#i can't be actively aggressive now can i? if i don't know who took the books?
brenna · 1 month
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the vibe for april 24th is being pestered by the cat as soon as you get home. i was going to wait to put more books in the free library, but some kind soul took pity on us and put one (1) book in there, so I added three (3) more. it's the grandma's couch shirt, blue edition, and these chips I like are back at aldi! they're corn-flavored corn chips (with spices, yes, but still), so i call them the corn on corn on corn chips. therefore, the vibe is corn on corn on corn.
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inkskinned · 4 months
you have to go to work so you can pay for your doctor, who is not taking your insurance right now, and if you say i can't afford the doctor's you are told - get a better job. it is very sad that you are unwell, yes, but maybe you should have thought about that before not having a better job.
(where is the better job? who is giving out these better jobs? you are sick, you are hurting - how the hell are you supposed to be well enough for this better job?)
but you go to the doctor because you had the nerve to be hurt or sick or whatever else. and they tell you that it is because you have anxiety. you try your best. you are a self-advocate. you've done the reading (which sometimes pisses them off worse, honestly). you say it is actually adding to my anxiety, it is effecting my quality of life. so they say that you are fat. they say that all young people have this happen to them, isn't it a medical marvel! they say that you should eat more vegetables. they say that you probably just need to lose a little more weight, and that you are faking it for attention.
(what attention could this doctor possibly give? what validation? that's their fucking job, isn't it?)
there is always a hypochondriac, right. someone always tells you about a hypochondriac. or someone who is unnecessarily aggressive during the worst days of their life. or someone looking "for a quick fix". or some idiot who wasn't educated about how to properly care for themselves who just abandons their treatment. and again, the hypochondriac, the overly-cautious hysteric. these people don't deserve to be treated like humans (right), and since you might be one of these people, you also don't get treated like a human. because those people can really fuck with the system, you now have to pay for it. and besides. you're actually probably faking it.
(more often than not, you find a 2:1 ratio of these stories. for every "hypochondriac", there are 2 people who knew something was wrong, and yet nobody could fucking find it. the story often ends with pointless suffering. the story often ends with and now it's too late, and it's going to kill me.)
you are actually just making excuses. someone else got that procedure or that diagnosis and he's fine, you should be fine too. someone else said they watched a documentary about other inspirational people with your exact same condition, maybe you should be inspirational, too. you're just too morbid. your pain and your experience is probably just not statistically concerning. it is all self-reported anyway, and you're just being a baby.
(once, while sitting down in the middle of making coffee, you had the sudden, horrible thought - i could kill myself to make the pain stop. you had to call your best friend after that. had to pet your dog. had to cry about it in the shower. you won't, but that moment - god, fuck. the pain just goes on and on.)
you know someone who went in for routine surgery and said i still feel everything. they told her to just relax. it took her kicking and screaming before they figured out she wasn't lying - the anesthetic drip hadn't been working. you know someone who went in for severe migraines who was told drink water and lose weight. you know someone who was actively bleeding out and throwing up in the ER and was told you're just having a bad period.
in the ER there are always these little posters saying things like "don't wait! get checked today!" and you think about how often you do wait. how often the days spool out. you once waited a full week before seeing the doctor for what you thought was a sprained wrist. it had actually been broken - they had to rebreak it to set it.
but you go into the doctor. the problem you're having is immediate. the person behind the counter frowns and says we're not taking your insurance. you will be paying for this out-of-pocket.
they send you home with tylenol and a little health packet about weight loss or anxiety or attention deficit. on the front it has your birthday and diagnosis. you think about crying, and the words swim. it might as well say go fuck yourself. it might as well say you're a fucking idiot. it might as well say light your money on fire and lie down in it. and the entire fucking time - the problem persists.
it's okay. it's okay, it's just another thing, you think. it's just another thing i have to learn to live with.
#spilled ink#warm up#can you tell what i'm mad about today specifically#i will say that there are a LOT of things that go into this. like a lot. this is ungendered and unspecific for a reason#it isn't just sexism. it's also racism. and ableism. and honestly classism.#and before a healthcare professional reads this as a personal attack: i understand ur burnt out#we are ALSO burnt out. your situation is also dire. this is not an attack on you.#this is a commentary on the incredible amounts of bigotry that lie at the heart of capitalism#where people have to pay money out of pocket to be told to fuck off.#your job is important. so is our humanity. and if you cannot accept that people are fucking mad as hell#at the industry - you are probably not listening .#anyway at some point im gonna write a piece about sexism specifically in medical shit#but i don't want terfs clowning in it bc they can't understand nuance#> it is true that ppl w/a uterus are more likely to experience medical malpractice & dismissal globally#> it is also true that trans people experience an equally fucked up and bad time in the medical field#> great news! the medical industrial complex is an equal opportunity life ruiner :)#(if you find it necessary to go into a debate about biology while discussing medical malpractice#i want to warn you that you're misunderstanding the issue. because guess what.#cis MEN might experience this. particularly black men. particularly disabled men.#so YES having a uterus can lead to more trouble for you. but this happens a LOT.#instead of fighting those ALSO experiencing your pain.... try working WITH them.#which btw. is like. actual feminism.)
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jewish-vents · 3 months
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(Post this anonymously, please!!)
I am an artist with an 8k+ follower blog which I have been active on for over 12 years. I've always felt safe here and have considered it my internet home. After October, watching the amount of people in my fandoms and artists who I had admired and found community with who immediately went full-in on a very black and white, aggressively conspiratorial and antisemitic brand of pro-Palestine activism, my idea of community here and my place in it was totally shaken. It was like I had put on a pair of glasses that allowed me to see the latent radicalization that had been going on around me, and the pervasive antisemitism that exists, unacknowledged, in nominally pro-social justice leftist spaces.
The loneliest part is that it feels like, with few exceptions, only other Jews can see it. Even the gentile friends who i love most and who would unquestionably stand up for me are just not attuned to the dogwhistles enough to see 95% of it. It's like living in a bubble reality, unable to take these glasses off, while everyone else goes on as if everything is the same.
Yesterday, I logged in, and saw image attached from a gentile artist i'd followed for months, who had never before given me a reason to feel unsafe. Their tags read "don't come in my inbox to debate this, i have no interest and will not change my mind." I wanted to cry from frustration- this person likely has no understanding of how revoltingly antisemitic this post was because they have no understanding of the complexity of what "zionism" actually means, and, as they've made clear, they have no interest in learning or being told they're mistaken. There are so few of us (Jews) here- how the hell are we ever supposed to combat this? The worst part was that it had 98 likes, and zero replies suggesting that any of them saw a problem with this or disagreed.
I myself never really understood zionism before this- I am ashamed to say that I took a lot of the twisted definitions held by gentiles in my progressive social media spaces without question, and thought that because I believed in Palestinian self-determination, I must be an anti-zionist by definition. It took the "glasses" coming on in the time since October for me to fully learn and to understand that while the nuances of the term go deep, to the majority of my people, basic "zionism" means belief in Jewish-self determination in Eretz Yisrael, and that when many gentiles say "Zionist," they just mean "bad Jew."
In all of this mess there's one thing i'm grateful for, and it's that, even as i've lost community in unfollowing/blocking previous mutuals and acquaintances who've shown their incuriosity and prejudice, this shakeup has driven me to find community with other Jews on this site and a greater curiosity about and sense of belonging in my culture in the real world. I can't be mad that my eyes are open, because i've only lost community that wouldn't accept me as I am, and am gaining community that does, that shares my struggles and that sees the world in ways compatible with my values. When I look at my activity tab and see notifications from my mutuals now, I feel safe knowing that I have been honest, shared the truth of me, and that they have chosen to stick around, whoever they are. I love you all.
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lumibuns-blog · 2 years
*busts down door* IT IS I
I’d like to order SDC with an S/O that is very quiet, shy, kind, not the type to pick a fight? But during the journey to egypt one of their boys gets hurt and the S/O rolls up their sleeves like “u mess with them u mess with ME” type and just proceeds to beat the living hell out of the enemy stand user right in front of them LMAO? Bonus points if you include their reaction afterwards
Ahhh this is adorable!!!!!
Sorry this took me a bit to write I've been in school so I've less free time lol, but tysm for requesting
SDC with a shy S/O who would fight for them
It's not like you to get very upset, calm, kind, shy, and level-headed is how you're usually described. But something inside you snapped when you saw your S/O, the person you've been traveling with for weeks, get hit down more than they could handle. You wouldn't allow them to get hurt, with reckless abandonment you approach the enemy.
First time in his life he can remember being truly speechless
He only took a blow from an any stand user, he tried his best not to look in pain
But it's almost like you knew he was faking
He saw you take one confident step forward
"Hey idiot don't-"
You were already up in the users face
He had never seen you so angry
You had your stand out, you ran towards the enemy, curses flying from your mouth
Jotaro would get back up, and have you out of harms way before things got worse
He might seem angry after the fact but he was just worried for you
A little terrified of that look in your eye
He knows deep down what's about to happen as you step around him
Your protective side has been activated
He knows there's nothing he can do to calm your anger so he fights along side you
If you're going to protect him, he'll protect you. Simple as that
"I appreciate how much you care for me, put try to think of yourself a little more alright<3"
He's so sweet
It's hard for him to always keep up his "knight in shining armor" persona
Of course he want you to be safe
But letting himself be saved by you, that angry, determined, look on your face
He can't help but fall in love all over again
He likes seeing a different side of you and it makes him feel special
He holds you close after holding back his emotions "thank you...my love"
A lot
He for real doesn't Believe it's you who is throwing punches at the enemy
not your regular skilled, precise movements. You are throwing aggressive and fast blows, your face full of aggression
Honestly he probably thinks it's really attractive to see you like this
Loves this part of you so much (after he's finally convinced it's actually you)
"That was incredible! Maybe I should make you made more often!" He's a lot to handle
Nope nope nope
He sees you tense up and he's already holding you back
He's happy that you're passionate and caring for him
But he won't let you get hurt
He knows you can handle yourself but strong emotions can get the better of anyone so he tries to calm you down
He can't even try to stop you when your enemy comes back for round 2 though
Not even the ever fortified avdol can talk you down now
Patches up your injuries and scolds you for being so reckless when it's all said and done
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bokettochild · 6 months
so I noticed that you seem to have never mentioned anything about what the bad guys do in your Opera House au so I thought maybe they are just critics that have big vendettas against the chain and are always looking for things to pick on when they go to their shows? Idk random thoughts you can ignore this if you like *yeets self out of window*
-Window anon
I'm going to say that Ganon at least is a business tycoon of a rival company to Flora's father, and while, on one hand, he is actively trying to topple their company for his own gain, there is also the fact that his little sister Riju is constantly undermining him? And he can't even confront her about it because she inevitably manages to distract him with something else (like talking about boys, he is a VERY protective older brother, no you are NOT dating another loser Hylian boy, young lady!). I would't say he's evil, I just think he's rich and has power and doesn't always use it to benefit the people who need it, so it's more that the media hates his guts.
Hmmmm.....basically, if you know anything about American Politics, he's a slightly less horrible version of Trump. Like, if Trump knew that respecting women was possible and good for your health. So yeah, the entirety of the young generation makes so many memes about this guy, and he kinda deserves it.
As for the rest!
Veran and Onyx are Ganon's trusted business partners overseas. They're technically under his mothers' supervision, but they also answer to him. They're not evil, even if they have made it their personal mission between the three of them to get the notorious street artist Sheik and his(her?) little sidekick arrested, mainly just because Sheik keeps leaving street art on their buildings specifically.(Lullaby and Ganon have beef. It's not even big beef, they're just both petty.)
Onyx and Veran also have beef with Legend, not for any good reason even, they just do. He's purposefully annoying whenever he and Lullaby have to be around the three of them, and Ganon genuinely will call off a meeting if he sees Lullaby's pet brat waiting for her.
Then we have Vaati. Vaati is....well, to put it short (pfft), Four's rival. Four is the Mr. Fix-It at the opera but he also dabbles and creates in his own time. Vaati and he met at an expo where Vaati's mentor, Ezlo, took a shine to Four and thus sparked jealousy from his then-student. They're never violent, just extremely aggressively trying to one up each other all the time.
That said, Vaati's actually pretty chill to anyone who's not Four! Although he does tend to flirt with Dot whenever he sees her. His little brother is the opposite: edgy and grouchy to everyone OTHER than Four, although whether that started as a way to piss off his big brother or because he genuinely enjoyed Four's company is yet to be determined. Vaati hates it though, so, either way, mission success!
Zant is just a online troll who likes bashing successful people and tends to target the opera mostly to spite Midna, because he knows her ex and her bestie both work there. The crew actually love reading his posts online though and enjoy laughing at him. He's basically harmless, and while Midna hates it, Twilight loves reading how Zant is going to bash him on any given day.
Yuga is a really shitty art professor at Hilda's art school who likes trying to manipulate her and who Legend and Ravio kinda think is hitting on her. They hate him, she just thinks he's "strange but talented". His art is very unique though, they can't deny it. Ledge signed up to take his class just to keep an eye on him, so Yuga kinda hates his guts now, but also he can't fail him, because Ledge is actually good, so he kinda hates his guts instead and tries to make life difficult for him instead.
As for Cia? She's a fangirl. She's one of the more loud and outspoken fans that Warriors has, and slightly insane? They think? He had to take out a restraining order on her, and she violates it routinely. They don't know what, precisely, was the final straw to make him file for the order, but there is a history of drama there that only newbies don't know not to ask about.
I will say that Octavio is a musician who goes out of his way to point out every flaw or fault the opera has. He could be a critic? Maybe? He's a well regarded musician at any rate and has made his opinions very public. He doesn't damage their reputation a lot, but sometimes he gets on the team's nerves.
Malludus is the ghost that Spirit says is haunting the mechanic shop. He has no proof, he's never seen it, but he swears that it's the reason stuff is always a mess there. Wind's one of the only people who believes him, but he also believes Ravio about the ghosts that the Lorulian says haunt the opera, so....
As for Ghirahim? I'm not sure..... I'm wracking my brain, but I got nothing. Suggestions.
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kairithemang0 · 21 days
wait, so ur saying she's been actively ignoring ur 504 and belittling and insulting you in every interaction you have and on OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS????? AND UR ADMINISTRATION IS JUST LETTING IT SLIDE BRO????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG W UR SCHOOL???????? that geniunely sounds so bad im sending you every single virtual hug ever
it's funny because im literally incapable of switching out of that class, obviously now i cant but in the first 2 weeks of school so many people switched out of her class that they weren't letting anyone else switch out
she actively puts me in the back of the classroom (another thing in my 504, for focus reasons and also i can't see well im meant to be in the front), ignores me when my i try to ask for help and she does this thing where she aggressively taps on my desk and it makes me want to wrip her fingers off. my class is also just generally loud with people making really obnoxious noises and i sometimes just can't handle it and it makes me want to break down and cry because i get overwhelmed really easily. i have her class right after lunch sometimes and i was overwhelmed then (i have too many people who sit with my friends at lunch, none of them are my friends) and so i came into her class and put my head down on the desk and she comes over and bangs on it like she's knocking on some door and told me to go to the nurse if i'm going to "be disrespectful in her class". satan, stfu. just like don't. and apparently i still need to apologize to her for being rude despite being incredibly stressed. anyways i took a nap in the nurses office after that and it was great i couldn't feel my arm :)
it's her first year here, i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't last. the school knows about my issues with her specifically, my guidance counselor has done all she can to help me but honestly im ready to be done. i get out in late june, im stuck with her for another month and i swear after that last day im never talking to her again. also never gonna take spanish again i really can't stand spanish
SORRY FOR THE VENTS ABOUT MY SHITTY TEACHER GUYS- i finished my homework now so unless yall send more asks i hopefully won't be mentioning her again
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Hey, I hope you’re doing well. Ik we fic writers always complain about the lack of discussion surrounding our work so I thought I’d start asking questions to my peers.
Here we go:
I have a few questions about the Jin x Kenjaku fic you wrote:
1- How did you get the idea?
2- Did Jin’s characterisation cause you any problems since we don’t know much about him? How do you usually handle characters we don’t have much information about?
3- Can you detail your writing process a little bit for that one? Did you write it easily? Did it take a few days or more?
My last question is about writing in general. What do you like about writing Mirko?
Thank you in advance 💕
For anyone curious, this is the fic -> Blissfully Clueless
1 - Since I've been more "active" with JJK, I remember doing a reread and getting to chapter 143 and going "Oh, new fic idea" when I read the flashback scene. Wanted to try out an interpretation of how Jin's relationship with Kenjaku could have been like, you know? Simply was just writing it to be writing it! Honestly, I'm surprised I even wrote that fic because I didn't think would! Most of my fics are more comedic, but lately, I've been dipping into trying more styles.
2 - Ooh, so this plays into what I'll say later! It wasn't easy coming up with some kind of characterization for Jin, but at the same it was kind of easy. What made it difficult was that, yeah, we don't know much about Jin like that. Writing the fic, I questioned myself "how can I write this particular character without making feel too OOC, how to make a possible personality fit for this character"? Now what made it easy is that Jin doesn't have a lot to him in canon. Whenever I write characters who have little to nothing to them in canon, I think of them as empty or unfinished canvas. I have room to add colors to them, details that can bring them to life. Instead of a paintbrush, I'm using words. With characters like that, I'm able to let my imagination roam free because there are no limitations. If Jin had a lot more to him in canon, then it feel as if I have to take that and work with that. It's like "Well, he's like this in canon, so I can't mess up". I won't lie, sometimes I feel pressured to write a character aligned with canon personality because I feel like if I step just a little over the line, someone is going to get fussy about it. I mean, I understand that some people tend to write characters completely different just to bash that character in their fics or twist them in ways they see fit because they feel they have some authority over that character even though it's not theirs. But other times, there are those who do it as a creative choice, they're doing it to fit into an idea they have for a story. And it doesn't mean they really think of the character that way.
3 - That fic actually took a good twenty minutes or so! I needed a distraction that day and thus, that fic was born! Like a lot of my fics, I didn't plan that one. The idea came to me and I just wrote. As I wrote, that's when I question how I could possibly frame Jin's character. A challenge it was, but it was a fun one!
Oooh, to choose what I like writing when it comes to Miruko is giving her more depth. Okay, she has a personality in canon, but I just feel like she isn't just this "aggressive, angry rabbit woman" that some of the fandom sees her as. Now, unlike Jin, Miruko does have more backstory and screentime. In Vigilantes (BNHA Spin-off manga, it's great), she even has a whole flashback arc. So I have a little more to work with when it comes to her.
However, she is still just a minor character, so there is still not too much for her in canon. Even so, again, she's a canvas to me.
I actually have a lot of posts analyzing her character just from little information and her dialogue. I don't know how I do it, but I believe it comes from more how much I enjoy Miruko.
When writing her in fics, I don't want her to feel one-dimensional. Some of the fandom already do from canon which sucks. I'm about to sound salty, but it's just crazy to me that some fans will complain about aspects of female characters they find annoying and displeasing, but makes excuses for the male characters and admire them some those same aspects.
Some people will say the female characters barely got personality, but come on. Some of the male characters are bland as hell or has been done a thousand times before. It's not just the female characters, folks.
Anyways! I want readers to see that Miruko is capable of being sad, happy, tired... that she is capable of feeling, too. So I often think back to my posts about her and incorporate them in my fics. Or even vice versa. Sometimes, my fics inspire a post.
Sometimes, it can be a challenge, but not one I'll give up on because it's fun taking a line of dialogue and deciphering what it could mean for Miruko. I get enjoyment from looking at a scene and writing a post about it.
Gets the creativity flowing!
That's all I really can say for now. 💜
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Glad it's open again! Prince rukia, can you do saiki kusuo's reaction to his son who traveled to the past by mistake? The child is 14 years old and has the same powers as his dad! Thank you, ur the best
Alright this is an interesting theme to go for
Not me forgetting you said "by mistake" and only realizing after writing the reason n how n all that
Towards the end are quite a lot of lil timeskips cause aaaaaaaahhh And I noticed myself drifting off to some negative feels a bit lol so uh there is a cute ending dw
Saiki K Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Kusuo Saiki x male! reader
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Small accidental visit
(Y/N) opened his eyes, scanning the area around him with a blurred eye sight. His back laying on the hard, wet concrete as raindrops rained down on him.
//What is going on now?//
He quickly realized his glasses were covered in water and that's why everything was blurry before his eyes. Weirdly enough, that was the only thing he could really complain about at that moment. There was neither pain or any other feeling of discomfort present.
Besides the feeling of wet concrete against his back and limbs anyway.
A strange thing considering he certainly did not teleport to that location.
(Y/N) couldn't recall any reason why he would lay there or the fact that it started raining. But it must've been going on for a while before he landed there, or else under him would be still dry.
He gave himself a slight slap on the inside, this information was getting him nowhere.
//Okay, let's step back a second and think. What was I doing before I-//, a glance past the rim of his glasses to his digital wristwatch made him widen his eyes in shock, making him sit up and frantically dry off his glasses.
//This can't be.//, (Y/N) simply stated, staring at the date on his watch, on the year specifically.
It read May 11th 2014, 4:22 pm.
Last time he checked, he wasn't even born during that time. So obviously, this didn't make much sense.
//This watch is supposed to automatically adjust itself to the current time and date of the timezone it's in once activated. This has to be broken.//, he frowned, doing what everyone would do in that situation. Slap the life out of the wristwatch in a poor and rather aggressive attempt on making it work again.
//It probably broke during whatever happened to me that made me wake up infront of grandma and grandpa's house.//, he concluded, looking ahead at the rather familiar house infront of him. Though, it seemed kind of different, (Y/N) didn't pay it any mind.
The rain picked up, covering the boy's glasses in thick raindrops yet again. //Agh, this stupid rain.//
Without even looking around first, he stood up and rose his hand in the air. The other arm was busy drying off his glasses as he blew away the rainclouds like it was nothing.
//This is starting to get more irritating than confusing. Well, at least no one's here to bother me.//
"Look! Cyborg Sider-man No.2! Did you see that!?"
//Oh oh.//, the (Y/HC)-haired flinched, not even daring to turn around, //Dad is going to kill me.//
"He just made the rain stop with his hand!", the little boy let out a loud gasp, "Is he your apprentice!? I want to be your apprentice too!"
"I don't even know that kid.", another voice sounded out, clearly annoyed with the kid he had to accompany to buy soda.
//Okay. That sounded suspiciously like my dad, but I'm just going to leave while I can-//, (Y/N) sneaked away, still not sparring the two behind him a single glance.
Really, he was too scared to check. He took another glance at his wristwatch and it still said 2014. Even after trying to reverse it, he could only see the minutes going backwards.
And in addition to that, the name "Cyborg Sider-man No.2" sounded way too familiar. (Y/N) remembered his dad talking about the time he had to babysit a little boy from time to time.
A boy who kept calling him that.
The dots were slowly connecting, but (Y/N) clearly didn't want to believe it and ended up blaming it on paranoia. Because time travel was also a topic at the dinner table. One he didn't remember having anything positive to it.
And hearing what his father went through when he traveled back into the past really killed all motivation to do that himself.
So denial it was.
//There is no mistaking it, that boy is a psychic too. He seemed to have used the exact same method I used to make it stop raining not too long ago.//, Kusuo monologued, frowning internally, //Why do I keep attracting these kinds of people?//
Ignoring Yuta's begging and rambling, as well as the fact he noticed the 14 year old sneak away, Kusuo walked towards his house.
//I'd like to say it was none of my business and I should just ignore him, but he was already way too close for comfort. I don't need another rando to ask me to be their teacher.//
A mental image of a purple haired student by the name of Reita and a green haired magician called Kouta made itself present in the pink-haired's mind. He really just wanted to be left alone.
Once Kusuo was finally back in his room, he stopped in his tracks.
//I couldn't hear his thoughts.//
Now, even though it was rare and rather unusual for him not to hear someone's thoughts, it didn't make it less concerning. The opposite in fact, as he was so used to knowing what everyone was thinking.
The teen sat on his bed, looking down to think, //And he's most definitely a psychic. I didn't see anything about his character, not even his face. There is no way I can tell if he's evil or not.//
The annoyance built up even more inside of him and he could very well tell how the volume of his inner voice increased.
//The fact he was so close to my home may have something to do with me. Did he see me use my powers without me noticing? Now I have to look into this.//
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was looking for a good spot to teleport away. He didn't want anyone else to see him use his powers, otherwise his dad will definitely scold him.
Doesn't matter if he really time traveled or not.
Soon, he found a rather tight alleyway, so tight that he had to walk sideways, //Perfect.//, he quickly slipped in, clicking his tongue with annoyence at how the walls dirtied his clothes.
Once the (Y/HC)-haired reached about the middle of the alleyway, he looked left and right to ensure noone's watching and then finally teleported away.
To his house to be exact.
//I should tell dad about-//, mouth agape, he stared to the spot his house was supposed to be. Only to find a small field with a rather big tree a bit further ahead.
//You gotta be kidding me.//
The view before (Y/N) gave him no other chance, but to believe he traveled to the past.
But he still went up to the tree several meters away from him, inspecting it for any signs of carvings he did with his father. And as feared, there were none to be found.
//Well shit.//, (Y/N) let himself slide to the ground with his back against the tree, //How am I supposed to go back?//
Crossing his arms infront of his chest, he began to think. And after a few minutes of doing just that, the only thing he could come up with is asking Kusuke, his uncle, for help. Problem with that was, however, that there was a chance of him changing the future through doing that.
Overall, the 14 year old couldn't think as clearly as he would like to. He wasn't able to stay as composed as his dad could be, that being the fault of his personality. His grandpa's genes must be showing just a tad bit.
//Damn it. What would dad do? Go to Kusuke, I'm sure, but I just can't...//
Meanwhile, Kusuo was also in thought.
The pink-haired crossed his eyes yet again, in search of any signs of that mysterios psychic. //Still nothing, where could he be?//, he blinked once to normalize his eyes and put a hand to his chin in thought, //There is a possibility that he teleported to an area too far away for my powers to reach, if he truly has the same or similar powers as me. That would make this far more annoying than it already is.//
Sighing internally, the teen laid down on his bed, //I will just have to stay on guard.//
Night approached.
And with (Y/N) having no place to stay or way to get back to the future, all he could do was collect some firewood, rocks and a lot of dirt.
He put the rocks in a circle in a space where no grass grew and poured a bit of dirt in the middle, enough to cover the ground. He poured more dirt around the rock circle and the rest at the side where he could easily reach it.
He didn't have to fear anything catching fire, but he didn't want any possible passerby to scold him. More so for the sake of keeping his powers a secret, since his dad made it more than clear how important it is to ensure no one ever found out about them.
Besides, (Y/N) tried not to rely on his powers so often. There was no fun with being able to do almost anything imaginable with a snap of his fingers.
Finally, the (Y/HC)-haired threw some wood in the circle and lit it on fire using his pyrokinesis.
//...//, the boy leaned against the tree behind him, an all too familiar sense of loneliness washing over him, //I hate this.//
The next morning, the 14 year old did nothing in particular. How could he? Pacing back and forth infront of the big tree and singing songs to himself, of which he keeps forgetting bits of the lyrics of, were pretty much the only things he could do.
There was hunger slowly building up inside of his stomach, but at the same time he felt like he couldn't even eat a single bite. Anxiousness was overtaking his mind.
//...I can't keep going like this though...Dad...//
"Oh, Ku! There's a young man here asking for you!", the pink-haired heard his mother call out for him. //What now?// He stood up from his position on the floor infront of his TV and gaming console, making his way down the stairs.
Kurumi smiled at him as she stepped out of the way. //That's-//, he stared at the boy right outside of his door, //That's the boy from yesterday! What does he want?//
"I'll be in the kitchen making you two some snacks. Have fun you two!"
And with that she walked away from the scene, to the kitchen, leaving the two of them in a rather thick layer of tension. "Hello.", the (Y/HC)-haired greeted, still not looking up to look Kusuo in the eyes.
//He didn't move his mouth while speaking...//, Kusuo pulled him inside with his powers and shut the door. (Y/N) let out a weird noise out of surprise, a look of panicked confusion on his face as he got dragged further, up into the pink-haired's room.
The boy, now sitting on the floor with Kusuo towering behind him, only heard the door close before Kusuo spoke up, "Who are you and what do you want?"
Hesitantly, (Y/N) looked the other in the eyes, "(Y/N) Saiki."
"Saiki? Are you a lost brother or something?", looking closer at the boy's face, he could see some resemblance of his bloodline. "Not exactly- I- You- I'm from the future and don't know how to get back, please help me-", the boy splurted out out of nervousness, being fixated by the older one's cold stare.
Also, there shouldn't be any beating around the bush in this matter, otherwise (Y/N) might as well never go back.
For just a moment, silence filled the room, the only noise being the shabby backgound music of the cheap game Kusuo had been playing.
"Good grief..."
It didn't take long for Kusuo to believe his supposed son from the future. Looking at all those things he had to deal with on a daily basis up until this day, it really was just another inconvenience in his life.
Now sitting at the dinner table with his parents and (Y/N), he already began to make plans in his head how to approach his older brother with this situation, hoping he'd help out without making it too much of an annoying experience. Because after sending the boy back, he also had to deal with fixing the timeline. He didn't believe (Y/N) being up for that important task.
Kuniharu paused for a second to smile at the 14 year old sitting across from him, "I'm positively surprised my son tutors a kid in his free time, but isn't it getting a bit late now? I can drive you home if you want." "Ah, well...", the (Y/HC)-haired glanced to the pink-haired next to him, a silent ask for help.
"Good grief...He wanted to ask if he could stay for tonight."
Back up in the 17 year old's room, (Y/N) watched as Kusuo laid down a futon on the empty space of the room. Despite the want to call out for him, (Y/N) remained silent, it might be for the better that way. It was just, his dad didn't do much with him for quite a while now and the boy started to miss him and all those fun times together.
//He's technically not my dad yet though.//, he told himself.
Once Kusuo finished with his task, he himself laid on his bed, "We'll go to Kusuke first thing in the morning, so go to sleep now."
The darkness of the room and Kusuo's words set the 14 year old's mood even further. He felt lonely. Still, nodding his head, he crawled onto the futon and tugged the blanket over his body up to his head.
There was no changing anything at that moment and no other way to go. He had to push his needs to the side for now to get back into the time he belonged to.
//Why does he look so sad?//, Kusuo's eyes fixated onto the blanket burrito. Discarding the question as soon as he asked it, he turned off the little lamp on his nightstand, burrying himself under his own blanket and trying to fall asleep.
The closer (Y/N) got to going back to the future, the more intense got the feeling of wanting to stay. Kusuo would have no choice, but to look out for him, right? Though, he didn't want to force himself onto him like that. But- He craved for that attention.
All hopes of Kusuke needing some time to get a device ready were crushed quickly when he announced of having one right there, ready to go.
"So he can go right away?", the pink-haired asked, a bit cautiously, waiting for a possible catch. Kusuke only nodded his head with a smile, turning his gaze to (Y/N), "Just make sure you visit me, little one."
A silent nod was all (Y/N) could provide as an answer.
Satisfied, Kusuke left the room to get the device started. It left the (Y/HC)-haired's heart racing and fingers twitching.
The both of them stood there, waiting, for a while. And Kusuo couldn't take it anymore, he had to ask, finally, "Do you not want to go?"
"...", the boy didn't really know how to reply to the other one's question at first, rubbing his fingers against each other in a subtle fidgeting manner as he thinks about it.
"I- It was nice to have dinner with someone again."
Before another word could be spoken, Kusuke returned, telling them that everything was ready. (Y/N) nodded yet again, quickly following the younger version of his uncle, leaving Kusuo standing there, speculating about his words.
Everything was over faster than (Y/N) and Kusuo thought, as if there was still something missing. But it would be too late anyways, the time machine was activated and the 14 year old was gone, back to where, or when, he came from.
It all left Kusuo with a bitter aftertaste, but there was no slacking off now. He got a timeline to fix.
When (Y/N) opened his eyes again, he was met by the sight of grass and a small, brownish-grey house, as wood scratched against his back, making him quickly realise where he was. He snapped his head to look up the tree branch, sure enough, there were many little carvings of letters and symbols scattered across the texturey surface.
A look at his wristwatch gave him the last confirmation he needed that he was indeed in the year he was supposed to be in.
//Guess I'm back now.//, he shifted his gaze back fowards, looking at his shoes as he moved his feet back and forth, //So back to everyday life.//
The boy decided to go back inside, maybe make himself a sandwich or two. Opening the door and kicking his shoes off his feet, he didn't expect to hear the TV in the kitchen. He certainly didn't forget to turn it off since he didn't turn it on in the first place.
He poked his head into the room, eyes widening when his gaze met the back of his dad, appearantly cutting some vegetables on a wooden cutting board. "Dad?", the boy accidentally called out, it just slipped out of his mouth like that.
It made the other flinch slightly.
Kusuo turned around, "(Y/N), I told you not to scare me when I'm holding sharp objects." "Ah- Sorry, dad, I didn't mean to.", the boy stepped into the kitchen with an apologetic smile, "What are you doing here?"
The pink-haired gave his son a sideglance before getting back to cutting, "I'm making dinner." "But you're usually away at this time." "I might have been before your little trip.", Kusuo paused what he was doing again to pat his son's head, "But now it will be different."
Slowly understanding what was going on, the 14 year old smiled brightly. Even Kusuo couldn't help a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Good grief...you seem to have a bit of energy left to help me make dinner."
"Yes, sir!"
"Oh, and look around before using your powers next time."
"Yes, sir-!"
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sakuraswordly · 3 months
I came back to watch Sonic Prime Season 2 Episode 8 again and I took notice of something. What the Team in Sonic Prime once said they tried to base the concept of the Sonic game once said was really correct.....about Super Sonic...they did get information from the concept.
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After Sonic uses " shard " energy. PLUS it wasn't all the shards they were missing one. It seems his body holding it together.
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I had guessed for so long that Super Sonic is really another Sonic(Not from Chaos Emeralds) and I was right of all time....Super Sonic is Sonic's other personality. What I analyse and write in Tsubasa of Phantasia is correct. Of all this time Sonic is safe and can pass through death countless times because another of him always protects him. The team in Sonic Prime once said they tried to base the concept of the Sonic game and this is what they showed us.
After I read @fukurou-hoseki's blog that's what happened to Sonic in Sonic Unleashed. Because Super Sonic thought that Sonic was safe and let go. Eggman uses that chance to finally capture Sonic.
Mr Junichi Kanemaru did voice him differently and was the only one who changed his voice tone. That's prove that there's another Sonic inside him.
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After I saw Trip the Sungazer when using chaos emeralds that means chaos emeralds only awaken the real power inside each of them and because Super Sonic is so powerful that makes chaos emeralds so powerful not from direct chaos emeralds. That's why to use chaos emeralds we need Sonic to activate them just like Shadow said in Sonic 2006.
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As you can see in Sonic Prime if you take notice of Sonic's eyes
Even without chaos emeralds Super Sonic that live inside him still protect him and after he's safe Super Sonic controls " shard " energy. to vanish from Sonic and make Sonic normal again
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And after "shard " energy vanishes, sonic looks confused and looks around to make sure Shadow is safe.
Hint: This is connected to why Punch and Gilgamesh care and love Sonic deep down. So Punch and Gilgamesh never ever kill their other self no matter what happens. And this is why When alone, Sonic the Hedgehog tends to talk to himself or will pretend someone else is there/talk to someone/something who can't hear/understand him or respond. Someone that Sonic talking to is himself and his other self (Punch and Gilgamesh) What I have analyzed for so long is correct of all time. Yay!
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I've been trying to figure out what I want to say. not that anything I have to say is important; more as a way to think things through.
there's no way to exactly compartmentalize. but if I've realized anything, it's this. in my roughly ten year process of activism and coming to understand social inequity, nothing has radicalized me more then palestine.
nothing has made me more aware of the utter betrayals of our social system. nothing directly at this point, has made me truly see that our political systems can and will turn their backs on human lives when it suits them. it's embarrassing, but it took a scale as big as this to undo 27 years of propaganda that we (as in those in a western capitalist society) have created this system that allows for lives to be wiped out and for others to allow this to happen. how utterly dangerous and cruel. really, you only have to watch so many back to back clips of people being slaughtered right next to clips of rich men in suits chatting casually at the UN like they're not debating over who gets to live or die, to become enraged.
the devastation we were seeing even just a couple days after oct 7th was enough, but when the west did not report or cry over those little lives left all alone to rot in a decomposed hospital like how they wailed over every single israeli hostage - that said everything to me.
I'm sure we're all waiting for the day we can talk about this as a past event and for the palestinians living through it to still be alive to talk about it. for their freedom. but right now, this has changed everything for me. I'm not heavily involved in politics or would pretend like I have a finger on the pulse of anything, but I really do believe, that this has massively shifted things here in north america. note I'm canadian, not american, but regardless, ppl my age and younger have not only never seen such aggressive destruction play out worldwide like this, but more so, been so blatantly lied to and disregarded by their government. their worries quieted, their demands tossed aside; the whole world is calling for a ceasefire, and it's literally like no one in a suit behind a desk can see us. we're screaming and they can't even be asked to look at us. this already fragile line of trust between the public and their politicians, has essentially snapped completely. people like myself, have come into the reality the system & the people in it not only do not care for us, but that they don't need to either. I'm not sure how these politicians in power are going to get people to back them again, when it's becoming very clear to the masses that whatever we have to say doesn't matter to them anyway. it all feels very much like a tipping point, at least to me.
but I'm about to take a hard turn, back to palestine. there was a moment in all this madness that has stuck with me ever since, that I've thought to post about but couldn't verbalize. I think it was AJ who had a clip of it and I've searched their YT pages up and down for the video, but annoyingly cannot find it again - so I apologize that I don't know any names (but if you know what I'm referring to, then PLEASE let me know bc I truly want to know who this happened to). it was early in the war, I believe it was still october.
there was a video from someone who's become one of gaza's media reporters, a man I do not know the name of. from what I understand, he was born and raised there, and did local photography. but like many media personal in gaza, when the war hit, he started to document. he ended up posting a clip that haunts me; he was riding in an ambulance with others that was transporting people to a hospital. while they were riding, people fleeing from what I believe was a bombing stopped the vehicle. they were carrying a baby. the baby was bleeding and bruised and cut, from the recent attack. they pleaded with them, to take the child to the hospital and then placed the baby all alone into this man's arms. imagine that. you're a photographer with no training, caught in the middle of one of the world's bloodiest fights ever witnessed. you're unequipped and frightened. you're just trying to escape with your own life in tact. and then someone hands you a baby. they just place a baby in your arms.
out of nowhere, there's this little life in your hands. blood is cracked over their once soft skin and they're crying, blindly calling out for mom or for dad, who may never come back. their tiny heartbeat hammers under the torn pair of clothes, having narrowly escaped death. but only narrowly. and now, it's yours to bear. a human life, clutching on still, and it's up to you to wrap it in your arms and make sure it lives.
out of everything coming from gaza, I've been unable to shake this image. I just couldn't possibly imagine if that was me. as far as I understand it, this guy wasn't a formal journalist, just a media influencer who photographed and talked about his hometown, no training - and then he's thrown into a warzone. and more, another life is placed onto him.
he handled it, from the clip, very well; kept calm and composed and tried to calm the baby too. I wish I knew, if he was able to help that baby survive. I hope the little life did.
I hope they both did.
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Three Weeks
Part 26 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~6K
It's been three weeks since Y/N left. Three weeks since I've spoken to my sister Mary-Kate and three weeks since speaking to Y/N's mother. I wish I could say that all of this was easy or made better due to the fact that I'm actively trying to live a life that doesn't involve me missing Y/N, but it sucks.
This is one of the hardest things I've had to do.
But here I am, waking up in my bedroom alone and sad, for you guessed it, the third week in a row. I think I've slowly morphed into my Character Leigh Shaw. That's who I am now.
A cold, depressed bitch missing her love and looking for answers.
Anywho, I did some of the cliche break-up things you're supposed to do! I cried while watching Rom-Coms and eating ice cream. I dyed my hair! Goodbye, dirty blonde, and hello, brunette Lizzie. I made sure to tell my friends that I was doing better when in reality, I was not.
Scarlett and Aubrey were quick to see through that shit.
That led to a very passive-aggressive forced lunch with a seven-month pregnant Scarlett and her daughter Rose who very sweetly had no clue what was going on. Colin was set to join, but I'm certain Scar made him stay home.
On the other hand, Aubrey called me out on everything once I spilled it all. But she wasn't as upset with me as other people had been. But she made sure that when I'm in LA that I stay with her since Robbie is still occupying our/my house. I told her that wouldn't be necessary since I have other friends and family to stay with but saying no to Aubrey is weirdly tricky.
Also, I took a page out of Y/N's book. Literally. I started writing. Okay, not like writing writing like Y/N but writing my thoughts and what I want to say the next to I see my Coffee Girl. I have a pile of envelopes ready to go. Each one is different but laced with love. They constantly stay in my purse. I'm afraid I'll lose them otherwise.
I know I haven't talked to her since, but.. this hasn't stopped me from trying. No calls, just texts every once in a while. Letting her know that I'm thinking about her and her safety. I know she's doing okay, thanks to certain people, but I can't wait to see that smile shine on her face whether I'm an inch away or thousands of miles.
I yawn and get the sleep out of my eyes before making my way into the kitchen. I haven't been eating the best or a lot lately, so maybe making a big breakfast will help today. It didn't help last week, but I can try again.
Waffles. Eggs. Cut up fresh fruit from my rooftop garden.
This is what I ended up making, and to my surprise and delight, I ended up eating a good majority of it. I compost what I don't eat because I'm not sure when I'm returning.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
I still have a couple of hours until my flight, and I packed last night, so I might as well water and say goodbye to my plants before making one final trip to Y/N's apartment.
Today of all days, I have to wake up feeling like I got hit by a train.
Everything hurts. My head is pounding like a hammer. My nose is stuffed but also running. Every time I try to clear my throat, it feels like tiny needles are being dragged down my esophagus. This is awful. I knew something was happening, but I blamed it on allergies. I should've known when Nick said, "it's just a cough," he was lying. It's never just a cough. If he wasn't one of the nicest men I've ever met, I'd be so pissed at him.
Speaking of Nick. Since the last time he confided in me that he has feelings for my mom, nothing has changed. My mom knows but doesn't want to pursue a relationship. I understand her completely. I'm not saying I want to see her and Nick be together, especially since no one can replace Davey.
I know Nick wouldn't be, but that doesn't make it easier. But my mom and him have a perfect friendship right now. At the drop of a hat, they're there for each other. Wait-
What's that ringing?
I turn my head as I get pulled from my thoughts. I reach over and answer my phone with a scratchy throat.
"Pumpkin? Are you alright? You sound terrible." Thanks, mom.
"I think Nick got me sick." My mom groans into the phone. "I told him to rest and that we'd have dinner together next time you visit, but no, he had to make a home-cooked meal for you."
That's sweet. I smile through the pain as she continues her rant. "He's just like your father at times, I swear." My mom laughs at her own words. I don't think she fully realized she just compared Nick to Davey, but I let it slide.
"Yeah.. so why'd you call mom?"
"Just wanted to make sure you'd be up and ready for today." I pull my phone away and see I still have a couple of hours until my flight.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
"Yeah, I packed last night. Remember one big suitcase." I try to stifle a groan as I sit up. But my sickness and back have other plans for me. If one thing is for sure, I can't wait to never sleep on an air mattress again.
"Oh, that's right! I'm sorry I can't see you off."
I roll my eyes, knowing how busy my mom is and that no matter what she says, she wants to keep me here. She practically didn't let me go last night after dinner.
"I know, mom. It's alright."
"Whose picking you up from the airport?" Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell my mom. "James. Max's brother."
My mom accepts the answer and starts telling me about how her morning has been so far while I fumble my way into the bathroom and begin searching through every drawer, looking for cold & flu medicine.
"What's that racket?"
Apparently, I was not as quiet as I thought. "Where's the medicine? I searched everywhere." I ask through a cough.
"Bottom drawer. Behind the green bag." I search precisely where my mom said, and she was exactly right. How do mothers do that? "Be sure to take some ibuprofen two hours from now as well."
"Okay, mom." I throw back the pills before scooping some water from the tap into my hand, drinking like a sick animal.
"Be sure to eat something too." My mom adds, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch and die. "Mom, I'm no-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Y/N Y/L/N."
"Yes, ma'am." Great, now I'm in the kitchen.
"Oh, before I let you go, dear, what are your plans for your birthday?" Oh shit. My birthday is coming up. "No plans," I say, closing the fridge door with a shrug earning a sigh from my mom on the other end.
"Okay, let me know if you want to come back home for that."
I doubt it.
"Okay, mom. I'll keep you posted."
"Thank you, Y/N. Now I love you. Be sure to eat something and text me once you're on your way to the airport." I nod my head. "I will, mom. I love you too. Okay. Bye."
I end the call and throw my body onto the couch. I try to fight it, but before I know it, my eyes close, and I'm asleep.
They fixed the elevator.
The moving steel box's doors slide open as I reach my designated floor. Y/N's floor. With an envelope in one hand and her key in the other, I make my way to the door. I know she's not here. But a part of me still hopes I'll be in for a surprise when this door swings open.
And she's not here. In fact, the place is almost in the exact same position it was when I left it. Except it looks cleaner? Wait? Has someone been here? I take a couple of steps into the place and do what you're not supposed to do in every horror movie ever. "Hello?" I call into the quiet apartment.
I get no response.
Not fully trusting this situation, I close the door behind me and quickly search the place. It isn't until I find myself in Y/N's kitchen that I find a note stuck onto the fridge.
Hey Oslen,
Knowing you, you'll be back to Y/N's place more than once. But just in case I was wrong (I'm not), I went ahead and cleaned out her refrigerator and tidied up the place. You never know when she might come back, right? Plus, we can't have the place smelling like an old, run-down dumpster.
Anyways I'm sorry I haven't reached back out to you. But I'm happy to know that it looks like Y/N's case is finally on track to be over. Perks of having one of the hottest and best lawyers. ;)
Text me when you see this. And as far as I know. She's safe.
With care, Max
I fold up the piece of paper and place it into my back pocket but not before shooting a text to Max, letting her know that I saw her message and that I'm happy she's safe.
Reminding myself that I have my own piece of myself to share with Y/N. I take the envelope in my hand and walk it over to the coffee table. I hope she sees it. Maybe not tomorrow but some day.
After combing over the living room, I make my way into Y/N's bedroom. Knowing that there's not a murder in the building, I can actually look around to see the improvements Max made. Like for example, not more shirts on the floor. Instead, most of them are folded up on the bed or tossed onto hangers.
My hand immediately gravitated to one of the most recent pairs of shirts she wore. Yes, the pink-fonted Elizabeth Olsen picture collage shirt. I unfold the shirt and bring it up to my face. It still smells like her, but it's not as strong... I have to stop the pout from forming on my face. I've done it like crazy lately. I look back down at the shirt and start to get lost in a train of thought. Without another second, I find a small duffel bag and begin filling it with some shirts knowing that if I wear them out, I'll get seen. And if I get caught, they'll be posted everywhere. Everywhere- for one's woman's eyes to see.
"How did you get more bags?" My driver Mr. Bronson jokes as he takes them from me to place into the truck with my other luggage. "Technically, the one is a guitar case." This earns a sarcastic oooh from him.
I felt a little.. weird taking Y/N's old guitar, but it feels right at the same time. Plus, I keep remembering the texts Sam showed me from Y/N.
If you don't hear from me in the next couple of weeks, just know that I'm fine. Feel free to come to my place tomorrow. (Address) Take what you want.
Also, I don't want this guitar of hers to become lost or thrown out by mistake, and I've been itching to relearn to play.
"Ready?" Mr. Bronson pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly nod as the car slowly pulls away from the curb. I take one final look behind me to see Y/N's place become smaller.
"Okay what about this." (Video attached)
That's more what I'm thinking.. but faster and don't be afraid to make it more Appalachian.
Y/N It's your song why don't you just record it.
Robbie, first off it's our song and I don't exactly have my guitar with me.. also the lyric is "I only want to be in the passing lane" Not "fastest lane."
Shit. You're right. This will be much easier when you're here.
Couple of hours. Thanks again. I know I've said it a million times but thank you
I should be the one thanking you. But fr stop it. We're helping each other. Also I'm just glad we're past the awkward stage. It's not everyday two exs become friends.(?)
Writing partners *
Writing partners
"Earth to Y/N."
I lift my head from my phone, confused, which wasn't the brightest idea. My head is still killing me. The pills are helping but not as much as I want them to. "What?" I ask whoever is begging for my attention as I close my eyes and rub my forehead.
"Just wanted to know if you needed any help with your bags. You okay?" A male voice speaks.
I pull my eyes over to the voice. It's Nick. He's standing in front of the now-closed front door. How long has he been here? Shit what time is it?
I quickly panic and look at the time displayed on my phone.
Whew. I still have some hours till my flight takes off. But that means we should be leaving soon. Airports are always an annoying hassle.
"Y/N?" Nick's voice is now softer as he sits down on the couch next to me. "You okay, kid?" I take a deep breath and try and clear my painful throat.
I guess I didn't do a good enough job at the throat-clearing. Nick's face remains unchanged, but his eyes are filled with worry and guilt. He knows I'm sick. And he gave me his cold.
"Did you take medicine?" I gently nod, not wanting to hurt myself more.
"Anything you need?"
"I'm fine." Me saying that and looking "fine" are two different things, but I hate being sick, so dwelling on it makes it worse. Plus, Nick and I are becoming closer. In fact, anytime my mom was at work, and if he had time, we'd hang out. It didn't involve much. Sometimes it was just watching tv or grabbing lunch, but it formed this weird bond between us. Maybe I remind him of his late son, or perhaps he is just a good man. Or, who knows, maybe he's showing me he can be... something more. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't want him to be worrying about me right now. I got enough going on.
Nick looks at me uncertain but doesn't push it. "Are you all packed?"
"Yeah, I did it after dinner." Nick nods his head as he gets up to go to the kitchen. "Tea?" He asks without turning his back.
"Yes, please."
Paparazzi present as always.
They're lining up at the entrance to the airport, just alive and waiting. I guess word got around. I was showing up. I mean, it makes sense the paps would want a good photo of me. I've barely left my place the last couple of weeks so getting a picture of me "out of my cave" makes people go crazy.
"Mr. Bronson?" I ask while keeping my attention on the picture takers outside. "Could you help me with my bags?"
"Of course." I turn to see him already looking at me with a smile. "Hat and sunglasses on." He reminds me. "Ready?" I nod once I'm "disguised."
"Let's go." Mr. Bronson steps out of the car and opens the truck grabbing all my bags placing them on the floor before closing up the trunk. He comes around to my side of the vehicle and sets something next to the door. Before I can think about what it is, he opens the door reminding me to "keep your head down." I nod to him as he places the guitar case in my hand. "Might help." He adds.
It surprisingly works a little. As we walked by the paparazzi, far fewer pictures than usual were taken of me. The ones that knew who I was knew. The others, I think, were taking a gamble and thought I was some indie singer or something. Regardless. I'm here inside the busy airport, from one anxiety-filled thing to another.
Mr. Bronson left shortly once we made it inside. I thanked him profusely, which he, of course, shrugged off. All he told me was to "go get her." I guess he thinks I'm chasing after Y/N.
Speaking of...
I'm now sitting down, opening our very one-sided text conversation. I scroll back up to the last couple of texts she sent me. They make me smile. This was back before the ignored calls. Back before I screwed it up. Back before, I lost the one real thing I've ever known. I remember it.
"Excuse me?"
I quickly close and fumble to put my phone away at a quiet voice speaking to me. I look up through my sunglasses to see a girl. She must be 14 or so. How'd she get into this airport lounge? Doesn't she need to have a credit card and be a member or something? Oh God, is she lost?
I can feel my nerves begin to overtake me. Deep breaths, Lizzie.
"Excuse me?" The girl speaks to me again. Shit, I should probably say something.
"Hello." I give a smile as the girl's face lights up from me just speaking. "Oh my God, It's really you! I wasn't 100% sure. I was going to be mortified if it was someone else." I giggle, calming down a bit at the girl's tone and evident nervousness.
"What's your name?" The girl smiles again before it looks like she's trying to remember her own name. Oh gosh, seeing fans get like this makes me feel a little bad. I don't want them to get too stressed or nervous just from meeting another human being.
I say the name back to myself internally before gesturing to the seat next to me since Geneva was just hunched over in front of me. "Are you sure?" She looks at me with such worry, but I motion again. "Please. It's okay." Geneva nods before taking the seat next to me. She looks like she wants to say a million things, but at the same time, she's too star-struck to do anything. I got time to kill, and I haven't really been talking to many people as of late, so I'll start.
"Geneva?" The girl turns to me- jaw dropped. "You said my name." I nod. "I did. Can I ask you a question?"
"Anything." She replies quicker than I would've hoped for.
"How'd you know it was me? And where did you see me from?"
Geneva points to her head. Leaving me a little confused. "Your cap." I lift my hand up to touch it. My LA Dodgers Cap? "It's like your calling card. You rep it more than any other celebrity. It's basically your own merch." She tells me with a smile. Huh, I mean, I guess I did buy Y/N her own cap for a reason.
I do wear it a lot, don't I?
"I literally bought one because of you. Oh, and I saw you from... over... there!" I follow where Geneva's finger is pointing. In the distance is an older man watching, waving at our interaction. So that's how she got in here. "That's my dad. I tried explaining who you were and why I was freaking out, but he didn't get it. I hope I'm not bothering you." Geneva quickly adds that last sentence in.
"Not at all. I was getting lost in my own world, so I'm happy you stepped over here." I tell her honestly. "Okay, good." Geneva appears to take a deep breath and relax a little after hearing that. I know that feeling all too well.
"So, where are you going?" I turn my body slightly towards Geneva, so she knows she has my attention.
"My dad and I are going to Oregon for a week."
"That should be fun." I instantly encourage the idea seeing that Geneva looks nervous. "I hope so. I don't like flying."
"That's okay." I go to say something else, but I see Geneva's wandering eyes look over my carry-on purse. "Where are you going?"
"Home." I point to my cap with a slight smile. Geneva slowly nods her head. "Filming?" I shake my head. "Not for a while."
"I loved WandaVision. I think it made Wanda my favorite." She mumbles that last part, but I heard her. "Oh?! Well, thank you, Geneva, but who was your favorite?"
"Bucky and Black Widow," Geneva replies, almost scared that she had another favorite before me. She knows I'm not the Scarlet Witch, right? I subtly laugh at her responses. "Those are cool characters. One is way cooler than the other."
"And hotter!" Geneva replies casually before realizing I'm not one of her teenage friends. She looks at me wide-eyed. "I-uh-I didn't- I'm sorry- don't tell Sca-" "It's okay. Your secrets are safe with me." Geneva still looks a little panicked, and it reminds me of the talks Y/N and I would have about her love of Black Widow.
I will say Geneva and Y/N are right. She is hot.
"Can I say something?" Geneva breaks the awkward yet comfortable silence that is building up in this loud airport. I gesture for her to keep going.
"I'm really sorry for how it happened, but knowing that one of my favorite superheroes or anti-hero or whatever you wanna call Wanda now was being played by someone who is a lot more like me than I thought was important."
This is a conversation that Marla and Rhonda told me that needed to happen. I have yet to publicly confirm that, yes, I am a part of a certain community now. All that's been said is that Robbie and I were no longer together and that I was seeing someone named Y/N Y/L/N—so hearing from a girl who can't even drive yet that I mean this much to her. It makes my heart warm up and break at the same time. I feel ecstatic that I can now be someone for people to look up to, but at the same time, I haven't done enough.
This needs to change.
I look over to Geneva.
"As I said, I'm sorry for how it happened, but you and your girlfriend look really cute together."
Girlfriend. I quickly use my acting skills and cover up and frown or look that suggests otherwise.
"Thank you very much, Geneva! Yes, we are cute, aren't we." I chuckle at the same time she does. "And I still look at Wanda as a hero, so you can too." I nudge Geneva.
Geneva looks down as her phone lights up. I didn't even realize she had it in her hands. "Oh, looks like we're about to board." Geneva looks up at me. "If it's not too much trouble, could I get a picture?" This child is so kind.
"Of course." I quickly take off my sunglasses as Geneva has the camera ready. I lean in close to Geneva, but not enough, so we're touching. "I won't take too many."
"I think a couple will be fine." I calmly but sternly tell her.
"Okay. One.. two.. three.. GAY!" My smile quickly morphs into a laugh that I cover worth my hand. I was not expecting the girl to say this. While laughing, another picture gets taken. "I can't believe I made Elizabeth Olsen laugh!" Geneva says a bit too loud for my liking reminding myself where we are.
It looks like we're done with the photos, so I quickly take the time to cover my face back up. "Thank you so much. Omg, this is the greatest thing I've ever taken."Geneva shows me, and it's a typical one, and then Geneva smiling as I'm dying of laughter. "I'm glad to be a part of it." In the distance, I see Geneva's dad making his way over here. I guess they're running a little late now.
"Thank you again! This means so much to me." I smile. "Me too." Geneva starts to walk away, but I stop her. "Geneva!" She quickly turns back. "Yes?!"
How do I say this?
"Do you mind waiting until tomorrow to post that picture? If you do it now.. the paparazzi will be worse in Los Angeles." Geneva thinks about my words. "Sure. I don't want it to be worse for you." I graciously nod. "Thank you very much."
"Of course, Lizzie. Happy Pride Month." Geneva waves at me before walking to her now crossed arm dad.
It is the start of pride month.
I quickly pull out my phone, exiting my text conversation with Y/N and opening the one with Marla and Rhonda.
"An interview needs to be made today. People need to know who I am."
The ride to the airport was uneventful. Aside from the occasional small talk and "I'm sorry for getting you sick" from Nick, nothing happened.
Now we're inching the car closer to the departure zone.
"Hey, kid?" When he first started calling me that, I thought it would go away because of how annoying it was, but it didn't, and I've grown to like it.
"Hmm?" I turn to face Nick as his eyes are watching the cars in front of us.
"Is the reason you left New York waiting for you in LA?"
"No," I say without another thought to the question or to the pain in my throat.
"Do you want them to be?"
I purse my lips and think. I don't know.. I've been avoiding Elizabeth for weeks but saying that I don't want to see her at all would be a complete lie because I miss her. I truly do. For the past couple of nights, I've been having dreams and nightmares about her. Maybe that's what's making my move to LA easier.
"I don't know," I whisper my answer out as Nick nods his head and drops the subject.
"You know, getting to know you these past couple of weeks has been wonderful. I'm happy to know Laurie has such an amazing daughter." The car has now reached my drop-off area. I turn to the older gentleman next to me.
"It's been a pleasure getting to know you too, Nickolas." Nick smiles but rolls his eyes at the awkward way I say his name causing me to laugh, which I regret doing as my warm throat starts fighting me.
"Need help with your bag?" I shake my head no, but Nick is already out of the car, opening the trunk for me. Once I'm about, he's already wheeling my suitcase to me. "Text your mother when you land. She'll be worried sick otherwise."
"I will."
Without thinking, I wrap my arms around Nick and hug him. I feel Nick hesitate before doing the same. It didn't last long, but it was nice. "Thanks again for everything." "Sorry for getting you sick, kid." Now I roll my eyes. "It's alright. I'll see you, Nick." I turn around and start walking to the airport doors.
"Wait!" I turn around to see the car window rolled down with Nick leaning over the passenger seat. "Don't forget to check your bag! You're flying to LA; who knows what someone might do if it's left in the overhead bin." I shake my head at him like he's crazy until I remembered the conversation over dinner last night.
"Literally pee all over my luggage. Someone left their child's toilet up in the top, and during take-off, it flew to the back, smacking everyone's precious cargo." (A/N this story happened on a podcast I used to listen to)
My face morphs in disgust. I shoot Nick a thumbs up as he laughs at my face. "So long, kid!" And with that, I turn back around and head straight towards my airline's desk. Ready to check this bag.
Okay, so that took longer than I thought it would. Of course, it's the beginning of summer, and this place is packed. What was I thinking? Now I'm sprinting, yes, sprinting to my gate! Mind you; I'm still feeling terrible!
It's like a scene out of a movie. I make it to my gate just as the last couple of people are shuffling on. The ticket on my phone goes through, and now I can finally breathe! I follow the people onto the plane, double-checking that I have everything. Phone? Obviously. AirPods? Duh. Cards and ID? Front pocket because what if my bag gets lost because I listened to Nick? Okay, time to find my seat and get rid of this headache.
I picked the worst day to fly.
Does anyone watch the stewardess do the safety instructions in case something happens and you need to step up, or is this just my anxiety making me watch them?
Anyways I feel relieved once they finish up. The person next to me couldn't give a shit. They were on their phone the whole time, and let me tell you, they were getting screamed at by someone through text.
Which weirdly reminds me.
I open my phone. I never finished my conversation with Robbie.
wasn't ignoring you just got on the plane. I'll text you when I land.
After a couple of minutes, Robbie responds.
No sweat I started taking a crack at that other song All Eyes On Me. Are you sure this is suited for me?
Moody indie? Uh yeah dude.
🙄 Saving it for when you get here. have a safe flight.
I exit that conversation, and I'm surprised to see a text from Max I don't remember getting.
"Elizabeth stopped by your place again. I think it might be for the last time. She's leaving ny."
Oh wow. Trying to copy me, Olsen?
I'm trying to formulate a sentence to type back, but I get interrupted when the mean stewardess tells me to put all electronic devices on airplane mode.
I'll just text Maxine back later. As of right now, though, I think it's time to pull out my AirPods, put on a relaxing playlist and tune out that crying baby five rows ahead of me.
Even in first class, I'm nervous. I don't know what it is today, but my nerves are doubled. Ever since we touched down in my home state, I've had this weird feeling.
Was I wrong to leave? Is it wrong to come back home? I should've apologized and seen my sister before leaving. No, I should've fucking chased after Y/N when I had the chance. Oh, God. Should I change my sunglasses and hat?
"Miss Olsen?" I dramatically lift my eyes up from the spot where my engagement ring used to be to see the eyes of the kind stewardess saving me from myself. "If you'd like to follow me." I nod before getting up and following her like a lost puppy. Except lost puppies don't get the stink eye from people, you never met.
Once we make it to the gate, the stewardess leads me to a man waiting with my bags. Well, all except one thing. Y/N's guitar case. Also, who is this man? Why is he here? I can carry my own bags.
"Thank you," I say to the stewards, who gives me a tight-lipped smile before turning back onto the plane. I walk up to the man and thank him for gathering all my belongings, but I can take it from here. He obliges as I double-check that I do indeed have everything except the guitar. I do! So with my purse securely on my shoulder and the bags and cases in my hands, I make my way to baggage claim.
Two naps in one day.
I feel better after the second one. Or at least I thought I did. My eyes aren't tired. My head isn't killing me. But my throat. My throat got worse. Yes, it doesn't pain me as much to speak, but it's extra scratchy, and anytime I do try and speak, it's not my voice. I sound like a different person. Oh goodness, I need cough drops and water quick.
A text to James, Robbie, Max, and my mom later, and I'm the last one off. I've never been that last one off a plane, so I guess I can cross that off my bucket list. Why is it called that? Anyways with no bags carried on with me, it's now time to try to find my airline's baggage claim.
Oh yeah, also, I've never been to LAX before, so this is a new terrifying experience.
I hate that I'm doing this by myself.
I shouldn't have listened to Nick. I swear I've watched hundreds of people come by and be gone while I'm still here. I literally watched a guy walk around the corner, come by, scoop up his bag and walk straight into a car waiting for him. What the fuck?
Also, some people have zero sense of fashion. I know I don't, but I was learning a thing or two from the Olsens. Plus, I'm gay, so it's different.
Anygays, after watching the black suitcase with red lining pass by for the 7,495 time, I'm about to give up when brand new bags start coming down.
I watch as the crowd around me starts to grow. I had to do a double take when I thought I saw a woman in an LA Dodgers cap hanging around, but I didn't see her anymore, and I have to remember I'm actually in California now, so that's probably normal.
Finally, I saw it! My large suitcase was making its way to me. Without much of a struggle, I'm able to pull off the belt and make sure that, yes, it's mine. I'm about to finally walk away when something catches my eye.
I watch as it slides its way down before slowly making it was past me. It can't be. I look over the stickers on the case. Surely someone else has my exact same ones.
Except no one has my Davey-made sticker for my high school track team. Only one was made.
And there it is.
I watch as the case passes the people to my right. "Hey." I croak out of my throat as I watch a hand go and grab the case. Shit. They didn't hear me. When did so many people get here?
"Excuse me." "Get out of my way." "Sorry."
These are all the things I'm spitting out as the power starts coming back into my voice as I'm rushing to whoever thinks they can't steal my guitar case.
How the fuck do they have it?
"Hey, stop," I call out once I'm behind the person. "You with the case!" Fucking unbelievable! They're ignoring me.
"Hey!" I clear my throat once more and get right up behind the person before grabbing the bottom of my case from them pulling them back towards me.
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
It took long enough, but it's finally here in my hands. I'm surprised I haven't been recognized with how long I was just standing there waiting.
I thought I saw someone who looked a lot like Y/N peer their way toward me, but I lost them in the ever-growing crowd.
Anyways. It's finally here in my hand. I hear some commotion behind me, but I'm too tired to see what that's about. I just want to "Hey!" get to Aubrey's before bringing this guitar to Robb-
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
I feel the guitar case being pulled from behind as my hand gets yanked back, turning me around.
"Hey!" I yell before our eyes meet.
Y/N & Liz POV
It's her! She's here in front of me!! Don't fuck this up.
Part 27
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rubylarkspur22 · 2 months
No Context Manga Note Quotes
So, to best prepare for writing the manga arcs of Demon Slayer(mostly in Sunlit Blossoms), I purchased volumes 15-23, and made some notes to have a general idea of what's supposed to be going on. Here are some quotes from my notes, which I am reading backwards!
Of course, Manga Spoilers ahead. A lot of 'em.
"Tanjirou wakes up demonic and ready for war crimes..."
"... Evil Sunshine Boy who's clearly prepared to rip their head off and eat their internal organs."
"Oh, yeah, the sun's still in the sky and demons still burn up in its vengeful rays, and Tanjirou starts getting crispy before he can kill someone."
"Surprise mf! Sun Breather is sun proof! God damn it!"
"One man must be Bakugou's ancestor with hw aggressively he yells 'DIEEE!!'..."
"... and apparently the plan is Giant Demon Baby..."
"... Miss 'Casually Spend a Year Micro-Dosing Until My Body Has 700x the Lethal Dose of Wisteria Poison'"
"Muzan calls Kaburamaru dumb... like the guy who's failing with 5 brains has room to talk"
"Muzan reflects on his clash w/ Yoriichi, claiming Mr. Chillest MF Alive was the true monster..."
"'F*** You' drug cocktail"
"Surprise mf! Tanjirou's back in business! Man's half-blind, actively dying, and ticked all to hell, all bets are off!"
"... but Tanjirou's f*** to give got taken out by the poison."
"... until they mention Muzan will escape, which has homeboy[Tanjirou] suddenly very awake"
"1000+ Year Old Man Doesn't Know What a Cat Is, more at 10"
"Nezuko gets Ghost GPS from Tanjurou, and promptly yeets herself off a cliff..."
"Meanwhile, Tanjirou can't breathe because of the blood he's choking on..."
"Tanjirou's ready to end a career and an existence"
"... free round of entrees"
"... Tanjirou is prepared for a multitude of felonies involving Muzan until Giyuu tells him to calm tf down"
"Yuichirou tries to get Muichirou to go back to the land of the living... like Muichirou hasn't been cut in half like Darth Maul"
"Spoiler alert! The dumb f***s don't standby!"
"Hello, Monster Head! I can already see the monster f***ers drooling all over this guy"
"Mama Tsugikuni is a queen, protecting her baby right after giving birth to twins"
"Gyomei casually alters his blood flow... as ya do"
"Then Sanemi whips out the foot sword, like the absolute madman he is"
"Being in complete control of the terrain has its perks, and is annoying for the opponents"
"Akaza realizes Tanjirou has gone Plant Mode..."
"... then the dumba** yells his intent"
"[Akaza] pokes at the wound labelled 'Kyojurou Rengoku'"
"Yay, Blood Demon Styptic(anti-BDA-Juice)"
"Zenitsu has balls now. Good for him"
"Go off, Queen! Poison him! Avenge your sister!"
"Muzan's a b**** who refuses to take responsibility for his role in messing up the world(... not surprised)"
"... Tanjirou violates his restraining order..."
"... he[Tanjirou] and Giyuu chat after the daylights are regained"
"(Tamayo is a menace, and she's great!)"
"... Tanjirou gets a restraining order"
"... Zenitsu gets chucked in a river and Inosuke gets CPR"
Not directly backwards, but these are some of my favourite quotes from the Volume 15-23 notes I took for the Demon Slayer manga.
It's not even every note I took. Some were very straightforward, others had humour to them.
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medicus-felini · 4 months
ᓚᘏᗢ Small (actually not so small) vent below. [Depression tw]
I don't know how to describe it exactly why but I got a massive mental burnout the other day. It may be not my bestest decision to share it here but I feel writing it down is better than keeping it for myself.
All the bad things that happened and still happen to me caught up. I feel awful. I lie awake the whole night only to break out in tears when my partner woke up. There was too much in my head to even spell out what exactly made me break down.
I am looking for a job for years, trying to get a normal daily shedule only to never get an answer and to fuck up my sleep shedule for the 100th time. I am getting 25 this year. My depression and panic disorder I developed when covid began seemed to 'heal' in a way. I went to group therapy, got medication which I still take to this day. I am stuck because I have trouble doing phone calls. Trouble TIPING IN numbers for real therapists.
Time is awful. When will I be done with learning a job? I will be 28 if it happens someone recruits me this year. And then I work. I will have so much less time for things I like. Speaking of which: I catch myself falling into the 'I don't enjoy the things I normally enjoyed' loop again. That was one of the main reasons for taking antidepresants and it now seems to crawl back.
I want to at least do something I enjoy. Writing, drawing, playing video games. I started to feel little joy in it again. It makes me angry to not be happy with my time. I don't want this.
I text my family less and less not because I am mentally exhausted but because of their believes. All except my dad (which I always had little contact to) openly and proudly boast about how they vote right wing parties in Germany. You can't discuss with them. I can't. Because I instantly start crying like some trauma haunted 12 year old back in the day when my mom raised her voice. This party I am speaking of actively stands for traditional beliefs, inbetween against lgbtqia+ (which, surprise, I am part of).
They only see points they like. "Oh, they won't get this through, you will be fine." BUT YOU VOTE FOR THESE BELIEVES. You actively support these anti lgbtqia+ shit only because you are racist and intolerant towards NORMAL PEOPLE who live their lives in Germany like everybody else for years.
Next thing is they hate my partner. Something that really only was a question of time passing. My mother always seems to dislike my and my sisters partners after some time. Finding little things she can pick on and passive aggressively point them out. Making everyone awkward and feeling unwelcomed. I feel unwelcome. It is my partner. My choice. You despite my choice and thus insult me with it. Family gatherings became horrible. My partner doesn't want to say anything because he is scared to 'mess up' and my mother getting fuel for her hatred. My sister is young and living with her. She took on my mother's believes politcal wise. I love her dearly but I feel like she also only plays mirage only to talk bad behind my back, which she usually does with other people.
I feel so alien. I don't even want to drive over there to my birthday. I would love to but it doesn't feel like my family anymore. It feels all so forced. My dog gets older too. He is the reason I still look forward a little bit when visiting them.
Writing this feels good in a way tho. Even if I know the majority of my moots only as little guys in my screen, I feel loved. I will observe my mental state these next weeks. If it doesn't get better, I'll call my doc and ask if we can higher my dosis. Just so I can think clearly and focus on important matters.
*Siiiigh* okay okay thanks for being lovely babes ♡
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roguemonsterfucker · 10 months
I thought the harassment over the Thrawn thing had ended, but I was wrong so now I feel forced to defend myself. All people involved have either been anonymous or blocked me, so I can't explain myself directly to them but I believe this stemmed from a misunderstanding.
I will own up to being rude in my responses, but I hope y'all will understand that I felt very attacked from the very first message directed at me.
Get ready for an image heavy post.
It all stated with me seeing this post in the Thrawn tags:
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I saw a few other Thrawn fans making their own posts, indirectly responding to this criticism, so I went ahead and made two separate posts of my own.
Below is the first one, which responded to the OP's take on Thrawn's loyalty to his people, the Chiss. I hope you can see clearly from this post that I am myself a defender of Thrawn in many ways and very much a fan of his.
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The second post is where the trouble started. I see now that my wording, taken without the context of the original Anti Thrawn post, looks like an attack on Thrawn fans. That was not my intent, though I see now how it looks that way. I was simply explaining my own view of calling myself a "Thrawn Apologist."
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Now he's where the trouble really started. Someone very active in the Thrawn tags and who has followed my Thrawn blog for at least a week or so reblogged that with an addition that I took as very aggressive and patronizing. I felt very attacked by the response's wording and it didn't help that the person called me "hon," which I have always found a very upsetting thing to be called. I know it is sometimes meant in a kind way, but the combonation of the aggressive tone of the message and the patronizing "hon" put me on the defensive.
That said, I personally don't think my respond was rude or anything initially. I simply asked what they meant by their message, because I wasn't really sure what they were taking issue with, and in the tags put as kind of a message as possible to ask them not to call me hon in the future.
I should add that my pinned post says this: "I'm nonbinary. Please don't call me a guy or a girl or any other gendered term."
And I have had to previously ask people not to call me "girlie" and other gendered terms because I am a trans person and those terms trigger dysphoria for me.
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Now here is where I did become rude and I freely admit I was very short with this person. I hope you can understand why from the above explanation that I was on the defensive and already a little upset.
At this point, I didn't realize that what this person's actual issue was was in fact that they felt I was attacking "Thrawn Apologists" because they apparently didn't see the initial Anti Thrawn post that I was responding to.
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I didn't understand why anyone would argue over the semantics of "warlord" versus "war criminal" and I was becoming a bit distressed because I knew I had seen someone call Thrawn a warlord somewhere. I hadn't just pulled that word out of my rear end. And after doing further research, I found that I hadn't in fact made it up. It's Legends (not canon) now, but "Warlord" was in fact a title given by the Emperor to some of his military commanders, so whether Thrawn meets the definition of our world's warlord or not is a moot point.
Regardless, this is were the hateful messages began. The below message came from someone that clearly follows the person that took issue with my use of "warlord."
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This person blocked me before I could respond and explain that the reason I didn't like being called "hon" was gender dysphoria.
I did start to think at this point that maybe this was over more than just me calling Thrawn a warlord so I made a post, to which the original person arguing with me responded.
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But apparently that wasn't enough for them to seek out context or ask or give me the benefit of the doubt. And still at this point, I didn't realize that this person and others were under the impression that I was insulting Thrawn Apologists.
For the below screenshot, I have no idea why my main's username is listed as the account because it's definitely on my thrawn sideblog. Regardless, I recieved a reply that I responded to via screenshoting because I didn't want to reply with my main in the comments. Keep in mind, I still had no idea that people were upset that I was insulting Thrawn Apologists, though I was starting to get the sense that it was more than just semantics of whether he was a warlord or not.
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And it was after this message that the person I was arguing with apparently decided I was making fun of them and they blocked me and made their own rant post about me, which is when I realized the issue wasn't whether Thrawn was a warlord or not, it was that they felt I was insulting Thrawn Apologists. But of course, they blocked me at that point so I couldn't defend myself.
Firstly, I think it's clear that they never saw my additional posts explaining that "warlord" was a title within the star wars universe. And secondly... I'm very confused as to why they call me an "idol." I made it clear in many of my posts on that blog that I never intended for people to follow it. It was a place for me to collect Thrawn posts for myself.
Also, they seem to think I was making fun of them with my response above, which wasn't my intent though I do see how they would feel that way. As I said, I was already on the defensive because of the aggressive wording of their very first message to me and it was only made worse by followers of theirs calling me a bitch.
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I understand that I was rude in many of my responses. I own up to that. But I don't think that justifies some of the hateful messages I have been sent because this person reblogged my post without understanding that it was not intended to insult fans of Thrawn.
I have been sent many hateful messages to my thrawn blog now because of this. I thought it was over after this person posted their final rant about me but it has continued.
So... I just wanted to post this so that I could get it off my chest.
I know I was rude and I apologize. But I hope it's clear that my intent was misunderstood. Perhaps that is my own fault. But I still don't feel it justifies messages like this:
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I never intended to attack apologists. It was a response to a hateful message in the Thrawn tags calling apologists annoying. I was laughing at the idea of being called an apologist myself, not at the idea of apologists existing.
I am sorry to those hurt by my words. I wish I could explain myself and apologize directly but I will respect the block and not go around it.
Thanks to anyone who made it reading this far. If you saw my previous posts from last night, you'll know yesterday was rough in many ways. And the weeks ahead will be rougher. I'm in really bad shape (unrelated to the above, though I can't say it helped =/) and I have appreciated all the kind messages I've received.
I won't be around tumblr much. I really should avoid it completely while I heal. My queue posts 5 times a day, so if you don't see any posts outside of those then I'm not back yet.
I'm sorry I didn't pick someone to take over the confessions blog. I can't deal with that right now. But rest assured that the queue is full for quite a while and when I'm able, I'll try to figure out how to keep that blog alive somehow.
Thank you all.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
do you have any suggestions or advice for people with ASPD who experience strong homicidal thoughts (or thoughts about acts of strong violence in general)? I feel like this topic is already so rarely talked about, and even when it is most resources focus on people struggling with intrusive thoughts, not genuine fantasies. (just to clarify: not in crisis or actually planning to do anything, just annoyed of constantly thinking about this). People usually just say to “get help”, but I’ve been getting help for years now and nothing has changed.
To be honest, most of my current coping mechanisms for violent thoughts are unhealthy but not destructive (most often w**d which is legal where I am and/alcohol), so I don't recommend them. I agree that getting help for these types of thoughts is extremely difficult, especially while balancing the dreaded "danger to yourself or others" mandated reporter line. I do have some ideas, though.
Check google to see if there is a "wreck room" of some kind around you. These are safe places with safety practices and PPE that exist to allow people to take out aggressive anger on items (aka smash things) in ways that are not destructive to your or other's property or person. These are showing up more and more nowadays as we realize that this outlet can be done healthily if people are given the access and tools to do it in a healthy way. While it isn't the same as hurting someone, it stimulates many of the same parts of the brain. Also, doing it in a wreck room means you don't have to do the cleanup. Major bonus there.
If you can't afford that but have things you can break and a safe area you're willing to fully clean later, you can do the same type of thing at home. Make sure you always wear PPE like goggles and gloves, and if you are doing it outside make sure anything a child or animal running through your yard (even if you don't have kids or animals, kids wander and strays exist) is fully cleaned up. Please inform the people you live with if you take this method, as it can be scary to walk in on this type of thing and you could get the cops called on you if you don't inform them. Lie if you have to: "my friend needs broken pieces of XYZ for an art project", "this is really bulky and took up too much space in the garbage can so I'm breaking it down", or the ever iconic "my ex gave it to me", for example.
I sometimes find other replacement behaviors via video games like COD and Apex Legends helpful, but they don't always help everyone.
Punching bags are one of my preferred replacement behaviors, but they are often expensive and difficult to set up, making them inaccessible.
Watching violent movies or documentaries or true crime podcasts on real violent crimes often helps me, but that kind of thing makes things worse for some people.
Gross motor activities like walking, running, swimming, etc can be helpful as they stimulate similar parts of the brain to the ones violent actions do.
I know you mentioned you are not in crisis or active planning, but for anyone who may be, a disclaimer: If you or anyone reading this honestly feels they may be a threat to themselves or others, I can only advise getting help and speaking to a professional about this. Top priority should always be safety above all else, and checking yourself in to get help before you do something drastic is always going to be easier and better for everyone than trying to hide from or handle the repercussions of that event later. There are emergency systems and programs in place to help you learn to cope or find medications that can help you if you are in an urgent situation, before something bad happens, but tumblr is not one of them; I am not one of them.
Whatever you do, please keep yourself and others safe. I hope this helps.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Bkdk for the ship ask please
Sorry this took a while to answer, Anon!
I didn't see it until now... 🥲
Who’s the cuddler?
Izuku would be. He is a cuddle bug. But, he's not as cuddly as everyone would think he is. He isn't so touchy with anyone. He really has to be in the mood for cuddles and when he is, Katsuki is quick to give in since "oh, what? Scared of a hug and a blanket?"
Who makes the bed?
They both do, Katsuki's bed making skills is just a little better.
Who wakes up first?
Izuku does. Katsuki may go to sleep earlier, but Izuku is practically built to wake up earlier. He likes having morning runs, wants to have all the time he can to do everything he plans to do that day.
Who has the weird taste in music?
They both do. In Katsuki's case, what makes it weird is the music is something people don't expect for him to listen to. For Izuku, he listens to just about everything. He even got Katsuki hooked on some music.
Who is more protective?
Oh, the better question is who isn't protective? You and I both know these two are very protective to the point villains wouldn't want to touch either of them.
Izuku hates seeing the people he cares about get hurt, Katsuki is no expectation. He's an active protective. He gets very feral and goes to take you out.
Katsuki, though, he hovers. He watches for potential threats. He's the one that worries when they go out on dates.
Who sings in the shower?
Neither of them do. Both like quiet showers and if they get too relaxed, they're prone to sleep before the urge to sing hits them.
Who cries during movies?
Now we all know Izuku would. However, it actually takes a lot of him to cry at movies. He's gotta really feel the emotions to cry and it doesn't actually happen very often. Especially since most of the time he doesn't watch movies that would make him tear up.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
They both would. Katsuki more so because he likes quality stuff and Izuku because he can't resist a bit of hero merch. They're terrible, I tell you, terrible.
Who kisses more roughly?
Both, but on different circumstances. Izuku starts off as a rough kisser because he didn't have experience, same for Katsuki. Later on in the relationship, Izuku is a rough kisser whenever Katsuki is. Other than that, he's really soft and gentle. As for Katsuki, he is aggressively affectionate.
Who is more dominant?
Both are. In fact, they don't even think about it. With Izuku shaping up with being more confident with himself, taking on leader roles and Katsuki being a natural born leader but letting himself be more open about his feelings, it's more so going with the flow. They're a "Whatever happens, happens" kind of pair.
They learn that words do help and they do communicate verbally, but they're comfortable with just actions.
So deciding who is the dominant one, they don't care for it. They just let whoever is dominant be that one when the time calls for it.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
Okay, okay. A 10. Look, it's just one of those ships that when you start to understand the characters a little more, you can't help but go "ooooh, now I get it".
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