#i had to like mega zoom in
silvery-stars · 10 months
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the stale end of summer, dripping away, a poem by me - this summer is gold melting in the sun.
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louisupdates · 2 months
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By Marcelo Fernández Bitar [translated from Spanish]
In just over 24 hours, Louis Tomlinson passed through Buenos Aires and caused a commotion, with hundreds of fans crowding at the door of his hotel singing and shouting his name, and also occupying almost the entire block where there is a FM radio station where he went to give an interview.
The fanaticism generated with his solo career by the former singer of One Direction in Argentina is so great that in fact he will give a recital in the same stadium where he was in 2014 with the mega-boy band. It will be on May 18 in Vélez Sarsfield.
Louis Tomlinson already has two solo albums and is touring the world presenting the most recent, Faith in the Future. It came out in November 2022 and surprised with his most rocky sound, close to the Brit-pop of his beloved Oasis, and less pop. It was number one in England and three singles came out, Bigger Than Me, Out of My System and Silver Tongues.
Hurricane Louis
The visit was really fleeting with the purpose of promoting his show next month, the old-fashioned way, when the artists toured the countries to advertise albums or tours, something they currently do on Zoom or with posts on their official accounts.
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Louis arrived on Friday night and spent Saturday fulfilling an intense schedule of activities, to leave early the next day.
First he went to the Vélez football field for a television interview which will be televised later by TN, and then he went to the radio station Los 40 Principales, where his fans filled the entire Gorriti street, between Ravignani and Arévalo, to witness an interview where eight listeners joined to ask him a question each.
He finally arrived at 4 p.m. at the Four Seasons hotel, where hundreds of other fans were screaming for him. There he gave a series of reports and chatted with Clarín in a room equipped as a small television set, with lights and a set with his name and the cover of the disc.
"Never, not for a second, did I think I would be going through some of the same experiences," he said, "that I was lucky enough to live in the band. I thought that was something unique. So being able to come here and feel the level of love and the incredible reaction on today's radio station, means a lot to me. When I imagined what my solo career would be like, I really didn't know what to expect.
Re-filling stadiums
At 32-years-old, Louis Tomlinson has the experience of having been part of one of the greatest pop phenomena of the last 20 years, with sales records and sold-out shows in stadiums around the world. And now he is repeating the fury alone, just as it happened just a little earlier with his ex-bandmate Harry Styles.
In Louis’ case, he first sold out the closed Movistar Arena stadium in 2022 and now he goes through a huge soccer field like Vélez.
Q: Did you think that being a soloist you had to start from below and sing in smaller places?
Louis: Yes, exactly. But it turns out that I can still play in big places, so it's great.
Q: Can we really talk about a mania of a "louistomlinson-mania"? Does it happen everywhere or is it special in Latin America?
Louis: I think that in terms of the level of similar intensity, and seeing what happened a moment ago on the radio station, that certainly doesn't happen to me everywhere. Let me put it this way: it's incredible to be so far from home and feel that level of love. I'm very excited to think about what the show will be like here.
Q: It's incredible that almost exactly ten years have passed since the last time you filled Vélez. How do you feel when you return to the same stadium?
Louis: I feel very lucky to be able to play in those places again on my own. I also feel very, very proud of myself and my fans. I feel like we have created something that is quite special and we did it together. With them as listeners, but also as facilitators. That really helped my confidence and made me feel good on stage. It's a lovely relationship and I'm very proud of it.
Q: This tour started almost a year ago, how did it evolve with respect to the first shows?
Louis: I definitely feel in a good place right now with the show. Anyway, in advance I was excited about this tour because this album was designed for the live show. So I was excited to see how the songs would work. And the energy is great. I am very excited to show Faith in the Future to Latin America.
Q: How did the idea of making a live cover of Arctic Monkeys come about?
Louis: Arctic Monkeys grew up about 20 minutes from where I live. It was something very close, very fresh in the mind and obviously huge. I was growing up and I'm also a big fan. I usually do the song 505 because it's very pretty.
Often, with the versions, I probably think more about what I would like to sing than about what I imagine that everyone else would like to hear, which may be misjudged, but I'm enjoying it.
Q: When you were a teenager you sang Oasis songs and now you have a rock band that sounds very Brit-pop, almost closing a circle.
Louis: Thank you. I am very, very fortunate to have the band I have, but they also perform sonically and visually, everything that is really important to me. They sound absolutely incredible. I don't think I would be able to do this without my band.
Q: Live you also perform songs from One Direction. Did you feel that kind of shadow at the beginning of your solo career and now you are more comfortable looking back?
Louis: I think a bit about both things. I think that at the beginning of my career I would have been a little more worried about putting too many One Direction songs in the repertoire. What I wanted most was to spread my wings and show who I was. But I think that as time went by, the nostalgic moments are really charming. So it's like a beautiful mixture of nostalgia and it's very nice to do it.
Q: This is the third time you have visited our country. If you had to describe your Argentine fans in three words, which one would you choose?
Louis: Passionate. Loyal. Affectionate. That’s okay, isn't it?
Q: The soccer player Kun Agüero said that there is a lot of talk to you through Instagram or Twitter. Have you ever met him in person?
Louis: Actually, we have never seen each other in person. Over the years we've talked a little here and there, but I never found time. I have a kind of crazy hope that he can come to the show.
Q: If you had to choose one of your songs, either from Walls or Faith in the Future, that reflects how you feel right now in your life, what would it be?
Louis: I would say that the name of the album (Faith in the future) represents where I am right now, but I think that in the future I would like to always be optimistic.
Q: And if all the One Direction discography was deleted and a song had to be saved. Which one would you save?
Louis: It's interesting... I would probably say Story Of My Life. That seemed like a real milestone. I would say it's a little more serious. And I also think it's a bit of a crazy song.
Q: You are a big soccer fan, do you have any preference for an Argentine club?
Louis: I'm very afraid to say something wrong... I'd better say that I love you all. (laughs)
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pokemon-ash-aus · 26 days
Does King has anything he likes to do with Origin?
Also what would be his favorite thing/activity to do with @phlurrii Meau? :3
King and Origin like to Creechur watch. Its one of the few times that they both get to be quiet and just observe
It's also the few times King gets to speak without worrying about anything, without the fear of judgment because if he's honest, Origin had done absolutely worse.
As for Meau, i like to think they'd love to go flying together, just tiny lil races to zoom past everyone. While he isnt the fastest Mew out there, his size and fluff being the biggest detriment, i would presume Meau to slow down just to hang with him. And if King ever proposes a race, oh well, he's ginna loose XD
Either that, or i can picture Meau helping King with his Mega. Pointing him in the right direction or kicking his ass as he works through it.
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v4mp1r3bl0g · 1 month
This is the beginning of the end
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Formula One x Final Destination AU
warnings: gore, death, blood, graphic descriptions of death
word count: 1.8k
summary: Logan’s premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves his life and a lucky few, but not from death itself - which seeks out those who escaped their fate
authors note: I was bored and decided to combine my 2 favorite interests
It was the senior carnival trip everyone was excited about graduating. Well everyone except Logan, that is. He still had no clue what he wanted to do after high school.
He kept procrastinating finding a career telling himself “he’d have more time” and now here he stands in front of Max Verstappen snapping a shot of him playing the high striker for the yearbook, a week away from graduating.
“Lewis, Nico!” Logan called out towards the duo before snapping a shot of them together.
Logan takes a look at the picture as the duo walks away, noticing a weird blur in the photo he decides to zoom in before Oscar interrupts his thoughts.
“We should totally go and ride The Devil’s Flight, it’ll be so much fun!” Oscar exclaimed as he jumped around. Logan and the rest of the guys just laughed watching him in amusement.
Logan took out his camera and was about to take a picture when someone got in his way. “Excuse me,” he said, annoyed. To his surprise Lance turned around glaring at him.
“Does mom know you’re here?” Logan asked, glaring back.
“You are a complete bitch if you tell her”, Lance growled.
Logan smirked, “The proof's right here.”
“Get a shot of this then”, Lance laughed as he stuck his middle fingers out, wincing as Logan took a picture.
Logan walked away catching up to his friends smiling as Alex called out to him “Take a picture of me holding the devil’s balls!” the brit said in a playful tone.
He giggled to himself as he snapped the picture furrowing his brows as he noticed the weird blur again. He shook his head and decided to ignore it, as he continued walking, Alex slung his arm around him. “Are you alright?” the older one asked.
Logan bit his lip as he stared up at Alex. “I have that feeling like dejá vu, you know? except for something that hasn't happened yet.”
“Look, I know you and I think that maybe you're nervous about this roller coaster because they say the real fear comes from the feeling of having no control.” Alex said as he gently caressed his face, reassuring the younger one.
Logan nodded and continued walking, shivering as a gust of wind hit him.
“So I guess me and Logan are going in front?” Alex asked, making sure everyone was fine with that. Logan quickly turned to look at him, shaking his head. “Nuh uh I can’t do the front, I have to see the track or else I’ll like totally freak out”
“OK fine, you can ride in the back with Lando” Alex motioned, moving the two next to each other.
“No way I am NOT missing out on the fun just cause Logan’s scared, why don’t YOU ride in the back with him” Lando exclaimed, glaring at Alex.
“Don’t worry Logan, I’ll ride in the back with you” Oscar reassured him as he rolled his eyes at the older Brit’s.
Another gust of wind blew, making the hairs on the back of Logan’s neck stand up. He looked up at the giant devil statue and felt his blood run cold. He decided to ignore the feeling and got in line with the rest of the guys.
“You’re in section 6” the ride attendant called out as Logan and Oscar made their way to their seats.
“Oh mega yuck,” Oscar shrieked as he touched a piece of gum that was stuck onto the ride. Logan couldn't help himself and busted out laughing. “That is so not funny, Logan,” Oscar mumbled as the ride attendant waved his hand in front of Logan.
“No cameras on the ride” he scoffed.
“Can I just put it in my pocket?” Oscar asked as he tucked the camera away.
“Yeah whatever”.
The ride started and Logan grabbed onto the seatbelt, closing his eyes for a second and exhaling.
Everyone starts cheering as the ride starts.
“You ok?” Oscar asked and he turned to look at Logan
“Yeah I’m fine” the oldest replied giving the aussie a half smile.
Everyone shrieked in excitement as the roller coaster went downhill, all raising their arms in excitement
“Hey Lewis, say hi to the camera” Romain annoyingly called.
“You should lift up your shirt Nico, give my followers a nice view”.
“Can you fuck off mate” Lewis groaned as he slapped that camera out of Romains hands
“HEY! that camera was expensive” Romain moaned
“Not my problem” Nico replied as he rolled his eyes
Romain frowned as he watched his camera fall, the camera wrapping itself around the track.
The roller coaster turned into a loop and everyone screamed in joy, the rollercoaster took a few more loops and turns. Everything was going smoothly when all of a sudden it ran over the camera, causing the hydraulics to burst, liquid leaking out and eventually the ride started malfunctioning.
“What the fuck!” Logan yells out as his seat belt lifts.
The screams of joy now turned into screams of terror as everyone’s seatbelts malfunction and unclip themselves from the ride.
Oscar yells as he clings tightly onto the seatbelt.
At this point, everyone is terrified and holding on for dear life. The roller coaster goes downhill and takes a sharp turn to the right when suddenly the bar connecting the ride snaps in half, immediately disconnecting the front part of the roller coaster, sending Alex and Lando flying off the track and falling to their death.
The ride continues, going over a bump which causes Max to fly out of his seat. Oscar lifts up his seatbelt and reaches out to catch Max holding onto him as hard as he can, the coaster takes a turn causing a piece of the ride to come off and go flying straight towards Max causing him to collide with the metal bars holding up the ride.
Logan is using his arm to hold Oscar into place as the ride continues, going for a loop when two of the wheels fall off causing the roller coaster to get stuck upside down. Mark and Sebastian scream in fear as they’re hanging onto the seatbelt of the ride.
“Hold on!” Logan yells out through tears at Sebastian as he starts to slip “I can’t” he yells back as he eventually loses grip and falls to his death as Mark follows along, two others falling behind them.
Logan is paralyzed in fear by this point not knowing what to do anymore “Help me rock the coaster” Oscar yells at him as they both start rocking forward. The roller coaster eventually completes the loop going straight down but right as they are about to cheer in victory the metal bar that Max had previously collided with goes right through Oscar cutting him in half.
Logan screams out in fear as the ride falls off the track sending him plummeting to the ground. He closes his eyes as he accepts his faith when suddenly he wakes up looking at his surroundings with a tear stained face as the ride attendant waves his hand in his face “No cameras allowed on the ride”.
Logan gasps and reaches to grab Oscar’s hand as it touches the piece of the gum stuck on the ride.
“WE HAVE TO GET OFF OF HERE!” he yelled at Oscar right as the ride attendant was gonna push the GO button.
“NO DON’T PUSH THE BUTTON, DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!” Logan sobbed out as he tried getting the seatbelt off, “LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!” he continued screaming.
Oscar looked at him concerned as he reached to grab his hand “Logan it’s ok”
Logan was looking around panicked as he kept clawing at his seatbelt “NO IT’S GONNA CRASH, IT’S GONNA CRASH!”
“Logan?” Alex questioned as he heard him screaming all the way at the front of the ride
Logan was practically begging at this point as he continued to sob. Eventually security came “What’s going on?” he asked confused as he saw Logan freaking out “I don’t know he’s on something” the ride attendant replied as he glared at Logan
“Alright let them out, but just the back” the security replied as the back row seatbelts lifted up. Logan ran out towards the security trying to speak through sobs.
“Whoa whoa relax, what’s the matter?” he asked as he tried calming Logan down
“I saw it- I saw it in my head the tracks collapsed and the roller coaster collapsed-”
“No he was just a little upset before” Oscar interrupted as he grabbed Logan trying to sooth him and calm him down.
“Man can you please control that bitch” Max said as he got out of his seat “It’s gonna crash the hydraulics the coaster, man he’s just trying to get some fucking attention” Max scoffed as he got off the ride glaring at Logan and Oscar
“You know what you’re a real piece of shit Max, fuck you” Oscar replied as he walked up to Max
“Fuck moi?, nah man fuck you!” Max yelled as Oscar pushed him causing him to elbow Sebastian
Oscar and Max start throwing punches at each other as Mark got out trying to break the fight apart, Sebastian following right behind him
“Hey- Hey let me off” Alex exclaimed as he looked around trying to see what the commotion was
The security dragged Logan and the rest out the exit “Nobody else gets off this ride”
Alex turned towards the ride attendant with an annoyed look “Dude let me off”
“So high school” Nico scoffed as he got off
“Let’s get out” Lewis replied as he followed after him
“Where are you guys going!” Romain called out as he followed the pair
Alex was starting to get annoyed at this point “Dude let me off I gotta make sure he’s ok” he huffed as he looked at the ride attendant again.
“Hey, Ho, Let’s go!, Hey, Ho, Let’s go!” the crowd started to cheer trying to get the ride to continue
“Let me out dude, that’s my friend over there!” Alex exclaimed trying to get off the ride, the seatbelt not budging.
Eventually the ride attendant gets the cue to continue and presses the GO button, as Logan turns his head he sees the ride going, he freaks out and runs screaming at the ride attendant as everyone is dragging him back “STOP IT NO, STOP IT PLEASE PLEASE, THE TRACKS ARE BROKEN, STOP IT STOP IT PLEASE, ALEX!” Logan sobbed out trying to get away from Oscar’s tight grip.
The security guy eventually drags Logan and Oscar away, shoving them towards the exit. Logan was a mess as he stumbled down the stairs forcefully trying to explain everything.
“Just settle down and listen, what is your home phone number we can call your mother and everything will be oka-“ right as the manager was about to finish his sentence he got cut off by the sounds of screaming as the roller coaster crashed and sent everyone falling to their death.
“ALEX!” Logan sobbed as he fell to the floor crying.
authors note: plz comment your opinions on my story and leave a “🎟️” if u would like to be tagged in the next part! thank u sm for reading i really hope you enjoyed it 😸
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neenaatyvm · 26 days
Would you say Tom looks better in person ? I Had a friend who saw him at a comic con once and she said that he's really not photogenic because he looks way better irl 😂
I only saw him properly on the projected screen so Tom just looked like normal screen Tom to me. I think he’s definitely better captured in motion than in photography so I get what your friend was saying. I was sitting quite high up so wasn’t the clearest of views and then had to mega zoom for the balcony video after the show.
He looked really excited and happy tho which just gives everyone that extra glow.
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ganondoodle · 1 month
i am so extremely confused on how you can acknowledge belly dancing not needing to be sexual yet. still insist that nintendo is sexualizing young gerudo with the attire. the makeup, heels and how impractical it is to wear the shit they wear in the desert i understand. im not defending those design mistakes. but??? jfc.
oh. so, assuming you are the same anon as before, you WERE asking in bad faith then, or are intentionally missunderstanding what im saying, got it, and now you are trying to twist my words around to fit your little narrative about me being the problem and not mega corporation uwu nintendo with a history of racism (to which this issue is extremely attached to)
so, since you apparently didnt understand what i said, and didnt watch the video i attached either, bc that goes into detail of everything as well, im gonna spell it out once more, and i will even EMPHASIZE words like THIS, so its easier to understand, just for you <3
i did NOT say that the 'belly dance' outfit doesnt NEED to be sexual, i SAID it is/was not sexual IN ITS ORIGIN, BUT was TURNED INTO what boils down to nothing else but a sexy strippers outfit by western people and has been used as NOTHING BUT sexual for decades in the vast majority of media of all kind-
which MEANS, that although in ORIGIN it might not have been sexual, the unfortunate PROBLEM is that through its extreme popularization as such you now have to assume IT IS sexual, bc that is pretty much ALWAYS the intent, people dont even know it as anything but a sexual thing
and before you can even say the "well maybe they didnt intent it a such" blah blah, this is NOT SOLELY about the outfit itself being the only problem here, its the whole package, even if they DID have good intentions or did it subconsciously (which, mind you, should also tell you just how much this kind of picture of middle eastern people has been spread, how common it is to see them like this that its what most people actually think they are like) it nevertheless sends a certain message, and again, ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING PACKAGE, everything, from outfit, to design elements, to dialog, to lore, to even camera angles, you cannot view it as a seperate thing bc it is, inherently, not able to be seperated from everything, its as if you took an incredibly racist caricature, zoomed in and said "LOOK they used a realistic kind of skin tone, its totally not racist!!"
you also called these design decisions "mistakes", but they are not, in fact mistakes, a mistake is when you notice after posting a drawing that you forgot to color in a strand of hair, however, ALL of these design and writing decisions are deliberate, they had to sit down, in a giant team of people, to come up with it, then proceed to design and write it, approve it, make it, and ship it, and saw no problem with it, which is a problem
now, im not saying nintendo personally is telling you "its ok to fuck kids", but things have meanings, and if you are making something, ESPECIALLY using something that isnt of your own culture, you should think about things, and what meanings a thing can have attached to, they are a giant corporation, not a single, very uninformed at best- or very racist at worst, human being, they have the means to do research, but they did not do it or think its fine, maybe even good, which deserves to be called out
i am a big, and longtime, zelda fan, but beign a fan of something doesnt mean you cannot criticise it, or aknowledge that its in many ways flawed, part of being a fan is being able to recognize things that are bad and demand better
if you send me another ask spouting bullshit or purposefully missunderstanding what im saying im gonna punt you into the filthy barrel of blocked porn bots, bc i dont have anon messages enabled to receive shit like this but to allow people who might be too shy to send normal asks to talk to me.
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takenbypeter · 23 days
Could you write about toad(x men evo) telling everyone about his hot date, but no one believes him their juts like "yeha that's neat bud" and goes back to whatever they were doing. But then toad leaves for a bit and later comes back with this mega hottie his arm around her waist and he introduces her to them. Their slack-jawd at how toad managed to pull reader. But reader is low key kinda rude and flirty, but like in a slay kinda way. Like she'll insult you and then blow you a kiss kinda slay.
Toad’s Girl
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Todd Tolansky x female reader
Words: 892
Authors note: I almost—ALMOST, deleted this request cause I got it when I said I was only writing for poindexter and anything else would be deleted but then I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and I love toad sooooo I basically had to write it
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“Oh god, if I have to hear one more story about this chick, I swear I’ll rip my own head off,” said the silver haired boy after zooming to the couch to join the others.
“Who?” Asked Lance shutting the fridge door from the other room.
“That girl Toads been talking about all week. He’s going on a date with her tonight.”
“Woah, someone actually agreed to that,” chimed in Fred.
“Does she know it’s a date?” Asked Lance again, but before Pietro could answer, down came Toad practically hopping off of the walls.
“Guys be honest is this too much?” He stood up wearing a black button down which honestly they didn’t even know how or who he got it from. “I think it’s too much, I gotta go change,” and just like that off he went back upstairs.
“Not like I love the little guy but I sort of feel bad for him,” said Fred as soon as Toad seemed out of earshot.
“I know poor guys gonna get stood up tonight,” muttered Pietro clicking his tongue against his teeth making a little clicking noise.
Lance opened the cabinets surveying his snack options, “or maybe he made the whole thing up.”
“You think?”
“Oh yeah! The way they met sounds sort of familiar.”
“Yeah from like one of those chick flicks.”
Their conversation got cut short as down Toad came again this time wearing a black shirt with a jacket and jeans.
“Do I look good? Or do I look good?” He asked doing a little spin.
The group takes one look at the boy, tilting their heads at the moderate outfit he chose.
He glanced at the clock that hung on the wall before letting out a quick gasp, “oh man, I’m gonna be late!” Passing by the others he shot them a final, “don’t wait up,” before slamming the door behind him.
“Guys gonna get his heart broken…again.”
Without any plans for the other three, they stayed at the house, practically bored out of their minds as the night progressed. In all honesty they expected, Toad to come back about forty minutes after he left. They figured if he didn’t get stood up, either the girl would wake up and realize the mistake she made, or Toad would do something to disgust her, either way they figured he was coming home soon.
But it actually ended up being three hours later when they heard voices approaching the door.
“Let me warn you, the guys are a little…” His sentence cut off as he know doubt didn’t know exactly how to describe them. Pietro grabbed the remote lowering the volume to get a better listen as Toad continued.
“But if at all you wanna bounce just let me know, we will be outta there.”
“Don’t worry about it Todd. I can handle myself.”
They watch the silhouette of the door as they see one figure lean close to the other for a second before leaning back away, “but thank you for being my knight if I need one.”
Positioned almost in the exact same places that they were when Toad had left they shared the same strange look, with raised eyebrows at each other as the door opened.
In came Toad, practically beaming while you followed behind him hand in hand.
One look at you and all their jaws dropped, because first, not only were you real, but you were stunning.
Placing one arm around your waist and holding his other out, Toad gestures around the room, “this is Lance, Pietro, and Fred.”
The group’s actually too shocked to say anything and it isn’t until Toad mutters a little, “guys?” That causes Lance snap out of it, “it’s, uh, really nice to meet you.”
“Toad’s told us so much about you,” added Fred. Toad turned to you offering to get you some water to which you accepted causing him to head off towards the kitchen.
“You’re the chick?” Pietro mumbled gaining your attention. At his question your eyebrows knit together before you compose your expression as the silver haired boy continues, “how’d Toadisnky manage someone like you? Are you visually impaired? Do you and some friends have some bet going on?”
Unable to believe the words coming out of his so called friend’s mouth you let out a single scoff before stepping a little closer to the couch where they all sat, “yeah we do have a bet going on. It’s actually about who can find the biggest douchebag of the night,” you pause raising a brow at the boy before looking him down then back up, “—oop, looks like I won.”
The silver haired boy’s face scrunched up as his surrounding friends have a one-eighty reaction, with smiles appearing on their faces as Toad returned with a bottle in hand. “We’re all out of clean cups so this is all we had, I hope that’s okay.”
Grateful you take it shooting him a thankful smile and another kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you.,” you say before turning to the group again, “now this has been so much fun meeting you all but I think it’s time for me to say goodnight. Toddy, walk me to the car?”
He nods following right after you.
As soon as he shuts the door, Pietro’s the first to speak.
“What the hell!?”
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shark-myths · 1 year
Sending My Love From the Other Side
Things we should discuss:
Pete’s sexy metal Viking princess unitard, he’s waiting to be rescued by a barbarian, I can only presume he is a bride-prize for the hero who can save him
The Folie-ness of it all, the ship at sea but not doomed, not this time; instead it is a vessel of hope
The mythology-of-the-band frame narrative
How the title references back to Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash
Stardust stardust stardust and Pete’s fear of space objects
What do Field of Dreams and The Princess Bride have in common?
For those expressing concern about Joe’s absence both on Sunday and in this video—he writes in his recent book, None of This Rocks, about emergency back problems during the latter end of this pandemic, compromising his ability to walk for a brief post-surgical time, exacerbated by overworking. He writes about learning boundaries, learning to rest, and asking his band for accommodations for his health. It seems likeliest that he’s recovering from a back-related issue, rather than conscientiously abstaining from participating in this record as he describes doing with MANIA.
General ranting about lyrics:
DISCLAIMER: It’s not me, okay, it’s the text, it’s Pete being incapable of writing anything that doesn’t sound like it’s about forbidden queer love, I could not make this shit up, I truly could not
“Model house meltdown”
Reminds me of walking through the house in your shoes, I’m supposed to love you; reminds me of I’m just playing house, no idea what I’m doing now. It’s a very dark Tim Burton-y sentiment from an outwardly happy man living a domestic fairy tale.
“We were a hammer to the Statue of David, we were a painting you could never frame, and you were the sunshine of my lifetime.”
Right from the start, this sets us up for something universally perceived as perfect and beloved being destroyed. This could be a reputation, a cultural relic, a profound piece of history, a narrative, a love. We were a hammer that destroyed it, that perceived thing… 
We were a painting too profane to be displayed in a museum, hidden and damned? Or we were larger than life, uncontent to be contained by a frame, always in motion, chimeric and twining, together apart, together apart, a tesselated image you can only see if you zoom out and unfocus your eyes.
You have all read my opinions about twenty years of Patrick = sunshine metaphors, which seem to be getting pretty FUCKING literal here at the end of days.
“Nowhere left for us to go but heaven, summer falling through our fingers again”
Among other things, this seems to be a VERY explicit reference to Heaven’s Gate.
I am feeling the hope of MANIA (you know my manic poly dream reading of that beautiful, purple beacon of hope) replaced by what the pandemic / apocalypse did to us all. So much for stardust, indeed.
Summer symbolizing touring, festival circuits, linking to the recent FOB instagram post that showed video from the Hella Mega Tour with the caption “take us back here.” The liminality and fleeting-ness of those spaces, those selves, that unmoored time of doing nothing, being everything. The way they want to be home when they’re on the road and the way they want to be on the road when they’re at home. Summer slipping through our fingers again, like the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass, gone past, gone past.
“What would you trade the pain for? I’m not sure”
Isn’t that a fucking question, my friends!!! The pain of longing, unsatisfied, love, unrequited or unconsummated, forbidden and forsaken? The pain of not-having, or of having-had? The pain it was to be together? Welcome to my glossary of suffering
And what would you trade it for? Is this a question of, what is it worth and I can’t imagine giving it up? Or is it a past-tense question—a way of saying, I traded that exquisite pain to get what I have now, and I’m not sure what it was for, I’m not sure if it was worth it.
“Every lover’s got a little dagger in their hand”
Tbh someone smarter than me will have more to say about this, I am sure. Tarot and betrayal and the way love has thorns and anything worth having always hurts, everyone you trust with love will hurt you and let you down at least a little bit, imperfections and prices paid. But it’s also a very classic, very catchy and poetically deep sounding chorus of the type FOB loves to use and do not always hold a deep reading. 
“I saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head.”
More field-of-dreams invocation and playfulness! If there is not a stadium show at that field, I am going to light something on fire, it is the only pilgrimage I care about from this day forward.
“Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: Give up what you love before it does you in”
LITERALLY what can I even SAY about this and the past tense and the DECISION, the question popped by MANIA that was answered only by global cataclysm and forced separation, the way they began work on this album in early 2021 (per Joe’s book). I can only hear this in conversation with the tracks on that record.
“The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end”
I was all prepared to do some read about morality and queerness and what you give up for the people you love, until @carbonbased000 said, “I love the pain line and I want to give it a kinky read so badly but we both know it’s about tennis”, and you know what. She’s right.
To summarize: there’s a lot to say, there’s a lot to feel, I love this song immensely and I hope you do too. I hope to explode more thoughts soon and uhhh maybe write another fairy tale. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, EVERYONE!
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bomberqueen17 · 5 days
Loftus Bralette MK2 Go!
So the thing about the bralette pattern was that it was fiddly. There are a few seams where the seam allowance is one millimeter. That's hard to do. I am capable of that but have not the habit of the necessary carefulness. And I know a lot of the fit issues of the muslin-- which I did shorten the straps of, and put on to check the fit, and again then did not want to remove, so while it is not perfect it is currently the best bra I have (I have some decent RTW ones but forgot them at the farm so my need is dire right now). Anyway a lot of the fit issues of that could stem from careless sewing, so. I immediately cut out a second one with no alterations, just being MEGA SUPER ULTRA careful to cut EXACTLY on the lines.
I used a kit I bought from Porcelynne when I bought all the other materials. I'd meant to make a couple practice ones but then, you know, the kit wasn't that expensive and I might as well just. Do it!
It's black heavy-duty powermesh, black nylon cup lining, and pretty red lace, with black picot elastic and other findings, and then the 2" wide band elastic is metallic silver. Which is so cute and I wish I'd been able to buy just lengths of that elastic, but I wasn't able to find any on the site.
Anyway, the pattern is fiddly but not that challenging, and like 90% of the battle is remembering which way each thing goes. So I figure, if I make another one immediately I've a high chance of the best possible outcome. So here's some of that progress. Well, mostly I'm going to talk about equipment and setup.
I cut out all the materials while on a Zoom call with friends-- someone I know started hosting weekly Zooms to "meet up" with friends and work on crafts sometime during the pandemic I think, and I joined in somewhere in that time. That person has since become my sister's roommate so sometimes I go over there and participate in person, LOL. Anyway I set up my computer at the kitchen counter, got out my little cutting mat and rotary cutter, and just spent two full hours very carefully cutting out pieces and this time I labeled them with the tape before I even cut them out.
The red lace won't take a mark from anything but a Sharpie, which won't wash out, so I wasn't able to mark notches. So I just carefully stacked every copy of the pieces on top of the paper pattern piece, and put them into a baggie that way. I was so so so so careful to get the fabric cut right on the cutting lines, because the sewing lines are marked but I can't transfer those marks, and I discovered sewing the muslin that I can't sew on a line like that anyway (and often it was on the wrong side of the fabric for me to see.)
I'm home alone for two or three days, so I've taken over the living areas of the house to work in. This involved setting up a spare sewing machine on the absolutely-not-for-sewing desk that Dude uses to wfh, temporarily. I had forgotten I owned this machine, and it is a more modern one than the ten-stitch mechanical Kenmore that's my primary axe these days. This one is a Singer 6235 from the 80s, one of the most sophisticated mechanical ones they made before computerized machines were introduced; it's not high in resale value because some of the gears are nylon, but this particular individual one has clearly not been used much. It has wildly nonstandard bobbins, but I got a baggie of like twelve of them with it.
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[image description: a Singer 6235 sewing machine, made of beige plastic and beige-enameled metal with black control panels, sits on a wooden desktop. In the background is a framed photo of a pink Easter bunny and a girl in a blue shirt, this is me and Dude from 2007. He rented that costume and wore it to a roller derby bout and got his ass grabbed SO much by many many people who absolutely did not suss that he was a dude in there. But the fluffy tail, he says, protected him.]
And when I opened the top, I found every single accessory lovingly stored there, including the package of needles it came with, still all in their package. So.
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[Image description: looking down into the top of the sewing machine, which is molded plastic and has a number of esoteric plastic and metal items carefully stowed within custom-shaped cradles, with a letter key on top which is useless without a manual to decode it but good news I found a PDF copy of the manual on Al Gore's Blessed Internet so all is well.]
The single accessory I'm most excited about, however, is the reason I'm telling you all about all of this, which is otherwise not particularly relevant-- you can sew this bra on any machine that can do a zig-zag, and most of it is constructed with straight stitch because it is almost entirely non-stretch, you just need the zig-zags for the elastic attachments. It is:
A SEAM GUIDE. Which i cannot BELIEVE is no longer standard with sewing machines. It's in the above photo at top right, a metal thing with a knob in the middle. It screws into a hole in the machine bed and then you position it to hold your fabric as you sew, to make sure you do not stray over too far.
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[Image description: a view through the sewing machine's active area, showing the presser foot down, the needle in some sheer black fabric, and the little metal item in question screwed into place with the metal arm of it pushed all the way over, actually touching the presser foot, holding the fabric at a 1/4" seam allowance.]
Indispensible. Though, I should have switched presser feet, because when the seam guide touches the edge of this presser foot it's actually slightly over 1/4". Just a fraction, so I've let it be because at least it's consistent and it's better than i was doing in the previous version.
so. This machine is needlessly complicated but works pretty darn well so I'm going to keep using it at least until dude gets back from his work trip on friday night.
I'm a bunch of the way through assembling the second bralette, but I think I'll talk about that in its own post, this has descended into sewing machine wittering. Suffice to say, knowing what i'm doing and what to expect means I'm doing a lot better. I'm also doing all the fiddly shit like pressing seams, and let me tell you, ironing synthetics is pointless LOL, so I'm just topstitching everything. I stopped for the day because the bobbin ran out, it was 9pm, and I looked it up and the way you wind the bobbin on this machine is by keeping the whole thing threaded including the needle and just winding it inside the bobbin case, which is So wild I definitely did not want to attempt it at 9pm after a long day. So, tomorrow I will actually talk about sewing this bralette.
But, I did have one more thing to show off-- I actually have purchased an after-market, universally-compatible seam guide that can just magnet itself to the throat plate of any machine, and was fully intending to use it on this project.
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[img description: my hand holding a little metal gizmo with some arcane writing on the front; it's a square with a solid longer piece coming off the top, angled down on both sides.] This one came from Madam Sew or something, and comes with a plastic ruler with holes in it, and the idea is you put the ruler down, put your needle down so it goes through the hole marked at the distance you want, put your presser foot down to hold it, and then snap this magnetic guide at the edge of the plastic, and then it's foolproof. The thing is it doesn't work great at 1/4" either because again, that's where the presser foot is. So. I can't find the plastic ruler currently either because I am a disaster. But if your machine doesn't have a seam guide you can buy one of these and then you have a seam guide. I recommend it 100%; learning to sew a straight line is one thing, learning to follow a seam allowance is another, and you can improve your sewing immensely by taking the easy approach to it. You have to remove the guide for things like topstitching or other fiddly things, but for the vast majority of seams, including curved ones, this works a treat, makes it so you basically don't have to think, and just-- well, as long as your cutting-out was precise, you're guaranteed to get an accurate fit if you just use this kind of dealie to be precise about seam allowances.
The free version is that you get a piece of masking tape, put it down on your throat plate, and mark in Sharpie exactly where your seam should go, a big thick bold line as long as you can get it. That helps a ton too. Cashmerette's knit patterns all have 3/8" SAs, which aren't a standard marking on throat plates, and their wovens are all 1/2" instead of 5/8", so that's *also* not a standard marking, so I have long ago put the masking tape on but sometimes I also just use the seam guide because then I don't have to keep paying attention.
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Let's Win This Love; Pt. 2 (Keita's Ending)
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part 1: let's win this love (keita & matthew x planetmaster/idol!reader) wc: 900 warnings: some swears; sad keita with a happy ending :) pronouns: none used; n/a summary: planetmaster/idol!reader goes to look for keita after the finale episode of boys planet ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this was a request for our mega talented, adorable keita. i'm glad i got to do a part 2 to my previous one-shot; i think you'll like this ending. i'm so happy with our final lineup guys. jay, keita, hyeonni and phanbin are my only regrets. i wish all of them so much luck-- great opportunities will come out of this for them and i hope everyone continues to think positively! i think when zb1 debuts, i'll rebrand the blog to the group but until then we shall remain boysplanetmorelike :) thank you all for a great month and let's look forward to the next 2.5 years of a most likely pretty successful zb1!
Keita looks up at you from where he's sitting, knees hugged loosely to his chest as he leans against the wall of an empty back hallway in Jamsil Stadium. Tears are rolling down his face fairly elegantly and he hurriedly attempts to wipe them away when he meets your gaze.
"Sunbaenim," he greets with a break in his voice. You sit down next to him, mirroring his position as you tuck your knees to your chest. He looks like he wants to say something else, but his eyes water up again before he can get it out. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for," you affirm, a sad smile forming on your lips. You try to brighten his spirits a bit by joking, "It's not like you stepped on anyone's shoe again."
Keita laughs through his tears, drying his eyes with the back of his hand again. You can't help but notice how truly exhausted he looks.
"If there's anyone that should be sorry, it's all of us," you say, a gentle hand finding its way to his shoulder. "We'll be missing out on one of the greatest talents here. It's just not fair."
He smiles sadly, shaking his head humbly to dismiss your compliment. "No, no-- thank you, but I don't think I'll be missed by anyone much."
"You'll be missed by me," you say definitively, watching as his eyes widen at your personal sentiment.
You can tell he's not quite sure what to say. "I--... I will?"
You nod, laughing softly at the stunned expression on his face. "Every time I announced another name out there, I was pretty devastated it wasn't yours."
Keita nods slowly. "Oh."
"I really thought for sure you'd make it, Keita. Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking about that solution I came up with for your little dilemma during the First Mission," you continue, trying to keep your heart beating at a steady pace and maintain your cool composure. "And I realized I really wanted you to win."
Keita nods even slower, expression unchanging. "Oh."
You grimace awkwardly at his lack of reaction. "Should I not be saying any of this?"
"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry," he exclaims finally. "I legitimately thought I wasn't awake for a moment. Actually, I'm... I'm still not sure that I am."
A grin spreads across your face, biting your lip to keep from squealing at how cute this boy is being. And to think, you had almost written him off as an evil shoe-stepper forever.
But after he got you those flowers at the Kill This Love evaluation... after you'd run into him at the corner store a week later and he bought your water and ramen for you... after he wore that goddamn adorable red Loverboy bunny hat for his Zoom stage...
"You are," you say. "I promise."
Keita's eyes light up, smiling in absolute awe of his turn in luck. "Really!?"
His brows furrow suddenly, eyes littered with concern. "But... What about Matthew? You said you'd go out with whichever one of us debuted."
"I did say that," you agree, nodding thoughtfully before beaming at him as the solution comes to you. "But I didn't say when that debut had to be."
"Oh my god," Keita whispers after a moment. "I think I fit that criteria."
Your laughter illuminates the empty hallway once more. "I think you do, too!"
"I am a no-good, dirty, rotten shoe stepper though," he counters with a playful smirk.
"Mm," you agree with a nod. "You are. But I've decided I think I actually needed to be humbled like that on national television. I think you were really doing me a favor by tripping me and making me fall on my ass in front of Asia's greatest entertainers."
"You know, you say you're over it, but I'm just not sure if that's the case," Keita says, shaking his head in disbelief.
You smile, punching his arm softly. "I'm just kidding. I'm grateful for the experience though--it's the reason I remembered you! Honestly, I'd consider letting you step on my shoe whenever you want."
Keita's head falls to his hands as he laughs, a rosy blush tinting his cheeks as he looks back up at you. "I might just take you up on that."
You stand up, extending a hand to Keita and helping him up to his feet. He nervously shuffles a bit, smiling shyly at you.
"I'm sorry again that you didn't make your second debut tonight with ZB1," you say, hands clasped together at your waist. "I know it's not nearly as exciting, but... would you be willing to make your second debut as my boyfriend instead?"
Keita's face scrunches up in the most joyful smile. "That was so lame."
"I know, I'm so sorry," you relent, looking up at the ceiling and cringing at yourself.
"It would be an honor," Keita says, nodding as his bottom lip tucks between his teeth.
"HEY ARE YOU GUYS GONNA KISS ALREADY OR WHAT!?" You and Keita are ripped from your moment as a recognizable voice shouts from down the hallway.
Whipping around frantically to see the perpetrator, you groan when the boy making his way toward you comes into view.
"I have to get to my Uber and you guys are blocking the way with your little webtoon-worthy confession scene," Zhang Hao calls, rolling his eyes at you. "So if you're gonna make out or something can you just let me through first!?"
You and Keita glance at each other knowingly before shouting at the same time a familiar phrase:
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kingstylesdaily · 2 years
The Truth About Harry Styles’ Hairline – and 9 Other Secrets We Learned Hanging Out With Pop’s Leading Man
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Here are a few things — including Styles' favorite books, his thoughts on Joni Mitchell, and who he wants to work with — that didn't make our September cover story.
OVER THE PAST several months, I crisscrossed the world, following Harry Styles as he rolled out his impressive, game-changing third album, Harry’s House, and played explosive, sold-out shows for hundreds of thousands of fans from Coachella to New York to London. We finally sat down in Hamburg for a long conversation that spanned his career and personal life, and later caught up on the phone while he was in Italy.
During our interviews, he revealed his thoughts on fame, relationships, how toxic the internet can be, what he does in his downtime, and a whole lot more. You can read most of what he had to say in Rolling Stone’s September cover story, but he shared so much that we couldn’t fit it all in. Here are 10 more things you learn when you’re spending time with pop’s leading man.
No, Harry Styles is not bald.
After a DeuxMoi blind item claimed an A-list male pop artist and occasional actor was secretly balding and wearing a hair piece, a few TikTok conspiracists began speculating that Styles might be the star in question: Few people are more A list than Styles, and he’s been in a several movies, including Dunkirk and the upcoming film Don’t Worry Darling, directed by his girlfriend Olivia Wilde. Fans started zooming in on pictures of his hair, wondering if it might actually be a toupee.
Styles laughed it off and said he didn’t even know his hairline was a topic of discussion until his friend and collaborator Tom Hull (a.k.a Kid Harpoon) told him about it.
“He’s completely obsessed with it,” Styles says of Hull. “He won’t stop sending me messages about [people] trying to work out if I’m bald.”
Styles confirms he’s not bald yet. “What is it with baldness? … It skips a generation or something, right? If your grandad’s bald then you’ll be bald? Well, my granddad wasn’t bald, so fingers crossed.”
The success of “Watermelon Sugar” started with a bunch of little kids and took him by surprise.
Styles noticed that “Watermelon Sugar” — the mega-hit from his 2019 album, Fine Line — seemed to be connecting with his tiniest fans first. “Sometimes you’ll meet people and they’ll be like, ‘Oh, can you meet my child? They’re a massive fan,’ and the child’s like 18 months old. This person’s a massive fan?” Styles says. “And I remember someone coming up to me at a party with their son, who was really small, and he started singing ‘Watermelon Sugar,’ and I was like, ‘Oh, OK.’”
The videos kept coming. “‘Watermelon Sugar’ was probably the most amount of videos I’d had from friends sending me pictures of their kids singing it, like videos of them just dancing around,” Styles says. “It wasn’t a single when we put [it] out. It was just like, ‘OK, interesting … this is a high volume of videos of small children singing the song.’”
From there, it blew up in a way Styles wasn’t expecting. The song took off during the pandemic, and even though people couldn’t go out, they were still showing the track love. “We couldn’t do anything, and it kind of just did its thing. I think it was a really nice reminder that songs have the power,” he says. “It’s timing, and if people connect with it, and how people are feeling, and what they feel like they want … that part of it feels like it’s just really lucky.”
He wants to keep working with Dev Hynes.
Hynes and Styles have been working together a lot lately. Hynes was the surprise guest and musical director for Styles’ 2021 Grammy performance of “Watermelon Sugar,” and he went on to play cello on “Boyfriends.” Currently, he’s opening for Styles’ 15-show Madison Square Garden residency, performing under his stage name Blood Orange.
Styles wants to keep the relationship going. “I think the way he works is really special. I’ve definitely felt very lucky that he played on the album,” he says. “I hope we can do some more stuff together going forward at some point.”
He’s open to having proper features on a future album, but only if it happens organically.
While Styles has worked and performed with plenty of intriguing artists, he’s never had a real feature or collaboration on his albums. “I would do it if it happened organically — if I wrote a song with someone and that’s why we wanted to do it,” he says. “I want to put out stuff exactly the way that I want it to be.”
He says “collaborating for the sake of it” isn’t something he wants to do. “But if it happened in an organic way, then I’d definitely be open to it,” he explains. “I really like disappearing to go make music, and I don’t necessarily expect someone to come with me into that process in such a massive way. Maybe one day.”
Steve Lacy and Paolo Nutini made two of his current favorite albums.
Lacy’s Gemini Rights and Nutini’s Last Night in the Bittersweet, both released this year, have been recent favorites for Styles. After reading Haruki Murakami’s Absolutely on Music: Conversations with Seiji Ozawa, Styles also got into classical pianist Glenn Gould, who Murakami and Ozawa talk about in the book. (“I tried to listen to stuff as they were discussing, which was fun.”)
He’s also got Kendrick Lamar’s Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers on repeat (“It’s one of those albums where if I’m going to listen to it, I know I want to listen to it in its entirety. I’m not dipping in and out,” he says), and has been playing lots of the English rock band Wolf Alice, who opened for most of his European tour dates.
He’s thrilled that he got to spend time with Joni Mitchell.
Over the past couple of years, Mitchell has convened special groups of artists for salons she co-hosts with Brandi Carlile. Styles has been a longtime fan of Mitchell’s and was one of the lucky few to get an invite. According to
Maggie Rogers
, he even sang Mitchell’s “River” at one of those gatherings.
“I can’t claim to know her that well,” Styles says. “It’s one of those things where if you listen to her music, you feel like you know her very well. And then you realize that you don’t. But it was definitely really special to meet her. It’s one of those, for me, where you meet people like that and just realize how important songs are.”
One of his favorite books is Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking.
Styles is famously well-read, and he found himself particularly struck by the Didion classic. “I think that was the first book I read twice,” he says. Recently, he’s also been moved by Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and Alain de Botton’s The Architecture of Happiness, both gifted to him by a friend. He’s also been reading Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed and Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad.
He can’t believe how loud people got singing the “Leave America” line.
During his European and U.K. tour dates, fans found one way to express how unhappy they were that Styles had been in the U.S. and that they’d had to wait so long to see him. During “As It Was,” they began screaming out the “Leave America” line from the bridge. It became so loud that Styles stopped singing it himself and let the stadiums take care of it for him.
“They’re definitely reaching some decibels,” he joked just a few days before wrapping the dates overseas. “It seems to be getting louder and louder right as I’m about to head back to tour America. So I’m intrigued as to what exactly will be shouted at that section when I’m in America.”
It was hard to fit “Fine Line” into his set list.
Styles performed his second album’s epic, fan-favorite closer at the first couple of shows of his U.K. dates, but he found it didn’t fit with the set. “If I’m honest, it’s really difficult to place in the set now because there’s songs that I would like to play there,” he explained at the time. The nearly seven-minute, slow-building track originally followed softer ballads “Matilda” and “Boyfriends. “We played it at the first couple shows, and when I played it, it just felt like this moment is just a bit too long, energy-wise.”
Removing it was a tough call because of how much he loves the song. “It’s one of my favorites on the album. Because the new album had come out, it felt strange to close the set with it because it’s from a different album. Everywhere we’ve put it in the set, it feels squeezed in. But I love the song still. It’s not like I’ve changed my mind on that one,” he said.
But after he took it out, fans across U.K. and Europe spent most of the tour begging him via signs, tweets, and endless TikToks to put it back in. “I’m going to play it before the end of the tour,” he promised Rolling Stone. He made good on the promise when he sang it for the crowd in Lisbon, at the European tour closer.
His friends are a mix of childhood and work pals.
Over the years, Styles has been able to keep a few of his school friends by his side. Most of his closest friends are people he met after moving to London at the beginning of his career. He describes these past two summers as some of his favorites, since he was been able to catch up with family and old friends in London.
He’s also thankful that he’s so close to many of his colleagues. “With touring and making albums and stuff, you get so close with people and you spend so much time with each other,” he says. “My relationship with the people that I work with is, I would consider, a pretty unique one. I think a lot of the people that I work with are the same people that I choose to spend time with outside of work.”
In his off-months, he focuses on quality time with his friends. As he’s gotten older, he’s realized how important that is to him: “My favorite experiences over the last several years are when it’s with a group of great people. You can go to a shitty restaurant with your favorite group of people and that’s a way better meal than having dinner with people you don’t like in the nicest restaurant.”
via rolling stone
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otakween · 3 months
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Digimon Tamers - Volume 4
The beginning of this volume flat out spoils things by putting characters that haven't been introduced yet on the character page. (MarineAngemon, the Juri clone, the D-Reaper queen...) Maybe that's a common practice with shounen manga...but it shouldn't be. Like, what's the point?
Ch. 22
Lopmon and Terriermon interacting will never get old. Love how they lift their ears with curiosity when they first see each other.
I think I prefer experiencing the ~sad~ part of Tamers better in manga form. I remember it being quite drawn out in the anime and I rather just blitz through it at this point. I think the whole Leomon death storyline just annoys me because they barely developed his character and then the writing expects me to be devastated. Juri was more developed, sure, but we barely got any insight into her relationship with Leomon so her deep, dark depression doesn't feel super warranted either.
Ch. 23
I think this chapter was pretty well done. They're giving an epic battle it's time instead of zooming past it.
It bugs me that there isn't a specific name for digimon/human digivolutions. In this translation they called it a "true mega form." On the wiki it's called both an ultimate and a matrix digivolution. IDK why it doesn't count as a jogress. I guess there's like...two different things: the way you digivolve (matrix) and the digivolution level (ultimate)? If it's confusing for me, I can only imagine it'd be confusing for a kid.
It's a bit weird for an English translation, but I like that Guilmon says "MMA!" a lot. I can totally hear him making that noise with his OG voice. Creative onomatopoeia.
Ch. 24
Grrr Jian said "crumbcakes," so done with this stupid translation
This chapter was hella short, not much to say about it.
Ch. 25
Okay, now they're calling it a "biomerge digivolution." I guess the localizers also thought "this needs a cool name!"
Casual 90s/early 2000s sexism sprinkled throughout this translation. Takato says he "screams like a little girl" in a previous chapter and in this one he says "easy to forget Renamon and Rika are girls when they're always kicking butt!" Eye roll...
SaintGalgomon looked super badass but for some reason when Sakuyamon appeared they chose to dedicate two closeup panels to her chest and high heels? Sus...
Ch. 26
Juri's face didn't look as sinister here as it did in the anime (when it's revealed she's possessed). I guess that's probably a good thing. More subtle.
I don't remember the sovereign digimon giving Culumon a "you're a real boy now" speech in the anime. That was sweet.
They cut the part where Beelzebumon gets zapped by a bunch a digimon. In this he just collapses after the battle with Dukemon, which I think I prefer. (But why'd he say he'd be "bunny chow?" He wasn't even fighting Terriermon...)
Ch. 27
The grotesque, over-the-top facial expressions the artist keeps drawing for Hirokazu piss me off. They're just so ugly.
Ugh...they really had to ruin a serious moment (Guilmon getting the ark to stop) with a poop joke. This manhua does NOT treat its audience with respect.
Hmm they completely cut out Juri's family. So much for developing her character I guess.
They kind of forgot to imply that the ark is sentient. I mean they showed it stopping on its own, but in the anime they really hammered it home by having Guilmon have a conversation with it and showing it's HAL-like eye. That was one of my fave parts so I'm sad lol
Ch. 28
Okay, this is starting to feel totally different from the anime, they skipped like 5 episodes worth of content. Also, IDK if the scanlation I'm reading is missing some pages because the ending with Dukemon being beat up was completely nonsensical (it cut from Beelzebumon being hit to a panel with Dukemon outta nowhere?) I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that there are missing pages...
The scene where Beelzebumon uses Leomon's attack to save Juri played out differently here. She doesn't seem particularly perturbed by it and Beelzebumon can't save her because he gets attacked, not because Juri recoils for too long.
Ch. 29/30
Lol they completely cut out Justimon. Makes Ryo's role even more pointless! Ryo doesn't even reappear at all...
This manhua series was crap to begin with but they really screwed the pooch with this ending. SOOO rushed. Grani appeared outta nowhere with zero introduction. Like they just went immediately to Grani's sacrifice. I still don't know if I'm missing pages or if the writing is just that garbage. Oh well! I tried.
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cherryfairytwist · 2 months
RickFic Ch9 Cognito Inc.
(Tags: misunderstanding, accidental drugging, substance use, rough sexual encounters, implied group sexual activity, mature, minors do not interact)
—- HELLO —-
The tracker notification went off on Rick’s robot arm as he sat tinkering on something in the garage early one morning. He looked up from what he was going to check. His eyes squinted in disbelief once he noticed Astrid’s location was showing her in Washington D.C. 
“What?! Is this for real??” He said with increasing irritation as his eyes went large in rage. 
He rushed to portal himself down to his basement lab not wanting to waist any time. Once out of the portal he sat down in his chair facing his mega computer. He pulled up the large map of the United States checking again to see Astrid’s location dot still in D.C. He slammed his fist down on his chair’s arm in annoyance and then threw his keyboard across the room.
“You fucker! Y-you would do something like this wouldn’t you Mr. President- COMPUTER zoom in on tracker’s location.” before seeing Astrid’s location, he assumed she was at the White House but found she was actually somewhere else in D.C. 
He arched his eyebrow in confusion but could remember this other location creeping up in his brain from somewhere before. 
“Oh that’s right.. wait- you got to be kidding me! N-Not them….” He slapped his hand over his face groaning realizing where Astrid was.
“Cognito Inc. What a bunch of hacks… Why would she be there…?” He asked out-loud to himself before telling the computer to zoom in more. 
He watched the map zoom in so much it was practically a Birds eye view of the building. Rick irritatedly tapped his fingers on his chair remembering his own brief run in with Reagan Ridley and her father Rand Ridley in the past. 
“The Ridleys have been a forgotten pain in my ass even before the current President. What are they up to these days? The last I heard about them was when they tried replacing the previous President with a robot or some stupid shit.” He grumbled to himself while picking back up his keyboard and looking up anything he could find on Cognito’s current activities. 
Astrid stood gripping her communicator nervously right outside of the Cognito Inc. building. It had been a long time since she last saw Reagan. Even though it was the weekend, meaning there wouldn’t be as many people in the building, she still had to sneak inside without anyone finding out she was there. It would technically be going against the orders her handler had given her as well as probably alarming the higher ups at Cognito… she hadn’t exactly left there on a good note in the past. She noticed one employee was on their way towards the front door from the parking lot. In an attempt to keep the building cameras from seeing her she crouched down behind some cars outside and let out a small yell, 
“Ahh! Oh no! Could you please come help me..?” She called out to the random employee in the parking lot luring them back out. 
He walked back out into the parking lot and back behind the row of cars Astrid was hiding behind. He then came over to her, to him she looked like an older office woman in a navy suit skirt outfit with a coffee stain on her skirt. He then crouched down to help her up. 
“Oh goodness you’re such a sweetheart, thank you dear.” Astrid said in the fake voice before knocking him unconscious onto the ground next to her. 
She quickly dragged the unconscious man behind her hiding him in a bush right near the car line. Still crouching she shifted to look just like him. Nothing extraordinary, just an average looking middle aged man in scubs with a lab coat over top. Astrid stood back up and proceeded to walk over towards the building front door pulling out the key car they had swiped from the real employee. Once inside they went to the elevator without suspicion. After the door had shut Astrid let out a small sigh before punching in the floor number  to the main atrium, Astrid had a feeling Reagan would be in her office. While the elevator started to lower, Astrid zoned out thinking of their past together. 
Back then Astrid had been brought in by the Agency to partner with Cognito Inc. for a few assignments. It had been right around the time Reagan and her team had gotten back from their moon mission stopping Buzz Aldrin from moving the moon away from Earth. The Agency had a hidden base inside the Moon, so after hearing Reagan’s team was responsible for preventing Buzz’s plot they sent in a small Agency team as a sign of good faith in “partnership”. One of the individuals being brought on that team was of course Astrid.  She reminisced about the first day her team came to join Cognito Inc. 
Astrid remembered walking in with the team of eight highly trained foot soldiers, her handler, two coordinators and two other lower level handlers who oversaw the foot soldiers. Even while surrounded by her team members, she remembered seeing Reagan’s curious face from one of the upper floor’s balconies as the crowd of Cognito employees all gathered around impressed while meeting the new team in the atrium. 
Reagan frustratedly sat down her almost empty coffee mug on a desk. She had been working in her lab overnight nonstop trying to keep busy with projects. After finally reaching back out to Astrid her nerves had gotten the better of her for the past few days. She hadn’t been sleeping or eating much, all she could do to get the anxiety to go away was by crunching overtime at work. But now it was the day she was supposed to see Astrid, she just couldn’t seem to focus. It was already the afternoon and she was starting to worry that Astrid might not show. 
“Fuck… I look a mess.” She said tiredly after seeing her face in the reflection of a half finished robot she had been working on. 
She left to go to the bathroom and freshen up. Once in front of the mirror she tried washing her face with cold water to help her feel less dead. Her mind started to trail off to the first time she had met Astrid. She had been standing on one of the upper levels in the main hub of the building looking over the railing down at the intimidating looking team that rolled in from the elevators. She had heard from J.R. that a supposed mysterious alien Agency had wanted to partner with them. She curiously looked down over the rail at the new group being swarmed by other curious employees. She spotted one individual from the foreign team that seemed to stick out from the rest, she did not look intimidating like the other group members. She had long dark black hair and wore a dark plaid skirt with a white collared button up short sleeve shirt. She also wore big rimed black glasses and dark thigh highs with matching dark loafers. Gigi came up from behind Reagan and gossiped, 
“Ooo look at how fine those soldiers look in their uniforms! I like how their Agency styles them. I’m going to have to get me one of them hunks.” She laughed and checked her hair in her phone’s camera. 
“Looks like you’ll have plenty to choose from.. but who’s that one girl down there?” Reagan asked hoping Gigi might know. 
“Oh that cute shy looking girl with the glasses? I’m not sure, they work for an alien company so I don’t think they have Earth social medias. I wasn’t able to find much on them actually. REAL mysterious~” she said playfully and intrigued herself. 
“But I hear some of those team members are handlers for the super soldiers. So maybe she’s one of them?” Gigi guessed thinking about information she head through the grape vine. 
“A handler Hu? She must be really smart then, she looks so innocent though… I don’t think I could imagine her giving any of those soldiers a kill command ha!” Reagan snorted thinking about it noticing her cheeks were feeling a little flushed. 
“Me either girl, but damn she IS cute… you have a crush already? It’s good to hear after that little fling you had with Masters.” Gigi arched her eyebrows in amusement trying to mess with Reagan. 
“I-it’s not like that..! Ha.. literally I haven’t even met her yet. Besides after Masters I’m so done with relationships for a while….” Reagan quickly tired to cover for herself not wanting Gigi to have the upper hand. 
“Well then if you’re not going after her I might just try to take a crack at it. Been a while since I got to have a fling with a real cutie like her.” Gigi said playing koi knowing it would get under Reagan’s skin. 
“Well.. good luck with that.” Reagan awkwardly replied before noticing the girl from the team looked up and made eye contact with her from far away. 
She looked up shyly at Reagan with a smile before turning to talk to the other team members as J.R. walked up to greet them. 
Reagan blushed and looked away, retreating to her lab in an attempt to escape Gigi but not before hearing her say,
“I’m going to try and introduce our team to their’s later this evening at the welcoming party.. if you’re not a scaredy cat you should come introduce yourself too.” She called out. 
Astrid snapped back to reality as the elevator door opened to the main hub of Cognito. She walked out still shifting to look like that male employee she was impersonating. A few other employees called out greetings to her thinking nothing out of the ordinary while she too responded with casual and vague responses to keep up the appearance. She recalled her way around the other level stairways making her way towards Reagan’s lab. Being back in the building made her think more about that crazy night she first met Reagan’s team. She couldn’t help the flashbacks flooding her mind. 
She remembered sitting in the company’s bar McUltra’s after hours. Most of her team had already made their way to their guest rooms for bed by that hour (Some empty office rooms had been renovated into hotel rooms at the company). Cognito had thrown a welcoming party hours ago that she hadn’t been able to enjoy much with her handler team being around. They had all wanted to take first impressions seriously. Her current handler, having always been the most agreeable handler she’s had, said she could enjoy herself after hours if she wished but that he was going to retreat to bed himself. She had asked if she could share a guest room with him but he had insisted she could have a room of her own if she wanted. This gave her mixed feelings. She always had feelings for him, taking any opportunity she could to be alone with him, but after multiple times with failed attempts to get his attention in that way she started to lose hope. She started to think maybe it would be good to have a room to herself if he didn’t seem to care. She took some more sips of her cocktail while looking around the almost empty bar. Her eyes caught a glimpse of Reagan coming in to meet up with her Cognito team in a corner booth. She smiled at Reagan shyly already a little buzzed trying to work up the courage to maybe try and make some friends. She glanced over at their group and heard a few hushed whispers and laughs from them as their eyes all landed on her. She curiously looked at them wondering what office friendships were like here compared to friendships she had back at the Agency. Having never been to Earth before she was newer to their social interactions and wondered what their reaction might have meant. 
Reagan looked up at her reflection in the mirror and tried to fix her messy hair. She frantically messed with it hoping to look somewhat presentable before Astrid might show up. She sighed and contemplated if she should try to put makeup on or not. She then decided against it thinking about how Astrid had always been around Reagan without her makeup done. She then rubbed her face in embarrassment thinking about the night of the party. 
Reagan had just joined her team in McUltra’s after the welcoming party in hopes of avoiding the gathering. She quickly began to feel butterflies once realizing the new girl was in fact still at the bar once she arrived. 
“Looks like you made it just in time Reagan! I was going to introduce us to the new girl once all the commotion died down.” Gigi said cheekily. 
“Yeah the new girl is hot! I hope she has a thing for party guys like myself.” Andre said cockily pushing his hair back. 
“She’s supposed to be an alien though right? Maybe she’d like something more like me ya know?” Myc said while wrapping one of his tentacles around Andre’s shoulder playfully. 
“Honestly she’s a bit too young for my taste, also she’s not blond or nothin!  I don’t think I want to deal with whatever secret freaky alien form she might be hiding.” Glenn interrupted and decided to make his exit, “ I think I’m going to head to bed myself.” He said drunkenly standing up and heading towards the door. He then turned and waved goodbye to them before leaving the bar. 
“Alien or not, she seems pretty nice though! We should invite her over!” Brett said with a cheerful smile and wave in Astrid’s direction catching her attention. 
“Oh come on Brett I’m sure she just wants to unwind from a long day without us bothering her-“ Reagan said awkwardly before seeing Astrid wave back to Brett mirroring the friendliness. 
Reagan could not help feeling a slight competitiveness creep up on her as she thought about the new girl. Yes their alien agency sent them as a helpful hand but, recently Reagan’s team had been assigned a couple of missions by J.R. that had failed or just barely succeeded. This lead to J.R. frequently bringing up how the new alien team would help clean up all the messes at Cognito. Naturally this made Reagan feel as though her impact and importance to Cognito was now lower on the scale. It made her a bit bitter even. 
“How is she supposed to clean up world threatening messes….?” Reagan murmured to herself annoyed while watching the seemingly innocent new girl shyly walk over to greet them. 
“Hey sweet thing! How’s it hanging?!” Andre called out to her from the other side of the round table sitting in the booth. 
“Yeahhhh hey there cutie!” Myc also chirped. 
Reagan rolled her eyes at them and continued to chug on her beer wishing to be as intoxicated as them. 
“Oh my, hello young lady! You’re the new girl right? My name is Gigi. I’m Head of PR & Media Manipulation Department here at Cognito.” She said turning up all the charm and reaching her hand out to shake. 
Astrid reached out and shook it with an awkward smile while glancing at the rest of the team.
“Don’t mind these two idiots. They say all kinds of garbage. But you can come sit down right next to me if you’d like.” She said with a sweet smile before quickly shooting a smug look at Reagan. 
Which Reagan shot back an unamused glance in response as Astrid squeezed into the booth to sit in between Gigi and Andre. 
Gigi continued with the introductions, “This is Andre, he’s our Biochemist. That, on the other side of Andre is Myc. He’s a freaky mushroom so he’s our Spore Supplier.” She said annoyed trying to get their introductions quickly out of the way. 
“Hi! And I’m Brett! I’m the co-leader of the gang!” He said enthusiastically beaming and reaching out his arms to hug Gigi and Reagan on either side of him. 
“Oh hi!” Astrid giggled at them and then looked over at Reagan, “So if he’s the co- leader, who’s the leader?” She eyed curiously hoping it was Reagan. 
“That would be me. But I’d say it’s more of a team effort I guess.” She said casually annoyed knowing how difficult they were all going to be if she claimed too much fame.
“Yeah… leader.. ANYWAYS- What about you?” Gigi asked Astrid giddily. 
“Well.. my name is Astrid.. and I’m a specialist on the Agency’s team. I’ve been advised by my higher ups to not divulge too much about my job…but I’m sure you all will see soon enough haha. I mean.. since we’ll all be working closely together now.” She said looking down and smiling. 
“Oh no worries! We totally get it. That’s like our company’s thing too. “Secrets” haha!” Andre wiggled his eyebrows at her and then started to rummage around in his coat looking at different little containers from his pockets. 
“Well Astrid, would you like to join us for some drinks and some STRIP POKER?” Myc blurted out with no hesitation. 
“What a bad joke.” Reagan groaned and glared at him “we just play normal poker sometimes..” she quickly added trying to save face in front of Astrid. 
“Oh strip poker is a great idea!” Andre chirped in while shuffling the cards.” 
“I mean if everyone is playing I guess I’m in….?” Brett hesitantly agreed hoping for the groups approval. 
“Um… I’d like to play a few normal rounds first if you all don’t mind… I mean I haven’t even had a drink yet…!” Astrid joked shyly with a hint of pink in her cheeks. 
The gang all laughed except Reagan who continued to pound her beers while looking down at her cards that Andre had just delt out.
Everyone grabbed their cards and took a look. 
“Well let me get you a drink then hon! Drinks on us tonight, how about that? Think of it as our personal welcome to our cute new partner~” Gigi teased as she got up, walking over to the bar to order more drinks. 
As they waited for her to get back, Brett went to choose a song from the Jute box while Andre and Myc started cheekily asking a range of odd questions to Astrid. While they chatted Reagan groaned to herself looking back at the table where six of her empty beer bottles sat. She then got up to go order something stronger with Gigi. 
“Reagan stop being such a sourpuss. You’re just mad she seems to be liking us just fine. You jealous..?” Gigi snorted and rubbed her elbow against Reagan while standing next to her.
“I’m not jealous. You guys are just being weird like always. Besides I just have a lot on my mind right now. We need to show J.R. We don’t actually need them to clean up our failings!” Reagan insisted back at Gigi frustrated. 
“Oh relax Reagan! They were a gift to us for our non-failure! You’re always stressed out. Just have some fun for once and then get some beauty sleep. You’re not getting enough of that lately.” Gigi joked back. 
“Not everyone is blessed with good looks like you or the new girl. Lack of sleep isn’t my problem.” Reagan said casually after sipping on her jack and coke feeling more of a buzz finally. 
“Reagan… are you saying I’m pretty..?” Gigi arched her brows at her and slyly grinned. 
“Uh.. yeah I mean.. you are an attractive woman.” Regan said not quite getting the implication Gigi was sending her way as she returned back to the table. 
In her lightly buzzed state Reagan thought about a way she could prove her status while also showing off in front of Astrid. She had learned keeping Brett around got the team to listen to her so why not hope Astrid could be another version of that? If she could get Astrid to like her, then of course the rest of the team would follow orders better. 
Gigi watched Reagan rejoin the group still waiting on the tray of drinks at the bar. She also thought about her own motives. She had been getting tired of the same shit in the office lately. After going on a few failed dates she also thought about wanting to spice things up in the office. Being around Cognito so much started to make her realize that normal dating became harder. It was hard to relate and find time… but with everyone ALWAYS being here… she had started to think about what it might be like if she could drum up some kind of office romance drama. Her deep dark secret was hoping for an entanglement with the gang and the new girl. She’d never admit it, but she often wanted to find excuses to maybe get some action with Andre or Brett. And who knows… maybe if she was drunk enough, Reagan too. She glanced over at the table laughing along with Astrid. 
“Damn she is cute.” She mumbled amused and buzzed, “the boys and I are ganna love you.” She said before receiving the large tray of shots from the bar tender. 
Two hours had gone by and the whole gang was trashed. Everyone had been drinking non-stop after quite a few rounds of “normal” poker which lead to Andre doing drugs and also letting everyone else in the group do some as well. He had taken a wild mix of substances. In his drunken state he remembered Gigi whispering in his ear something about how fun it would be if everyone had some aphrodisiacs if they were going to play strip poker. He quickly took that opportunity to dose some weed he had with super strong aphrodisiac powder. After smoking some himself he offered,
“Y’all want to hit this…? It makes you feel really good while drunk.” He coughed out a few clouds. 
“Oh is that weed..?” Astrid asked wanting to partake. 
“Sure is hon, some of the best type around.” He laughed goofily. 
Myc and Gigi partook right after Astrid. And then after a bit more convincing and seeing how everyone else in the gang had some, both Brett and Reagan followed suit. They had been begrudging at first but Brett’s need for approval made him agree. Reagan just decided, 
“why not?” She said now drunk and hoping it would help her to relax enough for some decent sleep later that night. 
In annoyance after losing one too many rounds, Myc had taken the round table and thrown it across the room over near the door leaving them sitting in a booth, only the curved couch remained. A while ago the bar had officially closed but the staff let them stay after hours if they promised to lock up behind themselves when they were done. 
Slowly the drugs began to take effect causing the game to devolve into somewhat a half strip poker game. Obviously Myc had no clothes so they all made him start to balance empty shot glasses on his head instead. Brett sat in his boxers in the booth, next to him Gigi sat with her heals and blazer off, still in her dress. Andre still had all his clothing on minus his shirt however, he still wore his lab coat unbuttoned as well as his pants. Astrid had her clothes still on but with her shirt unbuttoned and her thigh highs slipped down to her ankles. And finally Reagan sat slouched in the booth wearing her open lab coat over her gray sports bra, she was missing her button up shirt. 
They were all bordering the line on becoming black out drunk on top of being crossfaded. Not to mention all of their hormones were starting to go into hyperdrive. When “stripping” during the game everyone would sort of get touchy to help the others remove pieces of clothing. Even laughing as people started to fuck up since their balance was going to shit. Everyone’s legs had started to stretch out and touch each other’s. Astrid blushed a bit thinking about the possibility of where all this might be leading and wondering  if everyone in their group seemed to be on the same page or not. She thought about how fun this dynamic might turn out knowing none of them knew who she really was. She had her own mischievous intentions tucked in the back of her head. 
“Okay Astrid looks like you need to take off a piece for real this time!” Myc said cheekily, “here, want me to help you out..?” He drunkenly asked inching his tentacles closer to her shirt’s sleeves. 
“Oh give her a break you pervert. Like she’d be interested in you!” Gigi said in an attempt to help Astrid if she felt uncomfortable. 
“You know what, it’s fine actually. You can help me Myc…. I’ve never really done stuff like this with new co workers before.. I’m feeling a little bit shy.” She lied, lowering her gaze while slowly unbuttoning her shirt further and allowing Myc to slide it off her arms lightly. 
The group got quiet seeing her sitting in a black lace bra. Brett nervously played with his fingers while Gigi, Andre and Myc went ahead and soaked up the sight. Reagan look down at her cards intently trying to seem unbothered although she was dying of embarrassment and jealousy knowing the gang had all seemed to get on Astrid’s good side except her. Reagan pounded another rum and coke hoping to loosen up enough to figure out how to flirt with Astrid as well. 
“Oh holy shit! So like… you’re a monster fucker..?!” Andre asked excitedly wondering about her being an alien an all. 
“Well… yeah I guess..! Haha.. y’all make me feel like I’m dirty or something… I mean I am an alien.. I think you earthlings call it being pansexual…? I guess I’m sort of like that?” Astrid replied flirty. 
Everyone quickly shot excited glances at each other trying to pick up on the vibe realizing that Astrid seemed to be game for any of them. Reagan swallowed down the rest of her drink hard.  
“It’s odd.. I can’t read your mind like I can read everyone else’s.. thats how I knew you had to be some kind of alien! I wanted to know if you liked us.” Myc brought up. 
This caught Reagan’s attention so she made a mental note while quickly scrambling up from her seat to go behind the bar and get herself another drink. She started to panic knowing she wasn’t good with social or flirty situations. She grinded her teeth in discomfort also thinking about how the whole team seemed to be getting touchy with each other. Never in a million years did she think something like this would occur. It had never crossed her mind. 
“You don’t need to read my mind for that. I’ll tell you anything you’d like to know.” Astrid said with a shrug. 
“Well now that that’s settled I guess it just leaves one more thing! What do you think of the team so far?” Gigi flirted back playfully in attempt to redirect things to her plan. 
“Oh yeah! Do you like us Astrid?!” Brett asked cheerfully and less inhibited from all the drinks. 
Reagan practically almost spit out her drink after having returned to the booth. She quickly pretended to be adjusting her coat and pants while sitting down knowing this night was about to get weird. She quickly chugged her new drink until it was empty. 
“Yeah I like you guys… I’m looking forward to seeing you more in the next coming days.” Astrid said with a flirty smile at them. 
“You’re so fucking hot.” Myc quickly blurted out. 
“Jesus… Let’s show the new girl a good time! We can do that guys, right?” Gigi said confidently trying to break the ice as smoothly as possible. 
“So what I’m hearing is that everyone is on board to keep playing strip poker for reals?! I think everyone might have a little crush on you Astrid!” Andre said wiggling his eyebrows excitedly. 
“W-Wait guys I mean…” Reagan stuttered out finally feeling all the drinks hit her at once, “s-should we really be doing this at the b-bar..? W-What if the janitor comes in and like see us..?” She blushed and messed with her hair drunkenly trying to reason with them. 
“We could fix that problem easy! Let’s just move this poker party up to the Holo-chamber! I mean what else is it good for? That way we can have some privacy and get to know our new friend a little better~” Gigi said sweetly as she placed her hand lightly on Astrid’s leg, looking back at the gang with a look implying they better play the fuck along. 
“Oh a Holo-chamber? That’s cool you guys have one! I’d like to see it anyway even if everyone isn’t feeling like playing the game anymore…?” Astrid tried to reassure hoping to also not make Reagan feel like she was on the spot. 
“No no no! We’re PLAYING this game. Right guys? Let’s head upstairs!” Myc insisted as well not wanting Reagan to ruin his chances. 
“Fuck yeahhh I’m down! Let’s get crazzzy~ let’s get REAL weird~.” Andre said in a relaxed party guy voice while also standing up. 
The rest of them looked at Reagan waiting for her reply. Brett looked down at Astrid as if checking in one more time to see if she was really okay with it. Once he saw she was sitting smiling back at him earnestly, he caved instantly. 
“S-sure I’m up for anything if y’all are!” He laughed and then stood up quickly pounding his drink as if he was getting ready to run a mile. 
Reagan fidgeted with her lab coat button nervously while standing up knowing everyone was still looking at her. Gigi hoping to rush Reagan’s answer, pulled up Astrid from the booth and draped her blazer over her as if getting her ready to leave. Reagan then ruffled her hair in frustration and blushed, 
“Yeah fine. Let’s give you the tour while we are at it.” Reagan said trying to sound cool. 
Everyone cheered and started to grab a couple of drinks before leaving. Gigi lead Brett and Astrid to the door quickly while Myc and Andre quickly went to grab some beers to take with them. Reagan then caught up to Gigi at the door just as she was leading the others out. She grabbed Gigi by the shoulder pulling her behind the group for a quick word. 
“H-hey-!” She said under her breath, “ I need to talk to you for a sec.” She said through gritted teeth while trying to sound playful. 
“Sure…” she motioned for everyone to go ahead toward the elevator. “What?!” She asked annoyed hoping to rush out of the conversation. 
“Are you crazy?! Are you really t-trying to get all of us to like….. “ she rubbed her face in embarrassment, “do STUFF with the n-new girl?! This-this is highly unprofessional!” She raved at Gigi flailing her arms in emphasizes.
“Oh come on Reagan! Just because you’re too embarrassed to make any moves of your own doesn’t mean you can lecture me! Without me all of you would have fumbled this chance! A “Thank You” would be nice! Just relax….. if you’re really not into the idea then just go home already. I’m having some fun. If you don’t want to join then don’t.” She said sternly looking Reagan in the eyes. 
Reagan looked up at Gigi a little embarrassed trying to say something but no words left her mouth. Gigi’s face softened looking at how pitiful Reagan looked and tried to put her at ease. 
“Hon… it’ll be fun. You need to stop worrying so much. I know this isn’t really your field of expertise but look at it this way… would you rather try out something kind of crazy for once and find out you might like it? Or would you rather let the chance slip by and be left to wonder?” She said while rubbing Reagan’s shoulder. 
Reagan rolled her head back in announcing but then took a deep breath and relaxed a little, “b-but Gigi she’s like w-way out of my league… I mean to be fair even y-you and Brett are.. but we are all co workers… and I can’t stand Myc!! what if it gets weird-?” She started to ramble on before Gigi interrupted her. 
“Andre! Come here a second you left something in the booth back here! Y’all go on ahead without us! We’ll meet you up there in a minute!”Gigi called to him just as the rest of the gang was about to get on the elevator. 
As Andre walked back towards them Gigi started to push Reagan towards the elevator and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry about all that I’ll help you out. Just get on that elevator and turn back up the team leader meter! The New girl seems to like honesty and confidence. Just show her around the conference room and brag about all the perks of working here! I’ve seen how passionate you get when you talk about that stuff! Just be yourself but stop letting your nerves take over. I’m going to get some help from Andre to make things less awkward. TRUST me!” 
She then shoved Reagan into the elevator so fast it made her run right into Astrid and Brett before the doors closed. 
Gigi turned back to Andre waiting in the hall, “okay get the aphrodisiacs ready! Looks like everyone is on board now and Reagan might need a little more help because she’s nervous. But you better keep Myc away from Reagan.. you know she can’t stand him, as a matter of fact I can’t stand him either honestly.” She said with an eye roll. 
“Uh… I kind of already used the aphrodisiacs… like…earlier…when we were all smoking. It was in the weed!” He said laughing nervously. 
“You drugged us?!” Gigi yelled at him.
“I thought you meant for me to use them then!! I don’t know- I figured you knew Astrid was into some kinky shit, like you found out through her social media like you do for politicians we honeypot sometimes…I also figured that you had talked to the team before hand…Damn it’s not like I roofied us!” He said laughing nervously realizing he had assumed. 
“You idiot! She’s an alien! She literally just came to Earth today! She doesn’t even have an Earth social media!! Also, did  you not see how awkward the whole group was earlier..?! Of course they didn’t know!!” She fumed. 
Reagan drunkenly fell forward right into Astrid as the elevator doors shut behind her. Brett’s arm instinctively shot out to try to steady Reagan by holding onto one of her outstretched arms. Her other arm flew up against the back of the elevator attempting to keep her from slamming into Astrid. Astrid’s hands shot out in front of her and gently grabbed hold of Reagan’s waist to steady her. This left them in quite the entanglement as the elevator lurched up causing Reagan to hold on in her stance. She stared at the floor seeing Brett’s arm snuggly between both her arm and Astrid’s, looking past that she could see her legs had tangled into Astrid’s as well. Once her mind caught up to her body the blood rushed to her face. With her head still down she shut her eyes tightly in drunken embarrassment while trying to keep it together. After regaining composure and gaining confidence she attempted to look Astrid in the face. After climbing her neck and face with her vision, she froze like a deer in headlights as their eyes met. Astrid looked back at her with comforting eyes and a koi smile. Reagan felt an overwhelming sobering sensation. Looking into Astrid’s dilated pupils caused a creeping sensation, like she was standing at the edge of a black hole. 
“Uh- y-you okay Reagan..?” Brett asked drunkenly trying to steady her. 
Reagan suddenly realized she was back in the elevator and had just run into both of them knowing Myc was right there watching all of it. She sprung backward and steadied herself. 
“Dayyyyymmmm Reagan. I’ve never seen you pull moves like that before.” Myc joked sarcastically from behind.
Reagan looked back at Astrid as if checking to see what she experienced a minute ago was a hallucination or not. 
“You good Reagan?” Astrid asked nicely in a cool tone. 
Her face looked back at Reagan with a relaxed smile. Reagan felt her heart flutter and she quickly about-faced to wait for the elevator door to open.
“Y-yes! I’m fine.” She said copying the relaxed tone while trying to loosen her shoulders. 
The elevator door opened only a few moments after. Suddenly Regan felt Astrid’s arms tangle around one of hers and pull her forward. Astrid playfully dragged her forward and into the hallway in front of them.
“Come on! I’m excited to see the conference room! Come show me.” She said with a smile as she also grabbed Brett’s arm and pulled him along behind them. 
Brett obediently followed suit while keeping up with the now silly and drunk Astrid. Reagan also found herself at the mercy of Astrid’s pace and tried to sober up enough to direct them the right way.
“Oh! Uh… that way over there..!” Reagan said trying to inform Astrid. 
Myc followed behind relaxed and chuckling as they all turned the corner to the meeting room. Once inside Astrid let go of the two and actively went to go investigate the area curiously. Myc walked in casually and sat himself down in one of the office chairs. 
“So yeah.. this is where the magic happens. Hope it’s up to your alien standards?” Reagan tried joking. 
“Oh it’s nice! I’m so used to laboratories and testing arenas. This looks so official and business like…. Oh I like your statues and decor.. very occult!” She said in an enthusiastic voice. 
Reagan suddenly couldn’t help but grin and let out a small laugh. She just now realized she was also talking to a fellow nerdy workaholic. Her stomach still felt as if it was full of butterflies, however her brain felt less burdened thinking about how Astrid might have been more like her than she had thought. Astrid turned back in curiosity wondering why Reagan might have laughed. Reagan smiled back at Astrid more confidently and walked over to her. She turned on all the conference room TVs and then put her arm around Astrid’s shoulders as all the screens played different kinds of classified information. 
“W-WELCOME TO COGNITO INC. !” She announced proudly. 
Astrid looked around with wide and excited eyes at everything she was witnessing. Seeing the secrets of Earth and the American government being revealed to her so nonchalantly thrilled her. After noticing the shift in the dynamic Brett instantly perked up, making him compelled to stand next to them happily explaining some of the different footage in excitement. After a few minutes of them chatting, Myc groaned and started to mess with a trinket on the conference table in boredom. 
“C-Cognito is a shadow government h-here on Earth. We are the ones ac-actually running things. There are a few other shadow groups..but we are all s-sort of in competitive collaboration you could s-say…You- YOU ASTRID- were assigned t-to us because we- Brett and I- were able to thwart B-buzz Aldren’s attempt at taking the Moon out of Earth’s orbit…. I think I heard from our boss, J.R., that The Agency h-happened to have a base on the other side of the moon…?” She asked drunkenly but confident trying to break the ice. 
“You’re right! My higher ups were thrilled after hearing the news. They really had not thought Buzz would have taken things so far. I mean for the longest time he was known as some stoner sex hippy. They just figured he’d keep to himself and his moon people… an oversight on our part really. So they wanted to give me a chance to prove myself by showing off all my hard work and training with all of you.” She said back inspired while earnestly looking back at Reagan. 
Reagan felt a squeeze in her chest thinking about how cute Astrid was. Her drive and enthusiasm was something she related to deeply. She wanted to take Astrid under her wing and work together with her. She even considered the thought of how it might feel to finally have someone on the team who looked up to her and treated her with respect besides just Brett. She continued to squeeze Astrid’s shoulders in encouragement as Brett added in,
“Oh my gosh..! Haha- wow! You’re just like us then hu? We are trying to help Reagan get to the point where she’s the one running this place! So I guess we both have great goals!” He said with a big grin while pointing his finger up to the ceiling. 
“Brett-!” Reagan laughed but tried to hush him in embarrassment. 
“Really?! You want to take over the shadow government? How are you going to do it..?!” Astrid asked wanting to know more. 
“B-Brett made it sound like it’s some-some kind of secret take over..! Haha .. no. My dad and J.R. helped b-build this place… I mean I’m just trying to prove, n-now that my dad is out of the…company, that I would be the p-perfect candidate to run this place soon.” She said trying to say it nonchalantly hoping to come across as more humble. 
“So you really are the team leader?! Not just your team’s leader but you lead the company in more ways already now too? How exciting! You must be amazing.” She said admiring Reagan. 
Reagan blushed and brushed back her hair with her hand while still keeping a firm grip on Astrid. She started to feel her ego boost like crazy… making her feel even more in the mood to get a little wild. 
“Aw Reagan is too humble, you are right. She really is amazing!” Brett insisted earnestly. 
“UHG. Are you guys done…?! This is such a mood killer. Let’s go to the Holo-chamber already! I want to continue our game!.” Myc said drunkenly annoyed. 
“We’re supposed to wait up for Gigi and Andre… there’s no sweat in taking our time.” Brett said blushing being reminded of the group’s original plan. 
“Well guess who’s here just in time.” Gigi said while entering into the conference room followed by Andre. 
“Finally we can get to the action!” Myc hollered. 
“Geez man chill out… we can take a moment to smoke and get some jitters out ya know. I got something special for all of us that might make this party just the right vibe.” Andre said while pulling out a bottle of pills in one hand and a tiny box in the other. 
Everyone peaked over to look at what he was presenting. He looked up at all of them with a grin and popped a pill into his own mouth and tossed another to Gigi. He then took a small quill from the box and pricked himself on the finger with it. 
“Okay so… I heard that some of us are feeling a little nervous- so I got some stuff that will help the body and mind relax as well as get the blood pumping..if you know what I mean..” he said with a laugh and wiggle of his eyebrows. 
Brett and Reagan looked at each other and then everyone else in the group. Before Reagan admitted she was the one who was nervous earlier, Astrid quickly outstretched her hand to Andre.
“Oh gosh I’m glad.. haha I’m having a great time but I feel so nervous still!” She giggled and batted her eyelashes at him. 
Andre took her hand in his and grinned back at her, “No problem little lady. However I can help!” He said pleased while pricking the back of her hand. 
“Do me! Do me!” Myc said insistently after her and reached out one of his tentacles to Andre. 
Andre reached into his box and pulled out a different quill and pricked him quickly. He then turned to look at Reagan and Brett who had now also outstretched their arms and shyly smiled at Astrid. Reagan felt better knowing Astrid also felt a little nervous so it boosted her confidence. Andre switched out the quill and pricked both of them and then turned to Gigi and pricked her as she let out an irritated “ow!” 
“Okay here, I can tell you three probably will want a pill too-“ he shuffled out some from the bottle into each of their individual hands, “you Myc…I don’t think you’ll need it but if you want?” He asked tying to lead Myc away from taking it. 
“Nah I’m good if you think so. I know I have a much HIGHER sex drive than probably most of you.” Myc said braggingly. 
Gigi rolled her eyes but quickly turned some of the screen’s channels to footage of concerts and events that were being driven by the Illuminati or places where Cognito was testing out party drugs on unsuspecting groups of festival goers. She then turned up some music to help set the vibe to be more fun as well as playing music videos with subliminal messages on the remaining screens. She then waltzed on over to Brett and plucked the pill from his hand and then held it over his head. 
“Come on Brett! Be a good boy and open up for me.” She said playfully waiting for him to do so. 
Looking up, he complied absentmindedly as she dropped it in his mouth. A small little dry cough followed after his swallow. Gigi then leaned over and whispered into the girls’ ears, 
“Now you two should feed em to each other~.” She said with a wink as she turned to go talk to Andre. 
“Uh..okay here-“ Reagan pulled Astrid back over to her gently by the waist and held the pill up in front of Astrid’s mouth. 
Astrid smiled and opened her mouth letting Reagan place it on her tongue, “Thank you…uh here you go too-“ she held up the pill to Reagan’s mouth. 
Reagan stuck her tongue out a little shyly as she spotted Brett handing both of them a water to drink. They all took a swig to help it go down easier and laughed. They looked over and saw Gigi had started dancing with Andre to the side of them. They joined in on the vibe and were quickly followed by Myc. After they had danced for a while, also having little chats in-between songs, Myc started to try and dance with Astrid. His long wiggling tentacles bounced around in front of Astrid as he bobbed his head back and forth. Astrid laughed in amusement while danced along with him. Reagan suddenly felt the aphrodisiacs hit hard. The room started to feel warmer and more comfortable, while the music also started to sound better. Reagan glanced around at everyone and started to pick up on how they were all staring to feel. Gigi was already grinding on Andre while Myc was starting to rub his tentacles on Astrid’s legs as they danced. Reagan stepped backwards a little while still dancing and bumped into Brett, he helped steady her but didn’t take his hand off her waist like he normally would have done. 
“Oh Myc-! Ha-! How’d you know I like being lifted?!” Astrid squealed out while laughing. 
Myc had wrapped a few of his tentacles around her. He proceeded to lifted her up and down in the air as if she was a dumbbell. Then cockily laughed while continuing to show off. 
“Yeah!! You like that…?! I’m pretty strong aren’t I?” He laughed. 
“Uh… Reagan…? Is this okay? Like are we all going to really go through with this?” Brett said while breathing a little harder now that the drugs had started to affect him too. 
Reagan, for the first time in a long time, felt her thoughts go almost blank. She felt like her whole body had relaxed and her stress seemed to evaporate. With this new found comfort, she regained more of her confidence. She turned her head to whisper back into Brett’s ear,
“Brett. As te-team leader, I order you to enjoy yourself AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE tonight. I-if you w-want to do this or go h-home… do what you really want to do.” She said earnestly to him. 
“Okay.. so this is okay..?” He asked leaning his head down onto her shoulder and neck while still having his hand on her waist, pulling her in a little closer. 
“Y-yes…. BUT TH-THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT.” She quickly yelled through gritted teeth now watching Myc’s tentacles start to sneak their way underneath all of Astrid’s clothing as she was tangled up in his other arms. 
Astrid let out a little gasp in surprise to Myc’s actions, “I-i didn’t realize you’d be so forward…!” She moaned out embarrassed. 
Reagan pressed past Brett and angrily whispered into Gigi’s ear, “I’m finally s-starting to enjoy the night but h-how are we going to deal with him?! It’s making my blood b-boil knowing what kind of guy he is! AND h-he’s all on her..There is no way in hell I’m touching Myc-!” She was cut off.
“Don’t even worry about it. We have it taken care of.” Gigi smiled back at her smugly. 
“W-What do you mean…?! He’s about to-“ Reagan raved and was cut off once more. 
“Chill Reagan~ you think I was going to risk getting mushroom herpies again after I caught them from Myc that time him and I joined in on that reptilian orgy..? Which- by the way I cured myself of..being a chemist and all…just putting that on the table- but also I wasn’t about to sit here and watch him also possibly infect the new girl or any of you guys.” He said with a laugh as he lit up a cigarette. 
“W-wait… is that why you didn’t give him that pill earlier-?” She asked realizing Andre had purposely tried not to give it to him. 
“Yep. Gave him a different quill too. So he’ll start to think he’s getting really horny because those quills are not only an insanely strong muscle relaxer, they also have aphrodisiac like side effects. But I gave all of us a pill that would counteract the sleeping side effect of the muscle relaxer…so we’ll still feel the best parts but not fall asleep.” He grinned and took a puff. 
“You think I was about to let Myc touch me? Oh hell no. Andre and I thought up how this would be the best way to keep him from being a total creep. And the best part is, in the morning, he’ll think he just partied too hard and ended up missing out on the real fun because he had too much.” Gigi said with a sly smile. 
Right after Gigi finished her sentence, a thud was heard from behind Reagan. Judging from the laughter that erupted from both Gigi and Andre, Reagan realized the drug must have fully kicked in causing Myc to pass out.
“I’ve spent PLENTY of time figuring out Myc’s tolerance to things…This was the perfect chance to see follow through.” Andre slapped his knee in amusement and then swung his arm around Gigi’s shoulders in triumph. 
Reagan turned to see Astrid still tangled up on the floor in Myc’s tentacles next to his now unconscious body. Astrid looked at Myc in shock and then up at the other group members in confusion. 
“I-is he okay…?!” She asked worried. 
“Ha! D-don’t worry about that.” Reagan laughed out in amusement now completely relieved. 
“Yeah honey he’s fine. He’s just like that…he gets a little too excited sometimes and just… well you see what happens.” Gigi stifled a giggle knowing she was making it sound like Myc couldn’t handle sexual stimulation. 
Everyone couldn’t help but laugh except Brett who had no idea what was going on. 
“Oh.” Astrid said awkwardly now feeling let down from the assumption she had previously about Myc. 
She tried to squirm out of his grasp but then looked back up at the rest of them defeated,
“Umm… a little help..?” She looked up at them with doe eyes. 
Everyone quickly went to help her untangle from the tentacles, standing her upright. 
“So I heard you like being picked up! Haha check this out.” Brett said happily while he lifted Astrid onto his shoulder like it was nothing. 
“Oh Brett! You’re strong!” She said gleefully kicking her feet and laughing as he started to do  squats while keeping her on his shoulder. 
“You don’t know this yet- but carrying the team is basically part of my job! When missions get dicey I’m here to carry anyone who needs it!” He said proudly. 
“So I guess that makes me officially apart of the team now..?!” She laughed jokingly. 
“Oh you’re definitely stuck with us now Astrid. If Brett has carried you then it’s official.” Gigi said amused joining in and squeezing Brett’s cheek.
“Let’s go to the holo chamber now! Myc will be fine. He’ll sleep it off.” Andre said with a smile as he turned with Gigi to leave the conference room. 
“It’s not the f-first time he’s had to sleep one off.” Reagan laughed and caught up with Andre and Gigi in the hall, throwing both her arms over their shoulders drunkenly pleased. 
“I bet we can beat them to the holo-chamber!” Brett said playfully as he started to sprint through the door with Astrid still on his shoulder, she let out an excited whoop while they flew down the hallway. 
Gigi stood inside the holo chamber inputting commands into the panel turning it into an upstairs V.I.P. section of an exclusive sex club. The walls were covered with dark red velvet and multiple red velvet curtains hung in all the right places to keep privacy from the rest of the booming club down below. Fancy couches and seats were scattered about in the tent like area. Andre stood next to her looking back at the rest of the gang,
“Looks like it’s all set. Any last requests before we get to it..?” He asked excitedly. 
Brett continued into the hollow chamber while Astrid stood on the other side of the entrance from Reagan. Reagan searched Astrid’s face for any hint of hesitation, 
“S-so is this really okay…? You’re okay with all of.. this?” Reagan said while lightly placing her hand on Astrid’s waist starting to hope for more. 
“I don’t know…What do you think team leader? Is it alright for us to be doing this?” Astrid responded looking up through her eyelashes at Reagan. 
After that Astrid was quickly dragged into the holo-chamber by Reagan. They joined the others in the exclusive area with the gang as club music boomed in the background. Gigi quickly grabbed Reagan by the face and proceeded to kiss her all over, leaving lipstick stains all on her skin. Reagan then quickly sat back on the couch trying to catch her breath after not having anticipated Gigi’s boldness.  
“Wow…” Reagan said surprised but not entirely opposed trying to figure out how it made her feel.
“Can’t blame me for going for it. You’re next Astrid!” Gigi said while grabbing Astrid and pulling her down onto the couch next to them. 
She proceeded to kiss Astrid all over just like she had done to Reagan, only for Astrid to quickly grab Gigi by the chin and start French kissing her on the mouth deeply. Andre, Brett and Reagan watched wide eyed at Astrid’s sudden forwardness. Reagan clenched her fist not being able to help the envy boiling up inside her. Gigi quickly pushed Astrid away and gasped for air,
“Holy shit… that was so hot. I’m literally on fire right now. You’re such a sneaky little thing!” She panted with a smile. 
“My turn!” Andre said as he went in to make out with Gigi and slid in between her and Astrid. 
While they continued to kiss Brett shifted awkwardly on the couch opposite trying to adjust himself, his body betraying him.
“Brett? You okay big boy,..? How about you lift me in a different kind of way…” Astrid said going over sitting down on his lap concealing his boner. 
He laughed embarrassed and tried to help steady her. Reagan looked at them still not quite knowing what to say, but then Astrid turned and called for Reagan. Once she came over, Astrid grabbed Reagan by her lab coat collar. She pulled Reagan down onto the couch next to Brett really close and then got up. 
“I’m going to go grab another drink… you two should have some fun.” Astrid said springing up and then quickly disappeared behind the curtain. 
Reagan and Brett both breathlessly looked at each other not quite knowing what to do. 
“Wait it’s the holo-chamber… can she even get real drinks from the fake bar in here…?” He asked trying to cut the tension. 
“I know J.R. H-Had it programmed to actually serve alcohol for spe-specific types of government sex stuff… Not sure if it’ll work or not without specific commands..” she contemplated.
“So…is this still.. okay..? He asked clearly turned on but trying to make sure Reagan was feeling the same. 
“We… well.. we c-could just try something small r-right?” She answered back awkwardly as she leaned up against his chest and hovered her face close to his. 
“If it’s weird we can just pretend like it didn’t happen in the morning right..?” Brett said trying to help her. 
“S-sounds good.. o-okay shut up and-“ Reagan was cut off by Brett pressing his lips hard against her’s. 
With both their eyes shut tight they continued to kiss for a moment. Which then lead to them starting to lightly French kiss. 
“Oh DAMN- don’t keep him ALL to yourself!” Gigi said after noticing them and quickly grabbed Brett’s face away. 
As Gigi continued to straddle and make out with Brett, Reagan quickly felt jolted out of it and looked around the club starting to feel nervous and struck with the realization of what she had just done. But before she could start panicking, Astrid reappeared from the curtains holding two drinks. She slid over next to Reagan on the couch and handed her one of the drinks with a sweet smile. Reagan felt her panic melt away as Astrid put her hand into her’s with a light squeeze. 
“F-fuck… I never really thought I’d do this with my co-workers.. I’m not sure how I feel..” Reagan said mostly mumbling to herself.
“Hey Astrid, shotgun..?” Andre asked with a grin as he took a huge puff from his joint, implying he’d blow some in her mouth through a kiss. 
“Shoot~” Astrid said leaning in for the kiss from Andre. 
While Reagan saw the two making out in front of her she jolted up and hit the holo-chamber door to open up back up to the lab.
“Uh..I’m not s-sure if the alcohol in here is real- I’m going to go grab some of the stuff we brought up with us..” she blurted before disappearing. 
“There is a cozy little sex room over there… just putting it out there- I’m definitely more dominant and into some kinky shit… and I really want to try out some of the toys and equipment in there…Andre! Brett! Come with me.” Gigi blurted out after releasing Brett and dragging both the boys to the back room. 
She shoved both of them inside and then looked back at Astrid, “Are you two going to join..?” 
“Uh.. yeah! We’ll catch back up with you in a minute.. I’m going to go have a one on one with Regan.. I noticed earlier she seemed nervous. I just want to go check on her.” Astrid said. 
“Oh perfect!” Gigi said delighted thinking that would be exactly what Reagan needed. “See you soon cutie!” She winked at Astrid before disappearing into the sex room. 
Astrid walked through the holo-door just in time to see Reagan had tripped over some of the liquor boxes Andre had left in the panel room outside.
“Ow…. Fuck.” Reagan mumbled out landing on the floor after twisting her ankle. 
“Oh Reagan! Are you okay…? Here I can heal you-“ Astrid rushed to dote on Regan before she quickly cut her off. 
Reagan felt like she would be fine physically, but in her head she secretly just wanted to get Astrid alone. 
“N-no no! I can fix it…J-just… need to go to my lab. Could you help me there..?” She drunkenly tried to play off Astrid’s worry. 
“Sure…? Um how do I…?” Astrid asked not knowing how to get out before Reagan barked out a command to the Holo-chamber panel room to open up into the hallway. 
“Computer! Open exit p-panel.” Regan commanded as the exit door opened to the side of them. 
“Is it okay is I lift you?” Astrid asked looking into Reagan’s eyes in an attempt to see how she was doing emotionally. 
“Y-yeah… I mean I can manage though I’m sure I’m heavy-“ Reagan’s rambling was cut short as Astrid picked her up princess style with ease. 
Reagan’s eyes went wide as she was pulled off the ground by Astrid as if she had weighed the amount of a rag doll. She’d never had anyone pick her up like that except for Brett… and the fact Astrid seemed to do it with unnatural strength made her shocked into silence. Astrid continued to exit the holo-chamber with Reagan in her arms out into the hall again. She then looked down at Astrid waiting for further direction towards the lab. 
“Oh-! That way..!” Regan blurted trying to get Astrid to stop staring at her. 
While Astrid walked through the empty building’s hall, Reagan looked up at her, taking in all the details of Astrid’s appearance up close.  She looked up and saw that Astrid had an ear bud in her ear and it made her curious,
“Wait- is that an ear piece…? I-is your team listening to all this..?!” Reagan asked panicked with embarrassment. 
“Oh this? Haha! No! I mean it is my ear piece to hear my team but I turned off their channel hours ago when they left. I also use it as a music  listening device. Here, you want to listen too?” Astrid  placed Reagan on the ground for a moment as she plucked the other ear bud from her skirt pocket and put it into Reagan’s ear. 
As the song Écoute chérié by Vendredi sur Mer started to play in Reagan’s ear, Astrid quickly lifted her back into her arms and continued on towards the lab. Reagan pointed out the lab door and they both entered through. Reagan had not heard the song before but she felt her heart start to skip a beat while listening to it in Astrid’s arms. 
“J-Just set me down o-over there on my desk…” Reagan said, “could you grab those pills over there by my monitor and that scanner over there near- yeah that!” She directed Astrid as she looked around the lab for her items. 
“Thanks.” She said to Astrid as she was handed a pill bottle and scanner. 
Reagan quickly took her pain killer and scanned her ankle, “L-like I thought. Just a sprain. I’ll be fine now that I have my meds.” She said starting to sober up now that she had Astrid alone. 
Astrid stood between Reagan’s legs dangling off over her desk. She slowly looked up into Her eyes, “Are you sure you’re okay…?” She asked earnestly. 
Reagan instantly folded, she couldn’t keep it to herself any longer, “H-honestly Astrid… I’ve never been good with t-touch and tonight… Jesus.. tonight was just a lot. I was starting to get uncomfortable in there and I just needed a breather…” she tried to explain but was cut off.
“You couldn’t stand the thought of hooking up with your co-workers..?” Astrid asked assuming. 
“No. H-how about y-you let me finish what I’m I’m going to say first.” Reagan said snappily as she grabbed Astrid by the face. 
“I couldn’t stand knowing I was about to have to share y-you with them.” She said doubling down and grabbing Astrid by the hair suddenly. 
“Ah!” Astrid gasped in surprise and enjoyment having not guessed Reagan would change up the dynamic so quickly. 
Astrid lowered herself down a little, holding her head near Reagan’s thighs, “Well you are the team leader…I can help put your mind at ease. You have so many things to worry about that are more important than something like that…” Astrid cooed softly while sliding her hands up Reagan’s pants to unbuttoned them. 
“T-that’s right… I need your attention on me so I can show you a thing or two…” Reagan said rolling her head up in pleasure while sliding on her robot arms that where laying on the desk behind her. 
Once she activated the arms, one slapped Astrid on the ass while the other grabbed her waist. Astrid let out another surprised moan in enjoyment while pulling down Reagan’s pants and underwear. 
“Oh you like that you little slut..?” Reagan groaned out.
Once Astrid went down on Reagan she desperately clung on to her lab coat trying to steady herself from the robot arm continuing to slap her from behind vigorously. After some struggled moans and rough touching, Reagan started to get close and pushed Astrid away causing her to stumble backwards falling onto the floor. Reagan enjoyed the sight of Astrid disheveled on the laboratory floor. Her hair was messy, legs weak and spread out while her skirt was up, showing off her panties and bruised ass. She looked down at Astrid’s face which was out of breath and panting looking back up at her. 
“Fuck.. I want to do more things to you but the laboratory is only so comfortable…” Reagan panted out annoyed.
“D-do you want to come stay the night in the guest room Cognito gave me..?” Astrid breathed out to her. 
“Yes..” She answered. 
They both proceeded to sneak up to the top floors of the building trying not to wake any of Astrid’s fellow teammates in the nearby rooms. They both got a little carried away getting rough and tossing each other against walls, making out and then shoving away to then run off while the other chased after close behind. With them both being occupied with each other, the same song they had listened to earlier continued to play on loop in both their ears because Astrid forgot to change it. 
“Here we are.” Astrid whispered while pulling out her key card for the guest room.
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chickadooz · 2 months
Tumblr media
I had unfortunately made the mistake of not having my Mega Zoom point-and-shoot camera charged so all you get is a phone picture.
But anyway, I saw a pileated woodpecker today for the first time, I think. They don't come to the feeders like the downy and hairy woodpeckers, so they're not often seen here. It was pecking away at an old dead tree for a long time, I wonder if there was anything in there.
🏷️ • ☕ • 🛒
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weebnotheree · 2 months
Monkey King x Reader || 𝒜𝓃 𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒
lThe regroups near a river in the chapter they found .)
Pigsy: "Blue ain't really my color, but uh beats looking like that , ."
: "Technically, you'd be Zhu Bajie, now that you're on the ."
Pigsy: "Oh ho ho, no, no, no. Don't go comparing me to that demon. My name's just plain old Pigsy."
: "I can't wait to meet my ancestor, . I bet he was mega cool! Right, Tangy?"
Tang: (He laughs nervously.) "Well..."
: "I wonder when we're gonna meet my ancestor."
Mei: "I thought was your dad."
MK: "He's not my dad. Pigsy's my dad."
Pigsy: "Uh, kid, I'm not exactly your uh..."
Tang: "Hmm, Mei does have a point. MK, the rest of us mysteriously inherited the powers of the . However, Monkey King is the only original companion we know for sure is still alive. And yet, you have inherited all of his , so it is possible that—"
MK: "Yeah, right. If Monkey King really was my dad, don't you think he would have said something by now?"
Mei: "Yeah, 'cause he's normally sooo forthcoming with information."
MK: "Well, whatever. When we find Monkey King's stone, then we'll just ask him."
Tang: (Simultaneously.) "What?"
Mei: (Simultaneously.) "Monkey King's huh"
MK: "Monkey King's stone. The one he was born from. Ever since I got into the , I've been having visions of Monkey King standing next to his stone."
Pigsy: Wha... You didn't think to mention that sooner?!
MK: I'm telling you no-
MK was abruptly cut off from what he was saying to his friends as a gust of wind wooshed in the middle of the dear friends. There stood a woman who looked the size of Mei but slightly shorter. She also looked confused as to where she teleported and slowly turned around and saw...MK. As she teleported non-stop, desperately trying to find someone, she noticed that the place she had landed had pigs and a big blue guy who seemed all too familiar. She wasn't even trying to specifically look for MK at the time, as she was trying to find the two people she loved most. She was actually trying to see if the Monk was there (for help), but saw MK first.
Her eyes widen as they slowly lit up with excitment. She zoomed past the 4 friends as she embraced him with a big tight and loving hug. Annd not gonna lie MK was very confused as well as his other friends. But he didnt push the woman away though..or hug back either because he didnt know as to who this woman can be or how she knew him. He just looked at the woman confused and like....[ill just show it. like this eccept hes not smoling just looking down at her]
"I've missed you so much Ming! And you got so big!" [Ming: Bright] [Heulyn: Ray of Sunshine]
[All excluding MK]"MING???!"
The woman stops hugging Mk as her eyes glance at the 4 friends(im including the cat too so dats y). "I almost forgot you guys were here" she sweatdropped. "And yes, Ming. That's his name. Ming Heulyn" she said as she broke the hug.
Pigsy: "Woah woah woah. You mean to tell me that his name is Ming Heulyn?? No no no no, his name's MK, you know, 'Monkey Kid.' And who even are you supposed to be anyway? Some girl who who what? Who's in love with him or something??"
The woman let out a laugh at his outburst. "No, no this is my baby"
[All Including MK] "BABY??!!"
"Oh- I'm sorry. I mean baby as in son?"
[All ] "SON??!!" they all exclaimed. Mei let out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding in.
Tang: "MK IS YOUR SON?!" Tang exclaimed and got a nod and a soft smile in response. "That's amazing! *nudges Pigsy* Right Pigsy?" Sandy smiled and said wholeheartedly. "That means you're...[eyes sparkle] My mom"
"Yes sweetheart"
MK was in a daze hearing her call him that and that he actually had a mom. Pigsy huffed as he crossed his arms slightly looking away. "Why show up now? Why did you even leave him in the first place? He's been just fine without you"
"Now Pigsy, I'm sure there's a good explanation for this situation. No need to be so rude to..to um.. what's your name again?" Tang asked nervously sweatdropping because he thought it was rude to not know your name. "My name is Y/n"
[N/N - Ai: love, estimation]
Tang: "Miss Y/n. What a lovely name for such an elegant lady."
"Please, don't be so formal. Just say Y/n" She reassured. "And I never left Ming, i just came back and he wasn't there. [frowns]And I've been looking for him for ages and i couldn't find him...[smiles again] But I finally found him and I'm never letting him out of my site ever again"
MK snapped out of his daze with a serious look "You said you been looking for me?" And he got a nod in response. "So that must mean MK was taken from her then..." Mei added. Tang nodded in speculation as he pushed up his glasses. "But who would want to take him away from his own family though?" Pigsy added, a little upset someone would do such a thing.
"You know...you four remind me of people I used to know but...you're not them. You just look really identical" Y/n mentioned. "If you mean our ancient ancestors then, yes. But rest assured we are not them" Tang replied.
"And far from it" Pigsy added.
Y/n chuckled. "Dont worry, I could tell from the moment I saw you." "Was it that easy to tell??!" Mei asked astounded as y/n nodded.
"We were just talking about being able to meet our ancestors until you showed up" Sandy mentioned. "Really?"
Tang nodded "Yeah, and we were wondering if MK had any ancestors"
Me: "He also said Monkey King wasn't his dad even though it was clearly obvious. I mean, he has all of the traits Monkey King does" As Mei went on and on about how similar MK and Monkey King were Y/n zoned out at the name and more as she spoke. "I mean come it's clear that the Monkey King is MK's dad" She stood proudly with her hands on her hips but there was silence so she opened her eyes only to see her friends looking at Y/n with confused looks. "Arrrree you okay?" MK asked with a finger on his mouth. "You're dad...Where is he exactly?"
"She does not seem happy to hear his name" Tang whispered to Pigsy and Sandy and they both nodded. . . . "Wait, did you just say dad??/DAD?!"
MK started as he rubbed the back of his neck "Weeeee-" "-dont exactly know where he is.....right now" Mei finished also sweatdropping putting her fingers together repeatedly. "Did he even tell you guys anything??" Y/n asked the friends and her son but was only met with them shaking their heads in sync. "He's so forthcoming with information," Y/n said as she rolled her eyes. "That's exactly what I said!" Mei exclaimed.
"By the way, MK says he's been havin' visions of the Monkey King standing next to this stone he was supposedly born from after he got hold of the scroll. Do you know anything about this?" Pigsy asked Y/n.
"Yeah, like, visions of his past...things like that" MK replied. "Hmm...I only know a little bit of why it's happening... but not all of it. Your dad will have to tell you the rest"
"Could you tell me what you know? [puppy eyes] Pleeeasee"
"Finee. Wukong is tearing through his past memories to get to you...he must have sensed that I'm here now and is making a very destructive way of getting to us hm?" Y/n chuckled. "But Since he's going through his memories he can't find his way out. [boops his nose] I think he needs you to help him with a little encouragement" MK nodded confidently.  
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bloopblopskebeepeep · 11 months
All my major doodles from the recent magma along with explanations! Sorry for the late post. I procrastinated it a lot.
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First we have my OC! I know not of their name, age, or orgins but they have been plaguing my notebooks for years. The color palete challenge was perfect for them! I think it might be my favorite doodle!
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Next we have a silly Sundrop dance party Everthing in pink was drawn by me! I don't have much to say about this one. Just felt a little goofy and wanted to make something fun!
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After that we have the Beach Episode! This one was a lot of fun because it was the first time I've ever really interacted with other people's works! It almost feels like an official collab. I think it shows that I am becoming more comfortable. Every significant doodle I've made is circled with red so you can zoom in and take a look if you'd like :]
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Finally we have the Mega Dance Party! Everything inside the cloud shape in a maroon color was drawn by me. This one was also pretty fun. I'm happy with the way it turned out and appreciate the contributions! Especially the shubba duck :D
Overall I feel like I gained a little more confidence with this one! I had fun and look foward to participating in future magmas!
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