#i had two options for bounce and they were both part of sex scenes so...i apologize for nothing
dyrewrites · 4 months
Find the Word Tag
Wherein @aziz-reads comes after me, specifically, with these word choices...
I'm tagging @rmgrey-author @illarian-rambling and @writingrosesonneptune
Your words are: Curl, Tap, Fall and Whisper
My words are: Yearn, Few, Tense, and Bounce
Yearn (tw: reference of child trafficking)
She laughed, at him, at me, but Lucient removed his mask and smiled. Wide and sharp he smiled at me before turning on her and, as I left the room, I was treated to the sounds of her screams. Now, I understand that those reading this tale might wish to know just how she died. After all I shared of her you may yearn for all the gory details. And that is a fair want, for who in that situation was the monster; the one renting a child out to horny aristocrats, or the one come to bite out her throat for it? But I didn’t see her death, and so I cannot relay it. Her life, deserving as it was, did not meet with my teeth that night. Her last breath was Lucient’s to take and, while I can say now that all the rest were his too, in the aftermath of those memories...it felt shared. I yearned to see each and every face that tormented him bloodied and screaming. I hungered for the taste of their life, their ragged, choking breaths dying on my tongue.
“You certain, sogno mio?” the words earned another swoon before I could finish, and all my concern for why he was in that tub in the first place melted as I did, “I took so much...you could use a bite back.” “Mm, after,” he leaned forward, as much as the small tub allowed, welcoming the sponge I set on him and sighed at its touch, “we have a few days voyage still and I would test this new heat of yours as often as I am able before we arrive...” And while that definitely appealed, I wondered, “If all we consume is blood, and we can feed from one another—” “We can’t,” he cut, “not for long, or we will grow ill and become stiff as the corpses we are often compared to.”
So it is I you worry of? No eyes bothered us, none followed our closeness—and he held me so very close—but I noticed theirs. Men and women were partnered and attached to whomever they pleased, giggling loud and proud, there were even groups so closely entwined there could be no guess as to their intentions or relationship. The freedom of it sang to me, in a heady rhythm through the throng of them, and I couldn’t help the smile or the arm I wrapped around my own partner. He gasped at my tighter hold but leaned into it and I hated the cat face he wore for depriving me of his smile. Yes, treasure, he continued, you are in danger so long as we’re here. But we cannot die, I reminded with playful hope of a laugh, or some ease in his tense muscles. I earned a chuckle, tight and short, there are worse things. Just keep close and try not to talk to anyone without me near.
->under the cut is bloody and naughty, you have been warned<-
With my gasped plea he swooned, squeezing his legs tighter around me, aiding the drop of his hips. And I met him in it, in the rougher, harder rhythm he took, rising to do it again and again, our moans shared as he offered his neck, “Take it, take me and be mine.” I needed no explanation for what he meant, no guidance, my lips worked without it. My teeth, sharpened then, longer than any man’s should be, sunk so easily into his skin, into the veins beneath. And that salt-sweet blood bubbled through tooth and gum and flooded my mouth, coating my tongue. Salacious the drip of it down my throat, the squirm of it through my veins that I moaned with more than the rhythm of his bounce, more than his nails in my shoulder, I ached and all but screamed into his neck with what filled me. “Yes,” He moaned through my draw of him, through my rougher thrusts into him as I gripped his back and the back of his head, aching to force more of him into me—more of me into him. “That’s it, treasure,” he whispered, voice weak, “take all of me…”
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littlefreya · 3 years
Vanilla Milkshake
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Summer: Henry and a long time friend hangout at their usual spot when things turn chaotic because of an innocent misunderstanding...
Prompted by:  
 Oooh Freyaaaa I just *need* some scene featuring Henry and ofc drinking milkshake. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Unamed OFC (no description of ethnicity or body type).
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: RPF, major fluff, friends to lovers, sexual innuendo, mild seduction, sex talk, an unwanted boner, Henry being a boomer, Henry having a meltdown. 
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own.*
A/N: So, first thing first, thanks @agniavateira for quickly beta’ing my work! And of course thanks @the-soot-sprite for bouncing ideas with me and being an emotional support. Decided to go with friends for lovers because I live for that stuff. Also, I am aware that “Milkshake” can be interpreted in several ways but for the sake of the story I went with that particular reference. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed.  🖤
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Title: Vanilla Milkshake
“I swear, this diner looks like Barbie had an orgasm all over the place.” A whimsical grin sliced between Henry’s marble cheeks. Eyeing the pastel-esque surroundings, he huffed scornfully and adjusted the cap over his nest of unruly curls. 
“Remind me again why we always meet here, young lady?”
Staring at the beastly man who barely managed to squeeze into the plastic-pink faux leather booth, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Henry carried himself with something that was both eloquent yet unmistakably feral, reminding her of a burly forest creature. Sturdy tree trunks stood for limbs, torso, and shoulders—the widths of icy mountains and a blanket of thick fur coated the entirety of his body, deeming him a dangerous bear. 
No wonder he preferred himself clean-shaven. The sharpened edge of a razor kept him a cut away from becoming ‘Henry the Barbarian’. 
Seeing him surrounded by pastel and sparkly fairy dust brought far more joy than she could ever imagine. The utter look of contempt gleamed on the surface of his shifty eyes. 
Oh, by God, how much he hated glitter!
“And what would you know about Barbie’s orgasms?” she teased with a crooked eyebrow and a comical suspicious glare. 
Readjusting his cap over the messy mane of chocolate curls, Henry offered a terrible wink and shrugged, “a gentleman never tells.”
Her fingers rapped on her thigh while she contemplated whether to allow this naughty joke slide, but then the urge to provoke him was far too great. After briefly chewing on the inside of her cheek, she broke into a wicked grin.
“Is that… like a role play you have with the missus? She’s Barbie, and you’re G.I.Joe? Because I kinda don’t want to hear about it, but then I kinda do.”
Henry’s smile gradually faded along with the playful glee in his eyes, his melancholic gaze dropping to the sparkly table. He slumped into a heavy sigh, “If by missus, you mean ‘Miss Hand’, then no… not really.”
Dumbfounded, she frowned at Henry with confusion when then it struck her; a sense of incredible embarrassment drained the blood from her head to her gut.
“Yep.” Henry blurted and grabbed the menu, pretending to be incredibly interested in the kids’ meal options. 
Just in time to rescue them from a prolonged awkward silence, the waitress arrived with their order, serving Henry a hot cup of double espresso while she received a tall glass of a luscious vanilla milkshake. 
“Enjoy your drinks, guys!” the waitress smiled sweetly and kept her eyes glued to Henry as she walked away. But the gloss of the waitress’ flirtatious excitement was lost on him; drenched with greed, Henry’s blue sapphires were fixated on the generous scoops of ice cream and the dark chocolate swirls that decorated his companion’s dessert. 
“Henry, my eyes are up here!” she provoked and grabbed the straw between two fingers while throwing an amused glance at his simple cup of coffee. Henry followed her gaze and scoffed before raising the cup to his mouth and blowing to cool his drink.
The way his lips pursed together and his finger stroked the ceramic surface did not escape her observation. A sudden tingle swam down the length of her spine once it resonated in her mind that kind, charming, and beastly Henry was now single. Here they were, long time buddies, but now sitting together felt less comfortable than before. Her limbs felt like pins and needles while staring directly at his eyes was as risky as staring at the sun.  
“Cheers,” Henry mumbled and took a sip from his cup. 
Almost jolting in her seat, she stiffened and then grabbed her straw.
Giggles came from the other side of the diner. Among the retro gumball machines and rounded plastic bar stools, the waitress and a colleague leaned against the counter and stared at Henry, who turned his head for a brief moment and tipped his head.
Their giggles turned even louder.
She frowned. 
“So, have you been single for a while?” she heard herself asking with a rather urgent tone. Right away, a look of contrition crept on her face as she regretted her verbal onslaught and lack of sensitivity. 
Henry directed his gaze back to her and watched as she slowly sipped from the milkshake and then suckled the cream off her mouth. 
Absentmindedly, he licked his lips. “Since May. How about you, weren’t you with…?”
“No, ended, dodged a bullet.” she spat and pumped the straw up and down the thick beverage. “My milkshake brings all the boys… except it doesn't.” she sighed.
Henry frowned and shook his head with confusion. “What? You never told me you make your own milkshake. How come I never had some?” 
Her face abruptly froze, her eyes rounded with surprise before she snorted so loudly the waitresses stopped their whispering.
“Umm… Hen?” she called out, trying to hold herself from bursting into chuckles as her friend accidentally asked for a very sexual favour, “you honestly don’t know what ‘milkshake’ is slang for...?”
“Omg, you’re such a boomer.” 
“No, I was born in ‘83! I’m a millennial. But please, indulge me.” he begged and crossed his arms together.
Clearing her throat loudly, she did her best to fight the wicked grin that stretched on her already painful cheeks and wrapped her fist around the straw. “So you know... how… certain male bodily fluids are sometimes white and creamy...? And when you perform a certain motion it’s like you’re shaking it…?”
Henry blinked and became silent. An unbidden rush of blood pooled at his groin as he watched her thumb graze over the tip of the straw and her fist pumping it into the smooth liquid in a slow, gentle motion. Wickedness glazed her eyes, but he tried to dismiss it as nothing but their usual playful banter; yet his adam’s apple bobbed up and down while his shoulder tensed at the oddly arousing sight of her performing a sinful act on a milkshake. 
There was an unmistakable stir in his cock and for once, he was thankful for narrow spaces as it hid his predicament.
Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue around the straw. She went deliberately slow, making him watch while she playfully licked and suckled the tip until finally wrapping her lips around it and taking a generous sip.
Henry gawked utterly smitten, unaware that his jaw was nearly at the floor.
And to make things worse, she moaned—not too loud—but definitely enough to make his shaft harden more.
She wasn’t sure what stirred this whimsical boost of confidence, only that seeing the large, handsome man pale at her provocations made her feel like the most powerful woman on earth. She also gathered she’d regret it forever and a day once they’ll part ways, but it was too late for that now.
Gingerly she pulled back, though not before allowing a single drop of cream to trickle down the corner of her lips.
“Oops,” she smirked casually, wiping the cream with her fingertip and sucking it clean. 
“Please stop…” 
It was then when she noticed that Henry’s playful mien was all but gone. Far from amused, he glowered with a clenched jaw. “If you’re going to keep doing that, I’ll have to leave,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
A rush of panic made her freeze in her spot, the same needles that pricked her skin were now setting jolts of electric bursts. “I’m so sorry, I crossed the line,” she said and covered her mouth with shame, “did I offend you? Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No, no, not at all.” Henry’s voice softened right away, and he reached a hand in the air, as if trying to stop her from leaving. The last thing he wanted now is for her to think he is angry with her. If anything, he wished they could spend more time together, not because of his obvious arousal, but because for the first time in a long while, he was having fun.
Still, she looked at him so utterly distraught.  
Henry scanned the diner as if trying to make sure no one was staring or taking any photo and then shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His eyes altered between his spread thighs and her several times, trying to signal toward his… trouble.
“Oh...” she gaped. 
An odd sense of pride began to permeate her chest, battling over the burning embarrassment that flamed up her neck and cheeks. At this point, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to feel, only that it was definitely the most awkward hangout they had to date. 
Problem was, she never knew when to shut up. 
“Is little Henry hungry?”
Hearing those words, his brows dropped to an irritated sulk. “There is nothing little about it.”
“Ha! Prove it!”
It was as if the entire diner and perhaps the world fell into silence. Had the clatter of the dishes being washed in the back kitchen not rung their ears, she would have thought she grew suddenly deaf. 
“I didn’t mean it… sorry, I’ll stop,” she mumbled slowly and pressed her fingers to her mouth while shaking her head at her stupid behaviour. That was it, this was to be the last afternoon she would ever hang out with Henry and right now, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.
Henry chewed onto the inside of his cheeks, trying to stop the words that came faster than his thoughts.
“You didn’t?... Because I’ll definitely be up for proving...”
She blinked at his words and tilted her head, hoping that he won’t notice the wild tremors that shook her limbs, “What was that?” 
“I... yes? No?...I… fuck!” 
Henry lowered his head and slapped his palms across his face, rubbing back and forth with an utter meltdown while mumbling, “Forgive me,” a couple of times. He couldn’t care less of what the waitresses or whoever was watching would think of him; all he cared about was to make her feel comfortable around him again and maybe… even make her like him?
Soft and warm her voice called to him, slowly pulling him from his anguish like a sailor being rescued from a sunken ship. His blue sapphires shone, an ocean of confusion and anxiety still pooling within while he peered back at her face that was now smiling at him a mixture of comfort and exhilaration. 
“Would you like some of my milkshake?”
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noctumbra · 3 years
❝mutual❞: part two
summary ─ bucky didn’t mean to sneak into your apartment, but that was exactly what he did.
pairing ─ neighbor!bucky barnes x reader [thor odinson x reader]
warnings ─ smut, +18, voyeurism at its damn best, bucky is being a little bit stalker, masturbation, oral sex, riding, sex with heels on, ejaculating on someone’s face, dirty talk, 
a/n ─ i know i’m supposed to be writing those 8′s but this one has been in the works for a while now, i had the idea i mean. i have been re-reading some the things i wrote for kinktober and came across to this one and went,,,, “why tf not”. as a result, you have this now :D there might be a part three, have couple things in mind for that one too but haven’t written anything yet. anyway, hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! <333
p.s.: THIS STORY MIGHT INCLUDE DARK THEMES. please read it with caution.
read mutual here
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Bucky didn’t mean to sneak in, but that was exactly what he did.
It was late in the evening. You were out with your friends; you weren’t going to be home for at least another two hours, Bucky knew that by heart by now. After you came home from work and got ready for your night out hastily, you left your window ─yes, that window─ open and Bucky had been watching your curtains move gently for some time now. He wanted to know more about you, wanted to know a bit more personal things; your open window was calling to him softly.
Bucky didn’t mean to sneak into your apartment, but that was exactly what he did.
He looked around after slipping under the half-open window. He had seen your bedroom multiple times when you left your curtains open. The walls were a soft peachy color with posters of various bands on it. Your bed was right in front of the window; it was a classic one with gold colored metal headboard, a queen sized bed placed onto it and covered it with simple, white bedding. You had a lot of pillows, Bucky noticed, and a couple of stuffed animals adorning your dresser. He smiled.
Feet padding in the room quietly, Bucky walked inside of the apartment. Your living room was nicely decorated and had cozy vibes. Also white living room set had matched with light wood kitchen table and chair set; a soft, cream colored carpet was stroking Bucky’s sock-clad feet. You also had very thick knitted blanket on your largest couch. Bucky could so easily imagine you sitting on that couch, under that warm and soft looking blanket and dozing on and off while watching a movie.
Maybe he would be in the picture one day. Maybe he would be there to play with your hair, have you cuddle against him while both of you were under the blanket.
“One day,” he whispered to himself as he made his way towards the room with a closed door. He opened it slowly. It was mostly a library, but you must have been using it as an office, too. You had two huge bookshelves that were embedded into the both sides of the wall and a large desk in between with a very nice reading armchair. You had several plants in the room, too, and that made Bucky smile one more time.
As he made his way back to your bedroom, Bucky heard a soft ‘meow’ and realized that there was an orange, chunky cat.
“Oh,” he chuckled, surprised. “Hello there, sweetie.” Kneeling, Bucky extended his hand to the cat to smell it and then scratched her chin. The cat let out a playful ‘mrr’ sound and rolled onto her back, showing her belly to Bucky, asking him to rub it. Laughing happily, Bucky rubbed her belly, sometimes giving a couple scratches to under her chin and between her ears. “You’re one beautiful and cute fat cat,” he murmured lovingly. The cat mrr-ed at him, making him chuckle once again.
He petted her for a couple more minutes, getting the cat purr and meow at him. Then, he stood where he was crouched down and made his way back to your bedroom. Bucky lay on your bed. It was soft and your duvet was thick; it felt like someone was hugging him. He hummed, satisfied. Just as he was imagining how it would be laying on this bed with you, naked, he heard the key jiggling and door opening with a force. Bucky quickly got off the bed and, knowing that he couldn’t make it on time, he hid into your closet.
You marched in with a huge blond on tow.
Your coat was off, and you were taking off your dress as the guy devoured you with his lips. He was also shedding his own clothes; ditching his jacket on the ground, taking his shirt off when you pulled back for a brief oxygen break… Then, it was your fingers reaching for his belt, pulling it off and letting it fall on the ground with a loud ‘thunk’.
“You’re magnificent, my God,” the guy rumbled with a hoarse voice. Bucky watched you shudder and looking up at him with lust swimming in your eyes. The guy grabbed you by your waist and threw you on the bed, causing you to gasp and bounce on the soft duvet a couple times. Bucky’s breathing was getting quicker as he watched you.
“Oh, fuck, Thor─” You moaned, but Thor cut it off by planting his lips onto yours. His hips were cradled by your beautiful legs, he rolled them against you. You whimpered into his mouth.
Bucky exhaled through his nose, refusing to press his palm against his bulge for some friction and maybe some relief. Seeing you naked except your heels right in front of him, onto the bed he was just laying on, and hearing your moans up close… Bucky was in a dream where you were torturing him so sweetly.
“You’re so beautiful,” Thor whispered. “Mm, you can get louder, can you not?” He rolled his hips against your wet core and you moaned loudly, just like wanted you to. Thor smirked while Bucky whimpered, feeling his cock throb. “Yes, you can,” he mumbled and kissed the valley between your breasts.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky closed his eyes for a second. The situation he was in was bad enough; he really did not need a boner to go with it, but he could see the tent his bulge was creating in his sweats. He cursed himself, as silent as he could be, and opened his eyes.
The scene before him almost made him moan loudly.
Thor was on his by the edge of your bed; his blond hair covered head was buried between your legs and Bucky could tell by the way you fucking scream and moan that he was going to town on your pussy.
Oh, how much Bucky wished to be this Thor guy…
“Oh! Thor! Thor, fuck─” You threw your head back and fisted the sheets. Your eyes were closed and your face was covered with this blissful look. Bucky swallowed a whine. Hearing Thor slurping, his eyes moved to him. Thor pulled back to play with you with his fingers, giving Bucky a sight of your dripping core.
“Fuck,” Bucky whispered to himself and pulled his sweats down to his thighs. He didn’t want to think about the consequences if he were to caught, but he was so having this little thing for himself and his selfish wishes.
You choked on a moan when Thor slipped two of his thick fingers into your wet pussy. “You’re so wet, little one,” he rumbled a groan out. “So tight, too. I can tell that you’re going to feel amazing, bouncing on my cock.”
“Yes! I want that!” You whimpered. Thor’s thick fingers were moving inside of you smoothly, stimulating your already wet core even more. “Please, fuck, Thor, please!” Thor shushed you sweetly by rubbing your thighs and peppering kisses on the available skin in front of him. He took his jeans off.
He wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“Oh, shit,” Bucky gasped silently as he saw Thor’s cock. He heard a similar sound coming from you, too.
Thor was hung like a fucking horse. He was long and thick, and holy shit, he was mouthwatering.
“Holy shit,” you breathed. Biting your lip as you whimper, you widened the stance of your legs; your eyes focused on Thor’s cock. Thor chuckled darkly. He located his pants and pulled his wallet out, fishing a condom from it.
“You want to ride it, little one? Or you want me to take over?” Thor asked sweetly. Bucky knew that he was about to fuck your brains out of the open window. You whined as you tried to decide. Both options sounded great and it was hard to decide; Bucky knew the feeling.
“Ride you,” you breathed. “Headboard, please.” Thor smiled and leaned in to steal a kiss. You gave him that, preening under the feeling of his huge body covering yours.
Then, Thor rolled over and leaned against the metal headboard like you requested. You quickly climbed on his lap, settling on his groin. Both of you moaned when your bare sexes touched each other while Bucky squeezed the base of his cock to stop himself from coming before the real show started. You rose to your knees, grabbed Thor’s cock and lined it up.
“Shit,” Bucky breathed. He never wanted to be someone else as badly as he wanted at that moment. “Fuck.” His hands were trembling as he held his own cock and balls, squeezing them as tight as he could; almost mimicking how you might feel around him.
You slowly sank down on the huge cock that was splitting you open. Thor groaned deep in his chest while you whimpered. You were going slow, being careful, and Bucky was losing his damn mind as his eyes focused on the way of Thor’s cock getting swallowed by your wet pussy.
“Oh, fuck, Thor, you feel so good,” you moaned. Thor just hummed. His large hands were holding your hips; sometimes they would move down to your thighs or sometimes they would squeeze your breasts. Right now, there were on your hips and holding you tight and close to him as you panted through the feeling of his cock inside of you.
Bucky moved his hand on his member, feeling the veins bulging and tender flesh throbbing in his palm. The sight he had a chance to see was so perfect, Bucky knew that no can kind porn could compete with it.
After a minute of cooling down and adjusting on your part, you started to move. Whenever your wet pussy moved onto Thor’s thick cock, a wet sound echoed in the room. Your already sweat-slicked skin was also making an obscene sound; driving you insane and encouraging you to ride Thor faster.  
“You’re so good,” Thor groaned. “Taking me so well, mmm.” One of his hands found your breast and he squeezed the soft flesh. His fingers were playing with your nipple when you felt him thrusting up like he just couldn’t hold himself back.
“Yeah,” you moaned when he thrusted up again. “Yeah, yeah, do it!” Gripping the headboard tightly, you felt Thor bending his knees and placing his hand on your breast back on your hips. You bounced up and down for a couple more times before Thor took over.
Every single of his thrusts were lighting up some place in your body, making you see starts and fireworks in front of your eyes and causing your thighs to tremble. His cock head was repeatedly hitting or grazing over your sweet spot. The only way you were able to thank him was to scream his name while he played your body like an instrument.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck─” Bucky whispered to himself as his hand flied over his cock, jacking it in a light speed. He could see how Thor drove his cock into you with every thrust, could hear the sounds your wet pussy always let out, and fuck him, you sounded so fucking good. Letting out a ragged breath, Bucky slowed down. As much as he’d love to jack himself fast and reach his orgasm quickly, it made too much noise.
“Mmhhm, Thor, there!” Your whimper cut through the haze of Bucky’s mind, pulling him back to the scene before him. Your screams and moans and whimper got louder as Thor himself started to grunt more and more. Bucky could see them getting close to their own edge; their sweat-slicked bodies were glowing under the soft light of the street, their breaths were coming out harsher and their movements have become desperate.
For a while, it was only harsh breaths and skin slapping skin sounds mixing each other; moans and grunts were echoing in the room, Bucky thought he could taste the sex in the air if he tried.
“Where do you want me to come, little one?” Thor asked you, his voice was rough, a roar under it made you shiver. “Hm? On your face? On your ass? In your cunt?”
“Oh, shit,” whispered Bucky as he felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk wildly in his palm.
Whimpering, you held onto the headboard tighter. “On my face. Mm, please, come on my face,” you moaned. Thor grunted. His thrusts picked the pace like it was fucking possible and soon, you were gasping your release. Bucky gasped, too, cursing himself at the same time, he came on his hand. Your bliss covered face had imprinted on his mind now, and he knew he would be pulling that look out whenever he was going to jerk off.
Growling, Thor threw you off of him and laid you on your back, almost ripping the condom off his cock. His large hand flied over the hard flesh. Bucky could see how red the man’s neck and chest were, how the veins on his arms were bulging and how his cock was jerking in his hand; almost purple with how close he was to his orgasm.
You spread your legs, arching your back; you opened your moaned and stuck your tongue out, practically begging him to come on your face. Thor roared, and his cock started to spurt thick, white roped right onto your face.
Bucky watched his come land on your eyelashes, your lips and some in your mouth. Bucky whined very silently. His spent cock was twitching weakly, knowing that if it could, it would get hard again at the sight of your face covered in come, but he wasn’t young anymore.
“That’s a good little girl,” Thor rasped. His thumb collecting the come on your face, he pushed them into your mouth. You closed your mouth around his thumb when he did it, sucking it clean and humming appreciatively through it. “Fuck, little one, you’re so amazing,” Thor whispered. You laughed breathily. Bucky could see you shying away now that the scene was over.
“Glad you like it,” you murmured, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly. Thor smiled. His hands were quick to place themselves onto your thighs, he pulled you closer to his chest.
“Can we shower together?” He asked. “I have to go back after that, but I would love to reunite for something like this again.” You hummed as you grabbed onto his shoulders.
“Sure, bathroom is there,” you said, pointing the door right next to where Bucky was hiding. “Also, yeah, please. I would love to reunite some time, too.” Thor smiled toothily at you and got off the bed with you in his arms, wrapped around his huge body like a koala.
“Alright,” Thor said and walked into the bathroom. “You start the water, I’ll be right back.” Agreeing silently, Bucky heard you starting the water and taking off your heels, having heard the soft clinking sound they made when you threw them on the tiled floor. Thor walked into his sight again. He was gloriously naked, and it seemed like he didn’t care about the open window or the curtain. Bucky’s steel blue eyes watched him grabbing his phone and tapping onto it, only to leave it on the bedside drawer. Before he stepped into the bathroom, he stood in front of your closet, where Bucky was hiding still.
“Hope you enjoy the show, mate,” Thor said to Bucky and winked, smiling yet again. Freezing on his spot, Bucky vaguely heard him joining you in the bathroom; the door was closed silently behind him. His heart in his mouth, Bucky quietly got out of your closet, wiping his hand on his sweats, he quickly jumped back in his apartment.
Thor knew he was there, watching them.
Thor knew he was there.
“God, fuck me,” Bucky whispered.
Fuck him for finding it hot and getting turned on by that.
Fuck him for wanting you to be his, wanting you to be to get you to moan, whimper and scream the way Thor did.
Oh, fuck him for knowing that he was going to make you his sooner or later.
He was going to make you his and his only, and the day he was going to that was right around the corner.
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
Smut prompt!!! ( from your recent post!)
Billy has a thing for being held down. He’s been pushing steve around the school all day, trying to get a rise out of him and it WORKS- It starts out hostilely but turns into something much steamier ending in the blonde being fucked.
cw: rough sex
“From here on out you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?”
He said yes. He said he understood. But did he really?
What Billy understood of Max’s demands, was really just what she meant. She meant for him to keep his fists to himself, not to hurt any one of them, including Steve, and that, he understood that. But what Billy needed was for Steve to hit him. He needed for him to fucking fight back, throw another punch his way to level out the playing field. He needed for Steve to break his nose, split his lip, just do fucking something other than hang his head low and continue to avoid him like the goddamn plague.
So Billy didn’t leave him alone like Max had demanded. He teased, he pushed his buttons, he fouled him during basketball practice and shut off his shower head, he hid his gym clothes and stole his towel off the rack. Anything to just get a rise out of him.
But Steve just takes it. He never does anything more than roll his eyes and say “Hargrove” like it’s a slur. But Billy can also see how he’s beginning to wear Steve down, little by little, getting closer and closer to fucking exploding.
Until he does. After an entire scrimmage game where Billy fouled Steve enough times that he was ejected, followed up by an already pissed off Steve having his towel ripped from the rack for probably the fifteenth time that month. Steve had had enough, and promptly pushed Billy up against the shower walls with more force than he would have anticipated. Steve took him by the wrists and shoved a knee into the back of his thigh until Billy was fully pinned to the wall and completely immobilized.
“Cut that shit out Hargrove.” Steve said, in a low and husky voice directly into his ear, the heat of his breath making the inside of Billy’s head buzz. The bones in Steve palms dug deep into Billy’s wrists, and when he let go, Billy nearly fell to the floor. His legs felt like jelly and he refused to turn around from where he was facing the wall as everyone crowded around and laughed, congratulating a Steve who pushed past everyone after retrieving his stolen towel. Meanwhile, Billy’s still not turning around until all of the other guys have scattered away.
Because he’s fucking hard.
He could still feel Steve’s hands on his wrists on the drive back home, red all around the circumference. He could still smell him, all up in his space pressing his entire weight into the wall leaving him completely motionless. He needed more. He needed that again.
So he kept pushing. He kept pushing despite Steve’s warnings, because to Billy, it was a fucking promise.
Except this time around it was different, because he tried to do it when no one else was around. He fucked with the shower head just enough so that it was just the two of them left to occupy the boys locker room after hours. Naked, dripping wet, horny…
And Steve, absolutely fired up.
“Don’t think I won’t do it again asshole.” Steve said as he dried himself off with a towel, still undressed, and Billy didn't know where he got the nerve to steal a look so obviously at the brunette as he toweled off his hips, biting his lower lip. That was just the first step in a series of bold, and honestly, stupid moves out of Billy, because next thing he knew he had one hand latched on to Steve’s towel.
“Don’t think I don’t want you to.”
You could hear a pin drop to the floor with just how silent the room got. Steve just stared at Billy who still had his hand firmly gripping the corner of the towel, waiting for Steve to give, to let up on his own grip just enough for Billy to yank it from his possession and drop it to the floor.
Steve was still, unmoving, and the awkward silence was deafening, so after already sealing his fate, he said what he wanted, made it clear.
“Pin me. Take whatever you want from me.” Billy said, tugging on the towel a little harder, but Steve’s grip that hadn’t given.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Steve’s eyes were narrowing in on him, like maybe, just maybe, Billy struck a bit of a nerve.
Billy tugged on the towel again. “Pin me up against those lockers.”
Steve tugged back.
“Yeah? Then what?” Steve asked.
Billy tugged again. “Punch me...” Steve tugged back, but Billy tugged again, harder. “Fuck me…”
Steve let go, and the towel fell to the floor in slow motion, all dramatic like it was straight out of a movie scene. Billy moved to close the distance between them a little more, chests nearly touching and each other’s breaths able to be felt on their faces. “Whatever you want.”
Not a second passed before Billy found his cheek smashed up against the door of his locker and Steve’s entire naked body up against his back. They were pressed so close together that he could feel Steve’s heart as it beat through his chest, along with his shaky breathing, right in his ear. Steve’s hands were back at his wrists in the same exact spot they were the last time, pressing them firmly into the locker, almost hard enough it might leave a small dent in the metal.
Steve was clearly hesitant, his hands still firmly placed where they were, and his breathing only growing more uneven. Billy might have thought Steve might choose the “punch me” option if it weren’t for the fact that his dick was right up against his ass, clearly just as excited as he was. Steve was still nervous, and all that meant was that he just needed a little bit more encouraging taunting.
“Go ahead pretty boy, fuck me like you hate me.”
That was enough for Steve’s hands to finally move, to trail down the length of his arms and down his back with the same bruising force the whole way down, like a deep tissue massage that he’d surely still feel later on.
Steve’s hands trailed all the way down to his ass where he squeezed hard, let out a heavy breath, and paused right there, cupping his cheeks and spreading them apart.
“Fuck,” Steve swears, “what the fuck are we doing?!” Steve slams his fist against the lockers hard, the sound of metal echoing off the tile walls and the vibrations buzzing in Billy’s head.
Billy laughed. “My duffel. Condom, lube, it’s all in there…”
Steve gives Billy a good push into the lockers before walking over to the duffel on the floor and pulling the two aforementioned items out of the bag’s side pocket. He held up the golden foil and small bottle of aloe vera and just stared at them.
“Did you come prepared for this?” Steve asked, it was an accusation.
“This was the plan all along pretty boy, let’s just say I was hopeful.” Billy said as he shifted his feet on the floor so his legs were spread further. “Now quit fucking stalling!”
Steve made his way back over and without warning, introduced an aloe coated finger to his hole that slipped right in, but Billy still gasped.
“Hurry up Harrington! I’m already stretched and ready, fuck me with your dick!” Billy snarled, and threw his hips backwards into Steve.
Steve skipped over a second finger and went straight up to three, while with the help of his free hand and his teeth, he opened up the condom and slipped it over his cock.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked, but it was quickly followed by another slam on the locker doors, this time from Billy.
“Quit treating me like I’m your fucking girlfriend!” Billy shouted, “Hold me down and take what you fucking want!”
Almost instantly, Billy was pushed right back into the wall of lockers and Steve’s fingers had abruptly left their place from inside of him, leaving him with an empty feeling that was quickly relieved by the feeling of something much larger right at his entrance.
Steve’s hands were on him, but they were hardly applying any force, Billy could easily slip through it and that was the exact opposite of what he wanted from him.
“Hold me down while you fuck me!”
Steve responded to that by finally thrusting inside of him and pushing his hands even deeper into his shoulder blades. Billy let out a short moan upon impact, but still wriggled his body unsatisfied.
Steve didn’t know which part he was talking about, so he responded to both, thrusting in even harder and deeper and pushing his hands down even more.
“More!” Billy demanded, with a maniacal laugh that enraged Steve, and he grew more and more pissed off as Billy continued to squirm around trying to get out of his grip.
“Stop fucking moving!”
“Make me!” Billy yelled. “Fucking make me!”
Steve doesn’t know whether it was the anger, or Billy’s own demands that caused him to bring his hand up to the side of Billy’s head and shove him right into the wall of lockers so that his cheek was firmly smashed against them. Billy’s brain rattled inside of his skull as the force of his head made contact with the metal. He could taste blood on the inside of his mouth where his teeth must have cut, and he didn’t mind, because that’s exactly what he wanted.
“Perfect.” He said, settling any nerves Steve might have had thinking he fucked up with that move. “Now fuck me already.”
Steve didn’t remove his hand from where it was pushing into the side of Billy’s head, all tangled up in with his still wet hair, and his other hand was gripping his bicep, leaving finger shaped bruises as he pushed him hard against the lockers.
Billy was completely immobile as Steve thrusted into him, and his moans and groans were entirely uncensored and bounced off the walls in a chorus coupled with Steve’s own, that were more slicked and held back than his. Steve’s entire body weight was leaning into him and his face found a place to rest just above his shoulder, behind his head where he couldn’t see him, but only feel the heat of his breath against the back of his neck. With just that alone, Billy could feel his own dick twitch and begin to leak with pre and drip to the tile floor that was already infested with athletes foot.
Steve’s breath grew heavier, loud and hot against Billy’s skin, and what Steve did to stop his own panting was to secure his lips around the sensitive skin of Billy’s neck, and Billy gasped, and nearly stopped breathing all together and Steve gently bit down.
“Fuck!” Billy swore, his voice at a loud whisper.
He couldn’t see it, but he knew Steve had a smug fucking grin on his face.
“You like that Hargrove?”
“Shut the fuck up Harrington!”
Steve just laughed and picked up his pace, back to his heavy breathing against his neck, the heat on his wet skin making Billy shiver. He could already tell he wouldn’t last much longer.
But Steve was the first to speak up.
“Ah, I’m gonna fucking cum!” Steve said it like it was a moment of defeat, which made Billy wonder how long it usually took for Steve to reach climax with all those other girls he bragged about taking to bed. But Billy wasn’t one to talk, because he was right there with him.
“Fuck, me too.”
Steve removed the hand that was at Billy’s shoulder, and Billy was about to start complain, but then the same hand found itself wrapped right around Billy’s cock, thumb grazing over the tip with a gentle touch that drastically differed from the still strong force that was Steve’s other hand still pressing into his skull. Billy let out an embarrassingly loud moan as he nearly instantly finished directly into Steve’s hand, but the moan was almost drowned out by Steve’s voice which matched his volume as he filled up the condom from inside Billy after a final slam directly into his prostate, and Steve finally at that moment let up of the force against Billy’s head.
And Billy nearly fell directly to the floor. He couldn’t feel his own fucking legs anymore.
Steve fell backwards into one of the benches behind them, sitting his bare naked ass right on the seat as his whole body slumped forward. He pulled the condom off of his dick with a hand coated in a mixture of lube and Billy’s come.
Billy still hadn’t turned around, all of that confidence he had at the start just washing away in an instant, afraid to face Steve. Nothing started to hurt until it was actually over, and that pain was largely not even physical.
And Steve noticed that. He noticed how Billy’s entire mood changed. Just silent with his face and hands still plastered up against those locker doors like he was holding on for dear life.
Steve wiped his hand off on that towel that dropped to the floor at the whole start of it, and got back up from where he was seated on the locker room bench. He walked up to Billy and placed a firm, but not forceful hand up to Billy’s shoulder where he could already see the redness forming itself into a bruise.
“Hey.” Steve said, his voice soft.
Billy let out a long and heavy breath, like he had been holding it up until the moment Steve spoke. Steve gently turned Billy around to face him, removing him from the lockers he was practically glued to, and did something that was uninvited.
He gently traced his fingers down the length of Billy’s jaw, and when no effort was made to step back or lean away, he kissed him. Gentle on the lips where he could taste the blood on the inside of Billy’s mouth, something he didn’t really want to think too long and hard about. Billy closed his eyes and leaned into it. It was soft and sweet and completely unlike the rough and bruising fuck they just had, and that was the missing piece.
The feeling of Steve’s hands gripping his body and the sight of the bruises he left afterwards stopped feeling like a pain, but a reminder, a good fucking reminder that didn’t last nearly long enough.
But one thing he remembered was that old demand from his little sister back in November. To leave Steve alone. But if ignoring that demand was going to deliver this kind of promise, Billy doesn’t think he’ll be listening to that one any time soon.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
The 4 Types of Manipulation
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A/N: hey hey hey cuties... just thought I’d drop in to tell you I love you and Harry Styles at the Grammy’s, oh and Miley Cyrus in general. Okay that’s it.
Summary: Spencer has to interrogate an unsub, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Unsub!Reader
Category: Not fluff, but not angst... angsty fluff? fluffy angst?
Content Warning: mentions of murder, manipulation, mentions of sex in the form of flirting, mentions of drug use, mentions of emotional abuse
Word Count: 2.8K
Nobody dared to take a breath out of place, every profiler was packed into the room watching with careful eyes at the sobbing girl in the interrogation room through the glass. No one knew what their first step should be, but I guess there’s a first time for everything, right? Winging it was not something anyone in the BAU enjoyed doing, each case needed a thought out plan.
But they’ve seen this unsub before, they know the profile, the history, they know her. So why was she crying so hard that the weight of her head became unbearable, leaving her only option to sob into the crooks of her elbows as best as she could with wrists cuffed to the table?
Nobody knew, except for Spencer Reid.
Emily was hesitant, as expected, to blindly send in one of the best agents she’s ever seen into the room that with each tear shed slowly morphed into a lion’s den. Reid deserved better, she knew that, especially since the last time they dealt with an unsub like this one, Spencer had to be so far out of the loop that the case almost broke him.
He put up a good fight though, and if the determination set in his eyes wasn’t enough to inform the unit chief that she was not winning this argument, his deviance to storm through the door, startling the young woman chained down definitely did.
Why was it always Spencer?
“P-please, I didn’t do anything.” Those were the first words anyone’s heard her say since the arrest, even if they were separated by sniffles and choked out sobs. 
Spencer just stared down at her, not taking the risk to further entertain the stuttering girl with wet cheeks and tired eyes.
“I promise I’m not a murderer. You have to believe me, please.” That promise whispered so quietly made with unbreakable eye contact urged him to take a second to reevaluate the situation.
She was apprehended in place of Jacob Hughes, the man they had originally been looking for. There was a chance she wasn’t complicit, a chance she was innocent. Maybe Jacob placed a hair of hers at the latest crime scene because he knew they were closing in.
Or maybe she is just as sick as he is. 
“Prove it,” Spencer said, his tone loud and assertive, leaving no room for argument. She didn’t plan on fighting his demand anyway.
“I- I haven’t seen Jacob for days. He drugged those men, and did h-horrible things. Those poor men.” This struck a nerve, everybody could tell, even the one person in this interaction that wasn’t a profiler. 
Spencer’s shoulders tensed for a millisecond, but she saw it. She saw what her words were doing to him, after all, he used to be one of those poor men she felt so sorry for.
Another loud sob echoed off the concrete walls before she bit her bottom lip and took a deep breath.
“I can’t believe he mur... did that to them. H-how could he?” Spencer watched as the young girl looked up to him like he held the answer to the million dollar question. He studied the way her eyes bounced around his face, looking for something, anything to relieve some confusion when it came to her fiancé.
“Jacob Hughes is what we call a vindictive narcissist and a sadist. He receives pleasure from hurting others, and in this case, drugging and torturing men because he feels he’s been wronged his whole life. The question, however, is why. I know you know, just like how I know you’re aware of his crimes.”
It was a blow so low it could’ve come from hell itself. Spencer regretted it immediately when he watched the way her whole body stiffened at the mention of her knowledge, but he had to be certain no matter the fallout.
“I-I still don’t understand. I’ve never seen him hurt anyone.” Denial, guilt and fear all jam packed into 3 little words that had his heart dangerously close to breaking. The sorrow in her eyes believable enough that Spencer left his standing position between the suspect and the door to sit directly across from her.
She watched his movements with careful eyes, only stealing glances from her peripherals before returning to her cuffed wrists.
“Maybe you’ve never seen him physically hurt anyone, but we know what he does to you.” It was the first and only time Spencer let any emotion, as fake as it was, show in his responses. How could he not try when the girl resumed her sobbing at the implication of her past deception from the man she loves? 
“You know nothing,” she whispered back, her tone laced with defensive anger.
“I know everything.” Was he challenging her?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Was she challenging him?
“You know what it means.” Yes, he was.
“Do I?” Yes, she was.
The two stared at each other for the entire tone shift in the stuffy interrogation room. The other profilers on the other side of the mirror had no knowledge of how thick the tension had just become because unlike Spencer, they weren’t standing in the middle of it.
Small sniffles were the only noise breaking through the quiet until suddenly, they just stopped.
“Ugh, fine! You win this round. My eyes are starting to hurt from all this goddamn crying. Do people actually cry this much when you arrest them?”
Spencer leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms to clearly convey just how unamused he was with the girl’s antics. She watched him intently, picking apart every move down to the muscle trying to search for any indicators that her little performance worked even a fraction of what she was hoping for.
And she got her wish in the form of the agent’s fingers tapping lightly at his sides under perfectly muscular, if she may add, arms, because any other movement would have been too obvious.
Spencer Reid was getting nervous, because the second her facade faded, he lost the upper hand. She just had to get him trapped in here.
“Oh come on. Not even a ‘good job’? I wasn’t expecting full blown applause, but some appreciation for that show would be nice.” Still, Spencer gave her nothing. He needed her to keep talking, and filling silence was a sure way to make certain she did just that.
“I’ll tell you what you need to know, but first you have to admit that I had you fooled for a second there.”
“No.” Unexpectedly, instead of getting frustrated with Spencer’s refusal to play along, she just smiled brighter. This was exciting to her, and it was getting on his nerves.
“What gave it away? Did I look to the left before I spoke or something?” Spencer kept his mouth shut. “Come on, what’s my tell? Enlighten me.”
She copied his movements as Spencer leaned over the cool, metal table slightly, eyes racking over her face, lingering on certain parts for longer than others.
“No.” At this, she huffed back in her seat, leaving the close proximity that would later be used as a secret tool against the doctor before he had the chance to catch on. 
“If you’re just going to shut down every single one of my proposals, then why am I here?”
“You’re here because you’re a suspect in a series of 7 murders in the past 5 weeks.” She perked up at his words, amusement dripping from her features.
“Finally, Doc has something more to say than just ‘no.’ Tell me, was that so hard?”
“Ugh!” Rolling her eyes would be giving ammo to the enemy, but the urge to do so was quite strong. In fact, she almost did until she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the one way mirror.
“I’m serious when I say this,” she said, looking directly into Spencer’s eyes so he couldn’t accuse her of lying. “If you take the cuffs off, I’ll answer everything.”
“Please! They’re seriously starting to hurt. I put 100% into that performance, and now it’s coming back to bite me in the-”
“Fine!” Spencer stood up carefully, not walking around the table until he was certain the girl wasn’t a flight risk, or worse. When he did finally make his way over, she sat completely still, not taking her eyes off where his fingers grazed hers as the handcuffs unlocked.
A breath of relief escaped her as she rubbed her wrists with the opposite hands, eventually feeling the blood fully return to all 10 fingers.
“Thank you.” It was so vulnerable and raw that it knocked Spencer back for a second. They locked eyes, and something deeper than he was ready for passed between them.
He didn’t know what it was, all he knew was that he hated it so much that he tore his eyes away immediately to return back to his original spot seated across from her.
“Answer me this-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Neither of them spoke for far too much time, and Spencer was growing more annoyed by the second.
“What?” It came out harsh, and mean, and downright cruel, but he couldn’t care less.
“Oh nothing, I just wasn’t going to answer anything. I really just wanted to fix my hair.” And, in being true to her words this time, she secured her hair into a messy bun using the elastic Spencer didn’t even realize was missing from his wrist.
“I’m putting the cuffs back on.”
“No wait,” she pleaded, halting Spencer’s move to get up. “They really did hurt, I wasn’t lying about that.”
“I don’t care.” He made his way over, forcefully grabbing both of her wrists before securing the handcuffs back on. Spencer only regretted his actions slightly when she winced at the metal now back to pressing into her skin.
“Yes you do. It’s your biggest flaw.” Instead of answering, Spencer just returned to his seat, leaning back with crossed arms. He didn’t need to listen to a psychopath tell him his flaws.
“You care too much,” she continued, not minding if he was listening or not. “It gets you hurt, other people hurt. I wish that wasn’t the case. You deserve better, Doc.”
Spencer didn’t engage, opting to gawk tiredly at the suspect, and watch the way her eyes flicker across his features, gauging for a reaction. She wasn’t done.
“Hey, okay, fine. I’m just messing with you,” she laughed, finally breaking her serious facade. “What? A girl can’t joke around while she’s being accused of murder?”
“Accused? Or caught?”
“Accused.” It was final, her tone immediately dropping to a fiery rage. Her defenses were up, and Spencer was never really good at playing on the offensive team.
This time, it was Spencer’s turn to analyze, watching the way the blood rushed to her cheeks with her rising anger level. How all of a sudden her eyes lost their playful glint, giving him the chance to fully see the soul buried deep in them. For a split second, she was completely unveiled right before his eyes.
Spencer, clearly not anticipating just how long the girl in front of him could hold her own, used his last bullet.
He placed the crime scene photos in front of her.
“You know who did this.” It wasn’t a question, he saw it in her eyes. Spencer watched the way they remained stoic even after looking at the bloody walls, and vacant eyes of the deceased.
“No.” Oh, how the tables have turned.
“Who are you protecting?” Her head shot up at his question, eyes flashing red before she blinked it away again. Subconsciously, she started to pick at her fingernails.
“No one.” It was a lie if he’s ever heard one. 
“You’re lying. Who is it?” 
“I’m not lying.” She wouldn’t even make eye contact with him. Instead, she gave her undivided attention to her shaky hands confined to the table.
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not!”
“Enough! Who are you protecting?!” At this, Spencer stood up and slammed his hands against the table with a strong amount of force that she flinched hard enough to further irritate her wrists.
He felt awful, the bouncing back and forth between them should have given him enough indicators that she wasn’t lying out of spite. But he couldn’t back down, he had her cornered and her only way out was to tell the truth.
“No one.” She wouldn’t look at him, even as she whispered. “Please stop.”
Spencer truly believed that he had her in a bind, an inescapable one at that, but it wasn’t the truth. Oh no, what the profiler failed to realize was she had him where she needed him.
“I have no information to give you,” she whispered before tagging along. “I’m sorry.” It was the first time she apologized for something Spencer could have seen as an inconvenience.
He believed her, too.
“I shouldn’t have yelled.” That was his form of an apology. Spencer wasn’t going to go any further with it, even if she was coerced into lying by whoever the true unsub is, she was still getting on his nerves.
Her hands were still shaking at this point, and she wouldn’t meet his eyes. Spencer just slumped back into his seat, settling into the silence between them until ultimately he was either called out of the room, or she gave him another indication that her game hasn’t ended.
A loud sigh bounced off the walls. “I don’t care that you yelled in my face. You think it’s the first time a man’s done that? You’re not special, Doctor.”
“I never said I was.” So the game carries on, but this time, she didn’t smile at his sarcastic response. Leaning back in her chair, she huffed a breath before continuing.
“You really want to be though, don't you?”
She was pushing his buttons, trying so hard to dig under his skin till she was unremovable. She wanted Spencer to leave this room with her on his mind for the rest of his days.
She was close too.
“No, I don’t,” Spencer deadpanned, trying to keep a cool tone. If he continued to hand her the ammunition she needed, he would be left defenseless.
“Oh come on, loosen up. I was just joking.”  A smirk grew across her features, a thought crossing her eyes. One Spencer knew would not be in favor of his win tonight. “I could help you with that, you know.”
“No, I don’t know.” He did. Spencer wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that the woman sitting across the table wasn’t extremely attractive; she was. He just would never admit it aloud.
“I have a feeling you like to get rough, don’t you, Doctor?” She asked, sitting up and crossing her legs. The stare shared between the two of them was a mix between passion and anger, meeting in the middle to create a new kind of emotion.
“Is this fun for you?” She left out bait, and Spencer was stupid enough to fall for it. Emily once said that a pretty face slashed his IQ in half.
He couldn’t help but agree.
“Undo these cuffs, and I’ll show you what fun is.” She was toying with him now, and they weren’t going to get anywhere, but Spencer couldn’t find it within himself to get up and leave. She had him by the...
“I’m going to get that confession.” It was like he was five years old again, arguing on the playground with the older kids about how their insults didn’t make sense.
“What’re you going to do, punish me?” She asked, the last words in a hushed whisper. When Spencer’s cheeks grew hotter, and his eyes darker, she knew she had him.
“You do like to get rough! My, my, Doctor, you're keeping me at the edge of my seat here.” She let out a boisterous laugh before really digging the knife deeper. “Is that why you kept the cuffs on?”
Before he could snap back, the door flew open and Emily stood there with a tablet in her hand. “You need to see this.”
Spencer got up to leave, thankful for the reprieve even if he did have to return to the interrogation after speaking with Emily. He almost made it to the door before a voice called out behind him.
“Wait!” She called after him, the cuffs rattled when she instinctively went to reach for Spencer. “Aren’t you going to answer my question, Doctor.”
Playing chess his whole life, Spencer had never once played a game where Checkmate presented itself unexpectedly. He was always at least three moves ahead in his mind, seeing the inevitable end before he even began his gameplay. There was a first for everything, because his last move suddenly arose.
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Here to Misbehave (Pt. 12 | S.R.)
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Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Finale |
Summary: A week later, Reader tries to reconnect with Spencer.  Couple: Spencer/Fem!Reader 
 Category: Smut (NSFW) 
 Content Warning: Adults w/ Age Gap (10yrs), penetrative sex, degradation, Daddy kink, unprotected sex, BDSM, choking Word Count: 8.3k
You might think that dating Spencer Reid would make doing your homework way easier, but you would be wrong. Turns out that dating a genius includes him lecturing you on the importance of learning things yourself.
That’s why I had been sitting at his kitchen table with him for at least two hours, struggling to finish the last five problems on my assignment while he casually read a book in a language I couldn’t even place.
“Speenceeerrr.” I called from across the table, reaching in his direction with the saddest pout I could form.
“Don’t whine,” he answered without even looking up. Jerk.
“I’m bored,” I continued to whine without any shame, “Can I come sit on your lap?”
Biting the inside of my cheek, I realized he was in one of his stubborn moods. But that was fine.  I could deal with stubborn.
“Please?” I asked, only to receive another immediate “No.”
This time I put both of my hands in front of me, pressing my breasts together while I leaned over the table as I asked, “… Pretty please?”
That was enough to get him to finally lower his book, peeking across the table to see me staring at him with wide doe eyes and a coy smile.
“You’re very cute,” he said with an extremely brief smile, returning back to his book when he concluded, “Still no.”
“Come on!” I cried with a groan, “I promise I’ll behave.”
He laughed at that, idly flipping a page before speaking. “Oh, you do? You promise?”
“Fine. Bring your homework,” he instructed, gesturing to me to come over without ever putting down his book.
I scrambled to collect everything, happily padding over to him and dumping my book, notepad, and pencils in front of him. Once I was there, though, he suddenly raised his hand to stop me.
“Take off your pants.”
With a raised eyebrow, I shifted my hip to the side to inspect his suspiciously calm, vague demeanor.
“Because I said so.”
Considering that response was completely unhelpful but also incredibly hot, I listened. I tried to make a little bit of a show out of it, but his eyes were glued to the page in front of him until my pants finally hit the ground.
“Take off the rest.”
It was then that he started to look at me. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, licking his lips as he began undoing his own pants.
The sound of his buckle coming undone was enough to spark butterflies in my stomach, and I began removing my underwear with a renewed vigor.
“Don’t look so excited, little girl,” he warned in that low register that usually accompanied his more dominant persona. I considered arguing back, but ultimately just let out a playful giggle.
After he had finally removed his bottoms enough to reveal himself, I bounced on my toes as I waited for the command I knew was coming.
“Sit down.”
There it was. Allowing him to guide my hips to turn me around so that I was facing the table, I swung my leg over him to straddle his lap, lowering down onto him slowly.
And slow was the only word for it. He didn’t allow me to move more than an inch every few seconds, his breath hitching each time until I was fully seated on him.
I could feel the blood rushing to my face, my mouth hung open with hungry breaths. When I tried to begin moving my hips, however, he halted me with a firm grip on my hips.
He clicked his tongue in my ear, digging his fingers into my sides as he held me there. “I don’t think so. You’re going to sit here and stay very still until I tell you to move.”
“But—“ I barely got a word in edgewise before he countered.
“You promised to behave. Now do your homework. I want to finish what I’m reading.”
I huffed, struggling to move one more time and ultimately failing. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do your work and be patient and maybe I’ll fuck you, or get up and get nothing. Those are your options.”
I was certain that if I could see him, he would have that clever, devilish smirk he always wore when he was fucking with me. But I forced myself to keep my eyes straight ahead, leaning forward to grab my pencil from the table to hopefully finish my work quickly. If he wasn’t going to check it, I could just bullshit it.
Of course, as soon as my pencil hit the page he shifted underneath me in a very purposeful way, forcing himself even deeper into me.
“Fuck!” I gasped, gripping my pencil tighter as I arched my back.  
With a deep breath, I forced a smile as I issued an extremely sarcastic apology.
“Sorry, daddy.”
After that he was much kinder, allowing me to work without any more rude interruptions. Granted, my maximum capacity to function was still very low, and it took me at least ten minutes to finish three of the five questions.
It was hard enough having him inside of me, the warm throbbing of his cock like an extension of myself at this point, but once he finished the book, it was a completely different level of impossible. Because no sooner did the book hit the table than were both of his hands on me.
One hand remained rooted on my hip, halting any attempts at movement while the other crept up to fondle my chest. I took the new ministrations to be permission to move, but he quickly cut off that train of thought as he leaned his chest against my back.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“Daddy—“ I desperately whined, my hips moving with a mind of their own even as he tried to hold me down. Spencer was still dedicated to making it worse, moving my hair to one side and latching his mouth onto my neck.
“Keep going,” he mumbled into the skin.  
So I tried. I cannot stress enough how hard I tried, my mind functioning much like a toddler being told to focus on math while sitting in front of a fucking funfetti birthday cake.
“Wrong.” Spencer whispered in my ear, his eyes apparently watching my botched attempts at my homework. With a general sound of displeasure, I erased my previous answer and changed it.
“Still wrong.”
Breaking the scene for just a second, I hoarsely begged, “Please, Spencer.”
He must have sensed my mounting frustration, because soon he was palming my breast much harder, his hand finally letting my hips begin to rock.
“Tell me, is it just because my dick is in you, or are you always this clueless?”
The breath left my lungs in short bursts, his words both hurtful and hot against my ear. I didn’t let it faze me, still scribbling some answer on the sheet while I spoke. “I-I told you before I can’t... I can’t focus when you’re inside me.”
He lowered his hands, running them down my bare thighs before dragging them back up, leaving angry red marks in his wake.
“You should’ve thought about that before you asked to sit on my lap.”
This time, he lightly nibbled on my ear once he stopped talking, laughing at the way a shiver ran through my body.
“I didn’t think you would do... this,” I quietly confessed.
“So you just wanted to tease me? And now you’re mad I beat you at your own game?”
Rocking back and forth, I groaned, “It wasn’t a game, I just wanted to sit on your lap!”
“And now you are sitting on my lap and you’re still whining.” He retorted, his hands returning to their heavy petting wherever they could reach.
“Because I want you to fuck me!”
“That wasn’t part of the deal.”
If I had been sexually frustrated before, now I was essentially feral. The harder I tried to move, the more he tried to stop me until I got fed up, forcing out a few hostile words.
“Fuck you.”
His hand flew up to my face, grabbing my cheeks roughly and forcing my lips to pucker.
“Watch your mouth.”
“Why would I listen to you if you aren’t going to fuck me?” I muttered through my contorted face, now struggling to lift off his lap.
He wasn’t having that, though, and roughly tugged me back down onto him while he thrusted up into me.
“Because I said so,” he ever so kindly reminded.  
“Fuck!” I cried out at the rough intrusion, continuing with an even angrier exclamation, “Fuck you!”
I’m not sure what it was about his voice when he uttered that one syllable, but dread coursed through my veins. I couldn’t tell exactly what was coming, but I knew he was going to have fun doing it.
“If you want me to fuck you, I will.”
Before I could protest, he had swept the items on the table onto the ground and lifted me off of him. He dropped me harshly against the table, standing so he could have the upper ground.
“After all, you have quite a bit of naughty behavior to answer for. And right now, I’m more than happy to administer the punishment.”
I rolled my eyes at the way he always managed to drag these things out. We both knew I was going to be a brat, so why waste our time with threats I clearly wanted him to follow through on?
“Just shut up and fuck me already.”
Spencer bitterly laughed, staring down at me with far too much amusement as his fingers brushed over my lips.
“How badly do you want it, little girl?” He said as he continued the trend of sudden, rough movements by shoving his fingers down my throat. “I should’ve warned you not to do anything to me you don’t expect me to do to you in return.”
Gagging lightly on his fingers pressing down against my tongue, I only felt my need for him to fuck me skyrocket. Through the lustful haze, I managed to remember what he had done to me in this situation… and how I had responded.
I bit down on his fingers just hard enough to leave a small indentation on them, and he jerked his hand back the same way I had.
His slap across my face was just as hard, too. The sound filled the room, and I had to bite back a moan at the way my cheek stung where his hand had hit.
When I turned my face back to him, I bit my lip before smiling.
“Do it again,” I giggled.
But he didn’t listen, because of course he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed my hips, flipping me onto my stomach on the table, my face pressed against the wood.
“I don’t take orders from you, bitch.”
Another shiver ran down my spine at his words paired with the sound of his belt slowly being removed from the loops of his pants.
“And honestly? I’m tired of hearing your voice.” He finished, his hand reaching around to open my mouth. He worked the belt between my teeth like a bit for a horse, tugging back on the material. With my head craned back, I began to rub my legs together, already missing the way it felt to be filled by him.
I tried to groan in disapproval, but it just came out as garbled noise. Spencer didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s been so long that you’ve forgotten I’m not as nice as you. That I’ve been taming brats a lot longer than you.”
For a moment I was left there just like that, laid out on his kitchen table for his consumption. I could tell from the silence that he was enjoying watching me squirm, taking in the brief image of me submitting to him without a fight.
But then the moment ended with one swift thrust into me. The force was enough to rattle the table and I grunted from the impact.
“If you’ve got a problem, don’t bother trying to tell me, because I don’t fucking care.” As he spoke, he gave a thrust after each clause, somehow becoming progressively more aggressive.
I’d felt him like this once before, although under different circumstances. This time he wasn’t just using me to get through pain. This was something else.
The freedom I could feel flowing between us was intoxicating, and for once in my life I didn’t want to fight him. I didn’t have to. He was already doing everything I could have ever asked of him.
At least, that’s what I thought until he started talking again.
“God, you’re so fucking wet,” he muttered under his breath, rolling his hips slowly to make sure he was fully entering me with each thrust. “You really love keeping your daddy’s cock warm, don’t you, little girl?”
It was always strange, to feel the duality of Spencer. The way that his words could sound so much like praise while littered with downright filthy words. Or how he used one hand to gag me with his belt and the other tenderly caressed my sides.
“You’re so good at being a pretty little slut for me. Letting me use you.”
His voice was so smooth, with a confidence I was unaccustomed to hearing from him. My fingernails scraped at the table, trying to fight against the way my entire body slid against the wood.
I could feel my muscles desperately clenching around him, my feet trying to remain on the floor. The light struggle didn’t go unnoticed, with a dark laugh coming from Spencer as he leaned over top of me, pressing me down with the weight of his body.  
“I don’t understand how a slut like you has such a tight little cunt.”
A loud moan escaped from the little space between my teeth and the leather, and I could feel the saliva dripping down my chin. Tears had already started forming in my eyes, my cheekbone still raw from his hand now burning against the table.
“What’s it going to take to break you, huh? Or have I already?” He whispered as his fingers gripped my hips with bruising force.
“No fight left in you, little girl? You gonna give up? You gonna cry?” He mocked, earning my first attempt at a response. The gag got in my way, though, and it just came out as a wrecked sob as he entered me with another rough thrust.
“Speak up.”
The next noise out of my mouth was a guttural groan, my back arching enough to lift my face from the table and loosen the belt against my lips.
“Here, I’ll make it easier for you.” He said before using his hand to wrench the accessory from my teeth, tossing it in front of me on the table. I could see my teeth marks against the leather.
“S-Spe…” I tried, but couldn’t even finish his name. My mind seemed somewhere else, some place to which only he could take me. Nothing else mattered here; nothing except pleasing him.
Which is what made his nails against my skin so exciting. But still, it wasn’t nearly as exciting as the way he continued to laugh at the mess he made of me.
“How pathetic. You can’t even say my name? Doesn’t matter anyway.” He stood back up, providing him the leverage to drive further into me once more, pulling my hips back against him with both hands now.
“A useful cunt doesn’t talk. So don’t even think about bothering with your little safe word now. I’m not stopping until I’m finished taking what’s mine.”
I’m not sure if it was from the way my lips caught on the wood, how hard I was biting down on my lip, or a mark from the belt, but I could taste blood somewhere on my lips.  
“Don’t stop.” My voice was weak and hoarse from disuse, but the words were audible, and that’s all I cared about.
I was a little surprised, though, when Spencer immediately withdrew. Then I realized that I had inadvertently given him another order, and he didn’t seem too happy about the fact it was one he wanted to follow.
With much more strength than needed, he lifted me by my arm and flipped me onto my back. My joints had given up even when the rest of me hadn’t, leaving me lolling like a rag doll under his will.
I could only imagine what he saw, my cheek only slightly less red than the blood tainted spit covering my chin as I held my body open to him.
The smirk on his face was positively feral, like a predator admiring his catch before going in for the kill.
“You’re so fucking filthy. You actually like this, don’t you?”
When I didn’t immediately answer, he brought his hand against my cheek much lighter this time. Although I knew it wasn’t a smart response, I couldn’t help but giggle at the way it caused goosebumps to ripple over my skin.
His hips snapped forward, entering me completely all at once. Spencer couldn’t stop himself from moaning, belying his stoic nature in scenes like this. He was enjoying himself so much that he couldn’t hide it anymore, and the thought just made my heart beat harder.
“Fuck me harder, daddy!” I suddenly begged, rocking my hips forward in time with his thrusts.
“God, you’re such a dirty bitch,” he responded, doing exactly what I’d asked by driving into me as the table screeched against the floor. It didn’t last long, with his hand coming up to my throat and clenching my airway within seconds. There was no warning this time.
“You’re nothing but a little toy that likes being fucked like a cheap whore.”
I would have screamed out in agreement, but I could barely manage to breathe under his unrelenting grip. Instead, my eyes began to roll to the back of my head, my mouth open in an attempt to take in any air.
“Go ahead, go to sleep, little girl. I don’t need you to be awake for this part.”
The butterflies in my stomach had migrated to my chest, filling every inch of space that used to be filled with air. The burning in my face was even hotter now, and I honestly felt I might collapse in on myself if he didn’t finish soon.
Luckily, his hips began to falter the longer he watched me scraping at his hand on my throat. With one more thrust, he threw his head back with closed eyes.
The sweat on his brow showed just how much of himself he gave to this moment, and I couldn’t have been more grateful. Seeing him come undone inside of me was one of my favorite past times.
“Fuck!” He growled through clenched teeth. His fingers twitched harder against my neck as I felt him spill his release deep inside of me, his hips still trying to push further into me. Once he opened his eyes, it’s like he suddenly remembered that I still hadn’t taken a breath, my face draining of color before he quickly lifted his hand.
I gasped, my lungs both burning and finally relaxing as they filled with air. My energy nearly drained, I hoped to god that he wasn’t planning on making me move anytime soon. For once, I was actually grateful that he hadn’t tried to get me off, too. I’m not sure I could take it.
I closed my eyes and laughed to myself about the irony of me not protesting him staying inside me now. Soon enough, he had pulled out of me, muttering another string of curse words as he tried to find the ability to walk the few feet over to the counter.
The sound of running water felt so far away and so serene. I smiled, knowing what was coming before it happened.
Sure enough, his hands were on me once more, cleaning away the evidence he’d left behind with a warm paper towel.
My face was last, with him taking extra care to be gentle. My eyes fluttered open, looking at the way he seemed to look straight into my soul, seeking any validation he could find that I was going to be alright.
“How are you, little girl?” He asked anyway, and I just sucked my bottom lip into my mouth as I smiled.
I had meant it as a joke, but I could see a flash of guilt in his eyes. Grabbing his forearm, I started to try to sit up against my body’s wishes. Something told me he needed me to be closer to him. He needed me to be okay.
“Can you stand up?” He asked, supporting my body weight with both hands on my back.
“Yeah, I think so,” I laughed.
Once I was upright, I realized that while he was still fully dressed, my legs were fucking freezing. Spencer noticed, too, and already had a plan in place for this situation.
“Let me clean you up.”
“You already did,” I responded with a nervous glance when his fingers ran through a piece of my hair hanging in my face. He just gave me that judgmental, deadpan expression that told me he knew I was trying to get out of something.
“Come on,” he said with a light pat on my ass before guiding me towards the bathroom. “We need to warm you up, anyway.”
I couldn’t argue with that; honestly, the idea of a shower sounded delightful. Still, some part of me felt strangely awkward about something so intimate. I clearly wasn’t nervous about him seeing me naked.
The thought of him taking care of me, delicately cleaning away any remaining evidence of sin, just got me much too excited. It didn’t take me long to realize that my apprehension wasn’t going to stop him.
He kept his hand wrapped around mine the whole time, even as he turned on the shower and checked the water. I didn’t mind, enjoying the glimpse into domestic life with Spencer Reid.
Although I was perfectly capable of doing it myself, I let him take off my remaining clothes before helping him remove his.
Steam filled the room that was remarkably calm. The usual suffocating sexual tension felt worlds away as Spencer helped me into the shower. My muscles immediately responded to the hot water, and I let out a happy sigh as I heard him enter behind me.
His hands were back on me, gently caressing every curve of my body under the water. Still, his touch was not sexual in the traditional sense. He pulled me closer, letting the water fall over both of us until there was nothing dry left.
Normally it would uncomfortable, for one of us to have to remain outside of the water, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind. It was like all of the focus he had in that supercharged brain could only be placed on me. Keeping me happy, safe, and warm.
And I was.
I couldn’t tell if he knew that. It felt like he didn’t.
With my back still to him, I heard him rustling with the travel-sized bottles I’d started to leave behind. I wondered to myself if I should just start leaving regular items now.
I was distracted from the thought by his fingers diligently working through my hair and on my scalp, massaging the product into a lather. For a touch I claimed to be nonsexual, I felt it all over my body.
Tilting my head further back, I nearly fell over onto him in the pleasurable haze he’d created. He just gave a small chuckle, nudging me back up so he could continue.
Before he finished, I gave a soft sigh and a mewl. When he turned me around to begin helping me wash it out, I saw the goofy smile on his face.
“I love you.” He said it like it needed to be said at all. As if he weren’t tenderly caring for me in that very moment.
A selfish part of me hated when he said it, because I still wasn’t sure when I could say it back. It seemed like there was never a right time. Before, he had been worried it would be about the suspected pregnancy, and then it had been the drugs. Now, I feared it would be swallowed into that post-coital dysphoria he always brought up.
Thankfully, he didn’t make me say anything.
“Close your eyes.” He said, tilting my chin back and maneuvering his fingers through my hair to rid it of the shampoo.
It had been a long time since I’d felt cared for like this. I didn’t know how to react. My heart was overwhelmed.
He repeated the process with the conditioner, and I remained silent once again. But Spencer didn’t seem like he missed our usual snarky repartee. I began to worry something deeper was wrong... again.
That thought was an unfortunate one to have, because it caused me to turn around. I took his hands in mine, stretching out his arms to see the remnants of bruises still peppered over his skin.
“Don’t think like that, little girl.”
His voice was harsh and crackling, filled to the brim with self loathing that I always hated to hear.
“They’re fading away, and I’m still here. There...” he paused, swallowing and trying to keep himself steady before continuing, “there won’t be any more.”
But there was still a struggle in his words. I wasn’t looking to chastise him, and it hurt to see he expected it. Which is why I began to slowly shift so that he was under the water, a weird mix of a smile masquerading as a pout.
Once he was under the water, he made a face at the way it hit him differently at his height. I ignored it, grabbing his soap from the side of the tub and pouring it into my hand.
He didn’t say anything when I started to run my hands over his chest and back. He just watched me with a quiet reverence, his eyes occasionally closing with a sigh of relief.
They stayed shut when I moved to his arms, wishing I could just wash away what was left of his scars.
“I’m not worried.” I finally spoke as I took his hands in mine, smiling at the way my fingers could be so much smaller than his and still fit so perfectly in his hands. Using the positive inertia, I wrapped my arms around him and let the water wash over both of us like a third member of our embrace.
His hands stroked my back so delicately that I barely noticed them at all. As much as I enjoyed the dramatic change of pace from our earlier activities, there was something undoubtedly off with the way he was holding me now.
I let it go for a minute longer, just so we could make out way back out of the tub. With a speed that I would never expect from someone who had exerted as much energy as he had, Spencer had wrapped me in a towel and left to fetch me his clothes for me to wear in an instant. We both knew that I’d brought my own change of clothes, but neither of us spoke about it. It was much preferable, we had each privately decided, for me to be swamped in the fabrics he loved.
Not a moment too soon we were laying in his bed, curled into a messy pile of limbs trying to convince the other that our bodies really couldn’t exist without the other. I’m not sure if it was the way his fingers still dusted over me like they would shatter me or that look in his eyes, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling any longer.
“Babe,” I cautiously began, taking his hand and pressing it fully against the cheek he so clearly wanted to touch, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” It was curt and unconvincing, so I continued.
“Are you sure? You know how I feel about you lying to me.”
He sighed, rolling onto his back and away from me. His arm covered his face, but I could still see the way his eyebrows furrowed beneath it.
“No. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
At this point I was just so grateful that we’d finally made it far enough into our relationship that he didn’t feel the need to lie to me more than once. Still, I was terrified by what he could possibly say next. What was he going to tell me next? That he had a secret child? A wife?
“I just… Sometimes after we have sex I feel…”
He peeked at me, probably noting the confusion and anxiety clear in my features.
“… Like I’m the worst person in the world.”
Those previous emotions were quickly replaced with an exasperated and false gasp as I pulled myself over to him.
“Well, that does wonders for my self-esteem, Dr. Reid.” I laughed, looking up at him from where my head rested against his chest. His heart even sounded troubled somehow.
“No, it’s not that. God, no. You’re amazing.”
“I know, right?” I continued to joke, hoping that it would make his vulnerability at least a little bit easier. It seemed to work, and his arms found their home around me once again.
“I spend almost all of my time, every day, trying to find and stop murderers and rapists. The worst possible people on this earth; people that everyone agrees are evil incarnate, and then I come home and…”
He trailed off, but it was obvious what he was going to say. It was hard to hear him compare himself to the men he hunted. He didn’t talk often about work, but he’d said enough for my chest to hurt at the implication.
“How can I feel like I’m a good person when I get off on hurting something as beautiful and innocent as you?”
“I am not innocent,” I scoffed, pushing at his chest to prop myself up again. Positioning myself to hang above him, I smiled when his nose twitched from the way my hair tickled his face. His eyes flickered back and forth, seeing something I’m not sure I would ever understand.
“Yes, you are. It’s one of the many things I love most about you.”
His hand on the back of my head convinced me to close the gap between us. I planted a soft yet meaningful kiss on his lips, but it wasn’t enough to stop the racing thoughts.
“Spencer, you aren’t anything like those guys.” I assured him, running my hand through his damp hair that had just started to curl.
“I’m not always so sure.” His eyes had finally met mine, unsure and petrified all at once.
“Well, I am.” I didn’t know how to explain it to him. He was always the one who had the words to explain things. All I had were quotes from people much smarter than myself.
“Look me in my eyes right now and tell me that you would still enjoy it if you honestly knew I wasn’t having fun.”
“I don’t know.”
I could recognize that he didn’t mean it. Those endorphins he was always talking about were screwing with his head. I’d seen his reactions when I was in pain. He did not like it.
“Spencer. You’re just going to have to believe me when I say that you are a good man. One of the best I’ve ever known.”
His tongue swept over his lips before he bit down on it, trying to swallow his doubts before he could give them any more life.
“I love playing with you, and I trust you with my life because I know you would never do anything to risk it. Okay?”
Spencer looked like he was finally starting to get it. Either that or he had just realized I wasn’t going to change my mind. Regardless, he gave a small pout as he said, “Okay.”
Shimmying further onto him, I swung my leg over his hip so I was practically sprawled over him like a blanket.
“Now tell me you love me,” I teased, settling onto him while he groaned at the sudden weight.
“I do love you.” He laughed when he said it, which was my goal in the first place.
With feigned bashfulness I cooed, “Awww, thanks.”
“You’re such a dork.”
The insult was such a ridiculous notion to me that I was convinced I had heard him wrong.
“Wow, I’m going to pretend like the man with 3 PhDs didn’t just call me a dork.”
I nestled my face to his neck, feeling the way his heartbeat was fluctuating as we began to settle into the calmness of a simple night together.
“It takes a dork to love a dork,” he opined in the dorkiest manner possible. But considering how those words in his voice brought so much joy to my heart, I chose to accept his hypothesis.
“Pffft. Go to sleep, old man.” I muttered, reaching up to loosely cover his mouth with my hand. The feel of his mouth curling into a smile before kissing my palm was all I needed to feel safe enough to sleep.
“Thank you, (y/n).”
The next morning felt a lot like the way the previous night had ended. I swear, it was almost like Spencer and I hadn’t moved an inch throughout the night. Maybe we really had been that tired.
Either way, I wasn’t tired anymore. I knew that if I stayed splayed out on top of Spencer while I was this restless, I would wake him up anyway. So I slowly inched off, hoping not to disturb him too much.
To my surprise, he barely stirred. Don’t get me wrong; his arms followed my body and required all of my strength to peel them off of me.
“Babe, I have to get up. I’ll be right back.” I mumbled, practically crawling out of his grip while he grumbled nonsense into the pillow.
He was so adorable that I almost felt bad about leaving him there alone. Almost.
See, Spencer had done so much for me in our relationship up to this point that it was starting to feel lopsided. I didn’t like that. There is something about owing people anything that doesn’t sit right with me.
That’s why, after sleepily brushing my teeth and trying to control the disaster of a bird’s nest on my head that resulted from sleeping on wet hair, I set out to do some good old fashioned chores.
It wasn’t hard to figure out where Spencer kept things - one of the perks of having a boyfriend with such a hatred of germs, I guess.
I don’t honestly know how long I spent topping off the cleaning around his apartment, but it couldn’t have been that long. The place was basically already spotless. Once I was satisfied, I picked up the thing I had been avoiding: my homework.
And that’s when Spencer conveniently awoke, ready to distract me from finishing the last few problems once more.
“I never thought I’d see you willingly doing your homework.”
I turned around from the couch, smiling at the state of my sleepy boyfriend still wrapped in a blanket. Adorable.
“Well, someone distracted me last night.”
“Oh, did they?” He joked as he came over to plant a kiss on the top of my head before making his normal beeline to make his morning cup of coffee. 
But after I heard the familiar clinking of mugs, I paused my work with a smile.
“... Did you... did you do the dishes?”
“Yeah, why?” I called back, hearing the loud grinding of the gears moving in his mind.
“And made coffee.”
I remained looking forward because somehow it made his confusion all the better. His hand was sliding against the counter top before moving to the stovetop, where I heard him moving the grates.
“... Did you clean my entire kitchen?”
“You’re very perceptive, Dr. Reid.”
He laughed, walking back over to me from the other direction with a pleasant, if not goofy, grin. He was going to say something else, but stopped when he noticed the basket filled with clean laundry on the floor next to the couch.
“You did my laundry? How long have you been awake? How did I sleep through this?”
Although he bent over to pick up the basket and turned to carry it off to the bedroom, he kept his eyes on me, waiting for my answer.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “A couple hours? You must have been tired.”
His eyes narrowed in an attempt to see through me, to learn the secrets of how I had managed to out-Spencer Reid him with my particularity.
“What? It’s not a very big place, Spencer. And most of your clothes are dry cleaned.”
As he walked away, I heard him groan. Like he should be embarrassed by the state of his apartment. Honestly, his starting point was cleaner than even the best deep clean would do for my apartment. If anyone was embarrassed, it was me.
“You should’ve woken me up,” he called from the hallway.
“You looked too cute!” I shouted back when he disappeared around the corner. “I didn’t want to ruin it. You don’t get enough sleep.”
Upon his return, he stood above me with a sarcastic scrutiny. I put my pencil down, looking up at him from my cross legged position on his couch.
“Is this what domestic life with you is like?” He asked, unable to hide his admiration any longer.
“Only when you’re nice to me.” I teased, reaching forward to grab the blanket still hanging over his shoulders to pull him closer to me.
“I’m always nice to you.”
“Then I guess that’s your answer.”
Losing his balance just a bit, he awkwardly stumbled onto the couch, plopping down next to me with the total lack of grace I’d come to expect from him.
“Well, thank you. You didn’t have to do any of that.”
“I wanted to.” I admitted, brushing his unruly curls out of his face. “Because now you have nothing to distract you from paying attention to me.”
He groaned, craning his neck away from me at the words, “Should’ve known there was a catch.”
“Oh yes,” I continued, climbing onto his lap with no resistance on his part. “I was thinking you and I could go to the park and…”
“Don’t say it,” he warned, raising a finger to my lips.
I didn’t care, and shouted past the digit, anyway.
“Please, Spencer! Take me for a picnic! Just once!”
“You know how I feel about picnics.”
Now it was my turn to whine, grabbing his hand between mine and lowering it, leaning forward in the hopes it would distract him.
“You can eat before and just feed me fruit. Spoil me rotten.”
My distractions didn’t work, and he didn’t even bother trying to kiss me back. He just spoke hurriedly into my lips.
“It’s not even just the food I’m worried about! Did you see the numbers of Lyme infections in the county?”
My eyebrows popped up, and I stuck my tongue out for a second in my excitement.
“Ooh, Doctor, you can check me for ticks,” I cooed.
Closing the space between us, I gave him a light, chaste kiss. Despite returning it, he also gave back a pout.
“Please don’t make me do this.”
Conveniently, he had forgotten that I was much more experienced at pouting. What I did next wasn’t really a pout, though, it was more like puppy dog eyes and a childish grin meant to evoke the strongest sense of guilt.
He dropped his head back, closing his eyes like he didn’t have an eidetic memory that would burn my cute nonsense into his brain.
“Why does the begging only work one way?”
“Is that a yes?” The excitement was clear in my voice, which must have sealed the deal.
Because he just sighed, running his hands up and down my waist.
“Fine. But I’m going to check you for ticks after and I promise you will not like it.”
This time when his hands made their way down my body, I rocked my hips against his. I could feel his erection already straining under his pants.
And he was acting like he was actually disappointed.
“You always say that and I always like it.” I pointed out, reorienting my heat over his erection and continuing my motions back and forth against him.
“Oh, really?” He tried to act calm, but I felt the way his fingers got tighter, his hips bucking up every couple of seconds.
“Yes,” I breathily whispered into his mouth before melting into a sloppy, frenzied kiss.
It didn’t last long, with his hand threading through my hair and pulling lightly to expose my neck to him.
“Tell me what you like, little girl.”
When he uttered the words, I noticed he was placing small kisses against the same pattern of his hand that had been wrapped around my neck. The thought alone consumed me, and I dug my fingers into his shoulders, gasping at the sensation of his tongue swirling patterns over my pulse.
“You,” was the only syllable I could express.
The light chuckle he gave sent shivers down my spine, his bottom lip dragging over my skin while he savored the newly forming memories.
“I never got to spoil you last night,” he reminded, bringing a hand down to stroke my thigh.
“Oh, I wasn’t disappointed at all.” I was going to continue, telling him that he didn’t have to get me off every time. Then again, I knew that he wasn’t going to accept that answer, anyway. Regardless, he spoke quickly and with confidence when he said, “I’m still going to make up for it. Take off your pants.”
I wasted no time springing up from my position with a cheeky little taunt. “This sounds familiar.”
“But this time you were a good girl.”
The distinction was not lost on me, and I had to admit hearing him call me a good girl in this context turned me on more than I had thought it would. Apparently, I was wrong for thinking I was entirely a brat, because right now I just wanted to hear him praise me.
“Maybe I should do that more often,” I happily hummed as I began to straddle him once more, pausing for a moment for him to lay languid, open-mouthed kisses against my breasts.  
He paused just for a second to growl, “Don’t you dare.”
I didn’t bother saying ‘I told you so’ because he was already pulling my hips down so that I could sink onto his length. Biting my lip to try and stifle the full moan, my fingers returned to their place embedded in his skin.
“Fuck,” he spoke under his breath and through a clenched jaw, “I don’t think you understand what you do to me.”
He wasn’t entirely wrong. I could only guess the effect I had on him by just how stupid the bona fide genius got when I was around.
When I could look into his eyes again I pushed his hair back with both hands, trying to express my feelings with each roll of my hips.
“Tell me about it,” I purred, my mouth hanging open as he started to thrust up in slow, synchronized movements.
Through the heavy panting and strained motions of his muscles, he spoke with a clarity that demonstrated how long he’d thought about his words.
“I just… I’ve never been able to picture a future until the day I met you.”
My heart stopped for a moment before continuing its strong, hard rhythm against the inside of my rib cage. I wanted to see the look on his face, but he had buried his head into my neck and hair. Each inhale seemed so purposeful, reminding me that I smelled of his soap.
I smiled at the way his hands felt just like they had last night, holding themselves back from claiming me with the rough, greedy nature they so often did.
“I can recall any minor detail from any point in the past. I relive them so often, but the future? That was always this terrifying, suffocating concoction of unknowns until that night.”
It almost felt like I was there again, feeling the bass shaking the chair I was sitting in when I kissed him for the very first time. I thought about the compassion in his eyes when he learned the truth about our situation.
Although it had only a few months since then, it felt like a lifetime ago. I couldn’t and didn’t want to remember a life before Spencer Reid.
Once again reading my mind, he stopped laying kisses against my shoulders to hold my face in his hand, stroking my cheek while our bodies continued in their need.
“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
When he thrust up this time, his eyes shut and his mouth hung open as he pulled our foreheads together. I continued to watch him, watching how his eyebrows furrowed and he tried to focus on remembering this moment more than usual.
“A future with you, huh?” I whispered, my features softening as he struggled to look at me through his own infatuated haze. “It sounds nice.”
He smiled, and I continued before he could take my lips with his own.
“A white picket fence. Two little bratty genius babies.” My attempts to excite him were absolutely working, because with each idea I provided, the urgency with which he pulled me down increased.
“Just a normal, domestic life,” I laughed, my legs beginning to shake as he held me against him with each movement, “with Dr. and Mrs. Reid.”
“Fuck,” he muttered without providing any other answer before pressing his thumb against my puckered lips.
I took it into my mouth quickly, lavishing it with my tongue as much as I could before he removed it. His hand then shot down to where our bodies were joined, beginning to rub my clit in rough, circular strokes.
The trembling that was once contained to my legs spread throughout my entire body, the moans spilling out of my mouth without a care in the world for who might hear. As long as Spencer was enjoying my responses, that’s all that mattered to me.
I wanted him to see the things I could never say. The way I felt whenever I was with him.
“Don’t tempt me, little girl. Keeping talking like that and I’ll steal you away from whatever plans you had.” He spoke in my ear with that low register, his voice barely above a whisper.
I could hardly breathe, and I spent all my energy trying to follow his words.
“Take me.” I urged, feeling the tension in my muscles approaching their breaking point. “Take me, Spencer. Please.”
It was with those words that I felt my body give into him, my muscles gripping him and begging him to join me in my release. But he waited, giving a few more rough, deep thrusts into me.
“Just like a true daddy’s girl.” He chuckled, watching as I came undone, my body eventually going half limp in his arms. “You’re already spoiled rotten.”
My skin was sticky with sweat, and the sounds of our bodies colliding together in the dim morning light continued to overwhelm my senses. He seemed to enjoy the way he could clean me just to dirty me all over again, and I almost made a comment about it, but I couldn’t find the words in time.
Instead, I just whined, “I want more. I want it.”
He didn’t respond with words because he didn’t have to, his broken, shaky thrusts spoke for him. Using both hands to slam my body down against him one last time, he gave a guttural moan against the side of my face.
“It’s all for you, little girl.” He said between breaths. I cried out at the sensation of him filling me, my muscles clutching onto him like a vice, begging him to stay with me until he was completely spent.
He took the offer, pulling my body against his and leaning us back while we caught our breath. Eventually, I was the one to speak, my words suddenly sleepy and disoriented from the emotional toll of our encounter.
“Thank you.”
His chest still rose and fell with his deep breaths, trying to stabilize his heart before he spoke.
“For what?”
“Loving me.”
That look on his face was back; the one that begged me not to say the words back to him. I hated it. I wanted to tell him the truth, and now felt like such a perfect moment. But at the same time, I understood why he didn’t want it associated with sex.
‘Right now you just think that because your body is coursing with endorphins and adrenaline,’ I could hear him saying, ‘Once that goes away, you might find you feel differently about me.’
But it wasn’t true. I would feel this way about him forever. I already knew that with every fiber of my being. Then again, there was no point in arguing with him.
I would just continue to show him however I could, through loads of laundry and sleepy kisses. My ‘I love you’s would be subtly explaining who got what side of the bed and whether our children would look more like me or him.
At least for now. Until he decided he was ready, or until I couldn’t hold it in any longer.
I really hoped it would be the former.
| Part 13 |
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
The Corpsemouth
Prompt: Sparklers & Fireworks
Fandom: Scarletvision (Wanda Maximoff and Vision, MCU)
Word Count: 2047
Warnings: Mentions of a horror monster and a full smut scene.
“Are we sure that this is a wise idea, Mr. Stark?” Vision asked. He trailed behind Tony, dragging Wanda by the hand as she struggled to keep up with his large strides.
Tony scoffed.
“Relax, Mother Hen. This is the best idea ever.”
Only, it wasn’t the best idea ever. Not even close.
When Tony decided that their Fourth of July celebration would close out with a fireworks show conducted by the billionaire himself, Vision knew it wouldn’t end well. And now, here they were in the dark after a rogue firework spiraled out of the perimeter and hit the power lines. Luckily, Thor and Steve were able to put out the small fire that started in the aftermath.
“Well that was fun,” Clint deadpanned, slapping his knees and standing. “Can’t believe I left the family barbeque for this. I’m going home.”
“You’re no fun, Barton!” Tony yelled as the archer disappeared in the darkness.
“You know…” Sam started, his voice low. “This is the perfect time for The Corpsemouth to appear.”
“The what?” Natasha asked, rolling her eyes. “That doesn’t even sound like a real thing.”
“Oh, it’s real,” Sam confirmed, the sound of a beer cracking open piercing through the inky air. “He takes advantage of situations like this. Ambushes when people are at their most vulnerable.”
“We’re never vulnerable,” Thor laughed.
“You say that now,” Sam warned. “But you won’t say that when Corpsemouth is dining on your throat.”
“Dining on… throats?” Vision piped up. He gulped. “This Corpsemouth… how bad is it?”
“Worse than Ultron,” Sam said.
“How so?” Vision asked.
“He won’t spare you time with pointless conversation. He’ll just kill you and ask questions later.”
“You’re full of shit,” Natasha spat. “There’s no such thing as The Corpsemouth.”
“Perhaps he’s right,” Vision said, taking Wanda’s hand. “We wouldn’t want to be caught off guard.”
“Sam,” Wanda warned. She gave Vision’s hand a light squeeze. “Stop it. You’re scaring him.”
“I am not scared,” Vision insisted.
But his grip on Wanda’s hand told a different story. Vision, while tough as nails when it came to battle, was a proverbial school girl when faced with a ghost story. He didn’t even like half of the Halloween episodes of the sitcoms he and Wanda watched together. There was no way the talk of Corpsemouth wasn’t scaring him.
“They call him Corpsemouth because that’s how he kills you,” Sam went on, his voice a low brooding rumble for effect. “With his razor sharp teeth and jaws like an alligator.”
“Excuse me,” Vision said, standing abruptly. He disappeared into the shadows but it was clear he was walking to the compound.
“Dammit, Sam!” Wanda snapped. She stood up and took off in the direction Vision went.
It was nearly impossible for Wanda to see on her way to the compound. She raised her hand up, using the scarlet orb that floated above it as a source of light. It wasn’t much, but it got her to the front door. She pushed the door open with her free hand and slipped inside.
She searched the first floor, hoping she’d find him in the living room, but no luck. He must have been in his room, hiding away from the teasing tones of Sam and his stories. The thing about Vision is that he probably knew the story was horse shit; that Sam was just trying to have a little fun in a less than stellar situation, but it still scared him. He still had trouble differentiating fact from fiction when it came to the supernatural.
As expected, he was in his room. He sat on one of the large chairs, staring at the wall. Wanda opened the door loudly and coughed, announcing her entrance but approaching Vision slowly. She placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze.
“You know he was fucking with you, right?” Wanda asked. “There’s no Corpsemouth.”
“I know,” Vision replied. He stood up and turned to face Wanda. “But at that moment, I was unable to convince myself that Sam’s story was fabricated.”
“Well, it’s over now,” Wanda said, putting her arms out for a hug. “And it’s not real.”
Vision walked into Wanda’s arms, setting his head on top of her head as her arms wrapped around his waist.
“Come to my room?” she asked. “I’ve got candles and we can play with those dice you like.”
“I’d really like that.”
The room was illuminated in a soft glow from the candles Wanda lit, the two of them sitting on Wanda’s bed.
“You roll first,” Wanda said. She dropped two black dice into Vision’s hand and waited for the result.
He rolled, letting the dice go between them on the bed.
“Pinch. Ears.” Vision tilted his head in confusion. “I suppose I should do as I’m told?”
Wanda grabbed her ears.
“They’re all yours.”
They laughed and Vision extended his arms, taking Wanda’s earlobes between his thumbs and forefingers. He gave a quick pinch as Wanda giggled and then dropped his hands.
“That was a bogus roll. Mine is going to be better,” Wanda gloated, grabbing the dice from the bed and rolling them. “Bite. Boobs.”
Wanda laughed again, this time a loud guffaw that echoed in the dimly lit, silent room. Vision knew what to do. Slowly, he lifted his shirt to show his chest.
“Please watch the Vibranium,” he said. “I wouldn’t want you to chip a tooth.”
Wanda nodded and moved in, finding a spot on Vision’s chest that was skin. She opened her mouth and sunk her teeth in gently, lightly nipping at the spot. Vision shivered under her movements, bringing a hand to the back of her head.
“I need to stop,” Wanda said, allowing Vision to move his hand from her head before she resurfaced. “If I didn’t stop, I would have kept going lower and we only just started the game.”
“Foreplay is an essential component of a healthy sex life,” Vision recited. He grabbed the dice and shook them around in his hand, letting them go in the middle of the bed again. “Massage. Nipple.”
Wanda sucked on her bottom lip, eyeing Vision. It was her turn to lift her shirt and she lifted it and her bra in one quick motion. Her breasts bounced with the force as Vision’s eyes went straight to Wanda’s nakedness. Wasting no time, he reached out and with two fingers pressed the pads against Wanda’s nipple. Slowly, he began to rub circles around the nub as it hardened under his fingers.
“Vis,” Wanda moaned, thrusting her chest forward. “Use your mouth.”
“But the dice-”
Vision complied, moving in on Wanda’s left breast he took the hard nipple in his mouth, sucking on it and swirling his tongue around the nub.
As Vision pulled away, Wanda grabbed the dice from the bed.
“Last roll,” she said, her voice coming out huskier than usual. She didn’t bother pulling her shirt down. Instead, she pulled both garments over her head and flung them across the room before rolling the dice.
“Kiss,” Vision read, his eyes slowly moving to the second die. “Balls/Labia.”
A sudden rush of laughter hit both of them. The dice made it sound ridiculous, but Wanda knew that this would definitely lead to so much more.
“I guess we should listen to the dice,” Wanda said playfully. She crawled on her hands and knees toward Vision, prompting him to lie back on the bed as she got closer.
Without hesitation, Vision phased out of his clothes, leaving him bare and waiting for Wanda to comply with the dice’s command.
Wanda moved closer, taking Vision’s soft cock in her hand and lifting it up so she could get to his balls. She was careful with her movements as she closed in and pressed her lips to Vision’s balls.
It went silent, and then suddenly, they were laughing again.
“That was so weird,” Wanda admitted. “Having to just kiss your balls like that. You’re not even hard.”
“Not yet,” Vision replied coyly, his eyes traveling to where Wanda’s hand was still wrapped around his cock.
For Wanda, the message was clear and she was ready to get to work. She closed back in on Vision and wet her lips before slipping his soft cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head, and across the slit, reveling in the way that she could take him fully into her mouth before he was fully hard. She fell into an easy rhythm, sucking and licking every inch of him.
Vision’s hands fell to Wanda’s head, combing his fingers through her hair as she bobbed up and down on his cock.
Wanda felt Vision getting harder in her mouth, and he was quickly too big for her to fit in her mouth completely. She pulled back, adding her hand to the rhythm. As she worked on him with her mouth, she also pumped her hand up and down his length.
“Wanda…” Vision croaked, lifting his hips and pushing himself further into her mouth. “Don’t stop.”
Wanda had no intention of stopping. She ran her free hand up Vision’s stomach, dragging her fingers along the mixture of soft synthetic skin and strong Vibranium, finding a spot where the two met. Only she and Vision knew it, but he was ticklish where skin met Vibranium. She moved her fingers to a spot just on his stomach and traced the seam.
Vision immediately tensed up, a moan turning into a laugh and back into a moan when Wanda started laughing. The vibration of her amusement against his cock sent him into a spiral of bliss, his hips coming up again, driving his cock into Wanda’s mouth, hitting the back of her throat.
Wanda pulled away, his cock coming out of her mouth with a wet pop.
“You’re eager tonight,” Wanda observed, amusement playing on her face. She changed positions swiftly, going from lying between Vision’s legs to shedding her pants and underwear and hoisting her leg over his body, his cock coming to rest between her ass cheeks. “This might be a better option for us tonight.”
Wanda sat up, reaching back and taking Vision in her hand, guiding it to her middle. When the head parted her lips, she quickly sank down on his cock, sheathing him inside her before lying down flat against Vision’s chest.
“Go for it,” she instructed, letting him know he was free to move his hips and fuck her however he wanted to.
Vision’s arms wrapped around Wanda’s body, his knees popping up as he pressed his feet flat against the bed for leverage. He pulled out halfway, slowly, but when he thrust up, driving himself back into Wanda his movements were quick, rhythmic and relentless.
With their bodies pressed together, they worked as one to find their bliss.
Vision came first. His moan became an apology for doing so, one that Wanda didn’t want to hear.
“Shhh, don’t apologize,” she said,caressing Vision’s face. “I just want to hear you moan for me.”
All words that threatened to fall from Vision’s lips disappeared at Wanda’s request. He let his orgasm wash over him, apologies turning back to moans as he emptied inside her. His next move was quick. He sat up, taking Wanda with him and flipped her onto her back. He pulled his cock out of her and brought his fingers to her clit, rubbing the sensitive nerve with care and determination.
“Yes, Vis! Just like that,” Wanda cried out, swirling her hips underneath him. With a few more strokes, it was Wanda’s turn to come, legs shaking with the intensity of it. She yelled Vision’s name, not caring who heard her in the quiet of the blackout.
As Wanda came back down, her breath evening out and her senses returning, Vision caressed her thighs, helping her calm down.
“The dice win again,” Wanda finally said, laughing. They’d never gotten to use the dice very long, any instruction given to them always quickly escalated into something more. Vision joined in the laughter, the deep cadence of his chuckles was music to her ears and she smiled to herself, knowing that any thoughts of Corpsemouth were now gone from Vision’s immediate memory.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
please give me Anything himbo roger i need this like perhaps... him being obsessed with eating pussy? pls? - cloud anon
I’m so so so glad you requested more himbo rog because i love any excuse to write him lmao. This is a bit of a long one, certainly well over blurb length but what are you gonna do. I just have a lot of thots where himbo rog is concerned and then there was that convo a little while ago about dressing him in a maid uniform and I had to use it in here. 
warnings: smut, hypnosis & bimbofication, dom!reader, fingering, pegging, oral sex (f receiving), hand job, a little bit of spanking, a little choking, a very brief mention of public sex, free use (perhaps leaning ever so slightly into consensual non consent), humiliation and degradation
Blurb Advent: Day 15
Future Management Series (all my bimbo/himbo writing)
Taglist:  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini  
The costume shop was quiet when you entered it, one of the fluorescent lights at the far end flickering. The lady at the counter looked up from her magazine, her gaze lingering on Roger for a moment before she looked back down.
“What was the theme again?” you asked Roger as you flicked through a rack of women’s costumes.
“The letter M,” he replied from one of the other racks.
“How did Freddie pick that?”
“Dunno, you’d have to ask him. Bigger question is what are we going to wear.”
“What about Mickey and Minnie Mouse?” you shrugged.
“That sounds easy. And we’d look cute as fuck.”
“Sorry, hun,” the woman at the counter piped up, “Sold out of them two days ago.”
“Mice, love,” Roger teased poking his tongue out as he went to check out another row of costumes, “We could make them from scratch I suppose.”
“Left it a bit late though. We’re meant to have them by Saturday.” You headed to the counter in the hopes that the woman there would be able to speed things up, “Do you have any other costumes starting with M then?”
She sighed as she were being interrupted in a very important task before putting down her magazine and pulling out a binder full of lists of stock. Flicking through it she located the section with M. An awful lot of it had been crossed out.
“How many people are invited to this thing? And do they all shop here?”
He shrugged as he joined you at the counter, “Roughly half of London if his last party was anything to go by. What are our options?”
The women smiled at Roger, her attitude becoming much friendlier now that he was involved, “Not a lot I’m afraid. We’ve still got a Mummy, as in Ancient Egypt, ummm, a Maid, as in French, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Poppins, a Monk, Mrs Clause, Medieval Princess…”
“Looks like you’ll be easy to sort out,” Roger said to you, “not much in the way of mens costumes though. I’d be an alright Mummy I guess,”
“Sorry, should have specified. It’s a women’s costume that one. Very sexy,”
“How do you make a Mummy sexy?”
“Strategically removed bandages. I can show you if you like,” she said this last part to Roger, suggestion dripping from every word.
“What about the Monk?” you suggested.
“Beggars can’t be choosers Rog.”
“Alright, it’s the backup idea. Would I be able to fit in any of those other costumes though?”
The woman thought about it, giving Roger a once over as if measuring him with just her eyeballs, “The Maid maybe. Think we should have one large enough.”
“Alright I’ll try that.”
“And I’ll go Marilyn Monroe?”
“You as Marilyn? Oh there’s a joke in there somewhere…something about How To Mary A Millionaire?”
You shook your head at him, “Just go and try on your dress,”
It was a good thing Roger had no qualms about cross dressing because the maid outfit fit perfectly. One look at Roger’s legs in the short, ruffled skirt had your mind whirring with ideas. He bought both your costumes, adding in a maid’s headband and fishnet stockings for himself and a blond Marilyn wig for you. And on Saturday night you watched him don the outfit once more, struggling to keep your hands off him. Without you knowing, he’d gone and bought himself a pair of simple black heels, explaining that if he was going to do it he might as well do it properly. Unfortunately for you they just emphasised the shape of his legs in the fishnets and made his hips sway as he walked.
 The party itself was fun but you constantly found yourself zoning out, thinking about what you’d like to do to Roger before he got out of the dress.
“Love?” he asked, making you blink yourself back to the thumping music and loud voices, “You alright?’
“Fine,” you nodded.
Roger frowned and grabbed your hand, leading you away from the main throng of people, “You’ve been zoning out all night, are you sure you’re okay? Haven’t had too much to drink or anything?”
“No, it’s fine. Someone lit up a joint before and I must have breathed in some of it without meaning to.”
He gave you a look like he knew there was more to it.
“Also, maybe I can’t stop thinking about trancing you in that dress.”
“Oh,” his eyes widened and if it hadn’t been as dark as it was you would have seen a light pink stain creeping up his neck. He glanced around and then pulled you off down the hall and towards an even quieter spot, “and um, what might that look like?”
“I don’t know, got a few ideas,” your breath hitched as Roger pushed you into a dark corner of whichever room you’d ended up in, “like the idea of you on your knees. Bet I could see your arse if you leaned forward enough.”
Roger attached his lips to your throat, oblivious of if anyone else was around.
“Maybe spanking you or edg – ” you were cut off as Roger kissed you full on the mouth, his hands already working at getting his underwear and stockings down far enough to get his dick out.
“We’ll continue this conversation at home,” he said as he lifted you up, pushing your back against the wall as he moved your underwear aside.
 It took a couple of days for the topic to come up again but Roger was still just as into it as he had been at the party. He’d clearly been thinking about it too because he had almost as many ideas as you did and for a week or so you discussed it on and off. It came up intermittently, sometimes a single idea out of nowhere.
“What if you tranced me and made me think I was your maid or uhhh servant? Maybe like acted really strict? Or mean even?”
“What about I get a bell to ring to get your attention but use the hypnosis to condition you to get hornier when you hear it?”
Or sometimes it was more of a conversation with each of you building on what the other said.
“What do you think about exploring that free use thing we talked about a few months ago? Like me just having you how I want and when I want.”
“Would that require a more extended hypnosis? A whole day maybe? More?”
“No I don’t think so. I mean, maybe longer than the usual couple of hours. An afternoon? Not longer than a day though, I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that to you.”
“Then yeah okay, we did agree it sounded hot in a non-hypno way so mixing them together should work. Um, what about that pegging thing we tried?”
“You wanna do it again?”
“Yeah I think so. Again, it was pretty hot last time so doing it while I’m hypnotised can only be better, right?”
“Are you sure? We’re both pretty new to it.”
“Yeah I’m sure. I really enjoyed it,” he laughed nervously, “and I would have suggested doing it again anyway, this just seems like a good excuse.”
By the end of the week you had a pretty solid idea about what you were both looking for from the scene and what you’d both feel comfortable doing. And you arranged it so you were both at home on Friday, free to spend the morning relaxing and the afternoon playing.
After an early lunch in which you made sure to mess up the kitchen, Roger went and changed, once again putting on the dress, fishnets, hair piece and shoes. Only this time he wore one of your thongs, sheer black, underneath and a butt plug you’d picked up for him, complete with a pink jewel on the end. For your part, you dressed in one of your work outfits with a grey pencil skirt and white blouse, hopeful that it would make you seem more authoritative. Roger did a little spin for you when he was dressed and then sat in one of the kitchen chairs so you could talk him down into his trance. The scenario you’d agreed upon had him believing he was your silly brainless maid, hired to do whatever you asked. The sound of your bell meant you had another task for him, but it also made him extra horny. So horny in fact that he’d have trouble remembering what he was meant to be doing. As you dropped him deeper and he relaxed more, you noticed his legs spreading further open, making you laugh to yourself. Finally you rang the bell to wake him.
Roger grinned at you from the chair, “What can I do for you Ma’am?”
“Your first job of the day, Dummy,” you said, putting on a stern voice that left no room for argument, “is to dust off the bookshelf in the living room. It’s filthy up there.”
“Through this doorway,” you pointed and he dutifully stood up and began to walk toward it.
“You’ll need a duster,” you reminded him.
“Oh! Of course, Ma’am. Umm….”
“In that cupboard,”
Roger nodded, cheeks pink with embarrassment and retrieved the feather duster.
You followed him out to the living room, watching his skirt bounce with each step. He started off with the shelves at eye level, humming to himself as he brushed the duster over them, but soon had to move on to the shelves higher up. You perched yourself on the couch, acting as if you were reading though your eyes were on Roger, watching as he wobbled on his tip toes, his skirt riding up. You rang the bell and Roger jolted, looking around for you as he bit his lip.
“Yes Ma’am?”
“I think you might need to stand on a chair, Dummy. It doesn’t seem like you can reach the top shelves.”
He nodded and hurried to retrieve one, nearly running in his haste to please you.
The chair was a stroke of genius on your part. It gave you a good view up his skirt as he happily continued his dusting, especially when he leant over to get the far end of each shelf without moving his chair. You could clearly see the pink jewel every time and it made you eager to get him onto the next task. With another ring of the bell Roger jumped down to the ground and hurried to ask what he could do now.
“My shoes,” you said, pointing at the heels on your feet, “they need polishing. I want you to spit shine them for me.”
Roger blinked at you.
You clicked and pointed at your shoes again, “On your knees. C’mon, I’m not paying you to stand around and look pretty. Lick my shoes clean.”
“Yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am,” he bowed his head and dropped to his knees where he stood, crawling over to you.
“Good Dummy,” you said as he trailed his tongue over the toe of your shoe. You’d wiped down the shoes earlier just to make sure Roger wouldn’t pick up any germs from them, but he was too brainless to notice they were already clean, enthusiastically licking at them. You made it clear you were watching him closely though. Midway through the second shoe you saw him brush his hand over the front of the skirt and stopped his shoe shining.
“I’m sorry, Dummy, is this making you horny?”
“Yes, Ma’am, it is,”
“Show me how much,” you wiggled your shoe under the hem of the skirt and pressed it lightly up, rubbing the toe against his crotch, “Hump my shoe, Maid.”
Without any more encouragement he began doing exactly as you’d asked, dragging his clothed cock along the top of your shoe, letting his eyes shut as he bit his lip.
“Alright, enough.” You pulled your food free and held it out in front of you, “Is it my imagination or did you make a mess on my shoe?”
He tilted his head to the side.
“I think you’re so fucking horny you’ve got precum all over my shoe. Is that right?”
“I don’t know,”
“Well,” you grabbed him by the hair and pushed him over the streak, “clean it up and tell me.”
Roger whimpered as you pulled his hair to move him where you wanted but thanked you for helping him and confirmed you were right. After that you felt he deserved a reward so you readjusted yourself, pulling your pencil skirt a little higher up your legs before you rang the bell again.
Roger groaned quietly at the sound, his breathing a little harder than before and then sat back. His eyes fell to where your skirt was gathered against your thigh as you crossed your legs.
“What now Ma’am?” he watched closely as you recrossed your legs, “Is there something else you’d like me to lick?”
“I don’t know. Is there something else you’d like to lick?”
He nodded, eyes still firmly on your thighs.
“Aren’t you just a pathetic little slut.”
“Am I?”
“I’m afraid so. Do you understand why?”
Roger nodded, still staring at your crotch, and then shook his head.
“Oh Dummy. It’s one thing to be my good little maid and eat me out when I tell you to, it’s entirely different for you to ask to do it. Do you see how slutty that makes you?”
Roger tilted his head and then shook it.
You tutted at him and knocked the bell as if on accident.
He whined at the sound.
“Crawl to the dining room. I want you to wash the floor in there.”
“But…please? I want to lick you soooooo bad and I’d be so good at it.”
“Careful, Maid. Now crawl.
“Yes Ma’am.” Roger dipped his head in apology and began crawling to the next room.
You stepped around him to retrieve a bucket of water and a cloth, placing both on the floor of the dining room where he stopped, “You know what to do.”
He looked at the bucket and back to you, confusion written all over his face.
With an exaggerated and exasperated sigh you handed him the cloth and, taking hold of his wrist, plunged his hand into the warm water. He gasped as you then wrenched it free and dropped it to the floorboards.
He nodded, looking mildly upset and dragged the cloth slowly over the floor.
You watched for a little while before coming up behind him, “Put your back into it, stop being lazy.” you pressed his upper back with your foot to make him bend forward.
His neck and face were bright pink, though it was hard to say whether it was arousal or embarrassment that was making him flush more. He did as you asked though, scrubbing the floor harder. You stepped behind him again, admiring the view and occasionally reminding him what you expected. After you felt you’d watched him struggle enough you stepped up behind him again. He pushed the cloth harder, expecting another reprimand. Instead you trailed you hand over the curve of his arse, pushing his skirt up higher.
Roger stilled, though you heard him whine softly into the floor.
“You’re doing a very good job, Dummy.”
He gasped when you suddenly spanked him but he pushed his arse back against your hand.
“You want another?”
He shook his head but kept pressing back against you.
“But I think you do,” You gave him another spank, “Now keep being good and see if you can earn some more.”
He nodded and smiled, though there were tears in his eyes, and then returned to scrubbing the floor.
 You let him go for a while, stepping out into the other room to calm down and get ready for the next part of the plan. You could feel your wetness pooling in your underwear with how turned on you were at ordering Roger around and how much he was enjoying it. Originally you were going to make him wait to get you off until after you’d fucked him but perhaps you could have your cake and eat it too. All the same you headed to the bedroom to gather the strap and dildo you’d bought when the topic of pegging had first arisen between you. You grabbed them and the lube and then put them down again as you considered your next move. The conclusion you came to was that there wasn’t much point having a desperate bimbo toy if you were only going to deny yourself. Roger came as much as he wanted when you were the one under his influence, so why shouldn’t you do the same. You quickly shimmied out of your underwear, and then picked everything up again, dropping it on the couch in the living room on your way back to see how Roger was getting along. He was still scrubbing though he’d spilt some of the water as he’d moved the bucket, the top of his dress wet in patches. You pulled out one of the chairs, standing in front of it as you rang the bell, and watched as Roger squirmed at the sound.  
“What can I do for you Ma’am?”
“Come here.”
He immediately dropped the cloth and crawled towards you.
“Good Dummy. Need your fingers to make me feel good.” You rucked your skirt up and dropped onto the seat, placing one leg up on the table.
Rogers eyes lit up and he leaned forward as if to lick hungrily along your slit.
You grabbed his hair and held him back.
“Ma’am?” Roger whined, struggling against your grip with his tongue hanging out, desperate to reach your cunt.
“I said fingers, slut.”
Roger whimpered again but brought his hand up, trailing his fingers along your slit.
“That’s right Dummy. You’re gonna finger me and make me cum and you’re going to keep your eyes up here so I know you’ll behave yourself.”
He nodded rapidly, his eyes on yours, “You’re wet,”
“You know how much I like watching your cute little arse work. C’mon, finger me,” you instructed, waiting until he’d sunk one digit into you before continuing, “Love seeing you with that pretty plug. Makes me want to use you.”
“Ma’am can I…?”
“I didn’t say you could talk. Focus.”
Roger’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled his finger out and pressed it back in.
“You look confused Slut. What’s the matter?”
“Is this good?”
You smiled indulgently at that, half convinced he’d been about to ask to eat you out again, “So good Dummy. Add a second finger.”
He did as you asked, automatically curling them against you as he pulled them out.
“You’re such a good, obedient servant.” You relaxed back into the chair, letting Roger find a good rhythm.
He was quiet for a bit, concentrating, and then “Can I lick you now?”
You made a tutting noise, “I thought you understood your position.”
“I guess I have to explain it again then. I don’t care if you like licking cunt, this isn’t about you. You’re my maid. Your job is to serve me however I want, remember? I don’t care if you want something different. You’re mine to use how and when I want. Those were the conditions I hired you under, do you understand?”
“Yes Ma’am,”
“Are you sure? Then why haven’t I cum yet?”
Roger kept his eyes locked on yours as he sunk a third finger into you, pumping them faster and bringing his other hand up to rub your clit.
“Better,” you managed to get out, though it was much breathier than you’d intended.
Roger poked his tongue out between his teeth as he put all his energy into pleasuring you. You let your head drop back, rocking your hips in time with his thrusts as he sank his fingers deep into you, his other hand firmly occupied too. He slid his thumb between your lips and up to circle your clit, spreading your arousal over your cunt. The mixture of sensations sent you over the edge without too much delay, your legs clamping shut to keep his hand where you wanted it until you’d come down. Afterwards you made Roger hold his fingers up, cleaning them off with your own tongue. He whined and pouted as he watched you lick up your juices, so desperate to taste you for himself. You gave him a small concession though, grabbing his cheeks when you were done to force his mouth open. He looked confused as you brought your face close and spat onto his tongue, your saliva tinged with what you’d just licked from his fingers. But he thanked you with a big smile and a small hum of satisfaction as he swallowed it.
“What now Ma’am?” he asked softly, sitting up straighter and glancing at the bell.
You bumped the bell against your palm as if in thought, watching Roger wince with each ring, “The kitchen needs a tidy up. Go in there and wipe down all the benches for me, okay? I’ll be back soon to check on you.”
Roger nodded and walked on unsteady legs back through the house. You followed him, needing to point him in the right direction a couple of times, and then continued on to the living room to collect your supplies and remove your skirt. It took you a little while to figure out the harness. Last time Roger had helped you get set up so doing it on your own was a little confusing. You took a breath and reminded yourself you were a smart and capable woman and that you could figure out a simple sex toy on your own, and eventually got it on right. When you were comfortable you popped open the lube and spread more than you thought you’d need along the shaft of the toy. It still felt a little bizarre to look down and see a penis, even if it was obviously fake. The first time you’d tried it on you’d wondered aloud if the work you did for those living rough would have been easier to achieve if you had a real one and Roger had suggested you wear it to work one day and find out. You’d laughed at how ridiculous that was and the memory made you chuckle again as you double checked everything was in the right place.
Roger was in the kitchen when you arrived, standing at the bench with a cloth in his hand, humming to himself, though he seemed to have forgotten what he was meant to be doing. You stepped behind him and ran your hand up the inside of his thigh, over the stockings.
The humming stopped and he stilled, “Ma’am?”
“Bend over.”
He did as you asked, his chest and arms leaning on the bench.
You felt him up, letting your hands roam under his skirt, brushing over his cock and along his thigh and over his arse, making his shiver and whine. “Good thing this dress is so short, Dummy. Makes it so much easier for me. And it makes you look like a slut. You’re very hard by the way, does that mean you like it when I tell you what to do?”
His voice was soft when he spoke to the bench top, “Yes, Ma’am,”
“That’s good because I like telling you what to do. And you should be happy to know that I’m wet from watching my brainless maid working all day.”
“I am happy!”
“You are?”
“Mmhmm. Maybe I could help you Ma’am, I love cunt so much.”
“Aww Dummy,” you cooed, stroking your fingers through his hair, “That’s sweet of you to offer but it’s not what I want right now,” you took the fishnets in both hands and tugged until a rip formed right along the back, “For now I want you to stay bent over for me so I can use you. Just like I talked about before, remember?”
“When you said I’m yours to use how you want?”
“You do remember! Good boy!”
“And you said, ummmm,” he gasped as you moved his underwear aside and began slowly working the plug out of him, adding lube to make it easier
“Go one, what else did I say?” you asked as you pushed the plug back in, fucking him with it, adding more lube as necessary.
“Umm, you said they were the,” he stretched out the word as he thought hard, “oh! The co-com-bit-ons and that its, umm, my job to serve you?”
“Very good! That was so much to remember, I’m very impressed.”
“Yes, Dummy. I think I’ll have to give you a reward for remembering it all so well.”
Roger looked over his shoulder at you, grinning, “Thank you Ma’am,”
“Alright, turn back around, I’m still going to use you. Because….?”
“Because I’m yours?”
“Good boy,” you pulled the plug free and placed it on the bench beside you. Squeezing some more lube onto your fingers you began spreading it over his arsehole.
“‘s cold,” he said softly to the bench.
“I know baby, but it won’t be for long. And I gotta make sure there’s enough so that I don’t hurt you. And then you’ll be all ready for my cock.”
Roger nodded, flattening himself on the bench as you lined up the tip of the dildo and slowly sank into him.
Roger made a high pitched keening noise and you reached out to stroke his hair again as he adjusted.
“You okay, baby?” you asked letting the stern act drop for a moment.
Roger nodded, “yeah, ‘m okay. Just feels funny.”
“But good though?”
“Mmhmm. Good.”
“Good. I want you to like it. It’s more fun when you do.”
“I do!” as if to prove it he pushed his hips back, making you sink a little deeper.
“I can see that,” you laughed, “I’m gonna fuck you now, okay Dummy, and you’re going to enjoy it, right?”
He nodded, whining as you pulled your hips back slowly and then thrust forward again, figuring out your rhythm and adjusting to the sort of muscle movement it required. As you got more comfortable with it you let yourself be a little firmer, grasping Roger’s waist and fucking him harder, drawing more gasps and whines and moans from him. You varied your speed, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, keeping Roger from knowing exactly what you would do next (and giving yourself a break every so often). He’d taken your instruction to enjoy it to heart though. His fingernails scraped along the top of the bench as he tried to ground himself, rocking his hips back against you whenever you slowed.
“I want you to cum, Dummy. Rub your cock through your pretty sheer panties.”
“Over your panties.”
You stilled your hips and pulled out of him so you could grab his hand and lift his skirt, placing his palm over his cock, “now rub.”
He nodded, swallowing hard as he began to stroke himself. His hand stilled as you plunged into him again but a warning word made him remember what you wanted and he shakily followed your orders as you fucked him hard.
“How does it feel, Maid, being used for my entertainment?”
Roger babbled something incomprehensible in response. You couldn’t tell if it was just noise or if he’d been trying to form words but it was hot either way.
“C’mon, show me how much you like being my pretty little fuck doll. Be the pathetic little slut I know you are, and cum.” You panted between the words but Roger didn’t seem to notice or if he did he didn’t care. It must have sounded authoritative enough because a few seconds later he was moaning, his fingers twitching and legs shaking as he came. You slowed to a stop and replaced the dildo with his plug again before fixing his underwear and smoothing down his skirt.
“There, all pretty again,”
“Thank you Ma’am,” he sighed.
You patted his head, “Finish up cleaning off the benches in here and I’ll have another job for you.” You walked off, releasing a long breath once you were out of his hearing.
 In the time it took you to get out of the harness, put your skirt back on, throw the dildo into a sink of hot water and relocate the bell, Roger achieved very little. He hadn’t moved from where you’d bent him over though he had stood up and grabbed his cloth again, drawing circles with it over the benchtop. When you came back to get him for his next job he was shifting from foot to foot.
“What’s the matter, Dummy?”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded though he didn’t meet your eye.
“Tell me.”
“My panties…”
“Aww, is it a bit uncomfortable?”
He nodded vigorously.
“Well maybe I can distract you.” You rang the bell and watched as his eyes glazed over and his hips jolted. “The bed needs to be made Dummy. Go on, off you go.”
He nodded and hurried off, his heels clicking against the wooden floorboards, his step awkward as he squirmed in discomfort. You followed him and showed him where to get a clean sheet from, watching as he pottered around the bed pulling off all the bedding, throwing them into a pile on the floor. Putting a new fitted sheet on the mattress seemed to be too hard a task though. It was almost cartoonish how much he struggled, placing the wrong corner of the sheet on the wrong corner of the bed and then somehow repeating the same mistake when he tried to turn the sheet around. He wouldn’t stand still, uncomfortably dancing around in his cum soaked underwear, getting more and more frustrated as the corner he thought he’d got on flew up when he tried to fit the next one. Every so often you jangled the bell under the guise of getting his attention to give him a helpful tip or reprimand him for taking so long, but it had the added effect of turning him on more than he already was, his face flushed and his eyes begging. You let him continue for a few minutes and then, when he next turned in response to your bell, you surprised him by pushing him onto the mattress.
“Ma’am?” he asked, voice trembling as you positioned yourself on his thigh and pushed his dress up.
“You made such a mess before, didn’t you? Ruined your panties and I’m afraid it’s spread to your pretty dress,” you showed him the patches on the inside of the skirt from where it had rubbed against the sheer fabric of his knickers and been stained. “Lucky for you I like messy little sluts. And” you palmed him roughly, “I think you like it too. Already hard again?”
Roger shook his head but tilted his head back and whined.
You placed your hand over his throat, “Don’t lie to me, Maid. I can see it; I can feel it. You’re a dirty little slut who gets off on being my property. My dumb little fuck doll.” You punctuated the last sentence by grinding against his thigh with each word, squeezing his length through his stained underwear. “I’m going to make you cum again now and if you’re good I might see about letting you eat me out. I did promise you a reward earlier,”
“Please,” Roger whimpered, “I’ll make you feel so, so good.”
“I know, Dummy. But not yet.” You squeezed his throat at the same time you rubbed your hand over his cock, choking off the moan that had begun to build. Roger squirmed under you as you wanked him off, cooing at him about how pretty he looked and how wet it was making you. Each stroke along his shaft was accompanied by a breathy whine or moan, his head tilted back and his eyes fluttering shut. It was always fun to watch Roger be pushed towards release when he was tranced. It was fun when he wasn’t hypnotised either but there was something about taking his brain away that made him more animated and vocal. He babbled at you again, his hand grabbing your wrist as he got closer, his back arching as he tried to buck his hips up into you.
“Good boy, good Dummy,” you praised him as he finished, able to feel the warmth of his release fill the material again as you kept stroking him, milking every drop you could. He whined loudly as he became more sensitive, but you kept toying with him until tears began leaking from the corners of his eyes.
“Alright, Dummy, stay there while I take my skirt off.”
Roger remained lying where you left him, so you gave him a soft kiss and wiped away his tears, praising him a little more, before you swung your leg over his face and finally let him have what he wanted.  
 It was as if you’d told him he’d won the lottery. He just about cheered as he thanked you repeatedly and then wrapped his arms around your thighs to pull you down onto his tongue. You had to stick out an arm to try and steady yourself as he devoured you, excitedly tracing your lips with his tongue, sucking them into his mouth. He hummed and whimpered against you and used his hands to encourage you to rock yourself against his mouth, spreading your wetness across his face. At one point, so giddy with joy, he giggled, and you jolted at the bizarre tickling sensation of his breath. But that just seemed to spur him on as he licked and sucked every inch of your cunt he could reach. You weren’t sure if his end goal was to make you cum or if he just got very excited and enthusiastic about pussy but, either way, the result was the same. It was impossible to hold back your release as his tongue slid along your folds and his lips latched onto you. He hummed as you gasped and tensed above him, refusing to stop until you pried his hands from your thighs and let yourself fall back to the bed. He pouted as if he wanted to throw a tantrum at having his favourite food taken away, but you managed to make him smile by telling him how incredible you felt and how good he was.
He let you lie down next to him and listened quietly as you talked him out of the trance, reminding him who he was and the reality of your situation. You waited as Roger opened his eyes, stroking his hair back from his face softly as everything returned to him.
“Wow,” was the first thing he said, “That was,” he cleared his throat and pushed himself to sit up, “that was something.”
“I mean, a very fun something,” he hurried to clarify so you wouldn’t worry, “I take it you enjoyed yourself too?”
You laughed and nodded, “Definitely. This is going to sound bad but I like being mean to you.”
“I get it,” he leaned over to kiss you softly, “I like being mean to you too.”
“And the pegging and free use stuff? All of that was okay? How do you feel now?”
“Oh, better than okay. That was brilliant. We’re definitely playing with them more in the future. Bit sore now and I really, really want to get out of this thong. Also take the plug out.”
“I can arrange that. D’you want some help with the plug?”
“Yes please.” Roger shifted onto his stomach, trying to relax so you could peel off the underwear and slowly wiggle the plug out of his arse, “Add these knickers to the list of ones I’ve ruined though.”
“That’s only cause I get such a kick out of making you cum in your pants.”
He hummed, wincing a little as the plug slipped all the way out, “y’know one of these days I’m going to wake up from a trance and decide to gag you with whatever underwear you made me destroy while I keep eating you out. I still have a bit of a lingering need to have my head between your legs and I do so enjoy overstimulating you.”
“Save that for a special occasion,” you laughed, giving his bum a tap to let him know he could roll over, “C’mon, shall I run us a bath?”
Roger nodded and let you pull him up, kissing you softly before he stood on slightly wobbly legs followed you out of the bedroom.
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teknicianwrites · 3 years
So I've gotten a number of lovely prompts that I have ideas percolating for, and the first thing I've finished since deciding to try writing again is a self-indulgent fanfic of someone else's fanfic. In my defense, that fanfic is Accursed Ones by @thethirdamell, which is excellent. Thank you for giving me the ok to play in your sandbox!
Also, thank you @darkloire for looking it over and helping me with phrasing despite having very little context.
A little missing scene set right before 199 begins that's been bouncing around my head since I read it, and the most recent chapter inspired me to actually write it down.
Read on AO3
We Could Have Been (So Good Together)
They'd spent the past two days going over options, but none of them led to a world in which Anders could stay with Amell.
Amell was better at this than he was. He'd picked the time - night, when people would be around, when shouting would draw the most attention; the place - the courtyard, where a proper crowd could gather and Anders could transform and make a quick escape; the false target - Leliana, Amell's friend, who it would make sense for him to defend, and whose continued presence would keep the swordsmen at the Chateau until Anders was long gone.
It felt like the only part Anders had planned was how to leave Amell again.
Servants had brought dinner, and Anders tapped a fork against the plate he placed before Amell. "Venison. Green salad. Potatoes." He poured two glasses and let both clink against the table as he set them down. "Red wine. Water. So you know… options." Justice rumbled his discontent at the first, but all things considered, this hardly seemed the night to push Amell about his coping mechanisms.
"Thank you," Amell said softly, and to Anders' surprise he took the water. Well. There would be plenty of time for him to drink once they were gone.
Anders picked at his own dinner in silence, alternating between watching Amell, and when that became too painful, staring down at his food.
Halfway through his salad Amell spoke. "Do you want to go over what we're going to say?"
…. They probably should have discussed this before now.
"I… no," Anders said, setting down his fork. "This is going to be hard enough. If anyone thinks I'm rehearsed…" It would probably help Amell, but Anders was no actor. The idea that he might falter over scripted words and everyone would see through him was unacceptable. Amell may have been untouchable in Ferelden, but they weren't in Ferelden, they were in a castle in the Free Marches with Templars, and Hawke's threat to see him made Tranquil sat heavy in his gut. "I can't have this come back on you. I can't."
".... Okay. That's fine. I can lead the conversation where it needs to go." Amell gave him a reassuring smile, and his heart ached for it. Amell and the Wardens would be the ones to suffer if the ruse failed, and the damnably perfect, beautiful man was comforting him.
The least he could do was give him a starting point. "Just… talk to me like an Aequitarian, maybe," he offered, thinking of Wynne. "Say things you know will set me off. If I'm genuinely angry maybe they'll believe it's at you."
The brief disdain that flashed across Amell’s face made Anders wonder if he was thinking of Wynne as well. "I can do that."
The meal lapsed back into silence, and Anders nibbled on as much as his nauseous stomach would allow. He ended up scraping most of his venison into Dumat's bowl when Amell set his fork down. He moved to gather Amell's plate to set aside for the servants, and Amell caught his hand.
Amell stood and drew him in, and the kiss that followed was soft and desperate. Anders breathed in copper and the Fade and kissed him back, trying to put all the words he couldn't say into that one single act.
They made love, and for once in his life the phrase felt right. It seemed like they should have each other memorized by now, but they took their time tracing and kissing the other's skin like every inch was new. Anders spent the evening committing to memory every mark, every burn, every scar, filing it away for the future when memory was all he had left of him, and did his best to ignore the treacherous voice of hope that he might one day learn the stories of new ones.
In a kind world time would have slowed for them, expanding seconds into hours until they had a month of goodbyes. But if they knew anything it was that the world was unkind, and midnight was swiftly approaching.
Anders smoothed out Amell's doublet and ran his fingers through his hair, wondering half-hysterically if Orlesians would be more or less inclined to believe the coming performance if they looked like they'd just had sex.
"I'm sorry," he whispered when Amell caught his hand to hold against his cheek.
"Don't be," Amell whispered back, and damn him if the steady devotion in his beautiful eyes didn't make Anders' throat close.
He didn't deserve him. He didn't deserve all the patience and kindness and love he had given him while asking for nothing in return. Amell had given him everything. He had given him a family, and Anders was leaving it. His chest constricted.
"Tell Kieran I'm sorry," he choked. "I told him I'd be there. I told him I'd teach him. I told him I'd stay." Four months and a lifetime ago he'd told Morrigan he wouldn't leave her son. Kieran had been there. Had Kieran heard? Had Kieran been paying attention? He was six. He was six so he had probably ignored what the adults were saying. But he was six, and if six was too young to understand forgetting Satinalia, how would he ever understand being left by the man he'd asked to be his father? "Tell him I'm doing this for him," Anders begged, "and for all the other Kierans who deserve to know their magic is beautiful. So none of them have to go through what we went through." So he didn't have to be frightened of Templars anymore. So no one would ever threaten him, or beat him, or lock him away in the dark and claim it was all for his own good. So that even if one father left him, he never had to fear being torn from the other, or from his mother, or from anyone else he loved. "Tell him I love him. Tell him-"
Amell cut him off with a fierce hug, and it felt like his arms were the only thing holding Anders together. "I'll tell him," he promised, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll tell him his Vati loves him."
Anders choked back a sob. "Amell-"
"I know."
"I'm sorry."
"I know." Amell pulled back and set a hand on his chest, a gentle pull of blood magic slowing his breaking heart. "You have to do this. I am so proud of you for doing this. I love you."
Anders kissed him. He let a pulse of mana infuse the rosewood ring, and tried to pour every ounce of love and admiration and devotion and gratitude into that kiss, and felt the same in return, until both of them were breathless from lack of air or sorrow.
Justice had the strength to pull away. "Your support has meant the world to us," he said, tracing Amell's cheek with his thumb. Amell stilled, watching him and letting him guide their contact as he always did when he was forward. Justice kissed him gently. "We love you."
Amell took a shaky breath and Justice stepped back, putting the distance between them Anders would need in order to walk away. He waited a moment for Amell to regain his composure before ceding control back to Anders.
Maker, he didn't want to do this. He allowed himself one last honest look at the love of his life, then drew on Justice's resolve and turned to the door.
"Well. These nobles are always desperate for gossip. Let's give them a fucking show."
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Welcome To Backwater ch.3 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: Stretch is getting out and meeting new people, if only things weren’t a little...ominous. 
Content:  Spicyhoney, Midwest Gothic
Read Chapter Three on AO3
Read it here!
The thing was, Stretch had never really lived on his own. For most of his life, he’d lived with his brother. Taking care of Blue when he was a kiddo, then sort of swapping roles for a while as they got older. By the time they were on the surface, they had a pretty good give and take going when it came to cohabitation. Living with his bro was never the problem.
It was moving back in with him after everything went down that was the hard part. His sympathy felt more like stifling pity, the relentless cheer Stretch normally adored was grating, and as much as Stretch loved his brother, (and he did, his brother was the coolest and fuck anyone who didn’t see that), he just…he couldn’t. Not right now.
That all came to a head and landed him on the midnight bus to anywhere and living here essentially alone was turning into a balancing act between being necessarily solitary and lonely enough to start befriending the local spooks, and now look at him.
Standing in Red’s living room and armed with a lamp shaped like a flamingo, probably about to be murdered for the hundred bucks in the front register and Red’s shitty microwave, and his first stupid thought was, holy shit, he’s gorgeous.
Not that it wasn’t a valid thought, but it didn’t do much to better the situation. A skeleton Monster (another one? really?) that was almost as tall as he was, but instead of Stretch’s scrawny bod and knobby knees poking out of his cargo shorts, this guy looked like he’d just stepped out of GQ’s leather edition, available only with a valid ID. From those slender hips with all the right curves all the way up to the delicate intricacies of his cervical vertebra, he was like a book written in braille, begging for a touch. Those cheekbones alone were sharp enough to do more damage than any damn lamp, fuck, he should have to carry a weapons license for those things, they were sure as hell giving Stretch a good stab in the libido.
Mystery guy only stood there in Red living room, cool and calm in spite of the fact he was wearing a sleek leather jacket and knee-high damn motorcycle boots, (fuck, those legs), on a sweltering day. Didn’t even bother to pull his hands out of his jeans pockets, like he was hanging around patiently for a fucking takeout order instead of starring in a home invasion.
The guy raised a browbone, and fuck, how did even the scar running through his socket seem sexy? “Well?” Mystery Man said, “Nothing else to say?”
That broke the spell. Well, kinda, holy shit, take two. That voice, it was almost rich enough to pour into a cup, but damn, if Sugar Tongue here dusted Red, what was Stretch gonna tell the cops? That he was too busy getting seduced by those dark molasses wiles to do anything about it?
Stretch brandished the lamp again and blustered out, “i asked you first!”
The guy sighed heavily and for half an idiot second, Stretch felt bad for disappointing him. “If we’re going to continue down this path of childish competition, then I was here first. Would you care to offer a rebuttal? Or is that word too complicated for you, I’d make an attempt to bring it down to your level, but I don’t have the time to journey back out of the realm of stupidity today.”
That was enough to snap him out of this guy’s erotic stupidity spell. Great, he was a murderer and a dick, Stretch should’ve known. No one with hips like that could be on the side of good. He raised the lamp again threateningly, flamingo-beak facing front, “the only butt around here is gonna be yours when i kick it!”
The guy only rolled his eye lights, deep crimson, huh, how about that. “Ah, how refreshing it is to have a chance to engage in such cunning debate,” he drawled. “But as enchanting as this has been, let me interrupt the vigilante plotline you seem to be starting. I’m only here to drop off a package for my brother.”
“brother?” Stretch parroted dumbly. Oh. Ohhhhh, for fuck’s sake he was an idiot. Red eye lights, skeleton monster, all he was missing was a fucking name tag that said, ‘Red’s Tall Brother, Please Do Not Ambush.’
Well, that was one way to make a first impression.
Stretch sheepishly lowered the lamp, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. “oh. uh, sorry about that, i’m a little on edge.”
“On edge, are you,” the guy repeated. One corner of his mouth pulled upward in a sardonic little smile, another sign of the unfairness of life that it only made him look even more appealing, if that were possible. Sex on legs and that voice? Some guys cheated to role for charisma twice was all Stretch was saying. “Ah, aren’t life’s little ironies precious.”
Before Stretch could figure out what the heck that meant, he heard the familiar thump and bump of Red hurrying down the hallway. The door was flung open hard enough to bounce against the opposite wall and Red paused in the doorway, taking in the scene. His brother standing there is all his sexy glory, completely unconcerned and weaponless, and Stretch still sweaty and disheveled from trekking through the heat outside, standing there with a lamp in his hands trying to look like he hadn’t been ready to bonk the guy on the noggin like the first chapter of an Agatha Christie novel.
Red was snickering before Stretch could even scramble for any sort of excuse, “whatcha gonna do with the lamp, armstrong, knock his lights out?”
“i was improvising,” Stretch mumbled. He plunked the hideous thing back on the table, fumbling to plug it back in. "you didn't tell me you had a brother."
"no?” Red set both hands on the top of his cane to lean against it and innocent was not a voice he wore well, nope. “musta slipped my mind."
"Your mind is ever slippery, brother," said brother put forth in a clipped tone, "Somehow, you managed to forget to mention this…person…to me as well."
"and 'cause i did you got to have an excitin' first meeting,” Red said, abandoning innocence for pure mischief. He gave them both a broad wink, “ain't that right?"
About the only thing Stretch and this guy had in common was the mutual dirty looks they gave back to that.
“only if you get your thrills from a criminal sort of meet and greet,” Stretch said.
"Yes," the brother said irritably, "Very exciting. And now that we’ve all confirmed who I am, would you care to explain who this is?”
Red’s grin widened, his gold tooth winking in the mellow sunlight streaming in through the tatty curtains. “my new clerk.”
“Your—” That irritation melted into horror as the guy’s spine went ruler-straight as if someone jammed a yardstick up his ass before he blustered out, “have you lost your tiny little mind?”
Stretch couldn’t help feeling a little insulted. It was a little grocery store, not the Ritz, they didn’t need all their cheese on the crackers to manage selling ‘em, thanks.
Red didn’t seem bothered by his brother’s disbelief, he only shrugged, “nah. don’t think so, anyway.” Then with a touch of acid, “not like you’re around long enough to find out.”
His brother ignored that. Seemed like he was still stuck on Red’s audacity in hiring a clerk. “You have,” he said wonderingly, “You’ve completely lost your mind this time. And you’re keeping him right here in the house?”
“room upstairs, but yeah.” Red sucked on his teeth loudly, grinning his wide, feral grin. “got a problem with that, little brother?”
Conversation briefly ceased as they both seemed to be trying to communicate in glares and Stretch didn’t know enough of the language to interpret, but he didn’t think it was going well. Especially not when the tall drink of brother abruptly turned to him and said, “Go get your things.”
Stretch only gaped at him, too surprised to even protest, of all the fucking arrogance—!
“Go get your things,” he repeated, a touch louder and flavored with a dash of impatience, “and I’ll take you to the bus depot right now.”
“you’re serious,” Stretch said in disbelief. He shook his head with a short laugh, “heh, sorry, champ, not going anywhere on your say-so. besides, i just got here, if i leave now, I’ll never get voted prom queen.”
The other guy’s face didn’t so much as twitch and intensity in that crimson gaze made Stretch want to look away. He resisted, meeting that glare defiantly, even as he said, quietly, “If you stay long enough, leaving won’t be an option.”
Stretch only snorted, seriously, what was with this guy? “and you’re calling your brother a nut?”
He didn’t bother to answer that one, only swung around and pointed an accusing finger in Red’s direction. “This is on you, brother.”
Red only gave him that easy, sharky grin back. “always was.”
Stretch thought that was the end of it. The guy nodded shortly and started towards the door, brushing past Stretch to get to it and that was where he paused. He turned towards Stretch, those red eye lights moving over him searchingly. The end table with its returned lamp was at Stretch’s back, there was nowhere to go as Red’s brother loomed into his personal space, leaning in uncomfortably close, only inches away from Stretch’s collarbone as he sniffed delicately.
“Hm,” he said thoughtfully.
Stretch resisted the urge to give his armpits a testing sniff. “what?”
But he only drew away and gave Red another unreadable look. Red nodded once.
What. The. Fuck?
“Fine,” the guy sighed out. His hands curled into brief fists, sharpened fingertips pressed into his palms. “It’s your problem, brother, you deal with it.”
“don’t i always?”
“Perhaps with the least amount of property damage possible, if you don’t mind.” He gave Stretch another dismissive half-glance. “Now if you’ll excuse me, brother."
He turned and started to walk off and yeesh, even the way he walked caught the eye, damn, hate to see you leave, love to watch those hips go.
Down boy, Stretch told his libido. There was enough weird shit going on and he really didn’t need to take another hike down that path. Besides, with hot stuff constantly looking at him like something to be scraped off the bottom of his shoe, it wasn’t exactly opening the door for romance. He’d had his fill of assholes, a lifetime’s worth, and just case it might be a question, Stretch proved he was still an enormous idiot by calling to that leather-clad back, “didn’t catch your name.”
The guy didn’t even pause. “Then next time you should be a better hunter.”
With that he was out the apartment door. Stretch and Red stood there and listened to the cow bell jangling loudly, the door slamming, and then the roar of an engine speeding away.
Only then did Red speak again, with laconic ease, “if you’re done staring at my baby bro’s ass, y’can come eat with me.”
“i—" wasn’t, Stretch started to say, then shrugged. Busted. “don’t worry, i don’t think i’m his type.”
“don’t think too hard, gonna hurt yourself,” Red said, dry as a mouthful of sand. “what’s the problem, don’t think you got the right size font?”
“let’s not get into that, it’ll take too long,” Stretch tossed back. “and don’t take this the wrong way but your brother is a dick.”
“yeah,” Red said fondly, “ain’t he great? now, before you tried to light up my bro’s life, i was setting up for dinner. if you grab that bag, you can have some, too.”
Stretch followed where Red pointed with his cane to find an insulated bag sitting by the sofa, black because fuck knew Fonzie’s stunt double needed matching accessories. He lugged the bag along as he followed Red back down the hallway into the store, setting it on the counter while Red struggled into the chair. There were a couple of dusty bowls already sitting there next to the beers and Red gave them a cursory wipe with a rag of dubious cleanliness.
“my bro got his own place a while back,” Red unzipped the bag and pulled out a large ceramic casserole dish. “but he still drops off food for me coupla times a week. says that eating at ‘mama’s’ along with a double daily dose of mac and cheese ain’t healthy.”
Stretch watched, reluctantly intrigued. “he doesn’t stick around for dinner?”
“nah, my bro has kinda a special diet.” Red pulled the lid off and steam rose out, along with the gorgeous, rich smell of sinfully delicious food. Long greenish noodles drenched in some sort of glistening sauce with chunks of more green and purple veggies mixed in, and dusted with a heavy sprinkle of parmesan. Whatever it was, it wasn’t anything like what they brought to the table at Olive Garden.
Stretch inhaled deeply, his mouth already watering. “holy shit, he cooked this?”
“cooked it, hell,” Red spooned out portions, uncaring about the little drips that fell on the counter and pushing the first bowl over to Stretch. “he makes the pasta by hand. planted the veggies, too, like he’s fucking ol’ macdonald on his farm. he made that stew i gave ya the first night, too.”
Stretch barely heard him because he’d already taken his first bite and had he really thought Red’s brother looked sexy? He was wrong, totally wrong, because this was the sexy, this delectably orgasmic taste exploding across his tongue in a blend of garlic and vinaigrette, carried on perfectly al dente noodles mingling with the bright crunch of zucchini and beets. It was hard not to moan aloud as he chewed down that first bite and went back for another.
“is he single? i changed my mind, holy fuck, i’m gonna marry him and chain him to the stove,” Thoughtlessly said around a mouthful of deliciousness and Stretch winced as he realized what he said, “sorry, sorry, bad joke.”
Red only slurped up more noodles, teeth glistening with oil and the long strands flinging droplets of sauce as he sucked them in. “he’s single, but good luck putting a leash on him. go ahead, ask him out next time he stops by. i could use a good laugh, ‘cause, honey, you two hooking up would be a joke.”
Absurdly stung, Stretch shrugged and tried on a laugh, “hey, i’m a hell of a catch. gainfully employed and everything.”
“oh, yeah, you’re the seafood special, all right.” Red’s sharp teeth sheared easily through the noodles as he took another bite. “rebound fucks never work out, kid.”
“how did you—" Stretch stopped with a groan as Red raised both brow bones mockingly. He slumped back over his bowl, twirling up noodles on his fork. “yeah, yeah, handed that over with gift wrap.”
“yep, you did.” Red clapped Stretch on the shoulder with enough force to make him drop his fork. “the list of reasons people end up in the middle of nowhereville is pretty fucking short, kid, an’ you got that look. don’t worry ‘bout it, you got a place to stay here as long as you want.”
The unexpected kindness from Red of all people made him blink hard, but then, that wasn’t really giving him a fair shake, was it, not when he’d given Stretch a job to begin with and kept him semi-fed. “thanks.”
“don’t mention it, to anyone.” Red said dryly. He sucked down the last of the noodles and pushed the bowl away with a sigh. “gonna ruin my rep. make you a deal, air conditioning’s better down here. if you wanna watch tv in my place, y’can go ahead, if,” he stressed, “if ya call your brother. bet he’s out of his mind worried by now.”
“how—” Stretch shut his mouth hard enough for his teeth to click together. Red only looked serenely back, the chair creaking as he leaned back and laced his hands together over his middle. He looked away, not wanting to see what else might shine knowingly in those crimson eye lights. “i’ll text him.”
“good enough,” Red said agreeably. He pulled a can of beer off the plastic ring and popped it open, gulping some down and belching with mellow contentment. “where the fuck did you go earlier, i been waiting on these beers.”
Stretch’s bowl was empty and he ran a finger along the inside of it, licking away the smear of leftover sauce. “to see a movie.”
Red’s mouth opened in a silent ‘ah’. “didja say hi to doris?”
That was not what Stretch expected. “i…yes. you’ve seen her?” Stupid to think Red hadn’t, he’d been here for a long time, hard to believe he’d never stepped into the theater and any Monster with half a gram of sense would’ve noticed her.
“sure, loads of times,” Red said, confirming it. “sweet gal. don’t be offended if she don’t remember you right away, she’s gotta little problem with short term memory.” He pointed a finger at his temple and let his thumb drop like the hammer on a gun. “keep stoppin’ in and eventually you’ll stick. takes her a mo’ when i stop by, but she gets there.”
“good to know.” And it was. Any faint, stupid hurt that he wasn’t the first Monster in Doris’s unlife was a little eased by that tidbit. He probably would’ve been more upset if he went to see her again tomorrow and had to go through the intros again without it.
“okay, g’wan, get outta here,” Red shoved a beer in Stretch’s direction and waved him off. “just remember, wheel of fortune is on at 7.”
Stretch took the dirty bowls with him along with the serving dish, giving them a quick wash and setting them into Red’s already overflowing dish drainer. He spent the rest of the afternoon on the saggy sofa in the living room, watching reruns of ‘MASH’ and ‘Little House On the Prairie’ until Red closed shop for the Wheel.
That night Stretch had a strange dream. Vast trees towering over him and unstable ground beneath his feet. He stood in a puddle of ragged moonlight and when red eyes loomed out of the darkness, he met their stare and didn’t run. Not even when he saw the huge, dark shape that contained them, jagged white teeth in a gaping maw that gnashed and slavered, ready to consume him. The shape leapt at him and he couldn’t move, trapped by that gaze. He woke with a gasp before it landed, waking with a scream tangled up on his throat, clammy sheets sticking to his sweaty bones.
He lay for a moment on the thin mattress, catching his breath. His window was covered, had been since his second night here and he’d found an old blanket in his closet, tacked it up to keep out the blistering heat of the noontime sun. Now it kept out the midnight darkness and he didn’t even glance at it as he rolled to his feet and headed into the bathroom to splash cold water on his sweaty face.
He set both damp hands on the sides of the sink and looked at his dripping reflection. The only shadows in this room were the ones beneath his sockets. His skull was pale, his eye lights pinpricks of diffused white.
“liar,” he whispered to his reflection and watched as it whispered it silently back.
But that was one shipment of guilt he could offload right now.
Stretch shuffled back out and scooped his phone off the nightstand. He ignored the messages, the voicemails, and only tapped out a message of his own, hitting send before he could think of an excuse not to.
i’m okay, little brother, i’m safe. i’ll call soon.
It wasn’t a lie. Soon was relative, just like brothers.
He sank back down on his damp sheets and didn’t bother to turn out the lights.
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
How The Boys Initiate
A/N: This HC is about how the boys initiate sex with the fem reader. I wasn’t able to find the people to tag since I’m still with family but thank you to everyone that’s read my work! I appreciate every like, reblog and follow. I’m thinking of doing something cool when I reach 300 followers, any ideas? I wish all the readers and writers more content that gets us going! Also, I apologize if these HCs are all over the place and long-winded, I wrote these while drunk, sober and sleep-deprived, not in that order either lol. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!! I’m still in 2019 but to all those in the future, see you soon!
It doesn't take much for him to initiate.
He makes jokes while trying to draw you into his level of seduction.
Might mention his "willy" because no matter how many times he'll say it, you'll always laugh
The muscles on his arms and chest tense when he's about to kiss you.
You can tell it a serious kiss by the way he leans down to meet your face.
Moving in slow motion, eyes glowing with light, face tinting pink more and more as he closes in
His lips are pursed but not tightly.
He'll caress your back.
Not for you but for him. The feel of your skin is intoxicating.
He'll calm down but his willy is on go
Deliberately grazing his piece against your thigh.
Depending on where you are, he'll close you in with his body. Trapping you with kisses while his arms tense as you hold onto them and moan.
You have a distinct moan that lets him know you want to proceed.
Definitely one of those that look at you, tells you how beautiful you are even if you look like a burnt chicken nugget. He'll be rubbing on your body until you're flustered and in his words "don't say shit like that". He curses more because he's with you lmao
LITERALLY PICKS YOU UP BRIDAL STYLE TO YOUR ROOM. If you're not there already, he'll still pick you up
But he will be slamming you against a wall then on the bed. He knows you like it rough
He's so romantic it’s sickening
You never get tired of it but you're in awe
Mirio is a simple man but will get very creative in setting the scene.
He listens to what you like. And if you want the fairytale way of lovemaking. He will surprise you with just that.
Depending on the day he had, he'll slowly kiss you all over your neck and collarbone. Days like that he likes to start with missionary but when he does, he just says the corniest shit you've ever heard.
"What do you call two jalapeños getting it on? Fucking hot!"
A true fucking jokester to the end
You might even joke back about how you just turned into a Sahara listening to him.
Now, he's about to show you what a real tsunami looks like. Eats your pussy like the most sinful angel you've ever come across
Imagine you're about to give him head after a work out session and before you can. He says, "What did the banana say to the vibrator? Why are you shaking? She’s gonna eat me!"
Previous to my twerking post he's just gonna jiggle your ass until he feels comfortable enough to ask to go a step further
But before then, he cuddles close to your chest just to hear your heartbeat.
He savors the time you two have away from hero work
Sometimes the grip around you is so tight, you might feel like you'll become one.
He will say the sweetest phrases you've ever heard.
"I’d rather spend every moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could."
The first time he says this he'll be buried into your chest so he'll have to repeat it.
When he's certain that he's taken your breath away, he'll whisper sweet nothings that turn into dirty secrets
Confidence has gone into overdrive. Everything he says to you, smooth like butter.
He has a praise kink like Mirio but also loves to praise you to oblivion.
He's so gentle with his touches after you say yes
His lips are tightly pursed at first and his hands are shaky.
He takes small yet slow breaths to psyche himself up to continue touching you.
You're so fragile in his eyes that he repeats to himself, "handle with care"
If you're freaky, he might just shock you with his hasty moves.
Pining your body down to the bed, with a rosy face.
Even if Tamaki's nervous smirk appears, his eyes always have a hungry glint 
Craving to fulfill his appetite and make you full
First of all, no matter how many times you two have had sex, he smiles.
He's not sure if it's a nervous tick or if he's just that confident.
His dick twitches when you smile back at him too.
Especially when he's inside you.
If you whisper something dirty in his ear, he will physically shudder.
That alone gets you off and he knows it
Pulling him closer to kiss his neck will make his dick spring into action if it hasn't already
He's usually semi-hard. Looking at you makes him weigh his options on where to fuck you and how long should he make you scream his name.
Thinking like that makes him harder than frozen peanut butter.
So, Hanta likes the bed but he really loves when he comes home to your cute ass. And you're taking a shower.
He sheds himself of his hero costume and lives to give you a mini heart attack by sneaking up on you. Usually, while you're washing your face.
It starts with holding your waist from behind. Then his hands’ trail...
His long and slender fingers trail from your hips to your nipples
You're left breathless as he sinks his teeth into your neck on both sides.
Whispering between nibbles, "Did you miss me?" Or "How's my cutie pie doing?"
It drives you mad because of how low of an octave his voice reaches you.
His wet hair tickles the back of your neck as he pulls you close to feel his package
"Now you understand why I'm up, more ways than one."
At first, he's very hesitant to touch you. Even if he's touched starved. We all know this
He's actually vocal when you make him horny
Sometimes he'll outright say it. Other times, he'll sigh. And it's recognizable.
He's a lip biter for sure
Whether you're in a cute outfit or getting ready for bed he's raving about you in his mind and as soon as he finds the words on his tongue, he glorifies you.
He's so polite and if you've had a long ass day, he will just give you a massage.
His strong hands will just wrap around every inch of your body. He'll explain that there's no reason to feel insecure.
He's so honest it’s scary
He praises every part he rubs.
Reminding you why he feels so strongly about you
But after, he gets to know you. He's so fucking horny when he's comfortable with you.
It started when you called him Shouto for the first time
You two were getting a little intimate and it slipped out.
His eyebrows quirked up. He stopped to look at you, a flushed ass mess.
He held your head softly, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
Pulling your face close to his, laying down the smoothest most passionate kisses. 
Taking it a step further biting your bottom lip gently.
He trails a couple of love bites down your neck to your breast.
Playing with his hair while buried in your titties will drive him mad.
He will inhale your scent more times than you'll remember how many times he's kissed you
Probably cliche but he's literally burning with passion
Honestly, there are two reasons Tenya will take his glasses off that aren't taking a shower or going to bed: One being just to get a better look at you. And second is, the sight of your face when going down on you.
Aside from tilting his glasses, he will clear his throat more than he should.
A form of pacing himself in what he's about to do.
Say you've teased him all day while he's been working, he's thoughtful about his yearning.
He sweats from the anticipation to conquer you
It’s not an unbearable scent either. It's just enough to smell like an expensive ass cologne and his hard heroism for the day
A deep grunt leaves his body before he dominates you. His grip is sweet but powerful.
His thighs are tense as he lays you across his lap. Taking a deep inhale before every smack to your perfect ass.
His hands were meant to roam every inch of your delicate body and he knows that.
His callous hands grazing your skin is very therapeutic for you. Half the time he's rubbing your ass he can't even think straight let alone hear you. Because he's listening to your ass bounce off the walls.
Every time he spanks you, he suppresses the urge of his cock rising like morning wood.
He gets off suppressing his arousal for you.
So that after he's punished you, his cock is at full attention.
The welts on your ass are a sign of marking you too.
"Only I can control you like this, Angel."
As soon as you make way to the bed, he's controlling you however you like.
He's still not going to let you have your way for another half hour.
Once you're a blubbering mess of overstimulation, his jaw tenses as he rubs your thighs.
Staring at your flower in awe. Ready to ravage you.
If you say something highly sassy or adorable
He's looking you up and down, shining his pearly whites for you to see.
Whether from across the room or in front of you
He'll teasingly stick out his tongue. Might even say, "Your favorite seat is here." or "Do you wanna take a ride, Kitten?"
Don't look away either. Because he's gonna lift your chin to stare in his eyes
If you stare long enough, he'll say, "Do you see the light you bring me, kitten?"
You will blow up.
He automatically chuckles and peppers your jaw with kisses.
Holding you in his arms from your shoulders to your waist.
He's a confident lover from jump!
Before dating he was unsure about his ability to be liked until you showed up.
While dating, he's very passionate and takes intimacy very seriously with you.
Rubbing your earlobes, touching sensitive spots that make you shudder all over.
Good lord, his jaw is very tense while he stimulates you without undressing you yet.
It's a waiting game, how long can he tease you before you whine.
Shinsou will tease you all night if he can.
773 notes · View notes
tloujm · 4 years
Part VIII: Heady
Author’s Notes: This takes place directly after the end of the previous chapter, timeline wise. As mentioned below, this is gonna be smut in the form of makeup sex. I wanted to do something different and make it more realistic? Not all sexual experiences are perfect, even in fiction, no matter how hard we try for it to be. I know fanfic is where we go to live our fantasies, but sometimes when I read fanfic, it feels too unrealistic. Like, the plot is too perfect. I want an off canon AU but at the same time, I still want some type of conflict or drama. That being said, I am going to reiterate that I am not an expert at writing smut. I still tried to give it a happy ending, but I didn’t want all of my smut scenes to seem cookie cutter or copy and paste.
Genre: Smut with a smidge of angst
Summary: You and Joel reunite...sexually ( I know, I’m corny but its a reference to Wendell from a Key and Peele skit)
Ship: Joel x Reader
Joel’s beard brushed up against your chest when his lips left yours to give attention to your neck. It allowed you a moment to catch up. With the oxygen reaching your brain again, you began to register your surroundings. You’d become hyper aware of the fact that Joel was attacking your skin like a ravished being. He missed me that much, huh, you thought. You felt his hands slide from your waist to your hips before he gently pushed you backwards. You followed his lead until your ass was pressed up against a wall. You were exactly where he wanted you. His fingers bore into your clothed skin before he slid them back up to your waist. For a moment, he detached himself from your neck and gazed down at you. With a grunt, Joel lifted you up. Feeling your feet float off the ground caught you off guard, but not for long as your legs instinctively wrapped themselves around his waist. It was as if they had a mind of their own. No one had ever picked you up before. It was thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. You were afraid of falling, but between being propped up against the wall and Joel’s hands on your ass, that wasn’t an option. As soon as you were secure, he kissed you again and there it went. The clarity was gone and your brain was once again caught in a haze. Joel wanted all of you and he wanted it all with you. After a while of making out, he realized that there was only so much he could do to you while clothed.
It’d been so long since the last time he was with you or anyone else for that matter. He had no desire to take up with someone else. He couldn’t move on from you. He thought about it, though. Whenever he would especially miss you and his own hands weren’t enough, he thought about finding somebody to be with just for the night. At one point, he thought that was the only way to get over you. Those ideas were quickly dismissed, however, for many reasons. Knowing that you were so close yet so far from his reach every single day was excruciating. He saw it as his punishment; he knew he deserved it. Part of him even thought that he didn’t deserve this moment right here with you. His body was convincing him otherwise, however. When you hugged him, it left him reeling. It damn near unraveled him right then and there. He needed you; there was no other way to put it.
Joel whispered that it was time to go upstairs. All you could do was nod in agreement. You loosened your legs and he gently let you down. Almost immediately, though, Joel slung you over his shoulder. Your ass was right next to his face and he gave it a playful slap before moving toward the stairs. You let out a squeal. He couldn’t see it, but a big ol’ grin was plastered on your face. Part of you was concerned about his back and shoulder, but he didn’t give any indication that he was in pain while trying to show out for you. You let yourself enjoy the ride until he threw you onto the bed. You giggled at the thrill of it all. For a moment, you let yourself take in the room of which you were in. It hadn’t changed a bit since the last time you slept in it. You missed it. 
You crawled to the edge of the bed and got up on your knees. Joel walked up to you as you lifted your shirt over your head. The way your breasts filled your bra was enticing to him. They were practically spilling out and he wanted nothing more than to release them. You felt his rough hand cup your face as he guided it up to meet his. The other hand snaked its way behind you to unclasp the bra. You felt the release and in one fell swoop, he placed his finger between your breasts and pulled the fabric down your arms. You pulled back to focus on his pants. You noticed the stiffness beneath his jeans and it was just sitting there tempting you. Joel let your fingers fumble around his fly because he was preoccupied with your breasts. They were single handedly his favorite body part on you. He was very appreciative of the rest of you, but it was when he got to be intimate with you did he allow himself to pick a favorite. It was something you were initially self conscious of because of stretch marks but he didn’t even mention them. He watched as they bounced and jiggled as your arms moved around his waist. Joel was brought out of his daze when he felt the air hit his freshly exposed skin. With his fly down, you ran your hands over his ass, bringing his pants down with them. You pushed them all the way down to his knees before looking back up to him. His eyes were already locked on yours. He continued to step out of his jeans before he approached you again. “You can touch me.” You finally said. His eyes flickered from yours down to your dark nipples, then back up to you. He quickly threw his t-shirt off and took one in each hand and began to knead them. His hands were rough and eager. That was the first time you’d seen him completely naked since last year. You reached up and cupped his face with both hands before bringing his lips between yours. “Joel” You breathed between kisses.
Joel was ready to be inside you, but he knew that there was more fun to be had first. He made a low grunt and gestured with his head for you to move back onto the bed. “Go on, now.” With every inch you moved backwards, he moved to meet you as he crawled on the bed. You let your bare back hit the covers. He aggressively pulled your pants down your legs followed by your panties. He hovered over you, arms on either side of your body. Your fingers snaked up his torso. Slowly, he lowered himself down and licked the skin between your breasts before taking one completely in his mouth. You let out a breathy moan when he flicked your nipple with his tongue. He moved from that one and you watched as he wrapped his mouth around the other nipple. The cold air fed into the sensation and left the exposed one erect. He played with it between his fingers. He began to grind against your middle, causing a sensual friction. Instinctively, your back arched into his rhythm. Finally releasing your nipples, he gazed down at you with wet lips and lustful eyes. He attacked your neck again for a few moments before going back for your lips. As he did, he took your wrists in his hands and brought them up over your head, never ceasing to grind over your folds. He wanted to tease you, but all he did was tease himself. Being so close to your entrance was too much to bear. His goal was to make you melt into a puddle, though, and for that, he was determined. 
“Joel?” You called his name sweetly. 
“Hmm” He hummed. 
“Just fuck me already.” You missed him but then you missed him. He let out a chuckle that left you more attracted to him than you were a second ago. 
“Patience, darlin’.” He was still on the ‘make love’ level, but you were well past that and you just wanted to fuck. He compromised by sliding his fingers down your folds instead. He rubbed and pinched your clit for a few moments before sliding two fingers inside you. 
“Joel, you know that’s not what I meant,” You began. He hooked his fingers and flicked at your core before pumping them in and out. Your middle arched up into his fingers as you let out a long moan. “But this...this will work.” Your thighs naturally squeezed against his hand. “God, this feels good. Don’t stop. Not yet.” He watched the way your face squirmed under his touch and it aroused him further.
“Eyes up here, baby girl.” Joel demanded; his voice somehow deeper. 
He felt your walls begin to pulsate around his fingers. He took that as his cue to enter you completely. It took everything he had to only ease in, especially since your insides contracted with each growing inch. You let out a couple of expletives as your walls expanded to accommodate him. Joel was only in you for a moment and was ready to cum. Sweat began to fall down his face as he focused on lasting. 
Joel sucked in a breath before letting out a deep moan. “Ughhh…(Y/N).” His voice cracked. “You’re so…” There were so many things he wanted to say. You were everything to him. “Warm and wet and…” Your walls clenched against his member as he slowly pulled back out. “Tight.”
“Please.” You begged.
“Please what?” He flashed a lustful glare at you.
“Please fuck me.” Your face, voice, words. They were all ingredients to unlock his primal side. All you had to do was say the word. Hands gripping your hips, Joel slid out all the way and flipped you over. He got up on his knees and pulled your ass up to follow him. Your face was planted against the bed. Missing your warmth, Joel slid right back into you. He could feel himself bottoming out as he went deeper inside.
“That feel good?” He asked. You nodded profusely. 
“Fuck!” You shouted.
At this point, he was pounding into you. “I’ve got you, (Y/N).” He said that but it was him that was more erratic than you. His rhythm was uneven and he could feel himself unraveling. There was no turning back now. 
You felt him twitch inside you. The sensation built you up, but it wasn’t enough. You were close to peaking, but you needed him just a little bit longer. You were just about to guide his hand back to your clit when you felt it. He spilled inside you. It was unexpected in more ways than one. Joel prided himself on holding out until you came first. On one hand, you were kind of disappointed at how quick the make up sex was, but on the other, he had never cum in you before. The two of you always practiced safe sex by Joel pulling out and releasing on your stomach or thighs. It wasn’t the best contraceptive, but having sex with a rubber after knowing what it felt like without it was a disappointing thought. He was always so careful. Not one time up until now did he ever stay inside you. You weren’t even thinking about getting knocked up, though. What was on your mind was the new sensation practically made you overflow on it's own. You reached your own hand down to your clit again to help reach your peak. It was a different yet familiar feeling. You didn’t cum the way you were used to, but you still orgasmed; that you knew. It was heady and tingly and you felt it up and down your body. You stayed there in the arched position as he let himself rest on your back for a moment. Joel was still inside you. He had no desire to leave; It was too warm, too comfortable. After he came, he thought it was over, but you continued to contract around his throbbing member as if you were milking out every ounce he had in him. Having not experienced anything like that, he allowed himself to get high off the daze you caused him. Back aching, you released the arch and laid your stomach flat on the bed. Joel watched as he slid out of you, a small flow of cum seeping out in the process. To him, you were a vision and the imagery of it all lengthened his high. 
Soon, his body collapsed on top of the covers. The cool fabric felt nice against his sweaty body. He was still riding his high when he reached his hand out to you. Just as he moved, you did too. You rolled off the bed and walked out the room to the bathroom. He let out a sound that was meant to be a gentle, longing whimper but it came out like a grunt. You went to go pee to prevent a UTI. You usually didn’t leave the bed immediately afterwards, but you wanted to try your hand at douching. You figured, the sooner, the better. The morning after pill was hard to come by, so you thought rinsing would do something…anything. You were also on the last day of your period. You rarely bled on the last day, but you knew that you weren’t ovulating. Your time spent in the bathroom was based on wishful thinking. 
You walked back into the bedroom after a handful of minutes to find Joel sitting up on the bed. He was hunched over, back facing you. Quietly, you crawled onto the bed and over to him. You slid your arms down his chest before resting your chin on his shoulder. The action made him sit up straight. You brought him into a light embrace from behind.
“What’s wrong?” You asked in a whisper.
“I can do better.” He sounded defeated.
“I loved every minute of tonight.” You began. You turned his chin so he could face you. “I wanted you and I still want you.”
“That’s not how I wanted it to go. I wanted to make you feel good---”
“And you did, believe me.” You flash him a coy smile. 
“I came inside you.” He confessed.
“I know.” You kissed his shoulder. “Honestly, it was bound to happen. We both knew it was a risk to not use condoms. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see if...um...you know...something happens.” You paused to think of a way to lighten the mood. “You inside me though? It felt...amazing.” His features softened, but he didn’t smile.
“I want to try again. It’ll be better.” He promised you, determined to last longer next time.
“It doesn’t matter who cums first as long as we both feel good in the end, and you always manage to make me feel better than just good.” You make sure he’s looking at you again. “All I want is to share all of myself with you and I want you to do the same with me. That’s all that matters.” You tried to convince him. He acknowledged your words with a nod, but remained silent. “We can try again whenever you want.” You entangled your fingers into his.
“Alright if we try again tomorrow? I don’t think I can stay awake for another round.” He continued to sound defeated. 
“Of course. You had a long day. It was only about 12 hours ago that you almost died.” You playfully responded. He finally chuckled.
You laid back down onto the bed, guiding Joel down with you. He maneuvered so the blanket could cover both of your bodies. Gently, you pulled his head down onto your chest; his ear between your breasts. Your legs spread open to accommodate his body. Your fingers soothingly raked through his hair while your other hand left light scratches on his back. He hummed in appreciation. The amount of ease and trust he felt with you was almost scary, but there was no one else he’d rather give himself to. It didn’t take long for him to fall into a deep sleep.  
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Kind Stranger|GBD|Part 7
Parts 1-6 warning: fluffy Tags: @styles-dolan​ @evergreendolan​ @someonetogray​ @vintagedolan​ @prettyboydolan​ @dolansficsandpics​ @graysavant​ @baby-turtles​
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Kale? Spinach? Mushrooms? Eggplant? Grayson’s eyes surveyed the brightly colored board of food options. He weighed the consequences of choosing to include or omit tomatoes from his lunch order. His concentration on his lunch kept his anxieties at bay. Earlier that day, his palms left a greasy layer of sweat on the steering wheel of his Porsche, with his girlfriend and brother silent in the car. His girlfriend and brother now stood beside him, still silent. Ethan’s arms were crossed as he leaned against the back wall of the restaurant. Kate leaned significantly on her good leg, holding a hand on her hip and looking at the ground. Grayson eyed the pair quickly before returning his focus to selecting his meal. Why won’t they talk to each other? It’s like they already don’t like each other..
Grayson tried to shake thoughts while pondering the benefits of sweet corn. Kate glanced at Grayson, struggling to understand the complexity of the decisions that go into making a veggie wrap. Her eyes flickered up toward Ethan, who’s stare was focused straight ahead on a container of napkins. The similarity in the twins was still striking to her. The tattoos on Ethan’s arms were the only definite indicator of their identities. I should know my own boyfriend from his twin brother… Kate took in a breath and moved her gaze up to the ceiling, questioning whether the silence was comforting or eerie. She released a tension in her jaw she hadn’t realized she had been holding when Grayson looked back at her, scrunched his nose slightly, and smiled wide. Grayson’s smile washed over Kate as a wave of relief.
Ethan’s stomach lurched while his eyebrows raised. His brother’s new relationship was sweet, there was no denying that. Grayson shined when he picked her up that morning: his smile was infectious when he took her hand in his during the car ride over. Grayson spent the morning assuring Ethan that Kate was “Awesome! So funny and sweet”, promising that Ethan’s apprehensions would vanish after spending real time with her. Ethan almost felt bad for asking Grayson so many tough questions about her. Almost.
Grayson looked from Kate, to Ethan, and back to Kate, “How does carrots, humus, spinach, celery, and bell pepper sound?” “Like a stroke of creativity that definitely didn’t take you 20 minutes to think about,” Ethan responded sardonically, earning a breathy chuckle out of Kate. Grayson bit his tongue against a snarky response and looked at Kate, “Ladies first,” he motioned a hand in front of him toward the register. Kate stepped forward, chatting through her order with the girl behind the register. Grayson stepped toward Ethan, with an expectant look in his eye. “What bro?” Ethan unwound his arms at Grayson’s wide-eyed look. Grayson’s eyed darted away from Ethan, toward Kate’s backside, and back to Ethan for a second time. Ethan shrugged softly, not having enough information to give a real analysis, “She seems nice. You know I think ordering whole wheat is a sign of a great life partner.” Ethan couldn’t hold in the laugh that escaped his lips when he met Gray’s annoyed look. “Sorry,” Ethan shrugged again, trying not to ruin Grayson’s honeymoon mood, “She seems fine, I’ve barely talked to her.” “She’s great,” Grayson smiled wide at his brother before letting his eyes wander to Kate’s backside at the register. He noticed her give her credit card to the girl at the register and spoke louder, “I can pay for that baby.” Kate looked back at Grayson and shook her head softly. Her tone was nonchalant, “It’s fine, I got it.”
Ethan made a small hum of approval next to his brother, meeting his gaze. Grayson stepped forward to place his order, Kate stood next to him; avoiding joining the awkward air near Ethan at the back of the room. Grayson’s large, rough, calloused hand instinctively laid over Kate’s dainty hand. Ethan smiled softly at the gesture; his brother was always a romantic. In truth, Ethan was impressed by the simple fact that she paid for her own food. It was the first sign that she wasn’t interested in Grayson for his money or influence. She showed Ethan that, even in the smallest way, she wasn’t looking to be wholly dependent on Grayson.
The scene was interrupted by a small bell followed by a few high-pitched squeals coming from the door to the restaurant. A man in an expensive polo shirt and loafers was accompanied by two teenage girls, who were nearly bouncing at the site of the twins. Kate’s brow furrowed: What would make two girls scream in public? She followed their gaze to the twins and was hit with the realization: Grayson’s life was massively different from her own. The two girls bounced their way to the twins while professing their love and asking for a picture. Kate was impressed by how elegantly Grayson handled the situation. He smiled with genuine happiness and stood with grace, giving his entire attention to what they were squealing at him. When the teenagers and twins broke up from their picture, one of the girls got on the phone, to call who Kate could only assume was a friend. “OMG STACEY YOU WON’T BELIEVE! IT WAS THE TWINS! YES! I KNOW! AND ONE OF THE TWINS’ FRIENDS WAS HERE WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!” The small restaurant sounded like a Justin Bieber concern circa 2008. And yet the sound of Kate’s own heartbeat created a deafening silence in her head. One of the twins’ friends… Kate tried to shiver off the growing knot in her stomach, the words weren’t settling right inside of her. She had never been a particularly insecure girl, being a disabled woman in science demanded self-confidence, but the teeny bopper’s words echoed in her ears. Grayson stood beside her, equally awkward but for a different reason. He could only imagine what Kate was thinking after seeing something like that for the first time: a scene that had come to be normal for him since moving to LA. He wanted so badly to reach out and hold her hand in his. He wanted to brush his thumb over hers and give it a squeeze. He wanted to place a hand on her lower back, kiss her head, and breathe in that citrus scent that he could never get enough of.  But he knew he couldn’t: not with his fans in the room, not with their phones in their hands.
If Ethan noticed the cumbersome emotions of his companions, he didn’t show it. He coolly ordered his lunch, keeping his voice low and posture relaxed. Meanwhile, his twin brother was producing enough sweat to provide water to an African dessert and his brother’s girlfriend was combatting her inner dialogue about independence.
Most of the trio’s problems faded into the air in Grayson’s Porsche. Grayson’s right hand securely coddled Kate’s, while his left casually hung over the steering wheel. Grayson loved sitting next to Kate in his car, her sweet smell filled the car and her cute laugh filled the air. Ethan loved sitting with food in his lap, its savory smell filled his nostrils and promised his stomach of good times to come.
Not soon after, they sat at the Dolans’ kitchen island with food, napkins, and smoothies strewn out in front of them. Grayson was in the middle of his fifth story about elementary school with Ethan. Kate tossed some sweet potato fries in her mouth, smiling gently and laughing at Grayson’s punchlines. Grayson followed one story with another, hoping some at some point his brother and girlfriend would release their tense energy and start to see all the great things he saw in both.
“—and then Cameron hit me over the head, and I ended up with a barbie doll arm up my nose—“, he had barely bit into the lunch he spent nearly a half an hour ordering because he was so busy filling the silence. Kate winced at the mention of a doll arm up six year old Grayson’s nose, “Ooh that’s a bad one.” Ethan shook his head, finishing a sip of his smoothie “That’s nothing. Grayson’s head is practically made of stainless steel. Barbies are kind of a bad omen for him though,” he picked at a pile of chips. “This one time when we were like 12, he was dating this girl from down the street. She went as barbie to a Halloween party and convinced Grayson to dress up as Ken.” Kate nearly choked on her sandwich as she let out a chortle, Grayson’s face turned a hot shade of red from behind his veggie wrap. “That means you’re a dedicated boyfriend,” Kate show him a playful wink between bites of her sandwich. Grayson, who’s face was the color of the bell pepper in his wrap, nodded, “I’ll do anything for my girl.” Ethan’s stomach lurched but he held back the urge to react to the happy couple, “He’ll do stupid things for you if you ask him too,” Kate laughed again, “He’ll do stupid things without you asking too, just to impress you.” Kate snickered, fingering a plate of sweet potato fries. She pointed a fry at Grayson “What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done to impress a girl?” Grayson’s cheeks flared, “I uh—well” Ethan gladly cut his twin off to finish, “This one time he tried having sex in a handstand just to prove he could hold himself up for that long.” A loud laugh escaped Kate’s mouth, while Ethan’s accomplished look met with Grayson’s mortified one.
“Should I ask if you could do it?” Kate looked from Grayson to Ethan and back to Grayson. Grayson stammered again before Kate finished, “Maybe you could show me one day.” She proudly flicked the last sweet potato fry in her mouth.
A wide grin grew on Grayson’s face, his cheeks slightly burning. Ethan nearly lodged a chip in his throat. “I knew you were the girl for me,” he reached for her hand across the island. Ethan shook his head softly, “Ryan did say he had a good feeling about this.” “Exactly,” Grayson triumphantly kissed Kate’s cheek as she asked, “Who’s Ryan?” “Ryan is our best friend--,” Grayson started, pulling away from Kate’s cheek. Ethan spoke over his twin, “—he produces our podcast, helps with the videos, pulls us apart when he beat up on each other too hard.” Kate’s eyes found the floor. She looked up at Grayson when Ethan finished, “I thought we weren’t telling people…about us?” Her eyes stared up at Grayson, wide and longing for reassurance. She felt confused, in a deep place. She had already put away her feelings about keeping their relationship private: coming to terms with the fact that Grayson’s life was different. Grayson wanted desperately to cup her face in his hands, seeing her eyes like that ate threw his heart. “Ryan is different, he’s our best friend. We can trust him.” Grayson’s heart quivered when he saw the emptiness grow in Kate’s eyes. Her thoughts raced: What was it about the people in her life that made them untrustworthy? The white walls of the coastal interior of the rental felt less beachy to her and more alienating in that moment. Grayson wrapped an arm around and leaned in to kiss the side of her head. His movements were shaking. He stroked his thumb on the small of her back, trying to put her at ease almost as much as he wanted to put himself at ease. He was normal. She was normal. Their relationship was normal, normal, normal. Grayson wanted so badly to hold her in that moment: to hold her as close as possible to his chest and let her hear his heartbeat, the heart that beat for her. Grayson was never very good with words, but he wished he could find the words to tell her how much she meant to him. He felt like she was sent to him, a strong shot in the dark with everything he always wished for. She was beautiful. She was smart. She was independent. She was driven. She was funny without being cruel. Her laugh sounded like a song. Her little snore when she slept on his chest sounded like a little teddy bear declaring its adorable presence to the world. She had overcome so much; she reminded the entire world of that every time she stood up. She was twice the person that Grayson was and it killed him inside to see her eyes look like that. A pain ran through his chest, he never wanted her to be upset because of him. He cherished her. Even though their relationship was new, his heart held absolutely no hesitancy. He looked at her like he was sure, sure she was meant to stick around, to change his life, to make him a better man: the best man he can be.
A loud creak scraped across the floor. Ethan awkwardly stood up from his seat at the island, feeling as though he was in someone else’s scene. He shifted his eyes from Grayson’s hand on Kate’s back. Ethan quickly gathered the bag and wraps from his lunch to dispose of.  Ethan left the room, leaving the young couple in that position. Grayson’s hand found a home on Kate’s lower back, while she looked up at him, somewhere between bewildered and disheartened.
They snapped out of their trance long enough to clean the rest of the kitchen. Grayson led Kate out, placing gentle kisses on her head and squeezing her small hand. He wanted to memorize the way her hand felt: so small, dainty, and regal in his large, rough, calloused hand. His fingers tingled with jabs of pain when his open wounds moved, but it was worth it to get to feel her smooth, warm skin.
They stood at the front door together. Kate’s hand delicately in Grayson’s, he looked down at her with adoring eyes while she looked up at him. Her eyes had let go of their earlier state, but had yet to return the warm, brown fire Grayson loved so much. “Thanks for coming to spend time with Ethan,” Grayson started, “I think he started warming up to you.” Kate smiled passively, “He’s nice. I’m glad I came today.” She lifted herself on her toes and kissed his cheek gently before lowering down. She turned for the door when Grayson held her hand tighter, “Wait—” he took in a breath. How does he say this? How does he break this? Maybe he shouldn’t say anything at all? Maybe he should say everything? Lay it all out there right? Be completely honest. Honestly is the best policy.
“I’m so happy with you and I love that my brother got to know you better. I’m so glad he got to see you being you.” Grayson gulped softly, Kate turned to face him again, closing the space between them softly. “You’re sweet, so sweet. And you make me happy. Like really fucking happy,” his eyes watered slightly. “I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this, but I was starting to get really lonely before you. And then you came out of nowhere, dropped out of the sky and right into my lap, being here and fixing my problems since the moment I met you. You’re so different, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I didn’t even know girls like you existed.” Grayson let go of her hand to run both of his hands through his hair before looking down at her again, melting more by the minute. The warmth returned to her brown eyes, as her lips slid into a kind smile. “You’re—I—We—I want to keep you around.” Grayson decided on, nodding subtly as he spoke.
Kate lifted herself up by her toes and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Grayson cupped her face in his hands and deepened their kiss, drinking her citrus scent and becoming intoxicated on the sweet taste of her tongue. He ran his hands through her soft, luscious hair. He moaned softly, dropping his hands to her waist and pulling her body in closer. Kate wrapped an ankle around his calf, pulling her body up to continue to meet his mouth, tracing her fingers against his shirt and feeling the curves of his body underneath. She didn’t retract when she felt a hard bulge against her waist, in fact she pulled herself even closer to him—eliminating any space between the two of them. Grayson grabbed onto her, feeling a strip of silky skin when the hem of her shirt rose. His lips became frenzied, obsessed with kissing her at maximum capacity for as long as he could. Her nerves caught on fire when his tongue slipped against her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing him entrance. Her hot skin started to flame when her mouth was filled with the honey taste of his decadent tongue.
Grayson let one dauntless hand fall from her waist, grabbing lightly onto her ass. She smirked into his kiss, triggering a physical mechanism inside of him. He grabbed tightly onto her ass, his body tormented by not having her in this moment. It was Kate who pulled back first, her face covered in strands of unruly hair, flush cheeks, and swollen lips. She breathed in softly before lightly stepping out of his grasp. She nodded and smiled up at him, attending to be sweet but failing while the heavy air hung in the moment. “I’ll see you soon,” she kissed his cheek quickly and moved swiftly toward the door as Grayson mumbled his own words of goodbye. His body, mind, and spirit felt intoxicated by her. He tried to step but recognized a shaking leg as he made his way to the couch. He ran his hands through his hair and laid down. Yeah, she was the one.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I had mixed feelings about this part while writing it. I hope you enjoyed lovie!
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shellbilee · 5 years
Three Days
An Ari Levinson One Shot
Pairing: Ari Levinson x Reader
Summary: Anon Request - “Can you do a Ari Levinson smut where the scene when he's naked she accidentally walks in and he teases her but nothing happens and for the rest of the day they have sexual tension. The reader is then sorting something out at the desk and he just comes over and fucks her rough, please and thank you”
Length: 7K
Warnings: Smut, Swearing
A/N: It’s finally here, though admittedly a week late. Apologies to everyone that was waiting, I had an absolutely awful week and just went MIA from tumblr. To all of my readers I love you all and thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy this smutty one shot!
I made it as a part 2 to my first Ari smut. Part One can be found here - After All This Time (One Shot)
Comment & Reblog please!
B xx
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Three days. That's how long it had been since you and Ari had slept together the night of the first successful mission. Three days since he'd captured your lips in a heated kiss, three days since you'd felt his skin pressed against yours, three days since you'd lost yourself in the feeling of him.
You'd fallen asleep beside each other after your hot and sweaty session in the sheets, waking up a few hours later to find yourself wrapped in Ari's arms. You didn't know what to think, your mind still trying to process everything that had happened between you. His wet lips against your skin, his rough grip on your hips, the way you'd felt yourself stretch around him when he'd pushed into you with a groan. God yes. He'd been everything you'd ever imagined and more, the thought of it once again making your muscles clench deliciously. Your night together had only cemented the fact that you were both incredibly attracted to one another after all this time, though now that it was over, you weren't sure where to go from here. Not wanting to complicate things and definitely not wanting the team - or your brother Sam for that matter, to see you with Ari, you'd carefully unwrapped yourself from Ari and found your clothes without making a noise, tip toeing out of the room and leaving him alone in your bed.
When Ari had woken later that morning, groggy though refreshed with his muscles pleasantly aching, he'd been disappointed to find you nowhere in sight. He'd later found you at the front desk talking with Sam, the guests behind you talking and eating their way through breakfast. His eyes had traveled up your body, drinking in your soft curves underneath the white linen dress you were wearing - the curves that he'd seen in the flesh and kissed every single inch of only a few hours ago. Sam had greeted him when he'd seen Ari approach from behind, you turning to face him and ever so subtly biting your lip when your eyes had met his. The sight of your plump lip caught between your teeth was enough to make Ari stir all over again, knowing that if you'd been alone at that exact moment he would have taken you against the wall right then and there.
Unfortunately though, Ari was unable to fulfill his thoughts as the rest of the day and the two days following proceeded much in the same way. Problems with the hotel guests and Ari's visits to the refugee camp meant that there'd been no time for the two of you to be alone - to discuss what had happened between you nor to have a repeat performance of the other night. It had however, meant that the two of you were frequently catching one another's long, lingering glances when you'd seen each other around the hotel, eyes travelling up and down each others bodies as you drank in one another from afar. You'd watched him return from his scuba session with Jake one morning, his wet suit zipped open to his waist as he'd waded through the water and met your eye from the shore. Heat had pooled in your belly, thick and unrelenting when you'd watched him peel off the rubber suit, your eyes taking in the muscled torso that just a few nights ago you'd had your hands all over and had held onto for dear life as he'd buried himself in you and fucked you into the sheets.
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Ari on the other hand had been fixing the trucks with Jake and Max when he'd stopped for a drink, desperate for any kind of relief from the oppressive afternoon heat. Walking around to the hotel bar, he'd stopped dead in his tracks when he'd looked over and seen you walking out of the water and looking exactly like something out of a James Bond film. He'd practically drooled, his mind working in slow motion as he'd watched you rise out of the water, your skin - now tinged golden brown from the African sun, glistening with water as you reached up to slick back your long wet hair. His eyes had followed the sway of your hips as you'd walked through the water towards the shore, taking in your sumptuous curves in the tiny mango yellow bikini that seemed to make reoccurring appearances in his dreams every time his head hit the pillow.
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Last night you'd been unable to cope with your pent up frustrations any longer, finally giving in to your inner urges and slipping your fingers underneath your panties with nothing but Ari on your mind. Ari had done the same when he'd finally returned home from his latest visit to Kabede, unable to think of anything but your glorious body above his as he desperately pumped his rock hard erection in his hands. Unbeknownst to either of you, the teasing was driving you both mad. Taunting thoughts of another naked, sweaty night among the sheets seemed to constantly play through both of your minds - you desperate to feel him bury himself inside you again and again while he fucked you senseless, and him struggling to think of anything but bending you over and watching your perfect ass bounce as he fucked you from behind. Though you didn't know where you stood with Ari - unsure if there was truly something between you or whether it really was just sex, you did know that the next time you found him alone you'd struggle to stop yourself from climbing him like a tree.
"Where's Ari?" you asked Max, gritting your teeth as you heard the German tourist mumbling what sounded like incoherent nonsense behind you. There was apparently a problem with his room and despite your best efforts to reason with him, the chauvinistic idiot wanted to speak to a 'manager' - in other words, a male instead of you. Not bothering to waste your time with Max and knowing that Jake and Sam were out on a dive, your best and last option was Ari. You sucked in a heavy breath of ocean air as you made your way to Ari's room, trying your hardest to calm yourself and to let go of your anger at the idiot customer. The way he'd sneered at you had made you ball your fists, wanting nothing more than to reach over the desk and throw a punch in his sweaty face. Knowing that had the potential to ruin the entire operation though, you'd swallowed your pride and put on a smile, letting him know that you'd be back in a moment with the manager.
You reached up to run your fingers through your messy waves, exhaling loudly and knocking on Ari's hotel room door. You frowned when you heard no response moments later, deciding to invite yourself in to see if he was even in his room. "Ari?" you called out as you opened the door and stepped inside, looking inside the dimly lit room until your eyes landed on the bed. "Y/N?". Ari blinked as he looked back at you standing at the foot of his bed, certain he was still dreaming as he took in the sight of you. Wearing a thin pale orange summer dress that did nothing to hide your bikini clad body underneath and your hair tumbling down your tanned shoulders, Ari felt his morning arousal spring to attention beneath his bed sheets. Mmmm. He rolled over in bed as the fog of sleep lifted from his brain, his insides stirring as he felt the sudden overwhelming urge to stand up and drag you back down into his bed with him.
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"Oh sorry Ari" you stammered, suddenly embarrassed that you'd walked in on him in bed, "When you're ready I just need you for---". Your words trailed off and your throat went dry as you watched him throw the blankets off himself, unable to avert your eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed and stood up in front of you in all of his perfect, naked glory. Fuck. Ari smiled, having noticed your frozen expression. "What do you need me for Y/N?". You didn't know where to look when he took a step towards you, your eyes bouncing between his muscled torso and his erect length standing at attention - long and thick and every bit as perfect as you remembered. You swallowed thickly, feeling Ari's eyes on you in a heavy, heated gaze. All of sudden your mind couldn't help but remember the feeling of yourself stretching deliciously around him, heat instantly pooling deep in your belly as you felt your own arousal between your legs.
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You stood there frozen, your heart racing in your chest and wetness growing between your thighs as Ari watched you like a predator watches his prey. Watching you standing there, struggling to form the words to answer his question as your eyes darted between his face and his throbbing arousal, Ari couldn't help but groan. Fuck he wanted you, he wanted you in every way possible, every single way possible at the mercy of him and his touch. "I---need you at the front desk. A guest wants----". Ari raised an eyebrow and took another step towards you, closing the distance between you and until his body was only inches from yours. "All I heard from that was that you need me Y/N" Ari chuckled in his deep, velvety voice, shivers running down your spine as his musky scent invaded your nose. You swallowed thickly for the second time in two minutes and pressed your thighs together, knowing that you'd practically be dripping with how unbelievably aroused you'd suddenly become. It was like everything over the last three days had built up and all at once had come crashing down on you like a wave - all of the lingering looks, the filthy thoughts, the memories from three nights ago. All of a sudden the air felt thick and you felt like your body was on fire. Ari.
You swallowed again and closed your eyes momentarily, opening them again to find Ari's gaze burning into you. Focus Y/N. "I need you at the front desk. A guest is getting angry and he wants to speak to the manager which apparently isn't me" you breathed slowly, relieved that your brain had managed to form enough words to answer him. Ari chuckled and reached up to run his fingers through his long waves, his eyes glued intently to your face. "Are you sure that's all you need me for?". He knew exactly what he was doing and knew he was teasing you, knowing just how much his words were tempting you as he watched your breathing quicken. He'd been thinking about you non stop since he'd woken up alone three days ago, right now wanting nothing more than to hear his name fall from your perfect lips. He wanted you, and he knew from looking at your darkened eyes and ragged breathing that you wanted him too. He just wanted to hear you say it. You chewed on your bottom lip as the ghost of a smile threatened to pull your lips apart, looking back up into his heated gaze as you tried to find the words to answer his question. You knew exactly what he was doing, and you knew that he did too. You wanted this, you did, you'd wanted this every night for the past three days. Your sex was practically throbbing with want between your thighs, desperate to have him buried inside you rough and deep until you were coming apart around him. "I think there might be something else you need me for Y/N" Ari bent and whispered in your ear when you didn't answer his question, his deep, vibrating voice sending a fresh wave of arousal crashing down through your body.
"What makes you think that?" you whispered, closing your eyes at the feeling of his hot breath on your heated skin. "Well, a couple of things" Ari answered slowly, his eyes flickering to your lips and back again, "Like the way you're practically trembling right now". He loved seeing you like this, so obviously wanting him but clearly fighting it with everything you had, his erection pulsing as he reached down to skim his fingers along the bottom of your dress. He chuckled when he felt your body tremble at his touch, his muscles tensing when he watched you desperately bite your lip again. "Or the way your breathing has gotten all shaky" he whispered again, lips ghosting over your neck and threatening to make your knees give out beneath you. You opened your eyes again to find Ari's eyes watching your face, flickering down to your lips and making you press your thighs together even harder. Ari grinned darkly, "And I bet that if I was to put my hand up here" he whispered, caressing your leg and slowly creeping his fingers up your thigh and towards your burning sex, "That we'd find your pussy all wet too".
You let out an involuntary moan at his filthy words in your ear, dropping your head back and hearing a sigh escape your throat as his fingers climbed higher on your leg. Ari felt his muscles clench as his fingers skimmed the seam of your bikini bottoms, stepping closer to you so that his length pressed hard against your belly. Your breathing hitched as you braced yourself for his touch, closing your eyes and chewing on your bottom lip as your heartbeat thumped in your ears. The anticipation of it all was killing you - your body was practically screaming for him, suddenly desperate to feel his touch, to have his hands on you, to have him pin you up against the wall and take you. "Ariiii" you breathed, your voice coming out as a breathless moan, "Please don't tease". Ari smirked, hovering his fingertips over the crease of your thigh and fighting the urge to groan as he felt the heat from your sex on his fingers. God he wanted you. He wanted you pressed up against him just like the other night, he wanted you naked in front of him with your legs wrapped around his head, moaning his name as he buried his face in your sweet pussy all over again. Just as he opened his mouth to tell you how much he loved seeing you desperate for him, a knock on the hotel room door made you both spring apart in shock.
"Yeah?" Ari called out after a moment, his eyes on you as you ran your fingers through your hair, trying to compose yourself as you leaned against the wall. "Ari man, There's a shitty customer at the front desk wanting to speak to the manager and he's getting worse" Max's voice spoke through the door, "You need to come out and deal with it. Y/N went off to find you about it too, have you seen her?". "I haven't seen her" Ari answered a little too quickly, clearing his throat loudly, "I'll be out in a second". Your eyes widened at the mention of your name, sucking in a silent breath as you did your best to ignore the sound of your pounding pulse in your ears. Had Max come a few seconds earlier, he would have without a doubt caught you with Ari. You'd been only moments away from losing yourself in Ari, knowing that the second his fingers hit the spot between your thighs you would have lost all control and been putty in his hands.
You both stood in silence as you listened to Max's footsteps walk away from the room, your shoulders relaxing with relief as a breath escaped your lips. It was as if Max's voice had pulled you out of your dazed bubble of arousal, your mind thinking clearly for the first time since you'd seen Ari stand naked in front of you. You had to get out of Ari's room, you had to get away from him. You wanted him, every single part of him, but you knew that right now wasn't the time. It was just too risky during the day, especially with all of the guests around. You could only imagine what would happen if the rest of the team or worse, Sam, found out, and you weren't about to take that chance and jeopardize everything you'd worked to achieve here. You knew that if you stood there any longer, one step away from Ari and his perfect naked form, you'd end up in bed fucking each other senseless as all manner of noises escaped the both of you. You couldn't take the chance. You had to leave now. You moved to step towards the door of the hotel room, Ari suddenly catching your arm and pulling you back to face him.
"Where do you think you're going?" Ari whispered, looking back at you with the same, dark, heavy gaze. "I'm going back to the main building Ari, and you should too. They need you to deal with that out there" you breathed, forcing yourself to stay in control as your eyes locked with Ari's heated gaze. "I'm no where near done with you Y/N" Ari breathed, his hand releasing your arm and moving to grip one side of your hips. You shook your head, "Ari, it's too risky right now, we could get caught". "I've been thinking about fucking you again since the moment I woke up that morning" he replied ignoring your words, "I don't care if we get caught". You shook your head, "Well I do. Sam would murder you if he found out Ari, and if you were thinking with the brain in your head rather than the brain between your legs right now, you'd realise that too". "Y/N" Ari breathed, his grip on your hip tightening, "Don't act like you don't want it too. I can see it all over your face". You let out a soft breath, once again aware of the growing wetness between your legs as you glanced down his body. His erection was still standing long, thick and hard between you, your mind suddenly fighting the overwhelming urge to drop to your knees and take him in your mouth. "I know you want me as much as I want you Y/N".
You closed your eyes momentarily, breathing in deeply and once again biting on your bottom lip. He was right, you wanted him, you did, and if you didn't leave right now, at this very second, you knew you were done for. You were so wet and willing for him that you knew you'd be moaning and crying out his name in minutes, every single person in the hotel listening as you lost yourself in him again and again. No. You had to leave now. "Ari, you have to go to the front desk. This--" you paused, gesturing between you and him, "Whatever this is, can wait". Ari shook his head and looked down at you, his fingers sliding down your hip until they reached the hem of your short dress, his fingers teasing your skin once again. "What if I don't want to wait Y/N?". The corner of your lips tugged into a smile as you looked back at him, every single fiber in your body screaming at you to wrap your arms around him and drag him down to the bed. You shook your head and stepped forward to close the distance between you, inhaling his musky scent as you pressed your lips to the skin below his ear. "You have too Ari" you whispered seductively, pausing to nip his lobe and grinning when he let out a low growl, "But if you come find me tonight I promise I'll make sure the wait was worth it".
"For fucks sake" you muttered under your breath, frowning as you sorted through the pile of papers sitting at the front desk. This wasn't your job, you weren't a hotel receptionist. You were a doctor, you'd spent more than 7 years studying to make a difference in people's lives. So why the fuck were you doing this? You grumbled to yourself when you finally found the paper you were looking for, reminding yourself that the facade of the hotel was all for a good cause. What you and the team were doing here was making an actual difference, you were saving hundreds of lives with every single smuggle. You let out a deep breath and sighed. It would all be worth it in the end.
You added up the cash takings for the day and scribbled down the final total at the bottom of the paper, reaching up to run your fingers through your long damp hair. Today had been hotter than usual, the afternoon heat thick and unrelenting as the sun had beat down during the day. You'd gone for at least five dips in the ocean throughout the day, the water the only source of relief in the unforgiving heat - even if it only lasted for fifteen minutes. Even sunset had failed to relieve the oppressive heat, a hot breeze still present in the air despite it being just after midnight. Most of the guests had retired to their rooms for the night to escape the heat, the last pair of customers leaving the bar ten minutes ago after you'd called last drinks.
You bagged up the cash and put it in the hotel's safe, feeling beads of sweat form at the back of your neck as you returned to the desk and took a loud sip of your straight whiskey. You swallowed noisily as the liquid burnt your throat, closing your eyes briefly and savoring the smokey flavour. You knew the alcohol wouldn't be helping the heat situation but you didn't care - you needed it after the day you'd had. You'd been on edge ever since you'd forced yourself to leave Ari's room this morning, the image of his naked form taunting your thoughts the entire day. It had taken everything you had to walk out of the room, every single fiber in your body screaming at you to let him peel off your dress and put his mouth on every inch of your skin. You opened your eyes and let out a soft sigh. To say you were frustrated would have been an understatement. You couldn't remember the last time you'd felt like this - so ridiculously desperate to have someone. It was like an itch you just couldn't scratch, knowing that the feeling wouldn't go away until you were alone with him once again. You wondered idly if Ari was feeling the same as you were, his words from earlier this morning suddenly echoing in your head and answering your mental question for you. I know you want me as much as I want you.
A shiver ran down your spine as his deep voice played through your mind once again, the muscles deep in your belly clenching as you found yourself thinking about him for the thousandth time today. The heated way he'd looked at you when he'd gotten out of bed, his incredible muscled form and perfect erect length as he'd stalked towards you, the way he'd crept his fingers oh-so-slowly up your leg. Oh Ari. You closed your eyes and took another long sip of your drink, finding yourself wondering if you'd see him at all tonight. You'd barely seen him today after you'd left him, despite telling him to come and find you later tonight. Though you were pretty sure that he would come and find you eventually, the anticipation of it all had been killing you all day. You tapped your fingers against the whiskey glass and looked out at the empty tables in the area in front of the desk, unable to ignore the feeling of want between your legs as you struggled to think of anything else but Ari.
Ari ran his fingers through his hair as he walked along the sand, his insides stirring wildly as he got closer to the main building of the hotel. He could only hope that you'd be there after having just found your room empty, your words from this morning telling him to come and find you later playing through his mind like a mantra. He'd waited all day to find you knowing that you didn't want to risk anyone finding out, the waiting undeniable torture as he struggled to think about any else except you naked and wrapped around him as he fucked you over and over like he had three nights ago. He stepped inside the side door of the building and walked through to the main restaurant area, his eyes taking in the deserted tables and chairs under the dim hotel lights. Everything looked like it had been packed and closed up for the day, one lone over head light by the front desk left on and lingering over the empty area.
"Drink?". Your voice made Ari flip around in an instant, his gaze landing on you sitting perched on the hotel desk holding an almost empty tumbler in your hands. He watched you lift the glass and drain the last of the amber liquid, his eyes taking in your golden skin and soft curves under your thin white dress. Even from where he was standing he could see the glisten of liquid on your full lips, a shiver running down his spine as he remembered the way they'd felt against his skin only a few nights ago. You licked your lips and flashed Ari a soft smile, reaching for the bottle of whiskey behind you and refilling your glass. "You look like you need this" you mused as you put the bottle back down, shifting on the desk and holding out the glass to him. You felt your insides stir as he made his way over to you, your eyes traveling up his muscled body and momentarily lingering on the area of exposed skin beneath his half buttoned shirt. You swallowed thickly. Your pulse had started to quicken the moment you'd looked up from the desk and seen him walk into the building. Him being here meant only one thing, and you knew that the both of you knew exactly what that was.
Ari came to a stop in front of you, his body barely an inch from your dangling legs. He flashed an effortlessly handsome smile as he took the glass and you felt your knees go instantly weak, suddenly thankful that you were sitting rather than standing. "I've barely seen you all day" you breathed, watching as he lifted the glass to his lips and took a long sip, "Where have you been?". Ari swallowed noisily and looked up at you on the desk, his eyes flickering down to the soft line of cleavage beneath your dress. "Honestly?" he asked slowly, tapping his fingers against the glass, "Avoiding you". He watched as a confused look crossed your face, his eyes once again flickering down as you shifted your legs on the bench. "Avoiding me?" you replied softly, unsure if you should be pissed off or hurt by his response. Why on earth would he have been avoiding you?
Ari nodded and took another long sip, draining the glass and putting it down on the desk beside you. "I had to. It was the only thing I could do to stop myself". You frowned, still not quite understanding, your eyes watching him closely as you waited for him to continue. "I can't stop thinking about what happened three nights ago Y/N. Every time I look at you all I can think about is how badly I want you". His words echoed in your ears and you felt the faintest of smiles grow on your lips as you looked back at him. You knew exactly how he felt, you wanted him just as badly, your mind suddenly wondering if you should tell him that you too had struggled to think of anything else except him. You wanted him, you needed him, just like you had three nights ago. You glanced down at your feet and inhaled a silent breath, lifting your eyes back to find his eyes burning into you with a look that you knew meant only one thing. Oh Ari. You exhaled softly and swallowed, feeling your muscles clench as you looked back at Ari standing inches in front of you. "You're not the only one that can't stop thinking about what happened three nights ago Ari".
Ari groaned internally, exhaling loudly and holding your gaze as he watched you licked your lips. All of sudden you didn't need anymore words. Ari. He stepped forward and closed the distance between you, parting your legs and standing between them as he cupped your chin and pulled you in for a heavy, heated kiss. His tongue pushed into your mouth and danced with yours in a passionate, open mouthed kiss, his fingers reaching around to curl into your hair and holding you tight to him. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him tighter against your body, a moan escaping your throat when you felt his length press against your belly through your clothes. Oh fuck.
Ari groaned when you slid your hands up into his hair, your fingers fisting into his long locks and tugging as you kissed him. He'd wanted this again since the moment he'd woken up alone three days ago, wanting nothing more than to feel you pressed against him as you moaned his name out loud. Now, it was finally happening. Ari released your hair and slid his hands down your back, pausing to slip off the thin straps of your dress so that the top half fell down your body. His hands went back up to your neck and pulled on the halter string of your bikini, loosening the tie until your breasts fell free between you. Ari released your lips and bent to press his lips to your now exposed chest, massaging your skin and eliciting another moan from you when he captured your left nipple with his mouth.
"Oh Ari" you breathed, dropping your head back and tightening your fingers in his hair, revelling in the sweet torture of his mouth on your sensitive peaks. He switched to your right breast and pressed wet, open mouthed kisses to your soft skin, heat pooling deep in your belly as you gave in to the feeling of him. He released your nipple with a gentle pop and trailed kisses down your stomach, glancing up at you with a burning gaze as he bunched up your dress at your waist. Your breathing was ragged now, shallow breaths coming in short, sharp gasps as you realised what he was about to do. You'd dreamt about this for the past three days, your mind unable to forget the heady feeling of his tongue between your thighs, remembering the way he'd teased an orgasm from you as he'd tongued and fingered your folds. You unwrapped your legs from Ari's waist and sucked in a silent breath when he pushed them apart even further, the heat between your legs suddenly insatiable as you felt your arousal spread.
Ari hooked his finger in your bikini bottoms and pulled them across to the side, tearing his eyes from yours and glancing down at the sight he'd been constantly dreaming about seeing again. Fuck. You were already wet for him, your perfect pink folds glistening with arousal and want for him, Ari's insides stirring wildly as he looked at your glorious body in front of you. Fuck yes Y/N. Your own muscles clenched deliciously at the anticipation of having him there again, your heart racing in your chest as you began to writhe your hips against the hotel desk. "You have the most perfect pussy Y/N" Ari breathed as he bent to trail kisses along your inner thighs, "I've been wanting so badly to taste you again". His words rang in your ears and you chewed on your bottom lip, a soft moan sounding from your throat when he looked up and met your gaze with his lips less than an inch from your most intimate parts. He licked his lips and you bit your lip so hard you were sure you drew blood, every single one of your muscles tightening as you waited for the inevitable. "Ari!" you moaned when he finally pressed his tongue to your folds, dropping yourself back onto the desk as Ari growled and buried his face in your pussy. Oh Y/N. He felt like he'd been waiting forever for this, your pussy soft and warm and tasting just as sweet as he remembered. Fuck Y/N.
Ari looked up as he closed his lips around your clit, watching as you suddenly cried out and arched your back against the desk. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths, your hips gyrating against the desk as he tortured you with his tongue. His arms circled your legs to pin you to the desk, his thumbs reaching up to spread your folds open and give him better access to your sweet wetness. "Oh Ari!" you cried out in a breathy voice, struggling to keep your moans quiet, "Fuck---yes!". Ari grinned at your moans and paused momentarily, stepping back briefly to once again admire the sight of your perfect pussy. "You taste so sweet Y/N" Ari mused, exhaling loudly as he pushed two fingers into you and groaned when he felt you stretch around him, "And you're so fucking tight baby, oh fuck yes".
You were a writhing mess at this point, hot, sweaty and so incredibly turned on, your mind unable to think about anything but Ari as he fucked you with his fingers. You wanted to come and you knew that he'd be teasing an orgasm from you in minutes if he kept this up, his fingers hitting that perfect spot with each push in. You could feel the heat building, the pressure growing deep in your belly, your hands scrambling on the desk in an attempt to find something to hold on to. "Oh Ari right there, right there oh my fucking god!". Strings of words and profanities fell from your lips, your chest heaving as he held you down and curled his fingers inside you. "You like that Y/N?" Ari growled, pumping his fingers faster, "You like it when I fuck you with my fingers?". A cross between a cry and a moan slipped from lips at his filthy words, your hips grinding into the desk as you felt yourself hurtling towards the edge.
Watching you open, exposed and writhing on the desk in front of him, Ari felt his body go into overdrive. His erection twitched almost painfully in his shorts, throbbing with desperate arousal as he raced to bring you to the edge. He knew that when he did finally fuck you he wouldn't last long, all of his arousal from the last few days spreading through his body like a shock wave. When he did finally fuck you, it would be hard, rough and fast. Fuck. Ari groaned. "Come for me baby, just like that. Come around my fingers". He bent and pressed his tongue to your folds, flicking his tongue in perfect unison with his pumping fingers and making you cry out once again. "Oh fuck Ari!". In an instant it was all too much and you felt yourself free falling off the edge, a burst of hot pressure spreading through your body as you cried out his name and bucked your hips against the desk.
Ari looked up in time to see you drop your head back in ecstasy, holding you to the desk and slowing down his fingers as you rode out your orgasm in front of him. He licked one last long slow trail up your folds and grinned when you twitched violently, standing up and licking his lips as you sucked in ragged breaths on the desk. "Oh Ari" you breathed heavily, still feeling the remnants of warmth spreading through your body as he withdrew his fingers, "That was incredible". Your eyes fluttered open and you reached up to run your fingers through your hair, looking up just in time to see a now shirtless Ari unbuttoning his shorts and freeing his thick arousal. You swallowed thickly at the sight of his erect length and watched as Ari stroked himself, the muscles in your belly clenching as you tore your eyes away and met his gaze once again. Ari exhaled loudly. "Bend over for me Y/N, this is gonna be quick".
In an instant you'd forgotten all about your orgasm from only moments ago, suddenly wanting nothing more than to feel Ari buried inside you, his hands holding your hips as his thick length filled you. You slid off the desk and turned to press your belly against the wood, pushing your ass into Ari and moaning when he kneaded your round cheeks. "Fuck your ass is incredible Y/N" Ari breathed, his mouth going slack as he pumped himself above your perfect, peachy ass. He'd wanted to take you from behind from the moment he'd seen you naked the other night, having admired your ass on more than one occasion each time he'd seen you in your bikinis.
You flexed your fingers against the wood as you felt him line himself up with your entrance, a breathy moan falling from your lips when you felt him push into you. Oh Ari, baby! You both let out strangled moans as you relished in the delicious feeling of stretching around him, the feeling just as incredible as you remembered it had been only three nights ago. There was nothing quite like the feeling of adjusting to his size inside you, shivers of pleasure running down your spine as your eyes rolled and your lips fell open. "Oh Y/N, yes" Ari moaned deeply, reaching down to grip either side of your hips and squeezing your golden skin, "You feel-- oh god yes, baby. You ready?".
You wiggled your hips impatiently, answering his question without words, swearing you could hear him grin behind you as he pulled out almost all the way before thrusting his hips back into you. You both let out moans as Ari began to roll his hips into you, your mind completely devoid of anything but thoughts of him. This was finally happening again, the scene you'd imagined as you'd relieved your own frustrations last night no longer just a thought in your head. "Fuck. You. Feel. So. Good" Ari breathed between thrusts, each of his words coming quicker than the last as his pace quickly increased.
Before long he was pounding into you relentlessly, his grip on your hips like a vice as his hips slapped against your ass. The wet sound of skin on skin filled the room, your pulse pounding in your ears as you gripped the desk and fought hopelessly to keep your moans quiet. Neither of you needed someone to walk and see Ari bending you over and fucking you senseless into the hotel desk but right now you struggled to even care. All you could think about was Ari and the way he was fucking you like a man possessed, all of the want and built up arousal over the past few days clearly having affected him as much as it had you.
You could feel the pressure building in your belly with each new push, your body feeling like it was going to split at the seams as he thrust all the way in and out over and over. "Ari oh my god" you moaned, turning your head and pressing your cheek into the cool wood, "Fuck. Yes. Baby. Right there". "Right there?" Ari growled, his grip now bruising into your hips as the heat in your belly burned, "You like it right there? Come for me Y/N, I know you wanna come". You were racing towards the edge, hurtling towards the finish line for the second time tonight, knowing that you were only moments away from the grand finale as Ari fucked you from behind.
Ari gritted his teeth as he slammed himself into you over and over again, using every ounce of strength he had to delay his finish until you came around him. He knew you were close, he could tell from the way your walls were squeezing around his throbbing length with each push in, beads of sweat dripping down his back as he pounded into your pussy. He watched as you lifted one hand from the desk and reached down between your thighs, all of his self control threatening to break as you started to rub two fingers against your clit. "Oh fuck" Ari groaned, unable to remember the last time he'd seen something so sexy as he watched you tease yourself between your bodies.
"Oh there" you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut and rubbing your fingers faster into your clit, "There baby there, right there Ari. Go deep, go deep, oh fuck!". Everything went white as the pressure in your belly finally snapped, Ari's name falling from your lips like a prayer as warmth and pleasure crashed through your body from your fingers to your toes. Ari gritted his teeth and held onto your writhing hips, fucking you through your high with everything he had until he was no longer able to take it. With an animalistic groan he pulled out and found his own release, his entire body shuddering as he milked his length and spilled himself all over your perfect, round ass.
Your legs were like jelly as you lay bent over against the desk, your body a sweaty, sticky, panting mess. You opened your eyes and looked back over your shoulder to find Ari looking like he'd just run a marathon, one arm on either side of your body as he tried to compose himself against the desk. You grinned as you watched him reach up and slick back his sweat drenched hair, lifting his eyes and meeting yours with a wide, cheeky grin. "That was fucking incredible Y/N". You laughed as he cleaned you up with a towel and smoothed your dress back down over your body, giving your ass a playful swat as you stood up and turned to lean back against the desk to face Ari.
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You grinned and reached out to pull him by his shirt, pulling him to you and pressing your lips to his in a rough kiss. You tugged on his bottom lip with your teeth and smiled when you heard him chuckle, releasing his lip and breaking away to look up into his beautiful blue eyes. "So, was the wait worth it?" you asked cheekily, jumping back to sit on the desk and tilting your head as you looked at him. Ari laughed and shook his head, stepping forward to stand between your open legs and resting his hands on your thighs. He grinned wickedly, his eyes flashing with a mischievous chuckle. "Abso-fucking-lutely".
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bebewheezy · 4 years
Vice Kings
It’s Always Been You- Part 1
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Notes: hi guys! my friend eesha has an obsession with gangs & mafias & calum hood so this series is dedicated to her :)
word count:  1591
TW: mentions of sex, violence, blood
part two
“Hey what about that guy you were talking to at the party yesterday?” Rosalie shifted our conversation despite my dismay as we gossiped on the plush couch in the living room of our safe house.
“I wasn’t talking to him, he was an assassin and he mistakenly thought I was his target,” I snarkily replied and smacked the leg resting on mine.
“Still cute though,” She laughed back and threw a pillow at my face.
“Oh yeah, almost being shot in the fucking head really makes me want to sleep with a guy,” I began to laugh with her. “Would you please stop trying to set me up? You’re awful at it.”
“I am not! You’re just too picky with men.”
Right when Rosie finished speaking, in walked Spencer, our head assassin. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled into a loose braid on her head, and her soft features look tired. Rosie and I hadn’t been initiated into the Vice Kings yet, and Spencer was handing a majority of our arrangements, along with the handful of other bright-eyed and innocent teens looking for a family they never had. I wasn’t exactly the most innocent of the new recruits, I’d been around gangs and violence before I even went through puberty, but I was still scared beyond belief.
Rosie and I were really the only family either of us had anymore. My mom had died while I was still in diapers, shot by an MS-13 member wanting revenge on my dad, and he abandoned my elder sister and me the minute she was able to get a job. We bounced around living with relatives for a few months before finally settling with our grandma.  While I tried to start doing better in school and focus on my future, my sister couldn’t get out of the horrible violent scene she was dragged into by our father. 
The guys she dated in high school were all gang members, or were somehow associated with one, and it wasn’t much of a surprise to me when she joined Calle 18 straight after graduation. Our grandma on the other hand, was devastated. She witnessed first hand what being in a gang did to our father, and our family, but my sister felt like she had no other option besides joining, her grades were shit and she didn’t have a stable job. I haven’t spoken to her in almost three years, and as I sat on the maroon fluffy couch with my only friend, I couldn’t help but think of her and how my life got to this point.
“The last few guys that were out on an assignment are going to be back sometime today, that means all members will be present and tomorrow is the first initiation. Are you two ready?” Spencer said to us as she sat down on the chair ahead of us.
“I think so, yeah,” Rosie said in a delicate voice as her green eyes looked to our mentor of sorts.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I sighed.
“There’s no going back after this, so I want you both to spend the rest of the night relaxing so you don’t break down tomorrow in front of everyone. You’ll be given two options: jump-in or sexed-in. Jumped-in is exactly what it sounds like, you’ll be beaten by as many members who chose to beat you, for around fifteen minutes, if you survive then the initiation process will be continued. Sexed-in means you chose to have fuck one of the higher ranking men instead of being kicked in the stomach a multitude of times, but it can sometimes lead to the men here not respecting you,” Spencer explained to us. I knew what being jumped-in looked like, and I didn’t have any plans on dying just for protection from a group of criminals I had little to no respect for.
“Which did you choose?” I asked.
“Considering I have the rank that I am today, I was jumped-in. I joined when I was sixteen and I hadn’t even kissed a boy yet, but I had been in enough fights to know that I could handle a beating,” She smugly commented.
The front door adjacent to us burst open, and four large men walked in, soaked to the bone due to the raging thunderstorm going on, followed by some of the guys who were being initiated with Rosie and myself tomorrow.
“Jesus fuck, what took you so long to get back, Calum?” Spencer’s head whipped around to glare at them. I didn’t recognize any of them, but then again there were a lot of members I hadn’t met or even seen before.
“We’re starting initiations tonight,” He spoke bluntly while he tore off his wet leather jacket. “Tell the kids to meet in the front courtyard by ten o’clock sharp.”
“Initiations start tomorrow, Sniper. Half of them are already in bed, I’m not waking them up just because you have a craving for blood at the moment. It can wait until tomorrow,” Spencer rose from her seat in the chair in front of us, seemingly done with the conversation.
“These are direct orders from Vice, not just my urge to kill someone,” Calum snapped as a sly smirk crept its way to his face.
“Fine, but you have to help me wake all the fucking recruits up.”
I stood next to Rosie outside the massive safe house in our poor excuse for rain gear as it continued to storm. I currently hated our gang leader who we knew as Vice, and the mountain of a man named Calum who seemed to be leading the initiations tonight. It had to be at most fifty-five degrees and I was beginning to shiver, even huddled against Rosie and a handful of other girls.
“Alright, tonight we’re starting with the boys,” Calum yelled over the sound of the storm. “Since they don’t get a choice of initiation, and tomorrow we’ll take care of the girls. You’ve lucked out tonight, due to the rain we only have four members who are partaking in the rite, so hopefully most of you pussies will survive it. Those of you who pass, will continue tomorrow with the formalities and getting your streaks. Ashton, Byron, Adryan and I will be jumping you in. First group, you’re up, proceed to the square.”
I could hardly make out “the square” Calum was referring to in the rain. I wasn’t looking forward to watching seven guys get their shit handed to them without any way to stop it or fight back, they had to lie on the ground for fifteen minutes and take any hits that the four grown men deemed necessary for initiation. I didn’t understand why members volunteered to do this, it seemed sociopathic to me. Spencer guided my small group more towards the awning closest to us to shield from the cold rain, but it wasn’t the wind that was chilling me to my bones, it was the scene that had just broken out in front of me.
Ashton threw the first punch, hitting the tallest kid right on his cheekbone and knocking him backwards. I figured with four against seven, it would be difficult for the official members to properly jump them all, but I couldn’t be more wrong. Calum and Ashton were working almost as a tag team, one would throw some punches at one boy, then they would switch. Byron and Adryan had two already hunched over and bleeding on the slate tiles of the driveway, and went to help make the others fall. 
The bloody beating continued on for what felt like an eternity, I eventually couldn’t stomach to watch any longer, and squeezed my eyes as tight as they could go. I wasn’t sure how long it had been, until I felt a tight grip on my jaw yanking my head up. I opened my eyes only to meet the deep chocolate ones of one of the men I feared the most in that moment, Calum. They were filled with fire, adrenaline and what I thought to be a slight hint of lust, but I pushed the thoughts of him getting off seeing others in pain, pain that he caused,  to the back of my mind.
“Keep your eyes open, princess, if you can’t handle seeing a little blood you won’t make it past tomorrow alive,” He snarled in my face as hot tears mixed with the rain on my cheeks. “Group two, you’re up.”
My jaw was tainted in blood from where his warm hand held it. I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my face, but at this point I didn’t want to. As I knelt on the ground trying to regain my composure, I could only think of one thing: I was not choosing to get jumped tomorrow, which only gave me one other choice. I was going to have to have sex with one of the men I could barely gain enough courage to look at. My tears quickly turned into sobs, and Rosalie crouched down beside me to try and calm the crying.
“Spencer, I don’t think Y/N is doing very well, can I take her inside?” She asked.
“Yeah, just do it quickly so Calum or Ashton don’t see. If they do, she’ll be thrown in there and they won’t care if that’s how she wanted to be initiated or not.”
Rosie pulled me off the tile and was escorting me inside as fast as her little body could carry me.
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bat-losers-inc · 4 years
Beat the Devil’s Tattoo: Chapter 3
A Collisions in the Dark AU, where instead of rescuing Tim from her father, Talia chooses to save Jason’s life, leaving Tim at the mercy, and wrath, of Ra’s al Ghul. Tim eventually wins his freedom, but the price he pays for it? Serving as a double agent for Ra’s, who wants to give Bruce a taste of his own medicine.
Nanda Parbat, Tibet
October 7, 4:00 pm
It was late afternoon in the courtyard gardens in Ra’s’ compound and Tim sat on a stone bench under the shade of a rhododendron bush in full bloom. He breathed in the honey-scented air and stared at the small water feature gurgling away in front of him, his thoughts occupied with various plans of escape. Located two stories above the ground floor, Tim was originally drawn to the gardens because of the courtyard walls. They looked easy enough to scale and picking his way down the mountainside seemed far safer than braving the sheer drop from his window to the rocky ledge far below.
However, Nanda Parbat was nestled in a small valley of the Tanggula mountain range —  carob-colored rockfaces ascending around them from all sides. Even if he managed the climb over the courtyard wall unseen, he doubted he’d survive such a journey at that altitude as it would mean climbing free solo, higher, over the nearest ridge and descending down the other side until he could find the Tanggula pass which navigated through the range.
So instead, Tim sat in the garden and tried not to think about how small and narrow his life had become in such a vast open region as the Tibetan plateau. The irony of it was painful to him — like the universe was playing a sick joke and he was the punch line.
Over the course of a few days, he had developed a routine of irregularity. Each morning he awoke at sunrise and slipped out of his room to find a new area of Ra’s compound to retreat to— the library, the small Buddist temple where some of the recruits performed their morning meditations, and most recently the gardens — intent on being anywhere that Ra’s was not. But there came a point every afternoon where he found that he couldn’t hide no matter how far he wandered and he’d startle at a servant’s hand on his shoulder ready to escort him back to his room to clean up for dinner.
Gravel crunched behind him. Too early, Tim thought and knew it wasn’t a servant coming to get him. He made to stand but too late. Halfway to his feet, an arm snaked around his torso and he found himself pulled into the snare of Ra’s’ embrace, his back held flush against Ra’s’ solid chest.
Ra’s’ other hand caught him under the chin and pulled his head back until it rested over his shoulder. Tim gasped at the effort of it— his back curving like a bow, hips unwittingly pressing up into Ra’s’ forearm if only to relieve the strain.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding all day.” Ra’s breathed against the shell of his ear, his mouth so close his teeth almost nipped at his skin with every word he spoke. “I should have guessed after what you asked me last night. The gardens do offer the best views.”
True to the agreement that Tim had negotiated, last night saw them back in Ra’s’ bedroom. He hadn’t intended on ending up back there so soon but a servant had placed a pitcher of Arak on the table during dinner and Tim had steeled his nerves with one too many glasses of the strong cloudy-colored liquid. And before he knew what had happened, they were standing face to face outside of Ra’s’ bedroom door breathing in each other’s anise-scented breaths.
Ra’s chuckled as he stumbled and leaned heavily into his shoulder. “I will have to remember to teach you how to hold you Arak, Detective.”
“ Where are we?”
“Outside my bedroom.”
I should leave, he remembered thinking to himself. But his brain was sluggish and apparently set on other goals besides his own safety. “No — I meant…”
Ra’s’ fingers found his hair and carded through it absentmindedly. Tim couldn’t think straight when he did that — not when thinking was already so hard for his alcohol-saturated brain as it was.
He shoved off of Ra’s’ shoulder and propped himself up against the stone doorway. The effect was a sensation like falling off a two-story building and Tim pressed his shoulders harder against the stones at his back as the world around him twisted and lurched.
He squeezed his eyes shut and waved a hand vaguely around him, indicating the compound itself. “No, where are we in Tibet?”
There was silence from the older man across from him. When he felt well enough to open his eyes again he found Ra’s staring unrelentingly at him, his eyes a dangerous mixture of hunger and suspicion.
He wasn’t nearly as drunk as Tim was at the moment. Not after spending the night drinking Arak — his favorite liquor and one that was almost as ancient and unchanging as he was. He’d had many centuries worth of lives to develop a tolerance for it.
It felt like Ra’s was weighing his options in his mind, considering which answer he would give him. Finally, he pushed the door open, letting it swing until it bounced against the wall.
He inclined his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Why don’t you come inside and I’ll tell you?”  
Tim peered into the room. It looked innocent enough but he knew looks could be deceiving. “Is this your way of saying you want to make a trade?”
They hadn’t done that since that first night after Ra’s’ had pulled him from his dungeon cell. He had certainly made offers in the days since then, but Tim had been steadfast in refusing him.
Ra’s chuckled again and reached for Tim’s elbow, pulling him close. “I’m saying, I’ve been very patient up until this point, but now it’s very clear that I want you and you want answers. Why don’t we go inside by the fire and see if we can come to an arrangement that leaves us both satisfied?”
Despite his better judgment, Tim stepped with him over the threshold.
“Last night?” Tim’s Adam's apple bobbed against the light cage of Ra’s’ fingers around his throat. Standing there in the garden he tried to recall his scattered memories after the door had closed behind them.  
It was hard to remember, or maybe it was more that Tim didn’t really want to remember. To his sluggish brain, it felt like he was watching a film on a malfunctioning projector from behind his own eyes. He found himself trying to piece together the sights and sounds of disconnected scenes but the plot as a whole was lost to him.
They’d shared another glass of Arak between them, himself so drunk he didn’t even remember how he made it onto the floor. Ra’s had lit a fire — Tim remembered the heat on his skin and the scratchy, not entirely pleasant, feeling of the carpet under him as Ra’s unbuttoned his pants and tugged them down his legs.
Had they negotiated this? He couldn’t remember saying yes and it seemed much more likely that if Tim had had a say in how they went forward, Ra’s would be the one shedding his clothes, not Tim.  
Ra’s was saying something to him but it sounded far away. He might have dozed without meaning to. The stretch and burn of fingers buried in him startled him back to consciousness and pulled an embarrassing keen out of him before he could stop himself. He arched off the floor like a body resurrected, feeling the sweat soaking into the baby hairs at the back of his neck.
“Wait,” he gasped. He swore a spark from the fireplace must have caught on the carpet, he could feel the fire’s heat radiating around him, threatening to burn him up. But there was nothing there when he tilted his head to check.
He could feel the drag of Ra’s’ fingers as they pulled out and pushed in again.“S-Stop—”
His legs were bent, feet planted firmly on the carpet. Ra’s’ head was buried between his legs, his teeth fastened tight on Tim’s left thigh. He could feel the sharp puncture of them as the muscles in his legs trembled and gave out.
“You don’t want me to stop,” Ra’s declared. He pulled away only to start up again on his other thigh.
It hurt more this time. Tim’s dick—  which only a moment ago had laid throbbing on his belly, pearlescent at the slit — wilted at the harsh treatment. He reached between his legs and grabbed for Ra’s’ hair —  flattened his thighs to the floor in an attempt to get away but there was nowhere to go.
As if to prove his own body’s responses wrong, Ra’s crooked his fingers inside of him and Tim swore, head banging painfully against the carpet as heat surged through him once again. He curled his fingers tightly in Ra’s’ hair and couldn’t stop the way his hips spasmed, torn between pulling away from his teeth and pressed harder onto his fingers. Ra’s’ was right… a part of him liked this. Liked it a lot. And it was quickly drowning out the part of him that objected to how he got that pleasurable feeling as long as it just kept coming.
He might have come soon after that with Ra’s’ mouth on him but he had no actual memory of it. In fact, he didn’t even remember Ra’s’ answer to his question until he woke up later that night, still on the floor but wrapped in a sheet pulled from Ra’s’ bed.
The Tanggula Mountains near Nagqu prefecture.
The fire was low in the hearth in front of him but it held enough light to see the cum smeared across his belly and the dark pattern of bruises on his inner thighs as he pulled his body out from underneath Ra’s’ slumbering form.
Panicked laughter threatened to burst past his lips. It looked like Ra’s had tried to draw him a map with his teeth.
Get it together, he snapped at himself and went to retrieve his clothing from around the room in quick fashion. He pulled them on quietly, more than happy to hide the signs of his shameful pleasure under layers of clothing.
It wasn’t until he’d slipped into his own room minutes later and yanked the bolt securely across the door that he allowed himself to feel anything.
I just went to bed with Ra’s al Ghul. No, he wanted to amend that because there was never really a doubt that he was going to have to have sex with Ra’s eventually.
It was either choose the when, where, and how it happened or have it forced on him. It had seemed that simple to him at first, but tonight was a stark example of how complex it could actually be. Yes, he’d known what he was getting into when he stepped into that room, but the unpredictable element was Ra’s himself who pressed and maneuvered him like a plaything. Drunk as he was he could do nothing but lay there and ride through the waves of pleasure and pain.
He ran a shaky hand through his tangled hair. That can never happen again.  
The only question remaining was how was he going to stop it?
Now, here he was a day later and already tangled in Ra’s’ arms again, achingly contorted for his pleasure, and no closer to a solution.
Ra’s’ breath was hot where it ghosted his ear. “I don’t intend to let you run back to your room so quickly tonight. If I were you, I’d have at least three questions at the ready.”
The thought of that alone made him quake and he could feel the smile that Ra’s pressed to his trembling neck.
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