#he's stuck in a small room w the woman of his dreams and he's slight tipsy and she'svery into him and they almost kissed the night before
gild-and-fire · 2 years
the cheap guesthouse is one of gangtae’s nine circles of hell 
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angeloroki · 3 years
you're the only one — s. todoroki & a. tamaki
— character ; aged up!shoto todoroki x fem!reader, aged up!amajiki tamaki x fem!reader
— request ; Can I request sm? So shouto and tamaki ( feel free to remove any of them if you want to ) having I nightmare about there s/o cheat on them and when they wake up they are kind of upset or insecure and reader comfort them ( fem!reader plz )And don’t feel forced to do it just do it when you want to and ily take care of yourself 😘
— genre ; angst & fluff at the end
— warnings ; insecurity ?
— a/n ; well amajiki's is longer cuz i don't write much about him, i hope you'll like it anyway!
and ty for your request <3 take care of yourself too ily too muah!
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shoto todoroki
you turned to the other side, expecting to feel the comforting warmth of your boyfriend at your side. just before you were greeted by an icy morning cold.
reluctantly, and slightly surprised, you opened your eyes to find that, instead of seeing his still beautiful morning face, you saw only a void.
you looked at the alarm clock on your bedside table, it was far too early for him to have left.
with a sigh, you grabbed your slippers and dressing gown, and left your warm bed to find a cold you wished you hadn't met so soon.
as you left your room, you ran into shoto in your small kitchen, sipping coffee. a smile slowly came to light up your tired face.
« you're up early today. » you say by way of a greeting.
with slow steps, you place a tender kiss on his cheek. nevertheless, what made you raise your eyebrows was the fact that he was avoiding you. since when was the list of ingredients in the packet of biscuits so interesting?
he greeted you anyway, in a low, monotonous and slightly broken voice.
« what's going on ? »
alerted by his sadness, you took his face in your hands in a matter of seconds. your piercing eyes stared intently at him, ready to relieve his pain whatever it was.
his face was red from crying, and you still had traces of it on his rosy cheeks. he tried to pull away, with a gentle but strong gesture. worried, you bit your upper lip to keep from crying back. it was rare to see him in this state, being usually stoic. few things could put him in such a state.
« nothing, i just had a bad dream. »
your hand remained on his cheek, and you gently forced him to look at you. with a gentle gesture, your other free hand came to meet his, a certain warmth came to warm you despite the morning cold.
« i'm listening baby. »
a long sigh escaped his lips.
« it's not worth it, y/n, just ridiculous. »
you frowned slightly.
« shoto, I'm worried. »
a faint smile stretched his lips slightly. and without you expecting it, he laid his head on your neck. his warm breath made you shiver.
« you abandoned me from one day to the next. without a word, without any explanation. in fact, you left me for another man. and that's how i understood that i wasn't good enough for you.
i know i'm not the ideal man, i'm quite atypical and i don't always show my love for you like other boyfriends do. and sometimes i wonder how a woman as fabulous as you can be with me. »
he stopped.
« you know i'm not stupid, i see how other men look at you. »
as he spoke, you could feel his tears rolling down your chest.
« but i love you. you're the first person i've ever loved this much. you've shown me another side of life that i never got to know because of my father. you've taught me to love y/n. i can't see myself without you. »
your hand came to meet his hair, which you gently stroked. a tear of your own this time came down your face too. you were kind of relieved that it wasn't that bad, although seeing him in that state kind of freaked you out.
« shoto todoroki, listen to me. you're the perfect man for me. you're the one who smiles at me without even meaning to. you're the one who got me to like cold soba. you're the one who comes to warm me up at night in your arms. you're the one i could die for. you're the one who manages to get me to watch the same cheesy romantic movie every night. you're the one i could talk to for hours and days. you're the one person i can see myself spending the rest of my life with. »
you didn't hear him crying anymore. instead, a comforting silence enveloped you both now.
« y/n - »
« you are the man of my life. and i love you like crazy, it scares me a little sometime how much love i have for you. you have no idea. »
with that, you placed a kiss on his lips, which tasted slightly salty from his now dry tears. it was with pleasure that you felt a smile stretch against your lips. his arms came around you in a long, loving hug.
« i love you, y/n l/n todoroki. »
amajiki tamaki
you had finished work earlier so you decided to surprise your fiancé by making his favourite dish.
you hadn't seen him this morning before you left for work, which surprised you a little because he always took the time to come and say hello or give you a kiss.
and now that you think about it, it's true that he hadn't texted you all day, which he usually did too. whether it was to complain about how he embarrassed himself in front of everyoneor just to slip a sweet i love you into your notifications.
had you pissed him off ? you shook your head at yourself, you don't remember if you did. you were probably imagining things.
a few minutes later, you heard the door slam and your boyfriend drop his stuff in front of the entrance. you expected him to come up behind you to give you a long, warm kiss. well, he didn't and probably won't because you heard him lock himself in your room.
you raised an eyebrow. something was wrong.
with a quick step, and slightly apprehensive, you joined him, and came upon a tamaki curled up in a ball in your bed.
you sat down next to him, putting your hand gently on his shoulder.
« tell me what's wrong. »
« i don't know what you're talking about. »
you flinch slightly at the tone of his voice. hard and cold it was. which was a big change from his usually soft and warm voice.
the high school amajiki had grown up, matured. you were able to be by his side as he evolved, he was now a confident and strong man. although old habits die hard
« huh ? did i do something ? »
he finally met your gaze, and it didn't match his tone. full of melancholy, his eyes were bright. he had been crying.
your expression, which at first was slightly annoyed, became more and more panicked. your hands automatically came to meet his, but they refused to meet them.
« tell me what the fuck is wrong ! »
« i - i don't know if it's a good idea for us to get married. »
you swallowed hard. the words stuck in your throat, you didn't understand what had just happened.
« w-why ? » you asked silently.
« i'm not good enough for you, you deserve better. let's stop kidding ourselves. »
an unpleasant heat came over your face, it was anger rising.
how could he know that you deserved better ? didn't your unconditional love for him count for anything ?
« why- why are you saying all this now ? »
it wasn't like him. he had a tendency to doubt himself sometimes, but he had never doubted your love for each other.
« isaw that you had cheated on me. in a dream, of course. you seemed happy with this man. he was everything i wasn't. perfect. i don't want you to waste your time with me, i don't want you to make the mistake of your life by getting engaged to me... i'm just a waste of time, well i've always been anyway. you must think i'm exaggerating and being ridiculous... i probably am... »
he lowered his head as he spoke, now refusing to look you in the eye. it was as if he were eighteen again, the shy and anxious teenager who refused to make eye contact with anyone when he was embarrassed.
a slight gasp escaped your lips.
your hands finally met his, you smiled softly when he didn't try to pull away. you let the silence settle comfortably between you, letting the gestures express your thoughts.
your soft gestures that had already comforted him many times in the hardest moments as well as in the most joyful ones. the same ones that had always succeeded in making him feel loved and safe in your fusional relationship.
he relaxed little by little in your arms, letting all his doubts fly away with this tension that paralyzed his muscles.
you finally spoke up when you were in a fairly comfortable position, both in each other's arms.
« amajiki, baby. i could never be this happy with anyone else. and i mean it. you're the one i grew up with, loved, cried with, laughed with. how can you say you're a waste of time? sweetie, even if we broke up, i'd be happy to tell everyone i loved a great man like you. but i know that's never going to happen, because i'm ready to say yes to you when the time comes. »
his grip around your waist tightened slightly.
« i - »
a tear rolled down your cheek. It wasn't sad, it represented all the love you had for him.
« you don't have to say anything, just kiss me tamaki. »
with your eyes closed, you felt his lips against yours. he had a gift for giving sweet kisses too.
« let me make you the happiest of brides y/n.. »
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linsallyworld · 3 years
Uneven Odds
(Lilith Clawthorne x reader fanfic)
Summary: You have fallen into a strange world, but the Owl House residents have welcomed you. You certainly believe you need to find your way home, but each day it’s a little harder to know where home is when you glance at a certain witch with heterochromatic eyes and pointy ears.
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Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Words: 4.775
"Truth or dare?" Her eyes narrow slightly in your direction as she takes a sip from the cup with purplish liquid. You can swear that the two are glowing with different colors, like those of a night bird. It's impossible not to be fascinated by this.
Luz raises her eyebrows at you, waggling them suggestively, which makes you feel like rolling your eyes. King is intently watching the game from one of the sofa cushions. Eda strokes his back with her fingernails as she waits for your response. Hooty for his part looks very comfortable in the lap of the woman who just asked you the question, eyes on you.
"Truth." You mutter, watching your glass of foreign wine that you hoped wasn't as strong as the smell threatened to be. You used to get drunk relatively quickly and last time it didn't end so well.
"Smooth, Lily. There are youngsters in the room." You laugh softly at the mortal expression the older woman gives her sister for that comment.
"What did you dream about last night?" It's a common question. She could have asked that to anyone in the room. There would be no way. No. There would be no way for her to know, would there? Was there something about the dreams in the boiling isles? 
You had been having the same recurring dream, bright eyes, wide smile, lips tasting like sea salt. How could she know that? 
She couldn't. Your ears are getting warm again, and you are grateful that your hair is covering them. There's no way she could have any idea what you've been dreaming about, and even if in some remote world she did, it's not like you're to blame.
You take a long sip of your drink before looking at her. It warms you up inside and seems to give you a little more courage. There is nothing on her face that says she knows. She has her eyebrows slightly raised waiting for an answer, but the suggestive smile is not on her lips, her eyes are not twinkling with that slight amusement. She doesn't know, she would have no way of knowing.
"With the sea." It wasn't a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. You should be a lawyer. 
"She's lying." Hooty hummed as he moved his head in Lilith's lap. You frowned your eyebrows.
"No. I'm not." You picked up the nearest pillow to throw at the bird that stuck his tongue out. That was probably the strangest thing that ever happened to you.
"I'm a very sensitive house. I know when someone is lying." You roll your eyes hard, afraid that they will get stuck in the back of your head.
"I'm not the kind of person who keeps much of what one dreams." Another lie. But no one needed to know.
"Lying again!" Added Hooty and you narrowed your eyes in his direction, pondering whether it would be possible to make a chicken in sauce with him.
"So, spin the bottle, Y/N." You blink several times to return to this world with Luz's voice and then spin the little bottle in the center of the room. It spins and spins and spins in a way that your already slightly drunk head can't quite keep up with. The options were few, so when the mouth of the bottle points to Lilith you are cheerily surprised. You certainly had a lot of things to ask her. Far more questions than would be appropriate for a game of truth or dare.
"Truth or dare?" She's grinning with the corner of her lips now, barely, still enough to make your heart start beating a little faster.
"I'm an open book, ask anything." Eda raises an eyebrow at that, probably because Lilith's voice sounded a little too drawn out. You guys should probably cut off the alcohol. Still, there is a small smile on your mouth as you rest your chin on your palm, thinking about what you would like to ask. 
"Were you mama's little girl when you were a kid?" She certainly had this perfect little kid aura by the way she was a perfectionist with absolutely everything. It was meant to be a joke. But you felt it immediately, something that hadn't happened in a while, you felt the metal wall falling like poisoned ice around her. It's so sudden and so noticeable in the air that chilled your bones.
Lilith opened and then closed her mouth again. Her jaw set, her eyes losing some of their former amused gleam. Oh shit, you had touched on a sensitive subject.
"Hmm, no. I never was." There is silence then. Eda looks at King's back, Luz is staring at the floor, she obviously felt the mood weighing down. Hooty seems to be the only one still cheerful. You feel extremely stupid, just ask her what is her favorite color, or whatever her favorite animal is. You would be truly surprised if it wasn't a raven. But no, you had to touch on parent issues that she probably didn't want to stir up.
Stupid. Dumbass.
"Your turn, Lulu." Hooty swivels his head in her lap so he can look her in the eye.
"I need to refill after this one. You can go on my turn, Hootcifer." Lilith stood up and your eyes immediately went to her, as was usual. She's wearing dark clothes that night, black pants, and a blouse that seems to blend in with her hair. Or perhaps it was just the wine doing its job. You move away from your place on the floor for her to pass, and she doesn't look at you as she heads toward the kitchen.
Back to square one with a single comment. You were just plain dumb.
"Spin the bottle, Hooty." The bird goes excited and singing to the bottle as you cringe against your own pillow. Perhaps disappearing now would be a good way out. She probably wouldn't talk to you ever again. Congratulations, Y/N. Congratulations, you made your crush uncomfortable in your first truth or dare game.
However, before Hooty could move his beak to the bottle, something breaks. It takes you a little over a second to notice that it wasn't that bottle and that the sound came from the other room. Your head moves in record time to the hallway leading to the Owl House kitchen. You don't remember the light being off.
Lilith. You think, but do not say.
"Lily?" Eda is the first to say something. She pushes King's paw away and sits down. Maybe you guys should stop with the drinks if you were already at the point of knocking over bottles.
There is a muffled sound. Like the beginning of a word that gets lost in the air. Sounds like "he". You frown.
"Lulu?" Added Hooty, doubt emanating from his voice just like Eda's.
All your attention is focused on the hallway. But there is no answer. That's why you and Eda stand up in almost the same second as Hooty slid all the way in front of you. You don't want to analyze why you acted so rapidly at that moment. Eda had the excuse that it was her sister, you were an adult and wanted to help. Good, keep repeating this until you believe it.
A shiver runs down your back before you even reach the kitchen because Hooty lets out a loud gasp. 
Something is wrong. Something is awfully wrong. Your heart starts beating fast enough for you to start gasping for air when you notice that something is dripping on the floor. It's not blood. It's wine. The two bottles that were on the counter are broken on the floor. But that's not why Hooty gasps and that's not why your fingers are shaking.
There are scratches. There are scratches the size of your arm on the wood of the counter, on the kitchen floor, on the back door that now lay shattered.
Something. Something attacked Lilith. Something with enormous claws.
"We...We have to go after her." It's your instinct to look for your cell phone in the back pocket of your pants. The light in the kitchen is out. Your next action is to turn on the flashlight so that you can see anything. 
Eda, Hooty, and Luz are watching the marks with the same amazement in their eyes. Something bordering on dread. They are as frightened as you are. A small bead of sweat trickles down your neck.
Lilith. Where is Lilith? What's got Lilith? You want to shout because they are all standing around watching the marks, except King who is clinging to Luz's leg, looking scared enough to not even approach. But they are just looking.
"Eda. Where do we have elixir?" You frown in Luz's direction. Why on earth was she talking about elixir when something had caught Lilith? Something large, something that could be hurting her. 
"I've been stocking some bottles in my closet. I should probably start spreading them around the house." She lets out a loud and concerned sigh, rubbing her forehead with the fingertips. "Anyway, I'll get them. You go to the living room and stay close to Hooty. Do NOT try anything until I get back. It's the first time, she could easily eat one of you." What? What the hell?
"What about Lilith? Will we just leave it at that? There must still be a way to go after it, to save her." Eda looked at you, just for a second. She frowned and then simply ignored you. 
"Make light glyphs on the walls or floor. I'll be back in 2 seconds." And so she left. She didn't seem the least bit upset that her sister might already be dead and that makes the heat rise in you. You're getting pissed off because nobody seems to be listening to you. Everyone is doing a great job ignoring you.
"Come on, Y/N. We have to stay together." Luz grabs your hand and starts to pull you back into the room, but you pull it back.
"I'm not going to hide. We have to go after Lilith if you don't think she's worth it..." Luz sighs this time and she looks actually frustrated, that's why you shut up.
"Lilith is fine, Y/N. I promise you that, just stay with us. Don't do anything stupid." She grabs your hand again and pulls you in. This time you allow it, even if you don't feel safe in her words. Those claw marks would wander into your dreams, haunt you. Possibly forever.
A thud happens upstairs as if something extremely heavy hits the floor of the highest part of the house. It takes everything in you not to let go of Luz's hand and run up the stairs. 
You can hear how your heart is beating faster and faster. Your breathing is getting weaker and weaker. You have to calm down, but how can you calm down if...
"Okay. Last time we used a light spell. Eda thinks it might work again. Y/N, help me make a light glyph. Let's do it on the floor." You frown even more. "Here." Luz takes a crayon out of her back pocket. You have no idea why she carries crayons around. Probably for situations like this.
"Poor Lulu, hoot, hoot." You glance at Hooty and open your mouth, about to ask if he was the only sensible one who was thinking about Lilith.
"Y/N, FOCUS." You don't remember Luz looking this agitated before, she's being a lot more of an adult than you if you are going to be honest. You compress your lips tightly and fighting against all your instincts you begin to trace the circle on the floor.
"I'm going to take a look at the second floor. Eda's taking her time." Hooty propelled himself up and the door closed behind him. You tried to keep your head focused as you slid the crayon across the floor. It wasn't meant for that and it was a little trickier to draw, the color fading into the wood.
"HOOTY! DON'T GET INTO THE..." But it was too late, before Luz could finish shouting her realization, Hooty let out a chirp loud enough to shiver your spine. And then all the lights went out. 
The shiver that runs through your body now can't be described as anything but terrifying. Your hair stand on end, your breath hitches. You can barely see an inch in front of you. What is it? Where is Lilith? Why can't anyone have the decency to give you some answers?
King lets out a squeal and rushes off, grabbing your leg instead of Luz's. The girl is quick to make a light spell.
"We have to keep going. Hooty's out. It's just us." At one time you would admire the focus and how Luz faced this situation with maturity. But now. Now all you can do is try to follow the lines of the circle in the dim light, raising your cell phone flashlight while scribbling with your other hand.
Lilith had been caught. Hooty is out, apparently. Eda may have been caught too for all you know.
It's picking up one by one. What chance did you and Luz have against something whose claws could very well tear you apart with a single gesture?
What is it? And how did it get past the Owl House's defenses? How could Hooty not feel it? How did Hooty not protect you as he did from even the most daring squirrels?
"HIDE OUT!" It's Eda's voice from the stairs, just a second before the front door is knocked down, or rather thrown open. The wood passes close to your head and slams across the room, crashing down. Your eyes go to Hooty first, but his tube is still taut, you have no idea where his head is.
You hear its breathing first, heavy and panting. A wild animal after a fight.
And only then you did look at it, maybe it was a bit of a foolish decision, but you couldn't control your impulses. It's large enough to get through the front door only if it sneaks. Claws the size of your arms perfectly placed on the floor of the room. Wide, spreading wings that looked silvery in the moonlight. The creature is covered in black feathers and...Maybe hair? Large pointed ears, eyes as dark as tartar itself, indicating that the creature is probably blind or very sensitive to light. And finally, a wide mouth, wide enough to swallow your head whole at once, also seems to glow a silvery hue, with fully sharpened, golden teeth, two rather protruding fangs that you are sure are as sharp as knives.
The creature squeals and the sound echoes throughout the house. It makes your head dizzy with how loud it is. Luz grabs your arm. She makes a silent gesture and pulls you (and King) until you are in the safety of the back of the couch. She undoes the light spell, you turn off the flashlight on your cell phone.
The creature's footsteps are heavy, it reminds you of a time when you went to the zoo and had a chance to get close to watch a rhino, whenever they walked, you felt a massive vibration on the floor, just like now. It's similar to feeling the beginning of a storm, the beginning of an apocalypse. Your breathing is hard so you cover your nose with your own hand. The thing doesn't seem even a little worried, its breathing is audible, extremely irregular, and loud. Your fingers are trembling and you widen your eyes when something touches your shoulder. 
But it's Eda. She slides to your side, something glowing between her fingers, it looks like a bottle of liquid glowing in gold.
"I'll attract her. You finish the glyph. She's too strong, we won't be able to knock her out with ordinary little lights." Your mind starts to short circuit for a moment. Too much information hitting you at once.
"Can't we try to bind her with root spells?" Luz whispered back to the woman and Eda shook her head negatively.
"She'll rip them off in two seconds, her claws are too sharp. We need to knock her out and I'm not going to risk hurting my sister with fire or ice. Damn! I miss my sleeping potions." My...Sister. The short circuit increases and you have to blink several times to get back to what Eda is saying.
"That...Is that Lilith?" Luz's and Eda's eyes meet you and your confusion. You must look quite desperate and extremely white under their eyes, all the blood seems to be rushing into your limbs, a very great need to run. The thing's breathing seems closer now and your whole body shudders. Is that thing...Lilith?
"Explanations later, kid. Help Luz." You open your mouth and close it again, but you don't have time, because the owl lady is already getting up and running towards the stairs. 
"JERK BIG SISTER SAYS WHAT?" The scream makes the creature squeal even louder. You, Luz, and King cover your ears, feeling the vibrations from the floor as the creature began to run toward the stairs, breaking everything in its path.
You are terrified and feel that your whole body is frigid, your stomach in a knot. But you will help Luz with the rest of the glyph just the same. You're going against all your most primitive instincts, all of which say that you should run out of this house as fast as you can and hide in a hole.
Sounds become absent in the house and everything inside you says that this is not a good sign. You hurry up and finish the last line of the circle. Luz is making the inner circle, so you start the triangle. You believe that you are drawing in the same rhythm as your heart beats, quite fast. Another bead of cold sweat slides down your forehead and hits the floor.
Lilith. What the hell. She was a giant and probably mortal raven beast and yet all you can think about is her.
Everything was extremely dark and you were focused on trying to finish the light glyph triangle. Yet you had good hearing, years of training your ear to tune the guitar. So when it steps downstairs again, you can almost feel it in the air. You know it is trying to be quiet, but the breathing is too heavy and the paws are too big, the claws scrape the floor. Your ears identify the sound as soon as it happens and your eyes widen. Something cold as ice itself runs through your heart, coming down to rest on your diaphragm. Your instincts are fighting under your skin. Beg you to run, and another thing screams for you to stay. You don't quite understand the another thing. Your heart is beating so difficult now that you don't know how your fingers aren't trembling and messing up the glyph. 
Luz looks up at you, there is dread on her face, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. And then you feel it, an air breath just over your head.
Fuck. You almost wet yourself. Again. You don't want to turn around. You don't want to see it. 
But you feel that if you don't even try, you will die in front of Luz, death by stupidity. You don't want to give her this trauma, so you act against everything you believe in.
When you turn around, your legs go limp. It's a good thing you were on your knees otherwise, you would fall to the floor. The creature is breathing heavily against your face, it's warm, and it smells of wine. Dark eyes that seem to want to consume your soul, slightly slanted to the side, like those owls that had little heart-shaped faces. You've always thought they were really cute. Well... you were quite wrong. Those eyes make your spine quiver and everything you've eaten all day wants to go back up your throat.
This can't be Lilith. This can't be that woman who was drinking and playing a few minutes ago. 
But you feel it. Somehow you know it's her in there, moreover, the creature seemed to have a pretty similar hairstyle to the witch. 
What are the chances she won't eat you?
"Lilith...Hi Lilith." The creature growls, or screeches. You are not sure. Moonlight hits something shiny she has around her mouth and it blinds you for a brief moment. Luz is scribbling behind you, too fast, too loud. She wants you to understand. 
Distract her.
You just need time.
Distract this giant thing that is probably wondering which spots you have the softest flesh.
"I know...We're not the best of friends, but I'd hate for you to blame yourself for my death." The thing growls again, your insides quivering. How could you make jokes when you were on the brink of death? It was part of your dark type of humor.
"Kid! You have to get away from her, slowly." Eda's voice sounds quite distant, even though you feel she is on the stairs. Something flares. It sounds like a fire spell. She wouldn't hurt Lilith, would she? Caring about the witch when she was about to kill you, that was a new high point of altruism.
Yet, you don't take your eyes off her. Because she doesn't take her eyes off you. A predator staring at its prey. That's what it looks like. On the Discovery Channel, there were whole episodes about this. About the fixed eyes, outlined by wrinkles of concentration as well as between the eyebrows, about the protruding and threatening teeth, about the ears contracted to try to catch as much sound as possible, about the attempt to control her breathing. If you moved now, she would rip your guts out with her claws.
"Y/N, NOW!" You don't know what Eda sees that makes her scream. What you do know is that in the next second the mass of feathers and muscles jumps out at you. Your eyes widen and then you close them in sheer dread. You expect the teeth, tearing into the flesh of your face, you expect the claws, breaking the skin of your belly. You're trembling. Would it be like this? After avoiding death for weeks would you end up dying in the boiling isles anyway?
But...Nothing happens. You feel that her claws are pressed just beside your belly and her face is quite close because her breath hits you with hot, heavy puffs. But nothing happens.
You face her then. There are no more wrinkles of concentration. She's still scary as hell, but she doesn't look like she's going to eat you. You can swear her eyes return to normal. Just for a brief second, just for a brief second you see the green and silver of her eyes, much bigger than usual because the creature was huge. But it's her.
It's Lilith. And Lilith is not going to hurt you.
"Y/N, CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Luz shouted and so you did because you knew what was going to happen. The flash of light this time is intense enough for you to feel the waves of the spell swaying around you. The creature squeals once more, but it's not threatening, it's painful. For some reason, your heart squeezes. She leaps away from you and you hear the heavy sound of a huge body falling beside you in the next second.
The whole house seems to tremble with that crash.
When you open your eyes again you feel dizzy. Luz is beside you almost before you can blink, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the feathered body that is slumped beside you.
"Eda, the elixir!" She seems calmer, but her fingers are squeezing you hard enough to mark. 
The owl lady's steps are quick and she rapidly reaches for the raven beast, stuffing the golden bottle into her mouth. 
It's only then that Luz lets out her breath. King leaps into your midst, grabbing at your clothes with his little paws.
"I thought we were finally free of that kind of event." The little demon says as he curls up a little tighter against you. Eda wheezes with a laugh. You don't feel you are in the mood to laugh right now. It takes everything in you not to check whether your pants are dry or not.
The owl lady seemed about to let out a joke, however, she stopped halfway.
"Wha...What's that?" She pulls out something that shines brightly in the moonlight. It's what blinded you, you notice now. It looks like a beautiful, gleaming stones necklace.
A necklace? Was the beast carrying a necklace around?
That's when Eda truly begins to laugh. A loud laugh filling the entire dark house. You frown and look at Luz and King, searching for an answer that they don't have either by their confused expression.
"I can't believe it." She sits back against the wall, wiping the corners of her eyes with her fingers, but still holding the necklace. "It seems that the cursed version of my sister wanted to court you." Your eyebrows pronounce even more. Court? You? The raven beast was trying to court you? The confusion must be quite visible even in the dark because Eda proceeds without your asking. "Ravens have a habit of trying to give shiny and small things to their possible.... Pairs. That explains why she didn't rip a piece of your face off. She didn't want to. I'll never let her forget that." The owl lady starts to laugh again, and this time Luz and King follow her. You open your mouth, surely with hundreds of questions to ask. But they all disappear, only the blush remains. A blush that rises in your chest, spreads to your neck, and colors your cheeks. Even if she was a beast...Lilith tried to give you a necklace, as part of a courtship? You try not to look at Luz because you are sure she will be waggling both eyebrows suggestively and you already had too much to deal with. "And this little beauty is mine now." Eda simply shoves the necklace into the middle of her hair. Another thing that you would have frowned at, but that in the face of the current situation you could no longer consider anything strange. "That should be enough." Finishes the owl lady, pulling the empty bottle from the creature's mouth.
You watch as the body glows with blue light, soft and warming, it doesn't blind you as much as the light spell, it just bothers a little. The feathers are gone to make way for thin arms. The ears shrink back to normal size. The feathered mane goes and long black hair emerges. The claws go away and legs and hands bring back the raven lady.
"I'll take her to bed. You guys go have a look at Hooty, I think he needs a bandage." Something inside you scratched and screamed desperately, contesting when Eda stood and took her sister in her arms, as if she were a child and weighed absolutely nothing. These women certainly hid a great deal of strength.
But you were only a human. She was her sister. No one had more right to take care of her than Eda.
"No need to worry, girl." The owl lady offered you a complicit little wink. You have no idea what is on your face for Eda to think she needs to reassure you. But you certainly believe you get even redder, your ears burning now. "She just needs to sleep. She'll be brand new when she wakes up." And she's gone before you can add anything, even if you have no idea what you would like to add. You feel a knot in your stomach of pure shame.
You were a gay mess who couldn't control your own expressions and now the entire Owl House, except for Hooty, was probably already aware of your crush. That was a level beyond embarrassing.
The thing is...There was a tiny chance...That this crush was even remotely reciprocal.
You get up in the next second and didn't look at your friends before you started your search for Hooty.
You needed to occupy your mind and fast. Helping the bird with a bandage seemed like a good way out of the "A giant raven tried to courtship me and that raven was Lilith Clawthorne" matter.
Creature Fear by Bon Iver is playing repeatedly in your head as you go up the stairs.
Chapter 7
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yanderelovebites · 4 years
Warning: hinted DDLG, not too explicit but reader does show signs of a Little.
*This is part of a thirst book that is both Fluff and Smut. This is a fluff one with a soulmate reader from the tattoo AU. Some future ones will be connected to this.
It was a long power struggle but the villains came on top. Many heroes and heroes-in-training lost a chip. The chips were made so they could avoid their soulmate in the event their soulmate was a villain or any other type of criminal. Most heroes were executed if they didn't match up to a villain. Some that were in training were given a choice redemption based on their year and if they interacted at all with villains before. Then, there was the rest of the classes.
These children gathered were found to have been forced to, while in the school, have a temporary working chip as well. They took it out and yet again the villains checked. You were in the last class they checked. You were young so you knew if by chance you were one... they would be older than you. You trembled at the thought of some much older woman or man potentially having right over you... you were raised to believe if someone is a villain, they can't love and they will mistreat their match.
That's terrifying.
To be honest... you hope you bleed out, but it's been slow. It'll close only to reopen if people are too rough. And it was a sloppy job. You see, you were stabbed because you were the forced 'volunteer' of what would happen if any of you resisted. They said for being a such a 'good girl and helping' they'd bandage the stab wound.
You hear the door open and you and your classmates are picked up. You didn't fight it. You were only a general class so judgement wouldn't be too harsh after they realize none matched a villain. You all were put in a line alphabetically. You were no. 14. You shiver as you see them scan the soulmate tattoo on the class rep. They pulled her away to the right... she would be okay right? The left is where the... soulmates have been pulled. Over there are nurses forced to be there. It's terrifying... this whole situation. You can't really describe it...
As each person went ahead, not single before you went to the left nor were they moved forward to die by the leader in all this....
Tomura Shigaraki.
You trembled a bit as the last person before you was moved. You trembled partly in fear and partly in pain. It still hurt. The men picked you up like the last and put you on the scan. Unlike the last thirteen people, there was green flash once it scanned the back of your neck... your tattoo was a hand with spider lilies growing from the palm. You were picked up but... brought to the left..?
The left...!
You didn't see who it was. They only said the match would appear on top of the machine, but those being scanned can't see that. A nurse takes you and says she's just going to check you over because the villains were definitely rough with the others. You could only nod.
She takes your clothes off and gasps a little "W-Were you the 'example' dear?" You nod again and she tells you to lay back as she fixes this and phones the doctor. Things got hazy from there and at some point, you passed out sometime after the doctor came.
You woke again in cozy bedroom. You were on a soft, but firm, mattress with purple sheets and a black bed cover. Under it was a fluffy blanket and even more at the foot of the bed. You had pillows around you and a couple stuffies. The nurse was at your side and smiled "Nice to see you're awake dearie. Please don't move, we don't want you to reopen the wound or undo the stitches. I was checking on your monitor. I will get someone to bring in food, alright?"
You replied hoarsely "A-Alright, ma'am..." She scurried off so you can better look around, but only on your back. There's an empty cork board, a simple desk with what you can assume are notebooks and pencils. There's a stain-glass window that cant be open and you can somewhat see has bars on the other side.
The walls were a dark shade of purple and the curtains were also black like the bed cover. There were color changing lights around the ceiling and in the center of the ceiling appeared to be the main room light. There was a TV hooked to the wall with - Blue Ray and an Xbox set up. The TV was on a clothes dresser.
You waited a few more minutes and a young girl came in with eggs, toast and some juice. The helped you sit up so you wouldn't open the wound and they supervise the meal.
You get sleepy after and they help you go back to sleep. You unconsciously hugged one of the many stuffies. You loved stuffies... back with your horrible mom who only cared that you be in a dumb hero school, you had many on your bed.
You held it close and let your dreams take you. This happened repeatedly that you asked the nurse if they put stuff in your food. She said "Yes, h-he asked us to. It's to make sure you don't reopen the wound... I assure you it's just until your fully healed, then you won't need that anymore!" She nervously chuckled it off. You latched onto her sleeve.
"Ma'am, I never saw who was flashed on the machine as to who my... mate is. Do you know?" You asked her. She looks at you sadly... "Miss L/n, it's the very man responsible for our nation's hell. Tomura Shigaraki is your match," she said as you let go. She scurried away once again.
Tomura Shigaraki.
The man who broke Izuku Midoriya. (He's alive babies)
The man who disabled your mom's sperm donor... (daddy issues :3)
A man who can leave you literally in dust is your soulmate?
Someone who has killed thousands?
The man who did the executions?
The man who you felt stare at you and your peers like you're insignificant ants?
You could only hold the stuffies, now frightened once again of your unfortunate situation. The second nurse comes again and you eat swiftly again. Would you feel safe knowing the stuffies and Blankies and the pillows you hugged so close were his doing?
The man from the security screen room wouldn't know yet. He always kept watch of you there since that day. It was maybe two weeks ago. You're his, you had no choice. He never had the choice either. He's yet to explicitly interact, afraid one slight action from either of you would destroy your fragile body. On one hand, he could get a quirk disabling room-they had one available-and force you to share with him, but that could lead to safety issues.
It would be best left as a room used when you both are ready for it.
He knew you'd enjoy the stuffies, they questioned your mother through threats. She's expected to release some of your materialistic treasures. Anything significant. He, quite amused, enjoyed watching you ask finally who you were stuck with, although didn't like the nurse's tone. You seemed scared, but Tomura knew it would be that way. It's why he spoils you. He's bound to be shitty so you might as well get something good, right?
He really didn't want to admit he liked the idea of being able to care about someone. To be able to love them without any other reason than it's what he craves.
He hopes he won't have to discipline you too much once you're fully healed...
Eventually, it comes to the nearing point of  your healing process, but also the fact you've grown an immunity. The drug only left you unable to move now. It was quiet. No sound and unable to open your eyes... it's like a horror film. At least you know no one would harm you... but it still scared you.
After a good while, you hear a door creak open. You hear unfamiliar footsteps. These ones are more... stealthy. The nurse's were hard and left a tapping sound once it met the floor. This seemed quiet, as if he didn't want anyone to know he or she is there. You feel the bed sink in and wish you could open your eyes.
They stroke your head with only two fingers. It felt... calming. Your body accepted his touch like second nature. You hear a rough voice say "So innocent..." They gently move hair away from your face. "I wonder how you're fairing inside that little head of yours, being confined to a bed, no freedom besides what little conversation that nurse has with you... I'd imagine its boring," the voice said to your immobile body. After some thought... the voice sounded somewhat familiar.
He strokes your head again with two fingers. "You like these don't you... the stuffed animals. You cling to them like a small child, it adorable. I'm glad you like them so much... means I didn't waste time picking a few for you after that long day of going through your entire school," the voice said. His last sentence was all you needed to know who this was without any doubt. Tomura.
"You're mine regardless," he said, twirling a piece of your hair with his index finger, you assume anyway. "When you heal, I'll make sure you understand what that means," he mutters, almost too low for you to catch. It was creepy, but comforting, knowing he's talking to you while unconscious-or at least he thinks you are.
It becomes quiet, the only thing you hear is the clock, your breathing, his too, and the fabric static from your pillow. Yet, the warmth of his fingers never stops moving. They pet you almost robotically until you hear a beep from a watch. He sighs. "I'll be back tomorrow, awake or not..." he said. You blushed in your sleep as you felt chapped lips kiss your forehead, but then they leave along with your soulmate. He's gone with a simple thud of the door closing...
All while you long for his warmth again.
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halynra · 3 years
At Last
All Characters have been aged up to their mid 20′s
tw: slight dubcon, voyeurism, and bondage in the beginning. Oh, and FLUFF!
Minoru was sadistic, it’s something that, once you had discovered these sides of each other, he never bothered to hide. Sure, there was the odd night every so often when you two switched roles and you got to watch the delicious way he came unraveled beneath your gaze. But most nights, he was ruthless. It was how you found yourself naked, stuck to the bed with no chance at escape, and wearing a forced orgasm belt with tears streaming down your face, since he had left you to go do a quick patrol. Your legs were shaking, your clit was on fire, the sheets beneath you were soaked, and every fiber of your body was straining against the devilish purple balls that kept you “chained” to the bed.
When you heard the door handle to your chic, high-rise studio loft start to jiggle relief flooded your veins, your torture was soon to be over! But that floating feeling of relief was quickly replaced with ice when you heard, “Hey, Mienta! I forgot my doujin here last night…” Kaminari started and trailed off, looking to the puddle between your shivering legs, his eyes fixated on your sopping pussy; his yellow eyes met your embarrassed ones as you reluctantly moan around the ball Mineta stuck in your mouth to keep you silent.
For Kaminari this was like a dream come true; he couldn’t begin to count the amount of times he’d pictured you like this, he’d never do anything about it though! You were his best friend’s woman! But hearing your muffled moans, watching your cunt twitch and spew forth your sacred fluids as another orgasm flooded your body, it had him straining against his pants in an instant. He moved closer, taking in your flushed chest, before wiping a tear from your face, bringing his finger to his tongue to taste the sinful saltiness of your pain and overwhelming pleasure.
“I’m back, Y/n! Oh, Kaminari, what are you doing here?” came Minoru’s voice, somehow smug and surprised at the same time.
“I forgot my doujin so I came to get it, but I…got distracted.” The blonde man replied, heart hammering a mile a minute. Well, probably still not as fast as yours.
“I can see why. She’s such a good girl, isn’t she? Aren’t you, Y/n?” he said in a condescending tone, reaching down to caress your cheek with his still gloved hand. “Why don’t you take her for a spin, Denki?”
“W-what? No way man! I can’t do that to you.”
“Go for it, I wouldn’t mind.” Mineta says, taking a seat at the desk chair and crossing his legs, eyes cold and calculating.
Denki gulped, he couldn’t believe this was real. He reaches down, fingers shaking in anticipation, to remove the belt and your relief is immediate. His hands sparked as he touched you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your spent form. He kneels before you, inhaling your intoxicating scent; his tongue reaches out hesitantly, and he moans when he tastes you for the first time.
Your senses are on overload. You’re thankful for the ball in your mouth because you’re screaming, and Denki’s tongue shocking your clit oh so gently had you peaking again quickly.
Your eyes shift to Minoru, searching your boyfriend’s gaze for what, you didn’t even know anymore. “Cum for him, y/n, cum for him and I’ll give you a reward.” That was all it took to break you.
You scream again as you feel two of his fingers slip into you and curl against the spongy bit of your walls, throwing your head back as your body excreted once more. Denki rutted his hips against the bed sheets as his face and hand soaked in your essence, slurping up as much of it as he could. Running the flat of his tongue all along the droplets found on his skin and yours, committing your taste to memory. Your mind was mush, you didn’t even realize that Minoru had come and removed the balls attached to your wrists until his obsidian gaze met your blown out eyes, his bare fingers scraping up the drool running down the side of your chin before removing the ball he stuck between your lips. “Kiss him.” He said, moving back to his place on the chair.
Your exhausted body cracked forward like a whip as your hands cradled the side of Denki’s face, your drool drenched lips meeting his cum flavored ones, slipping your tongue into his mouth as he moaned in surprise; your body’s pressing together for the first time. His shock clearing fast, Denki wrapped his hands around your naked frame, strong fingers digging into your supple flesh, familiarizing himself with every dimple, fold, and curve. The two of you were a mess of moans, losing yourself in the other; his crisp scent permeating your nostrils through the haze, filling your head with visions of tart lemonade and a soothing summer breeze. Your hands slipped under the soft fabric of his shirt, running your nails down his abs, bringing your fingertips higher and higher with each stroke; yearning to feel his hard, naked flesh pressed against your own. “Denki.” You whimpered as he broke the kiss.
“Patience, little one.” Mineta, said suddenly, “Sit.” You reacted on instinct, falling back on your haunches, turning your head to look at your love reclining in the chair. “Nuh-uh. Eyes on him. He’s your world now.”
You turned your eyes back to the charged up man before you, breath catching in your throat when you saw his cock in your face, leaning forward and flicking your tongue along his slit, claiming his precum for yourself. “Can I?” you asked, not bothering to wait for an answer, wrapping your lips around his head and letting out a little whimper.
“Fuck yes, baby. Please!” He groaned, thrusting his hips into your eager mouth, as you began bobbing your head up and down his length. His fingers wound themselves through your hair and tensed, pulling the strands taught against your scalp, causing you to moan around his thick shaft; giving yourself to him more fully as you tried to take more of him down your throat.
Bracing your hands on his thighs, you alternated the strokes of your tongue between swirling your tongue around the head, and flicking your tongue through his slit to gather more of his salty pre for you to savor. The groans and sputters of his hips searing themselves in your memory and filling you with pride. When your eyes met, Denki snapped, giving your hair a rough tug, pulling himself from your mouth. He took his cock in his hand, the other still fisted in your hair as he slapped his rock hard length into your cheek. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about this? How much I wished I could touch you? To see you beneath me like this?” he whispered, as he pushed you onto your back. He buried his face in your neck, pressing reverent and fleeting kisses to the flesh beneath his lips.
“Probably as much as I’ve thought of you.” You whispered back, the one moment of clarity piercing through your lust filled craze.
Denki froze as his body processed what he just heard. There’s no way he wasn’t dreaming. Or maybe he had died. Maybe his last bout with a villain didn’t end in victory like he thought it had. He opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into the junction where your shoulder met your neck, causing you to moan out, your hips bucking up into his as your nails raked down his back; his moan joining yours in filling the room.
Your lips found each other once more, in a stolen moment of tenderness after your whispered confessions.
Mineta smirked as his plan finally same to fruition. He wasn’t an idiot, Denki’s been sweet on you since school, and he could hardly miss the way your eyes softened when you looked at his best friend. It was the same way you looked at him when the two of you finished an intense scene. One filled with devotion and care. Of love. Plus watching you get railed has been something he’s wanted to do from the beginning, and who better to do it than the person he trusted most in the world? He let out a shaky breath as he pumped his cock in time with your thrusts, stifling his moan to not break the magical moment he got to witness.
Denki had moved from your neck to take a pebbled nipple into his mouth, biting down on the tender peak, marking as much of you has he could, hoping to sear this once in a lifetime moment into your skin as he began to coat himself in your slick, not that he’d need to prepare. As he thrust himself between your folds he could feel your pussy clench, trying already to drag him in. He released a shaky breath, and looked straight in your trusting eyes as he slowly pushed forward.
“Fuck.” You whimpered, digging your nails into his shoulders, as he grounded himself in your thigh, the forearm by your head tensing, giving you a view of the veins that ran up and down his lithe form.
“Took the words right out of my mouth, Sunshine.” He grunted as he bottomed out in your pussy, causing your lip to quiver before you let loose another moan. Denki began thrusting in and out of you, slowly but harshly; letting you feel the full brunt of the force he was capable of. He knew he wouldn’t last long, you were his dream girl, and suddenly he was a boy once more; giddy, overexcited, and sprinting toward the finish line. He couldn’t help himself. Your every whimper, every moan, every iteration of “fuck, fuck, fuck” that left your lips whittled away at his resolve to be patient, but it was shattered to pieces when he heard what you said next.
“Denki!” you screamed when his thick cock kissed your cervix, hitting you with a jolt of pain before it faded pleasantly. He let loose a small growl as his hips began snapping forward quicker and quicker. You could feel every drag of his length through your silken walls, every vein and ridge massaging your most sacred spot, driving you deeper and deeper into your manic lust filled lunacy.
“Say my name, say my fucking name!” he groaned, gasping for air, for clarity, raising his hand and bringing it down on the cusp of your ass.
“Thank you!” you cried out, a response trained into you that brought a blush to your cheeks.
Denki stopped.
“Denki, wha-?” you were shocked when he pulled out and flipped you quickly, pulling at your hips until your ass was in the air and your head was down in the sheets. Another spanking rang out in the room. “Thank you!” you cried out, pussy clutching around him in a vice-like grip.
“Is that what you like, Sunshine?”
“More. Please.” Was all you managed. You could feel your mind slipping again, lost to you.
Your blond haired lover alternated his spanking, switching between hard strikes and gentle ones that shocked you in a different way, thrusting rough and fast into your abused pussy as he did. You were breaking, tipping, jumping off the last peak he brought you to, only capable of one long scream as your body seized, your eyes rolling back into your head as you felt Denki’s fingers trailing over your naked flesh, before he fell forward, caging your body with his own as he cried out. You could feel your pussy flood with warmth as he emptied himself into you, making you feel so full and right. His pace sputtered and slowed as he gazed down at you. He couldn’t pull out yet, he couldn’t let this moment end; he lowered his sweat slick torso down onto your trembling back, laving kisses to your salted skin anywhere he could reach.
You whimpered, turning toward him, catching his lips with yours sloppily, unable to keep your eyes open but a lazy smile unwilling to leave your face. Denki sighed, pulling out of your heavenly body, but only so he could twist you around, wanting to feel what it would be like to truly hold you in his arms. It was more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
You were in heaven, blissed out and satisfied beyond belief. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his shoulder, taking shelter in the heat and scent of his body as you began to come back to your own. You felt the bed shift behind you and turned to see your boyfriend kneeling there, and you smiled lovingly up at him. He pressed a kiss to your temple before leaning back against the headboard. “Denki, help lean her up against me, yeah? You don’t have to let her go, but she can’t sit up by herself.”
The two men handled you like a baby, delicately and slowly, as if you could somehow break even more.
“Hey there, little love, can you hear me?” Minoru asked soothingly. All you could manage in response was a low whining noise, eyes focusing up at him.
“Open your mouth for me, you’ve been through a lot, we’ve gotta replenish your body.” He held up a juice box, and you opened your mouth, allowing him to slip the straw between your lips. The sweet apple taste coated your tongue and began bringing your parched mouth back to life. “Slowly, not too much at a time. Here, eat.” He said, replacing the juice box with the tip of a chocolate covered strawberry. “I know nobody gave explicit consent, and we didn’t negotiate worth a damn, so I hope you won’t be too upset with me.”
“Are you kidding? I should be thanking you for this.” Denki said with a chuckle.
“I’m okay.” Came your soft voice from between the two.
“I’m glad, sweetie. Finish this juice now, and then I’ll feed you some more.”
“Yay, snacks.” You cheered weakly.
“You did so well, sweetie, and I love you so much. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be with you. You were so good for Denki.” He whispered, holding you close. “I bet you’ll be excited for next time.”
“Mhmm! Next time!” you nodded happily, popping a brownie bite into your mouth.
“…Next time?” Denki asked.
“We can discuss everything in the morning over breakfast, but I don’t think either of us are opposed to there being a next time. Maybe even a poly relationship, but that is a conversation to have when y/n here isn’t dicked out of her mind.”
“What? Really?” the blond questioned, his mind filled with images of all the things he wanted to do to you, and cherishing the thought of never having to let you go.
“Mhmm.” Mineta responded simply, handing you another juice box and beginning to swaddle you in your favorite blanket. You sighed, absolutely content and warm, overflowing with euphoria and love.
“I love you guys.” You said dreamily, your eyes already closing as your entire body began to sink into the mattress, darkness slowly taking over your field of vision. The last thing you saw was your boyfriend’s loving gaze, and a flash of blond hair before a kiss was pressed to your forehead.
“We love you too.” Came their quiet voices next to your ear as they snuggled into your soft body, adrift on dreams of fantasies soon to see the light of day.
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destinys-lies · 3 years
Evermore by destiny’s lies
Disclaimer: Boku no hero academia and its characters do not belong to me, but Kōhei Horikoshi. Any images used are credited to their original owner(s). ———————————————– Prompt: Bonus Day 2: Shattered—Evanescent ———————————————– Author’s Note: Just an Izuocha drabble to help improve my writing skills. I chose to do evanescent for the prompt. This story is a continuation of this story. I did something slightly different for the synopsis, so that’s something. Also I may or may not have made references to other Izuocha fanfics I’ve read like “Distraction” by the amazingly wonderful WingSongHalo and “Green Gentlemen” by the fantastically talented SevenRenny! ^w^ Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! It was fun participating in this event! Now I shall pass out. Have a wonderful day/night everyone!
Update: I forgot that the @ is how to tag people and I realized both writers have Tumblr sooo I’m going to do that now! @sevenrenny and @wingsonghalo
———————————————– Synopsis: “I’ll love you evermore.” ———————————————–
Izuku approached the wooden door. He silently gazed at the sign hanging beside it. The sign read, “127.” Three little digits indicated that he was at the right door. He grabbed the doorknob but didn’t turn it.
Part of him wanted to run away but the other part reminded him why he was here. It was no time to chicken out. Taking a small breath, he mustered up the courage to turn the doorknob and walk inside.
The room was painted a pale green as the dull, fluorescent lights lit up the dreary room. On the side of a wall, Izuku spotted curtains that covered the large windows. He walked over to them and pushed them aside, letting the natural sunlight in. A slight smile appeared on his face but it didn’t linger.
He turned to look at the hospital bed.
An unconscious, brown-haired woman laid on it, her body still and hooked up to tubes filled with warm blood. He pulled a chair from the corner of the room and pulled it alongside the bed before sitting down. He sighed as he placed the bouquet of pink flowers in the vase beside her.
He peered down at her angelic face, giving a soft smile. She was always beautiful, whether she was awake or asleep. His smile fell once again. He desperately wanted her to wake up. So he could tightly embrace her in his arms and twirl her around.
He groaned, burying his face into his hands.
“We need to make a risky decision here,” her words echoed around in his mind.
“Dammit, Ochako. I just got you back.” He lifted his head out of his hands and gently wrapped a hand around her fingers, raising them to lips before giving them a small peck. “And now I have to worry about losing you all over again.”
His eyes wandered to the pile of flowers sitting next to her.
They were rosemaries.
He hoped that when she woke up, they would be the first things she saw. Maybe it’d help her and make things alright. He yearned for her yet she was right next to him. All those months they spent apart and here they were together again but still divided.
Oh God, how could that trip have gone so wrong?
If he had never traveled to the North Pole, she wouldn’t have had to look for him. She wouldn't be here. They could’ve been at home, making more memories. She was here because of him.
It was his fault. He shouldn’t have left her. A whole year of potential memories escaped them and it was all because of his stupid dream to travel to the North Pole. A gentle squeeze broke him out of his thoughts. He felt a hand comfortingly squeeze his hand. His eyes peered down at his wife.
Her chocolatey, warm eyes sluggishly watched him. “You’re doing it again.”
“You’re blaming yourself.”
“I mean, if I hadn’t—”
“It’s not your fault, Izuku,” she interrupted, her eyebrows furrowing. “It was my decision to come after you alone in the cold, not yours.”
“You wouldn’t have had to try to find me if I hadn’t gotten lost.”
“Maybe, but think about it, the day I found you is a new memory we have.”
“A sad one,” he remorsefully replied.
“But a memory we have together, right?”
“Yeah, it’s just I wish I never got lost.”
“I know, but remember it’s not your fault, okay? The North Pole is not an easy place to navigate. Heck! That’s one of the reasons why it took me so long to find you...” she trailed off, glancing at the pink flowers. A small smile graced her face. “Thank you.”
“Of course, I wanted to try and bring some color to this room. How are you feeling?”
“Tired…but I’m happy you’re here.” Her eyes scanned across the room before falling on a telephone hanging on the wall across from her. “Hey, remember that time you showed me the first voicemail I left on your phone?”
“Yeah” Izuku shyly blushed, suddenly feeling like he was a teenager again. “You can’t blame me for it though, it’s not my fault that you have an attractive voice. Ochako choked on air, bursting into a small coughing fit. “I guess we’re even again.” He smiled.
“For what?” she asked, feigning ignorance.
“The time you made me choke on the hot chocolate and spray it everywhere.”
“Oh really?” Amusement sparkled in those cheeky eyes of hers. “I don’t seem to remember that.” She stuck out tongue at him, making him laugh.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, unconvinced by her answer.
“I couldn’t help it!” she chuckled. “I just saw the opportunity and took it.”
He rolled his eyes and put his elbow on the side of her bed, resting his head in his hand. “Remember the time when we went to summer camp together?”
“Oh yeah! That was such a long time ago.”
“Yeah…” he affirmed. He peeked back at her, small bits of anguish flickering in his eyes. “Do you remember the time we went canoeing?”
“Izuku…” She sighed in an effort to steel herself. “You know I wouldn’t ever forget about you.”
“The doctor said-”
“Fuck the doctor!” Ochako brazenly exclaimed, her colorful language catching him off guard. “You’re too hard to forget, Izuku. And even if I did forget...I wouldn’t have stopped till I remembered.”
Tears rapidly poured from his eyes. “Yeah, you’re right. The Ochako I know is too stubborn to quit.”
“Exactly!” She broadly smiled at him. “I’m so happy that we’re back together.”
“And soon we’ll both be back at home, making new memories.”
“I’ll love you evermore.”
“Until death do us part.”
Everything would be alright again.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter nine: the second skeleton
(if watching alex on his friday night live streams has taught me anything, it's that people are most themselves under two circumstances: late at night or when they're full of alcohol)
“Sam? Joey?”
Sam opened her eyes, and Marla and Dan lingered right over her and Joey. Her head spun a bit, and she realized she had been laying on a flat bed next to Joey without a pillow. She rubbed her eyes, while Joey groaned in his throat.
“What time is it?” she asked them.
“It's almost two o'clock in the morning,” Marla replied. “We got lost on the way back here.” She flashed Dan a dirty look.
“I told you we should've turned at that stoplight—we were about to get on the turnpike and head up to the heart of Boston otherwise. You should've listened to me.”
“I was,” she sneered, “otherwise, yes, we would've wound up in Boston. You should be thanking me for turning the car around in time.” She then rolled her eyes and she returned to Sam and Joey on the foldout bed. “Anyways—we got you guys some water and something to eat. Danny insisted on getting Joey something dry and salty to help with his stomach, so—”
She reached down to Joey's shoulder, and she gently shook him awake.
“Joey—Joey—” she gently said. He rolled his head over so some of his black curls covered part of his face. “Hey, Joey—”
“Joe?” Dan called out next to her.
“Joey,” Sam joined in, a soft whisper right into his ear. “Joey—”
“Mother—huh?” He never opened his eyes but he did raise his eyebrows for them.
“We got you some potato chips, dude,” Dan told him and he held the little bag of potato chips in question up before his face. Sam noticed him opening his eyes by just a mere slit and then he reached up for it for himself.
“And then for Miss Shelley,” Marla started, and she gave Sam a bottle of water and a small bag of trail mix.
“Something to keep me going for the night, I presume,” she cracked as she sat upright next to Joey. Her head spun a bit more from the contrast of laying flat on her back. She shook her head about a bit.
“You alright?” Marla asked her.
“I sat up too fast,” she replied as she unscrewed the bottle cap and took a swig of water. She then lay back down flat on her back next to Joey: he opened the bag of chips with two fingers and lay it upon his stomach so he could easily reach in there. Sam rubbed her brow: her head spun and her stomach turned.
“Ooh, god, I don't feel good,” she confessed.
“Well, I gotta go back to the room,” Marla told her. “I'm beat and I smell like an ashtray that was loaded up with booze at one point. You guys just want to stay around here for a bit and then I'll come and get you guys when it's light out again?”
“Sure, why not?”
“We'll get breakfast, too,” Dan added from behind her.
“Yeah, we'll get you guys some breakfast,” Marla said. “But you guys just hang out here—maybe take a walk. You're in Providence so—” She turned to Joey. “—it's not like being in upstate New York where the sidewalks roll up early on.”
“We can do anything we damn well please,” Joey muttered.
“Exactly! Alright, we'll see you guys in a little while.” Marla patted Sam's hand as it rested upon her unsettled stomach. She lowered her other hand to her right side, and away from Joey. Once Marla and Dan were out of the room, they just lay there in silence for a moment. The only sound came from the rest of the audience members out in the theater and a bit of chatter around the corner. Sam closed her eyes and she pictured Alex posted there with his little guitar upon his lap. She could see it in his eyes. There was something more to that boy than she believed, and yet he was afraid to show it to her.
“I wanna take a walk,” Joey spoke out of the blue. Sam rolled her head over for a look at the side of his face. “But not right now, anyways.”
“Just—eventually,” she followed along.
“Yeah, but I really just wanna lay here for a moment,” he confessed. “Just wanna be still for a moment.”
He reached into the chip bag rested upon his slender stomach and took out a few stiff, perfect chips, and he stuck them into his mouth.
“Oh, yeah,” he said with that hand up to his mouth. “They had the right idea in mind there with those.”
“Already feeling better?” she asked him.
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” He swallowed, and then he picked up the bag and showed it to her. “Want some?”
“Nah, I'm good,” she assured him, and she felt the trail mix next to her. He picked out a couple more but that crunching wasn't loud enough for the guitar outside of their room. It sounded like someone was struggling to play a backwards riff. Sam lifted her head for a look outside the door: no one there.
“That's not Danny,” Joey remarked with his mouth full.
“Scott maybe?” she wondered as she lay her head back down. He shook his head and swallowed that bite.
“No idea.”
“Whoa, what was that riff, Alex?” Greg hollered from across the floor.
“There's your answer,” Joey said in a low voice and with a raise of his eyebrows and a slight little gyration of his head.
“Huh?” Alex called out as he put his fingers across the guitar's neck.
“Yeah, play that again,” Eric commanded him, and Alex played it again. He struggled with it at first, but then he kept on strumming and messing with the fingering, and eventually he got a handle on it. Downwards and yet it seemed to flow. Bit of a bounce to it, even a swirl. Heavy and strong, just like Testament themselves, but there was a weird, almost dreamlike feel to it.
“What was that?” Eric asked him.
“Dunno, I heard it in a music store earlier before the wedding,” he confessed. “The dude in there told me it was from some band out of Seattle called Soundgarden. It's been stuck in my head since then. Forget what it's called, though.”
“Kinda cool sounding, though,” Sam remarked in a low voice, but Joey rolled his eyes and shoveled in more chips.
She frowned at that. On one hand, she wanted to be a friend to Joey and she wanted Alex to eat his words about him. But then again, she thought back to what she and Joey had talked about after the scuffle outside of the cafe in Syracuse. The fact Joey had such a grudge against Alex all because he supposedly asked him an innocuous question made her squirm in her spot. She picked up the bag of trail mix next to her and she opened it up for herself.
“Here, you want help with that?” Joey offered her over the voices outside of the room there.
“Nah, I got it.” She poured out a small handful of peanuts, raisins, chocolate chips, and little pretzels, and given she lay on her back still, she had to be careful not to spill all over herself. It was two o'clock in the morning following a day trip from New York City, a big steampunk wedding, and then a big concert, and yet she was wide awake and sick to her stomach.
“Lemme ask you sump'n,” he started again, and that time he pushed the bag of chips down towards the waist of his jeans and he folded his hands over his stomach.
She swallowed. “Go ahead.”
“Do you ever dream of the future?” he asked her.
“Of course. I dream of a number of things actually.”
“Well, I often dream of like—starting a family. Getting married and being in a nice place in upstate New York somewhere. I'm getting kinda old, I'm still not steady yet with the whole career thing, and my pants are always too tight, though—I dunno if I'll ever have kids, to be perfectly honest. I don't want a kid when I know I'm royally fucked up in the head. I'll just be like one of those people who owns a bunch of dogs and horses and lives out in the country 'cause I'm bit of a country boy. But I do like the idea of—pleasing, though.”
She looked over at the dreamy expression on his face as he gazed up at the ceiling overhead.
“I dream of a woman who can take care of me and I return the favor of loving her 'til the day I die.”
“That's so sweet,” she breathed. “You know, I dream of a mysterious man who tells me where to go next.”
“Oh, yeah?” Joey rolled his head over and knitted his eyebrows together at that.
“Yeah. He's kinda funny looking, though. But yeah—sometimes I'll see him when I'm at a crossroads in life and then I'll ask him where to go next. Marla's seen him in her dreams, too.”
“Huh.” He raised his eyebrows at that. “Marla's seen him, too?”
“Yeah. She told me it's a metaphor for guidance or something—it was during the Stormtroopers of Death tour so I can't really recall the full details.” She paused for a second. “God, I can't believe it's been two years since the Stormtroopers of Death tour. It almost feels like a fever dream at this point.”
“Same with my coming into Anthrax,” he added.
She moved the trail mix to her side and, careful not to push herself into him, she rolled over onto her side to alleviate the feeling in her stomach. Joey rolled his head over for a better look at her.
“May I ask you,” she started, “why do you even drink if you have dreams like that? Why do you do this to yourself?”
“Because it's there,” he confessed. “Like I said, Sam—I'm the outsider in the band. The upstate boy and the bachelor. Danny and Frankie are kind of like the closest things I have to friends there, but that's about it. Scott and Charlie don't talk to me much.”
“Have you tried?”
“Definitely. Without a doubt. But Scott's got his own problems to deal with and now there's the whole fallout from Charlie and Marla's break up that he's havin' to deal with now.”
“And now Scott's getting married,” Sam recalled in a soft voice.
“And now Scott's getting married,” Joey echoed. “I really don't have much of anyone to talk to otherwise, 'cause Danny's got a girl, too. And Frankie lives in the Bronx, up by you—it's not like I can visit him much, though.”
“What about your hockey buddies?” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “That guy at the wedding?”
“They're all either like that or they've moved on to the professional world. I tried getting back together with him, but—” He shook his head. “—guess not.”
“So the result is to drink?”
He shrugged his shoulders again. Meanwhile, outside the room, Alex and Greg's voices lowered down to whispers. The sound of bass strings caught their ear. Sam had the urge to run out there and chat with Greg, but she needed to keep her word to Marla, and she needed to fess up with Joey.
“Pretty much.”
“You should turn to art,” she suggested. “Become an artist, and you don't have to do that all the time.”
“I ain't no artist,” he insisted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
“Marla told me earlier that expanding your horizons is the whole point of being an artist,” she recalled, “you're obviously a singer, and you're obviously a good singer to boot. You should play on that craft and you should soak your feet in something new.”
“I dunno—what if no one likes it?” he said.
“So what if no one likes it? I can say, 'dude, Joey Belladonna made this!' in your defense. It won't be much, but it'll be a start. We all need to start from somewhere.”
“How about your drumming?” she continued. “Have you thought of doing more with that?”
“Oh, yeah. I've thought about bringin' up to Charlie, but he just seems so elusive at this point. Another dream of mine is to start a band of my own and just play for hours on end. Play the drums and sing at the same time like Phil Collins. Just drum like Charlie or Bill Ward and sing like Steve Perry. But the possibility of doing that is a whole other question altogether.”
“I don't think I understand you just yet, Joseph Bellardini,” she admitted, to which he shook his head.
“I don't think anyone does. My parents don't even understand me. You know, they're of the type where they don't believe in sex until marriage.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, they tell me to find a girl and then settle down with her. But—” He shrugged his shoulders. “—I dunno, to be honest.”
“What do you mean, you don't know?” she asked him as she propped the side of her head up inside of her left hand. He eyed her figure, now filled out after two years of school. The voices outside of the room fell away and thus, they were left in silence.
“I don't know if I can handle myself before marriage,” he confessed in a low voice. “There's—a lot in there. And I don't really know how to put a handle on it.”
“Have you ever thought of—touching yourself?” she asked him.
“Touching myself?” He frowned at that.
“Yeah. Like—between the legs.”
And he smirked at that. “Well, yeah, I've touched myself there. I do have a digestive system after all.”
“No, I mean—” She wrinkled her nose at that. “I mean—for pleasure.”
He ran his tongue over his dark lips, and his deep brown eyes locked onto hers. As dark as night. As rich as venom. He then sighed through his nose.
“Hey, I've seen you naked,” she pointed out. “If I can see you naked, I can see you with your hand there.”
He then nibbled on his bottom lip again. Without another moment's hesitation, he took the bag of chips off of his stomach. Sam lay still as he unbuttoned his jeans. The flat wide silver bracelet on his right wrist glimmered under the ceiling lights.
“What's the story behind that bracelet?” she asked him. “Every time I see you, you're always wearing it.”
“I've worn this thing since I started playing in bands,” he told her. “It just feels right to me—bein' a lead singer and bein' the lead singer of a metal band no less.”
He then reached down the front of his jeans. She pursed her lips together as he raised his knees up closer to him.
“Are they out there?” he asked her in a near whisper.
“As far as I know, no.”
His tight jeans relaxed around his hips and thighs. She watched his fingers caress over his own skin. She had only done it just herself not long ago, on both her own skin as well as his, and something in the back of her mind told her that that was where he liked it best. Indeed, he nibbled on his lip as he prodded himself with the pad of his thumb.
“Just like that,” she encouraged him in a low voice. “Just exactly like that.”
“I actually kinda like that,” he confessed as he stroked himself harder. He glanced over at her body. “You don't mind me lookin', do you?”
“Whatever works,” she said. “We're all about being comfortable with each other here.”
His brown eyes grazed over the slightly fuller hourglass shape of her body and he nibbled on his bottom lip again. Sam lay perfectly still as he touched himself right there next to her.
“I feel it coming,” he confessed.
“Would you like a napkin or something?”
“I think I saw some napkins over there by the door—” He nodded towards the doorway, and she rolled off of the bed with her head still spinning. But she persisted to the small stack of paper napkins on the table near the door, and she handed a few to him.
“Yeah—that's good—thank you.” He opened his legs a bit more so he could better clean up.
“You wanna take your pants off?” she asked him as she pressed her hands to her hips.
“Nah—I think I got it.”
She thought about what Marla had told her. She needed to come forth with him in her intentions with him, especially after what he had said to her. Once he had mopped up his mess, she moved the trail mix and the water bottle to the side and she lay back down on the bed next to him.
“I'm gonna keep you out of trouble, Joey,” she vowed as she put her arm around his chest. “You're a good boy. You don't need that shit in your life.”
He rolled his head over the edge of the bed for a better look over at her
“Well, I'm gonna tell you this right now, Sam I am—it's a long tour.”
She shook her head.
“It's alright,” she assured him. “I've got it covered. At least for the first month of it.”
“How so?”
“Emile promised me to cover the next month's rent. So I can come along with you guys on this tour.”
He showed her that notorious lopsided grin again. Sam gazed into his brown eyes, and she felt closer to him right then and there. She got to see him without clothes on more than one occasion, but now the second time was for a different reason. She thought about a touch on his chest, but she decided not to do that just yet.
“How your stomach feelin' by the way?” Joey asked her. “Maybe we can take a walk together. I feel I've released a little bit just now.”
“It's still a little queasy—we can lay here for the rest of the night if you'd like. A little cat nap and then we can walk around the place at sunrise.”
“Ooh, yeah! That sounds like a good idea.”
The voices outside of the room returned right then, and Joey reached down so as to refasten his jeans. Sam thought about their visit to her parents' house, and she realized that her mother never answered her question about how Joey resembled to that other man. Indeed, she started to wonder if that other man was someone she needed to know as she heard the guys from Testament searching for something important. Joey closed his eyes at the sounds of their voices, but Sam paid close attention to them.
“—hope we can hunt it down, though,” Chuck was saying.
“'Hunted Down'!” Alex declared. “'Hunted Down'! That's what it was called. The riff I was playing earlier.”
“God,” Joey muttered with a shake of his head.
“What?” Sam whispered to him.
He then opened his eyes. She could tell he was sleepy and the fact they were laying on a literal bed didn't help matters, either. “If I'm being perfectly honest, I really wanna leave that kid alone—but he's such a hot shot, though.”
“I don't think he is,” she confessed. “I think he's kinda like you, to be honest.”
“How so?” Joey looked disgusted at that.
“I dunno. But I just feel it, though. I feel like there's something there behind that cool demeanor...” She thought back to the encounter in Syracuse and the slight raise of those dark, deep set eyebrows at her. There was also that piece of rice paper in the bottom of her drawer back home. “Remember what I asked you that night in Syracuse? Why can't you be nice to him, especially after all you just told me?”
Joey didn't reply to that. Instead, he gazed up at the ceiling in silence. But Sam stayed there next to him to prove as a comfort to him. Within seconds, his eyelids drooped and he dozed off right there next to her, and complete with her arm around his chest. His slender little body was warm and delicate to the touch. She wanted him to stay that way forever.
She could feel her eyelids weighing down as well. It was late after all.
He never answered her, and he never did by the time they woke up from their little two hour nap.
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Journey to Hogwarts - Chapter 5; That damned letter
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Title: That damned letter Pairing: Sirius Black x OC Word count: 3165 Published: 28 August, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: Here is Chapter 5 to our little project Journey to Hogwarts with Mags [ @kalimagik ], Dee [ @obsessedwithrandomthings​], Steph [ @firewhisky-kisses​ ], Millie [ @iliveiloveiwrite​ ] and myself. 
Series Masterlist: Journey to Hogwarts
My Masterlist: Masterlist 
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Desiree arrived at the living room of Grimmauld place first, stumbling out of the fireplace, still unable to get used to the Floo network. Kiara followed closely behind, placing an arm around Des’ shoulder to keep herself steady. She wasn’t wasted, but had enough to stand on shaky legs. Sirius followed behind, stepping beside the two girls as Remus appeared in the room.
“What the hell were you thinking getting home at this hour?” Remus started off on a lecture, but Des waved him off as she heard an annoyed groan from Ki.
“Can we get this over with, after we slept?” Des asked with a stern look, but Remus didn’t seem to care.
“Certainly, I will just wait until you get better, because you have not done anything wrong at all. Of course, not! You went out and got drunk, like two reckless teenagers. Do you really think I will just let you walk away without a word?” He opened his arms in a questioning gesture.
“Do you really think we would be able to listen to any of your rumbling? I’m not even sure we will remember what happened today, let alone remember your ranting. We will see you tomorrow or today. Same difference.” Des heaved a deep sigh as she started off with Ki towards the stairs.
“Don’t you dare think I’m done with you!” He spoke to the back of the two girls, before Ki turned back around to finally give a piece of her mind to the man, but she was cut off.
“Remus! Let them go.” Sirius said as he put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Des turned around giving Sirius a grateful smile, before she walked upstairs with Kiara on her shoulder.
Des helped Ki to her room, tucking her in, the younger girl falling into deep slumber almost immediately. She chuckled at her friend’s mindless state as she was murmuring something about Neville in her dream, a small smile creeping up on her lips.
She walked back to her room, quickly changing and throwing herself on her bed, rolling under her duvet. She leaned down beside her bed, taking out a letter from the back-pocket of her trousers, hiding it in her nightstand, away from the prying eyes. She didn’t want anyone to see it, let alone Sirius. Her letter to the man was more personal than she intended to write, but the words just came out without a second thought.
Morning came quickly or so she thought as she looked at the clock on the wall showing 5pm. She jumped out of bed, a slight headache making her feel dizzy. She needed food. She went to the bathroom, cleaning herself up, before she headed downstairs.
The house seemed to be deadly silent. She took a seat in the kitchen and as if on cue Kreacher appeared with her food. She didn’t dispute how he knew that she was up, she started stuffing herself with all the delicious dishes across the table.
As she finally felt full and her slight headache disappeared, she recognised two voices coming from the living room.
She walked across the kitchen, darting her head out of the doorway to see an annoyed Remus standing in the living room, across him Ki with a grimace. He was beyond angry at the younger woman. Ki thought he treated her like a child, but he was only looking out for her, trying to protect her. His arms crossed in front of his chest, a sceptical look on his face.
“What were you thinking? All of you getting drunk, when you are still barely out of school? Don’t you think that’s a bit reckless?” He asked, but she just rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed huffing sound.
“I am 24 years old, Remus. I think I am at an age where I do not need a babysitter and I definitely don’t remember hiring one.” She replied, making her friend, Des snicker at her words. She leaned against the doorframe, watching as the scene was unfolding with an amused look on her face.
“I am responsible for you and I am planning to keep you in one piece.” He retorted, his tone firm.
“Which part of I’m an adult don’t you understand? Just stop acting like you're my father - you're not!” Ki raised a brow, lips pursed as she tried to swallow the anger bubbling up inside her.
“I don’t need to be your father to want to protect you. You might be an adult, but you’re new to our world. This is not a child’s playground.” He scoffed, hoping she would finally understand his point.
“If you keep acting like I’m some sort of a naive little teenager, I promise you, I’ll behave like that and you’ll have plenty of time to regret it.” She shrugged, knowing well that she would keep her words.
“This is exactly why I am treating you like a child.” He heaved a deep sigh, massaging the bridge of his nose. Des let out a silent giggle at their bickering. She was lost in enjoying their little drama, she didn’t even recognise the man standing beside her.
“Shouldn’t we stop them? This will escalate quickly.” Sirius raised a brow. Des didn’t turn towards the man, she kept her gaze on the arguing pair.
“Nah, this is way too entertaining.” She smirked, enjoying the moment as if she was watching a comedy show.
“Oh is it, sweetheart? I reckon I could entertain you even more.” Sirius spoke with a confident grin. Des finally turned around, looking into the man’s grey eyes, for a moment getting lost in them, before she composed herself.
“Okay, Black, you got my attention.” She replied with an ever growing smile across her face. Sirius placed his palm on the small of her back, gently guiding her towards the kitchen, pulling out a chair for her. “What a gentleman.” A playful grin spread across her face as she took her seat and watched the man taking out a bottle of firewhisky.
“Only when I want to be.” He shrugged, his smirk cockier than ever.
“Why would you want to be?” Des asked as she put her elbow on the table, placing her jaw into her palm, raising a questioning brow.
“I wouldn’t want a pretty lady like yourself to feel disrespected.” He replied as he filled up two glasses with the alcohol. Des couldn’t hold in an evil chuckle.
“Oh Black, that was really bad.” She breathed as her laughter finally faded.
“Maybe I just wanted to impress you?” He asked as he sat down beside her and offered a glass of firewhisky to her with a cheeky wink, making her giggle.
“That sounds more like it.” She raised her glass and clinked it with Sirius’.
The pair continued to talk about themselves and their younger, reckless teenage years. Des was listening to Sirius, completely focusing her attention on him, inhaling every word of his tales about the marauders and their mischievous school days.
They tapped into darker subjects too, revealing parts about his past that Des didn’t know much about, parts that the books didn’t contain. His time in Azkaban was one of his worst memories, but he didn’t seem fazed as Des' confidence got boosted by the alcohol and questioned him almost as if she was interrogating the man.
“Why did you not escape before? I mean, you were there for twelve years. You were an animagus from the very beginning.” She frowned, waiting eagerly for a reply. Sirius stayed silent for a while, collecting his thoughts.
“I guess, I could have escaped earlier, but I felt guilty. It was my idea to use Peter as a secret keeper and after his betrayal, I felt as if it was all my fault. And noone would have believed me if I said Peter was the traitor. I wouldn’t have believed it either.” He shook his head as he took another swig of his whisky.
“But Remus would have believed you, if you just explained it to him.” You tried to understand his logic, but it was beyond you.
“When you lose everyone you love and they cage you in with multiple dementors, sucking even the last remaining hope out of you and you are only clinging to the knowledge of being innocent, it doesn’t really give you the push you need to get up and go.” He offered Des a smile, but she could see through his hidden pain.
“I’m sorry to ask about it.” She spoke in an apologetic tone.
“It’s fine.” He smiled, this time happier. “I can’t imagine how hard it is for you being stuck in a world you thought was a fairytale.”
“You tell me. I got dropped off here thinking it was all part of my imagination, then I realised that I could do magic. Me?” She scoffed in disbelief. “I am loving it, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not easy to process.” She frowned, thinking back at the moment the bright light sucked them into this world, that she thought to be a mere invention of a writer’s mind.
“Well, if anything, I am glad you fell into our world.” He smirked as he looked down at her empty glass. She followed his gaze before she returned to his grey eyes.
“If I didn’t know you better, I would think you are trying to get me drunk, Black.” She chuckled as he stood up and opened another bottle of firewhisky.
“Maybe I am.” He smirked, his whole presence radiating confidence.
“Oh, and why is that?” She smirked, biting into her bottom lip.
“Do you two ever stop flirting? Get a room.” Ki walked into the kitchen with a cheeky grin, searching for a bottle of water in the fridge, her words causing a fit of laughter to erupt from Sirius’ lungs.
“I don’t think you would enjoy the noises.” He laughed playfully, watching as Ki’s face took on a darker shade of red. Des stood up from the table, walking over to Sirius to nudge him on the shoulder, but he didn’t mind, he just gave her a sweet smile. She shook her head as she took the bottle of alcohol from the man, filling up her glass, before jumping up on the countertop and getting herself comfortable.
“You should know how to use a silencing charm.” Des quipped in with a playful smile across her face.
“Oh I am excellent at it. I can teach you if you’d like.” He replied wiggling his brows, making her scoff, but her smile didn’t falter. Des looked at Ki as she heard a gagging sound from the table. She imitated the way she was about to throw up, but soon a huge grin appeared across her face, causing Des’ smile to wither realising the devilish grin on her friend’s face.
“What are you up to?” Des asked Ki with a suspicious gaze.
“Did you give the letter to Sirius?” Ki asked, her grin growing by the minute.
“What letter?” Sirius asked with a curious expression, his eyes wandering between the two girls who were having a staring contest.
“I don’t know what she is talking about.” Des spoke, silently trying to suffocate her friend with the deadliest gaze directed at her.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. It’s just a love letter she wrote to you.” Ki smirked, causing Des to slap herself on the forehead as she wanted to dig her own grave in embarrassment.
“I’m listening.” Sirius grinned excitedly, his eyes attached to the fidgeting girl.
“Let’s clear things up, before this conversation takes a whole different turn. I didn’t write a love letter, because I wanted to, but because I was dared to do so, it doesn’t mean anything.” Des quickly tried to explain the situation, heaving a deep sigh as she finished.
“Oh…” Sirius raised a brow. “So you don’t actually think I have kissable lips, nor do you want to run your fingers through my soft black hair, right?” He asked with an innocent smile. Des’ face turned pale for a second, before it took on the darkest shade of red, her eyes wider than ever. “You don’t want me to grab your thighs and push you up against a wall?” She closed her eyes and heaved a deep sigh as she tried to forget each word Sirius was repeating from her letter. “You don’t want to wrap your legs around my waist and kiss me hard, tugging on the end of my hair, moaning into the kiss?” He chuckled playfully. Des could hear Ki’s wholehearted laughter in the background, but her eyes were attached to the owner of the grey irises.
“Enough! How do you even know about those lines? Fred gave back the letter to me. It’s in my room.” She tried to argue, even though she had a feeling the letter in her room was not hers after all.
“Fred put the letter in my pocket last night.” Sirius shrugged, sending a wink at her.
“That little shit.” Des spoke under her breath, sighing deeply.
“I’m just going back to sleep, so enjoy your night, guys.” Kiara grinned happily as she started off towards the door.
“Don’t leave me here now.” Des called after her, but she just chuckled.
“Don’t forget to use protection.” Ki shouted from the bottom of the stairs, making Sirius laugh at her blatant comment, causing Des to groan in an annoyed tone. “And a silencing charm if you don’t mind.” Her laughter died out as she disappeared.
An awkward silence fell upon the pair, or so Des felt like it, whilst Sirius was enjoying her embarrassed state. He walked up to the blushing girl, stepping in between her legs as he placed his hands on her thighs, drawing circles on her exposed skin.
“So you were just dared to write such a detailed letter, right? You didn’t mean any of the words in your letter, huh?” He asked, his smile still unfaded.
“No, I didn’t?” She replied, although it sounded more like a question, her tone unsure of her own words.
“Are you sure?” He asked again, stepping closer, his face barely any inches from Des’ face, his gaze wandering between her brown eyes and pink lips.
“Do we really need to talk about this? Can’t we just change the subject?” She asked, as she felt his closeness too unbearable.
“Oh, no, I am enjoying this way too much.” He chuckled as he watched the girl roll her eyes.
“Well, I don’t. So I would very much appreciate it if you could just ignore that letter.” She huffed in an annoyed tone.
“I don’t want to.” He replied with a shrug, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Well, try it then.” She scoffed as she tried to remove Sirius’ hands from her thighs, but the man was stronger.
“I don’t plan to.” He shook his head, a confident grin spreading wider across his handsome face. Des noted how good looking he was even more so than she imagined in the books. But she didn’t let it get to her.
“Oh, bite me.” Des nudged him on his chest.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” He asked playfully, but he didn’t miss the shiver his close presence caused her as he leaned closer, his lips almost grazing hers. “Are you sure you didn’t mean any of your words? I think you really want to run your fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends. I feel like you do want to kiss me.” She knew he was taunting her and she was losing hard. Her eyes were focused on his lips, wanting to feel them against hers, his scent, a mix of alcohol and nicotine finding its way into her nostrils, his presence absorbing her complete attention.
She didn’t even have time to process what was happening, it was too quick. His lips attached to hers, kissing her hungrily, needy. His hand wandered up to her waist, pulling her closer, their bodies melting into one. She ran her fingers through his hair, smiling into the kiss, enjoying the feeling more than she ever thought she would. She moaned into the kiss as he sucked on her bottom lip, making her gently pull at the end of his black locks.
“So you did want to do that?” Sirius chuckled as he broke the kiss, his forehead against hers, his thumbs drawing random patterns on the side of her hips. Her arms hang lazily around his neck, gently playing with the soft strands of his hair.
“Maybe?” She chuckled as she bit into her bottom lip, her gaze fixed on his grey eyes.  
“What about the rest of the letter?” He asked, running his tongue across his lips.
“Can you just forget about that damned letter?” She was almost begging him, scrunching her nose in embarrassment, but her smirk didn’t falter.
“It was way too detailed to forget about it.” He chuckled. “I mean the part where you wrote how you would like me to take you, is definitely my favourite one.” He laughed louder, pulling Des closer as she hid her face in the crook of his neck, her face blushing furiously, her eyes squeezed shut. “But if that helps, I could have a temporary amnesia?” He smiled sweetly as Des pulled away from her hiding place and looked up at the man.
“Would you, really?” She tried again, wearing her most innocent smile. She questioned and Sirius nodded in reply. “Thank you.” She said as she wrapped her arms around the man, hugging him gratefully. “I’m sorry you had to read that though. I didn’t mean for you to see it.” She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.
“I don’t mind. I actually liked it. Especially how you described the way I took off your clothes hungrily.” His laugh sounded like a bark.
“Sirius! You said, you would temporarily forget it.” She huffed in an annoyed tone.
“Oh sweetheart, we didn’t agree to a time or date.” He chuckled, placing his hands on her face, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. “Maybe from tomorrow.”
“Oh hell no.” She pushed him away and jumped down from the counter, trying to walk away, but Sirius grabbed her from behind, pulling her back against his chest.
“Where are you off to?” He whispered into her ear, causing goosebumps to appear on her skin, shivering slightly under his closeness.
“I am very clearly trying to get away from you.” She replied as she removed his hands from her waist and quickly headed towards the exit. However before she completely stepped out of the room, she turned back around, looking at the man with a playful smirk across her face, leaving a chuckling Sirius behind with an amused look. He shook his head before he heaved a deep sigh and fell back on his chair, his happy smile wider than ever. 
Tags: @just-an-outstanding-auror​ @jenniweaslee​ @hufflefluff-writer​ @ravenclaw-member​ 
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kpopwrites · 4 years
Drowning in a Dream, Chapter 8
A/N: I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD. Honestly, I have no good excuses other than I got a job and I have had no inspiration. I also had the one year anniversary of my dad’s death, so that hit hard. But, I am back! Sorry for the wait, but lmk what you think! TW: Possible smut in upcoming chapters, angst, fluff, swearing, mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, slight gore
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   Namjoon sighed as he watched the lights from your four wheeler disappear down the mountain. “They’ll come back.” Yoongi commented from his spot on the couch. “That’s not what I am worried about.” Namjoon spoke, his voice deep and rumbling. “Something feels off. The air feels strange.” He muttered, staring into the woods. “Do you think they’re safe?” Taehyung said, body tense at the thought of you being in danger. “One can hope our enemies are smart enough not to mess with (Y/N).” Namjoon turned to face his brothers. “But we shall see in the morning.”
   As you rode down the mountain side, your mind kept racing. Normally, when you were upset or stressed, you would have turned to your grandmother, seeking her wisdom on how to fix the situation. You couldn’t do that now, however. A bright flash of light caused you to stop the four wheeler, confused on what it could be. “Hello? Do you need help?” You called out, watching as the slowly dimming light walked toward you. A man stepped out of the tree line, glowing softly. “Help… please.” He croaked out, before falling to his knees. Immediately, you rushed over, kneeling beside the man. “Are you okay? Oh god, Come on, let’s get you to a hospital.” You panicked, trying to get the tall man to stand up. 
   His clothes smelled of burnt wood and ash, and after getting a better look, you realized why. His body seemed singed, clothes burnt and torn, face and arms covered in soot and cuts. You gasped softly, biting your lip as you looked him over. He seemed to be dazing in and out of consciousness. “Hey, hey can you hear me?” You asked, lightly tapping the man’s cheek. He weakly smiled up at you. “Safe…. You’re safe now…” He whispered before passing out completely.
   After a few moments of struggle, pain and effort, you managed to get the man onto the four wheeler, though, it certainly wasn’t easy since he just slumped over against your back the entire ride home. You drove him to the hospital immediately, running inside and yelling for help. Only after the strange man had been carted inside were you allowed to sit down in the waiting room. “Would it be alright if we put you down as John Doe’s contact?” The nurse asked, a look of sympathy on her face. “He seemed pretty upset when you two were separated, and most cases like this, the victim bonds to the one who found them.” With a tired sigh, you nod, giving the nurse your number. “Please, call me when he wakes up. I’ll be in the mountains most of tomorrow, but… Would it be alright if I came to visit?” You asked, some part of you feeling a connection to the burnt up man. The nurse nodded. “Of course you can. Have a good night (Y/N).” She smiled softly. 
   In truth, perhaps you should have known better than agreeing to be John Doe’s contact, especially since there was little to no service where the boys lived. When you woke up the next morning, it was, unfortunately, due to your phone ringing loudly. With a tired groan, you grabbed it, blinking in confusion when you saw who had called you so early. “San?” You asked, not sure if it really was your brother you hadn’t spoken to in so long. “(Y/N)... I…. I am so relieved to hear your voice.” He whispered, voice cracking with emotion. You hadn’t spoken to any of your brothers since your grandmother's funeral, having distanced yourself from them. “San, what’s wrong?” You muttered out, worried for your usually happy brother. “I had a nightmare, that’s all.” He spoke, clearing his throat. “I know it’s been a while, I… saw you at Grandma’s funeral for a few minutes, but… I think we all need to meet up and talk.” San said. “Meet us at Chan’s dinner at ten.” With those words, he hung up suddenly. Truth be told, after you moved out of the house, you used any chance you could get to avoid your brothers. Yes, of course you loved them, there was a pain and anger deep down you couldn’t really explain to them. 
   Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were so close, going through a secret journey together you were never allowed to see. Maybe it was because Carrie had been so lax on their rules while constantly keeping you under her watch. Either way, the thought of sitting down with your brothers made your heartbeat a little faster. When your phone rang a second time, you nearly threw it across the room. With a harsh growl, you picked up. “Yes San, I’m coming, let me sleep.” You snarled out. “I’m sorry, I might have the wrong number, this is Nurse Marli calling. I don’t think Carrie would have liked that tone, little one.” Embarrassment flooded through your body. Marli had been your grandmother's nurse up until she died. “Oh… Sorry Marli, did he wake up?” You asked, clearing your throat. “Yes, he did, and he has been asking for you by name.” Marli spoke, sighing. “Every five minutes or so. Hurry down here please. If I hear one more whine from that boy…” She grumbled unhappily, making a small smile appear on your face. “I’ll be there as soon as I can Marli.” 
   After a quick shower, you headed towards the bus stop, paying your fee and starting towards the hospital. You thanked the driver as you got off, smiling at the usually friendly man. He didn’t smile back though, instead, he glared at you. “Soon.” He growled out as you stepped off the bus. You let out a nervous laugh. “What? What are you-.” The bus doors closed and Doug drove off, leaving you literally in the dust. You shake off the weird encounter, walking into the hospital. Marli spotted you from the front desk, the older woman rushing over to you. “(Y/N), thank god. I swear, I am getting gray hairs from this kid. I don’t know how or when he did it, but I walked in and he was fine. Before someone here calls the military, take him.” She rambled anxiously, pulling you into John Doe’s room. “What? Marli, slow down.” You laugh, not believing the woman’s tale. “Are you working another 14 hour shift? You should really go home.” She shushed you, a serious look in her eyes. “(Y/N), I didn’t know your grandma as long as you did, but I know she knew about some unexplainable things. Please, before he gets taken by Men in Black or something, take him with you.” She whispered harshly, pulling you into John Doe’s room and shutting the door. Sure enough, John was wandering around his room, looking a whole lot better than the night before. 
   You gaped in confusion. “H-how?” You muttered out. “I don’t know. Last night, we didn’t think he would make it. Almost all of him was pretty much burnt up, his bones were shattered, now… He looks like he just stumbled out of a vogue photoshoot.” Marli hissed, standing behind you. John Doe perked up when he saw you, immediately running over and pulling you into a hug. “(Y/N)!” He exclaimed, giggling happily. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was worried about leaving you alone overnight.” He set you down gently, pulling back. You were shocked, to say the least. “Do…. Do I know you somehow?” You asked softly, concerned for the mental well being of this stranger. “I mean, not officially. I’m Jae, your guardian angel. One of them, anyway.” He grinned as if he hadn’t said the most insane thing in the world. You blinked a few times, laughing awkwardly. “W-what?” You turned, looking at Marli. “Does he have a concussion?” You whispered to her, alarmed. She shook her head quickly. “That’s what I’m saying, he is completely healthy. Take him home, now.” She hissed, looking out of the small window quickly. You nod, turning towards Jae. “Um… I guess I’m going to take you home now.” You spoke. “Follow me please.” Marli made sure no one was really paying attention before she pulled the fire alarm, causing enough commotion to let you out of the building, Jae in tow. 
   You led him home, having to walk since he refused to get on the bus. You didn’t speak a word to the man as you walked, mind racing. First the demons, now you have guardian angels? Not to mention your brothers. “Shit!” You cussed, stopping in your tracks. Jae bumped into you during your sudden stop, confused. “Are you okay with coming with me for something?” You turn to look at Jae quickly, backing up since he was so close. “Of course. I don’t want you going anywhere alone, not since they are everywhere now.” He said, looking around. You shake your head, trying to avoid the inevitable headache that was coming on. 
   “Just… No angel talk, please.” You grumbled at the tall man, changing course and heading towards Chan’s dinner. Once you got inside, you easily spotted your brothers, mainly due to the fact that they stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of old people. San looked relatively the same, though his hair was now a striking blue instead of red like you had last seen. He dressed just as flashy as always, making you roll your eyes. Of course, Jooheon hadn’t changed too much either, his eyes being the tell tale sign of his identity. One, a striking green, the other a deep brown. Felix looked the most different, having seemingly grown a few more inches. You could also hear how deep his voice had gotten, making you sigh. 
    You slowly walked over to them, causing their loud conversation to stop. Jooheon immediately hugged you, clinging to your form. “I’m so glad you’re okay. After San called us, we were worried.” He whispered. “Jooheon, he had a nightmare. I’m fine.” You promised, hugging him back slowly. Old memories rushed back, as well as a familiar feeling of calm that Jooheon seemingly carried with him. “My nightmares aren’t usually just nightmares (Y/N), that’s why we called you here. But first, why don’t you introduce us to your friend?” San looked Jae over with a raised eyebrow, causing your face to pale. How to explain this, hm?
Taglist for Drowning in a Dream @jennyjq​​ @boy9wolf​​   @slutkoo​​ @flakeypancake​​ @leftflowerprunedonut​​ @vickylamore​​ @elenaramos1​​ @trinityautumn​​ @blackgirlutopia​ @viralsoftspot​ @qween-of-trash​
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malfoysqueen54 · 4 years
In The Name Of The Father
Steve Rogers X OFC
Warnings: Character Death, Cussing? Thats it for now
18+ Only PLEASE! Beware my work can end up anywhere in smutville!!
Phil Coulsons daughter was devoted to her father, now in his death she devotes herself to Steve Rogers. In his memory. The girl she never felt he wanted no matter how she tried to be the super solider he dreamed of having as a son. Now as Steve's friend/ partner/ agent, she must deal with her baggage, but that chip on her shoulder is hard to remove. Even with Steve's charms.
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She fell to her knees in front of her commanding officer and he approached to help her up with his lieutenant. Her father was gone—he was dead. She felt as if a huge slab of cement was laying on her chest. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know if she ever would again. Her eyes squinted at the bright desert landscape around her. The noise of the encampment was being drowned out by the rushing sound in her ears from her blood pumping so fast.
“You need to pack, Major. You're going home. Your ride is already here.” She looked up at the General, her vision still hazy, and he gestured to the opening of the tent behind her. She knew and got up running to the man who recruited, trained and loved her like a father. Her gaze met Fury’s after a few minutes of silent tears.
“Let’s go, Brooke. I got you.” His hand gently smoothing over her back.
 Everything was a blur…she couldn’t even go to the funeral. The Avengers were there and she saw red because of that. It wasn’t their fault, but she was so angry. Plus, he would be there. The bane of her existence, even if they hadn’t met yet. Brooke couldn’t face that, not yet. Her activities were simple for nearly two months. Drink, barely eat, barely sleep, drink more. So, of course, the reinforcements came.
Fury never knocked and she heard his booming voice first. “Brooke! Where are you?” It made her hangover worse.
“Jesus Christ, Nick, really!” she snapped, pouring more vodka in a glass. It was breakfast; why the hell not. Nat showed up, grabbed the bottle and poured it out. Brooke groaned and rolled her eyes, and Nick took the glass from her.
That one eye of his judging her like it always did. “You look like shit,” he said gently, yet matter-of-factly.
“Well I feel like shit, Fury.” She saluted him with a sarcastic grin, and then leaned on the kitchen counter, holding her head.
Nat put her hand on Brooke’s arm. “This won’t bring him back. You know he would be pissed.” Nat’s grip getting a little tighter to get her attention
Brooke turned to her friend and glared gently. “I was never enough. He would always be pissed, no matter what I did.” Her retort was dry and sorrowful; she knew how true that was. She had been trained almost since birth. You name it, she did it, including Army Special Forces and S.H.I.E.L.D. Nope, still not good enough.
Nick looked at Natasha and then back to Brooke. “I need a handler/partner/agent for Steve Rogers.” It was to the point.
Brooke sobered like cold water had been thrown on her. She snapped her eyes up to meet his and Natasha’s. “Are you kidding?!” she practically screeched.
“No, and you are the one who knows the most about him. You know stuff we probably don’t.” He gestured between him and Nat.
Brooke pushed off the counter, running her hands into her hair, her blood boiling. “You want me to babysit that little shit!” Her stance turned angrily towards Fury.
“Actually, he is like six foot two, so he only beats you by like two inches. Unless you wear your heels,” the redhead replied.
Brooke snarled. “I know how tall the bastard is.” Brooke took deep breaths, the scenarios running through her head. She owed this to her dad. Steve Rogers was his idol. She closed her eyes. “Fine, but that jerk will not know my personal past. Work related, fine.” Her hands were on her hips, sternly looking at Nick and Natasha.
Fury nodded, folding his arms. “What do you want your cover name to be then?”
She smirked and scoffed a little. “How about Barnes?”
Natasha sucked in a breath through her teeth. “That’s just cold, Brooke.” Fury shook his head.
“Fine, Collins, same thing we have used before.” She rolled her eyes as she waved her hand dismissively, turning to go shower and sober up.
“Your first get together is tonight at S.H.I.E.L.D.” Nat informed her.
“Yippee,” was the only bored reply they got as she closed her bedroom door on them.
The director and agent took their leave. Natasha was nervous, though. It could be a nuclear disaster in the making. “Are you sure we should do this? Put them together like this? Steve can be just as stubborn as she is.”
“If anyone can handle him, it’s her. Plus, she needs this. Her grudge will have to subside. He’s a damn boy scout, for Christ sake,” Fury replied, opening the door of the SUV.
“And she has a personal vendetta,” Natasha said getting into the passenger seat.
Fury sighed, falling back into the driver’s seat. “You have known her for years, trained with her. You know she will do everything to her father’s memory and credit. So, I know she may hate it, but she would die for Captain America. She is a soldier, she is loyal and one of the best damn assets we have.”
Natasha nodded with a knowing smirk. “You're right.” She sighed with a gentle chuckle. “She’s gonna hate it.”
 Steve blew out a breath as he stood before Fury, Nat, Clint and Tony. He still didn’t know why he needed agent backup, or a handler, as they were also known as. Nick just looked at him sitting there and gave a slight smirk to Clint and Nat.
“So- when does his babysitter get here,” Tony asked. Clint and Nat shook their heads while Steve just sighed heavily.
“It’s not a babysitter. You Avengers all have loyal backup and agent help. Captain Rogers is no different,” Nick corrected him, glaring him down with that gaze of his.
Tony shrugged. “Alright, well does this guy have the ability and skill to back up the Capsicle?”  Steve exhaled heavily through his nose, narrowing his eyes at Tony. “Just looking out for you Cap.” The billionaire folded his arms with another small shrug.
Steve hated to admit it, but looked at Fury and wondered the same thing. “He has a point.”
Clint and Natasha glanced at one another, smiling as Nick picked up a file. “Well, Army Special Forces, Green Beret. A Major in the Army. Three tours in Afghanistan.” Nick glanced up and Cap nodded as Tony looked unimpressed and gestured him to go on. “Three black belts, mixed martial arts fighting and winner, mind you. Weapons training, including blades, knifes, Asian weapons, swords and HYDRA weapons, as well as archery. A licensed pilot, a trained spy with undercover ops in Russia, Iran, England and Germany. Fluent in fifteen languages, do I need to keep going on?” He threw the file down on the table.
“How old is this guy? I mean, that’s a lot. Can’t have a lot of life experience. I mean no serum making him young like gramps over here.” Tony jerked his thumb at Steve. Steve shrugged—sounded qualified.
“Agent Collins is thirty-one,” Clint raised his hand. “Why are you here again, Tony?”
“Oh, I was updating tech for S.H.I.E.L.D.,” he replied. “Wanted to look out for Cap here.” He smirked walking slowly over toward where Steve was seated.
“When’s he supposed to be here?” Steve asked ignoring Tony.
Agent Collins is here, Director.
They heard over the com on the desk.
“Show her into the conference room. We will be right there.”
“Her?!” Steve and Tony both exclaimed while Nat and Clint snickered at that.
“Yes. Her. Unlike you, Stark, I can trust Captain Rogers with a female,” Fury stated as Tony put his hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Sorry, you will be stuck with a real dog.” Tony patted his shoulder as they set to leave the room to meet this agent Collins. Steve really wasn’t happy now. Fury picked up the folder and they all followed him to the conference room.
“Fury, really, a woman, why?” Steve huffed slightly.
“Because she’s the best, next to you guys,” the director replied
“She’s a real old, deadly hag- he means,” Tony chirped in.
“Enough, Tony,” Steve snapped at him.
Fury opened the door and they walked in. Her back was to them, sitting in the chair. Her blonde, or was it strawberry blonde, hair—Steve couldn’t tell in the lighting—was pulled up in a ponytail. She turned in her chair, not getting up, and looked at them.
“Are you kidding me?” Tony looked at Fury, flabbergasted.
Fury nodded as Steve looked at her face. She didn’t look like she was in her thirties. She didn’t look too young, either. He walked over to her. “You’re Agent Collins?” he asked, not too sure he could believe this woman was the one Fury just described.
She looked him up and down, and not in the usual way women did. Steve tensed under her gaze as if he would have to fight. Her eyes held contempt or was it arrogance? Anger—yeah, he was sure he saw that. She turned her chair and stood slowly, and Clint and Nat shook their heads as she met Steve eye to eye.  Yeah, she wore the heels, just to let him know she would match him toe to toe. Steve’s eyes widened slightly as she smirked, and he glanced down over her and back up.
“Yeah, Mr. Rogers. I am Agent Collins.” She folded her arms in front of her smirking defiantly.
Tony’s eyes bugged a little and looked at Fury again. “Really? Are you kidding me? How tall is she? Did you find her at a Victoria's Secret show?”
“Six foot, to be exact, Mr. Stark. I am no model. Just a soldier and agent.” She looked at him blandly, turning to look at him.
“Play nice, Brooke. You know it’s Captain Rogers.” Fury eyed her. Steve kind of stared; this is what the army was churning out now? She couldn’t be that lethal, could she?
Brooke exhaled heavily, looking at him then back to Rogers and held out her hand. “Captain, I am Agent Brooke Collins. Yes, I am thirty-one, and yes, I am highly trained in a lot of things. Not all of us are lucky enough to get super solider serum.” She grinned sarcastically at him.
Steve raised a brow at her. The woman had some bite to her, and she wasn’t overly fond of him. Yet, he trusted Fury. He took her hand and shook it. They were soft, yes, but well worn. She worked with her hands and her grip was firm. “Major Collins,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “From what I hear, you don’t need serum. Now do you?” He felt her arm tense and her hand tighten in his, her eyes narrowed as well.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Tony smirked watching the two amused.
“No, it’s going to be work.” Brooke let Steve go and grabbed her file, tossing it at the table. “Clint.” She smiled brightly and hugged him, which he returned.
“Hey lady, you doin’ ok?” he asked without giving away anything. He knew she didn’t want anyone knowing who already didn’t about her dad.
She smiled and nodded.
Steve took her in as she hugged Natasha as well. She had on a simple black jacket and tank top underneath and jeans that hugged her, but were modest and showed the long legs adorned with black heeled boots. The look was unassuming , comfortable and gave her mobility in case of a fight. She wasn’t wearing makeup but then he thought she was pretty without it. She wasn’t superficial or materialistic, it seemed. Her posture was straight, hands placed behind her back. Yeah, she was a soldier. He could almost guarantee she had a weapon hidden somewhere as well.
Fury took in their stance and smirked. “So, can you work together? I need you to be Roger’s partner and back up.”
Steve folded his arms, watching her. “I think we will be fine.”
Fury looked to Brooke. She nodded. “From what I am told, he has no libido. So, I am fine, no worries for me.” She saluted Fury with a wink.
Fury let his head fall and shook it. “Um, question.” Tony raised his hand as Fury left for them all to talk and Tony followed. “Why does he get the snarky Christie Brinkley and I get a computer?” The doors cut off the rest of the conversation.
Steve walked up to her as she spoke to Clint and Natasha. “Have we met before? You seem to not really care for me. That’s odd if we haven’t met.” Clint and Nat glanced at one another before saying goodbye so Brooke and Steve could talk.
Brooke looked him over and took a deep breath. “You're right, I don’t care for you. Be that as it may, you are a huge asset to S.H.I.E.L.D. and America. So, I will do all I can to have your back.” She folded her arms across her chest once again.
Steve narrowed his eyes at her but nodded. “Alright, I trust Fury. Let’s give it a shot.” He nodded as he spoke, agreeing with himself.
@thorne93��� @pegasusdragontiger​ @magellan-88​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams​ @emoryhemsworth​ @st-eve-barnes​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @superfanficnatural​
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all… Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!! Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 2.7k Announcement: Sorry that I posted this late the reason why is I had this complete at 8:30pm but my google doc decided to take my edited version and my unedited version and layer them on top of each other so naturally, I wanted to knock myself out with a hammer. After a long shower, I painstakingly worked on it as even the google docs history hadn’t saved the edited version. 
[Part 1]  [Part 6]  [Part 8]   [Tag Yourself Here]
You had a major major breakdown. Why did it hurt so bad? Was it the disappointment on Hoseok's face? You crawled out of your makeshift tub and wrapped yourself in a towel. Slipping on clean underwear and a hoodie you trudged back into your little home if you will. Eyes which were swollen and red from your tears becoming heavy. The door to the storage room opened, there in the doorway stood Taehyung “Annyong,” his deep tone filled the room as you watched his tiny gestures. He had wrapped himself in his blanket and hugged his pillow. 
“What is it,” You were finding it hard to be blunt with him as he was so gentle and innocent. He was a fully matured young man, he had his moments of perversion or pranks but overall he didn’t have a malicious bone in his body. 
“Can I sleep beside you?” Nodding too exhausted and sad to say no. He shut the door and waddled over, laying down beside you and making himself comfortable. After a few minutes of fluffing his pillow and removing your blanket and laying his bigger blanket over you both. Despite the extra room his blanket gave, he pulled you close wrapping his arms around you. You fit perfectly in his arms, letting out an audible whine as your breasts felt so soft behind your hoodie. He tried to think about other things like his favourite painter’s while singing under his breath anything to distract from your presence. The plain vanilla scent that emanated from your skin had him pressing his nose to your neck. 
Every time you started to fall asleep he would moan your name and hug you tighter. Only settling when you wrapped him in your arms. His face up close was so inhuman, his sharp jaw and angular nose, the ratios between his eyes nose and lips were perfect, the symmetry everything. It was too good to be true. His personality was so gentlemanly as well it was like he just stepped out of a romance novel. Not the fifty shades kind where they have a haunting and mysterious backstory no this was the kind that is always there and the female lead doesn’t notice how good he is until the end and everything has a happy end.
Except this wasn’t the case, there was no love story here. People as perfect and gentle as Taehyung, they end up with; kind, generous and drop-dead gorgeous people. Even you wanted that for him. When you finally managed to fall asleep you were trapped in some romcom nightmare. Where your hunky neighbour and best friend Taehyung was trying to get you to fall in love with him. You had given in towards the end when he had saved your life in the dream. Taehyung lent in to kiss you, however, an inch away he pulled back and it was actually Hoseok. He looked at you in disgust and hurt. “I guess we weren’t friends after all”
Ripped from your dream with a jolt you accidentally startled Taehyung. It was useless to try to get out of his grip, you were supposed to be forgetting about them. You weren’t supposed to be worrying about Taehyung’s need for skinship and you definitely weren’t supposed to be hung up on Hoseok who was all you could think about. Him repeating those words ‘I guess we weren’t friends after all’.
“I missed you, why have you been hiding from us?” Taehyung hummed, finally addressing the subject of your disappearance the days prior. His hands slid up under your hoodie and his soft fingertips drew soft circles on your back. You don’t know if Taehyung knew the things he did were very romantic gestures one might do with a lover. Or if he just did whatever he wanted because it felt nice. You didn’t stop his gentle caress’ it felt too amazing on your jelly-like muscles. Instead, you pretended not to particularly enjoy the time you spent with him. Not saying anything that could ruin his innocent and happy bubble so early in the morning. 
“Tae I have to go for a shower,” You thought this time a hot shower was needed, your muscles were in quite a bad way. The journey to the bathroom and shower and the actions required to get there and undress seemed both impossible and daunting. 
“No don’t leave, I want to hug you” Did he not realise he was already hugging you? Your resolve wavered for a moment with the idea that maybe you could let him in and be nice. But the moment passed quickly and you sat up out of his arms he had rolled onto his chest pouting and kicking his legs under the blanket. His fake square mouth crying almost made you laugh and he noticed sitting up with a smirk. 
“Tae it’s just a shower”
“Take me with you,” he pinched your hoodie between his thumb and forefinger, you blushed causing him to beam a brilliant megawatt smile, maybe he knew what he was doing all along. You tried to get up eyes watering in pain, he held on firmly to the hem of your clothes. “Take me with you, it’s not the first time we have showered together” 
“Fine come on let’s shower, grab some clean clothes,” you said trying to pull his hand off your hoodie without flashing your underwear. He was frozen, his mouth falling open as he licked his lip, the idea of showering with you had been stuck in his mind ever since his drunken ordeal some nights ago. You managed to slip away from his grip and ducked quickly to the bathroom, remembering to lock the door behind you. 
You were shampooing your hair when you heard him try the door and whine “you're a liar!” His cry made you unknowingly smile from safe and unseen behind the bathroom walls. Your brassiere was still drying after you showered in your clothes. Dressing in black shorts and a white button-up you decided to go without, to be safe you threw on a black blazer. You didn’t want for any reason the shirt to become see-through and reveal your thing is if you were going without a bra it had to be a look. 
You put your hair in a business-appropriate style, your makeup was done with a dark lip tint and a slight bit of contouring of your cleavage. Adding jewellery you had found in the boxes. Simple geometric chain earring and layered geometric shape necklaces that had a chain that fell between your breasts both in silver. After slipping on some black heeled boots and looked in the mirror. 
This was the look. You were fierce and ready to take on anything. When you left the bathroom Taehyung wasn’t there. Walking down the corridor you called for the elevator checking yourself out in the stainless steel doors. You couldn’t stop the small amount of concern that coursed through you for the boys to be impressed. 
The people in the cafeteria were staring at you. Acting like it was no big deal as you confidently strode across the floor. The servers looked you over, shifting almost ashamed in their tracksuits, You made sure to be polite and compliment them. You weren’t a total bitch, nor did you think you were better than anyone here. They were talking hastily in Korean. Collecting your meal you turned to face the room. Areum waved at you from across the cafeteria. She was such a nice young woman, she had a boyfriend who face-timed her daily he was stuck in their apartment with their cats. She listened to your problems and even gave you great advice. 
Waving back, she looked pretty in the dresses you had given her which were too small for you. She looked a lot less dishevelled having access to your secret shower you had given her a time slot where she could shower, in hopes that it was never congested in the basement. You didn’t want people to start wondering why everyone was hanging out down there. For the safety of the bathroom, you removed the sign on the door. So if anyone happened to go down there it looked like just another storage room. Aiming to sit next to your brother for lunch. He had, of course, threatened you to come out of the basement or he would give your secret shower location away to all the employees. 
You carried your tray, walking slowly across the cafeteria floor. Still not spotting your brother. You ignored Taehyung's wave from their table. Someone snatched your tray, looking at them you saw Jungkook running towards the band’s table. Yoongi and Jimin wrapped their arms around your shoulders and waist, leading you without a chance to escape. Sitting you down trapped between them. Namjoon and Seokjin sat across from you both scanning your face and outfit. 
“Ya don’t pout we aren’t that bad,” Seokjin said pointing his chopsticks at you and snapping them threateningly. It wasn’t a real threat he looked rather amused, his eyes glancing to the unbuttoned section of your shirt every now and again. Hoseok refused to speak while eating his breakfast and whenever he was spoken to he merely shrugged. You ate your breakfast in mostly silence, answering them only when they asked you a question. 
Once breakfast was over you handed your tray over to the kitchen helpers and when you turned you saw Hoseok tongue pressed against his cheek staring at your ass in the shorts you were wearing. Whoever Gfriend was? They had some cute and stylish outfits. The others announced they were going to go get ready for the day, You went to the dance studio followed by Hoseok who sat at the back of the room watching you. You danced for about half an hour before the rest of the boys came in sitting beside Hoseok and cheering you on. The song you were halfway through dancing to had a lot you could relate to in your current situation. Dancing out your feelings. 
Hoseok had seen it the moment it started the regression and depression in your eyes, he knew when you stopped leaving the basement, that something was wrong. When you started hiding from them in the halls and dodging them he knew they must have said something to hurt you. He thought it showed how much they cared, how completely wrapped around your finger they were. When you came back from the supply run gasping and begging for water he was the one to get it. But hearing you say that they didn’t care because they were famous. He wasn’t expecting that at first, he was hurt and mad because none of that was true, but the more he thought about it he knew you were right about one thing. Without the quarantine, you might not have met. 
He wondered how he could make you trust them, that they wouldn’t just leave you when this was over, but he didn’t know for sure if they would even have time to hang out after. You had a right to be upset. No amount of makeup you wore could conceal the puffiness around your eyes. And here you were again a few tears falling as you put your soul into your dance. 
You spun a complete circle ready for the chorus, only to spot Hoseok in the mirror dancing beside you. Copying some of your choreography that you had been repeating every chorus and when you kicked your leg up he caught it. Pulling you forward to fall against his strong chest. They all didn’t look like much but they were all so very strong. While still holding your leg he wrapped his free arm around your back. Lifting you slightly and walking you back towards the mirror, you were both panting chest to chest your leg secure in his hand above your head. 
You felt the stretch in your hamstring and groaned. Your muscles were still sore. Turning your head away, not wanting to be a part of whatever it was he thought he was doing. He whispered in Korean his thumb brushing your cheek which you hadn’t realised was damp from tears. Pushing him away you straightened up both feet firmly planted on the ground. 
You grabbed your things and tried to leave, you were getting too emotional. They were trying to get close to you again. Didn’t Hoseok say that you weren’t friends? Namjoon stopped you grabbing your arm. “Did we do something wrong?”
“No” You refused to look at him and his grip tightened slightly as he tried to stop you struggling. “Look, I am just preparing for when the quarantine is over and we never see or speak to each other again because you boys are Korean celebrities and I am just a random foreigner who took your interest for a few days”
“Hey that’s not how we see you,” he said but you didn’t want to hear it, it could only make it worse if he actually said they thought of you as their actual friend. Because then you would get attached and when this was all over you would have to learn to cope never being able to see them again. Because of their crazy work schedule. What was the point of being friends? You knew you didn’t think this way, you would happily wait for them no matter how long their schedule was your whole life would be on pause for them. It was a dangerous way to live.
Passing Areum your head down, she called to you. Ducking into the elevator the doors closed on the shadow of a figure running towards it calling your name. The doors shut giving you a place to let your guard down, except when the door opened once more and you were met with the gorgeous sight of Kim Seokjin. He stepped inside and closed the doors. He hit the basement button and leaned back against the wall panting. 
“I got to work out more” you passed the second floor and he turned walking over. “You are right we Korean idols, we aren’t allowed to date, or hook up with anyone”
He tucked your hair behind your ear. “But that doesn’t mean our feelings aren’t real we are human” he reached up his palm covering the Elevator camera and he tilted your head up with his free hand. His face was so close and his eyes burning in anger. Anger that you could only assume was aimed at the very same idol status that was holding back from life. His breathing shook either from the chase or from the raw emotion he was feeling. “That doesn’t mean we don’t want to”
You were struck once in the chest, it was like the strike of lightning. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it once more unsure of the right words. The problem with the service elevator is it moved slower than the others, so you finally passed the first floor. And like that his lips were on yours. They were so soft and slid with such ease across yours. His warm tongue joining in and he tilted his head deepening the kiss and pressing you further against the wall. You felt helpless like Seokjin and the boys were an ocean at high tide and what was once shallow water had risen up around your knees and pulled you in. But every time it pulled you in it pushed you back. You were going to drown you just knew it. He was breathing heavily and audibly. Not wanting this to stop as he was finally feeling free, he finally was able to act on something. 
All too soon the elevator slowed. He placed his free hand on the wall beside your head and pushed against it, straightening himself back up. Looking up at him, he seemed to recall his blank demeanour now that his hand was removed from the security camera. Feeling your heart drop, disappointed eyes stinging as you tried to hold back tears. You punched Seokjin in the chest, you were too exhausted and weren’t particularly trying to hurt him. “Stop playing with my emotions. Is this funny to you?”
Storming off you went to your ‘home’ and curled up in your blanket, your hand drifting to your lips as you could still feel him there. You could still taste him. The memories wouldn’t stop replaying and you hated how it felt so good. You were having a panic attack and as luck would have it, your asthma puffer was four floors above you.
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[Part 1]  [Part 6]  [Part 8]  [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags:  @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaeb @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​
90 notes · View notes
sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Can you do prompt 81 with Arthur? And if it’s not too much to ask, maybe related to the archeologist!reader commission you did for me? (If not feeling it, anything else is totally fine.)
Number 81:
This is a cute idea! Sorry this took a little longer than usual. I’ve been hopping back and forth between works and I was trying to figure out what to make of this one in particular. Enjoy!
You hadn’t expected to find yourself back out West so soon.
Only a mere month had passed since you’d come back home to New York, initially having missed the urban jungle you called home. With the news of the Viking burial ground delivered, you were praised more than you expected to be. The men who once asked for you to fetch drinks were congratulating you on such a great find. You were listened to more often, and was even given a bigger workspace.
It was exciting to finally move up in the world, elated to finally have your words taken seriously for once. You hoped your endeavors would only continue to drive up hill from now on.
Though despite your happiness, something felt…missing.
You often dreamed of that place out West, the muddy little livestock town surrounded by what you could describe as something God himself had reached down and painted across the landscapes. It was a beauty that could not be appreciated from the tall buildings and cobblestone streets. You missed it more than you’d ever imagined, along with the man whom helped your wish into a reality.
The delicate ivory comb sat on your dresser. Even though you didn’t use it for its purpose, afraid it might bend or break due to its age. However you kept it in pristine condition, wiping the dust that accumulated on a daily basis. For days after your return, your hart would flutter when you set your eyes upon it.
Every day you’d check the mail, hoping for a letter from him. Disappointment would cloud your mind to find there was none, only to silently remind yourself you’d told him to write if he ever found anything else that would capture your interest. Still, you wished you had spent more time with him before coming home. Perhaps one day you’d venture out there again, whether or not it pertained to your career.
Though as your hopes had vanished, you’d received a letter from someone you’d never heard of: Tacitus Kilgore. Your first thought was to toss it until you’d gotten a look at the address, recognizing the origin as Lemoyne. You knew no one in that state, yet something persuaded you to open it.
And you were glad you did.
Turns out Arthur had written the letter. The writing seemed more complex than his simplistic manner of speaking. He explained a new site that he’d found on his travels. He described the location; a small cave deep in the wilderness. He included a rough sketch, including various statues of unknown origin.
You were on the train the very next day.
Sure, Valentine was nothing exceptional, yet it had its charm. You were overwhelmed by the scent of the sheep that carried through the air, followed by the crisp breeze that flowed down from the mountains. The mud squashed underneath your feet as you walked to the familiar hotel.
It didn’t take long for you to settle in, spending little time in your hotel room to get everything sorted. Afterward, you’d headed toward the stables in intent to lease a horse. After picking one and exiting the barn, a voice caught your attention.
“Didn’t think I’d see ya ‘round here again.”
Heart skipping a beat, you turned to see none other than Arthur Morgan himself, leaning against a fence post with a small smile on his face.
You had to staunch your excitement of seeing him, silently calming yourself to offer a smile back, correcting your posture with a lady-like flourish. “Well, you did write me.”
“Jus’ like you asked,” he replied with a slight chuckle. “Glad I ain’t a total fool thinkin’ you wouldn’t respond.”
“Well, you know how I am with new discoveries,” you giggled, strutting closer to him as your horse stepped closely behind you. “Glad you did write. It was nice hearing from you, I certainly missed your company.”
Immediately you regretted uttering that last sentence. Flames erupted in your face as you broke from his gaze. You weren’t sure why it was so embarrassing, you’d only interacted with him twice before. He was merely an acquaintance in society’s standards, though a gentleman for escorting you to the Viking tomb during your first visit. He didn’t have to, hell, Arthur seemed like the type that would pass by without a second glance. 
He didn’t seem to notice your fluster. “I ain’t nothin’ but ordinary, Y/N,” he chortled. “I appreciate it though.”
On the contrary he was opposite of the ordinary. You often thought of what would have happened if he hadn’t crossed paths with you. Maybe you would have stumbled upon the site out of pure luck, or perhaps you would have been kidnapped by those hooligans he’d warned you about. Either way, you were glad to have his assistance.
“So, you off to find the place I told ya ‘bout?” he asked.
His reminder brought you back to the present. “Yes, absolutely!” you answered. “Er, how far is it from here, exactly?”
“Come with me,” Arthur gestured with cocking his head to the side. “I’ll show ya myself.”
Your heart began to race from his offer. “W-why?” you stammered, pausing to control your voice. “Wouldn’t I be keeping you from something?”
“You won’t be,” he assured, stepping closer to you. “‘Sides, it’s a bit of a hike, and in a hidden area. Ya may end up lost if I don’t help ya.”
His persistence amazed and excited you. “Alright, lead the way Arthur.”
The cold air whipped around your face as you galloped behind Arthur across New Hanover. The land here was breathtakingly gorgeous, green fields, rolling hills and dense forests that appeared right out of a fairytale. Quaint cabins and homesteads dotted the land, surrounded by crops and farm animals. It must be such a simple way of life without the noises and thick air of the big city.
“How often are you out here, Arthur?” you’d asked after a while of silence. Upon the start of your journey, you’d had a quick conversation about what you’d been up to since coming back to New York. He was impressed by your news, happy that you were able to step up the ladder in your career. You’d asked him what he’d been up to, only receiving vague answers. The chatter died after that.
“From time to time.” he answered, slowing down a little to speak clearly to you.
“And you live in Lemoyne?” you continued.
He shrugged. “For the time bein’. I tend to…hop ‘round from place to place.”
That would explain why he seemed so well-traveled. You wanted to ask more questions about his life, until another had pushed its way to the forefront of your mind. “Who is Tacitus Kilgore?”
“Ah, it’s some feller I know. I’ve been stayin’ with him.” Arthur said.
You’d noticed a second of hesitation in his answer. Curiosity piqued as you wondered more about this man. Your thoughts vanished suddenly as Arthur took a sharp turn, urging his horse up the mountain. You followed suit.
“It’s a bit up a-ways,” Arthur called back to you. “Be careful, don’t let your horse slip.”
Arthur expertly navigated the side of the mountain, guiding you along steady paths along rock faces. The air grew crisp and colder with the higher altitude. You huddled over, a shiver passing deep through your body.
More time had passed, seemingly slower as the temperature dropped. Eventually Arthur slowed down, stopping just before a large rock formation. You peered at it with curiosity.
“There’s supposed to be a cave here?” You questioned. “Where’s the entrance?”
He dismounted, gesturing for you to do the same. Once your feet hit the ground, he led you around the mounds of stone, a small pathway appearing between them. He stopped and pointed, “There.”
You followed his finger, eyes scanning the surface until a fissure caught your attention. It was fairly narrow, enough that at first glance it would have seemed like a depression in the rock itself.
“Hope ya don’t mind tight spaces.” He continued. He waited until you did the same before trekking toward the mouth of the cave.
You at first assumed it was much more narrow than it appeared. However, both you and Arthur were able to pass in with ease. It was still a little too enclosed for your liking, however. You stuck close behind him. Having never been inside a cave before, excitement and nervousness flowed through you in anticipation of discovery.
The short tunnel opened up to a small cavern, which was partly illuminated from an opened in the ceiling.
Your eyes widened in surprise. Nude statues on pedestals, all facing inward to what appeared to be a bird in the center. You walked closer, observing the finer features. They were eroded with age, missing their faces or random appendages.
You turned to view the centerpiece, staring in surprise when you realized it wasn’t a bird. It seemed to be a hybrid with a mammalian body and bird wings, yet had the head of a woman.
“What do ya think that is?” Arthur asked, watching you from outside the circle.
In your studies and excavations, you never once came across anything so unique. You weren’t sure what to make of it. Ancient civilizations usually had statues and other builds to honor their deities. Gods and Goddesses of which were said to have many forms, whether human or animal.
“Well Arthur, quite frankly I have no idea.” you answered with a slight chuckle. “Seems to be a deity of some sort from how everything is situated. It doesn’t appear to be from any civilization that I’m aware of.”
He mumbled something about strange deities, along with something about a turtle. Stepping closer to you, he peered up at the standing statues. “Gotta wonder what kinda cult made these.”
“What makes you think it was a cult?” you asked with curiosity.
He gave a small shrug. “Cults make some folk do strange things. Worship strange…creatures.” he briefly gestured to the hybrid statue.
You considered his words for a moment. There was sense in them, you hadn’t personally had any sort of contact with one, though heard about them in your travels. Perhaps it truly was a creation of one. Regardless, you found it interesting.
“How did you find this place anyway?” you asked. “Surely you didn’t just stumble across the entrance, as obscure as it is.”
“You’re right, I didn’t,” he answered, and dug into his satchel for a moment before producing a leather bound book. “I found somethin’ else though, helped me find this place.”
You automatically stepped closer, peering at the pages as he quickly flipped through them, until landing on a page. Heavily sketched, it seemed to be a diagram mirroring the sight before you.
You’d also realized how good of an artist Arthur was.
“Ain’t too sure what it means, and why some feller wanted to draw it on a rock wall…” Arthur said.
You glanced back and forth between the sketch and the statues. Something pricked at your mind, telling you there was something…more to this.
You observed the statues again, your gaze traveling from top to bottom. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, until you spotted something on the pedestal. You approached it, bending down to get a better view. It appeared to be some sort of button.
Glancing around, you took notice that every statue that made the circle had one.
“Seems like there’s something more here.” you announced, pressing the button in front of you.
Nothing happened.
Arthur stepped up next to you. “Whatchu mean?”
“Every statue has a button. I wonder why…”
He glanced down at his book again, and gazed around at the other statues. “Think it’s important?”
“Might be,” you said thoughtfully. “Let me see that drawing again…”
He held the page toward you, which you began to study with scrutiny. You noted there were symbols next to every statue. There seemed to be some significance to them. Each symbol had a different amount of what appeared to be feathers attached. All but one, which one statue was missing an entire arm
Taking the journal carefully into your hands, you walked to each one that had been marked on paper. Taking a few minutes to observe every small feature, you came to notice they all had a different amount of fingers.
“They’re all missin’ a different bunch o’ fingers.” Arthur seemed to voice your thoughts.
You nodded, trying to assume a significance here. The mental gears in your head were turning. None of them had the same amount missing. Glancing down at the drawing a final time, you realized the amount of fingers on each statue correlated with the symbols.
You reached out and pressed a button in front of one, watching it depress into the pedestal. Nothing else happened.
Walking around to the other marked statues, you pressed the other buttons. Still, nothing happened. You frowned and stepped back, scratching your head in confusion.
Arthur watched you silently, his own expression puzzled. He scratched his scruffy chin in thought. “Somethin’ ‘sposed to happen?”
“Seems like it,” you rubbed your hair as you tried to think. “Hm…”
You hadn’t noticed Arthur move around more as you pondered the significance. Each statue with fingers missing, each different than the last. The buttons meant there was something to unlock, but what? A clue to what this odd little site was?
“Hey, maybe press ‘em in order?”
You blinked, your train of thought derailed. “What?”
“The buttons,” Arthur pointed to the statue that was missing multiple fingers. “None o’ them are missin’ the same amount, right? Maybe we gotta press ‘em in order of how many.”
You raised your eyebrows. You weren’t expecting that answer, yet it somehow made sense to you. “Alright, let’s give it a shot.”
It took much longer than you thought.
You and Arthur spent an immeasurable amount of time pressing buttons in numerical order, only to have fruitless results. By process of elimination you were able to narrow your tries down to a last few.
The entire time you’d expected Arthur to get frustrated and quit. He however was persistent, never once showing an ounce of irritation. He was just as determined as you to figure out this odd puzzle, even if it meant no personal gain for him.
Though by now you yourself were tired, feet aching and stomach growling. Cold began to settle in as the day grew later. You were thankful you’d packed some food prior to coming out here, although sleeping on the floor of a cave was less than ideal.
Taking a deep breath and praying this would be the one, you pressed a button.
Within in instant, an audible click echoed within the small cave. Your eyes widened as you whipped around for the source of the noise, seeming to originate from the center statue.
Glancing at Arthur, you both scurried over to it. As you looked from top to bottom, Arthur made a noise.
“Look!” he exclaimed, holding up an object that glinted even in the last of the sun’s rays. You did so, surprise overtaking you. Three gold bars rested in his hands. “Looks like they were hidin’ valuables.”
Your first assumption was they were offerings for…whatever deity this was. Yet why was there a puzzle? Was it just a clever way to stash them? Gold bars would fetch a hefty price to the right seller, especially for three of them. This only launched more questions surrounding the origins of this place, and why. Maybe there were more clues, or none at all. “Glad we solved that,” you said with a sigh of relief. “I wasn’t expecting gold bars.”
“I ain’t sure what I was expectin’,” Arthur chuckled. “Worth it though…” he held them out to you.
You blinked at his offer. “Why are you giving them to me?” you asked.
“Maybe they’re…I dunno, from some ancient civilization or somethin’.” he said with a shrug, but somehow you could tell it was a lie; even a simpleton could tell these were from modern times.Your eyes traveling from his face to his hands, you took the bars. The cold metal felt smooth against your skin. They were quite heavy, sporting a dull shine even in the dim.
Money wasn’t an important matter to you, never was. You could always sell these and move into a bigger apartment in New York, or find some other uses. Donate one to the museum for additional funding or for display.
You looked back to Arthur, who was gazing at you with a soft expression. You wouldn’t even have these if it weren’t for his diligence in the first place. You held one back out, pressing it into his palm. “You deserve one, too.”
He blinked, giving you a look of confusion. “You sure?”
Nodding enthusiastically, you said, “Of course Arthur! I wouldn’t have even found this place if you hadn’t volunteered to take me up here. Plus, you stuck around to help with the puzzle. I think it’s reasonable.”
A slow smile spread across his face at you words. “Heh, well…thank you.” he said as he tucked the bar away in his satchel.
“No, thank you…” you murmured. A moment of bravery overcame you as you stepped forward to place a kiss on his cheek. “For everything you’ve done so far.”
His smile turned shy, his head tilting down as a surprisingly child-like chuckle expressed from his lips. “No problem.”
Send me a prompt!
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btswishes · 5 years
I will adopt you.
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Monsta X (Shownu) hybrid au
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 / Part8 /…
A/N: I am going strong with this one, hope author block doesn’t hit me like the meteorite hit the dinosaurs......Anyways hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes made. Enjoy :)
Word count:   1940
Warnings: I mean ,just normal 21 century teen cussing.
  The door shut as silently as it opened. The howling snow storm was making the small shadows dance all over the living room. Snuggled in your covers you were resting like a child with no worry in sight. Relaxed and calm, you felt safe, nothing could touch you.
  Cuddled in, with each breath there followed a step. One after the other a new big shadow engulfed the small snowflakes outside the apartment. It was thin and hunched like an old willow tree. It’s long hands grabbed onto the door frame of the bedroom. It’s heavy breath was loud and unnerving. 
“Hey there little thing....” his breath was mixed in with the words, giving them a tint of madness and a disgusting desire of possession “You did me good awhile ago. “ he kept staring and staring ”Fast one aren’t ya.Those legs gotta stop doing that, runni-” agch!”
“Those eyes should stop doing that.” a deep voice followed the sudden hand that grabbed a hold of the man’s eyes. With the fingers of both his hands he tried to pry away from the grip, to see again. The arm holding him in place above the ground, pulled him closer to the owner “You should be careful next time when you turn those disgusting things in her direction, not to mention looking.”
“W-who for fucks sake are you?! She doesn’t have a boyfriend and lives alone.” the man’s legs were swinging from side to side, his elbows flapping around still trying to remove the iron clasp from his head. But the more he tried the tighter it got. One could almost hear his skull giving in to the pressure of both sides of his head.
“Oh so you are a stalker now.How did you get in?” 
“I have no obligation to tell you.”
“We will see about that.” with just a few steps your fluffy and cute Nunu closed the door to your bedroom and opened the closest window. With a swing of his arm the man was floating mid air, his body completely hanging outside the apartment building. 
“I know the law! I know my rights!You aren’t allowed to do this!”
“Oh really.” he moved one of his fingers letting the scumbag take a good look at how far the ground was. His eyes widened, body trembling as his legs swung trying to cling to something for safety “Your law doesn’t involve me, the rules I follow give me full power of your measly life. That woman inside is mine and here you are walking in on my territory.” the wind covered his face but the golden light looked like a jack-o-lantern flashing in the distance of a storm. 
“What are you?!” his throat tearing apart as the words escaped
“How about you tell me how you got in and I will answer your question.”  The big frame and hand, the eye-color and pure strength felt inhuman
“I-I” he was stumbling over his words “I made-e a spare k-key.”
“How many times have you been in here?” 
“Only a few I swear! I haven’t done anything-g to her!!!” the creep was scratching at Nunu’s strong arm, but there was no traces of anything onto his skin 
“If you had, I would have cut that arm of yours and thrown it to the dogs.”
“Who the fuck are you!?”
“Me? Well, it was a fair exchange of information.” the light of his eyes illuminated the disgusting man’s face. As he slowly removed one finger after the other, the height became even more clear to the victim-to-be “I am your end.” there was a moment where everything froze in time. The moon gave one last light, illuminating the big sharp teeth, the golden color now engraved into the almost squished brain of the man. He couldn’t take his eyes off his killer as his body kept going down and down, until *THUD*...it had nowhere else to go.
  Soon after the window was closed again and sounds of the storm once more ruled over the dark night. With a small amount of power the double key to your apartment was crushed to fine specks of nothingness.
  The hours rolled one after the other and the sun soon pushed passed the moon and shined over the land beneath itself. Twelve came and went, so did one pm and then 2, 3 when you finally felt the need to getup. Slowly your body rose from the comfort of the covers and your eyes fluttered open like small butterflies. You stretched a bit and jumped out of bed. 
  With a happy jump in your step ,you made your way towards the kitchen. 
“Breakfast, breakfast.” singing the word over and over again, you flipped a few pancakes and placed them on a huge plate “Now it’s time for Nunu, Nunu.” his name also turned into a morning song, as you cooked up some veggies and meat real quick. 
  Everything was done and plated, when you sat down and stabbed pretty aggressively the delicious looking pancake that you couldn’t just wait and devour.
“Nunu!” you yelled out “Breakfast!” 
“I heard the first time.” a big hand grabbed a hold of your wrist and pulled the fork back behind your ear. The sudden motion scared you and you fell of the chair looking directly at a man, standing tall and pretty naked.
“Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg! It’s a naked man in my house, naked man in my house!” looking to the side, you covered with one hand your face as you kept repeating over and over again the same words.
“Last night you didn’t seem to care much if I had clothes on.” his comment brought you back in seconds to what happened the night before all this.Memories flooded your now rested self and you began slowly to understand....it wasn’t a dream. The creep and also your-
“Nunu!” jumping up you pointed at him, but looked away again noticing once more how naked he actually was “Wait!” grabbing the cover off the couch, you threw it at him “Put that on.”
 After some time you found yourself walking side to side in front of the now covered Nunu and the naked couch his body was resting on.
“So my dog, that I adopted 2 days ago turned into a man, a damn big one. How tall are you?” he shrugged and you continued “Not to mention saved me from that dude that creeps everyone out.....I sat on your lap!!!” a sudden blush rushed onto your face, which you tried to chase away by talking even more and even faster “The vet never told me that during full moons my pet turns human.” there was a small pause “Are you a werewolf?Am I allowed to say that? Is it racist for like ummm... ”
“No, I am a hybrid, but in the past your kind categorized mine as werewolves. I go by both, not that picky.” 
“Wow.” collapsing on the floor you were trying to get a grip on yourself “Nunu...I mean....I can’t call a grown man Nunu that is strange! What is your name?”
“Born Son Hyunwoo, but everyone just called me Shownu. For short i guess.” you kept nodding as he spoke “Look, I can leave if y-” his words were cut off when you suddenly stood up and cupped his cheeks with a slight slapping sound echoing 
“NO!...I mean don’t. I remember very well what I said last night and I meant every word.” pulling back you flashed him the same smile “ You are a part of my family now, my Nunu-ach.” the name got stuck on your throat “I guess I should call you Shownu in this form. More fitting I guess. “ clapping your hands you eyed him up and down “Speaking of fitting we gotta get you some clothes.” 
  Your dad left some of his, last time he visited since your mom filled the luggage up with stuff she bought for her friends as souvenirs. They were somewhat ok on him, but super funny looking so you tried your best to sneak a gigantic man during the most busiest time of the day through the back alleys. You pushed Shownu in the first store that caught your eye and left him in the changing rooms, just in case someone saw how bad he was dressed. Three piles of clothes later, you had some things that he liked and looked amazing on him. 
 The moment you stepped out of the store, you felt like such a release of stress, no more sneaking around for the day. He was quite big and looking up at him was enough for you to realize he wasn’t human. Tall and muscular build and that dreamy face of his. Catching yourself in thirsty thoughts made you slap your cheeks, stunning the man in his step. 
  You were almost home, when a sudden idea popped into your head. “Wait here I will right back.” and you ran off somewhere. Shownu waited and waited, but began getting worried about you, so he followed your scent just to find you talking with a lady.
“Y/N?” he asked and the woman giggled upon seeing him
“Your boyfriend maybe?”
“Ah no.” the woman slapped your shoulder 
“Aw don’t be shy sweetie, I was young once too.Oh wow.” she began squeezing Shownu’s arms “What a strong young man, you got a good one.” with a wink she said her goodbyes and left. The boy looked at you with a lonely puppy look in his eyes. 
“Were you worried?” his face got serious again, but he nodded once making you suddenly feel a warm feeling. Taking your time, both of you started walking towards the building again. “By the way!”  his attention was all on you “That lady is my neighbor from the 2nd floor. Do you know what she told me?”Shownu shook his head “So apparently one of the guards found that creep from last night next to the bins behind the building. He apparently fell off some floor. If it weren’t for the pile of snow under him, he would have been dead. He was apparently talking all kinds of nonsense and they took him to a mental hospital. The police are investigating it all now.”
“Oh really? That is strange.” his tone was the same, no emotion in it.
“Yeah.Wanna buy some food since you now look 5 times the pup I had yesterday?” upon hearing the word food Shownu jumped up and you could see his eyes glowing.You could have sworn there was a tail going left and right behind him. His dog manners were obvious even in this form. He followed you into the store and walked right next to you looking at all the things inside. His eyes glistened each time you put something in the basket. After awhile you started to have trouble carrying it, when Shownu reached out and grabbed it.
“Don’t worry about this and just buy things, I will keep this close for you.” 
  You were walking from one section to the other, looking at prices, ingredients. Shopping never felt so easy. Paying fast Shownu picked up the bags and started walking next to you. You two were having small talk, but you soon noticed that his eyes weren’t moving from the small bag you hand around your wrist. The expression he was making, made you giggle to yourself, it was just so cute. 
“I will show you when we get home.” with a jump in your step you informed the interested boy. 
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foxyninjabear · 5 years
A Hacker’s Tale - Chapter 4
(Also available on Ao3 and Wattpad!)
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!: This fic is rated as PG-14+, so read at your own risk! There’s swearsies, suggestive references, and LOTS of blood and gore! Be aware!
At first, he thought it was all a dream.
Lucky felt himself starting to wake up, his closed eyelids heavy and his head pounding with a massive headache. 
He let out a tired whine, and lifted his hands to cover his face. He thought it was some nightmare that he had. How the mission started to go horribly wrong, how the man named Xisuma was revealed to be a terrifying hacker, how even Nightingale couldn’t stop him… 
At least he was still in the Hive, right?
Lucky figured that he might as well get out of bed; he had to get his equipment started up. So he wiggled out of the covers and rolled onto his other side-
And unexpectedly rolled off the bed and crashed onto the floor with a harsh THUNK.
“GAH!!” The blonde cried out in pain as he landed flat on his back. Not again… He needed to stop doing that. Or just become better coordinated overall. He pressed his hands against the dirty tile to push himself up-
Wait, tile?
He lifted his slightly blurry vision up to meet his immediate surroundings. Even though he couldn't see clearly, he didn't recognize anything. His floor wasn't carpeted, his walls weren't painted grey, and it wasn't supposed to be so bright.
As Lucky got to his feet, he rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. Maybe he was seeing things… But still, nothing changed. 
So it wasn't a dream after all.
He was in what appeared to be a hastily thrown together bedroom. It was pretty bare; a bed and a small nightstand were the only pieces of furniture to be seen, both shoved into a corner. It almost appeared as if it were one of the storage rooms in that bunker he and the rest of the byte explored-
A scary realization suddenly fell upon Lucky. He was all alone in that room… and there was no sign of anybody. Sakura, Nix, Grey, Nightingale...
And Jazz. He had to find Jazz.
He scrambled over to the iron door and grabbed the handle. But once he tried to turn it, it didn't budge.
"Oh nononono…" Lucky muttered to himself, and he jiggled the handle harder. It still refused to turn and open the door. “Please open…! Please…!” Maybe it was just stuck… he couldn't have it be locked. He needed to find the others. 
He kept trying and trying to turn the handle for what seemed like ages, but no matter how hard he twisted and pulled, the door wouldn't open. Before he knew it, he couldn't even keep his grip anymore, because his hands were shaking and sweating so much. The door was obviously locked… how was he going to get out now?
His mind began to race and panic at the possibilities of where Jazz might have been, or the rest of the team for that matter. But then a thought popped into his head, and he suddenly felt extremely stupid; he could just teleport out of there!
The hacker took a step back from the door, before closing his eyes in order to focus. He concentrated on activating a teleportation hack, waiting for that familiar buzzing in his chest to start…
Only nothing happened.
Lucky opened his eyes, confused. Why wasn't it working? Maybe he was too tired to teleport… perhaps a ghost hack would be easier on him. He could just pass through the door instead of teleporting past it. So he pressed his hands against the cold metal and began to focus again, waiting to feel his body become light as a feather and phase through the iron barrier…
But again, nothing happened. Not even the slightest hint of progress. 
A sinking feeling began to form in the pit of his stomach. What happened to his hacks? He didn't feel drained or fatigued; he felt totally normal. They should have been working-
It was the sound of distant voices and footsteps that made him freeze in place.
At first, they were barely noticeable, just as unimportant as the dust floating in the air or the faint dirty footprints scattered around the tile. But once he realized they were there, he couldn't forget that they were present. Although he didn't recognize them, he could tell there two; a man and a woman.
And they were getting closer by the second.
Lucky felt his heart start to pound against his ribcage. What was he going to do?! He was stuck in that little room! He whipped his head around and only saw two things; the nightstand and the bed.
He would have to make do.
He ran over towards the cot and quickly got onto his stomach, before sliding himself underneath as far as he could. For once, he was happy that he was tiny. Now he had a place to hide. Sure, it seemed somewhat childish, but he wasn't given much to work with in the first place.
The voices continued to echo and bounce off the corridor's walls, and Lucky edged himself further under the bed as they got closer. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, panicked thoughts buzzing in his mind. Every single one of his senses was in absolute overdrive as he tried to identify the two people talking.
He almost shrieked when the iron door to his room opened, and he saw two pairs of feet walk in. One person was wearing a pair of striped knee high socks and sneakers, probably the woman. The other, however, was familiar; sleek, almost robotic steel boots, painted a bright shade of yellow.
It was Biffa. The one Jazz had shot down. It had to be him.
"You… sure this is the right room?" The woman asked, obviously confused at how nobody appeared to be in the cell-like chamber.
The man's voice sounded after. "This is the one X said to go to…" His stanced shifted, a soft mechanical whirr sounding as he did so. "He couldn't have escaped, right? The door was locked. And Xisuma took his powers away, like the others."
Lucky shrunk further under the bed, further away from the two W.E.S. operatives. He silently begged that they’d stop looking and just leave. Maybe they would think that he was in a different room. Or that he escaped. Just as long as they were convinced that he wasn’t there.
But what did he mean by ‘Xisuma took his powers away’? He probably meant his hacks, and the grim realization of that statement explained why he couldn’t use them, and also hinted to the fact that the rest of the byte could no longer hack either. But how could Xisuma take away their powers? He wasn’t Ecryptos!
A moment of agonizing silence ensued. But then, Lucky saw the woman take a small step towards where he was hiding.
“I...think he’s under the bed, Biffa…” She said.
The blonde's heart stopped at her few words.
"What? You sure?" Biffa questioned.
"I think I see him, yeah…" She assured. "You mind helping me move it?"
“Not at all.”
The cyborg and the woman then stepped towards the bed and bent their knees. To Lucky’s horror, the two managed to lift it up with ease and lean it against the other wall. Now he was completely exposed.
“S-stay away…!” The blonde scooted back into a corner, pressing himself against the wall. He was even more horrified when he saw what Cleo looked like. Her freckled skin was greenish blue and sickly, her eyes were faded. There were even exposed bits of bones and rotting flesh, especially along her lower torso; half of her ribcage could be seen, partially hidden by the ragged crop top she wore. It was as if she had crawled out of the ground, out of the grave…
Like she was a zombie. 
So many questions ran through his head, but he didn't have the chance to process the situation before he was pulled up off the floor by the woman and her colleague. “W-wait, please!” He begged. “P-please, no!!”
“C’mon, blondie,” Cleo replied, leading him out the door and down the long hallway with Biffa. “You and your friends got a lot of explaining to do.” A slight bit of venom dripped from the words of her last sentence.
Lucky tried his hardest to keep up with the people escorting him. He didn’t want to be dragged around like a ragdoll the entire time. But he couldn’t help but trip over his feet every now and then, only to be pulled back up by Biffa and Cleo. It wasn’t long before he felt his breathing quicken as he stumbled and scrambled around. Not another panic attack, not here-
He had to distance himself. Find a safe place inside his head. Something to focus on and escape into the depths of his mind. His blue gaze flickered to Cleo for a moment, before it went back to the floor. Thinking about how she looked like an undead creature sounded good enough.
She was obviously not a full on zombie, like the ones that crawled out from the darkness of caves or the ones that spawned in the dead of night. She was definitely sentient. The only way he could think of her looking like that was that her code must have been altered at some point in her life.
As far as his knowledge stretched, people were either born with their code abnormal, or were involved in some sort of event that changed it, whether accidental or intentional. The former was the most common way, for altering a living being’s code was more than risky; it was potentially lethal. Most who had their code altered wouldn’t even survive such a change, and even if they did, it was said to be an excruciatingly painful experience, physically, mentally, and emotionally. They never made it out alive without some sort of permanent trauma or physical change.
Thankfully for him (and pretty much everyone in the Shadowbyte Army), he was born with altered code, altered enough to where he could learn how to change the code around him. Ecryptos wasn’t willing to put anyone, especially the children taken into his care and guidance, through something as horrific as having their code altered and tweaked. If a potential recruit’s code wasn’t viable, then they would be released for their cooperation. It was a win-win for everyone!
So if his logic and knowledge was correct, Lucky could presume that Cleo could also be a hacker. The knowledge of Xisuma being a powerful hacker was scary enough; if she could also alter code, who knows what she would do.
The trio turned into another hallway, and new voices could be heard. Some were recognizable, others were completely new. Soon Lucky and the two others flanking him passed by a massive window that peered into a large room, and he felt his stomach twist and churn as he looked inside. Several people were sprawled out on beds, badly beaten and covered in bandages. There was Doc, who had his broken arm in a sling, False, who had a massive ice pack on her head, and several others. An older, bearded man in a plain white lab coat could be seen darting around, tending to the many injured.
But one person immediately caught Lucky's attention. In one of the beds, there was someone covered almost head to toe in gauze, to cover extensive and brutal injuries. Slight patches of ruby red scales could be seen through the bandages, stained with green blood. Creeper blood. He knew he recognized him… Python? Python. Python was his name, right?
Just the mere sight of what state the creeper was in made him feel the urge to barf where he stood. Half of his head was wrapped in the white gauze, with one of his eyes seemingly bleeding underneath. One of his arms was in a makeshift cast and sling. And... oh gosh, his leg was missing-
Lucky lost sight of the red creeper as soon as he gained it. But it wasn't like he could get his image out of his mind easily. It was all he could focus on as he continued to be escorted down the hall. How he barely even looked alive, how much trauma he had received from the battle. Maybe it was from the R.O.S.A. explosion? He could only mentally argue and debate with himself for what the cause was. 
He didn’t know how far Cleo and Biffa had taken him. The constant twisting and turning through the countless halls made his head spin. However, before he knew it, they had arrived in one final stretch of hallway, where several figures stood, all of them men.
Two of the men he didn't recognize. One of them was a man with long brown hair tied back into a ponytail, a pair of sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose. Another was a taller blonde who obviously had altered code, due to his eyes being nothing but pools of dark crimson. And...
Xisuma. Xisuma stood in the hallway, arms crossed and stance strong, chatting with the two men. Lucky’s blood went cold at the mere sight of him. What was he going to do? Was he going to hurt him?!
All of a sudden, the nearby door burst open, and a man with unruly brown hair and a cybernetic eye stumbled out, clutching his nose and cursing out loud. Lucky soon recognized him as another one of the potential threats that he identified before leaving the Hive. Iskall85. 
“God damnit, ow!” Iskall cursed out. Once he took away his hand from his face, Lucky saw that his nose was crooked and gushing blood. Immediately, he became concerned, more for his own safety than Iskall’s health.
The man with crimson eyes, on the other hand, definitely showed concern for the brunette, and he rushed over to help him stay on his feet.  “Woah, Iskall, what happened?!” He asked.
Iskall leaned against the wall and spat out blood, spraying crimson droplets onto the grey tile. "She headbutted me and broke my damn nose!" He growled, glaring back at the door where he came from.
A muffled female voice sounded from inside the room. Coda's voice. "That's cuz ya fuckin' deserved it, asshole!"
In an odd way, Lucky hearing somebody he knew was comforting. Even if he thought she was absolutely terrifying, he was more than happy that she was on his side.
But as quickly as he saw Iskall exiting the room, the brunette and the red-eyed blonde reentered, and came back out a moment later with their arms wrapped around Coda’s. Her wrists were restrained with green translucent cuffs, similar to the ones Lucky could make. No, exactly like the ones he could make. The only difference was the color.
“Aw, ya didn’t send the cute one back in to get me?~” She whined, sticking out her bottom lip. Her lips then formed into a flirtatious grin as her dark eyes locked on one of the people in the hallway; the brunette man with the red shirt and the sunglasses. “Yo! Red delicious!”
The man didn’t say anything at first, but the moment Coda finished speaking, he glanced down at his shirt and realized that she was talking to him. His face flared up bright red, and he began to visibly sweat. “Wh...wha…?” He struggled to make any full sentences, let alone words as he tugged on his shirt collar.
The creeper fell silent at his reaction, but soon her eyes filled with shining mischief. “Oh ho ho, so you’re a blushy one, huh?” Her sharp-toothed grin grew wider, so wide at it almost seemed too big to fit on her face. “This is gonna be fun!~”
Iskall’s mouth bent into a harsh frown, his bloodstained teeth gritted. “Oh no you don’t!” He then began to pull her down the hallway, the blonde next to him doing the same. “C’mon, you’re coming with us!”
Coda’s smile disappeared, and her entire demeanor changed in an instant. As if it was all a facade to hide what was really going on inside her head. She locked her obsidian gaze on Lucky as the two men started to roughly drag her down the hall. “Don’t give in, techie!” She called out, struggling against the green cuffs around her wrists. “Don’t give in! Keep your fuckin’ mouth shut, gottit?!” 
Lucky felt like a deer in the headlights. He was frozen in place, his feet glued to the floor. What did Coda mean by ‘don’t give in’...?!
Before he could mentally come up with an answer, Xisuma then spoke up. “Cleo, Biffa, you know the drill. Come on.” He then stepped through the entrance to the room, and Cleo and Biffa dragged Lucky inside with them.
Lucky's eyes darted around the room. Like his own 'bedroom', it appeared to be arranged in a hurry. A pair of dusty folding chairs and a table were the only pieces of any sort of furniture in the small space. A small splatter of blood stained the tile floor, slightly smeared from a footprint. He could easily presume who that was from.
"Sit down," Xisuma said, leading the timid blonde to one of the chairs. He followed the command instantly, shakily taking a seat, and felt somewhat relieved as the powerful hacker began to walk away towards his two W.E.S. coworkers. But it soon transformed back into fear as he heard Cleo speak again.
“Aren’t you going to restrain him? With the cuff things you can make?” She questioned, gesturing to a now even more terrified Lucky.
Xisuma shook his head. “He hasn’t been violent, Cleo. And even if he was, I honestly doubt he could harm anyone.”
Biffa tapped his chin. “You have a fair point...” He started, before glancing over at the blonde. “But are you sure that’s a smart decision, X? It could all be an act.”
X gave a nod to the cyborg. “Yes, I’m sure. And if something happens, we’ll be right outside.”
The zombie shifted her dull green gaze to his terrified figure. She pursed her lips, as if trying to form an argument against her colleague’s decision. But before long, she let out a small sigh. “Alright then... if you say so.”
“Great.“ Xisuma said, and he gestured to the door. “Cub will be here in a few minutes, so we can leave him as he is. C’mon.” He then opened the door again, letting Cleo and Biffa walk through, and keeping his gaze on Lucky the whole time, only breaking it as he walked out of the room himself.
Lucky remained glued to the chair, even as Xisuma closed the door behind him and his two companions. He was too scared to make a single move. His frightened eyes darted around the now empty room, mind racing at what was going to happen to him. Where was Jazz when he needed him?! 
A shiver went up his spine, and he wrapped his arms around himself as his teeth chattered. The room was freezing! Even if he was underground, the hallway was much warmer than in there. But the temperature was the least of his worries. He was more concerned with what was going to happen to him, and even more so with where his brother was. He had already seen Coda… there had to be others, right?
After what felt like long hours of dreadful silence, so much so that his ears rang, the iron door opened with a long creak. Lucky jumped and snapped his head towards the entrance, and he was greeted with a taller man in a white lab coat. It was the man he had seen before, treating the many wounded. A large folder packed with papers, a pen, and a clipboard were gripped in his hands. It was obvious that he hadn’t slept in awhile, given the distinct, dark bags hanging under his bloodshot eyes. It made sense; from what Lucky had briefly seen, he was the only one able to give medical treatment to serious wounds and injuries.
The man rubbed his eyes as he shut the door behind him. “Hey,” He said, walking towards the chair opposite of Lucky and sitting down. “I have a few questions for you, alright?”
The blonde remained silent. He avoided meeting the other’s gaze, and couldn’t help but fidget in his seat. So this was an interrogation of some sort? Or something like it?
“I’m Cub,” The man said calmly, introducing himself and catching Lucky off guard. “What’s your name?”
Lucky kept quiet. Why was this guy being so… nice? And relaxed? Sure, he seemed tired, but he was pretty certain that it wouldn’t mean that he would give him leeway. Did he have some other ideas in store to get intel out of him? Something much more violent?!
“Are you gonna say anything?” Cub asked. “You’ve gotta have a name, huh?”
The blonde hung his head low. He felt so ashamed that he was giving in so quickly… but the thought of having information forced out of him was overwhelmingly scary. However, a thought then formed in his mind… perhaps he didn’t have to tell the whole story. “...y...you can call me Profit.” He mumbled out his code name.
Cub gave a nod and clicked his pen. “Alright, Profit…” He made a note on his piece of paper, before opening the file. "Now, first off, I want you to tell me who each of these people are. Names, descriptions, everything." He then pulled out a stack of papers and laid them out on the table. They were photographs of most of his teammates.
Lucky shifted his eyes to the collection of pictures. Most of them weren’t the best quality; he could assume that Cub (or somebody else) had thrown them all together in a hurry. Either that, or the ones being photographed weren’t exactly cooperative. He could immediately assume the latter with the picture of Coda; she was flipping off the camera and sneering at the photographer behind it. 
He didn't want to give his colleagues identities away. He couldn't! He needed to be quiet...
But what would be the cost of his decision? Him staying in that room for hours on end? The operatives of W.E.S. threatening him? Or having the possibility of them using even harsher tactics to get him to talk?!
Too scared to keep his mouth shut, Lucky shamefully began to identify his colleagues in the photos. But like he did with himself, he only used their code names; he at least had a bit of dignity to spare. 
Cub seemingly grew more and more intrigued with every word the blonde said. He scribbled illegible notes on his clipboard, almost filling up the entire first piece of paper once the hacker was done pointing out who was who.
It grew even worse when Cub asked Lucky to tell him what had actually happened. Their plans, their motive; he wanted to know it all, down to the last detail. And Lucky gave it to him, his feeling of shame growing with each word he spat out and every minute that passed. 
But even somebody as timid as Lucky had some sliver of courage in him.
“Alright…” Cub wrote down a few more notes. At this point, he had filled another two sheets of paper. “And what happened after you, Zero, and Nightingale retreated?”
“W...we tried to get reinforcements…” Lucky whimpered. “But Nightingale couldn’t contact-"
He forced himself to stop talking. He said too much. He was willing to give up his team members' names, but he couldn't let Cub know about any others! Not to mention the whole Army!
“Contact who?” The older man asked. “Did you guys try to get in touch with reinforcements?”
Lucky stayed quiet.
“Profit… who did you try and contact?” Cub repeated.
Lucky bit the inside of his cheek, before letting out a sigh of defeat. “...the Shadowbyte Army…” He muttered.
Cub raised an eyebrow at his response. “The… Shadowbyte Army?”
Lucky nodded. “Y-yes… W-well, more of our main base of operations...”
The man scribbled down more on the paper. “So there are more of you? More hackers?” 
“How many?”
The blonde shrugged. “I-I don't know…” He admitted, glancing away. He could never keep track of the amount of people that would call him for assistance or information while they were out on missions. 
"Is there anything else you can tell me? About this 'Army'?"
Lucky remained silent. He had to keep his mouth shut. For him and for the others. He had already given away so much information… why did he have to be such a-
“Well… I guess that’s it for us, then.”
Wait, what?
Cub then gathered up the photos on the table and put them back in his folder before standing. “You’ve actually been a good deal of help.” To Lucky’s surprise, he gave a small smile. “Thank you for that, Profit.”
The blonde was stunned at how the interrogation went. He wasn’t even threatened. All he did was tell the events of what happened and identify his colleagues… Except for one. The most important one of them all. At least to him, anyway.
Why wouldn’t the W.E.S. operatives have his photograph? Or even mention him at all? They had brought up everyone else...
Lucky needed an answer, and fast. He had to know where his brother was. So just as he saw Cub grasp the door handle, he sprang up from his seat. “W-wait!”
The man stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Hmm?” His fingers slid off the metal knob, a hint of curiosity to his voice. “You have something else to say?”
Lucky nodded. “Y-yeah… er, well, more of a question,” He began, before clearing his throat to speak. "Wh...where's Riff…?"
A look of confusion spread across his interrogator's face. “Riff...?”
“Y-yeah, Riff...” Lucky repeated. “H-he… he’s tall, has blue hair, blue eyes.” After a moment of quiet, he gulped. “L...looks like me, too…?”
Cub’s silence continued for a second as his brows furrowed. But it was quickly replaced with an expression of shock and… something else. Sadness? Guilt? Remorse? The blonde couldn’t tell.
“Uhh…” The grey-bearded man sounded uneasy as he opened the folder once again. “We did have one from your group…” He cleared his throat. “Die from his injuries in the battle. We tried to save him, but… we got there too late. We haven’t been able to make a positive identification, but from the description you gave, so far it sounds like him.”
Lucky felt his heart drop at the man’s words. One from his group? Killed? He had to be lying, right? Of course he was lying… they were the enemy. That’s what they did. They lied.
“And if you want to, there’s a picture of him in the file.” Cub’s next words made the blonde’s heart stop completely. He wasn’t lying. “You sound like you knew him well enough to make an official identification.”
Lucky’s mind raced. Should he agree? Was it really Jazz? There was a chance it wasn’t; maybe he was still alive. Maybe they just didn’t get his picture yet. The thought of not knowing was unbearable. So, taking a deep breath, he nodded. “Sh-show me.”
The older man nodded in return, not saying a word. He pinched the edge of a paper in his folder and carefully slid it out. But then he hesitated, his tired eyes glanced back between the blonde and the photo. A solemn expression passed over his face for just a moment, before he held out the picture for the blonde to take.
The moment Lucky grasped the photograph and flipped it over, he felt is stomach twist as he saw a sickly, still man laid out on a table, everything from the shoulders down covered with a sheet. He had never seen a dead body before, but it was somewhat like what he expected. His lips were blue, his skin was drained of any color or life, his hair was caked in dried blood from the disturbingly deep gash on his head.
But what stood out to him were his eyes. They were dead eyes. What used to be a bright shade of blue was now dull and clouded over with decay. And they were wide open, staring right back at him. Almost as if they knew exactly who he was...
It was Jazz. Dead.
“Profit…?” Cub asked, though his words didn’t stick into Lucky’s mind. “Is it Riff?”
The blonde’s response was, at first, nothing. He was too overwhelmed by shock to say anything. Involuntary squeaks sounded from his throat once he actually wanted to try and speak.
The older man’s mouth bent into a frown, and he gave a small nod back. “I’ll...put this away now,” He took the photograph of Jazz out of Lucky’s hands and brought it back into his folder. “If… if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think he suffered for long…”
Lucky barely heard him speak. His mind buzzed with panic, and felt his hands and feet and lips go numb as his breathing got faster. His stomach churned at the image now burned into his brain. Jazz's lifeless body, all pale and beaten and cold… He wanted to throw up.
Lucky didn’t care about Cub’s words. Eyes wide and now on the verge of tears, he tried to wobble his way over to the chair, only to immediately collapse to the floor the moment he took a step, and fully started to break down. He felt like there was a massive anvil being pressed against his chest and he couldn’t get it off. He couldn’t breathe-
“Profit, Profit, hey!”
The blonde suddenly felt two hands on his shoulders. Cub’s. But he didn’t want him touching him. He didn’t even want to be in the same room as him. The very moment Cub came in contact with him, an overwhelming feeling of terror filled his chest, and he felt like he had no other way to release it except to scream at the top of his lungs.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!!” He shoved the man’s arms away as hard as he could. “YOU LET MY BROTHER DIE! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!” Hot tears streamed down his cheeks and blurred his vision, but he didn’t care. He just wanted it to be over. To have this all be a dream. Jazz was his whole world… he couldn’t lose him. He couldn’t.
All Lucky heard from Cub was silence. Of course he wasn’t saying anything… he didn’t care about him one bit. He only cared about his other colleagues. The ones that didn’t have to raise and protect a younger brother from the age of four. The ones that weren't the guardian of the only family they had left.
The blonde soon felt that sudden panic in him transform into an immense sadness, and he looked back up at the man in the lab coat. “W-why didn’t you save him…?” He cried. “Why…?!”
Cub’s eyes were wide, and he was back on his feet. His mouth open and closed as he tried to speak, but nothing understandable could be heard. After what seemed like several long moments, he sputtered out a few words. “He...he was your brother…?”
Lucky couldn't respond. He was too busy sobbing and panicking on the floor. Jazz was dead. Dead. And he was never coming back. 
...and Cub could have done something to prevent that.
The blonde was overwhelmed with all of the emotions going through him. Sorrow, terror, sadness… and now, to his own surprise, rage. A fiery hatred for Cub sparked and spread like wildfire through his body. He lifted his teary gaze to him, burning red anger shining in his blue eyes.
The man in the lab coat still had a shocked expression on his face. "P...Profit…" He began. "I-"
Lucky didn't want to hear him speak. He hated Cub. Rage was the only thing consuming his mind. And he had to let it out, to let it escape. So he then screamed and charged at Cub, his weak fists flying. 
It was his fault that Jazz was dead. All his fault. If he had waited to heal his friends and went to treat Jazz sooner, he would have lived!
He didn't stop screaming in anger and trying to punch Cub, even as he heard the door burst open behind him and felt two sets of arms roughly grab him and drag him out of the makeshift interrogation room. He could see who had taken a hold of him out of the corners of his eyes; the brunette man that Coda had flirted with, and the red-eyed blonde that had dragged her away with the help of Iskall.
"LET ME GO!!" Lucky screeched and squirmed, eyes locked on a slightly battered and bruised Cub as he came out into the hallway, a worried Xisuma by his side. “You’re a MURDERER!” He cried out at Cub, catching his attention. “A COWARD!”
He kept screaming and struggling as he was dragged further away, long after he lost sight of the source of his anger. Before he knew it, he was shoved into another room and locked inside; his bedroom. Right where his day of hell started.
Lucky scrambled to his feet and pounded on the iron door with all his might. "LET ME OUT!!" He peered through the small window, and saw the two men that threw him back in his room. The blonde was set on walking away, but to Lucky's surprise, the brunette kept looking back and stopping.
The man with crimson eyes soon rested a hand on his colleague's shoulder. “Ren, just leave him… he needs his space.” He said, gesturing his head in the direction of where they came from.
The brunette opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. After a moment, he let out an audible sigh, glanced back at Lucky, and nodded, before following his friend back down the hallway.
Lucky's eyes widened. "Wait, HEY!" He cried out, starting to bang on the door again. "COME BACK HERE!" But soon his arms grew weary, and before he knew it, he had to lean his back against the door to rest.
He stood there, trying to catch his breath and absorb what had happened in the span of those five or so minutes. He had gotten thrown back in his dusty cell, he had managed to land a few punches on Cub, he gave away information to the enemy-
And Jazz was dead. Jazz was dead. Dead… And now Lucky was all alone.
With that last thought, Lucky finally broke. Before he knew it, he had slid down to the floor, buried his face in his knees, and began to sob. Loud, angry, distraught sobs. "Wh-why is this happening…?" He cried to himself and sniffed. "Why is this happening…?!" 
The only answer he got was a grim silence. And it was all he needed to know that this wasn’t a nightmare he could wake up from.
Lucky lost track of how many hours had passed since he heard of Jazz’s death. His eyes were red, sore, and puffy from the countless tears he had shed. He had managed to get up off the floor and crawl into his bed some time before, but he hadn't moved since then.
Not that he wanted to, anyway.
In that time, he had tried distancing himself from his surroundings. He tried to imagine a happy place, somewhere he felt safe. He felt safe back at the Hive, back in his bunker, back with Jazz. Maybe he could just imagine he was just away on a trip-
It was the sound of his door opening that brought him back to reality. Who was it now…?
“Uhh… hey.” 
Lucky recognized the familiar voice. It was one of the men that had to drag him back to his cell. What was his name again? Ren? Ren would have to do. He didn’t have to will to speak up and ask, let alone turn himself over to face him.
After a moment of silence, Ren cleared his throat. “I...I brought you some food. In case you were hungry.” He offered.
Lucky refused to move from his bed. Even though he was hungry, he didn’t have an appetite. The image of his dead brother’s face was the only thing consuming his thoughts.
A long moment of tense silence passed before Ren spoke again. “I’ll… just leave this here, then.” The sound of his footsteps approached the distraught blonde, followed by a couple soft clinks as something was set on the nightstand. The smell of warm food wafted into his nose, and another series of footfalls could be heard moving away from him soon afterwards.
Just as Lucky thought Ren was going to leave, however, his voice sounded one more time. “And… I’m sorry.” He said, catching him slightly off guard. “About your brother…”
The blonde didn't respond, but he couldn't help but shift slightly and wrap the blanket further around himself. He was sorry? Why? Ren didn't even know him… he didn't have to give condolences. Was this just another way to try and get inside his head?
He figured that his silence was enough to drive the man away, for a long creak and a soft click could be heard. Ren had locked his door and left. Finally, he could grieve in peace…
But the thought of somebody, especially an enemy, seemingly concerned for him after such a tragedy made Lucky feel extremely conflicted. He made him something to eat, gave his apologies… why would he do that?
After awhile, the smell of the food became too tempting to pass up, and he rolled onto his other side to see what was there. On the nightstand was a tray of food; a baked potato, bread, and a glass of water. Nothing fancy, but hey, it was something. 
He threw his blankets off of him and sat up, his feet hanging over the edge of the bed. It was at that moment that he noticed he wasn’t given a fork or a knife; just a spoon. It made sense though. He figured that nobody wanted him getting a hold of anything sharp.
Setting the tray on his lap, he scooped up some of the potatoes with his spoon and ate it. It was actually pretty tasty, despite it now being somewhat cold. But he didn’t really care. Before he knew it, he had scarfed down the whole entire meal, and realized just how long it had been since he had eaten anything.
Lucky grasped the edges of the empty tray and set it back on his nightstand, before climbing back under the covers of his bed. Maybe now that he ate something, he could finally fall asleep...
But every time he shut his eyes, he saw Jazz’s lifeless eyes staring right back at him.
“Profit? You awake?”
Lucky was still for a moment. He hadn’t been able to doze off in the entire time he had been alone. All he could do was stare at the wall, his thoughts being his only company. It's not that he wasn't tired; it was that he was too tired to fall asleep.
He rolled over onto his other side, craning his neck to the door. Ren was there, standing in the doorframe. At least it wasn't Cub or Xisuma.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Ren said, and he gave a small smile as he saw the empty tray on the nightstand. “Was the food alright?”
Lucky nodded, staying under his covers. “Mhmm…”
“Good, good.” Ren sounded genuinely pleased at his response. He cleared his throat. “Erm, anyway, Xisuma wants me to take you somewhere. He said that you might need it… given what happened.”
The blonde was silent for a moment. Did he have to move? His bed was so warm… But if Xisuma wanted him to do something, he figured he might as well listen. What did he have to lose?
Sighing, he lifted the covers off of him and slid off the bed. He sighed, rubbing his eyes and dragging his feet across the floor.
Ren frowned a bit. “You get any sleep?”
Lucky answered with his silence.
"I'll… take that as a no, then."
The brunette let the Lucky out of his room and closed the door, before slowly leading him down the winding hallways. Maybe it was more to not get too far ahead; Lucky was practically half asleep, too drained to be up and about.
The young soldier didn't bother to pay attention to what Ren was saying or where he was taking him. Part of him felt numb, but the other half somehow kept on going. It was a strange feeling… he didn't like it. At all.
But he accepted the fact that this would be his new reality. One where he was no longer the person he used to be.
He barely noticed when Ren had finally stopped in front of a door. Several familiar muffled voices could be heard chattering away inside. And when Ren opened the door to let him in, he saw who it was...
It was the rest of the byte. If it could even be called that anymore, anyway. It could only officially be called a byte if there were eight members… now there were only seven, including him. But the sight of familiar faces was somewhat comforting.
"I'll be right outside, alright?" Ren said to Lucky. 
Lucky gave a small nod back. The brunette smiled, before exiting the room and locking the door, leaving Lucky facing his six other teammates. He took a breath, and made his way to them. At least it wasn’t any of the other W.E.S. members.
The first one to speak was Sakura. She looked up at him, a deep sadness in her dark brown eyes. "We heard what happened to Jazz…" She said solemnly. "I'm so, so sorry, Lucky." Before he could respond, however, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
Lucky was surprised at the sudden embrace, but after a moment he took to process it, he accepted it nonetheless. He tightly wrapped his arms around Sakura, realizing how much he needed a hug. He had the desperate urge and want to cry, but no tears fell from his eyes. Maybe he had run out…
The blonde then felt a hand on his shoulder as he let go of the brunette. “Lucky.”
It was Nightingale. But this time, he was too overwhelmed by sadness to be nervous. He glanced up at his superior, eyes dull. “Yes ma’am…?”
“You know that Jazz was very proud of you, no?”
Lucky blinked. “Y...yeah…”
To his surprise, an almost unnoticeable smile started to tug at the corners of her lips, but soon straightened out. “Good,” She said. “Know that none of this is your fault, understand? It could have been any one of us that died.”
The blonde hung his head a bit. “I know, ma’am…” He knew it wasn’t his fault. His blame was set on Cub and his colleagues. They refused to help him until they were done with treating their wounded. And yet they were playing the innocent card. Maybe Nightingale and the others didn’t know what he knew…
“Your brother was a very brave man,” The woman continued. “One that I’m honored to have fought alongside.”
“Glorious in life, eternal in death.” Synth spoke up, stating the Shadowbyte Army’s famous motto.
Nightingale nodded. “Exactly. He lived as a glorious warrior, and now he will be remembered for many years to come.”
Many of the others gave some sort of a response in agreement, whether it be a simple nod or a word. But even if they were small, Lucky felt his heart lift. Jazz would be remembered fondly… as a fine soldier and brother.
Nightingale then removed her hand from his shoulder before speaking again. “But now we need to stay strong. More than ever. For Jazz’s sake.”
Lucky, as much as he knew he already failed that order, nodded anyway. "Yes ma'am…" He shifted his stance a bit, and winced as he felt something inside his boot rub against his ankle. Did he get a rock stuck in there somehow? He moved his foot again. The object was smooth, cold, and hard. Like metal.
A sudden memory popped into his mind, and his eyes went wide. He still had the gun he had grabbed tucked inside his boot. How?
“Lucky?” Synth’s voice pierced his conscience, making him flinch a bit. “You in there?”
Lucky was still in shock at what he had discovered. “U-uhh…” As nervous as he was with everyone’s eyes now trained on him, he knew he had to say something. So he went down on one knee, stuck his hand down his boot, and, like a magician with a rabbit and a hat, yanked his pistol out. “I...I-I still have my gun…”
Coda’s eyes widened as he stood up. “Wait techie, you got a gun too? When the fuck did ya grab that?!”
Lucky shrunk back a bit at Coda’s voice loudening. “B-before we left the Hive… I didn’t use it though…” His voice trailed off as he realized one small but important detail she had dropped into her sentence. “...w-what do you mean by ‘you too’?”
The creeper grinned. “They might’ve taken away our hacks and main weapons…” She then knelt onto one knee and pulled up the hem of her pant leg. Tucked inside her boot was a sleek black and red pistol, just like Lucky’s. “But those fuckers didn’t bother to pat us down.”
Sakura’s eyes lit up with hope. “Does that mean we have a chance of going home?” She asked, leaning closer to the green-scaled woman.
“You know it, baby!” Coda answered confidently. "We're home free-"
Synth then spoke, cutting off his friend. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Coda," He said, lowering his voice slightly. "It won't work if you're screaming from the rooftops about it. And we need to make a plan."
“He’s right,” Grey replied. Nix nodded alongside him. “We need to be smart about this. This might be our only shot out of here.”
“Agreed.” Nightingale added. “We have one chance. There’s no margin for error.”
As the conversation buzzed around him, Lucky retreated back into his mind and gazed at the pistol in his hands. A chance at escape? It was wholeheartedly possible. He could go home to Fort Oblivion, go back to his bunker, with all of his high tech gear and a legitimate excuse to not leave-
But this time, he wouldn't have an older brother to turn to when he needed it.
Dark thoughts clouded Lucky's mind. Why should he bother? What was the point of leaving now? Jazz was his whole entire world, the only family he ever had, and now he was dead… 
Maybe he could escape in a different way. Escape that hellhole and reunite with his brother. Put that gun against his head and fire it for the first and last time in his life. 
Was it cowardly? Yes. Desperate? Most definitely. Stupid? Yup. But did he care? 
Not one single bit.
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tommyparkerr · 5 years
Promises BONUS II | Peter Parker x Reader
I’m back with a second bonus y’all! Some of you have been asking for it, so here it is! I want to thank @laureharrier for being both my hype woman and the one keeping me sane when Tumblr decides to throw all kinds of sh*t at me like the little sh*t it is.
Anyways, sorry about that (I still have some residual anger leftover from my *situation*, so...yeah)! There’ll only be one more bonus left after this (at least, from what I have planned), but thank you to all of you who are sticking with me after all this time! This is for you!:)
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: Tears (but happy ones), Peter being a little sh*t, Irondad, fluff, and basically everything soft that doesn’t constitute a warning
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P R O M I S E S  -  B O N U S  T W O :
Tony wasn’t sure what’d woken him at first. His heart wasn’t racing and he wasn’t sweating, so it wasn’t from a nightmare; his mind was strangely quiet along with the rest of the Tower, so it wasn’t because of the noise; Pepper was sleeping peacefully next to him, a soft smile on her face, so it wasn’t because of his wife’s missing presence.
He didn’t know why he’d woken up. But he did know that he wasn’t going back to sleep anytime soon.
As quiet as possible, Tony carefully rolled out of bed and exited the bedroom, headed toward the kitchen where he could make himself some coffee at—he glanced at the clock—two-thirty in the morning. However, his plans changed when he went to pass through what was supposed to be an empty living room. 
The faint sound of a turning page caused him to stop in his tracks, looking toward the noise. 
A figure sat curled up on the couch (well, as curled up as she could be with a pregnant belly), glasses on her face and hair in a half-hearted bun as she intently read whatever book was in her hands. Tony’s chest went warm at the sight of his daughter-in-law wearing his son’s baggy MIT sweatshirt and old gym shorts.
After a couple moments’ of debating whether he should tiptoe back to his room and leave her be, he decided there was never a better time than 2:30am to get some bonding time in with his adopted daughter.
God, Rhodey was right—he had gone soft.
“You do realize it’s 2:30 in the morning, right?” he asked, keeping his voice low enough not to disturb the others on the floor but loud enough for Y/N to hear. She startled, whipping her head around and straightening up to peek over the back of the couch. She looked relieved to see it was him (versus Peter, he was guessing, who was more than overprotective of his wife and child-to-be at this point in the pregnancy) and relaxed immediately, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose.
“I do.”
“Then why are you still up?” he said with a raised eyebrow. “Isn’t being nine months pregnant supposed to make you tired all the time or something?”
Y/N smirked. “I’m pretty sure the same applies to being old, Grandpa Pops.”
Tony raised his hands in surrender, chuckling as he went on his original route to the kitchen. “Touché, Ms. Parker.”
Other than a small laugh from her, the soft sounds of Tony getting the tea kettle out, and the turning of pages, the room went quiet again. Though his daughter was hiding the dark circles under her eyes far too expertly for him to be comfortable with, Tony was used to the technique of using humor to cover up whatever he was facing—whether that be sleep deprivation, a constant state of anxiety, or visions of being thrown into his worst nightmares over and over again, he knew the tactic well, and he wasn’t about to let someone else get away with it.
He wondered if maybe this was why he’d woken up.
When the tea was finished (no coffee since Tony knew Y/N couldn’t have much caffeine), he traipsed over to the couch and offered one of the steaming mugs to the obviously exhausted woman across from him. She laid her book down and took it with a grateful smile, muttering a small, “Thank you,” and taking a sip. They drank in silence for awhile, looking out the window at the nightscape of New York City. Tony saw it every night, but rarely did he take the time to appreciate it; now, with nothing else to do, he could. As he turned to look at the girl beside him, looking unusually small in Peter’s clothes (where he remembered the MIT sweatshirt had once been his, but Peter had stolen it years ago before he went to school and had now seemingly made its way down to the next person), he couldn’t help but open his mouth.
“Sometimes I forget that you married into this family,” Tony said softly, seeing her confused look out of the corner of his eye. “You have so much Parker in you that it’s like you’ve been here all along. I can barely remember the days you and Peter weren’t glued to the other’s hip.”
A mischievous smile adorned her lips. “Are you sure that isn’t because of old age, too?” Tony finally looked at her with a knowing look, his eyebrows raised as he took another sip of his tea. The smile didn’t drop, but rather morphed into something softer as she looked back toward the city. “May told me that, too. But you’re leaving out one important thing.”
“Oh?” Tony said with a amused glint in his eye, fully expecting another round of sarcasm to break through. “And what is that, may I ask?”
“That by marrying Peter, I’m not just a Parker; I’m a Stark, too. I think both of the Parkers made that pretty clear to me from day one,” she said, her tone soft and loving. “You did, too, though it was never verbal.”
Tony’s smile had dropped, a sudden burning in his eyes replacing it. He swallowed past the lump in his throat and said, a crack in his voice, “Come here, kiddo.”
Y/N turned to see his arm raised and smiled before scooting closer and ducking underneath it, resting her head on his shoulder. “If I spill any of my scalding hot tea on your cashmere robe, it’s your fault.”
Tony snorted, his tears crawling back into their holding places. “I wouldn’t dream it any other way.”
This time it was quiet until they had both finished their tea, setting the empty mugs on the empty table in front of them. He’d clean that up later, but for now he was perfectly content. He let the silence go on a little longer before he squeezed Y/N’s arm and spoke up again.
“I’m guessing Peter has no idea you haven’t been sleeping?”
She pursed her lips. “How do you know I haven’t been sleeping?”
“I think the raccoon look speaks for itself, kiddo,” Tony said, pointing under his own eyes for reference. “That is if I didn’t already know what sleep deprivation looked like.”
A small sigh. “No. No, he doesn’t. And you’re not going to tell him, either.”
“Woah now, tiger,” Tony said defensively. “No one said I was going to.” She looked down at her now empty hands, picking at her nails in order to keep them busy. Tony frowned and nudged her arm again. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
Suddenly her eyes filled with tears and her hands flew up to try to keep them from overflowing. “I’m sorry—God, I’m such a mess. I’m sorry.” Tony, who once would have been freaked out by even the slight glistening of one’s eye, didn’t bat a lash at the influx of tears. Only worry rose from it. 
“I’m okay,” she interrupted. At his look of disbelief she shook her head with a wobbly smile. “Really, I am. I just—I’m super emotional right now and my hormones are dialed up to, like, eleven, or twelve, maybe possibly thirteen and a half. Any little thing can set me off already, but being sleep deprived probably doesn’t help. And you’ve never called me ‘honey’ before, just ‘kiddo’ or ‘Ms. Parker’ or other little nicknames—not that I mind, of course, because I really do feel like I’m just as important to this family as anyone else when you give me nicknames—and I guess it just kinda struck the sentimental part of me. I’m sorry.”
Tony couldn’t help but chuckle, adjusting them so he could get both arms around her. When he thought about it, he couldn’t remember any other time he’d called Y/N ‘honey’, which seemed crazy to him since he’d referred to her as that particular endearment many times in his own head. “No need to apologize, kiddo. I’ve seen hormones in action and know of way less that’s made a girl cry. In fact, I’d say you’re keeping everything contained pretty well; you haven’t even screamed at me once when I manage to burn the omelets every morning.”
A watery laugh escaped her, muffled by his chest. “I do in my head.”
It was Tony’s turn to laugh now, holding her a little tighter as he placed a kiss on her head. “And for that, I applaud you. Pepper’s not even pregnant and she yells at me—not in her head, may I add—every day.” A giggle, then just periodic sniffles. Tony gave her a little bit of time before pushing again. “Now, do you wanna tell me why you aren’t sleeping at night?”
It was quiet for a long while—long enough that Tony thought she either hadn’t heard him or had chosen to ignore the question—before she answered. “I don’t know. I just...I lay down and I’m so completely exhausted that it should be easy, and Peter falls asleep easy enough and I’m just stuck inside my own head thinking about the next month and how we could become parents at any minute, and even though we already have a name picked out for her and we talk to her every night, it’s going to be so much different when she’s actually born, right? And then-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Tony interrupted, pulling back to look at Y/N with a sparkle in his eye. She frowned, her eyes widening a moment later as she realized her mistake. “She?”
“Um…” She swallowed, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. “Yes?”
A wide grin spread across Tony’s lips, struggling to contain the burst of happiness at the news. “I thought you said you were going to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender,” he said, his entire face lit up. It made Y/N smile, and suddenly she didn’t feel so guilty that she’d let that piece of information slip.
“We were,” she answered. “But then we decided we didn’t want to wait and didn’t tell anyone else in order to keep it a surprise for them.”
“So it’s a girl?” he asked, and Y/N laughed at his giddy excitement. 
“Yes,” she said with a smile. “You’re going to have a granddaughter.”
Tony pulled her in for another hug. Then, as the rest of her confession rolled back through his brain, he realized that wasn’t the only important information she’d let slip. “Can I tell you something, kiddo?” A soft hum was the only confirmation he needed to continue. “I know you’re nervous about this whole parenting thing, and God, I don’t think there’ll ever be a day where parenting isn’t nerve wracking, but as long as you love that little girl with all your heart and show that love to her every day, I think you’re going to be just fine.” 
Y/N looked up at him, her lips wobbling. “I’m afraid I’m going to be a bad mom.”
“You won’t be,” Tony said without hesitation.
“But how do you know?”
A soft smile graced Tony’s lips. “Because what I said about loving her with all your heart and showing that every day? You’re already doing that, which kind of makes you the best mom in the whole world, and that little girl is so lucky to have you.”
Now Y/N broke down, quickly shoving her face back into Tony’s shoulder to stifle her cries and (hopefully) keep from waking anyone else. Tony closed his eyes and gently rocked her, rubbing her back in small circles. 
“Thank you,” she later said, tears still clogging up her voice. “For everything. For taking me in and loving me like you would your own and making me tea at two in the morning and letting us all move in so you can help out with the baby and keep an eye on me while Peter can’t and for walking me down the aisle because my dad and mom couldn’t be there to do that or to see their grandchild be born and—I just...thank you,” she finished breathlessly. 
Tony lovingly placed another kiss on her head. “What else are dads for?”
“You know,” Y/N laughed, sniffling as she did, “if you didn’t know this baby was a girl, I’d say you were buttering me up to name her after you.”
“Who says I’m not?” Tony joked. “I think Anthony Parker has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Taking Tony by surprise, Y/N pulled out of his hold and grabbed his hand, moving it to rest on her stomach. Tony blinked in awe as he felt his granddaughter kick, mesmerized by the life just inches away from him. 
“How does Mary-Jane Virginia Parker sound?” Y/N quietly asked, watching her father-in-law carefully to gauge his reaction. He didn’t speak for a few moments, tears gathering in his eyes at all of his granddaughter’s namesakes—Peter’s mother, one of the couple’s best and lifelong friends, and Pepper—Pepper-
This time, he didn’t even try to fight it when a tear slipped down his cheek. “It sounds perfect.”
“I never thought I’d see the day my wife made the almighty Tony Stark cry,” came a voice from the hallway. They both startled, whipping their heads around to see Peter casually leaning against the wall, arms crossed and hair mussed from sleep, wearing a small, amused smile. “Though, if anyone were to do it, I suppose she would be the one to.”
Instead of responding, Tony simply rolled his eyes and scooted over, patting the newfound space between him and Y/N. “Get over here, you twit.”
Peter chuckled but made his way over anyway, plopping on the cushions and putting a protective arm around his wife. Y/N leaned into him, looking sheepish at being caught but not all too apologetic. 
“So much for that secret, huh?” Peter said teasingly, kissing her forehead to assure her he wasn’t really mad. 
“If it makes you feel any better,” Tony said, his eyes still lit up in joy, “I’m an excellent secret keeper.”
Peter scoffed. “Yeah, to everyone but May and Pepper.”
Tony faked outrage. “Hey now! That’s no way to talk to your old man!” Peter gave him a look that said, ‘Am I wrong?’ while Y/N giggled, and Tony huffed. “I only tell them my secrets when they know I’m keeping one.”
“Oh, and that’s the only time you ever let a secret spill, huh?” 
“Listen here, smartass-“ Cutting himself off, Tony grabbed Peter away from Y/N and wrestled him into a headlock. Peter simultaneously was laughing and trying to push him away as Tony gave him a noogie, messing up his hair even more.  
Once Peter finally shoved him away, all three of them were laughing and it was the greatest sound Tony had ever heard, especially after the recent hardship his son and daughter-in-law had gone through. He and several others were worried when it didn’t resolve within the first few days and even more so when they heard that the word ‘divorce’ was thrown around once—once, and only once, but that was enough. And he had hoped it wouldn’t come to that, because he knew he’d stand by Peter’s side no matter what, but leaving the girl he’d practically adopted as his own behind would take its own toll on him. 
Sometimes Tony still worried. With every little fight and every raised voice, his anxiety rose. But seeing Peter and Y/N now, the former kissing Y/N’s cheek with a smile while the latter continued to giggle, Tony knew everything would be okay. 
With no warning the man swept both of them into a hug, kissing the tops of their heads. “I love you, kiddos,” he said quietly.
“I love you, too,” they both replied, Peter wrapping his arms around his father figure. Y/N followed close behind, though she couldn’t squeeze him as tight due to her protruding belly. 
“Mary-Jane loves you, too, Grandpa Pops,” Y/N said quietly, making all three pairs of eyes in the room water. And for once, Tony was actually looking forward to what life handed him next, because Mary-Jane Virginia Parker was loved, and she was perfect.
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araxiis · 5 years
Not Like Our Own- Kuzupeko
Fluff, very very brief angst
Words: 1523
A/N: I needed some concerned partner Fuyuhiko in my life, hope you enjoy :)
Read on Wattpad
It had been 5 years since the destruction of the neo-world program. The first year was spent almost entirely waiting for the "dead" to wake up, and caring for them when they did. After everyone was awake and recovering, however, the class made the peculiar decision to stay on the island, as they were not thrilled to see the carnage left behind by their broken halves. Besides, it's not like they all had much to go back to.
Peko was one of the last to wake up, just over a year after the final trial. From the moment she opened her eyes, her and Fuyuhiko were inseparable. He was by her side every step of her recovery, and she loved it. On the island, they were free to love each other. No rules, no boundaries, no penalties of death. They rarely went anywhere without the other, moving into the same cabin almost immediately after Peko woke up. Of course, there was no escaping the leers and comments of their classmates, but surprisingly, they didn't mind. For the first time in their lives, they were able to freely share their love for one another, publically and privately. It was just the two of them, and it would stay that way.
Or at least, that's what they thought.
Peko carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and placed her hands on her knees. Fuyuhiko had left a while earlier to eat breakfast with the others, and she had told him she would be there shortly. She didn't tell him why, though, simply saying she had 'something to take care of'. Fuyuhiko didn't mind. He was happier than he'd ever been, and trusted his girlfriend with every fiber of his being. Peko mindlessly stared at the wall, head dizzy with thoughts. She was snapped out of her daze by the sound of the cottage door creeping open.
"Peko? You okay?" Fuyuhiko stuck his head through the door, his voice echoing through their small home. He saw Peko in the center of the room and quickly made his way to her side, leaving the door to fall shut behind him. Peko's gaze never left the wall, but she responded with a slight nod.
"You never showed up at breakfast, I just wanted to make sure everything's alright..." Fuyuhiko said, placing his hand on the small of her back. Peko sighed. She knew she had to tell him.
"Fuyuhiko-" she began.
This concerned her partner even more, purely because of how out of the ordinary it was. Even at their most intimate, Peko had a tendency to refer to him as her 'young master'. It was a little weird sometimes. He turned so his upper body was facing her, and placed his hand over hers. Peko laced her fingers through his and took a sharp breath through her nose.
"Fuyuhiko, I'm pregnant." Her eyes never left the wall.
"I- you- wh-" Fuyuhiko stuttered, shocked. "You're-" he trailed off.
Peko nodded once, slowly. "Holy shit," he practically yelled. "Holy fucking shit, Peko! This is-"
He cut off again when he saw Peko's expression. Her eyes were closed, and there was a steady stream of tears running down either side of her face. Fuyuhiko was stunned. Even at her lowest, he had never seen Peko quite like this. He moved closer and wrapped both of his arms around her shoulders protectively. "Hey," he said gently. "What are you thinking?"
Peko shuddered. "I- I never had a mother. Or a father, or a real family of my own. It's not a stretch to say that I had a rather abnormal upbringing and.. I d- don't know the first thing about being a mother," she wrapped her arms around her still-flat abdomen. "I'm scared, Fuyuhiko."
Peko's voice broke when she said his name, and her body began to shake. Her vision was dizzy with fear. Thoughts and what-ifs spiraling and pulling her deeper into the darkest depths of her mind. She felt as though she were falling. Falling forever, into empty space...
Fuyuhiko tucked his hand under Peko's chin and kissed her sweetly, breaking her out of her trance. He wiped the tears off her face and smiled at her, his good eye filled with pure love. He took both of her hands in his.
"Peko, I understand. I mean, you've met my parents, and they're both goddamn pieces of work, to say the least. 'Cause of them, I promised myself that if I ever had a kid, I would be the best fucking dad on the planet. And you," he gently touched her face, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Are the strongest, smartest, most beautiful woman there ever damn was. Hell, this kid couldn't ask for a better mother if it wanted to. I know you're scared, and hell, I am too, but I swear to God, I'll be with you every single step of the way," Gently, he laid his hand over Peko's stomach. "Given all the shit we've been through together, I think we can handle it."
He looked up at Peko. She was still staring at the wall, but her eyes had softened, and she had the smallest trace of a smile playing on her lips. Fuyuhiko kissed her again, and this time she responded, melting into the arms of the man she was in love with.
When they broke apart, Fuyihiko grinned at her. "Peko, we're gonna be parents." He curled his arm around her waist and rested his hand back on her stomach. She placed her hand on top of his, and the two smiled at each other, giddy and love drunk and completely terrified. After a moment, Fuyuhiko broke the silence.
"Well, I guess this is as good a time as any."
He got up and stood in front of Peko, who's eyes widened in confusion. The confusion turned to pure shock as she watched him get down on one knee and pull a small box out of his pocket.
"I shoulda done this a long time ago," Fuyuhiko began, his face flushed pink. "But it never felt like the right time. I wanted it to be perfect. For you."
Peko covered her mouth with one hand, the other still resting on her stomach. She felt herself beginning to cry again as Fuyuhiko continued.
"This feels right. You want our little one to have a real family, yeah?"
Peko nodded silently.
"So let's do it. Let's be a real fucking family," Fuyuhiko grinned as he opened the box to reveal a small, simple, gold ring.
"You, me..." his eyes flickered down to where Peko's hand rested. "And our baby." Quickly, he leaned forward and softly kissed Peko's stomach. He stood slowly, and cupped his hands around her face.
"I love you, Peko. So fucking much. Will you marry me?"
Peko was stunned. The life she had dreamed of for so long was suddenly, finally, falling into place. She blinked through her tears to look at Fuyuhiko, and in his eye she saw her future. Their future. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She panicked slightly, knowing she had to find a way to respond before Fuyuhiko got the wrong idea.
In a rather out-of-character gesture, Peko grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips toward hers. He submitted happily, dropping the ring box on the floor behind him and tangling his hands in her hair. They fell backwards onto the bed, Fuyuhiko being extra careful not to put any of his weight on her stomach. Their kiss was passionate, hungry, longing, anything but gentle. They had done this countless times before (obviously), but this was... different. This was more than just an expression of love, or a precursor to something more intimate. It was more of a reassurance. A confirmation of their commitment to one another. Peko had never verbally answered Fuyuhiko's question, but that was okay. He had every answer he ever needed.
She was lying in his arms.
He pushed himself off her (gently) to retrieve the ring box from the floor. He slid the band onto Peko's finger, and was relieved to see that it fit. The two embraced each other as closely as they could. They had no idea how they could get married and raise a child on the island, but hell, it didn't matter. They were the happiest they'd ever been.
Fuyuhiko gazed lovingly at Peko, his now-fianceé and the mother of his child, and wondered how the fuck he got so lucky. Suddenly, he was hit with a realization.
"Shit, Peko, you never got breakfast," he said, standing up from the bed. Peko laughed quietly.
"I suppose you're right," she smiled.
"Well, c'mon then," Fuyuhiko continued. "You're eatin' for two now."
As she stood up, he looped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Giggling, she gave him a gentle kiss on the nose.
"Let's go tell everyone the news."
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