#i'm not trying to be a master chef over here i just need to eat. and instant pasta and canned beans are perfectly acceptable
mothric · 1 year
the war between "this is cheaper to buy in bulk" vs "the pricier option will take far less time and energy to prep and eat" is much more constant than I would like it to be
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hello friend here is a potential lil thing for you: kas!eddie who’s a Good Boy for steve but is still growly at the others (think ‘it don’t bite’ ‘bitch yeS IT DOES’) (it’s a wip, steve is trying his best)
this ended up a lot...sweeter than i intended? and i'm not too sure about the ending but i had to stop it there or i'd end up trying to write a full fic (≧∀≦)ゞ hope you enjoy, friend!!
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“And he’s here because?”
Steve pats Eddie’s head when he hands the paprika over, smiling at his goofy (and fanged) little grin. He starts to sprinkle the spices over the pan, not even looking over his shoulder to reply, “He likes to help me cook.”
There’s a long moment of silence so Steve switches off the heat and turns around, thanking Eddie when he gives him a dishcloth to wipe his hands with. When he looks back to the group seated at the island, he has to blink to register all their faces of disbelief.
“You took our Dungeon Master,” Mike starts patiently, which Steve will give him credit for. “Who has been accused of several crimes and then got turned into a terrifying, awesome bat-man with, like, wings and teeth and shit -”
Steve could have sworn Mike used to be better at description whenever they play their sessions.
“And you’ve turned him into your sous-chef?”
Blinking, Steve looks to Eddie, who gives him a preening smile and takes the dishcloth away, and looks back to Mike, whose face is getting paler every second. “Uh,” he shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Steve, I swear by all that is -”
Mike’s tirade is cut off by a growl and Steve lets out a sigh. “Hey,” he admonishes, nudging the rumbling bat-man with his elbow. “We talked about this, no growling at the kids.”
Eddie huffs and ducks his head down to bap his forehead against Steve’s shoulder. He moves his head from side to side so he’s basically rubbing his forehead into Steve and wisps of Eddie's hair brush against his neck, making Steve bite back a laugh.
Clearly, Eddie caught that and rubbed even harder into Steve’s shoulder until he broke into laughter, black eyes glancing up at him with a mischievous smile.
“You were right.”
Steve looks over to see Dustin staring at Mike’s fuming red face, deadpan. Eddie pauses.
“He’s tamed him.”
“What?” Steve sputters, choking out a laugh when Eddie moves in closer to nuzzle at his neck, hair now tickling at his nose. “Who tamed who?”
Mike sneers. “It’s whom, dumbass -”
And just like that, Steve is being held tightly against Eddie, who hisses at Mike. Thankfully, he's used to it by now and just rolls his eyes.
“Eds,” Steve pats the hand on his chest that presses him into Eddie. "It's okay, he's just having a Michael Moment."
"What the fuck did you just -"
Of course, the little shit can't keep his mouth shut and that just aggravates Eddie even further and well, time for damage control.
"No," Steve says firmly to Eddie, who blinks and stares at him. He then turns to the kids and points a finger at them. "What did we say about name-calling?"
"Bite me -"
"Dude," Lucas, golden child that he is, shakes his head and shoves at Mike's head. "Just shut up and eat your muffin."
"Thank you, Lucas," Steve grins and Eddie huffs, still holding Steve tightly against him. With a fond sigh, Steve wiggles around and manages to face Eddie, smiling at his fanged pout. "Thank you for trying to protect me, Eds."
It's something he started doing after a few days hiding out at Steve's place. At first, he was wary and would hiss whenever Steve got too close, only letting Dustin in his space, only really caring about Dustin at all. And it wasn't...unpleasant, Steve would rather he care about the kid more than anyone else than not at all. It did make cleaning him up difficult but having Dustin sit with him and ramble about whatever the hell he could seemed to help.
Then Dustin had to leave and it was just them.
And then Steve, eventually, figured out it was like trying to befriend a scared cat. Obviously, Eddie was terrified and just needed some time, space and a little bribery to adjust to the new...everything that he was.
So with some of that time and space, Steve got a chance to make his way into Eddie's exceptions and barely gets hissed at anymore, unless it's playful. Sometimes Steve hisses back, and the first time caught Eddie so off-guard that he held Steve down while sniffing around, like he was looking for whatever made the sound.
It made Steve laugh but just confused Eddie, so he did his best to imitate Eddie's chirp, the one he does whenever Dustin asks a question, and Eddie was so flabbergasted that he started chirping back without a thought. He looked half-insulted at the fact and that just set Steve off again.
Once Eddie figured out it was Steve making the noises, he got so excited that he'd always chirp at him, jumping into Steve's space and doing goofy things to make him laugh. It'd always work, duh, cause Eddie's a funny guy, even when he's half-Upside-Down-monster.
He also ended up liking Steve so much that he gets pretty overprotective, which - it's sweet, it makes Steve feel wiggly, but they're still working on who exactly Steve (and Dustin) need protecting from.
That one time when Eddie growled at Nancy for elbowing Steve would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrifying.
...It was pretty funny though.
"This is terrible." Mike says, and Will lets out a sigh. Mike gapes at him and throws his hands in Steve's general direction. "You can see how this is terrible, right?!"
"Brat," Eddie croaks under his breath, right next to Steve's ear and he doesn't even bother holding back, breaking into a bout of laughter that has him clenching at his stomach for relief. He can feel Eddie's excitement buzzing under his skin, right where his cheek rests against Steve's. "Snooty brat."
"Is he saying something?" Dustin asks excitedly and Steve has to wave him off half-heartedly, still reeling from the pain of laughing too hard. Dustin then sounds deadpan again as he says, "Oh, he's talking shit about us, isn't he?"
"Ressspect your elderrrrrs," Eddie hisses into the air with a grin and god damn, the look of pure devastation on Dustin's face -
"The first words he speaks to us since turning Demo-Eddie and it's about being respectful." Dustin hides his face in his hands. "What has the world become?"
"He gets his dramatics from you," Steve says to Eddie, who looks back at him smugly and nudges his nose into Steve's face. "Ow, hey, watch it -"
"Getsss hisss courrage f'om you," Eddie presses his lips to Steve's cheek and -
That's new.
Wait -
"Oh my god," Steve stares at Eddie, who preens under the attention. "I have a monster boyfriend."
The kitchen breaks out into chaos and all Steve can think about is how pretty Eddie's eyes are when he's smiling.
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fishsticksloser · 9 months
Pound Cake
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Hobie x gn!reader
Warnings: baking not vegan friendly..., kissing, goofing off
A/N: I will not be writing his accent... Hobie Brown, Peepaw Leo, and Astarion are invading my brain... Send help
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Hobie knew how you felt about your birthday, not particularly interested in celebrating. Still he was determined to help make this birthday special. He wanted to make you love your birthday again. No matter how many times you tell him you don't want to celebrate, he refuses to believe it. Birthdays are special, and you deserve to be celebrated. And you're going to be celebrated whether you like it or not.
You walk into the kitchen and see him standing there with a cake mix and all the other ingredients needed to make a cake. "What's this?" You laugh, a bit anxiously.
"What isn't it?" Hobie answers with a grin, motioning to the ingredients. "I'm making you a cake." He replies simply, though his smile gives away how excited he is.
"Bee, you've never baked a day in your life." You point out, walking over to him. You carefully inspect the boxed cake mix and other ingredients he's laid out.
"So?" He looks at you, his grin not fleeting. "How hard can it be? It doesn't take a master chef to bake a cake. I can figure it out." He shrugs. This is, of course, completely untrue. But he wants to celebrate you on your birthday, so he'll give it a try anyway.
"Can I help?" You ask quietly, grabbing an egg to break and put into the bowl. You knew he wanted to celebrate you today, but you didn't like the thought of not helping. You didn't want to feel any different, no matter how much he wanted to celebrate your birthday.
"He considers the offer for a moment. "I was going to do this by myself as a surprise," he says. "But I guess I that doesn't really work if you're already here..." He trails off. Hobie loves cooking with you and he knows you love spending time in the kitchen with him. Plus, now he doesn't have to try and figure out how to make a cake by himself, which definitely would've been a disaster. So he doesn't argue. "I'd love for you to help."
After the cake is in the oven, you turn to the counter again. You assess all the left over ingredients: milk, powdered sugar, butter, and vanilla. "Are we making out own frosting?"
"Well, I was planning on it." He replies. "Unless you have a better idea." He's never actually made frosting before, but he's sure he can figure it out - it's not like baking. Then again, he's also never made cake from a box before, but he seems to have managed that okay. So he probably can figure out how to make frosting, too. At least he hopes he can.
You shrug, grabbing the softened butter. "I know how to make it." You tell him, pulling him closer so he can learn. Hobie grins as he wraps his arms around you, making the most of the position so he can steal a kiss. He'll gladly learn anything from you. He rests his head on your shoulder while he gives you his attention.
"Beat the butter first..." You mumble as he stands behind you, his hands firmly on your waist. You start the mixer, letting it beat the butter until light and smooth.
"What's next?" He asks when you stop the mixer. His fingers trail across your hips, and he leans into you as you continue to teach him the ways of frosting making. Of course he does sneak a few kisses in between steps.
The oven beeps and he takes the cake out. We put it in the fridge to cool faster before moving back to the frosting. "What colors are we thinking?" You ask, starting to separate the frosting into bowls.
"Do you have any requests?" He questions, he doesn't really care what color the frosting is. The frosting is just another excuse for him to stay close to you. If you want neon green frosting, he'll gladly make it. He'll still eat it too, as long as you're with him. But it's your cake, and you're celebrating your birthday.
"So helpful." You tease, picking a few colors. "Wanna split the decorating? You do one side, I do the other?" You suggest, pulling the cooled cake out of the fridge.
"Deal." He agrees. "But you better be prepared to be wowed. I'm a masterful cake decorator." He says with a smirk, you can tell he's absolutely not serious. But since he's never decorated a cake before, he's having a lot of fun with it, putting as much effort into decorating as he can. He makes no guarantee that it will be good, but he does promise to give it everything he's got.
"Oh? Masterful?" You laugh playfully, cutting the cake and moving down the counter a bit to give him some elbow room to work. "Can't wait to see what you concoct."
"Prepare to be dazzled," he says with a smirk. His hand brushes yours as he takes his half of the cake. He takes advantage of the fact that he's standing close to you by pulling you in for a quick kiss. He sets the cake down to work on, glancing over at you and grinning. "Just you wait. This cake is going to be the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen."
You chuckle and move to work on your own half of the cake. After a while, you're close to being done and your mind drifts. "Hey, Bee?" You smile, turning to look at him sweetly as he works on his own half.
As he spreads the frosting over his half of the cake, he glances at you, his eyes sparkle with curiosity. "Yeah, love?" He asks, still working on the frosting.
You whip some frosting onto his lips, laughing softly. He grins as you do this, his expression turning from curious to hungry. Hobie doesn't waste a single second before pulling you close and kissing you deeply, with intent. The hand that was decorating the cake is now clutching your hip, pulling you close as he can. Your frosting covered fingers gently cup his jaw as you kiss him back. All thoughts of cake, frosting, decorating escape your mind as he pulls you closer. He keeps kissing you, his breath mingling with yours as he kisses you fiercely and deeply, not wanting to leave any part of you unloved and unexplored.
He groans into the kiss, and when it's over, he rests his forehead against yours. His voice a whisper. "I'm glad you were born, my love."
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orionhere · 1 year
Noctis' affection story is so domestic and chaotic I honestly can't believe it (well, as domestic as you can with Noctis)
I often find myself giggling and snorting bc he's such a fun guy. He has Kamui's personality but more violent (So a mix between Kamui & Camu?) and also a ✨HIMBO✨
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He attac, he protecc, but most importantly, he can bake
SPOILER from his affection story below:
(This became so long lmao I really love his interaction with Skk)
Important note: I can only read a little of chinese & with help of translator lol, so I'm so sorry if there's some mistranslation. Also his affection story is after Sands of Wrath event, so beware of spoilers from the main chapter!
Skk and Noctis work part-time in a store (bar?) on Pure Zone as a bartender and chef respectively. Pure Zone is an area that is safe for the human environment because of the blue Tower that purifies the Punishing Virus (Spiral of Chronos chapter).
Turns out it was because Nikola asked the Skk to "take a break" by helping out at the conservation area. Also to gain more publicity with the people in the Pure Zone.
With how famous Skk is, it's easier to attract customers' attention.
"Customer A: Your smile please."
"Customer B: And don't forget, the most important thing is to add a little bit of love."
Noctis being a knight in shining armor always meddles in the middle to stop the customers from pestering Skk too much lmao
After the store closed, Skk and Noctis tried to make their specialties. In this case, Noctis tried to make his special homemade hash browns and Skk tried to make a special drink. Both of them exchanged their "creation" and tried it together.
Hilariously, it ended in failure lmao
"So sour!! Commandant, what did you add to this drink?!"
"Yours too!! There's enough sugar on this hash brown to last the store for a year!"
Not believing the other's comment, they tried to taste their own dish.
" …. Let's just throw them…"
Noctis makes Skk a personal dish for lunch. When a customer saw the dish, they wanted Noctis to make it for them. But Noctis refuses.
"No no no, this is a private meal. We don't sell it in our store."
"Just a little bit please?"
"No means no. And don't make things difficult for Commandant here. This guy had a busy day and didn't have time to eat!"
Also, Noctis used all the ingredients that the boss just brought back to make Skk's meal (more cursing from the boss but he ignored it & ate together with Skk lmao)
Then we have a Karen here (lol) who asks where the chef is. The name is Sykes (I think). Said the "homeless pancakes" (?) that the store sells are not the same thing that he used to eat when he was wandering and accused the store of fraud. Many customers are afraid of Sykes or refuse to involve themselves with Sykes. This caused the store's income to decrease.
More Skk & Noctis' chaotic kitchen shenanigans
Noctis couldn't form the mixture like in the recipe with a mold, so Skk suggested using his hand to manually shape the mixture.
"Are you trying to choke someone to death…"
Skk went to Noctis' side and helped him mold the mixture by grabbing his hand and instructing him step by step which make Noctis blush.
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Skk wipes the crumbs and flour from Noctis' cheeks with a towel hshshshshshs-
A customer asks Noctis if he could 'surprise' them. Not knowing the meaning, he asks Skk and they replied that the customer want another dish. Noctis offers his homemade hash brown which Skk asks if Noctis finally mastering the said dish.
"Huh? Nope. I don't have the time. Just let them eat that poison-"
Skk then proceed to cover his face with a towel and rub it as hard as they could lmao. "Comm *—mph!* – mandant! Stop! I *gasp* can’t b–breathe! *pant*"
That night, Noctis asks the boss to use the Bluefin Tuna that the boss brought back. He thought that Noctis gonna use the fish for Sykes' dish, but turns out it was for Skk's dinner. More cursing from the boss (HE ALWAYS TRIES HIS BEST & USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS FOR SKK'S MEAL IM CRYING)
Skk was worried that Noctis was pushing himself. But Noctis refute that, saying that he likes the challenge and enjoys making the pancake. Then Noctis asks back how Skk was holding up with how they have to smile and chat to customers all day as a bartender. Skk assure him it was part of the job, as long the customer isn't Sykes.
"That's pretty tough. …… Want to switch? I'd like to try to manage the bar too."
"Okay, try to smile."
"Noctis was a little flustered but managed to squeeze out a smile at your request. It feels like staring at a great white shark."
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(Imagine you were drinking in a bar, and ask the bartender for a smile. This is how he smiles at you)
Remember when Skk tried to make their own special drink? Turns out they make an adjustment by adding 40 shots thanks to a customer who suggested it to them. Drunk Skk
"40 shots?! Isn't that the same as wine …… OK, I'll ask around tomorrow to find which genius suggests such an idea."
Noctis then give Skk his special homemade hash brown. But because Sykes' matters, he doesn't have time to improve his dish.
Which results Skk throwing up.
"How is it, Commandant? After you vomited it out, do you feel more awake now?"
Drunk and angry Skk swings a chair at Noctis.
"Who on earth came up with the idea to make Commandant drink 40 shots?! Hey hey hey, Commandant… You can’t be serious, can you?!"
This scared Noctis to the point whenever Skk asks him what happen that night, he always tries to cover it up.
Next day, they went out to ask others about the recipe. They met an old man who used to be a part of the wandering group with Sykes. Turns out the homeless pancake that Sykes want is just some various ingredients mixed together into a weird mixture and baked into pitch black. During that time, canned food and fresh ingredients are very precious and even a luxury.
The old man gestured to Skk to try it, but before they can put it in their mouth, Noctis eats it.
"....Commandant… It's better for you to not try it."
"How can I know what's wrong with it if I don't try it myself?"
More coughing and Noctis pat pat Skk's back
Knowing that Skk is a bit tired from today's walk, Noctis wash the dishes by himself.
Skk was a bit down after finding out about the homeless cake origin, so Noctis tried to cheer Skk up in his own way lol.
"Skk is really kind. If it was someone else, I would probably have said that this is none of my business, and then I would not care about it anymore. After all, thinking about this kind of thing will only add more trouble."
"How is this adding more trouble…"
"That's why I say that Commandant is very kind. You tried your best to do everything for the people on earth, but you still refuse to let yourself go on this matter. If it were me, I wouldn't care at all."
Noctis and Skk wash dishes together.
"This is a pain. Are you gonna help me wash the dishes or not?"
"But you're washing it right now?"
"No way! I don't want to enjoy such good thing alone! So you do it too!"
"…Commandant, if you keep pushing me, I'm gonna stuck in the wall. Tsk, why is the area around the sink so cramped?!"
It was time for Sykes to come back. Noctis finally finish the dish and present it to Sykes with the same recipe from the old man from before. But Noctis refuse to make it as black as the recipe says. "However, this store will never sell that kind of pitch-black food. It is our store principle to make it carefully with the right ingredients and utensils."
Tldr Sykes being a stubborn jerk shouting about 'the real homeless pancake' is the sole reason they're still alive & what Noctis did is just a gimmick to attract more customers.
"We are literally eating all of that stuff. Are they only worthy of being a gimmick to attract customers in the pure zone? Should the past just lie in our memory and become mere talk? Should we just pretend that nothing has happened?!" Basically just Sykes can't let go of the past.
Skk promises all of them to fight hard so they can retake the earth and the Great Arcadia Retreat won't happen again.
Sykes still being a stubborn bastard refuse to let this matter go and tried to attack Skk. But Noctis just stop him in time. It ended up with a bar fight lol
On their last day as a part-timer, while waiting for the boss to arrive in the morning, they decide to make their signature again. This time it was a success.
Skk and Noctis give the recipe to the boss so he can add it to the menu. He asks what it's going to be called.
"Vegetable Storm."
"Super Hash Brown!"
"I definitely don't want that kind of name on my menu. How about calling it '<Name>' and 'Noctis'? It's a good combination. And it added some emotional value."
Because of the last bar fight, they need to replace some furniture. They change the door to a new one, but Noctis painted graffiti on it because the color doesn't match the store. Skk also bought a lucky cat from Kowlong but Noctis modified it into a shark because it doesn't match the store's style. (Lucky shark??😂)
Noctis daydreams about life after Punishing virus is gone.
"These past few weeks felt like a dream. No missions, no enemies, no emergencies, no equipment for maintenance, not even weapons to use. Every day I'm with Commandant, taking orders, cooking, chatting…"
"Are you happy, Noctis?"
"It’s not bad, I’m very happy! I was so happy that I actually didn't want to go back."
"Commandant, do you think we can enjoy this leisurely life for the rest of our lives after the Punishing Virus is gone?"
"Of course we can, we already have the Pure Zone, and one day we will retake the earth completely. And then, you could do whatever you want to do."
"Then let's make a fortune with '<Name> and Noctis'! We could open a store, and then I'll let Commandant be the boss. Then you'll be in charge to manage the bar!" He even plans to open many branches, even on Babylonia (THAT'S SO SWEET WTH-)
The boss being a savage to Noctis lmao.
"Our store will always welcome you back, <Name>. As for Noctis, forget it. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how it ends, as long as this store exists, your aprons will always be there."
"Don't worry, Commandant is in my hands. When it's all over, we'll definitely come back."
"Maybe at that time, they will no longer be the Commandant of Gray Raven and a member of the Cerberus team. But just '[Name] and Noctis'." (I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL AT THIS LINE FCK)
All in all, this is really a fun and heartwarming story. I haven't finished Sands of Wrath chapter yet, so Noctis' interaction with Skk really caught me off guard. There's still a lot of his interaction that I couldn't fit in here because that's gonna be too long-
Also in the Sands of Wrath chapter, Skk and Noctis called each other 'partner' (In JP dub, he calls Skk 'aibou') I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ASDHFKA😭😭
Noctis is a malewife material you can't change my mind✨💕
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SR Epel Felmier - Apprentice Chef Vignette
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Master Chef ― Epel Version ~ Let’s Make Stew 1~
Ghost Chef: ―The dish we'll have you make today is a stew.
Epel: A stew… Whew, I'm glad it's not some fancy-sounding dish I'd never heard of before.
Epel: I've made a ton of stews and other dishes like it back home, so I think I might be able to do this!
Ghost Chef: Alright, then let's get started. First, let's cut up the ingredients.
Ghost Chef: Make sure to cut each one up evenly into bite-sized pieces. First let's tackle the potatoes.
Epel: Got it! They've already been well washed, so I'll leave the skin on.
[chop, chop, chop, chop…]
Ghost Chef: Oho, not bad. Only, these are a little too large to be considered bite-sized…
Epel: Eh!? Oh, now that you mention it, I guess the stuff in the stew we eat here in the cafeteria is a bit smaller…
Epel: We usually have super chunky fillings in the stew back home, so I just chopped it up thinking of that.
Ghost Chef: I see. Well, if we cut them in half once more, they'll be a little too small… Let's just cut the other ingredients so they match the potatoes then.
Epel: Got it. Okay, I'm gonna cut up all the rest of the potatoes.
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Epel: I've finished chopping up the onions and potatoes.
Ghost Chef: Good, the onions are cut perfectly into wedges. And you've even rounded the edges of the potatoes. Well done.
Epel: Mah gran… My grandmother taught me while I was helping her prep food back home.
Ghost Chef: Your grandma really knows her stuff. Did she also teach you how to handle a knife?
Epel: Ah, well, I can use a knife probably 'cause I've practiced carving a ton, I guess?
Epel: We're a family of apple farmers back in Harveston, and there's always a ton of damaged apples in our bushels…
Epel: But if I could carve some patterns or pictures into the apples while taking out the damaged parts, they become worth something again. That's why I've worked hard to learn how to do it.
Ghost Chef: You mean you sell them? That's amazing, I'd love it if you'd show me what you can do.
Epel: Hehe, sure. If I was to choose out of these stew ingredients… These carrot slices would probably be the best choice.
[slice, slice…]
Epel: Here you go, I'm done!
Ghost Chef: Ooh, you've carved a beautiful flower design into the carrot! You really are quite skilled.
Epel: Hehe, thank you. Want me to add decorations to the rest of the carrots too!?
Ghost Chef: Eh, no you don't have to… Wow, you were just raring to go, huh!
Ghost Chef: You're making me feel a little bad for throwing these beautifully carved carrots into the soup…!!
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Epel: ―Stir flour in with the sauteed ingredients… Okay, this seems mixed enough, I think?
Ghost Chef: I think so too. Next, we'll add milk, water, and consommé, and let is simmer. You'll want to stir from time to time so the flour doesn't burn.
Epel: Got it!
Ghost Chef: While it's simmering, let's go over everything we've done so far. Do you have any questions?
Epel: Yes, sir! Please tell me of any foods that'll help me grow taller or more muscular!
Ghost Chef: Eh? There's nothing that screams "eat me and grow" like that. After all, the most important thing to think about is nutritional balance.
Epel: Really!? And I took this class hoping that I'd get to learn about ingredients that'd help me get bigger…
Ghost Chef: Epel-kun, you said your motivation for taking this course was to learn how to control your nutritional intake to help shape your body, right?
Epel: Yes. I want to grow taller, and gain more muscle than I have now!
Epel: Everyone back in my village said that if I ate a lot, exercised a lot, and slept a lot, I'd grow big and strong…
Epel: And still, I never got any good results. That's why recently, I've been trying to eat even more than usual…
Epel: But my Housewarden scolded me something fierce, saying that my nutritional intake was completely off.
Epel: He also said, "figure out what you yourself need and choose the right food to eat," too...
Ghost Chef: Ah, so that's what this is about. I understand. I'll make sure to go over the perfect ingredients and nutrients that you need, Epel-kun.
Epel: Please and thank you! Ah, but wait one moment, I need to get out a notepad!!
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Ghost Chef: ―And there you have it. Do you see now that the stew we're making now also has a ton of nutrients that's good for you?
Epel: Yes, thank you!
Epel: There were so many new words bein' thrown my way that my brain's overloaded… This whole nutrition thing is a lot harder than I thought…
Ghost Chef: Alright, here we go, Epel-kun, let's do the finishing touches. Put the chicken and broccoli into the pot and let it simmer for an additional 5 minutes!
Epel: Got it! I'll throw in the pre-cooked chicken and broccoli and… There we go.
Epel: Oh yeah, by the way, we're making a savory stew today, but… does the cafeteria menu ever have sweet stews?
Ghost Chef: Sweet stews?
Epel: Yeah, it's got stuff like apples and nuts in it… It might feel a little like it should be a dessert, but it's not too sweet, and it's got a great flavor.
Epel: You can eat it hot or cold, so whenever I got sick, mah gran… my grandmother would make it for me―
Epel: Or…? Maybe it's not really a thing…? Maybe gran just came up with it…
Ghost Chef: A dessert-like stew, hm. I feel like I may have come across in some small village before… I'll look it up later.
Ghost Chef: It may be interesting if we were to serve it as promo dish in the cafeteria. I'm sure it would be delicious if we used the apples from Harveston.
Epel: Hehe, and 'cause the apples from Harveston are super delicious, it'll quickly become a popular dish, no doubt.
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Master Chef ― Epel Version ~ Let’s Make Stew 2~
Epel: That smells good… I think this stew came out amazing!
Ghost Chef: I agree. You did a good job cutting the vegetables and stirring the pot. All those times you helped out back home really came in handy.
Ghost Chef: Now, plate the stew and let's head out to the judging venue.
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Riddle: A pleasant aroma is wafting out from the kitchen… It seems my food will be served soon.
Epel: Sorry to keep you waiting. This stew must have been what you ordered, Riddle-san.
Riddle: Why, hello there, Epel. You must be taking the elective this time around.
Riddle: I am still in the midst of my own studies when it comes to cooking… But as I was selected a judge for this, I shall make sure to give you my sincerest assessment.
Epel: Urgh, feels like you'd be super strict, too… Please take it easy on me…
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Epel: Once more, I present to you the stew you've ordered.
Epel: It's still hot, so take care not to burn your tongue.
Riddle: On closer inspection, I see that there is a design carved into the carrots. How wonderfully intricate.
Epel: Hehe, thank you! I'm actually pretty good at carving, so.
Riddle: As for the ingredients in the stew… These seem to be a little larger than the ones normally served in the cafeteria.
Epel: Hehe, don't you think that makes it worth eating?
Riddle: Perhaps, but they do seem a little too big… These are bigger than my spoon.
Epel: Yep. I bet it'll really fill you up!
Riddle: R-Right, okay. I shall dig in, then.
[bite, chew, chew…]
Epel: …
Riddle: …Mm, delicious. I was a tad worried, since the vegetables were cut a little large, but they've been perfectly cooked through.
Epel: Thank you very much! And this stew isn't just tasty, it's also chocked full of nutrition.
Riddle: Chocked full of nutrition…? Could you elaborate further?
Epel: Sure! Uhh… One second.
Epel: Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, while potatoes are rich in Vitamin C.
Epel: The broccoli has a ton of fiber. The onion has an anti, uh… antioxidative effect? Yeah.
Epel: Chicken has a ton of protein. And the milk used for the stew has a ton of calcium!
Epel: There's a lot of other nutrients that are good for the growing body…
Epel: Uhh, so basically… Stews are the perfect dish to help you grow!
Riddle: I was a little startled because you suddenly brought out a notepad, but… Did you write down all the nutrients of all the ingredients you used for this dish there?
Epel: Yep! I can't remember things just from hearing it once, so I took notes as the Chef taught me while we were cooking.
Epel: I wanted to figure out what kind of nutrition I need for my own growth, which is why I took this course.
Epel: I was writing everything down real fast, so there's some parts I can't read, but…
Riddle: …There's no point to taking notes if you cannot read them back later.
Epel: Urgh… Yes, you're right. I'll make sure to check with the Chef again later…
Riddle: That being said, I think it's spectacular that you are attempting to further your own knowledge in order to reach your goals.
Riddle: Just as you say, it isn't only about the appearance or taste, but also the nutrients that go into it. I shall also take this moment to learn something.
Ghost Chef: We always make our dishes while thinking of that nutritional balance, so it's lovely to see Epel-kun this invested.
Epel: I-It's a little embarrassing to hear you say that, but… Thank you for your kind words!
Epel: It's much more fun to learn about nutrition through cooking rather than reading through a musty book…
Epel: I'm gonna keep on learning about nutrition and get me a super muscular body!!
Ghost Chef: I don't think you'll be able to get muscular on your diet alone, but… I'm glad to see you so motivated.
Epel: Alllright, I'm gonna work even harder! Chef, I'm looking forward to some more of your instruction!
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Requested by @dida-books.
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phantombanquet · 1 year
Master Chef SR Idia Edition “Apprentice Chef” / Personal Card Story Part 2
~Let's make stuffed peppers 2~
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Chef Ghost: After lightly sprinkling the insides of the bell peppers with cake flour, stuff it with the seeds that you mixed earlier.
You can use other flours as a substitute, but..... It will affect the finished product, so basically just follow the recipe.
Idia: Ah, it's the same principle as with using an interchangeable part that works fine, but the genuine parts are still the best. I completely understand.
Chef Ghost: Interchangeable...? Genuine part.....? Fufu, this time, this is an expression I don't understand at all.
Well then, pick up the seeds with your hands. Fill them precisely and generously inside the bell peppers, so there aren't any gaps.
Idia: Hiiihh....!! The minced meat's chilly, slimy feeling clings to my fingerssssssssss.....!
Is t-this also a pattern that can't be measured? I have to adjust the amount of seeds according to the inner diameter of the bell pepper.....
Is there no other way to calculate the proper number of grams other than collecting data several times from the same work.....
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Idia: ...Haah, it's all done.
Chef Ghost: Then, let's finish by baking. The key is to let the frying pain reach the right temperature before placing the stuffed peppers.
Don't forget to oil the pan before heating it. And the heat should be kept on medium.
Idia: .....What's the proper temperature, anyway? How am I supposed to know if the frying pan is at the right temperature?
Chef Ghost: Place your hand over the frying pan, and if you think it's warm enough, you're good to go.
Idia: There it is again, using my hands! The boundary between warm and hot varies so, so much from one person to another.....
And more items that need data to be collected are increasing one by one......
Chef Ghost: I'll make sure of it this time. Which one, which one... Hm, this is around the right temperature. Idia-kun, try hovering your hand over the pan.
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Idia: It feels kinda hot and kinda warm...? C-Chef..... I want to measure the surface temp of the frying pan...
Chef Ghost: Hm~, there are tools like that, but we don't have them here in the kitchen.
Idia: There's nothing I can do about it. I guess I'll give up and start baking this time. Alright.
The oil is splashing around...... Hiihhh! Don't come to me!!
Idia: No, but I can't even get close to it because the oil is splashing all over the place!?
A guy needs to have some kind of protection... Like, at least a shield! I need some kind of shield—
HAAAH!!! That one over there is.....
A pot lid... NOT a pot lid!
It's one of the earlier tools that was used a while ago, but it's better than nothing! Let me hold it with one hand!
Idia: Throwing the stuffed meat on the pan: Mission Success. I can finally take a breather from this.....
Chef Ghost: Turn it over or else it will burn! Here, hold the spatula!
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Idia: Ha, hah... It's somehow finished.....
Chef Ghost: Good work. The judges should be here by now, so let's bring out the food.
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CAFETERIA - Judging Venue
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Cater: Ah, so it's Idia-kun who cooked the food. Cay-kun is the judge~♪
Idia: Hiih! An overwhelmingly sunny atmosphere...! I've been too unlucky today.....
Cater: A home-cooked meal by a classmate might be a fresh experience. I'm looking forward to eating stuffed bell peppers made by Idia-kun~!
Idia: That's pressuring me a lot, and the food hasn't even been served yet.....
That..... Ah... H-Here it is..... Go ahead.....
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Cater: Thanks~ Wow! The visuals are looking good! It's colorful and its shape looks like a flower, so cute!
Can I take a quick pic before eating?
Idia: Hiiih..... G-G-Go ahead... D-Do, Do whatever you want.....
Cater: OK~!
Idia: Is this a tactic of spreading my poor cooking on the internet? It's not even interesting or anything.....
Cater: .....Picture taking, finished! Now then, I'll go take a bite!
Cater: .....Mhm, it's delicious!
Idia: Eh!? I... I can't even deny that it's overcooked and burnt in some places.....?
Cater: There are definitely parts that are black. But, hey, it's better than raw ♪
Idia: (whispering) Are these….. The concerns of a sunshine charac? Or is it just that Cater-shi's taste buds have a wide strike zone.....?
Chef Ghost: You did well, Idia-kun. It looks like you got a passing grade so far.
Idia: Hahhh~~~~ .....For now, I'm glad...
I feel bitter that I can't say, “I passed, the program is over!” or something like that, but.....
I'll just use the rest of the remaining time thinking about a hypothetical design for the “Idia Shroud-style cooking machine”.
Ahhh, really, LET'S FINISH UP QUICKLY~~!
Link to Part 1
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invisibleraven · 11 months
Reggie does his best not to gape at the woman shivering on his doorstep. It's been years, but he'd know those eyes anywhere.
(For Rulie, I figured you wouldn't mind the extra sentence lol)
Reggie does his best not to gape at the woman shivering on his doorstep. It's been years, but he'd know those eyes anywhere.
He ushers her inside, wrapping her in an overly large towel once her outer layers are dripping in his mudroom. Presses a steaming cup of tea into her shivering hands, observing as she quietly sipped it.
"I'd ask how you've been but..." he looks away, unable to bear seeing her this pathetic, this sad. Not after he left and she had been shining like the sun, on the arm of the golden boy while his own heart and unspoken confession died when she showed him the ring.
"I didn't know where else to go," she whispered. "My family is out of the country, and he alienated me from everyone else. I still had your address from the Christmas card, so I packed what I could and just... left. I'm sorry to put you out."
"It's no problem Julie," he offers back. "I'm thrilled to be your safe harbour, no matter how much I wish you hadn't needed one." He runas a hand over his face, breathing out a breath. "Look, you can tell me as much or as little as you want. But first let's get you a shower and some dry clothes and we can talk over dinner okay?"
She nods mutely, and he escorts her to the bathroom. He still has some stuff that Kayla never came back for, it should fit. Lays it out on the vanity before skedaddling off to make food. He's no master chef but a can of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich he can do.
She doesn't say much as she eats; voracious, like she had been starving, or maybe it was just to avoid the inevitable conversation she's trying so hard to avoid. So he catches her up on the guys, his own life, this quiet, simple existence he's carved out for himself.
She eventually opens up, but the story is written all over her skin, the way she favours her left side, the way she tugs the sleeves down over her hands, flinches if he gets too close. "I'm sorry Julie."
She shakes her head. "You all told me. Warned me what a rotten guy he was. Should of known myself when we spent so many years engaged and never planned a wedding. I guess it's easier that way..."
"It doesn't make it right," he replies. "And it's not your fault."
"No." He's fierce about it, wishing he could hold her hand, but he's been that small shivering creature before, he knows her defenses are up. "It's never the victim's fault. Trust me, I would know."
Her eyes are full of inquiry, so he rubs the back of his neck and tells her everything. It's hard, and the both of them shed more than a few tears, ponder more than one what if. Until the skies are lightening, and they're both yawning.
He offers her his bed, the couch pulls out, he'll be fine. And she can stay as long as she wants. She says she'll be gone in the morning, and grants him a kiss to the cheek before closing the door between them.
Reggie's not sure how long he stays up, staring at the ceiling, wishing he could keep her here. Keep her safe. Hates his traitorous heart that pangs with those long dead feelings reviving themselves with just one smile.
And in the morning, he isn't surprised to find the pile of clothes and a note expressing thanks on his empty bed. But under that, is a little x next to her name, and he just has to hope that Julie knows she can always come back.
That she'll always have a home here, with him.
And when she shows up a few weeks later, smiling wide and more free than he's seen her in ages, he thinks she does too.
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crmsnmth-journal · 2 months
4/14/2024 9:00 PM
I had a really good Sunday. I didn't get much done at all, but I got to refresh my head. I went down to the river's edge and hiked to the bridge and back, about four miles all together. The woods are really waking up now that it seems spring is officially here. I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, we probably hit seventy degrees today. There's a tradeoff though, because now my room seems unreasonably hot. I won't open my window, because my screen has holes in it, and I really do not like bats in the house. I love to see them outside, but I do not like them flying around my house. They freak me out, and for some reason or other, rabies scares the absolute hell out of me. I don't mess with wild animals that can bite me and kill me with a disease that looks like something extremely horrible to go through.
I got my first negative "you suck" comments on one of my poems, and, maybe this is weird, but that makes me beyond happy. Sure, getting likes and reblogs, and nice comments are fun and all, but I was waiting until someone thinks I am so awful at what I love to do, that they need to tell me. If it's constructive, I'm all for it, and I will take those opinions with deep consideration, but to those who just tell me I suck, without really knowing anything about what I do, or more importantly WHY i do what i do, I feel sad for. Art critics. The idea of being a critic in any form of art fields is a laugh. Art is subjective. What I write means something different for someone else. What I see in my head is a totally different painting then the one hanging up on the wall. What I hear in music is far off from what someone else's ears hear. And that should be respected. I can't stand Taylor Swift, but I respect her place in the music world. I don't think Van Gogh paintings aren't all the beautiful, but I still consider him one of the masters but I'd put Robert S. Connet on that hill too. Memento dragged on, but Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors. And if you see something, and your thought is "wow, this sucks" and not "Let's try to make it better" maybe it's best you just shut the fuck up and let people have their thing. I will always love "You suck" comments, on the simple fact I've pissed one more stranger off.
But now, I'm sitting here, writing this and I'll write a few other lines while watching Melancholia for who knows how many times. I love me some Lars Von Trier films. The guy is a master at his craft. I need a break from Futurama anyway. As much as I love the show, after a bit some of the characters just irritate me and I can't do the show. I'm at a good spot to take a break anyway. The very beginning of the "movie" season.
Hopefully my brother turns up soon. They were headed into town so I sent them with some money to pack me up some soda and pop tarts. Yes, I know. I eat like a twelve year old. I don't care. I don't eat much, and when a strawberry poptart and a coke is all I can get down, it's healthier than not eating anything at all, right? Kind of ironic isn't it? A chef with no appetite. I can't remember the last time I ate something from where I work.
I did forget to take about Jolie yesterday. I've known her for years, as she used to run the kitchen in the American Legion at the same time I first took over the bowling alley kitchen. And we have always gotten along extremely well. It's always a good time when she's around. Just that kind of person. So she left the legion and hasn't done anything in the business since, but her and her husband are looking to buy a restaurant, and she offered me the job to come on has an actual head chef. I mean, I'd get to do menus again, and work with distributors and come up with stuff and have the actual fun parts of the job handed back. Of course, that means I'd also have to do the shitty parts too, budgets, scheduling, budgets, most maintence, did I mention budgets? Still, maybe it's a sign? I've been talking about how badly I want out of the alley, that maybe this is the universe giving me an option to do that, and maybe even re-light the fire and the passion for food to burn bright again?
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I hope i'm not late for the screenshots thingy!
Here's who i got!
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(i got lucky cause Epel and Idia are my faves LMAO)
And for the theme, maybe them reacting to MC cooking them meals from their world? Or maybe them visiting MC's world with them? You choose!
(romantic btw!)
LET'S GET THIS BREAD!!! I'm sorry it took some time to get out
I'll do a half and half~
Let's go!
~ Other Worldly ~
With: Epel Felmier, Idia Shroud, Vil Schoenheit, Jack Howl, and MC
Them reacting to MC cooking food from their world, and visiting MC's world
First off, let me start by saying that a good 3/4 of these characters are super picky(? with their food, Vil and Idia being the most critical (according to what Master Chef events tell us)
Hope you have some super cooking skills and/or premium ingredients at hand! ^^''
Some headcanons didn't come out too romantic orz
🍎 Epel Felmier 🧹
Foreign dishes
Epel noticed the peculiar cooking going on in Ramshackle after visiting one time
While he may be critical of ingredients and overall resulting taste, Felmier is curious to try new things (specially if it's in big portions, unlike Pomefiore's dinners)
He approaches MC shily, asking if he could have a taste of what they were eating at the time
"Sure, no problem! In fact, let me cook some for you fresh!"
Before he could even protest to get them to stop, the Prefect already got to work
He tries to help, but MC shoots him down and tells him to patiently wait
Epel's appetite and curiosity are increasing with every second
Once the food's ready to be savored, he digs right in! And will provide some feedback about what he liked about it, what it reminds him of, and if needed be points out what he thinks it lacked
Eager to try out more of the food MC was accustomed to eating back in their world!
Visiting a far away land
He's eager to visit all the places his love adores! Make some memories and have a blast discovering the place such a wonderful person comes from
He wants to know how their two worlds differ, how a world without magic unfolds before his eyes
Let's be honest: this boy right here is excited to wreck havoc in supermarket and fast food places' parking lots. Y'all probably woke up at 3am once and decided to go scream and mess around at your nearest McDonald's parking lot
Please show him vine compilations, I'm positive Epel will love to get to know the humor of this world (although he once used a vine reference when talking with a cashier once, thinking it was common knowledge for everyone in MC's world)
Out of the four guys here, Epel is the one most open to improvised plans
Eager to try out any strange fruits and vegetables, interesting snacks and bizarre cookie flavors that catch his eye
"How can your world have such specific flavors? Rosemary garlic jalapeño bread chips? How???"
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Foreign dishes
MC probably brought some of their homemade food over to Idia's dorm after getting concerned that this boy's diet heavily relies in junk food and sweets, and when he does eat it's a very small portion
So in MC comes and asks Idia if he would like to try some food they prepared, one of their favorite dishes
At first, Idia is very reluctant, saying how he doesn't feel hungry
But the Prefect has a trick under their sleeve: a crestfallen expression with an adorable pout
Seeing them having a meal on their own while occasionally sighing sadly has the flaming haired boy debating what he should do
Then a memory of Ortho's voice resounds in his skull: "Meals are typically shared between people to develop or strengthen a bond. If you want to win [Name]'s heart, you should take them out for dinner."
That and he can't deny the contents of that container in their hands look appetizing
Shroud finally accepts and brings you over to Ignihyde's kitchen to grab a couple of plates
He's hesitant, but takes a nice first bite of food. Chews it carefully as he analyses the taste, texture, consistency
"I've never tasted something like this before. What is it?"
"One of my favorite dishes, [food name]!"
Silence followed, "Huh? I-I'm afraid I have... never heard of it..." He said
"Yeah, Ace and Sebek said the same when I introduced them to it. Makes me believe this is something only seen back in my world."
A nice chat develops and, before they know it, the food's gone and Idia himself ate a nice amount of it
It's in the walk back to his dorm, when they're enveloped in a nice comfortable silence, pinkies entwined, that MC confesses they purposefully did all that out of concern for how much he eats
It ensues some light pushing-and-pulling around and tickling, him saying how that was a tactic well taught out, but also saying how he eats just fine and they shouldn't worry about that. You know, light banter between a loving couple
That dish ends up in Idia's list of favorites. He has asked Mc to bring it with them a couple of times when they hang out together and play games
Visiting a far away land
Frankly, he's curious and very nervous about this trip
MC of course is aware of Idia's dislike of crowds and being out in public, so they prepared a nice and calm trip for him
Visiting the less frequented parts of town, quiet cafés (cat cafés!! because those normally have controlled influx of costumers for the kitties' safety), couple of history museums, supermarkets late at night for snack runs, lots of staying at home to play a plethora of videogames and watch many anime series and movies
He's amazed at the variety of games MC's world has, and is also surprised by how some titles are similar to those he likes to play. Same goes for some anime series
While he appreciates how the Prefect tries to show him what their world and society there is like, he much more prefers their stay at home time
He gets to cuddle with them in their room! Their actual legit room with many memories of their life!
He may not look like it, but Idia likes to snoop around and ask what this or that photo, a toy or poster is about and what memories they hold
Honestly, Shroud came over to his lover's world to know about their life, not so much to learn about the world as a whole
Baby pictures, photo albums, the occasional video of their childhood, diaries and old Valentine's cards, he looks through and reads them all!
He will treasure every bit of information he learns about his partner and their life in this world. Probably takes one of their baby pictures with him back to Twisted Wonderland
👑 Vil Schoenheit 🍎
Foreign dishes
Vil is the hardest to convince to try your food out of this group, no doubt
He does know MC cooks, and knows that some of their dishes are uncommon, but the model has yet to asked them for a taste
It takes one brave "Do you want some?" for the model to finally have a taste of the food
He's very hesitant, you can see it clear in his expression, but it all fades away after the first bite
He will openly state if he likes it or not and why
"Perhaps you have other dishes that suit my fancy better? Come on, I want you to show me more."
He genuinely does want to taste more of those unique dishes
Visiting a far away land
Eager to take a little vacation to a world full of opportunities
I see Vil as someone who would like to visit the most prestigious places (though MC will have to tone it down and remind him they don't have an unlimited amount of money to spend)
Art museums and a couple theatre plays are his go-to, along with nice restaurants, popular cafés, and lovely parks to have a picnic on (he jumps into the idea of attending one of those outdoor cinema projections, those are probably his favorite because he gets to cuddle with his lover under the night sky while a movie plays)
He will want to learn about the history of MC's world and the way society, politics work there
He gets word of the horrible things that happened and the threat of climate change, human rights violations and he will want to take action to protest against it
Okay, but Vil will get along so well with the Prefect's younger siblings and mother/aunts/fem guardian if they have one
Get ready to have him judge favorite makeup products. Prefect better lead him away from the beauty and skincare sections of farmacias and supermarkets
All in all, having Vil over to their world allowed MC to visit many nice fancy-ish places and allowed them to enjoy some simple things they forgot
A wonderful person to have by your side in any world and universe~
🐺 Jack Howl 💛
Foreign dishes
With his fine sense of smell, Jack detected the food MC was preparing for their little date was something unfamiliar
"What's that? Something new?"
Yet MC tries to keep the surprise until the plates are presented and served
Seeing the smile on their face, Jack can't help but think that this dish will taste wonderful due to the love shining on their face
"This is [dish name], one of my favorites back in my world. Haven't seen it offered in the cafeteria, so I decided to try my hand and prepare it for you, Jackie!"
First bite, fluffy tail wagged. He compliments their cooking with a smile before diving in for a couple morsels
Jack isn't too picky, he enjoys food truthfully
I think he will be curious about the story behind the dish and why his love categorizes it as a favorite. Ingredients, techniques, tell him all about it!
I'm sure this boy will be happy to try more of the unique dishes found in a world ways away from his!
Visiting a far away land
A visit to his partner's world, huh? Well, Jack is certainly excited to see what sort of outdoor activities and exploring can be done in this new place!
Dates with Howl in the Prefect's world will consist of visiting natural parks, gardens, forest trails, perhaps do some fishing or bird watching
Jack grew up with snow as a constant. He would like to explore the winter sports scene in this foreign world (if MC lives somewhere with snow/with designated paces on which to practice said sports)
Aside from these outdoor sporty visits, the wolf would like to attend concerts or maybe a local team's game
However, he soon finds out these events aren't suited for his acute hearing (poor baby 😭)
So he's content with spending time inside MC's house, get to know their family a little, look through their family pictures, and have pleasant late afternoon walks in the nearby park
Something as simple as going out for icecream is tremendously pleasant with Jack by your side
(but poor MC if they aren't athletic or into nature because this big puppy will drag them to loooots of nature watching dates asdfg)
-- --
Ngl, this prompt was a little hard to fulfill. I'm well aware this isn't the most romantic, but hope it was enjoyable
Thank you for your request!
and sorry again for taking long
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Also can I just say how perfect the fanfic is with the song the whole vibe is just chef kiss
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Summery: Reader needs help and asks their cute neighbor for help.
tw: None
a/n: AHHH Thank you so much!! I'm glad someone enjoyed it so much! Here's the part 2 <3
wc: 0.9k
Master List | Part One
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I always noticed the way my neighbor always shied away from me in the hallway whenever we passed. I understood his plight, I wasn't one for social interaction either.
So imagine how I felt when I had to knock on his door. I felt uncomfortable standing in the dimly lit hallway, the only noise being me shuffling on my feet anxiously. I didn't want to be annoying, but I needed someone's help with my computer. I didn't know if he knew anything about electronics, but I'd rather seek someone else's opinion before spending $500 and them just telling me I need a new computer.
Not hearing a noise on the other side, I felt my anxiety rise. He's probably not even home and I'm making a fool of myself. The urge to turn around and just go back to my own apartment was high. My problem wasn't even that desperate. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and bring my computer to a repair place.
But against my better judgement, I decided to knock softly once again while also calling out a small 'hello'.
Suddenly, the sound of rustling was heard on the other side. I felt my breath hitch as the realization of having to speak to a stranger set in. I started to fidget with my hands as the sounds of locks sliding and clicking sounded out. Finally, the door opened, just enough to show his head.
I felt myself shy under his stare. He was honestly really cute. In a nerdy dork way. His clear framed glasses slightly hid his green eyes and a navy blue crewneck covered his hunched frame. He was looking at me with a confused expression so I was quick to introduce myself.
"Hi!" I said quickly, trying to focus on my hands so I wouldn't be so nervous. "Uh, I'm your neighbor, my names (y/n). I was wondering if you could help me out with something?"
I glanced up to see his reaction and he just looked shocked. Almost like he couldn't believe what was going on.
The silence started to get too much for me, but before I could say something he responded, "O-oh, right. I'm...I'm Edward. What was it you needed help with?" His eyes darted around as he spoke, like he wasn't sure where to look.
It seemed like we both had social problems.
"My computer," I responded with a small smile. "I don't know what's wrong with it and I saw you around...oh my god I don't mean to sound rude or anything. You just look smart so I assumed that you might know something."
Edward giggled lightly under his breath and I felt dread creep up into my soul. I should never had knocked on his door and talked to him. Now he thinks I'm a stupid, or just bad person for assuming things-
"I do know some things," He mumbled out. "I took some computer classes in college."
"...so you'd be willing to check it out?" I asked hopefully. "Are you free now? I-I can pay you too..."
"Yeah, I can come check it out now," He agreed. "And you don't need to pay me, just give me a second."
After a few minutes he came back out and I brought him to my apartment. Letting him in I brought him over to my laptop.
"This is it," I said. "It just keeps...freezing? I don't know," I said trying to explain the problem. "You can go on it and see, I've tried restarting it and stuff but nothings worked."
He nodded and immediately started working on it. I felt awkward just standing there so I asked, "Did you want something to drink? Maybe eat? I don't have much though."
Looking at me with a slight blush Edward replied, "Just water please, thanks."
I couldn't get him off my mind. He was so nice and he actually solved the problem! I felt bad that I gained more out of the interaction than he did (well not according to Edward but (y/n) doesn't know that).
So I decided to make thank you cookies. I'm not the best at baking, but not the worst either. Eating a cookie, I decided they were actually really good.
So, I took off towards Edward's apartment. I wore something slightly nicer than I normally do, wanting to slightly impress him. Making sure the plate of cookies was safely balanced in one hand, I knocked on the door. This time, the door was opened almost immediately. I was surprised to see Edward looking at me almost expectantly.
"H-hi..." I stuttered out slightly, and then berating myself inside for doing so. I mean come on! I never stuttered.
"Hi," He replied breathlessly.
"I made you some cookies," I said holding the plate out to him. "As a thank you for fixing my computers."
His gaze kept flickering from me to the plate, in awe of the situation.
"I tried a cookie myself," I said nervously. "I think they turned out well, I don't really bake too often."
"Thank you," He finally said, gently taking the plate. "It means a lot."
A giant smile unconsciously spread across my face in relief, "I'm glad! I hope you like them."
I awkwardly nodded at him, before turning to leave.
"W-wait," I heard Ed call out. Turning to face him, he continued, "W-would you like to share these? Maybe watch something on tv?"
I felt myself become giddy as I agreed.
Little did I know that Eddie's distant daydreams were becoming a reality.
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deerestapologies · 3 years
5 times you called him by a pet name + one time he called you by a pet name
(Diluc + Zhongli x GN!Reader)
1. "Oh, hey hon." You greet mildly.
The candles have begun burning a bit low, the long shadows making his pout even more obvious.
"I apologize, I was held up for longer than anticipated."
He produces a small bouquet from his coat, a cluster of wildflowers, and approaches like he's about to give an offering instead of a gift. He kneels by your chair, face stoic as usual, but you can see the worry and shame in his eyes.
You twirl the stems to absorb their delicate scent, and then carefully drop them in your water glass. You cup his face in your hands, and press a kiss to his brow.
"It's okay." You kiss his brow again, "I am not mad." You kiss his nose. "I am hungry though."
You laugh lightly at his rush to sit across from you. An evening eating cold roast was worth being able to spend it with him.
2. "I understand your frustration, but perhaps we had best move on." You place a hand on his crossed arms.
"Their behavior was unacceptable, especially for those who would call themselves knights."
The stubborn clench of his jaw tells you just how angry he is. The idiots were lucky to have only gotten the verbal bludgeoning earlier instead of the literal one he wanted to dish out.
"Yes, but you've already made them apologize, and they do seem repentant," the fool knights in training nod frantically, "so why not leave this mess for Kaeya, darling?"
He sighs, but loosens his posture to wrap a protective arm around you. The hell the Knights were going to catch for this was still to come, but at least no one lost any limbs. Yet.
3. Tucked into your pile of pillows, book in hand, you waited as you do most nights. Diluc had a late meeting scheduled after dinner, but he promised it was truly to do with the winery and not of the vigilante variety.
So you bide your time, until you hear his heavy boots come up the stairs.
"I'm home." He calls softly.
"Welcome back." You say just as softly.
He goes through the motions of undressing, refreshing himself, and redressing without missing a beat, but his posture seems wilted. You mark your page, and turn over the blanket for him.
"How did it go?"
He heaves a deep sigh, and crawls over to you. Pulling you close, he lays his head on your chest but doesn't say another word.
"Oh, sweetness." You embrace him, one hand holding his face and the other in his hair. "It's okay. I've got you."
4. You lengthen your steps, but the increased pace doesn't seem to deter the boy following you. He isn't dangerous per se, but his persistence is damned annoying.
"But, if you'll just listen," he jogs back up to your side, "I just need your help for a little while!"
"I am neither a Knight nor an Adventurer," you cut him off with a sharp wave of your hand, "And you have nothing I want. Now leave me be."
He sputters, "M-master Diluc said-"
As if he's had his tongue plucked out, he suddenly stops talking.
You turn around only to find Diluc himself, a stifling hand on the kid's shoulder. His face is a stoic mask as always, but his energy is thunderous.
"I agreed to help you out of deference to your mother, but you," You see the boy wince as the hand tightens, "failed to listen to a word I said. Harassing my staff and my partner has only earned you banishment from all of my properties. Now go, before I report you to the Knights as well."
You both stand stock still as the boy sprints from the winery back to Mondstadt proper.
"Your going to report him anyways, right?" You mumble, after he is just a speck on the horizon.
"Of course," He finally relaxes his stance to look at you, "Though I doubt Jean will be happy about it."
Your chuckle, already imagining her face when the letter reaches her desk. Heaving a sigh, just grateful for the problem to have moved on, you grab Diluc's hand.
"Thank you," You pull him into a tight hug, "for protecting me as always, angel."
5. You gently rap on the door frame to his office. He looks up from his work just long enough to give you a soft smile.
"I was wondering," You lean against the frame, avoiding actually entering lest you get sucked in as well, "If my dear husband was going to come to bed tonight?"
The bright lamp on his desk means you see his blush even from across the room. He huffs an embarrassed laugh, but starts shuffling paperwork into orderly piles.
"I hadn't realized the time, my apologies."
You hum, "It is understandable. But I cannot rest if you are not in bed with me."
You watch as he tucks away his tools, pulls his gloves off, and undoes the tie in his hair, all with a much to pleased smirk on his face.
He pulls you into a delicate, lingering kiss with a hand on your neck. The warmth of his skin makes you shiver. You lean into him, letting him wrap you in his arms.
He chuckles, "Well, I would hate to neglect my husbandly duties."
1. The lingering warmth from your bath and the softness of the sheets has you dozing in minutes. You toss a hand onto Diluc's side of the bed, wanting to be present when he comes to bed as well but the ache of a long day is catching up to you.
After several moments you feel a calloused hand grasp your own. You are too tired to properly see, but feel the dip as he climbs into bed.
Still holding your hand in a delicate grip, he presses a kiss to your palm, and then your cheek.
"Sleep, my love, I am here."
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1. Zhongli re-enters the house not even ten minutes after leaving. He is patting down his jacket and looking about the entryway in wonder, and you can't help but chuckle.
"Forget something?"
"Yes," he plants his hands on his hips, "I can't seem to find my wallet. I could have sworn I remembered it this time."
You get up from where you were leisurely awaiting his return, and snag the 'disappearing' wallet from where he left it on the table.
"Not quite, old man." You wave it, teasing.
"Ah, of course."
Tucking it into the pocket of his jacket, you tug him closer to plant a kiss on his flushed cheek.
"My apologies, it seems I was a bit distracted this morning."
He tucks a piece of hair away from your face, gaze so blatantly loving you can't help but crash your lips against his. Damn whatever appointment he may have, he shouldn't be so handsome in your direction.
2. It is not every day you wake up before him, so you try to make the most of it. You prepare his clothes for the day, just so you can pick out your favorite of his shirts. You start a light breakfast, and brew an energizing blend of tea for both of your sake.
You spend some time simply waiting at the table, content to sip your tea and watch the morning birds.
When the soft shuffle of feet brings Zhongli into the kitchen, you stand up. He is mostly dressed, minus his tie and shoes, jacket loose around his shoulders.
You steer him to the table, and press a kiss to his cheek when seated.
He hums contentedly, still a bit sleepy, "Good morning."
You pour him a cup of tea as well, and his smile grows a bit wider. He tilts his head up, "Thank you."
You meet him half way, pressing a firm kiss to his mouth, "Of course dearest. Do you have anything pressing today?"
A hand comes to rest on your hip, preventing you from moving back to your seat.
"No, nothing more important than this."
3. Squished between the mattress and the press of his body, you couldn't imagine being more content. The warmth, the scent, the feel of his breath ghosting across your skin.
You run a reverent hand through his hair, spread loose over his back. It seems impossible for you to be this happy, like you would only read about in unrealistic fantasies.
Amber eyes are already watching you, when you open yours. His gaze is soft, unbearably so, so you look at the ceiling.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He answers it so easily, as if it is among the many universal truths that exist in his head.
"You must understand," You wet your nervous mouth, "I mean it. Truly, I love you."
You feel his head tilt in confusion, but power on, emotions spilling.
"You are my starlight. My life would be unimaginably dark without you. I am scared constantly by the sway you have over me, but I cannot stand the idea of living without you. I want be here with you, forever, no matter the cost."
You squeeze your eyes shut against the flood of tears that threaten to spill, waiting for his polite retreat. His body lifts off yours and you pull a shuddering breath in, unused to laying yourself bare in this way. He could end you now, destroy you by just walking away.
But you feel tremoring hands grasp your face, almost too tightly. He doesn't say a word, can't, but presses his forehead to yours.
4. "Zhongli?" You call into the empty hum of the parlor, hoping it will carry to his office. It's not far, but he gets absorbed in his work easily.
You lean out the door a bit, and try to project your voice more, "Hey, honey?"
The door to his office clicks open, and his head pokes out. "Do you need assistance?"
"Yes, please," you adjust the pile of books in your arms, "Would you mind grabbing this other pile? A client requested reference material from just about every era, and I don't think I have the wing span to carry all of it."
He presses a quick kiss to your head, and scoops up the remaining books with no problem.
"Of course, would you like me to relieve you of those as well?"
"Not a chance, show off, you're gonna have to deal with the doors."
As if to prove your point, he balances the stack in one hand to hold the front door open for you, smile only slightly smug.
5. Given how busy your lives were, and his propensity for letting time fly, you figured he would forget again. It would not be the first anniversary he forgot, and you imagine it wouldn't be the last.
It's not like you could hold it against him, especially not when he was so earnest and loving all year round.
So your surprise was genuine when he led you, dressed in his best, to a private booth at Liuli Pavilion.
The food was made by the head chef, as a show of gratitude for Zhongli's long patronage (you send a quiet thank you to Childe), and the service superb. The evening is relatively quiet, you converse as normal but with the additional soppiness that comes from acknowledging romance.
You are especially glad for the privacy when you cannot help but practically ravish the man over the table, his face being too handsome to bear just looking at.
Shortly after, he looks at you with burning eyes, and finally says, "I am quite full. Perhaps we should head home."
"That sounds perfect."
You continue to stare, sappy and sated, as he blindly pats at his pockets, equally unwilling to look away.
After several moments, it dawns on you, and then immediately on him.
You can't help it. You laugh. Hysterically, because no matter what Zhongli is Zhongli.
He's standing now, flustered like you've never seen, pacing the room as if his wallet would be anywhere but the table at home.
"This was not my intent." He huffs, "I had planned the evening meticulously."
"And it was lovely," You choke back another laugh, "But, sugar, you are not living this down for the rest of our lives!"
You are laughing as you pull out your own wallet, giggling uncontrollably as you hand over all the money on your person, and can barely walk you're so light headed when he leads you out the door.
He doesn't once let you go, from the pavilion's steps to your front door. Indulgent to the end, your man.
1. It is always a pleasant surprise when your errands overlap. Working nearly in conjunction makes it happen quite often, but still, it makes your day brighter.
You have just finishing bartering your lunch into existence when you spot Zhongli headed your way. Quickly, you slip the chef a few more mora to add another dish.
He is at your side in an instant, bringing your hand to his lips in that coquettish way he has.
"There you are," he lowers your hand but does not drop it, "I've been looking for you, treasure."
You twine your fingers together, relishing the warmth. You snug up to his side, taking the liberty of placing his hand on your hip just to see him blush.
"Have you now?"
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 3 years
Hello again! Now that I know who you write for, I'm back with a request! Can I please suggest Sanji x Reader (if that's okay) with the following summer theme prompt? I'm actually really curious to see your take on Sanji. 😳
“some asshole left their dog in the car in the blistering heat and we both noticed and are debating on what to do” au
Thank you so much for doing this! 🥰
Hi Luxi, and thanks for bringing me my first-ever askbox fic prompt! (the prompt list is here for anyone interested)
The idea for this fic sprung into my head soon as I read the prompt, so I hope you enjoy...
"Dog Days: A Sanji x Reader Fic"
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You hadn't even made it halfway to the store when you noticed the dog. Not that it was hard to ignore; the poor mutt surveyed the entire parking lot from the window of a jacked-up pickup, and its baleful barks escaped the tiniest crack in the window. The day was hot enough that you were sweltering soon as you stepped outside; you couldn't imagine how bad it must be for a fuzzy dog, much less one trapped in a truck.
Soon as you heard the mutt, all plans derailed. You couldn't just leave it there, and who knew how long the owner might be gone? You racked your brain for a plan, but you had to think fast. The dog's whimpers were already getting weaker.
When you strode up to the car, someone else had the same idea. A tall blond strode up to the opposite side of the truck, eyes so narrowed they looked about to shoot lasers. The truck was large enough that it had running boards to reach the doors, but he hopped right up with a water bottle. The dog shuffled over at the sight of a human, and as the stranger dripped cool water through the crack in the windows, the dog eagerly lapped it up. Its tail still barely wagged, even that exertion too much in this heat.
"This dog can't stay in here," you said as you stared at the locks. The truck didn't have a keypad, thank goodness...and as a matter of fact, it had one of those manual locks on the inside, the sort you pulled up to unlock the car. Which would've been perfect if you weren't wearing sandals. "Hey. Weird question, but are you wearing shoes with laces right now?"
The blond looked at you through the truck window. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"
"I think I can get the truck open, but I'll need to borrow a shoelace."
You figured the guy would refuse, or at least ask questions as to why you needed his darn shoes. Instead, he hopped down from his side of the truck and ambled over to you. He was a handsome guy, now that you got a good look at him. Tasteful button-down shirt and slacks even in this weather, slick blond hair with bangs that covered half his face in a way that looked more mysterious than old-school emo...the curly eyebrow was a little odd, but in a quirky way. Made him more handsome, in an odd way. Especially when he put one foot up on the running board and unlaced his shoe, sliding the string out and handing it to you with a determined nod.
You formed a small lasso with the shoestring, then slid it into the crack in the window. All you had to do was lower it onto the lock, tighten the loop, and pull.
"You happen to be a master thief or something?" The blond asked, simultaneously curious and impressed.
"Nothing so fancy. I'm just real bad about leaving my keys in my car. Keep an eye out in case the owner comes back, okay?"
The stranger nodded and hopped back onto the running board to peer over the top of the truck. Meanwhile, the mutt inside crawled up to the front seat, curious at this new development. It thankfully seemed smart enough to recognize that it was being saved, and didn't bat at the string. Just a little more, and...there! You tightened the loop and pulled the lock up with a satisfying click.
Three things happened at once.
You pulled the door open.
The mutt leapt into your arms with such force, you fell off the running board.
And the car alarm blared with the fury of a thousand hornets.
You clutched the mutt tight to your chest and prepared to hit the pavement, but you instead fell into a pair of sturdy arms. The wind hit your face as you opened your eyes; the blond was bolting full-tilt through the parking lot with you and the dog in his grasp.
"Where's your car?" He shouted.
"Left it home! I took the bus! Where's your car?"
"I walked!" His shoes slapped against the pavement, and you belatedly realized that the shoestring had been left behind in the chaos, still looped around the lock in the still-open door of the truck. Your imagination ran wild with cops somehow tracking down your prints from the shoestring and chasing you down for kidnapping a dog.
"Are we being chased?" You asked.
"Don't know! Not looking back. But if I ever see this dog's owner, I'm kicking his ass!" The blond took a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding a collision with a gaggle of college students. "I'm taking us to my work. There's food and A/C there for the dog, and we can figure out what we're doing from there."
You couldn't think of a better plan, and you wouldn't abandon the mutt at this rate, especially as it licked your face in appreciation. So you nodded and wondered where this bizarre day would take you next.
You'd heard of the Baratie, never had a chance to eat there. Not for lack of funds or interest; it just never came up. So imagine your surprise when you found yourself at the local favorite restaurant before opening, sitting next to a mutt happily lapping up water, the blond stranger humming nearby as he cooked up a meal in the kitchen. Because when he said "get the dog food", he didn't mean ordinary dog chow, but serving up the dog a homemade feast to make up for the ordeal it had just endured.
You had no idea what the dog's name was, or if it had one at all. It had no nametag, just a cheap metal choke-chain you'd swiftly removed. The dog seemed healthy enough, but there were patches in its fur and the scrapes of a rough life outdoors. You decided that, even on the off-chance that someone chased you down for dognapping, you'd refuse to give the mutt up. It deserved a far better home than the one it came from.
Still. "I can't believe I just stole a dog with a random stranger," you said aloud.
"Well then, let's fix that," the blond said as he wandered out with a pair of plates. "I'm Sanji, and here's lunch. Can't be strangers with a name and a meal together, huh?" He set one down in front of the dog, who happily immediately dug into a feast of meat, brown rice, and assorted canine-safe veggies. The other, he set on the table in front of you. You blinked; he'd asked you off-hand questions about your food preferences when you'd arrived, but you hadn't expected him to actually cook for you too.
"I...thank you. And nice to meet you, Sanji." You gave him your name, and his entire face brightened as if it were music to his ears. "Look, this is really sweet, but I don't have a huge amount of cash on hand."
"That's fine. This is on the house, for your heroism and quick-thinking." Sanji took the seat opposite you with a soft smile. "If you hadn't come along, I don't know what I would've done. My only plan was to break the window, but that might've hurt the dog."
You took a bite of your meal. A medley of flavor danced across your tongue. "You know, reasonable folks would've...I dunno, gone inside and had customer service call over the intercom. Or called the cops. Made it someone else's problem."
Sanji shrugged. "Maybe. Think I would've stuck around anyway, saw it through to the end. Had to know if the little guy was alright." There was a softness in Sanji's eye as he looked down at the dog, who chowed down on its meal as if it had never seen food in its life. It was a look of understanding, the sort that came with a history one didn't ask about lightly. Made you curious about this handsome stranger, one who'd drop all plans and leave behind his own shoelaces in order to help someone in need.
You said, "Thank goodness for the unreasonable people of the world, then. Speaking of which...what're we going to do with the dog? I could try to smuggle it into my apartment, but the owners don't allow pets, so I'd have to be careful."
Sanji's gaze flitted up to the ceiling. "My apartment's right over the restaurant. I can keep the dog here."
"Your landlord won't mind?"
"Not if he wants to keep his best chef around. Besides, he's a sucker for underdogs. If the old owner comes back for this little guy, Zeff will toss the guy out by his ears." Sanji winked and turned to the dog. "What do you say, huh? Wanna' stay here with me? Fresh food every day and no choke-chains." The mutt barked in approval, tail wagging at full speed.
Sanji turned to you again. "You're free to visit, if you'd like. I mean, I can't take the dog out during work hours...but like, on breaks, or before we open?"
You smiled at this handsome stranger, with his heart on his sleeve and a sparkle in his eyes. You realize that yes, you'd be more than happy to see him again. "I'd love that. Besides, I'm pretty sure I owe you a new pair of shoelaces..."
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Since you just went through the whole show, I gotta ask, how often was Marinette's Chinese heritage brought up? Was it ever brought up by her parents. In the Shanghai special Marinette's parents were thrilled that Marinette wanted to go to China. They were waiting for that day to come. But they never taught her the language so they would be waiting a long time (Because I'm pretty sure Marinette's anxiety would get in the way). Idk how to word it... something about that scene feels off to me.
I know everyone’s busy bashing Marinette for what she did, but all I could think of was like--her parents had these funds on hold and then didn’t even try to engage Marinette in the heritage they wanted her to learn about??? How was she supposed to get interested in the first place??
Anyway, no, Marinette’s Chinese heritage is like--never brought up, at least from my memory (though the mouse miraculous takes on a Chinese coin disguise when she puts it on which... okay I guess; I’ve also looked at every piece of dialog from both Tom and Sabine and there is absolutely nothing). Even just going by transcripts, if you search for “China/Chinese,” it’s mostly Adrien who gets brought up:
Season 1
Nino: That's messed up. (Adrien enters without anyone noticing.) He never screws up in class, he always does whatever you tell him: photoshoots, fencing, Chinese, piano--
Marinette: They can't be fine, they have to be perfect! My Mom's uncle is a super famous Chinese chef. He's very particular, so things have to be just right. (Doorbell rings.) That's him! Hide, Tikki. (Tikki hides. While going to the door, Marinette trips over the backing of her couch before opening it.)
Marinette: Uh, welcome Mari you're at Nette's. Uh ah, welcome to Marinette's! You're Chinese! No no no no! In Mandarin! (Marinette attempts to greet her Great Uncle in Chinese.) Ugh, no wait. (Marinette reaches for phone and hands Wang Cheng the flowers, who smells them.)
Adrien: Alya called me. She said you needed someone who speaks Chinese? Well, here I am! Translator at your service. (he bows to her)
Wang Cheng:不,我三十年曾经来过这里;你说一口流利的中国话。 (translates. No, I have been here 30 years ago. You can speak Chinese fluently.)
Wang Cheng: Oh, my English very bad. Not like your Chinese.
Adrien: No problem Marinette. It was awesome to be able to practice my Chinese, especially with a Shifu.
Adrien: That means "Master" in Chinese. Your Mom's Uncle is a great master!
Adrien: Japanese people make sushi, Chloé. Cheng Shifu is Chinese!
Adrien: It's horrible to lose fate in China. We'll wait for him downstairs.
Gabriel: Without your bodyguard. He will drop you off and pick you off every day. Nathalie has offered to organize you a new schedule. You'll be continuing your music, Chinese, and fencing classes and your photoshoots.
Wang Fu: Ancient Chinese secret. (Marinette closes the shop's door. Wang smiles) Just like yours.
Season 2
Adrien: I forgot I got Chinese class.
Master Fu: (unseen through the "eye") Over here! (The "eye" view shifts left) Lower. (The "eye" view shifts back to the right, and down, revealing Fu) Hello, I'm Mr. Chan. Adrien's Chinese tutor could not come today. I'll be replacing him.
Gabriel: It will be an excellent promotion for the upcoming opening of our stores in Korea and China. You don't have a choice.
Nathalie: The fencing hall is booked for 6:05 p.m. and the Chinese classroom for 6:35 p.m. just as you wished, and remember that you have to make an appearance in the Agreste Foundation’s Heroes Gala.
Adrien: Today I plan to give my fencing classmates a lesson in Chinese and my Chinese classmates a lesson in fencing.
Season 3
Master Fu: Wait! That's not why I called you here. (reaches to hand Marinette a letter) Go to the address written here down on the river banks at 11am. You'll see a woman there wearing a pretty brooch shaped like a Chinese ideogram. Give her this letter.
Ladybug: I won't bore you with the details, but I'm sure the akumatized object is the brooch with the Chinese ideogram she's wearing.
Nathalie: Adrien, you have twenty-four minutes left to finish your lunch before it's time to review your Chinese lesson.
Adrien: (He picks up his lunch tray and starts to leave) In that case, I think I'll have lunch in my room while studying Chinese. At least talking while I eat will feel like I have some company.
Adrien: Sorry, your game sounds amazing, but I've got fencing right now. Then my Chinese lesson, then a photoshoot...
Nathalie (during a flashback to Season 2's "Catalyst"): The fencing hall is booked for 6:05 p.m. and the Chinese classroom for 6:35 p.m. just as you wished. And remember that you have to make an appearance at the Agreste Foundation’s Heroes Gala tonight.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Rook Hunt Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 1
"Master Chef"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Master Chef ― Rook Version ~Let's Make Sweet Potato Tart 1~
Rook: It is finally time to begin our practical application. I've been highly anticipating this moment.
Cater: You look like you're in a super good mood, Rook-kun~ I thought a majority of students here took this class 'cause they had no other choice.
Rook: Any new challenge I can face warms my heart. I feel as though I could recite an impromptu poem at any moment.
Chef Ghost: Haha… How about we make some food instead of poetry. Let's go, Rook-kun.
Rook: Oui, monsieur.
Rook: Then, Cater-kun, I will see you later. A very good luck to the both of us.
Cater: Yeah. Work hard, Rook-kun~♪
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Chef Ghost: You've had a smile on your face for some time now, Rook-kun. Did something good happen?
Rook: Quite. I've not had much familiarity with working in a kitchen. So every single thing here is new and refreshing for me.
Rook: My heart leaps for joy, as if I've found myself in a new land of adventure!
Chef Ghost: A new land of adventure, huh. Then I guess it's my duty to guide you, as someone who is very knowledgeable about kitchens.
Rook: Oh, how wonderfully reliable you are! Merci, Chef.
Rook: But all things considered… You say we are working with sweet potato? What an intriguing kind of tart.
Rook: It's quite the unique concoction to use a potato as filling. Will this be a savory tart meant more for meals instead of a sweet dessert?
Chef Ghost: Nope, not at all. This will be a sweet tart. How about first, you try some of these potatoes we just finished boiling.
Rook: Oh là là, this potato has such a dark yellow hue! And it's quite moist. This is my first time trying this.
Rook: When was the last time I've eaten a potato without using salt or butter? I'll deeply enjoy savoring the flavor… [chew, chew]…
Rook: ….........TRÈS BIEN!!
Rook: I'm surprised. I never knew there were potatoes this sweet that wouldn't need any seasonings! I can't get enough of this flaky texture.
Chef Ghost: This is a potato that is widely cultivated in the eastern countries.
Chef Ghost: We'll make a tart with this as filling. Don't you think it'll make a delicious treat?
Rook: Marvelous… There's certain to be still more delicacies that I have yet to learn about!
Rook: Fufu, I didn't expect to discover something new so quickly from the start… My excitement continues to grow.
Chef Ghost: It fills me with joy to teach you when you say such things. Alright, let's get to making the filling.
Chef Ghost: From what you've said so far, am I right in understanding that you haven't had much experience with cooking?
Rook: Yes. I've done some simple outdoor cooking, but it's only ever been small tasks like cutting ingredients or roasting them over a fire.
Chef Ghost: Wow! So you like to go camping. It's pretty fun to eat outdoors, isn't it?
Rook: I am so pleased you can relate, Chef! I can never tire of that peculiar brand of tension no matter how many times I experience it.
Chef Ghost: Mmm… I'm not sure if I understand what you mean about the tension, but… Well, I guess everyone enjoys things differently.
Chef Ghost: Well, anyway, if you don't have much experience, I probably should explain the cookware to you. Do you know what this is?
Rook: This is a potato masher! In a stage play I watched before, there was a scene in which one was used quite forcefully by a chef.
Chef Ghost: Oh good, so you knew what this was. Then, I'll have you mash the peeled potatoes with this.
Rook: Please leave it to me. I've nothing but confidence in this type of task.
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Rook: The golden yellow potatoes, combined with the sugar, eggs, fresh cream, and butter makes for a beautiful harmony!
Rook: How does my filling look, Chef?
Chef Ghost: Yep, it looks like it's mixed very thoroughly. So, next, we'll add some brandy and vanilla extract to give it a nice aroma.
Rook: The filling's aroma has gotten far richer now. This smell is surely increasing my appetite.
Chef Ghost: Now I'll have you fill the pâte sucrée with your delicious looking filling. Make sure not to put overflow it.
Rook: Oui! I want to make sure this tart looks beautiful, as well as tasty, after all. I'll make sure to completely fill the tart with this filling, leaving no gaps.
Chef Ghost: You seem happy, Rook-kun.
Rook: Why, yes… Fufufu. How utterly fortuitous this kitchen is!
Chef Ghost: Hm?
Rook: The tart is inching closer to perfection with each passing moment. The joy of creating something as delicious as this lifts my heart!
Chef Ghost: It really is a great feeling to watch you learn, especially with how enthusiastic you are, Rook-kun. Your excitement is contagious.
Rook: Oh là là, it is wonderful how easily joy can spread to another. Cooking is so wonderful!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @starshiningsirius.
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littleminxthings · 4 years
Sooooo, hi! Me again x3
With more stuff about my little sad bean!
And yes, I'll always call her that uwu
Anyways, I already somewhat posted a part of this under a post from @panyum but I wanted to post this again here. By the way, panyum, if it annoys you that I tagged you again, then I'm really sorry! And if it does, please tell me and I will stop doing it! °^°
My Oc is called Samira Iona. She's from England, but her parents moved to Hawaii when she was still like, a year old. At the age of 6 she lost her father in a storm on the sea. She also nearly drowned that day, which resulted in her developing an aquaphobia. And yes, the moment she saw the location of the Okeanos singularity she started to scream, ran away and hid inside her room, refusing to come out. Anyways, at the age of 16 she took part in a program called 'The Bright Light Project', now known as False Light Project. That's a thing in a FanFiction I want to write one day. So, the goal of that project was to digitalise (?) a holy Grail war, so not a single person had to die anymore. Obviously, that project failed. The program got corrupted, which caused the holy Grail war to become some sort of battle royal with 9 rounds. 8 for every class and a last one, which was basically a normal Grail war. The rules were simple. If you or your Servant dies, you die in the real world. A round only ends if there's only one Master Servant pair remaining. The one, who survives round 9, is allowed to wake up. Samira was the one, who ended up surviving that war and was able to "return" to the real world. Except, she wasn't human anymore. Before the program shut down, it forced her Servants spirit core inside Samira. So she became not only the survivor of an tragic accident, but she was also turned into a demi Servant. By the way, her Servant was the Caster Matchgirl aka Giselle from HC Andersens fairy tale "The little Matchgirl". It's obvious that she can't control her new found powers, so the moment she got out of her coffin, one of the staff members went up to her to try and comfort her. Samira, being an emotional wreck at this point, immediately got scared and set the poor guy on fire. In a series of... unfortunat events, she turned a big part of the building into a ruin. Later on she was found by some Mages and got send to Chaldea, in order to keep her and everyone else safe. Because when she loses control in that area, literally nobody, beside the Chaldea staff, will notice. Because she was trapped inside a simulation where basically everyone wants to see her dead in some sort of way, she feared that something similar might happen in chaldea. She even got so paranoid, that she just locked herself in her room and only went out if she needed something to eat. You could say that she used the hidden technic of "if you don't know I exist, you can't really hurt me". There were only 3 people who knew of her. Da Vinci, it would be strange if she/he wouldn't know of Sammy, Dr Romani, who usually looked after her, and Mash. Mash actually caught her, when Sammy left her room at night to get something to eat in the kitchen. This meeting turned out to be exactly what she needed. When Mash was around, Sammy was always calmer than before. Neither Marisbury nor Olga Marie knew of her, because she started to life in chaldea in the time period when neither of them was the acting director. I just realised that this is getting long so I'm trying to keep this short. At some point during the grand order, probably after Fuyuki or at the start of Orleans, Sammy would sometimes sneak away to try to control her powers. She realised, that she couldn't just stand in the background, yell out commands and do nothing. After Orleans she tries to open up to her Servants and asks some of them to help her with her control problem. The Servants she summoned up until this point are Tamamo Cat, Hessian Lobo, Astolfo and Charlie.
And now, some random headcanons!
- Samira always feels pretty cold. But if someone touches her they realise that her body is actually very warm. But not in a fever kind of way. It's more like the warmth of a nice summer day. That is something that Sammy got from becoming a demi Servant. She got her powers from the little match girl, who, for those who don't know the fairy tale, died from the cold. That's the reason why Sammy's often shivering and saying that it's cold, even though she's walking through the desert!
- The first servant she summoned was Tamamo Cat and Sammy is incredibly grateful for that. Not only is Cat the chef cook in her Chaldea, she's also Samiras most important pillar of support. Whenever she had a breakdown, she went through it alone. But the first one she had after Fuyuki was also the first one where someone was with her. Cat couldn't immediately calm her down, but it helped that she was there for her and just let Sammy cry into her shoulder.
- Sammy can't control her powers. The first time she had full control over them was during Babylonia. Before that she would set something on fire if you scared her. When Mash first met her, Sammy was so surprised and scared that she accidentally nearly burned down the kitchen.
- Even tho she's very paranoid and anxious, she's still pretty childish from time to time. After the start of the grand order she stopped sneaking into the kitchen at night. Unless someone baked cookies. She's obsessed with them and will fight everyone who even dares to look at her delicious sweets.
- You could sit her down on a chair, tell her to wait there for you, leave, return after 3 hours and she would still sit there in complete silence. When she was younger she would've already ran away the moment you let her out of your eyesight. But now? She won't move an inch.
- In my first post about her I mentioned that she has a crush on someone. That someone is the sabers servant Charlemange aka Charlie! I know, I know, he isn't in fgo, but I don't care! But I'm still waiting for him qwq
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That's the only existing picture of Sammy, because I haven't drawn her and I'm too insecure to even think of posting my drawings qwq
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btsareyandere · 5 years
I'm re-uploading this since it got messed up and for some reason I was unable to correct it. I haven't yet updated my master list so the original feast link is still there but wont link you to the fic. I'll fix it when I can.
Male reader
You wipe the sweat from your brow with the back of your hand as you look at he clock, checking it once then twice then three times to make sure you've worked out the time left until you expect namjoon home.
The sweat builds again and you're forced to re-wipe it, "for goodness sake" you moan to yourself, you wouldn't mind if it was from the heat and intensity of cooking the only meal you know how to. Instead it's the sweat of anxiety and fear, you want so badly to show namjoon how much you love him but everything you do seems to be wrong.
"Right, so I need chicken, broccoli and carrots...no? Oh shit I don't know" your hands start to tremble as you attempt to think back to the last time you made it "get it together y/n". Eventually, you remember the recipe and begin cooking, a little behind schedule but nothing too serious.
Just as you're placing the last spoonful onto a place, namjoons large boots can be heard hitting the wooden floor.
"Y/n! Where are you baby?" He walks into the kitchen to find you hurrying to set the table "namjoon! I'm here, I cooked for us. I-i hope you like it".
Namjoon watches you for a moment, taking note of the way your Adam's apple rises and falls in your throat as you swallow thickly again and again. "Did you now! I didn't think my baby boy could cook". Whilst his voice sounds condescending, the praise present within it is all you're focusing on. "Yeah, I know one or two. I think I did it right, I'm sure I did. I triple checked everything. You're happy, yeah?" You anxiously ask, fiddling with the sleeves on your t-shirt. "I am. You did well honey. Let's try it"
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Yoongi has only just let you out of your reflection room yesterday and hasn't touched you in more than a week. Before your stint in isolation, the thought of his long fingers tracing the stubble on your chin made your skin crawl, the way he would place your hand on his crotch as a sign of what was to come, hollowed your insides even more. Now though, you find yourself craving him in the most innocent way. You want his reassurance and attention, find it hard to breathe without his praise and would give anything to have his caramel eyes travel the length of your body.
To truly get back on his good side and serve him in a loving way, you got up early to make his breakfast. Except, you can't really cook.
Despite your lack of skill and experience wielding a spatula, you set about making him some pancakes. Flour coats almost every surface in the kitchen when yoongi sluggishly wanders in from the bedroom to see where you are. "What the fuck is this?" He growls.
Startled by the noise, you drop the batter into the pan and splash yourself with hot oil "ow, argh! Oh it's burning" you let go of everything and rush to him, gripping you left hand tightly. "Yoongi it's burning".
Yoongi rolls his eyes and leads you, by the arm, to the sink where he runs the cold water over the scolded flesh.
"What were you thinking?" He slaps you gently on the back of the head as he tuts.
"I just wanted to hear you praise me, I was trying to be the boyfriend you deserve. I wanted to make up for my bad behaviour" a lump was forming in your throat the more you spoke, deepening your voice and giving yoongi the wrong impression since he wasn't making eye contact and couldn't see the glass like quality of your teary eyes.
"Don't lower your pitch like that, you have no right to be angry. I never told you to come in here and hurt yourself and make a mess. Look at it" he finally looks up and sees the state of your red nose and puffy eyes, straining to keep themselves from streaming.
He clears his throat and gestures to the kitchen "just clean this up. I don't want to see you in here by yourself again. I don't keep you around for your cooking ability, meet me in my office when you're finished. Continue to cool your burn or it'll blister."
Yoongi walks away and switches the flame off before leaving entirely, you run over everything he said and wonder which order you should follow first. Clean, go to him, rinse the burn...you dont want to disappoint him any further but you're unsure what to do. You let the cold water numb your hand and wish you could climb in and let it do the same to the rest of you, inside and out. The feelings you've got for yoongi that burn deep inside need to be cooled before they consume you.
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Kicking the maids out, you busy yourself with collecting ingredients from the fridge and the cupboards before lining them up on the counter. It takes longer than usual to collect everything with one arm partially unusable after hoseok got carried away last night.
"Fish, fish, fish" you mumble, reminding yourself that, that's what he told the maid he wanted for dinner. Afraid to leave you completely unattended, the cook watches you from the doorway, a frown pulling down on his prominent eyebrows as he watches you struggle.
"Don't watch me, it makes me uncomfortable" you winge to him and he lowers his eyes in response.
"Don't give orders to my staff y/n" hoseok states plainly from behind a now terrified chef.
"Ho-hoseok. I wasn't expecting you home yet. D-did you have good time.. I mean day. Did you have a good day?"
Hoseok moves past the chef and stops mere inches from your face, looking down at you slightly. "I'm surprised you can walk." You rub your arm before smiling at him "it's okay. It's only my arm that is bad, I deserved it anyway and you looked less stressed after so I'm glad I could help. I can take it, dont worry about me" even you can hear how pathetic you sound right now. Telling the man that savagely beat you, that it's okay and you're glad your body could be of use.
Hoseok, however, completely ignores you and begins his own line of questioning. "Who gave you permission to be in here? Who gave you permission to give orders to my staff? Most importantly, who the fuck do you think you are right now?".
Your breathing is ragged as you try to remember the first question he asked when he stops and is expecting an answer, "I'm sorry baby. I wanted to give you something. I wanted to please you and um...I wasn't giving him orders I was just being assertive. Well trying to be" you chuckle slightly hoping he will too but his expression never changes. Hoseok often mentions how you're not man enough and so, anxious to please him, you attempt to change that, assuming he would appreciate it. How wrong you were.
"Assertive? You're not man enough to be assertive. That's why you need a man like me to control you, I know how to be strong and dominant and you.." he grips your chin to tilt your head back, "you're only capable of obeying my every word." He pushes you back with force and knocks you to the floor.
You cry out when, instinctively, you place your hands out behind you to break the fall and pain shoots through your already damaged arm. "this is more you. You look..hmm.. at home beneath me. Chef! Come and look" reluctantly, the chef does as he is told and walks over to look down at you. Your eyes flick between the both of them, searching for a trace of sympathy as you cradle your arm against your torso, vulnerable is written across your forehead.
The urge to sob is overwhelming you as the seconds pass but hoseok finally bends down and distracts you from the pain "you do please me y/n. Seeing you like this pleases me, cooking me a fucked up meal would not please me. Then again, punishing you for it would..so maybe you should cook my dinner" he laughs loudly, the smell of coffee on his breath hits you in the face as he does. "Get up! Be a good boy and go to the bedroom. Wait for me. I'll eat a decent meal and catch up with you later." His eyes are glistening as you rise to stand before him. Once again you've been given a task and are keen to obey "of course, I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you."
Hoseok rubs your cheek and smiles "I know"
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