#i used a heating pad and then a massager to loosen the muscle and it's helped
troglobite · 1 year
everybody: stop hunching over your laptop, it'll hurt your neck and back
me, laying on my side earlier: [subluxes a rib and causes an intense muscle spasm]
me now: [hunched over laptop in one of two positions that Don't Fucking Hurt]
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narutomaki · 1 year
I wish I could use my laptop in bed!!!! but I can't maintain the sitting angle I need and end up hurting myself
BUT MY DESK CHAIR. ALSO HURTS ME. bcus km fat as ruin the cushioning. and nothing over there is actually ergonomic for my height and I need to use like 6 sketchbooks stacked to get the visuals even close so I don't shrimp over and hurt myself even more
because that's what caused it this time!!! I was too passionate about learning 3d modeling/blender and didn't get up enough or sit right and them when I did move and stood too fast.
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like I feel ridiculous my partner can sit at their computer ALL DAY/NIGHT (like 8+ hours) and not feel a thing in their back and I sit for 3 or 4 hours and DIE
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sukunastoy · 2 years
Are you scared? Good. (TF!Sukunaxfem!reader, 18+ MDNI)
Pairing: True Form Sukunaxfem!reader. Synopsis: You witness the godly sight that is Sukuna exiting the hotsprings near his shrine, and you decide to pleasure yourself to the sight. However, nothing goes unnoticed by the King, and he doesn't approve of your selfish actions. WC: < 1K A/N: I think I just got super horny in my thoughts last night and needed to get it out, so I decided to share with the class.
CW: Nudity, forced to cum, non-con, fingering f!receiving (anal and vaginal), double penetration, multiple orgasms, cruel intentions, etc. Its TF Sukuna, he's a mean mother fucker.
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Me just thinking about true form Sukuna, who caught you staring at him while he got out of the hot-springs near his shrine one evening. How you were so flustered and heated at his appeal, gawking at his muscles and the set of thick cocks hanging between his massive thighs.
You could only imagine how it would feel to be stuffed beyond comprehension as he fucked you like a useless slut. But of course, that was a dangerous desire! No way it would work as you’d most likely be torn apart from two unforgiving girths. Still, the fantasy could be in your mind, leaving you unharmed, right?
Settling for just fingering yourself at the sight, you wasted no time in parting your clothes to reach your hand down towards your quivering heat, already feeling your slick oozing out of your folds.
But, wait. You thought the King wouldn't notice you nearby? And you thought you could stare at him and pleasure yourself to the sight of him? How wrong you were…
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Now he has you pinned to the ground, smooshing the side of your tear soaked face into the dirt as he’s ripping your clothes off with ease, humming in satisfaction with what is going to be his.
One of his large hands slaps your ass so painfully the sting jolts through you and out of your mouth as a scream.
“Arch your fucking back, and keep your ass up. I want to look at what belongs to me now.”
The fantasy that you didn’t want to become a reality was suddenly happening as two of his hands gripped onto each side of your ass, spreading the plump mounds of flesh painfully apart to expose your dripping cunt and your other untouched hole to his unmerciful desires. A thumb from each hand dipped into your pussy, sliding around each other to loosen your walls for him.
Your squirms and whimpers meant nothing his thumbs pulled at each side of your hot cavern, stretching open your cunt as he leaned his face down and spit into the opening, earning a shriek from your quivering lips.
Another hand came to your untouched ass, using some of the slick from your pussy to massage the entrance with the pad of his thumb. For your mercy? Absolutely not.
It would be much easier to shove his cocks into your holes if they were more open and willing. As the digit slides in pass the tight ring of flesh, your body curves in on itself, trying to writhe away from the pain as you cried out. But his fourth hand presses down onto the small of your back, forcing you to arch inwards again so your ass is displayed for him as he wants.
His hot breath is suddenly at your ear and you sob for mercy at the pain he’s barely putting you through. “Oh…what’s wrong? Are you scared?” He cooed softly into your ear, gently nipping at the lobe and causing your skin to litter with goosebumps and the sensation.
Your head shakes abruptly at his words, a fleeting moment of hope that maybe he’ll be less brutal in what he might do to you. “Good.” he laughs cruelly while sitting back to his knees, moving the hand from your back up to your ass as well, dipping his other thumb inside to stretch it far open just like he is doing with your pussy.
Your struggled groans of pain from the intense pressure are lost in the sound of your squelching juices as he fucks your holes with his thick fingers, encouraging your walls to prepare for him.
Seeing the stretched out pink from your cunt suddenly tighten and wrap around his fingers so hungrily, he lets out a deep growl of lust, so aroused by your greedy pussy. “Dirty little slut…I haven’t even fucked you yet and you just came on my fingers, didn't you?”
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While he leans back against a tree, he watches your agonized face in twisted pleasure as he bounces you without mercy on both of his cocks. Your exhausted sobs and gasps for air as he fills you beyond unimaginable limits dance in his ears like a sweet melody.
He studies your face with little emotion, watching how your eyes roll back each time you're forced to cum, just from him lifting you up and down. He's not even thrusted his own hips yet, and you're already falling apart and going dumb from his dicks like a wanton whore.
Your belly bulges out at his girth, leaving no space inside each time he slams you back down to the hilt. You sob desperately for him to stop, to please give you a break, to please at least let you catch your breath. You’ve shamefully cum from him fucking your ass and pussy so many times its as if you have no morals or sense of reality anymore.
He remains lounged, content, with two of his hands firmly guiding your hips, loving the sound of your soaked skin slap down onto his as he uses your body to please his cocks. Just a mindless sleeve to pleasure him.
Those piercing crimson eyes stare at you in humor as his head rests upon the knuckles of one of his hands, and his other hand holds his kiseru to the arrogant grin of his mouth.
The more you gasp for air and plead for just a shred of mercy, the more entertained he is. Your tear filled eyes look to his as you whine from your throat, and he pulls his kiseru from his lips, slowly exhaling the smoke towards you and into your face without remorse.
“Such a whiny fucking whore.”
As you coughed from the smoke invading your lungs, he suddenly let out a hiss of intense pleasure, feeling your gummy walls constrict tightly around his cocks each time you cough.
A wicked smirk cracks across his face while watching you succumb to another orgasm, your cunt and ass sucking on his girths so harshly, making you feel even fuller. It sends pleasure through your core, leaving your exhausted body shaking as you squealed from the force of it.
Feeling so ashamed and defeated, you tightly close your eyes, letting sobs of torment spill from your lips as your pussy is so hot at this point you feel as if it could melt. However, Sukuna reaches a hand forward and suddenly grips onto your jaw painfully, shaking your face to make you open your eyes.
“Fucking look at me while I use you. I want to see the hope fade from your eyes as you realize your only purpose in life from here on out is to be a set of holes for my cocks."
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Thanks for reading! Comments and reblogs appreciated!
⭐(Vocab alert: Incase anyone isn't familiar... A Kiseru is a long, Japanese smoking pipe...See it here!)⭐
Check out my masterlist for more content here!
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kafus · 4 months
For the jaw pain, you may have been clenching in your sleep. Holding one of your warmed friends near your jaw for a bit should help loosen the muscles so you can massage them, open your mouth and then by your ear where you feel your jaw open give it a gentle massage. Rinse and repeat. It's okay to be going through what you are, take it easy ✨ if it gets worse, your dentist could make you a night guard to help. It just sits on your lower teeth to prevent any grinding damage.
unfortunately i have a really severe gag reflex that pretty much prevents me from using night guards, it's been suggested to me before. but it's definitely probably that and i'm using my heating pad and rest to deal with it (and the occasional warmie like u said lmao)
thank u ! honestly hearing its gonna be okay from anyone rn means a lot because i have been constantly teetering on the edge of AAA IT'LL NEVER GET BETTER AAAAA
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aceofwhump · 9 months
Hi Ace! So this isn't strictly whump related but do you have any tips for coping with back pain when it comes to spending a lot of time at the computer? I'm trying to take advantage whilst I have some free time to get ahead with whumptober and day three of working on my whumptober sets and my back is freaking killing me. (My legs are aching too honestly lol). No way I can keep going like this for the next month or so 😭
Oh my god nonny you have definitely come to the right place because I suffer from back pain myself due to my larger than average sized chest. So yes I do have some tips for dealing with back pain. I mostly deal with upper back pain just fyi.
Okay so first of all make sure you pay attention to your posture while you work. Maybe set an alarm on your phone to go off once an hour or something that reminds you to sit up and pull your shoulders back and stretch. The longer you stay hunched over the more pain you're gonna have. So make sure you sit up straight often. Seriously your posture is so important and can cause a lot of pain. Try and make sure your spine is straight and if you do hunch as much as I do then just remember to take a few minutes to straighten up and stretch.
One thing that helps me with that (besides the alarm) is to use pillows behind my back. I've got one of those bed pillows which helps a lot when I use my laptop on my bed and I have another smaller pillows that I'll stick behind me when I sit in chairs. Gives my back some support and helps keep my posture straight.
So that's some preventative but for when you're already in pain there's a few things I do to help myself.
First thing I do is take some over the counter pain meds like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (i usually go for ibuprofen though). I'll also use any cream with menthol in it (like Bengay) and rub it on my muscles which provides a nice cool sensation and relieves pain. Can be a little intense though so beware.
When it's really bad (like so pain i'm gonna cry bad) I'll do all of that and then lay down on the ground on my back so it's nice and straight and place an ice pack underneath me and just numb the fuck out it for like 15 or 20 minutes. A heating pad or a warm shower can also help if it persists. And hell sometimes I just go to a family member and ask them to massage my back muscles. I have back pain so often they don't even bat an eye at me anymore lol.
Some kind of combination of all of that usually helps the pain.
There's also some stretches you can do the loosen up the muscles and prevent/relieve pain. This site has a lot of the simple stretches I do. Yoga has some good pain relief poses as well.
Hope that helps! Good luck on you whumptober!!
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i-call-me-clarence · 2 months
You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but you sometimes posted about fibro and do you have any tips on managing it? Because ow ow ow ow
I’m so sorry you’re going through this too Dx It really sucks (huge understatement). Here’s what I’ve found that can help:
Suggestions below the cut
For Pain:
Arnicare gel is a g-d send! Rub it into where your muscle or skin hurts and it can give at least some relief! Sometimes a whole lot!
Tiger/Eagle balm can also be used for sore muscles. Try a little at first if you’re not used to it and then slather that stuff on when you know you can handle it. It gets quite hot but helps a lot.
TENS machine. For those does when your back is just a mess of pain and muscle knots. Start on the lowest setting and work your way up.
Herbal heating pads. When combined with the tens machine before or after, the heat really helps soothe those messed up muscles.
Lidocaine patches. They work soooo well! Just slap one on where it hurts and leave it for up to 12 hours (unless stated otherwise on the box) and don’t put more than three on (unless stated otherwise on the box)
Kratom. It can have some bad side effects down the road, like hair loss if you end up getting addicted and taking a lot. Just monitor your intake and try and use it sparingly. It helps incredibly with fibro pain tho, stops it dead. I take it without issue, my sister became addicted. She takes it whenever she feels dysphoria, which is at least 20 times a day so… just don’t do that. Mix half a teaspoon into water and go from there, upping the dose by half a tea spoon each time if you’re not feeling the effects. In lower doses it can act as a stimulate so if that’s happening just up the dose until you get to a pain relief level. To potentiate the effects, mix in tumeric and lime juice and maybe even cayenne pepper to really make it work.
Soft fabric for when your skin feels like it’s burned.
NO TIGHT CLOTHING! This includes socks! Make sure everything is loose, at least for when you’re flaring up. Pressure equals pain, remember that.
Someone to massage muscle knots out. Have them use lotion or a massage oil if using their hands, if using tennis balls (which work great to get the knots out) you can skip that. They need to apply at least ten seconds of pressure to loosen the knot.
Cannabis. Whether it’s the real stuff or some legal knock off where you live, this has helped more than absolutely anything. Flower tends to work best for me, but edibles can help as well. Try the different products, give tinctures a try, and see what works best for you.
For stomach pain you can chew some Benadryl to numb your stomach to allow you to eat. Start with one and work up til you reach the numbing effects you need. Do not go over four 25 mg tablets.
A cane. Sometimes walking is just going to be painful no matter what we do. Using a cane, walker, or wheelchair can help immensely. The same goes for when we’re too tired to move. Don’t be afraid of what others will think of you! Fuck ‘em! I know it’s scary and occasionally someone might accuse you of faking, but this is not about them, it’s about making it through our day causing the least amount of damage to ourselves possible.
Memory foam mattress. Spring mattresses will create pressure spots across your body. It’s not called princess and the pea syndrome for no reason.
For fatigue:
Green tea. Caffeine can increase pain sensitivity so you have to be careful with this one. Have up to five cups a day. It can also kick start your metabolism which is good for us since it can be hard to lose weight (or gain it yay paradoxes!!)
And not to be a dick but… exercise. The more we stay still the more we’re going to. An object in motion stays in motion and all that jazz. DONT OVER DO IT! Start very easy. I’d suggest Thai chi or yoga. They make them for people of all movement capabilities. Walking is also a good idea but I wouldn’t walk more than a block at first. For me walking too far can cause bad hip and knee pain. Thai chi is much easier on the body imo.
Vitamins. Sometimes we’re feeling weak because fibro just looooves to ignore nutrients in the things we eat. Taking vitamins and most importantly D-3 so you can absorb those vitamins is very important.
Rest. I just told you to exercise and now I’m telling you to rest, whaaaat? Getting enough rest is one of the most important things you can do to help with fatigue and pain. BUT NEVER DOUBLE SLEEP! The dreaded second sleep pain is horrible! If you wake up for more than 30 min I’m so sorry but stay awake for at least a few hours. If you go back to sleep when you wake up you’ll feel swollen and achey and awful! Naps can be dangerous because of this too. Learn your body and your ideal sleep cycle. Mine is six hours of sleep. Seven starts to hurt, anything beyond that and I don’t wanna get outta bed in the morning when I wake up Dx
Avoid coffee. For me at least coffee worsens pain symptoms and makes me more tired when it wears off. If you’re adamant it works for you try cutting it out for a week or two and see if you see an improvement in your symptoms. No two fibro bodies are exactly the same so it might actually work for you.
This is the experimental section:
So since people with fibro tend to sundown with their pain (pain gets worse at night) I’ve thought of trying a sun lamp to simulate sunlight at night. I have not tried this and have no idea if it will work.
Various mushrooms. I’ve tried one for pain and it helped a bit but I can remember for the life of me what it’s called. A quick google search will show you all sorts of mushrooms for pain. Chaga and lionsmane come to mind, tho I have not tried these.
In conclusion: EXPERIMENT! Try different things, try all the things! Fibro is a crappy journey we’re forced to go on, but we can find aids to help us just like with other disabilities. We just have to not give up! I would recommend keeping a pain journal and also listing what you tried for pain. Record your pain number before you take whatever you’re going to to help, then a while later record your pain number again. You might not think it’s helping but sometimes things will knock the number down by a point or two. If so it’s worth exploring more.
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orthopedicsurgeon1 · 3 months
8 Ways to Prevent and Alleviate Back Pain During Pregnancy
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During pregnancy, many women experience discomfort in their backs due to the added weight of their stomachs and the strain on their spines. The body also produces a hormone called relaxin, which helps prepare the body for childbirth by loosening ligaments, making pregnant women more susceptible to injury, particularly in the back.
Back pain is common during pregnancy, especially in the later months, and it can be quite distressing. However, it's important not to dismiss your aches and pains as part of the normal pregnancy experience. You can do several things to prevent or alleviate back pain during pregnancy.
Causes of Back Pain
Fluctuations in weight, changes in posture, and pregnancy hormones can all contribute to back pain during pregnancy. The hormone relaxin, in particular, causes ligament laxity, especially where the pelvis and spine meet. This loosening of ligaments is necessary to prepare the baby for birth but can also cause joint instability and back pain.
As the baby's weight increases, so does the strain on the spine and pelvic regions. Most women gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy, and as the uterus expands, it shifts the center of gravity, leading to postural changes and putting additional strain on the back.
Diagnosis of Back Pain
The risks to the developing fetus may limit the ability to diagnose back pain during pregnancy. Due to these concerns, healthcare providers may be hesitant to perform imaging tests on pregnant women.
The best way to diagnose back pain is by taking a comprehensive history of the symptoms and performing a thorough examination to assess the function of the spinal muscles, joints, and nerves. X-rays are avoided during fetal development, especially between 8 and 15 weeks, due to the high dose of exposure to the fetus. Fluoroscopy and CT scans are also generally avoided due to the potential risks.
While MRI imaging can be done more safely during pregnancy, it is generally avoided due to potential risks.
Preventing and Alleviating Back Pain During Pregnancy
Exercise Regularly
Regular physical activity can help strengthen the muscles that support your back and legs, improve flexibility, and promote better posture. Focus on gentle movements that are not painful.Physical therapy programs often emphasize improving posture, increasing range of motion, flexibility, and muscle strength.
Lift Correctly
Avoid lifting heavy objects or seek help when lifting large items. If you need to lift something, do not bend over from the waist. Instead, use your legs to lift by squatting with your legs bent and your back straight.
Avoid Wearing High Heels
Opt for low-heeled shoes with arch support. High heels and flat shoes should be avoided. Your doctor may recommend using specific shoe insoles to help treat low back pain.
Consider Complementary Techniques
Be sure first to obtain clearance from your doctor. Techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, massage, osteopathic manipulative therapy, and chiropractic treatments by a practitioner specializing in pregnancy are considered safe.
Sleep on Your Left Side
Sleep on your side with one or both legs bent. You may also find placing a pillow between your legs and another under your tummy helpful. Ensure you get adequate sleep as well.
Wear Supportive Belts
Wearing a pregnancy support belt can provide extra abdominal and back support. Additionally, you can place a small cushion behind your lower back or use chairs with adequate back support.
Apply Cold Packs
Use a heating pad wrapped in a towel to avoid burns and apply it to the affected area for a maximum of 20 minutes. Cold packs can also help relieve back pain.
Maintain Good Posture
Stand or sit up straight, and avoid long periods of sitting or standing. If you need to stand for an extended period, try placing one foot on a stool or a box to help relieve back tension.
Back pain usually resolves on its own after childbirth. However, if you experience back pain that persists for more than two weeks during your pregnancy, consult your doctor. They can help confirm or rule out any underlying issues and provide appropriate medical or other interventions.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
Okay well this is me requesting the bench press fix blurb whatever it is lol, I don’t mind if there’s no smut, up to you and how you feel while writing it, thanks!
Both Fucking Bench Press || T.H.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, 69, filthy, cum eating(obvi), oral both fem and masc receiving
Word Count: 1650
A/n: Third installment of my accidental series about Y/n and readers at home gym debauchery, I don't know how this came to be but you guys seemed to love it so I hope you like this one just as well. It isn't necessary to read these but this is part 1 and 2: Mouth Fucking Pushups Mother Fucking Squats
give feedback here and read more here
At this point you and Tom should have learned that you are incapable of working out together, it was always gonna end up with pants on the floor and cum smeared faces but you let that slip your mind as you both made your way down to the in home gym, preparing for your respective workout routines. You knew it wasn’t going to end with you both having completed your planned activities but you also knew that it was going to end with you having had some form of work out, a much more pleasurable one than you had mapped out.
You wished that you could have held out longer than you did, laying on the floor trying to focus more on the burn in your abs than the soft grunts of exertion that were leaving Tom’s perfect lips but your attempts were useless, back falling onto the padded floor one final time and bending your neck backwards, catching a glimpse of Tom over your shoulder, your eyes able to see directly up the leg of his loose fitting workout shorts. You could see all the way to the swell of his peachy bum and where the hair on his legs got thicker as it hit around the base of his dick. Your mind wandered as you noted this, why wasn’t he wearing boxers?
You pushed up from where you had lain, standing up and moving towards Tom, swinging one leg over his waist and bracketing Tom’s hips with your knees, your cunt hovering just above his apparently already hard cock. Tom’s eyes widened at your sudden presence but didn’t question it, racking up the bar and eyeing your finger as it scratched its way down his chest tantalizingly slow. His sore hand grabbed your wrist gently, bringing it to his lips and placing a soft kiss to the flesh just over where he could feel your heartbeat.
“What are you doing, love?” Tom muttered, eyes you through the shade of his interwoven lashes.
“Wondering” your response was short, prompting a raised eyebrow and a nip at your skin.
“What are you wondering?” you shook your hand free of Tom’s gentle grip, going to squeeze his flexed muscle as you leaned forward, lips dancing like a flame near his own as you uttered your inquiry.
“Could my superhero boyfriend bench press me?” your eyes were locked with his as you spoke but flickered downwards as finished, watching how his lip became entrapped between his teeth, a wicked grin over taking his face as his hands trailed down your sides, gripping into your hips and picking you up. Tom’s biceps flexed deliciously as he hoisted you up above him, pressing you up so your abdomen was above his face, shirt loosening and exposing the sweaty skin to his eager eyes. He had been watching you, you just didn’t realize, like before when he had placed himself between your legs and the moment devolved in your cunt smearing across his face.
“He most definitely can” Tom growled, unlocking the joint of his elbow and letting you lower towards his face, your legs straightened out so you didn’t fall off of his flattened palms as he pressed you back up again.
“Holy fuck” the words slipped past you lips on instinct, in pure awe of your partners strength, the exhibition of his power sending a heat to the plush between your legs, hieghtening the sensation of your heartbeat in you finger tips as you held them out, head ducked down to be able to witness the strain and tensing of Tom’s bicep, loving how if moved under his taught tan skin.
“Holy fuck is right” Tom uttered and you heard the swish of his unfitted workout shorts, drawing your eyes to the prominent bulge that laid beneath the breathable fabric, bringing your mind back to the glimpse of him that you saw earlier from your position of the floor.
“You’re hard” you didn’t realize the words were coming out of your mouth until you heard Tom chuckle, legs shifting with anticipation and need.
“Uh, yeah, I um, yeah” Tom choked on his words, the rare spark of anxiety burning in his chest as if you hadn’t rode his face and he hadn’t fucked your mouth in the last month.
“I’m soaking” you muttered in assurance, an appeal to help douse the flame of insecurity that your boyfriend seemed to be fueling and it seemed to snap him right out of it, his eyes widening immediately.
“Yeah?” the tone of his voice had completely changed, and shred of doubt dissipating entirely as he twisted your body above his, spinning you like a baton as if it was the easiest thing in the world ceasing as your bodies laid parallel, pointing in opposite directions. “Let me see” the sly syllables trailed past his lips as he brought you down, your knees instinctively bending and resting on the work out bench so that your knees bracketed Tom’s face.
Tom’s cock was in your face, trapped beneath the constraining fabric of his shorts, an alluring sight that had your mouth watering instantly. You pressed one hand into the cushioned bench, using your other hand to cup his cock, his length practically jumped at your touch. A shiver etched its way down your spine as Tom’s fingers curled into the hem of your pants, tugging down at the tight fabric, your panties coming with, as he exposed your core to himself, and your description was apt, you were soaking.
“Fuck, baby, you’re not just soaking your dripping” his hands massaged yoru ass cheeks as he pulled you down close to his facd, close enough that his tongue was able to swipe through your folds and gather your arousal in his tongue, the taste earning a hum from the depths of his chest. A strangled moan escaped your mouth and Tom joined in, the sensation forcing your hand to tighten around his hard on.
“Tommy, are we-” you stopped, choking on the fact that Tom’s lips were now wrapped around your bundle of nerves, sucking as he let kitten licks press through his pout. “Are we going to do this?” you were finally able to get out, your hand shaking as pleasure coursed through your veins, fingers slipping underneath the fabric and near Tom’s heated cock, pulling down the waistband till it was resting beneath Tom’s balls.
“I thought we already were,” he mumbled, his face still buried in your cunt as he traced your folds with the flexed tip of his tongue. You smiled widely as you listened to Tom’s words, leaning down and taking Tom’s leaking tip into your mouth, the salty taste of precum blooming across your taste buds as you began to suck intently. Your actions made Tom moan loudly into your cunt, jaw opening wide and sending the humming sensation through your cunt. His cock was heavy on your tongue, the weightiness of emboldened and libido flushed flesh. You were both devolving into moaning messes, spit and arousal dripping mouth and cunt alike, an exchange of the most animalistic kind, and it was burning its way through you. The fact that when you bent your head just right, licking at the side of his cock with intensity, you could watch Tom eat you from between your bodies was exciting and intensifying every freeling your body was experiencing.
Tom dragged his tongue from your clits, swirling the taught muscle downwards till it drew circles of your spasming entrance, teasing the hole as he dipped into it slowly. He rocked his head as he did so, pressing the crook of his nose to your clit but it wasn’t enough to satiate him, he needed more, yearning to drown between your thighs. His hands snaked their way around your thighs, pulling you down towards him as he pressed down on the rounds of your ass. The pressure on your clit eased the pain of desire and fed the flames of your orgasm that were dancing in your lower abdomen.
“Tommy!” you whimpered, pulling off of his cock just enough to be able to moan out his name, a warning that you were close and you knew that he was as well purely by the way he was humming into your cunt and how his cock was twitching in front of your face.
“Me too baby, let go” he assured, as you took his cock back into your mouth you felt the world shatter around you, the only real feeling was that of Tom’s tongue and his dick in your mouth, sliding in and out as you somehow managed to maintain the movement even through the mind bending pleasure. You both came hard, your juices being lapped up as Tom continued to relentlessly lick, your mouth filling with cum as hot white strings painted the inside of your mouth, the salty tang grounding you from slipping off into a pleasure induced haze.
Eventually you had both drained yourselves, no energy left in your euphoric bodies as you somehow ended up on the floor of the room. Your chin pressed into Tom’s pec as you looked up at him with largely dilated pupils and he looked back at you with the same.
“I don’t think we can work out together anymore, Tommy” you muttered, your fingers tracing indiscernible patterns across his heaving chest.
“What? Why?” Tom asked, his arms wrapping around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him.
“Well it never really ends up with us working out” you tried to remind him.
“But doesn’t it though? Cause I feel like I worked out and your legs are still shaking like you squatted 1000 pounds, so I actually think we should work out together more” Tom chuckled, pinching your side and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You are insatiable” you poked him back.
“And you like it”
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pasteljeon · 4 years
core pride (m)
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❥ summary: ot7 where you’re rich and lonely so you adopt 7 hybrids. chaos ensues.
❥ genre: hybrid au, wolf!namjoon, tuxedo cat!yoongi, golden retriever!hoseok, tiger!taehyung, calico cat!jimin, bunny!jungkook, honey bear!jin
❥ warnings: brief description of assault/violence, panty sniffing, sub jimin, sub jungkook, ur once again the meat in the jikook sammich, bathtub sex, lotta angst, some fluff
❥ length: 6.6k
❥ notes: tis my first ever attempt at a hybrid au. please be kind :( let me know what you think <3
Winter, Year 20XX
The car beeps quietly, the sound piercing the stillness of the night as you glance up, watching as the powdered flakes flutter silently onto your coat. They sparkle in the muted glow of the streetlamp, soaking your hair and tickling your eyelashes.
Snow crunches beneath your boots, your steps freshly printed upon a new layer as you make your way to the door.
It is pointless to try and enter without perforating the peace. There are no lights on, but that is only because they do not need the artificial shine to recognize your silhouette. The sound of the tires pulling into the driveway, the slow beat of your heart, the steady rising and falling of your chest, the smell of damp clothing, the sweet touch of your shampoo and something indescribably you. They know it is you.
“Noona!” The faint, rapid thumping fades as his strong arms wrap around you, ignoring your muffled protests and burying his face in the crook of your neck. Another pair of arms circle your waist, a shiver whispering through your body at the feel of soft lips against the top of your ear.
“Hello, boys,” you sigh, the weariness weighing heavily on your limbs as you sink into their embrace. “You’re getting yourselves wet …”
“We missed you,” the one behind you disregards your weak attempt at chastising them, tail curling around your arm as he scatters featherlight kisses onto your jaw.
Jungkook says nothing, hands fumbling with the belt of your thick coat. He helps you shrug it off, hanging it on the side to dry.
One hand in each, they lead you to the master bathroom, carefully guiding you in the absence of light. As you pass the living room, you notice another body peeking from the corner.
Slitted eyes linger in the pressing darkness, raking over you once, and disappearing on your next blink.
The candles flicker, the lavender scent soothing and casting a warm yellowed glow to the room and you stop to touch Jungkook’s cheek. He exhales shakily, nuzzling your hand. One ear droops, covering the left side of his face, as if to hide his insecurity.
Jimin walks forward respectfully, twisting the knob to adjust the temperature until it is deemed appropriate and waits, perched on the porcelain, for the tub to fill, before dropping a rose bath bomb into it.
“Oh, bunny,” you murmur, watching sadly as he sniffles. Jungkook scrubs his eyes furiously, almost angry at his uncharacteristic show of emotion.
His body sags, arms clutching your waist tightly as he kisses you back hard, tasting salt and copper.
“Sorry,” he whispers, forehead pressed against yours. He dips his head to suckle the bite on your lower lip, running his tongue over it lovingly.
“Take off your shirt,” you say in response. He obeys, lifting his arms as his shirt comes off, fluttering to the ground. He arches at the feel of your hands running down his front. The deep ridges of his stomach are thrown in sharp relief in the shadowed light. This is what he has been working on, you realize, as your fingers dig into the defined v-lines that dip into his sweats. Jungkook whines at the pressure, body jerking as he staggers onto you. His skin is hot, and a shudder ripples down his spine when your palm meets his pectoral to steady him.
“Get in the tub, baby,” you say. Jungkook moves as if underwater, lethargic in the heat that knots his stomach. He kicks his sweats off, nothing underneath, and sinks into the hot water with a lewd groan.
Jimin rises at the sound of your voice, shirt gone in the next instant as he sinks to his knees before you. His gaze is reverent, tender, his touch gentle but firm as he strips you slowly. Covering every inch of bare skin revealed with his lips as he unbuttons your blouse, unclips your bra and unzips your skirt. His nose presses against your panties, inhaling deeply as his tongue flicks out to scent your core. The sight is obscene, so dirty it is enough to make you blush, if you were new to Jimin’s obsession with your taste.
“Smell so good,” he pants, suckling your clit through the soaked fabric. The bulge in his boxers is mouth-watering, and you can already feel the weight of his cock pressed against your tongue. His tail twines your ankle, and you stifle a moan at his feverish licks.
“In the tub, love,” you say softly, tugging at his black locks. Jimin mews and nods, shoving his briefs off before settling in the water next to Jungkook. They watch with hungry gazes as you step out of your panties and sink into the bath leisurely.
They wait, unmoving and hardly breathing, as you close your eyes, body loosening as the heat soaks into your sore muscles.
When the ache lessens, you stand, the water line edging just below your breasts, them greedily consuming the sight of the droplets sliding down your shoulder blades and perked nipples as you make your way to him.
Jungkook watches with half-lidded eyes, expression dazed and thoroughly fucked out already despite the minimal stimulation thus far. Your bunny, so easily tamed and pleased, with a sex drive so intense you could scarcely surface for a moment’s rest.
“Nnng,” he gasps when you flatten your palms to his pecs, raking your nails over his nubs. His chest pushes out to seek your punishing touch despite his furrowed eyebrows and cherry-bitten lips as if unable to decide if the stimulus was welcomed or not.
His cock, still impossibly hard, nudges your entrance from below the water. Jungkook has the audacity to blush when he feels it. “I—I’m—mmf,” his apology is swallowed by your kiss, his eyes rolling back as he keens into your mouth.
An arm snakes around to cup your right breast, thumbing your nipple. “Ahh,” Jimin hisses, biting back a needy whimper when you grip his cock.
He presses himself against you, the heat of him bleeding into your back. “My pain slut,” you coo as you release Jungkook. The bunny hybrid slumps back, lips slick with drool as he grinds desperately against you, gaze unfocused.
Your collective sounds echo delightfully in the wide expanse of the room, water splashing over the edges of the tub as the movement of their hips push waves swelling over the surface. They cannot resist the innate urge to brand evidence of their devotion onto your skin, the marks blooming and scattering like the wind over your thighs, stomach, and neck. Between two hard, hot bodies, they grip you with strong arms and you throw your head back, a faltering gasp caught in your throat as Jungkook ducks his head, dark locks plastered to his forehead, to sear a new constellation on your collarbones. Jimin’s sharp teeth are coaxing another violet flower to bloom across your jugular.
Your legs tremble when you finish, exhaustion seeping deep into your bones. The two seem to exchange silent conversation, and Jimin sets you down gingerly before allowing Jungkook to scoop you up. He steps out of the bath, the water a quarter of its initial level.
You open your mouth to protest, but Jimin kisses the pad of your finger. “It’s okay, noona, I’ve got it.”
Jungkook carefully helps you into the shower, the tiles cool against your burning skin. You lean heavily against him, smiling as he rubs your nose with his affectionately. Reaching for the shampoo, he works up a gentle lather, massaging your scalp soothingly. You sigh blissfully, closing your eyes briefly before stretching for the soap, running it over his abdomen.
The frosted glass opens quietly as Jimin steps inside, having finished draining the water. Jungkook rinses your hair, and you turn to Jimin to drizzle some on his while the younger scrubs at his curls. A faint thumping sound can be heard again when you rub Jungkook’s ears. He flushes hotly at your soft giggle.
By the time you are all finally clean and properly bathed, you are feeling slightly more refreshed and awake.
“Thank you. My good boys,” you whisper, kissing the crown of their heads. You smooth over their fringes, smiling fondly down at them. They are sharing the same room tonight, too tired to fight over who would warm your bed. Jimin purrs sleepily, and Jungkook merely blinks up at you tiredly, doe eyes soft and sweet.
“Sweet dreams.”
“Hey. Sorry I’m so late.” He stirs at the sound of your voice, hushed and melodic, eyes remaining closed even as his ear flicks. The mattress sinks slightly under the added weight.
“They were really worried,” he rumbles, raspy from the drag of sleep. “I know.” You stroke his hair, and he chuffs happily, melting. It has been three months already, and yet you have made little progress with some, while others still suffer from severe anxiety whenever you were away for too long. With your chosen field of study, that adjustment was difficult. Today has likely been one of the worst. You know because you are almost six hours late, and there is a stratum of palpable tension that lines the atmosphere of the house, one only slightly weakened by the physical announcement of your return.
“Tell us next time,” Taehyung murmurs, tail winding around your bicep. “Please. They were almost beside themselves. It took hours to calm them down. I worry about you.”
“I will. I’m sorry.” He accepts your chaste kiss as an apology, fatigued as he is. He is already drifting off, hugging the pillow close to him as you shut the door quietly behind you.
Namjoon is on the balcony when you find him. Like his counterpart, he is almost immune to the cold, with only a shirt and shorts. He is gazing at the stars, or what little of it is visible through the smog of the city. His ear twitches when you enter, but he makes no other indication he is aware of your presence.
You draw your shawl closer to your body, moving to stand a few feet apart, knowing he is still wary of you. It has not been easy, this tentative truce. The two of you are still fostering trust. Such a fragile concept, you think. So gruelling a task to establish, yet so easily destroyed.
“I was wondering if I needed to tell the others to pack again.”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you answer, smile crooked. You know he is trying. It is a joke, if you ever heard him utter one.
He finally looks at you. “Okay,” is all he says. His dimples crease, so you know to read between the lines to hear he really means; good.
“Good night, Namjoon.”
“Good night, owner.”
“I’m glad to see you’re okay.” Seokjin offers you a small smile, the one that makes his cheeks plump up like a loaf of bread.
“Thank you.” He lays back down, still watching you cautiously, as if to ready himself in case you struck. Your heart twinges a little, but there is not much you can do tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. You will try all over again tomorrow.
“We really like it here,” the hybrid blurts suddenly. He coughs, embarrassed, as his honeyed skin reddens. You laugh, the ache softening just a bit.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
“Don’t. I don’t care. I was just checking if it was burglar or some shit,” the older of the two grumbles without even turning to you. He is a lump in the dark, curled up in the middle of his bed.
Hoseok simply rolls over.
You take a breath. Tomorrow. You will start all over again tomorrow.
Tonight, you just want to sleep.
“Good morning, noona!”
You smile as the two bound over to kiss either side of your cheek. The mixture of maple syrup, butter and batter must have woken them up, and if they are up, it is likely the other boys are just moments short from trickling in.
“Sleep well?” You place two plates on the table, clearing your laptop and files to the coffee table. One is heaping with pancakes, the other is reasonably stacked.
Jungkook finishes one in a single gulp, and beams. “It’s really good!” You squeeze his hand in gratitude before returning to the stove to finish making the rest just as the boys begin filtering in.
Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi take their individual seats at the table patiently with their phones in hand.
“Hi, beautiful.” Taehyung slides an arm around your waist, brushing your locks back as he smiles, kissing you softly.
Namjoon trails in, shuffling toward the fridge as he yawns. “Ah—” He fumbles with the tall glass and you watch in slow motion as it falls and shatters on the tiled flooring of your kitchen.
“Are you okay?” You exclaim, switching off the stove immediately and rushing over. Taehyung stops you from picking up the pieces, grabbing the sweeper as you gesture at the hybrid to step to the side with you.
Namjoon is frowning down at his hand, and upon spotting the cut, Seokjin, miles ahead of you, moves to pull the first aid kit in one of your cupboards instantly. The wound is already spewing a fair amount of blood, and you would have been more concerned had he been a man with solely human DNA.
“This will sting a bit,” you warn, but Namjoon does not even flinch as you gingerly wipe the gash with white alcohol soaked in a cotton ball. You wrap a bandage around it firmly, and tell him not to press on it before it fully heals. He mumbles a thank-you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Yoongi standing.
“Wait, Yoongi!” You call, hiding the hurt that flashes across your face when you see him roll his eyes. 
“I have something for you. Please, eat, and I’ll show you.”
Yoongi trails after you reluctantly as you lead him into the right wing of the mansion. It is scarcely used, furniture mostly curtained off with a thin layer of dust coating the surface of the covers. When they had first moved in, you explained it was because the place was big enough without the extra space. There was nothing interesting within, just more hallways and empty rooms.
It was not entirely true.
“My father always preferred the right wing. There’s more sun here, better views. I spent most of my childhood here,” you begin. Yoongi’s mouth tightens, but he does not protest. It is the first you have spoken about yourself beyond the niceties of your job and how your fortune came to be. He listens attentively, even as his tail swishes agitatedly.
“After they passed, I couldn’t see the place the same. I couldn’t live there anymore. The memories haunted me, I suppose,” you continue. “But out of it all, there is one thing I regretted closing off. I think you might be able to find better use for it.”
There is no door, just an impressive awning that leads into what appears to be a ballroom. Each step muted on the polished floors. You keep this room clean, he realizes with a jolt.
Yoongi skids to a stop, heart fluttering at his throat when his gaze falls upon the clothed bulk in the middle. He could recognize that form anywhere, and his face twists when you pull back the silk fabric. The impact frees a stray piece of hair, the lock falling over his eyes. He makes no move to push it back, face paling in horror and anguish.
“Yoongi? Yoongi? Hey, are you okay?” He refocuses to find your worried expression staring at him, your hand shaking his shoulder gently.
Immediately, he jerks his arm out of your hold, baring his teeth as he hisses. “Don’t fucking touch me. I don’t want that shit.” He hurls a venomous look your way, the fur on his tail fluffing out in alarm as he bristles.
“I’m … I’m sorry, I thought—” You are taken aback, hand falling limply to your side as you recoil.
“You thought wrong. You’re better off burning that shit,” Yoongi spits. The anger radiates off him, his ears flattening as he turns on his heel and stalks out.
Snapping out of your stunned daze, you hurry behind him, struggling to catch up, but he has always been lithe and quick on his feet. Yoongi storms through the living room toward his room, startling the boys still loitering in the area when he slams the door loudly. Hoseok gets up immediately and races after him.
They all swivel their attention to you when you arrive moments later, and your expression drops when you realize Yoongi has already disappeared.
“Bogum said he used to play the piano,” you say after a beat, voice small as you stare at your feet. You should be used to the rejection by now, but it still hurts, still makes your heart throb, the disappointment and continual failure swells in your chest like a tumor.
“I have the next three weeks off for the holidays. Let me know if there’s somewhere you’d like to go or something you’d like to buy,” you say flatly, avoiding Jungkook and Jimin’s mirrored concern as you trudge toward your own room.
“___—” You only shake your head, lips pursed. Shame crawls up your spine as you roughly wipe away the tears welling in your eyes. “I’m fine, Tae. I’m just tired. Please wake me at five so I can make dinner.”
Taehyung freezes, hand pausing where it is reaching for you, frown deepening as his heart clinches painfully when he scents the tint of salt in the air.
You shut the door quietly behind you right as your knees give out, collapsing into a heap against the wood. It has been months now, and if anything, your relationship with Yoongi is deteriorating. At some point you think he was starting to tolerate your presence. Hoseok still refuses to so much as acknowledge your existence.
You are just so tired. But Taehyung had begged you, the day you decided to take them in, he had begged you not to give up on them. That they all had personal baggage, trauma enough to drown anyone else. He had asked you to be their lifeline, and you are starting to wonder if you are in over your head after all.
“I wish you would give her a chance. She’s serious about us, you know.” Yoongi snorts, pulling the covers further over his head. “Go away, Taehyung.”
“She’s the one. I know it.”
“She’s just going to toss us on the streets when she’s had her fun. That’s all they do, these rich, bored humans,” Yoongi mutters. He picks at a frayed strand of the quilt he has been meticulously unravelling.
He hears the tiger hybrid sigh, and Yoongi stretches out, resting his head on his arm as he closes his eyes. “Just … please try. She’s a good person. All she’s ever done is try to help us.”
Yoongi grunts, rolling over.
You flinch, nearly cutting off your finger, when Yoongi takes a seat next to you after a week of tensed silence. Life had carried on as usual, with the three that seem to genuinely like you, the two that accept you, and the two that abhor you. You wanted to take them skiing at the alps up north, but Hoseok had dug his heels in and practically growled at you when you tried to suggest it. The youngest had looked so crestfallen you pulled him aside and hugged him, promising you’d take him next year instead, with or without his hyung. You would have gone without him this year, except all your friends had left the country for the holidays and you didn’t want to risk asking a stranger.
“You can’t woo me with gifts,” Yoongi coughs. He is looking away, chin propped on a hand.
“I … wasn’t trying to,” you say slowly, returning to your chopping. You pour the vegetables into a bowl, setting it to the side before you move to the stove, drizzling oil onto the pan.
Yoongi turns to watch you, for the first time a little uncertain as to the way you seem to shy away, avoiding his gaze. You seem almost resigned.
“I’m … sorry.” He cringes at the words. They sound too forced, too cold. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I just … I haven’t played in a long time now.”
You make a noncommittal sound, and Yoongi’s nose twitches at the delicious smell of kimchi stir fry.
“I’d like to maybe … give it another shot. Or something,” he mumbles, rubbing the inside of his wrist absently. It’s one of his anxious ticks.
Your heart leaps, your movements stuttering in surprise. Are you allowed to be hopeful? You want to be.
So you say, “Okay.” And set a bowl before him with a small smile. His lips quirk, head inclining in gratitude.
It is a bit jarring, the way Yoongi lets you sit next to him on the bench. He does not move away, even as his body stiffens.
He’s … trying. He thinks you don’t notice the way his fingers tremble as they are placed on the keys, the way his tail sways restlessly. His ears are flattened to his head, the mere act of sitting at the piano taking a toll. You don’t need hybrid senses to know he is struggling to keep face.
“Hey. Don’t force yourself,” you say softly, Yoongi’s hand jerking when you hesitate in reaching for him. “I … I’m fine. It’s time, anyway.”
Then, he takes a breath, loosens his shoulders and presses down on the keys.
It gets a little better. Yoongi takes the days as they come. He rediscovers his love for the instrument, the first he’s ever played. His first love, if he has ever experienced such a concept.
With it come the memories of loss and grief. He cries for a long time the night after his first performance with you. It was cathartic, almost. Like he could be reborn from the ashes of his sorrow, like the awning hole inside of him could begin to heal, finally. And in some ways, it does.
He finds your company reasonable. Comforting, if he had the balls to admit it to himself. You rarely speak when he plays, just listening, and sometimes he catches you with glistening eyes that you hastily scrub away. His pieces are often melancholic. They were angry at first, full of rage and pain, until that too, was swept by the currents of the storm. He was always so exhausted after each session.
Now he has begun composing something new. You would stand, thanking him in that sweet voice of yours, sometimes quivering and other times a mere whisper. You never pitied him, he knew, but your sadness told him it was time to let go of the past.
He ignores Hoseok’s disapproving gaze every time, opting to pat the space next to him. “This one is a duet. Play with me.”
You look so bewildered he stifles a chuckle. “But I don’t know how to play.”
“I’ll teach you. Come.” You do, and he urges you to relax as he guides your fingers over the correct keys for the first line.
He hasn’t played for the other boys yet. For whatever reason, this feels sacred to just the two of you. It’s peaceful. He wants to keep it this way, just for a little while longer.
“It’s Christmas in three days. Would you guys like to celebrate?”
They look so excited. Even Hoseok glances up from his laptop to consider your proposal. In the background, Seokjin sneezes loudly. You throw his room a sympathetic frown. The eldest hybrid had fallen sick from the snowball fight from two days ago with the maknaes. You’d left his room after feeding him some congee and checking his temperature.
“Great! I’m going to the market for some supplies then. I’m going to pick up some medicine for Jin as well. We can all go pick gifts once he’s better. Would anyone like to come along?” You ask distractedly as you search for your car keys.
Yoongi growls in exasperation when Taehyung nudges him expectantly. Jungkook and Jimin both beam so eagerly the pianist grits his teeth and drawls with great reluctance, “I’ll go.” Namjoon doesn’t protest, only shrugs as if to say do what you want.
You stop in the middle of buttoning your coat in pure shock. He’s been surprising you a lot lately. “Uh … okay, let’s go.”
Yoongi stares up at the sky, streaks of fuchsia fading rapidly as the evening set in with chilly winds. His ears prick uncomfortably beneath the beanie he sports, unused to the compression. He’s waiting outside the pharmacy, leaning against the brick walls, bags weighing on each arm as people pass, laughing and chatting, without a second glance. Hybrids aren’t gawked at, but those without an owner at their side were held with suspicion and likely a dial to the hybrid protection services (read: hybrid prison). It is illegal to be wandering the streets alone.
Yoongi turns when he hears your familiar footfalls exit the store. Wordlessly, he takes the small brown bag you’re holding. He starts walking toward your next destination before you can object.
“Wait, Yoongi—ah,” you dig for your phone, the ringer making him cringe. He does, moving to the side with an audible sigh. You give him an apologetic look before answering it.
“Oh—hi, Bogum! Yes—yes. Ah, about that—I have a draft written up and I was wondering if you could take a look at it sometime soon. Mmm, I know, but it’s important it’s done as quickly as possible, I need it for when I’m gone,” you’re facing the other way, talking animatedly with the cell resting against your ear as you dig for a pen in your purse. His breath stutters, stomach dropping instantly.
“What is he talking about? What do you mean, when you’re gone?” He says sharply, and you glance up to see him right in front of you, eyes narrowed and teeth bared.
“What?” You ask, putting a hand over the receiver. Yoongi sneers. “I always knew it was too good to be true. I’m done.” He drops the various bags onto the snow, and you shrink back in confusion and fear when he leans in to whisper, “Go fuck yourself. I’ll make sure you never see any of us ever again.”
“Don’t bother coming back. We’ll be long gone by then,” Yoongi tosses over his shoulder as he leaves. He relishes in the way your expression contorts in horror. He’s much, much faster than you, and he knows this market by heart. It’s not far from your house and he can easily beat you by foot.
“Yoongi!” You cry out, but you know it’s useless. Tears blur your vision as you blubber a quiet I have to go, I’ll call you later to Bogum who calls your name worriedly on the other line before pocketing your phone. You kneel, trying to gather all the bags at once. One is crushed at the bottom and you open it gingerly to find a smashed fruit cake oozing out of its packaging. You can still make out a crooked Merry Christmas Eve! scrawled lopsidedly at the edges.
You won’t make it in time. Muffling a sob, you sink to the ground, ignoring the way the snow seeps into your leggings. You really are pathetic.
“Please! Stop!” You pause, head cocking as you shut your trunk. Were you officially going crazy? Peachy, you scoff inwardly. You wouldn’t be surprised.
“P-please, let me go!” A scream tears across the parking lot. You glance around wildly, and no, you are not crazy because people duck their heads at the sound, whispering to one another as they scurry toward their vehicles. Yoongi is likely already home, and you know he’s smart, careful and capable of caring for himself.
So you grab your phone and a can of pepper spray and head toward the sound. You can’t be like them. You have to be human.
And you think your knees will give out, the pure heartbreak you feel when you round the corner of the street to find a young snake hybrid curled in a fetal position on the ground, three much older, scrawny men circling him, jeering and kicking.
He can easily overpower them, you realize, but he doesn’t want to. If he does, it’s only another reason for HPS to lock him away for good. He would rather suffer this moment than be chained forever. It’s enough to make your lip curl in distaste, fury building at the sheer injustice.
“Hey! Leave him alone,” you shout, marching up to them. The men stop, one squinting at you briefly before bursting into loud guffaws.
“You? What is a little lady like you going to do?” He crows. The last word is caught in his throat as you punch him in the stomach.
“I said, back off!” The other two look at each other, flabbergasted, and the man screams at them to do something as he’s on the floor, clutching his belly in pain. They charge at you, but you only roll your eyes at the added layer of sexism on the list of hell ridden crimes they are already guilty for. You’ve taken many, many lessons as a child, including mixed martial arts.
It can’t even be called a fight. They’re rolled onto the curb in the next heartbeat. You kneel next to the wounded hybrid, who tries to get up. He wobbles, and you coax him into leaning into you for support.
“Thank you, miss,” he croaks. “You didn’t have to, but thank you.” You wipe the blood on his lower lip gingerly. “Where’s your owner?”
“He went to get the car,” he answers softly. You give him a knowing look. He glances away guiltily.
“Yuto? Yuto!” Distinctly, the two of you turn at the sound of a new voice. Headlights sear your eyes for just a moment before someone hurtles out of the driver’s seat. “Holy shit, what happened?” The man cries, clutching at the injured hybrid. Yuto (?) winces, allowing the newcomer to sling an arm over his shoulder.
“I got jumped,” he whispers. “She saved me.” The man looks halfway into tears, reaching over to take your hand. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.”
You accept his gratitude with an awkward smile, patting his hand gently. “You shouldn’t leave him alone on the streets, especially at night.”
“It’s not his fault,” Yuto protests immediately. “I insisted.”
His owner shakes his head furiously. “She’s right. That was stupid of me.” He turns to you again, eyes shining. “Thank you so much. Truly.”
“Not at … all.” Huh? The world suddenly tilts, and you look down at your hands. There’s something dark dripping on your jacket, staining the fabric and you swipe at it lethargically, bringing it close. Oh. It’s blood.
The pain sharpens, and you gasp aloud at the fire spreading through your veins. Your knees do give out this time, and you can finally make out the sounds of a hiss, a piercing scream and someone calling for you before your body drops to the ground with a muted thud.
The last thing you are thinking is how you’d inevitably failed them after all.
Yoongi shoves his hands in his jacket pockets, the next gust nearly pushing his beanie off his head altogether, and he finds himself wondering if you were cold.
He violently shakes the thought away before opening the door. He sits down to unlace his boots, when Namjoon comes barrelling toward him. The other boys follow in suit; even Seokjin is padding around swaddled in a blanket. He scents the rising panic and anxiety in the house and he straightens instantly, alert.
“Yoongi, where the hell have you been?” Their leader bursts out. Yoongi has never seen the wolf hybrid so frazzled before.
“At the market?” He doesn’t know what kind of answer Namjoon was expecting, but it certainly was not the truth because his face twists in anger.
“Listen, Joon, she’s planning to leave us—” Yoongi goes on, and Jimin steps forward to slap him. The crack of the impact has his head jerking to the side, the sting setting in quickly.
“What. The. Fuck.” He says lowly.
“No. Where the fuck were you?” The typically soft-spoken and sweet hybrid screams. Yoongi stares in shock, flinching at the sound. Hybrid senses were heightened enough to hear the tiniest whispers, and his ears ring at the blow.
“If you mean ___, she’s probably on her way back,” Yoongi answers slowly. “That’s why I left, I found out that—”
“She’s in the hospital, Yoongi.” It’s Taehyung. His voice is hoarse, and he’s standing in a shadowed corner. His tail drags the ground as he moves, bangs hiding his expression.
“What?” The words taste like ash.
“She was stabbed while helping another hybrid,” Jimin seethes. He clutches his wrist, hand throbbing but he can barely feel it. Only registers the adrenaline and fear rushing through him.
“We’re waiting for Luna to come pick us up. She’s ___’s friend.” Jungkook sounds so small, so fragile when he speaks.
Yoongi’s legs buckle and he collapses, unblinking as he gawks at the floor. What did he do?
“There you are. Take it easy, now.” You groan, eyeballs burning as you pry them open with difficulty. It takes great effort to move your arms, and you stop when you feel a sharp tugging into your inner elbow.
“Fucking IVs,” you croak, and Luna’s smile focuses as she leans down to steady you. “How long was I out for?”
“A few days. It’s Christmas. A miracle, some believers might say.” She presses one of the buttons at the side of your bed, and a nurse appears shortly after.
“Your vitals are good. Doctor will be in momentarily,” the worker says, checking the equipment and making a few markings to your clipboard.
“You scared the shit out of them. You scared the shit out of me,” Luna informs you. Taking a glance around, your room is crowded with vases upon vases of your favourite flowers and several handmade art pieces you know are from Jungkook and Taehyung.
You lean back with a sigh. Your abdomen aches, and you know the scar this time isn’t going to fade.
The doctor walks in before you can reply. He gives you a full diagnosis of your condition and declares visits can start as early as tomorrow morning. Luna leaves with him, kissing your cheek and warning you not to overextend. You can only nod, sinking back into your pillow.
When you open your eyes again, the clock at the side notifies you it is just past ten.
And sitting by your side is Yoongi, face buried in his hands.
“Oh, Yoongi,” you breathe. He’s visibly shaking, ears flat and tail unmoving.
“I should’ve never left you alone. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry,” he rasps. He chokes on the words, rubbing his eyes furiously. He doesn’t have the right to cry. He pushes the chair away and gets on his knees, ignoring the strangled sound that escapes your throat. His forehead touches the ground and he doesn’t care that the floor is probably gross and full of viruses and bleach and disinfectant and a million other things. “I’m—so—sorry.”
“Yoongi,” your voice breaks.
“No, no,” he looks up, blinking away the tears as he fixes his gaze on you. “Don’t—don’t cry. I’m sorry.”
“Come here, silly kitty,” you whisper. His lower lip trembles and he lets out a sob. It’s loud and ugly and he scrambles to climb onto the bed, carefully weaving through the various cords and he curls up next to your injured side and he stuffs his face in your shoulder and he cries and cries and cries.
He cries until he’s empty and he falls asleep like that, eyes swollen and red, snot running down your hospital sheet, tail twined over your wrist, engulfed in your warmth.
“My original owner was an old man.” You can barely make out the words, so soft and unsure. He’s speaking into his pudding. Lunch came and went, and you roused him gently, knowing he likely hadn’t properly eaten since the incident.
Hospital food is hardly luxury but it’s food and the poor hybrid had already begun to look malnourished, complexion pale and cheeks sunken in. It was the stress and guilt that ate away at his ability to function.
“I was abandoned on the highway. The runt of the litter, I suppose. I didn’t come from one of those fancy breeding places. I was a bastard child. He found me, digging in his trash.” You stroke his hair, and he finishes the pudding in one bite, setting it down before snuggling back into you.
“He took me in. He was kind, and taught me how to play the piano. He was a retired pianist, and his wife had died the year prior. His son had been in the military. Died the first year out. He taught me to love the piano, to love music. Gave me a light and purpose when I had none. He gave me to the shelter when he passed. I had a lot of pent up anger. I ran away a lot. Didn’t know how to deal with the grief, I guess. He was all I knew. So I started picking fights to work through it, and Bogum would always be the one to drag me back to the shelter. Nursed me back to health every time. He never punished me, and I think the disappointment was what really broke me. I was ready to die. I picked a fight I knew I would never recover from. Hoseok was the one that saved me then.” Yoongi’s wet lashes tickle your jaw.
“Hoseok was also a different man then. He smiled a lot, laughed a lot. He was like sunshine personified. Maybe that’s why I was so drawn to him. He taught me to control my anger. Through him, I met the rest. Jimin taught me to understand it. Namjoon taught me to release it through alternative channels. Like composing. I wrote a lot of songs there. Things were good for a while. Then they came.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Who—”
“Sorry, but visiting hours are ending.” Yoongi lifts his head to find your nurse smiling at the two of you apologetically. She checks your vitals once more before exiting to give you privacy.
Yoongi untangles himself from you reluctantly, nuzzling your cheek.
“Come back tomorrow, mmkay?” You squeeze his hand.
He nods, unable to meet your gaze even as his own cheeks flush lightly.
Yoongi shakily takes your hand and kisses your ring finger. This time he does look at you, eyes ringed with gold as he says, “Promise.”
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Hot Springs - Lucifer x Reader
Warnings // 18+/NSFW, praise in the form of “good girl,” oral sex, female reader Word count: 2.6k
Happy hot springs theme day 💦 Here’s another Lucifer piece about getting eaten out at the hot springs because horny writing brain go brrrr. I hope you enjoy. I am also terrible at coming up with titles
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I can’t sleep.
You groan inwardly and sigh, turning your body to stare at the ceiling, your eyes practically glazing over. To your left, Mammon snores loudly; a sound akin to a chainsaw, and something you didn’t even think he was capable of.
“Ya gotta sleep next to me, MC! If any of my brothers even try to touch a hair on your head, I’ll kill ‘em.”
“Fine, fine,” you agreed hurriedly, already pulling the blanket over your head, gripped with exhaustion. “Goodnight, Mammon.”
I should have brought fucking ear plugs.
You roll over to your right side, where Levi sleeps peacefully, clutching his Ruri-chan body pillow close to his chest. You’re pretty sure you can hear him mumbling her name every so often, and your eyes squeeze shut in frustration, knowing that the likelihood of actually achieving a deep, restful sleep is growing lower by the second as you inhale deeply.
With a groan, you rise, feet padding softly across the smooth, wooden floor. Perhaps a soak in the onsen would make you drowsy and relaxed enough to actually be able to sleep through all the surrounding noise. Grabbing a towel and pausing briefly before leaving the room, you look down at yourself. A minuscule, though beautifully ornate silk robe barely covers your naked body; although it was customary to enter the hot spring completely nude, you couldn’t help but feel extremely self-conscious. Thankfully, Diavolo had rented out the entire place for the night, so no other beings were there, save for the demon brothers.
And, thankfully, everyone else was still asleep. As much as you love the demon brothers, sometimes it felt amazing to have a few waking moments to yourself, and the idea of spending that alone time in a steamy, relaxing hot spring? Bliss.
Carefully opening the sliding doors leading to the spring, careful to not wake anyone, you step out into the onsen. Steam rises steadily from the hot water, caressing your face as a slight breeze carries wisps of it towards you. The tension already begins to loosen from your neck and shoulders, taking in the sights of the artfully-placed rocks and trees around you. Slowly, you walk towards the stone steps leading into the water and dip your feet in, testing the temperature. Perfect.
You look back over your shoulder for a brief moment before you begin to untie your robe and open the front. Despite the warmth radiating from the water, a shiver passes through your body at the sudden exposure to the still slightly cool night air. You shrug the robe the rest of the way off, folding it carefully and setting it on a nearby bench, along with the towel.
Knowing it is customary to be clean before entering the spring, you wash off at the bathing station situated near the sliding doors, careful to remove any traces of soap before finally stepping into the hot spring. A deep, satisfied sigh escapes you as your body submerges beneath the warm, tranquil waters. Steam rises up towards you and your eyes close as you sit, tipping your head back to rest against the side of the spring. Your face turns up to the perpetually night sky of the Devildom, the light of the moon illuminating everything around you in an almost ethereal glow; stars, scattered across the sky, glitter like moon dust, looking almost as if they’re sparkling.
“Are my brothers causing mischief, my dear MC?”
The voice rings out, disturbing your fleeting serenity as you startle with a gasp. Your eyes open quickly and you look around in a panic for the source of the mysterious voice before your gaze settles on the demon standing at the edge of the spring, wrapped in a short, blue robe.
“L-Lucifer?” you manage to gasp in surprise. “I thought you were asleep. What are you-”
“I should be asking you the same question, my dear. Shouldn’t you be getting some rest?” Lucifer retorts. He can sense your shock, and he smirks inwardly, keeping his expression neutral.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you mumble. “Mammon snores like a chainsaw, Levi was having dreams about doing who knows what to his body pillow, and I just...wanted to relax…”
“An excellent place you’ve chosen to come to do so, then. Although we are in the Devildom, Lord Diavolo had to have an onsen of our own developed after experiencing a traditional one in your world, in Japan. The waters here are not geothermal as they naturally are in Japanese onsens; however, magic can replace virtually anything we are unable to replicate. The effects are still much the same, as evidenced by your relaxed state before I, unfortunately, disturbed you.”
The smirk tugs Lucifer’s lips upwards, though he quickly replaces it with a chuckle and a cordial smile, his eyes closing briefly before they open again, setting his intense crimson gaze upon you. Realizing you are fully naked beneath the steaming water, the blood rushing to your face and making the temperature of the water seem almost chilly in comparison to the heat in your cheeks. Thankfully, the water is opaque, masking your nudity, though you can’t help but squeeze your legs together and crossing your arms over your chest in a feeble attempt to mask the fact.
Lucifer chuckles softly once more, moving to loosen the strings of his robe.
“Would you mind if I join you, MC? It seems I am in need of some relaxation as well,” he asks, his voice a low timbre, as though teasing in its slight lilt. “Though it is not customary for men and women to bathe together in Japanese hot springs, we do not typically adhere to that rule here. Of course, I will respect your wishes if you decline and wish to bathe privately.”
“N-no, it’s fine,” you stutter in response. “Feel free.”
“As you wish, then.”
Your eyes widen, gaze transfixed as Lucifer finally loosens the knot holding his robe together in the front. The silken, azure fabric hangs loosely on either side, and the prideful demon smirks once more, noting your enraptured attention. Teasingly, he slides the robe off his well-defined shoulders, pausing to tilt his head and flash you a knowing smile.
“Enjoying the view?” he purrs.
With a loud cough and a swallow, you turn your head to gaze directly in front of you, studying the intricate shrubbery and not dignify his remark with a response. 
Don’t look, don’t you dare look. 
The heat rushes back to your cheeks and you force yourself to tilt your head back, only relaxing when you hear Lucifer step into the spring. Bringing your head back forward, you see him seated across from you in the steaming waters, a wolfish grin on your face.
“I should come here more often,” Lucifer remarks casually. “It is absolutely lovely not to have someone getting into trouble and disturbing my peace and quiet.”
He’s naked under the water. Naked. I wonder what he- 
You feel your body tense at the intrusive thought and are unable to stop yourself from groaning softly, clapping a hand over your mouth as you realize you’ve completely given yourself away. Lucifer’s grin deepens, and he leans forward as those beautiful, deep garnet eyes bore into yours.
“You look a bit tense there, my dear,” he coos. “I can offer a shoulder massage if you’d like.”
“Oh, u-um… that would be nice,” you admit.
“Come a bit closer then, my dear. I may be a strong demon, but even I cannot stretch my body that far,” he teases.
Nodding slowly, you rise ever so slightly, keeping your arms tightly crossed in front of your chest and careful not to expose any more of your body from beneath the opaque water. Up close, you realize Lucifer is even more handsome, and you can feel your heart pounding beneath your rib cage, thump, thump, thump. You turn around, back facing him, grateful for the sounds of the small stream of water flowing steadily in a fountain by the spring masking the sound of your heartbeat, loud enough that surely he would be able to hear.
He brings his hands to your shoulders, moving closer. At the touch of his hands and the feel of his proximity, you start. Chuckling, Lucifer begins to knead the tense muscles with careful motions, using his thumbs to work out the tight knots he can feel beneath your skin.
“Uncross your arms for me, my dear,” he instructs. “You are carrying so much tension, and I cannot help you properly when you are not relaxed.”
With a sigh, you drop your arms to your sides, resting them in your lap. Lucifer’s touch is relaxing, satisfying, and you can feel the tension begin to melt from your shoulders as he continues to work the tender muscles. Blissfully, your head drops back, hair fanning out in the water as a soft groan, almost like a moan falls from your lips. The demon smirks as he continues his ministrations, moving even closer to you, though you barely notice the heat of his body nearly right against yours, your eyes closed in peaceful relaxation.
“That’s a good girl, stay just like that…,” he instructs.
Lucifer’s praise causes your heart to race even faster, your eyes opening as you feel your thighs pressing together. He notes your reaction, leaning forward to press a soft kiss into the delicate skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder. You shudder in pleasure, letting out a definite moan this time, finding yourself leaning back against him, your back nearly pressed to his chest. Grinning against your skin, he nibbles gently at first before biting down a bit firmer, his hands continuing their work on your shoulders.
“Such a good girl…”
Lucifer’s hands move from your shoulders to trace a path down the generous curve of your waist, his mouth finding purchase on your now relaxed shoulder as he presses another kiss there. One hand reaches up to thread his fingers into your hair lightly, tugging your head to the side before crashing his lips against yours in a feverish kiss, much like the water and the skin of your bodies. The kiss is deep, intimate; it speaks a thousand words full of want, of need, of dark desire without a single utterance. Your tongues dance with one another as soft gasps of pleasant surprise and arousal escape you and him, your thighs squeezing together under the water, now wet in more ways than simply being submerged beneath it.
Biting your lip and pulling away from the kiss, Lucifer’s hand moves to your bare breast, groping it lightly before rolling your nipple between his thumb and index finger, savoring your sweet moans. His cock twitches, already hard and pressing against your back. Grinning, he tugs at your hair again, tilting your head back until you look up at him; eyes half-lidded, nearly glazed over and blown-out with lust.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” Lucifer teases. “I offer you a relaxing massage, and you turn it into anything but. I suppose I’ll have to find another way to ease the tension in your body. Especially-”
He pauses, moving his hands to caress the soft, fleshy skin of your inner thighs, briefly teasing a few fingers between your legs before pulling them away, relishing your lewd gasps.
“-right here. Yes, it seems you are very much still tense. My, my, we certainly will have to remedy that, won’t we, my naughty girl?”
“Y-yes,” you whimper, pressing your back harder against him. 
Suddenly, you are teeming with need, nearly keening at the thought of having Lucifer between your legs. In one swift movement, he picks you up, quickly turning you around to lift you out of the water and set you on the side of the hot spring. Feeling the sudden difference in temperature, you shudder. Droplets of water glisten in the shining moonlight as they travel down your body. He grins at your shudder as he begins laying you back gently and spreading your legs, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before biting down into the skin, pausing briefly to admire the indentation of his teeth that will surely welt and leave a mark behind later.
“Don’t worry, pet. I’ll be sure to warm you up,” Lucifer says, biting down once more. “Now, lay back and relax for me.”
Obeying his command, you lay your back flat against the cool stone, your heart continuing to thump like someone is revving an engine. Lucifer teases a few fingers between your legs, his thumb circling your swollen clit, eliciting a loud, lewd cry as he does so. Pressing a kiss to your pelvic bone, he gently sucks the skin into his mouth and biting into the skin there, intent on leaving more marks. He moves to the other side, repeating his actions before lowering himself down between your legs to your wet, dripping core, practically quivering in anticipation. He smiles before his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your core until he reaches your clit, swirling it tantalizingly slow around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Lucifer’s lips close around it, sucking. Your back arches, reaching your hands forward to weave your fingers into his hair. Bucking your hips against his face, he smirks, moaning into your skin and continuing to suck on your clit, alternating between stimulating it with his tongue and lightly grazing his teeth across it.
“Good girl, so good for me,” Lucifer moans. “You taste so fucking sweet, pet.”
Sliding two fingers inside you, he curls and pumps them skillfully to press against your sweet spot. A louder, more high-pitched moan falls from your lips, taking his name with it as it echoes across the otherwise serene tranquility of the onsen.
“L-Lucifer- ah, it feels so good-”
Frantic with desire, you begin to roll your hips rhythmically towards his face, increasing the pressure of his tongue and fingers. Lucifer slides a third finger into you, desperately savoring the delicious sounds of your desperation as he, too, can’t stop himself from moaning into your skin. He laps at your sweet essence, eager to taste all of you, to wet his cock between your tight, warm walls and help ease his own tension between his hips, a fire stirring in his belly.
“Lucifer!” Crying out his name in a wanton gasp, you begin to feel yourself tighten around his fingers. “Lucifer, I-I’m going to cum-”
“Good girl,” Lucifer groans. “Cum hard for me, princess.”
His praise pushes you over the edge, immense pleasure washing over your body in waves as you writhe against the stone, arching your back. Your body jerks forward, slightly, and your lips part to scream in pleasure, his name falling from your lips over and over, growing in volume and pitch with every syllable. Grinning, Lucifer slowly slides his fingers out of you, pressing a kiss to your clit as he pulls back. You whimper at the loss of his fingers, aching for the sensation of him filling you once more. He reaches for your arm to slowly pull you up to a sitting position.
Standing from the water and moving his hands to your hips, he lifts you up to pull you close to him, hips perched on the edge of the spring against the rock. Your bare chests press together as he lifts your legs, resting them against his shoulders. He slides his cock into you with ease, and he groans, tipping his head back briefly at the feeling of your wet, warm heat gripping him so tightly. You moan, fingers curling against the wet stone beneath you as you finally gain the much-need stretch of his cock buried between your legs.
“I believe I have some tension of my own that needs to be worked out.”
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids reacting to you having bad cramps ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff word count: 3.5k warnings: discussion of menstrual cramps, pain, etc., swearing request: yes (anon)
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a/n: hey, anon~ sorry this took me so long to write for you;;;; I decided to try a new style—it was nice to write this because I got to imagine how I’d like to be taken care of. (wow, can you tell I could use some cuddles right now?) I hope this is comforting to you! stay cozy✨
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
bad cramps are a normal thing for you
and chan knows this all too well
but sometimes just explaining something doesn’t do it justice
your cramps are so bad that, a lot of the time, you can’t even get out of bed
bad enough that you can’t even scream
chan probably wouldn’t show his concern too much because he doesn’t want to worry you
he would be really concerned the first time you had horrible cramps around him, though
he’d slept over after a movie night and woke up to you curled around a pillow, whimpering
the first thought he’d had was that you were having a nightmare
and so he just gently rubbed your back a little to calm you
but you’d kept whimpering and occasionally curled more closely around the pillow
aaaand you’d finally managed to explain that you were having cramps
and couldn’t exactly move…
chan had quickly drawn a bath for you
(and added a rubber ducky just because he could aljhadfjlkshfjkh)
you’d kinda squeaked when he picked you up, not expecting to be lifted bodily out of your blankets
chan would just kiss the top of your head as he carries you to the bathroom and then gently help you out of your pajamas
the bath would be extremely hot but that was perfect (♡‿♡)
hhhhhh and he’d even add rose bath soap to the water since it was your favorite
(you’d end up with a tiara of bubbles on your head heheheh)
chan would wash your hair and rub your back, massaging your sore muscles
even though the pain is only in your low back and abdomen, you still manage to hold tension in the rest of your body
and then he’d join you in the shower to help you rinse off
he’d hold you because the pain is just so bad and you can barely stand
and if you needed more than just a massage, he’d be happy to oblige
sometimes the release of pleasure helps ease the pain, too
chan just wants you to feel good and to be relaxed
after helping you dry off, chan would bundle you into warm clothes
it was always important, you’d said before, to stay warm
he’d even brush and braid your hair (if you have long hair, that is)
the little tingles that shoot through your scalp when he plays with your hair feel amazing
chan would kiss your cheek and your neck as he works his fingers through your hair
he insisted that you needed to stay hydrated, sometimes having to cajole you into drinking water because you could barely move
he’d want you to be as comfortable as possible
he’d make a blanket nest for you
he’d even put a heating pad or hot water bottle in there for you
pain meds and water would be close at hand
and whatever food you were craving
and he’d be extra affectionate
so many hugs and cuddles
just hugs all day long
maybe it’s just because you’re in pain
but chan’s hugs when you’re having horrible cramps are somehow different from his usual ones??
like he just envelopes you even more than usual and doesn’t let go
you’d just burrow into his arms even further
he’d give you one of his wonderfully big and comfy sweatshirts to wear
it smells like the soap he uses and just his general chan-ness
in other words, the best smell  e v e r  ㅠ_ㅠ ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
and just having him there with you would make everything better
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lee minho
he would also be really loving and caring
and totally calm, not at all surprised
he’s just so even-keeled, you know?
would probably insist that doongie, soonie, and dori sleep with you
minho: “cats are totally medicine! their purring will help!”
they’re super snuggly anyway and just hunker down next to you
and minho is just a fourth cat, honestly
he kinda just curls up with you, massaging your low back if you have cramps that ache there
or just resting a warm hand on your belly to help soothe the pain
he’d get you a fluffy blanket and some orange juice (for the vitamin c to help your muscles relax and to reduce the inflammation!)
and definitely a heating pad or a hot water bottle
if you have two hot water bottles, he’d make a sandwich out of you and the water bottles
(so he could eat you up later ;) )
minho would insist that you take naps, holding you to his chest so you’d fall asleep more easily
he’d also queue up episodes of a show or several movies for the two of you to watch if you were home for the day
if you were at work and had super bad cramps, minho would bring you whatever food or pain meds or anything you’d need
he’s the kind of person who would just drop everything to take care of you, you know? (((we know, lee know alfkjafkjshjhk i’m so sorry i had to)))
he’s just a little ball of love and would want you to feel better
he’d kinda rock you back and forth in his arms if you have a particularly bad spasm of pain
like chan, minho would also get you into the shower to help you feel better
he’d have to convince you to even get out of bed, tho...
“come on, y/n. you’ll feel better if you take a shower. i promise”
“hhhhhhh i don’t wanna get up”
*minho grabbing your hands and tugging* “sweetheart, please.” *tug* "UGH why do you have to act like dead weight now of all times. geez, y/n.”
*tugging intensifies* “get! up! i’ll drag you into the shower, you dork. you know i will”
he’d still have to pretty much drag you to the bathroom
minho gently stripping you out of your clothes would kinda be like trying to dress a baby, since you wouldn’t want to move
he’d just hold you in there, rubbing soap over your body and shampoo through your hair
the hot water and minho holding you, honestly, works as well as any pain med
thank goodness 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。
and at any time whatsoever, minho’s gentle smile would just make your day so much better
and you know he’d pepper you with kisses all over
(i mean all over)
bc it just always make you feel the most contented ever hhhhhh
and you deserve to not be thinking about pain
bc pain fucking sucks;;;;
and he’d just tell you how much he loves you so much you don’t even know how to respond
and it kinda makes you wanna cry
but from happiness
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seo changbin
changbin would be pretty calm and would know exactly what to do
just matter-of-fact about taking care of you
you’d told him you get really bad cramps before
but the first time you had really bad cramps around him, he was a little freaked out
he hadn’t realized that period cramps could be that bad
you’d come home and pretty much collapsed on the couch
he’d thought you were just tired
but when you let out a strangled scream, changbin was;;;; um;;; a bit worried
okay not just worried
c o n c e r n e d (⊙ __ ⊙);;;;
maybe even a little scared??
he didn’t want to let on that he was worried about you
hearing you kinda just whimpering and crying out in pain tore at his heart
changbin would give you all the stuffed animals you have
(gyu would also make an appearance)
just pile them up around you “for emotional support”
and then he’d wrap his arms and legs around you to cuddle you close
definitely your basic case of:
“binnie please let go”
“binnie i can’t breathe…”
“oh,,,” *loosens hold slightly*
he’s literally just a cuddle bug hhhhhhhh
and I MEAN
he’d rub your belly or your back, depending on where it hurt
and just want to make everything better
changbin would be the one to give you a full body massage if your cramps are bad
he’d insist on doing it, actually
even if you’re whiny and complain, he knows that once you’re relaxed you’ll feel a million times better
he’d concentrate on your low back, pressing his wonderfully warm hands into your muscles
and slowly but surely you’d feel the pain and tension release
hhhhhh he’s probably really good at giving massages 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
ALSO!!! can you just imagine how warm binnie would be cuddling?
you wouldn’t even need a heating pad
he’s all the warmth and comfort you’ll ever need
aldfjkahjlskhsl (♡‿♡)
and his muscles would be the comfiest
they’re all so big but would be so squishy when at rest
hhhhhh just imagine it
laying your head on his chest with his arms around you
the softest oh my god
changbin is so kind and gentle that he’d just want to make sure you’re okay and be really soft
once you were feeling a bit better, he’d probably tickle you a little
just so you’d release your tension
what a cute goofball
he’d sing you to sleep while threading his fingers through your hair
and his low raspy voice would be so calming and lovely
binnie’s go-to medicine is just literally just all the cuddles ever ((well, and pain meds, etc., of course, bc cramps are horrible and evil))
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hwang hyunjin
this boy would be just a little panicky
ya know, jUst A litTtLE
you’d suddenly doubled over while you were out shopping
for matching couple sweaters
(you know, the horrible kind that could only be worn ironically or by people so pretentious that they don’t know the meaning of irony)
and hyunjin is all 
“OH MY GOD Y/N  (@_@) (」゚ロ゚)」
WHAT CAN I DO;;;;;;;;;”
he’d kinda flutter around you like a moth
all worried eyes and nervous energy
he really wouldn’t know what to do
bc FUCK???!!
CRAMPS??!!!! ┗(`゚Д゚´)┛゚
not his forte
“i just need to go home, jinnie. i’ll be fine”
((yeah... lie thru your teeth y/n;;;; ))
he’s still panicky as fuck
when you get home you kinda just collapse on the bed
hyunjin’s all “OOOOH CUDDLE TIME YES”
which was okay for like 2 mins until  a g o n y
“jinnie, i need pain meds. NOW” (x﹏x);;;;;
hyunjin would bound off the bed all “I got this, babe!
and then realize that he had no idea where you kept the pain meds strong enough to deal with menstrual cramps
“uuuuh where are they . . .” (⌒_⌒;)
*y/n flailing in the general direction of the medicine cabinet*
so once he found them, he’d get you a glass of water and help you sit up to take the meds
all better?
you’d need a hot water bottle and blankets
oh and chocolate. lots of chocolate
hyunjin would be so damn determined to make you feel better
to do anything he could bc you seemed in so!! much!!! pain!!!!
ten minutes later you’d find yourself practically swaddled in blankets on the couch with Hyunjin curled around you like a fucking squirrel or something
just let him take care of you
he’s doing his best;;;
he’d want to make you all the food you’d ever want
but would keep getting distracted
bc all he wants to do is just kiss you a bunch
and tell you how cute you are
bc, let’s face it, y/n, you’re pretty cute aldsjfhgsjfkhalhg
even though he isn’t sure what to do at first, hyunjin is actually quite good at taking care of you
if you’re at his place, you’d definitely end up with kkami on your lap
bc why wouldn’t you want a sweet pup giving you all the love when you’re in pain?!!
hhhh so sweet
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han jisung
oh jisung, my sweet precious squirrel boy
jisung would probably be a lot like hyunjin alfjahkjdfh
kinda panicky bc he doesn’t know what to do
really surprised that someone could have cramps that bad
it’s clear to him that, while he’s felt pain before, it was nothing like what you’re dealing with
how the hell do you do this every. single. month.
keeps telling you you’re badass
but,,,,, um;;;;;
*queue fluttering, panicky hands*
“hhhhhh baby what can i do;;;;;”
y/n: *indistinct pain noises* “i’m fine”
“yoU’rE NOt fiNe!!!”
“ji really it’s okay. i’m used to this”
(you say as you’re curled on the couch, clutching just below your belly with a look of concentrated pain on your face)
he’d end up bring you soup and some water
bc soup helps everything, right?
and all the pain meds he could get his hands on
there would be like 10 random bottles of every kind of pain relieving medicine tumbling out of his arms
“i didn’t know what would work;;;;;”
he’s just a sweet lad
what else was he supposed to do?
you’d manage a weak smile before another stab of pain would decide to hurtle through you like a fucking bullet train
at this point, jisung would definitely be feeling sympathetic pain
(not fun;;; )
he’d help you sit up and take the meds
then c u d d l e s
literally just all the cuddles in the world
jisung would hold you tightly, arms and legs wrapped around you, stroking your hair to get you to fall asleep
not that you’d be having any trouble with that, since you would be snuggled by
The Master of Spooning™ himself
even though he’s comforting you and helping, jisung can’t help but be glad that he gets to cuddle you for a long time
and when you felt angry at your body for giving you such horrible pain he’d hold you even tighter
then find some way to make you laugh
laughter is very important in jisung’s world (and, therefore, your world)
and you do find that it takes your mind off the pain, if only a bit
it’s almost like clockwork when you get bad cramps
same time of the month, same kind of pain
(you’ve definitely cursed every single god you can think of for this)
so he knows in the small, secret recesses of his mind, that he’ll get to cuddle the heck out of you at those times
he’d just smother you with kisses to wake you up to make sure you’d take more pain meds
okay;;; he’d smother you with kisses all day, too
and, like a cat kneading, he’d massage your belly and back to relax your muscles
you’d felt a little better after that
resting your head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat would be incredibly calming
by the end of the day, jisung would just hold you on top of him
like you’re a little otter and he doesn’t want to lose you
alkjfghakjlfhahjfgaklhga (●´ω`●)
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lee felix
felix would be amazingly casual about the whole thing and just ready to go
like;;; this boy would just immediately pick you up, kiss your forehead, and carry you to bed
need pain meds?
he’s already put them in the drawer of your bedside table as soon as you’d started your period
need a heating pad?
he’s got like five—all different shapes, sizes, whatever you need
(you’re not quite sure where or when he gets all this stuff, but you’re not complaining)
all he’d want is to just cuddle you
he’d turn those big, soulful eyes on you like you’re the best thing he’s ever seen
((which you are (≧◡≦) ))
and even if you’re curled on the bed in mildly stinky pajamas
he’d still just curl up with you and try to make everything okay
felix would just ramble on about anything and everything to try to distract you
yes, you’d probably be witness to Felix’s Interpretive Dance Time
.....whether you wanted to or not
(you secretly like it when he’s that silly alkfsjhajkfh)
and, of course, felix would make you breakfast (even if it wasn’t morning)
an absolutely delicious meal of all your favorite foods, even if they’re not normal breakfast food
((but honestly, what even is normal breakfast food??? just eat what’s yummy!))
since he’s been practicing baked goods, he’d also make you a lil cake just to cheer you up
and would try to ice it, which would come out really cute
he’d put “to my smol bean: UR CUTE ILY”
bc we all know felix is a cute dork who’d totally put something like that on a cake
would probably call chan or changbin just to make sure he’s not forgetting anything for taking care of you
he wouldn’t forget anything for you, anyway, bc he’s just that committed to making you feel better
oh and you’d definitely watch like 15 children’s movies in a row (okay maybe not in a row, but still)
bc what’s better than laughing at the antics of various animated characters?!
and singing along to the songs would be really fun and take your mind off the pain
it would make you breathe properly and relax! 
felix would probably act out some of the scenes to his favorite movies beside the screen just so you could check his accuracy
and if all you wanted to do is sleep, felix would curl up with you on the bed or couch
and run his fingers through your hair and down your back to soothe you
and give you smol sweet kisses before falling asleep
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kim seungmin
seungmin is also quite practical
when you told him that you get excruciating cramps, he immediately went and researched everything about menstrual cramps
potential causes for especially bad cramps
what to do for someone who’s having bad cramps
what not to do when someone’s having bad cramps
and he’d immediately gone out and bought what seemed like a year’s supply of pain meds, chocolate, three heating pads, and three hot water bottles, as well as extra pads and tampons
so the first time you were together and you kinda just went “aaghhh” in pain, seungmin immediately ran to his closet to get All The Things
you’d given him a quizzical look when he came back into the living room
he had a bag that looked, somehow, Official
although, most of seungmin’s things look Official~
(he’s just that organized and meticulous alkjfhsjfghsh)
so when he’d opened the bag, you had to stifle a giggle
in the bag, seungmin had put everything you’d need for when you had your period
hhhhhhhh what a sweetheart (✿´ ꒳ ` )
and if you need space, he’d just be in the other room minding his own business until you demand cuddles
he’d just absentmindedly give you head pets while the two of you watch a show or something
or he’d read to you from whatever book he’d been reading
or that you’d been reading  (▰˘◡˘▰)
would make you tea~
you’d probably end up cuddling his little puppy stuffed animal at some point
um;;;; seungmin’s potential fathering instincts would probably come out a little bc he just feels so much affection for you
and is just in CARING MODE
if you’re out together and you have cramps, you’d find yourself whisked back home for a day of rest
if you can’t go home, seungmin would just get you the proper pain meds and some water
he probably keeps meds for you in his wallet (´ω`♡)
all seungmin wants is for you to not be in pain
bc it hurts his heart
he doesn’t exactly show it a bunch on the outside to other people
but he’s really caring
most of all with youuuu~~~
he wants to ki— kick whoever decided that cramps could be this bad
like what the fuck, man;;;;;
he’d be very encouraging as he talks to you, since he doesn’t want you to worry or anything
he’s knows you worry enough about why you get bad cramps
whenever the pain would get so bad that you want to cry and feel like you’re going to lose your mind, seungmin’s bright smile would bring you back to earth
he’d reassure you that everything’s okay
and kiss the top of your head as he holds you (*/ω\)
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yang jeongin
jeongin’s remedy to cramps is stuffed animals
all the stuffed animals
all of them
e v e r
you both have a propensity for stuffed animals, characters, random objects, etc.
you even have a stuffed strawberry that’s the size of your torso
so jeongin would just pile up all the stuffies and a bunch of pillows
and settle you in them
you’d feel like you were drowning in stuffed animals ajkfshgkjfhg
like felix, he’d probably secretly call chan just to check that he’s doing the right thing for you, too (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
jeongin would make you tea and bring a pot of it to your bedside table
(just herbal tea, not caffeinated bc he doesn’t want you to get dried out)
he’d bring everything you could ever want in tea:
honey, milk, lemon, sugar
the tea would be reeeeeally yummy
and the warmth would help calm your nerves that had been on high alert since the night before when the cramps had started
jeongin would curl up with you and just stroke your hair
he’d turn on a show the two of you had been watching
a comedy, of course
why would you want to watch anything else while in pain??
okay so as calm as all this seems, he’d be fucking panicked as hell inside
like how is supposed to deal with this???
welp….. might as well just pretend it’s any other day
and you just happen to need more cuddles
he finds it really cute when you are  b a b y
and when you’re having horrible cramps….
yoU ARE B A B Y!!!!!!
the cutest ever
like holy shit
jeongin would be completely floored by how cute you are
you’d just kind of nuzzle into his stomach as you curl up next to him
of course, he’d also make sure you remember to take pain meds and all
sometimes he’d be a little annoying about it but not by much~
just enough to get you to WeAR sOcKs Y/N!!
he’d totally be the one to kinda pounce on you and carry you outside to sit on the lawn
not one but two blankets would cushion you from the grass and any bugs~
he’d probably bring all the stuffed animals he’d piled on you earlier outside
“they’ll get lonely!!”
definitely not an excuse to throw the radish plushies he got you at your head…..
((you’d get him back, though, with a few well-aimed charizards or something))
but if you needed him to be serious, he would be
bc, really, he cares about you so much he feels like his heart’s gonna burst (*♡∀♡)
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sakurayumeno · 3 years
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Sorry for the wait!
If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.
Yandere Naib Skin Hcs
tw: yandere
Cheshire Cat:
He loves to see how helpless you are in wonderland. Just seeing the despair in your eyes gives him a rush
If you ever ask him for help on getting out, he’ll always respond in the most riddling ways, way more than he’d usually do. He may also be in a more sour mood than before once you ask, though
‘How dare my little Alice think they could just leave? Did they not think about how I felt?’
Without a doubt, would stalk you
Would you know, though? Of course not, because he’ll hide away the moment you turn to look
Soon enough, there will be a point where he deems you “mad” and says there’s but one cure for this type of illness, and he’s the only one who is fit to rid you of it
That’s when you’re taken away to his home, where you’ll live out your days with him
He tries his best to be as loving and affectionate with you as possible. He’ll stuff you with your favorite sweets, making sure they are the finest you’ve ever had because his little mouse deserves the best
But there are times where he wants to be a bit selfish and be rewarded for what he does for you. He’ll go up to you and pretty much demand for you to treat him with the same amount of love he gives you. His demands may range from head pats, ear scratches, kisses, or even just cuddles
If you were to be stubborn and deny his requests, he would just force himself on you. Grabbing your hand harshly, bringing it to his head and move it in the way he so desires. Or he’d just drape his body over you, making it impossible for you to escape his warm embrace
It really does rile him up a little when you do defy him, though. But he knows to keep his head cool as to not scare you in any way
That being said, he really tries to stay calm when you escape him, but then again, he knows he’ll always find you in the end. And why would he pass up an opportunity to see the hope gleam in your eyes, thinking you finally got away, only for him to reappear in front of you with that signature sharp-toothed grin
When he brings you back to your shared abode, he will take you to your bedroom and lock you there without food or water for however he seems fit. And for some reason, every time you’re locked there, you feel as if you’re being watched
“Don’t worry, it’s for your own good.”
In his mind, all he needs to do is discipline you enough and you’ll become his perfect lover
He doesn’t really need to kill anyone for you, it’s not like the people there going to try to help you anyway. Just his presence is enough for them to cower in fear, so imagine how they’d be if he were to get mad at them
One of the worst yanderes to have. You’re absolutely hopeless in Wonderland, you might as well give in to him as to save your sanity
Spring Hand:
Would actually try to initiate a relationship with you
This newsboy would be on his best behavior around you
Sometimes he would give you little gifts whenever he delivers your mail to you. Somedays they may be your favorite flowers, chocolates or an item you’ve lost. Oh? It looks almost exactly like the one you had? It must be a coincidence, because he totally didn’t steal it from you. Why would he?
He loves to talk to you everyday, you’re like a drug to him. Admiring your skin tone, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun, and oh god, your lips? Sometimes he has to contain himself from just taking you away right then and there
He reads your mail to learn every bit about you. Your schedules, your friends, family, and even jobs. He’ll feel more in check that way
He tries to convince you to meet up after his work shifts to spend more time with you. I mean, how could you resist when you could see how bright his eyes shine and how big his smile gets whenever he’s with you?
When confessing to you, he wants it to be very romantic. He’d make a fancy dinner for you both at his house and invite you, telling you that he has a surprise for you and to wear something formal
If you reciprocate his feelings, he’ll be overjoyed to know that you’re finally his after all this time
He won’t dare show how crazy he was for you, he wants to make everything perfect for the two of you
You two would live a domestic life, one where he could live all his desired fantasies with you. He could finally hold you the way he wants without seeming weird or creepy. He could kiss those inviting lips of yours and tell you how much he loves you
Saves up to buy a ring for you when you guys think about marriage. He’d want something simple for the two of you, not something super flashy or over the top
He would be so happy if you would want to have kids with him, it’s like a dream come true. He doesn’t care if your body is able to have kids or not, you both could always adopt. But if you aren’t fond of the idea of children, he understands completely. He may be a bit sad when you tell him, but he’ll get over it soon
If you don’t, however, his ‘good boy’ persona will instantly vanish, showing his true colors
“Do you know how long I’ve been trying to make you like me? How much work I’ve put into trying to make us be together?”
At that point, he doesn’t care about what you want and he’ll take you with him by force if needed
Either way, he gets what he wants in the end
He won’t be as sweet as he would be if you had accepted his confession, but would still be devoted to you. He just has to keep his guard up since you know his secret
Some freedoms you would lose are your privacy, ability to communicate with others, and being able to go outside. He doesn’t think you need any of these things when you’re with him. You should be lucky that’s all he takes
Break any of these and be so disappointed in you. He wouldn’t hit your or anything, but just seeing the gutted look in his eyes every time you misbehave makes you want him to get mad at you 
The same goes for when you escape, the only punishment you get is his dreadful disappointment 
Contradicting Cheshire Cat, Spring Hand is one of the best yanderes you’ll ever get. He won’t kill anyone like the others, makes an actual effort in becoming your partner, and would be the best lover if your love is mutual
Soft yandere
He has lost so many things that he just has to keep you to himself, there’s no other person who would love you the way he does
You may be alarmed to find out how much he knows about you, but he’ll immediately calm you down
It’s his job to know everything there is about you, he needs to make sure you’re not a threat to the kingdom. At least, that’s what he says
He’s very sensitive and a bit of a crybaby in private, but he’ll definitely use this to his advantage with you. He doesn’t have a problem with crying in front of you, saying that he can’t live without you and begging you not to leave him if it gets you to stay
Loves to guilt trip you. Seeing you go from confidently arguing with him to timid and remorseful in just seconds gives him so much pride
There will be a day where he’ll abduct you from where you live. He doesn’t have the time to try to actually get a relationship with you, he has too much work and worries that if he waits any longer, you’ll already be taken
The only thing that he would do that's non-con, besides kidnaping you, would be stealing your first kiss. He would feel a bit dejected if he found out you had already had it, though
He’s a royal guard, he’s had situations where his king orders him to hunt down people. So if you try to run away from him, he’ll easily find you, no matter how good of a hider you are
If you ever say that you hate him for taking you away from your home or you say you don’t love him, he will become an aggressive, sobbing mess. He did this all for you, why couldn’t you understand that?
“W-what the hell did you say to me?!”
Tries to be reasonable, but sometimes he just gets so blinded by his own anger that he may hurt you in the process. You may end up with a few bruises on your arms from how tight his grip on you was
And he feels so bad after, he would never wish harm upon his love, yet he was the cause of it
He’ll take care of your injuries the best of his abilities, using ice packs or heating pads depending on how long it was since you got it. He also gives you so many hugs and kisses when he does this, apologizing for hurting you and telling you how much you mean to him
Killing others is a part of his job as a guard, so he could easily cover himself up if he ever kills someone for you. He could simply just take someone’s life because they were talking to you and say his reason was because the person was on the elimination list
When he comes home from his patrols or the job he was ordered to do, he’ll be exhausted and just wants to be in your company. If you allow it, he would very much like for you to massage his body, loosening all of his tense muscles and relieving him of the pain he felt before. He will be in absolute bliss during this, he may even let out a moan or two
If he had to be ranked on the yandere scale from best to worst, he would probably fall by the middle, though a bit closer to the best side. He could definitely be much worse if he wanted to, but also be a bit more careful with you
“Nobody will ever take you away from me, darling. I’ll keep you safe with me until the very end.”- N.S
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asphalt-cocktail · 3 years
okay i know it’s not sin sunday yet,,, but i didn’t wanna forget my idea lol. so what if assistant reader’s neck is really hurting and one of the beatles (i can’t choose who lol) offers to massage her neck. so when they’re massaging the reader starts letting out little moans of pleasure and then which ever beatle starts getting turned on,,, and then it progresses to them fucking lmao
thank you, i love your blog sm !!!
Awe i love this idea! I wrote it for Paul because who doesn't love his hands???
Warnings: Smut
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Sleeping in the tour bus was probably going to be the death of you. You neck and back were so stiff it hurt to turn your head.
“You good, love?”
You turned your whole torso towards Paul and flashed him a pained smile, “just grand” you answered.
“You look stiff as a board” Paul replied with a cheeky grin.
You shrugged wincing as your back twinged in pain, “I don’t know how you lot do it, sleeping on these damned buses is going to kill me.” You said rubbing your neck and trying to tilt it to the side to stretch your sore muscles.
Paul offered you a little shrug, “you’ll get used to it after a while I suppose.” He said and smoothed his hands over his pants, “I can rub the knot out of you want.”
You glanced over at Paul whose wide eyes and pouty lips held an innocent expression, “Would you?” You asked smiling, “I don’t think I’ll get much work done walking around like I’ve got a plank in my back.”
Paul flashed you a sweet smile and nodded his head and watched as you rearranged yourself with enough space for Paul to sit behind you. 
Paul squeezed in, his long legs spread out on either side of you and you sighed as his hands began rubbing your shoulders.
“Christ it’s like you’ve been varying a sack of bricks.” He joked digging his knuckles into the knots and tension that had begun to build up from sleeping on their bus.
You hummed and rolled your shoulders back, “I know my back is killing me.”
Paul’s fingers kneaded your shoulders and neck, you gasped feeling him hit a particularly tender spot and arched your back into his touch. Your face felt hot with embarrassment, “sorry,” you quickly breathed out.
“Feel good?” He asked.
You nodded your head and swallowed thickly “Yeah,” you sighed feeling him dig deeper into the knot, “Right there is where it hurts,”  you tried to keep your voice steady as you spoke.
Paul’s thumbs rubbed your neck in small circles and you sighed a soft moan feeling him kneed out the knots and stress. You rolled your head from side to side feeling the muscles loosen up and let out a content hum., “Fuck, that feels nice.” You purred as he dug his knuckles into the meat of your muscle.
You tilted your head down and leaned forward feeling Paul’s hands travel down your spine, his thumbs rubbing along the tender spots. “You should lay down so I can get the rest of your back.” Paul suggested and patted your back lightly; his voice sounded heavy as he spoke.
You turned on your back folder your arms under your head and laid your legs flat out, feeling the bed dip under Paul’s weight as he straddled his long legs on either side of your body and knelt over you. The heels of his palms pleasantly dug into your spine and made its way down to the dip in your back as he leaned in adding just the right amount of pressure. 
His fingers danced along the exposed skin of your back and felt cold and rough. You sighed and relaxed against his touch as Paul pushed the back of your shirt up. “Is this okay?” He asked, his voice slightly wavering as he spoke. 
You nodded your head, sharply inhaling, “Keep going,” You answered, feeling your stomach clench as Paul pushed his cold hands on your warm exposed skin. 
The pads of his hands felt rough and scratched at the sensitive skin on your lower back and you shivered, arching into his touch. His hands traveled up your back pushing your shirt up as he went and kneading the skin, staying true to his word and working the sore muscles out.
Paul ghosted his fingers down your spine before they stalled, touching the edge of your pants. He moved to your thighs, rubbing and kneading the soft flesh. He paused, resting at the tops of your thigh; you could practically hear him thinking and deciding how bold his next move should be. In one bold movement, his hand pushed against your clothed core and you spread your legs further, allowing him to settle between them.
As he rubbed against you, you pushed back, grinding against his finger and forcing the fabric to rub harshly against you, “Dont stop,” you huffed out.
Paul watched as your back arched while you pushed back against his hand and leaned forward forward and kissing the middle of your back. Paul pulled his fingers away and hooked his fingers in the band of your bottoms, he swallowed thickly, “Can,” He paused for a moment to nervously exhale, “Can you turn over?” He asked, tugging at your hips.
You rolled over and Paul settled, kneeling between your legs and rubbed the sides of your thighs before he tugged your bottoms off and discarded them with a few short tugs. “Is this okay?” He asked again for reassurance as he kissed your thighs and laid flat on his stomach. 
Your stomach twitched as he held your hips down, “Keep going,” You breathlessly spoke watching him. 
Paul’s neck and face was splotched with red patched that were flushed from the heat and his button down wrinkled with his tie loosened around his neck. You swallowed thickly, bringing your knees up and spreading your legs wider. 
Paul’s fingers probed at your entrance, swiping up and gathering your slick in his fingers. He groaned feeling your arousal coating his fingers, “Christ, love.” Paul groaned as he inserted his fingers into you.
You laid your head back and hummed, “Feels good,” You said softly and closed your eyes, your mouth falling open as Paul’s finger lazily circled your clit and his nose nudged at your thighs. You reached down and rubbed your hands along the stiff fabric of Paul’s suit jacket and tugged him up. Paul obliged and began to shrug his clothing off.
You watched intrigued as he stripped off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt before slipping out of his trousers before he settled back on the bed. You ran your fingers along his chest, feeling the hair on his chest brushing against your palms as you kissed along Paul’s jaw and cheeks. His pouty lips captured your mouth in a firm kiss. His mouth moved against yours and your hands ran through Paul’s soft hair.
You broke away and paused for a moment as Paul rested his forehead against yours, “Do you want to um”- Paul swallowed thickly, “Well, you know…” He asked nervously.
You gave Paul a lazy smile and nodded your head, “Yes,” You huffed out trying to hide the need behind your voice.
A soft whimper escaped from your mouth as you felt Paul push into you. You clung to him as his body moved against yours and wrapped your legs around him in a desperate attempt to pull him closer.
Paul hovered close to you, his chest and stomach barely brushing up against yours as he thrust into you. His movements were soft and languid but not teasing, Paul buried his face in the crook of your shoulder, and you listened to his soft breathy sighs and little grunts that helped coax you to your peak.
As the two of you laid in bed Paul rolled over onto his side, propped his head up with one hand, and tried to hide the smile as he looked down at your content face. “What?” You asked suddenly feeling bashful.
Paul shrugged before he laid his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around you, “S’nothing,” He hummed, “I’m just happy you came on tour with me.”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, “You’re going soft on me.”
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
When You Fall, I’ll Be There
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Category: Hurt/Comfort
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo
Hey, everyone! I’m happy to present my story for the TodoBaku Mini-Bang! Be sure to check out the art my partner @addiyblake​ made as well!
Shoto groaned as he rolled his shoulders, reaching back to massage the inflamed and tender flesh caging his scapula. Though he was quite used to being put through the wringer— he could thank his father and the intense U.A. curriculum for that— his body still didn’t take lightly to being flung around by a massive specimen like Gang Orca. He worked his finger pads into the muscle, feeling the heat bloom over his sore and irritated skin, and the ache gradually dwindled. The cool wind blowing from the air conditioner soothed the slightly reddened skin, so Shoto lingered underneath the vent enjoying the breeze until goosebumps rose and prompted him to finally pull on his uniform shirt. 
As he was tucking his folded gym uniform into his schoolbag, Katsuki slammed his locker door shut with an irritated snarl. 
“Fuck these dumb lessons,” he muttered while wrenching on his shirt with such force that Shoto wondered how the fabric didn’t tear. “A waste of goddamn time…” Shoto looked at him with lidded eyes, noting how he tensed his body and clenched his fists tight. Shoto definitely shared Katsuki’s frustration; it was hard watching their classmates head off to internships while they were stuck in supplemental lessons. However, their performance in the licensure exam directly led to this, so unfortunately they had no one to blame but themselves. Katsuki knew this, which is why he punched the locker in anger, leaving a fist-shaped dent in the metal scorched with soot as an explosion went off in his palm. 
“I have to keep moving forward,” Katsuki mumbled, his first slowly uncurling. He looked at the wisps of smoke rising from his palm with sad eyes. He must have felt Shoto staring because his head snapped up with a savage glare. “The hell you lookin’ at, Icyhot?” 
“Just you, throwing your tantrum.” 
“Bah! Don’t pretend this doesn’t piss you off, too!” Katsuki snapped back, shoving his bunched-up gym jacket into his bag. He yanked his button-up on and began doing the buttons, still griping, “You wanna act all cool and shit, but I know that you’re just as frustrated as I am— aw, fuck !” he cursed when he realized he’d done the buttons wrong. As he seethed, growing red in the face, Shoto wondered if he’d just tear the shirt open and walk around bare-chested. However, Katsuki managed to keep his cool, unbuttoning the shirt before redoing them swiftly. “Anyway—” he snorted once he finished, sweeping back his ash-blond bangs to glare critically at Shoto with his vermillion eyes, “Don’t you dare fucking judge me.” 
“I didn’t say I was judging,” Shoto shrugged while tying his tie. “You’re right. I am frustrated, but unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do but complete these lessons. I’m not going to blame you for getting heated about our situation, though. Everyone handles things differently.” 
“‘ Everyone handles things differently ,’” Katsuki snorted under his breath, but not mockingly— more like he was considering the statement. He fell silent, pulling on the rest of his clothes which were rumpled from being haphazardly shoved down in his gym bag. Shoto watched him carefully, noting how stiff and jerky his movements were. His mouth was creased in a deep frown, the hint of uncertainty crinkling his brow. 
Shoto had always been observant, especially with his friends (though Katsuki didn’t really consider them friends because he was an edgy bastard). He’d noticed that Katsuki had been different since Kamino Ward; though in some respects he’d improved, growing closer to Izuku and mellowing out, Shoto could see that deep down, the event still haunted him. The desire to improve wasn’t driving him anymore; it was fear . 
He wouldn’t get very far like that. 
When I was at my lowest, Izuku told me exactly what I needed to hear, Shoto thought as he walked out of the locker room with Katsuki. He stared at the blond out of the corners of his eyes, noting his tense posture and crinkled brow as his thoughts strayed into darkness, making his vermillion eyes shake and sweat roll down the side of his face. No doubt he felt powerless, just like he had in the grasp of the League of Villains. Since they’d undertaken supplemental lessons, his emotional outbursts had increased and were more reminiscent of his early days at U.A., when he rebuked everyone and shouldered everything alone. Shoto would hate to see the progress he’d made go to waste. Is there something I can say to make him feel better? He wondered as they walked out of the building. 
Katsuki’s steps faltered for a minute, leading to Shoto overtaking him. 
“Hey, Icyhot bastard,” he growled immediately, shoving his hands in his pockets and narrowing his eyes. “Walk behind me, not in front.” 
“You always say that,” Shoto said, stopping to turn back to him. He turned up his chin, looking at him inquisitively. “Why?” He was only curious, and didn’t expect Katsuki’s face to turn ashen white and for him to begin spluttering. Shoto raised an eyebrow as Katsuki curled into himself and looked away, anxiety clouding his proud features. 
“B-Because I said so! I’m gonna be number one, so I’m not gonna let some extra like you walk in front of me!” he huffed, but Shoto caught the quiver in his voice and the tremor in his body. 
“You’re lying.” 
“The fuck did you say?!” Katsuki roared, snatching Shoto by the front of his uniform. Though Shoto wanted nothing more than to cold-cock Katsuki in the jaw, he refrained, only staring down at the other boy with a stony expression. Katsuki’s eyes shook and his shoulders rose and fell with panting breaths. His hand shook as he clenched his fingers tighter around the fabric of Shoto’s shirt. “What do you know?” he asked suddenly, his voice cracking as it fell into a whisper. “You don’t know shit about me.” 
“You’re afraid,” Shoto accused. Katsuki’s eyes snapped white, his red irises shrinking into a sea of watery white. As his hand began to shake violently, Shoto reached up, gently wrapping a hand around his wrist. He thought back to the summer training camp when he was supposed to have protected Katsuki— and he made the mistake of walking in front. “You have a right to be. I’m sorry, Katsuki.”
Katsuki slowly deflated, his grip loosening on Shoto’s shirt so he could drop back down to the flats of his feet. He didn’t let go completely, so Shoto didn’t let go of his wrist, either. Katsuki continued to stare, but it felt like he was staring through him, reliving the terrifying sight of Shoto’s back vanishing suddenly before his eyes. “I didn’t have your back that night as I should have, and I’m sorry. I will from now on.” 
Katsuki’s eyes fluttered; Shoto’s words snapped him out of his stupor, causing him to finally uncurl his stiff fingers. Shoto smoothed the front of his uniform shirt as Katsuki’s gaze dropped, a pink haze forming on his cheeks. Shoto expected him to give a brusque reply, insisting that he had it all wrong. Instead, his gaze flickered up to Shoto’s and murmured, “Thanks.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Shoto said with a hint of a smile forming on his lips. “We all handle things differently. It’s okay.” 
“Tch,” Katsuki snorted and shouldered past him, but not roughly; there was almost a strange sense of affection in the way he bumped their shoulders. “Come on, Icyhot. We got homework to do!” he said as he pushed his hands back in his pockets, but stopped to wait for Shoto to catch up— then walked just in front of him, occasionally glancing back to make sure he was still there. Each time, Shoto smiled reassuringly, making Katsuki snort and turn away, the tops of his ears shining red. Shoto didn’t say anything. Katsuki would probably insist it was the fading sun, and besides— they all handled things differently when they were at their lowest and trying to rise. They just needed the reassurance someone would catch them when they fell. 
Shoto would be there next time.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Perfect Little Size Queen
You and Clark finally do the deed you learn something about yourself in the process.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut,Size difference, Oral (f), Over Stimulation
A/n:So I fell into a smut slump...Not sure why or how but damn it was not fun any who here ya go!! this might be the last Clark one for a while, got some Bruce Wayne coming and two quarantine Henry ones and J/LxTeen...and just a quick question how do you feel about a possible ddlg Homelander series? been toying with that any way Enjoy xx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @magdelen69​
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Perfect Little Size Queen You giggled stealing kisses all the way home in the cab, he chuckled clearing his throat when he noticed the driver watching in the mirror then pulled back from you, following you settled your head on his chest grinning up at him, you were over the moon, he had chose you, he loved you and it made you feel on top of the world. "So you feel better now?" You nodded shyly then nuzzled Into his chest poking your nose into the open top buttons kissing his chest making him groan a little. He pulled your knees across his placing you on his lap even in thin position you bearly reached his eye level. He smirked at you holding you close to his chest letting you leave small kisses and nips on his neck peeling back the collar of his shirt dragging your tongue playfully along the revealed skin sucking small opened mouth kisses making him tense then lowered his mouth to your ear clasping your hips tight.
"Carefull with your teasing baby, you might get more than you bargined for" You shivered then nipped at his nose a little
"You promise?" He pulled back shaking his head
"Just keep pushing babe" you bit your lip and nodded grinding down on his lap earning a hushed grunt as his cock stiffened twitching against your ass...Oh he was going to make you pay for that when you got back, biting back a chuckle two could play at this game he wrapped his arm around your waist tugging the tight pencil skirt of the dress up your legs as far as it could go slipping his hand between your legs holding your thigh then pressed higher further up your leg the skirt tightened trapping your legs around his hand as he moved his wrist making sure his thumb tucked tightly against your mound teasing your folds lightly as you grinded making you gasp and freeze stopping your light rocking he smiled kissing your jaw.
"Whats the matter?" whatever you was going to say was cut of by a gasp as he pressed harder thumb slipping past your folds to rest on your tight engorged clit, flushed you opted to stay still for the rest of the ride home, he however did not choosing to flick his thumb every now and then catching your clit with soft flicks making you arch into him, but he caught you every time tucking you back into place shaking his head at you as he tortured you curling his pointer finger back and forth slipping it tight against your dripping little hole.
"C-Clark I'm sorry-please I am stop" he huffed a laugh as you arched and wriggled again trying to loosen your skirt that bound your legs together tightly around his hand but it was no use his wrist had hiked up the hem and you couldn't escape his wandering fingers without ripping the seam of the dress, which was already fighting for dear life against his strong fore arm that was pulling at it. you whined when he laughed at you.
"Fucking yank!" he really did laugh at that
"Not very lady like was it love?"
"Fuck you!" you growled at him having just about enough of his teasing he smiled
"I intend to love" you all but melted as he twitched his fingers again tilting his hand to run the pads of his fingers against you rubbing slow tight circles around on your lips parting them and pressing one single pad to your clenching hole leaving it there still as you moved lightly your walls tried to capture him through the thin fabric of of your panties and he laughed again retreating slightly the pressed hard swiping over the ring of muscle in once slow hard press then pulled back fully tugging down your dress to thanking the driver. You'd arrived at the apartment Clark quickly paid for the cab then shuffled you out onto unsteady legs you blushed red as he righted you standing behind you ushering you into the building. You grunted hissing at Clark as he shoved you face first into the door your hands fumbled with your bag as you tried opening it to retrieve his keys he smiled against your neck pressing harder your breasts firm against the wood. Your gasp became a whine when he grinded into your ass tucking below you thrusting up forcing your back to arch letting you rest on his hips ,his cocks outline threatening and teasingly, tucked into the seam of your cheeks he wound an arm across your hips holding you against him.
"Need some help love?" he said pulling a hand up to help diving in finding the keys to his home you cursed placing both palms flat to the door keening as his voice became a low vibration hummed into the skin of your neck making your skin rise in goose bumps your bag slid into the crook of your elbow he moved his hips slowly angling them he chuckled against your spine making you shiver then moved forward unlocking the door lifting you up making sure you didn't fall into the hall.   you found your self pushed into the hall hearing him kick the door behind you closed hard enough it making the walls shake he cursed quietly to himself willing himself to calm down and keys hit the floor. You giggled at him as his hands found your body exploring in long firm sweeps of his hot palms smoothing and digging at your body as his hot eager tongue lather's your neck in slow drawn out swipes of his you mewled rocking into him panting already,pulling back he spun you to face him so fast that you was all but spun out of your heels now standing flat on the cool wooden floor soothing the ache in the soles of your feet, you both took a second taking each other in pupils blown wide and breathing heavy he moved again stalking forward backing you up against into the sideboard that sat behind the sofa quick fingers finding his buttons as he craned his neck down and kissed your open mouth heating your mouth tongue tasting of the sweet wine he'd been drinking all night it was an addictive taste, one hand came up prying your wrap from your shoulder dragging your bag as he slipped it down your arm dropping both onto the sofa behind you. You moaned into his mouth raising your arms to help free him of his shirt pulling it across his shoulders letting it fall from his arms somewhere behind him tentatively you brought your hands back up skimming his chest then locked your fingers at the back of his neck pulling him closer you both pulled back for air, eyes locking before wandering across his chest he had a small smattering of hair that flowed down in a thin line highlighting the best abs you'd ever seen, the muscles rolled further still to a deep v that directed you to a dark patch of hair that joined the thin streak from his chest. With a cheeky grin he slowly placed his hand on your back tugging the zip down slowly ghosting his other hand behind it eagerly tracing the soft skin following slipping under the fabric caressing the skin making you shiver as he raised goose bumps on your skin slipping the dress down as he went finally stopping at your waist where the belt was holding it snug to your slim waist you moved to release the buckled but he batted you away smirking then whispered in your ear
"Ah Ah this is mine to unwrap" he said leaving a light kiss on your neck then tugged harshly nearly pulling you off the floor completely you moaned gasping when you flooded your panties at the raw strength he showed as he tugged again freeing the buckle then he lowered the zip fully taking it to your ass he pulled gently not wanting to rip the material shimmying you out of the tight dress letting it fall in a heap on the floor as much as he loved you in the dress he prefered you like this naked bar your sheer panties, perfect mounds of soft flesh each crowned with dusky pink nipples hard and aching for attention. He groaned taking a step forward kicking the dress and belt far behind him with one foot, any self doubt you had was gone he looked eager and awed by you drinking you in heaving deep breaths moving a trembling hand to your chest you shivered as he grazed a finger on the underside of your breast taking a sharp breath as your nipple tightened visibly without warning next thing you new you were placed on the sideboard legs dangling and he was standing between admiring your breasts lavishing them with gentle touches making you gasp and moan quietly just as he went to dive in you stopped him placing the tips of your nails on his abdomen.
"One second, I have to get this off first love" he tilted his head questioningly then shivered as you raked your nails over his chest much like you did to his back at night. you moved slow untying your bandanna letting it fall to the sofa then began pulling out the bobby pins that held your hair up, Clark moved delicately helping with the last few shaking his head at the small mountain of clips your hair was hiding then you dropped them into a small bowl on the sideboard that had been for keys you moved to rake your fingers through your hair only to have him beat you to it. You moaned as his huge hands lightly combed your hair massaging your sore scalp.
"You like that?" you nodded melting under his firm but gentle fingers loosening your hair fighting away the ache that came after a well secured vintage style, finally he pulled away letting your hair fall in softer curls around your face he moved to cup your face leaving a long kiss on your lips then moved a hand behind you gathering the hair at your nape puling you back you flailed your arms and legs as your ass nearly slipped off the wood only for his groin to stop you pressing on yours, you moaned your thin sheer panties doing nothing to shield his dress pants from your aching core your cheeks heated you knew that you were going to leave a wet spot again but couldn't care less as his free hand returned to your chest pinching at your nipples trying to pull them from you making them harder than they've ever been you grabbed his shoulders wanting something to anchor yourself to him. He pulled away undoing his dress pants stepping out of them
"Your so beautiful" the words were whispered against your lips breathless and sincere
"And you are the most stunning man I've ever met" he kissed you looking up smiling at him you held your arms out to him
"Clark take me to bed" he grinned
"Yes ma'am" you laughed at the country slur he cast a cheeky grin and scooped you up not needing to turn on the light he made his way through the apartment bouncing you across his cock with each step making your toes curl as your lips wandered to his upper chest sucking harshly intent on leaving as many marks as you could on him while you could. He placed you in the middle of the bed crouching over you tilting your hips up dragging your panties down realizing that he’d have to move away to pull them off he grinned against you ear and tore them you pulled back from his chest leaving your nice new red mark as you felt the fabric give way.
"C-Clark really?" he laughed shrugging moving back shifting dropping his own boxers.
"They were in my way" you scoffed
"Suppose I should be grateful my dress survived then huh? muscle man?" he laughed tugging you down the bed standing up at the foot of the bed
"Well it was touch and go for a while, was going to make a nice split in the cab but I want to see you in it again some time" you laughed loud as he crawled onto the bed settling on his knees between your legs you both stopped for a moment panting taking a second to calm down a little drinking each other in. You flushed eyes dropping to his impressive length bobbing between his powerful thighs an almost frightening looking cock, thick and angry looking a dark red and veiny you shivered in anticipation he had a huge purple tip that looked ready to do some damage, you almost felt sorry for your poor little cervix already knowing it was 'cruising for a bruising' his cock bobbed every now and then rising proud hitting his stomach leaving small wet patches as he was already weeping his tight muscles tense ready to fuck you into oblivion. you shied away a little he was big and you were tiny, only now trying to think of exactly how this was going to work. Sensing your trepidation he moved over you kissing you lightly then ghosted his nose across your neck whispering in your ear.
"You'll be fine babe I promise, we will go slow please trust me" you tilted your head to his nodding the hissed a breath.
"I-I'm not that experienced....had sex but only twice and they were.....nothing like you boys really I thought I could just suck it up but...." you looked down ashamed but Clark felt his heart burst he felt eager to show you, teach you all the different things he could do to you.
"Then we can explore together....I've never been with someone so tiny but we will just be careful" you nodded whining a little he pulled back hiking your legs high dropping to his stomach you yelped at the sudden move you flushed as he widened your legs pulling your outer lips apart making you leak onto his sheets you flexed feeling the cool air on your opening he bit his bottom lip then moved in making you screech as he lapped at your swollen clit he tucking his hands over your thighs as you tried closing them tugging harshly making sure to hold back but still not leaving you any wiggle room you were here now at his mercy and he would force you to stay that way until he saw fit.
"Ah-OH GOD! Clark I've never-UUHHH SHIT YESyesyesyes please I cant-ClaaAARKAH!" you tired arching as the tip of his tongue rolled around your clit playfully prodding and swiping hard and soft in no particular pattern just a random incredible rhythm, you threw your head back moaning when he finally lapped at your clenching hole swiping over it in hard strokes catching your clit each time you felt yourself weeping onto his waiting tongue he grunted pulling you firmer to his mouth diving in sucking obscenely humming into you, you blushed feeling your walls latching onto him.
"AH~F-fuuck Clark oo-ugh pleasepleaseplease I-IcANT OHOHSHIT CLAAARRK!" you cried out as he held you still feasting on you growling into you making you gasp as hes low tone vibrated you making you shiver then he pulled back to nip at your clit again you tried bucking again but to no avail digging your feet into the mattress trying to find purchase you screamed then his teeth left a harsh imprint on the base of your clit pulling it through his teeth, a hand snuck up into you thrusting one then two finally adding a third he spread them apart inside stretching you beyond what you thought you were capable of you cried throwing your head side to side as the fingers explored as he sucked on your clit watching you try to fight his hold made his cock weep onto the sheets below him, he was sure he'd cum across them if he didn't hurry up, determined to make you cum he used his little cheat pulling away he looked across your pelvis then activated his x-ray vision and smirked as he peered into your body trying to locate the small patch of nerves that would really make you scream, quickly he found it then moved back down to your clit latching on with a deathlike grip suckling and flicking it with his tongue angling his fingers up and to the left, a loud gruntal moan was his reward for finding it finally with a loud scream you trembled unable to control yourself as you released over his face confused as hell as it had come out of no where, he didn't stop right away far to happy lapping at you growling low into you making you twitch.
"NonoNONOno please thats- SHIT CLARK that’s enough pleaseplease FUUUUUCK!" you screeched loud and high trying to buck him off unable to fight the grip he had on you you cried tears falling as the over stimulation became a hot sting on your clit as you could only lay there trembling sobbing and begging him to relent you moaned panting short heavy puffs of air unable to get enough in your lungs eventually he did stop smirking at you when he saw your body trembling still.
"So I hope you enjoyed that....because you taste amazing and that will be a regular thing" you sighed relieved when he'd pulled back sitting up licking his lips you laid your arms across your head still trying to catch your breath
"Fuck you and your mouth" he laughed smug
"I think you'll find you fucked my mouth first love" he grinned catching the leg you tried to kick out at him with then kissed the calf with a chuckle before collecting the other one placing your knees at his shoulders dragging your ass down the bed resting his heavy cock on your mound he groaned looking at just how far he was going to reach before you could catch your breath he moved quickly placing the head of his cock at your tiny opening you flinched moving your arm away he moved forward your knees slipping to his elbows he placed his arms just over your shoulders he leaned down letting his weight press down onto you as he let your core kiss him lightly you looked at him uncertain but was to lost from your orgasm to do much else settling to lean up and kiss him giving him your own form of encouragement. He looked down double checking smiling you were exactly as he wanted you slowly he breached you, guiding himself into your hot tight body grunting hissing between his teeth you molten walls snatching him trying to suckle him deeper already, your eyes widened at the feeling of him barely inside but causing a delicious burn you arched a little then forced yourself to relax he kissed you curling over you resting his head against yours pressing a little slipping deeper you panted  as he buried himself further forcing your body to accept him whining finding the burning sting addictive something about being forced to take him in his entirety made you weak some female weakness you didn't quite understand, you moaned breathlessly when you felt yourself being full slowly inch by inch. He watched you carefully ready to pull back at the first sign of true pain but for now he relished in the feel of you squeezing him tight causing the tiny pain he craved for a truly mind blowing orgasm watching with wide eyes unable to believe the pleasure you found in his painful looking penetration, the deeper he went to wider your mouth fell open gasping silent cries trying to escape but couldn't seem to leave your throat you arched again swallowing more and more of him, he couldn't look away as your fingers clawed at the sheets below you. You panted quick breaths then seemed to hold your breath he stopped thinking this was your limit as your legs tensed
"A-Are you okay love do you want me to-"
"IF you stop now your a fucking dead man" you growled out throwing your head back panting he froze unsure what to do so you did it for him pressing yourself down onto him more, he grunted shifting himself higher tensing his hands as he pressed harder hitting something deep making you grunt and moan.
"Fuck! CLARK! please so that again! oh god" he hissed through his teeth feeling you clench him he pulled back slowly then moved forward bumping into it again a quick use of his eye he saw it was in fact your cervix he had hit he cursed a little, it was tempting, to tempting to just rut up into you impale you deeper than you'd ever experienced a deep part of him all to eager to fuck you like he had dreamed, to coat your deepest depths with his seed making sure you felt him dripping for days. He shuddered groaning shaking his head, no he could hurt you, next time or the time after. You moaned arching up to him as he laid closer his pubic bone grazing your sore clit making you hiss a little he smiled down at you.
"You okay there?" you blushed nodding
"Yeah its... your big it stings-pulls?but, I like it feels like- nevermind" he smirked tilting his head at you grunting as your walls pulled at him again
"No tell me love" you trembled shaking your head he moved down resting his head on yours
"OH someones embarrassed now I really want to know" you looked at him flustered
"L-Like I'm owned, and I like it" then turned your head pouting a bit waiting for him to laugh at you
"Good because I cant wait to claim you, to own you and mark you from the inside, Ah you really like that, I can tell, your trying to suck me in" you whined closing your eyes feeling your blood rush to your face, you couldn't help it his words just did something to you, he chuckled a little then moved in kissing you slowly before bracing himself on his hands pulling back then began to thrust into you, you moved grunting as he massaged your walls one hand gripped his thigh feeling the strong muscle work as he started to feel more at ease thrusting faster building you up for another incredibly mind numbing orgasm you held on to him as he moaned and panted growling in your ear.
"F-FUck thats SOO GOOD shit baby YESYESYES UGH I can’t shit babe fuck ugh ugh your so perfect,better then i thought" you cried out as his cock rubbed against the spot he had found earlier pelvis flicking against your clit, you tensed and screamed as he pounded away losing himself inside you he moved higher pushing your legs further back then you felt it you panicked for a second but not long as he bottomed out you let out a high moan as he fucked up into your cervix the pain and pleasure rolled into one and seemed to be just what you needed as your body shuddered around him trying to milk you came over him he didn't seem to notice he hissed to lost to realize what had just happened only knowing that something had trapped the head of his cock and wasn't letting go, he moaned deep in his chest panting and desperate continuing to rut up into that painfully tight ring you cried out as his assault drove you right into another climax.
"Fuckfuckfuck-CLaAARK PLEEAASE...I-I cant take-ANYMORE shit-ITS TO MUCH FUCKAHAHAAHH!" you couldn't stop the third climax a boiling rush of heat hitting al, of your nerves at once making you tense screaming out for more your walls coiled around him clenching trying to make sense of the man who continued fucking you deep into the bed your body was alive or dying you couldn't really tell by this point sobbing as your tired muscles continued to endure his lust, he was chasing his own powerful end determined to feed you his load as deep as he could grunting as you squeezed him your body wanting to hold him still and force him to cum to put an end to his cruel mastery of your body, finally he thrust forward balls pressing tight against your ass you felt them pull taught against you as he started to unload into you he huffed a laugh groaning loud feeling his cum leave him in think spurts grunting at the force he opened his eyes he lost control not only releasing his cum inside of you but also his restraint burning two holes into the wood of the bed only just capturing it before it reached the wall he panicked for a second thinking you'd seen but that was forgotten as he saw you had your eyes squeezed shut tightly as you released one final time alongside him twisting below his hips as he rubbed against your clit with every breath. you opened your lust hazed eyes moaning at him. He panted laughing sitting up running his hands through his hair, that was the best sex he ever had, never and he meant never had he lost control so much or came so hard, he even doubted he could go again yet, which was definitely saying something. you smiled moving a hand to him walls still twitching around holding him still, he lowered himself over you again letting you legs fall down around his. you hissed as they did the new angled making your insides hurt from the way he'd stuffed you full.
"Your a prick you know that? I mean what am I meant to do now?"you groaned he froze unsure if you were upset with him and if so why you sensed his anxiety and giggled at him.
"Fucking ruined me for other men! I mean how fucking dare you Clark Kent? turn me into a size queen!! you ablosute brute-" you broke of into peels of laughter as he tickled you smothering you with kisses
"Well how about that then? my very own perfect little Size queen" he winked making you blush as he pressing his weight on you again making you groan and spasm around him again
"Fuck and your still trying to suck me in deeper babe!" you whined embarrassed it wasn't like you could help it...It just happened he chuckled then pulled back gently easing  himself out in one long slow tug you hissed at him tender and sensitive there was a deep pop before he was fully released he was still slow as he freed himself from you looking down he hissed a little you looked...very sore and swollen he felt guilty especially when there was a smug surge of pride as he gazed at your thoroughly fucked pussy, you watched him seeing his expression change you didn't want to look you didn't have to...You knew, instead you pulled his face up to you smiling.
"I love you honey...Don't worry about it I loved every second" you pulled him down to lay flush against you placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
"I love you to so much, that was the best sex I've ever had" you flushed at him.
"Well I don't see how I just sort of laid there....sorry" he moved beside you tucking you up into his arms kissing your head.
"Don't apologize babe it was wow mind blowing, besides I don't think you could have kept up with me" you rolled your eyes at him resting against his chest.
"Clark? whats wrong?" he tugged the blanket over you
"...Are you okay? I didn't hurt you?" You shook your head at him yawning.
"No.....Bit sore but in a good way....I'm on the pill by the way....Just thought I'd mention that" he gave a fake pout
"So all that cum gone to waste?" You nipped at his nipple by your head making him twist away and laugh.
"Hey no biting!" you smirked and tried again he rolled his eyes as your teeth missed biting air, you closed your eyes and snuggled into him again.
"...No where near ready for kids....In my life or this relationship" He smiled rubbing your back a little his warm hand soothing your worn out muscles, you moaned and slouched over him more giving him access to more of your back he took the hint bringing his other hand up letting the tips of his fingers trace over it even in your drowsy state you could tell he was writing his name over and over you smiled, his low voice reverberated through your chest as he spoke making you melt.
"I know that I was teasing, come on get some sleep you look fucked..." there was a pause before you both snorted chuckling at his words you peeked an eye open lazily.
"Really?" he shrugged laying his head back genuinely tired slinging an arm across your back holding you close it wasn't long before your breathing slowed and you was asleep he sighed content then looked above him to the two singed holes he had left, that would have to be controlled...but for now he was just glad you hadn't noticed....or been in his sights. He would have to watch it some part of him hoped it was just because it was his first time with you, contrary to what you might have thought he was very nervous about having sex with you and thought he may have lost that tightly held control in some mix of relief and pleasure. Telling himself it was a one off...A fluke either way it had to be addressed if it happened again he may find that he has to explain the whole superman thing and really he would prefer to keep it a secret a little while longer. Closing his eyes he shimmied down into the pillows letting the rhythm of your heart beat lull him to sleep.
You woke up bleary eyed not sure for a second where you was rolling over you grimanced when you laid in a large wet spot cursing then blushed a little as last night came rushing back, you moved over looking across the bed Clark wasn't here moving your hand you felt it was cold so where ever he was he had been there for a while, sitting up you winced holding onto your tummy curling your torso slightly, you were sore....very sore you looked down out of curiosity and noticed how red you was...swollen there was no denying what you'd been up to the night before, you spun around letting your feet dangle off the side of the bed then turned your head trying to listen out for Clark .Ah shower. You got up on shaky feet grunting softly when you stood up fully, you felt like you had period cramps and pulled muscles all in one...But would you do it again fuck yes! absolutely....Just not today. you slowly made your way to the bathroom seeing his huge frame in the shower.
"Fucking-shit OH GOD BABE! yes....UGGHH Y/N!yesyesYESSSUGHUHUHUH!" you flushed he was faced away from you but you knew exactly what he was doing as his back tensed moving harshly into his hand, you licked your lips the thought of him having to sneak away to sort himself out made you shiver feeling thoroughly pleased and smug, you'd done that to this gorgeous man and fuck if you wasn't proud of your self, he groaned cursing before spreading his legs again moving his arm again, you crept up behind him stepping into the shower behind him placing a hand on his back.
"Need help babe?" he scoffed tilting his head to you as you poked your head around him
"Well it is your fault~" he said with raised eyebrows he noticed you moving slow and wincing a little and frowned.
"Are you okay? shit I knew I was to much hold on there-" you waved your hand at him dismissively.
"Whats the point of sex if you don't feel it for a few days after...Hey Clark look at me love....You haven't hurt me okay? don't worry, I mean fuck sake we're designed to pop out kids a little rough sex is fuck all now stay still I want to help" he didn't look convinced moving his hands to your hips as you stood in front of him slowly reaching out cupping him gently he hissed and arch into your cool hand. You smiled moving your hand across him circling him relishing in the harsh throb of his cock he couldn't help releasing a loud moan, you noticed he was covered in his own release making you raise your brows a bit.
"Oh baby~ how long have you been in here struggling with this? you should have called me" he whined in his throat nodding he really should have. you moved twisting your wrist as you went and brought your other hand below him tickling the underneath with your nails being careful not to scratch him he grunted pressing both his palms to the tiles either side of you with a wet slap you giggled teasing him then sped up but not enough to let him come just yet holding him firmer in your hands one hand moving to his balls rolling them around massaging your fingers in slow circles then squeezing, he grunted thrusting into your hand panting and biting his lip trying to hold in his high moans his face began flushing red as he moved closer to you his weeping head tapping at you stomach making him throw his head back crying out you joined him.
"That’s it baby....Oh love are you going to cum?...will you cum for me Clark you know you want to just let go love, I can see your ready to....You can paint my stomach I promise I wont mind you getting me all messy....baby oh its not enough is it?" he shook his head begging breathlessly for you to make him cum, you watched as the red flush he had built up in his face seeped down to his chest as his muscled quivered, you tutted and ran your thumb across his tip letting your nail just graze his slit making his hips stutter giving you total control again.
"Wow you really are sensitive.....I know maybe this will help~" you grinned evilly deciding to push him a little further you moved your hand from his balls and directed the shower spray to cover your hand he mewled loud into the room knees nearly buckling as the water sprayed over his cock adding to the pleasure that wracked his body.
"PL-please I need it to-FUCK HURt make it hurt I CAN'T FUCK" he moved his head resting it on the tiles above you..Hurt? you gulped he wanted it to hurt you licked your lips as he trembled hanging his head low panting down on to you as you began working him faster with both hands, this has got to be the hottest thing you'd ever seen in your life, he grunted trying to keep pace but shook his head.
"NO! y/n nononono its-its to much ohGOD FUCK NO BABE pleaseplease I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum fuckfuckfuck!" you smiled holding his base tight squeezing pressing his tip pinching it harshly letting your nails dig in a little to give him the pain he had begged for and dragged it across your stomach.
"Cum! Cum for me Clark now!" he moaned hips unsteadily trying to fuck your hands as he cried out panting as he covered your stomach he panted growling unable to stop as he seemed to loose control, ropes of cum drenching your soft skin he let his head fall to yours as you looked up at him his eyes were closed body trembling, he looked sated and unsteady. You giggled moving to wrap your arms around him in case he decided to stack it.
"Hey...You alright there honey?...You know if you fall there is no way I cant support you, you big lug.... I mean I'd try but we'd both end up on our ass with a broken bone or two then we'd have to call an ambulance somehow....I don't want other people to see me naked..." he laughed moving his hair from his eyes moving to hold you tight against him growling into your shoulder.
"Neither do I.....I'm flattered you'd at least try to catch me tho...Lets clean you up,Ive made a bit of a mess.." you raised an eyebrow and looked at the soiled wall beside you.
"yeah... should probably clean that up to" he blushed shrugging
"Couldn't help it....You were grinding on my in your sleep....Humping really you were having a good dream I think." you gasped at him turning red making him laugh
"I WAS FUCKING NOT!! don't try to blame me for you being a-a fucking turbo spunk machine!and your mum called you a gentleman!!" he held you closer laughing then spun you around using the shower spray to wash away his cum from you and the wall before lathering up a cloth with a sweet smelling fruity soap running it over you washing you making you relax as his washing became more of an all over massage you shivered as he moved to your breast cupping them being very thorough teasing your nipples a little then moving on you whined when he ran the cloth over your red folds hissing as even the lightest touch made you squirm he sighed kissing your shoulder then moved you tilting your head back under the spray he moved collecting your hair lathering shampoo into it using his fingertips to really scrub your scalp clean you had to press onto the wall to stop from falling over as you pressed your head back into his hands moaning you melted under his fingers it was over to quick when he rinsed your hair then it was your turn taking the cloth you lathered it with a clean smelling gel let you take over washing him you'll admit you spent longer on his ass then needed but...It was a great ass and you hadn't got much time grabbing it... So it wasn't your fault you sighed content rubbing his thighs not really wanting to stop enjoying yourself taking your time tracing your hands across every hard muscle you could find and there was a lot... finally you couldn't draw it out anymore you tilted your head holding the shampoo bottle looking up at him....How the fuck? you blinked at him you needed up.
"Up" he raised a brow at your demand crossing his arms at you
“I’m sorry what?” you sighed stomping your foot holding out your arms
“up now? please” he shook his head and smiled before lifting you up letting you wrap your legs around him you winced a little but kept with it.
"Can you reach now?" you smiled leaning in to kiss him sweetly
"Yes thank you babe, just realized your going to come in handy...your going to have to come shopping with me...what's it like being able to reach the top shelf?" he shook his head at you
"Tell you what next time we go shopping I'll lift you up and you can see for yourself, how does that sound?"
"Embarrassing but I’m in yolo and all that, and they tell you off when you climb to!" he chuckled then held still as you squeezed out some shampoo dropping the bottle carelessly on the floor causing an obscenely loud bang making him sigh.
"What I've got a job to do" you moved his head back then smoothed his hair back he sighed as your nails raked through his hair scratching his scalp as you worked the shampoo threw his dark locks you laughed at to look on his face reminding you of a cat getting head scratches eyes closed and thoroughly enjoying himself you shook your head as you rinsed him off.
"There we go babe all done" he kissed you deeply moaning into you tangling his tongue with yours you clutched at him then winced as you shifted your pussy throbbing. Pulling back you smiled reassuringly to him.
"How about a lazy day today? well lazy I've got one final chapter to finish, about three pages? then send it off to my publisher to check" he nodded leaving the shower turning it off before wrapping you up in two large fluffy towels fresh from the heated towel rack. It wasn't long before you found yourself in one of his shirts lounging on the sofa watching tv nuzzling into him breathing him in content.
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After Practice Massage
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A/N: This was a long process to write XD I had half of this fanfic written down when my laptop was out of commission and I just only now remembered that I had it waiting. This is my first time writing for the Stray Kids fandom so I apologize if they’re not in character! I tried to keep them in their personalities the best I could <3 Anyways, enjoy the fanfic <3
Summary:  After practicing for who knows how long, Minho decides to head back to the dorm but is surprised when Felix comes to walk home with him and offers him a massage for his sore legs and ankles.
Word Count: 1908
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To say that Lee Know was tired and achy would be an understatement, though he tried not to let it show on how exhausted he truly was since he was currently in the middle of a Vlive and tons of Stays were watching him practice. Letting out a hugg of breath when the song he was dancing to ended, Minho slumped towards where his phone was propped up and smiled, taking in the countless praises he got for his dancing. 
“Alright guys, I’m sorry to say this but it’s time to pack up for today. We don’t want to get caught by Chan-hyung for practicing longer than we should’ve,” Minho chuckled, brushing his sweaty bands away from his eyes as he read the supporting comments and goodbyes from the Stays. Smiling as a blush made his already flushed face grow darker, Lee Know waved and gave a peace sign to the fans. “Goodnight everyone. See you next time!”
Clicking the button to stop the livestream, a sigh escaped his lips and he flopped down on his butt, checking the time on his phone and wincing when he realized how late it was along with how long he had actually been practicing for. Taking in a deep breath, Minho pushed himself off the floor, grunting when the muscles in his legs protested the movement, the joints in his knees giving a sharp crack as he finally stood up. Gathering his things and throwing his bag over his shoulder, Minho couldn’t even take one step forward when the practice room shot open and the group’s literal ball of sunshine popped in, a bright smile resting on his freckled face. 
“Hyung! Looks like I got here just in time! I decided to walk you back to the dorm! I didn’t like the idea of you walking back alone…” Felix got out, the child-like grin on his face being contagious as Minho felt one of his own smiles sliding onto his face. Trying not to put too much pressure on his ankles when he met Felix at the door, Minho ruffled the younger member’s hair and threw his arm around Felix’s shoulders, leaning into him as his legs throbbed underneath him. Noticing this, Felix furrowed his brows in worry but remained silent as his hyung urged him forward. “Lee Know-hyung...would you like a massage when we get back to the dorm?”
“What brought this on? But um...sure, if you don’t mind, that is,” Minho sighed, squeezing Felix’s shoulder as he was helped out of the practice room. Not minding the walk back to the dorm since Felix had a firm yet loving hold on him, Minho listened to the other dance ramble on about being voted as an imposter while he played Among Us with the other members. “Don’t worry, Lix. You’ll get them back. I’ll teach you some tricks if you want.”
Snickering at the gasp of excitement Felix let out, Minho just observed the other with amused eyes until his attention was brought back to what was ahead of them, the dorm appearing in their line of sight. Getting Minho into the building, Felix helped him into the elevator and clicked the button to get them to their floor. Not having to wait long, the two arrived at the dorm and opened the door, the sound of the television catching their attention along with the wavering scent of someone cooking. 
“Why don’t you go see who’s cooking? Just in case? The last thing we need is the kitchen catching on fire...again,” Minho sighed, nodding towards the direction of the kitchen as the sounds of a pan being placed on the stove made them both bristle. Keeping his eyes on Minho in worry, Felix bit his lip but agreed when he was shooed away. “Don’t worry about me. I can get to the couch.”
Staying still until Felix toed off his shoes and disappeared towards the kitchen, Minho made sure he was truly gone before he carefully slipped off his shoes, a sharp intake of breath getting sucked through his lips when a dull echo of pain shot through his ankles, making his legs tense when he finally got both shoes off. Tossing his bag on top of his shoes, Minho hobbled towards the living area, the sight of their makane catching his attention. 
“Oh, Minho-hyung...are you okay?” Jeongin asked once he noticed him, his brows furrowed when he took in the way Minho was walking. Practically dropping onto the couch as dead weight, Minho couldn’t help the grunt of relief that left his lips when he finally got off his sore feet. Making a small groan to I.N’s question, Minho grumbled something and leaned to the side enough to lay against the maknae. “...okay…?” 
Turning towards the sound of rushing footsteps, the two blinked when Felix came into the room, holding onto a heat pad with a determined shine to his eyes. Staying quiet as Felix skipped towards him, Minho only yelped when he was moved around, his head being placed in Jeongin’s lap, the maknae’s fingers brushing through his hair as Felix dropped down on the couch, carefully pulling Minho’s feet into his lap. 
“Keep this pad on your legs...I’m going to start now,” Felix mumbled, offering a small smile as he got to work, rubbing his thumbs in gentle circles around the bones of Minho’s ankles. Tensing up briefly at the small burn of pain that sparked in his feet, Minho tried not to move away, his lip getting caught between his teeth as he tried not to groan at the pain. “I know it hurts, hyung...just a bit more and it will feel better. I promise!”
“It’s okay, Yongbok...just do your thing,” Minho got out, letting his eyes shut, trying to focus on the feeling of Jeongin’s fingers in his hair. Keeping his eyes on Minho, Felix kept his touch firm yet gentle until he felt the older member grow slack, a sigh of relief escaping Lee Know’s lips when the dull pain finally vanished for something more pleasant. Smiling brightly when he noticed his hyung relaxing, Felix shot an appreciative look towards I.N, who shook his head and carefully lifted Minho, leaning him into the back of the couch so he could get up and help get dinner going. “Thanks Jeonginnie...by the way, who’s cooking? You didn’t exactly tell me, Felix.”
“Channie is! He actually got back from the studio early today...I think it had something to do with Jisung and Changbin forcing him out of the building,” I.N cackled, grinning widely as he remembered the hilarious scene of their leader being dragged into the dorm by his arms. Giving a tired chuckle of his own, Minho relaxed further into the couch. Sensing his hyung’s fatigue, Jeongin gave a small smile to Felix before he left towards the kitchen, pausing at the exit of the room so he could glance back at the two dancers. “Take care of hyung, yeah?”
Giving a small hum in response, Felix kept his eyes on what he was doing as the two were finally alone, the random show on the television just becoming background noise as they remained quiet. Letting his eyes flutter open as he gazed at Felix, Minho felt a shiver shake his legs when he realized the hot pack Felix had put on him finally got cold, the warmth no longer lingering. Noticing the slight tremor, Felix blinked and took the pad off Minho’s legs, figuring that they didn’t need it anymore since he was already almost done with his hyung’s legs. Moving his hands from Minho’s ankles, Felix felt around the other’s calves, frowning when he felt how many tight knots were in his muscles. How long did he really practice for to get this bad?
“Hyung...how many hours did you practice for? Your legs are full of knots! It must’ve been painful walking home,” Felix muttered, his tone full of worry that had a little twinge of guilt prickling in Lee Know’s chest. Reaching, Minho squeezed Felix’s wrist, catching the younger dancer’s attention and offering a smile, trying to assure the ball of sunshine that he was okay. Noticing this, Felix let out a small huff and wiggled the elder’s touch off his wrist, getting back to work with loosening the knots in Minho’s calves. “You’re lucky Chan-hyung doesn’t know about this or else he’d make you stay at the dorm and not practice.”
“Don’t tell him, ya? I promise after your massage and some rest, I’ll be okay,” Minho chuckled nervously, knowing what Felix said would be true. The last thing he needs is for Chan to find out and for him to fall behind on practice because he’s on their leader’s watch. Nodding softly, Felix chose to remain silent, letting the television become background noise once more, his focus going back on Minho’s legs. Relaxing against the back of the couch again, Minho took deep breaths through the slight pains he would get from Felix’s thumb pressing into the knots and before long, Minho found himself beginning to doze off. “Is it okay if I nap? Or do you need me awake?”
Shushing his hyung with a grin, Felix patted his knee and just watched in fond amusement the way Minho’s eyes fluttered shut. Keeping his touch light on his hyung’s calves, Felix grinned in success when he felt all the knots Lee Know was keeping in his legs faded out, leaving nothing but smooth muscle and warm skin. Rubbing his legs softly, Felix perked up at the sound of Chan calling them, knowing dinner must’ve been ready and if he knew any better, the whole dorm was about to get loud as hell. His thought coming true not a moment later, Felix yelped when the bedroom doors were slammed open and the sound of running footsteps caught him by surprise.
“Wha?” Minho grumbled, his eyes scrunching up before they opened when Jisung’s yell and Hyunjin’s singing woke him up, his face set in something that did not look like amusement at all the loud noise. Squeezing his knee, which made Lee Know glance at him, Felix offered an apologetic smile and gently lifted Minho’s feet off his lap, holding his hand out to help the other up. Letting out a sigh when Changbin yelled about something this time and Seungmin’s laughter echoed from the kitchen, Minho took Felix’s offered hand and slowly stood up, wincing slightly when his legs protested. Making sure he could stand on his own, Felix snickered softly when Minho mumbled something about his legs feeling like jelly and looped his arm around the elder’s waist. Leaning into Felix gratefully, Minho shot him an appreciative look and nodded towards the kitchen where all the noise was beginning to get louder and more hectic. “Come on. If we don’t get in there now, all the food will be gone or stuffed in Jisung’s cheeks.”
Letting out a snort of laughter, Felix nodded and removed his arm from Minho’s waist, moving it around the other’s arm instead so that Chan wouldn’t ask questions about him helping the other into the kitchen. Nuzzling his face into Minho’s shoulder, Felix grinned brightly when Lee Know rolled his eyes playfully, the two of them making their way into the kitchen where the rest of their dysfunctional family was waiting for them.
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