#i gotta post the others at some point whenever i get done with them
stars-n-spice · 2 days
Clone OCs: Dusk Company
I made these guys waaay back in March (?) of last year and for some reason never posted them here-
Randomly I decided to go back to them because I think I stopped working on them simply because I couldn't decide on a name for the group/color scheme but I got ideas and the time/motivation to digitalize my initial doodles, so introducing members of Dusk Company!
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Dusk Company specializes in (surprise, surprise) stealth missions, thriving in the darkness and all of that. They're great to have when you need a retrieval or assassination mission done! Still working on their Jedis though.
Check out Dawn Company as well!
Close ups and brief Introductions under the cut!
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Commander Milo:
- Just thought it would be a neat name - Mom Friend (Squad jokingly calls him 'Commander Mom-lo") - 2W1 on Enneagram - Constantly stressed and worried over his men (it's a wonder he doesn't already have gray hairs) - A very good listener - Hanging on by a thread guys please do not push him, he is one really bad mission away from completely snapping
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Captain Eclipse:
- Eclipse because of night and also because he likes to 'eclipse' people and show off whenever he can - He's like subconsciously a show off though, he doesn't really mean to, it just happens - 3W2 on Enneagram - Has a tough time talking about his feelings and likes to pretend nothing is wrong and will laugh anything off - On a completely unrelated note, totally having nothing to do with all his bottled up feelings, but does someone want to hold him tenderly? He just wants to be held. - Incredibly stubborn to the point where it's almost reckless; has cheated death probably four times now
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- Just thought it would be a cool name - Sharpshooter - Mute, uses sign language to communicate - Tongue piercing and eyebrow slit just because - Cool older vod kind of guy; will give you candy before dinner and won't tell your parents kind of guy - 6W5 on Enneagram - Really great at keeping secrets - One of the more reasonable clones in the Company and keeps the others out of trouble (if only they'd listen and take his advice)
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- Got his name because he's a technology buff - Was born with a mutation in his eyes for some reason and now needs cybernetics (like Wolffe) to see - Has orange tattoos just because why not? - 4W3 on the Enneagram - Doesn't like to talk much and will talk when needed (so he gets along with Ranger pretty well) - Eyes give him an advantage in the dark (sees a little better than his brothers) - Eyes are also reflective when you shine a light on them in the dark and this has scared a few of his brothers shitless as a result
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Clicks + Buttons:
- A set, do not separate - Clicks has a nervous tic that causes him to make a 'clicking' noise, hence the name - Buttons likes to push buttons, both in a literal and metaphorical sense - Buttons is their pilot (he's not a great one but in his defense they haven't died from a crash landing yet) - Clicks is a 6W5 - Buttons is a 7W6 - Fives and Echo type of dynamic (Clicks is the only one who can tolerate Buttons) - Dye each other's hair
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- Clone Medic - Got his name because of all his tattoos and because he's the one to go to to get them done (he's got a ready steady hand) - Really chill kind of guy, has an incredible amount of patience - 9W8 on Enneagram - Keeps the Company together (is usually the voice of reason outside of Ranger) - Whattaman wattaman; knows how to treat people right - Extensive hair care routine
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ARC Trooper Shark:
- Thinks sharks are cool (pretend there's sharks in Star Wars) + used to bite people as a cadet - Are his teeth sharpened? Maybe. - Not much of a conversationalist; mainly speaks in grumbles, growls, and groans - 3W4 on the Enneagram - Usually grumpy and tired (he's gotta put up with all the other knuckleheads of his company) - Honestly has no idea how to interact with others in a normal way - Is a little off-putting but I swear he's trying his best. Maybe.
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ARC Trooper Leo:
- No real reason why he's named Leo, just thought it was a cool clone name - He's an ARC trooper and sometimes people question how and why - A little cocky and stuck-up but means well - Loves his time off (don't ask him what he does during it) - 7W8 on Enneagram - Dyes his hair that color; tends to dye it different browns/reds at a time - Got clawed by a juvenile Nexu once (hence facial scars)
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
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Slowly but surely going to be making the cast for yet another project on the Sims buuut here they are the terror twins themselves, Amaranth and Alder McCrae: the two protagonists of Crossroads Library.
Amaranth (she/her; cis; pan/poly) is the elder twin by about 10 minutes. Actually played on her high school football team, and is now in college for music production, dreaming of being a famous musician with her own label. She's got a temper and enough bark and bite to ward off people who don't have her or her family's best interest at heart. Pure scary dog privilege. However, she's incredibly skilled at reading people and their emotions, and can be truly kind and loving deep down.
Alder (he/him; trans; bicurious) always seems to have a good poker face and a dry sense of wit to cover the crippling depression. That poker face comes in handy because you wrong him or his sister, or just decide to be a douchebag, he will set up the most elaborate pranks to ruin your entire week. And knows how to get away with it. He's also in college; he's changed his major 5 times now and is currently going with philosophy.
They live right above the family owned bookstore, the aforementioned Crossroads Library, with their Mom and Godfather/Uncle. Their Dad hasn't been in the picture in...well, years. Since they were 8, after their brother Ash unexpectedly passed away. They also each have a cat; Amaranth has a black cat with a white spot over his eye named Bowie, and Alder has a white cat with a black spot over her eye named Freddie.
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soxcietyy · 5 months
So I was thinking about virgin Y/n begging experienced Gojo to do it with her after he refused many times not wanting to rush her into things she could regret later on but then after she begged and begged he ended up fucking her at the edge of the bed forcing her to look in the mirror how he fucks her, with lots of praising.
Gojo x virgin reader
First time writing on Gojo sooo here we go.
"Since you put it that way I guess I’ll still say no. What’s up with you? Your being so persistent about something we’ve talked about before. Your not ready y/n" he said as he slouched onto the couch.
You decide to sit next to him with a disappointed look on your face. So he could see how much his answer affected you. It’s been 7 month of you guys dating and you still had yet to get some action.
You curse yourself for ruining your opportunity the first time. It was when you guys where two months in and he had you on his bed. You guys were kissing and taking his clothes off first because you were too embarrassed to do it first. You were so nervous that in the middle of making out you blurted out that fact that you were a virgin. His eyes widened at your response and he got off of you immediately, nothing ever happened after.
You didnt understand why that happened. Other people told you how much of a whore your boyfriend was before dating you and that he would sleep with anyone that caught his eye. Now he decided to be a saint and go months without doing it. You could remember googling if being a virgin was bad. How to seduce your boyfriend into doing it with you. Is my boyfriend broken?
You didn’t really gain much information with that last one.
You lay on his lap defeated. You laid down facing him so he could see how sad you were from the answer he just gave you. Were you meant to die a virgin? Looking up at him you could see how his pupils moved around from watching tv.
"Gojo please? Iv heard it’s bad for a guy to be pent up like that." You say.
He looks down at you with a smile,"thank you for your concern but I’m fine trust me." He said.
Maybe it was time you try to seductively win him over. You remember everything that Reddit post said about doing it. You just gotta look hot and do sexual things. When you thought about the example you’ve read your face turned red. How in the world do they think your going to put his fingers in your mouth so you can suck on them?! This was to embarrassing and scandalous. You cover your face not wanting to think about it anymore. You could also feel his gaze on you as he watched you.
Fuck it you’ll just suck him off. You took a deep breath before quickly unzipping his pants and unbuttoned it. He froze at your sudden antics and sighed as he tried to stop you. You pushing his hands away thought and got him member out of his pants. It was as big as you remember it being.
"Whenever your done doing whatever this is can you please put it back?" He raised a brow.
You shrug and put the tip in your mouth making him jump. "Hey get it out of your mouth." He says trying to push you off of him. You refused and went as deep as you could. To the point of your eyes watering and your mouth feeling so full that you gagged.
"You realize your less than halfway right?" He said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
He didn’t know weather to feel second hand embarrassment or surprise by your willingness.
"You know what fine, I’ll give you what you want but just know I’m not going to go easy on you. I keep telling you your not ready and you don’t listen. If you won’t listen to me then I won’t listen when your crying later." He said standing up and carrying you into his room over him shoulder.
Finally, this was a win for you. Your finally managed to convince him to do it with you!
He laid you on the bed and began to take his clothes off. When he finished he turned to you and began to take your shirt off. You gasp remembering that you haven’t even been fully naked in front of him. He slowly took them off as he buried his eyes onto your skin. Looking at everything he hasn’t seen before. You felt so exposed nervous at the same time. Looking at body you admired how it was built. As if he were an god or something. Your eyes narrow down to his member and you notice something. Did it get bigger?!
"Don’t get all shy on me now." He cooes as he easily read you. your try to hide your breast from him since he was starting to stare daggers into them.
He leans in and kisses you passionately as he removes your hands and puts them on your side. He kissed you so desperate that it was hard to keep up with him. His tongue in your mouth as he explored everything. You didn’t seem to notice that he was taking your bottoms off since he was keeping your attention somewhere else. When you did notice you jump.
"Wait! This is too fast no?" You say pushing his face away.
"We would of been doing the deed by now if it wasn’t for you dragging things on like this." He said as he slipped your bottoms off in one go.
Your hand immediately moves to cover yourself but by the time you almost reach it Gojo is already eating you out. You throw your head back at the weird sensation. This isn’t okay right? Like is he even supposed to be doing that? You squirm feeling how the tongue moved inside of you.
"Du chu ike at?" You hear him say as he ate you out.
You looked at him confused not begging able to understand a word. He emerges from inbetween your legs and shoved two finger in you making you gasp.
"I said, do you like that?" He smirked at you as he started to curl his fingers inside of you repeatedly.
"Stop doing that and put it in my already!" You furrow your brow.
"Your no fun," he exhaled deeply as he sat In front of you and spread your legs wide.
You once again cover your face from embarrassment. You could feel how he shoved around to a position. You couldn’t help but be scared. You’ve been told that losing your virginity can be so painful while others say that it didn’t hurt at all. Hopefully it was going to be painless. Your attention was brought back by him rubbing his member up and down your cunt. Smacking it a few times on you making you jump.
Clearly he was taunting you and trying to see if you tapped out last minute. You take a deep breath as you mentally prepared yourself. There’s no way your backing out now. You feel how the tip of his member was slowly pushed in. Nothing bad until he continues to go in. It felt like he was going to rip you apart.
"Wait! Wait! Wait! It hurts!" You tell as you started pushing him back with your leg.
You could hear him chuckle as he grabbed your foot that you placed on his chest to force him back.
"Y/n, I said I wasn’t going to go easy on you." He pushes your leg down to your chest.
Your eyes widen realizing this wasn’t going to be as easy as you initially thought it would be. He continued to slide in as you frantically try to stop him. Your begging him to stop and to go slower.
"Gojo, please it hurts so bad! I can’t, I can’t!" You say as tears appear in the corner of your eyes.
He leans into you and caresses your chin as he whispered into your ear.
"Be a good girl and take me. This is what you’ve been begging for no? I’m giving it to you so how about a thank you?" He said as he leaned back.
He mouthed 'thank you' to you as a way for you to do what he said.
You shake your head not wanting to do something like that. You could see a devilish grin form on his face as he began to press into you again. The same burning and painful sensation started again.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You yell hoping it would stop him and that it did.
"You know the best way to get me all the way inside with only a bit of pain?" He asks you.
You look at him hoping for a good resolution to this.
"It’s distraction, so I’m going to try to distract you as I go inside of almost like this!" He finished his sentence as he rams into you.
Your body lurched from the pain and you let out a loud cry. That had to be one of the most painful experiences in your life. Tears began to fall from your eyes from the pain.
"Aw my poor sugar cube don’t cry. I know it hurts a lot but I needed to get inside. Right now your insides are getting used to me so just relax. You did such a good job." He said as he ran his fingers on your shaking thigh.
You nod at him as you wipe your tears away. It took a bit for your body to get kind of used to him. When he noticed he he slid out and turned you around. He told you to get on fours and to look at yourself in the mirror.
"I think iv been pretty patient with you so it’s my turn to have fun okay? Be a good girl and no cryin" he kisses you on the head.
Once again he slid inside of you fully making you want to cry again. You see as he shook his finger at you telling you not to cry. You shut your eyes and fight off the tears. Once he decided to move he slid out and slammed into you fully. Your jaw drops a bit from the sudden unfamiliar feeling. This was something new to you. A feeling that made you feel a way you couldn’t describe. He did it a few times before saying something.
"That’s it huh? That’s your sweet spot. Found it faster than I thought I would. Now we can have real fun." He smiles.
He grabs you by the hips and digs deep into your cunt making you moan. He rolled his over and over again.
"Such a good girl, this is what you wanted huh?" He praised you.
He grabbed you by the hair making you look straight in the mirror as he pushed you down. He made sure your ass was still up as he pounded you forcefully.
"Gonna make you into such a whore for my cock only." He groans as your walls tighten.
He pounded you so aggressively that you gripped on the bed sheets and let out whimpers. He forced you to look at how me drilled your virgin hole with no mercy. The wet sounds filling your ears as he continued.
"I feel weird Gojo, ah! Something feels really off." You moan.
"Fuck, your gonna come huh? Be a good girl and come all over my cock. I want you to leave a mess on it." He says as he doesn’t stop. He pushed your head down as he went in you harder. Your legs began to shake as you orgasmed. Tears began to fall as you finished so hard. The sensation was something so amazing. You couldn’t move from the after math of it. You felt so weak and out of energy.
"Common get back up, i haven’t finished yet."
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leclercsluvs · 24 days
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 8
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
an: i'm thinking this is only going to be like 1 more part. i have no clue what else to make happen tbh, dates/timestamps aren't important, pleas ignore them pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 3.189.461 others charles_leclerc wish we could go back in time ❤️ tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo watch it.
maxverstappen1 you're doing everything huh?
charles_leclerc ofc i am. i love her. yourbff fuck off. you had your chance and you fucked up big time. yourfriend not you doing all this AFTER she's moved on. stop fucking with her head dude. pierregasly don't listen to them mate, show her how much you love her! yoursister pierre shut the fuck up, or i will make sure you are not able to drive next weekend <3
tayslover it rubs me the wrong way that he's posting like this while she's in a relationship. also i really need her to be on top of her game when she tours with THE queen.
y/nsfclklore not you putting one above the other 🤨 swiftesversion because taytay is above everyone 💁‍♀️ softy/n/n nahhh they're literally friends??? why put them against each other
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liked by taylorswift, landonorris and 3.156.442 others yourusername had a fantastic time the first night of the eras tour! thank you to everyone who cheered loudly for me, i appreciate all the support 🥹 tagged: taylorswift
danielricciardo looked gorgeous, sad i couldn't be there tonight
yourbff girlll you're shining!! we'll meet you at the next stop!! ❤️
yourusername no way!! who's "we"?? 🤨 yourfriend don't worry it doesn't involve your stupid ex yourbff it does involve someone else tho 👀 maxverstappen1 i wonder who
y/nswrld can't wait to see you soon!
taylorswift you were amazing! glad i decided to bring you with me
yourusername thank you so much for the opportunity! <3
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 4.009.877 others danielricciardo stay hydrated folks! tagged: yourusername
yourusername you really had to include that first pic? 😭
danielricciardo ofc, i gotta get the message out there yourusername blocked.
landonorris you went and didn't invite me? kinda rude
danielricciardo sorry there wasn't space on the plane 🤷 yourbff do you have a private plane? landonorris yeah, why? yourfriend then we'll invite you the next time!
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff & 4.132.806 others yourusername this has been an amazing time! thank you so much for all the love!
danielricciardo you were amazing! loved seeing you do what you love
yourusername so happy you were able to be there! ❤️ yourbff 🤮 danielricciardo you were the one to bring me? 🤨 yourbff doesn't mean you have to be this cute yourusername aww you called us cute
charles_leclerc you looked gorgeous!
nvrris.ae did she cover 'hopelessly devoted to you' every night? or just the nights daniel was there?
scfty/n every night! but she did seem to sing it with more passion and with a bigger smile on her face whenever her friends or daniel was in the crowd nvrris.ae that's really cute honestly
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 & 4.283.800 others charles_leclerc i was told to wait with making this statement until the whole situation had died down a little, but going to see yourusername live in sydney, i realized i'm done waiting. i love this woman with all my heart. i will do anything to win back your trust. i would stand in the rain for hours watching you do what you love, i would quit racing, i would go through fire and ice, and of course my pr manager is fired. i am truly and incredibly sorry for what i put you through, and i understand if you are never going to fully forgive me. i miss you, and i love you. and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me at some point. i know you're currently in a relationship, and i'm not asking you to drop that. i just want a second chance. i want a fresh start if you think that would be possible. i hope from the bottom of my heart, that we can start over. i already told you exactly what happened over text, and i talked with everyone in the team, they are more than willing to also tell the story from their perspective. tagged: yourusername
leclrcs this is honestly the cutest little statement ever
scuderia.sf get heeer
danielricciardo watch out.
charles_leclerc i understand the two of you are in a relationship, and i'm not going to fight you, i simply just want forgiveness. i'm not interested in breaking the two of you up
yoursister are you being fr right now??? she's over you. you didn't have to make a public statement or anything at all???
charles_leclerc as i stated, i'm not expecting her to forgive me right now, right this second. i'm expecting it's going to take time, and i'm gonna giver her all the time she needs. yoursister you better sleep with one eye open.
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liked by yourusername, yourbff & 3.458.124 others danielricciardo cool date idea: ask your girlfriend what she wants for dinner and then buy her favorite snacks too tagged: yourusername
yourusername best date to ever exist
yourbff wow what about that time i made you a homecooked meal? yourusername you almost burned down my house??? yourbff um i thought we agreed to not bring that up yourusername no you agreed with yourself to never bring that up, i never agreed.
landonorris and i wasn't invited because???
danielricciardo i didn't know we dated? yourusername care to explain yourself? landonorris yeah care to explain yourself? danielricciardo woah hold on how many people am i dating???
mayasheart aww this is such a cute idea! hold on i'm writing it down
okay soooo we're nearing the end. which is good because i have absolutely no clue what else can happen. but the next part is going to happen a bit in the future, like 1 or 2 years later. i'll figure that out while writing the next and last part.
part 9
tag list: @exotic-iris13 @callsignwidow @destinyg237 @lanadelray1989
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Hi! Gotta say that your writting is so, so amazing!! It's so in character and the way you work with descriptions and words is really beautiful! <333
It's so very impressive and inspiring that you post almost every single day(like WOW), I hope you're not overworking yourself and take breaks!
I'm not sure if your requests are open(if not, feel free to ignore it pls!!), but I would've liked to request pretty much anything with either 2007 or 2003 Donnie if that's okay :D
Timeless Love (Fluff)
FastForward!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Thank you so much!💕 I’ve been writing for years, but actually sharing my writings is still pretty new to me, especially in English💚 It’s so sweet of you to think of my well being. I do not feel overworked just yet😂 Anyway, I already had this idea floating around for Fast Forward Donnie, so I thought this was the perfect time to get it done. I might continue it and have some more fun with it in the future, but I’m not sure yet. But until then, hope you enjoy💜🐢
Donatello and Cody make a device that can freeze time, but does it work?
Warnings: None that I can think of💜
Donatello had been eager to show you and his brothers, his and Cody’s latest project. At night when the two of you were about to got to bed, he would start rambling on about how it might be one of the greatest innovations ever made. This left you very interacted, as you had thought Cody’s accidental time machine was the greatest innovation ever made.
It didn’t take long before that day came. In the depths of Cody’s lab, Donatello and the young Jones proudly presented the small top rounded machine to you and the rest of the turtles.
“That’s it?”, Raph asked, looking at the clock-like machine in front of him. “All this for a fashy stopwatch?”
“I think Donnie finally lost his mind”, Mikey whispered to Leo, causing the oldest turtle to roll his eyes.
“It is not a stopwatch”, Donnie said. “It’s a Temporal Interruption Device - or TID for short”.
“Donnie, sweetheart”, you said, using that nickname that made Donnie churr whenever the two of you were alone. “You know I love it when you tech-talk, but I have no idea what that means”.
Donatello sighed before pointing to the machine with a deadpan look. “That thing can stop time. Pause it, you can say”.
“So I was right!”, Raphael laughed. “It is a stopwatch!”
“Kind of”, Cody smiled, finding the banter amusing. “I have to admit, when Donatello first came up with the idea I thought it was strange, impossible even. But then Donnie reminded me that if you can travel in time, then it should also be possible to stop time”.
Leo hummed in thought, rubbing his chin. “It sounds pretty amazing, Donnie, but is it a good idea to freeze time?”
“Well, just like time travel can have its consequences on the space time continuum, I would speculate that freezing of time would most likely have some of the same”, Donnie said in thought, looking through his notes on his holographic tablet. “But we got time to figure that out, no pun intended. The Temporal Interruption Device isn’t ready yet. It still has a few bugs we need to smooth out, before it even can freeze water”.
“But if it worked”, you started, your curiosity peaked like it did so often when Donnie talked about his work. “How do you use it?”
“It’s very easy”, Donnie said, beaming bright at your interest in his invention. He took your hand and led you close to the machine, causing Mikey and Raph to make gagging noises behind your back, only for Leo to give them a light scolding. He took your other hand, making your stomach tingle slightly, before putting it on top of the rounded machine. “You just put your hand here”, he said, his face close to yours as he did so. You turned your head to smile at him, almost forgetting his brothers and Cody being nearby.
“Gross, they’re doing it again”, Mikey said. “They are doing that weird tech PDA thing!”
“Be nice, Mikey”, Leo said, just as Donnie put slight pressure on your hand.
“And then you just push”, he said, ignoring his younger brother. The machine made a small click as it was pushed down. You didn’t think anything strange of it as the lamps lit up, but when you saw Donnie’s confused expression, you knew something was up. Your boyfriend never looked confused at his own inventions.
Before you could ask him what was going on, the machine made a small thing. Then all sound stopped. The small background hums of the machines in Cody’s lap, Splinter’s soap opera in the living room and the song Serling had been singing in the kitchen, all stopped.
The other turtles and Cody were stuck in various poses, mid-action, all in the midst of moving towards the two of you, in what seemed like a hurry. You and Donatello however remained unaffected.
"Oops”, he said, in an almost unintentional comical manner, as he took in the others' appearances. “This wasn't supposed to happen".
You looked around at the frozen scene, a mix of awe and amusement on your face. "This is so cool, Donnie", you said, grabbing onto his arm.
“I guess so”, Donnie said, turning his head to the side as he looked at his brothers, a small smile spreading across his face once more, when he turned to you once more. You loved whenever he adorned that smile. Slightly mischievous but never any less than sweet and bright. Typically a smile Donatello would show, whenever he had an idea he thought to be good. “Wanna take a look around?”
“Of course”, you smiled back.
You and your boyfriend walked from the lab and into the living room, where you found Splinter frozen in front of the television, shock spread across his face, taking in the character on the screen, that was in the middle of telling her cousin she was actually her stepsister.
In the kitchen you found Serling in the middle of his cooking. Food on the stove while he stood at the kitchen counter, a knife slightly raised over the vegetables he had been cutting.
“Okay, you were right”, Donnie chuckled. “This is pretty cool”.
“It almost feels wrong”, you said, making your way behind Serling so you could get to the fridge. “To be walking around without them knowing”. You opened the fridge and took out two juice boxes.
“You’re once again right”, he said, accepting the juice box with a grateful smile, letting his hand linger on yours for a bit. “But I have to be honest, I do like how quiet it is”.
“There’s something about that”, you giggled, bringing the straw of your juice box to your mouth so you could take a sip. But before you could manage that, Donatello put his juice box on the kitchen counter and brought his arms around your waist, pulling you into a quick sudden kiss. You kissed him back, but couldn’t help but giggle against his lips. “What was that for?”
“With my brothers frozen in time, I can kiss you as much as I want without them acting up”, he joked, dipping in for another deep kiss. You smiled against his lips, enjoying the nice and quiet moment, knowing that no one would come and interrupt you. Maybe the Temporal Interruption Device would become way more handy than you originally had thought it would.
When the two of you pulled apart, you had already forgotten the presents of frozen Serling in the kitchen, causing both of you to jump a bit.
“Maybe we should go back and unfreeze them”, Donnie said, still with his arm wrapped around you, his hand making soft circular motions on your back.
“That’s probably a good idea”, you said, handing him his juice box once more, before finally taking a sip of your own.
You and Donnie went back to the lab, chuckling at the sight of his brothers and Cody, frozen in the same position you left them in. Still with your juice boxes in hand, you went over to the machine, where both of you placed your hands on top. You gave it a good press, watching as the world around you got unpaused. The humming of the machines came back, followed with the sound of Splinter gasping at his soap opera.
“Bianca, no!”
The turtles and Cody came back to life, hurrying forward, only to stop in their tracks when they saw you and Donnie happily drink out of your juice boxes. They stared at you, confused by the sudden appearances of the juice boxes, let alone who the two of you managed to get to the other side of the Temporal Interruption Device in less than a second. But before they could ask any questions, Serling came into the lab with a heavy sigh, metallic hand rubbing the place where his nose should have been.
“Master Donatello, Miss (Y/N)”, he started, sounding very strained. “I understand the need and appeal of getting affectionate with no interruptions, but please refrain from doing it in front of me. Even with time frozen, my picture memory and motion sensors can read any interaction”.
“Don’t say it like that, Serling”, you sighed, trying to ignore the expression on the boys’ faces. “You make it sound like we had sex in front of you”. Donatello almost choked on his juice by your forwardness, causing the boys to burst out in laughter. Even after such a long time together, it still managed to surprise Donatello every once in a while.
“I am just happy you left before deciding to do so”, Serling sighed, before turning towards the door so he could return to the kitchen. “That mental recording and terabyte trauma just wouldn’t be worth it”.
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theerurishipper · 6 months
Hi~ Hope you have a lovely day. I want to get your opinions on my rant lol and ask.
Marinette is such a disappointment of a lead female character in a western magical girl cartoon. She isn't a good leader and all her team consist of yes men and women and sidekick Chat Noir where her real partner Alya is standing over to the side. I liked her in the first two season and maybe some in s3 but the s4 and onward just got to me ngl. It's her world and we're all just living in it. Miraculous is so weird when it comes to team dynamics because I get she's guardian but I really wished it were someone else and not her because she chooses people she already get along great with. It fun for team dynamics to add be different and broader.
The whole she's just 14 the fandom spouts only goes so far how many messes do you do until you realise you need to own up to them even at that age when you should know better on your conduct ?
I get it hard to communicate but onwards I always thought the bigger of the two in the conflict was her because of her secrecy and her controlling tendencies. I disliked it so much in the ephemeral episode and her betraying her partner disgusted me. Sorry to those who like or defend her character this much but I can't stan or like a character that does this much crap to a friend let alone a love interest and then gloss over or minimize it and not be called out for it. Like, are people standards that low they think she's a good leader or a good proper representation on feminism when this show reeks of misogyny and misandry. She's the ultimatum voice for Astruc.
A communication issue with her Chat was fine a long time ago but now in s5 she crossed it hell nah how do people still support a ship with her knowing she followed Hawkmoth command for Adrien. I literally can't anymore with this show. Every guy she likes gotta be so 100 percent in effort and like in the Shadybug special him always comforting her makes me so jaded whenever she cries what about a change in dynamics had we ever seen her comfort him in turn how are people invested in this ship? Like that time in the bench and she just thought of ways to woo or give presents instead of just comforting him is so sad to watch.
She really followed in Master Fu steps. The bar is in hell and she crossed it in the finale. There is no excuse no handwaving it away and i know in my heart they gonna minimize it for Adrien own good. Everything is for his own good huh? What good is it rooting for a ship that just reeks of pity points. Like, she was never my favorite but who knew 8 years ago she'd pull a stunt like this and people bending over and doing mental gymnastics to rationalise this insanity. She really is a good foil to Gabriel ironically to bad she has no sway in this family drama we call the Agreste.
I know she has good intentions and it's not wrong for her to wish to save her prince but like thats all that is intention. Her actions are also important and the effects she's done is so bad that if she weren't the Main character and we haven't spent the chunk of the majority in her pov alone she'd be disliked.
I feel like compared to other respective series Winx Club s1-3 Bloom, Danny Phantom, Ben 10, Totally Spies they have it much more harder and so many more all show the consequences of your actions and how you do them right and they're her age. I feel like whenever someone bring up consequences it's like people in this particular fandom think we do it to punish Marinette but no I just never ever saw it properly done in this show because she's very coddled in the narrative. I don't see other MC as coddled as her before in a show where when they MESS UP it's actually integral and important.
Rant over.
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You encapsulated all my thoughts perfectly, anon. I've said so many times before that I loved Marinette from Season 1-3 and even during Season 4 as it aired. What made me fall out of love with her character post Season 4 was the utter lack of acknowledgement of her actions and the insistence in portraying her as in the right at all times. Like you said, it's not just your intentions that matter. Your actions and the effects that they have on the people around you also matter. The writers don't seem to understand this, and it hits Marinette's character worst of all. She had so much potential to be such a great character, which is why I feel so sad seeing just how badly the writing failed her. Marinette deserved better.
Thank you for your ask!
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland & Captain Jack Sparrow!Reader, PART 1 :
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A/N : Just wanted to do something special for my 1000+ followers, it feels like I should've done better, I gotta be more present with my community and blog. Just so you know- even if I don't post, it doesn't mean I am not there. Love you all <3
This is Part 1 with Heartslabyul & Savannaclaw, Part 2 will contain Octavinelle and Scarabia, Part 3 will be with Pomefiore and Ignihyde, Part 4 is Diasomnia
Personality : According to screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Sparrow is a trickster who uses wit and deceit to attain his goals, preferring to end disputes verbally instead of by force. He walks with a slightly drunken swagger and has slurred speech and flailing hand gestures. Sparrow is shrewd, calculating, and eccentric.
Warning(s) : the reader is gender neutral, just wanted to give our favourite pirate some appreciation so the reader has his personality, skills & background, pronouns are you cause...it's literally just you. mentions of drinking habits, I've seen teenagers drink their heart out but the age of the reader isn't mentioned so make up your mind, killing, thieving cause its a pirate what did you expect ?
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All characters with a Jack Sparrow!Reader :
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Riddle ♡ - He doesn't like you, not in the slightest. You violate the rules, you get into trouble and proceed to bail your friends by placing the fault on them. "I can name fingers and point names." Really ?! His bitterness turned into pure irritation the moment you admitted to have been a pirate. Riddle knows about those type of sea criminals, historically at least. Not in any sort of fantasy like ways because he says they are just children false imagination. There was this one time where Grim called for you during an unbirthday party, you kicked a buffet table to make one of the pastries fly into the air, jumped over the table, caught it, bit a piece out of it and complimented trey's cooking to finally excuse yourself. It wasn't against the rules but he wished it was because you KICKED THE TABLE WHERE HE WAS SITTING-
Ace ♡ - He finds you funny, I mean come on. You speak like a drunk person and you can copy/understand his little card tricks in a few seconds. You can't tell me the two of you don't gamble, betting your lunch and money, to the point where no one gets to eat. He will ask you about your pirate life because he thinks its rad, you get to set out to sea without a care in the world just looking for ways to make yourself rich. Sounds like new dream job for Ace ! You are pretty much the same when you get in trouble, "He did it ! ....I didn't ! No you did !" both of you are trying to stab each other in the front and not in the back cause you are very open about it.
Deuce ♤ - "Why fight when you can negotiate ?" was the first thing you said the moment he was about to hit the student you broke the eggs during your shopping for Ace's tart. He appreciates your patience, you usually try to end disputes verbally instead of swinging a punch the moment you get irritated. Admires your courage as well, even when riddle over blotted you partly stood your ground (partly because you tried to run away at first but then Ace stopped you). Got hit more than once because you flail your hands around when you speak, he reminds you when you're done but please stop cause his nose is turning into a weird color.
Cater ♢ - He finds you funny, especially with the way you talk and run away from his house warden. You get along well even if he has trouble understanding your logic at times. Definitely takes funny pictures with you even if you don't get why he does it. "did everyone see that cause I will not be doing it again." he saw it and he snapped pictures of you fighting a group of flamingos while saying that you know you're attractive but this is a little much ladies. Boy is laughing at your shenanigans, always.
Trey ♧ - He just laughs whenever you act a little weird, you're eccentric and similarly to cater, he finds it hilarious. When he made the joke about adding oyster sauce into the batter for the tarts, you just looked at him and said : "You're basically saying that you want to put me in the tart ? Because that's what it sounds like." You do smell like fish because of your adventures in the ocean, he sometimes eavesdrops whenever you visit the adeuce duo to talk about your accomplishments. Trey finds your demeanor a little charming and he may or may not be charmed himself, statement is based off of a time where you tried to play smooth in order to get a tart.
Leona 𓃬 - You're too energetic, stop it, stop moving. You definitely tested his patience during chapter 2 because he tried to kill you more than once (he calls you a fish smelling bastard, of course you don't care but you won't accept an insult without the 'captain' part). Because of your shrewd and calculating prowess, you were able to figure out his schemes very easily. A couple years of pirating comes in handy when your life depends on deceit and wit. He smelled your presence after he had that conversation with Jack, you're pretty loud too, stealth is definitely not you're strong point. "Alright you caught me I was spying on your little chit chat with the big dog. And honestly, I don't care what you do as long as you don't drag me into it. But unfortunately you did drag me into it...now we're both angry." "What do you want, mister/misses/mixes pirate ? A gold coin ? Take your pick because I got many." "A tempting offer which I will address later, but I came here with a word of advice mate- the problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." "...what." "In stupid people language it means stop whatever the hell you're doing cause it's not gonna work out. I've seen better plans than this like I've seen prettier krakens then this designer wallet." "HEY-"
Ruggie 🐾 - He's a little intimidated by you, you figured things out quicker than he would expect a drunk type of person to. Don't judge a book by its cover, got it. He was especially freaked out when he sensed your presence, even more when you came in through the window right after Jack left. You were also one of the first people to sympathize with him when Leona betrayed his own vice dorm leader, saying that if he wanted to be a pirate, he was already on the right track. You bond over the fact that the both of you are good thieves, you teach him a few tricks and he'll teach you a couple as well. Like Ace, he finds your job fun, at least it looks like it. You're more similar to him than you think, I genuinely feel like if he could, he would run away from society to find his own place and maybe a couple of treasures along the way.
Jack 𓃥 - He is confused, you have a sense of justice...but you're someone who gets hunted down by the government. And you steal too...why did headmaster ask you to solve the case again ? He's on good terms with you but you're not exactly friends either, he just finds you strange yet surprisingly smart despite your background. The way you run away is weird though, why are your legs running faster than your upper body ? Brushes it off later, he is impressed by your way of thinking, it may come off as insane but there is actually knowledge. When you came up with a plan to stop Leona he said it could be the most mad thing they ever did or the most brilliant thing ever. "it's remarkable how often those two traits connect." He admires you, you're still weird but..you're cool..even though you're weird.
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It's a little long on Leona's part but I feel like they would be a pretty funny frenemy duo.
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kyuusberry · 4 months
assign you're moots to an idol & a trope for valentines 🤭? and explain why 🤭?
key to your heart | moots - imagine
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pairing: moots x idols
genre/theme: fluff, many different tropes lol
warnings: kissing, cursing
notes: all of my stories, oneshots, drabbles, ect are all fiction (fake/made up) except for the idols!! my stories do not depict how these idols actually act or their sexual orientation (straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, aromantic, ect). the only time you'll ever read semi-true things is if it's my headcanons then i do use some facts from kprofiles and sometimes youtube videos but that's it.
a/n: before we start, i'm going to sincerely apologize because i've never done this before, so this will be a struggle.. the only time you'll ever see me write male idols as well because i gotta create a variety for this type of stuff!! also, i only have 3 moots atm, so that's sad lmao
credits (tropes): @delusionisaplace , @urfriendlywriter
cis men, homophobes, racists, 20+, smut accounts dni
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female idols:
kai (@rosiehrs): i feel like ningning (aespa) tbhh! your personalities match a lot! and i think a stay with me tonight trope where ningning would be playing with your hair while watching a movie and after the movie, you say that you have to leave, but she doesn't want you to leave!! she would say something along the lines of "don't leave me alone.. please?" she'd be attached to your hip, wanting to shower you in hugs and kisses all of the time!! just wants to show her affection :((
ash (@aeriniee): giselle (aespa) with a grumpy x sunshine trope!! gigi is totally the type of person to not show her affection cause she's too shy!! just randomly hugs you and hides her face in your neck!! or whenver you hug her, she either stiffly hugs you back or just stands there like an npc, all flustered. she looks and seems so mean all of the time, but she's such a softie on the inside, spoiling you with gifts and stuff.. chose this because i think you're honestly like this trope sm!! so nice and loving :( these r just sounding like headcanons at this point LMAO
yin (@yinyinwon/@so-lychee): wonyoung!! (iz*one & ive) and maybe like a fake dating trope??? cause wony wants to get back at her ex or smth lmaoo!! she'd end up falling in love though! i feel like it would be something along the lines of her asking you (more like bribing you) in the bathroom because she wants to get back at her ex for leaving her, trying to convince them to take her back, telling you stuff like, "they're looking. kiss me. now." until she falls in love with you, completely forgetting about her ex and telling you stuff like, "forget them, i'm yours now." gdhkaldskxndbv i want this for myself aw chose this 'cause i lowkey think you'd fit with wony!! ur posts are so pretty and your personality is very beautiful lol
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male idols:
kai (@rosiehrs): hyunjin (skz) for sure!! with an academic rivalry or something! he'd be so cocky whenever he gets better grades than you by like 1 point or something!! bothers you 24/7. always appears when you're doing something other than working/doing schoolwork like taking a break or texting your parents!! everyone thinks he has a crush on you and he always denies it!! i chose this trope and idol cause i think you're very nice and smart!! picked hyunjin 'cause he fits this lol (in my imagination)
ash (@aeriniee): soobin (txt) with one-sided love probs?? like he really likes you and he tries not to make it obvious?? but everyone thinks he's obvious!! loves giving you gifts and affection (hugs, holding hands, ect) such a sweet baby tbhhh!! says stuff like, "your smile is pretty." while smiling so sweetly gkdlksjb based this off of your post asking if u should come out as lesbian cause you haven't liked a boy since the 8th grade LMAO, but soobin cause ur both very funny and caring!! leader material as well.
yin (@yinyinwon/@so-lychee): jungwon (enhypen) ofccc! (it was because of ur user..) a chaotic duo, i feel like! nothing romantic, just pure friendship! you two would do everything together, some crazy shit too.. people would honestly think you two were drunk!! would be something along the lines of, "bitch, what the hell are you doing!" "i'm walking!-" then one of you runs into a pole or whatever.. chose this because you two are the sweetest people everrr! so adorable <33
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a/n: hope you enjoyeddd!! this made my head hurt a lot lmao, so much thinking and trying to match idols.. mooties, i hope these didn't make you uncomfortable lmaooo!!! love you guys and happy valentines <33 i'll take you guys all on a virtual date sometime /j
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final-milf-ratchet · 4 months
Hello again
Yesss, Predaking *needs* a Queen, and Magnus is perfect - beautiful and strong..
The idea of Magnus actually being easy took me OUT but you know.. i actually love it. No one knows about it because they just.. never try. And Predaking is charming anyway, so Magnus is opening up pretty quickly..
omg Ratchet being so done with Optimus' pining that he wordlessly thanks Predaking for giving him something to goad Optimus with, relieved when the Prime stomps to the ship..
Even if they weren't already determined to end the War (something that will be much easier with Predaking as a secret agent on the Nemesis, my god imagine Prime and Predaking teaming up, holy shit) they would be determined anyway once Magnus tells them "nothing's going to happen until the war is over anyway". I can imagine them waiting for things to settle down and then pinning Magnus between their bigger frames, smugly pointing out that the War is over now..
They're very understanding though, despite their *need* to breed him - giving him more time, until one day he bashfully tells them that he thinks he's ready now.. He's an absolute wreck by the time the sun rises again, definitely not getting out of berth for the foreseeable future..
Also omg. Imagine Optimus and Predaking playing with Magnus' refineries. His wells. His tits. They're so big, and warm, and soft.. It's so easy to mark them up as well, pulling on the little nubs and biting them, pulling the sweetest noises out of Magnus.. And when they finally spark him up, and his tits start leaking whenever they're being too rough...
People always assume Magnus will just coldly shoot them down, so they give up before they even try. 😔😔 Poor fools don't know how close they were to ultra magnussy 😔😔😔 tragic
I think ratchet's been putting up with optimus pinning for TOO LONG. The first time Optimus and Magnus meets Optimus walked away like 😳👉👈 and went to bother ratchet about it, then every time Magnus showed up after that ratchet had to deal with Optimus doing the same thing. They may be friends but ratchet is SICK OF IT. He's tried many solutions over the years to get Optimus to act on it (Optimus' last relationship was with Megatron, who was more upfront in their relationship and usually initiated stuff. Rip Megatron u were a good one b4 u started doing space crack)
As soon as Cybertron recovers enough to have bars, Ratchets going to buy Predaking a cyberbeer, he swears it.
I probably worded that wrong earlier lol, the autobots are def trying their best to end the war!!!! but having a secret dragon turncoat that's infiltrated the nemesis helps a LOT lmao. I am now imagining a comedy of errors where Predaking keeps trying to bite Megatron's head off on the nemesis and various factors (starscream, well placed door frame, too many witnesses, starscream again, dark energon, starscream a third time, etc) keep stopping it from happening. There's gotta be some dramatic reveal too, Predaking and Optimus teaming up to fight would be SO COOL.
Mayhaps after their team-up is the first time they share Ultra Magnus, after gaining a new appreciation for each other in battle ☺️ (and maybe they fuck in the aftermath too☺️☺️☺️)
Oooooohhhhhhhhgggggg them working together to tease and grope Ultra Magnus' Megamilkers 🤤🤤🤤 2 titties mean one person can put all their focus on one boob... It's a good thing cybertronians have chest plates and don't wear actual clothes because I'm sure Ultra Magnus would always be covered in hickies lol
And I mean, they've all talked about sparklings one day being a reality... Maybe once they get to a point post-war where bots are starting to have sparklings again, Ultra Magnus goes and gets his birth control removed and then surprises Predaking and Optimus later that night, when they're all in bed together (the biggest bed in the goddamn world look at the size of those three)... Like you said, Ultra Magnus isn't going ANYWHERE for the next few days, his hips need to recover and his partners are taking every chance they can to fill him up again ;)
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
I'm gen vibrating of happiness rn, can't ait for the new chapter if you actually do post it on the 29th!!! Really happy either way but also kinda sad that it's ending!
Love you tons!!!
Do wonder if you'll keep posting about aus on here! (If yes,do you have anymore Pet Zoo au ideas? I love it sm it's not funny)
should be done for tomorrow, yes! just gotta work something out with some formatting and then we're home free baby
as for aus - of course!! talking about them is one of the best things about having this blog ^^ here are a few misc pet zoo au ideas!! (unless otherwise specified these are all while they're still animals
mammon gets pocket money whenever he does something helpful (just because he's always making mischief around the house) and he keeps it all in a stash on top of a cupboard. he's tried to use it to buy stuff, but he keeps getting chased out of shops, so he has to get ik to do it for him whenever he's saved up enough
one time lucifer saw himself in the mirror and failed to recognise himself, and ik watched him start doing a threat display at his own reflection. lucifer has never lived this down, and the worst part is that he couldn't even defend himself because he was a bird and could not talk. he just had to slink off in shame
beel sheds fur EVERYWHERE and it drives ik's dad insane because the orange hairs are extremely conspicuous, so he's just constantly vacuuming and hoovering after him
the brothers can all understand each other fluently (on a mildly telepathic level), and since mammon is the only one who can sort of manage speech they try to make him translate sometimes. unfortunately mammon mostly just messes with them by translating completely incorrectly
ik teaches them all tricks at some point, but satan in particular is eager to prove that he's a very smart cat (sort of this au's version of him wanting to prove himself good at magic), so he knows the most
belphie likes this game where he lies on the floor completely limp and ik drags him around the house by the hind legs
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stabbyfoxandrew · 15 days
It's all good! I never expected to get a quick answer, as I sent so many questions and kind of knew you'd probably have to think about some of them. I was going to comment directly on the post, but character limit caught me, ugh.
I don't know why but I can imagine most angels kind of being a bit bitchy, so I totally understand Neil! I'd probably do the same lol I hope Andrew at some point just starts buying clothes for Neil, like Andrew one day just shows up with one bag in hand and just gives it to him, no justification whatsoever. But… if it's the clothes Neil died in, do they have blood? Or did they get magically cleaned? How physical is he when he's walking around invisible? Does he have to constantly dodge people when walking around? (That sounds so fucking annoying, I constantly have to do that myself) If somebody spilled sauce in whatever place he's supposed to be currently occupying, would he end up full of sauce? Do his clothes ever get dirty? I'm just envisioning him walking to a laundromat to put them to wash, and just hanging out invisible and shirtless while he's waiting for it to be done.
I'm dying to know what Incident you're talking about! I'm like "feeed me moreeee".
Aaahh, was the part "Unless there are any other semi-invisible people in it." in the last wip post a reference to Kevin's guardian angel?? Is it someone we know? Also also, is there somebody extra in the team (since they couldn't recruit Neil)?
I'm glad to help! I'm glad I can contribute a bit to the story, it makes me happy. I definitely get the blurry weeks too, even months tbh. I haven't been much better, but I'm alright. The best I can possibly be atm. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Webkinz, I didn't play that many games as a child. I had a Nintendo DS, tho. I miss my Super Mario Bros :') Anyway, just try to take one day at a time, you know? <3
Aw. I hate character limits so much. D: Like, come on man. Let me yap! But anywho. I'll be yapping under the cut! :) <3
You’re absolutely right about the other angels. Like, “Uh… this kid looks insane and also he’s talking to his charge? That’s… not allowed. We are not messing with him. No thank you.” 
Also omg that would be really cute. Andrew just throwing a plastic bag in Neil's lap and sitting down beside him. Neil just: What’s this? | Andrew: I'm tired of looking at that hoodie so I got you one that's not ripped all to hell.
Neil’s clothes aren’t bloody, thankfully. (Oh my god. Can you imagine the night Andrew met Neil if he’d been covered with dried blood? That would’ve gone so differently. And badly. :’)) But no. His clothes had been miracled clean. Like, when he ‘woke up’ to the bright light, he was clean.
Neil doesn’t generally get out of the way. If a human walks through him, that’s their business. (They will experience a sudden chill, but Neil doesn’t know that he has that effect. And he doesn’t care. Lol.) 
Ooh. That’s interesting. So let’s see… If, for example, Neil were sitting in the dining hall with Andrew and the monsters— invisibly of course— and someone spilled something on him… I think I’ve gotta say it would just… get all over him.
And Neil would accidentally pop into Andrew-mode because the shock of suddenly being doused with soda or soup or whatever would have him ‘letting go of the button’. Andrew would likely get choked, Neil might have to do this invisible heimlich maneuver… It would be… Not good. Hilarious, but not good. 
So that’s why Neil typically chills on the roof whenever Andrew isn’t Traveling. Less of a chance to majorly fuck up if he’s not around all the humans. :)
Yes, Neil’s clothes sometimes feel dirty to him. He’s since learned to magic them clean. :) A lot of trial and error on his part. Luckily he doesn’t have to strip naked and wash his clothes in the dorm’s laundry room. Lmao. Naked angel vibing in the corner. Gkldjglk 
Ahhh, I can’t tell you yet. TWT I’m sorry…
Also! Not really. Andrew was mainly just being a smart ass! :) He likes to do that. (We do know Kevy's angel.)
As for the team. No. Janie is still there, but otherwise they haven’t got any other new players. See, Kevin had picked out this striker for them to go see. Out in some tiny town in Arizona. But before they could fly out to see him play, his coach called Wymack to say he’d up and transferred suddenly with only a month left before graduation. Didn’t say where he was moving to or why he was leaving. Kevin was devastated that they’d lost this kid because he could tell he had potential. :((
<33333 I hope things get better soon for all of us. Also, Webkinz is a virtual pet game and I love it dearly. :) I have a couple of pets named Andreil and Kandrew on it right now. Haha. 
Thanks for always being so lovely! <333 I love you dude!! <3
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pumpkinsy0 · 11 months
We need more Purly headcanons. MORE.
guys anon is literally holding me and my family hostage to post hcs so i gotta post purly hcs its the rule!!!
•at some point whenever either one of them goes like “im gonna bash my head into a wall” or somethin like that the other just goes “same” and thats unironically one of the ways they emotionally bond, just simple understanding and not having to explain themselves
•pony learns some haitian creole for curly, maybe not like the while thing hes not fluent but hes fine in the most basic of convos in that language
•curly thinks its nice cause thats like the first time anyones ever done that for the guy!!
•sometimes they b watching horror vids on yt but it ends up in them watching like spongebob or somethin cause pony was watching it in the dark and he does NOT feel safe anymore and the light will NOT help‼️‼️
•once curly got a job w the idea of gettin money for pony to do fuck all w but boy oh boy his patience is being tested by his boss
•pony tends to get small eensy weensy crushes on the fictional characters he reads about and when pony says something that jokingly flirts about em curly gives him a look and pony immediately just back tracks going “if what i would say if i didnt already have a bf right by my side 365 24/7 WOO🙏🏻”
•they can actually do some cool shit together im ngl, once to jump over a fence to sneak somewhere they did that thing where u run towards a person and u jump on their hand and they kinda throw u up like that shits amazing
•and say what u want, curly cant cook w a stove or oven but give him a microwave and hes a 5 star chef and pony can vouch for that
•pony and curly r like 2 little pest in tims kitchen, tim turns on the light and he catches pony and curly in the corner eatin berries and they scurry off like tim is genuinely so done
also thx to my lively gf for some help w this o forget some hcs i got xoxo
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic Summary: V and Kerry try to figure out if they're living the real "mayor candidate of Night City" lifestyle. After the tension of the last days, weeks, and months though, some well-needed stress relief is in order, too. (Post-Sun-Ending, mostly canon-compliant, Chapter 5/?, 4818 words, Kerry Eurodyne/V, rated E for eggplant-emoji) - author's notes at the end!
>> Previous Chapter >> Read from the Beginning
“Um, I’m really not sure if this is safe!” Lee called down to them over his shoulder, clinging to the narrow ladder with all his might. His shiny blue-and-gold-striped blazer fluttered like a weathervane, while his perfectly styled bright-blue pompadour sat on his head like a helmet… only that it wouldn’t prevent his skull from cracking should he fall.
“Just keep goin’, dammit, you’re almost there!” Kerry annoyedly gestured him to hurry. Lee swallowed audibly, then looked back up towards the roof of the penthouse and continued at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Should’ve let me go, he’s gonna piss himself any moment now,” V muttered as he watched the scene play out, standing by Kerry’s side.
“Abso-fuckin’-lutely not,” Kerry shook his head vehemently, arms crossed, “You’re not climbin’ anywhere anytime soon.”
V sighed. He would have managed somehow, for sure, but Kerry had already refused to let him search for any signs of Blue-Eye’s tech inside the penthouse. He had been banished to the sofa, then the bed, doomed to rest himself and take it slow, only giving directions and pointing Kerry to places that could have been bugged or otherwise tempered with in the way he’d seen it done it in the mayor's apartment. They really had been thorough, and Kerry was taking this as seriously as V. But still, he didn’t know if he should be relieved or not, having found nothing suspicious yet. At the Peralez’ place there’d been that communications system on the rooftop, and since Kerry simply didn’t want to climb up and V couldn’t, it was now up to Kerry’s manager to make himself useful. V had been hesitant about getting Lee involved, but on the other hand he would simply do what Kerry told him without asking questions.
“I did it!” Lee yelled from the rooftop ecstatically, straightening up with his hands on his hips, “Wow, the view from up here is something…”
“You don’t have to yell for fuck’s sake, we can hear you over the holo!” Kerry rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. After a short pause he turned to V with his voice much calmer again, his expression softer.
“Any second thoughts?”
“The painkillers they gave me are pretty good,” V shrugged, “Doubt this is gonna make it worse by much. And I don’t trust that he knows what he’s supposed to be lookin’ for on his own.”
The biggest downside of this plan really, but admittedly, V didn’t have a better idea at the given time either. And he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to wind down without being at least somewhat certain they weren’t being monitored here.
“Alright,” Kerry sighed, then raised a finger at V, almost like a scolding parent, and much to V’s amusement, “But you stop if it gets too much. I just gotta give him a call and we’ll send him back up again anytime. Okay?”
“Promise,” V smiled at Kerry, who finally relaxed his shoulders a bit and then fully uncrossed his arms to take V’s hand.
“Uh, I’m ready whenever!” Lee yelled, double thumbs up, and Kerry groaned, muting himself of the holocall.
“Fuck, dunno where he gets the energy from…”
“Drugs?” V shrugged.
“Whatever he’s takin’, I want some.”
V chuckled, regretting it immediately at the sharp pain shooting through his chest – dulled from the meds, but not gone. Then he focused his scanner on Lee and hacked into his optics, unmuting himself at the same time to be able to direct him around.
“Oh, wow, that was weird,” Lee gasped as V’s vision glitched and he found himself on top of the penthouse too now, looking down at himself and Kerry, while still feeling Kerry’s touch giving him stability. He’d never get used to this.
“Alright, turn around,” V said, “Gimme a walkaround of the whole rooftop area, so I get an overview of the layout.”
Lee nodded.
“And don’t… do that. Don’t move your head around too much.”
“Oh, understood!”
Then Lee did as he was told, slowly walking around the roof and following V’s instructions to a T. He had decent Kiroshis, but still not the software and modifications that V was used to, so it took him a couple of minutes to just adjust to that as well, on top of looking through another person’s eyes. It was frustrating that he couldn’t scan some of the tech installed on the roof in the way he wanted to, had to manually instruct Lee to do this or that, look closer at certain panels, follow wires, or open up compartments that shouldn’t normally be opened by people who didn’t know what they were doing. Lee’s constant babbling and whining didn’t help.
“You still good?” Kerry asked after about ten minutes of intensive search, “You’re… swaying a bit.”
“Lemme take another quick look at the AC unit,” V said, but that sentence alone cost him a lot of strength, words coming out only somewhat slurred.
“Vince, don’t overdo it. You promised.”
Kerry’s voice was stern and simultaneously so full of worry, V could downright see his face before him.
“Okay. You’re right… sorry.”
He disconnected from Lee’s optics, and it was good that Kerry was still holding his hand, otherwise he might have just keeled over.
“Woah, shit!” Kerry gasped and V clung to him, stumbling slightly, falling into his arms more or less.
“I’m good, I’m good,” V caught his breath, but he was glad to be able to lean against Kerry for support, “Gimme a minute, my head’s spinning a little.”
“Told you not to overdo it,” Kerry muttered and helped him sit down on one of the nearby deck chairs. After a few deep breaths the dizziness already started to fade again. V grinned at Kerry, and it made his frown slowly melt and change into a soft smile as well.
“Can… can I come down again now?” Lee asked and Kerry and V both sighed deeply, paused to look at the other, then started laughing.
“Yeah, move your ass back down,” Kerry said and sat down next to V on the chair, ending the holocall.
“Love workin’ with amateurs,” V said, and Kerry scoffed.
“Fuckin’ tell me about it,” he said, “Should see him scuttle about the studio like a headless chicken. Wonder which of the label bosses’ dicks he’s sucked to get hired in the first place.”
“Maybe he’s someone’s nephew,” V suggested, and Kerry groaned.
“Good ol’ nepotism, even worse! Fuckin’ and suckin’ your way to the top at least involves a little bit of effort and initiative…”
Kerry let out a long, frustrated sigh, rubbing his face with both hands and pausing for a couple of seconds before turning back to V.
“Anything at all?” he asked, voice lowered, nodding in the direction of the roof. V carefully shook his head.
“Nah. Not sure if I’m relieved or not,” he said with a shrug.
“I’m relieved, for sure,” Kerry said calmly, his posture straightening again, “That’s gotta be worth somethin’, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it is,” V nodded, and before he knew it Kerry had his arm around him, holding him close, fingers gently rubbing a tense spot on his upper back. V looked at him, and the way the midday sunlight bounced off of the silver lines on Kerry’s cheeks, the little gold plates, refracted across his freckles, was a sight he could never get enough of. His pretty blue Kiroshis were such a stark, cold contrast to his warm skin, their intensity mesmerizing as Kerry looked him over briefly as if to make sure he was really here with him. A gentle smile curled at the corners of his mouth, the distinguished grey in his beard adding to his radiance, and V’s heart skipped a beat or two. He couldn’t resist pressing a quick kiss against the small golden implant just below Kerry’s cheekbone, much to Kerry’s amusement. Then they just sat quietly, side by side, and watched Lee shakily climb down the maintenance ladder at the backside of the penthouse. It took him even longer to get down than it had taken him to get up, and while V couldn’t hear him, he could see that he was mumbling to himself the whole time.
“Since when is his hair blue?” he asked eventually, a little scared of the answer.
“Not that long, walked in like this last week or somethin’,” Kerry said, “Why?”
V sighed with relief.
“Just a reality check, I guess.”
Another brief pause, the silence between them drowned out by the howling wind announcing a sandstorm already towering in the distance, gunshots and police sirens on the streets below, AVs breezing above their heads. It was like any other day in Night City, and this realization was strangely comforting to V. Some things would never change, no matter how hard you fought them… and that was okay. The world would keep on turning, no matter what became of him, or Kerry, or anyone else.
He looked back at Kerry, who made a frowny face at whatever Lee was doing. V held his thought to just admire the view for a moment, Kerry puzzled and annoyed at the same time, surely a hundred insults at the tip of his tongue about how much he hated the guy – although not nearly as much as Kovachek. Kerry realized he was being watched quickly, as usual.
“What?” he asked with a grin, meeting V’s gaze.
“Nothin’,” V said almost automatically. He leaned into Kerry’s embrace a little bit more.
“I really never told you about the Johnny thing? Seein’ his reflection? Because I was so sure I did…”
Kerry shook his head gently.
“No, promise. That’s definitely something I’d’ve remembered,” he said.
V began to peel at the plastic seam of his cast again. Along the edges the material was kind of rough and a tiny pointy bit stuck out that had been annoying him the whole time already, poking and scratching him. It was too short to properly pinch it, but too thick to just clip it off without a tool. He sighed.
“I’m just… Makes me wonder what else I didn’t actually tell you that I’m sure I did. Y’know…” he hesitated to even think about it.
V looked up from his hands at Kerry again, eyes big and questioning, but still an encouraging smile on his lips, making V’s heart flutter. On some days he was so numb from all that had happened, but these little moments reminded him he was still able to feel something after all. If he had the guarantee that the only emotion left in his body was his love for Kerry at the end, he probably wouldn’t be so scared of the things to come.
“It’s kinda sick to even think it,” he then said quietly, keeping an eye on Lee who had finally made it to the end of the ladder, “But I was hoping we’d find something. Inside, or up there.”
Kerry frowned, but even before V said it out loud, realization began to dawn in his eyes, his shoulders slumping, his lips parting slightly, but he said nothing just yet.
“’Cause if it’s not Blue-Eyes and his people messing with my head… Maybe this is just me really beginning to lose it. My mind. Myself. Like Alt predicted,” V said quietly.
Kerry seemed to want to say something, but after struggling with words for a few moments he just resorted to moving closer, bumping their foreheads together gently. V closed his eyes, basking in the comfort of Kerry’s presence.
He hated all of this so much, and even more he hated to put Kerry through it as well. Maybe he should’ve listened to Johnny… to not give into his feelings, that is, imagining a long-term relationship with Kerry when even back then his future had looked anything but rosy. On the other hand… he didn’t want to think about in what mental state he’d be now if Kerry wasn’t by his side. Whether he’d still be around at all.
Kerry moved away just enough to be able to look at V properly again, both opening their eyes. Kerry still had his left arm around V’s shoulders, his right hand reached up to cup V’s face, and he melted into the touch. Fuck, he’d been gone for how long, two, three days? And he’d missed this closeness, their quiet intimate moments so much, where neither of them had to say anything. They just understood the other’s pain and thoughts, so well sometimes it scared V a little bit. He could see it in Kerry’s eyes, the same fear sitting deep in his chest, the same worries in the lines on his forehead, his clenched jaw, the tension in his muscles and every movement.
“One day at a time,” Kerry then quietly said, “And positive thinking.”
“Yeah,” V nodded briefly.
In the next second though, much to their annoyance, their little moment was interrupted by Lee’s silhouette blocking out the sun as he approached. He was smiling awkwardly, not sure what to do with his hands, rummaging in the pockets of his blazer. Reluctantly Kerry lowered his hand, but not without brushing his thumb across V’s lips briefly, making him shiver in a good way for once. They both turned to look at Lee who cleared his throat, voice a little shaky as he began to speak.
“Well, that went well, right? I hope? Or… or not?” he asked, looking at them expectantly for a moment, but after receiving no answer, he just continued.
“Kerry, while I’m here… did you, by any chance, have a moment to look at the info I sent you yesterday? Regarding the Crystal Palace gig?”
V didn’t have to let even the faintest noise escape his lips before Kerry turned to look at him. They came to a silent understanding within not more than a second or two, both their expressions neutral to not give too much away in front of Lee. Their eyes spoke all the words necessary. Kerry turned back to his manager.
“Skimmed through it, yeah,” he said briefly.
“Ah, great!” Lee could barely contain his excitement… or rather, he tried everything in his power to mask his nervousness somehow, V got the impression. This guy was really gonna have a hard time in the corporate media world.
“So… what do you think? I can call them back right away, set a date, discuss specifics… Oh, was anything unclear I should ask first, do you have any questions about the conditions they stated?”
Kerry stared at Lee intensely, then threw another brief glance at V.
“Gimme a couple more days to think about it. I’ll call ya, or see ya at the studio or whatever,” Kerry decided and with a waving hand motion gestured him to leave.
“Oh, um, okay, well,” Lee stammered, “Sure, we can do that! Whatever you say! I uh… I’ll find the way out myself.”
“Lee,” Kerry said in a warning tone as he was about to turn around, “Remember: you weren’t here today. You saw nothin’.”
“Ah, yes, uh, of course!” he stammered, stumbling slightly as he turned around to eagerly nod.
Both V and Kerry looked after him as he then walked off, back inside and towards the direction of the elevator.
“Think he’s maybe just a little bit scared of us?” V grinned at Kerry. That finally brought Kerry’s smile back, cheeky, with a little mischievous glint in his eyes. He saw him like this too rarely lately and couldn’t help himself but reach out with his healthy hand, stroke his cheek, run his fingers along his cyberware, through his beard. Kerry closed his eyes and leaned into V’s hand now, in return causing V’s heart to bounce around like crazy. How dared he be so gorgeous?
“Not as much of us as of gettin’ the Kovachek-treatment if he gets funny with me,” Kerry said quietly, eyes still closed, and V chuckled.
“He got a yacht?”
“No, and he wouldn’t dare get one!” Kerry laughed, then blinked up at him and bit his lip, “But the pay bump he got for signing me just bought him a brand-new Caliburn. Or so I’ve heard.”
“Ohoho, interesting, interesting…” V mused, but before he could finish the thought Kerry leaned in and captured his lips in a kiss. It was chaste almost, for Kerry’s standards at least, just the softest nibble, the faintest flick of his tongue. V’s hand slipped to the back of Kerry’s head, across velvety buzzed hair, fingers massaging encouragingly. In contrast to the almost careful, gentle movement of his lips though, Kerry’s breath was hot and needy, and when he slowly, reluctantly pulled back, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes wandered back to V’s mouth, his neck, his chest…
“Still up for a shower?” he then asked, and V didn’t have to say a thing before Kerry got up and pulled him with him.
They left a trail of clothes on their way inside, across the living room, up the stairs, laughing and whispering and peppering kisses on exposed skin in-between. V was still slower and more unsure in his movements than he would’ve liked, too stiff to get out of his shirt on his own, struggling to open the zipper on his pants, but Kerry was more than happy to help with both. The last piece of clothing dropped just before they reached the bathroom. Kerry’s kisses became greedier, devouring almost, and V let himself be guided to the shower blindly, arms around Kerry’s shoulders, Kerry’s touch purposeful but gentle, hands trailing down V’s sides, then coming to a rest on his hips. Hot water began to rain down on them as they stumbled into the shower, and V broke their kiss just for a moment, gasping at the sudden heat and the downpour of water on his bruises.
“All good?” Kerry asked out of breath, pupils blown wide with desire and V wanted to just lose himself in their beckoning darkness. He didn’t reply, instead pulled Kerry back against his mouth, a little awkwardly with only one healthy hand. Their teeth clashed briefly, eliciting an amused groan from Kerry. His grip on V’s hips grew tighter, but before long his hands wandered to the small of his back, sliding across wet skin down to his butt, leaving no air between their entangled bodies. V gasped, moaned into Kerry’s kiss, at the slight pain each touch, each of their movements caused him… but also at the realization of just how hard Kerry had gotten already, just from undressing and touching, holding and kissing each other like this…
“Vince,” Kerry gasped, the rawness of his voice causing V’s skin to tingle, and when Kerry then slipped his hand between V’s legs, V’s head began to spin.
“Oh, fuck… Kerry…” he didn’t even know how he was still talking, capable of forming words, teasing fingers knowing exactly where and how to touch to drive V crazy, circling, sliding, probing, with just the right amount of pressure. Hand digging into the soft skin and flesh of Kerry’s back, V’s hips instinctively bucked into Kerry’s rhythmic movements, and Kerry adjusted his own stance to grind himself against V’s leg. They’d broken their kiss, and instead now Kerry’s tongue was trailing down V’s neck. Kissing, gently biting along the edges of his chrome, Kerry did the same V loved to do him, because he knew how raw and sensitive ‘ganic skin could be around the edges of a piece of cyberware.
V relished in all the sensations… the hot water engulfing them, washing away the sweat and badlands dust that still stuck to him, Kerry’s touch and kisses, his soft moans and heavy breathing against V’s neck, wet sounds and grunts echoing from the bathroom tiles. The impressions took over V’s thoughts completely, the blissful pain and the soft warmth of Kerry’s skin, the slight scratch and tickle of his beard, the slowly fading but still distinct scent of his cologne… His own racing heartbeat, the tingling heat pooling deep inside him as Kerry got him closer to the edge with every touch, ground against him with intense lust, pushing away all the fear and hurt and worry. Even if it was only temporarily, V embraced all logic and concern leaving his body for this.
When Kerry pulled his hand away all of a sudden, V grunted in protest. Kerry’s fingernails dug into the sides of V’s thighs, and he glanced up at him through long dark eyelashes, out of breath and lips plump and so goddamn kissable… V couldn’t restrain himself, wanted to taste and devour him, lick into his hot wet mouth, breathe his air, become one with him. Kerry moaned against V’s lips, breath shaky, voice startled almost, but once more melting against him. His hands grabbed V’s hips harder, pinning him in place against the shower wall, and his hard, hot cock slipped where his hand had been before. V groaned, whimpering a curse and Kerry’s name against his mouth, and Kerry chuckled between moans and kisses.
They clung to the other like their lifeline, grinding and gasping with pleasure against each other, Kerry picking up the pace and V meeting his every movement.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Vince,” Kerry whispered against V’s neck, raspy voice almost drowned out by the rushing water, but still enough to nearly send him over the edge right then and there.
“I love you so much,” V gasped, and Kerry moaned his name, burying his face against the crook of V’s neck as his body tensed up against him and spilled his hot, sticky release between V’s thighs. It didn’t take much more for V to come, feeling so wanted, cherished, his profession of love of all things letting Kerry climax… V’s legs were shaking, his voice hoarse as he pulled Kerry against him, riding out his orgasm for as long as he could stay on his feet before the heavenly weight of the afterglow took over and they both sank down to the shower floor. Breathing heavily, they still held on to each other reassuringly, kept lazily kissing, were happy to just exist in this moment together without words, enjoying the warmth and silence. For a couple of minutes, the world seemed to have stopped turning after all.
“I’m gonna feel that tomorrow…” V chuckled as they laid in bed in each other’s arms shortly after, hair still wet and tousled, wrapped up loosely in a big soft towel together.
“Just not in the way you wanna, probably,” Kerry grinned, but then he frowned, “Hope I wasn’t too rough.”
“You know I like it a bit rough,” V teased.
“Yeah, but still.”
Kerry’s eyes wandered to the bruises on V’s chest again. He’d really been careful about not grabbing him too roughly there, but in the heat of the moment…
“I won’t break so easily,” V said, “And I didn’t realize how much I needed that.”
Kerry’s smile returned and he inched a little closer.
“Always happy to serve,” he purred, fingertips light as feathers trailing down V’s arm, all the way to his cast-covered hand.
“Aw crap, keep forgetting about that,” he mumbled, resorting to wrap his arm around V’s waist instead of lacing their fingers like they normally would. Outside, the sandstorm was just about to hit, dulling the sun and creating a strangely soothing, cozy orange glow around them. V was close to just dozing off, Kerry had his eyes shut as well, but he managed to not slip away just yet.
“Kerry?” he asked quietly.
“Mh-hm?” Kerry hummed without opening his eyes, not just looking but also sounding half-asleep already.
“I love you, no matter what happens… no matter how this all goes down. Even if I don’t show it or can’t say it anymore,” he said, managing not more than a whisper.
Kerry’s eyes fluttered open again, glistening slightly, glowing almost in the dimmed light. He looked away for a moment, then back at V.
“I know,” he said quietly, “And I’ll love you, no matter what comes next or what you decide. I’ll be there for you.”
“Yeah… I know.”
V let out a deep breath and at least a little bit of the tension that had taken a hold of his body again faded. Kerry’s thumb circled V’s hipbone absentmindedly.
“Well… what comes next?” he then asked after a short pause, “Wanna look around the house more later, or…”
“No, I wouldn’t know where anymore,” V said slowly, “I think all we can do now is wait for Mr. B’s call, I guess. See if he keeps his promise.”
“I swear, if the guy tries to play you, or comes around the corner with even more demands…” Kerry grumbled, “I’ll guarantee for nothin’ anymore.”
“Love it when you’re getting’ all protective of me,” V chuckled, but Kerry remained serious.
“I mean it,” he said, “I dunno, but… just let me know what he does and what he wants. Let me be a part of it this time.”
V hesitated, but he also had to remind himself that Kerry was a sly dog with many connections. He was not to be underestimated, not your typical plastic idol that was more a product than a human being, that needed constant protection… at least not from others.
All of a sudden, he realized that that could be a reason weighing a lot heavier than the convenience of only having to manipulate V, not Kerry as well, by driving a wedge between them. Mr. B had continued to tell him to not let Kerry in on any details of their plans, every step of the way, even after V had repeatedly reassured him that he would not, that he never talked about sensitive client matters with outsiders, especially not while they were still in the planning phase. He had mistaken Mr. B’s requests as simple mistrust at first, then as a reminder to not to mess or disobey him and his people or face according consequences. The good old “if you don’t do this, something might happen to your loved ones” approach.
But maybe… Mr. B had actually been scared that Kerry would smell bullshit, had V let him in on all of this earlier. Kerry wasn’t dying, he wasn’t at anyone’s mercy. And he’d lived in NC long enough, played in the city’s games many times over, and recognized their patterns. V had grown up and lived in the corporate world as well but… It was always hardest to see the whole web – or the spider – when you were caught up in the middle of it. Just how Kerry hadn’t realized that Kovachek had been playing him, while V smelled the media circus from 10 miles away, V hadn’t seen through Mr. B’s schemes this clearly until he was given Kerry’s uninvolved outsider’s perspective. Only slowly he began to see the full extent of his manipulation now, and he might never have if it wasn’t for Kerry... The true irony though was that, if he was correct in his assumptions, Mr. B had played himself now by excluding Kerry from the equation so consistently. The one question remained though… was this only about getting V to do their bidding, was he really that good of an asset to them? Or was there even more to their agenda that warranted all the scheming?
“V, you okay?” Kerry asked, and V realized his thoughts had been trailing off for quite a while, “Hope Johnny’s not back now, too.”
“No, no I’m good,” V said, moving closer to give Kerry a quick kiss, “Better than I’ve been in a while.”
“Well damn, I should start marketing shower sex as the newest miracle cure…”
V laughed, flinched in pain again briefly, but continued to smile at Kerry fondly.
“I guess sometimes I just need my brains fucked out to see clearly again,” he joked.
“Good, good, write that in the pitch!” Kerry egged him on.
“Can’t see clearly anymore at your stressful corporate job? Try to… get fucked!” V said in his best commercial voice and they both burst into laughter. Their voices echoed from the gallery and filled the walls of the penthouse with desperately needed joy.
Sure, in the end, there were no such things as miracle cures. At least not without strings attached or coming at a high price. V was only too aware. And sure, once his and Kerry’s high wore off, and reality came crashing down again, things would probably start looking a lot grimmer again. But in this moment at least, V did not dread what was to come as much anymore, knowing there was no way in hell Kerry would allow him to go through it all alone again.
(aösdfjdaösfasdf thanks for reading here all the way! I don't normally write smut and was hella nervous about posting this at all, I hope this wasn't too awkward xD but I also wanna continue sharing this story, as long as at least one of you wants to continue reading it! and some fluff and happiness was necessary after 4 chapters of angst so far. also would love to hear feedback and thoughts in regard to where you think things might go on from here, cause I have stuff planned (that might all become obsolete depending on the ending Phantom Liberty adds but oh well!! for now The Sun is my canon at least XD))
>> Next Chapter
also, a little bonus for everyone who's made it this far:
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This is a random corpo NPC I came across in AMM some time ago - his hair isn't exactly how I picture it, but yeah - that's what Lee looks like in my head, just fyi XD maybe I'll mod a proper appearance for him some time (picture him with the same hair color, but Rachel Casich's hairstyle instead XD and dressed a bit more fancy than this)
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Poor Kerry is not amused xD so yeh, if you ever come across him somewhere in Night City, he's probably on some shady errand for Kerry and Vince again, tsk tsk xD
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fandomohana · 2 years
1986 Will Be Their Year {Eddie Munson x Plus Size Henderson Sister Reader} Chapter 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Plus Size Henderson Sister Reader
Rating: Mature 18+ Minors DNI
Genre: Mild smut, some fluff
Warnings: Cussing, implied/referenced sexual activity, implied/referenced masturbation, self esteem issues, canon typical violence, let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: Picking up where we left off. The gang goes through Watergate, basically goes through the timeline of episode 7
Author’s Note: So I’m posting this during a big sad, and my first draft poofed, which made me grumpier...so this chapter is not beta read, I doubt anyone cares. Anyway, interactions are nice, and I hope this chapter isn’t a dying turd flower
Second Author's Note: I came here to write this, and almost deleted the damn thing. 😳 My heart almost stopped...I wanted to add, I really was a member of my high school swim team, and I was a distance swimmer. 💙 I'm trying to keep reader fairly neutral, to fit a wider group of readers, but I couldn't resist. 🥰
Authors Note 3: I want to make it abundantly clear that reader is self conscious because reader is based on me. It has nothing to do with plus size people being unacceptable, I find plus size women to be beautiful! BUT I don't feel that way about myself, and reader is based on me. In time, Eddie will help reader see herself through kinder eyes. When someone says something nice about me, I reassess my negative point of view. Like when someone visits your hometown for the first time, and all of a sudden you see these well known attractions through their eyes, and suddenly the common becomes beautiful again.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Eddie Munson Masterlist
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Dustin raced ahead of the group, following the wildly turning needle of his compass, before entering a clearing in the forest, “Something’s happening.” He breathed out before continuing on his path.
Behind him, Eddie brushed past the trees, and low hanging branches, the area feeling eerily familiar, “Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?”
Dustin turned his head, a smile stretching across his face as he looks to Eddie, “I think we’re getting close.” He spoke excitedly, but neglected to turn back around, and face the trail, as he hurried on.
Eddie’s hands were on Dustin in a flash, keeping the younger boy from falling directly into a lake, “Watch your step, big guy.” He clapped a protective hand across Dustin’s chest, as the rest of their party caught up.
“Oh man. You gotta be shitting me.” Came Steve’s exasperated voice from behind the pair.
“Yeah,” breathed Eddie, “I thought these woods were familiar.”
“Lover’s Lake.” Robin replied.
Confusion was evident in Dustin’s voice as he spoke, “This is confounding.”
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Came the equally confused voice of Max.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked,” Nancy began, “It always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way.”
“Yeah, only one way to find out.” Steve’s voice sounded tired, and the group instantly knew what had to be done.
After whipping off the tarp hiding the small boat waiting on the beach, Eddie and Steve began to maneuver the vessel into the water. With a grunt, and slight reprimand from Steve, the boys held the boat against the shore to steady the vessel as the passengers stepped aboard.  
Robin stepped between them, using both Eddie and Steve as hand holds, to enter the boat. “I’m just gonna do that. Thank you.”
“Yeah, that works too.” Steve responded sarcastically, as Robin positioned herself in the boat.
Eddie was next, standing to aid the others who would be joining them. He knew Nancy would be one, the boat could easily hold four, and with the gate being inside the lake, he assumed Y/N would be another, as she was a veteran of the swim team. “Wheeler.” Eddie held Nancy’s hand as she got her bearings, his heart skipping a beat knowing Y/N would be next. His favorite swimmer didn’t disappoint, she stepped up, Steve holding her back, Eddie reaching out with a, “M’lady.” Before assisting her into the boat, and ensuring she was safely seated before stopping Dustin with a, “Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people tops, okay?”
Eddie moved to sit by Y/N, meeting her reassuring gaze with a small smile, before Nancy spoke again, “It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble.”
“You keep an eye out.” He squeaked out before sassily adding, “It’s my goddamn theory.”
“Dustin, as much as I love your disgruntled pelican routine, would you give it a rest, please? Just listen to Nancy.” Y/N called to her brother.
“Who put her in charge?” Dustin squealed indignantly.
“We did.” Came his sister’s cool reply, as she gestured between herself and Robin, leveling him with her best big sister eye.
“Compass.” Nancy reached toward Dustin, as he silently fussed, but still handed the device over, earning an eye roll from Y/N.
As Eddie and Robin each took an oar, preparing to lead the boat into open water, Steve threw his bag to Dustin, pushed the boat off the beach, and jumped in, to the chagrin of Dustin, “You said four.”
“Sorry.” Came Steve’s whispered, half-hearted apology.
“Bedtime at nine, kiddos.” Robin’s voice carried across the still night, Dustin giving her the finger in return, “Miss you already!”
As the small vessel reached the middle of the lake, Nancy noticed the spinning of the compass become even more erratic, “Woah, woah, woah, woah, slow down. Slow down, guys.”
Eddie and Robin immediately halted their rowing, pulling the oars inward to bring the boat to a full stop, allowing it to sway slowly in the stillness of the night.
After a brief communication with the shore, Nancy noticed Steve taking off his shoes, and socks, tossing them into the bottom of the boat. “Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked, obviously confused.
“Somebody’s gotta go down and check this out.” Replied Steve, not stopping his disrobing. “Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then...”
“I’m a distance swimmer, but it’s usually across a pool, not exactly down, where I can’t roll my breathing...” Y/N responded, being the only other true swimmer in the group.
“It’s gotta be me. No complaints, all right?” Returned Steve.
Eddie let out a small breath, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I do not wanna go down there.” He glanced over the side, into the murky depths, before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a plastic bag. Emptying the contents into the boat, he began to wrap the flashlight inside the bag, creating a makeshift, waterproof beacon, he then handed to Steve with a, “Good luck.”
His plans for a smoke were quickly shattered when the cigarette between his lips was pulled out by Robin, and tossed into the lake with a, “Gross.” Followed by the rest of the pack, courtesy of Y/N. ‘Guess I’m going cold turkey.’ He thought to himself, he could quit for her.
The four left in the boat, closely monitored the time Steve had been down, in case Y/N needed to intervene, and bring him back to the surface.
Steve broke the silence of the night as he burst through the surface of the water, thoroughly startling the entire boat, before panting out, “I found it.”
Robin radioed the shore, “Dustin, you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate-”
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more a snack-size gate than the mama gate,” Steve panted, holding onto the boat, “but still, it’s pretty damn big.”
Without warning, Steve is pulled back into the water, still clinging to the boat, he is able to pull himself up, unsure of what he just felt. With barely a second breath, he was pulled again, this time his hands were wrenched from the boat by the force of the pull. The other’s screamed, trying to reach him, as he was dragged toward the bottom of the lake.
“What the hell was that, man?” Eddie screamed.
“Nancy, really, what happened?” Asked Robin.
Nancy stood slightly, preparing to jump in, when Eddie’s voice broke through, “Wait, wait, wait. You’re not going in there, are you?”
Nancy didn’t take a moment to look at the others before saying, “Just wait here.” As the other’s attempted to stop her, she dove in.
“Goddammit!” Exclaimed Eddie in sheer frustration. A breath later Robin poised herself on the edge of the boat, Y/N following suit, entering into a diving position. He held up a finger, chanting, “No, no, no, no, no, no. What are you doing? She said wait.”
“Yeah, we heard her.” Y/N responded.
“She’s in charge.” Eddie was grasping at straws to keep the other two in the boat.
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up.” Robin replied before holding her nose, and leaning back into the water. Y/N followed, almost synchronized, her body curving in a dive, fingers cutting through the water as she disappeared into the murky depths.
Eddie knew he couldn’t just stay and wait, he didn’t know what was down there, what could hurt the others, what could hurt Y/N. He wouldn’t let her face it alone, and after a small, curse filled tantrum, Eddie stood in the boat, “Oh, this is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. Shit! Shit! Shit!” filled the air as he flailed into the water.
When the group found Steve, he was surrounded by bat-like creatures, each clawing, and biting into his exposed skin. Brandishing oars, and other makeshift weapons, Nancy took aim first, beating one of the creatures to the ground, while Robin pummeled the beast. While one had managed to escape, others were fast approaching as the four of them fought to free Steve.
After sending one of the monsters reeling, Eddie looked up in time to see Y/N, bat pinned to the ground with one foot, the other coming down with all the force she could muster, crushing the beast’s skull under her foot. Her eyes were wide, full of rage, Eddie found himself taken aback, she was always incredibly gentle, warm. But here she was, shaking bat viscera from her shoes, wheeling around to kick another across the landscape, and if he was being honest, would have scared him had he not known her outside of this situation. He had been worried about how Y/N would handle this violent altercation, but here she was, a warrior, and in spite of himself, he swelled with pride.
Y/N appeared at Eddie’s side, as he pulled another bat to the ground with his oar, before sending her foot through the skull of the creature, a pool of black blood, and tissue spread out around the pair's feet.
“Thanks for the backup, Princess.” Eddie huffed out, unable to help the proud smile that crossed his face.
Y/N took a steadying breath, “Anytime. Besides, Dustin would kill me if I let anything happen to his Dungeon Master.” She laughed, shaking more blood, and tissue from her, now ruined, Converse.
Eddie and Y/N turned to see Steve, now freed from the heinous creatures, battling the last. Steve looked like a man possessed, tearing at the creature before swinging it into the ground repeatedly, before tearing the thing in half.
The party, now reunited, took inventory of injuries while catching their breath, and regrouping. Unfortunately, the relief was short lived, as a fresh wave of bats swooped to the ground, near the gateway.
“All right. There’s not that many.” Huffed Steve, feeling confident in their odds. “We can take ‘em. Right?”
Their hearts dropped, collectively, as the screeches of a larger horde could be heard echoing through the open air.
“You were saying?” Robin added.
Nancy’s voice broke through the shock of the remaining group members, “The woods. Come on.”
The group began to run toward the sanctuary of the woods, dodging black, vein like vines that littered the dry lake bed.
Taking refuge under Skull Rock, the party waits out the bat horde flying over their heads, but as the creatures passed the rock, the severity of Steve’s wounds became more apparent.
While Nancy dresses Steve’s wounds, Eddie steps away to survey the area. He had been unaware of Y/N’s approach, until he felt a hand on his arm, “You okay, slugger?” she asked when he turned to face her.
“You know me, Princess, it’ll take more than some bats to get rid of me.” He replied with a wry grin, before stepping away to scale a large rock outcropping, and take stock of the hellscape they found themselves in. “So, uh,” His voice echoed through the space, “this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?”
“Pretty much.” Nancy replied as she helped to support Steve.
Eddie lifted a foot, preparing to climb down from his perch, when Nancy’s voice breaks the silence a second time, “Wait, watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?” Came Eddie’s confused response.
“Think of a hydra, or Cerberus, different pieces connected to one body. You step on a vine, you’re stepping on Vecna.” Y/N answered.
Nodding, “Shit.” was all Eddie could muster, as he began his slow, deliberate descent from the rock.
The other four discussed ways to get past the bats that were currently guarding the gate. Robin suggested grenades from the police department, but was rebuffed by Steve, who was doubtful that a small police station would have anything nearly that powerful in their arsenal.
Nancy piped up, “Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.”
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?” Came Eddie’s incredulous reply.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Nancy, our badass, one-woman armory!” Chimed Y/N, a grin splitting her face.
Wanting to break the uncomfortable romantic banter that had cropped up between Nancy and Steve, Eddie shucked his jean jacket off, launching it at Steve, “For your modesty, dude.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth, before an earthquake rocked the ground beneath them, sending all five reeling. Steve blocked Nancy, and Robin, while Eddie grabbed Y/N to shield her from falling debris. The pair of them falling to the ground in the commotion.
As the shaking begins to subside, Eddie takes a quick inspection of Y/N, assuring she was unscathed, she appeared to be doing the same to him. Feeling a brief sense of relief, she leaned back into his chest, despite the dire straits they found themselves in, Eddie couldn’t help the stuttered jump of his heart as he felt her weight on him.
The bliss would, however, be short lived as a long, loud screech tore through the air. “So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.”
“Yeah, me too.” Came Y/N’s breathy response.
Eddie hates to part from where they are seated, he wanted to relax, and revel in her warmth for a moment longer, but reluctantly began to stand when Steve began to lead the group out, helping Y/N from her seated position.
Eddie fell into line shortly behind Y/N, despite proving herself more than capable, he didn’t want her out of his sight in this hellhole. His thoughts were broken by Steve calling his name, “Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man. Uh...listen, I just, uh...I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there.”
Eddie huffed a laugh, falling back to walk beside Steve, “Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.”
“Ozzy?” Steve questioned.
“When you took a bite out of that bat.”
Steve looked to his side, confused.
Before Eddie could explain, Y/N could be heard, “Are you talking about when Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a bat on stage?”
Eddie faltered a moment, “You know Black Sabbath?” She wasn’t real, she couldn’t be.
She turns her head to address him, “I don’t listen to them much, but shit like that, that news gets around.”
Regrouping himself after yet another shock at the hands of the girl he was definitely in love with now, “It doesn’t matter. It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.” Eddie spoke through slightly gritted teeth.
“Wait, Henderson said that?” Came Steve’s shocked response.
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kinda annoying, to be honest. I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks,” he tries to be nonchalant, “but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve.” He didn’t mention his jealousy also bled into Steve’s closeness with Y/N.
“Calm down, there’s enough room for two mother hens in Dustin’s life.” Y/N said with a snort of laughter.
The pair gave her a half-hearted withering stare, before Eddie continued, “I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe, and my own personal Munson doctrine.” He gestures to himself for emphasis.
“He’s our very own shiny haired unicorn.” Y/N snorts.
“Haha, Y/N.” Steve deadpanned.
“I do what I can.” She shrugged in front of them.
“Still super jealous as hell, by the way.” The two men laugh, before Eddie continues his thought, “Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh...normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.”
“Give yourself a break, man.” Steve tried to reassure him.
“Do I need to hit you again?” Y/N asked, back still turned to the pair.
“Good god, woman, do you have bat hearing?” Came Eddie’s exasperated response.
“It’s a gift, and I don’t like hearing people I care about, put themselves down.”
Eddie tries to hold back the smile, and the small rush he feels upon hearing she cares about him. “See, the only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you.” He gestures to the three women ahead of them. “Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind.” He neglected to mention Y/N was the other reason he dove in, but Steve didn’t need to know that. “But Wheeler right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. Now, I don’t know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back. ‘Cause that, was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
A second earthquake ripped its way across the land, Eddie’s eyes shot to Y/N, until he saw her squatted down close to the ground, steadying herself against the shaking. Once the ground settled, Eddie again helped Y/N to her feet, before the rest of the group ran to catch up with Nancy, who was standing on a bluff overlooking the Wheeler home.
“Come on.” Nancy leads the charge across the field, eyes trained on home, and hopefully, their salvation.
With sinking hearts, the party realizes the Upside Down is stuck three years in the past, Nancy’s guns being replaced with shoes, and various aspects of her room having reverted to a time before.
Steve’s voice could be heard from downstairs, screaming for Dustin. Robin, Y/N, Eddie, and Nancy bolted down the stairs, toward Steve’s calls.
“Maybe he really does have rabies.” Robin muttered.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy questioned.
After momentarily blinding the other members of the group, Steve spoke frantically, “He’s here. Henderson. That little shit, he’s here. He’s like...He’s in the walls or something. Just listen.”
Steve’s companions look on, wondering if Robin had been right, that he had lost his mind, until Dustin’s voice could be heard, distant, and echoing. “That brings us to the question you first raised.”
They begin searching the house, trying to follow the distant sound to its source, but to no avail.
“All right, either this kid can’t hear us or he’s being a total douchebag.” Steve volunteered.
“To be fair, either of those is a distinct possibility, knowing my brother.”
Nancy began to put the pieces together, Will had found a way to communicate with Joyce through lights, but a cursory check of lamps, and light switches, proved to be futile. Futile until Steve noticed the faint, shimmering light emitting from the dining room light.
Nancy was the first to reach into the swirling particles, the small lights becoming brighter at her touch. In turn, they each reached a hand into the light, watching it shine brighter, and stronger.
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Asked Nancy.
A chorus of, no, was the response from Robin, Steve, and Y/N.
“Wait, does SOS count?” Eddie questioned. “Is that...is that good?”
“That’s perfect.” Y/N looked up at him, smiling, as warmth bloomed in his chest under her praise.
Eddie set to work, sending SOS in Morse code, hoping Dustin would get the message on the other side.
Waiting in Nancy’s room, the entire group seemed to be holding their breath in unison, watching for a sign that they could communicate more easily with the other side.
Dustin’s voice could be heard across the void, asking for a sign that the others saw their lights. Nancy ran a hand through the empty space on her bed, watching light appear under her fingertips.
With cheers of relief, Nancy begins to communicate with Dustin, formulating a plan to get them out of the Upside Down.
Unsure of Dustin’s meaning about a gate at each murder site, Nancy writes a question mark. Dustin could be heard, heaving a dramatic, exasperated sigh, “Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?”  
“Jesus Christ. This kid’s gotta get his ego in check.” Steve replies.
“It’s his tone, right?” Comes Eddie’s answer.
“Try living with him...” Chimed in Y/N
Seven miles, they need to traverse seven miles of treacherous, open space, to reach the gate inside the Munson trailer. Robin has the idea to use the Wheeler bikes, objects that would have been at the house in 1983, and thus frozen in time like the rest of the residence.
Reaching the trailer, they discard their bikes, and observe the intimidating red sinew spread across the ceiling of the living room, the place where Chrissy died. The membrane pulsed, leaving the group on guard, unsure of what was going to come through.
With a gush, the membrane is penetrated, and all five jump back, waiting, on edge. When nothing attacks, Steve leads the group slowly, under the new hole, unbelieving what they see. Max, Dustin, Lucas, and Erica stare down at them from the ceiling, laughing.
When the mattress was dropped to the ground beneath the hole, stains on full display, Eddie attempted a shaky excuse, “Those stains are, uh...I don’t know what those stains are.” He couldn’t exactly admit that six months of sexual fantasies about Y/N were the source. The first time he had plucked up the courage to go to one of her meets, he knew what would happen after seeing her in a swimsuit, it was worse than he thought. He had to race to the bathroom to relieve himself before she even hit the water for her first event, like a goddamn thirteen-year-old, catching his first glimpse of cleavage. No, he couldn’t admit that her name was on each of those stains, and then some, and still maintain a chance of being with her. It was too pervy, she’d be turned off, or worse, disgusted, it was better to leave the source, to their collective imaginations.
After watching Robin pull herself up the makeshift lifeline, Y/N squeaked out, “Uh...as far as I know, the physics are still the same over here, and I know I can’t hoist myself up there...” She began worrying her lip as she watched Robin plummet to the mattress. “And I know for a fact I can’t do that, without some serious injury...”
“We can stack furniture, and make a ladder for you, Y/N. We’re not leaving you behind.” Nancy reassured.
“I’ll go next, and catch you.” Eddie added.
Y/N let out a self-deprecating snort, “And I’ll flatten you...Dustin, can you guys just build me a little ladder, so no one is killed when I come through?”
Before Dustin could answer, Eddie had started piling furniture, “I’m stronger than I look, Princess, just trust me.”
“It’s your funeral...If I break myself doing this, make up a heroic story.”
Eddie’s heart sank, how could she not see how amazing she was? He wanted to destroy whoever had put into her head, that she was anything short of perfect. He vowed then, if he was ever given the chance to be hers, he would spend all of his time, and effort, proving to her how much he adored her. Eddie wanted to soothe every pain, every scar that an indifferent, shallow, idiotic world had left on her.
Once the furniture tower, or hobbit ladder, as Y/N had called it, was finished, Eddie began to scale the rope. Falling to his mattress, Eddie let out a huff, and “That was fun.”
When he got to his feet again, he stood beneath the hole, watching Y/N, still hesitant. “Come on Babe, I got you.” He held out his arms, and she began to slowly scale the tower, and pull herself through the hole. Eddie could see her tense, as gravity began to take over, and she fell, but strong arms were waiting to catch her.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, and is met with Eddie’s beaming smile, as he holds her. “Hey, Pretty Girl.” Was all he said. Fuck, she was warm, and soft, and holding her felt as natural as breathing, although he did have to will the blood flow back to his upper body, an awkward boner was the last thing he needed at this moment. Although he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think seriously about, and desperately want to, take her back to his room in that moment.
Y/N smiled at him, taking his breath away, before letting out a quiet, “Thanks.”
“Are you gonna put her down?” Erica’s blunt question broke the pair out of their brief moment, and Eddie thought he might have seen a flash of a blush, cross Y/N’s cheeks, as he set her back on her feet.
Header credit goes to the fabulous, @sweetpeapod 💙
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
I love matpat so much guys <3
But a lot of things has my curiousity peaked.
Because certain things definitely wouldnt be on a pirate ship
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So that has my curiosity for maybe next chapters or for something major
Then it has a lot of stuff that involves sinking or being in the sea and not above it. LOREEEE MAYBE? Maybe MJ lore or maybe reader drowns or almost drowns like how they did whej they first met hobie.
Then these
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Ballroom dancing? Hmm, i got a couple of theories or ideas. I see you (i love the pinterest boards though and i could call out more about it but thats like the main things i wanted to call out)
But thats just a theory<3 (not really nothing in here is theories its just me pointing out the obvious or making observations)
But maybe who kmows we will get to see mjs past or what happened to mh, i mean Hobie definitely doesnt trust reader. What if its because of something MJ had done, because hobie immediately thinks reader had brought or had the navy following them, what if MJ actually did something like that. Or maybe she drowned. Or maybe both because hobie had to force her to walk the plank even no matter how much it mightve hurt him or the crew but who can say since MJ couldve been a traitor, a backstabber. So thats a theory, maybe or it could go other routes. (Is it easy to tell how invested in all your stories and previous stories youve wrote? I love them. Also when your done with the pirate hobie series you should make a cowboy hobie series/j)
I do love your stories though and your writing and im utterly excited for pirate hobies next update, whenever i see you post i get happy and immediately read it if i can, drop everything for your stories to stay updated fr fr (im sorry for going on a mini rant and with the photos it makes it longer)
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Me when someone finally looks into the whole pirate hobie board 🤭🤭🤭
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I seriously love seeing your thoughts! It literally invigorates me to keep on writing so thank you so much, angel!!! 🫶 (All I can say is there will be lore in the next chapters and some burning questions answered)
Don't tempt me with a cowboy Hobie series bc that one has actually been plaguing my mind since I've first talked about it. I gotta at least finish bdas first lmaooo but yes I'll definitely make it someday! (And I'll make it the coziest series ever!!! No sad, maybe, just a lil bit perhaps 🤣)
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 year
Protag Teruya AU - Akane Taira Design
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Hello, Akane. I heard you were suppose to be dead.
Since Teruya being the Protag would change certain aspects of the plot, even without the Wheel of Fate playing a factor in who lives and who dies when, I had to figure out how certain plot elements of SDRA2 canon would find it’s way into the AU’s plot. Namely, who joins Rei in trying to stop the killing game from happening in the prologue and how the Divine Luck gets involved. And my brain supplied with, “Hey, since Akane has Divine Luck, just make her survive thanks to that and not be brain dead, and have her help the Kisaragi Foundation on this one mission to save Yuki and Teruya.” And I went, “Fantastic idea, can’t wait for the angst.”
As you can see by looking at Akane’s eyes, she is...NOT doing well mentally. The girl has bags under her eyes and is missing her pupils because she’s very much dead inside. After all, she did sacrifice all of her friends for the sake of her Master Utsuro in the hopes of making him happy, even going as far as to join the Ultimate Despair even though she really didn’t like them. And as she starts to die from her wounds, Utsuro gives her Divine Luck before the island sinks underwater, which allows her to survive from drowning and ends up washing onto shore. She’s eventually found and treated at a hospital, but she’s in complete despair at the realization that she outlived her own master. I won’t go into full details but she eventually leaves the hospital, wanders around for a bit and ends up in the care of a middle-aged man named Kanato Chikafuji, an OC of mine who runs an orphanage and is very kind to both the kids and Akane. He pretty much helped her get her back on her feet while providing a safe place she can always return to.
Which is also why Akane looks pretty clean compared to Utsuro. Kanato encourages her to take better care of herself, even if she “doesn’t have to,” and she at least feels a little better whenever she does. Akane ends up taking a maid-like appearance once more, if only because she’s trying to put distance between herself and Kanato due to the guilt she has for what she’s done up to this point. But Kanato isn’t having any of the “master” BS and keeps asking her to at least use “-san” instead of “-sama” if she’s going to keep being formal with him. Even when she finally allows herself to grow closer to him and the orphans, she still keeps up this appearance as she helps with the cleaning and cooking due to Kanato’s bad leg and some of the older kids struggling to help due to past injuries from an incident. Akane isn’t always around as she wanders around Japan to use the Divine Luck to help undo the damage the Despairs caused, to try and redeem herself from everything she’s done. But she always comes back to the orphanage if she ever feels like she wants to rest. The raincoat is based off of Yuki’s coat a little bit but I made the design different to differentiate her from Yuki. It’s also a gift from Kanato and the kids from the orphanage and she treasures it very much.
As for how Akane manages to get her way onto the mission to rescue Teruya and Yuki...let’s just say a certain journalist managed to get his hands on some information he shouldn’t have and posted it everywhere he could. Which is how she found out about Teruya’s missing status and realized, “Oh shit, he’s in danger. I gotta help him!” Akane never met up with the others as she understood that they would NOT be happy to see her. But after hearing the news, she decides that if she wanted to make things right, she had to at least help them get Teruya back into safe hands, even if they would rather execute her on the spot. It’s not like they could as the Divine Luck user anyways. And upon realizing that she DOES have the Divine Luck, both Rei and Kinjo would be pissed but the latter is much more willing to use her as a tool to make sure Teruya comes back safely. As for Yuki, Akane did try to look for him to wake him up from the coma she and Utsuro put him in, but he was already gone by the time she went back to the hideout they hid him in. She had hoped someone had brought him to a hospital to take care of him, but alas, that wasn’t the case as the group quickly finds out that Yuki Maeda was going to be involved in a Killing Game. The same one that Teruya will be put into. So once they get the location from Setsuka, who unfortunately gets caught after managing to give them the information and is also dragged into the Killing Game, the group goes in to rescue them and stop the Killing Game from starting in the first place.
Unfortunately for them, things quickly go awry because Kokoro had made a failsafe that prevented her from getting killed on the spot and she summons a mech in the fountain. An explosion ends up launching Akane through the air, leaving Rei unprotected and she ends up crashing into the ocean. And while Akane still remembers the Proto-Killing Game, she’s...understandable unwilling to talk about it due to the fact that she helped mastermind it in the first place. It wouldn’t exactly help her credibility if everyone found out about it. And unfortunately, she’s not used to using the Divine Luck and often has to physically be there to prevent certain tragedies from happening or keeping things from going from bad to worse. Because if I don’t put a damn limit on this deus ex machina power, the plot would’ve been over at the Prologue.
The Protag Teruya AU was inspired by @/anotherprofessional’s post! Beware of Void spoilers though!
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