#heros rising spoilers
adeleba · 8 months
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(This was funnier in my head.)
Maybe, just maybe, Wu's quest would have Cole relentlessly search for Jay, and we'll have that sweet sweet bromance.
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thena0315 · 29 days
These guys are canon to the main storyline and not just in the movies
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ghostscrown · 1 month
I can't get over the fact Arin canonically called both Nya and Lloyd "mom and dad" by accident lmao-
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I love it when the protags get slapped across the face with the fact that they're committing horrific acts upon the undeserving and gotta take a step back to gauge whether or not their goals and their means are actually worth it or not.
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pikahlua · 5 months
Wait pika do you really mean don't ask you about predictions? Some of my favourite Tumblr posts of all time are your thoughts, theories and predictions! :((
Please sleep also, but when you can let us know what's going on in that head of yours. I'm desperate for someone with a brain cell to discuss this chapter! (Twitter is a cesspit)
I mean, you can ask lol. I just sometimes get these vague "any predictions?" asks and it's like, YES. YES I HAVE SOME. BUT IT'S FAR TOO MANY TO JUST LIST LIKE THAT, CAN YOU PLEASE BE MORE SPECIFIC?
Okay, I'll tell you about my thoughts.
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This is a new frame of the scene in chapter 1. This perspective doesn't exist as a drawing in chapter 1, but we know pretty easily what this scene was about. Why is Horikoshi putting the scene here though? Why does this scene have the line "Let go of One For All"? Why not draw Kudou saying it, or Izuku's reaction to it? Is it because this is a memory of the scene where Izuku receives OFA, so giving OFA up is coming around full circle to this moment again?
I don't think so.
This is not the moment where All Might proclaims "you are worthy of inheriting my power" and Izuku looks up in shock. This is the moment where All Might says the words Izuku has longed to hear his whole life: "You can become a hero."
We're coming back to this moment now because the emphasis is on Izuku's upcoming choice. This is about the MEANING Izuku places in OFA. All Might told Izuku "you can't become a hero without a quirk," then shows up to tell Izuku he can become a hero...by giving him his quirk.
To Izuku, letting go of One For All is sacrificing his greatest dream. He believes by giving up One For All, he can no longer be a hero. Even though there have been moments where All Might let on that the reason Izuku deserves to have OFA is because he's already a hero, Izuku never seems to internalize that answer. He thinks his heroism is tied to being the bearer of One For All.
No one has ever told Izuku he can be a hero without a quirk.
I said before I had a big guess about why Katsuki's memory was wiped at the end of Heroes Rising. Notably, he is allowed to remember most of what happens. His memory cuts off from the moment Izuku passed One For All onto him. Do you remember what Katsuki said after he got OFA?
"This is the end of your dream then, too, huh?"
That's the last thing he ever says on the matter. Sure, it's the moment where Izuku answers with "It's okay if it's you" and all that, but Katsuki never responds to that. We don't know what he's thinking about this moment.
The only clue we have is the fact that he accepted the quirk from Izuku, and how he reacted to that. He seems quite upset by the prospect, but in the end he relents and accepts OFA willingly.
Perhaps the issue he is grappling with in his heart in these moments is not the fact that he has to inherit OFA but that Izuku has to lose it. Which means...the reason he loses his memory is because his reaction is important. It's a moment we will have in the manga, which makes it a spoiler.
We've never heard Katsuki tell Izuku what he thinks of quirklessness now. All he's ever told Izuku is that way back when, he thought it meant Izuku was supposed to be beneath him. He doesn't even tell Izuku why he felt like somehow Izuku was actually above him.
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He's also only ever told Izuku his actions were correct ever since he received One For All, nothing about before.
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I think Katsuki's reaction to Izuku losing OFA--which could come before the final battle or after--will have to be about his feelings regarding Izuku's quirklessness. I think Izuku is going to be incredibly hurt by losing One For All because he'll think he has lost his dream, and Katsuki is going to have to set him right, because only Katsuki knew who Izuku was before he had One For All. All Might is the only other person who had at best a glimpse of Izuku.
I think Katsuki has been coming to terms with just how special Izuku is, how heroic he always has been, and that he's the only one capable of acknowledging it in a way Izuku will be able to hear because he knew Izuku before he got One For All. I think he's been grappling with this possibility ever since DvK2.
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And I think he grapples with it again in Katsuki Bakugou: Rising.
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In the same way Izuku saw something great in Katsuki that he wanted to cling to so he could see what Katsuki would one day become, Katsuki has always seen something great in Izuku, which awed and scared him. Their greatest divide was in not knowing what greatness the other saw in them. Katsuki has to tell Izuku what Izuku is to him.
Katsuki has to tell Izuku the words he's always wanted to hear, that he can be a hero, quirk or no, that Izuku always has been a hero, more than anybody else. Katsuki knows the truth of it firsthand.
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kickbutts-singsongs · 6 months
Ugh i woke myself up at 1am for this but here
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Calling it rn that once the fight’s over, Izuku’s gonna be standing over Katsuki going “daijobu??” and be holding out his hand
and Katsuki’s gonna grin like an idiot and TAKE IT
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anabetel35 · 15 days
(spoilers for the end of the first half of DR2!)
Hey guys I know that we're all obsessing over the parallels between Wu & Morro and Lloyd & Arin but what about Kai and Wyldfire?
What about the elemental master of fire having to leave his beloved child because of forces that he couldn't stop and could only hope to affect? What about the elemental master of fire being stolen from his beloved kid because the evil maniac at the time needed him for their big evil plan? What about them??!?
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localaceken · 2 months
Wait I just realized they finally gave Jay his own theme/theme motif and it slaps
Jay lovers keep winning!!!
Can't wait them to use it in a really emotional moment or something-
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escaping-peril12 · 10 days
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eleiwitch · 1 month
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sakubabypowa734 · 1 month
Just admire class 1-A and the others fighting all AFO's attacks to make a way to Deku.
People cheering Deku
Uraraka cheering too (haaannn... where is Bakugou?...)
All Might is Deku biggest fan
Mommy Inko is there to cheer his baby son too!
✨️ Midoriya Izuku
rising ✨️
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bellandeano · 11 months
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characters that fall into this general vibe make me want to EAT GLASS
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I've been losing my mind over the idea of a Deku vs. Kacchan 3 or Deku and Kacchan-titled chapter since the last chapter and what could entail and I mean-
We have Izuku emotionally shutting down struggling with everything regarding not being able to truly save Tenko and slowly losing OFA vs. Katsuki being more emotional for Izuku than we're used to and not being able to use his own Quirk for now,
And we might get people walking on eggshells around Izuku because no one will say straight to his face the truth he didn't fucking win to save and Katsuki being desperate because he wanted Izuku by his side because he realized he wants Izuku by his side in anyway but doesn't even know how in a way outside of their rivalry or anything outside of All Might because he made their relationship like that and will never forgive himself for it,
And they'd accidentally put themselves closer to square one again because Katsuki is devastated their dreams are not coming true and doesn't wanna hurt Izuku but takes it too far and Izuku will not open up about how angry or mournful he is unless Katsuki forces him but being on the other side of the coin now he might think Katsuki sees him as weak again AND THEY NEED THAT BREAKDOWN IZUKU NEEDS TO OPEN UP BECAUSE KATSUKI IS THE ONE WHO CAN GET INSIDE IZUKU'S HEAD AND KATSUKI NEEDS TO KNOW IZUKU DOESN'T WANNA LEAVE HIM BUT THEY NEED TO KNOW WHAT ARE THEY OUTSIDE OF BEING RIVALS SO QUIRKLESS SPARRING IT IS-
And then I realized we get leaks in two days- Chapter 424 feels like it dropped yesterday, and it's necessary to address Todofam, Spinner and Himichako first because if we don't get the responses from the League let alone confirmation all of them survived or even slight Ochako and Shoto's thoughts on their fights, then we don't get to discern where Izuku and/or Katsuki might go from here and that's not even touching on anything regarding Tenko or OFA, or how UA is gonna deal with trying to readjust into a society that'll never be the same, they'll never be the same, I am Not Okay-
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existingveryloudly · 10 months
just watched the mha movie where bakugo and deku save an island by holding hands
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pikahlua · 5 months
all i'm saying is
there was a reason that only katsuki's memory was wiped at the end of heroes rising
and i have a really big guess about it
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collisiondiscourse · 2 years
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"--that of which, beats for thee."
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