#guardians vol. 1
usaigi · 1 year
Gamora not ending up with Peter subvert our “soul-mate” expectations. In another life, Peter and Gamora were soulmates. They grew and made each other better and their love was sincere. But that Gamora is gone.
2014!Gamora isn’t Peter’s Gamora. Just because she could find happiness with him doesn’t mean she should. She found love and happiness with other people and we can’t hold it against her.
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tamtamho · 1 year
Drax was never meant to be a destroyer, and we see it on GOTG 1.
He's the first one who pets rocket. The first one who give the Raccoon a gentle touch. He's the one who talk to Mantis and sympathise in GOTG 2 (in his own way lol) which resulted in her wanting to help the guardians. I guess he's always been a father-like figure.
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The guardians are what avengers stans wanted them to be
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transkestis · 1 year
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leave all your love and your longing behind you can't carry it with you if you want to survive
— "dog days are over" by florence + the machine
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Rewatching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 after just having seen Vol. 3, and the opening scene of Peter losing his mother is fascinating, because when he talks about it as an adult he says he remembers his grandfather yelling at him and shoving him out of the hospital room, but the reality of the situation was that his grandfather hugged him and carried him out, and gently told him to please wait for him. Like in The Adam Project it's the same concept of "You made yourself hate him, because hating him was easier than missing him", misremembering his grandfather as angry and unempathetic was easier for Peter than facing the reality that he was stolen away from quite possibly that last person on his home planet left alive to love him.
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guardingthegalaxy · 4 months
Can we just talk about how Gamora looks at Peter as he reminisces about when he went to Epcot as a kid????
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kierancaz · 4 months
Nothing the mcu will ever make will be more iconic than Peter Quill’s first appearance dancing to Come and Get Your Love and lip syncing into a space rat like it’s a microphone.
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Whenever Rocket stands before the cage, staring at the baby raccoons, it's not only the reality that, hey, he is a raccoon, but it's facing everything he had been through. You can see the thought process happening on his face. These sweet innocent creatures, everyday trying to exist. They weren't disgusting or vile or an abomination. He wasn't disgusting or vile or an abomination. He, just like the baby raccoons, was just existing, until someone decided to change that state of existence
It's the revelation that the High Evolutionary harmed him when he was a baby. When you're young, you don't really know how young you are, and besides the time spent with Lylla and Teefs and Floor, playing hide n seek, he didn't have a chance to be a child, to be a baby. He always had to be something for someone else, even if that someone was himself. He had to be brave and tough and resilient for himself, too. It's the realization that the High Evolutionary took from him not only the comfort of not being sentient, from dull to way too vibrant, but also took from him his kit hood, and he wasn't going to let the high evolutionary do that to these young kits.
It's a moment of connection and realization. He was so young. He didn't even realize it. It's probably even harder realization now that he is a dad.
It's a startling realization and it starts him into action.
He's quickly grabbing all of the baby raccoons he can, bending down, picking them up, putting them on his shoulders, holding them in his arms, and then, as soon as the high evolutionary rounds the corner, he ushers them off. He takes his hands and scoops them down n off his body, ready, willing, to take the brunt of whatever force.
It's reminiscent of how he protected Groot's body in endgame; shielding as much of Groot, his son, with his own body, to protect him from harm. He's shielding and protecting these baby raccoons, not only because they showed him his reality before the torture, the sweet innocence, (and how could somebody hurt these creatures? -Rocket's thought process), not only because they too could've gone through what he went through, but because they're kits, they're babies.
I just love Rocket, his arc, his development, and this scene really shows so many aspects of Rocket himself. His bravery, and courage, and his willingness to protect. These characteristics he's always had.
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sweetaliencheeks · 1 year
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL Rocket had developed a habit to point out things that remind him of you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY EAT CEREAL Rocket felt lonely and woke you up to have a midnight snack.
THE ONE WHERE SHE HELPS Definitely not a qualified nurse, but love can heal, too.
THE ONES THAT ARE SILENT 1 & 2 Sometimes words aren’t necessary.
THE ONE WHERE SHE DANCES Got some units to spare?
There’s an unexpected package at your door.
THE ONE WHERE SHE GETS OLDER Honestly, I just hate my birthday.
THE ONE WHERE SHE FALLS IN LOVE Sometimes you can just pinpoint the right moment.
THE ONE WHERE HE’S BABY I mean, that was literally the only option.
THE ONLY ONE WHERE HE’S TALL Please, I don’t know exactly what this is but I was force fed Tall Girl and thought this was a good idea… Also, kinda naughty.
THE ONE WHERE THEY CUDDLE Sometimes all you need is the right person to bring out the best in you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY GET ENGAGED Honestly, the plan wasn’t bad, but you had to have sausage fingers, didn’t you?
THE ONE WHERE THEY RUN AWAY Based off of a weird dream I had, gotta love a Runaway Bride moment…
THE ONE WHERE HE COMES BACK Slightly angst, I guess. But always with a sweet ending.
THE ONE WHERE THEY SHARE A BED Obviously a mandatory fic, and also a self explanatory one.
THE ONE WHERE HE TELLS HER Alcohol makes you say things you don’t wanna say, and do things you don’t wanna do. Like betting with Ravagers!
THE ONE WHERE HE’S COLD I know that global warming is fucked up, but how cold can it be during summer?
THE ONE WHERE THEY MEET Needed to write something that took place during those five years. Those were lonely times, we could all use a drinking buddy…
THE ONE AT THE MARRIAGE Admit it, we’re all suckers for the “I’m going to my best friend’s wedding to watch him marry somebody else while being hopelessly in love with him” trope. And come on, who doesn’t love a wedding?
THE ONE WHERE HE KNOCKS Post GOTG3. had many complaints about crying. But happy tears only!
Julia Roberts would be so jealous…
After you’ve died, any moment is good.
What song are you?
THE ONE WHERE HE BETS Peter bet he could get a secret out of you, and he’s very bad at keeping secrets.
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE USELESS Just a little everyday struggle when your friends aren’t that good with feelings.
THE ONE WHERE THEY COMMUNICATE Maybe next time try to be a little bit more literal…
So I followed the advice of my lovely readers and finally got around to do a masterlist so it’s easier to find everything! Let me know if I forgot anything. I was actually surprised by how many fics I have written over the years, and I want to say how grateful I am for your support and kind words 🤍
Also, I want to precise that although some of the titles contain the pronouns “she/her”, the fics are mostly gender neutral. I’ll get around to fix the titles eventually!
Keep rocking you beautiful space babies
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sprout-222 · 11 months
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He's just like me (emotionalistical issues)
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baloneyslacks · 11 months
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um this wasnt me.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Rocket Raccoon’s iconic orange jumper
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(my first gif post, yay!! This is my first time doing this so sorry if there’s something wrong with the cropping and what not. Part 2 coming soon! <3)
Edit : turns out the rest of my gifs are too big for tumblr, whoops.
In any case, don’t hesitate to request for more gifs in my ask box!! I’ll make gifs of anyone in gotg <3
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tamtamho · 1 year
[spoiler] About Rocket's body
Just watched GOTG 1's interview and here's what Gunn said about Rocket's design:
"What if they broke his sternum and streched it out? Because raccoon doesn't really have a chest (like human's)"
And it makes me think about what HE did to Raccoon's bone structure.
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Raccoon shoulders are curved to their chest so they can walk quadrupedally, but rocket walking on his two legs require his shoulders to be straightened out (hence the metals). They need to change his C-shaped spine into S-shape like humans, change the length of his arms... and deconstruct his pelvis entirely. Like. Entirely.
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Because there's no way that raccoon pelvis can make him walk like a human. Also look at that body. My man looks like a gymnast with narrow waist and everything. While regular raccoons are just. A ball of floof.
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Not to mention the brain surgeries he needs to go through.
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With him able to lift big ass firearms with tiny hands, they must've replace his bones or muscles into something stronger.
Whatever HE did, feels less like trying to make "something perfect" and more like a child assembling and reassembling his toys because he can.
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anundyingfidelity · 5 months
you know what i love about lee pace? that you can have a badass trans woman, an elven king, a shy piemaker, a vampire, an angry grape with a hammer, a bisexual salesman, a bandit, a himbo, and an intergalactic emperor daddy all in one and i'm fucking here for it.
like go boy, give us everything !!!!
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If you join in please tag any posts with #rocketraccoonpromptweek
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dovelywind · 1 year
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ꕥ| Starlord & Gamora
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