#i only can dream of building a character and a relationship so perfectly
gustingirl · 2 years
i sincerely wanna congratulate house md's writers for building up the characters of house and wilson so perfectly. you can tell they wasted their creative minds on those two because every aspect of them is perfectly thought through.
my favorite example of this is this exact moment:
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with medical terms they described the characters perfectly. as a writer myself, i’m amazed.
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famwhy · 1 year
Right Way Up (Prologue)
Stranger Things
Yandere! Steve Harrington X F!Reader, Yandere! Eddie Munson X F!Reader, Yandere! Billy Hargrove X F!Reader
Synopsis: You always hated when your favourite characters died in shows or movies; always longed to have the opportunity to save them. So when you're transported into one of your favourite shows of all time, what else are you supposed to do besides save your beloved characters?
Warnings: Threat/violence, Gore, Mentions of sexual content (implicit), Death, Manipulation, Depictions of toxic relationships, Drugs and alcohol abuse
masterlist. next part.
prologue. bring unto me misfortune
enter: steve "the hair" harrington
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"—GET off him, Y/N!"
You blinked, puzzled. "Huh?"
A face—below you; beaten bloody and blue.
Arms—around you; tugging, pulling, yanking.
It took a few seconds to sink in, to register your surroundings and properly digest them.
You were straddling someone, legs thrown over their hips as you held them down with your weight. Your knuckles were red, speckled with the droplets running down their nose... their nose—oh god, their nose—it was crooked, bent in ways you hadn't ever thought were possible outside of movies; ways you hadn't ever wished to come across in the whole of your lifetime.
Did you do that?
Your brows were furrowed. Why were they furrowed? You didn't recall feeling angry before your afternoon nap—if anything, you were more relieved—so why now did you suddenly find yourself on top of this random teenager, who you never even once recalled spending a moment of your life with, while your fist was slathered in their blood?
"Jesus, I get that you hate him but there's no need to kill him!" That same voice from before piped up. "You'll get in some serious trouble."
What the hell was he on about?
There were so many more questions running rampant in your mind but the tugging sensation around your waist finally prevailed, pulling you straight out of your thoughts and, subsequently, straight off that boy.
"Y/N, c'mon. We gotta go before we get in some deep shit."
Your head swerved around, finally allowing you to catch a glimpse of the guy who had both of his hands securely wrapped around your waist—albeit you did have to strain your neck a little. 
He had brown locks that swooped over his scalp to rest perfectly against the top of his head—smooth and silky with a shimmering sheen coating their surface. It was a unique hairstyle, one that seemed way too... familiar for your liking.
"Ah shit."
His hand reached out, and it was only then that you truly realised how bloody your fingers were; when he grabbed ahold of them and pulled them closer to his face, consequently staining his own hand too.
"You're hurt."
His brows were furrowed and a heavy frown had tugged his lips down, making it appear as though he was concerned about you—but, how could that be possible when you had never once met him in your life? Or at least, you thought that to be so.
He dragged you inside a building, your feet bumping against the rough surface of concrete as you continued to lay limp in disbelief, bewilderment, and utter, utter confusion.
Lockers, around you, rows and rows of them. Okay, so a school. You were in a school. You were in some random school being dragged by some random boy with bloody fists that just now began to ache lightly. 
This was definitely a dream—that much you concluded right away. Some weird dream where you found yourself in high school with a... cheerleading outfit on?
The skirt, the bright colours, the large logo—yup, there was no mistaking it, you were in a cheerleading outfit.
Oh wow, a dream where you were a cheerleader that beat up random guys in such gruesome ways? Kinda cool, if you were honest.
"Shit, looks like the nurse is out," the familiar boy spoke again, "hang on, I think I can help patch you up."
He gently placed you ontop of a bed, one that felt soft and plush around your thighs. It was quite comfortable and you almost couldn't help the need to bounce on it slightly; feel its spring underneath you to truly test if it was, in fact, a bed.
The room he took you to was grey, looking old with some tiles on the wall having been chipped away; as though it hadn't been tended to in a long time. A little unhygienic, you had thought, but nothing unexpected of a school.
"You have got to stop getting into fights," your eyes wandered back over to the boy, taking in the sight of him scurrying through some drawers; almost as though he was looking for something, "I know it's been hard—y'know, since that whole incident with the demogorgon and stuff—but that doesn't mean you can keep getting into fights like this to toughen yourself up—"
Woah, woah, woah, did he just say demogorgon?
"—I promised you I would protect you—didn't I?—that you didn't need to worry about stuff like that. Just... let me keep you safe."
He paused after he said those words, looking over at you with such soft, tender eyes—you almost let out a light gasp from how intense the care in them felt.
This boy... how exactly did you know him in this dream? Was he a friend? A lover? Sibling?
You briefly parted your lips, blinking as words formed on the tip of your tongue—seconds away from escaping your mouth—when a thought suddenly occurred to you, and you sharply pressed them against each other once more.
He mentioned a demogorgon. There were only two pieces of media you knew of that mentioned demogorgons. DnD and... Stranger Things.
Suddenly, it all clicked. The hair, the uniform, the school environment, the demogorgon—you were in Stranger Things, sat in Hawkins High, right next to Steve Harrington.
Holy shit. How did you not realise it before?! You were literally sat right in front of Steve 'The Hair' Harrington himself—a guy known for his unique, 'pretty boy', hair!
Holy crap.
"Y/N? Are you alright?"
"Huh?" You blinked. "Oh, uh, I'm fine."
As fine as someone who just found out they were in a dream about a bloody horror show set in the 80s could be.
He slowly approached you, and it was only then that you noticed the roll of gauze in his hands.
"Yeah, sure you are," he quipped with a frown.
You rolled your eyes. "I am, Steve."
"I know, I know, I just—" he paused and let out a light, frustrated sigh, as though he was trying to release some sort of heavy weight he was bearing, before combing a hand through his hair, "—I don't like seeing you hurt."
That was when you remembered how sweet he truly was after season one of the show, and your eyes softened as you gazed at his clearly-concerned form. Well, at least your dream was merciful enough to allow you to be close to Steve; so close, in fact, that he would have this much concern over you in the first place.
The gentle hold of five somewhat-rough fingers against your wrist only proved your points further as he lightly tugged on your arm and brought your knuckles closer to his form—his touch sending tingles down your limb now that you knew who, exactly, he was. C'mon, who didn't have a crush on Steve Harrington?
The soft fabric of a cloth met with your skin, slowly wiping away the sticky liquid on its surface to reveal your bruised—and slightly busted—knuckles underneath.
"Since when did you get a tattoo?"
"Huh?" You blinked.
Confused, you followed his line of sight, finding your eyes landing on three thick, red lines displayed clearly on your wrist, right where the bump of your veins were visible; so prominent, in fact, you were surprised you hadn't noticed them there earlier.
"Shit. Don't tell me you got it while drunk." Your eyes shot back up to him. "Seriously, Y/N? How many times do I have to tell you not to get blackout drunk?"
You didn't know how the hell those tattoos got there and, from the looks of things, Steve didn't either. Maybe it was some weird detail your dream decided to add on—wouldn't be the first time, and certainly wouldn't be the last either.
He sighed, eyes closing for a few brief moments before opening once more with yet another intense look to knock you off your feet. "Alright. Lemme just wrap up your wound."
His nails then dug into the edge of the gauze, pulling and prodding at it until a corner gave way before he was able to further force it apart. Then, his hands moved back to yours; left wrapping gently around your fingers; right rolling the gauze over your knuckles just as sweetly. 
A small smile tugged up your lips. It felt nice to be cared for like this—comforting. 
"Alright, uhh, that should be it," he announced, slowly pulling away to leave nothing but the lingering sense of warmth from his touch in his wake, "you have practice later, right? If you don't like how it looks, you can cover it up with your, uh, plastic, ribbon ball things."
"Plastic, ribbon ball things?" You rose a brow.
"Yeah—y'know, the ones that you shake about during games?"
Was he talking about what you thought he was talking about?
"You mean pompoms?" You couldn't help the amusement that seeped into your tone.
"Yes!" He snapped his fingers with a smile. "Pompoms!"
Dear lord, he was so cute, it was otherworldly. You must've struck it super lucky to have gotten this dream, almost made you not wanna wake up. Although, hopefully you would awake before having the pleasure of meeting a plant monster with thousands of razor-sharp teeth ready to bleed you dry.
"Nance and I'll take you home, alright? Just in case."
Oh shit, yeah, he was still with Nancy. You were crushing on a taken man. Sorry, Nance.
...although, technically, he wouldn't be taken for long since they did break up in the show so... you were totally allowed to keep crushing on him.
A hand waved back and forth in front of your face.
"Oh, uh, repeat that."
His lips pulled down again and you found your heart constricting slightly—ribs suddenly feeling like too much as guilt engulfed your form. He was worrying for you an awful lot, huh?
"Are you alright, N/N? You're not usually this out of it. Do you want me to stay here with you for the rest of the day?"
The way he spoke; the concern-ridden scrunch of his brow; the lack of distance between his form and yours—it all added up, suffocating you in a hold of responsibility you didn't wish to be within. 
"It's okay, you should get to class—" you mustered up a smile as best as you could, praying to God he wasn't able to see through it, "—I've caused you enough worry for the day."
His eyes softened and he reached out a hand, placing it gently against the bare skin of your shoulder—those familiar tingles running down your arm at his touch. "It's okay, I don't mind. You're my best friend, N/N. I'll never see you as a burden."
Warmth—overwhelming and fluffy—all around you; coating your form in a lovely bubble of pure bliss, all from a few words. How the hell was he so smooth?
"Careful, Harrington," a broad grin spread from one side of your face to the other, "you've got a girlfriend."
He rolled his eyes with a little chuckle—and you swore your heart just fluttered—"Nance won't mind. I've known you my whole life, shitbird."
The insult was enough to cause your eyes to crinkle in amusement as a light laugh left your lips. "Okay, okay, dipshit. Go to class."
Finally, his lips turned up instead of down—gently this time; soft without a hint of anything sharp in them; that paired with the intense care swirling in his eyes—god, he had to stop doing that.
"There's that pretty smile."
"Steve!" You batted him away, shifting your head to the side to hide the ever-growing tug of your lips. "Go!"
"Alright, alright," he relented, pushing himself up from the kneeling position he was once in as he took a few steps back, a broad grin situated on his face, "I'm going. See you later, shitbird."
Before a retort could escape your mouth, he was gone.
You rolled your eyes but the traitorous grin on your lips gave away your true feelings.
You just had banter with the Steve Harrington. King Steve himself. This dream was a blessing in disguise. It had to be.
Apparently, you were also best friends with him too. Another absolute win in your book. 
Hours; you would've spent hours gushing over him—squealing like a little school girl with a crush—but the next thing that happened occurred too quickly for you to continue your spiel, too fast for you to register anything else.
A brief spike of white, hot pain shot through your knuckles—so quick, you almost couldn't believe it happened. But it was there. It happened.
They were hurting. Holy shit, they were hurting. How was that possible? Was this a lucid dream? It did feel surprisingly realistic, and very, very immersive. That was probably all there was to it, right? 
But... weren't dreams incapable of emulating pain? ...or was that death? Stupid memory. Maybe if you allowed yourself to take a nap, you'd wake up on your couch again in the real world. Then you'd probably start to sulk about how you weren't actually friends with Steve Harrington and how he was, unfortunately, just a fictional character.
The call of your name had your eyes averting from your wrapped up knuckles and towards the entrance of the room, landing straight onto puffed-up blonde hair adorning the same bright colours as yourself with hands covered by the so-called 'plastic, ribbon ball things'—as Steve called them.
"What the hell are you doing here?! We have practice and you're captain, you can't ditch!" She placed both of her covered hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes in your direction before her gaze seemed to zoom in on one specific part. "Why is your hand all wrapped up like that?"
Something about the way her nose scrunched up in disgust as she said those words didn't sit right with you. It was almost like just the sight of the gauze repulsed her... what the hell was wrong with bandaging your hands?
"They're hurt," you responded curtly.
She merely rolled her eyes. "They're ugly is what they are. How do you expect to cheer with that?"
Okay, this dream was officially turning into a nightmare.
You stood abruptly, clenching your hands into fists before wincing as another pang of pain hit your knuckles—effectively dispersing the rage festering within you.
Though, one look at her scowling face and soon, it was back; stronger than before. "Forget it, I'm not going."
"What do you mean? You're captain."
"So you keep saying," you rolled your eyes, "where's Steve?"
"Harrington? In the library with his girl—hey! Where are you going?! We need you for practice! L/N!"
You shoved past her, making sure to very unpleasantly bump into her for being so bitchy, and continued marching down the halls.
You weren't sure where the hell the library was but you'd be damned if you weren't about to find it and have Steve haul your ass back home so that you could get a proper grip on this... whatever the hell this was.
This whole situation was insane. You almost never had dreams where you were able to enter a fictional world with scenes and interactions this vivid. Hell, you almost never had dreams in general. To go from that to this was... overwhelming to say the least.
It took a few tries (and definitely way more wrong turns than you'd care to admit) but you found the library eventually, and with it: Steve and Nancy.
"Y/N?" He blinked, pushing himself off his seat beside the shorter brunette—so quick to act, in fact, that it took you a few blinks to actually register that he got up as soon as you called out to him. "What are you doing here? Don't you have practice?"
It only took one glance to his side to feel that constricting feeling in your heart again; one look at Nancy's face. She kept glancing between you and Steve, brows scrunched up with a mixture of emotions you couldn't even begin to decipher. 
But nevermind her feelings right now—for all you knew, none of this was actually happening and it was probably just one big dream where you inserted yourself into the world of Stranger Things. That was why you needed Steve to take you home. You didn't know where your home even was. Steve could help.
Sorry Nance, you'll break up with him soon anyway.
"I wanna go home." 
Your words immediately spurred that soft, tender look he adorned earlier back onto his face and he took a step in your direction, arms slowly stretching out towards you.
"Let's go then."
"I'll come too," Nancy's voice came out abrupt and—dare you say—panicked as she stood up just as suddenly as her boyfriend, still gazing at you with that storm in her eyes; clouded but a hint of concern slowly growing the longer she gazed at you.
You could do nothing but attempt to show her as reassuring a smile as you could muster.
It wasn't long after your little scene in the library that you entered Steve's car, marvelling a little at the old model that looked nothing like the Toyotas and Hondas you were used to seeing in your day-to-day life.
Everything was just so surreal, you couldn't help but enter a daze each time you came across something familiar and yet, entirely new (or perhaps, old) at the same time. The seats, the handles, the wheel; they all had this feel about them, one you couldn't quite place your finger on.
"You alright back there, Y/N?"
Your gaze moved to the rear-view mirror, meeting softly with those tender eyes Steve couldn't seem to help when looking at you.
You simply gave him the same shaky smile you had given Nancy earlier. His tendency to care was so sweet, just another trait of his that shot him up the list of your favourite characters from the show. Unfortunately, you couldn't indulge in it for too long, you weren't in your right mind—there was a lot about this whole scenario that you still needed to process; to think through and settle on reasonable conclusions with. 
Until then, you couldn't interact much with Steve. No matter how much you wanted to.
"Alright, we're here." He turned in his seat, resting his elbow on the shoulder to gaze at you with scrunched brows. "You sure you're okay?"
You parted your lips to respond—words barely processing in your dazed mind—but it seemed as though the only other girl in the car already did it for you.
"Jesus, Steve—" Nancy rolled her eyes, "—she's fine, you don't need to baby her so much."
"I'm not..." his face scrunched up a little, as though he was trying to figure out how to react to her phrasing, before he resumed his speech, emphasising, "babying her, I'm just worried, y'know?"
It felt nice to have Steve care for you so much. Distracted you from that dull ache that shrouded your knuckles, fogging your vision up with your baffling situation and leaving you unable to manoeuvre through the vast amount of heavy mist it surrounded you with. 
But that was all it was. A distraction. You didn't have time for those right now.
With that in mind, your voice pierced through their conversation as you announced, "I'm fine. See you tomorrow," before stepping out the car—one foot followed by the other—and shutting the door behind you.
Their calls practically fell on deaf ears as you marched towards the quaint house—confusion clouding your gaze; confusion that was further amplified as you closed in on the building.
The garage was open. And was that...?
Legs, peeking out from the underside of a car—a tool box sat not too far from them. Then, all too suddenly, the squeak of wheels was followed by a waist, then a torso, and finally, a head.
"What are you doing home? Don't you have practice?"
You scrunched up your nose, scoffing, "why does everyone keep saying that?"
The male sat next to the car narrowed his eyes, jutting out one leg before directing a finger your way and saying—rather pointedly, might you add—"watch it. I'm the oldest."
You blinked.
"Since you're here early, make yourself useful and go get me the wrench out back, would ya?"
You blinked again.
Just who exactly was this guy?
"I'm not getting any younger here, Y/N!"
"Gheez, okay, fine. I'm going."
Guess you had to wait a little longer to set your mind straight.
The dirt felt icky underneath you, squelching with each step you took around the side of the house as it clung to your sneakers, trying desperately to sink you beneath the earth's surface. It was gross. You didn't want to do this. Why the hell were you even listening to this guy?
To make matters worse, a stupid fog was starting to cloud your vision, wafting through the air and obscuring all that was within 10 feet of you. Furthermore (as if there wasn't already enough), a harsh breeze swept over the exposed areas of your skin, rising goosebumps to their surface and causing an involuntary shiver to run down your spine.
Great. Just what you needed.
Well, at least you could see the silhouette of a shed now. And... whatever the hell that thing next to it was.
You squinted, eyes zooming in on the smaller figure ahead of you. Four legs, a tail, and a rather pointy head. Were you seeing things?
It became more apparent as you approached, however, that you were not, in fact, seeing things.
It was large—not enough to be mistaken as a human, but enough to just pass being a dog—and lanky, so very lanky. The way flesh molded around its bones was grotesque, and you shuddered to think of what it would look like without the human-looking skin covering its insides.
The thing that really hit the nail in the coffin, though—that really had your heart jumping out of your chest—was the way its head opened up, almost reminiscent of a flower, except... a flower didn't open to reveal thousands of razor-sharp teeth underneath its petals.
Thousands of razor-sharp teeth that were looking to impale you.
"Shit. Shit."
A demodog.
You were so dead.
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internerdionality · 8 months
And just to be clear, it wasn't just Izzy's death or the way it happened that I found incredibly disappointing about that finale. For that matter, while there were some great moments, the entire season felt rushed and incomplete, with a lot of decisions that just baffled me.
The Olu/Zheng/Jim/Archie polycule got no resolution whatsoever and just felt crappily done. It felt like Jim and Olu transitioned from romantic to platonic between seasons and then got shoved at new love interests, instead of actually grappling with the interesting poly dynamics, jealousy, NRE, insecurity, etc., that they could have engaged with. And to be clear I LOVED every moment of Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie! But it felt like the show didn't believe you can have meaningful romantic relationships with multiple people at the same time, so they had to make it as if Jim and Olu's romantic sexual encounter at the end of last season didn't mean anything and that the two of them are perfectly happy being chosen siblings. This after Oluwande is explicitly described as in love with Jim in the first season! WTF?
It also felt like they just abandoned Lucius and Pete being poly in favor of having a cutesy wedding? Like don’t get me wrong, yay for weddings, but honestly it felt very mononormative and forced instead of queer and affirming. Even if Lucius had like, kissed Fang on the lips right after, or if they'd had more affection shown between the whole crew during the wedding, that would have been something. It just felt off.
Zheng felt like a wasted character by the end. Her just letting Ricky know where all her ships were was unbelievable for how competent and badass they made her out to be, and literally her only impact on the plot was serving as a vehicle to drive Stede from place to place. Also just killing off her entire crew other than Auntie? Hundreds of mostly Asian women? Yeah, that's not a good look.
Why did they feel the need to destroy the Republic of Pirates, for that matter? What actual plot or emotional growth did it create? At the end of Episode 7, I expected Stede to have to grapple with how he's managed to not just bring down Blackbeard but the *entire Republic of Pirates* and *the Pirate Queen of China* to add to his whole "I ruin beautiful things" trauma and instead he just doesn't seem to care at all. Like how did he get from all of his trauma and grief about being inadequate in the first season—the actual trauma that led him to leave Ed in the first place—to "oh, it's not so bad being a failure once you get used to it"?!?! Throughout the season I kept thinking that he was repressing and it would come back up to bite him in the ass but no, apparently he just fixed that issue offscreen? What the hell?
And it was the same with Ed! After all that build up in the first season about how Ed doesn’t like to kill people directly—and maintaining that through the first two episodes, even, which was hard! We never see him directly kill anyone! The guy he shot had already been run through!—he’s literally joking while surrounded by corpses he killed and the show barely addressed the trauma that the character we knew would have experienced. Just a completely dropped note. What happened to Ed's self-hatred that they spent an entire dream sequence episode establishing?
Ed and Stede’s actual conflicts and problems just basically disappeared at the end, with a “oh I actually do love you, babe” glossing over Ed’s very legit reasons for leaving and then Stede (apparently?!?) being convinced to give up piracy without a second of screen time spent discussing it. If felt like they were actually setting them up to just be the toxic lesbians from episode four, how is that a satisfying finale? I honestly would have rather had them end the season apart again, but this time knowing they love each other and they have to do some work to get back to each other. Like, Stede sailing into the sunset after kissing Ed and promising to come back and Ed going "i trust that you will, thank you for giving me the space I need to heal"—that would have been a satisfying place to leave them.
And then Izzy's death... don't get me fucking started on what a complete waste of screen time and acting that was. Wow.
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doll-book · 1 year
𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐬/𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐫. · ° . ♡ ⊹
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☆彡 -`, why building your dr around a partner could possibly be a blockage ꒱ 𔓘
ʚɞ゜・゜this is something i only internalized recently. on social media, i began noticing that when anti-shifters decide to run their mouths, they usually attack us or call us delusional for scripting popular celeb/character partners first. that means that the shifting content locals are exposed to first is about significant others and dating in other realities.
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💭 i started thinking .. why? why is 90% of shifting content i see about couple scenarios, s/o faceclaims, etc? why is recent shifting culture so based around dating and finding love in other realities? lately, i realize i've also been affected by the content i see so much. i have only one dr where i don't have an s/o, and it's my self care dr. i felt & still feel like i had to be dating someone in every reality i wanted to shift to, and if i didn't, i'd be missing out on something.
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💭 i’ve now realized that this way of thinking could possibly be a blockage. when you build your entire dr around a person, you neglect the other important parts of shifting to a real place. when you shift in, you won't be spending 24 hours a day with your s/o. even if you did, you'd quickly get tired. (i know, getting tired of THE namjoon or THE beomgyu sounds crazy, but they're people just like us. don't put your s/o on a pedestal once you shift in, that's unhealthy for both of you (ˊ‸ ˋ )...)
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i had to take a step back, and ask myself realistic questions like: ➴ "is this a dr where i have the time and energy to emotionally support my s/o?" ➴ "will our relationship be healthy in the long run, taking our lifestyles into account?"
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— ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ there was some discourse over this on tiktok (as always🙄). people were saying, "if you think your relationship is/will be unhealthy, just script it never becomes that way and you both love each other wholeheartedly forever."
💭 i don't want to make this complicated by getting into my beliefs about scripting, but simply put: your s/o is a real person, with real emotions and feelings. i can't stress this enough. you can script that they love you forever, but if both of you are in an environment that is busy or constantly changing, that will affect the dynamic of your relationship no matter what you script. it doesn't mean that they'll stop loving you, but like any normal relationship, the circumstances have to work out.
💭 furthermore, if you script that they love you forever no matter what, that could become a burden for you. what happens if you lose feelings, want to pursue other dreams, grow emotionally exhausted, etc? scripting relationships is a super sensitive thing imo, but shifters kinda gloss over it. it could unintentionally lead to traumatic experiences in your dr, so pls be careful pookie!
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➴ what circumstances make for an unhealthy relationship? i'll use one of my drs as an example: my rich & famous dr.
💭 i'm a world famous model and actress in this dr, with a number of amicable breakups from before i shift in. naturally, i scripted that i start dating one of my biases, and everything seemed perfectly fine until i started truly getting into the headspace of this dr. i began visualizing my day to day life, and not once did my relationship cross my mind.
💭 i scripted a packed schedule full of fun things i've always wanted to do. photoshoots and movies and exclusive parties and secret friendgroups - literally everything that makes a glamorous lifestyle. i scripted that the only day i have off completely is sunday, for relaxation, self care, and sleeping in.
and then, i started thinking about my partner. ➴ "when will i see her next?" ➴ "what will we do when we're together?" ➴ "are we both excited to see each other?"
when i answered these questions honestly, i realized most of them were negative.
➴ "i might not see her for a one or two because of our overlapping schedules." ➴ "we might go on a date, if she's tired we can just hang out at home." ➴ "realistically, no.. we'd probably both be tired, even if we meet up on an off-day because of our exhausting work weeks."
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💭 when i shared my thoughts to some shifting friends, they just said "script that your workload isn't as much." but.. i don't want to? i enjoy the realism of being tired after a long day. it's like proof i truly worked, and everything isn't just a dream. i could script that my schedule is more spread out to make time for my s/o, but then we come to my point:
💭 i dont want to change the entire structure of my dr just to have a partner. if my s/o doesn't fit into the dr i planned, i don't want to squeeze them into it. to me, building your dr around having an s/o feels wrong and unnatural. i notice shifters tend to forget: you're really truly actually going to this place. you have your own life to live, things to do, etc etc. don't let having a partner overshadow the experience of shifting.
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💭 when it comes to actually fixing the issue, it may feel weird to delete an entire person out of your dr or become strangers w/ them - so just change your relationship status. in my fame dr, i re-scripted my former s/o to a person i'll meet and become very close friends with. if it turns into something more over time, after i shift in, that's great!! yay for me! i just don't want to feel held back by someone i should be cherishing, and instead let it happen naturally. if you feel more comfortable scripting out your relationship, then you do you!
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NOTE: i'm not trying to say stop scripting significant others. by all means, script an s/o! a partner! a boyfriend! a girlfriend! a husband! a wife! a spouse! a sneaky link! anything! it's your reality, i'm not trying to take away from that fact. i'm just pointing out how shifters often gloss over the realness of being in a relationship. this was simply a reminder for those who may be feeling the same way i did, and to help those people to make the neccessary changes. if you feel that the relationship you've scripted is happy and healthy, go for it cutie! even if its not happy or healthy, but you.. want that..? it's none of my business fr 🤷‍♀️. you were warned, and you have the resources you need to do your research. i trust you!
and one more thing i should mention, i'm saying all this without even starting on how the aroace shifting community must feel abt it. if you're aroace & wanna share any comments, suggestions, or experiences, pls msg or ask !! this is something that affects most shifters regardless of orientation but aroace ones especially😭 hope yall are hanging in there..
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that's all! ily!
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itsmaferart · 1 year
Twiyor parallelism • Romantic approach
One great thing about Spy x Family is the way Endo tries to frame his own idea of what "a romance" is. I'm not sure if this is a deliberate decision, as he prefers to focus on denser and more influential themes, such as war, consequences and the search for peace in each character…. Or if simply, Endo is not so comfortable and sees the typical romantic moments as a forced construction of a relationship between two characters….
And it's in the way it draws a linea between idealized fantasy and the genuine feelings (of love) of a family. This is not only a difference you can notice within the SxF universe, but also as a viewer.
If we analyze Nightfall and Becky's perspective a bit we can clearly see that their idea of love/romance for Twilight/Loid are actually projections of their own desires on a person who fits perfectly
According to Nightfall logic, she will prove that she is perfect, to the extent of being the only woman worthy to be at Twilight's side. She has been his student and comrade on missions, so she has been by his side, has examined multiple roles, memorizing his exemplary 'fake smile'. Nightfall loves Twilight, the perfect spy, the man of a thousand faces, a professional in the art of espionage who foresees a thousand scenarios in his head long before they happen.
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Then, Twilight would suddenly discover how perfect she is, having an epiphany of feelings that make him fall madly in love with her (?)
Which makes Nightfall unaware that the man she's in love with (or at least, his spy side) is totally removed from that illusion.
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That is a FANTASY
The initial Twilight (her teacher) is a cold, distant man who is not interested in having a relationship because he has discarded that kind of personal happiness, much less would he do so with a WISE colleague.
Twilight is someone with many emotional conflicts, due to the barriers he has created for himself because of his own past. Nightfall wants to awaken those buried feelings while pushing the distant Twilight fr to love, and who has always told him to isolate himself from his own personal desires and feelings.
So… Nightfall's love for her master may be genuine and born out of her genuine admiration for Twilight's motivation to create a better world. But it is unsustainable when it comes to building that love into a marriage, because the Twilight that Nightfall dreams of doesn't really exist, rendering her efforts to impress him futile.
After all, this is not what Twilight is really looking for (at least, his true self).
In itself, Nightfall loves the perfection of Twilight, the perfection of the spy. Because that's what she longs for the most, a love story where she is perfect in someone's eyes perfect.
And well…. Is it necessary to talk about Becky? I think it's much more obvious how everything Becky dreams of is a much more exaggerated fantasy, a love story where she fights with her rival to get the heart of her prince charming (for starters, Twilight could literally be her dad xD).
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It is here that Endo's joke about romance becomes more blatant and obvious. The perfect romance is a childish fantasy straight out of a soap opera.
We know that Becky does not love Loid. She loves the fantasy she has created around him. For her, romance is synonymous with maturity, and Becky projects herself as a more mature child than the rest of her age group. At the same time, she wishes for a love story full of drama and happiness.
In contrast, the relationship Loid (Twilight) and Yor build is perhaps the most mundane. (in a good way).
Yes, they are an assassin and a spy, who got married each other to the sound of a grenade. But at the end of the day, it's the two of them sitting comfortably in a living room, on an armchair, drinking a cup of hot tea/coffee.
Endo shows us that many times, that real and genuine love is made of those small moments of intimacy, where nothing big is happening. Just two people talking from the sincerity of their feelings, two people supporting each other, remembering that "you don't always have to be perfect", "being yourself is what matters".
It's wrong for romance to be fantasy?
No, of course not!!
It is natural that the first desire you have with a partner is to have an approximation, especially if it is physical. Like the idea of him holding your hands while he professes his desires of you (As Fiona and Becky would say, "make a move.")
The problem with idealized romance, is that it creates a sweep that prevents us from genuinely getting closer to the real person we love. There is so much focus on personal wants and desires that we are blind to the true needs of the other person.
Nightfall's biggest drawback is that she is so focused on what she wants and what she thinks Twilight needs that she is not able to see the emotional needs that her master has (although, being fair… He doesn't know either, right?). The funny thing about Becky and Nightfall's love is the huge contrast to Loid (Twilight) and Yor's real relationship. Both are constantly looking for perfection in Loid /Twilight's actions, forgotten that there is only a tired man with stomach aches from his ulcers.
The difference for Yor, is that she is not expecting greatness in Loid, or if she really dreams that he is an idea man she is looking for. He is perfect, just the way he is. Twilight and Yor may not be very intimate for many, because of the lack of physical closeness between them, and because every time something seems to happen, someone gets hurt (sometimes Yuri, sometimes Twilight)…. or because we don't see them caught up in these fantasies for each other.
But …. is it really like that?
The amazing thing about the fake marriage between Loid (Twilight) and Yor is that the kind of intimacy they have is perhaps the most difficult to achieve but the most valuable in the long run. And that is being at peace with each other, talking about those things you would never talk about with anyone else, enjoying each other's company only, speaking from the sincerity of your feelings and affirming a thousand times that you would never change anything about each other and would choose them as your partner again and again (for life).
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This is the true romance within a marriage.
So… we haven't seen progress in their relationship?
Sure we have, lots of times. But these are much more subtle and simple than we expect. We know that they both cook dinner together (as a couple), and have selected the stores to buy what they need for the house (as a couple), they buy the ingredients for dinner or cleaning products the other asks for (as a couple), Yor takes her husband's clothes to the dry cleaners, Loid makes delicious food for his wife,They say goodbye at the door (as a couple).... both look at each other as if they were the most wonderful people they have ever met in their lives.
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(If these two have not kissed it is because they are basically two idiots).
Every time a romance is forced between them, something bad always happens, simply because it is not the right way it should happen. Unlike when the two approach each other being authentic.
I don't think that in the future, these two will have problems with physical intimacy. We're talking about a man who took a second to REALLY ask his fake wife to marry him (I'm sure if Yor didn't kick him to the curb he would have asked her for a wild honeymoon that very night)...Or that Yor in a fit of confidence pushed her fake husband, cornered him, and climbed on top of him.
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I'm serious, these two are craving for physical love, what they want to admit!!
In the end, the engine of a true couple is not in the touch of their hands but in the touch of their hearts.
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peachiime · 9 months
antics at akademi - peachiime.
akademi highschool is a very prestigious establishment, saved only for the most eloquent and intelligent students. it's the place where budding youths go to be modeled into the perfect member of society, it's the place where dreams come true, it's the place where everything runs as perfectly and as smoothly as you can possibly imagine it. akademi highschool is a utopia.
pfft. you really thought.
akademi fell to shambles long ago, and this year's batch of interesting characters seem dedicated to tearing it to pieces even more, whether they're doing it consciously or not.
these kids are far from normal. every day, there's some new conflict or event or explosion or bird attack. in fact, it's not just the students that add fuel to the ever burning fire, the faculty's wrapped up in it too.
does that intrigue you yet? if so, you might be interested in following the progression of this school year, where you'll watch relationships break and form, people rise and fall, things beyond your wildest imagination happening all in a school building, possible law breaking, and all that stuff.
akademi highschool is way past the description of disorderly.
but it gets better.
want to see?
antics at akademi is a retelling of yandere simulator, with the same setting and characters, but a different genre. it takes on more of a slice of life comedy story, with some elements of drama in there as well.
when published on ao3 and wattpad in the future, every chapter will follow to day-to-day life of the students of akademi for a whole school year, and each day is split into 9 sections to ensure everyone gets screentime. there will also be 9 separate acts of the story, with almost each one having its own themes and messages dedicated to it.
antics at akademi is an entirely separate thing from the game it is inspired by, and is in no way in support of yandere dev; not supporting anything the original may imply, not supporting his actions or ideologies, none of that. i am a very different person and i am telling a very different story from yandere dev.
any questions, comments, or concerns are encouraged. don't feel afraid to submit an ask, and please reblog my posts whenever you can if you want to support this project!
and also note that posts will probably be slow, since there's a lot of information to share and i'm very busy with life right now. in the meantime, there are many other posts about antics at akademi that you can see by checking out the specially made tag for it! (its just antics at akademi again. search it up wink wink)
once again, don't feel afraid to ask any questions, whether they're silly or serious. thank you for reading this far, and i hope you decide to follow the production of antics at akademi! much love <3
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solmarillion · 11 months
i know there's some people out there who think that silvergifting, specifically sauron falling in love with celebrimbor, is out of character for him. i'm gonna rant about that a little and talk about why it's not true.
we are told sauron didn't start out as evil. tolkien doesn't believe in inherent evil. and there is something human about sauron, in how much of a perfectionist he is, the way that he grew frustrated with all of the disorder in the world. these were things that he couldn't control, supposedly- but what if he could? he never would've been satisfied just working for aulë, not when all of the imperfections he saw became an obsession for him. and here comes melkor, giving him all of the power he wants to make that dream a reality for him. sauron is said to have "adored" melkor.
these are actual human feelings that real people experience. i have autism, ADHD, OCD, bipolar disorder and multiple anxiety disorders and a lot of the feelings sauron experiences about perfectionism, wanting to have control over things you just can't- these are feelings i deal with every single day!! it's just that sauron, being 1.) one of the ainur and 2.) a villain, takes these feelings to such an extreme that it warps him, and it shows how damaging you can be to yourself if you don't have a good support system, if you don't have people in place who genuinely want to help you and understand you. it's pretty clear to me that sauron is capable of experiencing human emotions, so by extension he is absolutely capable of love.
with these things in mind, it is PERFECTLY in-character for sauron to not only fall in love with celebrimbor but also to feel guilty about torturing and killing him. because celebrimbor is just another one of those things that he can't control, but he loves him. even if he wanted to just be annatar, he couldn't- celebrimbor would find out the truth eventually, and most likely reject him. and he couldn't just abandon all of those plans he sacrificed everything for. he left aulë and betrayed him, left melkor behind after so many years serving him, everything was building up to this moment. sauron was too transformed by all of his experiences and to just give up on everything would be giving up on who he had become. melkor became a part of him. but celebrimbor did too, and that's why it hurts so much. sauron is literally killing off a part of himself when he kills celebrimbor- the part of him that could've become annatar. it's fascinating to think about, what could drive someone to kill the person they love, and even more interesting when it's someone with as much potential for character exploration as sauron.
the rings of power would not have been made without celebrimbor. annatar and celebrimbor worked together in close partnership for 300 years, and the act of subcreation is said to be intimate. celebrimbor is part of the story of the one ring, and there's something special about celebrimbor and sauron's relationship, so much potential to be explored, even if you don't ship them romantically. i'm so tired of people shutting down the possibility of sauron experiencing love and being emotionally vulnerable just because "he's evil". tolkien didn't write a whole essay on sauron's motivations and complexities only for them to be dismissed like that. let's embrace the nuances in tolkien's villains instead of ignoring them.
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dutchdread · 2 months
Do be a hater but I'mma say my truth, Tifa is the only reason the end feel any grief whatsoever. The new twist really kills any emotional impact Aerith's death may have and the boss fight that just keeps going on and on and on doesn't help either. With new LS sequence, her bond with the Weapon, unspoken beef with Sephiroth, her taking care of the party members, her relationship with Cloud,... I'm surprised at how much emotion heavy lifting Tifa has in Rebirth. So far I'm glad that the devs nail her character so well in Rebirth but I'm also extremely concerned for part 3 cos Tifa will have more focus and how they treat Aerith- the supposed focus of Rebirth- is.... questionable to say the least, so I can't give them any benefits of doubt.
Yeah I also really dislike the ending of Rebirth. The problem is that they tried giving equal screentime to Tifa an Aerith in a game that, quite honestly, should be more Aerith focused. This was the game in which Aerith was going to die, which means she'd have a lot of focus at the end. But because they wanted Tifa and Aerith to have equal screentime and scenes that meant Tifa would get a lot of screentime throughout the rest of the game. This essentially gave us the worst of both worlds. Tifa got absolutely amazing build-up. The game perfectly sets up her relationship with Cloud, as well as her friendship with Aerith. But then she barely gets pay-off in this game. Her pay-off is subdued, it comes in the form of a deafening silence. But this isn't a bad thing, like you said, Tifas grief is the main emotional trigger at the end of the game. But who really got screwed over by this is Aerith. Because she essentially got zero build up. Sure, the game shows her friendship with Tifa, and her pining over Zack, but unless you're doing an Aerith focused playthrough you will essentially have zero reason to think Cloud and Aerith are even particularly friendly, let alone that her death would constitute a major event in Clouds life that's more impactful than, for instance, that of Jesse. As a result Aerith sounds completely delusional during the dream date and the ending feels entirely tone-deaf because it overdramatizes something that really shouldn't be that big a deal based on the lack of set-up. This is then made worse by all the context surrounding Aeriths death. The death that achieved its fame by "not being hollywood", by being "sudden and leaving nothing but emptiness" became the most overdone spectacle in the history of gaming. It honestly was a travesty. And you can feel nothing because you don't even know what's happening. It completely failed to be focused or in the moment and as a result it was neither shocking nor contemplative.
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barbra-annbunny · 3 months
Fairy Tales
Without your pulling it, the tide comes in
Without your twirling it, the Earth can spin
Without your pushing them, the clouds roll by,
If they can do without you, ducky, so can I!
-Without You, My Fair Lady (1964)
I have grown up with the fairy tales of main characters falling in love with their soulmates within seconds. Their perfectly done hair going untouched as they fought through battles with dragons, all to get back home to their beloved. But unfortunately, life is not a fairy tale.
Everyone that I’ve grown up with, has gone on to marry their soulmates or have pursued their dream careers. My former playmates have all grown up and are no longer playing house. Instead they are all building their homes, with their soulmates, in preparation for future families and long careers. Their soulmarks perfectly complementary and glowing at all times, whether on display or hidden beneath layers irrelevant. Birth flowers and other botanicals smattered over their bodies like stars in the Milky Way.
They taught us in school that for every relationship that is important to you you will gain a new soulmark. These may fade and new ones may appear but the ones that will stay forever unchanged is the flower representing your soulmate. Your soulmate’s birth flower will always rest along the inside of your left forearm, and has been there since birth. It’s a 50/50 shot that you will meet your soulmate. If you land in the lucky 50%, and meet your soulmate, you typically meet them before you turn 25. The other 50% will probably never meet their soulmate. Obviously, there are anomalies to every rule; but in general, this is the way the world has always worked. 
I happen to be a part of the unlucky 50%, well on the fast track to it anyway. For starters I have not one, but two soulmates. This led to many years of weird looks, exclusions from social events, and so on. Not that I ever really minded, schoolwork and art have been better friends and family to me than any other person ever has. Ever since I learned that finding one soulmate was hard enough, I gave up even trying. What’s the point when people ask to see your soulmark, only to realize that they have to share your love with someone else?
After doing that quick math and weighing the odds I decided to blend in, and say to hell with soulmates. I bought a gold ring and wore it on my ring finger, telling everyone that I was married. I kept my head straight whenever people came up to flirt or, simply showed them my hand and walked away. If I couldn't succeed in love, I sure as hell was going to succeed in my career.
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Here’s part two of the Zosan x reader blurb series, this time from the reader’s perspective. I added on the song that inspired the reader’s outlook from here on out.
Ch 1 | You are here | Ch 3 | Ch 4
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nerissalmao · 5 months
I’m back on Tumblr, so it’s time to talk about GAY FROZEN! The movie is gay. All of it.
Okay, not all of it. But a lot of it!
Daily reminder as I yeet myself back onto Tumblr that Elsa is freaking gay okay? That’s how we’re gonna start this and the main thesis of this bullcrap will be Elsa’s obvious gayness.
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I’m sorry, but in this scene (only moments before Elsa is shown talking to Honeymaren while holding her hand and gazing at her face) there is clearly some gay stuff going on. Note the absolute HOPEFULNESS on Honey’s face when she looks at Elsa and says “you belong here, you know?” in an extra hopeful tone? And the way Elsa actually does stay there with her?!
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And earlier in the movie when they’re talking to each other it looks just like that scene from Tangled where Rapunzel is talking to Eugene! If it was a girl or boy the calm and wholesome way they talk to each other while maintaining steady eye contact and all that wholesome stuff would be read as a romantic connection, yet here it’s just shrugged off by the people who watched it as friendship. Yes, it could be that, but it also could be more and y’all aren’t even willing to suggest that alternative simply because they’re both girls.
Let’s talk about Oaken! He’s gay and has a husband and kids, and it’s clearly seen in the first movie.
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Yes, I’m aware the tall girl with brown hair could be his (snore) wife. But all the kids honestly look more like the possible mother other than the blonde hunk, so it doesn’t make too much sense. If that woman was the wife and mother, why does she look just like all her kids except one, and the one doesn’t even look like her or Oaken? It would make much more sense if the blonde guy, who looks older anyway, was his husband and the kids were adopted. Yes, realistic genes usually don’t mean much in animated films, but then why are Elsa and Anna and their family designed to look related? And Honeymaren and Ryder from Frozen 2 look related as well. So yeah.
BACK TO ELSA! So, you see, if Oaken is gay, it would be perfectly reasonable for her to be given if this is true the franchise has tackled gay characters before. A gay Disney Princess would be awesome and given the first two movies showcased Elsa’s own personal journey and journey to mend her relationship with her sisters, a third movie could in turn have her beginning a romantic relationship with someone who very well may be a woman, and very may well be Honeymaren given the way they behave in the second movie. It seems to me like the Frozen 2 interactions are like Raya and Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon— homoerotically toned friendships that seem to all but outright say that the two characters are gay. Except with Honeymaren and Elsa their friendship is shown a lot less given the movie is about Elsa’s self discovery. Unless, you know, Frozen 2 is merely setting up the building blocks for them to get in a relationship later. A girl can dream.
Did any of that make sense? I hope so. Because come on, Disney. A lot of people don’t like you know and some of your actions have gone to crap, but you can at least try to fix things by ceasing to support genocide and just maybe hearing us out and giving us a gay Disney Princess— hopefully Elsa, because that girl is gay-coded as all hell.
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veliseraptor · 9 months
If you haven't done so already, do you have any particular headcanons for Xiao Xingchen?
I've always seen him as a very interesting character, from his fife as the pupil of an inmortal master, to his views about the world. I specially find the image of the folk hero he seems to have incredibly appealing, although I feel it gets left behind in the background of the story. But what do you think?
boy do I!!! I have a stack of Xiao Xingchen headcanons that just might together stack up longer than the entire yi city arc in canon. I have long experience with building a large edifice of headcanon upon a relatively slim amount of actual text, and I have spent a lot of time thinking about Xiao Xingchen. I'm sure this comes as a complete surprise to everyone.
one important headcanon to me is the sort of...pair that Xiao Xingchen is a very sociable and extroverted person, and he has major abandonment issues. I feel like the first one is something where the perception is otherwise because he's not exactly boisterous and he has this "untouchable immortal" reputation following him around making him out to be something more than human (which also renders him less than human, but I've talked about that before).
but Xiao Xingchen loves people, I think - he believes in people, yes, but he also just generally genuinely likes them. he likes to talk to people. now, this doesn't always mean he's good at it - the other thing about Xiao Xingchen is that he's kind of weird and socially graceless - but he's a very friendly person by nature.
this makes his utter isolation post-baixue even sadder, because I don't think it's because he can't make connections, or doesn't want to - I think he's not letting himself try. he's cut himself off from trying to make friends. prior to that I think people tend to hold him at a distance, because other people perceive him as untouchable/distant and project that onto how they interact with him, and if they do interact with him he's weird and socially graceless which can be a turn-off for further interaction. afterwards he's just doing the same.
and meanwhile! all this is happening and Xiao Xingchen is in a state of continual low-level homesickness (the world is harder and meaner than he thought it would be, he can never go home, he genuinely believes in his decision to descend but also it hurts sometimes), and he has his one companion who is the best ever but even so...that's one person and I think Xiao Xingchen craves more connection than that. but because of who he is and who he's chosen to be, he doesn't have that community that he desperately misses, and he's not willing to compromise himself in order to find it the simplest way (i.e. by joining a sect).
the dream of creating a sect is, I think, a little more Xiao Xingchen's than Song Lan's - not that Song Lan's not in favor of the idea, but I think he'd be more content without it, continuing to be independent, than Xiao Xingchen is. but he also has his temple to go home to (until he doesn't).
and for extra spicy fun my headcanon has always been that Xiao Xingchen is very tactile while Song Lan is...the opposite, and while Xiao Xingchen would never complain and might not even acknowledge it to himself, he is perfectly content with the non-physical state of their relationship, of course, he would like to be cuddled and that's just not something Song Lan generally feels up to doing.
and then!! and then Song Lan lashes out at Xiao Xingchen, pushing him away, and the closest person Xiao Xingchen has to home is torn away from him, and then his actual home is taken away again (because he goes back for Song Lan only to have to leave again, really forever this time), and he's on his own wallowing in guilt and self-loathing and very determinedly being Alone until a-Qing shows up and basically goes "mine now" and adopts Xiao Xingchen as very much hers. A-Qing is so important for the way that she walks into Xiao Xingchen's self-imposed solitude and just moves in without taking no for an answer. that's, I think, part of why Xiao Xingchen loves her so much.
but after Song Lan there's definitely a low key assumption for Xiao Xingchen, I think, that people will leave him eventually. I think he always tended toward a little bit of clinginess, but after he gives up his eyes that clinginess both increases exponentially and also becomes an exercise in intense self-denial. he won't let himself be clingy with the people he cares about even if that is what he desperately wants to be. nobody would want to live with us in this coffin house.
there's an exchange that I'm really quite proud of in The Care and Keeping of an Unexpected Captive:
“You like - you like feeling like a hero. Like you’re - saving the world, all the pathetic people too weak to save themselves, there’s you, righteously battling evil, kind, generous–” Words that would be compliments from someone else Xue Yang spat like insults. Xiao Xingchen drew back. “That’s not it,” he protested. “I don’t care who knows me, or if anyone does. I’m not looking for fame or glory–” “No,” Xue Yang said, his voice harsh, “you just want people to love you.”
and I don't think Xue Yang is wrong. he's not 100% right either - Xiao Xingchen does believe in his mission, and does just genuinely want to help people and do the right thing.
but he also really, really, really wants to be loved, and is very afraid that he won't be.
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
Hi .
I love the headcanon that you wrote for Carlayui. If you accept requests can I request a Rukiyui headcanon too? My favorite ship. And if you you don't accept its completely OK. I love your blog. Thank you so much for writing about canon ships.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed Carla x Yui headcanons, and: Sure! I can write a Ruki x Yui headcanon for you! Feel free to provide me with any specific prompts or topics you'd like me to include, or I can come up with some ideas based on my own interpretation of their relationship, just let me know!
I'd like to say that I've never explored the character very in depth, so the headcanons can be a bit shallow. However, I'll do my best to come up with some ideas based on what I do know about Ruki and Yui. They seem like an interesting couple, and I'm happy to explore their relationship dynamics.
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Ruki and Yui are different in many ways, but they complement each other perfectly. Ruki is quiet and reserved, while Yui is outgoing and bubbly.
Ruki's initial treatment of Yui as livestock doesn't sit well with her, but over time, he begins to see her as more than just a means to an end.
Yui's kindness and gentle nature slowly chip away at Ruki's sadistic exterior, making him more empathetic towards her.
Ruki sees a bit of himself in Yui, as both were mistreated in their past. This causes him to feel protective of her.
Yui helps Ruki work through his trust issues towards women, as he comes to see her as someone who genuinely cares for him.
Although Ruki can be strict with Yui, he also values her intelligence and enjoys engaging in intellectual conversations with her.
Ruki's nightmares often revolve around his past traumas, but Yui is always there to comfort him and remind him that he's not alone.
As they grow closer, Ruki begins to open up to Yui about his past and the guilt he feels for what he's done in service of Karlheinz's plan.
Despite his loyalty to Karlheinz, Ruki starts to question whether the plan is worth the pain it's causing others, especially Yui.
Ruki starts to show his affection for Yui in small ways, like offering her his jacket when she's cold or bringing her favorite tea when she's stressed.
Despite his tough exterior, Ruki can be very gentle and caring towards Yui. He likes to take care of her when she's feeling down or sick.
Eventually, Ruki realizes that his feelings for Yui go beyond simple protectiveness or loyalty. He begins to see her as someone he truly loves.
Ruki and Yui's first kiss took place during a moonlit walk in the garden. Oddly, in that situation Ruki was too shy to make the first move, but Yui surprised him by leaning in and pressing her lips to his.
Ruki and Yui love going to the library together. They both share a love for literature and enjoy reading in each other's company.
Ruki is not the jealous type, but he can't help feeling a little possessive when Yui spends too much time with other guys. Yui finds it endearing and always reassures him that he's the only one for her.
Yui finds Ruki's possessiveness endearing, but sometimes it can be a bit suffocating. She doesn't mind it too much, though, because she knows he means well.
Ruki likes to call Yui “my love” when they're alone together.
Ruki and Yui often talk about their future together. Ruki dreams of building a life with Yui in the countryside, where they can grow their own food and live a simple, peaceful life.
Ruki hates it when Yui leaves books lying around the house and Yui gets annoyed when Ruki spends too much time grooming his hair.
Yui is the person who can make Ruki smile genuinely. He's not much of a smiler in general, but she has a way of bringing out his softer side.
Ruki loves surprising Yui with little gifts and romantic gestures. He once set up a candlelit dinner for her in the garden, complete with her favorite foods and music.
Ruki said “I love you” to Yui for the first time when they were stargazing together. Yui was so surprised and happy that she couldn't stop smiling.
Yui and Ruki are very intimate with each other, both physically and emotionally. They enjoy cuddling and holding hands, and always make time for each other in their busy schedules.
Ruki and you like to mix things up when it comes to date night. They've gone to concerts, visited museums, and even taken dance lessons together.
Ruki and Yui rarely fight, but when they do, it's usually over something small and silly. They always make up quickly and apologize to each other.
Ruki's love language is acts of service, while Yui's is words of affirmation. They make sure to show their love for each other in the ways that they each prefer.
Ruki and Yui enjoy visiting the local library, where they can read books and discuss their favorite topics.
They also like to visit the park, where they can have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Another activity they like to do is going for walks, either in nature or in the city, where they can explore new areas and have deep conversations.
Yui is Ruki's safe haven, and he feels completely at ease when he's with her. He knows that she will always love and support him, no matter what, she has a calming effect on Ruki. When he's with her, he feels like he can let his guard down and just be himself.
Ruki is always willing to listen to Yui's problems and offer her advice or support whenever she needs it.
Yui is the only person Ruki has ever been truly vulnerable with. He trusts her completely and knows she would never judge him.
Yuma is supportive of Ruki and Yui's relationship, often teasing them and giving them privacy when they need it, he enjoys seeing his brother happy and in love.
Azusa is fascinated by the dynamic between Ruki and Yui, often observing them and analyzing their behavior. He is protective of Yui and worries about her safety, but trusts Ruki to take care of her.
Kou is initially skeptical of Ruki's relationship with Yui, but eventually comes around when he sees how much they care for each other. He often gives Ruki advice on how to keep the romance alive.
Ruki enjoys spending time with Yui and his brothers together, often organizing outings or activities that they can all enjoy. He values their input on his relationship and wants them to be happy for him.
Azusa is always willing to help Yui with anything she needs, whether it be a listening ear or someone to confide in. He sees her as an important part of the Mukami family.
Yuma enjoys teasing Ruki and Yui about their relationship, often making playful jokes and poking fun at their affectionate behavior. He likes to see them happy and carefree.
Kou often acts as a mediator between Ruki and Yui when they have disagreements, helping them to see each other's point of view and find a compromise.
Ruki is not the most physically affectionate person, but he is more open with Yui than with anyone else. They hold hands and occasionally embrace, but they prefer to show their love through small gestures and acts of kindness.
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2023-Present.
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palepersonaturtle · 8 months
DWY review
As much as I love this show and our main couple I think I really have to talk  the issues I had with it so that I can be at peace with myself and then go back to enjoying it with its flaws. Please guys if you have thoroughly enjoyed this show and the plot then do not read this.
This show, imo had so much potential to become one of the greatest hits of all time for me with its innovative idea of spell books, characters and brilliant actors and yet they ruined it with the inconsistency of the characters and undeveloped plot.
Episode 1& 2 review
The good-
-Okay I love their first meet it is symbolic and that was a killer opening for me. The cinematography, bgm were spot on…perfect amount of spooky fantasy vibe. Also the introduction of characters was great. Jang shinyu tapping her foot with his to see if she is dead or alive gave of his cold, stern aura. Hong jo’s humourous dialogue showed us her loneliness and her knack for dramas I mean watching dramas is the only wayout from her lonelinss
-The introduction of red hand was awesome. And I have read some theories from k-fans about the details that scene had. So it was perfectly done.
- Something I very much enjoyed was the banter between our main couple. Like it wasnt silly it had logic and humour and that made their chemistry one of the best for me.
- I liked how they portrayed Hongjo’s loneliness. She had no friends, family, relatives to talk. Her situation was compelling.
-The whole spell book revelation part was done excellently.
-Also the plot development for these two episode was really good.
The bad-
I have to say this the editing for first two episodes sucked. The aprupt scene transitions and scene placement made my head hurt.
Changes that should have been made-
-They actually made the use of the evil gardener in a very lousy way when he could have been a more compeling villain who is connected to our lead couple in the past. They could have shown us that it was his fate to get the main couple together while being the bad guy because of his past life karma.
- There are various questions like why did hongjo got transferred to the city hall. And I think that first scene where we are shown her handling a complaint would have been a perfect example for her and the evil gardener to meet indirectly and start his obsession for her since he recognizes her from his past so that he would have been able to get her to transfer to the city hall by using black magic or using his connections which could have been revealed later in the series. Because that transfer of hong jo was so abrupt it didn’t make any sense to me.
-Now onto Shinyu’s curse I think it would have been far more better if they had shown us him having blurry dreams about jang mujin killing aengcho on that snowy mountain rather than dreams of his past life love story in the first episode. Because the main point is him suffering from a curse where the gist is him killing aengcho the love of his life.
Also the explanation for his curse and illness should have been done cohesively rather than spreading it in parts throughout the first two episodes.
1)  Shinyu and Hongjo-
As I said earlier I love their banter. You can see the sparks but it is still platonic and I love that. And even though they are destined I am glad that the writers actually worked to build their relationship.
Shinyu is cold,stern,rude and hongjo gives him back equally.
And that scene where he saves her from the the drunkard was an ice breaker for hongjo imo to trust shinyu and be comfortable with him especially physically. Like her hitting his shoulder playfully, cornering him in the office lobby are some of the examples.
Also he was very much attracted to her subconsciously okay.
Now coming onto the bad side of their relationship- For like one and half episode shinyu was written perfectly but then his character started showing inconsistency.
That scene where he told hong jo to accept nayeon’s apology was so ooc of him. Like he is shown as a competent lawyer and he should know better than anyone else that no one is obliged to forgive the person who has inflicted hurt on them and like what was his intention to do that. Imo he should have just shut up.
Look I get that he is a flawed character. But I also believe that a cold,stern, rude character could also be written as a green flag he needn’t always be a red flag.
Onto the next scene, where he hurted hongjo  that was not ooc for there was atleast some intention for him. I get that he was jealous  of  jaekyeong and he used the information he got from his gf to be an asshole. But the fact that he says, “I just said what I saw” I was like dude you are a lawyer you shouldnt just judge someone with what you see. Though he felt  bad about what he said afterwards, he never apologized and that for me is a bad character development.
2) Shinyu and nayeon
Like many people I also think that shinyu wasn’t in love with nayeon but I also think that their relationship wasn’t political. From what I have read from nayeon’s char intro, she met shinyu in his law firm while she was there for renovation work and fell in love with him and after that chased him and then they started dating. I think shinyu liked and cared about her enough to get married with her. I mean he seems distant with her but he is also polite and humble with her. Maybe the constant nagging of his father had prompted him to get in a relationship so that his father can shut up.
3) Shinyu’s parents(sorry i dont remember their names)
This side story could have been made more compelling but they failed it awfully.
If they wanted to reprimand verbal abuse then they should have ended it with a divorce or should have made sure that his father repent and grovel at his wife’s feet for like 10 episodes before that reconcillation happened.
Or they could have simply shown a couple who is drifting apart having a midlife crisis since they got married early and how they overcome it eventually.
Or they could have simply been an affectionate and passionate couple where a father is worried about his son being alone when he is sick and wants him to get married asap to have someone take care of him(which is also selfish but later they could have redeemed him)
4) Other side charcters-
I may be in the minority but I really didn’t care about Ms Ma amd Mr gong’s relationship like why does she have to get into a relationship when she doesn’t want to. But I love Ms Ma as a character.
And those coworkers of hongjo were annoying af. Yes I get that the writers wanted to show Hong jo as an outcast to us but they could have handled it better.
Also I like Gidong I wish they could have given him more screen time and his own story line.
Overall, these two episodes were more of a plot building for me. I had fun yet i was bored at times.
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
Your post about how Lucie and Jesse aren't mature enough for their relationship reminded me of another weird thing with them, which is that Lucie met Jesse for the first time as a small child and has been holding onto this idealized vision of him as a faerie prince for years.
Now I can appreciate a ship where one person thinks the other is perfect but has to learn that they're human and ends up loving them all the more, but I don't think that Lucie ever really has that. I got the feeling that she loves Jesse because she loves the inherent romance and adventure of falling for a ghost and bringing him back to life through determination and love, that he's more of a character than a person to her. This might be because he isn't the best written character and the narrative never really acknowledges his flaws (like how he treated Grace), but it seems to me that Lucie was basically thrust into the middle of an epic romantic adventure that fit perfectly into her comfortable world of fantasy novels, and it just stayed that way. She is able to bring Jesse back with no real consequences (yeah Belial uses his body to kill Elias, but it all gets resolved without permanently hurting anyone the audience really cares about), and it's safer and better than when Jace is resurrected by the literal angel Raziel.
If ChoT leaned more into Lucie and Grace's friendship, I think we could have got a really interesting dynamic with Lucie building more empathy for Grace's trauma and learning about the problems with how Jesse treated her. Maybe Grace would inspire Lucie to confront Jesse, and it could help them both grow as people. I also like your idea about focusing on how the Lucie and Jesse situation impacted Malcolm and his quest to bring back Annabel. Actively addressing how much easier it was for her would do a lot to make me happier about the inconsistency, showing that the characters see how unfair it is and get angry about it. I'm fine with the fact that things aren't equally difficult for every character, I just wish there was more insight into how they react to the imbalance.
This ended up being more of a rant than a question, but Lucie frustrates me as a character because she could have been so interesting and she's just not.
So, preface. I'm very overall satisfied with ChoT and I give no fucks at all about Lucie, Jesse, or their relationship. I would not change anything if it would alter the endings of other characters (besides Grace in the ways I'll get to). But I don't think that my hopes would have impacted anyone outside of that trio, so, we good.
I think you hit the nail on the head with
I got the feeling that she loves Jesse because she loves the inherent romance and adventure of falling for a ghost and bringing him back to life through determination and love, that he's more of a character than a person to her.
Lucie was basically thrust into the middle of an epic romantic adventure that fit perfectly into her comfortable world of fantasy novels, and it just stayed that way.
I like Lucie fine, but I feel like she ended the narrative exactly as she began it. All of the other characters grew a lot, and Lucie's immaturity is so stark by the end. The only exception to this rule besides Lucie is Jesse, who like you acknowledged has no canon personality besides in the moment where he's utterly awful to Grace.
I periodically think about this, and I have wondered before if Cassie purposely made Jesse a cardboard cutout. Lucie/Jesse is clearly a fairy-tale-esque story, and perhaps she wanted people to be able to project whatever they wanted onto the "Jesse" void so they would feel as though he could be their dream fairytale prince. I don't think so, though, I think this is giving way too much credit to the narrative.
I think it's really interesting how (in my experience) being super underwhelmed with Lucie/Jesse is the TLH fan standard. I know two people who like them, which is great! I'm really close with one! I adore her! But like, "Lucie/Jesse is underwhelming" seems to be a take that 99.9% of TLH fans share, and it's so odd that they overwhelmingly missed the mark.
Re: Lucie and Grace, yeah. Agree.
Here's what I would have done with Ghostwriter (if I couldn't just background them and make them Malcolm's backstory):
Lucie and Grace work hard to ressurect Jesse. Ultimately, though, they fail and Jesse fades. This is the end of ChoI - he is just dead now instead of having come back to life. Lucie can no longer see him, and ChoT is not just her grief cycle but also her "holy shit I have to stop living in fantasy lala land" growth moment. It would have been such a moment of growth for Lucie and could have been poignant as fuck - and, since Jesse is just a cutout, would have only really been sad on a "poor Lucie" level. Grace and Lucie bond in their grief and become really close friends, which is their ending. Much more satisfying for Grace since she would have a friend after Kit died; much more satisfying for Lucie as an arc of growth.
I'm also saying this as a noted hater of tragedy, so I'm very secure in my knowledge that it's a hell of a good plotline. Also, Malcolm watching this failure could have been SO cool. Especially if Lucie, not doing well, had a confrontation with him for failing to resurrect Jesse. And then she refuses to call Annabel - not because she can't. Like, Malcolm's story would have developed even more layers.
If Cassie had been willing to call Jesse the plot device that he was instead of hurriedly trying and failing to give him a semblance of personality in ChoT, we could have had so much more with them.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
okay liz. i want to start reading cambionverse. where do i start?
HELLO AND OH MY GOD THANK YOU.......you've made this old woman's dream come true :') (i am only being a little dramatic)
i'm gonna give you a short answer and a long answer. you don't really need to read the long answer if it seems overwhelming. i get excited and overexplain things!!!
short answer:
the very first thing to read is the fic cambion. we wrote this fic first, which is why the verse is named after it. after you read cambion, you can reasonably jump in anywhere else on the series page and not be too confused, as long you don't jump to envesseled. cambion first, envesseled last. if you can just remember that, then any amount of shuffling the middle will be perfectly fine.
i have my own opinion for how to read the middle but i'm saving it for the end. please feel free to skip to it!
long answer:
this series is about jesse (half-demon kid from 5.06), ben (dean's maybe-kid from seasons 3 & 6), and claire (cas's temporary vessel in 4.20, and the daughter of his current vessel; she technically returned in s10, but "our" claire had already become her own totally different character by then), and their search for sam and dean, who have been missing for three years. cambion is jesse's fic, only human is ben's fic, and envesseled is claire's fic. but there are a lot of other fics that we wrote taking place in between them.
since we started writing this series while the end of s6 was airing, it will be helpful, but not necessary, to have passing knowledge of s6. we have plenty of exposition to fill in people who didn't watch but the added context is always nice.
ok, down to business! you know how the narnia books and star wars movies were published not chronologically? as in, stuff that happened later was published before stuff that happened earlier? @cambionverse is kinda like that. we have the jesse-ben-claire era and the sam-dean-cas era and even the ben-claire only era, and everyone will have their own preferences about which order to read it in. some options are as follows:
you can read it in the order we published it. pros: you can see things unfold in the same way we did as we went along, and the relationships will feel like they build more organically. cons: you will be going back and forth in time a lot, which may get confusing.
you can read it in chronological order. pros: you can go start to finish without skipping around too much in time. cons: it will take absolute ages to meet jesse, the star of this show. also, the first chronological fics have massive spoilers for cambion, so if you read them before you read cambion you're kind of ruining that fic for yourself, which is a huge bummer.
the published order and the chronological order are both on the series page. here is a screenshot:
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since both of these orders are flawed, i made my own idea, which is to read cambion, then go (mostly) chronologically. like this:
cambion - jesse's big pov fic, the ultimate verse-establisher
enter night - sam-dean-cas prequel. also meg is there <3
synchronicity - ben and claire's meetcute & budding partnership
antichrist problems - jesse, post-cambion, going thru it
only human - ben's big pov fic, an adventure w/ djinn & bisexuality
a house in nebraska - this one is about jesse's adoptive parents
oneshots collection - odds and ends
envesseled - claire's big pov fic, which we are currently publishing
i think this is the best of both worlds. you avoid most major spoilers, get to meet jesse early, and there's not so much going back and forth along the timeline that you get confused (you only really jump like twice).
thank you SOOOOO much for asking, i hope this post didn't put you off or anything and that if you decide to give it a try you enjoy it...it's definitely my pride and joy more than anything else i have ever put on ao3
edit also i forgot to add we have a blog specifically for the series if you wanna peruse it, it's @cambionverse
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touchingmadness · 2 years
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Touched ⚔ Introduction
“We have these abilities because, as children, we felt unsafe. We felt we needed something to help us survive. So we latched onto the magic floating around us, pulled it within, and let it make us what we thought we needed to be. But it eats at us, and we become what we once had nightmares about.”
Audience ⚔ NA/Adult
Genre ⚔ contemporary fantasy
POV ⚔ third person limited, dual POV
Status ⚔ second draft
⚔ Themes ⚔ 
childhood trauma, how parents/authority fail us, emerging adulthood, unhealthy coping mechanisms, taking control of your life, emotional abuse, (some) acephobia
⚔ Interest Tags ⚔ 
chosen one subversion, dual POV, character-oriented, superhero(ish) powers, enemies to lovers, found family, queer cast, bi4bi and ace4ace M/F, touch averse MC, varied asexual experiences
⚔ Quick Summary ⚔
An adult “Chosen One” deals with the realization that the organization she dedicated her childhood to and is currently working for caused her incredible harm. At the same time, her presumed dead mortal enemy courts her in order to break his friend’s little sister out of the same organization. Although she doesn’t initially know who he is, through the other’s influence, they both start coming to terms with the violent upbringings that pitted them against each other as children.
Technically a romance, but at its core, it’s about how parents and authority fail us and how to move past childhood trauma to build the life we want. An expansion on the Chosen One trope for an older audience, centering on emerging adulthood and learning to take care of yourself.
Full summary and POV characters under the cut. 
Comment or message me to join the taglist.
⚔ Full Synopsis ⚔
The Touched are dangerous.
Or at least, that’s what Eris was always taught. It’s not their fault – violence and apathy is simply their nature, and only through rigorous training and careful outside control can they overcome these instincts. Eris was one of the lucky ones, found and whisked away by the Registry at a young age, taught to expel her pent up rage and aggression to defend humanity from her own kind, a perfectly controlled killing machine.
Growing up, all she ever wanted was to be better, to be human and normal. And it’s right there, right around the corner in the form of a nemesis left to die, a job training Touched youth, and an engagement to the Registry Head’s daughter. Her dream is finally within reach… So why does she feel more trapped and alone than ever?
Everything Eris thought she knew about herself, her world, and her desires is falling apart at the seams. And the only one who seems willing to listen is a strangely familiar man who she exchanges numbers with at a Registry party.
Maybe she’s giving in to the darkness, just like they always said she would.
Or maybe she’s just growing up.
⚔ POV Characters ⚔
⚔ Eris Farrow ⚔ 
A Touched young woman with super strength and stamina raised by the Registry. Her dreams for a normal, human life are thrown into doubt when her relationship with her girlfriend begins to unravel and she is made privy to the inner workings of the Registry, forcing her to look at her life and childhood with new eyes.
⚔ Kade Kipling ⚔
A Touched young man who can distort time. He grew up evading the Registry with others like him, often coming head-to-head with other Touched in the process. Forced into patterns of violence and apathy by his circumstances, he seizes his first chance to fade into obscurity, only for an old ally’s need to drag him back into the world he loathes.
⚔ Comments ⚔
This project has been my baby for just over a year now, I’m extremely attached to this cast and this story through all its changes. The plan is to share more character info and some worldbuilding, as well as some quotes as I progress through the second draft. (Which has undergone a complete plot, pacing, and world upheaval since the first. This is now one book of two instead of a standalone! And with some different characters!)
It is technically a romance plotline, but for me, what’s more central is the individual development of Eris and Kade and how they are aided by a willingness to open up to another person and see themselves through the eyes of another. Yes, their relationship becomes romantic, but to me, that’s more because they are written to be the same person under different circumstances, and them choosing to love and care for the other is them choosing to love and care for themself. I love them both dearly, and hope you love them too.
Feel free to hit me up with even the most random questions or comments, This is a deeply personal project for me, and I’m very excited to share! <3
WIP page with additional characters and themes linked in the reblogs, as well as links to the (somwhat outdated) Pinterest board and WIP tag. (Look, the first draft of this looked... VERY DIFFERENT.)
Comment or message me to join the taglist.
Taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @lockejhaven, @magic-is-something-we-create, @measlywritingblog, @writeblrsupport
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