#happy holidays everyone !!!!!!
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dustybones · 5 months
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collab with @tadpoleeater! they came up with the scenario and i absolutely loved it! go read their fanfics im begging you
also, during the brainstorm, this was my equally valuable contribution:
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ghostbo-yuh · 1 year
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For @/paints_and_markers secret Santa on instagram. The room of 1000 fountains probably has a room full of red and green fireflies and you can’t convince me otherwise. Happy holidays everyone!
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damianito · 6 months
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Here some brothers in apology for being so absent [COMMISSIONS OPEN]
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sweetestlittledarling · 6 months
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I couldn’t help myself…
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ardellian · 6 months
Done! Just in time for the holidays!
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I'm so happy with it! It fits! It's so warm and cozy! The red is as amazing as I hoped it would be. 10/10 worth the effort.
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I'm especially happy with managing to make actual sleeve heads that matched up with the bodice! I decided to completely cast of the sleeves, and I was afraid that the joining seam would end up bulky and weird, but it looks alright! I had to gather the sleeve head just a tiny bit at the top, but it doesn't show and I think just helps the fit.
The inspiration came from old folk costume from Dalarna in Swedish, where it was common with knitted sleeves on sewn bodices at the end of the 19th century. I love the red color and the bold patterns and decided to just... try something like it.
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I made my own pattern in an Google speadsheet and started knitting the sleeves and this summer. The pattern is bulkier because I could not be arsed the knit as tightly as the originals were - not only are they made on tiny needles, they're made using twined knitting, where you use two ends of yarn and twist them together between every stitch. That makes an incredibly tight and dense fabric, aaaand it takes forever and ever. I made a pair of socks like that and I just didn't have the patience for a whole damn sweater. And I anyway wanted to knit the bodice too.
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mimikabii · 6 months
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geno off to help with some holiday wishes
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notholaenas · 1 year
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oh look, mistletoe...
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yunamiudon · 6 months
It's time to post my works I didn't post last year
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(Inspired by this tweet)
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drawballa · 6 months
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Grade "A" Love - 2023 Christmas Special
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eliothedud9000 · 6 months
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holiday turtles and shit
happy holidays and merry Christmas to those who celebrate and merry Yule to my fellow pagans
individual below the cut
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thespiritlessghost · 6 months
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saiki says merry christmas, guys
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Happy crimsas
It's Chrismim
Merry Crisis
Merry Chrysler
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whispangleblogger · 1 year
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Kiss me under the Mistletoe~ The Outfits they are wearing are based on Evan Stanley's (@/Spiritsonic) Holiday Artworks. I changed Whisper's just a little though and gave her a Ribbon instead of the Hood. Wanted to draw her with a ribbon for so long now and this was the perfect opportunity for it. My Friend @somethingsonicrelated also took the chance and added a Ribbon to his Holiday Whisper’s Plush Project.  Check out his Blog or go through the RB’s and see for yourself! He is such a talented plushy maker and his works never cease to amaze me.  With that said, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone <3 Sending my best wishes to all of you <3
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mari-writes · 6 months
Koutarou attends The Nutcracker for his sister, Kai, who's dancing as the Snow Queen. 
This is her second year in the role, but he missed last time, so he’s so excited! He can’t wait to see his big sister dance! 
And then he sees him. 
In the role of the Snow King is a young prodigy named Akaashi Keiji. He’s a year younger than Koutarou, and his sister says Akaashi is “the best dance partner she’s ever had.”
Koutarou is immediately enamored. His eyes follow Akaashi wherever he goes on stage, despite Kai being the focal point of the routine. He’s lean, but obviously so strong, capable of lifting, throwing and catching his sister flawlessly. Effortlessly.
(Also, those tights look so good on him.)
Koutarou pretty much begs his sister to introduce them. “Please! I’ll do anything!” He cries as he unleashes the full force of his pout. “I don’t even care if he’s not available or interested in me! I just want to meet him!”
She finally relents after a week of his hassling. Koutarou attends the show again on closing night. He’s a bit nervous. The Nutcracker has been a huge hit, with critics and audiences alike praising the Snow Queen and King specifically. Akaashi’s name is on everyone’s lips; he's “the next big thing” in the Tokyo dance scene.
“Calm down, Kou,” Kai hisses as she leads him down the hall and towards the theater’s green room. “He’s just a person just like you. Trust me, it’ll be fine.”
Koutarou nods. Swallows. He holds his breath as they finally step into the room.
They find Akaashi casually leaning against the back wall, munching on an apple and swiping through his phone. Koutarou’s eyes roam his form. He’s wearing a cropped, midnight blue hoodie that cuts off at the hem of his black joggers, displaying his slim build. His feet are covered in a pair of beat-up sneakers.
“Keiji dear, do you have a moment?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou sucks in a breath. The man has perhaps the prettiest eyes Koutarou has ever seen. A devastating mix of blue-green-grey, piercing, with heavy lids and long lashes.
Surprisingly, those eyes widen when as they land on Koutarou, and his mouth drops open. “Of course,” he nods, “um, hello.” His voice is like velvet, soft yet with a gravely texture that send a shiver through Koutarou. He also can’t help but notice that Akaashi is a few inches shorter, which forces the man to look up at him as they approach.
Oh my god, he's an actual angel.
Kai pulls her brother forward until the two men are a few paces apart. She squeezes his arm, a gesture she’s been using since they were kids to lend him comfort, encouragement. He leans appreciatively into the warm touch.
“It’s, um, it’s wonderful to finally meet you, Bokuto-san.”
Koutarou blinks, confused. Akaashi is addressing him as if he knows who he is. “Oh! Uh, it’s nice to meet you, too!” He grins sheepishly. “Did Kai tell you I was coming, or..?”
The man shakes his head. Now that they’re so close, Koutarou notices leftover sparkles and flecks of fake snow still clinging to Akaashi’s wavy black hair.
“Well, I did know you were her brother… but I didn’t know you would be here tonight.” His eyes narrow at Kai, who chuckles.
“Keiji here is a big fan of volleyball,” she smirks at her brother, who nearly chokes at the new information. "He watched every single one your matches at the last Olympics. Apparently.”
“Really?!” Koutarou can’t believe his ears. Akaashi Keiji, the beautiful man who he’s been obsessing over the last few weeks, is a fan of him, too? It’s a bonafide Christmas miracle!
“Yes,” Akaashi’s lips twitch upward. It’s not quite a smile, but close. “I’ve, ah, been hoping Kai would introduce us someday.”
Koutarou beams. He can’t even be angry at his sister for keeping the secret. He’s just too happy right now. "I'm so glad she did!"
They end up at the closing night after party, sitting side by side in a booth, surrounded by family and friends. Conversation flows easily. Akaashi is rather quiet, but he seems content to just listen to Koutarou talk. He occasionally barks out a dry, sarcastic comment that only enamors Koutarou further.
He also smells nice. Like sandalwood and rose. Koutarou has to restrain himself from taking a big, long whiff.
“Y-you know, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi says, words slurring a bit from the whiskey shots he’d just downed. “I actually played a bit volleyball when I was younger.”
Koutarou gasps. “You did?!” 
Akaashi giggles, then hiccups, and it’s the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard. “I did,” Akaashi nods, “but only into middle school. Dance sort of took over my life after that. I’ve continued to follow the sport, though.”
Koutarou is having trouble containing his excitement. He grips his beer with one hand and reaches to grip Akaashi’s forearm lightly with the other. “You have to play with me someday!”
Akaashi snorts (wait, no, that is the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard) and shakes his head. “I couldn’t possibly keep up with a pro player like you…”
“And I can’t keep up with your dancing,” Koutarou winks. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do that with you sometime. If you want, that is...”
For a brief moment, Akaashi just stares, and Koutarou wonders if he’s being too forward. But then Akaashi’s lips settle into a sweet smile, and he glances down into his drink. His sharp cheekbones bloom with color. “Are you asking me on a date, Bokuto-san?”
Well then. Koutarou hadn’t expected things to progress this quickly, but sometimes, fate has other plans. “I mean,” he clears his throat, “maybe..?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou is suddenly drowning. He swears his sees an entire future in those stormy eyes, just waiting to pull him under. 
(And Koutarou would go, gladly.)
“I would love to,” Akaashi says, leaning forward to clank their glasses together. “Merry Christmas, Bokuto-san.”
A short advert ft. The Nutcracker's snow scene 💙❄️
Thank you for reading this sappy little thing I wrote after working a week straight of Nutcracker performances (eight shows in one week; it was insane). If you enjoyed this, PLEASE reblog! It really helps me out, way more than just a like (though I appreciate those, too). You can also share my post on Twitter! Thanks everyone for your support this year. It’s been rough, for many reasons. I hope you all have a happy holiday season. Here’s to 2024! 🥰
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trash-inu · 6 months
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When youre the Krampus and came to punish the naughty but she has different plans 😳💦
some lil earlie christmas moicy art(cause holidays mind be busyyy)
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