#i for one am usually on mobile and on the app so i have to contend with the awful clunkiness 🫠😭
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Could I ask what difference between transgender and transsexual is? I ask this as a trans person who wants to start using the term "transsexual," but I'm not sure if it denotes anything beyond what I've been using the term "transgender" for (i.e. not aligning with my birth sex/gender identity).
I like transsexual better as it's what our trans-cestors used, and it's a word that is so much "punchier" than transgender is, and I don't feel the same kind of "weird" when the label is applied to me. I'm just worried that these are "fake" reasons or something. Thank you, and sorry!
Honestly, I think there are more similarities between "transsexual" and "transgender" as transsexual as a term was introduced first, and then transgender replaced it
Transsexual has had a history of being used for people who were medically transitioning during a point where transness was heavily pathologized and medicalized... but I personally don't think that cis people should be allowed to sully words like that, and I really don't think that we need to stick by those ridged rules. Isn't the reason transness is so "scary" because we break those "ridged rules" so often? But I digress.
I think some people have different outlooks on their transition, and that's where the transsexual/transgender labels can help. For me, I identify as transsexual because I think it most accurately describes my relationship with my transition.
The most important thing is to not force people in or out of labels they identify with - which is why I want anybody who wants to ID as transsexual do so. So many people ID as such - trans elders, young trans people, people who are medically transitioning, people who aren't. I think a lot of why people are attracted to this word is because of political reclamation, as in reclaiming the word for political reasons, to show the word how viscerally human you are. That's part of the reason I decided to use it, at least.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 months
There isn't a whole lot of advice for if you're dissociating really badly and desperately need to ground yourself in a way that isn't dangerous
Most self harm advice covers being depressed or an emotional reason for wanting to self harm (which I have had in the past but that's not relevant to this)
Not a lot of advice for: "I am so desperate to feel connected to reality that I think bashing my head against the wall is a suitable solution"
The name 5 things isn't super helpful if you're alone and spiraling and dissociating heavily
Also I'm sorry most of them prompted by apps are stupid and don't work for me
It's usually like "name 5 colours" "name five yellow things" and the "name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can taste" which doesn't really work for me either
I think I feel babied and it irritates me
It worked better when my husband started asking me things like "name 5 whales" or "name five words that end in N" because it makes me actually think about my answers so I might pop in a small notebook and have him help me come up with questions
(Btw he asked me "5 words that start with P" and my answers included both patchouli and patriarchy)
I do better with physical sensations
So when I remembered I had a spiky ring i used that but I'm going to order more and a bigger one I can squeeze and roll about
I should probably try to find something better to bite. Tbh I need a chewerly item that has the right amount of give to really sink my teeth into
Most are too hard and hurt my jaw
Is it weird to say it needs the consistency of a human finger?
Other things I'm including is a gummy candy with a strong taste and some lavender facemasks because smell really helps but most perfumes give me a headache. A face mask though will hopefully feel like something on my face and will smell strongly but not in a migraine way
Does anyone have any other suggestions of things to ground me in reality that are helpful keeping in mind my mobility is very limited
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idrellegames · 1 year
Wayfarer Dev Log 2023.03.06
Hi friends!
It’s been a while since my last proper update in January. I am recovered from illness and mostly back to normal; with the days getting longer and actually having sunlight now, it’s easier to stay focused than it was in the winter. A lot of developments have happened in the interim, so I’m hoping this dev log will serve to get you caught up on things I’ve been keeping under wraps until now.
✦ New Blog Reveal
My blog’s desktop theme has been redesigned and updated! Huge thank you to @ethereal-themes for taking this on, I am in love with the new look.
Desktop theme
Navigation (with updated tags!)
Character Roster (updated with Episode 2 characters + sortable, including by romance type)
These pages cannot be viewed in the tumblr mobile app, but they can be viewed by inputting the link into your mobile browser. Mobile versions of the updated FAQ information and tag list are forthcoming.
Many thanks to @memaidraws for my new blog portrait of Alexia. 💕
Additionally, I am no longer tracking the tag "wayfarer" for community content. The tag has become overrun with bots that makes it very difficult to filter. If you've created something you'd like me to see, please use the "wayfarer if" tag or tag my blog!
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✦ The Public Build
A new patch should be coming sometime in March to fix lingering bugs and issues in Episode 2. This patch will require a full restart of the game. Once it releases, you should not use old saves otherwise you may encounter continuity errors and bugs in later episodes.
✦ The Alpha Build
Work on the next alpha update is progressing. I am still writing slower than I usually do, but I am coming up on the end of a major branch. There should be a new alpha release later in March that will cover one half of Episode 3 Part 1.
Even though not all possible routes will be included, the update will add over 300,000 words of new playable content to the game.
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✦ Development Changes
Until recently, Wayfarer was planned to be a free game. This is no longer the case. Though I am not ready to announce the full details yet, the game will be eventually be moving to a free demo + paid full game model later in its development cycle.
Act 1 (which includes the Prologue and Episodes 1-3) will remain free to play. Future pricing for non-Patreon early access to later episodes while the game is in development is TBD.
Because this change impacts some behind-the-scenes things, I am need to gauge how much of Wayfarer’s playerbase plays the game on their phone versus a computer.
If you would like to help me out, check out this poll here and let me know what device you regularly play on!
✦ Wayfarer 2023 Pin-Up Calendar
The Wayfarer Calendar is now closed! A huge thank you to our contributing artists and everyone who donated. Altogether, we raised $1094.54 USD. These proceeds were donated today to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.
I am so honoured that the calendar was a huge hit. On behalf of our organizers, I would like to thank everyone for their passion and excitement for this project. It’s too soon to announce whether we will do something like this again for next year, but there may be another calendar on the horizon…
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If you’ve enjoyed Wayfarer, used my tutorials, or would like to support my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Patrons receive access to the alpha build, a private Discord server, exclusive previews, bonus content, side stories, and other benefits.
(Please note that if you are pledging solely for access to the alpha build, the alpha and the public build currently contain the same content.)
Wayfarer is a passion project and creating it is a full-time commitment. Any little bit goes a long way to help me bring it to fruition.
If you aren’t in a position to support financially, reblogs, shares, ratings and comments, and spreading the word about the game are much appreciated and do a lot to help me out! 💕
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
hi you wonderful people. thank you so much for all the glorious fic suggestions!!! i camp for weeks/months at a time so i started downloading fics to read, saving them in epub format. to my deepest disappointment I discovered they lack random pages scattered throughout the fic!!! have you ever experienced this and is there a fix? i would appreciate any help you might offer.
thank you to the people offering suggestions and help on my question about downloading epubs- apologies, i cant seem to reply to the thread? fwiw- i am downloading using ao3’s download to my iphone(mobile). it isnt every fic and seems worst with longer ones. redownloading when i get back to connectivity often works. i use epub so i can read offline in books app, what app could i read mobi files in? thank you again for your help!
I don't usually download fics, so I personally don't know. Does anyone have any ideas?
- Mod C
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impunkster-syndrome · 2 months
Predstrogen stop being ableist about conditions she doesn't understand the dangers with challenge (Impossible).
I do want to talk for a bit about how non-photosensitives with a following make my job with photosensitive-despair harder when they refuse to put the people with a risk of death or physical pain first above their comfort.
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The shit like this makes it harder for people to understand that photosensitivity can harm or kill people. SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy) is most common in those with unmanaged epilepsy (which is not always photosensitive, mind you). People who follow her see that post, and go "Oh, she must know what she's talking about, epilepsy doesn't really matter in this situation."
Social media is unfortunately a numbers game that makes the voices of disabled people talking about issues that impact them being drowned out by comparatively abled people thinking they can speak on it. We are screaming, trying to be heard, and then people without our conditions consistently never listen to us when we beg for the slightest scrap of being listened to.
My seizures can make me unable to work. I have hours of being unable to process language as I usually do. I have to use AAC at times to help me slow down to communicate. It's taken a toll on my usual ability to type well to the point I repeat or miss words and can't catch it like I used to. No one online should have a risk of death or harm due to disability.
Please listen to disabled people when they say accessibility matters. It can be risk of death for some of us.
Watch her keep stalking tumblr via her mobile app access, screenshot the first part, and then be ableist and transphobic in one of her posts because I'm transmasc and disabled so she can punch down (While ignoring I am also transfem and nonbinary).
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idontknowreallywhy · 14 days
For the fic writers ask game!!
14 how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
40 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
56 What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
p.s. you are definitely a proper writer and a wonderful one!
Rediscovered The Inbox (which tends to hide on the mobile app) -better late than never on a reply??
I did answer 14 already ages ago I think so have been pondering the other two…
40 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I actually just commissioned some art on one particular scene which I am beyond excited about and may well get addicted to that process (note to self, check whether hubby is cool with second mortgage purely for multiple art commissions…) so that is kind of a dream come true (I’m getting WIP sketches etc and doing a lot of happy screaming!) but aside from that one…
There are scenes I feel like I’ve described quite well which could be artable but for others the actual picture stayed mostly in my head because I felt the detail would clog the narrative and I think I describe sound and smell better than visual anyway I think? There definitely one I’d love to see but not sure I’ve ever adequately described Estera for anyone to draw her (tho they’d be welcome to try!) but… if I could magically crystallise any image I’ve written it would be the photo she’s looking at here:
Her gaze shifted to the new photo, framed in blue, that she had recently added to her gallery. Yes, and in the last few months… everything had suddenly changed again. But this time in an indisputably good way. Because the imaginary hero had somehow shed the imaginary bit and become her friend. The two of them grinned manically out of the hasty selfie - hair dishevelled, flushed with adrenaline and drenched in seawater but vividly, irrepressibly alive.
Which was taken just after this scene. And yes, Scooter has destroyed another expensive suit 😏
56 What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I’m going to try to flip something I often worry is a failing in my stories because the reason I haven’t “fixed” it is because it is actually the bit I feel I’m best at and certainly is the stuff that comes out when I get excited with a sudden NEED to write immediately. So… even though I suspect it makes my fic slooow and the plot languishes in the background…
A thing I love doing and I think I’m getting better at is exploration of the thoughts and feelings of a character in a specific moment/scene. Usually through an inner monologue, sometimes interspersed with dialogue, but I just love picking apart a character’s mind spiral to show where they are mentally on a matter, where they came from and maybe edging them towards some progress. Scott and Virgil are the usual victims of this but I often do it to an OC as well, with the intent of showing one of the main characters’ development through external eyes.
Again, it doesn’t make for exciting, action-filled fic and I sometimes feel guilty for posting 3 chapters covering about 10 mins of events but… actually I enjoy reading that kind of thing from other people so clearly I believe it’s legit story telling when they do it so I’m trying to give myself permission to believe it is when the writer is me :)
Thanks for the ask and the encouragement (which, coming from one of my fave writers, is extra encouraging!)
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tls123 · 6 months
Sorry if I bother you, but I really love your gif sets! Do you know some tutorials or, app, or anything, to learn how to make good gif? I am learning and I feel very stupid because all my gifs are shit. (if my ask is inappropriate or anything, please ignore me)
you're not bothering and none of this is inappropriate, you're more than welcome in my inbox! as for your questions, let's see what i can do.
1) tutorials — i've been doing this for long enough that i don't really have much to recommend here, the only tutorials i use nowadays are all about specific things and not how to make gifs as a whole. that being said i've linked this one before, i personally do some things differently but it's a very good tutorial, well-received by gifmakers who are just starting and well written, from what i've skimmed through.
another good post to look through is this one, not a gifmaking tutorial per se but it goes into sizes, sharpening, and how to get neat & clear gifs. two of the main points are A) while you can get away with making gifs out of a 720p quality video, 1080p is what is usually recommended. you could use 4k as well, but a 1080p video is usually easier to find, will take less space in your storage, and will give you really good results already. no need for overkill <3 as for B) size matters here on tumblr dot com, mostly width. the op of the post linked in this paragraph has included a nice graphic for the size limits for gifs, you can refer to it as you make your gifs so that whatever you make won't turn out pixelated once you upload it to tumblr.
if you're curious, i've been asked about my sharpening settings here and i spoke before on tumblr sizing here
2) software — you mentioned app, if by app you mean mobile stuff then i'm sorry, i can't help you! i've never made gifs through mobile and i wouldn't even know which direction to point towards for you to find more information. as for computers, if you mean programs then these are what i use to make my gifs: potplayer (for taking screencaps) and photoshop cc 2020 (for making the actual gifs, this is the post i used but here's one with more links)
now i'd like to mention something my grandma always used to say: no one is born learned. you're not stupid just because it's taking you a while to do something, learning is a process and everyone has their own pace. i've been making gifs for a decade now and i know there are things i could do better! i'm also still learning, i make plenty of "shit" gifs before stumbling my way to something i am okay with posting, and sometimes i'm really proud of what i've made and other times i think it's just "good enough". i understand feeling disheartened but please do not feel stupid about any of this!
no use in putting yourself down, now hold my hand and let's add the finishing touches on this long ass reply <3
3) tips — we've mentioned video quality, sharpening, and sizing. what else, what else. personally i would start simple (and i did, way back when, and still do!! most of my gifs are quite simple). so: cropping/resizing + coloring + sharpening. it'll help get the basics down and then you'll have a good foundation for everything else you might want to learn. i mentioned in another ask, almost two years ago now lmao, that i used to download other people's free psds (that is, pre-made settings and layers to color your gifs) and instead of using them i would open them up and pick them apart to see how people were coloring things, which layers they used, in which order, stuff like that.
remember: there is no right or wrong to do this! you could ask ten different people how they make their gifs, and their preferences for any specific part of the process, and you'd get ten different answers. if you find a tutorial and don't vibe with it, throw that aside and look for another. pick and choose, find what works for you and what doesn't! and that means do not be afraid to experiment and try things out.
also, don't like photoshop? no problem! i started with gimp, now personally i wouldn't recommend it over ps but it's a good program, it taught me a lot, and there's really nothing to hate about it. it might have less functions than ps though, and already a decade ago there weren't that many tutorials/resources for it.
don't like photoshop AND don't want to download a program? try photopea, i haven't used it but it works directly from your browser and it should do everything photoshop does!
let me know if there's anything else i can help with <3
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
Detective Lee
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! First of all, Happy Dami Day! I’ve been waiting for this day so I can release my pride and joy of a fic that I’ve been holding back for a month or two. I hope you enjoy this, and let me know how you like it! I enjoy reading the feedback and asks you send me about fics! :) Also, this is a long one, so grab a drink and something to eat if you’re going to read this in one go.
WARNING: This fic is VERY LONG (21.9k words to be exact) so this may crash your app if you’re a mobile user. I’d recommend viewing this fic on a computer or a mobile browser.
TW: A bit of Gahdong and a lot of Suayeon, Suayeon angst, SuA and the reader get into it for a hot minute but then they make up, alcohol, plenty of food mentions, 17th/18th century AU with a bit of period-relevant misogyny, the romance may be a bit cringe, reader has MAJOR mommy issues (same tbh), missing parent trope, based on Enola Holmes 1 + 2 since I’m obsessed with those movies, this fic is completely self-serving and I’m not sorry about that :D
Summary: (Lord help me how do I summarize 21.9k words into two sentences-) A detective’s first case always leaves a mark on them. Dami’s first case involves chasing down a mysterious individual that’s consumed her waking nights and days, and the completion of this case leads to a sequence of events that even the great Detective Lee could not predict.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Be careful around those Lee girls, Y/N-ah, because they, along with their mother, are nothing but trouble! Don't let those Kim girls influence you too much either because I do not trust them as far as I could throw them." Your mother scolds you as you readjust your outfit.
"Yes, mother. Would you like to criticize anything else about me and the company I keep?" You harshly say before backing away from the mirror.
"You could use a haircut." She blankly says as you sigh deeply.
"I think you know where I am headed, mother. I will be home before dark." You tell her before grabbing your satchel along with the handheld mirror that your father gave you before his disappearance a few years ago.
Oh Father, you have no idea how much I miss you… Mother does too, but her way of showing it is much different than mine.
"Do not let Kim Bora ruin that outfit of yours!" She yells as you open the door to your family home.
"I will sow it back up if anything happens to it." You reassure her before heading outside.
"And if Lee Siyeon tries to make any moves on you, you tell her that she can-"
You sigh before slamming the door behind her.
Maybe that will give her my true opinion on her nagging.
You hike up the bottom of your outfit before running along the dirt road that leads from your house to the main path that connects the country homes to the city. Along that main path was the Kim residence, where you met up with SuA nearly every day.
You'd usually head into town together, arm-in-arm in order to discourage suitors from trying anything. Today, however, SuA had told you that she planned on visiting the Lee residence, or rather, planned on trying to woo her way into the Lee residence.
Despite what your mother thought, the Lee family was very private. Besides an occasional carriage, no one really came in or out of the giant mansion that the three girls and their mother lived in. This had caused many rumors to float around about the four residents, which you and SuA had been eavesdropping on while in town.
Their mother, Mrs. Lee, had the most interesting rumors by far. People had constantly been gossiping about her husband, since he hadn't been seen in the city in years. There were rumors of a mistress that had taken his attention, or maybe he worked overseas and sent money to his family in order to support them. Some even assumed her to be mad since she had some radical views for such a time period. You doubted that rumor since her kindness could be seen through her many donations to the city and its welfare.
Lee Siyeon had captured SuA's curiosity the most, and you didn't blame her. Siyeon was the resident who made the most appearances by far. She was a charmer, which had rumors of witchcraft floating about every time she came into town. Her wink had once sent a woman into cardiac arrest, but that was just a coincidence in your mind. SuA had tried to capture Siyeon's attention multiple times, and succeeded once on your most recent trip into town. A kiss on the hand and sweet promises had put SuA into a spell, which was the main cause for today's outing.
Of course, you couldn't mention Lee Siyeon without bringing her main accomplice, the youngest sibling, into the picture. While Lee Siyeon was dignity and grace personified, Lee Gahyeon was the troublemaker of the family. Running through the stalls and grabbing whatever she fancied was a favorite pastime of hers. Most let her get away with it because, like her sister, she had a charming smile and a way with words that would bend anyone to her beck and call. You and SuA had bumped into her once while she was running away, and you helped Gahyeon up as SuA distracted the guard chasing after her long enough for the young girl to make a quick escape.
Lee Yubin was the girl that not even the gossiping townspeople could figure out. She made less public appearances than her mysterious mother, which had people assuming that the middle Lee sibling was most likely dead, or had gone off with her father to god-knows-where. Although Siyeon and Gahyeon were quick to correct anyone who called her Yubin since she preferred the name Dami, or at least, that's what you heard from other people.
The dirt road that you were following quickly swallowed your small home up as you glanced behind you.
Thank goodness Mother is not following me… but I should keep moving because I don't want to be late again.
You cringe at the thought of another lecture from SuA as you pick up the pace. The spring weather was pleasant enough for you to admire the scenery as you turn onto the main road.
You don't have to think as your feet have memorized the path to the Kim household.
You might not have known much about the Lee sisters, but your mother was right about the Kim sisters: they were nothing but trouble.
Kim Minji was the ringleader, although she managed to talk her way out of most of the trouble that she dragged her sisters into. You heard from SuA that lots of suitors would come knocking on the family's door because Minji had been described as the most beautiful girl in the world. You'd definitely agree with them, but Minji has been like an older, wiser sister to you since you were younger.
Kim Yoohyeon was the youngest in the family, and her jokes and charm constantly captivated the younger gentlefolk in town. Since she was still finishing her studies, Yoohyeon had claimed that she was too preoccupied for a relationship, but you could've sworn that you once saw her sneaking into town with a rose in hand when you were walking home late at night.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim had become like a second set of parents to you, especially after your father disappeared from his business one night. Mr. Kim had a soft spot for you, and he'd teach you many of the activities and life lessons that your father missed out on. Mrs. Kim was a strong baker as well, and you were her favorite kid to test new recipes on.
"Hey, you are late!" A loud voice yells, and you turn your head towards the sound of her voice.
Ah, of course, how could I forget about my partner-in-crime?
Kim Bora, or SuA, as you often called her, had become synonymous with your name. Wherever one of you was, the other was just behind. Besides that, you and her didn't have much of a reputation in town. Sure, SuA got into the occasional scuffle with a drunk gentleman, but she was a good woman with a good heart.
You, however, knew a different version of SuA - the true version. She was loud and eccentric, and her scolding became a way to mock your overbearing mother. You were there for her nonetheless, as she was with you.
This, however, had led you to this moment, where you were wondering what exactly you were doing with SuA.
"Sorry, I got lost in thought while I was heading over here." You shyly admit as she scoffs.
"I can tell. You are still spaced out. Good thing I am here to bring you back!" She says as you smile at her enthusiasm.
"Are you sure you want to do this? We could get in serious trouble if we get caught sneaking into a much richer residence-"
"Oh, cut the bullshit, Y/N. We will be fine!" SuA pulls a piece of paper from her dress pocket before handing it to you. "Besides, who said that we were sneaking in?"
You unfold the crumpled paper before reading the words on the paper.
You have captivated me, like no other has before.
Would you do me the honor of joining me at my humble estate?
Best, L.S.
"That was short." You say before handing her the paper back. "Guess she is not much of a poet?"
"Not everyone can be like those romantics that you read about in novels!" She yells, and you don't cover your ears in time.
"Yeah, SuA, I know. I am still waiting for someone that is worth my time." You say after SuA takes your hand in hers. "Why do you want me to join you?"
"I need some emotional support." SuA softly whispers as the wind blows her dark brown hair. "Besides, are you not just a little curious if those rumors are true?"
"Okay, maybe I am… but I am not a gossip, I swear!" You plead your case as SuA pulls you down the road. "Hey, do not drag me down the road! I can walk by myself."
You brush off the dust on your outfit that SuA had left in her wake.
I wish I was as careless as she was…
"Walk faster, then. We do not have all day." She scolds you again as you chuckle and catch up with her pace.
"You've got this, SuA. You are as charming as they come." You look over as she lets out a shaky breath.
"You think so?"
"Oh, no…" You pause as SuA looks at you with nervous eyes, "I know so."
You yelp after she smacks on the shoulder.
"Yah, you are so mean to me!"
You both look up at the large metal gate that keeps you and SuA from entering the Lee mansion.
"This was such a bad idea… why did you encourage me to do this?" She accuses you as you gasp in response.
"Me!?!? You were the one who wanted to come here. You dragged me along to go on your romantic escapade, and now I am making you go through with it." You firmly say as she tightly grips onto your arm.
"But whyyyy~" She whines, and you sigh.
"You will complain if we do or do not go in, and I would rather you have regrets over bad memories than 'what-ifs'." You nod towards the gate as SuA looks away from you. "Besides, someone is unlocking the gate right now."
She yelps as you watch a man unlock the gate and open it for the both of you.
"You are SuA, and her guest, correct?" He says, and you nod on SuA's behalf.
"Allow me to welcome you to the Lee residence." He quickly locks the gate behind you and SuA, and you stare at the wonderland of apple trees and rose bushes in front of you. "I will escort you to the residential section of the property."
"There is more than one part of the property??" You whisper to SuA as she lets go of her death grip on your arm.
"Yeah, they're rich-rich. Did you not know this?" SuA softly chuckles as you shake your head. "You are so naive that it is cute."
She pats your head, and you huff as the two of you walk towards the giant mansion in the distance.
"Excuse me, sir, how long have the Lee's occupied this home?" You ask, and the man thinks for a moment before answering.
"I have had the pleasure of serving three generations of this wonderful family, so I would say that it has been a long, long while." He laughs to himself. "Although the children have been in more trouble now, I can remember seeing the Mistress of the house running around these halls as a child herself."
"You are a loyal butler, I can tell." You say, and you see him crack a quick smile before returning to a stoic expression.
"This family has been nothing but good to me. I have no complaints at all." He says before stopping at the entrance of the mansion. "This is your stop, Ms. Kim. May I escort you inside?"
SuA nervously gulps as you squeeze her arm in reassurance.
"I would like that."
She quickly lets you go before taking the arm of the butler. He walks a few steps forward before turning back to you.
"Oh, and if you would like, there are more apple trees around the back of the property. They look quite pretty this time of year." He smiles at you, and you offer a small one back.
"I might just have to check it out, then." You say as you watch SuA and the butler walk into the house.
She's charming in her own respect, and I know she can handle her own. I just hope this works out for her since I want to see her happy.
You know that SuA will no't want to make this encounter quick, so you decide to follow the butler's directions and head around the back of the mansion.
Wow… this place is so scenic and wondrous… I wouldn't want to leave if I lived here either!
Apple trees were randomly scattered around the back, as if they were trying to direct you to something that was beyond comprehension. If you were younger (and braver), you'd climb one of those trees, but your balance isn't as good as it used to be, plus your mother would kill you if you managed to put yourself in harm's way while out with SuA.
She'd kill me if she knew that I was here, so it doesn't really matter anyways.
The daylight only enhances the beauty of the backyard, so you quickly find yourself exploring as if you had become a child again. You weaved through the trees, and you might have stolen an apple to snack on, but who would notice when there was a full forest of apples ripe for the picking?
After finishing the apple, you toss it aside before placing your hand on one of the trees.
Nature really is a modern wonder… I can't believe people would rather spend time in the city than be out here.
You pause after you spot another figure resting against a tree that was just a bit too far away for you to make out any of their features.
Maybe it's a servant taking a break? I wouldn't mind doing that if I worked here.
You sneak closer before ducking behind a nearby tree.
I hope they didn't see me!
You spare a glance, but you find yourself gawking at the stranger as you realize that a beautiful woman is resting against the tree while writing in a brown journal.
Oh my goodness…
Her soft brown hair carelessly floats in the wind, as if that's where it naturally belongs. Occasionally, she brushes a piece of it out of her face or mouth before continuing to write. Circular glasses frame her small face and deep brown eyes.
She scrunches her nose when she vigorously crosses out something in the book before continuing to write in ink. She does pause to admire the scenery, and to dip her quill in the ink pot that is balanced on a couple of books that are sitting next to her.
The white blouse that she's wearing is slightly unbuttoned, and her brown pants are stained with a mixture of dirt and grass. Her messy appearance would give the notion of improperness, but the way she rolls her shoulders back and calmly breathes when frustrated with something in the journal tells you that she's as refined as they come.
Mother did say that money can't buy class, but she seems to be doing just fine as is.
She looks up again, and this time, she looks in your direction. You gasp before trying to hide behind a tree.
"Is someone there?" She softly calls out as you hear shuffling from behind you. "Are you lost?"
You remain quiet in the hope that she'll just forget about you, but the footsteps continue to approach until they stop. You guess that she's just a foot or two from the tree that you're using as cover, and the volume of her sigh is enough to prove your point.
Your heart pounds, deep and heavy, inside of your chest. A million possibilities run through your mind, but the one that comes from her lips doesn't cross your mind at all.
"Gahyeon, if that is you, can you please stop spying on me? I told Mother that I like to be left alone." She waits for a moment before letting out another sigh. "Or, at least, can you tell Siyeon to stop asking me about a suitor? I am busy trying to start a detective agency, and I don't need any distractions."
Detective agency, huh? So, that's what the middle Lee sister has spent her time doing here… it's ambitious, but I like it.
You wait for Dami to walk a few steps away, and then you call out to her.
"You should start that detective agency. The city could use someone that is looking out for the people who are too busy to watch their own backs."
"Who are you?" She asks before turning around.
"Wait," You say while continuing to hide behind the tree, "do not come any closer."
"Why not?"
A devious idea forms in your head.
"Every great detective has to solve the first mystery, right? That mystery that launches them into the rest of their career."
"I don't think I understand what you are saying… do you require my help?" She gently asks, and your heart softens at the selflessness in her voice.
"No, Dami, not in that way. Your first mystery is to find who I am… if you want to, of course." You tease while still offering her an out.
The silence is unbearable until Dami begins to speak again.
"I am interested… do I have any clues to work with, or am I just supposed to listen to the sound of your melodic voice?"
You laugh before smacking a hand over your mouth.
"Nevermind… I think I just got one." You hear her run off before quickly returning.
You wait before hearing the sound of her writing in the journal as you try to keep your cool.
"Easily charmed, and a sweet laugh… is there anything else I should add to this list?"
Your face heats up at her words, but you push down the flustered emotion inside of you in order to tease her just a little more.
"My friend is interested in being courted by Siyeon." You say, and Dami laughs.
"That really narrows it down."
"Well, detective, have you figured it out yet?" You sweetly ask.
"Not yet, but I do have a lead to chase."
You laugh again before slowly backing away from the tree.
"The game is afoot, Dami… I look forward to hearing from you again."
You don't bother to hear what she says next as you, as quietly as possible, escape into the maze of apple trees.
You retrace your steps, and you find yourself in front of the mansion as SuA exits the manor with a big grin on your face.
"How did it go?" You excitedly ask as she gives you a big hug.
"I think she is the one… I am being serious, you know." SuA looks in your eyes, and you give her a warm smile.
"I am glad to hear that, SuA."
"What about you? You did not just stand out here all by yourself, did you?"
"No…" You bite your lip as you think back to your encounter with Dami. "I just got myself into a good sort of trouble, as you would expect."
"You are being mysterious… I like it!" She cheerfully says. "C'mon, let us go home before your mom hates me for the rest of our lives."
"I hate to break it to you, SuA, but she already does not like you."
"Damn it."
"You are not going into town like that, you-"
"I will see you when it gets dark, Mother." You darkly say before grabbing the satchel and stuffing the handheld mirror in your bag.
Father, wherever you may be, give me the strength to deal with your horrible taste in women.
"Do not be seen with that Kim-"
"Oh, hush, Mother!" You scold her for the first time, and the surprise in her eyes is enough to motivate you to leave the house immediately.
I've never done that before… it felt kind of good, to be honest.
You nearly smack into SuA as she pulls you down your porch and down the dirt road.
"What are you-"
"We are going into town right now! There's something that you've got to see!" She yells, and you flinch as her voice reverberates in your ears.
"I can hear you quite fine from here, SuA-"
"Lee Dami made an appearance in town!"
You pause in the middle of the road, and SuA huffs before trying to pull you along again. You're like a dead weight at the bottom of the lake, or a sturdy oak in a strong windstorm, and you refuse to move as you comprehend the words that just came out of her mouth.
"I beg your pardon, Bora, can you repeat yourself?" You ask in disbelief as SuA stops trying to pull you for a moment.
"Lee Dami is out with her sisters in town, but trust me, it gets better! I heard from Minji, who heard it from that cute florist that she is looking for a suitor who came to visit her yesterday."
You cough as you try to hide your shock.
"Oh my… I hope the fruits of her labor are merry." You softly say as SuA squeezes your hand.
"You know we can gossip and walk, right?"
You shake the nerves out of your system as you nod and begin to walk alongside SuA.
"Yeah, I know." You observe the afternoon sun, high in the sky, before directing your attention to SuA. "What happened between you and Siyeon yesterday?"
"Oh, you would not believe me if I told you! It would seem like something out of your fantasy books." She softens as she recalls the memory. "We had a good, long chat about the future and what we are both looking for. She says that she is open to courting, but Siyeon wants to explore the world a little more before settling down."
"How are you feeling about that?" You ask to keep yourself engaged in the conversation, and to keep your mind from wandering to her.
There's nothing to think about, and besides, you're the one who challenged her to this game. You should see if she's a good detective or not.
You smile to yourself as SuA begins to talk again.
Focus, Y/N! You can't be distracted around SuA, or she'll never let you live this down.
"I am actually okay with that. We still have a bit of our studies to finish before we can fully put ourselves out there, you know." She offers you a wink, and you scoff.
"It is bold of you to assume that someone has caught my heart." You say as SuA pokes your side. "Now, what was that for?!?"
She laughs after you hollered at her touch.
"You seem different from when I was with you yesterday. Who knows, maybe you snuck off with some gardener while I was talking to Siyeon yesterday…" She trails off while observing your reaction.
You try to remain stoic, but your hand shakes as you comb a piece of hair out of your face, and SuA yelps before pointing an accusing finger in your face.
"SuA, please stop yelling. We are almost in the city." You point at the approaching tall buildings as you and SuA navigate to the side of the road in order to let a horse and carriage through.
"Okay, right, who was it? I need a name, address, family history if it was given, and-"
"SuA! Do you really think I know that information?" You ask before letting go of SuA's hand and folding your arms into your chest. "You are blowing this way out of proportion, plus you have not told me everything about your face-to-face meeting with Siyeon. Who knows what you two were doing behind closed doors?"
SuA sharply smacks your shoulder, and you yelp in pain as she turns her head away from you.
"How dare you accuse me of being improper! You know I am as proper as ladies come."
You try not to snort as you laugh.
"Good joke, SuA. I heard the taverns are looking for a jester, if you're interested."
SuA slaps your shoulder again, and you grumble this time as SuA defiantly sneers at you.
"Oh, you deserved that one."
"C'mon, we are not going to find Siyeon if we keep fighting like this." You say as SuA looks around like a lost puppy.
"Siyeon? Where is she?" She softly asks as you cackle.
"It appears you have fallen for another of my tricks."
You wink before running through the busy crowd of people in the city.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" She screeches before quickly chasing after you.
You laugh like a maniac as you listen to SuA's footsteps while running. She's still trailing behind you, by a far distance, but she'll catch you if you stop soon.
I know exactly where I'm gonna lead her.
You smirk as you continue to weave through people. Most let you through with a grumble, a chuckle, or a sweet smile. You reciprocate whatever they give you with whatever energy you have left before you take a sharp left into the business district.
The businessmen pay you no mind as you continue to run straight past them. You slow down as you see exactly what you're looking for.
It's the only tavern on this street, and Siyeon is known to frequent it. SuA'll thank me later.
You calmly walk into the bar, as if you're not sweating up a storm. You take a seat at the bar as a bartender approaches you.
"What can I get you?"
"A glass of water will be fine." You say between sharp inhales.
They chuckle before bringing you what you requested.
"Sounds like you need it. Do not work too hard, alright?"
"Trust me, I do not plan on doing so." You joke before nearly finishing the glass in one sip. "Thank you, by the way."
"It is no issue, alright? Let me know if you need a refill, or if you would like to order anything else." They say before walking over to a customer on the other side of the bar.
You relax as you enjoy the atmosphere of the bar, and shortly after, you hear SuA come clattering through the door like a tornado coming to wreck whatever was in its path. Unfortunately, for you, you're not a mighty oak in this scenario, but rather, you're a flimsy leaf that will be torn apart by the windstorm that the tornado creates.
SuA stomps over to you, and she opens her mouth to tear you and your dignity into pieces, but luckily for you, a savior with a blonde wolf-cut comes to your rescue.
"Ah, SuA, I did not know you went here!" Siyeon smiles before leaning against the bar.
"Oh, you know me, I visit this place all of the time!" She excitedly says before giving you a death glare while Siyeon isn't looking her way. "I did not know that you hung out near this part of the city."
"Yeah, I come here a lot too. It's a shame we have not run into each other more since this is my escape from the main part of the city." Siyeon sighs before taking a drink out of a small glass. "I do not mind the attention from time to time, but I would like to not be surrounded when I leave my house, you know?"
"Absolutely!" SuA cheerfully says. "Could you spare some time for a drink or two?"
"I would like that, but I would also like to know who your friend here is. You were the one who came with SuA to my home, right?"
"Oh, me?" You say, surprised that she even noticed you. "Yeah, I am. You take such good care of your property."
"I know. We are so lucky to have such a great team of gardeners and housekeepers. There's no way we could keep up with the maintenance without them." Siyeon smiles before taking another sip of her drink. "Would you like to join us?"
"Oh no, I would not want to be a bother-"
"Please join us, it would be my pleasure. If money is an issue, I can-"
"No, Siyeon, I have money. I would just rather observe than be involved in any antics, that is all." You say, and Siyeon nods.
"Excitement is not for everyone, I get it."
"Excitement is for me, however. What do you fancy, Siyeon?" SuA saddles up to Siyeon's side as you scoot into a chair farther away from the two of them.
"Well, besides you, I am a fan of scotch and beer."
"Oh, you flirt~" SuA playfully hits Siyeon's shoulder, and the other girl laughs before SuA lays her head on Siyeon's shoulder.
You finish your water as you smile at the two of them.
I guess that was one productive chat that they had…
The door to the bar opens again, and you sneak a quick glance at the pair who's entering.
Well, look who it is… I guess good things really do come in threes.
Gahyeon storms through the door so she can give Siyeon a surprise back hug, and Dami slides in with a slight smirk on her face.
You nervously bite your lip as you direct your attention back to Siyeon and SuA.
"Ah, Gahyeon, you came early." Siyeon chuckles before rubbing Gahyeon's hair. "This is SuA, the girl I invited to our home."
"Ah, it is great to meet you! Though, I swear, I think we have met before…" Gahyeon trails off before letting go of Siyeon.
"Yeah, I was one of the two people who helped to save your ass when you were running from the cops in the market." SuA jokes as the bartender hands her a glassful of some brown liquid.
"Gahyeon, did you get in trouble again?" Siyeon tuts before shaking her head. "You really are your mother's daughter."
Dami silently approaches behind before slipping between you and SuA.
Does she really have to position herself right there? Now I can't help but stare!
"You are surprised by this behavior, Siyeon? You know this is how she acts without a chaperone around." Dami mutters before readjusting her glasses.
"I do not need a chaperone!" Gahyeon huffs. "Besides, you're one to talk about behavior. You never leave the mansion… like you are some sort of shut-in!"
"I prefer my own company rather than the company of others. It is nothing personal to them." Dami shrugs before refusing the drink that the bartender offers. "No thank you, I only drink on special occasions."
"We have company around, you two." Siyeon gestures to SuA first before nodding at you. "Can you save the squabbling for home?"
"Fine." Gahyeon reluctantly agrees before turning to SuA. "You are so beautiful, by the way."
"Oh, thank you, but I think I am a little too old for you~" SuA teases as Gahyeon immediately backpedals.
"Wait, no, I did not mean it like that-"
"Aww, Gahyeon, you are trying to court someone who interests me? Well, as a big sister, it is my duty to fulfill your wishes above mine." Siyeon adds on as Gahyeon turns pink.
She squeals as Siyeon and SuA burst out laughing. You smile at the interaction before pulling something special from your satchel.
You lose your nerve a bit as your heart beats out of control, but Dami is so focused on the conversation going on next to you that you'd be surprised that she even noticed you at all. You feel yourself deflate at that revelation, but you shake off the feeling of rejection in order to give yourself courage for what's to come.
Just breathe, Y/N, and let your heart take control. You've got this, don't lose your cool.
You slip the bundle of calla lilies next to Dami as quickly and quietly as you can before slipping out of your barstool. No one notices you leaving until you hear Siyeon say something to Dami.
"Hey, when did those flowers get there?"
You escape from the building without hearing another whisper about what was going on inside of that bar.
"You have done so many favors for me that I'm not sure how I should pay you back." SuA mutters as you help set the table.
"Please do not mention it. I like being around you since you drive me less up-the-wall than my mother does." You chuckle to yourself before adjusting the position of the silverware on the table. "We did a good job. The house is spotless, and the dinner table looks great."
"I am going to take that as a compliment, whether you meant it that way or not."
You laugh before peeking your head into the kitchen.
"Do you need any help, Mrs. Kim?"
"No, I have it all handled. Everything has been prepared in advance. Thank you for the offer, though. I appreciate your willingness." Ms. Kim smiles when SuA walks into the kitchen. "Can you get your father from the backyard? I want him to be here when our guests arrive."
"Of course!" She smiles before leaving the room and the house.
"Thank you, again, for all you do for SuA and the rest of our family. I don't know how I can thank you more than I already have."
"Do not mention it, Ms. Kim. I just want what's best for SuA, that is all." You sweetly say as you hear a knock on the door. "Would you like me to get that?"
"Yes, please! I am still adding the finishing touches to the ham." She excitedly says as you head towards the front door.
You take a deep breath before opening the door.
Siyeon is the first person you see, and she offers you a warm smile.
"You look well. I have not seen you in a long time, so I feared that something may have happened to you." Siyeon admits as you place a hand on her shoulder.
"I appreciate the concern, but you need not worry about me. I am grown, you know, plus someone has to take care of SuA when you are not around."
Siyeon laughs as you allow her to enter the house.
"I promise to take good care of her, now and always."
Gahyeon is the next one who comes out of the four-person carriage, and she offers you a toothy grin.
"You are the other person that was there when I was trying to get away from the police, right?"
You nod as she giggles to yourself.
"Thank you for helping me that day. Your kindness really influenced my decision-making from then on."
You raise an eyebrow at her, and she gives you a subtle wink before slipping inside of the house.
She's a sneaky fox, alright.
Mrs. Lee and Dami walk to the house arm-in-arm, and they both stop a foot away from you.
"Are you a member of the Kim family, or a servant, perhaps?" Mrs. Lee asks, and you shyly smile as your eyes focus on your feet instead of her.
"No, but I do know SuA quite well."
"She does have siblings, right?" You nod as you continue to look down. "You can make eye contact with me, dear, I do not bite."
You cover your face in order to hide your embarrassment as Dami sighs.
"Mother, I think you are going to scare them off."
"Oh, I am so, so sorry! Please excuse my forwardness, I did not mean to offend you."
"No, no, you are quite fine." You softly say before making eye contact with Ms. Lee and Dami.
See, you have not burst into flames! This is fine, you will be fine.
"The Kim sisters… well, Minji is studying abroad and Yoohyeon went to boarding school for the season, so it is usually just SuA and her parents here." You explain as Ms. Lee nods.
"A home is only a house when everyone is gone, right?"
"Mother, you are speaking in riddles again…" Dami gently warns as Ms. Lee shakes her head.
"Ah, what was I thinking? You have not met Dami yet, have you?" She lets go of Dami's arm before giving her an encouraging smile. "I will let you two chat since it would be rude of me not to introduce myself to SuA's parents, given the matter we are discussing."
You look at Ms. Lee with confusion as you let her walk past you.
I'm not going to even ask about that one since I'm not sure I want to even know.
"Ah, I know your name, but you have not a clue about who I am." You quickly introduce yourself as a small smile spreads across her face.
"Do not feel the need to be so formal around me. I like to keep up appearances for my mother's sake. She has enough trouble on her hands with Gahyeon and Siyeon, not including her own struggles." Dami says before offering you her arm. "Will you show me around the property? I would love to see this place through someone else's eyes."
"I would be pleased to do so." You quickly take her arm before leading her around the back to admire SuA's backyard.
A few rose bushes and a couple of small trees dot the backyard, but the main attraction is the mighty oak that rests directly in the middle of the backyard.
I remember when SuA and I used to climb that thing as kids, when we were less afraid of being hurt… those were simpler times, for sure.
"Do you live around here?"
"Yeah, just down the road." You bite your tongue in an effort to keep the words from spilling past your lips like a broken faucet.
"I apologize for my lack of manners, but may I ask you a question?" Dami suddenly says, and your feet pause along with any sort of coherent thought.
"I see no issue with curiosity." You say after mentally scrambling to figure out what to say.
"Do you admire flowers past their physical form?"
"As in symbolism?" You ask for clarification, and she nods. "But of course! I like to read in my free time."
"You do?" She pauses for a moment as another smile graced her lips. "What do you like to read?"
"Oh no, my taste in books would bore you." You confess before Dami gently squeezes your arm.
You hate the way that your heart rate speeds up at such a simple touch, but you have to remain calm and focused in your efforts to not make a fool of yourself.
"Now you've only made me more curious." She says, and you laugh.
"Well, if you insist, but you must not be too surprised by anything I say." You let a smile rest on your face as you recall some of your favorite books. "I like to read a bit of everything, but romance is my favorite."
"A romantic, huh…" Dami softly says before mumbling something incoherent under her breath.
"You are not a fan of romance?" You cock your head at her, and she shakes her head.
"No, it is quite the opposite. I can be a bit too traditional when it comes to romance, I am afraid."
"And there is nothing wrong with that. Love is timeless and endless." You find yourself drifting into a dream world, but you quickly snap out of it. "Ah, I mustn't bore you with such chatter."
"I like discussing such topics with someone new. It keeps my mind fresh, plus Siyeon has not stopped talking about love since she became entranced with your friend." Dami admits, and you giggle.
"SuA does tend to have that effect on people. She is quite the charmer." You say with a dreamy smile. "I am envious of her at times, if I were to be honest."
"I would not doubt your abilities. You can hold a conversation well, and you manage to be captivating in your own right."
"Ah," You hide your face with one of your hands, "thank you for the flattery."
"No, I would be flattering you if I did not return these to you." Dami retrieves a bundle of dried calla lilies from her coat pocket before handing them to you.
Stunned, you look at her before carefully grabbing the flowers from her.
"How did you figure it out?" You mutter as Dami smiles a little wider.
"Well, I was clueless until you left me these flowers at the bar. After a few too many drinks, SuA was open to questioning, and she eventually, with her answers, led me to you." Dami explains as you nod along.
"That sounds like something SuA would say while drinking." A mischievous smile appears on your face. "So, detective, what is your next move since you have solved your first case?"
"For now, I will be working on my sleuthing, and I will be shadowing some of the greats as I chase after something I never knew that I needed." Dami looks at you with a soft tenderness in her eyes as you dare to ask the question that's sitting on the tip of your tongue.
"Oh, and what would that be?"
"You seem so star-struck… are you sure you are feeling alright? If you do not feel well, I can send word to your mother and I-"
You wave your hand before looking at Mrs. Kim.
"I am well, but my thoughts are a bit distracted at the moment… perhaps it's best for me to take my leave before I cause my mother any more worry." You gather your satchel before glancing around for SuA. "Where is SuA?"
"Oh, you did not hear, did you?" Mrs. Kim laughs to herself. "Siyeon asked SuA to enter a courtship with her."
"She has not left her room since the Lee family has left."
You chuckle to yourself as Mrs. Kim cleans the final dish.
"Thank you again, Mrs. Kim. I appreciate the invite."
"Oh, you know you are always welcome around here!" She excitedly says before setting the last dish out to air-dry. "Besides, you seem to have taken a liking to one of the Lee girls as well, hm?"
"Ah!" You exclaim before covering your face. "Was I too obvious?"
"You both were. The subtle glances and hidden smiles… oh, the two of you reminded me of my husband and I before we began courting. You fancy her, right?" Mrs. Kim blankly asks as you uncover your mouth.
"I-...I do."
The words stumble out of your mouth as you admit to her, and to yourself, how deeply you were infatuated with Dami.
It was all going to come to a head sometimes. Why not let it be now?
"Oh, you and SuA are growing up far too quickly! I remember when you both were barely tall enough to reach the cookie jar on the counter…" Mrs. Kim giggles at the memory. "In all seriousness, that girl seems to be just right for you. Not too bold and exciting, but not too dry and dull, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah, she is perfect."
"You should head home now, and I will tell SuA where you went. I think she just needs some time to… process everything." Mrs. Kim explains.
Yeah, well, she's not the only one in that situation.
"I will see you soon, Mrs. Kim. Thank you again." You say before placing a hand on the door.
"Oh, do not thank me at all! You are welcome here any time, plus we will see each other at the ball, no?"
"Ball? What ball?" You turn back to curiously gaze at Mrs. Kim.
"Oh, Mrs. Lee wanted to celebrate the courtship with a ball, and I agreed. It would be good for everyone involved, plus Minji and Yoohyeon will be home in time for it as well."
"Are you trying to marry off all of your daughters at once?" You laugh along with Mrs. Kim as she shyly nods. "You must like the idea of an empty nest."
"I want my girls to have the best life possible, and that applies to you as well. You're basically my child, whether or not your mother realizes it."
You hold back a chuckle before opening the door.
"See you soon, Mrs. Kim."
"I look forward to seeing you all dressed up in a fortnight!" Mrs. Kim calls out to you before you close the door and begin to make the trek home.
"You are not going to a ball, especially not looking like that-"
"What is it, Mother? Am I not to your standard of beauty?" You scoff before slipping your handheld mirror into a pocket that was built into your outfit. "I am taking my leave, no matter your opinion on me or my affairs."
"You will regret this! What if you end up like your father-"
"Do not speak of my father in such a tone!" You hiss at your mother, and she jumps back at your venomous words. "He was a good man, and if I am to be true to my vow of honesty, I see why he 'disappeared' from your icy glare and harshness towards others."
Your mother stands down for a moment before going back onto the attack.
"What if some suitor takes you away from me? What then?"
"I am not your property, Mother!" You scream before taking a few hurried steps towards the door. "Banish the thought from your mind, immediately, before this becomes the last moment that we spend together."
You do not bother to listen to her rebuttal as you slam the door shut behind you. The door creaks because of how much pressure you applied to it, but you continue to storm towards the carriage that SuA had prepared for the two of you.
The driver quickly steps down to let you in the carriage, and you slip in the empty seat as SuA stares at you with concern and sympathy.
"What did your mother say?"
"It does not matter, and I shall not let her ruin this night." You calmly say as the driver closes the door. "That shade of violet looks nice on you."
"Thank you! Siyeon suggested that I dress like royalty, since that is what I am to her."
You cringe at the statement as SuA laughs.
"I am glad that she has charmed you so much. You deserve someone who shall love you until the end." You pause as you hear a whip crack in the evening air, and you feel the carriage lurch forward after a moment of silence.
SuA nearly tumbles into you, but you catch her in your arms before she can harm herself.
"Thanks for that." She quietly says before staring out of the window. "Are you excited to see the inside of the mansion?"
"Yeah, it will definitely be an adventure." You mindlessly say as your mind drifts towards Dami, which seemed to be a common occurrence since your last meeting.
I wonder if she will make an appearance tonight… I certainly hope so because I would love the chance to speak with her again. She’s so different from everyone else, I… I don’t know what to say, really.
“Do you have someone to fill your dance card, or will you be floating around the entire night?” SuA nudges your shoulder as you shrug.
“We shall see where the night takes us.”
“Ah, so mysterious~ I love it! I am glad to see that you are open to courting.” SuA excitedly starts talking about potential suitors, which is when you mentally exit the conversation.
I am glad that SuA is getting the fairytale that she deserves… we all could use a break since life has felt so nonstop.
You admire the scenery that passes by before the carriage slows, which causes you to crash into SuA. She howls in pain as you grumble and rub your elbows, which had collided with her shoulder blades.
“Sorry, SuA, I did not mean to hurt you.” You softly apologize, and SuA mumbles a curse before looking at you.
“It is not your fault. The carriage driver is simply too reckless, and I can only hope that I have not been bruised.”
You laugh before opening the carriage door. You hop out and offer to help SuA out before the carriage driver can move from their post.
“Thank you!” She gives you a warm smile as she takes your arm.
You make sure that her long, lilac gown is fully out of the carriage before you wave the carriage driver off. They nod before taking off, and the two of you stare at the mansion for a moment before beginning to walk towards it.
You see Siyeon expectantly waiting at the front steps of the mansion, and she becomes visibly excited when SuA comes into her view. SuA blushes before waving, and you softly chuckle at the encounter.
“You two are adorable.” You mumble under your breath before SuA elbows your side. “Yah! Why was that necessary?”
“I swear,” SuA mumbles your full name under her breath before continuing on, “I will make your life miserable when I find out who has you so transfixed.”
“Well, it looks like you will be waiting for a long, long time.” You tease as Siyeon makes her way down the stairs to meet you and SuA at the bottom.
“I hate you.” SuA says at a soft volume before excitedly greeting Siyeon. “Siyeon~ How have you been?”
“I have been well, but I have missed you too much for my heart to handle.” Siyeon takes SuA’s free hand before kissing the back of it. “May I escort you inside?”
SuA squeals like a schoolgirl before letting go of you.
“Of course you can! Lead the way.”
The pair begin to idly chat before walking up the stairs and into the mansion. You admire them for a moment before heading into the mansion as well.
You thank the servant who opens the door for you as you gawk at the interior of the mansion.
Dear God, I do not think we could afford a single candle on the chandelier, let alone anything else in here.
Someone in the distance calls out your name, and a flash of black hair is enough for you to recognize them.
“Kim Minji!” You call out her name in response as she quickly makes her way towards you.
She offers you a warm embrace once she comes close to you, and you happily accept before she tightly squeezes you.
“You have no idea how much I missed you. The letters from my family were enough to tide me over, but it wounded me greatly to not know how my favorite sibling is doing.” She rubs your hair before smoothing it out. “How have you been? Everything seems to have changed so much since we last saw each other.”
“I have been well, Minji, although I missed you a lot more than I usually do. Have your studies been fruitful?” You ask as Minji hands you a drink. “Thank you. You seem to know what I need, and when I need it. I missed that part of you when you were gone.”
“Well, the institution has asked for me to come back for another semester, so I would say that I have done well.” Minji giggles as you clap for her achievements.
“I am so proud of you, Minji. I cannot wait to see what you have been working on. When will you be able to take your family, including myself, back there?” You take a drink as Minji sets her glass down.
“I have to have three semesters behind me in order to receive guests, so in a year’s time, you will be traveling alongside me.”
“I look forward to it.” You finish the drink before setting your glass down next to Minji’s. “Has Yoohyeon arrived home yet?”
“Yes she has, but she has clung to my parent’s side since the moment she came home.” You both laugh before Minji continues to talk. “Yoohyeon is with my parents, if you would like to speak with her.”
“I would like that. If you would excuse me, Minji, it has been a pleasure to see you. We will have to have dinner before you head back in autumn.”
“I will hold you to that offer.” She smiles as you slip past her.
You hold your breath for a moment as you do your best to navigate through the large sea of people who have congregated in the first of many rooms in the mansion. A hand grabs yours, and you have no time to react as you’re pulled through a crowd of people.
“Hey, you remember who I am, right?” Gahyeon faces you, and you sigh in relief at the sight of her face.
“I thought someone with… poor intentions had taken a hold of me. Thank the heavens that it’s just you, Gahyeon.” You softly say as Gahyeon leads you through the mansion. “Where exactly are you taking me?”
She winks at you before turning back towards the front.
“It’s a secret!” Gahyeon giggles before squeezing through more people. “Excuse me, pardon me! I’m coming through.”
Most people offer her a kind smile or a laugh, and some shoot you a sympathetic look as Gahyeon continues to drag you behind her.
Why would she do this? What is her goal?
The sea of people begins to thin as Gahyeon takes you deeper into the mansion.
Thank goodness that people are congregating more towards the front. I’m glad that I have a chance to catch my breath.
Eventually, Gahyeon turns down a random hallway, and everyone else in the world disappears as the only chatter comes from the sound of feet hitting the ground.
She stops at a certain doorway before letting go of your hand.
“Well, this is your destination!” She happily says before skipping away.
“Wait, where am I-” You pause as Gahyeon disappears into thin air.
I guess I have no choice but to go in.
You enter the room while keeping an open mind, and you gently close the door before looking around at the room.
Gahyeon must have led me to the wrong room because this is definitely someone’s private chamber!
You stop moving once you realize that someone is sitting at the desk directly across from the door. A soft sigh escapes them as they stop writing and lift their head up towards you.
“Gahyeon, I told you that no one was to be in my room during the hours of the ball.”
You softly gasp as you recognize the sound of Dami’s voice.
Well, it’s nearly impossible to make her out in this dark room. The only light is right next to the door and to Dami.
“Dami?” You softly say, and Dami grabs the candle holder before turning to face you.
“You are not-” She pauses and softens once her eyes scan you. “My goodness… you look wondrous.”
“I-” You shyly hide your face as Dami blinks before standing up.
“Ah, where are my manners? I apologize for my improperness.” She moves away from the desk before gesturing for you to sit. “You must be uncomfortable in that. Please take a seat.”
“Oh Dami,” You sweetly say, “there’s no need to be so formal with me~”
Her eyes widen before a smirk rests on her lips.
“Ah, you do remember me fondly. That pleases me.” Her hand rests on one of her bed posts before she takes a seat on her bed. “I insist that you take a seat and rest.”
You awkwardly bow, and she chuckles at the gesture. You quickly scurry over to the chair, and you sigh in relief as your back touches the chair.
I did not realize how much pain I was in before I sat down.. But then again, I was just dragged around by Gahyeon, and that is enough to wear anyone out.
You admire the way that the candlelight manages to perfectly highlight every part of her face.
I doubt that there is a scenario where she does not look good. It seems to be impossible for her to look less than divine.
Dami’s outfit is similar to the one that she wore when you first met, except her shirt and pants are both black this time.
“How long have you been here?” Dami inquires.
“Just for a few moments. I was catching up with an old friend, and then Gahyeon dragged me to your front door.” Your face becomes heated as you realize how improper your current situation is, and how your mother would definitely kill you if she found out about this. “I apologize for intruding. You were busy working, and I have ruined the mood-”
“No, I needed the interruption. My mother has asked me to compose something since she found out I was taking music lessons from a family friend.” Dami explains before pointing at the paper. “Feel free to read it, if you wish.”
You take the parchment in your hands, and you hum the melody on the paper.
It’s very simplistic, but the melody is very catchy.
“You know how to read music?” Dami asks with a hint of surprise in her voice.
“My mother and father insisted that I had a well-rounded education.” You nonchalantly say before setting the paper down. “I like it. What are you composing?”
“A wedding song.”
Ah, that explains it.
“Your mother has high hopes for SuA and Siyeon.” You note as you gently set Dami’s quill back into the ink pot.
After a few failed attempts, you manage to make it stand up straight before Dami speaks again.
“I do as well. It would be nice to see a new face around here.” She wistfully says before standing up again. “I should not be monopolizing your time. You came to a ball to dance and socialize with others, and I have taken that chance from you.”
What is she talking about?
You pause as you hear a familiar piece being played from a distance.
Ah, so the dancing has begun.
“No, Dami, that is not the case.” You stand up and take a step towards her. “I came to see you.”
“You did?” The weakness in her voice is unmistakable, and you quickly take the chance to say what’s been on your mind for weeks.
“Somehow, you have managed to enchant me, despite our limited encounters. I do not know why, but something about you has changed so much in me. I am less afraid, and more willing to chase what I desire… which is why I am here, now, with you.” You confess before reaching out to Dami. “I do not wish to be another feeble memory in your mind. I want to take everything slow, but I just cannot stand the thought of not seeing you again.”
“I… can say that I feel the same as you. No one has challenged my mind like you have, and I quite enjoy getting to know who you truly are.” Her hand meets yours, and she interlaces her fingers with yours. “I will give you as much time as we need.”
“Thank you, Dami.” You softly say before grabbing the quill and an empty piece of parchment with your free hand.
You scribble your address down on the paper before handing it to Dami.
“Since I have seen how you live, maybe you could come to see me sometime?” You say as she takes the paper with her free hand. “I live nothing like you, but I think that would give you an idea of who I truly am.”
“I would enjoy seeing how you live, and the wonderful people who have raised you.”
You do your best to hide the grimace that appears on your face at the last part of her statement.
I can tell her about my mother and father at another time.
“I-” You pause as a piercing scream comes through the near silence that you and Dami were in.
You look around, alarmed, as Dami looks out of her window.
“No one’s outside.” She mumbles before sighing. “I bet someone had too much to drink.”
You pause, awaiting another scream, but you hear music continue to play.
“You are probably right.” You bite your lip before taking a step towards the door. “I should be taking my leave. SuA is probably worried sick about me.”
Dami lets go of your hand with a sad look in her eyes.
“Oh, alright. If you need an escape for the rest of the night, you are more than welcome to come back here.”
“I might have to take you up on that offer.” You brush a piece of hair out of your face before exiting Dami’s room. “Goodbye, Dami. I hope that our paths cross again.”
“Who is knocking at our door? Did you invite SuA over again?” Your mother angrily asks as you shake your head.
“Not exactly, but I ask that you give her a chance.” You plead as she sighs.
“Is it a Lee?”
You nod as your mother gasps in horror.
“Absolutely not! I will have no daughter of that heathen of a woman in my home!” Your mother spits out as you continue to walk towards the door.
“Listen, can you put your history with her mother behind us for just one meal? That is all I ask for, Mother, and I would be forever grateful if you could grant this simple request.” You softly say, and your mother sighs before agreeing.
“One dinner, then I will return to my rightful disliking of that family.”
You cheer before turning back to the door.
It’s one meal, that’s all.
You had begun to exchange letters with Dami after you met with her during the ball, and your mother had quickly grown suspicious of the amount of time you spent inside instead of being out with SuA, so you had confessed that you had fallen for someone.
Your mother, surprisingly, did not overreact and was, in some strange stroke of luck, quite excited to meet this suitor. So, you had set up a meeting between Dami and your mother, but you had yet to tell your mother who this suitor was.
You open the door, and a bright smile appears on your face when Dami appears before you. You do not hesitate to give her a big hug, and she pulls her hands away from her chest before hugging you back.
“I hope your mother is not allergic to flowers.” Dami mumbles before you let go of her. “Have you been well?”
“I can say that I have been well since I have seen you last.” You take her free arm before leading her into your home. “Are you well?”
“I have seen better days.” She chuckles to herself. “The detective agency keeps me quite busy.”
“I am well aware. You still travel from here to the city, and back again?” You ask before closing the door behind the two of you
“I have been looking for different accommodations, but I have a few more arrangements to make before I can fully adjust to city life.” Dami admits as you turn into the kitchen. “Ah, you must be the mother I’ve heard so much about.”
You do your best to hide the mischief in your eyes as Dami politely shakes your mother’s hand.
“Unlike your mother, you appear to have manners.” Your mother grumbled, and Dami simply cocks her head at her.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Dami, my mother and your mother have a… complicated history.” You gently explain in an effort to diffuse the tension that has slipped into the room.
“I do not understand what you mean.”
“A long time ago, my mother and your mother were competing to win the heart of a certain suitor that you may or may not know very well.” You say with a smile. “Anyways, my mother failed to capture his heart, and she married my father while your mother fell in love with the man that is your father.”
“I never knew that about Mother.” Dami softly says under her breath. “You know Mrs. Kim too, right?”
“Yes, she was my closest friend.” Your mother says through gritted teeth. “Unfortunately for me, she sided with your mother instead of me, and look where we are today.”
“So that’s why you and SuA are so close…” Dami acknowledges your mother with a nod before changing the subject. “Can I help with dinner?”
“No, I have it handled. Please take a seat and enjoy yourself.” Your mother suggests as you lead Dami into the parlor room.
“That went about as badly as I thought it would.” Dami whispers under her breath as you softly giggle.
“Dami, that’s the best my mother has reacted to someone that I have brought to the house. You should have seen the look on her face when I brought SuA over to my house for a night spent at my house. My mom nearly made the poor girl cry.” You explain before resting on a loveseat.
Dami sits next to you as you grab a dusty book from next to you. You blow the dust off of it before carefully opening the book.
“What is that?” Dami inquires.
“It’s a journal that my father kept that recalls his memories from the day I was born to the day he disappeared. This is not the only journal, but it is the last one I have.” You hand Dami the journal, and she looks at you with confusion in her eyes.
“Why are you giving this to me?”
“You should read it. He gives some great advice, especially to my future suitors.” You take the book back from her before opening it to one of the back pages.
You read from the book with a steady tone as you imagine your father’s voice speaking to you in the present moment.
“My sweet child, oh how I wish to see the world you shall leave in your wake. You are brighter than every star, sweeter than a freshly-picked cherry, and warmer than the sun on its best days. I cannot imagine a world without you, without the changes that you shall make.
You are barely old enough to understand the world that you live in. Someday, you will understand the sacrifices I have made for your comfort. You are my everything, my light and my joy. I wish nothing but the best for you in everything that you do.
I know that you are approaching a special age, one that is very thrilling but very isolating. You may begin courting, and your mother and I may not agree about who you are courting. This, however, should not persuade you or your lover. The only person who can write your destiny is you, no matter what your mother may demand of you now.
As a father, my only wish is that the person that you marry will appreciate you for who you really are: a shining star. You, my dear, are so special and deserve nothing but the best. You can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. You have made friends with your mother’s sworn enemies, but you don’t know that now. You will most likely marry someone that your mother hates, but you will never know, or you will just be old enough to know better.
Please, my child, heed my warning: Be everything that me and your mother were not. Be in love with the person you marry. Do not accept less than perfection because you deserve to be treated with respect and love, as does your lover. You can be different, you can change, you can be better than us. I just know it.”
You shudder as you finish reading your father’s last written words.
‘You can be different, you can change, you can be better than us. I just know it.’ Father, I hope I have made you proud.
“Was your father a scholar?”
“A writer, actually, although he was not very popular.” You correct her before grabbing another book from the pile of books besides you. “We have been living off of his trust funds and royalties since his disappearance, which explains the state of the house.”
It was no secret that your home was not in the best conditions. From the creaky floors that could give out at any time to the paint chippings on the wall, the house needed an overhaul that you could not provide without a quality education or a rich suitor.
“Ah, I see.”
You set both books down on the ground before turning to Dami.
“Do not let my mother phase you. She is all bark, no bite.”
“I certainly hope that her bark is not strong enough to blow me away.” Dami mumbles under her breath as your mother calls out from the kitchen.
“Dinner is ready! Come in and get it while it is still hot.”
You slip out of the room, and Dami follows behind.
“Did you show her the parlor room?” Your mother asks as you silently nod. “Good, it could use some guests since we barely have anyone over.”
Well, I wonder why that could be the case…
“Do you like to read?” Dami attempts to engage and connect with your mother as you serve yourself dinner.
“I was never a reader like my husband and my child. I often had social hours with my friends who lived in the city while my husband was still around.” She explains as Dami grabs a plate as you sit down at the dinner table. “Are you as studious as my child is?”
“I think you already know the answer to your question, but if you are looking for an answer from me, then yes, I have been educated by tutors and self-studying on my own.”
“Self-studying, huh? So you are trying to become a scholar?” Your mother asks with a sliver of curiosity, but Dami shakes her head.
“Oh, I have recently opened my detective agency in the city. You may know-”
“You are Lee Dami, correct?” Your mother cuts Dami off, and Dami nods before your mother continues on. “I have heard all about you and your expeditions.”
Here we go…
You take a sip of water as Dami sits to your left, and your mother sits to your right.
“I have consulted your child for multiple cases. They have been quite useful, and they have been helping me with some of the more difficult problems that I face.”
“So you’ve been putting my child in danger?” Your mother’s pitch rises an octave, and her eyes twitch as Dami immediately backtracks.
“Oh no, that is the last thing I would want to happen. I assure you that their safety and comfort comes first before my work or anything else in my life.” Dami places her hand over yours, and you shyly smile at your mother, who looks very unimpressed.
“How should I be sure that you do not have poor intentions with my child? Many have tried to pursue them before, but what makes you better than them all?” Your mother tries to provoke Dami as you intervene.
“Mother, that is enough! Dami is a guest, not a criminal. Please stop investigating her.” You plead with your mother before shooting Dami a sympathetic look. “I am so, so sorry-”
“No, your mother has a point, although her intentions may not be innocent.” Dami clears her throat before squeezing your hand. “I want nothing more than to provide your child with everything that they need in life. Love, safety, commitment, money - whatever they want is what I want to give them.”
“Are you… asking for their hand in marriage?” Your mother prods, which causes Dami to blush.
“Ah, no… but I am interested in courting them.”
“Oh, you’re old-fashioned.” Your mother thinks for what feels like a century before answering. “Yes, you may court my child… but there is to be no tomfoolery in this house! Are we clear?”
Dami lets out a sigh of relief before glancing over at you. You grin at her before looking over to your mom.
“Yes, Mother!” You excitedly say before working on finishing your dinner.
Dami chuckles to herself as your mom shakes her head at you. Everyone eats dinner in peace as the tension finally evaporates from the air.
“Siyeon-ah!” SuA cries out before laughing. “You are supposed to be kind to a woman, not bring harm to them.”
“So your fencing skills are not as strong as you thought they were, hmm?” Siyeon teases as SuA throws her sword to the ground.
“You are simply no fun!” SuA exclaims before huffing and backing away from the small white cement circle in the middle of the courtyard.
“Has she always been this good at fencing?” You mumble into Dami’s ear before linking your arm with hers.
“Siyeon has the most physical strength out of the three of us.” Dami states as you lean against her.
“So you are admitting that she is better at fencing than you are?”
“I did what I needed to in order to get a seal of approval from our fencing instructor.” Dami sighs in disappointment before you squeeze her arm.
“I assure you that you make up for a lack of physical strength in many different ways~” You teasingly say, and Dami blushes as you let go of her arm.
“Your praise is the sweetest melody in my ear, and it is all I ever want to hear until the end of my days.” Dami gently grabs your hand before pulling it up to her lips. “I suppose that you feel the same?”
You pause as she kisses your hand, and that action only fuels the burning flame in your heart.
“You are as charming as your sister, I assure you.” You say while trying to hide how flustered you truly are.
“Ah, have I driven you away with my outward affection? I only wish to please you, my dear.” Dami pulls you close as your mind scrambles from the words that come from her lips.
I absolutely should not let her have this control over me, but I enjoy it so much. I would love to stay like this until the end of time.
You play with the seams of your outfit as you shyly look Dami in the eyes.
“I adore you, Dami, even though I may not express how I truly feel to you.” You mumble against her body, and she stops breathing for a moment before you feel her chest rise and fall again to a steady rhythm.
“My adoration goes farther than any complex arrangement of words could suggest, and I wish for you to take your time in expressing how you feel. We have the rest of our lives to look forward to.” Dami says as you watch SuA mournfully approach the two of you. “I only wish that I would gain your mother’s full approval.”
“Hell will freeze over before that day comes, Dami.” SuA grumbles before you hand her a glass of water. “That old woman does not like anyone, so having a luke-warm reception from her is about as good as you are going to get.”
“My mother may be a nightmare to handle, but she still is my mother. She raised me after my father disappeared, and I only have her left to support me.” You bite your lip as SuA pats the back of your shoulder.
“My mom and dad would love to take you in. We love you as you are. There is no need for you to put yourself through torture because you feel like you owe your mother a part of yourself.” SuA says before taking a sip of the water. “Besides, I had promised you that I would help you look for your father, and I fully intend to keep that vow.”
“Yeah, but what if what I find is the opposite of what I need?” You softly ask. “What then, if uncertainty strikes my vulnerabilities?”
“I assure you that everything will be fine. Once I have finished my current work, we can start working towards reopening the case, if you wish.” Dami rubs your back as you shake your head at her.
“I could not ask you to abandon your work like that-”
“No amount of coins and notoriety is worth the price of a good night’s rest. You need answers, and I will happily help you find them.”
“Dami, I do not think I can thank you enough…” You trail off as she takes your free hand in hers.
“Think nothing of it. I want to provide for you, to prove to your mother and to everyone else that I can care for you and myself.” Dami admits as you and SuA nod along. “I will see what I can finish tonight, and I will hopefully be able to start working towards finishing everything tomorrow.”
“Really?” Your eyes shine brightly, which makes Dami smile.
“Of course, dearest. You are my priority now, as I am yours.”
“Did you not say that you would never fall for someone who was not like a person in your fantasy novels?” SuA teases as you quickly become embarrassed.
“Priorities and preferences change, plus who said that Dami was not everything I dreamed of and so much more?”
“Ah, you have not changed at all, dear friend! I love to see you so happy and content.” SuA slaps your back, and you jump as Dami laughs. “Siyeon! I am challenging you to another round!”
“Are you sure that you can take another loss, my love?” Siyeon playfully says as SuA grabs the sword from the ground.
“Who says that I will lose?”
Siyeon and SuA ready themselves as you and Dami continue to watch.
“En garde!”
The clashing of swords causes you to pull your attention to Dami, who looks deep in thought.
You place a comforting hand on her shoulder, which causes her to look at you.
“Is everything alright?” You ask.
“Yes, I am quite fine, but I worry that I am taking too long of a break.”
“I think you are committed more to your detective work than you are to me, dear.” You wink at Dami as she eyes you up and down.
“I assure that a greater fallacy has not been spoken since-”
You interrupt Dami by softly shushing her.
“I know that your mother’s departure has been rough on all three of you. It is okay to admit that you miss her, you know.”
“I wish she would have told father to meet us here, to want to see his children again, but instead, mother bent herself to his needs again.” Dami sighs before continuing to speak. “Siyeon and Gahyeon have adjusted well, as have I. Our mother has not been involved in our affairs since we were young, so it is not like there is much missing. I just miss the smaller moments, like the weekly book recommendations and family tea time.”
“I am sure that she misses the three of you as well.” You reassure Dami before a figure approaches from the mansion. “I think that is Gahyeon in the distance, right?”
“Yes, it would appear so. I wonder what she is looking for?”
You hear Siyeon laugh and SuA angrily shout as another sword flies through the air. Siyeon helps SuA off of the ground, and the two of them intimately look each other in the eyes as Gahyeon approaches you and Dami.
“I am sorry to interrupt-”
“Gahyeon, you are more than welcome to join us at any time.” You correct her before gesturing for her to continue.
“We have guests.” A grin appears on her face as she looks back at the mansion. “Handong has come to visit us again, plus she brought one of her friends from the academy. Correct me if I am wrong, but the friend is the youngest sister of the Kim family, right?”
You allow Dami to lead you to the front door as you walk arm-in-arm. SuA, on the other hand, drags Siyeon to the door as Gahyeon instructs the butler to open the door.
SuA was never one for tradition.
You smile as the shadow of Yoohyeon and another girl appears in broad daylight. Once Yoohyeon makes eye contact with you, she nearly runs over SuA, who had her arms extended towards Yoohyeon, in order to reach you.
You let go of Dami as Yoohyeon tightly hugs you.
“You are home, Yooh.” You mumble softly before playing with a few strands of hair and wrapping an arm around you. “I missed you to the moon and back. How has your schooling gone?”
“I seem to have more focus since I have left my house, so I have been flourishing academically. You and SuA have completely finished your studies, if I have my dates correct, which means that you two…” Yoohyeon trails off before backing away from you and eyeing Dami. “Oh, I see what is happening here. I never thought you were one for courting.”
“I… have changed for the better since your departure.” You shyly say as Yoohyeon raises an eyebrow at you.
“Are you implying that my absence was the cause of your sudden shift in behavior? What a menace you are, you-”
You squeal as Yoohyeon laughs at your state.
“You have no manners, Yoohyeon!” You tease before glancing at Dami. “This is Kim Yoohyeon, one of SuA’s sisters.”
“I can see the resemblance.” Dami gently shakes Yoohyeon’s hand. “My name is Dami.”
“Ah, you have taken an interest in my sweet friend. Tell me, what is the secret to getting them to fall for you?”
“Yoohyeon!” You whine as Dami smiles while lovingly gazing at you.
“They have enchanted me far beyond what should be considered normal, so I had no choice but to be as charming as possible in order to keep them by my side.”
“A lover and a romantic, huh? Have you considered learning a card game or two? Your luck is so good!” Yoohyeon cannot help but laugh as you take Dami’s arm again.
“I shall look into it.” You say before waving her off. “You should speak with SuA. I am sure that she is dying to see you.”
Yoohyeon rolls her eyes as you sweetly giggle.
“You act as if we are not like oil and water when mixed together.”
“Just say hello, and then you can take your leave.” You encourage her as Yoohyeon nods and calmly walks over to her sister. “She is very special, is she not?”
“The Kims, strangely enough, remind me of my family. I do not mind the teasing or games since they enjoy it much more than I do.” She vaguely gestures to the scene of Yoohyeon and SuA wrestling on the floor in front of you.
Siyeon watches and laughs as the girls holler and pull each other’s hair.
“Dami? Is that you?”
“Ah, Handong, it is great to see you!” Dami greets and welcomes the other woman at the door while gesturing her to come in.
She quickly walks over to the two of you in order to avoid the debacle happening in the middle of the foyer.
“Who might this be?” Handong asks before you introduce yourself. “Oh? Is that so? It is great to hear that a friend of mine has found someone to take care of her.”
“Handong, I assure you that I can take care of myself.”
“I know, but you can distract yourself with your work and lose focus from time to time. You need that person to pull you back and remind you what life is about.” Handong wistfully says. “While we are on the subject of work, how has your business been doing? I have seen you on the front of many newspapers, but gossip means nothing to me nowadays.”
“As strange as it may seem, the articles themselves are very, very true. I have made myself a name in this city-”
“-and I could not be more proud of how much great work you have done.” You admire Dami before sheepishly backing off. “Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt. Continue on as you were.”
“No, my dear, you are welcome into the conversation at any time. You are right, though, I do not do such strenuous work for the satisfaction of money, although that is a plus. I like to help those in need when possible.” Dami lets go of your arm in favor of holding your hand, and you notice Handong smile at the gesture.
“As much as I wish to keep speaking with both of you, this is a business visit, unfortunately.” Handong sighs as you cock your head at her. “My family and the Lees have been working together for centuries on developing the land. That is how we ended up with such fortune, after all.”
“So you need to speak with Siyeon?” Dami inquires, and Handong nods.
“Yes, I do. Perhaps we could do so over dinner?”
Gahyeon jumps into the conversation by leaning on Handong’s shoulder.
“Absolutely! I will tell the chefs to prepare dinner for seven!”
Handong laughs at Gahyeon’s sudden appearance before giving her a warm hug.
“Now, where did you come from?”
Dinner goes smoothly as you sit in-between Dami and Yoohyeon. Conversation flows like a flowing river on a sunny day, and you are more than content when Dami reaches over and places her hand over yours.
The same cannot be said for SuA, who is sitting across from you with a grimace on her face. Not once during dinner has Siyeon acknowledged her or turned her direction, and all of you have been sitting at the dinner hour for over two hours.
I do not want to be here when she finally says what is on her mind. That will be a world-ending experience.
You shoot her a sympathetic look as she continues to absentmindedly pick at her food as Gahyeon chatters on about something that SuA really does not care about. After looking over at you, she rolls her eyes and angrily eats a piece of steak. Siyeon and Handong calmly chat at the other end of the table, as if they are completely unaware of SuA’s burning gaze.
Eventually, to everyone’s surprise but your own, SuA suddenly stands up and carelessly tosses her fork on the table.
“My love, is everything alright?” Siyeon reaches for SuA, but she takes a step away from Siyeon.
“It is late. I should be arriving home with Yoohyeon before my family worries.” SuA coldly states before glaring at Yoohyeon. “Let us go.”
“But I have not finished my-”
You shiver at the anger in SuA’s tone as Yoohyeon sets her fork down and stands up alongside her sister. The two of them silently leave the room as everyone stares in disbelief at the situation that unfolded right in front of them.
Siyeon stands up after SuA slams the dining room door shut, but you gesture for her to sit before standing up yourself.
“Let me talk her down a bit, okay?” You offer her a weak smile before taking your hand away from Dami. “I will be back in a while, dear.”
You quietly slip out of the dining room before entering the foyer. You catch SuA dragging Yoohyeon out of the door when you call out for her.
“SuA? Why are you running away?”
SuA immediately lets go of Yoohyeon and directs her anger towards you.
“I am not running away from anything! Siyeon refused to acknowledge my existence!” SuA raises her voice as you attempt to calm her down.
“I know, but-”
“No, no you do not! You have not a clue what it feels like for someone to abandon you, to leave you out for the wolves!” SuA hisses as Yoohyeon gasps.
“SuA, their father-”
“-will never return home, and honestly? I will never blame him for doing so. Your mother is a nightmare, and you are simply too scared to stand up to her fully in the fear of being kicked out. Your father would be ashamed of the person you turned out to be!” SuA’s words hit you hard, and you cover your face with your hand so she does not have to see you cry.
“SuA, that is enough!” Yoohyeon raises her voice, which causes you to jump. “You are taking out your anger on the one person who would do anything for you within a heartbeat. Are you sure you want to throw that all away over someone who may only have a temporary residency in your heart?”
“If I cannot have the woman I love, then what does it matter?” SuA weakly says as she holds back tears. “Love is sickening, Yoohyeon, do not let the pretty flowers or lovely notes fool you.”
“Yooh, she is misguided by her emotions.” You softly say while trying to wipe the tears from her face. “You have to give love a chance in order to decide if it is for you or not.”
“I am not misguided! One day, Dami will ruin your life by falling out of love with you. Maybe she already has, and you are just stringing yourself along until she finally has the courage to end things with you-”
Your sobs are what push Yoohyeon to back away from SuA and pull you into her arms.
“Go home, SuA, and get some rest.”
“What will mother and father-”
“I will happily explain to them what you said if you will not tell them yourself. You are a grown woman, SuA. You should know better than to take your anger out on an innocent party.” Yoohyeon harshly critiques SuA as their carriage pulls around. “Now, go before you can cause any more damage.”
SuA huffs before turning towards the carriage. She enters it without a word, and the carriage drives away as you collapse into Yoohyeon’s arms.
“I am so, so sorry for her behavior… I have never seen her act like this.”
“Neither have I.” You croak out in between sobs.
“Do not speak. I will call a separate carriage for us, and-”
“Yoohyeon?” Handong calls out from the dining room, and she pauses before looking back to the dining room. “Yes, Siyeon, everything is alright. I will be back in a minute.”
“Handong, go back and enjoy dinner. This is not-”
Handong waves a hand at Yoohyeon before calling over a butler.
“Call my carriage over, and have the driver take these girls wherever they wish to go.”
“No, that will not be necessary-”
“Yoohyeon, I insist. I bear some responsibility in this, anyway.” Handong guiltily says before looking at you. “You should have come out here with someone else, someone who could have helped you calm her down faster-”
“No, she would have gotten in a screaming match with you or Siyeon, and Gahyeon or Dami would not have a clue what to do. It had to be them, in one way or another.” Yoohyeon wraps her arms around your neck as you lean into her touch.
“Home. I want to go home.” You mumble into her neck as she nods.
“Do you want to say goodbye to Da-”
“No, I cannot face her after what SuA said.” You bite your bottom lip as you try to stop more tears from falling out of your eyes.
“Dami adores you, and unlike SuA, I will not allow you to push her away when you need her most.” Yoohyeon glances over to Handong, who nods and quickly heads back into the kitchen. “You are allowed to need her as much as she needs you.”
“I feel guilty for monopolizing her time-”
“You are courting, for heaven’s sake!” Yoohyeon exasperatedly says. “Of course you will take up much of her time, but that is because she wants to be there for you. ‘For better or for worse’, right?”
“Is SuA right? Will she eventually lose interest in me?” You ask, scared of what the answer will be.
“To be very honest, SuA was talking out of anger and jealousy. She told you what she felt was happening to her.” Yoohyeon explains as you steady yourself. “Are you better?”
“As good as I will be after that verbal lashing.”
You and Yoohyeon awkwardly laugh as Handong returns with Dami in tow. As soon as Dami comes into your line of sight, you somehow find your way into her comforting arms.
“Please never leave me. I do not know what I would do if I never got to see you again. You are a piece of me that I wish I could keep forever.” You mumble into her neck as she comfortingly rubs your back.
“I will stay with you as long as you will have me by your side. I am yours, now and always, and that will never change.” Dami softly whispers as you tightly hug her.
“I love you.” The words slip out of your mouth before you realize what you have said.
You feel Dami’s breath hitch as she processes what you just said.
“I… I love you too.” She parts from you, only to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Go home and get some rest, alright? I will come to see you tomorrow, I promise.”
“You promise?” You repeat as you watch Handong’s carriage pull up to the mansion.
“I will never let you down, my dear.”
“So, you have finally gotten rid of that Kim Bora for good?” Your mother asks after knocking on your door. “That is a step in the right direction! Now, if only that pesky Lee girl could let go of her claws in you, and we would be set to-”
“Leave Dami out of this, and set my food by the door.” You loudly mumble from your bed.
You had not gotten out of bed nor had you changed out of your sleepwear. You only felt like reading one of the journals your father had given you, trying to sleep, or staring at the wall and replaying last night over and over in your mind.
“But you have not touched breakfast at all-”
“I will eat something today, I promise.” You weakly say, which causes your mother to leave, and for you to sigh in relief.
I just want the rest of the world to fade away as I stay in bed for just a while longer.
You hug the stuffed animal that SuA gave you when you both were children, and it brings you a moment of comfort before you hear your mother calling out for you again.
“I know you are in no state to be seen, but Dami is here to see you. She says that she has something to speak with you about.”
Your eyes widen when you realize that Dami is in your house and awaiting you, so you quickly ready yourself before calling out to your mother.
“You can send her up! I am ready to be seen by my company, whether or not you think so.”
You open the window in your bedroom and adjust the hem of your outfit before you hear a single soft knock on the door.
“Dear, may I come in?”
Dami’s sweet voice floats through the cracks in the doorway, and you sigh before sitting down on your bed.
“Yes, you can come in.”
The door creaks open, and Dami stands there with a plate of food in her hands.
“You should eat, even if you do not feel like it. You will make yourself more ill if you refuse to take care of yourself.”
“I- Thank you.” You briefly say before extending your hands towards her.
She softly smiles before walking over to you and handing you the food, along with a set of silverware.
“I like the decorations in your room… it is fitting for your personality.” Dami comments as you take a bite of food.
When the taste of your mother’s cooking hits your tongue, the knot in your stomach unravels and you’re suddenly hungry enough to eat the food that has been prepared for you.
“Thank you…” You say in-between bites of food. “My father gifted me most of it, and the rest is from Minji or Bora.”
You soften once her name comes from her lips, and Dami sits next to you before placing an arm around you.
“Siyeon visited SuA before I came to see you.” Dami looks out the window as you stare at her in curiosity.
“What happened?”
“SuA cursed her out before throwing her promise rings at Siyeon.”
“So they are no longer courting?” You feel sad when you ask Dami that, even though you already know the answer.
“Although Siyeon is awaiting a direct answer, I believe it is fair to say that the two of them are going separate ways, at least for a little while.” Dami explains as you nod along.
“I know that SuA can overreact at times, but that was extreme, especially given the scenario-”
“No, I think she was in the right.” Dami states as you furrow your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“Any reasonable person would have been upset with a lover if that lover had been ignoring them. SuA should not have directed any anger towards you, which is something we will both agree on, I am sure.”
You set the empty plate on your nightstand before grabbing the gifted stuffed animal from the back of your bed.
“Yeah, she has never gotten so angry with me, and not over something like that. She must have been feeling so upset, and I tried to reason with her, I did, but-”
“She was in no mood to hear you out, but SuA should have sent you away if she knew that she would explode like that.” Dami pulls you closer before rubbing your shoulder in reassurance. “I heard from Gahyeon that the two of them have been arguing over small things for a while, so I guess this was the tipping point for them.”
“And Handong? Is she alright? I know she must feel awful for what happened.” You show concern for the black-haired girl, and Dami sweetly smiles at you.
“After everything that was said to you, you still worry about how others feel. That is how I know that you are just perfect, not for me, but in general.” Dami shakes her head as a light chuckle falls from her soft lips. “Yes, Handong is staying with us for a while. She wants to bridge things over with Siyeon, but I think her efforts will be fruitless. I think it is best for all of us to leave this whole mess where it belongs.”
“In the past?” You ask as she nods.
“As a bad memory. There are things that cannot be fixed, of course. You and SuA, you have not-”
“No, I think she will need more time before I reach out to her. I know that Bora is upset over all of this, and I would rather not start another fight.” You bite your lip before squeezing the stuffed animal in your arms. “I wish I could go back and fix everything, but I need to look forward. You are right, Dami, like always.”
“I know, but now is not the time for that. As I told your mother, I have something to speak with you about.” Dami pulls away from you for a moment, and you find yourself craving her touch as you force yourself to respond.
“Yeah, did you not mention something about my father last night?”
“I did, but that only partially relates to what I was referring to.” Dami fishes a key out of her pocket before handing it to you.
“Dami, sweetheart, what is this for?” You examine the key before you notice that Dami is staring at you with a hopeful look in her eye.
“I… put a month’s rent down on an apartment in the city.”
“Dami, are you serious?” You tightly grip the key before looking her in the eyes. “My mother, she will not be happy when she hears about this. Besides, what will people say? What about your sisters and your parents?”
“I assure you that many more scandalous acts are happening in that city. I am not asking for a long-term commitment, my dear. Just come and stay with me in the city for a month. It will be a nice change of pace, plus you can help me work on a few cases in more depth, like-”
“-my father’s disappearance?” Your voice jumps up in pitch as Dami nods in agreement.
“As I said early, just give it some thought. I do not wish to rush your decision-making. When you are read, send a letter to my residence and I will-”
“Yes, I will live with you.” You do not blink or move a muscle as Dami stares at you.
“Are you sure about this? If you need more time, I can-”
“No, you are right. I could use some space from my mother and everyone else in my life. I think this will be good for me… for the both of us.”
“I will take you to visit the property tomorrow, and we can slowly move in from then on. Does that sound okay?”
You slip your hand into Dami’s, and you give it a gentle squeeze.
“That will work well for me. What about my mother?”
“I will take care of it, I promise.”
Although your mother was not the biggest fan of you leaving the house at such a young age, she did like the idea of you staying in the city.
“Maybe you could meet another lady at that time… one that is richer, and not related to the Lee family-”
“Mother, I am crazy about Dami, whether or not you approve of it. I am going with her, no matter what.”
She sighs before waving you off.
“I was afraid you would say that. Be safe, and come to visit often, alright? The house feels less like a home without you.”
You had given your mother a tight hug, the first one you’ve shared in many years, before hopping into a carriage to spend a month with the person who made your life exponentially better.
You could not resist saying your goodbyes to the Kim family, even though your relationship with SuA had not fully recovered at the time.
“You will still come to visit, right?” Mrs. Kim asks after letting you out of a tight hug.
“Yes, I will, as long as you will have me. I will even bring Dami, if you will have both of us.”
“It would be my pleasure.” She pinches your cheek before walking off.
You jump slightly as Mr. Kim gives you a firm but reassuring pat on the back.
“You will be okay out there, kid. You are smart enough to do anything that you wish. Do not forget us when you get mesmerized by everything the city has to offer, alright?”
“I will not, I promise.” You firmly shake his hand as he gives you a softer pat on the back.
When Mr. Kim moves, Minji rushes up to you and gives you a sweet, warm up.
“Ah, you are growing up too fast!” She teases as you hear Yoohyeon approach from the kitchen.
“I know, Minji, it feels like yesterday when we all were playing outside in the garden.” Yoohyeon sighs before leaning on the doorframe. “Do not forget to invite us to the wedding, alright? I would like front row seats, right next to your mother-”
“Yoohyeon!” You squeal before letting go of Minji. “There is no wedding in my future.”
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that~” She winks before giving you a quick embrace. “Tell me all about the city when you get back… if you come back.”
“I will, I promise.” You turn to Minji with a warm smile on your face. “Please come and visit us while you are still here for late spring and the whole summer.”
“I cannot think of a better way to spend my time.” She smiles as Yoohyeon points at the stairs.
“Well, look at what the cat dragged out of bed!”
SuA slowly walks down the stairs while avoiding eye contact with you.
“Yoohyeon, be nice. SuA has been having a rough time as of late. We should not be contributing to her stress.” Minji walks away from you before grabbing Yoohyeon’s arm and leading her outside.
“SuA… I am sorry that I did not come to see you earlier. I was worried that I had upset you past the point of no return, and I-”
“Oh, please do not apologize to me. After all, I should be kissing your feet after the shit I said.” SuA chokes back some tears before looking over to you. “You will find the willpower to forgive me, right? I was so incredibly misguided when I projected my anger onto you, and it was wrong of me to do so.”
“SuA, I will always be here for you when you need me.” You open your arms to her, and she gladly gives you a strong hug.
“Are you really going away to the city?”
“Just for a month, and then I will be back here.”
“What makes you so sure that you will dislike city living?”
“I…” You pause before letting go of SuA. “I do not think I will dislike it at all. I just hope Dami and I are compatible as roommates and lovers.”
“I do not think there is an area where the two of you are not compatible.” SuA chuckles before looking at you. “I am so happy that you are living your life with the girl you have dreamed of for years. Continue to be that way for me, alright?”
You tilt your head at her.
“Will you come and visit me sometime?”
“You know I cannot resist an offer like that~”
One month had turned into two, and before you knew that, spring had shifted into summer, and summer flew by without a second warning. The only event that made you realize how fast time was going was the annual send-off for Yoohyeon and Minji that was held at the end of summer. That was when SuA had brought up that you and Dami had been living together for over half of the year, and you had to dodge more proposal and engagement questions than you could reasonably count.
“Is it so wrong to be curious about my friend’s marital status?” SuA teases as you brush her off with a scoff.
“No, but telling lies and spreading my private business everywhere is not at all what I want!”
As autumn approaches, you have been working long hours to find some sort of information in the case of your father. Dami was right by your side, but you still were unable to make any progress.
After searching through the hundredth newspaper, you sigh before collapsing on the couch in your shared apartment.
“Giving up so soon?” Dami asks before removing the glasses from her face.
“We have looked in thousands upon thousands of newspapers, yet there is no news of his disappearance. It is almost like he did not want to be found…”
Your shoulders slump after you toss the newspaper on a spare end table. Dami is quick to comfort you as she sits next to you and takes your hand in hers.
“We will keep looking, as long as it may take. I know a few people who may be able to get us some travel logs from the last ten years. If he went through the city, then he is in there, I assure you.”
You do not get your hopes up as you briefly glance at Dami before squeezing her hand.
“You think we will find him?”
“I cannot assure you of that, but I will not rest until we find out the truth.”
You take a sip from the teacup in your hand as you sit next to the window that faces the main road of the city.
I wonder if it is always this peaceful in autumn, or if the city is just begging for me and Dami to stay here.
A small ‘click!’ pulls you back into reality as you turn towards the door. You set the teacup down as the door opens to reveal Dami. Before she can step inside, you grab her wrist, pull her inside, shut the door, and bury yourself in her arms in one clean motion. Dami laughs at your swiftness before hugging you back.
“Did you miss me that much, my love?” Dami softly teases before pressing a kiss to your face.
“You ask me that question every day, Dami. I am surprised that you, the famous detective, have not figured out the answer.” You shoot back before slightly pulling away from her.
“Some things are better left as a mystery.” She shows you a warm smile, and you reciprocate it before pulling her in for a kiss.
You and her both sigh as you melt into each other. She still smells like freshly printed books, but it is mixed with an indescribable ink smell and a whiff of some expensive perfume.
It must be from one of the secretaries at her office, or a potential customer, perhaps?
You have to push Dami away from you when you realize that someone is knocking at the door. She looks hurt at first, but when you gesture towards the door, she relaxes.
“I thought I had offended you in some way.” She mumbles before fixing her clothes.
Did I accidentally untie her necktie while I was in that haze? What strange behavior for me to engage in!
“You? Never.”
Dami bites her lip and blushes before gesturing to your lips.
Is there something on my-
“Oh, dear…” You laugh before rubbing a bit of her lipstick off of your lips with a napkin.
I guess I was not the only one, then.
The knocking continues, and you clean up the apartment a bit as Dami answers the door.
“Siyeon?” Dami tilts her head before Siyeon comes crashing into her arms.
“Oh, dear sister, you must forgive me!” She wails as Dami looks at her in pure confusion.
“I do not think I understand what you mean…”
“It is Gahyeon! She has run off, and Mother will end me when she finds out!” Siyeon cries as Dami pulls her over to the couch.
“I will go make some tea.” You quickly say before exiting the living room.
You listen into their conversation as you set the kettle, filled with water, on a metal stove.
“When was the last time you saw Gahyeon?” Dami asks, and you hear a few papers shuffling around as Siyeon sniffles and tries to recollect herself.
“Two nights ago, when Handong came to visit. She has not been around since.”
You hear Dami write on a piece of parchment paper before stopping.
“Has Handong received word of this incident?”
“Yes, and she wishes me nothing but the best in the effort to find my sister.”
Dami sighs before continuing to write.
“I do not know why I expected something better than a non-committal answer from Handong.”
“So you’ll help me?” Siyeon hopefully asks.
“Of course, Siyeon, Gahyeon is our sister. After your nerves calm, we will take a trip to the mansion and take a look around. Is that alright?”
“Yes, but I must ask, are they going to be coming with us?”
You try to hide in the kitchen because you think your cover is blown, but luckily for you, the kettle whistles and you quickly pull it off of the stove as Dami answers.
“Do you not want more help?”
“No, I want them there. They make you a better detective, in all honesty.” Siyeon briefly chuckles before blowing her nose. “Thank you for taking me in, Dami. That is something I have always loved about you.”
“Siyeon, you are my sister. You can count on me when you need me.” Dami sets a hand on Siyeon’s shoulder as you walk into the room with two teacups.
“It will help with congestion.” You softly say before handing her the cup.
“Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate the thoughtfulness that you always seem to show.” Siyeon expresses her gratitude, and you bashfully smile.
“Ah, thank you for your praise.” You hand Dami her cup with a smile. “It is exactly how you like it.”
You grab your cup from the windowsill before taking a seat next to Dami.
“Thank you again, to the both of you. I do not think I will be able to thank you enough.”
You notice the way that Dami softly stares at her childhood home, and you reach over and grab her hand.
“Nostalgic? I do not blame you at all.”
“A bit, but if I had the choice between staying here or being with you, I would choose you over and over again.” Dami interlaces her fingers with yours as you both walk towards the entrance.
“Ah, you romantic! You always know how to woo me~” You giggle before leaning on her shoulder. “I love you, now and forever.”
“I shall love you, forever and always.” She repeats back before holding the door for you.
“What a lady~” You tease before pulling her inside with you. “Do you know where you want to start looking?”
“She liked to hang out in the common room, so I will start there. Siyeon is going through her private office, but you are free to wander where you wish.” Dami explains before letting go of her hand.
“Are her private quarters off-limits?” You ask, and Dami shakes her head.
“She is not here to tell you otherwise, so you are more than welcome to look in there.”
“I will let you know if I find anything.”
The two of you part, and you slip into a familiar hallway as you look for the entrance to Gahyeon’s room.
Dami’s old room was not that obvious, but maybe Gahyeon’s will be harder to find-
You pause as you stare at a door that has her name engraved in the wood.
Okay, maybe I was wrong…
You open the door, and it softly creaks as you take a peek inside. It looks much like SuA’s room when you would come to visit her, except there were a few more items of value in here than you expected.
What catches your eye, however, is the stack of parchment paper sitting on her vanity. You take a seat before picking up one of the papers.
My Dearest Fox,
Oh, the day shall come when the moon and the sun shall eclipse, and we shall meet again. You, my sun, make the world bright, and I, the moon, cast shadow wherever I go. We work in tandem, like a perfect pairing made from above.
Tell me you will come and see me again?
Your Darling Cat~
You place the letter aside before grabbing another one.
Is it a love letter? Has Gahyeon found someone that has interested her?
You scan this letter more carefully, and another paragraph jumps out at you.
Fox, you continue to amaze me. The way you move captivates me beyond what is normal, and the way my heartbeats confuses my common sense. I feel sick at the thought of you, but I would rather feel like that than feel nothing at all. Do you feel the same way I do? A silly question, I know, but I must know that my love is to be received, and your love is to be given.
You shuffle through more of the letters, but it is more of the same.
Gahyeon must have run off with this ‘cat’... but where did they go? Why did they feel the need to run?
You collect the notes as you prepare to talk to Dami, but you pause when you see that you have left one behind.
Now, what is this?
You set the other papers aside, and you gasp when your eyes flicker to the last figure on the paper.
Gahyeon drew everyone with an animal beside them, and the last girl has a cat next to her… but that is not any regular girl.
It is Handong!
“Did you find anything?” Siyeon softly asks as Dami shakes her head.
“No, did you?”
“So we are at a dead end?” Dami sighs before combing a hand through her hair. “She has done an excellent job at covering her tracks, I must admit.”
“WAIT!” You yell before rushing into the common room with a bunch of papers in your arms.
“Is everything alright? You look-”
“It does not matter. You need to see this.” You hand Dami the three documents that you looked at before handing Siyeon the rest.
“Darling, what am I looking at? Is this a love letter to Gahyeon?”
You nod before pointing at the drawing.
“I-” Dami’s eyes widen as she has the same realization that you do. “My God, that is why Handong would not give you a straight answer.”
“What do you mean?” Siyeon asks before Dami shows her the drawing. “My goodness, I never expected Handong, but why did she feel the need to run off?”
“I am not sure, but we can ask her when we find her.” Dami hands the other remaining papers to Siyeon as she carefully puts them in order.
“I will put these away. Good work, detective!” Siyeon sends you a wink before walking away. “You should consider putting their name on your building too, Dami, because they are just as smart as you are.”
“I have, but they refuse.” She answers before turning to you. “I am in disbelief that you found that. How did you know where to look?”
“I was once young and believed that I had to hide my love from everyone else.” You wistfully say as Dami bumps your shoulder.
“How did that turn out for you?”
“Quite well, but I think you will have to ask my lover if you want a concrete answer.”
You both laugh as Dami wraps an arm around you.
“I am proud of you, and who you have become.” She says as you look up at her. “I suppose this means that we should visit Handong. Will you come with us?”
“I have housework to catch up on, so I think I will pass on this adventure.” You admit as Dami leans her head against yours.
“Are you sure that you do not want to come along?”
“I should stay home because you have to earn your title of ‘The Greatest Detective Of The Civilized World’, Dami~” You tease before pressing a kiss to her face as you wait for the carriage to take her and Siyeon to Handong’s residence.
You thank the carriage driver for taking you to the apartment before you slip inside of the building. Although only two couples lived below you and one old lady lived in the apartment next to you, the building could be busy at times, depending on the season or if someone had plenty of company over.
Today, however, there was pure silence as you climbed up the stairs and grabbed the keys to your apartment. You go to unlock the door, but you notice that the lock has been picked, and the door opens with ease.
That was not how we left the apartment…
You pull your coat open as you grab the knife that Dami had gifted you when you had first moved in together.
“Dami, this is completely unnecessary.” You had said as you held the heavy knife in your hand. “I can take care of myself, and it is very unlikely that I will ever get into a situation where-”
“I know that you can protect yourself, darling, but I worry about you so much. This is less about your safety and more about giving me peace of mind while I am away.”
“So you worry about me?”
She places a hand on your cheek as she nods.
“It is only natural that I worry about you. I love you, and you will forever be one of my main focuses in life. I can teach you how to defend yourself, if you’d like.”
You smile before placing your free hand on hers.
“I would love that.”
The knife still feels heavy in your hand, as if the weight of using it for harm would drag you under the surface of the ground. Your tight grip on the knife remains as you slip inside of the door. Your eyes dart around the living room as you look for any signs of an intruder, but you sigh in relief and shut the door when you realize that your apartment has remained untouched.
Papers are still scattered around Dami’s desk in the study, and not one book has been touched in her personal library, so you continue to walk through the house before you reach the bedroom.
When you reach the bedroom, you yelp before putting your knife away as you come face-to-face with Gahyeon.
“Gahyeon! You should not be here!” You gently scold her before closing the blinds in the bedroom.
“Why not? Am I not welcome in this house?” She teasingly asks, and you resist the urge to smack her as you pull her into a tight hug.
“Your sisters are worried sick about you. Where have you been?”
“I was with Handong, I promise.” Gahyeon watches as you nod. “Did you figure that out from looking through my bedroom? I am impressed!”
“Now is not the time for congratulations or compliments. Why are you here?” You bluntly question her before pulling away from Gahyeon.
“As I said, I was with Handong before I realized that she was hiding something from me.”
You raise an eyebrow at her.
“Have you figured out what that would be?”
Gahyeon smirks before grabbing a folded paper in her pocket. She hands it to you with conviction as you grab it with confusion.
You carefully unfold the paper, and as you scan the paper, you gasp.
“It’s a wedding invitation…”
“Yeah, but not any wedding invitation. It’s yours and Dami’s. Care to explain?”
“Ah!” You cover your hand with your face as you realize that Gahyeon has probably figured it out by now. “So you know…”
“How long, though? And, most importantly, why wouldn’t you invite me?”
“We did not want the word getting out.” You admit as Gahyeon places a hand over her chest in offense.
“You think of me as a gossip?”
“If it makes you feel any better, it was not me.” You mutter as Gahyeon scoffs.
“Dami is so mean to me!” She whines, and you laugh as she collapses onto the bed. “Do you have the rings?”
“Of course I do.” You play with the collar of your shirt before walking towards the nightstand on your side. “I suppose now I can actually start wearing it…”
You pull out a silver box, and you set it on the bed as Gahyeon watches you open it. She squeals as you hand her Dami’s ring, and you put your own on your finger as Gahyeon admires the ring.
“The invitation said this wedding happened a day before JiU and Yoohyeon left… Were one of them your witness?” Gahyeon inquires.
“Yeah, they both were. I am guessing that you figured out that Handong was Dami’s witness?”
“Handong told me everything once I found this invitation and confronted her about it… I just wanted to hear it from you to confirm that the wedding really did happen. Does SuA know?”
“She is as clueless as Siyeon is, believe it or not. I have come close to telling her, but my lips have been sealed.” You smile at Gahyeon before putting the box away and closing the drawer. “Did you really stage your disappearance so you could talk to me alone?”
She sheepishly laughs before raising her hands in the air.
“Guilty as charged~”
You take Dami’s ring from your hand, and you admire it for a moment before heading into the kitchen.
“Dami and Siyeon will be back here soon after they figure out what you have done. I will prepare a meal for four, then.”
“Are you going to tell Dami what I know?” Gahyeon calls out to you as you grab a kettle.
“I trust that you have that covered, Gahyeon.”
When the bell tower tolls three o’clock, the sound of gentle knocking on the front door causes you to set the plates down and answer the door.
“Dami…” You mutter softly before pulling her inside. “We need to talk.”
You gesture for Siyeon to enter as you pull Dami aside, and Siyeon silently closes the door before heading into the kitchen.
“What is the matter?” She softly asks, and she takes your left hand in hers. “Your ring… you’re wearing it?”
“Gahyeon sniffed us out.” You say before handing her the ring that belongs on her finger.
Dami stifles a chuckle before taking the ring from your hand.
“I had no idea she would figure us out so fast… I thought we would have more time.” Dami looks remorseful, but you’re quick to comfort her with a warm smile and a soft kiss.
“C’mon, I made everyone something to eat.” You lead her along with your hand in hers, and you glance back at her before heading into the kitchen. “How long did it take you to figure out that Gahyeon came back here?”
“Handong is honest, so after a nice cup of tea and a quick chat, she told us of Gahyeon’s plan.”
Gahyeon flinches at the mentioning of her name, and Siyeon places a gentle hand on her back.
“Do not worry, sister, we are not mad at you. We just wish you would tell us before you run off to your lover.”
“We are not-”
Siyeon laughs at Gahyeon’s defensiveness.
“Do not be so foolish and angry, Gahyeon. Enjoy being in love. It is a special, wonderful thing.” Siyeon looks saddened at the thought, but she quickly lightens up once you begin to serve food.
“Siyeon, I have something I wish to tell you.” Dami softly says, and you carefully observe as Siyeon looks at Dami.
“Do tell.” Siyeon places her elbow on the table, and she rests her head on her hand as Dami  places both of her hands on the table.
“I… We-” Dami pauses as Siyeon takes Dami’s left hand in her free hand.
“Is that a wedding ring?”
“It is.” Dami softly says, and Siyeon smiles as she squeezes her sister’s hand.
“I am happy for you. I just wish we could have been there.”
You cannot help but to smile as you serve Dami a plate. You kiss her cheek before taking a seat next to her.
Her hand meets yours under the table as Siyeon turns her attention to you.
“I guess that makes us family now… Gahyeon?”
“Yes?” Gahyeon says in between bites of food.
“Is this the reason you ran from Handong’s estate to here? Did you wish to harass two innocent people-”
“Siyeon, please, it’s alright. She was just curious about what her sister was doing, especially when said sister tends to keep her affairs under wraps.” You say in defense of Gahyeon, and you speak again before Dami can get a word in. “There is nothing wrong with Dami wanting to be more private, but, if it is not too bold of me to say, I think the three of you should open up to each other more.”
“No, you have a point. We are sisters, after all.” Siyeon says, and the other two girls nod as someone knocks against the door again.
“I will get it. You three should talk.” You reassure them, and Dami pulls you in for a quick side hug before completely letting you go.
You quickly make your way to the door before opening it. You observe the man standing in front of you with a sense of familiarity. It was almost as if you had seen him before, as if you had known him a long, long time ago.
“Papa?” Your voice went soft as the older gentleman gently combs through his hair.
“I was not sure if you would recognize me since you had grown up so much, but I-”
He pauses when you give him a tight hug before wrapping his arms around you.
“Where have you been all of these years?” You mumble into his chest.
“I went out of the country to do some underground business with an old friend of mine… I believe your wife will know him very, very well.”
“Mr. Lee?”
“You were always a bright kid, but yes, that is the truth. I decided to come back when I heard that your mother was giving you some grief, plus I heard the news of your marriage from her father.”
“My father?” Dami softly says as she walks over to you.
“Yes, your father and I had many different ways of still learning about the two of you.” He reassures you as you let go of him.
“Would you like to come in?” Dami asks, and he shakes his head.
“I believe I have a visit to arrange with their mother, but I am more than happy to have that offer another time.”
“Another time, then.” She nods, and he bows before leaving the two of you alone.
“Case closed, I guess.” You shrug before closing the door behind you. “Are you surprised?”
“My father was a mysterious man, as was yours. I do not believe this behavior was above either of them.” Dami takes your hand, and she pulls you into her arms. “Our fathers had to take care of us in some way. Did you never think about how we were able to live such promising lives, despite the fact that neither of our mothers worked?”
“I… I had not thought of that before.” You put your coat on a hanger before taking Dami’s off of her. “Good work, Detective Lee~”
“I would not be able to do anything without you, love.” She gently says as you wrap your arms around her.
“Ah, as charming as ever, dearest.”
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tokidokitokyo · 9 months
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お久しぶりですね!Hello, I'm still here! My study log has been on a hiatus since the end of May, but I am here to regale you with tales of my Japanese studies. Why the hiatus? The usual suspects: Work, real life (including vacation!) and family had to take some precedence, but I am still here studying behind the scenes.
I feel refreshed from having had to put down my pencil and focus on other things for a while during the month of August, and so I feel rested and refreshed and I don't feel overwhelmed to come back to my studies. I don't feel like I have to catch up or like I haven't been doing enough during my time off. Rather, I feel very excited to get back into my regular study routine.
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Study Methods I Used in June, July, & August
In June through August I mostly studied Vocabulary, Kanji, and Listening. The areas I focused on the least were Writing and Grammar. The study tools I used most were mobile tools so I could bring them with me on my phone anywhere I went.
My pro study tool this summer was the mobile app for renshuu.org because I was able to use vocabulary and kanji flashcards to get in some practice even during busy work days and holidays.
Podcasts were my second pro study tool, especially the Let's Talk in Japanese podcast. I could listen during my work commute, on the plane, while the baby takes a nap, and just before bed.
ママ友 or mom friends are a great way to practice listening & speaking. My son just enrolled in a Japanese preschool and I've already made a few new friends for playdates. Playdates are useful for improving his Japanese and mine!
My 2023 Goals Progress
I laid out some broad goals for my Japanese study in my 2023 Japanese Language Goals post, so here is an update with my progress towards these goals.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
How is it going? Terrible! I did not bring this book on my vacation, so I have not kept up. But I will get back into reading the daily pages as often as possible. I am not going to finish the entire book this year, but that's ok. I still learn something new every time I pick it up, and even retain some of the information! Goal: Read as many entries as possible by the end of the year.
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
How is it going? Good! I plan on returning to these workbooks now that things have settled down after my holiday, but I will only be able to do extensive practice on the weekends. I still have two weeks left of exercises in the books, so I think I am on track to finish it by the end of the year.
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
How is it going? Okay! Although I didn't have much time in August to review kanji during my holiday, I was able to get through reviewing Grade 3 of the Kyoiku Kanji during June and July. Goal: Review through at least Grade 4 during the month of September.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
How is it going? Terrible! I still haven't had the time (nor the motivation) to pick back up the books I stopped in March, and I'm trying to be okay with that ^^; I would like to pick back up one book in September and try to finish it by the end of the year. Books are a big commitment, and I have to prioritize my studies, so unfortunately books tend to be the first thing I drop.
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
How is it going? Terrible! I have not begun to even look for a tutor, despite telling myself I would for the entire month of June. I am not sure if I am going to try to find a tutor at this point or if I will just continue with self-study, writing sentences on HelloTalk, and getting some help from my husband. I would like to try to write more and get my sentences corrected by native speakers. I'd also like to interact with native speakers, but finding the time is really tough.
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes every day.
How is it going? Good! Although the rest of my goals have suffered greatly this summer, my goal of continuing to practice a little bit everyday has allowed me to persevere and to feel like I've accomplished something.
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Going Forward in September
I am a bit sad to see the summer go as it's my favourite season, but the changing of seasons is always exciting and motivates me to try new things and continue moving forward.
Focus on Grade 4 of 教育漢字
Write in Japanese on HelloTalk
Read one of the books I started this year by the end of 2023
Read 日本の歴史366 as continuously as possible
Review N3 Grammar
What does everyone else have planned for Japanese study in the fall?
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kageyuji · 3 months
Hii! This is my first time trying this, but do you have any advice for starting and building a writing blog?
I've been wanting to start one for a while but I'm not sure how to gain followers and stuff.
hi!! no worries :D and tbh.. i’m not exactly sure LMAO despite it seeming like i have my shit together i Do Not. but!! i can give you some general things/ideas:
write for yourself. write what makes you happy and what you genuinely want to write. despite how much of a people-pleaser i am, it’s also really important to remember that this is a hobby and if you write things you don’t really want to write, it’s going to show through your work but it’s also going to burn you out quickly.
(that said, if you are writing for x reader content make sure your reader is ambiguous. having a character be a 5’4 brunette with a knack for baking is cool sometimes, but it’s also a very slim audience and it’s going to throw some people off)
similarly, don’t compare yourself to other creators and don’t compare yourself to.. yourself. if you have something that does really good, and then you post the next week and it does shit, that’s okay! sometimes tumblr algorithm is just shit. sometimes certain characters are more of a fan favorite. but, also remember that people who have already built a large following are going to have more notes. just don’t get discouraged easily — every fic is something entirely new and it shouldn’t be weighed off of someone else or an entirely different work.
make a masterlist, and make it organized. if you write for a lot of characters and use different posting types this can get really confusing, but look around at other places or play around with it until you find something that you think feels right.
watch your blog activity (once you start posting, anyway). i believe mobile doesn’t have it, but on desktop (or just login to tumblr from your phones browser app lol) there is a little icon that will show interactions with your posts/blog and you can ask it to show the chart based on time of day, weekly basis, etc. post accordingly to that, and hopefully your posts will gain a little more traction :)
aesthetic is (unfortunately) pretty important in my opinion. of course, if you have the most well written thing i’ve seen i’m going to ignore the kinks but i’m also going to be a lot more likely to read things that are organized well. this is mostly about fics to catch someone’s eye, although this bleeds into your actual blog as well.
(pinterest has lots of cool stuff for aesthetics. twitter layout blogs also usually have a lot of good headers. if you want dividers, you can search the “dividers” tag on tumblr or there’s loads of mobile apps to get the thin color strip dividers like i use.)
similarly, try to make your pinned/navi organized and easy to follow. in my personal opinion, i like adding things like rules/dni, tag guides, and especially masterlists linked somewhere in the post. although, again, it’s up to personal opinion on what exactly you want to link there. as long as it’s organized and somewhat simple, you’re good.
as far as a masterlist and rules go, i would recommend laying out certain things beforehand, like what characters you’re going to write for and hard “no”s. as much as i love people on tumblr, sometimes they just cannot read — it helped me a lot whenever i was new to tell myself “hey, i don’t have to do that. it says that right here and it’s not my fault that they didn’t see that!”
(i also added a little rule that said “if you actually read this, add a ‘<3’ in your asks so i know” LOL it helped me filter requests between who actually cared to read my rules and who didn’t)
add tags to your fics. add so many tags. add many more tags than you think you probably need. add so many tags that you get sick of them — that’s how people are going to find you.
try to keep anonymous asks on, that’s where a lot of interaction comes from. ik people can be dicks sometimes but there’s also a lot of shy people on tumblr. probably 90% of my asks are from anons and i use anon 90% of the time whenever i send asks (especially to my moots bc they’re scary :[ lol)
just generally be nice to people. you don’t have to go out of your way to send love letters to everyone on your feed, but i’ve found that just leaving a little “i hope you enjoy reading this” or something similar as a little note helps my mental for some reason, but it also (hopefully) makes me seem a little less intimidating
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 2 years
tags are infested with people who don't credit their gifs so:
"i can't credit ALL these!" if this is your only reason it's bad. i once made a 30 gif stimboard and credited EVERY SINGLE MAKER, i think you can credit like 5 people for their hard work.
"i'm disabled so it's hard!" find a way that works for you or ask someone to help. i am also disabled, so i usually save the links, take a break, then save the gifs, making it easier on my arms, hands and mind.
"where do i even save the links???" discord, just keep the tabs open (i personally use google chrome to grab the gifs while using firefox for everything else, keeping them in 2 different places to make 'em easier to keep track of) or use any notepad app. there are thousands on mobile devices and you can get good ones on computers too.
"i'm just making it for myself!" then don't post it - or, if you're like me and HAVE to post the things you make due to Mental Illness:tm:, post it untagged and turn reblogs off. reblogs can be turned off in settings. if you for any reason can't turn rbs off, just say "don't reblog this post"
"it's just for a friend!" not an excuse. see above.
"i don't know how!" on mobile: select the text you wish to add a link to, and press the button that looks like a chain. add your link there. on desktop: if you're using rich text editor, then select the text you wish to add a link to, look for the chain button, and add the link. you can also just copy-paste the link directly onto the text, which saves several seconds but makes it easier to add the wrong link
"why is this so important?" similar reasons as to why you always have to credit artists. making gifs, especially GOOD gifs, is HARD. it takes time and energy. stealing people's shit isn't nice, especially if it took ages to make it.
thst's all :thumbsup: credit ur gifs or die 2 my blade
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noranb · 2 years
On the comics formatting - long vertical posts is very standard for tumblr! On mobile the read more is a text button just like twitter. The expand is actually a newer UI addition, and doesn't exist on web (as far as I know) - it's just a setting on mobile that shortens long posts if the user that setting toggled on.
Also as a warning if you plan to link to a masterpost, 1st part, next / previous part, etc. Tumblr is sometimes weird with posts that have links, so it's recommended to edit your post and add the links in after initially posting.
If you want to keep a record of all the parts (like the Twitter moment), usual practice is to make a masterpost with all the links, or make a separate page on your blog that links to the tag for the story. The separate page may not display properly on the mobile app if you've got a web theme on your blog though.
((@zarla-s is someone who's been on here for ages and has one of the most well-established comics around the Undertale fandom if you want to see usual formatting for comics on tumblr! She has a web theme too.))
Sorry for the long ask, but I saw your post about how to orient the comic pages. Hopefully something in here was helpful, just wanted to share my input as someone who's very familiar with tumblr. I loved your works on Twitter and am excited to relive it on here and instagram. Hope your new accounts will be even more successful 💕
ohh thank you so much this was so helpful!! having that reference rly helps as well 😭😭
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elixlozgamer · 2 years
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate. Im probably gonna get death threats in my ask box (again. Yes Im looking at you "kill the soldiers" anon. Speaking of which, anon will be OFF until this post stops getting notifs. Block me if you don't want to see any other opinions than you own, because I'm allowed to have them.)
Rest of PSA is below the cut. TW for mention of death threats and possible cussing.
But we do NOT need to send death threats, things with smutty themes, etc. Into a celebrities ask box all because they're gonna be on this site.
They're people just as much as we are. If you don't like them, theres a handy-dandy feature called "blocking and moving on". Not writing rude messages. Not saying "Blazing a post is a pvp attack". (Because god forbid an artist use a feature to be seen)
I understand not wanting big corps to make their way on Tumblr. Believe me, I do. However Tumblr's advertising (or at least on mobile) is easilly skippable/you can scroll past or actually look at the ad if its somewhat interesting.
Also, Tumblr sells shoelaces for 19 dollars. That should only be like three dollars, but it shows that it really does need the money. (@indigoartistqueen mentioned that, along with other various things in this article) Such as paying programmers to create new features. Paying artists to create new logos and themes. paying the employees that check out the reports. (which I am rlly sorry for them bc I just so happen to keep finding really rude comments or things shipping an 8 year old with an 1000 year old.)
So, if tumblr got a little more money, then merch will cost less. Features will cost less. You can crab someone for less for goodness sakes. (Speaking if which, if you REALLY hate a celeb that badly, run them off with crabs.) But tumblr, just like any other site and app, NEEDS money to keep it running.
Also, don't you think SOME form of algorithm will be good? Or at least better search results? Because artists do tend to use very different tags. (Like memes, funny, lmao, lol, etc.) All that could be grouped under "Funny" so that people can actually find and search for their content easier.
Not to mention that with the way the tumblr staff are, I highly doubt they're gonna be implementing things that will cause a riot from their supporters, like the algorithm, bc the blogs ARE the algorythm, reblogging stuff they like to spread it out.
But just a better tagging system! i myself have stopped posting art as much because I just DON'T get seen! People just don't like or reblog my work, but if I were to blaze it, I would suddenly have 1,000 notes full of threats and "this is a pvp attack. Everybody block on sight."
Now, getting back to the celebrity thing. So many people have said that they don't want any political opinions to divide this site. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we have, in some form, a type of political dispute. Usually its over the type of view one should have on a fiction character. How you can interpret them. What headcanons are correct. Which fandoms better. Which characters hotter. I could go on over the disputes! Plus the political side of tumblr! Science side of tumblr! Religous site on tumblr!
It never ends! If you don't like a celebrity, DON'T SEND DEATH THREATS TO THEIR ASK BOX! Some will actually commit it! Instead, BLOCK. THEM. It's easy! Don't pay attention to it! Just block them. If you really don't like them, send a cursed image, like I don't know, Patrick Star in stripper heels! A perfect circle thats slightly off! Do NOT send threats, because they're humans just like you! (Or as a Fairy myself, xenogenders as well)
Point is, quit trying to run celebrities off this site all because you're afraid of contriversal opinions that you don't agree with! Just block them! It's there for a reason! It's not like roblox where you can only block 100 people total!
Use the block feature. Don't fight fire with fire. It will ONLY get worse. You don't see firemen using flamethrowers, do you??? No! Please for the LOVE OF WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN quit spreading hate! It only makes things worse! You're only making yourself worse! Just because tumblr is an anonymous site does not mean you can do whatever you want... Because guess what? There's other humans right behind that post you just saw! (Unless its a bot ofc, that's a different story for another time)
Respectfully, have a good day. If you don't like my opinion, block me. If you send me a threat, I'll block and report you.
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cpcwiki · 6 months
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I am suggesting for the wiki account to start from the very beginning, which imho related about the episodes. Like maybe give tutorial of the how to starts at the wiki.. Wiki is free to edit from and for all, but one need to register themself first so maybe it's confusing to the totally new account of the fandom. After that, maybe teach how to upload images (I already taught in reblog about how to properly naming image but the better things be repeated, the more info of it being on remember) like from screenshotting image/panel of the CPC (if in mobile, which at app - means to be aware from the logo webtoon watermark.. it's best to screenshotting from the PC)
Our absolute immediate danger is to putting (uploading) any necessary images that related to wiki before CPC going to becomes daily pass. Based on my calculations with @meritre24601 that taking account of anything possible like LambCat claims that she likes to end the CPC at episode 169 at IG = We're literally in red danger as it makes the FP ep 169 will on release at January 15 - well, just one month from now
The free pass of the final episode will be 2-3 weeks from that, but once the very final episode on free - then the possibility of daily pass is usually only few weeks PLUS sadly English platform not really warning about certain webtoon will becomes daily pass (unlike Indonesian that has monthly warnings about which series that will become DP) SO I won't try my luck to urging delegations of the wiki project BY not giving all my best effort - but also I know I can't do anything alone, I am just a human with limitations after all
Move on the most crucial pages in the wiki IMHO, Episodes. There's 2 types of Episode Template (I am not sure which we'll decide to have, personally I really want the more complete and longer one which we have 'gallery' section so from a particular episode we could analyse the image that related to it. I think that way easier and more understable to do, make someone focus on certain topic (in my experience, I'll pour my everything to improve overall Frederick depiction especially my initial reason is - I hate the comment section on his character page, and his page likes abandoned for years, so i am one of the most eager editor that helps to improve Frederick informations ~ later on basically 'everyone/thing'). The focus is totally depends on certain interest of editor, so as long that editor could writes objectively based on canon original source then why not? Any helps will be immensely helpful than no help at all espc from people that confused
I can try to write some guides for beginner editors! That seems like something I can get done pretty quickly that might still be helpful. I'll be free for the next two days, so I can try to get some of those done then. (Ofc some confirmation that people are actually interested in editing would be nice to have first, so I know I'm not wasting my time writing guides for people who'll never read them... I think I'll make an interest check for people who actually think they'll be able to edit soon)
Encouraging people to only focus on the area they're interested in seems like a good tactic!! As long as it falls within one of the areas the wiki is incomplete in, then I agree. Any sort of work would definitely be appreciated.
Also, what do you mean about there being 2 types of episode templates? If you're talking about the one that only has headings and no preset information (like on episode 50 for example), I wouldn't consider that a template. The only one I do consider a template is the one I made. Okay maybe I'm a little biased, but I would really like us to use the longer episode template with more information. So, if we need to choose between them, my vote is for my own template :)
Again, I am VERY VERY VERY sorry for my inactivity over the past few months!! I know keeping up an entire wiki for a still-ongoing series is difficult - I was the only editor on a couple wikis for a while, including this one at one point. It doesn't give me an excuse for having basically abandoned the wiki like that, though, especially at such an inconvenient time for us. Right now, running this blog is the most wiki-related work I can do without exhausting myself :(
This is also a good time to thank you for all your hard work again!! Btw Cookie and I maaay have been considering making you an admin... we can talk about that if you're interested!
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stinkyme · 8 months
How did it feel to publish a fic here for the first time? I would really like to start writing bsd×reader, but I feel very nervous, I don't understand the app much.
Oh anon, my first fic was Mushitaro x reader, it was a vomit of 7k words just because I needed some smut for him. At the time I was also highly unaware of how the app works, I didn't know how to add "read more", my first ever ask was telling me that I should add that because it's annoying to scroll over massive works LOL
For me personally, I just enjoyed to share the love for Mushitaro. I wasn't expecting anything from it, I had no clue about stuff. I barely knew how to tag properly, I just copy pasted, added tags and posted it. Unedited, unseparated, absolutely with no thoughts in my head LMAO
Heads up, all I speak for is for mobile :)
However, you learn as you go. I want you to know that you don't need a perfect aesthetic and those things are always managable later. When it comes to a fic itself - make sure to have either CW/TW, summary or what a fic contains so people know what they are getting into. You add :readmore: + enter to add that separator I mentioned - I usually do it after the name of the fic, some people do it after first paragraph or so. Some people's works are shorter so there is no need for that.
Second, make sure to use normal font because some people don't see well. It's okay to use smaller fonts if your followers/readers don't mind - you can always check their preference! Some people enjoy the smaller font for aesthetic purposes, however practicality wise - it may be hard to read for some people. Don't be afraid to ask! Also, keeping regular font is perfectly fine :)
Third thing, tags. Tags are right there, you can always see how people tag. Example - you write Dazai. Tags: dazai x reader (enter), dazai osamu x reader (enter), dazai x reader (fluff - if it's fluff) (enter), dazai osamu smut (enter), bsd x reader (enter), etc!
As for more aesthetic things such as colorful separators - there are accounts that post them! I am not entirely sure how you make one yourself, but there are tutorials. You can always go on those accouts, download a separator as a photo (add it through a photo option and place it where you need it by holding it and dragging to that place) and tag the account at the end/beginning for credits! :)
Fonts - they are on bottom left. You can just keep the cursor line in the paragraph/sentence/line you want certain font at and click. However, if you want to do this or this or this or this - you hold a word you want it for and you will see the little panel come up where you can choose. It you want it in a sentence/paragraph - select all and choose the font you want! :) This also applies to colors! On PC/laptop you can add more colors through web, but on the phone it's not avaliable :/
Make sure to separate paragraphs so it's more readable. You can use one or two enters between paragraphs - whatever works for you!
As for some other things - if you reply asks, you can add tags such as #yourname/nickname answers or anything else. Some people use different things! It's okay to get creative.
If your moot/someone whose name you know sends an ask - you can use specific tag for that person. I use "my sweet xyz", some people use different things. Some people don't use tags at all! It's all down to a personal preference :)
Lastly, don't be afraid! We all learn as we go, we are all humans. Mistakes happen and it's normal to have a period of trial and error. If simpler approach works for you - amazing! There is nothing wrong with that. If you prefer more aesthetic/harder work approach - amazing! There is nothing wrong with that either :)
If this is something you desire, trust me, people will enjoy your works! Other things we can always help each other with, nobody is born knowing everything. If anyone is mean about a certain thing - oh well. You will learn and it will be perfectly fine. Just go for it, I am sure you will do an incredible job. Don't stress yourself, share your thoughts and talent, enjoy yourself!
I promise it's won't be as nearly bad as you make it in your head. Quite the opposite - I am sure it will be amazing. Your writing and practical skills about the app will evolve and grow. Don't expect perfection from yourself on the first try, and trust me, even when you know you made a mistake at some point - it will just be a reason more to be proud because you came so far.
So, I encourage you to start it, take it easy and don't overstress. If your wish is to write and post - do it, everything else will come as you go. I promise it will be much better than you expected and people are so sweet, someone will always help you if you need it, I promise :)
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fluffycity · 2 years
so i was hanging out with friends for this week. it was incredibly fun, and i enjoyed it a lot! they were incredibly accommodating to my needs.
i have a form of EDS, and my body doesn't allow me to move without pain most of the time these days. i use forearm crutches as a result and i can't go up and down stairs super easily (or, honestly, even across the room). the whole time, my friends told me to just sit down and helped me with what i needed or asked for. meds, mobility, food, the works. when we went out, they thought about where to park so that i (and my other friend) wouldn't have to walk further than we needed to. even if things took a little longer, or if they had to do something extra, they were totally willing and enthusiastic to help and ask what i needed. at the same time, they didn't infantilise me for it at all.
i also have autism and ADHD. i ended up going nonverbal for a better part of a couple of days. they still interacted with me and treated me like they usually do. they made communication as easy as possible. none of them know very much ASL, but as soon as they saw i tried signing at them, they immediately started to try and learn. they got an app to look up certain signs, and i retaught a couple of them the alphabet so i could fingerspell what i needed to them. we played uno in a denny's, and i didn't feel left out at all by the end of our visit.
i had a bad panic attack on one of the days. they wouldn't let me apologize for it, and just hugged me, told me i was safe where i was and let me cry. they got me my pain meds and tissues and water. they kept the room quiet until i wasn't panicking anymore. they asked me yes or no questions so i could answer easily, and did everything they could to make sure i was as comfortable and safe as possible.
i am incredibly fortunate to have the friends that i do today. i love them so much.
there is hope for you.
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