#he adopted the two kids he saved so he’s trying to make money so they can go to a good school
haliaiii · 6 months
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oc posting pt 3 except it’s just Kain
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
Can’t wait to see reader’s reaction when she finds out bruce wasn’t missing at all and Jason left for nothing 💀
"I can't believe we're selling out," Peg huffed.
"Hardly," Joni pointed out reasonably, contentedly refilling bins of bolts. "It's an independent family shop. Owned by a young mom with two adopted kids trying to break generational cycles of-"
"Okay okay," Peg huffed, kissing the side of her head as she bustled past. "It's not exactly a box store."
"AND she does do things for the community when she can, she's a busy lady, Peg. Remember when we had your cousin Larry's kids that summer and-"
"Fair enough," Peg said, ticking things down on her clipboard. "I still don't see why we're taking the money-"
"Because," Joni said, "Legally she has to pay us when we come to help out. And because if we take the money we can save it. Or donate it. And it makes her happy. And we don't live on a commune."
"I miss-" A yelp from you at the front of the store where you'd taken a phone call cuts off Peg's reminiscence.
"What the fuck!"
The two women look at each other putting down their bolts and clipboards, making their way to the front. Leaning on the counter.Not sure what's happening from your end of the conversation but- it's clear from the look on your face that you're less than pleased.
"And why didn't he just... Okay... No, no. Joni and Peg are here and the kids are fine. They want Pizza for dinner.... Okay, I love you too. Be safe. Call me when you get closer to town?... Okay. Bye, babe."
You hang up the phone and slam it on the counter with a stifled scream of frustration. "WHY ARE MEN STUPID?"
"Oh no," Peg and Joni unison, "What-"
"It's a long story," you sigh, rubbing your temples, "But instead of just fucking apologizing Bruce decided to just make up an emergency to get Jason to go to Gotham. He's fine though."
"Fucking men," Peg snorted, helping herself to a coke out of the cold case.
"Poor Jason," Joni tutted, "How is he-"
"Frustrated. Probably hurt. Annoyed- Mostly just happy to be coming home. He doesn't like leaving in the middle of the night."
Joni tutted again hefting herself onto the counter and shook her head as she glanced at the clock, "So- if you're feeding your hellions pizza for dinner, what does the baby want for lunch?" Hopefully, that distracted you a little.
"All I know is I'm ob-fucking-sessed with honey ginger beets. So maybe some of those and a grilled chicken salad," you shrug.
"And a pint of lemon cheesecake ice cream," Joni said grinning, calling after Peg as she started out the door.
"No don't," you protest.
"What?" Joni said innocently, taking a drink of Peg's coke, "You deserve a little treat."
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bratzforchris · 2 months
Can you do dad headcanons for Nick? (Obviously not female reader I was thinking adoption or something)
Or uncle headcanons for any of them!
Dad Life
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Dad!Nick headcanons because this fandom is SEVERELY lacking dad!Nick content :) There are two parts here: one of dad!Nick to younger kids, and one of dad!Nick to older kids because I feel like he would be the type of person to foster/adopt teens. No warnings!
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Dad!Nick with younger kids ♡
☆ when nick decides that he wants to have kids, he genuinely does so much research and makes a well informed decision!
☆ whether through adoption or a surrogate mother (remember, there are different ways people can have kids <3), he is genuinely so excited to meet his baby and falls in love with them immediately
☆ the "newborn scrunch" his baby does on his chest the first time would definitely make nick cry
☆ matt and chris are always willing to help out during the first few months of the baby being home
☆ "oh my god, how did your blowout get through your onesie?"
"welcome to fatherhood, man"
☆ once he gets the hang of it, nick is genuinely the baby whisperer. whenever baby sturniolo wakes up in the middle of the crying, all it takes is some funny faces and an ariana grande lullaby in the rocking chair to get them right back to sleep
☆ nick leans more towards girl dad, but he would be happy and love his child any way <3
☆ even when the terrible toddler phase comes along, he always keeps his cool and makes it a point to never shout/get overly angry, which is a large contrast to his youtube days
☆ genuinely one of those dads who is always doing cute little handprint crafts with his baby
☆ "i'll give you a dollar if you tell your uncle chris he has a big forehead"
☆ nick's kid(s) know how to stand up for themselves. their daddy teaches them to always be kind, but not let people walk all over you. no one is bullying them off the swings
☆ he loves to play pretend with his kids because he usually ends up laughing too. pirates, princesses, you name it
☆ "daddy! i'm a princess locked in a class, save me!"
"weren't you just a ninja, honey?"
☆ running after his kids is 100% a full time job, because they take after their daddy with sassy mouths and chaotic behavior
☆ on a serious note, nick never shies away from hard conversations. he's always honest and explains everything as best as he can to his babies
Dad!Nick with older kids ♡
☆ nick gives off foster/adopt for teens, mostly because he knows teens can feel excluded since a lot of people want babies, and that's just unacceptable
☆ he's actually so accepting of all the kids that come into his home, no matter what
☆ he makes sure they have everything they need to feel confident, because he knows how hard high school can be
☆ always makes sure they get their driver's license if they want, have a working cell phone, and have money to go out with friends
☆ "dad, this guy broke up with me because i 'wear too much makeup'"
"honey, looking like THAT...he should be trying to learn from you"
☆ as much as he tries not to be, he's the parent that cries ar every homecoming, prom, graduation, etc
☆ definitely lets his teens have their style (within reason). he'd definitely be okay with fun hair colors and certain piercings
☆ nick loves to be of homework help where he can. it's an easy in to get his teens talking to him about how they feel
☆ overall, nick is just genuinely the best dad anyone could ever ask for, no matter how old his kids are <3
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @ilovejohnnieg @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @dumpling-to-eat @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @strnlvr @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my tag list, click here <3
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space-dreams-world · 5 months
Inspired by this:
Except there's a twist: Danny adopts Dick, Jason, and maybe Tim.
Danny moved to Gotham (not bad end, but Vlad gets killed, trying to help Danny escape Amity Park, after de aging Dan and Ellie. Fentons, in their confusion and anger, make it even more unsafe for Danny to live there. Fortunately, Vlad made Danny his heir awhile ago, and in leaving, Amity closed their portal and Vlads. Vlad is a full ghost now. So now Danny is a runaway pregnant genderfluid teen that moves to Gotham, whether it be before the wayne murders or after. Jordan isn't born until a year into living in Gotham.)
He sets up a bakery/cafe near crime alley with his apartment on top of it and lab in the basement. He also owns a warehouse that he uses as a storage and training zone. He never makes homeless people pay, and if you can, it's a dollar. Even ghosts show up. He gets to know batman starting out and even maybe starts to court him as bats. They don't officially date until after catwoman reject his proposal, and Damian is permanently with Bruce.
Danny, while not at the circus prior to Graysons' murder, sees an escaped juvie grayson and is able to calm him down, even gets him to speak with his parents again and Danny with the help of Gotham threatens/scares Zucco into fearing for his life. He doesn't bring him back to Juvie but manages to save Dick's things and important paperwork. They declare him missing despite being needed in witness protection. Bruce wants to care for Dick but he doesn't have the same connection to Dick and sees Danny as his own Alfred, when B parents died. Danny raises Dick with a little help from Bruce.
Cannon events also happen, so Two-face and Joker get ahold of Dick for being near Batman and get beaten and shot. Danny brings Dick to the Far frozen and they heal him and he ensures to Two face/Joker that he will feel the same pain as what he has dealt to Dick and almost kills Joker but gets left with a warning.
Court of Owls actually loses Talons to Danny and are his and his kids' bodyguards now while trying to learn how heal them. Unfortunately, Bruce pulls back from the relationship with Danny, and this hurts them both.
Then,when Jason is on the streets, he sticks to near Danny's place and eventually gets adopted, too. Eleanor is born after. Jason loves his new family and is surprised that Bruce is back to dating Danny again. (Which hurts Dick because Bruce only came back for Jason)
In this scenario, Shelia reaches out to Jason for bribery reasons, and when Joker shows up, Danny is having none of it. He kills Mr. J crushes his soul and brings Jason to the Yeti, where he flatlines and gets to become a halfa instantly. This time, Danny is the one that pulls from Bruce as he never found out where Danny took Dick and now Jason to heal. So in the 6 months Jason was in the Zone practicing, Bruce took the worst of it and thought he was dead, but in reality Jason in the zone training with his powers and Dick helps out with his enhanced liminality. What seems like a death to Bruce is a coma or a loss of mobility for Jason. Bruce just assumes he's dead.
Dick grows up to be either a gymnast instructor or a social worker. Jason would be studying for literature or social or justice reform. Dan is a mechanic or security guard. He works part-time at the cafe and helps with branding and making the sweets. Jason, Jordan, and Ellie also help in the shop. Stephanie is a part timer.
Tim, during one of his photoscapedes, gets caught, and Danny and/or the kids save him and bring him to Danny. Tim, while dealing with years of parental neglect, stays with them, or Danny notifies Bruce of this. Either Tim stays with Danny, and despite Drakes having more money and power, Danny's otherness freaks them out and they decide fuck this or similar to cannon, Bruce adopts Tim.
Bruce, by the end of this, officially only has one or three kids: Damian, Cass, and/or Tim.
[I don't know if I want the boys into vigilante. It seems hypocritical for Danny to say no to vigilantism,but in another reality to this one, Danny says yes to the boys being vigilantes]
Hilariously, Danny and his kids show up to a Gala as Masters Heirs.
Jazz moves to Gotham after College to either be a doctor or work in Arkham.
Sam, while trying to leave her parents grasp, goes to Gotham for personal reasons and her parents threaten to cut her off from her inheritance unless she shows up at important events or Galas to support the Manson name.
Tucker is a tech fan and also moves to Gotham, but it is a bit of a recluse, but he takes an interest in teaching Babs, Dick and Tim in Hacking. He is an IT guy for Wayne Industries and an app creator.
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wangxianficfinder · 14 days
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Fic Finder
May 22nd
1. Wanting to find a modern AU. The one scene I recall was in a parking lot, I think: the Jiangs are confronting WY, who had been at a party with LZ, possibly in order to see JYL. JC finds out about the sacrifice WY made for him. It was something to do with college tuition money this time around. Possibly YZY and WY both let the others think WY left of his own accord? @linderel
FOUND! 🧡 Where’s Your Emergency? by trippednfell (M, 64k, WangXian, 911 Dispatcher WWX, Single dad LWJ, Kid fic, Modern AU, D&D Games, Angst with a happy ending) could be near the end
2. hello i am looking for a fic where wex was adopted into the wen sect. the scene i remember most is when wwx used a talisman to flatten himself so he can get through a door. id appreciate all the help thank you so much ♥️
FOUND! Communal Child-Rearing and Other Diplomatic Necessities by Elpie (Horribibble) (T, 4k, WangXian, LQR/WRH, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiangs, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Accidental Baby Acquisition)
3. for the next fic finder, can someone help me with a oneshot sickfic i have been finding for too long ;; i think the main premise was ljy pushing wwx into a pond bc he was upset, and so wwx got unwell (and didnt tell anyone?) thank you for the hard work!
FOUND? Some Days. by jollytortoise (Not Rated, 8k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Shock, Horror)
4. Hello! I'm looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian returns back from the dead in Mo xuanyu's body but he lost all his memories. He doesn't remember his name or any of the events of the past. He is saved by Lan zhan and the juniors as soon as he wakes up and they take him to Gusu where he lives and falls in love with Lan zhan. Lan zhan also falls in love with him but he is conflicted beacuse he feels like he's betraying wei wuxian. In the end, he remembers and they get together.
FOUND? Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
5. hi!! for the next fic finder — im looking for a wlw wangxian one where lwj was a cultivator(?) who sailed the ocean looking for resentful energy(??) (i dont remember) and one day she picks up mermaid wwx. i dont remember much other than wwx getting dry and turning into human, staying on her boat, and being curious about her own human anatomy which leads to lwj fucking her in every surface available. it Has plot. please help 🥺🥺🥺🫶🫶🫶
FOUND! 💖 splash;; by defractum (nyargles) (E, 11k, wangxian, F/F, modern cultivation, Gender Changes, Merpeople, Humanfucking, the opposite of monsterfucking, Rule 63)
6. FF request! This is a modern au. I think wwx, lwj, lxc, nmj, nhs and maybe also jc, jyl, jzx, wq and wn, go on some sort of vacation under the excuse of night hunting. They finish a night hunt really quickly and then nmj (as the oldest and only sect leader?) is basically like, I don't care what you guys do, this is my vacation. They're all staying in the same house and divide into rooms by couple. Any ideas are much appreciated! Thank you!
FOUND? 🔒 Night Hunts and Getaways by Netrixie (T, 7k, LXC/NMJ, WangXian, JYL/JZX, JC/NHS, WWX & LXC, NHS could be a criminal mastermind, if he really wanted to, but he uses his powers for good, the plot exists merely for LXC to get some dick, so don't think too hard about it, Modern Cultivation, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, LXC centric, treating canon with gleeful irreverence, ships other than nielan are background, Attempt at Humor) It's part of a series.
7. Hi! This is for Fic Finder. ☺️
I'm trying to find two fics. I don't remember much, unfortunately.
A) It's a time travel in which WWX comes back in time and go to visit WQ to convince her that he is from future and both make a long term plan to eliminate all the "bad guys".
B) It's also a time travel, but this time WWX is found by the Wens and is raised with the heirs of WR. The scene I remember quite well is one in witch LWJ is fighting with one of the Wen heirs (don't remember who, not WQ or WN) and when the Wen is going to attack LWJ, he sees the red ribbon that WWX gifted to LWJ. This means that LWJ is WWX's love (and fiance maybe?) so the Wen decided not to attack LWJ and it's killed.
I hope you can help me, thanks for everything!
🥰💕 @wangxiansgirl
FOUND? Here With Me ‘verse Series by iamwish (T/G, 80k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, wwx turns this into a no war!au, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Homophobia, Bad Parent YZY, POV WWX, POV LWJ, POV JC, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Has PTSD, and also depression sometimes, Unreliable Narrator, Character Death, Blood and Gore, BAMF WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, there’s some elements of, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, POV JYL, Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death)
FOUND? We'll Build A Dynasty (one the heavens can't shake) by One_eyed_God (T, 66k, WangXian, canon typical Jiang family dynamics, BAMF WWX, Canon JC Characteristics, POV Outsider, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, WWX is a Wen, Sect Leader WWX, Genius WWX, The Casual Intimacy of Hand-Holding, Minor ChenLi, Not JC Friendly, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It)
FOUND? When Flowers Spring from Killing Things by windsweptice (B0redaf) (Not rated, 100k, wangxian, Wen WWX, Demonic Cultivation, WWX Has No Golden Core, he's got a resentful one instead, Yīn Iron, WRH pov, LWJ pov, WWX pov, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Sentient Burial Mounds, XY Is A Little Shit, WQ pov, Protective WWX, Protective WQ, Cinnamon Roll WN, Protective WN, LXC pov, BAMF WWX, Burning of the Cloud Recesses, Fall of Lotus Pier, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WN, BAMF WQ, Good Person WX, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Weddings) the scene with the ribbon being spotted is in Chapter 18
8. Hi so I'm trying to find a podfic that I listen to few years ago I don't remember a lot about it but I do remember that wei ing wen ing and wen qing went to his nephew's naming ceremony or birthday I forget and Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian we're alive and there for their grandson's naming ceremony or birthday and I remember that madam yu come up to wei ing and took his wrist and like looked if he had a golden core she was like I don't know how she reacted but she respected him because he gave his golden cord to his little brother and like I don't know much I can't remember much but I do remember there was a scuffle and all that I'm just trying to find this podfic if you can find it please tell me if you can't well at least you tried @constancebloodstone
FOUND? seldom all they seem by Fahye (E, 25k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, or rather Arranged Betrothal, followed by Weapons-Grade Thirst)
9. Hello! For fic finder: I am looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian was cursed to lie / say the opposite of what he truly thought. But everyone thought he was cursed to tell the truth, so when he says all kinds of horrible things to people they believe him thinking that he has been compelled to say what he really thinks of them. The curse is only broken after people realize he is lying (not truthing). Wei Wuxian then has a series of conversations with the various characters as he reassures them that he was lying and that he didn’t mean whatever he said. He also has some angst about how people so easily thought the worst of him / believed his lies. This plot is so clear in my head but I just can’t find it in my ao3 history! Please, can anyone find this? Thank you in advance <3 <3
FOUND? A Kiss of True Love to break a Curse by Wangxian101 (T, 5k, WangXian, Teenage Wangxian, Not Canon Compliant, kiss of true love, curse of lies, truth curse, Angst, Fluff, When the only way to break the curse is to kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Teen Angst, They are in love your honour, Oblivious WWX, Oblivious LWJ, there is only one brain cell in this group and it belongs to JC, LXC is the biggest wangxian shipper, jc is a good bro, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Gremlin WWX, Happily Every After, LXC will gut anyone who hurts his precious little brother, True Love's Kiss, JC is an awkward bean, LWJ POV, WWX POV, WWX is a closet romantic, WWX loves his romance novels, Protective JC, JC loves his gremlin brother, Unrequited Love, Requited Unrequited Love, it all works out in the end)
10. Hi 👋🏼 can you please find me this fic . It was WIP when I came across it. idk if it has been updated or not . The story went like meng yao , xue yang, and Wei Ying all end up in Burial Mounds as kids, and they are adopted by the ghost ? Of a queen of a fallen kingdom. I think the wens had something to do with the destruction of the kingdom.
FOUND? The Kids Are Okay (I Think) by GossamerGlint (Not Rated, 80k, JGY & WWX, WWX & XY, WWX & JGY & XY, WangXian, WIP, give wwx jgy and xy a mom agenda, but not just any mom, powerful ghost empress mom with a revenge plot :), Royalty AU, Prince WWX, Prince JGY, Prince XY, Burial Mounds, Yílíng Wèi Sect, more like yiling xue sect, its... complicated, illustrated when the mood strikes)
11. HEYYYYY!! there was this pretty woman fusion of wangxian, can you please find it?????
FOUND? A Sure Thing by ElDiablito_SF (E, 40k, WangXian, Modern, Pretty Woman Fusion, Prostitution, Unsafe Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Attempted Sexual Assault, You'd think this would be wild and kinky, but actually they're soft and gross, past Zhancheng and they're still friends, Prostitute WWX, rich asshole LWJ, fashion bitch LWJ, Shoe Porn, background attempted Xiyao, Drinking to Cope, physical assault, Villain JGY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
12. For fic finder: It was a canon-divergent or post-canon fic where someone reminds Wei Wuxian that the juniors grew up in a time of peace and so they don’t have war-instincts (like startle reflexes or ptsd from battle, and in general they are too trusting). I think the juniors too were warned that the older generation is more jumpy because of what they had been through when they were teens, and so they shouldn’t sneak up on Wei Wuxian. Unfortunately I don’t remember any of the actual plot, just this bit about the differences between the generations.
FOUND? tell some storm by qurbat (G, 31k, wangxian, JC & WWX, LSZ & WWX, NHS & WWX, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, liberal amounts of outsider POV, the legend of wangxian, how to create a romance epic for dummies) since wwx has a conversation with lsz in chapter 2 about wwxs generation being one of war
13. hello dear, I was looking for a ff where wei wuxian left with a-yuan after wen remnants are dead. NHS secretly send them materials anonymously. After NMJ died, NHS come to wei wuxian to find his brother's body.
FOUND? Innocence by snowberryrose (G, 8k, WangXian, Introspection, Family, Canon Divergence)
14. I wanted you to find a fic I read and lost among the saved ones I have. it was where the lans protected wwx and the time wwx saw them protecting him. I think it was 4 parts and 1. I just remember that. thank you if you find it and sorry for disturbing
FOUND? one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (G, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, POV Outsider, 5+1 Things)
15. Hi! I'm looking for a fic where wangxian were already married ig but don't love each other just yet and one day wy faints due to lack of scenting so they start as ordered by lqr. At the end or something wy leaves lwj for a bit because he's angry that lwj told him to stand up for himself when jiangs insult him, but he comes back after lwj apologises to wn for slapping him. Also I think its jiang corp and lan corp kinda stuff and wy is stuck in btw. Thank you sm I know this is confusing so sorry @tinkalb
16. I'm looking for some fics where Wei Ying achieves some sort of mastership(?) in cultivation. I think there were two of them that I read which had this idea... but I'm not sure now. I vaguely recall that he had to travel quite a bit to get to an instituion of some sort and there was a series of tests that he had to pass. I think there might also be something about him having to save up the money for it. Thanks!
FOUND? 🧡🔒Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 179k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war) For #16 of the recent Fic Finder with WWX getting mastership in a cultivation field, there’s a chance it might be Truth Will Out by KizuKatana. The only thing is, WWX doesn’t actually achieve mastership, but he goes to Gus’s LAN to apply for a teaching job for talismans, and LWJ won’t consider him for multiple reasons including that WWX doesn’t have a master’s license (something like that)
17. Hi, love your blog. Thanks for sharing such great content always! I would like to please request your assistance with finding a fic, it's driving me crazy because I thought I saved it. It's a modern au and lwj and wwx are coworkers and lwj is really shocked because wwx just came back from the dead 13 years later and he's acting normal in the office. Wwx has no idea he was dead the whole time. Please let me know if you know of it, thank you! @qilin-world
FOUND? A Ghost Story by Anonymous (E, 51k, WangXian, WIP, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Modern with Magic, Mentions of Major Character Death, Resurrection, (the character death is not permanent), grave desecration, Grief/Mourning, Panic Attacks, Dreams and Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, LWJ Whump, Angst with a Happy Ending, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Self-Harm, (the gore/body horror/self-harm all take place in dreams but they are still graphic), Compulsory Heterosexuality, internalized kinkshaming, Consensual Non-Consent, Masturbation, Bondage, WWX is a Manic Pixie Dead Boy) this fic has everything but WWX was only dead for three years, not thirteen
FOUND? Exactly what he wanted by Rookseeksraven (E, 32k, WangXian, Modern, Sex Cam Worker LWJ, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Housing Insecurity, Inaccurate sex cam work, Inaccurate sex, weirdo4weirdo, Masturbation, Vibrators, Creampie, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, Unsafe Sex, they're really horny, Switch WangXian, Bathroom Sex, Office Sex, Consensual Somnophilia, Cock Ring, Gags, Light Bondage, Nipple Piercings, Internalized Homophobia, not Jiang friendly, Slight LQR bashing, Getting Together, Secret Identity)
18. Thnks for your work! I'm looking for a modern au fic. Teens WWX and LWJ were chess players who knew each during junior competitions. WWX struggled to befriend LWJ until he got LWJ to invite him to his house. They meet again at a chess competition and they kiss. Everything is ruined when SMS (¿?) accuses WWX of cheating and nobody believes in his innocence. WWX abandons the competition and don't contact LWJ. 13 years pass and LWJ faces WWX again in another competition but he is disguised as MXY
FOUND? Trebuchet by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 61k, WangXian, Modern AU, they’re chess players in this, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, rocky reunions, Good Uncle LQR, best boy wn, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending)
19. Hello, for fic finder, can u help me find a fic with wangxian fake dating? I remember a particular scenario where, during the wen doctrine WWX asks LWJ to marry him expecting rejection but LWJ agrees. And our sweet sweet WWX proposes to fake a relationship and not bcoz he was head over heels in love with LWJ. I don't remember anything else from the fic. Sorry. Can you help me? @grrumpywoof
20. greetings! i'm trying to find a fic where jyl is the one who time travels. her younger counterpart is still present, so she takes street kid wwx and lives in wen territory. she falls in love with wen qing & ning's (mother? father?) and discovers cooking cultivation. she assassinates wrh with it, allowing wwx to meet lwj as he gets older.
FOUND! 後悔莫及 (Too Late for Regrets) by liverbiver9 (T, 20k, JYL/OC, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, JYL-centric, POV JYL, Genderqueer WWX, Trans Male Character, Kid Fic, Child WWX, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Found Family, WWX is a Wen, technically, Assassination Attempt(s), WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiangs, Minor MianQing, No Sunshot Campaign, No Golden Core Transfer, Everybody Lives, mentioned minor character death, Gender Non-Conforming WWX, Trans WWX)
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geluckgk · 3 months
Okay it is time for me to talk about rpz characters !
Small explanation on what is rpZ : a gta rp server that was created by Zeraror made to last 2 weeks exactly. It was the first introduction to rp for a lot of French streamers. It was full rp and almost everything was impro. The only big event really organized was elections for the mayor (won by a dog who gives free cocaine btw)
All of our french qsmp stremears (expect Kameto) participated.
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Baghera character
He is 16 years old, youngest of the server, often misgender because of his high-pitched voice. He spent the full two weeks with his cousin Daniel Croute (play on words with Antoine Daniel), so we can't speak about one without speaking about the other two they are basically soulmate. At first we think they both have parents and we don't see them because they are on holidays, but towards the end given the fact that they confess that there parents don't give news and the fact that they live on the street we understand they have been abandoned.
Antoine often says he is the muscle and Daniel the brain but they both aren't that smart and very naive and get themself into a lot of troubles. They are looking for an internship but always inevitably get fired because of their numerous mistacke. They will finaly found a job at Montazac(Antoine characters)'s vineyard even after a few incident in the end Donatien de Montazac permently hire them, makes them heir then adopt them.
Links with q!Baghera :
The obvious one is their need for a family and habit to get attached quickly to anyone who start to respond to their need. Baghera did it with philza and Antoine with Donatien and Doc Maison(a mentor of his). The fact that they don't have a "real" familly hurt their selfestem
Then more funny(?) is their relationship with death. Or if we want to be precise the temporary kind of death (because of the coma dynamic in gta and respawn in Minecraft ). If you are familiar with q!Baghera she as a tendency to die a lot but also to encourage other to do so, saying they should die more, have more fun with death in general. She steps on mine, drown herself, jump of clif, for fun and giggle a lot. In the spawn of two weeks Antoine had 48 coma, the record of the server (compilation of all his coma). Antoine keeps on dying dumb way and never learn his lesson as doctors will anyway always come to help him
Their compassion and the way they always go out of their way to help. q!Baghera in a way that she always tries to find the best solution to help their friends and resolve situations and Antoine just throws himself into dangerous situation to help his loved one.
In the first week of the qsmp, Baghera told the adventures of the Croute cousins to Pomme as a bed time story. The moral was that even when adversity kept making their life difficult they kept hoping for their happy ending with they got.
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Antoine's character. He is a winery owner, very rich, and has for motivation getting even richer. We understand quite fast that he doesn't care for no one except him and his money(but his characters evolve during the weeks). He is taken ostage at least 4 times and somwhat always manage to escape the situation harmless and with more money than before. He isn't violent but is in an relashionship with the Vagos (local mafia) to protect his domain. He presented himself to the election and had a lot of votes, he was quite pised to lost against a dog.
For multiple reason (he snitched on him to the cops) he is hated by doctor Cox, a dangerous ex psychologist with a love for revenge. Cox will try to manipulate antoine into betraying Donatien without sucees. The last day he will kidnapepd both Croute cousins and will force Donatien to choose one to kill, he will refuse to but will instead forced to beat them up. They will be ultimatly be saved by the fact that Cox henchman don't want kids to be hurt in the conflict and called the police. After the incident he will confess that for them he would have been capable of paying any ransom (wich is a lot coming from him)
Links with q!Antoine :
I think q!antoine is really different from Donatien but one thing they do have in common is their selfishness. Not in a particularly mean way but they both put their own interests as an all top priority and won't go out of their way to help other if it doesn't benefices them.
But also both character soften their way for they kids, Donatien for Antoine and Daniel and Antoine for Pomme. In both case it is a slow warming to them and then love with a powerful want to protect(less shown with Donatien because Antoine is already almost an adult and can take care of himself)
He reference his character out of rp : During qsmp 2024 anytime he was winning a lot of money he would jokingly said he was in a "Donatien arc". During the elections arc, he said that he gave enough before and don't want to try to lose to the dumb mascot again (Gegg in qsmp, the dog in rpz)
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Aypierre's character.
(Okay, so I didn't watch his pov. This is more what I know from wiki fandom/clips/seeing him in other pov)
He is the owner of the Pagnoless brother with his brother Jackyyy (played by JimmyBoyyy which you might have seen during purgatory 2). It is the richest enterprise as well as the one with more depts. He is from the south of France and left to escape the Corse mafia.
Link to q!Aypierre :
Obviously his love for capitalism and troling (wich is more a Cc!Aypieree thing)
RAYOU WHITE (he/him)
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Etoiles's character.
Not much to say since because of scheduling conflict and difficulties with rp Etoiles didn't play much. He was basically a bald doctor with depression. He is really passive aggressive and hates his job.
ANYWAY, that was not short at all but I cut a lot of things and tried to make it still understandable.I maybe forgotten things, rpz were a pretty eventful 2 weeks.
If you have questions drop them in my askbox ! Also if you don't agree or want to add someting to my analysis please feel free I'm very interested !
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themuselesswriter · 3 months
Alastor's College Girlfriend - Headcanons
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Okay so hear me out, I started headcanoning Alastor in his previous life having a girlfriend whose completely opposite to him and she's a sweetheart and basically the indirect reason why he became a cold blooded killer, so yeah, so yeah, I'll leave you guys to it!
Jenny and Alastor met at college, she was majoring in education and he was majoring in biology, it was the most cliche way to meet, she was carrying books and walking with her friends and he bumped into her and made her drop her books, he was an awkward kid at the time so instead of helping her out, he froze then ran away.
The second time they met was at the library, she was trying to reach for a book but she was too short, Alastor watched her struggle for good five minutes before he quietly helped her get the book then left without saying a word, she followed him and asked him for a cup of coffee.
Alastor was awkward, antisocial and lacked confident, he spent good twenty minutes outside the coffee shop pacing, trying to gather his courage to enter but he never could, he was about to leave when she saw him and basically dragged him inside, it was the best moment of his entire life.
After that cup of coffee, they kept hanging out more, Jenny's friends didn't like Alastor, because he was considered a weird kid who always dressed up as if he was going to a ball, meanwhile, she praised his style and found him very pleasant to be around so she ignored them.
It took Alastor five months to ask Jenny to be his girlfriend, he couldn't ask her face to face, so instead, he wrote her a letter and hid it in her book, later he felt stupid because how could someone so sweet and kind like Jenny be a girlfriend of an outcast like himself, he tried to retrieve the letter but it was too late as she read it in the middle of her lecture.
One time, Jenny was almost hit by a car because she was chasing a kitten, it was the single most horrifying moment in Alastor's life, he thought he lost her, it was also the first time he ever tells her that he loves her, they ended up adopting the kitten and calling him Husker.
They moved in together after a year and they were the happiest couple, everyone envied their relationship, her impact on him was great, he gained confidence, and he let his charming self show up and appear, she often praised his voice too.
For April's fools, she signed him up for a radio host interview, he ended up getting the job and it was the funniest thing, because who would've thought, shy, awkward Alastor would ever dare to become a radio host.
She is usually very calm and kind unless someone is picking on Alastor which happens a lot, his calm, shy state makes him an easy target, when that happens, she's a raging protective girlfriend.
Alastor was never interested in sexual intimacy, he liked cuddling, enjoyed the kissing, at first Jenny thought he was gay but then realized that he was merely asexual so she sat him down and told him about her discovery, she was supportive though.
After five years, he planned the perfect marriage proposal, he was going to take her to the same coffee shop where they had their first date, fill the place with her favorite flowers, get on one knee and give the speech of his life, he spent an entire month planning it and saving enough money for it through working odd jobs alongside his work as a radio host, he spent an entire day putting it in action.
When he returned home that day to take Jenny out on a date, he saw her laying motionless on the floor, stabbed 19 times, this broke Alastor completely and he vowed to avenge her death.
His mental state worsened as he spent two years tracking down her killer, and when he found him, he made sure that he knew exactly the pain he caused by killing everyone he loved before he finally killed him.
Once the killer was dead, Alastor moved out of the town, he gave Husker to Jenny's parents and left without ever returning there and found a new job at a different radio station.
He moved on with his life but there were things that made him think of her often, the color red, hot chocolate, kittens, his work at the radio station, his reflection in the mirror when he smiles as it was her favorite feature of him, sunsets and jazz music.
Okay so two things, the art is made by me so don't freak out about the credits, lol, and the second is, would anyone who can actually draw be interested in creating Jenny x Alastor comics with me? if so, hmu!
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evostar · 2 months
I just imagine something cute!
You know that family tree in the kitchen? What if Dolores has the same thing in her room but with Mariano and her kids?
Bisabuela Rosa at the top of the tree. Mariano + Dolores in the middle. And the children start from youngest to oldest, Starting with Diego to Victorio.
Also, here's a few picrews you can use to design the kids (if you'd like) -
Bighead kid picrew
Pixel friend
Makowka character maker
And some from books + movie
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AAA THAT IS ADORABLEEEEE!! I will definitely make one after I have the design for every kid!!
New kids unlocked!!! And lore 💪
Okay firstly the tree kids, the one in the front, frisco segundo madrigal and her brother, vicenta segundo madrigal (decided to make them siblings since they look alike to be siblings 👍) their sister (who was their step sister in their past family) Patricia ortuno madrigal!! They lived in a not so great household, often having to take care of themselves since their parents didn’t care, they didn’t get parental love neither did they get cared for good, their parents ended up in jail from some fight and since then Dolores took care of them!! (She basically did before but now they live with her) all of them are 5 year olds!
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The two girls wanted their hair to be like Dolores!! Also some earrings :D and Camilo showed vicenta some outfits he might like, which he loved!!
Onto the nexttt, the ginger head is rafaela lazcano madrigal!! He is an orphan, he was in a lot of foster homes, some great and some awful, in the end he got adopted by Dolores since his past foster family was not so great and he also hated hopping into a new foster home every few weeks. He is 7 year old!!
Esmerelda Jerez madrigal!! She did have a parent who cared (her father) who then later on left, her mother didn’t like her since birth since she claimed that esmerelda wasnt her child. Esmerelda actually came from an other town!! Since her mother had left her in this town alone and then left without her. Ofc, Dolores who heard all of this immediately went to her, and now she lives with Dolores :D she is 8 years old!!
Leandra henriquez madrigal! Was the neighbor from Mariano, his parents always left him alone at home, leaving leandra with no food, no money, no nothing. Mariano noticed it and started to take care of him, later on Dolores joined too. He firstly was hesitating (he struggles a lot with abandonment issue like Esmerelda) but then he opened up, they took care of him till they fully took him in! (His parents never came home after one night.) He looks up to Mariano a lot and hopes to become a lot like him. He also is 8 years old!
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Camilo trying to make fun of Camilo but it just ended up being humiliating for him!! (He couldn’t carry rafeala for more than 3 seconds) leandra is getting impressed by how strong he is and Esmeralda is admiring mirabels sewing skills!!
The last one is the two siblings, Bronco and Almira socarras madrigal!! (Decided to switch the names with ages) Bronco, who is a curious 3 year old, and his baby sister almira. The 1 year old almira takes a lot from his brother, their curiousy takes Dolores a whole level away!! Their parents didn’t care much about them, mostly letting them outside in the garden not knowing the danger (Dolores had to save them multiple times,) and only doing stuff with them when it comes over to fame. (They care a lot about how people judge them.) In the end, the house was in a fire, dolores safely secured them before any real harm happened. Luckily it was just some scars but it was still very traumatic for them.
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Bronco loves candy, but Dolores doesn’t let him eat that much since he’s got a small stomach which gets bad fastly but his Abuela makes sure he gets some daily ;)
Almira loves admiring and touching faces (mostly Dolores’s and isabela’s :D) she’s very curious!!
Thanks a lot for the suggestions!!🩵
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wraithsoutlaws · 2 months
3 and 5 for Dagger, 6 for Dragula
3. Has your OC killed a friend/family member/loved one? Yes! His adoptive father, Thatch, and his brother (kinda). After he was taken in by nomads as a kid, he never really acclimated well and rejected any attempt at making them his new family. He only cared about his little brother Casey and trying to protect him. He constantly clashed with Thatch even though he defended him a lot from clan elders and other members and generally protected him from facing the consequences of his actions (he was a troubled kid, unsurprisingly lol). Dagger harbored a lot of anger and trauma from his biological father that automatically transferred onto Thatch despite him being a generally Decent Guy and Father Doing His Best with two traumatized orphans. But they argued a lot throughout their life together and eventually Dagger totally snaps and kills him (stabs him 30 times oops). Sometime during those 30 stabbins', Casey interrupts and in wave of panic and adrenaline and blind rage, Dagger ends up cutting Casey's throat. It's a total accident but he watches his brother bleed out in front of him before he runs. Leaves the clan before anyone finds him (and is officially branded Raffen). Little did he know, Casey is actually found by a clan medic and is able to be saved in time! But Dagger lives several years believing him to be dead, and it's one of the biggest defining moments of his life, because without the single thing in this world he actually gave a shit about, he allows himself to detach completely and become truly an unhinged monster and thus its the start of the man the myth and the legend himself.
5. What is your OC’s moral code?
Well. its broken lol! He essentially sees other people as pawns to be used or toyed with, so he generally has no problem ruining lives. "If you got a problem with it square up and stop me" kind of deal. His worldview is shaped around survival of the fittest, and he sees nothing wrong with this. Be the Bigger Monster. If someone isn't willing to stoop that low then it means they're weak and free game and he's probably doing them a favor by killing them. The only people who he won't are children, the outliers in his mentality. Children should be taught to survive. They don't know any better, they need a good example. He'll show them a good example. He'll kill everything around them and then give them a knife. He's practical and realistic (so he believes). He doesn't get attached to anyone (he's just repressed). The only thing in the world that matters is blood. (All of this of course because he witnessed something very bad when he was very small and he never wanted to feel that scared again).
6. Would your OC make a deal with the devil?
There was a time where he was more of an idealist and he wouldn't, but he becomes a bit jaded and detached and for the right price he might. But not for anything like money or status and probably not even power. If he was going to go that far it'd be for something bloody and vengeful and scorched earth. It'd have to be very worth it for him to have a leash around his neck (again.)
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shmowder · 9 days
Whoa, you did amazing on your first run of P2! I made it through but like half the town died so I definitely enjoyed getting all the dialogue I missed the first time around. And just being able to spend a little more time appreciating the environment was nice, too.
You definitely make the first game sound interesting! And I would finally find out what everyone sees in Daniil 🤔
I also wanted to ask, do you have a favorite kid character? Sticky is mine.
Daniil, in the first game is... absolutely something. I love him, but god, I'm just in the first day of his route, and I can't stand his dialogue choices. He just keeps talking! he never stops. He has so much to say about everything and everyone at all times. He will fluff up the sentences with filler words and pleasantries.
Interacting with him as Artemy was fun because he was that silly dramatic guy from the Capital and you're only subjected to his theatrics once every two to four business days, plus the occasional letter he loves sending at the stroke of midnight, making you wonder if this is the time he inevitably went mad and is sharing the news with you as you open it.
I keep mansplaining everything to anyone who shows the slightest interest in me. Eva is flirting with me, and all I can do is abruptly change the conversation topic to be about death, very smooth Danill, I'm sure imagining her invetiable demise reeled her in.
...Am I describing myself? Is this what I'm doing right now?
Anyway, my favourite kid! My favourite child! this is gonna be a very long essay because I adore all the little rascals in Pathologic.
We're starting with Sticky <3
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When I was playing P2, it was definitely Sticky. You mentioned him being your favourite!
With sticky, he is the first kid to actually give you a chance as Artemy. Sometimes, it feels like he adopted himself into your life and not the other way around. He just shows up and is immediately ride or die with you for life.
He steals for us! Breaks the law just to help us because he knows we are short on money! He doesn't have any medical knowledge but he tries his best to learn from watching you and the occasional questions.
He is endlessly curious and thirsty for knowledge. You can witness it each time you mention a medical term he doesn't know like serum or panacea, and he tries his best to understand what you're saying. Even if it doesn't make sense, he takes your words with blind trust. He wants to be just like you and it's so endearing.
I also adore how they gave him a personality that isn't just a docile student who agrees with everything you say.
No, Sticky will argue with you at times, insult you at others even. Especially his idle spoken dialogue where he keeps saying "How can people protect themselves from the infection? You're a doctor, you should know!"
It's the "You should know!" part that always gets me. He is upset that you don't know something! That's how much he secretly looks up to you and puts you on a pedestal. That when faced with the reality that you're not all-knowing and struggling to invent a cure, he's hurt and angry. Like you betrayed him by not being his superhero.
His other idle spoken dialogue lines are also priceless. They tell a complete story on their own.
"I'll learn how to cure this plague myself. I'm a master of many skills!"
"I know the Lines, too. How else could I find my way around all the attics, and the cellars, and those twisty yards?"
He's trying to copy Artemy, to copy you the player and your effort to cure the plague. He's so small in this big world and can only effect so little in the grand scheme of the universe but he refuses to acknowledge that! He refuses that fate of being a helpless kid for you to save, he wants to be more and goddammit he will be more.
But he can't. He won't. At the end of the day, he is just a kid not matter how many tantrums he throws. He wants you to take him seriously and treat him with the same familiarity as other adults which is why insults you and jokes with you.
He wants Artemy to joke insult him too like he does with Stakh, he wants Artemy to confide in him and share theories like he does with Daniil.
"You don't look so happy. Musta come from the hospital"
He notices your mood, he studied your reaction and knows your routine by heart. He can tell the difference between Artemy's upset face and his normal resting scary ripper face.
Sticky tries to sympathise. But he has never seen a hospital before in his life, all he knew about them was what he read in picture books as a toddler while learning the alphabet and someone put Hospital under the letter H.
The makeshift Theatre-turned-hosptial could never compare to a real one. I've spent time in hospital and my doctor brother told me about the absolute horrors of the emergency care and surgery sections. The many peoples of which will die in front of your own eyes and there is nothing you can do to save them.
All of his world view is extremely limited. Artemy is the lense in which he views the world with, in an attempt to decipher and understand it. You've became his teacher since the moment the first ever question slipped from his mouth and you answered it with sincerity.
"My path was called In Defiance. I almost tracked down that weird creature, but then I found a better goal. I'm going to become a real doctor. "
In the marble nest, when Artemy's dead, Sticky attempts to still follow his fate and seeks the Bachelor. He confesses his dream of still wanting to be a doctor but Daniil is dismissive and only directs him towards the academic path.
It's clearly not the same, it clearly eats up at Sticky to have his old mentor die in order, a second time, to invent a cure and now he can't mourn because he has to convince the only other doctor in town to take him under his wing.
Artemy allowed him a chance, took him seriously, looked past his lack of education and taught him the same way his own father used to teach him. Because Artemy genuinely relates and understands Sticky's situation, he grew up in this town.
Daniil who lives in the capital where every child is handed a bright future and guaranteed education could never relate to the kids of the town who grew up without a single school. He feels bad for them yes but he can't see Sticky as capable of anything besides staying out of trouble and letting the real doctors do their job.
Daniil lives in his concept of a utopia where children are always protected and never put in dangerous situations while capable adults handle everything. A world where he closes a grocery to not spread infection because that's what's right and necessary, without caring about how the families will feed themselves now.
Artemy lives in the grim reality of orphans trading bullets and razors just to get enough food to stay alive, of them risking getting infected just to acquire plague maps for him to purchase, in the world where he helped a kid steal from a store for his own sake because he knew he couldn't afford saying no in these dire circumstances.
Sticky does a lot of work behind the curtains. He keeps the lair clean and takes care of Murky. It's a shame we don't get to see him doing these things in-game, besides his model changing spots depending on the time of day.
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This interaction happens on the third (or second?) day! The kid barely knows us, and he is already looking for our approval and doing chores around the house. I mentioned before how the Haruspex's lair floors are constantly wet-looking in a different post, and that detail is probably due to Sticky constantly moping the floors and keeping things tidy.
I wish Artemy was more gentle with him, I wish he spoke softer to him like he does with Murky. I know he treats her like that because she is younger and more gaurded but god Sticky deserves to be told good job too!
Sticky absolutely adores Murky. He makes her candy with melted sugar and tries to cheer her up. But he also tends to idolise Isidor a little too much. They end up in fights a lot because he always defends Isidor and his actions no matter what anyone says.
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In p1, Sticky absolutely did not get along with any of the kids. Notkin invited him to join his gang, and Sticky refused, Khan wanted him to do a favour too, and Sticky declined. He doesn't play with other kids, he doesn't engage with them, and he is mostly alone.
It doesn't seem like that changed much in P2, sure the others don't mention him by name but also you don't ever see him wandering to the hubs the other kids are so fond of.
So for him to be kind and befriend Murky despite all the alienation he has suffered all his life from other kids, it really must have been a challenging step for him to take. He immediately accepts her as his sister and doesn't ask any questions.
In his free time, before becoming a student, he used to uncover mysteries and perform experiments detective conan style. Camping at the steppe at night to witness one of those clay vampire creatures despite no one believing him, attempting to get to the bottom of remours.
He's clearly very fascinated by the kin folktales and mystical creatures beyond just fantasy. What others dismissed as childish beliefs, he looked at with rationality and attempted to make sense of. The same burning curiosity reared its head when Artemy shared stories about the kin with him.
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Even his idle dialogue shows his lingering fascination with the supernatural world, with the miracles of the kin. He doesn't fear them, he wants to witness them despite the consequences.
"The murderer is a steppe demon! A shabnak-adyg! I just know it!"
"A long neck and a fat body. And hooves for feet—so it's an Albino. And people say it wasn't the earth that made it!"
"Have you seen a pale, glimmering man walking around at night?"
Just imagine Artemy passing down all of the kin tales to Sticky, the ones his father used to tell him, the ones he learned from the herb brides, the ones Oyun used to whisper to him, the ones Aspity shared during their brief interactions.
Isidor's death greatly affected him. He never speaks about him or shows it, but the fear of abandonment has already taken root. It's apparent in the endgame dialogue when he's refusing any idea of you leaving, even ten years from now, when he is a full 20-something adult.
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Just the mention of leaving has him terrfied and panicking, he doesn't want to experience the loss of another father so soon. He clings to you like gum throughout all of the game and doesn't leave your lair out of fear you won't be there when he comes back.
He sits in that broken chair and watches over Artemy as he sleeps, that kid needs a hug and reassurance so badly.
Suddenly, he has a sister to take care of, a father who loves him and is willing to teach him, a house with his own room, a future ahead as a Menkhu doctor. He has his dream coming true, and he won't survive having it taken from him.
The devs leave a lot of room for you to influence Artemy's choices and reactions throughout the game, even when it's just flavour plot texts and I love that. In my version of events, Artemy rejected all the proposals and job offers from Young Vlad, General Block, Yulia and the rest to be their assistants or travel with them.
Instead he remains home to be a Menkhu, watching over his town and helping whatever remains of the kin to survive. He accepts Lara's offer to help him take care of Sticky and Murky as co-parenting and friends. He raises both of them to be wonderful amazing adults who listen to their hearts and follow their own dreams.
Maybe add Aglaya survives and they have a long distance romance and the kids are intrigued by her terrifying aura-
Honourable mentions, Murky, Taya and Notkin.
Murky because of EVERYTHING SHE IS. I will surrender my own life to see her happy.
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Do you remember her words to us? to Artemy?
"What is there about you to love? Nothing. So I don't."
"I don't need you. Nuh-uh. Things were great without you. Great."
"Why did you come here? I don't need you. Nobody here needs you. We're not friends with her anymore, anyway."
"Why should I love you? I don't need to love you at all. I can stop loving you whenever I want."
She keeps repeating how she doesn't love us, how there is nothing to love, how she doesn't need you, she doesn't need anyone....She can stop loving us whenever she wants, she can stop if she wants to she is so sure of it...
And she knows she is lying the whole time.
She loved Artemy since the first moment she saw him.
Which was when he murdered those three people after getting off of the train. She saw a murderer, a ripper, and loved him as daughter loves her father.
Covered in blood in our worst, Murky looked at us and saw a gentle heart and a nurturing soul.
Sticky is scared of being abandoned again so he clings to us, Murky is scared of loving us so she clings to a lie. She wants a dad, she wants a brother, she only has her doll and a broken train car to call her own.
The only thing left from her parents, her lonely doll. And it was your father whom caused their death and orphaned her, what cruel fate to make her love you as a father.
The son of her parents killer.
Not a gradual love that we work for, No. She loved is since the single moment she saw us. How terrifying is that for a kid who has known no love or warmth in this life.
For Notkin, he always seemed like the most willing out of the bound kids to be your friend, not counting your own two adopted kids. By the end of the game, he asks to join the kin and says you're already one of his guys, you have a half soul too and it's massive and so cool.
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He blatantly states how much he likes you, how much you've grown on him and stood by his gang's side through the game. He shares with you his dream of opening a warehouse in the future, describing something very similar to what Grief currently has minus the crime.
How poetic it is! Grief and Artemy being childhood friends only for Notkin aka mini-Grief version to end up liking grown Artemy too and wanting to be his friend.
Murky does remind of Lara now that we mention it. In one of the items descriptions, Artemy mentions how Lara knitted him the blue sweater that he's wearing ingame under the surgical grab and when he asked her why blue, she said because it's the colour of idiots and never knitted him anything again.
Murky and her are absolutely kind and selfless to a fault, both treating Artemy with apparent hostility and sharp words when in reality they care for him more than anything.
Notkin and Grief putting an air of being dangerous so Artemy wouldn't get any ideas, but eventually warming up to him and entrusting him with their sincere emotions in rare moments of vulnerability. Both are trying to be good leaders for people under their care, both appreciate his help in dire situations and give him back when they can. Grief is the first to hand you items to get you started ingame, and in Notkins warehouse, a kid gives you bread and milk, later they give you the first plague map for free.
In a way, it feels like Sticky adores Artemy in the same way Rubin must have idolised Isidor.
Jfwifjwkd Artemy straight up adopted the kids equivalent of his childhood friends that is so peotic.
Finally, there is Taya!
For her, I feel more of a personal connection rather than any bond she may have with Artemy. She reminds me of myself as a kid in a way. She looks spoiled but in reality she is very isolated and only have interacted with adults all her life who keep reminding her of her responsibility.
She wants to be a kid so desperately but she is forced to play the mother superior role. And despite all her lack of emotional development at that age, she does her best to sincerely play that role. To be wise and study the responsibility handed to her.
In P1, she mentions nonchalantly how her father, the previous leader of the kin, was killed by the kin in her place, he died to protect her from being killed. She mentions that if you choose to sacrifice big vlad in place of young vlad.
Saying how the father should always pay for the sins of his children.
Isidor died so Artemy may live
Her father died so she may be spared
Big Vlad died in place of his son getting killed.
Taya is very childish at times in a way that I wish she was allowed to express more. Just look at these scenes.
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God it's like she's holding the weight of the world on her shoulders but laughing and smiling despite of it as she dreams of strawberries.
Ugh she is so tiny too! LOOK AT HER. You can put her in you pocket but she might get lost between the loose change!!
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The remaining kids, Capella, Khan, Grace and even Taya herself, don't seem that fond or attached to Artemy. Their fates cross a lot and some of them clearly saw Isidor as a father figure but it's never the same with Artemy.
Taya only cares for him as Menkhu, she is mother superior and he is one of her "children" like any other person from the kin.
Capella sees him as a business partner in a way, she asks for favours and promises to repay tenfolds when she becomes a mistress. Her goals and Artemy's allign so they are partners in planning.
Sometimes, I wonder if Artemy was supposed to be born much later. Because Capella describes a future where he is included with these kids when it comes to rebuilding the town. The fact his own mother died during childbirth makes me consider that theory a bit more, maybe his parents rushed into having a second kid when his older brother passed away which caused health problems to his mother.
So Artemy was supposed to be born much later alongside these kids and play his role in rebuilding the town. But it's just a theory.
Thank you so much for the praise about finishing the game! I want to lie and say it was effortless. But.It.Was.Not. 500 reloads. But I loved every minute, I would hate going to sleep because it meant I had to stop play and would open the game first thing after waking up. It was literally and addiction and I couldn't remember my own name and life event but I for sure had the list of items best to trade to which town npcs memorised.
I want to replay it after finishing it P1. It is fun but it can be boring at times which is why I'm moving at a slugs pace in Daniil's route. Part of me is also dreading finishing it since I will only have Clara's route to play by then....and its over like that.
Maybe by stalling, I'm hoping that P2 Bachelor's route will come out sooner.
I definitely enjoyed this conversation <3 I love talking and talking loves me, I have a million opinions on everything and so much to say about pathologic. If you ever get curious about a certain subject, character or concept, shoot me an ask since I will have so much fun writing out the essay.
I hope you had fun reading this! I try to sprinkle in jokes so it's not just a big dump of information but eh, I love mansplaining guilty as charged.
Take care anon! I hope your day is wonderful. Also wanna be called Sticky anon if you're going to be a frequent quest on here?
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vaicomcas · 1 month
Since I am rather serious about some day writing nihpil Tanya verse I am trying out characters and Nora just doesn't make sense to me
Like She is a single mother who works, right?
Then she should have had babysitters at hand, someone who does it regularly, somone she can call if they are not available I don't know, didn't she have like friends or family or even neighbours?
Nora asking Cas or Steve who was practically a stranger to stay with her kid is just straight up stupid
Oh yeah it's totally unrealistic. What single woman would invite a random guy she obviously doesn't know anything about into her house, let alone leaving her baby with him?
Clearly the sole purpose of the Nora character and her only two or three scenes was to demonstrate Castiel being miserable and humiliated in his human life. For that reason, unlike many Castiel fans, I don't hate Nora, I don't even fault her. She never had a chance, if you know what I mean.
And really, without this contrivance, we wouldn't get the "Castiel comforting baby Tanya and vice versa" scene, which I do like, obviously. So I am grateful to her for that.
And thirdly, as far as Castiel's humiliation goes, it was so mild, especially in contrast with what the others dished out to him, it's almost inconsequential. There was zero evidence that Castiel had any feelings for her. It was just one more routine disappointment. I am more angry that Nora didn't pay for his babysitting service--Cas was homeless and needed the money.
(Really, if they want to show Castiel humiliated, they should have just showed the moment after "you can't stay " registered. They should show him realizing he had no right to be there after screwing up everything, that he had nothing to contribute anymore, that he had to be saved by the Winchesters and now he was freeloading on them. They should show him turning red and stammering and sweating and him not knowing what to do with the burrito he was eating that he had no right to be eating, they should show his rush to get out of the bunker as fast as possible even though he didn't know where to go. Compared to that? being misled into babysitting was small potatoes.
Like of all the characters on SPN that treated Castiel terribly, she was pretty low on the list. She exploited him for a few hours of free labor, sure, but unlike others, she didn't demand him to negate his own identity or to hurt himself or to die for her benefit. )
Sorry, I went off a bitter Cas girl tangent again. You didn't ask me to comment on what I think about Nora, you asked about Nora's character not making sense. The way I tried to incorporate her into my hc is to decide that she acted in this senseless way for a reason. Perhaps she was always kind of unhinged wild-child, a reckless free-spirit, but was forced to become the adoptive mother of baby (Nephilim) Tanya because her sister (Tanya's birth mother) of course died at child birth. Because of that she had to go on the run (because her sister warned her that angels and demons would be after the baby), leave her life behind, and get a job in some small Utah town that she hated. So she resented all this responsibility she didn't ask for, and resented the baby. In rebellion she pursued her own interests while dumping her baby with a stranger. But I would like to give her a redemption arc where she discovered that despite her bitterness, she grew to loved baby Tanya after all.
However, there are lots of other ways to explain her behavior too. Like she could be an undercover demon or an agent of BMOL who was spying on Castiel (this was the hc of heaven-ecologist). In this way, she could also be killed off in a fic.
And one more thing (back to the show). I totally think that after that episode, Nora kept asking Cas for babysitting and Cas kept agreeing. I don't know if Nora started paying him or not. I think Cas would have agreed even if she didn't pay (like I believe he would have agreed to babysit for free in the first place if Nora just flat out asked him honestly). I would think babysitting was a peaceful refuge during his homelessness, to have the security of a comfortable house (maybe Nora was at least decent enough to provide free food as well), alone with a baby who didn't judge him and who needed him, made him feel useful.
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fiction-box · 1 year
How about being kidnapped together with Dimitri and Ashe x reader separately? Thanks so much! ❤️
No problem at all! These did run a little long, so I think I will post them separately. They will still come out around the same time, no worries! I had so much fun thinking about the circumstances surrounding these (as well as how to make them seem realistically romantic despite the circumstances). May this be what you're looking for!
I have been having issues with tumblr just omitting entire sentences from my works, so I really hope the whole thing comes out this time.
Requests are open. The story will be continued under the cut.
Sore, uncomfortable, and exhausted, you tried to peel your eyes open.
The air was too thick, your surroundings dark save for the light shining from the torch on the wall.
On the wall opposite the bars you sat behind.
Frantic, you tried to wake yourself up a bit more by getting up, though you were now aware you were tied to something.
Or rather, to someone.
Turning your head, you caught sight of a mop of gray hair on a limp body. The two of you were tied together at the wrists by what felt like rope.
You shifted your arms, trying to rotate your wrists or loosen the hold in some way, but to no avail.
The sound of footsteps approached down the hall toward your cell. You needed more time…an escape plan…and it would probably be best if your companion were conscious.
In a moment of quick thinking, you lowered your head and rearranged your body into the position in which you remember waking up. If you could buy some time, the other person might wake up naturally after the guards had made their rounds. Shutting your eyes and steadying your breathing, you tried to sharpen your ears and listen.
There were two pairs of footsteps, one heavier and clunkier than the other. The first was obviously a physical fighter while the swishing of robes alerted you to a potential mage.
Two captives, two captors, three conscious, one cell, and if you remembered correctly based on the bars’ complicated appearance…
No key.
But there were strange sounds regardless, and after something like beeping came the creaking of the iron. Your cage had been opened.
Their footsteps grew even closer as every fiber of your being went into playing the part of an unconscious victim.
A voice, low and gruff.
“Wake them up.”
All for nothing, you supposed.
Sooner than your thought could finish, a sensation like lightning ripped through your whole body. A horrifying scream was torn through your throat. Not that you could process it while you felt like you were burning on the inside.
It stopped just as suddenly, but your throat had been left hoarse and your body in pain. You struggled to catch your breath.
“What’s going on? Why are we here?”
It seemed your suffering was enough to startle that boy awake.
…wait, Ashe?
“You don’t need to know anything. We will ask and you will answer. Immediately. Give us your names.”
Gritting your teeth, you complied. It would probably be best to do what they said. Neither of you had power here, and they clearly weren’t afraid of enforcing authority.
There was a sharp intake of breath behind you as you gave them your name.
“Something wrong, boy?” the mage pushed.
“...no. Ashe Ubert.”
The axe-wielding warrior turned to his companion, enraged.
“Are you fucking kidding me? This is like…the beans and rice of the group.”
“Beg pardon?” the dark mage responded testily.
“You kidnapped the only two commoners without crests. Literally the most useless-” he made a noise, dangerous yet exasperated. “At least nab the prince’s advisor!”
“Goddess, no,” you breathed, just low enough that the only person who might’ve heard you would have been Ashe.
These people were probably looking for a bargaining chip in the form of you two. Maybe they wanted money, maybe something else, but…
There’s no way Rhea would give anything for an herbalist’s daughter and the adopted son of a church dissenter.
“Just hang on,” Ashe muttered, “we’ll find a way out of this.”
“They came directly from the officer’s academy, I assure you. They must mean something, at least to the prince.”
“Screw the Kingdom! It’s the Church we’re after-”
“And you’re the one that said the Church and Kingdom were close enough that the Archbishop would- what was it you said? ‘Give an arm and a leg to keep them safe?’”
“You know damn well I meant…”
Shifting your wrists a bit, you stifled a gasp. Leaning backward into Ashe, you turned your head away from the two men.
“Remember when they used that lightning spell on me?” you whispered.
“How could I forget that?” he shuddered, keeping his gaze forward. “Are you feeling okay?”
You almost shook your head before remembering you didn’t want to be caught conversing.
“Nevermind that. The rope; it’s frayed.”
No response came, though you felt him shift his wrists as if to test your claim.
“I don’t…do we break it or wait?” you shifted your head so that you were staring straight at the wall again.
Subtly, Ashe sighed and leaned his head back into yours. You felt your hair shift left, then right, then left and right again.
Patience it was.
“Well, we’re not giving them back, of course,” the mage scoffed. “Seven opponents are more manageable than nine any day. Someone will come for these two.”
“Hey girl!” the warrior barked at you, “You got a fiance or something? Anyone that’d care enough to come for you?”
“She’s my girlfriend,” Ashe bit back before you could respond.
You said nothing, hoping your classmate had a plan.
The man sighed, “Just one disappointment after another with you guys, huh?”
“Fine then,” the mage had grown tired of this, it seemed. “Give us one reason we shouldn’t kill you right here.”
Again, Ashe with the quick thinking while all you could do was stiffen in fear.
“She’s a prodigal herbalist; good with remedies, antidotes…probably poisons too, but that’s never come up in conversation,” he faked a laugh.
What the hell was he doing?
“I don’t know what you guys are up to, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone with her skills; let alone one willing to work with you.”
“Hmm…” the dark mage pondered, “...be nice to have an expert on the field…a cleric can only do so much, but to have a direct producer of…”
“Not so fast; I’m calling your bluff- Ashe, was it?” he turned to you, “What can you really do, girl? And why the hell would you up and work for us? I’ve got a hard time believing you’d betray your friends so quickly.”
You sighed. Everything was moving way too quickly. At this rate, you feared being branded a traitor.
“I…have experience cultivating white verona, golden apples- even Ailell Pomegranates with the right resources.”
“Don’t forget ambrosia.”
“-right, thank you. Some things take longer, like gathering and steaming magic herbs or growing fruit of life, but they can be done. Most people avoid learning how because of the time it takes; however, my family has owned one of the few instructional books on the process for generations.”
“And why suddenly use it for us?”
You bit your lip, thinking.
“It’s true that I don’t know who you are…but I do know that you can keep us safe. I’ll only help you if you keep us both alive, unharmed, and together.”
Footsteps down the hallway. A commotion, just quiet enough that you and Ashe could hear with your younger ears.
Ashe began moving his wrists.
“I don’t know about all that, miss,” the barbarian drawled. “Keeping you both untied and unlocked sounds like a recipe for trouble. How about we leave him down here, and you can see him on weekends?”
The other man snickered, approaching presumably to break you two apart and imprison Ashe individually.
Noises from the hall grew louder, but you kept their attention by rotating to hide your wrists and placing yourself slightly in front of your friend.
“If you only permit me to see him so often, that deal can easily be changed to give me less and less time until I’m not even sure he’d be alive anymore!” you shouted at them. This would both prove a point and hopefully alert whoever had started the scuffle down the hall. “The hour I lose sight of him shall be the hour of my death! You can accept my deal and help yourselves out, or you can see how much of a mess I can make before I go down!”
Ashe’s breath hitched from behind you as the warrior glared down upon you both.
A moment later, the archer’s wrists were free, and he began to work on pulling the remains of the rope away from yours.
“Fine, fine,” the mage waved his hand in the air, unconcerned, “Let’s get you two untied and on your feet. I’m rather interested in just what you have to offer-”
“P-Professor?” Ashe asked incredulously from behind you. “How did you find us?”
“The hell?” the two men whipped around, snapping their heads to the door.
Your classmate grabbed your wrist, now free from restraint, and pulled you up off the ground. Bumping into the monk, he led you out of the room before swinging you in front of him, giving you a push down the hall.
“Go! I’ll be right behind you!”
So you ran, no questions asked as you heard the cell slam shut from somewhere behind you. A thunder spell, a string of rough curses, and a set of footsteps quickly approaching followed the sound.
“Come on! I don’t know how much time we have!”
“This way!” you called, turning left down a corridor.
Ashe overtook you slightly only to collide with an enemy swordsman as he rounded the corner. You kicked the enemy’s side as the archer scrambled to his feet, the two of you continuing down the corridor after you had taken his sword for yourself.
Finally, after several more turns, you located the source of the commotion.
It seemed your house really did care enough to come for you.
“They’re right here, your highness!” Ingrid shouted over the fray as she caught sight of you two.
“Mercedes, head over and make sure they’re okay. Dedue, cover the back! Felix, lead us out of here!”
“...I still can’t believe we went behind the Church’s back for this…” Annette fired off another spell at the oncoming reinforcements.
“Not hard to understand why we had to in the first place,” Sylvain frowned. “They’ve made it pretty clear where their priorities lie.”
“We’re here for you,” Felix called back to you and Ashe, cutting a way out.
Slowly but surely, your friends guided you to safety. A quick explanation revealed that Professor Byleth was spending his time keeping the Archbishop and her advisors occupied. The goal was to complete the mission before the house’s absence was noticed; a feat accomplished only by bribing the guards at the gate.
And when the eight of you returned to the monastery, the Blue Lions’ bond had been made stronger by your shared escapade.
Your house was your family after all, and no one in the world could keep you apart.
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tss-whumper · 6 months
tss heroes and villains au
this is the summary of my tss heroes and villains au!
(cw -> implied kidnapping, c-ptsd, child abuse, extreme manipulation, torture, physical abuse, emotional abuse, violence, exploitation of children)
in this world, a small percentage of people are born with or discover a magical superpower, such as flight, teleportation, element manipulation, and these people usually become either heroes or villains. there are many hero academies, places that teach children with powers how to become heroes that protect their cities from villains.
but in ember city, this academy is very corrupt.
patton parsons, otherwise known as paw-ton, is the resident hero of the city, a very famous hero who defeats villains regularly and saves civilians from danger. he's known as being a very kind, comforting person who always does the right thing. he is also the headmaster of the hero academy in ember city, and he teaches children how to become heroes just like him.
his power? he can artificially make people feel emotions. he can make anyone feel anything, happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and even pain.
see where things can get a little scary?
anyway, enter janus, a sixteen year old kid with the power to create sensory illusions. he can make people hallucinate that there are people or things that aren't actually there. but he hates the hero academy because patton's rules are strict, and he basically abuses his students into obeying his every whim, even when they are harmful. after all, patton only cares about the greater good, defending the innocent. so if a hero child gets hurt in exchange for the safety of a civilian, then he's done his job right.
resenting this, janus runs away and becomes a villain, seeking to destroy the hero academy from the ground up.
fast forward about fifteen years, and patton has another student to replace janus. a young boy named roman who wasn't born with powers, but found a magical golden gauntlet that has fused to his hand, and allows him to teleport short distances and blast fireballs. roman wants to be a hero more than anything, so it's a good thing patton saved him when he was a baby from dying on the streets, and raised him as his own adoptive nephew, becoming a hero academy student. patton punishes roman harshly because though he has drive, the poor kid is horrible at being a hero, having no control over his powers and a general lack of common sense.
but when janus ends up running into roman while trying to pull a heist, he sees his own reflection in the eyes of this tired, abused young teen, and he strikes a deal with patton: if he gets to take roman out of the academy and raise him as his own, he'll give patton as much money as he wants, and if he fails to provide the amount patton wants, then patton can take JANUS back to the academy and become his prisoner.
patton is thrilled with this. not only does he get to get rid of one of his worst students, but he also gets the chance of having janus back in his clutches.
roman is a sweet little kid, but he's clearly very conditioned, only caring about helping other people, being a good hero, clearly things that patton drilled into him with years of harsh punishments. but the two become very close very quickly, as they realize that in this twisted world that sees patton as a perfect good guy, they're the only ones who truly understand each other.
but what if janus fails to get the money to patton? and how much does he sacrifice to make sure that roman is safe from harm forever?
there's more lore than this, but this is all i really want to discuss in one post because it's already a lot. let me know what you think!! it's one of my favorite aus of all time, and i can't wait to write about this.
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illwilledomen · 4 months
Do you have villager ocs? If so what's their lore?
Yes! Rosemary The Cleric — A soft spoken, gentle man in his forties. He’s dedicated to medicine and worship. Deeply pious and humble. Refuses to talk about his childhood. He is the eldest child of three boys, one of whom is dead, the other unknown. He was the peacekeeper and golden child of the family. The youngest brother, Dil, was drowned by the middle son, Sorrel, after Dil witnessed Sorrel, and a few older pillager boys he hung out with, rape, rob and kill a wandering trader couple. Rosemary discovered Dil’s body, and found out Sorrel had done it. Sorrel was declared cursed and banished, and watching the whole thing unfold left Rosemary traumatized. He blamed himself for not stopping it, and his father, the cleric at the time, Cleric Garin, subsequently died from grief and Rose had to take over. (I’ll let you guess where Sorrel ended up after he got banished. Hint: They’re gray, they have massive eyebrows, and they hate you personally.)
Pepin — Clumsy weird little cinnamon roll. She is that one kid that would ask you to join their wolf pack in year 6. she is the apprentice of Rosemary. A result of a SCANDALOUS one-off fling between two unknown villagers during a market congregation, Rose adopted Pepin to save them from the dejected and lonely life of a Nitwit, and due to the fact he had no heir to his career of his own. Pepin is not terribly good at a lot of things, but she does have a natural talent for brewing. Penn (Penrod) — Socially inept librarian in his late twenties who just wants to be left alone & live in his small library. Considered a real heartthrob by the bachelor & bachelorette villagers (And one vindicator, Gillywig. Uh oh.) but he has no interest in such relations and will curl up into a ball and figuratively die if you even remotely flirt with him. If you talk to him about the history of enchanting however then he will practically get down on one knee. Emil — An earnest farmer trying to make a living and feed his family. Loves his wife, who I haven’t come up with yet. He takes Steve in and teaches him stuff like villager customs, how to read and write, what money is, ETC.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere platonic shadowpeach dbk free noddles and sandy and Mei x wooloo sytr toddler child reader
Like she's really really fluffy but that's not all she's a pokehumajn
And she gets lost and confused looking for Mary) Mary had a little lamb little lamb the fleece was white as snow 😆)
Mary was her trainer
If she has her little bow her little red bow around her neck that keeps a lot of her long fluffy hair away from her hoofs
She looks around doing her little sheep calls for Mary but instead of getting married she gets new family
She acts top for a second knowing stranger danger and does little little intimidation Baaas
But you see this cute little kid that's literally a kid have kid half human ( baby sheep are called kids I thought that was adorable)
Trying to scare you warn you off with her little Baaas
They show her that mean no harm and take her home
Oh I’m so going to love to do this, especially the baaaas part 😆😍😁🤩
Also I adore wooloo’s!! It’s funny how strong their wool actually is, cause if they fall down a high cliff or something similar their wool would protect them, isn’t that fascinating plus it would make a great reader story idea.
Warning: noob author, dark theme, yandere platonic characters, female!reader, cuteness overload, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach(sun wukong x macaque), freenoodles(tang x pigsy), sandy, mei, dbk family.
You had lost your trainer when going to next city for the other part of your vacation and now walking around trying to find her but as you’ve seem to never really been anywhere.
You were a wooloo before entering it but now you’re a human with features of a wooloo. You had walked in front of Mary so as to not worry her if you were behind her, you marched in a tune you remembered hearing back at home on Mary’s tv and so you became distracted not noticing that Mary is no longer behind you anymore before walking into the city, transforming into a little girl.
And since you had never been human before, you had walked wobbling every second, though you remembered watching Mary walk all the time it was harder than you thought so it took you many tries as you would fall done every so often; it had taken until noon rolled around to at least stay up for a while without falling down.
Now it’s time to find Mary!
You let out a ‘baaa!’ While throwing your hands up in the air in excitement though that set you off balance and made you tip over with how fast you threw your hands in the air.
You prepared for the fall but it never came, when you opened you eyes you see a man with glasses along with clothes that a johto citizen would wear as you’ve in some magazines.
He checked for if you had any injuries before hand, smiling to reassure you; you had let out a small ‘baa?’ all the while tilting your head to the side.
Tang; the man who saved you from scrapes and pain silently ‘aww’ed and felt a nonexistent arrow hit is heart at the cuteness in front of him.
You thought he didn’t look like trouble but still wary and hesitant to do anything but at least you can use your bite if anything should happen.
He noticed the little nubs for horns and sheep ears on the sides along with two puffy braids going down from the sides of your face and in front of your ears, you also had big puffy (white/brown) hair being held by a single red ribbon.
He decided to bring you to his husband to show how adorable and cute you’re and that he had found you all alone so it’s not considered kidnapping, he also wanted to convince him of adopting you.
When tang brought you to the noodle shop his husband that he owns and had explained how he had found you all alone.
The pig demon known as pigsy scolded his husband and offered some of his famous noodles as compensation and fee of charge as he knew you wouldn’t have enough money on you for it unless your caretakers is with you.
They soon didn’t won’t to let you go to your caretaker and since neither them or anybody else understand you you just have to stay with them, forever…
But don’t worry you’ll have amazing friends who’ll protect, like mk, mei, sandy, and your new parents, all you have to do is stay with them!!
You had appeared on a mountain after going into a cave that had crystals worrying Mary and having to scold you as you went further and further away.
You hadn’t noticed you had begun changing into a human as you started following a monkey Pokémon that you’ve never seen before.
As you chase after it not wanting to be alone anymore while calling out with the usual wooloo ‘baaa’s just in case Mary hears it and finds you.
You were picked up at some point in the chase after the companion you wanted as you didn’t want to be alone. You thrash around while letting out distress ‘baaa’s before deciding to use your only option that you could think of.
By biting the culprits as it was close to you to be in biting range.
Sadly since you’re a wooloo and they’re herbivores your teeth aren’t that sharp enough to break loose as it only made the culprit flinch.
Soon after you felt a weight lifting and going back down in a stroking pattern.
You can very well hear the cooing from the culprit making you start to naw on their arm though you came to soon realize that there’s hair on the arm so you let out a ‘baaa’ in disapproval.
The next thing you knew is that you’re in a house sitting on the lap of the one who kidnapped you.
You notice the culprit has a male voice to them as they started hugging you and saying how soft, cuddly and adorable you are and that this ‘macaque’ would love you as much as he does, whoever these two is.
When you finally met this macaque it was when you you used headbutt on the who captured you who soon told you his name but that you may also call him dad.
Macaque saw the weirdest sight ever but got over it quickly as he knows it’s just sun’s natural weirdness that mk as well.
What he saw was a child with nub like horns head first going to his mate in a attempt to headbutt sun, and he was accepting it!! Sun hugged you as soon as you got close and rocked you in his arms with you grumblingly went with it.
They decided to adopt you as they figured you’re abandoned; which you ‘baaa’ed in anger for not accepting it at all, and even if you weren’t you’re already theirs now, the caretaker shouldn’t have left you out of their sites but how fortunate for them that sun and macaque will be taking care of the child now and forever.
And with how little you’re and how caring they are to you, you start to love them as your parents like they wanted.
It was all part of the plan; macaque had stole a serum to make you start to forget about your caretaker and have to rely on them to parent you more.
But don’t worry macaque and his mate will cherish you forever no matter how many people they have to kill even mk is starting to pick up a few things from the to make sure you’re safe.
You had followed a cat Pokémon when you lost Mary, or at least you thought it was a cat Pokémon as it seems to have blue fur and orange Mohawk like hair on his head.
Your now surrounded by many cats with you trying to pet them all and them wanting a turn even if they had already went.
When sandy can back to ship/home he wasn’t expecting to see a little girl who had long fluffy hair tied in a red ribbon and noticing the nubs of horns along with the sheep ears to match; he worries that something tragic had happened.
He tried to see if you know what happened but all he gets is cute little ‘baaa’s but it can work with it as he explained that you could tell him by drawing.
When you were finished and help him understand the situation of what happened and now understand that you can’t get home as it’s not from here but a different world entirely.
So he decided to take care of you, you were of course hesitant about it as it would feel like you were replacing your trainer Mary.
And as a stress reliever, he had given you tea that he especially made for the stress of any kind and you can even pet the cats some more to help!
The tea is a special blend of herbs that would make you sleepy and groggy but relaxed as well so you soon never thought of your past trainer and started thinking sandy as your new caretaker.
When you spend time together it’s usually sandy brunch and styling your hair in styles that you had found in a magazine while you pet the cat relaxed as ever.
He makes sure to be as careful with you as he is with his cats even if you’re bigger than them you’re still fragile and precious to him, I mean look how small you are compared to him!!
As long as you’re with him you’ll be safe and sound plus have a healthy diet, so please stay with him….
(A/n: ok! So something happened when I posted this, I had thought I clicked saved then post but I didn’t which deleted a lot of the work I had already done, so I had lost dbk family, mei’s and some of Sandy’s last bit so I’m going to make a part two so I can make it as if I would edit this post and try to edit the missing thing that had been deleted plus new bits I would feel sad and unmotivated to do it, but thankfully @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate gave me the advise to make a part two so I don’t feel overwhelmed so to @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate thank you so much this helps as I didn’t want to have to not do all of your characters you had)
(This will be where part two is)
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game! Time traveling AU where Kaladin is sent back in time but he is lost in the capital or wherever the Kholins are. He desperately tries not to get adopted by them but he fails.
rip kaladin and his easily adoptable state
1- ok so enlightened spren fabrial magic whatever means that Kaladin is elsecalled across time and not just space, oops. He lands in Kholinar and is confused because this is not what the city looked like last time he was there, and then he gets told he's years in the past and he's more confused. Syl's with him and shes like 'huh.'
2- Kaladin's first thought is that he needs to get to Hearthstone and prevent the bad everything that's gonna go down there. but he has no food and limited money (and has to keep that on him for stormlight) so he's stuck in the city for a few days before he can go. On the second day, he hears that Dalinar Kholin is back in the city and acting Very differently as he prepares to go to the shattered plains. Kaladin, hoping that this is because the guy also time traveled and is acting accordingly... goes directly to see him. Syl has to manifest as a blade twice to get him in but it finally works. Kaladin strides in and talks to Dalinar like he's known him years.
3- Dalinar has NOT time traveled- the sudden change was brought on by the Nightwatcher deal, so he has no clue how this guy with a shard-spear got here or how he knows him. However, he draws the conclusion that whoever this guy is, he did know him- but the Nightwatcher took his memories of him too, which must have made him important. Dalinar adds two and two and gets five, figuring that this kid must be his illegitimate son or something, and he needs to quickly become a better father to all three of his kids
4- Kaladin does not notice this, he's too busy trying to catch Dalinar up and figuring some of his memories were left behind in his bond, since the Stormfather couldn't travel back like Syl did. Annoying, but he can make do. He thinks about who he can trust to write for him, sighs, and goes to Jasnah, requesting she take down the notes Dalinar is going to need on the Plains- she does it in exchange for him telling her everything he knows about Radiants, since she's already bonded Ivory but isn't at a very high oath yet. He tells her to go to the Plains with Elhokar because if left alone her brother is going to just. be the worst. and maybe if she pushes him more he can avoid getting murdered. He also suggests getting a ward, as the young lady Davar in Jah Kaved is also a Radiant and even younger than him. Also, humans are the real voidbringers and the world will end if they can't make peace very quickly on the plains. Good luck, he needs to go to hearthstone.
5- Dalinar is very put out that Kaladin won't go with them to the camps- yet, Kaladin promises to return after he goes home and saves his brother, something Dalinar can relate to. He finally relents but only after asking Kaladin to take Renarin with him, as he can't go to the Plains. Kaladin's like 'oh cool yeah', Dalinar is like 'oh good he can bond with his other half brother too on the way, better for the family, and keep an eye out for Renarin', Adolin is very sad that the hot strange guy who compliments his fashion and told his dad off for being rude won't be coming with them but will survive i'm sure, and Renarin is baffled that Kaladin agreed, and more so when he's then quietly asked if he's seen a floating red crystal spren yet or if they're going to have to swing back through Kholinar on their return.
The first highstorm after Dalinar and crew leave the city, Kaladin drags Renarin up to the roof, waits for the wall of stormlight, and then lashes them both up to get to Hearthstone asap, ignoring Syl when she asks if he thinks he'll run into a younger version of himself there, or if the younger version disappeared when Kaladin arrived in the past.
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