#i was going to copy-paste it into tumblr but the formatting is really important to the Experience
dailysquiddo · 2 months
"the harsh sun beats down on dirt roads full of pebbles and dust.
its harsh rays peel the paint on the slowly decaying houses. all of the grass has long since died in the heat.
most of the houses are empty, and they have been so for a long time. some of the houses have sun-bleached curtains flapping in empty wind, shattered glass from once clean windows now littering the ground in thousands of dirty, yellowed shards like fallen, tarnished stars."
or, squiddo and ashswag go ghost hunting.
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hot take: nothing happened in india, nothing happened in the new york apple trip. paul didn’t reject john and john didn’t reject paul. there was no great conversation that led to a rejection. and john was not checked out of the band in 1968 even if he did bring in yoko to the studio. like even in get back, he does not seem checked out at all. a bit strung out and without sleep, sure. but like this man had energy, he was about playing with his boys. im not saying he completely liked being a beatle. there were things he was completely over with, as were all of them including paul. the mega pressure they were constantly put on, they were all tired of it, and it didn’t just come from one band member. mlh for example kept on emphasizing this the whole way through, im sure that was a burden for all of them - plus he would never shut up about it. even george though everyone likes to pretend he was done with the band too. there’s literal interviews of him in 1970 and 1971, heck even in 1973 talking about playing with the group. can we stop pretending paul was the only one who cared about the group and affected? i see this on twitter and tumblr, from old heads and newer fans and if you really look into it, read the interviews, watch the videos, it’s a completely different story altogether. now if you want to say they were tired of the format they’ve been operating under for the past 8+ years, yes completely I’ll give you that, but even paul was at that point too, it’s why he suggested to go back to the small intimate venues, get back to performing live. john was even discussing doing something similar in the early 1970s even though he called paul daft about the idea lol.
i guess i’d just like more nuanced takes on this site, and i feel like we had it on here in past, but recently it’s been more biased or geared towards the overly looking at everything through a shipping lens. but i just feel we lose some great insight when we do that. and people can post what they want, sure, but then when a post gets passed around like it’s gospel and makes it’s way to twitter or some other site like it’s facts, i just don’t see the point. like that one post about the mclennon hug at nme and paul shrugging john off. it made it’s way to twitter and i had a friend of mine ask me was paul always such an ass to john? what?
sorry for long post. you said hot takes and i just kind of went with it. appreciate your thouhhts!
Oh my goooooooood re: the NME hug thing. Also love that twitter is still copying tumblr though, we are the moment <3
I agree with most of your points. I do think India represented some shift to John, but I don't think that means anything specific happened with regard to Paul. Like, maybe! He definitely upended his life almost directly after returning from that trip and seemed disappointed it hadn't fixed his problems, and Paul could easily have had something to do with that (because Paul was important to John and a big part of his life!) but that doesn't necessarily mean a specific thing happened between John and Paul. I do get how that one convo in Get Back could be indicative of something. Generally I think the usual McLennon interpretation of that dialogue is plausible enough, but it's just by far not the only possible interpretation (and also people like CONSTANTLY forget Paul was always scheduled to leave early. maybe that upset John, but still).
I think the shipping lens is a worthy one to consider, but usually this stuff has tons of facets and I agree with you that it seems we're seeing less and less of those other facets and also more and more sharing of context-less factoids. It's hard because you don't want to barge in on every post and "spoil the party" (haha !) but it's also frustrating to see people sharing unconfirmed stuff as if it's a fact. And some people just don't take this stuff very seriously, I know, but, every time you check the notes, it's clear some people really do.
I think the number one thing I wish we had more of is interrogation of sources. Honestly, one of the least compelling pieces of "McLennon evidence" to me is people super peripherally involved with the Beatles or even biographers comparing John and Paul to a married couple. It's interesting and worthy of examination that John, Paul, and Yoko made this comparison; it's somewhat eyebrow-raising that Francie Schwartz, who got to watch them from up close for a short period but also clearly had an axe to grind + comes across kinda self-important, made this comparison at times; on the other hand, I literally Do Not Care if Bob Spitz or Ruth McCartney invoked this image lol. That's barely worth more to me than someone on tumblr posting a pic of John and Paul and saying Don't They Seem Gay Here?
ANYWAYS, is there any particular topic you think would be worth a more nuanced discussion, anon? :)
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inspector-irratino · 1 month
Moriarty Console Churn Output - 06/05/2024
So I did the daily Murdle at just past midnight, and saw this on the Detective Dispatch. Let's check it out.
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If you've seen this and clicked that interesting looking red link, you have probably seen web churn like this!
Screencap of murdle.com/mansion/m/iii.html
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Here are my current findings, including my own web crawling. This may be considered a spoiler or even noncanonical, as some of this information is not out for public release yet, and some may never be.
I would also like to make it clear that the Moriarty Webchurn is NOT the same as the Moriarty Console, which looks like this:
Screencap of murdle.com/console
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First off, there are FOUR of these same pages. The current accessible one is iii.html, though keep the others in mind for now. All four pages look the same, but not all of them have the base html in.
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As you can see from my still image, there are repeated images with random sequences of letters cut through some of them. Here are the repeated ones.
TVG NFIWOV 3 GL OVZIM NLIV ( translates to "GET MURDLE 3 TO LEARN MORE" with detective code ) -- this is also highlighted in green on the webpage!
I know that these are all of the phrases, and that the intercut strings also do not matter, as I found the original code. This is not hosted on murdle.com/m/iii.html, however. This screencap I took was of murdle.com/m/moriarty.html. The name of all tabs when clicked into these webpages is MORIARTY, with zalgo text applied.
You may find it yourself, if you go into inspect element -> sources tab -> moriarty.html and just take a good old look.
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You may also noticed that our handy highlighted phrase is missing from this list, but it is elsewhere in this selfsame document. The number 3 also has a bias in the random alphanumeric string, which is interesting to note, given that this was made to tie into Volume 3's release, and Moriarty's importance within Murdle Vol 3.
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As for more html combing, it's really weird that this screencap was taken of murdle.com/mansion/m/o.html's code.
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Look at the highlighted section, but also the rest of that line at large. The number skew as previously mentioned is missing, and there are a lot more potential characters at play here. It's weird that there are two near-exact copies of the same code, with such a minor difference that I don't think anyone would notice. That is such a weird detail, and I don't know if that will be important in the future.
Cast your mind back to June last year, the case of the Missing Murdles.
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These two locations feature very heavily in Volume 3, so it's worth putting these back out for public viewing. As you can tell, TekTopia is very much Moriarty's project, being "An AI-planned city". Linking this with the repeated phrase "TEKTOPIA WILL COVER THE EARTH", we can see that Moriarty is out of control and needs stopping.
My aside about murdle.com/console was not irrelevant, either, as it's notable that the console is driven by human interaction and feedback.
In line 958 of console/ that you find in the same way as you'd find the other code snippets posted so far, we reveal this information. I have kept the formatting as intact as I can over tumblr formatting.
MORIARTY is an AI engine built to generate murder mysteries for https://murdle.com/. Recently, the AI has requested the mass-solving of "CRYPTICS" by human participants. TO SOLVE A CRYPTIC, turn its squares green. Tapping a square flips its colour and the colours of the squares it touches. No one knows the function of this task, but MORIARTY has requested it.
Depending on the number of cryptics you solve, you also get given a title! All I want to know is who out there is genuinely solving thousands upon thousands of cryptics on one single browser. You okay, hun?
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Related - and note that this is non-canonical as it is unused code - I saw this! Fascinating stuff.
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Given what I know about computer program self-propagation - from my knowledge of computer viruses - it seems as if Moriarty spreads like a worm, as it seems to only propagate if you click into its links, and as it's a mystery its sharing is encouraged - or, in the case of the in-universe explanation, forced. (Think ILOVEYOU or Mydoom). The reason I believe this is because of the phrases that repeat in the web churn, and that opening up any of the Moriarty links is the same as being delivered that payload. RIP to my computer in the murdleverse, I guess!
This is also backed up by the fact that every Moriarty Churn tab crashes, though that might be my browser settings (Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION).
I'd love to know if the idea is to try and overload the tab's memory allocation to give the vibe of it being a computer virus-like deal, so please get in touch!
✨ || Theorycrafting
Moriarty has existed in the murdleverse for a decent amount of time, the earliest Wayback Machine link is April 7th, 2023. The code looks the same at first glance, and feels the same from a user perspective, so I am assuming that there have been no significant updates to the Moriarty Console code as of the time of this post. My understanding is that it is a TekCo produced AI charged with the creation of TekTopia, though its scope has long passed its original intent.
Given that this was released days after the Moriarty Console became public - assumedly ongoingly - implies also that Moriarty has a lot of human-driven data. This, interestingly enough, was also indicated by the suspect gallery update, as the original gallery pictures were stolen in-universe! Which is to say, even more data. (This also opens up a whole can of worms about "AI Art", but that's for another day)
I'd love to know what else people think about this, so do get in touch either on here, or in the detective club discord server!
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 11th of January, 2023
This is speculation only.
Cards drawn on the 10th of January, 2023
Question: What will be the end result of this (book and interviews) for Harry?
Sorry for dodgy formatting, this is copied and pasted to get it up while tumblr is working for me!
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Interpretation: His wrongdoings will be exposed and there will be messages to him from England.
Card One: The Six of Cups, reversed.
The Six of Cups is the card of childhood, the past, nostalgia for the past. Reversed, it means you are living in the past, or you are not seeing the past properly, or you have cut yourself off from the past.
The energy from this card is that Harry is living in his past, but it is a past that he is not remembering clearly. He is seeing it the way he wanted it to be, not the way it was. Some things are glossed over and other things are magnified out of proportion to their importance at the time. Harry's view of his past is a distorted one, and it is that distorted view of the past that he is wrapping around himself and inhabiting each day instead of putting it in the past, where it belongs, and living in the present.
Card Two: The Seven of Swords, reversed.
The Seven of Swords is the Thief card, the card of illegal or criminal activity, and when it is reversed, you are found out. it can also be a card of self deception when it is reversed. Both those energies are coming through here.
Harry is deceiving himself. He is living in a made up world and not in reality, and he is telling other people about his made up world as if it was the truth in his book and in his interviews. He is going to be found out, and this has already started with people noticing the inconsistencies and outright lies in what he says.
However, being found out is not going to stop Harry from telling his version of events, instead he is going to sink deeper into his self delusions and insist that they are the truth. One of the keywords for this card when reversed is maliciousness, and I think that Harry is going to be more and more openly malicious as he retreats into his fantasy world.
The card shows an armed man sneaking into a city under the cover of night. The energy of the card is that the man is caught, thrown out of the city, and then he returns to try again, is caught again, thrown out with more force, and he returns yet again, is caught again, returns again, is caught again, and this repeats ad infinitum. Each time the man is caught he becomes more determined to succeed in his task by doing exactly the same thing all over again.
Card Three: The Page of Pentacles.
This is my card for England, and that is the energy I am getting from this card (my apologies to Scotland, Ireland and Wales - I know you are part of the UK, however this card says England to me).
Pages are messages, so there will messages from England for Harry. Pentacles are about money and status, so the messages will be about money and status in some way. Pages can also be children, especially earth sign children (Archie, Charlotte and Louis), so the messages may be about one or more of these children, or the child/children may be the reason or part of the reason for the message. The messages feel like they will come from his family (both as family and as rulers) and perhaps the government as well.
As this card is a minor arcana card it is likely that these messages will be delivered privately and not made public.
Card Four: The Chariot, reversed.
The Chariot is the card of going forward, of moving directly to your goal. reversed, it says you are blocked. Harry will be stuck in place, unable to go forward and accomplish his goals (whatever they really are).
The Charioteer drives two horses, the light and the dark, and it is their control of both these horses that lets them move forward. The horses represent our positive and negative attributes and are sometimes called desire and willpower, When one or both of the horses breaks out of their control, both horses go off in different directions and the chariot is overturned. This is what happens when the card is in the reverse. In this case, I feel that Harry's desires and his overindulgence of those desires have increased the strength of one horse at the expense of the other, and the result is an overturned chariot, the horses taking off in different directions, and Harry going nowhere.
The Chariot can be a card of travel and in this case, when it is reversed, the travel is not happening and you are stuck in the same spot. As it comes after my card for England, Harry may find that his plans to travel to England are blocked or stopped somehow.
The Chariot is the card of Cancer, the sun sign of Prince William. In reverse, it indicates two things: firstly, that Harry is trying to put Prince William into a reverse position, as we have seen by his attempts to damage Prince William's reputation, and secondly, that Prince William is done with Harry and will no longer be there for Harry in the future. Their childhood connection has been cut and Prince William is through with Harry.
The picture shows the war god Ares driving the chariot. The reversal shows that Harry's attempts to wage war on the BRF, his father, his brother, and other family members will not work. The attempt will not go anywhere. It is stuck in one spot, just like the chariot in reverse is.
Underlying Energy One: The Ten of Cups.
The Ten of Cups is the happy ever after card, the card of emotional satisfaction, happiness, and joy, especially with your family and/or your romantic partner. Harry thinks that he has the perfect romance and the perfect family. He is living his dream, being the hero and protecting his vulnerable family (in his mind). Cups is the suit of emotions, so all of Harry's responses and input into this situation are powered by his emotions (Cups as the underlying energy). We know that this is an illusion, but to Harry it is his reality. He can not understand why other people can't see how perfect Meghan is and how wonderful his life is. His rose coloured glasses are locked firmly in place and he will fight to preserve his image of how things are, however much reality tries to tell him otherwise.
Underlying Energy Two: The Five of Cups, reversed.
The Five of Cups is a card of sorrow, grief, and loss, particularly of close family members with this card. Reversed, it is the opposite - recovery from loss and grief, acceptance, and moving on. Harry thinks that this is his situation. He thinks that he has recovered from the past and the grief of his mother's death, and he thinks that he has moved on and is now in a healthy and loving relationship. Again, this is thinking powered by his emotions (the suit of Cups) and not reality. We can all see that he has not dealt with his grief over the loss of his mother and is a deeply damaged and somewhat delusional man, but for Harry he is the sane and healthy one, and everyone else are just 'haters' who are trying to bring him down and/or don't want what is best for him. He is blind to the pain he is causing others and he may even think that they are the ones lost in grief and dwelling in the past, while he is the one who has moved on, when in fact the opposite is true.
Harry is delusional, and he is clinging to his delusions with everything he has. He is lost in the version of the past that he has created in his mind and he lives in this past every day. He is powered and motivated by his emotions. He believes that he is healed of his grief from his mother's death and that he has a loving wife and a picture perfect family that he must protect at all costs.
As a result of his book and his interviews, Harry's wrongdoings will be exposed. This will have the effect of driving him deeper into his delusions as he repeats the same actions over and over again, believing that this time the outcome will be different. He is powered by his emotions so his current 'truth' will be whatever he feels at that time, and that may change from hour to hour (as we can see in his interviews).
Harry will be receiving some sort of messages from England, most likely from the BRF and/or maybe the government. The messages are most likely to be about money and/or status and may concern children, his own or others, in some way. They are more likely to be private messages than public ones.
Harry's final position will be one of being stuck. He won't be able to travel or move from his position. He will be stuck because he has failed to keep both sides of his nature, the positive and the negative/the rational and the irrational/ his willpower and his unbridled desires in balance, so one side will rear up and overturn him. His acts of war against his family and everyone else he has hurt in his book will fail. Finally, he will lose whatever support and sympathy his brother has left for him. Prince William is done with Harry on a personal level (i.e. he may still want Harry to be safe and receiving help, but he no longer views Harry as part of his family, and for a Cancerian that is one of the worst things they can say to you).
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angelshadowsinger · 4 months
Hi, Angel!💗 I was wondering if you could please share where you learned how to create your masterlist, and profile layout, and how did you upload your dividers without it looking weird? I’m newish to Tumblr and I’m getting a little frustrated because I’m having trouble figuring it out.💗
hii sweetest! yes, of course I can give you some pointers. first of all, welcome to tumblr authorhood!! may you receive many comments and find infinite motivation~
for me, I suppose I’m “self-taught”? but isn’t everyone on this app? lol. actually, I’ve been sharing fic on tumblr for… idk, 8 years on and off ?? omg that’s wild. but yeah, I’ve definitely learned some stuff along the way., here are my key takeaways:
(general) promote interaction:
there’s a couple things I do to try to improve the number of notes I receive on my posts, but there’s also a few things I try my best to do in order to improve my readers’ experience. first, I use tags on every post I publish. I have a tag for asks, for my fics, for my fic recs, etc. This makes it easier for a potential follower to go through with following you even if they don’t like 100% of your content, bc they can always blacklist the tag and they won’t have to see any of those posts. second, use links so that your readers can easily look through your stuff. a masterlist is KEY here as it’s the gateway for all your fics, but also, general navigation, or even linking your masterlist at the end of your fics can be beneficial too. I find it’s also really important to have links in your bio. this makes it way more approachable for any followers and it’s honestly nice to have for your own purposes as well. the only thing about that is, you have to make the links for your bio on the computer version of tumblr when you’re editing your blog. it cannot be mobile, something about it just won’t work. i can go into further detail on how to get those bio links but tbh i just looked it up on google 5yrs ago and it’s stayed the same since then lol~
obviously my blog doesnt have a “theme” theme when you visit it on computer, but i mean theme as in, all your navigation/general/fic posts are cohesive and they look like they belong on the same blog. you can achieve this by using the same fonts, text symbols (or emojis…. i guess. personally, side eye…), or dividers.
so beyond the 3 fonts tumblr has in its posting formatting, i personally like to use copy paste fonts. they still work with embedding links and stuff as well. i like to use a font generator, where you type in whatever you’d like and it converts it for you. then you can just copy & paste.
text symbols:
these are a good for borders and dividers, or just generally spicing up your bio/navigation. i usually google “text symbols copy paste”, and browse through the results.
when you’d like to use a photo divider on your blog, make sure it is a very skinny PNG file. PNG means it has a transparent background, so it will be more cohesive for your readers on regular white posts and also dark mode posts. I actually designed my own PNG divider (Azriel’s siphon of course hehe) on my iPad on ProCreate, but I know there’s a lot of blogs that make them and share them, which you can use so long as you give proper credits. that’s another thing that’s important— always make sure to credit others if you’re using work that isn’t yours!
most importantly, I recommend always TESTING these methods!! make sure to double check that all your links work, that the symbol you choose doesn’t become an emoji when you paste, that the font is all set. there’s a lot of trial and error involved in making your blog just right :) hope this helps & good luck anon!!
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Hi there! Please take a look at accessiblepublishing dot ca's guide to image description. There's a few mistakes in your transcribing and since you're sharing templates for other people to copy and paste, these mistakes are just going to multiply. A couple in particular I've noticed are: overly lengthy/confusing descriptors, paragraph breaks, restating plain text (screen readers already read plain text), restating audio, using styles in post, and using personal opinion in descriptors. It's great that you want to help make things more accessible, but please work to standardize your descriptors if you're going to be instructing others.
Hi, anon!! I really appreciate the feedback!! First, I actually have been dragging my feet for ages on fixing our earliest descriptions on the meme templates doc, so I will take this as my push to pare some of them down and make them clearer! I'll do my best to respond to everything here, going under the assumption that you mostly mean the descriptions I post on Tumblr rather than the ones on the doc:
Overly lengthy descriptors: I'm always working on this! I imagine my biggest offense on this is for comic IDs, but I generally intend for those to convey some manner of the style and flow of the art. I would actually appreciate being sent feedback on specific offenders if you want to show me where I've gone wrong!
Paragraph breaks: I write IDs as intended for plain text rather than alt, generally, but alt on Tumblr supports line breaks anyway. (The meme doc was also aimed for plain text, given the "ID: / End ID" formatting.) As I have seen a few sources saying paragraph breaks aid readability and I (a sighted person) definitely can't read long blocks of text, and I don't think I'm going to stop using paragraph breaks. I'm genuinely sorry if this is an inconvenience, but it is always okay to take my IDs and edit them as necessary if they don't measure up! (Also, I swear to god I don't say this to be petty, I'm trying to cover my bases because I haven't seen paragraph breaks being advised against in descriptions before: the accessiblepublishing guide also uses paragraph breaks in its examples for alt text? Do you have reasoning or other sources to explain why paragraph breaks are bad?)
Plain text: I take cues from posts like this one on plain text! Tl;dr, plain text is still important for low vision users who may not use screenreaders, and screenreaders also can struggle with special fonts or gradient text, so it's worth adding transcripts
Restating audio: I'm... not sure what this means? Are you talking about audio transcriptions? I will take advice on those if given, sorry I didn't catch your meaning!
Styles: I try very hard to use fully plain text except bold fonts for IDs, with the very occasional phrase in caps lock or italics, and wasn't aware I was overusing formatting otherwise? The people's accessibility server once advised my friend and me on doing a series of long comic descriptions and generally stated that bold was the most readable kind of special formatting, so that's what I go for. I'll keep an eye on it!
Personal opinions: I'll keep an eye on this as well, thanks for letting me know! (I'd thought I was doing a good job, do you have examples for me to look over?)
Sorry this was so long, I wanted to be thorough! Thanks again anon, I am always open to feedback on my descriptions!! Have a great day!!!
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ocuuda · 2 years
alrighty here's a question for you (just read your post about answering 3D modeling questions - big agree on tumblrs format being much better for that sort of thing)
so i run a vroid model, and i would really like to make new outfits and hair styles for my model without having to redo all the blendshapes, animated textures, etc.
is there a way to take another model and slap an existing face on it (maybe in blender)?
whether or not this is a question you're able to answer thanks very much for reading. love your work and i hope you can thrive here on tumblr!
hi! do note when i answer any of these questions, this is coming from the POV of someone who has never worked with vroid but im fairly and confidently familiar with the <1.0 vrm format.
the best solution i can give you in terms of creating new outfits and hair is to have a base model made (a base model without hair or clothing with the base characteristics/textures/etc retained). however, i'm not sure how feasible this is with vroid, given that it's a program i'm not super familiar with.
HOWEVER, if you're familiar with unity, and if not i 100% implore you to begin familiarizing yourself with the game engine as .vrm and vrm-reading vtubing software run off of unity. UniVRMExtensions, a modified iteration of the UniVRM unitypackage for importing, editing, and exporting vrm files in unity, can be used to copy and paste blendclip data from one model to another. i've used it for a good handful of months now and i can attest to it's usefulness in some scenarios like the one you're talking about.
UniVRMExtensions doesn't use the most recent version of UniVRM, which shouldnt really be an issue. the version used by univrmextensions also doesn't outdate vsfavatar if you happen to use that format as well.
materials, regardless of their properties, can be dragged and dropped onto meshes in unity, or those material properties can be copied and pasted from one material to another. the tutorial im linking here is for component copy and pasting, but it works in the scenario i'm referring to as well.
as for removing heads for replacement in blender, it's as simple as importing the vrm using saturday06's vrm addon to import your model, expanding the armature, and deleting whatever the head mesh is called by either deleting it from the outliner window or directly from the viewport (see an outliner screenshot below this paragraph).
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also, fun tip! you can open up a separate instance of blender, import the vrm of the model with meshes you want to bring into the original one you want replaced, select that head mesh, go to the modifier tab (as shown in the next screenshot) and delete the armature. you can then ctrl+c to copy the mesh when selected in the viewport. if you do not delete the armature beforehand, the skeleton and likely any objects or other components that are connected to that armature will carry with the head you want to copy.
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you can then go into your original blender instance where you want to paste the head, ctrl+v, and then go back to the modifier tab, select the armature modifier, and in the object box, select the armature of the vrm model. double check and make sure your head still has it's vertex groups, as it should, by selecting the model's armature and going into pose mode, as shown here in the upper left corner of the screen.
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rotate or move the head and neck bones, as well as the eyes, and if everythings still working, press A to select all the bones and right click, and selecting Clear User Transforms to reset the pose. you should be good then to reexport to vrm and bring the model into unity, and either copying the blendclips using the extension i've talked about previously or remaking the shapekeys (if you use arkit) using HANA Tool's clipbuilder, which can create the blendclips for the arkit shapekeys you already have made for your model's head; i use it for my own from scratch models to save time when porting to VRM format. this specific tool from this unitypackage does NOT remake your shapekeys, to clarify; just creates blendclips with the ones already existing on your model.
i hope this helps, apologies if this is a lot!
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modifieduchiha · 1 year
Blog Ettiquette
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ッHere is a post about some of the things I get asked frequently and how I want my blog to run, so that everything is clear and easy to find for you all. ☺
♡ My blog contains NFSW content and so I ask that you be 18+ to interact with my blog at all ! I enjoy writing and the tumblr community , so please don't get me shadowbanned or blocked.
Writing Prompts
♡ If you want to use my prompts: go ahead! I want you to get inspired and write lots of cool stuff!
♡ You can choose the exact words (as long as it’s not officially published) or just get inspired by it.
♡ You can post it in a new post, you can put it directly under the prompt post or you can publish it on AO3 or similar sites. It’s up to you! Please see "HOW TO CREDIT ME" below
♡ You can always change the gender however you want.
♡ If you want me to read what you write, you can tag me! And you can send it to @modifieduchiha to be reblogged!
✉ Asks (How to ask or request)
♡ Ask through Asks , the chat or the submissions.
♡ Before you send me a request , check the "What characters I will write for?" Post. If you truly can't find it, message me or go ahead and ask.
♡ Try to be precise with your questions, let me know the genre, fandom, characters, writing, the time, etc.
♡ Let me know if you want text prompts, dialogue prompts, ideas, scenarios, etc. so that I know what kind of help you’re looking for.
♡ If you don’t want the answer to be made public, don’t send the ask on anon and just let me know, I will answer privately then.
♡ I will close my inbox when I reach 30 asks, to give myself time to answer. You can check the updated number of asks in my bio. (If it’s lower than 35 and it says closed, it means I’m tackling the asks, till it gets down to at least 10.)
♡Submissions are always welcome on this blog, but I’m not able to post all of them, especially if I don’t feel like it’s the right time or the format is not fitting in with the other prompts. I also love to reblog YOUR fan fic submissions.
♡Take a look at the different prompts on this blog and how they are formatted, how long they are, etc.
♡You will always be credited underneath with a link to your page. If your name changes, please let me know and I’ll fix it.
♡You can send in text prompts, dialogue prompts , your own fics, and anything else relating to writing help ! Share your knowledge.
★How to credit me★
♡If it’s just for fun and you just put it on Tumblr or AO3, etc. I would like you to credit me. The exact way you credit me is not important to me, but it would be preferable to tag me and/or message me.
-Referring to above , I LOVE to see other things inspired by my own work .
♡If you use my words for commercial use and/or you intend to make money off of it, you have to ask me and definitely credit me. All the original works on this blog belong to me, except the ones that are obvious reblogs from another account .
♡I frequently use the chat ♡If you want to ask me something, that is not directly related to writing and you don’t want it to be published, you can chat with me and tell me.
These are just some things I wanted to clear up and maybe there is more coming, I don’t know yet. But I really hope you all enjoy this blog and so I wanted to make it clearer and easier to use. Have fun everyone! I will likely update this in the future ♡♡♡♡ - Tee
© ModifiedUchiha 2023 ★♡Please don't copy , paste , or plagiarize my works . Feel free to use them for inspiration , but give credit .♡★
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togenabi · 7 months
I love your fics! 💖
I want to start writing too and I have a question for you.
I saw that you shared a screenshot of the draft of the royalty story and I noticed that you are working with smaller margins in your document. I just realize that it would help me if I do the same (because of Tumblr's phone format). This is really clever. Can you tell me exactly what is the size of these margins?
Also, do you have any useful tips like that that could help me as a new author on Tumblr? What do you do exactly when you are ready to post a story? (Headliners, image, etc.)
Thank you so much! 💖💖💖
Hello, anon!
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing! May your journey here be fun and gratifying. It's always exciting to get into something new, I'm sure you'll do a lovely job. <3
I'd be happy to share more of my process in case it helps you with anything. Though just a quick disclaimer: this is how I do things, and isn't universal or for everyone.
With that being said, info dump under the cut!
1.) writing the thing✨
For brainstorming ideas, I use the notes app on my phone. For the fics themselves, I write on google docs! I like it because it works both on my phone and pc.
I have a specific format, but it's not actually the margins that I change. I write with the pages halved using columns! These are how my files look like on pc:
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You can do this by going Format > Columns > 2! I like to write in TNR 12 like a research paper lol. (Though, I can't remember if you can do the columns on the docs app, because everything looks like it's just one column there. But once you set a doc in this format, you can just duplicate the file and it'll still show up with columns on pc.)
Like you said, this helps me gauge how a fic will look like on mobile, since that's where most people are reading. It also helps my peace of mind since a full, blank page without columns can be a bit intimidating. It can feel like you have to fill up the entire thing, when you really don't!
Another brilliant thing about google docs (on pc) is that, if you use italics or bold in the file, when you copy paste it onto Tumblr, it retains those italics and bolds. This saves me so much headache and I consider it a lifesaver.
2.) formatting (and by extension, branding)✨
I feel like this is really vital on Tumblr, since an established aesthetic can help readers remember and recognize your blog better. My advice would be to pick one or two colors and always use them on your posts.
You can also pick an emoji and use that with your aesthetic! For example, I associate the sunflower emoji 🌻 with the wonderful @songsofadelaide. (hi Mari! hihi)
If you want to use them, have a default divider. Mine is just a png of a blue line haha, but you can get creative with it. Though I suggest you keep the photo thin so that it doesn't eat up too much space.
Off the top of my head, I think the most important things on a post are: the title, header, and preview. (I'll make a separate point for preview since it's a lot.)
TITLE : Self explanatory!
HEADER : A header does more than make the post look pretty, it helps you differentiate fics when Tumblr only shows you the fic thumbnails on archive or on notifs. I have a folder of manhwa screenshots that I save for headers, and I add an overlay with my blog's signature color using a drawing app. Gifs are also fine as headers, though I don't personally use them because gifs make Tumblr crash on my phone sfhlsdjfkl, but that's just me!
3.) the preview ✨
(I don't think preview is the official term for this, but it's what I've started to call it.)
When I say preview, I'm talking about everything below the header and above the fic. Mine looks like this:
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It's up to you what you want to add, but I would say to always keep the blurb/short summary, genre, and word count. Everything else is optional, and you can play with whatever suits your style best.
For the blurb, you can go one of two ways: keep it short, or go more in-depth with the summary.
If you keep it short: One sentence is the best, but two should also be okay. It doesn't have to summarize the whole fic, but give a preview of what readers can expect from your work. I use my blurbs to hook in readers, then use the content notes to make up for what I didn't add in the blurb. If you go in-depth: This would be a standard summary, and you can get away with not needing content notes.
AH. Can't believe I almost forgot, but always add warnings and MDNI tags if your fic needs them! (Some people also use a banner for warnings. Search 'mdni banner' on Tumblr and you'll see examples.)
Once you have a preview format you want to stick with, always use it and keep it consistent! I have a draft with just my preview format so I can just copy paste it whenever I post a new fic.
I'm sure you can find guides for anything specific you're curious about if you search here. But of course I'd be happy to answer more questions if you ask! Also feel free to shoot me a dm <3
I hope you don't mind that I went on a bit of a tangent haha! I wish you the very best with your blog!
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Hi! so I have some questions based on operating a blog (i’m new and i have no clue what to do… sorry)
what would you recommend putting on a pinned post? how do you put links of other posts (like stories/hcs/etc) onto another post like for a master list? when you start a post for hcs/oneshots do you do it in drafts or on another app and copy and paste it? i’m sorry if this is a lot to ask :,)
Also! i love your blog sm! your writing is so good!!
Hello there! No apologies necessary! Happy to answer any and all questions about this sort of thing 🙂
I'll answer your questions in reverse order. So, starting with drafting posts... I personally have always used Word or Pages when I write (and I was cool with using Google Docs in college as well). And honestly, I would recommend others do the same, mainly to avoid issues with Tumblr drafts not always saving properly. There is no worse feeling than losing all your hard work and not being able to recover it! Tumblr's post editor is just, not the greatest, to put it politely. It's glitchy, difficult to format certain things, and way too easy to mess something up or accidentally delete it altogether. For peace of mind, draft your stuff in a more reliable app and then copy over when you're ready to actually post.
Links... The one thing I'll say in Tumblr's defense is it does have a fairly easy way to link to other posts.* You don't need to know html or coding or anything. I'll explain as a step-by-step:
Copy the url of the post you want to link to. Best way is to click the three dots in the top right corner of the post and then "Copy Link." You can do this part on mobile or a web browser.
Create or edit the post you want to contain the link. Highlight the words you want (ex: Read here!) and a little bar of options will pop up (below the color options on mobile, above the highlighted words on the web). Click the symbol that looks like a chain, then paste the url you previously copied into the designated area. That's it!
For a post with multiple links (like a masterlist), you need to do it on a web browser. Keep the post you're creating up on one browser tab, and then open additional tabs to grab the links to your other posts for copying.
And then one note of caution (because even though it's easy, it's not perfect lol): If you edit a post with links it in, like changing the wording or moving things around, the links will sometimes "break." So I usually open two tabs, one with the post in its original format, and one where I'm editing it, and I can grab from the original if I accidentally mess it up.
*These instructions are for adding links in a post. If you want to set up links in your blog's bio/description section (like in mine), then you do need to use some basic html codes. I referenced this post when I set mine up.
And then finally, pinned posts... this is really up to you. Personally, I think you can't go wrong with some kind of a masterlist, or a "welcome" type post that includes a link to a masterlist. As a reader, whenever I find a new writer I like, I want to be able to see their bibliography, to see a list of all the other stories and things they've created. It helps me get to know them, their style, their fandom preferences, etc. And if I ever lose it or want to go back to it later, it's easy enough to just pull up their blog without having to scroll or search their whole posting history.
But it really depends on what you want visitors to your blog (and yourself!) to see first. Is there an issue/take/sentiment you're especially passionate about? Pin it. Are you running some kind of a game or focusing your writing on a particular prompt list? Pin it. Is there one story you are really proud of? Pin it. And the best part, you can change your mind and pin something else later. I currently have pinned an "I'm back!" post after I went MIA for a bit last year, because idk, I figured that was important for people to see. But I'm probably going to change it back to my masterlist now that it's been a while and I miss seeing that dumb meme I edited for it 😂
I hope I answered your questions and explained everything well! Again, happy to answer anything along these lines! I know starting out can be overwhelming, but a lot of it becomes second nature the more you play around and take note of what other blogs are doing. Then your focus can be on just having fun with your writing!
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vgilantee · 1 year
char's ao3 crashcourse for tumblr fic writers
hello and welcome to char's ao3 crash course for tumblr fic writers. the main target audience for this post is the gorgeous sav of @faeology but instead of fighting with the tumblr dm system, i figured why not just make it a post that i can format a little nicer! the images won't have alt id's but i will do my best to describe the steps so that the images help, but aren't required!
so, you've posted a fic to tumblr (and maybe wattpad) and want to post it on archive of our own (ao3) to reach a broader audience. but the formatting and site is a little intimidating to jump into, which is okay! the site has no algorithm because it's an archive. i can make another post on how to search for fics if you need a hand, but for now i'll only explain what is required to be able to post your fic to make it super easy for people to come across it
if you don't already have an account, you'll need to press "get invited" and wait for an email to make your account. depending on how much traffic is moving through, it may take a little bit to get the email. but don't stress, you will get it.
once you're in and logged in, go to the top right of the site and click post. a drop down will come up with either "new work" or "import work"
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you can import your fic, but i don't because i write outside of tumblr and therefore am already copying and pasting the work. you will likely need to adjust some formatting the post if you import it, but if you're okay with that, then feel free! just paste the url into the URLs box
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for the rest of this post, i'm going to explain the steps of "new work", though some steps overlap
so once you've clicked on new post you're faced with lots of sections of settings, starting with tags
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within rating there is 5 categories: "not rated", "general audiences", "teen and up audiences", "mature" and "explicit". please rate your fics. it helps with filtering. think of the ratings like movie ratings. if you aren't sure what one means, there is a post explaining them, and i can find it if people need it!
next is archive warnings: "choose not to use an archive warning" (ao3 describes this one as "Use this if you don't want to warn for anything. You may also choose this option if you don't know what you should warn for; if you don't like warning for certain topics or warnings in general; if you want to avoid some spoilers, but not others; etc."), "graphic depictions of violence", "major character death", "no archive warnings apply", "rape/non-con" and "underage". once again, please use this correctly. select all that apply, some people rely on these for filtering
fandoms is pretty self explanatory. just tag the fandom. when you type in the fandom, a drop down of suggestions will appear, make sure you select the right one to help people find your fic in the fandom
with categories, this section is optional but is really important for reader insert/ship fics, because they denote the genders within the relationship. the information of this section from ao3 is:
"here are 6 categories of works on the Archive. While here we have given an interpretation of the abbreviations, the exact definitions of these vary from fandom to fandom and fan to fan; use whichever you feel are applicable, or else none: F/F - Female/Female relationships F/M - Female/Male relationships Gen - General: no romantic or sexual relationships, or relationships which are not the main focus of the work M/M - Male/Male relationships Multi - More than one kind of relationship, or a relationship with multiple partners Other - Other relationships"
for relationships, you need to know the difference between "character/character" and "character & character". the former is a ship or romantic relationship, the latter is platonic or familial. do not get them confused with familial to save yourself being found by the wrong people
when adding characters only tag the characters that are actually in the fic. think tumblr's tag system. don't tag people that aren't there like you wouldn't add an unrelated tag to a post (you won't get reported as spam there but you will piss people off)
finally is additional tags. use this to tag the fic type (fluff, angst, hurt/comfort etc), and also additional warnings that aren't covered in the check boxes above. you can also add things like "tommy and wilbur are princes and technoblade is a feral god that philza picked up from the woods" which is your own rambles and also additional info about the fic or a half joking summary (that is an actual tag from one of my favourite fics that breaks my heart every time i read it. it's beautiful). it is also very common to put your "no beta we die like [character]" tag here
NEXT! the preface section
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here you add the fic title, the fic summary, and tick whether you have notes at the beginning and/or end. those are your authors notes and will give you either one or two new boxes to add your notes to (ignore the pseuds box. if you're new you will only have the one username appear.)
then there is the associations box
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here you are required to set the language of your fic, whatever that may be. you can also tick if your fic has multiple chapters, is a part of a series, or was published on a different date (i usually end up using this box because i forget to post my fic on ao3 for a coupe of weeks lmao)
for most people, the privacy section isn't used but it's important to know what it all means, just in case
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registered users are people who have verified their accounts, meaning only people who are logged in will be able to read your fic. comment moderation is what it sounds like, you have to manually post a comment publicly. then you can choose who can leave comments
finally the meat of your fic, the work text
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by default, it will be set to HTML, and unless you know how to use HTML to format a fic, switch over to rich text (or if, like me, you can't be bothered coding the fic you just put all your brain power into posting)
rich text will give you the following options:
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most of which are self-explanatory, so the only one i will over is the line next to the quotation mark. i use image dividers when posting on tumblr, and while i can also do that on ao3, it can fuck with the formatting. so that line inserts a nice little divider that will fit the formatting regardless of whether the reader is on desktop or mobile!
then you can press post and you're good to go! the fic goes live and is ready for the world of ao3 to read! you can also press preview to check the formatting is just how you like, but sometimes you just have to say "fuck it, we ball" and post the fic lmao
if you have any questions feel free to ask! hopefully i have made this all super clear, but if you need clarification i am happy to rephrase to help you out!
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hii so sorry for bothering you but, I love writing I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’d like to post on tumblr but I’m kinda new to it and don’t really know how to use it (gifs, text colors,…) so if it’s okay for you could you maybe teach me how to use it or give me some tips?
HELLO HELLO!!! omg i'm so flattered PLS TT but that's so great to hear that u want to start posting here and join the community!! :D i'll try to make a comprehensive, basic guide, but i'm def not the best with the technical things like color gradients and the like 😅 so if u wanted to explore about that, there r a lot of other blogs here who can show u!
besides that, i'll put below the cut my two cents, and anyone can feel free to add if i forgot anything!:
1. gifs! i'm gonna say right off the bat that i don't use gifs a lot, if not, at all. but there r a lot of gifs on tumblr that u can find and use!! usually if u search up the thing u want a gif of, u could probably find it, but pls remember to credit someone if u use their gif!! and if they ask u to like/rb their post if u save it, then pls respect that as well!!
2. text colors: ngl, they're really sparse and a little ugly 😅😅 at least the ones tumblr provides, so a lot of people either just stick to the plain text color or they go on desktop and do the fancy custom coloring w hex numbers and things. i really don't know how to do that (?) but again, if u ever want to learn, i can point u to someone who can show u! but at some points, i do like using the text colors one at a time to make things stand out more against the plain text! to use the colors, just select the text accordingly and u can press a color or press it again to undo it
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that's what it looks like on my end! ^
3. text fonts: personally, tumblr's method of doing this is really annoying sjxbksnfh but you can change the font of an entire paragraph without selecting it. the font button is the "Aa" in the left corner above ur keyboard. u essentially have to just click thru until u figure out which one you'd like depending on the aesthetic ur going for! a lot of people ik here just use this regular text in the three different sizes, or they go to like,, copy paste generators online and find a font they like their instead! i do use those frequently, so lmk if you'd like the link to the one i use!
4. tags: one of the most important ways to get ur works out into the world esp when ur just starting off is thru the tags! to tag ur fic, it's the hashtag symbol to the right above ur keyboard. u wanna use tags that pertain to ur fic, so try avoiding tagging ur fic w things its not (like if it's angst, don't put fluff). some common things i tag my fics w are "(group/idol) x reader" "(group/idol) drabbles" "(group/idol) social media au" etc. and usually if it's a pretty known/used tag, it'll appear while ur typing it in as well!
5. navigation menus: writers here usually have a pinned post or a post w a link to a "navigation" post or masterlist! i have my navi pinned, but it essentially is a central place where i link everything that i'd like people to see or things readers/other writers would want to find! things that include: masterlists, about me, faqs, recently posted works, etc!
6. fic formatting: it's unfortunate, but a lot of readers r put off by some types of formatting, which is why a lot of people stick to plain text color and plain text font. usually, u wanna include the title, the idol pairing, word count, genre, and any warnings abt the fic. none of these r required, ofc, but i recommend it! and most people do prefer that if ur fic is over 500 words, that u should out a "keep reading" bar after a paragraph or two! a keep reading bar is like the one i used at the beginning of this post, and u just go to a new line and type ":readmore:" and press enter, and it'll form for u! some people use pictures as a little border as well btwn their intro section and the actual fic.
if u have additional questions, feel free to send in another ask or thru dms and i can walk u thru any of this!
i'm sure i'm missing other important things haha but when in doubt, take inspo from all the other creators around u! pls do remember to reblog people's fics when u read them tho — that's one if the most important things!
(just thought of this and adding, but try to avoid writing directly onto tumblr TT usually i do it on google docs first and copy-paste it onto here to do formatting! tumblr likes to delete things out of pocket sometimes so 💀)
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shins-rpc-sources · 1 year
NOTE: because my other blog got term.i.na.ted i thought i'd go ahead and copy / paste this into a post on here and give a more clear and better understanding of everything.
as some of you are aware, anyone who makes a blog on or after of november 26, 2022 are unable to use LTE. if you've made a blog prior to this update, you will see an option to switch between BTE and LTE in the top right corner of their browser. it would look something like this for those who do have it:
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what this means is that the staff is on the roll with fully implementing and enforcing the BETA TEXT EDITOR on everyone. not only that but i'm going to assume that they're going to be making a site wide update within the next month or two ( march at the very latest ). what this means is that literally everybody is going to be forced to use the BTE whether they want to or not.
and not only that but it's gotten to the point to where the new xkit is slowly but surely breaking for people because of how outdated it is and the staff enforcing us to use the BETA TEXT EDITOR. so i definitely recommend y'all going ahead and embracing BETA TEXT EDITOR as well as getting xkit rewritten for when the day actually make the site wide update for literally everybody.
so with that being said, here are a couple of addons i recommend y'all getting:
limit checker: this is an absolute life saver. i kid you not. it tells you the number of asks you sent as well as text / video / videos / etc. posts you've made among a few other things. it's super neat.
mass deleter: unfortunately this only deletes stuff from your drafts and queue but it's definitely worth getting if you have tons of stuff and / or are a hoarder.
mass unliker: i like to sort through my likes every once in a while tbh but if it gets out of hand and you tend to have 8,645,132,154,568 likes then feel free to use this so that you don't have to go through each and every thing in your likes.
mutual checker: do i really need to explain this one?? being able to see who you're moots with via dash is 1,000,000 times easier than going to your followers and CTRL + F nonstop.
tag replacer: having a mass tag replacer is, without a doubt, an absolute life saver. this is especially useful for us roleplayers who tend to change our aesthetics from time to time and have updated our tags. and even if you don't change your tags regularly it's still worth getting this.
tag tracking+: this lets you know when you've been tagged in something!! ah!! 10 out of 10 love it.
timestamps: this is a must for just about all of us in the tumblr rpc. it lets us know when those we follow / moots have posted! so that definitely helps out a lot. it also allows you to choose between the standard format and iso 8601 format, so there's that!
trim posts: thankfully this addon isn't as confusing as it was when first implemented. thankfully it's a lot more user friendly and easier to use now! but keep in mind that you cannot trim legacy posts in this. all replies have to be strictly done in BTE otherwise it's a one-sided editing spree. no exceptions.
there are a bunch of other little addons you can pick from as well but these are some that i use and can't seem to recommend enough tbh!
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lalahbug · 2 years
What’s Most Important. Druig x Eternal!Reader
Fandom: MCU / The Eternals
Word Count: 2.7k
My Masterlist
No taglist, please follow @lalahbuglibrary
Warnings/disclaim: General <--- by reading this fic you agree/are okay with the media you are about to consume.  DO NOT REPOST OR COPY MY WORK! Reblogs and likes are very appreciated ❣
My blog is 18+ MINORS DNI
Some angst, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it this is just fiction), some dirty talk, almost oversim (let me know if I missed anything)
Author’s Note: under story
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer
Written in 2nd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut, 1 of 3. Series Masterlist
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         Druig was monitoring the harvest and helping where he could. There had been a bout of sickness through the town, causing them to be shorthanded for this task. Of course, the most important thing was that everyone was fed and healthy. But his mind was wandering to you.
         You’d gone on one of your trips to visit the others. Following him, out of love, when he took the Aztecs, but you couldn’t part fully from the family. Missing them deeply, visiting them whenever you felt the need to.
         He could really use your powers right now. Teleporting back and forth, quickly moving crops and harvesting them. But he was thankful of your powers more so, because when you left. You’d never be gone long, being able to cut down on any needed travel time.
         But you’ve been gone longer than usual. Normally no more than a month, if that. Now though. You were bordering on two months. Even acting oddly before you left, but you wouldn’t talk to him about it.
         His main worry was if you would even come back at this point. You had never brushed off a talk with him before, but you did right before you left. Something was bothering you and it was eating him not knowing what it was. He didn’t doubt your love for him, not after being together for at least 4 millennia. He knew whatever was wrong had been festering for the past few decades and you were scared to bring it up.
         Druig assumed it had something to do with the village, but he wasn’t sure what. As you had as much as a hand and say here as he did. You ruled by his side, as his equal.
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         Druig was pacing near the lake, late at night, after his normal patrol. He wanted to go find you. You’d been gone for almost 3 months now. But he couldn’t leave, he was the leader and his duties had increased with your disappearance.
         As he squatted down to look at his reflection in the lake, he could hear the soft whoosh of your power. It took all of his control to not be angry, to not turn on you and lash out. He didn’t want to ruin your return or sour the relief he felt as your hand gently grazed his shoulder.
         “Dru, I’m back,” you pulled on him gently. Silently asking him to stand, he allowed it and returned the embrace you wrapped him in. Normally you’d say, I’m home. Something was still wrong, your time away didn’t help. He constricted his arms around you, as he tried to squash the fear rising in him.
         “I missed you,” he breathed softly while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
         “I missed you,” tilting your head up to brush your lips against his. Both of you sighed contently as he rested his forehead against yours. Wishing to read your mind, but he would never use his powers on you.
         “My beautiful girl, you were gone so long. I was so worried.”
         “I’m sorry,” you rested your forehead on his shoulder without another word. He didn’t want to press you, but you weren’t giving up anything either.
         “Tell me where you were?” he asked softly before starting to rub your back.
         “I wanted to see the world, I haven’t really in the past 500 years. Normally I just go to visit everyone, getting glimpses. I went to catch up; see old sites, new ones, and learn some of their technology. Tried some new food. Then I visited everyone. I was hoping it would help me feel better, but it didn’t.”
         “What’s wrong?”
         “Druig,” you pulled back and searched his stormy eyes. “What’s most important to you?”
         He was taken back, was she doubting his love for her? Was this about the humans? What was she wanting to hear? What was brewing in that head of hers? Whatever this is about, he needed to answer this carefully.
         “The need to right my wrongs. Idly letting so many humans kill each other for far too long. You know that, that’s why I saved these people. I can’t save them all, because then they’d lose the flaws that make them what they are. But I can have some peace of mind here.”
         “And without this place, would you feel incomplete or distraught over time?”
         “I would,” he searched your eyes, but you gave away nothing. “What’s most important to you?”
         The sad smile you gave him, broke his heart, he had given you the wrong answer. You were doubting his love for you. He should have said you are the most important thing to him.
         “Family,” you murmured finally. He knew you were going to say it was him, but you didn’t want him to feel guilty. He already had enough shame from his past and trying to correct it.
         Your head fell to his chest, listening to his heartbeat and tightening your hold on him. Everything felt wrong now, out of place. As if you were savoring this embrace, his warmth. A start of a goodbye.
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         It was a start of a farewell. You acted as normal as you could these past few days. But you were distant. Kisses and intimacy never seemed to quell the storm inside you.
         And then, you started to give your duties to elders and capable villagers. Training them to replace you, so when you left, Druig wouldn’t feel the burden of your absence. He watched helplessly having no idea how to stop you.
        You were determined and nothing he did seemed to reassure you of his love. No words or actions got through to you. Every act of service, quality time, gifts, sweet affections, or touch; was for naught.
                 While you were getting ready for bed that night, he leaned against the doorway watching you in your meticulous routine.
         “When are you leaving?” You froze and looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. “Don’t play naïve, tell me the truth.”
         “Soon,” you turned to the bed to get under the covers, trying passively to end the conversation. He was quick to follow, easily moving you, making you face him when you laid down.
         “Why?” he cupped your face, trying to anchor you to him.
         “You don’t need me Druig, you never have.”
         “I do. Whatever is that you want, tell me. I will do it for you.”
         “The thing I want is the one thing I would never ask of you. But I’ve wanted to, that’s why I need to leave.”
         “Say it,” his voice was hard, he knew what it was, but he had to hear it. When your bottom lip trembled, it confirmed his thoughts. “Tell me,” he wiped a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.
         “I want you, just you. A togetherness and loneliness that isn’t viable here. Something like what Gil and Thena have. Just the two of us.”
         Druig pressed his lips into a hard line to keep his emotions in check. “I can’t just leave them.” Even when telling him, you couldn’t ask him or say it outright. Showing him how hard this was on you. You could never truly ask him to leave the settlement behind, let them go to be with you.
         The hiccup-like sob that escaped your throat broke him, as he started to cry too. “I know, my love.”
         Druig moved to pin your body under his, showering you in kisses. If this was goodbye, he’d make it memorable. His dutiful hands removed his clothing and yours, caressing as much as your skin as possible in the act.
         Already warm and wet for him, like always. Delving two fingers into your core, wanting to increase your slick before burying himself into your tight warmth. He bumped his forehead to yours at your first wanton gasp. With another coiling of his fingers and flick of his wrist, you were already on the edge. Quicker than normal. Maybe due to being honest, the weight of your secret off your shoulders.
         Quickening pants and whispers of his name, you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Rough pad of this thumb brushed your clit, smiling against your lips are you trembled. Groaning as your walls started to grip his fingers more. Forcing his tongue into your mouth. Swallowing your cries as you orgasmed on his fingers with the tight circles he pressed on your clit.
         He couldn’t wait to be in you any longer and removed his fingers. Moaning your name as he sucked them clean. Then kissing you, with your mind cleared enough to press your muscle into his mouth. A playful fight, both of you smiling into the kiss, for control as he pressed his body onto yours.
         You wrapped your legs around his waist as he prodded against your cunt. Throwing your head back into the pillows. Biting back your moan as he sunk into you slowly, cherishing your fluttering walls. Soft whimpers and gasp treated him as he rocked his hips into yours languidly. His girth welcomed yet blazing stretch.
         “You can be louder than that, beautiful, I know you can,” Druig pressed his forehead to yours. He needed to hear you, engrain your noises into his memory.
         “We don’t want them to hear,” you bit your lip as he found that sensitive spot inside you. Druig kept his pace, rapidly aware of how long it’d been since sex had anything more than this. Languorously loving making. But when was the last time he’d taken you apart? How many times had he told you to quiet down? Clamp a hand over your mouth? Whispered those exact words to you, ‘we don’t want them to hear.’
         Too long and a new wave of guilt washed over him. How long had he kept you unsatisfied to make sure no one heard you? To be ideal figures to the town.
         He pressed deep inside you before pausing, waiting for your eyes to focus on him. “Where will you be going when you leave?”
         “What?” you were stunned, why the hell would he ask that now?
         “Do you have a place set up?” You nodded still confused. “Take us there, let’s break in your new bed,” his cunning smile spread as you glowed before a whirlwind of air swirled around. Within a wink, you were sinking into a plusher bed.
         Druig glanced around briefly, the room was too dark. He wanted to see you. Spotting a lamp on the nightstand, he leaned over, smirking at the whine you gave let out at he pushed deeper inside you with his movement. Flicking on the light then he rubbed a thumb over your cheek.
         “You’re mine, aren’t you?” Druig asked, he may let you go physically for a while, but never emotionally.
         “Forever, Druig.”
         “Then I expect you to be screaming my name,” he simpered with a quick drive of his hips. Groaning with your core flitting around him and your heels digging into his thighs. Salacious sounds echoed in the dimming lit room as Druig kept a steady and merciless pace. Quick kisses in between heavy breaths and words of praise while your brows rested together.
         You knew Druig would want you to keep your eyes on his and you were doing your best. But the longer he thumped into you, the harder it was to focus on him with your imminent release.
         “Druig-” your moan cut off with a cry as his lips attached to the sensitive spot on your neck. Clenching around him and giving a high wail with broken pieces of his name while crashing from your peak.
  ��      “Oh fuck,” he panted against your neck, holding back while helping you ride out your high. “So good for me, beautiful,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead while you came down.
         “Druig, you didn’t-”
         “You didn’t think we were done, did you?” he cooed at you, tutting softly as you nodded. “Oh, precious thing,” he chuckled softly while easily moving your legs onto his shoulder. Pressing you deeper into the bed, infatuated with the whines you gave him.
         Grabbing your hands to lace your fingers together, folding you more adding more of his body weight onto you. He started slow, looking for that certain spot deep inside you. One he hadn’t abused for a long time, excited to exploit it over and over again.
         With a broken sob of pleasure from you, he knew he found it. Undulating his hips into yours. The soft squelch of your cunt fills the room, following your cries and his groans. Heavy breathing a soft echo within movements.
         You could barely think as satisfaction overtook you. Molten like lava down your spine, mind-numb pleasure. A throaty groan left Druig as he started to see your eyes glazed over.
         “You like it when fuck you like this?” Druig shifted slightly to get his pelvis to start brushing angst your button. Cursing under his breath as your channel viced around him. “Yeah you do,” he simpered as you rang out his name like a broken prayer.
         Sheen of sweat clung to both of your skin. Digging your nails into his hands, needing the purchase as he enraptured you. His abdomen and balls started to tighten.
         “It’s been 5 centuries since you screamed my name, come on precious, give it to me,” Druig was asking but it was a question. He would make it happen. Releasing one of your hands to grab the headboard with his right for leverage. Fumbling a bit to gather both of your wrists into his left hand. Pulling out all the way then slamming into you, incessantly.
         Sultry moans slipped out of you freely as you quivered around him tighter and tighter with every punishing thrust.
         “Whose cunt is this?” sweat from his brow dropped on your chest.
         “Yours!” you cried, tearing up from the taut coil in your stomach.
         “My name,” he growled, he had to hear you scream it. The last snap of his hips, perfectly jolting your sensitive spot with pressure to your throbbing clit. Severed the spool inside you.
         A hoarse wail of his name, tears falling from your eyes, and your pussy sucking him deeper, he let go. Spilling inside you, the throb of his dick and your walls relishing off each other.
         Letting go of your hands, then the headboard. Moving to let your legs down to his waist. Gentle kiss pressed to your skin; as he softened inside you and ragged breathing from both of you cooled. Pulling out of you with a sigh from each of you.
         Your eyes were heavy, exhausted from the long day and border of overstimulation.
         “Where’s the bathroom, beautiful?” you weakly pointed to a door in the corner of the room. Druig was off of you and up, glad to see a large tub, and quickly went to fill it with hot water.
         Once the tub was filled he grabbed a cloth and went to you, gently cleaning your folds. Knowing you wouldn’t want clean water dirtied the moment you were in it. Druig lift you, smiling at how worn you were.
         “Hot bath then bed, love,” you mumbled thanks as he placed you in the water. Druig left you, going to change the bedding, taking a moment to try and find everything. His heart-clenching finding clothes there for not just you, but for him as well.
         You had hoped he would come here, prepared the home for both of you. But it would be only you. More guilt settled on him, but he pushed it down to finish his task so he could bathe with you for a bit.
         Druig sank into the warm water behind you, circling his arms around you, pulling you tight against him.
         “When do you want me to take you back?” you said it gently, not wanting to offend him. Simply wanting to know how much longer you’d have him. Resting your head on his shoulder, looking up at him.
         “Let’s enjoy the night here, you can take me back in the morning.” He kissed your temple then your lips.
         “I love you.”
         “I love you, more,” he chuckled as you shook your head. But he did, knowing he had to let you go. So you could be happy, you weren’t happy anymore in the town and he couldn’t bring himself to tell you to stay.
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Author’s Note:
Okay, so I fell for Druig very unexpectedly. Outside of this little series I have two other fics, one-shots, I’ve been thinking about. But I’m not sure if they are something I’ll bring myself to write for a while at least.
I really like the plot I have for this story in my head. This might be the longest chapter though? Maybe the last of the sex too unless I change my mind in part 3.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very much appreciated. 
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primofate · 2 years
Updates 09/02/2022
Well! Thank you everyone for being so responsive to me and keeping my page alive even when I’m not on here often! 
Just wanted to share some updates and some of my thought processes the past few weeks.
I covered the following topics in this post:
1. General real life update
2. TAGLIST (This is important, if you are in my taglist, or signed up for it, please do read this part)
I was able to put out some fics mostly because I had a 2 week Chinese New Year holiday, so I wasn’t working. Haha. Now that the 2 weeks is over I’m back to work and so my posting schedule will be slower again. 
After thinking about it for a while I decided to take away the taglist, so it will be taken off for now. Reasons why:
1. I’m increasingly busy, I just don’t have time to sort it out
2. They just don’t work that well after the tumblr update??? I’m not blaming tumblr, but the links eff up a lot. It’s also the reason why I changed my tumblr theme, I thought it would help, it didn’t.
3. TBH I didn’t expect a lot of people to sign up for the taglist when I first started this tumblr. I’m kind of overwhelmed (in a good way!) when I see how many people have signed up for it (500+) it’s insane! I didn’t expect it to be so long and to be frank it kinda takes up A LOT of space on my posts.
At this moment it’s only up to chapter 3 and I have not written a single word of chapter 4 hahahah I’m just gunna be honest. My writing really depends a lot on my mood, and I haven’t gotten around to chapter 4 yet, so it’ll be a while till that one comes out. No worries I will definitely finish that series, just that it depends on my muse/motivation. (I don’t like leaving things unfinished)
4. Again, the formatting of it is a bit iffy. I usually just used to copy paste the taglist and everything would be fine, and it would show up fine on the draft, but then it would not work on the actual post itself, and that bothered me a lot.
So yes, it’s time to say bbye to the taglist for now, until I find a better solution, if I ever do. If not, then, I apologize, I’ll have to do without it anymore.
Thank you so much for the love and interaction you guys give me through this blog. I can’t say how much I appreciate all of you, especially those who leave comments and always keeps me writing. It’s tough, specially when I get busy. Frankly I’m not obligated to write, I don’t NEED to, I just want to from time to time, but I know that getting comments, even the small ones, really fuel writers to keep going. 
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wasabito · 3 years
Coloring Manga Lineart: The “Quick and Dirty” Way
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so idk if this is already common knowledge, but i made this little guide for my peeps using the procreate app and want to color their favorite manga panels (more specifically the lineart) for their cute blog aesthetic, banners, and what not—because as i was explaining this to a moot, i realized there was a slightly quicker/easier way to do it lol (i really hope i don’t have to repost this since tumblr was messing with my formatting lol)
anyway, enjoy! ♥️
first up, you’re going import/upload your manga panel of choice into the procreate app. i’m using this one from demon slayer :)
next you’re going to click on the “layer 1” tab, then select copy.
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once you’ve copied your lineart, you’re free to delete it or uncheck the check bubble and create a new layer on top.
this is called “layer 2”
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once you’ve selected “layer 2” to work on, you can click mask.
this will create two separate layers, the first being your “layer mask” and the second being “layer 2”
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once that’s done you can choose the color you’d like your manga panel to be. for this, i chose a bright green.
next you’re going to fill “layer 2” with the color you’ve selected by clicking on “layer 2” and choosing fill layer. (we’re almost done, i promise!)
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now that you’re “layer 2” is filled, it should look like this:
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you’re going to select the “layer mask” tab then swipe down with three fingers; this will pull up the copy & paste toolbar.
you should then select paste, as this will paste your previously selected lineart from step 2 onto the layer.
this is what it’ll look like. the lineart is on the first layer, and the fill color is on the second one.
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finally, you’re going to click the the “layer mask”, select invert, and boom, you have you’re nicely colored manga panel
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i promise it doesn’t take long once you get the hang of the process and it’s not nearly as painful as you’d think lmao anyway i hope this helped someone 😭 let me know if you have any questions!
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