#hey I was reading a bit of my old posts on here. and holy shit was I unfunny
the-terrible-triplets · 9 months
Might return again for Underground Blossom lol
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ladyyatexel · 5 months
Hey, what's up, hello, I'm Xel, I truly have Donald Duck levels of bad luck and yet I do not have the rage button that makes things work out if I throw a tantrum, which feels like yet another failure of media, what is the deal with this.
The deal is:
Temp job had to let me go instead of make me permanent because the economy scared the 5 people over 65 in that department out of feeling safe enough to retire
None of my applications are getting interviews and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Donald Duck tantrum did not assist me in this realm.
Holy shit seasonal depression I can't get out of bed like.... A Lot.
I have a convention to go to in February where I am selling art in the art show and where I will see many of my friends the only time per year.
I'm scared of everything haha wow 😬
I'm am an artist who just feels too upset and worried to art
I'm having trouble getting everything together and maybe will feel better with some level of stability? I need to do a lot of paperwork. It is proving hard. I have the Tumblr popular suspicions about my level of neurodivergance. (Fun story: I told members of my my family that I have thought in the last two years especially that I might have ADHD or Autism or something, and my cousin said, "Oh, honey *just the last two years?*" Obliterated.)
My abusive dad recently joined a cult and my grandmother thinks he'll try to contact me after 15 years and I'm fucking scared of him and that is Affecting Me in A Way boy howdy.
I do not have the money to pay rent even a little bit! I'm trying to get January and February taken care of maybe? So I can try to exist for this period of time and maybe not have a breakdown or get evicted or something?
Some real not awesome medical junk happening also because why not.
SO, I'm doing Tumblr's favorite thing and being a starving queer artist with brain worms who needs help. If you are interested in helping me out and making a donation to the "Why don't my Donald Duck tantrums solve my problems" fund, I would be Really Grateful.
I am on Ko-Fi, which is really just a funnel to PayPal, over here.
$2500 would keep me on solid ground. I'll try to keep a tally here in a read more along with a expenses tally if that would help you feel better about me! I know I've had to ask frequently in the last few months, so I understand thinking I'm full of it.
I have a commission to finish currently and a few buttons and things that need to be mailed. You could also ask for button and commission, but I am doing prep work for my part of the art show in mid February, so I'm not available until after then for that!
My grandfather used to do a Donald Duck impression that was really good and it convinced me that either he WAS Donald Duck or that old people all knew how to do this because they all talked like this in the era Donald Duck was from.
Here is Ko-Fi again. If there's something you'd like to see me post or unearth in atonement, let me know. If you'd like other places to aim your dead green American presidents, I can give you that too.
Thanks for reading and/or reblogging! Tell me how Donald Duck's freakouts impacted you. Take care of yourselves!
Rent is $710/month, so 1420 is January and February.
65 for the internet, 130
65 for car insurance, 130
65 for electric unless I can get the assistance plan up again, same 130
250 to survive at the con maybe?
Also just like food until i can get the foodstamps stuff sorted??
Anyway, that's an idea of what and why, if that is helpful.
Jan 8:
We are at $460!
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candiid-caniine · 7 months
Hey! Long time no see, i know i said id send you a fantasy i thought you'd like but now ive forgotten almost all of it, oop!
Life happened, and uh, i saw that you mentioned your libido being a bit low, which definitely is my case too (im recovering from depression, now that im okay id love to get my FULL libido back, or at least a good percentage of it) do you have any tips on that?
Also any recs of blogs writing in the same vibe as you? (same-ish kinks would be nice but im specifically looking for queer inclusive stuff!) it makes me 10x hornier than the regular video/photo porn!
Hope you're well, you pathetic little thing!
hi friend!! ugh i feel you. sorry i haven't got any advice on regaining ur libido...we just let mine wax and wane as it will, though denial has been a big help in keeping it steady!
i've heard good things abt ginseng and some other herbs. obvs use at your own risk, mind that some herbal treatments can cross-interact with certain medications, remember that pre-packaged supplement pills are often unregulated and may contain toxins, and be aware that some herbal remedies work better on pw certain anatomy than others, and finally that many herbal remedies considered to increase libido are largely untested on trans folx!
finally, sorry it's taken so long to answer this ask...i'm autistic and have been cataloguing lol. i present to you a list of other blog recs under the cut, organized by general vibe! i've tried to primarily include blogs that do their own posts rather than those who primarily reblog :)
note that my headings may provide some context as to what to expect, but you read at your own risk and each blog will typically have its own trigger warnings addressed in the header/pinned. additionally, i've not tagged some of the ppl below because they prefer that "Men DNI" blogs not interact, and idk if "no cis men" qualifies ahah!
all blogs below are queer- and/or trans-inclusive, if not exclusive! there is no detrans/misgendering, at least I don't think - i don't tend to follow those blogs.
hard kinks (blood, knives, etc; includes primarily-cnc blogs):
@puppy-mommy , who also does general t4t kink content, but does state untagged hard kinks!
@visciousest is someone whose blog i scroll when i'm in a Certain Mood ahah,, i won't elaborate
@hell-hound-bites: just. fuck. would drool on his knife blade.
@snuff-fag: its username should give you fair warning as to how wild its content tends to get, so please browse responsibly.
@condor-bait is taking a break right now, and all my love is with him as he takes care of himself. he made me feel so valid and so fuckable as a young trans person learning to love myself in a new way, and i've always been too shy to tell him how much his content meant to me one-on-one (yes, despite its often-extreme themes!), and he deserves as much time as he needs to heal!
@unwillingfvckpuppy for mostly cnc and medical kinks! if you like his style, but not so much their harder content, he also has a more-tame main blog--i just mainly follow/scroll this one!
@vampvictim: top-tier cnc/intox stuff, plus some great knife/bloodplay :)
@cryptidtid is wonderful and holy shit i follow a lot of hard kink blogs lol. incredible
@cnc-pet: i have been following her for a long ass fucking time lol. they post a lot of really good cnc and stories, but you'll also find a lot of aftercare tips and advice on her blog! i really admire blogs who try to balance horny content with best practices
general kinky content:
@excessively-queer . just plain old good shit :) there's a good amt of edging and degradation.
@clouded-king was honestly one of my earlier introductions to the queer/t4t kink community on here and how fucking euphoric it can be :) he posts some hard kinks, but generally it's a balance of a lot of different kinks so read his pinned at your leisure!
@ / cottontailx : just good kinky nsft posts :)
@ / digitalpenetration: often specifically t4t which i love!!
@femmelovefemme can step on me :)
@bigothteddies: could not build this section w/o mentioning him :) they had a big influence on my fantasies for a long time!
@hazelj-xoxo: bigtime want her to cuck me. have followed her across multiple blog deletions lol
@transpidered is forever an icon!
@writefinch for great stories and text posts
edging and denial, specifically:
@6irlpet is 1 of my go-to hands-down-pants scroll sessions :)
@droolkink is my inspiration!
@flustersluts does exactly what the name implies lol. a good helping of other kink content too :)
@puppycvnt is a 10/10!
@barkwoofbarkwoofbark: we r denial friends imo!!
@urhighnessbitch is a big fav <3
non-detrans genderplay:
@butchviolence does amazing butch supremacy stuff and i,,, fucking hell. even just seeing their username puts me in a Particular state of mind ahah. they also post hard kinks so be aware as you proceed!
@mtfdomme: i literally just reblogged from her today lol. tbh i want to be their little stupid pupthing. it's not all transfem supremacy undertones/overtones, but that's what i mainly follow her for, plus just general t4t goodness! also, their general personality? and the way she shuts down people who disrespect their boundaries? huge inspiration for me!
@cuntboydestroyer: take me to the animal shelter and neuter me. good lord.
@the-kind-of-dame is the main inspiration for my recent genderplay post lol
@terfbreaking-tgirl (be warned of dykebreaking if that's an issue for you)
@barbarian-lesbian is my other inspiration for the recent genderplay post
weird asf (/complimentary; my favorite type of shit. robots, ND-focused posts, etc):
@specksizedgoddess has introduced me to things i didn't know, like...existed, and that's saying a lot as one of my special interests is kink! never knew how down bad i was to be a tiny buggirl, nor how much i wanted to be someone's stupid little robot... BIG tw tho: there is snuff and gore content here, so proceed with caution if you don't wanna see that!
@sapphling fucked me up real good with some bird!sub bondage posts awhile back lol
@nobelisha: found them through their ghost cnc post so that's why they're in this category ahah! they don't have a pinned so proceed w awareness :)
@devout-cleric: hierophilia/religion kink, and i'm something of an acolyte of hers :) if you've read this far down you may as well know i'm her Little Lamb anon lol
@pissheartmybeloved - their URL makes me crack up every time, plus good content!
@hold-it-a-little-longer - good scenarios/imagines!
@ohmyrashi - (i think) my original intro to omo!
@septimus-moonlight was my first real introduction to trans-positive terato and i've never settled for half-fun cis-oriented terato ever since :) mind tags!
@eggedbellies as well!
@bredpun doesn't appear to be active lately but still good for a scroll!
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thedevilsoftruth · 2 months
Hey!, I just finished rewatching moon knight and now scrolling through the moon knight tags when I came across a post about how Mr knight is actually Marc Spector and Steven Grant is a playboy billionaire in the comics and I was shook. Then I came across your post of you ranting about the differences from the show to the comics, which blew my mind!, and now I’m so intrigued and curious about the true lore of moon knight, every time I try to search about it on google I just get references from the shows (so frustrating) I can’t afford to buy the comics, so if you can/want could you please tell me all the important and interesting facts/lore that’s in the moon knight comics?
Sorry for the long message, just came across your page and pressed follow, love your content!. ❤️
in all seriousness, this made my day. I'm so glad you enjoy my content, and I will happily explain to you the MK lore!
I completely get you on the not wanting to but the comics thing. Comics are expensive. Honey, imma be real with you, readcomiconline.li is where it's at. It's where I read all of the comics I didn't have.
So before I go on a tangent and explain things, and this goes for anyone wanting to start reading the comics, heres a little list of all the comics I've read so far in what I understand to be chronological order.
It's a little bit cheesy and a VERY long run, but Marc Spector: Moon Knight from 1989-94 is maaayybbeee where you want to start off, but maybe not. I didn't start off with this run, but even as bad as the old comics are, they're a bit important.
But, I HIGHLY suggest you start out with the Lemire and Smallwood run from 2016. It was the first run I completed, and it's an amazing run and VERY important to read. Many people say it's the best run. It's certainly a run, I'll tell you that. ( Also I didn't read that one online, I received it last year as a Christmas gift. Also readcomic doesn't have all of the issues, so be warned on that. )
Next I read From The Dead. And I moved on to Vengeance of The Moon Knight from 2009. And after I'd suggest reading Age of Khonshu, Devils Reign and then The Midnight Mission. You can read all of these for free on readcomiconline.li ( don't type in comics plural because it will direct you to the wrong site ) be warned though because there are a lot of ads and you will get jumpscared by anime boobies.
Now moving onto what you asked me for. The important stuff, right.
I'm new to this whole comic reading stuff as well, and for anyone else reading this who knows more than I do, please add additional information I missed down in the reply section. It would mean a lot. So now I'm going to give a you a quick run down on Marc's origin story. ( And for a quick disclaimer, I will come off as not taking myself seriously in some parts of this post because I don't take myself seriously lol. )
Marc Spector was born on March 9th, 1987 in Chicago Illinois into a Jewish family. His father was Elias Spector and his mother was Wendy Spector ( his younger brother being Randall Spector )Elias was a rabbi who manged to escape Nazi prosecution during the days of Hitler and all that jazz. Because Elias was a rabbi, Randall would get picked on at school a lot, and Marc would be there to stand up for him. Even at a young age Marc was exposed to a lot of violence. That could come from growing up yk... Kinda poor and having to stand up for your lil bro.
Marc's violent nature was really born when a close family friend of his, Yitz Perlmen was discovered to be a secret serial killer who targeted Jews. From what I understand, Perlmen tried to Kill Marc ( mind you Marc was like 11 or 12 ) but Marc had escaped but his traumatic experiences led him to form D.I.D
As seen in the Lemire run, the first time Marc had encountered Khonshu was when he was 12 and was getting diagnosed for his D.I.D Marc wasn't told to his face from the doctor about his disorder and was told to step outside the office. Marc tried to evesdrop on the conversation, and from outside of the doctor's office, he meets Khonshu. Khonshu tells him, " That man in there is not your true father. I am. " Mind you, Marc is 12!!! 12!!!! Khonshu began manipulating Marc since he was twelve because he was, obviously really fucking young, and traumatized. Khonshus tactics were to strip Marc away from his religion and culture and make him submit to him.
So anyways, Marc was sent to Putnam Psychiatric Hospital and would stay there until he was 18 when his father funeral came along and he was let go for a week to go visit his family. This is where we learn Marc's relationship with his father was complex. Marc tells his mother, Wendy, that his father must have been happy to send him away because he was embarrassed by him. Wendy and Marc have an argument, which ends in Marc saying he's going to the bathroom, when he actually leaves to his childhood bedroom and escapes out the window when he hears Khonshus voice.
Marc later enlisted into the U.S marines Corps and served as a private for a couple years. But on Marc's second tour to Iraq, superiors started to report his odd behavior and they found out that Marc had lied about his disorder, leaving him to be discharged. Marc joined the CIA and served with his brother Randall. Randall was jealous of Marcs talents and killed Marc's girlfriend, Lisa, because she was going to expose a gun scheme. Marc then like... Threw bombs at Randall and shit and then assumed he was dead...but he wasn't.
Marc left the CIA after that and started doing illegal boxing, where he met his soon to be best friend, Jean-Paul Duchamp ( usually refered to as Frenchie ) and they became mercenaries together and started killing a bunch of people, in Marc's case, for mooonnneeyyy!!! Get that bag, girlie. And then Marc got put on trial for war crimes!! His crime being yk...assistanting the president of this south African country called Bosqueverde as one does.
And then he started to do missions under this group call the Karnak Cowboys and fell in love with one of his groupmates, Layla El-faouly, as seen in later issues of The Midnight Mission. Then she fucking died when an escape went wrong.
So anyways Marc meets this funny lil guy named Raoul Bushman ( he is not funny lil guy, he's killed hundred of people, probably) So Marc works for him with Frenchie and they, together, set to north Sudan to raid a dig site. ( This should start to sound familiar, as it was briefly touched on in the show when Arthur's guys captured Steven and put cuffs on him and slammed him in the back of their car ) Looks like raid shadow legends went down again, and things started to get not so epic when Raoul killed the lead Archeologist of the dig site, Peter Alraune in front of his daughter Marlene. This pissed the ever loving shit out of Marc because even though Marc likes violence, he doesn't enjoy violence against innocent people, and so he punches the fucker but uh oh! The Raoul Bushman Strikes Back, and he fucking KILLS MARC IN RETURN AND EVERYONE ELSE EXPECT FOR FRENCHIE AND MARLENE AND THIS ONE MF WHO TOLD HIM HE WOULD TELL HIM WHERE THE DIG SITE WAS. ( really Raoul left Marc mortally wounded, but he was on the brick of death, basically)
Marc was able to regain conscious and drag himself halfway to Khonshus tomb ( which is what Raoul was looking for ) Marlene and a bunch of other citizens find Marc and they carry him to Khonshus tomb. Marc hears Khonshus voice for yet another time, and Marc is revived and becomes the Moon Knight we all know and love. Then he basically killed Raoul's guys and then fell in love with Marlene.
So that's his origin story. Now onto the stuff I know as fact but it won't be explained in chronological order because I haven't read a ton of comics to explain it in chronological order.
He used Steven as a a way to handle money and build wealth so they could have recourses like vehicles, weapons and a ton of other random bullshit ( go!! ) that they don't need. Jake was used as a new York taxi driver so that he had his eye in the streets and knew when shit was goin down. They're both kind of horny. Jake literally spends some of his free time in a strip clubs drinking rum. ( As seen in the midnight mission and implied on in the Lemire run. )
His relationship with Marlene was long, but didn't last because, if I'm recalling correctly, Marc had a mental breakdown and decided to basically stop working for Khonshu so he could be with Marlene. But soon after he started hearing Khonshus voice again and Marlene couldn't take anymore of it, so she left him.
And then there's that bullshit with The Midnight Man. All I know is that he passed away from cancer and had a son named Jeff Wilde. Jeff aspired to Marc and wanted to be his sidekick, kind of like Robin and Batman in the Lego Batman movie with a little less adoption, but Marc kept on refusing as a way to protect Jeff. The Jeff had this whole thing where he turned evil or some shit idk and I guess Marc killed him? I'm not sure. Please, moon knight gang, let me know what happened in the reply section because I'm ignorant.
Marc had his independence from Khonshu after banishing Khonshu to Asgardian Prison ( seen in Age of Khonshu and discussed in The Midnight Mission) and decided " fuck you, I don't need need you anymore. Imma do my own thing and you can't do nothing about it " and then he became Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight is kind of a detective and he consults with policemen ( as seen in From The Dead ) Moon Knight is the one who does all the fighting.
From where Marc's development is at right now, Marc was running a thing called the Midnight Mission, which was a place where citizens would go to to report strange things happening in the city.
Additional, fun information:
Marc has a daughter named Diatrice. He only knows about it because Jake had a secret relationship with Marlene on the side after Marc and Marlene broke up.
He sleeps all day in the tomb of Khonshu and fights crime at night. He's like a bat!!
His ringtone ( as seen in the midnight mission) is The Killing Moon by Echo and The Bunnymen. ( Y'all should listen to it, if you haven't. it's really good. ).
He drives a red convertible car ( as seen in the Brain Micheal Bendis run, don't read it it's REALLY bad and insufficient. ) and also a motorcycle ( as see in Vengeance of The Moon Knight)
He was originally supposed to fight mainly just werewolf's and um... Writers at Marvel had different ideas.
His favorite drink is an ice cold vodka ( as seen in the Midnight Mission)
He had a mansion and then his money went bye bye and now he lives in a haunted house ( as seen, once again, in the Midnight Mission)
Frenchie is also gay! Hes married to a man named Rob! ( And this is only from what I've heard, by he apparently had a secret crush on Marc at some point.)
And yeah. That's all I have for ya today. Thank you if you made it this far, and I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity a little bit!
Goodknight everyone!!!
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ecneremili · 6 months
Tumblr media
Hello all!! This post is dedicated to my newly started fanfic that I have been preparing for the past several months. It can be found on Wattpad on my profile, but you can just click here .
Down below, I will add one random chapter of the fic, just so you can read a little bit of it. But, of course, I would appreciate it if you could go and support my full work :).
Pairing: Spencer x fem!oc
Warnings: mentions of crime, crime scenes, fluff, a little bit of swearing here and there. no use of y/n, the oc has her own name!
Content: The bau is called in for another case. Spencer and OC have feelings for each other but don't want to accept it, even if it's horrifically obvious. After the unsettling case, Spencer tries to calm OC and help her relax her mind.
Word Count: 3.6k
"Holy shit, what did you do?" my mouth fell open at the sight of him. Not him. His hair. Or... well... the lack of it.
"What do you mean?" Spencer looked confused as he sat at his desk.
"Where are the curls? Where did they go?" Garcia came rushing in after my loud gasp.
"Did you join a boy band?" Hotch walked by, his eyes stuck to the obviousness in the room.
"No, what the hell is wrong with you, I got a haircut!" Now he just asked bluntly.
"You look like a twelve-year-old." I leaned onto my desk that was opposite of him, making direct eye contact with him.
"Is it that bad?" he brushed his hair with his fingers. His hands.
"No, Spence!" I felt bad now. "Jokes aside, I actually think you look... cute." I smiled slightly, trying to compliment him. "I think we were all just very used to your curls. I even sometimes imagined you with tied up hair, maybe a bun?" I looked over at Emily.
"Holy shit, do you know how many girls you could pull with that look?" she said excitedly.
"Not that pretty boy would want anyone aside our princess here." Derek came into the office holding his coffee and giving me the look I knew all too well.
"Fuck you." I spat at him with a grin, watching him as he passed by and sitting down at his desk.
"You know you love me." he teased as he sat down behind me.
"Hey, guys, we got a new one." JJ called and like on queue, we all got up and made our way to the conference room.
"Harp, did you really mean it?" Spencer stopped me.
He stopped me by taking my hand. I turned around to face him, and he had this genuine look on his face.
"Spence, we were just joking. You look really good. I like this new boyish look." I said and drove my hand through his now short hair, still the front pieces were. "Change can be good sometimes."
Now, I don't know what came over me, but, without hesitation, I lowered my hand down to the tip of his tie and pulled him by it to get him down to my height and just placed a small peck on his cheek. I think he was surprised as I was because we just looked at each other. I smiled and quickly turned on my heel and continued walking to the conference room, even though I could hardly feel my legs.
We entered, he came in after me and we sat down around the table, waiting for the briefing. I opened the case file that was presented in front of me and looked at the young woman. She couldn't have been much younger than me. In my few years that I've worked here, I often find female victims to be my age. The "mid to late 20s" is a phrase I get shivery from. Brunettes, pretty, young, successful...
"I saw that." Emily's quiet voice snapped me back inti the room.
"Sorry, what?" I looked up from the papers.
"That little stunt just now. I saw that." she smirked, and it hit me what she was talking about.
"Oh, God. Emily!" I tried to brush it off. "Don't make a big deal out of this."
"What's a big deal?" Rossi came in and passed the two of us, taking his seat next to Emily.
"I just witnessed the first ever White x Reid cheek kiss." she made that lovey dovey sound she always does. I rolled my eyes, but Rossi got into character as he looked at Emily, almost excited.
"You're kidding?" he waited before Emily shook her head 'no'. "About time. I was getting sick of those random weird hugs they exchanged."
"I get you, I had the urge to push them together the other day." Derek jumped in.
"I don't want to hear it from you, shit-face." I pointed my finger at him.
They all laughed, but Spencer just smiled to himself. His cheeks took up the bright pink color. For years now, everyone is telling us that it's obvious we like each other, but we just say that it's not true. But it's deadly obvious. We just don't want to admit it. Nor to each other but maybe not to our selves either. The friendship we have is great. Who would want to ruin something like that? Why risk losing someone like Spencer over a stupid crush.
It's just a crush.
"Okay, so we got a woman in her min 20s, in Boise, Idaho. Reported missing. It looks like it's a pattern between these two other missing victims with the same M.O." JJ clicked her remote and showed us the pictures of two other women. "All three kidnaps are almost exactly two months apart. As much as we gathered, the women were reported missing only three days after they were abducted."
"So wait, this guy keeps them for almost three days? What does he do with them?" I asked.
"That's what we are hoping to find out after going to the scenes." Hotch said.
"It looks like they had their lives pretty straight up. All of them in relationships, secure jobs..." Derek flipped through the files as he talked.
"Normal suburban streets, gives the UnSub privacy." Rossi added.
"The victims are quite different, their appearances are. Different hair color, different body shape..." Spencer continued.
"No signs of struggle or forced entry in either of these cases." I pointed out.
"Women like this don't just vanish." Rossi spoke up again.
"Exactly, which is why Garcia did her digging magic and found out about their lives." JJ said and pointed to our tech girl.
"There isn't much to say but that it was obvious how the UnSub was doing it. Their online lives are extremely open and public. Online-life-sharing shit, sorry for the expression, but they were everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, you name it." she said as she pulled up a post from the last victim with the date three days prior to the abduction. "This was the last post from our numero uno, and it matches very much with the other posts on our other victims' wall. Going on a vacation, going on a business trip, but looking at the time stamps, they were posted a day before they went missing."
"The UnSub posted them?" Hotch realized.
"This is like a guide of 'how to know where I'm at if you want to find me' for serial killers. Social networking sites are a goddamn goldmine for this kind of information." I said, almost looking sadly at their posts. It was like a call-up for these kind of people.
"I agree. Especially these women, they posted everything, from what they were having for dinner to where they were going on dates." Spencer confirmed my thought.
"If the UnSub hacked into their accounts to post these, he probably knows around computers. He could be really smart." Emily said.
"He's also patient. Two months between each of these, then again he gets three days to do what he wants with them." Rossi looked back at the files.
"Which means that these women could already be dead. We need to find out what he does in those three days and get this son of a bitch before he can continue his work." Hotch stopped to look at us. "Wheels up in thirty."
I tried to reach up to the small space for my bag above my seat in the jet but struggled to get the bag inside. It didn't help that I was short, but the bag was very overpacked, and it almost fell on my head. I closed my eyes, expecting a thud on my head, but instead, I felt the relief of its weight on my hands. I looked up to see two hands holding the bag and Spencer standing next to me.
"You need help?" he asked, looking down at me.
"No?" I tried to save the little pride I had left.
"You sure about that?" he smirked, still looking down at me.
Still holding my hands up, head down, him holding my bag, I couldn't say 'yes'. "No?" the words came out almost like a squeal.
He giggled, and finally pushed the bag up into the small space and closed it. "What did you put in there? I only have a small bag for these kind of things."
"That's because you are a man, Spence. I, on the other hand, am a young woman who needs many things for a undefined period of time away from home." I dusted off my jacked, not that it was dusty, but I needed to look down because I could feel my cheeks burning up.
I didn't realize till now how close he was.
He smelt like coffee.
"Uh, listen about the thing this morning I didn't-" I started hoping this conversation could end quickly. But I guess he had other plans.
"Why did you do that?" he asked and looked down at me again.
I didn't have a choice but look back up at him. His hazel eyes were almost wide open, but he had a scent of mystery in them. Why did he want to know? "What do you mean?"
His gaze was going up and down from my eyes, then from one to the other. What was he looking at?
"Why did you do it?" he almost repeated his question.
I couldn't stop looking at him. I wanted to. I could feel shivers going down my spine.
Was he getting closer?
"I-uh... I don't know..." I almost whispered.
He was getting closer.
"I think you do." he whispered back, his hands in his pockets, but he was slowly, almost insensibly inching his head downwards to me.
I tried to back up, because I couldn't handle him being so close. But when I tried to back up, my knees met with the chairs and I fell down on them, him following me. A small yelp escaped my lips before I crashed with the cushions beneath me. After a second , I realized his hands were on the sides of my head and he was inches away from me. I stared blankly into his face, but his eyes were traveling again up and down my face. I guess my eyes copied his pattern and I realized what he was looking.
He was looking at my lips.
"I'm sorry I-" he started, finally. The silence was choking me.
"No, I-" I stuttered. "It's okay..."
"Here, let me help you." he said and pushed himself up. Holding the table with one hand, he reached with the other to pull me up. I guess he underestimated how light I was when he pulled me, making me fly up and bumping into his chest.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I-" I quickly apologized.
"No, this is on me and-" he stopped.
I looked up at him only to see him staring at something on my face. "What?"
"You, uh-" he stuttered. "Your lipstick got smudged a little."
Crap. "Oh, here?" I brushed on the tip of my lips.
"No, it's still there, just here." he tried pointing at his face, mirroring where the smudge was.
I wiped again. "Better?"
He made a frowning face. "No, it's- " he sighed, "You know what, let me just-"
Cue 'Careless whisper'.
He raised up his hand only to cup my chin with his long fingers. They were warm. His touch was warm. He swiped on the bottom line of my lips. My lower lip moved with his swipe and all I could do was feel the sensation of his touch. He looked back up at me, but even after he got rid of the smudge on my lips, he didn't move his hand. I don't think I wanted him to..
"Hey, sorry we're late, I forgot where I put my deodorant." Emily's voice made us both abruptly step back. The, now, lack of his touch left a weird cold on my face.
"I already told you, it's no big deal." Derek added as he came in with his bag behind her.
"Maybe for you, but we ladies need that. It's a necessity." JJ came in next.
"I got those natural scents. No need for those chemical ones." Derek laughed and placed his bag next to mine in the compartment above our seats.
"Ew..." I muttered after letting him take the window seat. "I'm not sure I want to sit next to you anymore."
"I'll spray perfume on him, so he smells like flowers." JJ joked, and the three of us laughed while Derek frowned.
"Hey, how did you get you bag up there?" he turned to me and asked, pointing above his head.
"I helped her, she was struggling with it since it was pretty heavy." Spencer said as he sat next to Emily opposite from us.
"That's it, pretty boy. You gotta be a gentleman." he mouthed those last words while swinging in his seat.
"You can really be a lot sometimes." Emily gave him a deathly glare, to which he only laughed more.
I, too, laughed. Rossi and Hotch came in and gave us the files to look over again while we fly. The plane soon took off. Looking down at the now familiar pictures, I wondered about their families and what waited for us when we arrive. I looked at Spencer through my eyebrows, only to catch him looking back at me. He quickly looked back down at his file, a small smile curving on his lips. I smiled to myself.
"How can someone be interested in this?" Rossi asked, a look of confusion on his face.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked.
"Their social network walls. Who has the need to share these things with the world, just look at this. 'Having sushi for dinner. Yum.' 'My boss is making me stay in the office late again. Grr.'
We all laughed as he read those status updates. It was funny how people nowadays had the need to put their life out there.
"I think that's just it. The hope that someone out there cares about the things we do, that we do matter." Derek said after he stopped laughing.
"So our UnSub is finding these women on their online profiles. Can't we use that to find him?" Emily asked.
"The lead detective already tried going through their followers lists, they all check out." JJ answered her.
"Social networks can be extremely insecure. Recently, Facebook tried to update their privacy settings and in doing so made every profile viewable." Spencer said and pressed his lips together.
"Do you have a Facebook profile?" JJ asked me.
"God, no. I run away from social media." I replied. "But even if I did, my first status update would be 'Enjoying Rossi's special spaghetti dish. Yum.' " We all laughed again.
"This does tell us how he finds them, but not how he gets into their houses." Hotch said, bringing us back to the brutal reality of this situation.
"Maybe a key copy?" Rossi asked.
"Maybe, but look, the last victim had a home security installed. The code was entered at 1:56am, not only that, but he somehow went past her dog too." Spencer read from the files. "A German Shepard went missing the night that she did."
"This guy had to be in and out of the house before..." Derek said. "He builds up a rose so he gets in, gets familiar with the house and knows he can safely come back and kidnap them."
"What about unknown people you feel safe letting inside your home?" Rossi continued his thought. "Home repair guys, someone who volunteered to walk your dog?"
"The detective looked into that too, no one came close to being a killer." JJ added to our brainstorm.
"We need to go over everything ourselves. Morgan, Prentiss, start with the last abduction sight. The rest of you go over the women's lives, see if you can find anything. Start with family and friends on their social networking sites. If this is how the UnSub is finding them, maybe they are connected without even realizing it." Hotch gave the orders, we were only left to nod.
It was a twisted case. We lost another woman in the process. The bastard kept them in a freezer. A fucking freezer. Just because they had this specific face symmetry. Even after years working in this department, I still find myself questioning how can people be so wicked and evil. The worst part is the way we find them. We might not be like them but we sure as hell know to think like them. Does that make us that much different?
I stared at the endless sky outside my window. It was almost night-time, so watching the sun go down was majestic. The colorful clouds flew around, the sun slowly hid behind them. On the other hand, Derek was snoring on the small sofa in the back of the jet. Rossi and Hotch were reading something on the other part, JJ and Emily were sleeping in their chairs next to me. Spencer was sitting across from me reading one of his books, quickly shifting through the pages.
My mind was still foggy. I tried to clear my mind and think about anything else other than the twisted ways the human mind could work sometimes. I stood up, trying to reach for my bag up in the compartment above my seats. I tried to stretch up to it, but it was too high up.
I fucking hate being short.
"Do you need help?" Spencer asked quietly.
"If you don't mind. I just wanted to take out my headphones, I forgot to take them out earlier." I explained.
"No, it's no problem. Here-" he said and got up from his seat. He opened the small space and pulled out my bag. I took it from him and took my mp3 player and headphones before giving the bag back to him to put it back up. He closed the small space and sat back down in his seat. "You okay?" he asked while picking up his book.
"Yeah, why?" I looked at him, a bit weirded out by his question while I connected the headphones to the player and tried to find one of the songs that I use to calm down."
"It's just, most of the time that you listen to music on out flight back home is after a pretty traumatic case. Not just that but emotionally exhausting. Also, when the victims are similar to you, their age, their lives, they are almost identical to the life you have, and the worst part is that those groups of women are the most targeted. When you don't want to think, you play music. You try to zone out with it." he explained. "So, I guess that's why I'm asking if you're okay. I think you're not."
I looked at him, almost frozen. He said everything. What else was there to say? Sometimes, I hated that he could read me with such ease. I put the player and headphones beside me and lean on the table that separated us. "You're right. I'm not okay." I sigh and brush my face with my hands. They were cold. I support my head with my hands, fingers intertwined with each other. "What he said to Emily. It's still bugging me. You will never understand what I see when I look at them. But my followers do." I recited his words. "It was their faces, but why? What was so special about them?"
Spencer thought about my words. "Well, it could be multiple things. A reflection of himself, someone in his life, someone he wished to have or to be."
"But why? What if my face was similar to theirs? Would I be next?"
"Your face isn't like theirs."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No-no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that your symmetry of your face isn't like the victims face. I didn't mean to say your face wasn't nice, I think your face is beautiful. Not beautiful, pretty, just- uh, good-looking is what I'm trying to say." he stuttered.
I smiled at his clumsy words. He's cheeks again started turning into a shade of pink. "I think your face is good-looking, too."
I took the player back into my hands to find a song that now I was determined to listen. It was in my head and I needed to listen to it. "What are you gonna listen to?" he asked.
"I have this song in my head, I think I'll start with it and then just go with shuffle. The playlist is good so I don't mind what comes after." I said, not looking up from the small screen.
"Really? What's the song?"
" '74-'75' "
"I don't think I heard it."
"Do you want to listen to it with me?" I asked, finally able to find the song and looking back up at him.
"You sure? I don't want to mess with your time listening to music that calms you."
"Of course, I'm sure. Come here." I patted the seat next to me.
He smiled and got up to sit next to me. I gave him one of the headphones. "Right." and I put in the left one. I started the song and looked up at him. The opening course was a guitar solo, which I always loved in songs. He smiled back at me, bobbing his head slightly in the rhythm. After that approvement, I relaxed my head on the cushion on the back of my seat, trying to relax. Maybe even sleep.
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cowardlybean · 7 months
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Hey. The Times They Are A Changin’ by @bandtrees and @tigsbitties amiright (muffled face down on the floor)
more (some unsettling things) beneath the cut :3
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(Image 3 is my favorite sequence from an animation for TTTAAAC I’ve been working on, so here it is just in case I never finish </3, image 4 is me thinking about Mob’s house. If. That makes sense.)
OH MAN. OH MAN OH MAN. this fic has altered my brain chemistry in a way that has doctors baffled and leaves tragedy in its wake!!!!!!!!! Absolutely a masterpiece I’ve reread it 3 times now and every time I notice a new detail, there’s just SO MUCH CARE put into it. I think I could write an essay about every page of this fic LMAO it honestly blows me away, huge kudos to everyone who was a part of the project!!!!
Especially the multimedia aspects, they were so much fun to find and in some cases decode (Scared the SHIT outta myself with Breathe I think it’s one of my favorites). the youtube videos were so cool as well
Realizing a third of the way in that things will never get better was such a gut wrenching experience, and by the time I realized just how deep the hole Mob dug himself into was it was absolutely too late for anything to happen (the end of act 1 was horrific in the most amazing way. So many things stuck with me: the state Reigen was left in compared to how he was, Ritsu’s “surgery”, Dimple losing his best friend, Shou’s report to the police, Minori’s conversation (if you can call it that) with Mob?? Bone. Chilling.
One of the parts that has been sitting in my gut is Reigen’s fall, where he starts to ramble through fragments of old times. I genuinely thought he was calling out to Mob until just as the same time Mob did I recognized the words and it hit me like a HAMMER. I don’t know how to put it into words but Reigen rambling on like a broken record tore me apart, and then it gets WORSE. I only realized on my second read that the intro of the fic. (Correct me if I’m wrong) IS REIGENS PERSPECTIVE OF MOB SEVERING HIS TENDONS???? Holy fuck. Holy FUCK. The vague semblance of consciousness written there is so deeply unsettling I’m absolutely OBSESSED with it. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT EVEN IN THAT STATE HE STILL WANTS MOB TO BE HAPPY (the cheer ^^ mob bit) and idk if I’m interpreting right (this is gonna be so embarrassing if I’m not) but him recognizing the filthy jacket as well. Taking me OUT. AND. AND THE FACT REIGEN NEVER SPEAKS AGAIN AFTER THAT?????? (I could be wrong oops)
The mental states of every character in the fic are written so chillingly well. I can understand how Mob spirals, the anger and grief Tome feels, Shou's spite and anger, Teruki's conflict, Dimple's loss of his best friend, Serizawa's waning optimism, I can't name every character in this fic but they are ALL characterized so well. There's no needless conflict that make them OOC, there's a reason behind every little tragedy building upon themselves and creating a giant disaster that deeply affects the entire cast. Not to mention how its not just the loss of Reigen and Ritsu, but the loss of Mob too. If they were to have died on impact, its unsettling to think that things may have turned out better than this.
There’s a lot of things I wanna say that would basically be restating the fic (dimple losing his best friend, teru shaving, and the irony of ritsu’s powers being taken away by mob) so instead of writing 20 more paragraphs I’ll ask some questions I’ve been mulling over (ofc yall don’t have to answer if it’s revealing too much or smth)
Does Mob actually end up getting investigated or arrested? The formatting of the social media posts and texts makes them seem as if they're evidence and so does the ongoing "interview?" with Shou throughout the fic
In the party, is Reigen saying he doesn't like citrus a reference to the lemon sour :eyes:
I'm probably missing something but im curious about the metaphor around Reigen and a stray cat (hair clinging to Mob's clothes, comparing him to a stray cat finding a place to die, comparing him to a cat outside Serizawa's door)
If I'm not wrong and the "glitchy" sections at the beginning and end of the fic are Reigen and Ritsu's povs respectively, is their mind constantly like that or is it just in the specific circumstances where they have a small burst of consciousness?
last (thats a lie im definitely drawing more fanart in the future) but not least, some notes from when I was re-reading
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daniwib · 2 months
Hiiii 💕💕💕
For the fic never have I ever:
1) have you ever written anything about buddie and sleeping (like an insomnia fic, nightmares, cuddling and falling asleep, etc)?
2) have you ever written anything about buddie and chronic pain?
3.) have you ever written anything about buddie and hurt/comfort? What about angst?
4) have you ever written any sort of buddie AU?
Hey, hii!
(Me, holy shit, someone actually sent me an ask? Stay cool, stay cool, it’s cool everyone!)
(Also me, oh shit, I did not realise that this means I have to remember what I’ve written. Hmm. This may have been a mistake, I have the worst memory, I really do. Goes and checks out own ao3 profile for the answers…)
Ok here we go.
Nightmares. Oh hey look at that! I’ve actually got a fic with the word in its title, who knew! A spell for nightmares & fractured hearts is a short and fluffy lil fic about Buck helping Chris heal after the tsunami, and then Chris (and Eddie) helping Buck do the same. And because I’m allergic to fluff, I followed it up with part 2 in that series being long, whumpy and angsty. As for falling asleep, cuddling or insomnia, I can’t find anything in my quick search but I think I’ve written all of those in several of my fics, just not as a major part of the plot, more as part of the comfort part after the hurt usually.
Similar answer for chronic pain, I think? I’ve referenced it here and there in various fics but haven’t written on just about that. It’s a little bit too close to home for me, my dad has had 3 hip replacements (first because of major injury as a firefighter when I was 10, he fell through 3 floors in a burning building) so having lived with someone experiencing it, it doesn’t really appeal to me to write.
Buddie and hurt/comfort – um. Pretty much every single one of my Buddie fics?! I filtered my works with that tag and got 30 hits, so…. Here’s one I’m posting right now that I’m kinda proud of Pictures of You, in which Abuela dies post season 6, Eddie hurts and Buck comforts.
Buddie and angst – refer to above answer lol. If I had to choose a favourite, I think I’d choose empty, broken, lonely, hoping, my beloved presumed dead fic where Buck and Christopher are thought to have perished when Buck’s apartment building burns down and Eddie goes through several chapters of angst. It’s unrelenting really, poor guy. 4. Buddie AU – again, I’ve got several depending on your definition.
If you want a truly Alternate Universe, try I Once Was Lost. It’s a Peter Pan fusion where Buck is Peter, Eddie is Wendy Darling and almost all of the other characters feature in Neverland too. It covers from their childhood up until the end of season 5 and I have a particular soft spot in my heart for it.
If you prefer Canon Divergence, try There Walks Darkness. It’s basically What If Maddie didn’t kill Doug and he was arrested instead – and was one of the prisoners who took Buck and Eddie hostage in season 5? It features a lot of hurt Buck, Buck whump, worried Eddie and the 118, some of my favourite tropes to write.
And lastly, if you prefer supernatural AU, try Returned for a shorter read, which perhaps unsurprisingly is based on the movie and tv show… Returned.
Which reminds me of another supernatural AU that I can’t believe I forgot because I adore it! Trust Me, Darlin’ is my first collab, with the lovely @hella-cious! It's a Supernatural / 911 crossover in which Buck runs into an old hook up (Dean Winchester ofc) at a scene in LA and is promptly kidnapped before the 118’s eyes. Lots of angst and whump in this one and while there is Buck/Dean because lets face it, those two are far too hot not to ship together, it ends in Buddie (and Destiel too, for SPN fans!)
So, wow. There you go. This was a lot longer than I expected it to be but then I’ve never done one of these before. Thanks for being my first ask @steadfastsaturnsrings !!
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braindead94 · 9 months
Class dismiss part 2
Holy cats, sorry for the late post. Heres the second part of Class dismiss. The rest is on my AO3 under the same name.
TW: mentions of violence, unwanted touches, denying orgasm, Doc getting *very* handsy ;)
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You blinked your dry eyes against the oncoming wind as you were carried by Otto and his actuators stomped across the campus, one still wrapping around Miles Warren. You watched as the passersby screamed and ran away as Doc Ock actuators stomped over the pavement. You watched on as he made his way to the clock tower and climbed up it’s rusty colored brick walls.
“Let us roost here for the time being. I have a feeling we wouldn’t get very far on foot with all the ruckus we’ve made.” Said Ock in a casual manner as one would say parking near a coffee shop. He then lifted you up to the window of the clock tower and finally let you go out of his tight hold. You stumbled onto the floor, trying to gather your spider-senses (which was still screaming at you) and you looked around as Otto came in with Dr.Warren.
In the middle of the huge room was the bronze bell that will eventually be turned off now that people would see Doc Ock have put up camp here. The room was barren aside from a few cobwebs with the decor of old wooden floors and rusty red of exposed bricks. On one wall lay a wooden door, a possible escape, something that gave you a clearer focus on the matter at hand until an actuator shot out and crunched the door handle into a ball.
‘Shit shit shit shit shit shit!’ Was all you could think as you turned to see Octavius strolling in like he owned the place while his metal arms laid the older man onto the ground. He quickly looked to the other side of the room to look at the other window, peering out. His face looked stoic while his actuator then turned their attention towards you.
You scooted back as they ascended onto you, their claw heads tilting like curious dogs and leering like hungry lions. “G-get away from me!” You yelled at them, resisting your body reaction to punch each of them away from you like many times before then just crawl back down to the ground. Fuck, this was torturing! You should have changed into Spider-Girl already! You should have been fighting against this overgrown octopus's man minutes ago! 
The man in question finally returned his attention to you, thus making his arms to perk up and almost withdrawn back to him. His ‘friendly’ smile returned to his plump cheeks; his glasses glinted in the sunrays that managed to peek into the clock window. “I apologize for them my dear, but it’s not every day that they get to kidnap a pretty young lady.” 
Your body almost crumbled after those words. Your cheeks are heated up in the color of pink. ‘Wha…’ . “Um….” “Here, let us help you up.” One arm wrapped around your torso and lifted you up then carried you closer to its creator. You could only look back into your small reflection in Otto glasses as he leaned back a bit. One arm swirled around into a makeshift chair for him, and he sat, his height still an inch taller than you from his stance.
“Now that we have some time on our hands, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” he asked as if this was an interview. You blinked your dry eyes before looking away from his attractive face and down at the ground while fiddling with your fingernails. ‘Act scared, act demeanor like a mouse or something. Need to stall him until actual help comes in.’ You kept thinking.
One of the actuators, wirrering impatient for your answer, reached down and took your lanyard again. “Hey!” You shouted but could only be dragged forward as another examined your press badge. The thick eyebrows raised up as if he was the one reading it. “Ah, you work for the Daily Bugle?” “Y-yes sir.” You stutter. Really stuttering, not fake as you would do. Gah! Is this how Superman feels as Clark Kent?!
He smirked, dropping your badge and letting it fall back to your stomach. “Ah, so you are a reporter. Excited to take this golden opportunity to ask me some personal questions?” You shook your head no, now looking at your fingers. Shoot, it's time to start clipping them again. “No, I-I’m one of their photographers.” From the corner of your eye, you spotted one of the actuator claws slithering in your view as if trying to see your face. You turned your head away from it, only to accidentally show your bandaged side.
“And what happened here?” He asked, his baritone voice pitched high with concern as a gloved hand gently gripped your chin. 
You inhale as he pulls you closer to him between his knees as he examines your cheek. Your eyes widened as you looked back at him. “A small token from one of your daily assignments? Taking pictures of Spider-Girl, are we?” Your knees nearly buckled how this was happening, your mind going in a frenzy as you tried to think up something but your mouth beat you to it. 
“Yes, that’s my job. I t-take pictures of her a lot.” He hummed as an eyebrow raised in question, though not fully believing in your sentence. “Is that all you do? It must be very hard to get a good shot at her. Heh, Lord knows how my arms have tried to grab her.” He chuckled. His thumb smoothed over the medical cover up before he turned your head to look at your other side. His smile was warm as he finally let go of your chin, but not before patting your uninjured cheek softly.
“Well, hopefully that won't leave a scar. You have such a lovely face, you know?” You blushed hard. This was soooooo different then what he normally acts around you as Spider-Girl, where he was all boastful, cruel and always pissed off at every turn you make. Threatening you and everyone near you with death or life altering disabilities. Here, he’s more polite, treating this like he did back then in the lab. Fuck, he’s even flirting. He never did that-up until that goddamn kiss.
“Y-y-you must say-say that to all-all your-your hos-hos…” Your mouth felt full of cotton as you tried to play off his flattery, but you couldn’t form the words. 
You never imagine just how vulnerable you felt without your suit until now.
He chuckled again, seemingly amused how you act but picked up what you were trying to convey. “No, not every hostage I kidnap looks just as adorable as you are.” Your blinked as your skin turned redder while one actuator reached into his pocket in his trench coat and pulled out his *very* expensive looking phone. A little connector stuck out before it plugged itself into his phone.
“So, what brings you here? To take a few photos of Miles here?” You nodded. “Yes, one of my coworkers was-was an old friend of his and-and-” You were interrupted as you felt something cold and hard rubbing against your back. Like a cat rubbing it’s head against an arm. “Don’t mind Larry, he’s very affectionate.”
You blinked at him. “Wait, they have names?” His smile then showed teeth, his body turned excited like he’s been waiting for someone to ask him about his actuators. “They do. They each have their own personalities. Like Larry behind you is very emotional. He tends to act on urges rather than, well, reason. And Harry here,” the bottom actuator on his right lifted it’s head in greeting. “He’s more stoic than the rest. More grounded, I might say.”
The top left one shoved itself to your face and you flinched away from its bright light. “Moe there are more curious of the bunch, aren't cha buddy?” It let out an odd chirp and its prongs spun around. The last actuator stayed close to the scientist's head; his phone still plugged in. “Last but not least is Flo. She is my right-hand man, so to speak. If they start to argue with each other, she puts a stop to it.”
You stare at the metal arms, how they weave in the air and clack their claws occasionally. Otto talked about them as if they were his own flesh and blood. Your mind reeled back to all the fights you’ve had, rethinking how each of his actuators acted around you. ‘Now some things are starting to make sense.’ You think, as your interest peaked up. More questions arouse in your head before you remember your situation.
Otto hummed again and shifted in his chair; his face drawn as if he was trying to remember something. “Have we met before? I think I know you, but I just can’t put my finger on it.” You froze again. ‘Crap, what do I say? Do I lie? Can I get away from lying?’ Your fingers fiddle again before reaching a conclusion. ‘It was only a school trip, what use would he have from that encounter?’ 
“Ye-yes… um, do you remember-around 5 or 6 years ago, my newspaper club visited Oscorp for the day. I kinda barged into your lab to plug in my camra-” He slapped his knee as his face lit up in recognition. “Yes that’s right! I remember now! We actually have a clipping of that article from your school in the break room, thanks to Mesha.” His smile faded a bit as he looked off of you for a second. “I wonder if it’s still up there.” 
Flo let out a mini series of chirps and brings, Octavius eyebrows lifted up a bit before he changed his sitting position into a thinking one. After an awkward minute of silence (Larry was back to rubbing against your back, fully distracting you from planning an escape) before he nodded to Flo and she lowered back to his pocket, then tilted her head and lifted it up again. 
“My apologies, I was just telling her about something.” “Wait- you can talk to them-can they speak?” He smiled, not a polite or a fake one you’ve seen him use for other encounters, but a genuine one. “You know, for a photographer, you do ask an awful lot of questions. Trying to become an interviewer instead?”
You shook your head, realizing how more at ease he was making you feel. ‘Wow, what is happening?’ “No sir-” “Please,” He grasped your hands with his gloved ones as an old friend would do. “Call me Otto. How are you really doing? I hope life has been kinder to you than to an old man like me.”
“Well…. as you can see, I work at the Daily Bugle. I take photos and…. Um…” Your mind returned back to your thoughts about your daily life as yourself and immediately felt ashamed for not having the most exciting ‘normal’ life. Flo mechanical werr turned into a questioning tone and you saw a brief flashes on the phone.
Octavius reached for it and looked at the screen. “Hold on, you took these photos? I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before but seeing these,” He held it up to your hands and you gently took it and glanced at it. It was a collection of all of the pictures you’ve taken as Spider-Girl on the Bugle website. 
“It looks incredible! How did you manage to take them? Is that what happened yesterday with that birdbrain who calls himself a genius?” “You mean Vulture? Yeah, I… got a bit too close to the action.” You didn’t lie, you were too close to Tooms. When you punched his stupid face-
His face of friendliness turned into a look of concern as he put the phone away while Larry pushed you closer until Otto placed his hands on your cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed as Moe gently took his sunglasses off. You saw his big eyes actually looked worried, darting from your eyes to your cheek again. “How are you not dead from all those encounters? Do you ever fear for your life?”
Your mouth went slack as soon as he touched your face. His hands were so gentle, cradling your head. Soooooooo vastly different from when he threw punches at you, hitting your sides with a pipe when he got a chance or something equally as damaging. ‘Why-why is he so fucking worried about me? What did I do to make him act this way?’  “We-well, yeah but somebody’s gotta do it-” “It doesn't make it right for you to put your own life at risk just for one take. How on Earth do you ever get so close to it all? Is that pest of an arachnid aware of your endeavors?”
‘Well, okay then.’ You shifted your feet only to stand still when you felt a cold actuator worm around your bare legs. ‘What do I say now?! “I-I-I can’t disclose that information.” You stutter out without thinking.
That got him to sit up straighter, his curious expression was back on again as his teeth peeked from his small smile. “Oh? Are you in contact with her?” 
You started to wiggle in their grasp.“Pl-please just l-l-let me go-go.” You whimpered while raising your hands over his huge, gloved hands to pry them away off your face. He did so, but still looked on at you with that ever-thinking look. Larry, however, did not let you go but Moe decided to hover closer to your face with a tilted claw.
“It’s…. Really embarrassing… she had saved me a bunch of times. I-I’m just good at… my job.” You explained, looking down. You try to shove or at least push the offending actuator out of your face. 
He didn’t say anything. His face became stoic as his eyes looked at your shivering form. Your gut clinched in fear as your spider-sense started to buzz a bit. In your state of mind, it dawned on you that he might already suspect you being Spider-Girl. He does have 4 other minds that could suggest that to him already. What would happen if he found out while you were stuck here?
Goddamn it, when will you learn to lie better?!
Otto finally smiled and his body relaxed a bit along with your spider-sense almost dissipated. Almost, and that still kept you on edge. “Very well, keep your secrets, my dear. I understand the importance of ones job.” Larry released your legs while Flo placed his phone into his pocket.
Your eyes darted to her as she raised up. ‘Wait, what is he planning? Why isn’t he planning an escape? Is he waiting for something? Or someone?’ “Well, what about your family? How are they?”
You blinked, now focused on your never-ending questions about this whole ordeal. “My Uncle Lenny is fine. It’s just me and him against the world.” “Oh? No parents? I’m sorry-” “Don’t be,” Taken aback how genuine sorry he sounded, you explained. “They are total assholes who didn’t want to have kids yet just… popped me out and-well, treated me like a toy or something. Like an accessory or something.” 
“That’s very disgusting and cruel of them. You must have an amazing uncle.” A real smile lighted up your face, a small one but still real as you thought about how Lenny took you in after CPS rescued you from an abandoned house at only the ripe age of 5. 
He fed you, raised you, taught you important things about life or anything related to car fixings…
You felt Otto's hand under your chin again and your mind went pack to the present. He looked pleased when you looked back at him. “There we go, you look much better when you smile.”
That almost made you smile more, but your questioning kept you at arms. ‘When will the police come?! Why hasn’t he called a ride?!’ 
“A-are you waiting for something to happen? Are we just go-going to hang out here?” ‘What if he’s really going to kidnap Dr.Warren? What if he kidnaps me?!’ “Oh, I figured we just ‘hang loose up in the bell tower’. That’s what kids these days say, right?” He joked. Harry and Larry wirred, joining in with his joke. “Ye-yeah…” You glanced at the window, now only hearing a slight commotion. Then you felt your old phone buzzing in your skirt pocket.
Before you could react to it, Harry dove in and snatched it out. “HEY!” You yelled ratcheting out as he retreated back, your fingers just touching the metal arm when Moe wrapped himself around your chest and arms down. 
“Please don’t-” You yelled before Flo clamped something soft onto your mouth. Your screams were muffled as you were slightly raised up in the air as Octavius accepted the phone. He took one look at the old, beat up flip phone before he glanced up at you with a ‘really’ look.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen this type of phone. Your boss must not be paying you enough for an upgrade, isn’t he?” His baraton filled with amusement before he casually and a bit too hard flipped the phone open and answered it.
“Hello, Dr.Octavius speaking.” His voice changed from friendly to business-no, not really business… more like he was as Doc Ock. Sinister and callus. You try to move your arms outward but are once again reminded that you are not in your suit. And how painful the actuators are when they squeeze. “Oh, no I’m afraid that Miss.L/n is tied up at the moment,” He looked at you with the corner of his eye and gave you a wink. 
You totally did not feel something in your belly. Nope.
The scientist stood up and slowly paced in the room. “Don’t worry, she’s alright as well as Miles Warren here. My demands? Well, for starters, I want a helicopter to be delivered here as our ride, along with a briefcase of a million dollars inside.” 
He then walked over to a window, and you saw in a tiny peek that there was a huge crowd of people, students, teachers, even a few news crews were standing by. “I want it to be delivered in about…. 37 minutes.” ‘37 minutes? That’s a very odd specific time… What the fuck is he planning? Does he have a secret scheme going on? What else is happening on this campus?’ You think while looking back at the old man on the floor.
 All he did was snore away. “No more, no less. I do believe there is an airport nearby that can spare one.” You heard the person on the other line arguing with him, nearly shouting at him that caused Otto to chuckle. Since you’ve gotten a bit closer, you would hear how familiar that angry voice sounded.
“Well then, perhaps you don’t need your pretty photographer.” Fear gripped your stomach when he looked back at you. His eyes were once again filled with enjoyment, but now joined in with the same look he had when he dared you to kiss him. Your spider-sense tingle again.
“Shame, I’ve seen her photos and I’ll even admit,” Moe brought you over to him, still gagged and wrapped in their metal coils. “She has a good eye for art.” He gave you a smile, more twisted than his friendly one, one where it showed teeth and his eyes glinted with a craving.
The voice on the other end let out a sigh and muttered something. That got Otto to smile wider as he raised a hand up and stroked your uninjured cheek. The spider-sense gently buzzed harder and you cursed again for not escaping to dress up as Spider-Girl when you had the chance. 
“Wonderful. I’ll be ready for your generous offer. We’ll be waiting very anxiously for it to arrive.” With a click and a hard snap of the phone, he tosses it onto the wooden floor with no hesitation. “That was your boss at the other end. He sounds absolutely delightful to work for.” You only glared at him through your tilted glasses and some fallen hair strands.
“Oh come now, don’t give me that look. Not when we were having such a lovely conversation.” He said with a mockery hurt in his voice as he straightened your glasses before Flo removed your gag. You spat out leftover saliva to your side (don’t want to upset the great and powerful calamari here) as you try to keep up with the scared act. “Gah, I-I-I would be more grateful if-if you let me down now…..please.” 
Otto hummed and eyed at the actuator who only tightened you in his grip a bit, causing you to grunt. “Sorry, it seems to me that Moe has also grown an attachment for you as well. Funny, they never liked another person this fast before.” His dark eyes glinted again at you. “You’ve really made a good impression on us.”
A shiver trickled up your spine like thousands of tiny spiders crawling up your back when he said ‘us’. You couldn't help but ask “Do you really hear their thoughts? Can they talk to you?” You remember reading about the thing that was supposed to stop that from happening… What was that called?!
“Did your accident have something to do with your… mind chip? Is that how you can hear them?” Octavius' eyebrows lifted up again, surprise and delight washed over his face. “Oh, so you’ve heard about that, huh. Well, the Neutral Inhibitor Chip is a small device that allows me to take full control over my actuators here. 
“What I didn’t take into account was that their AI would adapt over time. They are very much like children, they grow as they learn about the world around them or from me. I would allow them to look into my past if they are curious enough about a certain part of myself.” He explained as he strolled around the bronze bell. 
“Perhaps it was the electricity that changed them to be like that.” A dark look shadowed over his face as he looked on with a grim look in his eye. Not quite angry, but something else entirely wicked. “Perhaps I should thank Spider-Girl for helping create my beauties.”
Your spider-sense spiked up a bit before he turned back to you and it almost faded again, but not quite gone. 
You remembered that day, you were just patrolling when you saw an ambulance pass by. You were Spider-Girl for only a few months and you already picked up on police activities fast. You saw his fusion collider was failing and you were quicker to stop it. You remember how Otto yelled at you to stay away from it, how he had it all under control. You didn’t listen, just followed your senses and pulled the plug. 
In return, there was a spark of lighting that zapped around the room and hit the poor scientist square in the back. You looked over at him and noticed how his skin fused with his metal harness, how badly hurt he looked with the whites of his eyes nearly taking over his pupils and the lightning scars on his back.
Dr.Otto Octavius disappeared from the hospital that very same day and left a pile of doctors and nurses that were torn and split apart. Soon after, Doc Ock appeared and became a permanent super criminal on the Avengers list.
Guilt riddled your conscience. Fuck, you’ve forgotten how much he’s changed since from day you’ve first met him. ‘If only I looked for a better option, maybe I could have saved him from this life of crime. Maybe if he lets me just look at the chip, I can see how broken it really is and ask Reeds or Stark or someone smart to help fix him.’
“I’ve read about that day and… I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sure she didn’t mean for it to happen.” You said, genuinely feeling sorry for him in both ways. He only looked back at you with a small smile and a huff. “I have no doubt she didn’t mean it, my dear girl. In fact-” You stopped him by blurted out before you could stop yourself.
“Is your Inhiber chip still broken?” He blinked as all three actuators raised up to look you in the eyes while you felt Moe wrapped himself around you more. A sheet of sweat started to form on your forehead. “I-I mean, erm-if your-they are in your thoughts-not that I’m saying that’s a bad thing-but if you are just… hearing them all the time, wouldn’t it be so… annoying? Like, having four people talking in your head all the ti-time?”
Otto smiled, nearly breaking into a laugh while the actuators did a small twirl with their claws. He reached up to brush your stray hairs out of your face before landing on our cheek. “Dear Y/n, are you really worried about me? Thinking that I’m under control of MY actuators?” His tone was light but the question sounded threatening. Before you could retort, Moe lowered you on the ground and released you, but never backed off.
“Here,” He said, turning around. “Take a look and see how damaged it is.” Your heart pumped at how casual he is at turning your back. It only made you curse yourself for not changing into your spider suit and taking up this opportunity to tie him down. But this was as good as anything if it meant helping him.
You stepped up and, seeing just how fucking tall he is (again, that seemed to elude you) you raised yoursefl on your toes and craned your neck to look at his. Otto's dark brown hair mixed with red was in the way (a good thing too that it grew out into that fluffy look, that bowl haircut did NOT look good on him) so you rested your hands on his shoulder blades first to study yourself. 
He let out a soft sigh and you remembered seeing a picture of the spinel of the harness and how it connects the wearer's own spine by injecting metal needles. ‘Fuck, I can see it through the thick ass coats he’s got on, isn’t he hot? Jesus, the man must be in agony from all of this. Wait, I could have hurt him from kicking his back. This man is constantly walking in pain!’ “Am-am I hurting you, Dr- sorry, Otto?”
“No my dear, it just feels good to have my back being massaged with human handst.” Harry pushed your elbow up, signaling you to continue to look at the chip. Flo rested on your shoulder, making you jump a bit but continued. You take advantage of it and raised your fingertips to brush aside his hair and pull down the back of his coat collar and see-
Your heart stopped beating as your eyes widened.
The air around you turned thin as your skin went cold.
There on the back of his neck, lay an unbroken, slightly grimy but still clean, pristine Inhibitor Chip.
All of those times where he stole from banks… all those times he threatens lives and have taken them… everything he’s planned against all the heroes in New York and against the world, all the single cruel and villainous things he’s done-
His actuators never corrupted his mind, he did it all with a clear head.
“Does that satisfy your answer, Y/n?” He asked, turning around to look down at you. You stepped back-at least trying to step back until Moe wrapped himself around you again, this time joined by Larry around your waist. Your heartbeat was pounding against your ribcage at this point, causing your body to react as if it was in danger.
‘Fuck fuck fuck fuck, calm the fuck down Y/n! They can read heartbeats! If they see yours, he’ll thin-’ “Is something wrong, my dear? Your heart rate is rising faster.” You looked up at him, who only looked back with a questioning look but still looked as if he knew the answer, now with tears almost peeking out of your eyes from the revelation.
The evil scientist stood with his hands in his pockets, collected, at ease. His handsome, black eyes bore into yours, in contrast of both friendliness and something dark lurking around the shadows. Like a wolf waiting.
Your mouth felt numb as you tried to talk back. “I-I-I-I’m just,” you wiggle in the actuator's embrace before continuing. “I just want to be put down. I’m n-n-not really comfortab-le-le like th-this…” You trailed off as he brushed through your hair again. He took a moment to think as he eyed Moe and Larry, maybe talking with his metal helpers before he shook his head no. “I apologize for your discomfort, but they just really like holding onto you. A bit like… holding a teddy bear.”
“But you-you can control them, right?” Desperation riddled your voice, your eyes darting around the place to focus on, to think of a way out. “Can’t you just-” the actuators started to hum, their inner workings vibrating with a gentle warmth growing from them. Ottos smile grew a bit when the sound filled the air. “There now, doesn’t that feel better? It works wonders for my back and, heh, some other activities.” He whispered with a dark tone.
You bit your upper lip to hold in the whimpers in your voice, your brows furrowed in concentration as the warmth spread throughout your body, lulling you into feeling good. Feeling loose, feeling-
‘Oh no, please don’t….’ Your thighs rubbed together, just between your legs, you felt something slick in your underwear. ‘Shit, I canNOT be turned on, FUCK!’ Your cheeks blushed with humiliation as you turned your head away but Octavius grabbed your chin to turn it back to him. Moe and Larry brought you closer to him as an offering while he and the other two looked on like leering vultures.
That bastard looked at you now with a changed look, his huge eyes glinted in the same look he had before with a wicked smile showing teeth. Back when he kissed you as Spider-Girl
“You’re enjoying this, aren't you?” You held in a whine as sweat trickled down your neck. He continued on. “Try all your might to not answer, but my actuators can pick up heart rates and heat signatures.” His face loomed closer to yours until his lips grazed your ear. “And you, my dear, are just radiating with heat.”
You felt his other hand land on your lower back, gently rubbing it in small circles. Moe and Larry started to squeeze and unsqueeze with precise practice over your most sensitive parts that almost made you gasp for air, especially when Larry wrapped himself more around your waist and hips. Otto chuckled before he placed a kiss on your cheek. “Still denying yourself to let go? Don’t be ashamed, red looks so alluring on you.” 
You blinked your eyes shut, refusing to let your panic go and use your super strength to pry yourself out of this-this weird bondage and swing away. A moan was finally let out in a soft whisper, but you felt the scientist smile against your face.
“There we go, come on darling. Don’t be shy, no one will hear you. Well, no one of importance at the moment.” His lips trailed up to your lips, and your head jerked back with remembrance from last time. “N-no! Please, Otto-sir- I don’t-” Otto didn’t let you finish before his plump lips devoured yours. You shut your eyes as pleasure grew in your core while you felt your glasses taken off from Flo. His hands held your head softly as he deepened the kiss.
This was so much different than the last time. When he let you control it and went along with it. Now, he kisses as if you were the last woman on earth. His tongue slipped between your lips and dominated yours, sucking on your bottom lip with his teeth. 
This was becoming too much, as your body began to wiggle in a frenzy, only for the actuators to tighten their hold on you. He finally broke away and looked down at you leaving you gasping for air. Your spidey-senses were now screaming, yelling with hysteria as his eyes bored into yours.
“P-P-Please stop this, Otto. Pl-please let me go.” You pleaded. Fuck trying to act brave or pretend to be scared, this was getting too real. He only shook his head no again as his thumbs rubbed your cheeks. “Oh how could I when my sweeties have grown to like you. They tell me how much they want you with us, and I’m inclined to agree with them.”
Your heart beated in terror. “Bu-but you pro-promised-” “I never specify that I’ll give up BOTH of you, did I? And besides, how could I possibly deny them what they want?” You felt the bottom actuator-Harry claw pincers tenderly scratching your scalp as hairstyles would do. It would have felt wonderful if it wasn’t done by a machine. Or up here in the bell tower. Or being held by Octavius.
One of his hands hovered over his trusty actuators and over where your front of your skirt was. Larry parted so his gloved fingers grazed over the fabric freely, right at your crotch level. You whined (for him to stop or from WANTING him to continue on, you didn’t know) “I think we have just enough time to turn this little meeting into a fun activity-” He froze, his face became blank before he turned around in the bell room. 
Flo was stretching out to peering over the window and making little or few noises. Immediately Larry and Moe released you and you plopped to the ground, but not before you were wrapped in his arms again. Your body was still in the fucking hot haze, nearly making you weak in the knees if Otto wasn’t hold you up.
The rest of the actuators raised up in a pose like a striking snake, ready for an attack as they looked on at the window Flo was at. Still feeling breathless from what Octavius was going to do, and to keep your secret identity in check, all you could so was stare haplessly in his arms wrapped around you as you try to see what the fuck was up with them.
“I’m afraid it’s no use to hide anymore, Sue. Might as well show yourself and surrender if you like.” Said Octavius, now more like Doc Ock. Your nerves nearly collapsed in relief as Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman appeared walking from the window in her shiny, blue uniform. She only stares at your captive with a hardened glare and yet mixed with sadness inside her bright blue eyes.
You looked at her with a hidden smile as you remembered meeting her for the first time as a herol, amazed at this beautiful woman with small laughing lines and gray strands that made her blond hair pop out more. She was kind and welcoming when you (accidentally) crashed your villain of the week into FF headquarters. While you didn’t show your real face to them, you did become buddy-buddy with The Human Torch.
“Otto, let's not do this. You are better than this.” Said Sue as she walked towards you two. Immediately, Larry whipped out to Dr.Warren (you cursed yourself for forgetting about him as you were too busy being manhandled by Mr.Eight arms) and widened his claws to let out a sharp knife out and posed over his sleeping, snoring body.
She stopped, eyeing at the sleeping doctor before looking at you, warmth radiating from them. “It’s going to be okay, honey. I promise you’ll go home safe tonight.” Otto chuckled with his famous dark tone in his voice as his flesh arms tighten over your waist and torso. “Ah yes, ‘promise’. How did that work out with the last one your team had? Oh, I forgot to ask, how is your husband doing? I can’t imagine the state of his mind after losing that poor girl. Tell me, did you deliver the news to her parents or did he have to?”
Sue's eyes narrowed at him as her loose, blonde hair rippled as you felt her second power becoming activated. “Let. Them. Go. Octavius. I will not repeat myself the second time.” She said with the deadliest voice you’ve ever heard her use with a sneer on her face.
Larry looped himself around your legs but never tightened, showing her what he was capable of. Your breathing becomes faster, now knowing how the hostages you’ve saved over the years felt in the arms of a villian. 
God this was humiliating!
“And what will you do, dear Stormy, if I don't comply with your request?” She just stood there but whipped out a force disk out of the window and it let out a sickening pop. He looked confused before Moe let out a squeak and he shoved you out of the way. 
You fell on the wooden floor as heat began to fill in the room. “Hey hey hey! Who ordered the pizza with extra spicy pepperoni?” Your face lit up as you heard the familiar voice behind you. You turned to see Johnny hovering near Otto and his actuators curling around him protectively. He did not look amused. “Ah, brilliant move on your part. Burn the college beloved bell tower and ruin what’s left of your ‘shiny’ image.” Was all he said with a deadpan voice.
The man on fire turned to you and gave you a wink. “Sorry I didn’t get here fast enough, but wanna go out later? I know I’m on fire, but I can still hit your hydrant.” You gaufed at his stupid pick up line (and definitely not falling for this dork). You’ll have to look up some fire related pick-up lines to get back at him later.
Doc Ock sneered at Johnny and two of his actuators lashed out at him, punching him out of the tower. You watched on when you felt something smooth and cool underneath you. Looking down you saw that Sues force-thingie had raised you up. You looked back up at her as she did the same for Miles. “It’s okay, I’m just going to lift you up into the air and back to the ground. Just close your eyes if you're afraid of heights.” She said in her famous motherly tone.
You nodded okay as you were both lifted out of the room and into the fresher air. Looking down immediately, you saw a huge crowd, looking on with widened eyes and holding up phones (that was probably live streaming everything) being blocked by the crowd blockers and other cops, while most of the said cops were standing at the base of the tower. 
There were also a few EMTs who jumped at the chance to examine any damages on you. You were about to let them until you remember your hidden cuts from Vulture was still healing (and also did NOT want them to find out how close you were to…er, ecstasy) so you deny them from their open help, directing all of their medical attention on Dr.Warren, who was just sleeping.
Cool, now to get your damn suit on!
You pushed past the cops who tried to tell you to stay put and calm down after facing a  “traumatizing experience”. Oh it was traumatizing, but probably not what they think of. Robbie called out from the crowd and to your relief when you saw him, he held your backpack with both arms.
He explained to the officers he was a friend and will take care of you, wanting to take you far away from this area as soon as possible. A slew of people ran up to you and asked you a bunch of questions, mainly what it like was being kidnapped by Doc Ock, if he revealed his plans, or if his arms were actually alive or machine. One student yelled out if he was as hot close up as he was in the pictures.
You wanted to smack him upside the face for that.
Robbie just shoved them out of the way while guiding you further away from the bell tower. You could still hear the fighting taking place behind you, growing fainter and fainter as the black reporter managed to sneak you into a building where more students came rushing out. 
There was a speaker going on, announcing a fight had begun on campus and had everyone evacuate the premises. That causes you to raise an eyebrow. ‘Why is Robbie taking me into a building? It is a shortcut to his car-wait, why do I want to go to his car when Johnny and Sue need help?’ You pondered as he stopped in the middle of a hallway.
“Okay, Y/n, I’m going to make another call to John and tell him that you're safe.” He handed you your backpack. With a wave of renewed energy of adrenaline, you grabbed the pack and was about to pull away when the middle-age man placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
Looking into his soulful eyes, which was filled with concern and… also a secret knowledge about something. “Why don't you go destress in that room over there? And don't worry about your equipment, I’ve checked inside to see if your camera was safe.”
With a sharp inhale, your eyes widen as you put two and two together. All Robbie did was give you a soft smile and continued “Your camera is undamaged, but I think you need some time to ‘modify’ your outfit before going back out there. I think Spider-Girl is going to make an appearance soon.”
You couldn’t help it, but your body was shaking as a feeling of a great weight was lifted off your shoulders. As in part of you was relieved from something stressful. You nodded, trying not to cry, and also wanting to give him a great big hug as you stepped back. “And when this is all over, I’m still treating you to that shake and burgers later.” 
You laughed, it was haughty and filled with ease as you turned to dart away into the room he said (which was a closet) and quickly began to change. ‘Holy shit, holy shit-I-wow! Oh my god!’ was running through your mind as you swapped out your casual clothing and changed into your (very smelly) suit with record timing.  You praised your past self for packing extra underwear incase of periods.
Thoughts of thanking him over and over again kept your body shaking at the notion that he knew who you were. Ecstatic was the word, now grateful that at least another person in this world knows of your secret and it’s the person who you trust.
If only it was that easy to tell Uncle Lenny…..
With a exhale, you slipped on the mask and stepped out as Spider-Girl, ready to take on Doc Ock….. that you’ve kissed on the lips the last time you’ve met him as Spider-Girl-fuck.
“Spider-Girl! Thank God you’re here!” Said Robbie with the most exaggerated surprise you’ve ever heard someone say. Turning to look at him, you made a dramatic ‘hero’ pose with hands on your hips and said with a deep voice. “Yes, indeed! I am here! Now, show me where the danger is!” He almost laughed at how fucking ridiculous you sounded, just muffled it away with his hand and pointed to the door.
With a jolt of adrenaline rushing through your veins again, you stepped out to run to the door, to the outside, to where Ock was fighting and….
You paused when you rethink his whole ‘scheme’. Robbie walked up beside you with confusion on his face. “Hey, is something wrong?” He asked. You shook your head as you talked out loud. “It’s not like him, you know? To just-barge into a college where he just kidnaps Miles and a random woman and hunkers down in the bell tower. He had plenty of time to run away-fuck! He could have gotten a getaway driver ready for him!
“This isn’t like Octavius' genius level of thinking, this is just plain stupid!” You crossed your arms to think, almost started to pace. “Like-like, he did all of this and for what? All this did was having class canceled, creating damage and causing a disturbance in the whole damn place! Like a TikTok prankster who hurts people for clout!”
Something clicked. “Wait, he’s doing this for attention…” Robbie's eyes widen, nodding along with you. “But from what, exactly? What else is going on in this school?” He wondered. You looked around the empty hallway, thinking that there must be some sort of clue until you noticed a bulletin board filled with colorful pages with todoring for hires, massage from clubs and-
You looked closer at one blue paper that was nearly hidden away. “No way…” You ripped it out and looked at it closer. 
On it read,
“To all the scientists club members, please remember to wear protective gear to the next meeting. We will be dealing with a rare and *extremely* valuable project that will be part of the following classes as follow-”
You stopped reading and patted your pockets until you remembered your old flip phone was still in the bell tower.
After being thrown onto the ground.
And probably getting flamed on as well.
“Fuck-Robbie! Look up what the science club is looking into-” “I’m on it!” He said you turn to see him already typing away on his phone. “Ohhhhkay, got it! They are conducting an experiment on an old meteorite that landed years ago in 1998, called it Petes meteorite. Cute. A chunk of it was gifted to this school as is rumored to have some hidden elements of-I can’t pronounce that word, damnnit.”
Thinking back to Otto when Flo was going through his phone, it dawned on you. “He’s a distraction while he has someone stealing it for him! Tell the police!” You yelled as you sprinted off.
Only to walk back to the board and look to see if there was a map of the campus, reading it, THEN sprinting off to the club.
It only took you a minute to run around campus (and forcing yourself to ignore how much the fighting got, and along with people calling out to you) and find the building where the meteorite was. As expected, it was empty when you barged in. Looking around, you saw the room where the club held thanks to a metal sign engraved onto a wall and ran inside.
Only to see two metal men holding up a rock inside a thick dome.
“Oh hey! You’ve found my pet rock! I’m so sorry, Rocky likes to wander off sometimes.” You called out as you webbed it out of their hands and into yours. They started to yell out obscenities and pulled out guns attached to their armor but you only shot out gobs of sticky webs that will make it a NIGHTMARE to get out of their suits.
Well, maybe for the police or whoever’s in charge. You held the dome with one hand as you-damn it, you forgot about your old phone. Shit. Wait- “Hey! Do you mind if I use your phone really quickly? I have to call in a friend.” You asked, not really taking in their answer as you snatched one of their belts off and going through the pockets.
“Thank you so much. I know it’s not like me to just use someone elses phone, but I lost mine, you see and-oh damn dude, you didn’t even put in a password? If you ever get out of this whole thing, you NEED to put in a password, that shit will save your ass in the future.” You chatted, ignoring how the mans eyes glared daggers into your masked face while you dialed Johnny. 
“Wait, you memorized someone's phone number? How old are you, Spider bitch?” Asked the second man in the metal suit with way too many skulls on it. “Same age as my tongue and older than my teeth.” All that did was made him look super confused, but you paid him no mind.
You waited for a bit, silently tapping your foot to break the silence until the Human Torch answered. “Heeeeyyyy now's not a good time, dude! I’m trying to fry up some calamari but Ocks arms are surprisingly heat resistant, and are stranger than I thought it would be-” “Yeah, I know hotstuff, I told you before how strong those fuckers are. Liston, What he’s doing is fake. He’s only a distraction while he hires these-who are you guys?”
“We’re the Metal men.” You blinked at them before going back to the conversation. “He hired these dudes who ripped off DC heroes' names to steal a meteorite with hidden properties. I have it right here, so if you wanna tell him that I got Pete, he’ll know he's finished.”
“Wait, who's Pete?” 
“The rock-trust me he’ll know.” You hear Sue yelling at Johnny to stop talking on the phone but he just yelled at Doc Ock about you holding Pete. There was a brief moment of silence on everyone's part before you heard Otto yelled out something in rage before something exploded.
“What the-are you guys okay?!” You yelled, walking over to the doors (and making the ‘metal men’ straining to hear more of what’s going on). Johnny replied with a loud coughing. “We-we’re fine, but he dropped a bomb on us. A smoke bomb, like really smelly-” You hear him puking as Sue yelled out to the crowd if they saw where Doc Ock ran off too.
Somehow, no one saw him….
19 notes · View notes
moonnue · 9 months
It's recently been brought to my attention that people that are speaking out for me are being harassed. I'll be answering that persons ask below the cut as I don't want to fill people's feeds with more drama, but I do think it's important to discuss. There is also very helpful info on how to report on Ao3 if you have not done it before!
In any case, I strongly encourage that you block, report, and move on if someone tries to pester you about this. Be careful out there!
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I am so, so sorry this has been happening to you. I just wrote a simple fanfic and it is baffling that something like this can come out of it. It really ain't that deep. I also agree with you! I can't believe the other writer and I are the same age like please i'm begging you to leave this childish behavior behind. It is so silly. We left this behind in high school.
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Report Link: https://archiveofourown.org/abuse_reports/new
Thanks so much for your words of support and you're help. It truly means a lot to me. Again, I am so sorry you have gotten caught up in all this. Wishing you well! ♥
Text version of images below:
Hey, sorry to bother you again (I know you want to move on from this), but I received a bunch of unhinged asks/harassment myself (including threats) both for supporting you/being against an obvious mass bullying campaign against you and for joking that Titanic must’ve also stolen from them. The Protag drawing Astarion really was done before both of y’all, so I’m staunchly with you there
Obviously, it’s ridiculous to claim the protag of stories being an artist drawing a character is akin to copy written intellectual property. It’s a really REALLY old idea and it’s genuinely ridiculous to claim ownership over that. Even more ridiculous to consider we’re all older adults. Shouldn’t we all be busy stretching so our lower backs won’t hurt??? Like c’mon guys this is silly
Furthermore, what’s even more ridiculous is to encourage harassment of others. Again, we’re somehow all adults? If their claims of plagiarism were provable beyond the vague hand waving away of now owning the entire concept of writing about artists drawing people, then why did they and their crowd harass me instead of trying to convince me? I am a rando who didn’t know either of you and actually found YOU through one of THEIR first posts spamming the BG3 tag with encouragements to others to “teach you plagiarism is not okay” aka harassment.
I am both an artist AND professional editor for novels, manuscripts, and the like. I was trained to spot real plagiarism. Not a single bit of your structure could be flagged as plagiarism beyond the same premise.
Now that that’s been said. They’re still harassing you (and me now I suppose) and so I recommend you and others to report them on AO3. They’ve created an AO3 post further encouraging harassing you and encouraging falsely reporting your story for plagiarism.
If you’ve never had to report anybody before, here’s what mine looks like
My full report says “This person (WanderingIsobel) has been targeting and harassing the other writer (MoonNue) and also encouraging other people to harass them and report their story under the claim it’s plagiarism to use the same generic story premise. Half of the harassment is on tumblr while the other half of the harassment is on here, AO3. The other writer has explained many times that they have never read their story and to please leave them alone, but now they made an entire AO3 post dedicated to encouraging people to report and “comment” aka harass them over a weird fake accusation. It’s making it hostile both for the writer of Portrait Of A Vampire and for readers in general.”
Link for the AO3 Reporting
But Holy shit I am so sorry you’re getting caught up in fandom unwellness the rest of tumblr makes fun of. Whatever you need, I’m here to help, including even venting. I am sorry You’re a victim of a mass harassment/bullying campaign.
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asexual-spongebob · 2 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 30 - Closing Time
I can’t believe this fanfic is actually coming to an end- it feels like just yesterday this was just a concept. Just a thought. Just an idea. Just a drawing. But now here I am, many months later. Posting the last chapter… But don’t worry! Our beloved fish dudes aren’t going to be completely gone after this! I have a feeling I’m still going to think about this AU quite a bit. Who knows, maybe in the future I’ll post some one shots of them. And I know for a fact I’ll probably still make animations or pmvs with them most likely. I have actually made some pmvs of this au already if you’d like to watch them For yourself:) https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW7sHfzMCSsxyuwvZ9RvFfwjukOMHv1_3
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Hey it’s Shellington! It’s been many years since the “Kwazii was bitten by a cobra”  incident. I still can’t believe that was 11 years ago! 
I’m thankful that he survived!
Now Kwazii’s the captain of the Octopod, Barnacles retired a few years ago and now lives up in the Arctic near Pearl and Bianca. 
Inkling is still here, somehow. Koshi helps ink out in the library. 
Me and Peso are happily married and have been for almost ten years! Our anniversary is coming up. 
Kwazii and Paani and Dashi and Tweak also got married many years ago. 
After the “Kwazii was bitten by cobra” incident Kwazii and Paani found a newborn kitten (which they named Kai, as it means ocean or sea in several languages.) and took her in. Kai is 11 years old and they are quite intelligent, they like watching me do my experiments. 
Me and Peso also have a child  as well, their name is Lucia and they are almost 11 years old, she’s an albino sea otter and I saved her from being eaten by a predator. 
Periwinkle is now in college and is majoring in Marine Biology, we still talk quite often. 
We look back fondly (or… not so fondly) on our adventures (and misadventures) together. 
Like that time Peso got moonstruck and through that party, or our crazy times in the Amazon! Or the time Paani forced us all to watch (or in me and Dashi’s case, rewatch) Invader Zim. We all became fixated in the process-
Anyway. Thanks for reading our story :) 
~ Shellington Sea Otter.
Holy shit that was a wild ride. I just want to thank everyone for reading this fic, leaving a comment, leaving kudos, likes or upvoting, it really means the world to me. I genuinely didn’t think so many people would want to read this kind of fic, but boy was I mistaken. I’m honestly very proud of this, this is the first ever long fic I actually finished and didn’t abandon. How I even thought of this AU was I saw my dear friend, Midori’s Octonauts Mermaid AU “Reclaimed By Nature” (which by the way, is a very good fanfic, I’d definitely recommend giving it a read! Especially if you’re a fan of Kwazton and Pearlanca! You can read it here: https://reclaimed-by-nature.carrd.co/) And I thought that was pretty neat. So I wondered to myself “huh… what if I made a H2O x Octonauts AU?” So I started to think of concepts. I had a couple in mind, one of the first being that Shellington would keep the secret much longer (he didn’t even tell Peso for awhile, which he would’ve felt very guilty about) and that he would’ve been very stressed about keeping it hidden from everyone. (Which, was inspired by a merman Lewis h2o AU fic I read, called H2O: A New Tail) Another one I had was basically the same as the first, but Peso would’ve found out sooner, as he would’ve gone after Shellington after got splashed while they were cleaning the beach, and he would’ve found him in the kelp forest. Shell would’ve tried to tell him that it was just a costume but Peso wouldn’t have really bought that so he would’ve told Peso the truth and Peso would’ve been like “it’s okay I still love you :) <3” One of the things I originally planned for this fic was that it’d be short, around 12 or 13 chapters, and that It’d just be about the lives and times of Peso and Shellington after Shellington became a merman. But now here we are, many chapters and scrapped concepts later- I actually even have an AU of this AU, it’s basically where I put all my scrapped concepts (one of the being that Paani was always a merm, I even wrote a short one shot about it, which I’ll probably post sometime soon) I named it “The Sight”. I originally planned for this fic to have 40 chapters, but I realized that many of them were unnecessary, so I scrapped most of them, other then my concept for chapter 35, which I kept and incorporated into chapter 29. Also I might make a story about Kai and Lucia??? If y’all really want that… It’s probably not gonna be anything big, just one shots or something but I mean maybe? If that’s what y’all want? Like I’d be happy to write a short fics on their origin story’s. After this fic, I might write a fic for another Octonauts AU I came up with that ive nicknamed “Invader Kwazii”. It’s an Invader Zim x Octonauts AU where Kwazii is sent to conquer Earth by The Tallest (who are Barnacles and Inkling) because they think he’s worthy of it. And it’s basically the plot of Invader Zim after that, there’s a few differences (like how it takes place in high school) tho, but other then it’s very similar to the plot. It also has Kwazini. It’s a little passion project for me, not to mention I’ve got plenty of ideas of how I want it to go. Another AU of mine I’ve been thinking about writing is my “Vampire Kwazton AU” it’s basically a AU where Shellington is a vampire and it takes place during the early 1990s when Grunge music was the big thing. It’s still a w.i.p but that might be a fic I write in the future, if I do I might just be a ficlet collection or something of the sort. Another fic I have I in mind is for my “Shellinoir” AU. Which will probably be a series of one shots. I came up with it after watching the SpongeBob episode “Squid Noir” which is where I got the title. It’ll likely be just a series of one shots. I also am currently pre writing an Invader Zim AU fanfic, it’s an AU where Dib and Gaz are sirens. I’ve currently got some chapters of it already written, however I want to finish it before I post it. I feel like this fic has taught me a lot and I’m glad.
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ghost-town-story · 6 months
Hello and welcome to the thing I've been excited to do since July, aka holy fuck CoFaS is 10 years old now
So a few years ago, I went and reread the very first story I ever wrote and it was....... a fuckin time. So when I realized CoFaS was turning a decade this year, I thought it would be fun to do the same thing (reread and comment in a tumblr post as I go), but taking one piece of advice from the last time I did this.
Aka this is gonna be a drinking game lol
The rules are simple: 1. Drink whenever I cringe 2. Drink whenever the nickname "kitten" is used to blatantly pad the word count (because I do remember that is exactly the way I got to 50,006 words that year lol)
So, I've got my emotional support bottle of wine, some snacks, a sleepy kitty, and the old doc pulled up. Les go.
A quick aside, this is the reason why it's an emotional support bottle of wine:
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A gift from a while ago from somebody who knows I go by Starlight online :D
Alright, les go
And immediately gonna pour one out for the awful age gap we have here. Blah blah blah, not all age gaps are bad, but considering Aiden starts out 11 and James is 19........ *takes a big fuckin drink*
At least the wine is good lol
Ah yes, establishing from the very first line that CoFaS is peak "Aiden gets hurt/traumatized and I'm having fun doing it"
I'm also counting moments where I just pause and start laughing bc oh god what is this description as cringing lol but yeah Aiden and Sirius had the most awkward relationship to write for the longest time and it really wasn't until pretty recently that I actually started to nail it down and it stopped being so gotdamn awkward
Also right now there's literally no plot. Ok to be fair there's no overarching plot of CoFaS other than "snippets of Aiden's life" but there are arcs usually but. We're three chapter/scenes in and there's not even an arc going right now. It's just. setting up characterization I guess?
Also lmao at my worldbuilding. In my defense I was what, 15 and in the middle of high school shit? learning how to write on the fly? not gonna hold it against tiny me but I'm still gonna smh
Yeah this age gap is not sitting well with me anymore. Not at fuckin all Do I want James and Aiden to be cute together? hell yeah would I rather James be like..... 14 in this scene rather than 20? hell yeah
Look I understand I wanted to show the traumatic event *sparkle sparkle* but I just. That's not how flashback dreams work at all *source: mild amounts of research I've done since then. Also the fact that I doubt he would remember shit with so much clarity from when he was two and passed out for part of it
One credit I will give to past me here though, I still don't know if that's actually how two-year-olds act lmao
Okay so at least part of this is gonna be me reading shit and going "lmao that's not how it works anymore!" scene: Aiden wakes up from a nightmare, wants his dad to comfort him how it would go now: wakes up from nightmare, will absolutely refuse to tell anybody about it except maybe James or Lexi. And only if they heard him wake up Sorry Aid, you have daddy issues now lol (and mommy issues. More of those tbh)
Okay I'm so fucking glad I scrapped that bit of worldbuilding bc why??? would only 1 of the 4 nations have a special name????? that allows others to control them????????
James you are 20 and he's 12 do not darling him
Also lmao at the number of times I describe somebody by their age rather than ya know. their fuckin name
Also we still have not had any arc that lasts more than 2 scenes and we're on page 4. On one hand: yeah fair writing fun offhand scenes is still a thing I do. On the other: I posted this to Figment oh my god. Anybody expecting a coherent story just gets this fuckin. mess What the fuck did I even put for the summary on Figment? I hope it was something that explained "hey this is a gotdamned mess with no overarching plot other than Aiden's life" lol
RIP Figment. You were the real one and I simultaneously mourn your loss and am glad you don't exist anymore cause I don't want people reading my old stuff but I wouldn't have the heart to delete it myself
Anyways I literally just said that and we reached an arc that has at least 3 scenes!
Oh no I spooped my cat cause of my laughing this one caused by the fact that I never fuckin specify how healing works at all. Just that it works enough to cause the maximum amount of whump I guess. That may not be the right word but bruh I am nearly through a glass of wine by now lol
babby Aiden is babby. and mildly a mood lmao
James, you need to stop fuckin flirting with a 12 year old one day I'll stop yelling about this. that'll be when Aiden is actually old/mature enough to be flirted with
“Dad’s not really the comforting type.” THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ASK FOR HIM 3-4 CHAPTERS AGO????
this age gap shenanigans is gonna give me an aneurysm i swear and i don't know if it's better or worse that Sirius is endorsing these shenanigans
Alright kitty has woken up and says it's break time so i'm making this a mandatory "go bury your face in nearby fluff and regain sanity from this nonsense" moment
Alright, had my break for snaccs and arguing about whether or not I'll be sober in 36-48 hours (long story), time to get back into the shenanigans also we're on page 5/77 and i'm about 1/3 through the wine. hence why the questions of sobriety in time for dnd sunday. anyhoot
okay so like. ya i was a warrior cats kid sue me lmao. so this next fucking scene (or maybe the next next there might be a leadup scene) is basically me going "i want the clan leaders meeting!" and having absolutely 0 justification otherwise. so ya. it is entirely for drama and to introduce "hey lookie all these other elementals none of whom we care about except for kinda Flame!" (and now I care a lot about Water too. Rip fuckin Earth lmao)
and another drink for fuckin what the fuck descriptions
yeah okay this bit of dialogue basically hits the nail of why i fucking hate the fuckin special name for Flame thingy. just a la "don't use that name." "it's your middle name deal with it" and like, Sirius is not meant to be seen as an abusive father! neglectful, kinda yeah. absolutely Does Not know how to talk/relate to his kid? abso-fuckin-lutely. full on abusive? no. but that bit of dialogue veers into sketchy/abuse territory and i don't like it
thank you to Lexi for interrupting this round of "James stop fucking flirting with a young teenager when you're 21"
I seriously don't think I actually named Sirius until this point, 7 whole pages in some mild clarification, I write in wall of text style. this current scene is 2 pages long with no proper paragraph breaks so. yeah
Ah yes. another thing that's different now, Fintan's entire characterization lol
you know, I'm just staring at this scene like "this would be a great set up for some plot" but at the same time I know that this is it. It's this fight and then these wolves are never showing up again. guess they got beat up in one fight! cool beans!
Kiddo you're way too alert for somebody who's hovering on the edge of consciousness lmao
For once we have some James characterization that I still like! aka he's a dumbass more concerned with other people's (in this case Will's) health than his own!
Oh god I posted this scene on the NaNo website as a snippet from the story. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that this fuckin scene was inspired by the Kingdom Keepers series (that I haven't read any of since like, 2013 probably lmao)
Oh yeah! this was when Will had selective mutism! but also. Aiden, James is periodically flirting with you and hanging out with you a ton. How do you not know this world's equivalent of sign language by now lol
Look, I still absolutely fuckin love dragons, but I just.... why here?? especially since I'm 90% sure they're never mentioned again??????
Okay, so I may have fallen asleep after only 10 pages, but in my defense I was tired from work/shit sleep schedule, and half a bottle of wine Did Not help lol. Anyways, onto day 2 and the rest of this scene (and arc if I remember correctly)
Lexi is a menace and a treasure and I gotdamned love her lol. I'm making it official she's the saving grace of 2013 CoFaS and we're not gonna talk about what happens to her yet
Oh Will you sweet awkward not-yet-a-sassy-sarcastic-bitch of a child <3
And again. Would much rather James be like, 15/16 in this scene than fuckin 21
I lied. There's one more scene to finish out this arc whoops lol
Again with the fuckin out-of-body experiences to show important plot points. like bitch just change perspectives you're gonna do it later anyways!
Two things I love *sarcasm* about this 1. I did no editing even when posting this to Figment. I coulda gone back and just made this random nameless healer Seren, but nooooooo Did Not think about that until now probably 2. Logically, why the fuck is James in this scene? Boi is getting invited to shenanigans he should not realistically be invited to lol
I like how I can recognize which arc this is from Sirius's first line bad news: I dislike this arc for many reasons now. tldr don't like it cause of compulsory/systematic heteronormativity, forced/arranged marriage of a goddamn 14 year old, more sketch age gaps (tho 5 years is better than the James/Aiden gap of 8), and the fact that I 100% fridged Lexi cause said systematic heteronormativity made her get in the way of my ship.
Anyways Sirius and Aiden interactions are still so awkward and ngl, I'm looking forward to [redacted unless you know of the CoFaS rewrite] bc it'll mean the end of the awkwardness
And James is immediately jealous. It would be kinda cute in an angsty way if he wasn't 22 (to clarify, jealous but trying to hide it cause he ain't gonna fuck up his sister's and best friend's "happiness")
Protective older brother speech? yeah okay questioning Aiden about if he actually loves Lexi? okay back off ma dude (also fun aside: my oldest brother "threatened" both of my exes while I was dating them. Cyrus was terrified of him for basically the rest of the time I knew him. Screw went "lol bet". So while these incidents were still a few years off for 2013 me, yeah I can see what inspired James's speech here lol)
also lmao at the tiny-me not swearing bits
oh look, a perspective shift! wonder why I didn't use that earlier *deadpan stare*
Okay James is being a solid angsty drama queen this entire scene, which fair angst whatever but I gotta object to one thing and that is I don't really think losing your wings and watching someone you love marry your sister are really comparable here dude
also bud have you even asked Lexi if she loves Aiden or are you just assuming this is a marriage of convenience from all sides? (I sincerely don't know the answer for 2013 CoFaS. The answer for rewrite is yes love all around baybe)
heh, telepathy is just ported over from the OG universe just cuz
This also might've been the origin for Will calling her Lex and James calling her Lexi. Maybe. It's quite possible.
Oh James. You're such an overdramatic pining asshole lol
And that wedding scene is making me honestly contemplate finishing my glass of wine except it's a bit too full but several drinks are in order cause 1. No idea (then and now tbh) how "typical" weddings work 2. more broody jealous James 3. the knowledge of the gotdamn fridging to come 4. oh yeah the middle name shenanigans as well
oh and we immediately skip straight to the fridging! okay! goddamn! no goddamn martial bliss scenes for these two! nope just immediate "yeah Lexi's dying now" god I feel so bad for Lexi in this
Yeah okay maybe it's the fact that I'm a slut for angst but this scene was.... pretty good? like
Aiden let out a sound that was almost a hiccup, and he bit his lower lip hard to prevent any more sound from escaping.
goddamn that's a line I'd still use now tbh is the scene perfect? no Is it the best thing I've read so far of CoFaS? probably
also fun fact this is Alec's first appearance as a character. And it's the reason why in Band AU/basically anywhere else he appears he dyes his hair burgundy, cause that's his hair color in CoFaS. Callbacks yo
James. James now is not the fucking time. have some gotdamn respect for Lexi and stahp
I think this scene is gonna finish off my emotional support wine. We've got James flirting at inappropriate times! We've got awkward af Sirius trying to be a good dad! We've got more James flirting! and being mildly manipulative! fuckin hell!
Ya okay I know I like drama but this shit is hella toxic
Look I have no idea how old Aiden is right now but I'm gonna solidly say he's still too young for you to darling him James especially right after that emotional rollercoaster you put him through
"'If you're jealous,' [James said]" I'm sorry sir who's the jealous one in this relationship cause I'm pretty damn sure it ain't Aiden
Oh my god Aiden is 16. For fuck's sake man
"As James approached his room, which he rarely used now, and Aiden’s, which he was in far too often to be proper," I'm not giving y'all the end of this line but I like it lol
Yeah this is. definitely a sign of how I've changed over the years past-me: doesn't like unhappy endings at all, therefore *magically* gives Aiden his wings back bc it'd be too sad if he didn't have them now-me: BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY BAYBE (aka he has stumps of wings and they never grow back. just enough for tattered feathers and bitter reminders)
and Awkward Sirius makes an immediate reappearance! and like, cool, you're cool with your son being gay, but maybe you should be having an issue with the fact that he's 16 and James is 24 ffs
“[Dumb] names have power.” “I know. You tend to use mine a lot when I’m being unruly.” I! Hate! This! Worldbuilding! Thank Fuck It's Scrapped!!
Wait. Wait wait wait. so whoever gives them the dumb name-- actually fuckit i'm too tipsy again to explain this I'll just quote the snippet
It’s not just the name itself that has power, but who gives it to him. For example, if your mother had been the one to give you your [dumb] name, then you would have been loyal to her, even at the cost of your wings.
THEN WHO DID ACTUALLY GIVE AIDEN HIS NAME???? I'd assume it'd have to be a Person of Flame due to ya know. It being a Flame thing but like. Then who??? Fintan????? some rando????? not Ashton cause he wasn't born yet (at least in redone canon but still they're close enough in age that he would have been unborn or babby af) but. who the fuck gave Aiden his name then?????????????? We don't get a fuckin answer and I'm not sure I ever had one!!!!
so sometimes I have to laugh cause otherwise i'd have to scream "what the fuck" at this and i have neighbors and it's currently 10 pm and I like to have the moral high ground thank you very much (over their dumbass yappy dog who barks at 1 am sometimes) but anyhoot I start laughing and woke up my kitty so while she bullies me I'm implementing another "bury face in the fluff and maybe get a snacc" break
Alright have gotten some snaccs again, bullied nats for a bit (<3), discovered that bubbly pink moscato is sadly Not It and broke out the second, non-emotional-support bottle of rosé. Time to continue Also we're now 22 pages in. we're doin great lol
they're married now and i'm still smh at how fuckin young Aiden is for this relationship. goddamn I like how I aged Aiden up for all of the main tragedies but I made them hit way fuckin harder in the rewrite. (he's 16/17 in original, ~20 if i remember correctly in rewrite) (also 2 vs 8/10? for wings)
Ah yes, an actually reoccurring antagonist: humanity :P
also yeah baby me did not like the thought of her uwu-baby characters actually killing people. p sure I made the faceless waves of enemies in the OG story robots for that purpose, and now James is just knocking people out cause he don't wanna kill how the fuck did he get promoted to head guard at this rate Sirius what the fuck is the state of your guards Do I think irl murder is bad? yes! do I think that characters and stories are a different matter and there's a lotta nuance! also yes! is this shit that may get me "cancelled"? probably!! but fuckin hell rené's arc in the superhero wip is gonna cause that anyways!
meanwhile I'm pretty sure Will just electrocuted like at least a dozen people and I'm fine with that XD "unconscious from electrocution" now I'm not doctor and I don't want to concern my dad by texting him "hey if you get electrocuted is it 100% chance of death or like 50/50 between death and unconsciousness?" and my selo (med student) is probably asleep by now, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if they're unconscious, they're probably pretty dang close to death *take everything said just above with a grain of salt. again, i'm not a doctor, i'm tipsy, and i don't feel like googling this shit lol
Okay I distinctly remember this bit was inspired by this series I read called Eon/Eona? specifically the part where the emperor had the necklace of his position sewn to his throat. pretty fuckin metal for it to stick with me better than the title of the books lmao. But yeah. That's where the initial idea of the leaders' "necklaces" came from
James is once again a dumbass about his own health in favor of worrying about others! (this time Aiden)
90% sure this isn't how the medical side of this works
seriously why can't the kid have a sedative or three lol
and some potential gross medical negligence here but hey, who's counting! what doctors are gonna read this shit! (maybe selo, if she read the original while it was up on Figment lol but that was well before she was a med student)
absolutely not the point but something got corrupted somewhere in the what, 4 computer swaps since this was written? and now there's just a random "emoji error" box at the end of this paragraph and I don't know why lol cause I swear I never put emojis of any sort in my official writing (except for stuff that was explicitly characters texting) and definitely not at the end of the paragraph where Aiden's about to go to his father's funeral
ok it wasn't technically medical negligence cause James basically discharged himself against medical advice/medical attempts to keep him in bed lol
I am fairly certain that unless Alec is on a chair right now, that action should be impossible without Aiden leaning/crouching down, except I just say "reach". ffs and Aiden's definitely standing so i really dunno lol
Yeah I just couldn't write formal ceremony stuff for shit lol
There's so much going on that I'm just like. man. what the fuck. so much drama. so much sketchy stuff happening in the name of "i love you"
oh it's mild flashback time to a different POV okay lol
okay so. James. how do you not know about Aiden's fire powers? bc again. known each other for basically Aiden's whole life and also. pretty sure Aiden saved James's life earlier with them (but i don't remember cause i was tipsy when I read that last night and I don't wanna backtrack lol)
okay again. I have no idea how two-year-olds work. but i get the feeling this is...... not quite right?
Whump time!!
ah yes, overprotective James
yeah for the most part that wasn't bad until the last fuckin bit. You know, Sirius may be dead now but I think Fintan decided he was immediately going to step into the role of "awkward father figure" for Aiden smh
whump whump!!
ah yes, the ol' "christianity apparently exists in this universe cause i'm very raised catholic!"
babby Alec!!!! again not sure if I'm writing him right for a two year old but I don't care right now it's babby Alec and Ryder! (oh yeah Ryder is also originally from CoFaS lol)
"I'm Sky. Look I'll show you my dad is Sky." Alec honey you have wings that's proof enough that you're at least part Sky oh now you mention the wings! smh child
okay it's official Alec and Ryder are carrying the story with their cuteness cause I don't have to facepalm every time they flirt (when they're older) cause they're actually close to the same age! no sketch ass age gaps here!!
lmao Ashton's first bit of actual characterization. He's not bad as a character, just... underutilized probably
Alanna-now-Laguna! now the babbiest of babbies now that Alec's eight
but good news I think we're at the age where I can reluctantly be okay with the Aiden/James relationship.
oh yeah! I didn't exactly forget but I definitely got surprised by the revelation that Aiden's mother and the guy who helped cut off his wings were actually married
Okay actually I wanna outline what the fuck is happening a la Ashley (Aiden's mother, gonna be renamed like Ashton), Sirius, nameless guy, and Ashton (at least in the rewrite version, though 2013 was mostly similar) so. Ashley and nameless guy are married for love. partners in crime and all that jazz Sirius has a mild crush on Ashley since basically he's a teenager, but due to unspecified war between the Sky and Flame, obviously does not act on that until his father dies and Sirius goes "hey Fintan. Wanna end this war and do political marriage stuff wink wink" So, (this is specifically rewrite lore), they get married, with the stipulation that their first child will be the heir to the Sky, and their second will be heir to Flame, as at the time Ashley was Fintan's only child and therefore the heir to Flame. Ashley is Not Happy, but since marriage to nameless guy was basically secret shotgun wedding, Fintan doesn't know and she doesn't want to tell him about it. Plus, she's like "nah let's keep going with this war stuff I kinda hate Sky." well due to political shenanigans she gets strongarmed into the political marriage, but she and nameless dude conspire that okay, if she has to do this, then she's gonna take down the Sky Kingdom from the inside, using her child the heir of the Sky (Aiden) She refuses to have a second child, which Fintan catches onto after a while, and either planned or a happy accident, Ashton is born and declared the heir of Flame Ashley then kidnaps Aiden once his wings grow and cuts them off so he'll look a better Flame puppet, things backfire and she gets caught and imprisoned for that, with nameless guy slipping free of justice
and apparently in the 2013 version Ashley and nameless guy planned to kill off Sirius if Aiden was born Flame, and when he was born Sky they cut off his wings basically out of spite so there's that, and also planned to throw Ashley under the bus for cutting off Aiden's wings so nameless guy could keep their evil plans going.
also apparently I used to not be consistent whether I used Sky or Air. Cause Aiden's referred to as a Child of Air here, but in the title it's very specifically Child of Flame and Sky, and I've definitely standardized it to be the Sky by now
Aiden honey it's the simplest fucking code and Fintan practically gave it to you I'm begging you to be smart honey no Fintan has to be explicit before Aiden gets it okay *disappointed sigh in my blorbo*
and again with the knocking people out, not killing them shenanigans lol
whump and trauma time!!
damn that's gotta be not hygienic, an operating table stained with blood that's about 2 decades old
that's called a concussion my dear Aiden <3
yeah okay that's some fuckin racism right there (to be fair, framed as a bad thing, but still. sheesh)
another cat break. she's very pretty and purrsuasive what can i say?
James, honey, I understand what you're going for, but this is a shit way to comfort your very traumatized husband right now
okay and immediate 180 into cute teenage Alec and Ryder shenanigans, okay lol
Alec you wannabe-suave motherfucker lol
Ryder: blushes red Me: but his blood is blue!! And if it's later in this version that I mention James blushing blue or something like that I'm gonna take a drink for this mistake. I know I def fixed that by like, the rewrite lol
Ah yes, Alec is taking after his uncle :P aka please honey, I know you're being romantic, but get a fucking yes outta him first before you start kissing him also I'm 90% sure I've swapped their personalities now lol like CoFaS Alec: wannabe-suave and flirty CoFaS Ryder: awkward, unsure of how to react Band AU Alec: unsure of how to react when cute boy flirts with him Band AU Ryder: friendly and outgoing and willing to flirt with cute boys
Okay he did get a yes this time so baby steps in the right direction!
goddamn nerds lol
Okay this is both a. the origins of the kitten nickname for Aiden and b. the origins of the fox association i sometimes have for Alec
"The cat didn't answer, being a cat" I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
do do do do do WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? Alec: the fox says fuck off (I have that as a reoccurring joke between Alex and Jason. Cause Jason's a fox shapeshifter in OG/ASTHC canon and they are my 2013-2015 meme children)
Yeah I definitely swapped who's the more uuuuuh... dom is the best word I can think of in this relationship
lmao somehow despite knowing Alec since they were both ~2 Ryder somehow doesn't know that's a nickname
Also, Alec having premonitions of the future is what inspired Lexi in the rewrite to have them as well. Alec inherits a decent amount from his mother: her premonitions, her purple-tipped wings, I can't think of more rn lol
Okay I do like describing Alec as ashen because. He looks more Flame than Sky lol
Aiden no stop that that's shitty parenting!
and Alec has a very valid reaction to Aiden and then Ryder continually using his dumb name! good for you Alec! "I would have never told you if I knew you would abuse it like this!" Ah. see this? this hurts in an "Alec honey you're so fucking right" way
Ryder that's real fuckin shit of you to be like "ok come here I'll comfort you" only to immediately turn around and try and control your boyfriend again. I know you have orders from his dad, but that's still really fuckin shit of you dude luckily Alec has the proper response of slapping Ryder and calling him out on his bullshit
i like how outta all the characters, Ryder is the one who has no restrictions on killing people. At the beginning of this arc he was introduced as training with James to be part of the royal guard, and now like 3/4 scenes later he's just straight up killed at least 2 people on screen. goddamn ma boi
“Knife training 101,” he said, almost irritated. “Stab them, don’t get stabbed yourself, try to aim for the head or heart. Understand?” fuckin lmao
welcome to the trauma boat Alec! your dad will help you get acquainted. probably
hello deus-ex-machina my old friend, you've probably appeared before but this is the most blatant to me
You know, the thought just occurred to me: Sirius with Aiden: kingly duties come before parental duties Aiden: yeah that sounds about right Aiden with Alec: Parental duties come before kingly duties Alec: you have king stuff to do and that obviously takes precedence over me
That line is a goddamn quote and I don't remember from what book potentially a Shadowhunters book??? update I looked it up and the answer is yes and of course it's a malec quote lol i'm still fucking soft for malec despite not having read any shadowhunters books since high school let me live (fun aside: i got selo to read those books and she came to tennis practice and yelled across the court "WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH ALL THE INCEST" and i just died laughing and told her to wait for whatever the book was (CoG, if I remember correctly is when the incest is revealed to not be incest. not that I cared that was/is my least favorite ship) ANYHOOT)
yeah okay that whole bit is making me laugh harder than it should. curse you wine lol
anyways this was 100% the origin of Willow and Wisp before I coopted them for Nova!
oh my fucking god so the chapter that was origins of Aiden = cat and Alec = fox apparently was added later, potentially near the end of that NaNo. You know how I know that? cause I remember having to edit this scene for continuity and it's still awkward as hell!
poor babby Alec. he's doin his best and also nobody has told him "hey your boyfriend's alive" yet
god Rowan is just. a fuckin cardboard cutout of a character. he has no personality beyond what's necessary in the moment
Aiden this is not the way to deal with your son grieving his boyfriend just fuckin tell him ffs
I do appreciate Aiden just full naming Alec and not dumb naming him when he's like "Alec stop doing the dumb thing you're doing"
more Aiden whump! and cute Alec and Ryder reunion dawww
"Aiden was struggling for something to distract him from the pain, to distract his mind from the fact that his entire forearm was cut open and the skin peeled away for wires." goddamn my dude. you're really having a rough time aren't you lol
Oh my god I just shifted POV in the middle of a scene goddamnit
sir i really doubt you could avoid a gunshot at basically point blank range lol
And at this point, I fucked up bc Alec escaped in the last scene, and then I had him fighting alongside Ryder in this scene until I remembered continuity is a thing and went back to fix it lol
James sir water is not a softer landing than sand, especially from high up lol
oh my god i remember that i was gonna make that a thing throughout all my universes, and then i never did except for maybe the original OG James and Aiden story that got scrapped XD
and another pov shift in the middle of a scene smh
they are both such stubborn bastards omg
yeah of course they've been happy too long we've gotta add the misunderstandings plot in :P
Ah yes some good ol' fashioned sexism :P
yaas bois communicate like the fuckin adults you are
oh those nerds
so we're winding up the "story" which means major time skips now!
oh this is..... not the best way to kill off a character, but hey, i guess i wanted to get one last stab in at Aiden huh?
good lord that was...... something. later chapters were better than earlier ones, though that may have been because the level of tipsiness was higher lmao. but also I just like drama more and the early chapters were a lot more awkward setting up shit while later ones were "hey have actual situations with consequences!" if that makes any sense. If not, that's cool, i'm hella tipsy anyways
anyhoot, kudos to past me for doing that while being in high school + doing theater (pretty sure we were close to if not putting on a show during november) + finding time to binge watch Sword Art Online + all the shenanigans required of being a functional member of the family. I have no idea what I was on during high school but gotdamn would I like a hit or three now lol
So, two nights and 1.5 bottles of wine later, I bid you adieu. have fun, don't die, don't get kidnapped, I'll see y'all with my last couple spotify wrapped prompts soonish and then in February ✌️
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glitchyred · 7 months
hey, a friend let me know you were looking for OG glitchy red thread. i might have the screencaps and a bunch of old creepypasta lost media on my old hard drive if you don't mind waiting a few weeks for my partner and i to finish going through his storage unit. i wanna say someone on deviantart originally posted the screencaps somewhere? i was into pokemon in 2010/2011 and was following the original /vp/ thread. i also remembered the supposed OP posting a screenshot of his firered game glitching and if i'm right and it's not archived then that really sucks, even if photoshopped it added a lot of immersion to the story. it was 4chan and all anon though so who knows. :( there was also anon ("drawfag") fanart in the thread that someone claiming to be OP approved of and i will eat my own hat if i'm wrong about that because i vividly remember it! it was glitchy attacking fire!red. there were also a lot of wholesome (by 4chan standards) comments about how some people only turned off their game after they got their protag to a pokemon center or somewhere safe, which i vividly remember bc it was the whole reason i kept up with the thread lol. feel free to ask any questions. i'm seriously freaking out right now, i had no idea anyone else was even still into this stuff!! i follow the fnf mod community and didn't even know there was a whole pokepasta mod at ALL!
sorry this is all i can offer for now, i haven't even used tumblr in like 10 years but thank you for the nostalgia! should i play false red? if i don't respond it's because you lost me to hypno's lullaby.
Holy SHIT thats awesome!!! I would love if you shared anything you find so much!!!! I lament over how much lost media there must be in old creepypasta forums so often, this fandom is smth I'm so passionate about. Also I could be totally wrong (I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple pieces depicting The Nightmare Scene) but it would be crazy if you're referencing My Favorite Glitchy Red Art lol. My tablet's download folder is super unorganized so it'll take me forever to dig it up but I know I have it somewhere I'll upload it with reblogs off if I find it. Also that bit abt the wholesome comments is adorable NDKWJJD
Anyway yeah!! The pokepasta community is very small but thriving. FNF: Lullaby isn't the only FNF mod for Pokepastas (I can't. Remember the names of the others off the top of my head but you should be able to find them easily lol) and it's where the majority of the fandom is at rn! I don't hang out on that side of the fandom much but I love. The Lullaby song for Strangled Red it's So good. Also I would recommend False Red for anyone who likes Glitchy Red, it's very much a spiritual successor intentionally or not. It can be a little hard to track down these days so here's a download link if you or anyone reading this needs it.
Tysm and keep me updated!!
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team-council-two · 2 years
hi hello :D hope y’all are having a wonderful day-
thank you so much for making this blog because holy shit it’s gonna be so helpful <3
how do you say “Jesus Christ” in French ? context being it’s an exasperated exclamation
1. Many thanks - Aschen
Always happy to help! Now shower us with prompts and questions :) - Ray
Aw hey, thanks a ton - Cosmas
alpha here !! have a nice day too ! Personally, I'm glad you think this'll be useful. I just hope you and other people alike will be ready for how fuckin utterly disgustingly verbose I am, as expected of the person of this blog assuming authority on questions regarding spy (and perhaps what little scout could hope to have of french), and I am wishing you to manage to extract some glimpses of useful informations from my endless blabber still. (i also would like to apologise for my... sporadic use of ' and caps. i unfortunately have spent a good part of my life imitating dave strider's typing style, for i am the mandatory homestuck fan per project.)
onto the point !
well, what a simple yet interesting question, which yet easily unfolds into quite the lot of considerations to ponder !
so see, i am already forced to explain a little french thing known as our special relationship with religion, or as i fondly call it, our hellbentness on loudly frothing at the mouth whenever the church and catholicism is mentionned and our tendency to enjoy concepts such as the guillautine and the séparation de l'état et de l'église (chuch state separation for you English speaking friends)
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This love for our république and révolution influenced us culturally a lot. In short; we do not refer to god for much or anything, including for the use religion based cusses, simply because we were hellbent on removing the catholic church from as much of our life as possible. It wasnt just royalty ! (we had a toast in the honor of the english queens death btw). But, because there always is a but, these cusses and the like still exist in french, and Spy is still someone who lives around americans a lot. so im assuming hed do the same as me, aka pick up a lot of language habits that youd usually not develop as much. this DOES include using religious based speech despite it all. A common consequence is, even if you don't say oh mon dieu/mon dieu a lot usually, well… Live long enough in America, and you will. But, because of course, there's always a but ! we do this because they have strikingly similar connotations ! Both can be used for surprise, fear and exhaustion alike. So. Let me actually answer this.
First, Jésus Christ is how you say it in french but it's pronounced completely different, like jeh-zus creest. Second, that said its not one i'd quite use interchangeably, at least for this case. You see, not only it sounds awkward as fuck in French and would be a real tongue twister to say in the middle of an English sentence (Ray's post on switching from Russian to English being hard also applies to French), it also would be that French uses this one a bit more restrictively : it's a thing you say more for surprising situations rather than quite exhaustion. We can but it's not our first choice. (also, on a side note, doux Jésus, lit. sweet jesus, is precisely for pleasant surprises too, as well as fear bound surprise. On a similar vein, the exclamation "Jesus !" will more often than not be better translated by "Christ !", but it really is. um. a nun/old time thing. It really is not common.)
Ironically mon dieu/bon dieu would likely be more fitting, bon sang (bloody hell ? Except that it's just. literally good blood.) but only if you follow it with a full mocking sentence like "bon sang, you are so fucking stupid it baffles me !…" or something like "bon sang, mais c'est quoi ce bordel ?" for full on, jesus christ what is this shit ? yknow. you even can use bon sang de bon soir. This whole thing reads as much more firm and almost angry compared to what you want, likely, tho. The absolute fucking peak of tired exhaustion, which is what I assume you're going for ? a standalone "mon Dieu mon Dieu mon Dieu mon Dieu…" Complete with head shaking and rubbing your temples. Bonus for being a classic movie reference (le grand restaurant, any Louis de Funès fan here ? he might pop up a lot in what i refer to). "Doux Jésus de doux Jésus de doux Jésus…" also works the same, minus the cool reference. A good ole "oh putain" for when you realize sth is going fucky is good too, the classic "merde/et merde" also is commonly adviseable.
There are many options because despite Ray's insistance that French cussing is weak compared to Russian one, we do have an entire art of cussing a lot, cussing in specific ways and cussing in stupid and artful ways. please do not hesitate to provide more context and/or the paragraph in which this pops up. but overall ? since your audience will be in its majority either american, or french people used enough to american english, i wouldnt worry too much about jésus christ not being understood or noticed as an "error" despite its use being a tiny tiny bit different. This is overall nitpick. but hey ! Guess that's what we are here for.
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seasidepierre · 2 years
hello! do you have any advice for new writers who are trying to get started in the f1 tumblr fandom ???
Hey Bub!
I'm not sure I'm the one you should seek advice from but here's what I can tell you, if that can help you just a little bit:
Create connections. If you want people to read your stuff, don't hesitate to go read theirs. Leave comments, slide in the DMs, make friends. It'll make your experience infinitely richer and you'll find some amazing people.
Don't hesitate to ask for feedbacks. You'd be surprised by how much feedback I ask for before I post. I rarely post without having sent the fic to a friend (or a couple) first, to see if I missed something, if there's a typo, if it's correct, etc etc
Tag your fics properly. Make sure that your visibility is on too! (in your blog's settings, all the way down, check that you haven't enabled "hide my blog from Google searches" as it hides it from Tumblr searches too). Don't put thousands of tags, it's pointless, but make sure to have the major ones related to the driver you're writing about. You can check my fics for inspo if you want :)
Have fun!! Don't use your Tumblr blog like you'd use Wattpad. If you only post your fics, people won't be able to connect. I regularly post silly things, just because it makes me laugh or because I think people could relate to it. I'm no God, I'm not unattainable, I want to appear as friendly as I can because I love people sliding in my ask box!
Be prepared for the nightmarish ratio you're gonna get. Writing on Tumblr is super nice and you get tons of visibility but it's also super lonely, in a way. If you take my most popular fic right now, it has close to 1.3k notes (which is insane, it still blows my mind, I feel like a complete fraud), but on those, I got only 6 comments and 15 reblogs that somewhat got me a feedback. The rest is likes and reblogs with absolutely nothing except the tags I put on myself. And it's unmotivating to the max. So make sure you do it for fun and not for the reviews, because you most likely won't have them.
Don't hesitate to ask for help! There's a lovely community here, you'll find tons of writers who can help you out.
Don't stop at rude anons. I know coming from me, it's a joke, because I spent three days in the gutter after a negative comment, but I don't want that for you.
Writing is an art. You won't be amazing at it on the first try. My first ever fics (about like 13 years ago- holy shit I am so fucking old) were absolutely fucking horrifying. I like to think that I have MASSIVELY improved lmao. Don't worry too much, it takes practice. Check prompts blogs if you feel stuck.
Remember that you don't gain anything from that. You won't get paid for it. You won't get gifts. You won't get anything but comments in return. Therefore, your writing should never be your top priority. Take your time. Life happens. If people are impatient, that's a they problem, not a you problem, okay?
Have fun, Baby Writer!
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jakelandryshorts · 2 years
Special Scent
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“You ready to start training old man?” Chad nodded his head at his new client.
Ross shook his head. “You’re my trainer?” he questioned. A bit of a raised eyebrow as he stared at the early 20 something jock. He’d been hoping to get a bit back into shape, but didn’t know exactly how to do it. He’d already bought some stuff online that was supposed to help him get big, however it strongly suggested finding a personal trainer as well.
“Sure am big guy,” Chad said. He pushed a finger into Ross’ belly.
“Hey!” Ross jumped back.
Chad laughed as he watched the other man squirm. “Don’t be such a pussy man. It’s just a joke.” He turned to a print out. “So, it says here you wanna gain some muscle. Well…” he looked over Ross with overly skeptical eyes. “Don’t know how much I can really do for ya. Or at least I’m hoping you’re not expectin instant results. Ya know?”
Ross nodded. “Yes. I know.” It’d been a long time since he’d ever stepped foot in a gym. Even then it was more because he had to for a fitness class in his freshmen year of college. That was near 20 years ago and even then he never worked out that much in there. Electives were always pushover classes. And with that 20 years, also came a lot of excess weight. “It’ll take a while. I just need someone to help with it. Alright?”
“Sure man. I’m your guy,” Chad flexed his thick muscular arm. Then slapped it for extra effect. “Best damn trainer in here.” The young wannabe bodybuilder did have some good definition there, but his attitude made him anything but lacking.
Again, Ross nodded. “Uh-huh, that’s why I hired you.” His attitude had become a bit more confrontational, but with Chad’s ego he didn’t seem to notice. “But before we get started, I wanted to ask you about this stuff I bought online. I don’t really know anything about it, but I heard it’s supposed to do wonders.” He pulled out two containers and a shaker bottle.
“Hmmm?” Chad looked over the two bottles. “Transference?” He read the name. “Never heard of that. Looks as legit as any other one though. Like the use of black, purple and green on the label though. Maybe I’ll have to try it…” Ross felt his stomach sink at the thought of pre and post workout formulas being so interchangeable that the label was the only thing that set them apart from each other. But he watched Chad examine the labels. “Looks like this ones the pre workout and this ones the post. All you gotta do is mix 6 ounces water with 1 scoop and you need to have someone you want to be like around as you work out. Then your transference will begin. The fuck does that mean?”
“Don’t know…” Ross shrugged.
“Alright man. Whatever. Just go get some water in that shaker and then we can get started,” Chad said.
Ross did as he was told, filling it up in the water fountain next to the locker rooms. He dumped a scoop of powder into the water and shook the bottle. He was surprised as to how brightly neon the water could become. It was almost like if all the lights went out there would be a green light emitting from it. Ross shook his head and brought the pre workout to his mouth. He poured it down.
“Holy shit!” he cursed. It almost burned as it dropped into his stomach.
“Tastes great. Don’t it?” Chad mocked, giving Ross a strong pat to the back. It nearly toppled the other man over. “It’s all part of process. You’ll feel it soon enough. So let’s get started.”
Ross followed Chad over to the machines. His trainer was just taking him through a normal work out. Nothing too complex or crazy. However, Ross felt a surge of energy running through him. Even though he’d never worked out before, somehow, he kept feeling like he wanted to put more and more weight during each exercise. More surprisingly, he was having fun.
Something about moving and feeling the pressure of the weights as he pushed himself through each workout was getting him more excited. Even as his shirt became drenched in sweat, Ross didn’t find himself slowing down at all. If anything, he kept pushing himself even harder. And with Chad actually paying attention to him a little bit more, Ross no longer felt as awkward in the gym.
However, after he finished the workout, he couldn’t help but feel as though something was off. Ross headed to the locker room, with Chad close behind. The trainer seemed to really interested in him. Though Ross couldn’t help but notice as some of the other guys working out around him also seemed to pay a bit of attention to him as he did exercises around him.
“Yo,” Chad finally said. “What kind of deodorant are you using?”
“Deodorant?” Ross looked at him skeptically. “Just normal stuff at the store. I don’t really look at it.”
“Dude! It smells fucking fire! I gotta know what it is,” Chad said. He leaned in closer and gave him a strong sniff. “Damn! You gotta let me know.”
Ross tried to pay it no mind as he was a bit prone to being paranoid around other people. “Sure…” Ross said. He suddenly felt a bit less comfortable than he had. However, it wasn’t just the situation. It was his clothes as well. Suddenly they started to feel even less comfortable than they had. Ross had figured it was the sweat as they clung tightly to his body. But when Ross looked himself in the mirror, he couldn’t help but notice something was off.
The heavy belly he’d always had, wasn’t nearly as large. Instead, it looked like there was a lot of weight in his shoulders and chest. Same with his arms as they stretched his sleeves. “What the hell?” he wondered out loud, approaching the mirror. The shirt only seemed to constrict him even more. He held up his arm and gave it a flex.
Chad’s face plunged into his armpit.
“What the hell!?” Ross pushed the other man away.
“I… I…” Chad stammered for a second as he realized what he’d just done. The large muscular trainer looked just as Ross. “I couldn’t help it. You smell so damn good…” It almost came out as a moan as he said it. His body tensed up as he looked intently on Ross.
Ross couldn’t help but noticed the hard rod in his trainer’s shorts. Chad looked like he was struggling with it. He was obviously proud of his straightness. His ability to get girls just on his handsome looks and hot body were probably part of his core. Yet, right now, he couldn’t get enough of Ross. Ross felt his ego inflate a little bit. He lifted up his arm. “Do I?” he said coyly.
“C’mon man. Please…” Chad’s knees went weak. He seemed to be shaking as fought these weird new urges. Even stranger still was that his clothes no longer fit him as tightly as they had. He could feel the straps of his sleeveless shirt drooping over his shoulders. There wasn’t nearly as much pressure on his chest. And then his shorts fell around his ankles.
“Please what?” Ross approached Chad with his arm still raised. An obvious sweat stain filled his armpit. Chad let out another moan. His body almost collapsed in on itself. Ross made sure to catch him by the back of the head, then shoved him into his armpit. For only a second he felt the other man struggle. Then Chad gave up, burying his face into the stinky pit. “That’s it,” Ross added just a teeny bit pressure.
Chad continued to bury his face into the sweat and musk. Lost in the ecstasy, he nearly fell a couple of times, but quickly gripped onto Ross’ firm form for support. He didn’t notice that his body kept shrinking. Hard earned muscle, garnered over years of demanding work was rapidly disappearing. His arms no longer were large and imposing, instead they were thin and weak. Long thick bones that had grown through hard sport were shrinking and shortening. No longer did he have to bend over to fit perfectly into the smelly pit.
On the opposite end, Ross was growing. He could feel his shirt constricting more and more against his body. Small holes and tears started to appear in his workout shirt. Soon it was getting to be too much. A loud rip ran down his back side. ‘Oh well,’ Ross shrugged and used his big hand to easily rip the remnants of the fabric off his chest. Chad only seemed to enjoy it more as his face finally touched skin. His tongue lapped up the sweat underneath Ross’ pit.
“That’s a good boi,” Ross said. But his hand gripped the back of Chad’s head a bit tighter and pulled him out of his happy place. Chad looked up at the other man confused. No longer was it the out of shape late 40 something, but instead an incredibly handsome mid 30 something. Fat no longer covered his face but instead a strong beard gave him a more of a masculine look. His eyes were focused and commanding. And his voice even more so. “But Daddy’s gotta have a little bit of fun too.” He adjusted his cock in his shorts.
Chad’s body twisted with excitement. “But I’ve never done it before…”
“First time for everything,” Ross grinned. He slapped the other man in the back nearly knocking him over.
“Okay!” Chad cheered. His dominate personality seemed to have disappeared along with his muscles. He instantly flung himself back onto Ross, making sure his little hands were able to grope Ross’ pecs. They softly clawed at the hard muscles and ran through the fur growing on his chest.
Ross grabbed Chad and pushed him against the metal lockers. A bit harder than he meant to but Chad only seemed to enjoy it more. He pushed his ass out more. It was about the only thing on him that hadn’t shrunk dramatically. Ross smirked as he dropped his shorts around his ankles. He fished his cock out of his boxers, noticing that strange green glow dripping from his tip.
Pressing his cock against Chad’s anus, he was surprised to find it open so easily for him. Chad let out an incredible moan that bounced off the lockers. His fingers scraped against the metal as his body fell limp against the lockers. Ross experienced a similar situation but his muscles felt even more electrified. He thrust over and over into the other man. His strong hands held Chad up as he continued to plow him.
“More! More! More!” Chad begged as his anus seemed to mold around Ross’ thick cock. Each thrust felt better than the last. He couldn’t help himself.
Ross felt the same. It was a perfect hole each time he slid in and out, squeezing just tight enough to push him to the edge. It became too much. Ross felt his body jerk and release inside of Chad. He let out a hearty grunt as the little man let out a soft, “Ooooohhh…” as he painted the lockers white. However, Ross didn’t let him fall. Instead, he held Chad closely to his body, embracing the moment.
“Damn that felt good,” Ross growled in his ear.
Chad nodded, leaning into the large body. He was still coming down from the high. It wasn’t until he was removed from Ross’ dick that he realized what happened. “I’m so small!?” he looked up at the sexy wall of hairy muscle before him. “What happened!? Why do I—” he cut himself off as he felt his hands wanted to feel Ross’ hard arms. To smell his sweaty musk. His body slowly leaned in again. Dick throbbing with excitement.
“Hold it,” Ross chided. He held the other man at bay. Then reached down into his bag and grabbed the ‘post protein shake.’ He quickly made it up watching Chad eye him all the while touching himself very obviously. But the moment he felt the drink enter into his belly, the charm seemed to almost wear off. Chad clearly didn’t want to look away, but he at least wasn’t as sexually needed as he had been just moments before.
“Woah…” Chad muttered. Suddenly he felt woozy and toppled over.
Ross quickly caught him. “Careful now…” he said. His deep voice calm and in control.
“Uh-huh…” Chad said. Though, he did cop a grope the moment his hands touched Ross’ skin.
In walked another bodybuilder. “Damn! What the fuck smells so good?!” he shouted. His eyes lingered on Ross and Chad for a moment. “Never mind…” Then headed to a locker to change.
More stories over on my wordpress
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daegall · 3 years
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↳ youtube user renjunnie has uploaded a video!
'Going on a roadtrip with an old friend! (plus qna!!)'
it's great content, it really is, until Renjun realizes he's caught himself falling for his childhood friend in 4k.
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pairing: youtuber! Renjun x reader
genre: fluff, crack, childhood friends to lovers! AU, youtuber! AU, roadtrip! AU
warnings: swearing, reader is implied shorter than renjun, mentions of tits, the aggressive cheesing of nostrils, so many granola bars??!?!?!?!!?!?!
word count: 9k words
a/n: part of my ALL FUN AND GAMES nct dream 00 line series, and @kokonomi 's natsuyo no magic writing event!! most of this is based off my trip to my grandfather's house (the tiddie mountains HAHA) also this might be a bit messy since i wrote literally half of this a week before it was due
and there maybe small easter eggs to the other stories... if you can find them :lipbites:
taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kokonomi @twozeronet @dailyyuta @lanadreamie
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Huang Renjun was always an artistic guy. You knew this since 5th grade, after you had requested him to paint you an elephant. You expected the elephant to be painted in gray, but it was filled with colors and such detail, you couldn't help but boast how you got such a beautiful painting.
But a youtube channel? You didn't really expect that from him. You didn't think he would really put himself out there, so publicly and expose his personal side, but he has been hanging out with Lee Donghyuck for years now so he was bound to grow more extroverted.
It was strange, you spent so many years with him during your childhood, and now you're one of his (thousands) of viewers, supporting him in a way you never thought you would.
You scroll through instagram on your bed, a face mask cooling your face as you relax after a long week of work. This week had been filled with assignments and tasks from the company you intern at, but alas, summer had come.
The first few hours of freedom and you're already relaxing so carelessly.
You quirk up in interest when you come across a post Renjun posted just minutes ago, reading through the lines of the caption with curiosity. Lines of how summer is finally back, something about a qna, you're definitely gonna submit something in. The next line surprises you a little bit.
'Here's my email if you guys want to tell me some stories or tell me a problem, now don't go complaining about my alien theories again ;)'
You contemplate on emailing him. You tried emailing him from the one he made in 4th grade, but of course nobody was managing it.
'ah, fuck it.'
Shrugging, you opened your emails, going straight to, and type in Renjun's new email address. But you doubt he'll reply, there are probably thousands of emails already sent in with the amount of fans he has.
'Hey Renjun! I don't know if you remember me but it's Y/n. The girl from 3rd to 8th grade? I doubt you'd remember me, but I just wanted to check if you did :) I tried contacting your old email you made in 4th grade but you didn't reply, as expected haha.
Anyways, if you see this, and you do remember me, hit me up! I'd love to catch up soon<3
Kind regards, Y/n Y/l/n.'
You cringe at the basic 'kind regards,' but press send anyway, turning your phone off to bring your laptop to your lap instead and watch Buzzfeed Unsolved instead.
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The next morning, as you sit on the dining table and bid your roommate goodbye as she leaves the apartment you open your notifications, hoping one of your friends would ask you to hang out like your roommate.
Just as you take your second bite of cereal, you choke on it, eyes widening at the sight of an email, from Huang Renjun.
You quickly wipe off the milk and cereal from your mouth and chin, opening the email to see if it was actually him.
Holy shit so it really is him.
You feel the tip of your ears, and even your cheeks warm up at how enthusiastic he sounded with the all caps message, biting back a smile. Your eyes travel to read the remaining of the message.
'Yes! I'd also love to catch up! Here have my number;' the next sentence contains his number, and you can't help but gape at it. It feels weird, to be his childhood friend, and kind of his fan at the same time.
With excitement, you copy the number, and instantly make it a new contact on your phone 'HUANG FUCKING RENJUN AAA'. You then quickly go to message him, the excitement of the moment bubbling within you.
As you don't expect such a quick reply, you continue eating your breakfast, but your eyes can't lie as they glance at your phone ever so often, anticipating for an answer.
After your last bite of cereal, your phone lights up, and there it is, a reply from Renjun.
You giddily continue catching up with your childhood friend, legs swinging playfully in the air as you lie on your stomach, giggling to yourself at such a moment you never thought would happen.
After a few minutes (literally half an hour) of texting, Renjun brings up a strange idea that has your heart swelling and your stomach flipping.
Do you wanna be in one of my videos?
you: hell no
i have no experience
You: so what???? I could pull a jeno and make the video boring af
but come on :(
You: sorry jun but you seriously wouldn't want me in one of your videos
You are unaware of the way the old nickname you call Renjun causes his heart to soar, he hasn't heard anyone call him that in so long. Let alone you, the girl he used to have a crush on.
The conversation ends there, you move on to a new topic until Renjun claims he needs to go grocery shopping.
That night, as you shut your computer down, your eyes linger on the messages that Renjun sent. You've always had a small urge to start a youtube channel, but you never thought people would actually watch your content.
Here Renjun is, with his thousands of subscribers and a video titled 'Literally just me sitting on my couch' and the video does not lie. It's just filled with him staring at his tv with his roommates occasionally joining in.
You wish to do things like him. Post videos without a care in the world, without caring if anyone didn't like it.
Shaking your thoughts off, you get under the covers and shut your eyes in hopes of a good night's sleep.
Exactly a week later, you find yourself bidding your roommate goodbye yet once again, but this time with a weaker smile as she had been gone everyday with her friends. And you just stay at home, hoping for one of yours to come unexpectedly to pick you up.
A sudden honk breaks through the quiet atmosphere of the sweet morning, you jump up at it, and your roommate comes rushing back in through the door.
She looks shocked, eyes wide and mouth agape as she points to your balcony and instructs you to look outside.
A bit scared, but definitely with anticipation, you open the sliding door to the balcony, walking out into the cool morning air, before you grasp at the railing and look down to see what it was.
To your utter surprise Renjun stands there with his camera in hand, looking around blindly, before lighting up when he finally sees you. He waves and sends you a soft grin, "Hey Y/n! Surprise!"
You didn't actually think your hopes would come true. Especially if it's Huang Renjun. "What the fuck are you doing here, Renjun?!"
"Come on! Be in one of my videos!"
"Are you serious?! Dude I can barely process this it's too early in the morning!"
"Yeah!" One of your neighbors steps out into his balcony as well, pointing at Renjun. "You shouldn't be honking at 7 in the fucking morning!"
Renjun awkwardly smiles and waves in apology, before turning back to you with a cheeky smile, "Too bad! Pack your things let's go!"
You're not so sure if Renjun saved your life, or made it harder. He is suddenly in your room, bouncing on your bed as he observes your surroundings, all the little things somehow giving off your vibes.
"How long are we gonna be gone?"
Your childhood friend continues jumping on your bed, spinning around playfully with giggles, "I don't know. At least a few days, I think?"
You stare dumbfounded at Renjun, as he flops on your bed and kicks around in your sheets like a child, before squealing and shocking you when he jumps off. "I can't believe you found me! It's been years, how are you?"
You can't help but smile at the stars in his eyes, gazing over the excitement and adrenaline in them. You wonder what time he woke up to get here, or how long he took. Wait a minute-
"How the hell do you know where I live, though?"
"I stalked your instagram and found your mom. She told me. She also promised a bunch of her cookies and kisses."
You shove the last of your belongings (you think are enough) to bring on the very unexpected trip, narrowing your eyes on Renjun, "I feel like she loves you more than she loves me,"
Renjun complies as you gesture for him to help sit on the duffle bag as you zip it, the contents inside shrinking and squeezing in dangerously together in the small space. He looks back at you with a cheeky smile, "I think so too."
This time, it's your roommate and her friends who bid you goodbye as you haul your bag into Renjun's car, awkwardly waving back at the people you have no relations too. You are greeted by a camera in front of you as you climb into the passengers seat, freezing and blinking along to the red light going on and off at the corner. Buckling your seatbelt, you throw a quick punch to Renjun's bicep.
"You didn't tell me you were gonna record this!"
Your childhood friends huffs out a scoff, taking a left to onto the street, "This is totally vlog worthy!" He glances at the camera with big eyes, biting his lip in excitement.
"Welcome to Renjun's first video for the road trip series! Today, I am here, in my car, with one of my childhood friends who messaged me about a week ago! Say hi, Y/n,"
You look straight into the camera, mustering up your most polite smile, before raising your hand to wave at the waiting audience, "Hi, I'm Y/n, Renjun's childhood friend and girl he just kidnapped about 5 minutes ago."
"Y/n! Youtube's probably gonna take this down now!" Albeit his statement, Renjun snorts, coming to a stop at a sudden red light. You can't remember the last time you've been with someone else in a car, other than taxi or uber. You would always walk to campus or if you're occasionally (read: always) late to class you would take the bus.
You went shopping with your roommate last month, but you two aren't that close and it was just filled with her music. Quite awkward, but comfortable nonetheless.
Renjun unexpectedly pulls out his phone from his pocket, unlocking it with a very obvious password, his birthday, before he shoves it into your face.
"Open notes and read the questions I picked out for the qna."
"Right now? I've been in your car for like a single minute and you're bossing me around already?" You face the camera with a dumbfounded look, "Classic Renjun, I guess."
Renjun says something about you bullying him the second you see him, but you don't pay attention as you scroll through his phoen for the questions. You don't take long, as it was titled very boldly, 'QNA QUESTIONS HERE!!!'. Gosh, how private must he be?
You skim through each of the questions, some painfully basic, and some actually pretty good questions, but there is one you do come across, "Do you still believe in aliens?" You gasp at the question, before breaking out into loud laughter, "Oh my god you're still on that? I thought you stopped at 13!"
Renjun shoves his fist gently into your side, growing flustered at the question he picked out, "Hey, don't clown me! Jisung even agrees with me on this, yes, yes I still do."
You hold back a laugh at his very serious tone, choosing to read another question. "Do you ever consider making a gaming video with Hyuck?" You've only seen this 'Donghyuck' about twice on his channel, once when he cooked for his roommates, and the second when he made a video to pull a revenge prank on him after Hyuck squirted a bottle of cheese string into Renjun's nose while he slept.
Oh how you would like to see that happen in real life.
Your childhood best friend sighs, running a hand through his hair, and you feel amused when he points at the camera as if to scold it, "You guys just love Hyuck, don't you?" There's a beat of silence that lingers through the air, before Renjun sighs agian, but in defeat this time, "Yes, yes I have. But why do you guys love Donghyuck so much when he squeezed a whole bottle of cheese string into my nose? It came out my other nostril!"
"Half a bottle," You cough out, attempting to hide the growing smile on your face.
Renjun only groans and mumbles for you to read the next question.
"What inspired you to start a youtube channel?" You turn your head and wait expectantly for his anticipated answer, also genuinely curious as to why he started making videos.
"Jeno." Renjun answers with an affirmative nod after a second of thought. "And Jaemin. They told me to make a painting video, for fun, but it got about 2 million views and a ton of subscribers." he shrugs with a smug grin, taking off once again as the light goes green again. "I guess I'm just that lucky,"
Smiling at the reminder of the video, you are also reminded of the elephant he painted you and how you cherished it so much. You still have it to this day, just with your parents back home.
"I still have that elephant painting from 5th grade, you know?"
Renjun gapes upon the nostalgic remembrance of his old art days, his first pieces he was oh so proud of. "Oh my god! No way, where is it?"
"Oh, still at my parents house. In my room, I think."
Beaming, Renjun turns to you with a mischievous smile, before grinning and pointing finger guns at the camera. "Look at that folks, my first masterpiece safe and sound, and hopefully in perfect shape too."
You don't know where Renjun takes you, but you trust him, and you're sure it couldn't be that bad.
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i. renjunnie just tweeted! 'note to self: never let y/n push the grocery cart'.
Your roommate was definitely a foodie, along with her friends, which shocks you because they are literally so fit. Having leftover food brought to you after your roommate's long day of hanging out with her friends is great, but you don't always eat it as it would always do a number on your stomach, and your roommate finishes it anyways because she knows you don't always accept the food.
You were never one to literally kill for food, but you might just do it right now. Renjun didn't even let you finish your breakfast before helping you pack and instantly leave.
And now, about 2 hours into the ride you have never felt so hungry in your entire life.
Which is exactly why you forced Renjun to pull up at a gas station, with also had a diner, convenience store, and grocery store.
"You're a beast, you know?" You say as you grab a trolley, waltzing in with Renjun by your side with his camera stuck in front of him.
Renjun snorts, "Yeah well, I'm not the one who threatened to throw themselves out the car."
You simply stick your tongue at him, "You almost starved me!"
In his defense, he just wanted to get to the destination, which you don't even know where it is, which is pretty suspicious, but you trust Renjun nonetheless.
"Y/n goes mental when she's hungry, so thank god for her foodie roommate." Renjun makes a face at the camera, before reaching to grab a small packet of coca cola and plopping it into the cart.
Renjun's viewers know who you are now, they are the twitter detectives, searching up and finding your own twitter after Renjun posted a pic of you together in the car, account and following instantly. They even found your instagram account, which is pretty crazy because they have different usernames.
You don't remember telling him about your roommate, but you suppose you don't remember anything for the last 1 and a half hour because you slept after the first 10 questions for the qna.
You hum in agreement, finally realizing how luck you are for your roommate and her friends reaching to get a packet of sprite as well.
"What snacks should we add?"
Renjun places the camera into the corner of the cart, adjusting the camera to show the both of you. He waves a cheeky grin and a peace sign, and you follow along, shooting finger guns. "I'm on a diet, so I guess granola bars would be okay."
"Okay, chips it is,"
Repulsed, Renjun freezes in the middle of the isle with a dumbstruck expression, sighing, deciding to turn around and get the granola bars for himself. He takes his camera with him, knowing you'd be doing nothing but spewing embarrassing stories of him in middle school.
The granola bars aren't that far away from where you are, just about 2 isles down. Renjun speaks to the camera about his diet and how he finds granola bars so much more tastier than any snack he's ever eaten.
God bless Jaemin for shoving one in his face.
"Oh! This is it! The one Jaemin forced me to eat!" He excitedly grins, taking a box and waving it to the camera, "Thank you Jaemin for shoving it in my mouth, without you I wouldn't have found my-"
Renjun's sentence hitches in his throat and he yelps when he hears a loud crash nearby, holding the box of granola bars to his chest in shock. It takes him a few moments, before he hears muttering and occasional groans, that sound exactly like you.
Upon realizing what supposedly happened, Renjun stares wide eyed at the camera. He grows even more shocked when he sees you appearing behind him hurriedly from the camera, shrieking as he jumps back.
"What the fuck?!"
"Help I just crashed into the cereal isle,"
Renjun stares dumbfounded at you, glancing at the isle, only to see a few stray boxes laying about on the floor, "What?! How did you even-"
"I don't know! I was just pushing the cart to the chips, but you know how there has to be that one shitty wobbly wheel? It took a turn and all the other wheels followed along!"
Astonished, Renjun stares at you as if you were an alien, speechless at your sudden speech. You throw your hands up in the air, "I swear to god I'm not lying."
Your childhood friend only sighs, before he reaches out to grab your wrist to pull you towards the cereal isle.
Your cheeks heat drastically at his soft touch, his fingertips grazing softly against your wrist. "W-what are you doing?" You don't know which situation you're referring to, the mess of koko crunches on the floor, or the mess you stare at on your wrist.
"We have to clean it up before the employee's find out."
Renjun sets his camera down at the corner of the isle, mumbling how you were a little clumsy since you were children.
"Hey! It wasn't my fault! It was the wobbly wheel, Renjun!"
Renjun softly hits a box of lucky charms on the back of your head, picking up a few more, before placing them back in their place on the shelf.
You pick up the 3 boxes of corn flakes, making a face and muttering how they always tasted bland. As you look for the correct place for it, dread washes over you when you realize it's all the way on the top of the shelf, way to high for your own good. How are people supposed to take cereal from such a high shelf?
But then again, it's bland corn flakes, who would want it?
With all your strength and might, you reach up, attempting to fling the corn flakes at the top shelf, but to no avail, fell right back into your hands.
Before you could straight up throw the box up there, a sudden presence is warming your sides and arm, and Renjun takes the box from you with a small chuckle. He places it up on the highest shelf easily with the help of his tip toes, before giggling something about you being short.
Though you want to argue and comment about how he was literally the shortest in 5th grade, your words are stuck in your throat and there's heat covering your cheeks and ears.
No, this is ridiculous! You know for a fact that you feel like this when you like someone, and you also know for a fact that you forced yourself to stop liking Renjun in the 8th grade. The feelings can't resurface, they could never! It's been years!
But you can't lie to yourself, not when there's an inevitable smile covering your lips when Renjun picks his camera back up and yells something about leaving before the manager watches the footage.
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ii. renjunnie just updated his story on instagram! 'y/n's first attempt at vlogging!'
"Ooh, there's this one place I went to once with Jeno the last time we went on a road trip with his best friend. The food was great." Renjun perks up at the memory of the delicious food, almost drooling at the thought of having to taste it again.
You're about to say something, but the though vanishes at the mention of Jeno and his best friend. "Wait what? They're not dating yet? I swear to god they're literally so dense."
"Oh my god, I know right?? Jen, if you're watching this, go make out with her already please."
You nod, staring at the camera with stern eyes, "Please,"
"So where is this place? I'm pretty surprised you know about it when we're literally in the middle of nowhere."
You had exited the highway some time ago, about 30 minutes, and it's already lunch time, which means an actual meal instead of a few bags of chips and granola bars.
"Hyuck's mom recommended it when she heard we were on a road trip, she has a lot of connections." Renjun explains as he checks google maps to see if he's on the right road.
You nod, looking out the window to admire the scenery before you. You're now literally on a mountain, occasional houses here and there, and the clear sky puts a spark the scenery. "Cool,"
There's a peaceful silence after that, which feels a bit wrong because you literally have an active camera in front of you begging for some nice content. Renjun hums lightly along to the song on the radio, tapping his fingers to the beat against the steering wheel.
You can't help but admire the trees that blow against the wind, watching the leaves shake within the air. You want to feel such wind in your hair, it's been do long since you have. The last time was when you rode your bike down that one hill whenever you go to your local library, but that was weeks ago.
Without thinking, your finger presses against the window control, and the window rolls down. There's instant wind that blows against your hair and face just like you wished it to be, and you instantly smile at the sensation.
Renjun chuckles at your delighted smile, reaching down to roll down all the windows of the car, wind rushing into the car quickly. The amount of wind causes your hair to go haywire, and it seems like Renjun's does too, it thrashes in the air, tangling with each other crazily.
You burst out in laughter at Renjun's head of messy hair, reaching out to flatten it with your palm. He decides the wind is too much, rolling the windows at the back up, but leave yours and his halfway open letting in some wind.
Renjun can't help but relish in the lingering touch of your fingers in his hair, reaching up to run his own through them. He bites down a smile, shaking his head to ignore his weird thoughts.
After a few more songs played over the radio, and a few more fits of laughter when Renjun's hair messes up again, the car comes to a stop in front of a small hut, looking cozy and aesthetic.
You gape in awe at such a tiny little place, feeling the excitement practically boil in you. Though, before you could walk into the restaurant Renjun suddenly hands you his camera, "Film yourself for now, I have to go do my business."
You try not to show any signs of your amusement, though you're sure the camera catches the way your cheeks puff out, before you nod and shoo him away.
The small hut only have about 3 costumers, and it wasn't just like any restaurant. It's built over a small cliff, the scenery of beautiful mountain, and has no windows, just open for the scenery.
You greet a few of the waitresses, taking a seat on the furthest table, closest to the view.
"Hello Renjun viewers," You smile at the camera with a wave, "it's me, Y/n! I'm sure you guys know me at this point. Renjun asked me to take over filming while he takes a piss in the bushes back there," You point randomly behind you with a cheeky smile.
"So, I think I'll just read a few questions you guys asked on twitter." You reach into your pocket to fetch out your phone, unlocking it instantly to twitter, which was already open.
You gasp as you spot a question for you, a smile curling your lips up in delight, "One of these questions are for me! When did you meet Renjun? Oh, we went to elementary school together, up until 8th grade." You explain with ease, knowing the story all too well.
"That's right, I was there for his glory days, when he had a bowl cut and a crooked tooth, though, his crooked tooth made him look adorable." You laugh at the memory, unaware of the figure approaching you from the back.
"You better not be talking shit about me,"
"No, I'm telling the viewers the good stuff about you. You know, your middle school ugly phase."
Renjun scoffs as he takes a seat next to you, snatching his camera back, "My viewers-"
You cut him off with a hum, raising one finger into the air, "They're my viewers now. They gave me questions for the qna too! Look here's another one, what was your craziest experience? With or without Renjun, is alright."
You grin and beam up at the camera, smugly nudging at Renjun who only observes you as you start to explain how you had a dog once who was really energetic and at some point dragged you around your backyard. Why did you even hold onto the leash in the first place?
Strangely enough, Renjun has a small smile growing on his face with each detail you include, unaware of it growing bigger and bigger. He leans his head on his palm, tilting his head and giggling when you sulk when you realize how harsh your dog was.
Heart beating fast, lips twitching up, Renjun is suddenly completely aware of how his cheeks are so sore and warm and how he has his utmost attention to you, he's a bit weirded out at this feeling.
He hasn't had it since high school, which was years ago.
Renjun thinks your smile is precious, the way you speak naturally to the camera is endearing, he might just blurt it out loud at how obvious he makes it by staring at you so intently.
You put down your phone after a few minutes of research, as you were previously curious to it's history and how old it must be, stifling a laugh and turning the camera to the view in front of you, nudging at Renjun to point at the two mountains that stand next to each other. The beauty is immaculate, you have to say, and you haven't seen such a sight in so long, dare you say, you haven't seen such a sight ever.
"Look, people say these mountains are so famous just because they look like tits,"
Renjun stares astonished at your screen when you show him, feeling lightheaded and shocked that people made it famous just because of the boob like structure. "No, no, this is too much, how did I not know before??"
Renjun then begs to eat because he has an empty stomach, claiming that you need to eat too, 'chips isn't good enough to fill an empty stomach, healthily.' Though you want to argue, you know he's right, you're in the restaurant anyway, might as well take a rest and relax.
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iii. y/n !! just tweeted 'renjun looks cute when he naps lolzers'
Before you know it the sun has already set hours ago, you're no longer on a mountain, and you're at yet another gas station in yet another town, filling up the car with gas for another adventure to your next stop, wherever that may be.
You exit the convenience store with more granola bars and drinks to keep you awake for the ride, but you know you'll be awake for at least another 4 hours for how long you napped in the car after the delicious food at that small restaurant. Food coma hit you right away when you get in the car, and Renjun took the chance to take lots of cursed photos for the future.
You grin at the sight of Renjun waiting for you in the car, his head leaned against the wheel as he slowly dozes off into sleep. You store the snacks you just bought in the back seat, before you pop open the door to the driver's seat.
Gently, you shake Renjun awake, "Hey, Jun, wake up." He thankfully isn't much of a deep sleeper, so he wakes up almost right away with a big yawn. "Oh sorry, give me one of the drinks and I'll be awake, just give me a few moments."
You laugh at his statement, shaking your head with a fond smile, "No, I think it's my turn to drive, you've been doing for 8 hours now. Go get some rest."
Renjun blink up at you once, and then twice, before he sighs and gives into your proposal, switching your seats as you said. He munches on one last granola bar, before he knocks out completely.
You start the journey once again, driving down a lonely road leading out of the town, ready for your next destination. If you trust Renjun with wherever he drives you to, you hope he trusts you to drive wherever too.
Of course, you won't be completely doing this randomly, you have google maps open in front of you, showing you the right ways to the next upcoming locations and spots you could visit.
Renjun's camera is surprisingly still on, albeit it's low battery, you notice how the red light blinks more often and quicker than usual, concluding it to charging it.
You reach out to grab it, but a sudden movement at your side stops you from completing your mission. You quickly glance to your side to see the purple ikea blanket you had brought was now laying on Renjun's lap. Huh, he must've been using it.
Carefully, you relocate your hands to the blanket, pulling it up and covering Renjun's arms and shoulders, patting it so then it covers all his exposed body parts.
Strangely enough, you continue to glance at him after fixing the blanket, even after you're sure it wouldn't fall off. His peaceful face and slightly parted lips draws your attention more than anything else does (other than the road, of course), you feel intrigued and observe each of his beautiful features.
When did he get so good looking? Sure, you always thought he was, but this time it's somehow different, like he's actually genuinely attractive, not like all the dudes you joke to be hot. He's actually... infatuating. Is that the right word? Your mind is running everywhere because of Huang Renjun, and for once you don't mind it, not one bit.
A sudden beep in front of you catches your attention and practically reminds you to focus on the road, and not the guy in the passenger's seat looking all cute while he sleeps.
You stare at Renjun's camera, only to realize that it's still recording, so it caught everything. You flush in embarrassment and reach out to the camera with a shy smile, mumbling a soft 'oh, shut up', before turning it off and charging it. It's like you've grown attached to the camera, like it's become one of your friends.
So this is what it feels like to make the content you want, to not care if anyone thinks anything about it, because you're just enjoying yourself. You feel pure happiness as you cruise along the road, the empty, dim road where you can truly enjoy your time.
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iv. renjunnie just tweeted! 'another note to self: always let y/n pick out the next destination'.
Just a few hours later, you find yourself pulling up at the curb, turning off the car engine. You've been driving for hours on end now, with 2 gas stops and pee breaks, Renjun surprisingly hasn't woken up yet, he must be really tired from all the driving.
You relate to him as you stretch in your seat, sighing in delight at the relaxing sensation of your tense shoulders and arms. You open your door and smile at the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the smell of the salty sea, and the wind that grazes your tired face.
Reaching over tot he passenger's seat, you once again try to shake Renjun awake, "Hey, Jun, we're here,"
He stirs awake, rubbing adorably at his eyes with a sleepy yawn, "Hm? Where?" He looks out the window, and gasps at the sight, lighting up like a child on christmas. It makes you dangerously soft.
With a bright smile, Renjun hops out of his seat and onto the ground, where he stretches like a cat and groans in relief. You can really see the content on his face, and it makes you glad you came here.
Renjun sends you one last playful grin, before he goes taking off to the sand, running along the shore, where the tide is still high, laughing with pure happiness. Just the sound of it releases your stress.
"Y/n! Come join me!"
It should be too early in the morning for you to be comprehending anything, but after spending countless of hours (that feel like decades) with Renjun, you grow used to his morning bird antics, forcing yourself to understand whatever is happening.
You join Renjun on the sand, throwing your sneakers into the car, running up to him with a big smile. You two run wild on the sand, laughing and jumping in glee at nothing. It's alright, just the fact that you're enjoying yourselves is enough.
"Oh! Oh, the camera! We have to record this, it's-"
"Totally vlog worthy? God Renjun, just go get it!" Though your words are playful, your light push and soft smile say otherwise, expressing how you love recording everything for the memories.
Renjun quickly fetches his camera, running back to you while spinning the camera around him. "We're at a beach!!!" You hear, chuckling at the sight of Renjun jumping up and down with the camera.
The next few hours are filled with playing in the sand, walking ankle deep in the cold waters, and even catching the sunrise of the beach. It's incredibly beautiful, and full of wonder, it really feels like a dream. Or a fever dream with the amount of times Renjun buries your legs in the sand.
There's a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy that fills the air, it follows along the breeze and through your faces, it feels like a guilty pleasure.
What also feels like a guilty pleasure is the granola bars your snack on as a 'picnic'. You should've thought it through, really, but the granola bars give such a Renjun vibe that you don't mind it at this point. Plus all the lukewarm sodas all around you.
"Ooh, here's an interesting one, 'would you rather Jeno and his best friend not date until they're like thirty, or have hyuck cheese your nose again?"
"I swear to god Y/n if you read another question mentioning the cheese prank I will cheese your own nose." Your laughs are like melodies to Renjun, beautiful and full of emotion, he wants to hear it everyday.
Renjun's smile is something you too would like to see everyday, like your own personal ray of sunshine right in front of you, ready to cheer you up after a hard day.
"But god, I would let Hyuck cheese my nose if it meant for Jeno to get with his best friend."
"Jeno, last warning, if you're watching this and you still haven't made out with her we'll be cheesing your noses ourselves."
After a small fit of laughter, you move onto the next question, kicking your legs in the air. You lay on your back, on top of Renjun's legs, your phone reached out in front of you to block the sun and read questions at the same time.
"Favorite art work of yours?" You ask, bringing your phone down to look at your childhood friend. The sun glares at you, however, and forces you to hiss and squeeze your eyes shut. With a laugh, he leans forward and looks down at you to cover the sun with his head, humming as he racks his brain for an answer.
"I think the one I made with Jisung and Jeno. The late night finger painting, yes. The tea I made in that video wasn't too good though, just watered down tea."
You tilt your head with a frown, "What about the elephant painting?"
"Second," Renjun states with a peace sign thrown to the air.
You want to playfully argue how the painting he gave you should be the first, but as he sighs and looks up at the sky with his eyes shut, you decide not to, knowing it would just break his calm persona.
He smiles at the warm rays of sunlight that shine on his skin, feeling purely at bliss in the moment. With the perfect sunny day, at a beach, with you, it's all so relaxing.
As you scroll through the questions for the qna, you find lots you've already answered, and ones that are bit too personal, thumb constantly moving to find the next question.
You don't expect to come across one that has your eyes widening and cheeks warming up much more than how the sun could. 'never have i ever liked y/n'
Sure, you've seen a few posts here and there saying you and Renjun seem a bit closer than they think, but they never really fazed you. Somehow this one does, it catches you completely off guard, Renjun grows curious at the squeak you let out.
"What is it?" He asks.
Renjun's expressions are soft and laced with a bit of concern, but you wave it off, shaking your head. "It's nothing,"
"No, come on! Just read it!"
You hesitate to even look at it, just the thought has you so flustered, imagine reading it out loud and anticipating for an answer. Though, with Renjun's very curious eyes staring so innocently at you, you wonder what his answer will be.
With a deep breath, you prepare yourself for his reaction as you read, "N-never have I ever liked Y/n..."
There's a beat of silence, only the sound of the waves resonating through the salty breeze, and none of you look at each other.
"Y-you don't have to answer it," You try to cover up the situation, finally finding the courage to look up at Renjun. You might just stare at the sight of you for days, he looks so soft with his soft smile and pink cheeks, and with the sun on his skin? The most beautiful piece of art you've ever seen.
Well, other than the elephant, of course.
"Yeah, u-uhm next question?"
You're glad the sudden tension has passed and is over, though you want to know the answer. Has he ever liked you like you liked him back in middle school?
You have to say, the much upgraded and glowed up version of Renjun is much more attractive, and those feelings have resurfaced a bit.
Okay, maybe a lot.
But does Renjun feel the same way?
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You're surprised Renjun's car isn't wrecked and trashed with all the stuff he forced into front seat. The back seat is folded down and covered by your purple ikea blanket and another (very dusty) blanket Renjun keeps in his car.
You're also surprised you don't feel any grainy sands or pieces of dust sticking to you. You only fluffed the blankets a little before arranging it onto the trunk and back seat, along with a bunch of car pillows Jaemin forces Renjun to keep in his car.
You sigh at the new and improved back seat of the car, nodding to yourself proudly at the way you had set it up. Your childhood friend had went to change in the single stall bathroom they had a few meters away, though you are concerned if any crabs are there to pinch him.
Renjun, being the gentleman he is, let you change in the car, only for the price if you made the mini fort though.
You pick up Renjun's camera from the front seat, quickly running back to your spot in front of the open trunk, proudly pointing out the fort you made. "I made this all by myself, yup."
You direct the camera to the wooden stall in the middle of the sand, where Renjun is, "Jun is changing into his sleepwear right now, I hope no crabs pinched him in there."
As if on cue, the door swings open, And Renjun steps out with his old clothes in his arms, from his expressions, you assume your hopes were right and no crabs bothered him this time. He quickly notices you with the camera, waving with a small smile. You quickly beckon him to run (read: waddle) faster to come look at your creation.
Renjun chucks his old clothes into his duffle bag, before he comes back out to join next to you in front of the trunk. He instantly laughs and nods in approval at you work, "You did great! This looks cozier than my bed at home,"
"Might not feel as cozy," You state, "Sand."
Renjun shrugs and hops into the car, instantly settling down and laying on the blankets. His expressions are unreadable for a split second, before he pulls a moomin plushy into his arms and sighs, "Not too bad. Come on in,"
Without words, you set Renjun's camera into the bottle holder at the side, before flopping next to Renjun on your own side of the mini fort. Just as he said, it wasn't too bad. Not ever a piece of sand stuck to you, and the blanket felt soft too.
Maybe it wasn't too bad because you've been sleeping in a leather seat for hours before.
You hum and turn to lie on your side, facing Renjun. You observe his relaxed expressions as he gazes into the clear sky, you can practically see the reflections of the stars in his eyes.
You turn your head to look up into the sky, your breath takes away for a second, feeling blown away at the beauty of it. "You chose a really good spot."
You chuckle at Renjun's words, thanking him, before you two keep your gazes stuck to the sky. Your roommate is also an astrologist, those online ones, and studies a lot about constellations and all that.
You can't seem to name a single one, finding them just mere balls of intense gas.
The night is filled with occasional conversations here and there, lots of laughing, and staring into the night sky. The sound of the waves get louder as the night passes by bit by bit, crashing harshly to the shore as the wind gets a tiny bit harsher and colder.
You somehow find yourself much closer to Renjun than you thought, or even imagined, his arm tossed underneath your head as a substitute of a pillow. He doesn't really mind that much, it doesn't cramp that much, and it makes him a lot more warmer with the cold breeze that blows into the car.
You lean your head onto his shoulder comfortably, feeling his fingers lightly twiddle with the ends of your hair casually. God, when was the last time you felt this close and comfortable with someone?
"Thank you," You start, shutting your eyes, "for this trip." You look up to see Renjun already staring back down at you with a fond smile. "Really. I haven't felt like this in a while,"
Renjun quietly mumbles how he hadn't either, leaning back down to his pillow. There's a warm sensation in his chest, and yours too, like it wasn't there before, preserving all the calm and rest from the night. It feels so overwhelming and euphoric, as if nothing else mattered in the world.
You decide now, on an impulsive road trip, in Renjun's arms, that this was going to last a long time. You decide that you want to have Renjun back into your life for times like these.
Renjun thinks the same thing as he feels you snooze off into his shoulder, feeling as if this is what he's been missing this whole time. He stares at all the stars in the sky, feeling one festering in his chest every time your breath hits the skin of his neck.
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vi. youtube user renjunnie has uploaded a video! 'Going on a roadtrip with an old friend! (plus qna!!)'
You go home the next day, both agreeing that though the trip was great and much needed, you also need to get back home.
So here you are, back at home, waving bye to your roommate yet once again. Though you're happy you're back home, you can't help but miss Renjun already, but you know he's a whole 2 hours away.
Renjun, back at his apartment, is currently editing his video, a granola bar hanging between his teeth. The bar and the video footage in front of him reminds him of you, and he too misses you just as much as you miss him.
There's a few knocks at Renjun's door, before the piece of wood swings open, "Hey, have you seen my flashlight? I need it for the camp and Hyuck said he left it in here after he killed a bug with it."
Renjun hums mindlessly, squinting his eyes at the video he's trying to cut. On his screen, is you, back at that one restaurant you when to, a big smile on your face as you point behind you, "Renjun asked me to take over filming while he takes a piss in the bushes back there,"
Your voice instantly brings a smile to Renjun's face, his heart racing as your face turns surprised as he approaches you from the back.
Jaemin takes note of his clear reaction to your voice, actions, you in general, a small smirk quirking his lips up smugly. "So this is Y/n?"
Renjun nods, snapping out of his sudden daze to edit the video. He takes a big bite of his granola bar, hoping it would hide the way he's trying to suppress a smile. "Yeah,"
Oh how Jaemin knew Renjun so well. He knows he has feelings from the way the tone of his voice is so soft, and how his response slowly dies down in his throat quietly when he gets flustered, he definitely has feelings for you.
Renjun coughs awkwardly, eyeing Jaemin as he wanders around the room for this flashlight. He knows he's there just to get him to spit something out.
He rolls his eyes, opening the drawer from his bedside table, and pulls out his own flashlight, before chucking it at his roommate. "There, just borrow mine."
Jaemin thanks Renjun one last time, exiting his room painfully slowly, eventually shutting the door behind him firmly. The older boy sighs, turning back to his computer to continue his editing.
His plan on doing it peacefully is quickly interrupted when Jaemin comes rushing back in with a loud slam, shocking his roommate to the point where he throws the remaining of his granola bar at him.
Jaemin, with his fast reflexes, catches it, and shoves the bar into his mouth. He then raises his hand to point a finger at Renjun, "You like Y/n! Admit it!"
Albeit trying to feel dumbfounded at his chipmunk looking roommate, Renjun is unable to, instead a feeling of shyness filling his senses instead. "W-what?! No way!" His soft tone returns, and the way his sentence quiets down at the end, and that's when Jaemin really knows he has lots of feelings for you.
He stares at his friend as he looks bewildered at him, and then turns to his screen where it shows you talking about your life, and Renjun in the background looking all lovestruck with his head in is palms, before looking back at his roommate.
"Okay, fine, I do like Y/n."
Jaemin should be feeling happy, over the moon for his best friend. But instead, he's filled with sympathy when Renjun stares longingly at you from his screen, knowing that he can't just go to you so easily.
There's silence that envelops the atmosphere, it's tense, and Jaemin can sense how Renjun really doesn't know what to do.
"Do it, Renjun, it's okay."
Both boys somehow know exactly what he means, what else would he be referring to anyway?
Renjun stands from his seat in front of his laptop, grabbing his jacket and 3 granola bars, before he walks up to Jaemin with a smile. "Thank you, Jaemin,"
Jeno and Donghyuck are confused as to why Renjun is rushing out the door with Jaemin following along hyping him up, but they get up and follow along nonetheless, rushing to the parking lot with whoops and yells for Renjun to 'go get her', though they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
"Yeah! Go Renjun! You got this!"
The three watch as Renjun drives away, waving goodbye from the parking lot.
"So," Donghyuck looks at Jaemin with a puzzled look, "where is he going?"
You take a final bite of your donut your roommate brought last night, refreshing Renjun's youtube channel again and again, waiting for his video to come out.
Weird, he said 8, and it's currently 10, was there an error or something? Just as you open your chat with Renjun to text him your question, there's rapid knocking at your front door, which scares you out of your wits. You quickly get up to go answer the door, surprised to see the boy you were just thinking about in the peep hole.
"Renjun?" Astonished, you open your door to Renjun panting and leaning on the wall for support. He holds up a hand to stop whatever you were going to say, gesturing for wait for him to regain his breathing normal pattern.
Once he's done breathing heavily with his chest heaving up and down he gulps thickly, nervously, you've never seen this on Renjun before.
"Jun, what are you doing here?"
"I-I have a question." Renjun can feel his heart skip a beat at the nickname, and the twitch at the corner of his lips, and this time, he let's it show. He grins brightly at the nickname, gaining the confidence to finish what he came here for.
"Never have you ever liked me?"
"I'm sure you said that wrong-"
"Shhh, just answer."
You chuckle, and despite feeling your insides churn and mix at the question, you nod subtly, biting at your lip, "Yes-"
You never expected to be shut up this way, especially by Renjun, but he's pushing his lips against yours, lightly smiling against them. You instantly respond to the kiss, sliding your arms around his shoulders and neck to pull him closer.
It's everything you've dreamt of, since 6th grade, Renjun kissing you tenderly has always been something in your head, a fantasy, and now it's become a reality that feels surreal.
He surely feels out of breath from running to your apartment, but he doesn't want to pull away. Instead, he sighs against your mouth, his palms creeping up to hold your neck softly.
You laugh the second you pull away, as Renjun pulls you into his chest. "I like you," He mumbles into your ear, and he does it as if he knew every way to have your heart skip multiple beats and your knees wobbly. "I like you too," You mumble back, "A lot."
renjunnie just tweeted! 'i have a girlfriend now :00'
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