#heaven on earth - shiro.
shiro-00s · 1 year
heaven on earth ✭ ˎˊ-
ft. social media au ⸝⸝ idol!xiao x fem!reader
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synopsis ; — in which you befriend your next door neighbour who, unbeknownst to you, was apart of a soon-to-be one of the most popular bands throughout liyue. you're unable to tell if cupid was helping you or not when things with xiao keept going up and down. will he continue to keep his secret from yours truly?
genre — 5wirl band au, next door neighbour (apartment but same thing), slow-burn, fluff, crack, angst (at some point yea), modern au, flirty x shy trope, sfw, includes writing ✰
staus — on-going
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PROFILES — sleep deprived workaholics / an(emo) qties
table of contents !
00. prologue .. once upon a time ✮
01. cupid meter !
02. information acquired !
03. gift from stranger !
04. communication is key ✮
05. gift for stranger !
06. pride or nice !
07. unwinding !
08. a new number !
09. out of character !
10. unfamiliar warmth ✮
11. yet !
12. surely a dinner !
13. who he really is !
14. free tickets !
15. hint of the past !
16. arrivals !
17. face-to-face ✮
18. stupid scandal !
19. knock knock !
20. drastic measures !
21. mission accomplished !
22. war is over !
23. second date !
24. picture perfect ✮
25. enlighten us !
26. father-son bond !
27. maternal instinct !
28. family business !
29. a routine !
30. suffocating room !
31. oh no !
32. battlefield !
33. unwanted encounters ✮
34. at fault !
35. exciting news !
36. welcome back !
37. no denial !
38. square one !
39. oblivious !
40. a dumbass !
41. one step closer !
42. hand in marriage !
43. code red !
TAGLIST [OPEN] — @mikctp @ghostlysyntaxed @kazemiya @nnasv @gojoandelsalovechilde @candy-purple-cyanide @kissingkzuha @zyilas @lunaavity @luminescent-light @mave-in @rizakari @riikyu @kokoscutie @starsxnight @sketcheeee @softlie @izakyun @xiaxilia @the-sweet-madame
(ask to be added or removed)
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Luke Ross - Samurai: Heaven And Earth (2005)
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quasi-normalcy · 11 months
A while ago while I was in tumblr jail, you posted that you had a masters in science fiction literature (unless you didn't, I have been known to be mistaken), and I am wondering, what do you consider 'important' works of science fiction? Like the science fiction literary canon? I am so curious. Feel free to ignore, I will not harass you.
Yes! I do. I can tell you the ones that I was assigned (I'm afraid that the list skews extremely male and (especially) white).
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)
Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men (1930) and Star Maker (1937) [You can probably add Odd John (1935) to this list]
Jules Verne, Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864) and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870) [You can probably add From the Earth to the Moon (1865)]
H.G. Wells, The Time Machine (1895) and War of the Worlds (1897) [Though you can probably go ahead and add The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897) and The First Men in the Moon (1901)]
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland (1915)
Catherine Burdekin (writing as Murray Constantine), Swastika Night (1937)
Karel Čapek, R.U.R. (1920)
Isaac Asimov, I, Robot (1950) [You can probably add the first three Foundation novels here as well]
Yevgeny Zamyatin, We (1921)
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1967) and Rendezvous with Rama (1973) [Add: Childhood's End (1953) and The Fountains of Paradise (1979)
John Wyndham, Day of the Triffids (1951) [add: The Chrysalids (1955) and The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)]
H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu" (1926) [add The Shadow over Innsmouth (1931)]
Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (1954)
Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination (1956)
Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers (1959) [Probably Stranger in a Strange Land (1961) and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966) too, depending on, you know, how much of Heinlein's bullshit you can take]
J.G. Ballard, The Drowned World (1962) [Also, The Burning World (1964) and The Crystal World (1966)]
Phillip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle (1962) [Also Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) and several of his short stories]
Frank Herbert, Dune (1965)
Michael Moorcock, Behold the Man (1969)
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-5 (1969)
Ursula Le Guin, The Dispossessed (1974) [Also The Lathe of Heaven (1971) and The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)]
Brian Aldiss, Supertoys series
William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars (1992) [Also Green Mars and Blue Mars]
They also included Iain M. Banks's The Algebraist (2004), but I personally think you'd be better off reading some of his Culture novels
Other ones that I might add (not necessarily my favourite, just what I would consider the most influential):
Joe Haldeman, The Forever War (1974)
Matsamune Shiro, Ghost in the Shell (1989-91)
Katsuhiro Otomo, Akira (1982-1990)
Octavia Butler, Lilith's Brood (1987-89) and Parable of the Sower (1993)
Poul Anderson, Operation Chaos (1971)
Hector Garman Oesterheld & Francisco Solano Lopez, The Eternaut (1957-59)
Liu Cixin, The Three-Body Problem (2008)
Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975)
William Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland (1908)
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992)
Joanna Russ, The Female Man (1975)
Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game (1985) [Please take this one from a library]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (1912)
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and Oryx and Crake (2003)
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1932)
Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy (1952-68)
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time (1962)
Walter M. Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)
Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
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wakeywakeygrrr · 5 months
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Father says that they can't touch a single hair... so Kazuma couldn't destroy the brush. But we are able to see Hiyori/Shiro cutting through Koto No Ha, which seems impossible. So how did Hiyori/Shiro manage to cut off the brush that other Shinkis or Blessed one couldn't?
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Adachitoka really needs to explain why the Iki family has such a strong connection to the Far Shore. Especially because, Iki name is from her maternal side. Iki clan was the first to give Tsukuyomi a shrine. And Hiyori Iki is the first person to give a shrine to Yato. It seemed odd that Hiyori noticed Yato in particular, and once she saw him her gaze lingered on him for a while. I found it interesting that of all the spirits and deities she encountered, Yato was the one she had a connection with, even if her family had a more sensitive history.
Since ancient times, Iki Island has been considered a sacred and mystical place. From local folklore it is said that Iki Island, specifically Ondake Shrine, was where some of the first deities of Japan, such as the deity of the moon, Tsukuyominomikoto, descended for the first time on Earth. Iki Island is also known as being a deity called Ame no hito tsubashira, which literally means that Iki Island was a "pillar of heaven" linking the Earth to the divine. Officially, Tsukiyomi Shrine on Iki Island is known as the original shrine of all the Tsukiyomi Shrines in Japan.
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klanceficatalogue · 9 months
hihihi!! i just read ghost in your arms, ghost in your heart and im looking for similar stories!!! do u think u could help? :o
totally! give these ones a go <3 - k
ghost lance tag
The Most Difficult Thing I'll Never Do by thechargrey (7/7 | 40,801 | Teen and Up)
“So your name’s Keith, huh?” The voice came from the ceiling. Keith let out a small yelp. The realtor and Shiro turned to look at him. “I just tripped. I'm fine, sorry.” Lance looked down from the ceiling before dropping down into the room. “Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to scare you. From the way you look, you’d think you saw a ghost.” The laugh Keith suppressed came out as more of a strangled yelping noise. Once again Shiro and the realtor turned to look at him. He held up his hands at them, sheepishly. “Sorry, again.” -- In which Lance is a ghost and Keith, his new roommate, is the only one who can see him. Lance is stuck on Earth, and Keith wants to help Lance move on before it's too late.
//major character death
(adam/shiro, matt/allura)
Why We Stay by elfenphoenix (18/18 | 77,144 | Not Rated)
Keith doesn’t really feel loneliness anymore. He’s gotten used to people fading in and out of his life without so much as an explanation. Why should the annoying but charming ghost haunting his “new” apartment be any different? Except he is. And eventually Keith has to accept that the only person he’s ever wanted to hold onto… is someone he can’t even touch.
//major character death //suicidal thoughts
just like heaven by orphan_account (6/6 | 37,784 | Teen and Up)
Keith's got a second sight that comes with a lot of burdens. One is being saddled with banishing an obnoxious spirit haunting Hunk and Pidge's cozy San Francisco loft. The other is dealing with said obnoxious spirit, a guy named Lance, who doesn't remember who he is, who his family is, or what he did before falling into a coma. But with Lance's life on the line, the pair make a deal to figure out how to save him, and fast. Along the way, they find out fate tied them together in more ways than one.
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Voltron x TMNT crossover?
Well, this one would be the Rise of the TMNT version of the Turtles in Space arc (Which we got in both the 2003 and 2012 series. Some major plot points would be:
Leo would portal him and his brothers into the middle of a Galra/Voltron battle
Donnie would be in hog heaven on the castle ship and become gremlins in arms with Pidge
Raph would become Shiro's #1 fan
Mikey and Hunk would get on famously
Lance and Leo. Need I say more.
Allura would be a bit... frustrated with how rowdy they are at first, but then would come around after the group show off how skilled they are as combatants.
Eventually, the boys become homesick, which everyone in the castle of lions understands and tries to help Leo make a portal back to earth.
The group is interrupted by a Galra soldier, mutated by an Oozquito that had flitted through Leo's portal. Both teams need to work together to defeat it.
The story ends with the Turtles going home, but also contacting the Paladins' families to let them know they're safe.
give me two fandoms (movies/shows/books/whatever) and I'll tell you what crossover/ AU my ferret-with-a-box-of-ping-pong-balls brain would make out of them.
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at1nys-blog · 7 months
Snowy days
Pairing: Shiro Fujimoto x fem!reader
Summary: She loves the snow, it takes her back to her happiest memories. She loves Shiro Fujimoto deeply.
A/N: I don’t like the Renzo ff, so while I re-write that take this one instead; -71 days until season 3
More of blue exorcist ff here
More anime ff here
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: MAIN SPOILER EPISODE 2 SEASON 1 OF THE ANIME AND VOLUME 1 (I don’t remember in which chapters happens but I know is at the beginning so…) SO SKIP THIS ONE THANK YOU
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Waking up she felt the air was different. The event of the night before flooding her mind in a second. She had to pinch herself, a couple of times, no multiple times, the pain of the action overpowering the one of her loss.
Looking outside the window she took a deep breath and mentally got ready to start the day. The plan was simple: have breakfast; get ready; go to the graveyard with Rin, Yukio and the others; heading to True Cross Academy. She had to tell Kuro about the incident.
The church was silent if you didn’t count whoever was fixing the altar. No one dared to talk; there was no music playing and the twins weren’t fighting. It was too silent.
Entering the kitchen Izumi greeted her but his voice and words didn’t get registered by her, she didn’t want to talk to anyone.
Taking a seat at the table the girl said Grace in silence, she might have been a demon but since Shiro saved her and took her under his wings it became an habit for her to say Grace before every single meal.
“Is she doing okay?” Asked Naoya entering the room.
“Not really. She didn’t say a word since she woke up.” Answer Izumi keeping his eyes glued on her. He was worried for her, thinking that the second he was to let his guard down she was going to do something dangerous.
“I’ve heard she is going to tell Kuro about Father.” Naoya added, his friend only nodded. “Poor thing, I wonder how is he going to take the news.” was the last thing he said before taking his tea and leaving the room; Izumi on the other hand was still checking on her.
The funeral was fast, Shiro had made it clear he didn’t want anything to pompous, nor something long. A short and easy farwell was what he wanted.
She cursed at him, stupid clergy man thinking about how he wants to leave this Earth. Multiple times she asked him to stop, that his time wasn’t coming anytime soon but she had to know better: humans have a time limit, a limit that could come anytime in their life; humans die; humans are not as strong and resilient as demons.
It started to rain, at some point during the day it started to rain. Heavily as if Heaven was mourning too the loss of a great man that Shiro Fujimoto was.
She took out his glasses, she loved them, the reason why she was attached to them couldn’t be found, and she tried to find a reason, she truly did but nothing. She simply loved them.
She started talking, after Rin left with Mephistopheles she gained the courage to speak to his grave.
“I can’t believe you left me alone with the twins, we were supposed to rise them together you old man. And Kuro, how am I supposed to tell him? What am I supposed to do with him?” Taking a break she took a deep breath, she never thought it was going to be this hard. “Rin regrets everything he says, you know it, but is going to be a long way before he understands is not his fault you died.” She had to stop once again. She couldn’t believe it, he was dead. The man that saved her all those years ago; the man she was desperately in love with was gone and she couldn’t do much about it.
“Y/N Mephisto is waiting.” Yukio’s voice grounded her, a little, just that much to bring her back on Earth and noticing that she couldn’t put off talking with Kuro. He had to know, as soon as possible. She thanked him, in a whisper that the wind took away with him, in a whisper just for the two of them to hear, a whisper so delicate like her aching heart.
The drive was filled with Mephisto trying to start a conversation while she looked outside.
“He was meant to leave this place. He is…”
“Human. Pheles do you think I don’t know? Do you think I wanted to fall in love with him knowing I was going to see him go no matter what? We are not any different than humans when feelings are involved.” She looked him deep into his eyes, trying to find some comfort from him. “I… loved him Mephisto, and he left me too soon.”
“A demon in love, I had to see this myself.” He joked and before she could shut him up or defend herself he spoke again. “Just know is going to take a while, to heal I mean. And I’ll hurt, just… I’m here for you if you need to talk.” She looked back at him, lips trembling. “Or cry.” He added and she started to cry as on cue. It was the firs time since the accident.
Mephisto sat next to her, hugging her shaking body and assuring her everything was going to be fine. Eventually.
She didn’t want to. She didn’t know how to do it and seeing the situation in front of her, somewhere inside of her told her he knew already.
“Can you handle him?” Asked one of the guards. Y/N just nodded, she knew how to handle him. She knew most of the times when Shiro was with her, guiding her movements and sharing tips on how to. But now? She hoped for the best.
Kuro sensed her. Her presence radiated comfort, warmth and if she was there Shiro was there too. That was the usual. The every day basis. Where one went the other was around. That is how it was supposed to be.
Where is Shiro? Is he hiding somewhere? The voice of the cat echoing in her brain. It broke her heart hearing those questions. Because Shiro wasn’t hiding anywhere around.
“Oh Kuro, I am so sorry. He is gone.”
No, he isn’t gone. He can’t be gone.
“He is. He sacrificed himself to protect us. He died as the brave man we know he was. He… I am sorry Kuro I wasn’t strong enough to save him. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Is okay if you hate me now, I let you down, didn’t I? Is okay you can hate me as much as you want but please don’t hope for him to come back. He is gone.” She started crying, Kuro followed her, both demon and familiar sharing a pain bigger than what they imagined impossible to feel for a human being.
Kuro turned into his pocket size and she took him in her arms, the cat kept on crying like a baby, which he was. No matter how long he had been rooming Earth right now he was a baby, crying the death of his loved dad.
Shiro was like a father to the familiar, since he was saved by the priest he felt at home with him. Sure with Y/N too but with Father Fujimoto the connection was deeper, it came from the deep of his heart and invaded all inches of his body. He had loved Shiro Fujimoto hard and those feelings weren’t going away that easy.
Demon and familiar talked on their way to Mephistopheles’ office, reminiscing the old days. They laughed a couple of times remembering how embarrassing Shiro was at times.
He loved your smile. Said the cat at some point. He loved seeing you smile. He kept on saying. Shiro love you too. That felt like a punch to her guts. She knew her feeling were reciprocated, maybe he never confessed but his actions spoke louder than words. She knew he had loved her in the little things he did; in the way he spoke to her; his body language was clear enough. Everything in him said “I love you.”
She smiled at the familiar when an idea came to mind.
“Kuro, would you like to meet Rin and Yukio?” Since Father had took in the kids he always talked about them to the cat. He told him how Yukio was the first one to learn how to walk; how Rin grew up to be a protective older brother; Kuro came to know how Yukio started studying to be an Exorcist and that he was the youngest teacher at the cram school. Kuro never met the twins but with all the stories Shiro shared, it was like he did.
Demon Mephistopheles walked out his office the moment Y/N walked by, and when she didn’t stop to get inside she called her name.
“I know where your office is, I just think I have a better idea.” She knew what was happening to the cat if she had a talk with Mephisto. The Order most probably wanted him to be caged somewhere and she couldn’t bear the thought, so why not let him stay with her and the twins?
“You know we can’t disobey orders like that.” He said hearing what she had to say.
“Oh come on, like you don’t follow orders when you feel like it. Also, since when you do what the Order tells you to do?” Mephistopheles rolled his eyes and agreed with her idea.
“But if he makes trouble…”
“He won’t. Trust me.”
Christmas was around the corner, just a couple of weeks separated them from the Holy day, and that meant the twins’ birthdays was coming closer too.
She bursted in their room, without notice but the two Okumuras were used to that.
“I want you outside in five minutes.”
“Is snowing.” Complained Yukio.
“And I am reading.” Was Rin’s excuse.
“First, I know is snowing. Second, I don’t care that you are using your brain cells today to read. I want you two outside in five minutes and if you don’t come willingly I’ll drag you myself, okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” They answered in unison.
“Great.” She said leaving the dorm.
They kept their word, in five minutes they were outside the old building and next to the second person that acted like a parent to them. She locked arms with the twins the second she felt their presence and walked in the middle of the street.
“We are go…” she shushed Yukio. Y/N didn’t care what he had to say. If he was to complain they would go down with the flew or something like that she knew the twins were going to get better in no time, and as for her, demons don’t get sick.
“Just look at the snow. Isn’t so beautiful?” She didn’t want an answer, for her it was the most beautiful think on Assiah. If she had to go back to Gehenna snow was one of the things she would miss the most. “Do you know why I love the snow?” She kept on watching the snowflakes falling down with so much grace it filled her heart with joy. “My happiest memories have to do with it. The first time I met Shiro it was a snowy day and so when our little family was formed.” She smiled, Rin too had a smile painted on his face.
“Truly is beautiful.” Commented Rin. Y/N knew he wasn’t too fond of it, so she was glad to hear him say that knowing he did it for her.
“I guess is not that bad.” Added Yukio. She rolled her eyes but she was happy like that. With her boys with her sharing a little moment of happiness after a tragedy.
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treesbian · 11 months
i have the best femslash klunkllura idea are you guys ready? are you ready for this? okay here i go...
keith doesn't blush very easily. it's not impossible to make him, it's just a challenge. and by god do his femmes love a challenge. they make it a competition to see who can get their butch to blush the most. they have a point system that they keep track of with tally marks. allura's winning right now. lance says this isn't fair because allura has more experience being a femme so she got a head start. allura says, "what's that earth phrase again? oh, i've got it! skill. issue." while poking lance in the chest for emphasis. lance squawks indignantly. hunk thinks their competitiveness is very amusing and cute and gives them both a little kiss on the cheek while laughing at them a little. he's still playing to win though. keith is completely unaware of the competition and thinks his femmes are just acting really weird out of nowhere but he isn't complaining. he is in lesbian heaven. pidge thinks they are so annoying. (read: so cute that she's mad about it.) shiro and coran figure out what they're doing immediately but say nothing because they think it's funny.
bonus: keith is the universe's sappiest butch. when it's like actually traditionally romantic though it's an accident. his actual love language is so weirdcore. like when a cat brings you small rodents bc it thinks you can't feed yourself. he's like that. except with large rodents. kidding. or am i.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Saiyūki (1978) 西遊記
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Director: Toshi Aoki / Jun Fukuda / Kazuo Ikehiro / Yusuke Watanabe / Daisuke Yamazaki
Screenwriter: Wu Chengen
Starring: Masaki Sakai / Masako Natsume / Shiro Kishibe / Toshiyuki Nishida / Hiroyuki Yuki / more...
Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 1978-10-01 (Japan)
Number of seasons: 2
Episodes: 52
Single episode length: 54 minutes
Also known as: MONKEY / Monkey Magic
IMDb: tt0078659
Type: Retelling
Monkey (孫悟空, Son Gokū), the title character, is described in the theme song as being "born from an egg on a mountain top", a stone egg, and thus he is a stone monkey, a skilled fighter who becomes a brash king of a monkey tribe, who, the song goes on to claim, was "the punkiest monkey that ever popped". He achieved a little enlightenment, and proclaimed himself "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven". After demanding the "gift" of a magical staff from a powerful dragon king, and to quiet the din of his rough antics on Earth, Monkey is approached by Heaven to join their host, first in the lowly position of Master of the Stable (manure disposal), and then—after his riotous complaints—as "Keeper of the Peach Garden of Immortality".
Monkey eats many of the peaches, which have taken millennia to ripen, becomes immortal and runs amok. Having earned the ire of Heaven and being beaten in a challenge by an omniscient, mighty, but benevolent, cloud-dwelling Buddha (釈迦如来, Shakanyorai), Monkey is imprisoned for 500 years under a mountain in order to learn patience.
Eventually, Monkey is released by the monk Tripitaka (三蔵法師, Sanzōhōshi), who has been tasked by the Boddhisatva Guanyin (観世音菩薩, Kanzeon Bosatsu) to undertake a pilgrimage from China to India to fetch holy scriptures (implied to be the region of Gandhāra in the song over the closing credits). The pair soon recruit two former members of the Heavenly Host who were cast out and turned from angels to "monsters" as a result of Monkey's transgressions: Sandy (沙悟浄, Sa Gojō), the water monster and ex-cannibal, expelled from Heaven after his interference caused Heaven's Jade Emperor's (天帝, Tentei, Shangdi) precious jade cup to be broken (his birthname is also later revealed to be Shao Chin, having been abducted as a child, but meets his long-lost father, in "The Beginning of Wisdom"), and Pigsy (猪八戒, Cho Hakkai), a pig monster consumed with lust and gluttony, who was expelled from Heaven after harassing the Star Princess Vega—the Jade Emperor's mistress—for a kiss.
A dragon, Yu Lung (玉龍, Gyokuryū), who was set free by Guanyin after being sentenced to death, eats Tripitaka's horse. On discovering that the horse was tasked with carrying Tripitaka, it assumes the horse's shape to carry the monk on his journey. Later in the story he occasionally assumes human form to assist his new master, although he is still always referred to as "Horse".
Monkey can also change form, for instance into a hornet. In Episode 3, The Great Journey Begins, Monkey transforms into a girl to trick Pigsy. Monkey's other magic powers include: summoning a cloud upon which he can fly; his use of the magic wishing staff which he can shrink and grow at will and from time to time, when shrunk, store in his ear, and which he uses as a weapon; and the ability to conjure monkey warriors by blowing on hairs plucked from his chest.
The pilgrims face many perils and antagonists both human, such as Emperor Taizong of Tang (太宗皇帝, Taisōkōtei) and supernatural. Monkey, Sandy, and Pigsy are often called upon to battle demons, monsters, and bandits, despite Tripitaka's constant call for peace. Many episodes also feature some moral lesson, usually based upon Buddhist and/or Taoist philosophies, which are elucidated by the narrator at the end of various scenes.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_(TV_series)
Link: https://archive.org/details/monkeymagic1/07+-+The+Begining+Of+Wisdom.mp4  https://archive.org/details/monkeymagic2
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our-lady-of-haymakers · 2 months
As someone who had a mild Type Moon phase in distant 2017, one of my fondest encounters on this site has been girl Shirou, because back in the day I never saw her as a girl and now I cannot see her as anything but. This is not due to my developing any nuanced new readings of the character, but simply because the sheer confidence and wit and passion that the august ladies of this site have put into tracing Miss Emiya in hues of pink, white and blue have entirely overwritten any memories I have of the original. Every bit of content I see about Shiro now only reinforces what I have always-already known- Forcefem is a tgirl's Reality Marble, and no force in heaven or earth may resist it.
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kbtbb-soryu · 11 months
The Goddess that Defied Fate [Huedhaut x OC] Chapter 13
Shiro stood by the reflecting pool and watched the images of Earth. Hue stood at her side, smiling.
“So, you still like looking into the reflecting pool. I’m not surprised,” Hue said.
“I missed being able to look at people’s wishes here. Even after all this time, I still feel so physically connected to this place.” She smiled shyly and moved a strand of hair behind her ear. She didn’t fail to notice the blush on Hue’s cheeks.   
“A ‘physical connection’? That’s a rather provocative way to put,” Zyglavis said teasingly.
“You’re starting to get on my nerves. This is the Department of Wishes’ reflecting pool. If you’re done here, get out already.”
The king watched their interaction, chuckling quietly. Shiro sighed exasperatedly. “What a happy day. But Huedhaut, you’re forgetting something important,” the king said.
“Something important?” Hue asked.
“You are no longer branded with a mark of sin. Accordingly… if you go down to Earth with your divine powers unsuppressed, Earth will be negatively affected,” the king answered.
“Oh, that’s right.” Shiro looked at the ring on my right forefinger. “You’ll need one of these.”
“Where did you even get that?” Hue asked.
“It just appeared in my room one day when I was very little.”
The king gracefully opened his hand, bathing Hue in a cool light. A pretty, delicate ring appeared on his finger. “I have no intention of keeping you from visiting Earth or the heavens,” the king said. “As long as Huedhaut wears that ring, his divine powers will not affect the Earth,” the king said.
“Please accept it. It is not a mark of sin, but rather, a sign that you have my blessing.”
Shiro threw her arms around Hue. “You really do love grabbing onto me as hard as humanly possible,” he said. She laughed and pressed her cheek to his chest.
When the king, Zyglavis and Kuro left, the area around the reflecting pool fell silent in their absence. Shiro could look at this fountain forever and never get bored.
“You can see everything in so much detail. I’d almost forgotten how amazing it is. I wonder, is it because of the water you filled it with, Hue?”
“Maybe. But I can’t create pools of water this clear on Earth. The clarity of water has a lot to do with the divine energy present at any given location.”
Shiro hummed. “Oh, I just remembered…”
“What is it?”
She sighed. “Zyglavis totally wrecked the mansion. Leon and Teo held him off, but they can’t be too happy about all of this.”
“Leon’s probably kicked back relaxing, waiting to hear the good news. And Teo… He’s probably pretending to be worried about you and using that to pick up girls.”
“Frankly, none of those would surprise me.” She smiled. Even now, Hue was hard to understand sometimes.
“You’re thinking something arrogant right now, aren’t you?” Hue asked teasingly.
“I would never!” she grinned. Hue’s hand moved smoothly to play with her hair
“Shiro.” Hue’s blue eyes were too beautiful. Shiro felt as though she could drown in them. He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. She never thought she’d be here again. Be with Hue. She was terrified of the unknown when she first met him again. But her wish actually came true. She never spoke of it, tried not to think of it, but it became a reality. “You’d better get back to Earth soon.”
“I suppose I should. I can’t stay up here indefinitely,” she replied.
“But before you go… There’s something I want to show you. Come this way.” Hue took Shiro by the hand. His fingers felt unusually hot as they intertwined with hers. “You can touch me as much as you want from now on.”
“So can you.” She felt a blush creep onto her cheeks.
“Let’s go. The evening breeze should cool those red cheeks of yours.”
“You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”
“I would never.” Shiro chuckled when he threw her earlier words back at her as she followed him.
The stars outside glowed far more brightly than the stars she’d seen on Earth, but the most beautiful part was the flowers. A hundred different varieties, each more beautiful than the last, all in full bloom.
“Beautiful, right? You used to love this place,” Hue smiled at her.
“I never stopped.” Shiro walked along the stone path, admiring the flowerbeds and inhaling the pristine fresh air of the heavens. Watching her, Hue snapped his fingers a few times. Now that his mark was gone, he didn’t have to touch her to use his powers anymore. “What are you doing?”
“The last night we spent together on Earth… We were drinking alcohol from Earth and you said something… You sadly mentioned that, after drinking the alcohol I made, you couldn’t drink anything else.”
Shiro smiled wryly. “I never could, even before.”
Hue chuckled. “You looked seriously resentful. But we don’t have to say goodbye anymore. So, please forgive me.”
“Typical Hue. Even in love, you never change.”
“Oh. Well, if you’d rather me be sweet to you, I can do that too.” Hue brought his face close to hers. “But if I do that, I don’t know how far I’ll go. Are you okay with that? What do you want to do, Shiro?”
“You always did love to tease me.” Her chest hammering in her chest, she didn’t dare pull away. Hue smiled and narrowed his eyes affectionately before snapping his fingers. A water jug appeared.
“Have a seat. I’ll treat you to something truly first-rate.” Hue carefully inspected the water jug and a variety of bottles of alcohol before selecting a drink. The gold liquid he poured into her glass looked like the alcohol of the gods in the stories humans made up.
“It’s delicious. The drinks you make really are the best. Sitting here like this with you… It’s almost hard to believe our lives were just in danger.”
“You and the Earth… Everything is safe… I’m so glad.” Hue leaned against her. “If I’m not touching you like this, a part of me still can’t believe I’m not dreaming.” Shiro ran her hand through his midnight-blue hair.
“It’s not a dream, Hue.”
“That’s just how miraculous what just happened feels to me. We’re probably going to have to perform many more such miracles.”
“We can do it. Honestly, I still can’t believe it myself. After everything I went through to save the Earth all those years ago, to be the one to throw it into chaos again…” Shiro shook my head in disbelief. “Lying to myself about my own heart, about love. Even denying the nature of my own feelings.” Hue poured a different variety of alcohol into her now empty glass. This one was a beautifully fragrant, cherry blossom pink spirit.
“The Earth will be okay as long as neither of us do that again.”
“I know. Even if we fight or argue sometimes… As long as we don’t close our hearts off, we’ll be fine.”
“You’re right. Besides, a fight happens when both parties face each other honestly and share their opposing viewpoints. Occasional confrontations like that just go to show how strong our love really is.”
Shiro smiled softly. “That was a very ‘Hue’ thing to say.”
“I must take the utmost care not to wear out my welcome with you.”
She laughed. “You’re starting to sound a little drunk.”
“Yes, on you.” Her cheeks flushed crimson. “You’re intoxicating, Shiro.” Hue moved her head to press her forehead to his. Her skin burned hot where it touched his.
“Are you seeing my future?” she asked.
“Yes.” He smiled.
“I’m pretty sure I know what you’re seeing, even without asking you. I know you’re in my future. You never wear out your welcome. How could you? I’m only here now on the strength of my love for you.”
Hue’s cheeks flushed. “Do you realise what you’re doing to me? You say the cutest things when you drink. That’s a bad habit. I hope you’re not like that in front of everyone.” Shiro chuckled. “If you keep letting your guard down like that, you’ll find yourself in trouble. Like this.” Her world was flipped upside down, and flower petals fluttered in the air. She was lying on a bed of flowers, Hue lying next to her. “The stars feel even closer like this, don’t you think? You love the stars, so I thought you might enjoy this.”
“It’s beautiful…” Shiro's words were little more than a whisper.
“I’ve always wondered why humans look at the constellations in the night sky. I mean, how could they connect the stars and see lions, and bulls, and even young men carrying jugs of water? But… I feel like I understand now. Ancient humans must have seen what they wanted to see in the sky.”
“Modern humans are the same. So are gods. When I look at this sky, I see nothing but you, Hue.” Shiro smiled at the sight of a comet shooting through the sky. “Humans always wish on shooting stars. But whenever I saw one, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I only ever had one wish. To be with you again. And after you returned to the heavens, I thought that was it. No matter how many shooting stars I saw, it would never matter, because you were already gone.”
“So the fact that we’re here together now makes me incredibly happy. Happier than I thought possible.”
“You really are nothing but trouble. I thought I told you to stop saying such cute things.” Hue responded by flashing her a devastatingly gentle smile. He pressed his forehead to hers again. “I didn’t think I would ever see you again. I would look into the reflecting pool, unable to touch you, yearning for you… But now…”
“Yes, you can touch me. As much as you want.” Shiro took his hand in hers. “I want you to.”
“What did I tell you about saying cute things…? Wait, never mind. I might as well let myself enjoy your offer. I’ll stop trying to tell you how cute you are. It would be faster to just show you.” Shiro smelled Hue’s natural scent more strongly. His lips, still wet with alcohol, trembled slightly as they touched hers. After a few seconds that felt like a sweet eternity, he pulled away and smiled. “I saw even more of your future. I’m never losing you again, Shiro. No matter what you say, I’m never letting you go.” Shiro started to say his name, but Hue silenced her with a flurry of kisses. Kisses hotter than any comet in the sky. “I won’t repeat myself, so listen carefully… I love you. Only you could capture my heart like this. Only you are this precious.”
“Hue…” Unable to express herself in words, Shiro cupped his cheeks in her hands and brought his face closer until their lips touched again. She couldn’t get enough. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as they kissed again and again.    
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shiro-00s · 10 months
heaven on earth
43. code red .. !
[ genshin impact smau / idol!xiao x fem!reader ]
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some people didn't get tagged last chapter, please check if you have read it or not
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heaven on earth - 43. code red
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synopsis ; 🗝️ — in which you befriend your next door neighbour who, unbeknownst to you, was apart of a soon-to-be one of the most popular bands throughout liyue. you're unable to tell if cupid was helping you or not when things with xiao kept going up and down. will he continue to keep his secret from yours truly?
TAGLIST#1 [OPEN] — @mikctp @ghostlysyntaxed @kazemiya @nnasv @gojoandelsalovechilde @candy-purple-cyanide @kissingkzuha @zyilas @lunaavity @luminescent-lightbulb @mave-in @rizakari @riikyu @kokoscutie @starsxnight @sketcheeee @softlie @izakyun @xiaxilia @the-sweet-madame @rifran @milkwithspiceyicecubes @coffeethoughtsandanxiety @rxkan7 @goodthingimsam @pomeiu @fogturtle @farelady-fate @tzu-scara143 @wonderful-worlds @cianalikesbeans @h3xi2g0n3 @jasxiao2317 @rosaryia
TAGLIST#2 [OPEN] — @proserpinarom4 @offeliaswonderland @ynverse @whats-humanity-lol @gekkow @yuaenri @noosa11 @erosdevil @certaindreampost @venyan @sakurapeach @maisieisbae @unhappyraspberry @wgafa @aethscend @leesl0vr @sixieeeee @girl-with-coffe @daninaninani @saoiirsee @scararaw @xiaossocksniffer @ichichia @vvyeislazzy @annoying-and-upset
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hellspawnh03 · 2 years
l'amour impitoyable has to be one of the best orchestral movie soundtrack piece I've heard in a long long time, it's almost as good as Hans zimmer's work for interstellar.
the melody fits the fallen angel theme, like l=the soundtrack to Lucifer being cast out from heaven and wandering the deserts and seas of earth with nobody and nothing to his name.
shiro sagisu outdid himself with this one
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ao3feedsheith · 1 year
Knockin On Heaven's Door
Knockin On Heaven's Door https://archiveofourown.org/works/45415657 by roastra Just when Shiro's life seems to be finding some peace the world goes to shit. The dead walk the earth, and he wants his best friend in more ways than he can figure out how to say but will he ever get the chance to tell Keith? Words: 5817, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Zombie Apocalypse, Romance, POV Shiro (Voltron), Alternate Universe, Minor Adam/Shiro (Voltron), its brief and it ends of course, everyone else will make an appearance if i write more chapters via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org March 01, 2023 at 12:20AM
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lanceville · 6 years
im so exhilarated to know what keith's video would be like but idk if it's safe to raise my expectations a bit more eisicjjdkwkzjz
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raziroo · 3 years
Cotton Candy
Pairing: Lotor x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Saying "Shit" twice
Word count: 2,076 (yay) (also, I edited this, I still need to update the word count)
Author’s Note: I'm crap at writing dialogues, and this is my first time writing for a gay couple. I'm so sorry if it seems forced or unnatural or shitty. Don't be afraid to call me out.
Story Moodboard!
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It’s with a grunt of effort that I manage to lift the carton containing the cotton-candy-maker.
‘Here, dad,’ I say as my dad takes the box from my hands. ‘That’s all?’
‘Yep, that’s all of it. We’ll conquer this carnival with our delicious cotton candy,’ I nod, doing jazz hands while saying the last part. Dad chuckles. I grin.
‘Hey, Honey!’ I turn back, squinting to spot where my other dad is in the crowd of bustling people. Where, where…? Yep, there he is – in his embarrassingly brilliant sunshine yellow and bottle green striped shirt and hot pink trousers, a sharp contrast to his natural bright red hair. Don’t say that it can’t look that bright; you’ll never know just how blindingly bright bottle green can really be until you see the shirt my dad’s wearing. And trust me, he usually dresses in simpler tones; such bland tones that you’d be surprised to know he was capable of wearing colourful hues as well. It’s only that he’s very passionate about his job, and so whenever we set up a booth in fetes such as the current one, he never misses to match the shop logo.
‘Hul-lo, father dearest, how seems to go your day?’
‘Oh, quite lovely, if I do say so.’
‘Well, that’s simply charming –’
‘Alright, enough,’ my other, not redhead dad snaps with an exasperated sort of smile on his visage. You see, my not redhead, a.k.a. brown-haired dad happens to be British. And that means that me and dad would rather paint our teeth blue than to not tease him. ‘You both need to shut it and start helping me with the decorations, now. You know I’m trash at all that.’
‘Aw, now don’t get discouraged,’ I say, patting dad on the back. ‘After all, not everyone can be as blessed as me, can they?’
‘Hey, why don’t you go look around for a bit? You’ve been helping out since before I have.’
‘Yeah, he’s right, pet. You should.’
I huff, rubbing my palms on the fabric of my jeans. ‘You guys sure? I’m not tired, if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘We’re not worried, we’re just saying you should also get a look, you know? There’s a lot of surprising booths this time around. I mean, there are aliens participating too, so…’
‘Hmm,’ I play with my bottom lip a little, then, ‘yeah, okay. I’ll be back in like, an hour? Forty five minutes? Sound okay?’
‘Sounds great.’
‘Bye, then.’ And with that, I turn on the heels of my Converse, wandering about the pretty stalls and eager children and kissy couples and aliens with curious features.
It really feels bizarre, just how astonishingly fast mankind has accepted the existence of aliens. It seems simultaneously ages and just a day before when conspiracy theorists raged all around the world, presenting baseless theories and concepts as to why and how the three-man squad on the Kerberos mission disappeared. Then came the Galra, bringing along with them global terror – because alien life, intelligent alien life existed and humanity remained oblivious all these millennia, and now they were actually attacking us. It could’ve been, perhaps even was, in some other dimension, the end of Earth. But then a defender appeared; Voltron appeared in all its glory, bringing along with it proof that however much these purple aliens claim that humans are scum of the universe, humans were, in the grand scheme of things, the ones that saved the universe too.
It feels even more puzzling to actually be on a first-name basis with the leader of Voltron; that’s right, I’m personally acquainted with Keith Kogane. It was around six months after him leaving the Garrison did I come across him. He’d been loitering around the neighbourhood, had ended up in a fistfight with some other kids, and along with that a split lip and bruised cheek. I’d been watching. When the fight ended, I (somehow) persuaded him to come along so that I could at the very least provide him with a band-aid.
Long story short, we’d bonded over how our moms were no-shows and how dads were the best and we became surprisingly close friends; the only difference was that after the death of his old man, he lived alone. I’d been adopted by my two current fathers. I told him about how when they’d initially adopted me, I was excruciatingly shy. I wouldn’t even come out of my room except meals. It was only when I came to know that they knew how to make candy floss had I timidly approached them if I could have some, because previously I’d always been grossed out at the thought of having to eat that. I’d overheard this group of kids saying that cotton candy was actually just dyed granny hair, so that’s where that came from.
I love cotton candy now. So much so, that even at the age of twenty-six, I will pout if someone takes some of mine without my permission. As if I’d ever allow them to.
Speaking of Keith, I haven’t seen him in years. We lost all contact when he turned eighteen, and then he went off into space, and even when he came back, I didn’t get a chance to meet him. I bear no ill will, though. He must have formed some close relationships. Our past friendship is comparatively much more trivial.
I spot a booth selling grilled corn. I instantly head there.
As I’m about join the crowd of humans and aliens who also want corn, a familiar call of my name leads me to pull a three sixty.
Lo and behold. Keith Kogane.
Despite him having obviously grown a lot, the face was still the same. I’m sure that, if he gets a split lip and bruise on his cheek right now, he won’t look all that different.
There’s a questioning hesitance on his features; he’s probably wondering if he’s got the right person. My pleasantly surprised smile and raised eyebrows assure him. As I step away from the grilled corn stall, I notice a motley crowd behind him; some are purple, some are holding Voltron plushies, and some look way too curious to be in a carnival. The introduction is going to be fun.
‘Keith! You're gonna live a hundred years - I was just thinking about you. But anyways, it’s – it’s great to see you,’ I say with a little giggle. ‘Though I am kind of surprised you actually approached me. The sixteen-year-old you would never.’
He smiles awkwardly in return. ‘Y – yeah… I, just… oh God, this is – I’m sorry,’ he says, his inner turmoil evident.
‘It’s all good. I know you’re shit at small talk, so… like, introduce me? Maybe?’
He nods rapidly, brows furrowed. ‘Yeah, um,’ he turns to the people behind him, telling them my name, how we met, the whole affair. I give them a wave. Most of them greet me back.
‘And, this is Shiro and Curtis,’ he points to the tall, white-haired yet young man, holding hands with a tanner guy, ‘Lance, Pidge and Hunk,’ he points to a lanky, bright-smiled guy, a buffer, kind-seeming person, and a short chestnut-haired woman who, despite wearing baggy jeans and a baggier tee, looks somehow better dressed than me. ‘Then that’s Allura, Coran, and Romelle, they’re Alteans,’ a woman with enchanting beauty and a regal aura surrounding her, a redhead who’s significantly older than the rest with an impressive moustache, and a youthful appearing girl with a big grin, ‘and Lotor, he’s Galran. The Galran Emperor, in fact.’ Lotor is a tall, lilac-skinned man with aristocratic features who shares the same cheek markings as the Alteans. Oh, and he’s unfairly gorgeous, his hair a luscious mane of white which I just know will be soft. It’s hard not to stare. You remember how I said Allura looked like royalty? Yeah, the way this man carries himself, he has the aura and visage of a God. Even in a white tee-shirt and jeans he looks way better than should be legal.
I rip my eyes away.
‘So…are Noah and Oliver here too? I’d love to see them. I mean, I never did get to thank them to permit a possible criminal to sleep in their house.’
I laugh. ‘Never mind that, but we actually sit up a stall here. I could, you know, maybe even get you guys something to eat.’
‘Free? Please don’t.’
‘It’s nothing, really, just… I don’t know, accept it as a small thank you present for not letting the planet go to shit.’
A bit of thinking. Even after a nod from Shiro, it was Lance who said yes. Good ol’ Keith.
When we reach the stall, my British dad is the only one we find there. He looks up, about to say something to me, when he notices Keith.
‘Dad. You remember Keith?’
‘Your possible criminal friend who turned out to be the saviour of the universe Keith?’
‘That Keith. He wanted to see you.’
‘Oh? Well then,’ he dusts his hands, stands up, and greets Keith. Both of them engage in a conversation.
‘You guys wanna try something?’
‘What do you got?’ asks Pidge.
‘What do we got? Um, we got chocolates, candy, marshmallows, jellybeans, tortilla chips, ice cream, popcorn – butter, cheese, caramel, peri peri – Lays, like, a lot of Lays, and the good old cotton candy. What d’you want?’
So, after providing the humans with two Cream n’ Onion Lays, a pack of tortilla chips, a double scoop of butterscotch and chocolate, a small tub of popcorn, and three cotton candy sticks, I turned to the aliens.
‘I’m assuming you guys aren’t familiar with a lot of this stuff, so you could either pick whatever looks to be good, ask your friends, or I could recommend something. What’ll it be?’
Romelle was the one who asked, ‘What’s ice cream like?’
‘It’s sweet. It’s cold. And it’s like… heaven in mouth.’
‘Ooh. I want an ice cream. The… pink one?’
‘That’s strawberry. You can eat it in a cone, or in a cup.
‘What’s the difference?’
‘Well, the cup you can’t eat. The cone is like a crispy biscuit,’ judging by her face, she didn’t know what biscuit was. ‘I’ll just give you a cone. It’s all on the house, so no worries if you don’t like it.’
I watched eagerly as she licked the ice cream. An unreadable look crossed her face. Then – ‘This is almost as good as Hunk’s cookies!’
‘Really?’ Coran asked, twirling his moustache. ‘Well, then…’ he squinted to read the names of the various flavours. ‘I would like “cookies and cream”. Yes.’ A cone of cookies n’ cream was served.
‘Do you have something that isn’t sweet?’ That was a plot twist. I’d have taken her as someone who appreciated sweeter foods.
‘We do. You want spicy?’
‘…Sure.’ Peri Peri popcorn was given and enjoyed.
And last… ‘Lotor. What would you like to have?’
It takes me a lot of will to not laugh at Lotor’s way too analytical expression. ‘What would you recommend?’
‘Out of all this stuff, candy floss is my favourite.’
‘Candy floss… the item that looks simultaneously like a cloud and an old woman’s hair?’
‘I would like a helping of candy floss, then.’
As I hand Lotor a stick of cotton candy, I wait with anticipation for his reaction.
‘How am I supposed to eat this?’
It takes me a moment to process that. ‘Uh, you just… pinch a little of the stuff in between your fingers, then eat it. Or you could just, um, go in directly, which I’m thinking isn’t really your style.’
He narrows his eyes, but follows my instructions nonetheless. Only a second after putting the stuff in his mouth, Lotor purrs.
Everyone around him, being me, Coran and Romelle (Allura’s off telling Lance how great Earth food is), looks with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Lotor appears as if he’s just died inside. The berry-shaded blush on his face is adorable, though.
'I didn't, like, poison you or something, right?'
'No. It's that... I would never in my lifetimes have expected something so tooth-rottingly sweet to be this delicious.'
'So you're okay?'
‘Yes. In fact, I quite like… this cotton candy.’
I grin.
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