaster will happen to you, you will not know how to avert it. And it will fall on you, but you will be unable to ward it off . Devastation will happen to you suddenly and unexpectedly. So take your stand with your spells and your many sorceries, which you have wearied yourself with from your youth. Perhaps you will be able to succeed, perhaps you will inspire terror! You are worn out with your many consultations. So let the astrologers stand and save you, those who observe the stars, those predict monthly what will happen to you. Look, they are like stubble, fire burns them. They cannot rescue themselves from the power of the flame. This is not a coal for warming themselves, or a fire to sit beside!
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kylejsugarman · 8 hours
would have loved jesse to have been there with nacho during the lalo arc of better call saul for the sole purpose of just bluntly pointing out how fucking weird that mf was 😭 lalo leaves the room after doing his thing to try to groom nacho into doing more of his bidding and jesse's like "yo what was up with that dude. did u see his mustache?? he kept blinking at u all weird. do u think hes like. hot for u?? being gay's cool, no hate or nothing, but he was wack. cool shirt though. hey can i borrow 5 bucks"
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Do you think you’d be interested in doing a nsfw A-Z for BCS characters but mainly Jimmy😳🥴
ive had this in my drafts for the longest time but this was such a good idea!!! i rly wanna do more prompt type things so i may try to find some more :3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
jimmy is the sweetest most cuddly loveydovey man you'd ever have the pleasure of banging 🥺🥺🥺 lots of hugs and kisses and telling you what a great job you did and oh my god you're so gorgeous he could do this every night
saul is not as affectionate but he'll give you some praise. maybe a high five and a "woo! nice job, kid!" if he's feeling silly. unless it's during business hours. then it's "get back to work, mr. squidward."
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
partner - chest. man is a boob fiend. partly why trans men are a guilty pleasure for him bc whether they've had top surgery or not he's fixated on their chests
himself - i actually don't know? maybe his hair. he seems to put a lot of effort into it (even when he starts going better call bald 😔) so i think maybe that. also he loves having it tugged on bc he's a slut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
facials. dirty boy loves making a mess of you >:3
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i expanded on this here but basically he's repressing his bisexuality. he would like to have sex with men more often but he can't bring himself to go out and get some dick. again, trans men are a guilty pleasure bc to him they're a compromise. he rationalizes that it's not really gay if he has a pussy (let him have this he's trying)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he is VERY sexually experienced with cis women. not at all with anyone else. but he's a quick learner. regardless of what setup anyone has, he'll figure out what makes them tick
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl!! ride this baby boy he loves it. he likes it bc he loves having someone push him down and take what they want from him (and also he doesn't have to do as much work which is great for his old man joints 😌)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he'll be silly goofy in foreplay, but he gets more serious as things heat up
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
fuzzy wuzzy baby boy 🤗🤗 he may trim a LITTLE if it's getting too wild but never totally shave
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
depends! not at all during his saul era. as jimmy he's more likely to be sweet with you in that way
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
the first time he touched his prostate he screamed and came harder than he ever had before and he's scared to do it again
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
dirty talk!!! he's got a lot to say. he just loves seeing the effect his words have on you and how they can really make the difference between good sex and mindblowing sex
also when he's having sex with other men chances are he's topping, so if they're okay with it he'd be into calling them slurs bc it makes him feel powerful
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
car sex! getting ridden in the driver's seat, his body pressed on top of yours as he fucks you in the backseat, bending you over the hood, he loves it all
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he's a shameless flirt. he'll go in with STRATEGIC rizz to try to get someone in bed with him, but he CANNOT deal with reciprocation. the second someone shows a crumb of interest in him he fumbles. and if you fire back with sass he'll basically beg you to take him right then and there
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he cannot take extreme pain. he's curious about masochism and likes getting slapped/spanked and having his hair pulled but he's not into anything that would bruise. he's sensitive :( also he likes choking his partner but he doesn't like getting choked himself
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
absolutely loves receiving it!! he loves having his balls licked ehehe they're sensitive
loves giving it too BUT if it's not a cis woman's pussy he's in the trenches. the first time he saw a t-dick he was stunned. but, being the man of reason that he is, he figured "well! that looks like a little dick. can i suck it?" and immediately tested his theory and fell in love with t-dicks
when it comes to amab dicks? he's trash. he cannot suck dick to save his life. no lips and too bad of a gag reflex ☹️
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
tends to be on the faster/rougher side. slow and sensual is only if he's in a long term relationship with someone (or if he's subbing and needs his partner to be gentle)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
man CANONICALLY gets blown in his office during the work day. he loves em
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
see above.
also! generally yeah. i think he's in the camp of "don't knock it til you try it" so he'd be down to try almost anything once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
old man. he can maybe nut once or twice before he taps out. but he'll always make sure his partner's taken care of
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
YES i think he'd have a pretty decent arsenal. he's got a couple vibrators for partners and some cock rings/sleeves for himself. for either he's probably got a ballgag and a blindfold and he's definitely the type to own a pair of those cheap fuzzy handcuffs.
also i can't get this idea out of my head of him trying to talk himself out of it but finally cracking, buying a buttplug, and then never trying it out because he's scared 😭
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
if i have to answer this question im logging off y'allready KNOW
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
jimmy's a whiny bitch and he's LOUD!!!!! saul does a better job of keeping it down (he actually tries to stifle himself a bit bc he doesn't wanna show feelings teehee send this man to therapy)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has a piss kink. cope.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
abt 5.5 inches, fat, uncut, big juicy buals
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think pretty high! mentally he's always down but he got old man dick (canonically takes viagra 💀) so he can't go as much as he'd like
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after a particularly intense round he'll conk out almost instantly. but most of the time he's down for cuddling and pillow talk
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Episode 3x7
It's Thursday and Alberta's episode!
LOL - Sam is not good at this.
Thor's issue with the hat!
Thor and the Freak thing!
Sam doing this stalling thing! Awe Alberta has a crush!
He was hit in the head???
WHY wouldn't Alberta just follow the guy up the stairs?? Instead of making Sam looking wacky.
Wow, he can't go more than 5 feet from the guy????
OMG - DINO THEME??? Isaac's really into the dinos now! Someone called that!
Hetty 'this idea is bad I'm side with Nigel'
Trevor's excited about this. Trevor vs Pete in Atlantic City.
"You two are made for each other."
Trevor's just like "OH GOD."
Awww this is cute. I like Alberta getting some fun. Why can't he stay?
The groom's beard on fire????
Sass doesn't know about Lap dances??
OMG Jenkins!!!
Thor appreciates the artistry???
That is creepy! OMG 3 times!
Jay's got a point.
He heard the humming. OMG Sam - NOT EVEN CLOSE.
It's SO bad.
Sass and Car ghost! He's like "REMEMBER THIS" - no Sass.
Jerk my body off?? OMG.
Saul is STAYING!!!
LOL - shower morning or night - loves a surprise!
OMG I just realized Jay's not getting any while Sam would see Saul around. Sorry, Jay.
Saul likes the hat! Alberta being upset that Sam is in HER room!
Jay would've been better off not knowing!
This is TERRIBLE for Sam & Jay. And yet, they are more understanding for Her than Trevor last week.
Oh god, Trevor! I do like following rules.
Thor listens!
OOOOOOH, Nigel definitely wasn't going to tell.
"A real Stripper" - Sam agreeing - REALLY?? "You caught me on a good week".
"I'm a person too, Sam!!!!"
HE's RIGHT!!!!!
Jay's hearing "jerks off".
What is this guy thinking???
Thor and Trevor are really getting into this!
OMG POOR SAM!! Wonder why Jay's not there. That would be interesting!
There's some weird shit going on during this episode.
"Just 'cause they say it, doesn't mean you have to"
Honestly, Alberta's the one that is being selfish here. Letting Saul stay, being inconsiderate of how JAY FEELS.
Or how it's impacting Sam's life.
They should've at Saul following they've hired. Well, I suppose that's like Sass/Jessica.
This commercial is very HMoney.
It's been like 2 days, guys.
Alberta is freaked out about Saul wanting to be with her.
She doesn't like nicknames????
Lap dances are innocent fun! :)
OMG Isaac!!! All because of Dinos!
This is hilarious, i love it.
"That Clinger has got to go!"
My thirst is quenched! OMG.
Aw Jay "Trying to do the things that an interesting person would do."
This is awkward! Saul getting too attached - resulting in these things.
"Jay's taking me to sonic three times this weekend."
That's like .... sooooo he's having a rough episode.
I feel for him.
Finally Alone!
Aww cute Sam/Jay moment.
Candy Shop??? Is it because of the stripper?? GET IT!
Overall, I think I like Isaac's plot better and I think we know why Alberta's not into Pete -> worried he'll be a clinger.
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randomtable · 1 year
1d8 Memorable Bartenders for your Tavern
1. A man named Saul who always dresses up in full jester garb and likes to do fun party tricks while he makes drinks. He’s always juggling things and putting on a show behind the bar. 2. Lolly, a plump older woman who has a kind and grandmotherly demeanor and a consistently heavy pour. 3. Herbert the land shark, a humanoid shark with a heart of gold. He’s not the smartest but he’s a good chum. 4. A lady who introduces herself as “Zork” but wears a name tag that reads “Susan”. Any time someone orders a drink from her, there is a 50% chance she tells them they’re all out—or that they’re all out of at least one ingredient, if it’s a mixed drink. 5. Bernard, a well dressed, older man with thick glasses and a perfectly groomed mustache. He appears incredibly out of place in the tavern but does not ever seem to acknowledge it. Bernard responds to any order with “Very good”, and moves with the curt stiffness of a cartoon butler. 6. A very small and very timid person named Porridge, who moves with incredible speed. When not busy with fetching drinks for patrons they seem to constantly be rearranging the bottles on the shelf—close observers may realize that they are placing them in order of how much liquor is left inside. 7. Salty Sabelle, former pirate who decided to settle down into an honest trade on land after surviving a shipwreck. Hard to say if the tales she tells of her former life are true, but they’re entertaining nonetheless. 8. Flim and Flam, a chatty pair of nearly identical, very androgynous siblings. They move with an improbable level of synchronicity, to the point where one can wordlessly pick up a drink that the other was halfway through mixing and finish making it correctly with no verbal communication between them.
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septemberrie · 1 year
Rivusa Recs: FitzTragedy
I have to thank @fitztragedy for so much beauty and joy that has entered my life since March of 2021 when I peeked into the Rivusa tag on tumblr and found my fandom fam. Your birthday gift this year is a rec list of all my favorite of your works! 
Val and I often have different tastes in genres, but she’s taught me that the stakes don’t have to be literal life and death to be interesting or dramatic or discerning. Val’s stories excel in the quiet moments, the dialogue, the intimacies; it’s chasing after your lover in the pouring rain, it’s waking up next to someone with a stunning realization, it’s your friends having your back while also encouraging you out of your comfort zone (sound familiar? Because of Val I flew halfway around the world to meet up with friends that I met because of Rivusa, because of Val).
Love you, Val! Without further ado, here are my faves:
✨Smoking Hot (collab with @gossipqueen2000) Word Count: 6k Tags: Rivusa, side Skloom, firefighter AU, humor Summary: “AFD! Open the door!” “AFD?” “…Fire department!” “….STRIPPERS!” Rec: I think the summary captures this delightful romp quite well. Mo and Val managed to craft the story of a drunken bachelorette party WITHOUT turning all the fairies into annoying caricatures of themselves. The party’s aftermath features the Specialists as firefighters, Riven and Sky up to single guy shenanigans, led by an increasingly wearied Saul wearied by their antics. This story is an instant pick-me-up.
✨An Innocent Trust Exercise Word Count: 11k Tags: Rivusa, forced proximity, smut Summary: In order to teach the fairies and Specialists to trust and learn from each other, Farah and Saul create a school-wide exercise: fairy & Specialist partners will be literally tied up for a week. Rec: Written in the beginnings of the FTWS fandom, this fic cemented for me how much Val doesn’t let ideas go once they’re in her head. Expect fun banter, steamy smut, and worldbuilding crack treated seriously. Val takes a great premise and totally delivers. Fave exchange: 
“Can’t sleep with your face this close.” 
“Too distracting?”
“I just don’t wanna have nightmares.”
✨The Most Powerful Mind Fairy in Alfea Word Count: 5k (WIP) Tags: Rivusa, pre-breakup Samusa, mind fairy stuff, S2 missing scene Summary: In Season 2, Ep 4, Rosalind calls Musa “the most powerful mind fairy here.” Missing scenes that slot into canon to explain Rosalind’s opinion. Rec: This rec is a bit personal; S2 left me reeling with where a lot of characters ended up and I had a hard time feeling creative about it, but then Val swept in and dropped this fic shortly after the premiere. I love how dark Val took this one, not shying away from Rosalind using torture to weed out the students she wanted to groom. Read for a great way to fill in the gaps S2 left us with.
✨Tolerable Word Count: 9k Tags: Rivusa, kink meme prompt, arranged marriage, dubious consent (sorta) Summary:  In order to recruit the best specialists to fight in their army and protect the Queen, Solaria promises certain qualified candidates an arranged marriage to a powerful fairy that will increase their social status and income. Riven wants to prove to his father that he can make it on his own, regardless of whether the mind fairy he's paired with wants to marry him or not. All he has to do is get her pregnant to seal the deal. Rec: I’m actually a huge sucker for arranged marriage, and apparently I also have a thing for exploring sex: is it a tool for control? for whose control? or for intimacy? What even is intimacy? I love the exploration of what healthy sex is, with a dash of insane kinky worldbuilding.
✨Thin Walls (collab with @theperfectrose) Word Count: 37k Tags: Rivusa, Modern/Non-Magical AU, And They Were Roommates, Smut Summary: Musa is in desperate need of a roommate. Riven is available. Only problem is their apartment walls are very thin. Rec: Look, I have to include Val’s magnum opus. I love that in every universe, in every timeline, not only will Rivusa get together, but Val will be there writing about it--featuring snappy banter, unrequited pining (until it’s requited ofc) and falling first into bed and then in love. Not to mention the steamiest of all smuts when Iva joined the story in the later stages. Brava, ladies!
Honorable Mention
✨Tempting Fate her collab with meeee 🥰 I can’t praise Val enough for elevating this story not only with her storytelling, but also with her graphic design to make the text-based parts of this story so fun and engaging. I’m so proud of this story!
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opinated-user · 5 months
Honestly, Lily talking about how she's so much happier / grown so much / ' moved on', and then telling her victims to k-word themselves while continuing to run at the mouth about them, is something she's been doing for years.
She's never going to actually get better or change. She's all talk, no action.
actually, now that i have been reading again through Cypher's posts from 2 years ago, i can say very confidently that LO has not changed at all. not even a little bit, not even by chance.
claiming to have gone through something traumatic when people start accusing her of something? check.
even if that something traumatic is something that she herself contradicts because she didn't care to think more about it? check.
completely twisting the story of what happened that got her called out in the first place to the point it doesn't even make sense anymore? check.
accusing her stalkers of being a hivemind with multiple sideblogs for no reason at all? check.
try to use her wife as a softener for her abusive behavior? check.
using sucki boy specifically to try to combat allegations? check.
accusing her "stalkers" of grooming with extremely weak reasoning to make herself the victim? check.
being a general nightmare to be around to the point she keeps losing friends and she keeps accusing them of being the real problem after all? check.
blocking and ghosting so called friends for petty or unexplained reasons? check.
threatening people with the whole legal power of Saul Goodman, her lawyer that absolutely exist, but never having anything to show for? check.
using MO as a honeypot to keep people around? check.
i could go on actually, but i think you got the idea. time is nothing but a flat circle and LO is taking us for another spin. this woman truly has never had a single original thought.
i wonder what other ways to keep doing the exact same thing she has done the entire time will LO use. let's see and find out.
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penflicks · 11 months
I love the idea that Andreas used the time away from the world to heal from his trauma in the battalion and war and Rosalind's grooming. He's clearly done some work on himself because he's a very different Andreas with Beatrix than he is with anyone else.
When he returns he realises how lonely he's been and decides he wants to be around people again. He also really wants to get laid. Seeing Saul again reignites the desire he's had for his old best friend/lover and he decides to go for it.
Saul initially makes it clear he's not interested, he's grown and matured too and realised he deserves better than the treatment Andreas was giving him. Only to then witness Andreas and Beatrix's interactions and is hit with the realisation that Andreas actually has changed.
So he starts helping Andreas and Sky have a relationship together. He starts translating Andreas's seemingly insulting prodding comments into inquires to Sky's feelings and state of mind that they actually are. It was something he'd never thought Sky would need to know so he'd never told him that Andreas picks fights to see if you're coping well enough to push back. If you don't push back he knows there's a problem and takes you off rotation or finds a fix. Sky is absolutely Shocked to realised that Andreas in his own weird way has been expressing care for Sky this entire time.
Saul also sits Andreas down and tells him that Sky is used to being respected and pushed hard but never talked down to. He tells Andreas about important points in Sky's childhood that Andreas needs to know. (Such as his dislike for Sam Harvey because Sam kept accidentally falling through walls and floors when playing hide and seek, was unable to get out when Sky found him, and then cover up his stuck-ness by claiming that Sky hadn't actually found him because he was still in the wall and Sky couldn't see him. All of which caused Sky to call him a cheater and hated him ever since.)
Andreas got a bit emotional at the mental image of tiny Sky declaring Sam Harvey his Arch Nemesis over a hide and seek.
The family grow closer when Beatrix decides Saul needs to know that Andreas missed him terribly and was the only member of the battalion he wouldn't talk badly of. He'd even slagged Rosalind off occasionally even though he'd remained loyal to her.
Then she asked if she could ride one of the horses because it wasn't fair that Sky got horses and she had to make do with kidnapping frogs and calling them pets. Oh and her snail farm and it's grand lineages. Saul agrees to teach her because he feels guilty from how this girl's life upended by him not running fast enough to prevent Aster Dell.
Over time guilt gets replaced with actual fondness and the four of them slowly find they're functioning like a divorced family. Saul decides the time is right and tells Andreas that if he still has feelings for Saul they should try again. Andreas agrees.
Their first kiss after 18 years is under moonlight to the soundtrack of their kids arguing over whether Beatrix is dating Sam because she likes him or because she just found out about his arch Nemesis status in Sky's life
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fehtism · 4 months
Hi! Could I ask about Spring & Winter Bruno builds please? :)
I already have them built but I am no expert and feel there could probably be improvement 🤔
hi ! thank you for your ask
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starting off with winter bruno he wants to be a far save armor which is a highly competitive role. i don't recommend taking him into aether raids but he's very usable in arena.
armored floe provides a res based damage increase and the crucial unpiercable damage reduction.
kestrel stance 3 provides the -1 special cd per attack on enemy per hit effect. if you have guard support you can also run atk/spd unity which turns stat debuffs into buffs.
savvy fighter 4 provides the full null follow up effect assuming he wins a speed check (i believe it's if his speed is greater than foes speed -10) and also provides damage reduction. he does not want to run any other fighter skill because the effects of something like special fighter already exist on arcane caliburnus.
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you can inherit savvy fighter 4 and kestrel stance 3 from fallen anakos at the same time by getting savvy fighter 3 from the valentines lucina combat manual in the divine codes 4.
atk/spd far save helps him further speed stack while he far saves. atk/spd far save and armored floe can be inherited at the same time from brave corrin.
the squad ace BS seal (acquired from doing squad assaults) grants a visible +3 atk/spd but also +5 hp which increases his bulk. he isn't tied to this deal though and can run atk/spd form or mystic boost 3.
this build only requires two units to be foddered (and a combat manual) making it very efficient.
as for spring bruno ...
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i had a Hard time finding something for him to do. he has an extremely awkward stat spread with a very high defense stat and nothing to do with it. as a staff unit it's not like he can deal damage with bonfire and with dazzling staff 3 in base kit it's not like he's taking hits very often.
this build is a more supportive role and tries to get him to speed stack since there isn't any point in stacking other stats.
first is seaside parasol+ which is available on summer l'arachel who is currently running on the 7th anniversary special focus 1 banner. this is the best inheritable staff as there isn't any sort of arcane staff and should be refined with the wrathful staff effect. it inflicts the guard status on nearest enemies within 5 spaces, grants atk/spd +5 in combat, and debuffs foe's res in combat based on four times the amount of visible debuffs on the foe.
return+ is the preferred staff assist due to its ability to act like reposition which is generally the most versatile movement assist. you can also use ascended elincia's rescue+ instead since this build requires you to fodder an ascended elincia anyways.
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return+ can be inherited from a sara combat manual from divine codes 3
lights restraint is arguably the best offensive staff special and it provides more guard support by inflicting the guard status on foe and foes within 2 spaces after combat. it's also only 2 cd.
C duel cavalry allows spring bruno to score /okay/ in arena. not great by any means but if you want to use ur faves in arena... even if you're not using him in arena +5 hp and +2 to all stats is still pretty nice. unfortunately C duel cavalry is only available on groom saul who is not in the standard pool of units. another option for an a slot skill since groom saul is limited is atk/spd catch 4 which is inheritable from quite a few units in the divine codes
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the cheapest way to get atk/spd catch 4 from the divine codes is the summer dimitri combat manual from divine codes 4
dazzling shift would be better as dazzling far trace however that is only available on halloween flayn and almost feels like a waste... dazzling shift can be inherited from ascended elincia at the same time as lights restraint and the pre requisite fodder is already in his kit. it is simply a tier 4 version of dazzling staff in tier 4 skills are required to score in arena.
inf. speed tactic allowed spring bruno to be even more supportive to his allies beyond inflicting guard. inf. speed tactic provides both spd+6 and full null follow up to infantry allies (assuming the amount of infantry allies on the team is 2 or less). other options for c slot skills include any joint drive skill (preferably joint drive speed)
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inf. speed tactic can be inherited from the brave chrom combat manual in divine codes 4.
the blade session seal is simply the only way he can hope to acquire enough speed to double enemies.
hope this helps !
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
Top 5 fictional characters :-)
Jimmy McGill. Man is like seven characters in one, so it's not really a decent competition, but regardless. I relate so hard to his dissociating out of his dealing with any of the trauma he goes through, the fact that only two people are the loves of his life, that bind of being an attention whore but constantly hiding at the same time, monogamous but constantly being compared to a sex worker and the hope that he can have a decent life in his later years, getting out at sixty and making a home with Kim, even though he'll be seen as Saul Goodman by the outside world until he dies.
Harley Quinn. I don't know what to say even, it's like she's half of my personality and has always been there.
Dennis Reynolds. Dee is my fave out of IASIP, but he's second, and I just love that he's an accurate depiction of BPD (yeah sure it was based off five minutes of therapy, but he fits it a lot better than Reddit's "oh they meant ASPD and just got it wrong"), I love that he's an insult to RL pick up artists and sitcom douchebags like Barney/Joey but you also see the poison that has eroded everything. Also he's funny and pretty when he's a mess. :) plus gotta love him being in love with his twin sister and her secretly being in love back.
The Doctor: specifically the continuity from 11 to 12 to 13. From Manic Pixie Nightmare Man who tells his companions that they couldn't hope to ever play games on him, to grandpa who gradually gets more wifeguy and refuses to deal with his last minute trauma so becomes a stepford bitey tiny blonde lady who took that advice to never ever think about anything dark.
Kendall Roy: what being groomed from seven years old will do to a guy.
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Farah seems to care for her students and doesn't want to teach using rosalind's methods but she still keeps a distance from them, prefering to be a figurehead; saul loves sky but their dynamic is sometimes that of a soldier and his superior (he discusses sky's future with farah and his "seconds"); i wonder how long it took andreas to warm up to bea, who was initially just a "mission" to him, yet he still lied to her about aster dell and raised a weapon who could kill in cold blood and then directed her at a target. And then there's rosalind of course 😂
I like to think Farah keeping her students at safe distance, caring a lot about them but refusing to fall into a motherly role was an NOT an unconscious decision.
This is very important to me, we see how Rosalind treats Bloom - her favorite - in season 2. Yes, she's mean where she thinks Bloom is slacking, but she coddles. She's affectionate even. She brings Bloom's boyfriend, unprompted, to the banquet. She allows Musa to stay in school. She pardons Saul. She doesn't berate Bloom over the sneaking out to get drunk part. She doesn't even get pissed over the Sebastian part, allows her to take the book even. It is ONLY when Bloom shows she'll turn against her with full rage that Rosalind retaliates.
I like to think that this is Rosalind being subtle. The blatant favoritism and grooming she shows Bloom should pale in comparison to what she did to Farah (and the others by proxy, but specially Farah). She was affectionate, tactile, overwhelming and relentless.
Farah loves her students and she'll die for their security and she wants them to have a brighter overview than she did. She'll not physically punish them like Rosalind did to them, and she will not make a mini paramilitary complex in her school. These are conscious decisions she voices and it's not a stretch to think the distance she keeps from her students is also a decision to not mirror Rosalind.
Which is, incidentally, the moment where she falters, because if she had been more empathetic to Bloom's distress in season 1, Bloom certainly wouldn't have fallen bait to Rosalind's perversive manipulation, which is, very much feeding into her guilt, while Farah refuses to do so.
Dramatic irony <33
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childofaura · 2 years
For the feh artist thing, have you done Saori Toyota yet?
Not yet, but that's a good pick too! They drew mah boi Colm ;w; Forever grateful for that.
So Saori Toyota's kiiiiiind of a new-ish artist. I think they just started drawing last year? Either way, we've got a pretty good batch of characters from them: Resplendent Eirika, Resplendent Corrin, Colm, Saul, Yuri, and most recently F!Shez. A pretty good steady stream of characters to work on! And their art is very expressive. Let's start with Colm:
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First off, we've got a very nice pose that encapsulates his nonchalant attitude, and it's not just a forward-facing pose. The color work is pretty solid and details like the wrinkles of his clothes and cape are well-drawn.
But another positive thing I wanna point out is their original costume designs for Resplendent Eirika, Resplendent Corrin, and Bridal Saul are SO AWESOME:
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I will always love dear Maiponpon's Corrin artwork, but Saori does such a beautiful job with Corrin's outfit; Seliph, Ryoma, Eliwood, and Cordelia have well-blended enough outfits that thematically fit with Askr's style (While Linde, Reinhardt, Olwen, and Marth just... kind of look like they had their original outfits with some white and gold Askr patterns slapped on), but like Sharena said in the little descriptive blurb, Corrin LOOKS like he's the older brother of the Askr trio. They managed to perfectly balance the overall layout of his OG outfit with the aesthetics of Askr clothing. Also I like his hair, it has a nice texture to it.
And then Resplendent Eirika:
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The colors are so drastically different from each other but Saori blends them together and makes it work. The overall outfit is simply gorgeous with the overlapping petals and corset. Also I included the crit because their critical effects are very nice to look at too!
And finally Saul:
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I fully acknowledge that trying to design a groom outfit for the dudes is an entirely different monster than drawing bridal dresses; Traditionally Western men don't wear as flashy outfits as the women do. But they gave him a very pretty outfit while keeping his red scarf. Plus his little wink is entirely in-character. A+.
Getting to the criticism part of the review, I DO feel like they were a mis-pick for one character... and that's F!Shez.
Starting off:
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Firstly, still wanna acknowledge the gorgeous color work. But her eyes feel... too big and round for her character. It just doesn't feel right for Shez.
Then there's her attack pose:
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Shez is supposed to be a disciplined mercenary, someone who has a natural talent for fighting and is constantly working to better herself to eventually fight Byleth. But in this piece... she's all over the place. Her legs are all skewed, she doesn't look like she has a strong grip on her axe (Which looks like it might drop and take her with it), her ankles look broken, and her back is thrown out. I get that you don't need to be too practical with weapon poses in FEH because you're looking for dynamic and personality, but this isn't Shez.
And then there's her damage pose:
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Shez. Honey. Girlfriend. Darling. What are you doing? That pose is ALL SORTS of wack. Her arms are crossed over each other, her legs are STILL askew, and she's got that "anime girl damage" pose going on.
Don't get me wrong, I still love Saori's artwork, but I don't think they were the best artist to draw F!Shez, especially compared to the bitchin' artwork we got for M!Shez.
Still an incredibly talented artist though, and someone I want to see design more Resplendent/Seasonal/Maybe even Ascended Heroes. 8/10.
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stonerzelda · 11 months
I am so sorry for you weddings suck so bad for literally everyone involved. I promise not even the bride and groom have fun literally everyone should just courthouse elope and sign the docs. Im sorry you had to go through that but I'm glad it had a good outcome tho <33
YOURE SO CUTE GAHDJFJF OTS OKAY THO im just honestly so dramatic bc i am become stay silly <3 for real tho like on the way home i was arguing w my bf to say like literally if we get married we should just elope. Like its not that serious we can just do that saul goodman style and then if we want to have a party later we can get away with inviting JUST our friends and it would be fine. But he really really wants there to be 2 playstation 3 Rockband stations at our theoretical wedding and i cant argue w that basedness so fine but litchrallyyy
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