#i'm partially deaf and autistic
Hey, remember how during Pride Month the writeblr community has posts circulating where queer authors are encouraged to promote their books with queer representation?
July is disability pride month, Disabled people are at risk of falling below the poverty line especially and i'd love to help those who are published get paid this month if i can, so...
Let's do the same thing but with Disability Pride Month!!!
Disabled Writers feel free to promote your stuff!
I'll start:
Hello, I'm Anna, I'm an Autistic and ADHD author! Here are my canonically disabled characters in books that will come out in like 50 years because I'm a slow writer:
(I noticed most of these are mental disabilities and disorders, probably because that's where most of my personal experience is, BUT i do have quite a few physical disabilities in there, and there's also quite a bit of intersectionality <333)
Prince Kaye (FSF series): Kaye has OCD! He's also mixed latino and bisexual <3 very sweet scrawny peacemaker prince born to a family of warlords <3
Captain Cassandra (FSF series): Cassandra is mute due to trading her voice and tail for human legs, and partially deaf due to an explosion on the seas during a battle. Due to losing her tail for human legs, she also experiences chronic pain in her feet (the original curse of every step feeling like walking on knives if you will). She's also plus sized, pansexual, and gets a pirate girlfriend
Erica (FSF series): Erica is an amputee pirate with a peg leg. She's also lesbian, polynesian, plus sized, and Cassandra's hopeless romantic pirate girlfriend.
Princess Hestia (FSF series): Hestia has an anxiety disorder! She's also plus sized, South Asian mixed (like her brother), and falls in love with a shy blonde bookworm trans boi named Elliot
Raven (FSF series): Raven is Autistic! He's a morally gray knight charged with being the personal bodyguard of a reckless princess. He's so Latino and bisexual <3
Princess Sapphire (FSF series): Sapphire has ADHD! She's the reckless adventure seeking and impulsive princess that Raven has to protect. She's also a redhead, and demisexual <3
Triveya (FSF series): Triveya is autistic and adhd! She's the resident wizard and magic expert in the cast of FSF, and is a little bit feral with a bubbly and nerdy personality
Kylee (TCIO series): Kylee is autistic and non speaking! She's a superhero with super speed and invisibility powers, and she's the youngest of the team while also being a mischievous and outgoing ball of sunshine
Bryson (TCIO series): Bryson is diabetic! I'm still developing his character so i haven't figured out which type he is yet (leaning towards type 2). He's the superhero team medic with healing powers (can't heal himself or emotional injuries with said powers), and he's also a black guy and the token straight of the team that's on thin ice
Chase (TCIO series): Chase has OCD, a bipolar mood disorder, and chronic depression and anxiety to go with it! He's the tech guy on the team of superheroes, and doesn't have any supernatural abilities, but he's really good with computers and tech. He's cynical and sarcastic (because of the ableism he's experienced in the past) but secretly does care, and he's also Romani American and Jewish!
Corie (Galaxy Des. series): Corie is a cyborg and has prosthetic limbs! She has a prosthetic eye, arm, and leg. The eye does come with a small interface and her arm does have a laser gun attachment. She built and repairs all of her robot parts herself, and is a highly feared and valuable assassin in the galactic underworld. She's also mixed brown and is AroAce!
NOVA (Galaxy Des. series): Nova is epileptic! She is an android who was scrapped due to malfunction, and became a smuggler who is good at her trade. Due to faulty wiring she's epileptic. She's a cynical and grumpy android who accidentally falls in love with a loveable human lesbian rogue. She's bisexual and has shiny chrome skin with cyan lighting in the cracks.
Pandora (Galaxy Des. series): Pandora is a part-time wheelchair user, autistic and adhd, and tourettic! He is a biologist that formerly did morally questionable work for the galactic government, and now does that same work in the criminal underworld and sells it to the highest bidder. She also uses he/she pronouns, is mixed brown, and pansexual!
Ethel (unnamed witchy wip): Ethel has one eye and PTSD! She's a witch in a world where magic has just been outlawed, and a witch hunting cult has been hired by the new king and queen to hunt down and eradicate witches. She's also AroAce and very underdeveloped because this is a backburner wip.
Thanks for reading! Links to my wips are in my pinned post! If you are a disabled writer and or have disabled characters, do share!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
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pack-coven-thing · 7 months
Some of the physical disability rep in me and @romeave-wives-club's rewrite because lets face it the lack of disability rep in MCD is unrealistic and even in MYS it was still "how do you know so many people and not one of them has a physical disability??"
[this isn't all of it, but it's some of it]
So, excluding the two entirely new OC characters because look they may be self inserts but Aph herself was one
Zane in both MCD and MYS has troubles with his balance, so, walking stick. In MCD he has this fancy and sleek one, while in MYS it's covered in stickers and paint and no that's not a pinkie cake sticker what do you mean. He's blind in one eye, in MCD it was from a relic incident and in MYS it's the infamous snowball incident. He finds it too much of a hassle to have it uncovered, that fucks with his perception of things more than it helps. He's also immunocompromised in MYS, which I thought was canon but now that I'm thinking about it it was never said in canon that he still gets sick a lot.
Laurance was partially blinded upon his return to the overworld, while Ungrth took the blunt of the void burns- he got a nasty one covering his entire left eye. It healed, slowly, but it left his vision severely blurry and hazed over with a dark-tinted film. He pulled a Zane, covering it with his hair or an eyepatch, for a while. But eventually that stops, and he adjusts to it the best he can.
Aaron was fully blinded when his village was wiped out, he was also very soon after turned into a werewolf. He can make out levels of light if the change is extreme enough, but that's about it- lets his hair cover his eyes, or a blindfold, just because the light tricking him into seeing movement was more of a hinderance in battle than a help. (Post S6 in MYS he's also blind, and either has a white cane or a service dog (or both) to help him around)
Post MYS S6, Travis is an ambulatory wheelchair user! He switches between his wheelchair and crutches, but if he's out and about he's probably in the wheelchair.
MYS!Aph has a walker, when she first got it she went over to Zane's house arms filled with stickers and "dragging" my OC along and the three of them had a hangout of just decorating their mobility aids
They're both background/more minor characters unfortunately, but both Nana's sister Shi and Blaze's sister Adira are deaf!
Some additions
Aaron has died 10 times over and will not stay in the ground, he has some form of chronic pain and will probably join the mobility aid crew at some point
Hayden uses a walking stick because yes
also there's a plethora of mental disabilities ranging from learning disabilities with Blaze's dyspraxia, all the meif'wa being autistic (this comes from the theory of cats not being able to be diagnosed with autism because they're all autistic, and you can pry this out of my cold dead autistic hands), dissociative disorders like MYS!Gene with chronic dissociative amnesia and Travis with DID
and more!
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disabledunitypunk · 11 months
Thinking about when my own access needs conflict even within the same disability.
I lose speech fairly often, and lose partial speech/verbality even more often. This is because of my autism. (I also have fully semiverbal or nonverbal headmates who rely on either sign or AAC to communicate at all.)
I am learning sign language with my partner in order to be able to still communicate when this occurs.
Sign language involves a lot of facial expressions, something that is very difficult because of my autism. I used to practice expressions in the mirror until they became muscle memory. Even now, there are very few that occur naturally, as in I don't have to think about them. Using facial expressions to me is a form of masking. Aside from those few expressions, I naturally have a very flat affect.
When I have lost speech, it is usually because I am stressed, tired, or otherwise in a situation where masking is already hard or impossible. Even when signing outside of that context, I struggle a LOT with the facial expression component, but especially when already in a state of overwhelm, it's often just not doable.
And I don't really know what to do about that.
It honestly makes me think of how, while my autism trends towards vocal hyperexpression, I often become monotone when stressed or exhausted. It feels exactly like my signing becomes monotone and stilted because I am unable to add that expression in.
It's simply an obstacle I cannot overcome much of the time, and that has consequences that are too severe much of the time that I can. Things like causing a meltdown or shutdown, a panic attack, causing me to go into spoon debt, etc.
In all honesty, there's a part of me that just wants to say "Fuck it, I need to respect my limits, just like I would with speaking vocally. I can only do what I can do, and I don't need to push myself most of the time". I don't know why I don't. I'm scared to, and I don't know why.
For what it's worth, I am open to advice, particularly from autistic people who also have a flat affect who sign and particularly d/Deaf autistic people.
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himejoshikaeya · 9 months
Kaeya is partially deaf in his left ear, or just generally hard of hearing. Also idk if you wanted mental disabilities also, but I hc him as some form of nerodivergent because I'm autistic and I said so.
Sorry for the late response, but tysm!!! And yea I also see kaeya as neurodivergent! I specifically see them as autistic and schizotypical bc that's what I have aksjsjdjdh but also HOH kaeya is so good... I definitely need to explore and think about it more honestly
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wilted-woods · 10 months
Professor Baldi
He actually cares about his students and wants what's best for them
He's only sometimes a bit strict because he values his students education
He still struggles with technology therefore he forgets how to use the You Can Think Pad
He prefers old-school teaching but is flexible with modern-day students that are only familiar with technology
He's 5'9"
He's basically like a Sphinx (hairless) Cat so he'll sometimes be seen wearing thicker clothing during cold weathers
He has mild to severe Parkinson's Disease (hence why he's sometimes so stiff and hardly to never moves when you play the game except for when you get the questions wrong)
He's actually very friendly when you get to know him better
The fact that he can hear practically EVERYTHING gives him really bad migraines (sensory overload)
Principal of The Thing
Same as Baldi, he truly cares and wants what's best for his students
Again, same as Baldi, he values the students receiving their education
He greatly cherishes the safety of his students and would blame himself if any of them get hurt (so does Baldi) hence why he's strict with the rules of the school
He's 6'0"
He also gets confused when it comes to technology as he's an old-school principal
He prefers classical music
He has really bad arthritis (rheumatoid and osteo) in his legs hence why he's always drifting around the school
He has grey hairs
He has a really bad limp when he tries to walk which is really painful for him
She's autistic
She's partially deaf though she could still somewhat hear
She plays other games too besides jump rope
She always keeps a ladybug squishy with her
She's the host of the Stress Relief Club (please join :( I promise it's really fun! There's fidgets, stim toys, sensory toys and so much more! So far only the main characters of the game (excluding PLAYER (for others)) are a part of the Club)
She loves lizards
Although she prefers pigtails, she keeps it up in a ponytail because she only has one rubber band
She loves to dance
It's a Bully/This Is A Bully
He has anger issues
He has been bullied before because of the way he looks
He's diabetic but goes against it sometimes because of all the certain foods, drinks and sweets that he wants to eat
He's basically just your typical bully (somewhat)
One thing he doesn't tolerate is driving the students he's bullying to deleting themselves so he just sticks with the usual taking things and maybe some pushing and shoving
He mostly hangs with Playtime as she's the only person he tolerates
He can change his mind on if he's going to bully the PLAYER or not but mostly considers doing so
He has a hard time focusing in his classes (he's a high schooler)
Arts and Crafters
They have selective mutism
He's claustrophobic and agoraphobic
They're mostly sometimes shy and quiet
He has mild scopophobia (hence why he attacks you once you look at him and teleports you to Baldi)
Their favorite artistic expression is Expressionism
He likes crocheting
They mostly hang around either Playtime or the Janitor
He loves ambient music which gives him artistic ideas
He's strictly antisocial (hence why he never makes his presence known except for when the PLAYER gets the questions wrong, he's found almost willing during Baldi's Birthday Celebration/Birthday Bash)
He has tried to warn the main characters (excluding one) about the game asides from the PLAYER
He has a stuttering issue but it gets really bad when he's stressed
He's 6'8"
Nobody is aware of his existence asides from the PLAYER (doesn't acknowledge him and doesn't take him seriously) and another
He's very observant to a certain degree
They tried to restrict him from doing what he's currently doing but failed and aren't aware of his existence anymore)
He's grown attached to one person..and that's when he felt it for the first time after being cooped up in isolation for so long...
The Janitor
He has a few disabilities (ex: ADHD, Autism and mild Tourette's Syndrome) which makes his job extremely difficult but he always finds a way to manage things
He's extremely talkative with those he's the most safe and most comfortable with but gets upset when they become annoyed and having to point it out
He tends to zone out quite frequently
He has Insomnia due to being extremely dedicated to cleaning the entirety of the school
He's 7'9" so he comes off as intimidating since he's taller than everyone in the school
He has to crouch to get into the rooms he needs to clean but sometimes forgets so he ends up slamming into the door frames
He found his someone and is already attached...
He's a collector (he owns a lot of items that contain trinkets that he's found (he's basically a crow))
First (1st) Prize
He's actually quite sentient so he willingly tries to give others hugs
He has abandonment issues which makes him a little clingy
He helps Playtime with her club
Even when some of the students are deliberately mean to him, he still does what he does best
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queerasflux · 1 year
So I've been struggling real bad with working through some old childhood trauma, and my therapist asked me to sit down and write down everything my mother did to me that was just like, Objectively Not Okay- and jesus christ. I always just sort of assumed that like, yeah, my mom wasn't the most perfect mom, but she was doing her best and meant well.
then I just... couldn't stop writing. and the more I wrote, the more I realized that hey, this was straight up abusive. not just "made a few mistakes but generally well-meaning as a parent" but like honest to god "what the fuck is wrong with you and why would you do that to a child" shit, and I'm just so angry and I don't know where to put it.
I'm tired of people telling me that I must forgive/give my mother some slack, because she's my mom and she was also traumatized and "did her best"- as if being traumatized is a free pass to abuse others, or that it somehow negates the emotional and mental toll it took on me to be raised by someone like her.
I'm angry that I can't even confront her about these things, because she will immediately either get defensive/aggressive at me, or will invalidate it (it wasn't that bad/wasn't as bad as what her mom did/she didn't mean it that way), or hop up on the pity potty and want to be comforted that yeah, even though she severely abused her child, she's not a bad mom, right?
Really just struggling with things rn. List under cut, because I think other people should also be aware this shit is Not Okay, and because I'm tired of covering up for my mother's bad behavior, and not being allowed to talk about it or how it hurt me because of how it may reflect on her.
A (very) abridged and generalized list of shit my mom has done that was straight up fucked up and abusive and Not Okay that I was convinced was "not that bad" for literal decades.
Beat the shit out of her autistic kid having meltdowns, joked years later about "beating the autism" out of me, never got me tested for autism/ADHD/any other neurodivergency, I had to get diagnosed myself at 28
stayed married to a man that was not only physically abusive, but who she (rightfully!) suspected of being a pedophile
constantly ripped her children from places once they'd established friendships/finally settled in at school with no warning, apology, support system, or any way to contact old friends
when her child who is very smart starts struggling very badly in school (for above reasons and also because she was drinking heavily and was too busy partying to help her kid), decides the best option is not to get the kid tested/help in school, but to simply scream at them that they're just like their abusive father
medically neglects her children- one of whom didn't get glasses until they were 13 and had a note sent home from school. same kid becomes partially deaf in ear later due to medical neglect, and eventually ends up with several disabilities as an adult from things that could have been prevented or mitigated from childhood
repeatedly put children in the path of her own abusive mother, who she knew and described as abusive, and who she knew (commented on and joked about!) was targeting one of her children specifically
when I get depressed over that, and come to her asking for help because I'm suicidal, she proceeds to mock me for (actual quote) "needing [my] mommyyyyyyy", does not get me into therapy
despite never getting her children treatment for their own mental illness or being someone they could confide in, perfectly able and willing to use her children as free therapists, from as young as 6 years old.
constant breaches of trust/privacy- instead of simply talking to children or listening to them when they have a problem, she decided to simply read journals, chats/emails, anything private, then becomes angry when confronted.
The first two times I came out to her, she just ignored it because she didn't want to have to deal with it and thought I would just drop it
The third and final time I came out, she said I was mutilating my body, that my fiance would stop loving me and no one else would ever want me, and that I was holding her hostage/betraying her.
again, the most generalized/abridged version of what she's done, and seeing it all down just... disgusts and enrages me. this is not okay behavior. this is child abuse, emotional abuse, just sickening behavior in general, and this whole time I've been making excuses. Because I was taught/told that I "had to understand" because she had been traumatized, so that somehow made my own trauma acceptable? Because she wasn't as bad as her mother, I was expected to praise her and never hold her accountable for her behaviors and actions. I am expected to give her kudos and a gold medal for meeting the bare minimum of food/shelter, as if that's not the absolute bare minimum that doesn't get your kids taken away, and that animals in the animal kingdom do without any sort of celebration every day. a leopard doesn't get a mother's day card for feeding her cubs, she has to do that or they fucking die.
I'm just angry, and I need to get it out somewhere. I am sure this will be eventually seen/found by my sister, and like, sorry buddy but I can't be quiet any more, and I'm not making excuses for her any more. She was abusive. Is abusive. And I don't have to put up with it any more.
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takendruid · 1 year
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Technically not spidersonas? More like spider-verse OCs
my contribution to spider-verse OCs, except they're OCs I already had and repurposed them into spider-verse. But also except the fact that Leoney (right) is a bnha oc who's a villain and his entire quirk is based around a spider, and his design is literally just his BNHA design with a few additions. Charlie (left) comes from a universe where a Miles Morales spider man is a lot older than the spider-verse one and is a lot more experienced. He lost his dad and is now an orphan with severe depression, cPTSD, addiction problems, and untreated schizophrenia. He also ended up being forced to live with his and his dad's abuser, and mum's killer at the age of 16. He looked up to Miles a lot growing up. He's a very kind kid but does have some behavioral problems due to his upbringing.
leoney comes from a universe where he's the villain. he's also not Spider-Man, he's called Arachne. But he's counted as Spider-Man by the multiverse. doc ock is his very kind physics teacher (physics is a subject he's not good at, at all. it doesn't click in his brain and he can't do it no matter how hard he tries) and is also a good guy. he kills for the fun of it, and finds enjoyment in manipulating people and using them for the sake of it: not for his "own gain" or some "evil plan", he just finds it fun to pit people against each other. He lost his wolf-obsessed boyfriend, Ayato. When he introduces himself, he goes "I'm... spider-man" because he's not spider-man. He became "spider-man" at the age of 17 but was already a killer before then.
If he were in the movies, Leoney would be counted as a "twist-villain", however the way he acts, emotes, and reacts, and things he says make it very clear something is wrong or not right with him. He may emote incorrectly to information, but not always in the way an autistic person usually does where our emotions aren't conveyed properly. He seems to know more than he should. He can also often be spotted in places he shouldn't be.
leoney killed Charlie's dad after Dimension hopping. but Charlie never got the see his face, only his silhouette, and mask. Also, they're both autistic and Charlie is partially deaf due to an accident that caused him to go partially deaf, and his dad mostly deaf, so he knows sign language. (btw I gave leoney that cheek scar well before Hunter was even a character in TOH so don't clock my ass for the hunter scar)
Leoney: autism /j temporary paralysis through venom. Yes, he bites his enemies. He's a menace and borderline cannibalistic. He uses spider legs that come from his back MCU style
Charlie: glitch and teleport? at will. he can't go far distances, but he can quickly avoid an enemy's grasp by doing so. glitching makes him impossible to be touched, but he can only do it for a split second.
Leoney: gay, ace, polyamorous, trans ftm. he/him
Charlie: gay, polyamorous. he/him
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gwydion-aacblog · 1 year
hello, i hope it doesn't bothers!
I'm autistic with medium support needs. I'm fully verbal / can speak with my mouth and sound words, but sometimes (most part of times) it is very painful and stressful to me. I can't "don't talk" because my father is ableist and partially deaf, so I basically need to scream to be heard, and my mom sometimes get very hyper and asks me a lot (she's suspecting having autism as well).
I never knew how to "label" myself. I'm not very educated about --verbal terms and I don't know in which I would fit. I don't need AAC (I think) because I hate communicating at all. I prefer through text and messages instead of signals or referring my body language to someone's attention.
Would you mind to help me? It's okay if not! /gen.
🤷‍♂️ not understand ask
text is communicate
if voice talk then voice talk
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myersesque · 2 years
hello PLEASE gimme ur Addams thoughts… I too am insane
YES HELLO I WILL GLADLY RAMBLE ABOUT THEM FOREVER. here's a random selection of headcanons for u <3 feel free to ask for specific opinions or whatever if u want
gonna apologise in advance for the lack of pugsley :( i know the least about him as a character
this isn't actually a headcanon i just need to share that one of my boyfriend's coworkers looks EXACTLY like lurch and therefore it is his nickname. it makes me giggle every time he tells me work stories because i literally just imagine lurch addamsfamily fixing cars n shit
anyway! all of them are autistic. all of them. yes, including lurch, and fester, and thing. they all have a sorta shared spin for horror/macabre shit, but also their own individual ones - gomez likes fencing (and lowkey trains #autism), morticia likes plants, wednesday likes historical torture devices, etc etc
gomez and morticia are t4t and bi4bi, and also polyam (i don't think either of them have met anybody they want to include yet, but they're certainly both open to the idea, as long as it brings them joy! you can be a very dedicated lover AND polyam)
wednesday is nonbinary ("if you ever use the words little or girl to describe me again..." 🤨🏳️‍⚧️), aroace-spec, and defo likes girls in some way lol. she uses all pronouns bc she doesn't care, but leans towards she/it/they & spooky neos
i am admittedly fond of the "gomez is allergic to roses and that's why morticia cuts their heads off" theory ngl
also like - whether or not gomez is human seems to be debatable at best? since a lot of the other addamses are undead i sorta just assumed he was too ngl (this isn't a strict headcanon i have, just a musing)
i like to think that the reason thing manages to be sentient and functional despite literally just being a hand is because he's a dead addams who was dismembered, and, when he was brought back for a family gathering or smthn, he accidentally possessed the wrong bit and got stuck. and that was ages and ages ago, so nobody really remembers who he used to be.
lurch is also genderspicy, as a treat (he/it zombzgender lurch ftw, i am cringe and i am free)
all of the addamses know sign language - both the single and double handed signs, because sometimes thing prefers to communicate that way. they learnt partially because their family is so diverse that there's bound to be SOMEONE who's deaf/hoh or mute, and partially just because they're very social people (contrary to what people expect) and would never pass down an opportunity to talk to new people
gomez has really good instincts and can tell when ppl r sneaking up on him etc etc bc of the amount of times he got his ass absolutely handed to him in fester's surprise fights when they were kids. he can also pick out fester's footsteps from a crowd because he's so used to honing in on them to prepare for battle TM
i'm gonna stop there bc it's 2am and i have to go eat food but like -- pls pls pls ask me questions n shit about them i am Going Insane and need to yell <3
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clouds-regression · 2 years
I got a comment on my DNI saying "So, anyone who disagrees with you and or your life choices?" so I'd like to explain why each one is on there.
Homo/Transphobes - I'm queer. Most of my friends are queer. I will not tolerate bigotry towards us.
Disrespecting Neo/Xenopronouns - My best friend uses neos and I know multiple people who use xenos.
Racists - I'm a POC. I'm Inuit. Shush.
Anti Agere/Petre - This is an agere blog, and lets not disrespect our pet regressing siblings.
NSFT - Goes without saying.
Agepl@y - Falls under NSFT, is a k¡nk.
Not Safe For A Child - Me and my followers go into the headspace of a child, and seeing p0rn isn't good for that.
Pedos - Multiple of my followers are minors. I'm not accepting pedos of any form here. If you're an adult attracted to children (MAP), then get help /gen
Ableists - I'm autistic, partially blind, and partially deaf, and I know some age regressors and pet regressors also have disabilities.
I really didn't think I'd need to explain these, but apparently some people are still extremely ignorant.
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Fractured Stars Falling ; a WIP (Re)Intro
(New and Updated!)
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Genre and Setting
High fantasy, fairytale retellings, dark fantasy ; the magical world of Eltya filled with magic and enchanted creatures, six different kingdoms plus different regions and environments throughout the continent
Third person limited, multiple characters
Status and Length
First Drafts, roughly 10k words so far ; 9 book series with 6 fairytale retellings and three more books to wrap up everything, no idea what the wordcount I'm shooting for is gonna be yet...
Tropes and Themes
knights, royalty, and pirates, magical creatures, magic that actually has consequences and can kill you, found family but they're a bunch of dumbasses, sassy princesses, badass knights, chaotic found family, "i'd kill for you" romances, protective morally gray characters, kingdoms based on historical eras/aesthetics rather than countries, character who is genre aware, POC disabled and queer rep galore, platonic relationships are just as valuable as romantic ones ; trauma and how we deal with it, and what makes life worth living
Warnings and Rating
fantasy typical violence, depictions of mental health issues including panic attacks, abusive family members in a couple of books, blood, depictions and explorations of death, descriptions of corpses and demons, lots of spooky shit but no horror stuff ; Teen and Up
Main Cast
Tris Lakewater (she/her)
Black, Trans Woman, Plus sized
self trained knight who wants to join the army and become a war hero like her mother, trying to escape her stepfamily after her father's death
Prince Kaye (he/him)
"Prince Charming"
Latino (Mixed), OCD, Bisexual
A peacemaker born into a family of bloodthirsty warlords, kind and soft spoken, has a lot of anxiety too
Princess Snow (she/her)
"Snow White"
Asian (Chinese), Partnering AroAce
the crown princess training to overthrow her stepmother, talented archer and swordsman, people pleaser to a fault
Lan Everson (they/them)
Snow's best friend and QPR partner
Asian (Mixed), Nonbinary/Genderqueer, Partnering Aspec
a gifted poet, supportive best friend, and loyal to a fault to their best friend Snow
Captain Cassandra (she/her)
"The Little Mermaid"
Plus sized, pale and freckled Redhead, Pansexual, mute and partially deaf
the former mermaid with a broken heart that she'd rather pretend doesn't hurt after her first love abandoned her
Erica Princeton (she/her)
"Prince Eric"
Plus sized, Polynesian, Lesbian, amputee (peg leg)
hopeless romantic determined to show this beautiful pirate captain that she deserves to be loved and she won't leave her
Max Florronson (he/him)
"The Prince"
doesn't want any trouble, avoids conflict and lacks confidence in himself, very skiddish person
Gay man, black, has a serious case of genre awareness
Prince Monty (he/him)
"The Frog Prince"
a lost prince that got tangled up in a curse gone haywire looking for his family, too adventurous for his own good
Brown (Mixed), gay man, randomly switches between frog and human form
Elliot Beautyson (he/him)
a shy village bookworm boi who wants do right by his family and dreams of an adventure like in the books he reads
Trans man, pale and freckled with light blonde hair
Princess Hestia (she/her)
"The Beast"
a lost princess with fire powers, isolated in the abandoned castle of a fallen kingdom long forgotten
plus sized, Brown (Mixed), anxiety/panic disorder
Raven Crescent (he/him)
The Princess's Bodyguard
head over heels in love with the princess he's supposed to protect, morally gray and calm and calculating
Latino, Bisexual, Autistic (high masking)
Princess Sapphire (she/her)
"Sleeping Beauty"
an impulsive and hotheaded princess who has zero self preservation and is a danger magnet
Demisexual, ADHD (low masking), Redhead
Triveya Avenlin (she/her, they/them?)
The Wizard
the wizardess with some kind of past with the witch queen, expert of magic, roughly a thousand years old, Burntout Gifted Kid
Unlabeled Queer, Autistic and ADHD (high masking), Redhead
King Burningham and Queen Persephone - Antagonists of Book 1. Prince Kaye's parents with high expectations for him, projecting everything they want to be onto him. Bloodthirsty warlords who thoroughly enjoy the Princess Tournament and how violent it is turning out to be
Queen Reigna - Antagonist of Book 2. Snow's abusive stepmother and a tyrannic ruler. Manipulative and master swordsman. Determined to get Snow out of the way and keep her away from the throne. Very loosely based on Narissa from Enchanted.
Gar Face Gabe - Antagonist of Book 3. Rival pirate captain that might have been a tiny bit corrupted by dark magic and working for someone else. Got a thin scar across his face from Cassandra a couple years earlier and is a pissy baby about it.
Councilor Darevan - Antagonist of Book 4. The shady councilman of Dryklan with some questionable things being done in the mines. May or may not be corrupted by dark magic and working for the Witch Queen.
Francis la Leonardron and His Father - Antagonists of Book 5. Francis is a sniveling and whiny rich brat, his father will get his precious son whatever he wants. They use rumors and superstition to control the villagers.
The Witch Queen - Big Bad of the series. Actually makes her first appearance in Book 6/very end of Book 5. Corrupted by dark magic, roughly a thousand years old. Barely even human anymore, the dark magic has taken over. Very loosely based on Agatha Harkness.
King Undral - Big Bad of the series. Shows up for the first time in Book 7. God of the Under, King of the Dead. Hates his job and thinks mortals are worthless and stupid. Cold Businessman and will torture anyone who angers or undermines him.
Six fairytales retold, all colliding together for the climax in the last three books.
General Cinderella - Book 1
Snow Knight - Book 2
The Little Pirate - Book 3
The Lord's Son the Frog - Book 4
Handsome and the Beast - Book 5
Sleeping Beauty's Bodyguard - Book 6
Escape from the Under - Book 7
The Amulet *placeholder title* - Book 8
The Finale *placeholder title* - Book 9
Extra Stuff
A little bit on the different regions in Eltya that we see in the books
Dinvirty: Tris and Kaye's kingdom. Nestled in one of the biggest mountain ranges of Eltya, almost always in a deep blanket of snow with freezing temperatures year round. They are they protectors of Keyon's Gate, the one thing keeping the Witch Queen imprisoned. Based on the Vikings and the Roman Empire.
Goke: Snow and Lan's kingdom. Not far from Dinvirty on the other side of the mountains, with a slightly more temperate climate. Mainly deep woods with some lakes and small rivers. A little bit less colder than Dinvirty, but still gets frequent snow and rain with very cool temperatures year round. Based on the Medieval Gothic Era.
The High Seas: Cass and Erica's region. A lawless land in the waters surrounding Eltya, including the lush but deadly tropical islands surrounding the main continent. Very hot with wild and rough seas, filled with very large and dangerous sea monsters. Based on the Golden Age of Piracy.
Dryklan: Max and Monty's kingdom. Settled in the second biggest mountain range of Eltya, the mountain mines filled with the purest ore and finest metals. Other than mountains there is the forests, one of which spreads into Greyvenhill. Temperate region on the warmer side, with lots of rain. Based on late 1700s/early 1800s French Aristocracy.
Farkle: Elliot and Hestia's kingdom. The fallen and long lost kingdom, overgrown with deep and cold pine forest and dangerous magical creatures, with villages on the outskirts. Temperate region but on the colder side, with frequent snow and wet weather. Based on Mid 1800s English countryside/The Last Russian Dynasties.
Greyvenhill: Sapphire and Raven's kingdom. Mostly in the middle of the continent and relatively flat with grasslands throughout and swamps towards the coast. Trading hub of the continent, with the most river and coastline out of the other kingdoms. Very hot with just enough rain to keep grass and trees alive, more humid towards the coast. Based on Authruian/Robin Hood Medieval era with a touch of Scottish/Celtic in there.
The Under: The Afterlife and Underworld. Desolate and devoid of life, everything down there is hellbent on making you suffer. Mortal souls rot away there until who they were in life is gone and they become demons themselves that serve the Dark King. Unbearably hot and dry. Based on Goblin Valley in Utah and the underground caves in New Mexico.
The Sands of Doom: The Witch Queen's imprisonment for roughly a thousand years. Completely devoid of life, with nothing but sand and tall thick cliffs on both sides. The only exit is a small gap in the mountains, closed off by the high wall called Keyon's Gate, guarded by the fiercest warriors in Dinvirty.
Other things:
Triveya has a pet dragon! His name is Torch, he's dark red, and he's basically a puppy with claws and teeth that breathes fire
Triveya also lives in a giant tree library complete with a fireplace and living space up top with a glass roof. She hundreds of books, mostly on magic
Hestia has servants that she made out of fire in her castle, because she got lonely and couldn't do the upkeep of the castle on her own. There's Embers, the genderfluid butler with their tiny lizard companion Coals, also made of fire. Then theres Flicker and Ashes, the cook and the maid.
Raven has a big family back in his home town. He has two big brothers both of which are in the army with him, and three little sisters (triplets). His parents own the tavern and inn of the small town, and his mom is the best cook for miles. Yes Raven is a total Momma's boy, that's why we love him.
Sapphire is based on a combination of Buttercup from Princess Bride, Anna from Frozen, and Giselle from Enchanted. (plus a little bit of me!)
I wante the vibes of Handsome and the Beast (Elliot and Hestia's book) to be Beauty and the Beast meets Anastasia with a sprinkle of the 12 Dancing Princesses in there
I want the vibes of Sleeping Beauty's Bodyguard (Raven and Sapphire's book) to be Maleficent meets Princess Bride
Elliot has a ten year old sister named Daisy. She's very playful and imaginative and Elliot is teaching her how to read
Snow seems like she's got it together and she's the one in the group with a braincell, but she's actually a dumbass and just chooses not to use the braincells she has sometimes. She's clever but she's also dumb as rocks
Lan is the main holder of the group braincell and they DANGEROUSLY close to losing it
Elliot's favorite book is the Eltyan equivalent of Twelfth Night
Fractured Stars Falling Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer (comment or send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport
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alisoncooper · 2 years
if i’m ever lucky enough to get married, i refuse to have a traditional reception
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wardeningo · 3 years
idk im cringe but im free here’s a submas hc post. no particular order. We love angst we also love projecting lets gooo
Both Ingo and Emmet are autistic, Emmet also has ADHD.
Emmet is a trans bi man and Ingo is genderfluid and unlabeled, though he’s fine with using gay or queer as umbrella terms to describe his attraction.
Their parents intended for their starters to be Klink, however Ingo ended up befriending a Litwick at school and brought it home, and Emmet snuck out and caught a Joltik about a week before their 10th birthday.
Their birthday is May 20th.
Ingo was planned, Emmet was not. 
Emmet’s generally a nice person, but if you tick him off he’s going to start throwing rocks. If you specifically target his brother, he’s going to start aiming for the head.
Ingo has brain damage from an incident involving construction work and wild Durants tunneling. Neither of the twins blame the Durants for the incident, Emmet eventually adopting one of them onto his team.
Ingo’s Fraxure evolved into Haxorus during the aforementioned incident.
Emmet will not go to sleep until Ingo does.
Emmet will also check on his brother throughout the night.
Their family has a history of addiction so Ingo has Emmet hold onto his painkillers as a precaution. Problem is Ingo’s stubborn as hell and will put off taking any until he’s incapacitated.
Both Ingo and Emmet are partially deaf, with Emmet’s being train related and Ingo’s being blunt force head trauma related.
Both boys have commitment issues but for entirely different reasons. 
Emmet got asked out a lot in middle school as a joke. Had a girl date him for a month in high school but only because she lost a bet. Turns out if you get told repeatedly that someone wanting to date you is “embarrassing” you start to believe you’re unlovable. 
Ingo struggles a lot with hypersexuality and being sex repulsed. He’s definitely slept around and has had a few flings, for better or for worse. The idea of someone wanting to stay in a relationship with him is scary.
Both boys have also been called “robotic” as an insult so they’ve internalized that shit too.
Ingo has cried about Daisy Bell and will cry again.
Ingo was a very sickly child but got better by his teens.
Emmet sometimes forgets that he’s the younger twin out of the two of them.
Ingo puts too much thought into how to express himself and it often comes off as ingenuine or strained, Emmet doesn’t have this problem, but he’s really good at repressing his emotions.
Emmet relies on Ingo to know how to respond to a social situation. Emmet only really laughs at a joke if Ingo laughs first, otherwise it just doesn’t occur to him that that’s how he’s “supposed” to react.
Emmet has. many. MANY problems with Clay’s gym layout.
Ingo has eisoptrophobia, which is horribly ironic given that he’s an identical twin. He tends to avoid elevators despite Emmet telling him not to.
Emmet on the other hand is deathly afraid of squirrels. He watched an emolga scurry off with the corpse of a patrat and he has not been the same since. Yes this affects his relationship with Elesa he cannot be in the same room as her pokemon he will v*mit and Cry.
Emmet had to go through speech therapy for a number of years. He's also selectively mute and knows sign language.
Ingo really likes theatre
Ingo also really enjoys fashion.
Ingo skipped a grade as he was the uhh Gifted Kid(tm) and this went well for a while until he had a mental breakdown in high school and his parents had to pull him from the system and essentially force him to drop out (he wouldve worked himself to death otherwise)
During their school years the boys were admittedly kind of distant. They didn't hate each other there just, wasnt really a bond between them at that point.
Both started working at gear station at 16, Emmet started first and Ingo joined him not too long after, which rekindled their bond.
This is all I can think of rn this has been in my drafts for months I'm just gonna post it.
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queerautism · 2 years
Ask game (this is going to sound incredibly dumb)
But I'm Deaf, autistic, ADHD us a bunch of other mental illnesses and I'm quite literally diagnosed with "emotional disturbance disability characterized by an inability to form interpersonal relationships outside of family"
I also was diagnosed with fibromyalgia recently and POTS, and have self dx hEDS and a bunch of GI issues that we don't know where they came from, and possibly MCAS, a lot of neck tension where I can pop my neck and send nerve pain down my spinal cord
Even though I am every day at least partially dislocating most of my joints and am in massive amounts of pain I am essentially laying in bed whenever I can to reduce the amount of pain I'm in
I don't feel valid because I am in college and work 2 part time jobs to make ends meet and I can technicslly do it but at the end of the day I'm so exhausted and in massive amounts of pain and I have to take 600 mg of ibuprofen to even go to work, I have daily allergic reactions at work too but I still just suffer through it
But I can do that unlike others so it's not as bad
I have a walker but I feel invalid with it cuz I'm not old, my family nicknames me a young soul in an old body because of my joints constantly popping and cracking
I really feel like I need a wheelchair but I can't afford it anyways and I can walk so Id feel ready invalid
But haha yea I don't feel like I can use the word disabled because technically I'm still functional
Disabled people work, disabled people do all kinds of things, and it doesn't make them any less disabled. It sounds like you're pushing yourself really hard tbh, which is a little worrying.
Please take it as easy as you can, listen to your body, use your mobility aids. Do everything you can to make life easier for yourself. You're disabled, no doubt about it. You shouldn't have to struggle this hard.
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OK. So I'm doing this.
First off, the reason I'm so obsessed with disabled Bakugou is for the longest time I kinda like wasn't a big fan of him. Now I like really like him and he kind of helped me be accepting of my disabilities so like yeah.
(Some of these I have some of them I don't)
Bakugou is autistic af. Like to the point where you could just like make your entire blog about autistic Bakugou. the touch aversion! The slightly weird/awkward social interactions! The intense interest in hero training! The meltdowns! The posture! (IT's ME)
Bakugou has chronic fatigue too and no one is convincing me otherwise. Do I have really any evidence of this? No. Do I have any explanation as to why I think this? No bc I said so that's why.
Bakugou uses hearing aids because he is partially deaf. (Yes I stole this from like... the entire internet.) I think his hearing aids used to be All might colors but then he changed them to black when he started UA
Bakugou has OCD. He has intrusive thoughts about being a villain and a traitor and he definitely has Just Right OCD. He also has OCPD because I said so. His (good) magical numbers are 6 and 10 (June tenth is All Mights Bday) and 9 because I feel like it.
Bakugou has like a sh*t ton of internalized ableism too. The poor child needs a hug. His mother is the only person he can really talk to about this bc I've decided she's autistic too. After a while, at UA though he learns to love himself, disabilities and all. Then he makes it his personal goal to become the first major Disabled Hero.
I think bakugou has a Sensory Processing Disorder too. The baggy clothes. His sweat smells like Caramel so he can go days without showering and no one cares. He's constantly yelling at people who are being too loud.
SO yeah. This took a very long time to type out.
- :P
thank you thank you thank you thank you
please everyone read this
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dear-indies · 3 years
hello! would you be able to help me with drag queen fcs (who have content without being in drag) or actors who have content in drag in movies/tv shows? I'm desperate to play a muse whos a drag performer but I cant find an fc! thank you!
With resources at time of posting:
Miss Peppermint (1979/1980) African-American - trans woman.
Stacy Layne Matthews (1984) Lumbee - trans woman.
Nico Tortorella (1988) - genderfluid, queer and polyamorous - they/them.
Mark Suknanan / Priyanka (1991) Indo-Guyanese
Paul Jason Dardo / Violet Chachki (1992) Ecuadorian / Unspecified - genderfluid - she/they.
Ilona Verley (1995) Nlaka'pamux - two-spirit and genderfluid trans female - she/they.
Massey Whiteknife / Iceis Rain (?) Mikisew Cree - two-spirit.
No resources at time of posting but here are some more diverse queens who post in and our of drag on their social / have interviews in and out of drag!
Timothy Wilcots / Latrice Royale (1972) African-American.
Andrew Levitt / Nina West (1978)
Pierre Alexandre / Love Masisi (1978) Afro-Haitian - non-binary - she/her in drag and they/them out of drag.
Shane Gilberto Jenek / Courtney Act (1982) - pansexual, genderfluid and polyamorous - she/they while in drag he/they out of drag.
Alpha Mulugeta / Honey Mahogany (1983) Ethiopian - trans non-binary woman - she/they.
Kurtis Dam-Mikkelsen / Miss Fame (1985) Colombian and Danish - nonbinary - they/them.
Caldwell Tidicue / Bob the Drag Queen (1986) African-American - non-binary - he/she.
Sang-Young Shin / Kim Chi (1987) Korean.
Jerick Hoffer / Jinkx Monsoon (1987) Russian Jewish - non-binary and has narcolepsy - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Pan Pan Narkpasert / Pangina Heals (1988) Thai Taiwanese.
Megan Schoonbrood / Michael Alexander Schoonbrood (1988) Indonesian - partially deaf, wears two hearing aids.
Jaren Kyei Merrell / Shea Couleé (1989) African-American - non-binary - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Joe Black (1989) - he/him in and out of drag - has Tourette's Syndrome.
Kevin Bertin / Monét X Change (1990) African-American.
Tommy Hibbitts / Bimini Bon Boulash (1993) - non-binary - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Jovan Bridges / Yvie Oddly (1993) African-American, White and Unspecified Native American - has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3 - any pronouns.
Juno Birch (1993) - trans woman.
Qween Farrazz / Desmond Josiah (1994) African-American - non-binary.
BOA / Ryan Boa (1995) - has ADHD.
Duc Tran Nguyen / Plastique Tiara (1997) Vietnamese - she/they in drag and he/they out of drag.
Sukun Dongnoi / Kandy Zyanide (?) Thai - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag.
Lewis Mandall / Ginny Lemon (?) - non-binary - they/them in and out of drag - has fibromyalgia.
C'est Kevvie (?) - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag - is autistic.
Dominique DeGrant (?) - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag.
Trinity Ice (?) Māori - trans woman.
J. Harrison Ghee (?) African-American - he/they - was in the musical Kinky Boots as the drag queen Lola!
Hey! Googling Drag Race (their Wiki even has a section for ethnicity) and finding people on there would be a good idea too, I don't mess with RuP*ul so I know nothing about that show and please be mindful as some queens on there have cultural appropriated!
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