#ib computer science
further-from-maths · 2 months
28th Feb 2024, 12:24
I'm back lol sorry for dropping off the face of this blog. that's what IB does to you I guess
Some very cool things have happened since I was last here in writing. I got all five offers back, and I've accepted a firm and insurance choice to two wonderful places!!! Their creative writing departments were wonderful, and the lecturers at my firm were genuinely inspiring to listen to. To get in, I need a 6 in English, and 36 points overall. I think I can do it. My current goals/predictions are:
HL English LangLit: 6 needed for uni, and I managed it in my one mock since switching up. If I get a 5 I can still get into my insurance just fine, but I REALLY want to get into my first choice if I can.
HL Psychology: 7 is the goal. I really want a 7, and there's no excuse barring a lack of revision to not get one. My psychology department is genuinely incredible, and I've done very well in all my mocks. I really want to make them proud so I'm hoping the essays they give us are kind.
HL Global Politics: 7 suggested by the mocks so far, but I'm not the most confident in my politics abilities. I do want a 7 in it if possible though because I really like my politics teacher and also want to make him proud lmao
SL CompSci: 7 almost certain considering my mock grades thus far. I'm not worried tbh.
SL Maths Analysis: 7 PLEASE Maths is so easy to revise and it's easy points!!
AB German: 6 is probably more realistic than a 7 because too many minor slip ups can sink the grade completely, but I really want a 7 too.
Core: 2 is what I'm expecting tbh. My EE and TOK were both fine but I don't think they were WOW yk. I'm expecting a B for my EE hopefully and a B for my TOK, but if I've made my corrections well then hugely maybe I can get an A, which would give 3 points????? That's assuming my EE is in fact B-worthy which I really have no clue about.
Obviously I want to get as high as I can, but if I get a minimum of a 6 in everything, that's still more than enough with Core. I know I'm extremely likely to get a 7 in at least CompSci, so at a minimum I'm thinking I'll get 39 unless core flops?? My goal is to get over 40 though:))))
I'm terrified of making some kind of mistake that gets me disqualified. I know that's irrational but the fear is still there. My English teacher kinda spooked me by saying someone once failed their diploma because they didn't put page numbers in their EE so uh.......................... woooooooo. I'malso terrified about AI writing affeciting me. I haven't touched AI for anything I've done for school ever, but I'm nervous that the AI checker will be bad:( And what if I haven't cited something correctly?????? aaaaaaaaaaaa:(((((((((( Also as a heads up, for this exact reason, I won't be liveblogging my exams lol. I don't want to risk saying anything I'm not supposed to regarding the exams, so I'll make notes and post about them after results day or so. If I post anything during exam season, it'll probably be good-luck posts and nothing more lmao.
We've finished content in pretty much every subject now, which is exciting!! IAs are nearly done -- just waiting for final confirmation that a handful of them are ready for submission, and I've got my computer science IA to finish correcting. The end is scarily close.
Feeling terrified, but as long as I keep my head down and work hard, it'll be alright. Less than 11 weeks left. Let’s do this.
75 days until.
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bridgeburn-cs · 8 months
Day 4
Not going to the trouble of doing 10 steps today unless I really feel like it when I get in to it, it's almost 1am at this point.
So here we go.
“Learning HTML Forms by Building A Registration Form” Steps 36-41
36 and 37 had me struggling to read the instructions because they're just written in such a janky ass way,
38 was tedious as hell, just kind of a bore to get through.
Step 39 and 40 were pretty nice.
Looking at Step 41 as I write this... something tells me it's gonna take a while.
I was write, that did take me quite a few minutes. But that's it for the night, let's do some tangentially related updates.
Today I had my first math test of the year, and... god it was not great... I had to use a quadratic, but quadratic form or the quadratic formula were not on the formula sheet provided, so I had to come up with it from memory, and I kept thinking it was ax+bx^2+c, when in reality it's ax^2, but I did manage to get that in the end.
What's less than ideal is that the last question of the test said "Try this if you want a 7" (for a context a 7 is like an A+), and I didn't get time to do that, which really sucks because I really wanted a 7 on this. But it's okay I guess, there's nothing to be done about it, I lived, I learned. I think I am getting better at math though, and feeling better about doing math, which is great.
Today I spoke with my dad about university, and he totally backtracked on the conversation that we had about it a few weeks ago. He's now saying that I shouldn't apply to colleges in the States, and just focus on the UK, which makes my life a whole lot easier, but maybe I should be taking on challenges (such as doing university in America) but I'm not too sure about. I'm gonna take the PSAT in October and proceed accordingly based off of that.
That'll be all for tonight, I'm going to bed. Love y'all.
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aroaceofthesea · 1 year
Que sen vagin a la polla els examens dl ib no vull estudiar mates😭😭
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topibtutor · 8 months
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blossomonlinehk · 1 year
Best IB Online Courses - Blossom
Blossom we are not a traditional tuition site that provides 1-1 matching service, we are here to provide the most efficient and effective ways for you to study. Our online IB courses watch anywhere, anytime. We are confident about the quality of our courses and tutors. In 4 years, we never received a complaint about the quality of the courses purchased.
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insertdisc5 · 5 months
this is a stupid question and there’s no reason for my sending it besides trying to understand/overcome my own anxiety/insecurity. your post on game dev software was extremely informative and seems like something you’re really passionate about. for some reason i can’t get past the idea that using premade visual novel/rpg/whatever software will be seen by others as, like, “that doesn’t count as making a real game, you just dragged and dropped stuff into a program someone else made, anyone can do that” or something. I’ve never played any visual novels, but i enjoyed rpgmaker games like The Witch’s House and Ib when i was a kid, and undertale is my favorite game of all time, so I know how good games like that can be. I thought I could learn to make video games at some point by studying computer science in college, but by my 3rd semester i couldn’t focus so i changed my major. That was almost ten years ago, and I feel like an idiot seeing so many people younger than me having so much fun doing stuff that i just gave up on after it became “too challenging” even though I’ve been using computers all my life. I guess what I’m asking is, how do you get over the fear of doing something, saying “hey look what i made/accomplished!” and having someone else say “that’s actually easy to do, you shouldn’t be proud, and here is an example why” and then you’re just left standing there like “damn, maybe i need to reflect on how stupid i am” instead of “man, that guy was a jerk.” sorry if that didn’t make sense.
you have to not think of yourself as yourself, but think of yourself as your friend telling you "someone said mean things to me" and of course when a friend says that to you you say "i will kill them for you you are amazing and the apple of my eye and they dont know what theyre talking about and what you made was great and once again: i will kill them for you". also if anyone says to you "you shouldnt be proud of this thing you made" then you are legally allowed to kill them it's in the world constitution
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Women who have wronged competition
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What they did wrong (spoilers):
akane: 1.Huge spoilers but: Trapped nine people in a death game, orchestrated the deaths of four, infected nine other people with a deadly virus (including a child) and trapped them in ANOTHER death game, emotionally traumatised a man with the power of Timelines and then wiped his memories, made a man learn computer science. 2.kidnapped a bunch of innocent people plus her childhood sweetheart and trapped them in a death game in order to take revenge on some assholes and save her own life, did it AGAIN but on the MOON, murdered 2-4 people and is responsible for the deaths of many more depending on the timeline, forcibly recruited some other schmuck via the same kidnapping method plus time travel, will infodump in life-or-death situations, a genius but cant solve a sudoku puzzle to LITERALLY save her life
mary: killed a guy so she could take his place in reality and become a real girl
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waywardwhump · 6 months
Tw: main character death, car crash
You know those RPG maker horror games? Ib, Mad Father, Witches house?
I've had a concept idea for a while. Probably not going to get much further, but fun to think about.
Trio of friends, one works in an underground science facility, one is a detective, one is a baker. They've been friends since childhood and remain close despite their wildly different career paths.
The scientist is doing illegal stuff. The detective is unknowingly investigating them.
The game starts with the baker following the detective in her investigation. She thinks it will be helpful to have a new set of eyes, and given that the detective hasn't had any luck thus far, lets her come, breaking the rules but doing so under the assumption that they aren't going to find anything anyway. The detective's been at this for years, the trail is cold, but at least this lets the baker feel like she's doing something helpful.
A few tutorial segments later, whoops, the baker successfully helps the detective find the underground science facility.
The scientist heads them off before it can really set in what they've stumbled across. They haven't entered yet, they're just outside, but the surveillance system caught them a while ago.
The scientist is supposed to report to her boss, which would see them captured for expiraments. But they're her friends, so instead of doing that she comes out and it very quickly devolves into a shouting argument.
The baker tries to calm them down, she hates seeing her friends fight. The two of them, the scientist doing a criminal act and the detective looking to bring her(and the lab) to justice, snap at the baker to just go. She's a civilian. This is dangerous. Leave. In the heat of the moment, they aren't exactly kind.
She leaves. The argument goes on for a bit. Before the detective can call for backup, the screen blacks out and all three of them wake up somewhere else.
Very science fiction mixed with horror; the lab was working on a machine that can hook brains up to a dreamscape, and was illegally experimenting on humans to do so. The boss, having realized that the scientist was essentially betraying them by not reporting her friends to security, sent out a pulse that dragged everyone within a certain distance of the facility into the dreamscape.
Now the trio is stuck and they have to fight their way out.
A lot of the dreamscape is based on their own fears, something of a silent hill thing going on, idk. They make progress and work together, but the whole time the detective and the scientist are fighting.
The baker tries to get them to stop, but she seems distracted. She tries, more than once, to ask the scientist about something, but the other two are arguing so much that whatever her concern is keeps getting talked over. She gives up after about the third time, somewhat early on, and focuses on trying to keep the group together.
The plan is, of course, to escape the dreamscape, wake everyone up, and go for help.
They get to the end, and they're about to leave.
The baker says she's not going to follow them.
Upon being asked why, and upon them finally giving her a chance to talk, she says...she'd gotten in her car after they'd yelled at her and driven away. She'd been upset, of course, and was driving fairly fast, and then the dreamscape pulse got her and she woke up in the computer.
She'd been in a speeding car when they'd all fallen unconscious.
She's uh, pretty sure she's dead.
They part, the scientist and detective leave her there, and the last level of the game is them escaping the lab to call for backup and get the whole thing shut down.
It ends without direct confirmation that the baker is dead, but it's highly implied. The other two(the scientist especially) has to live with that now.
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stareesm · 6 months
UR IN CS?? AS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE??? (this is yenas IB brain speaking pls dont mind)
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sherlockisademigod · 3 months
The Harding pencroft student aesthetic (House Cephalopod):
Highschool computer science student
Getting Ravenclaw on all the questionable HP quizzes
50 disassembled objects scattered around your room
Favourite subject is math or comp sci
Doing AP/IB math but then also spending half the lesson reading Jules Verne
Long debates with friends over the probability of the technology mentioned in 2000 leagues under the sea
(Disassembles pen in the middle of class and merges it with another one)
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educated-dumbass · 2 years
Physical Disability/ Chronic Illness Book Masterlist
Quick Key:
🌻= found on Readanybook for free
🍄= I’ve read and recommend
🥀= on my tbr list
🌈= Send me an ask or direct message with this emoji and the book you want and I can likely find it in digital format for free. Be aware it is less secure than the Readanybook site. Please clarify if you’re using a phone or a laptop/computer. (Not including graphic novels)
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami (Hemophilia) (Loss of certain mental faculties due to injury) 🌻
One for All by Lillie Lainoff (POTS) 🍄
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (Reading disability) (Character that uses a cane) 🍄🌻
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (Reading disability) (Character that uses a cane) 🍄🌻
The Moth Girl by Heather Kamins (Fantasy chronic illness) 🥀
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer (Cerebral Palsy)
Graphic Novels:
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker (hard of hearing mc) 🥀
The Degenerates by J. Albert Mann (Clubfoot)(Down Syndrome) 🥀
Mis(h)adra by Iasmin Omar Ata (Epilepsy) 🥀
Historical Fiction:
The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (Clubfoot) 🌻🥀
The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath (deafness)
Literary Fiction:
Unbroken: 13 stories starring disabled teens written by an assortment of disabled creators edited by Marieke Nijkamp (Wheelchair User)(Unspecified Mental Illness) (Blind MC) (Anxiety) (Chronic Pain) (Schizophrenia) (MC with a Cane) (Bipolar II) (IBS) (Cerebral Palsy) (Autistic MC) 🍄
Turning by Joy L. Smith (Wheel Chair user) (Spinal injury) (Stutter) (Brain Injury) 🥀
Electricity by Ray Robinson (Epilepsy)
The Call by Peadar O'guilin (disability as a result of complications from having polio as a child) 🥀
Silent Fear by Lance Morcan (Deaf MC’s) 🥀
Russian Dolls by Cristelle Comby (Blind MC)
The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly (amputee)🌻🥀
A Time to Dance by Padma Venkatraman (below the knee amputation as a result of a car accident) 🍄🌻
Red, White, and Whole by Rajani LaRocca (Mother with Leukemia)
The War Within (character in wheelchair) 🍄🌻
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas (cerebral palsy)
Long Macchiatos and Monsters by Alison Evans (MC with prosthetic limb)
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert (Chronic Pain)
Science Fiction:
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi (character with chronic immune deficiency) (character with prosthetics)
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (uses a cane and a wheelchair due to foot binding) 🍄
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis (epilepsy? Kinda) (Amputee MC) 🌻🥀
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further-from-maths · 7 months
15 Oct 2023, 17:06
I went to a uni open day yesterday, and it was really great! Unfortunately a bit too close to home, and I still vastly prefer the creative writing course Warwick has to offer, but this place is probably going to be my insurance choice. I'm very likely to get an offer based on their entry requirements, which is a comfort.
I finished most of the stuff for my UCAS application -- just waiting on the school to fill in my predicted grades, and am finishing up my personal statement! I completed draft 2 of it today, so I'm going to ask my form tutor to look over it tomorrow.
Coding's hard, y'all. big sigh as I question why I chose this as my project when I could've done something a whooole lot simpler and got just as many marks. Oh yeah, my teacher extended the deadline til Wednesday in a very passive aggressive post, which in all honesty we deserve. Feeling like we all let him down is a really shitty feeling, but I'm grateful for the deadline extension:') I'm going to try to finish fixing it up tonight, because I still haven't managed that.
211 days until.
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eliteprepsat · 2 months
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Most universities are not particularly interested in students who approach college as the 13th grade—just the next step on a path laid out for them by their parents since before they were born. They instead seek out students who demonstrate passion and curiosity, especially about their chosen field of study.
In your college applications, it’s important that you demonstrate your interests (not just state what they are, but show them at work in your life) and that those interests inform your prospective major. You can and should demonstrate your interests in your college essays, your activities lists, and even in your transcripts.
Here are some specific tips on how to prove you’re invested in your intended major:
If your high school offers advanced courses in a field you’re passionate about, take those courses. Honors, AP, and IB credits demonstrate that you’ve devoted ample time and energy to a given field.
I would also recommend approaching advanced classes from the opposite direction. If you’re like most high school students, you’re not yet sure what you want to major in or what your academic interests are. Take advanced classes in subjects that you perform well in. You might find that these courses create entirely new interests for you that weren’t there before.
Throughout high school and college, you will likely develop new passions and a deeper understanding of what you love. Advanced courses are one of the ways in which you can discover what those passions might be.
Interested in computer science? Join a coding club at your school. Or, if none exists, create one. If you’re interested in something—whether it be coding, poetry, chess, or pottery—chances are there are other students at your school who are interested, too.
You can demonstrate passion for a field or cause by joining an organization on campus and working your way up the ranks to, say, secretary or even president. You can also demonstrate initiative and leadership by starting an organization of your own.
Not sure where to start? Ask a counselor or teacher at your school about how you might get something new off the ground. With the right support, you can develop your interests and set yourself up for a strong college application.
You can also look beyond the walls of your school for club and volunteer opportunities. Join a mystery book club or a Spanish conversation club at your local library branch. Volunteer as an elementary school assistant at your local school district. There are so many possibilities that you can find with just a quick Google search.
There are a ton of free online courses on subjects ranging from psychology to political philosophy, from computer science to principles of accounting.
You can find courses on the iTunes U app, many of which include syllabi and course readings alongside lectures. There’s a drove of Massive Open Online Courses available, many of which will even provide a certificate for completing the course. MIT hosts a wide range of free courses online, such as this Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python.
Many of these free online courses are offered by prestigious universities and taught by some of the most renowned faculty in their respective fields. By completing one of these courses, you can get a head start on university-level work and develop a new or existing passion.
Do you live near a university? If so, reach out to faculty members to ask if they might be interested in your volunteering as a lab or research assistant, or even if you could stop by just to ask them some questions during their office hours. You might receive no response from a number of professors, but you would be surprised by how many would be more than happy to at least discuss what they do and why.
Along the same lines, if you’re passionate about business, reach out to local business owners. You might even find opportunities for employment. At the very least, you’ll gain vital insights into the kind of work you might want to do in college and beyond.
Subscribe to The New Yorker, or The Economist, or Wired, or any number of magazines focused on literature and culture, or economics, or technology, or whatever it is you want to major in. Watch documentaries. Listen to podcasts. Finding media that will fuel your passion and leave you informed has never been easier.
The kind of knowledge you can gain from reading, watching, and listening first-hand cannot be matched by second-hand commentary. No visit to Sparknotes, or advice from your uncle, or other kind of second-hand knowledge can stand in for the real thing. Hearing or reading about the thing is no match for hearing or reading or doing the thing itself.
With a novel in your hand or even a computer science course on your screen, don’t just be a passive consumer—take notes not only on the content, but your reactions to it. What makes you excited? What leaves you confused? What gets you frustrated?
By staying engaged in a field of study, you shouldn’t only learn new information. You should also learn a lot about yourself.
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recursivetrauma · 1 year
I'm job-hunting again.
Ten years ago I dropped out of school to be a homemaker. My dream was to be a game developer with my spouse. It was also to be happy with my partner and cats, and to let go of an abusive childhood.
While we were in school together I had a meltdown following domestic violence and my grades slipped, the semester after this slip I stopped showing up to our classes. I found that the anxiety from these events wasn't going to just go away. I couldn't do my work or even take an interest in it. Even reading code brought on emotional flashbacks.
I tried to keep programming off and on for years. It caused extreme frustration, feelings that couldn't be explained yet because I was mistaking serious mental illness brought on by trauma for regular depression and personal inferiority. I felt like I was struck stupid, and then that I had always been stupid, and then that there was no point in trying because I would never be good enough. At this low point I was coerced into accepting a very bad deal; to be an unmarried house husband with no social safeguards. My life was in someone else's hands.
Things got much worse in my relationship. I suffered serious injuries from further violence, I was cheated on and neglected until I grew distant, and then raped, the meltdown that caused my trauma was never ending. It reached a peak when I was hospitalized from stress. I hated myself and often wanted to die.
I've tried many times to return to computer science. I'm still trying, kind of, but mostly because I have to do something to survive that isn't labor.
I recently did well at a Data bootcamp, but I haven't gotten a job four months later. I've had only two responses.
When I had an interview with Meta it was like I suddenly had IBS. I did what everyone does: grind leetcode and study in preparation. I passed a test with a recruiter. Every day I was shitting myself and quaking so much my abs hurt. My stress was awful. Then someone else was interviewed before me and got the job, and my interview was cancelled. I did another interview for a Data Engineer position for city government where I just bombed.
I'm trapped in the same recruiting hell that everyone else is. But that's not all there is to it. I truly believe that I can never succeed in the long term even if I get a job. This is a stressful career and my worst symptoms come out with external stress. I have seen the pattern of my behavior and understood what it is since I was diagnosed with CPTSD in 2019. It is a serious disability.
Eventually, as I work, I will get sucked into emotional flashbacks that last weeks, I will be overcome with pain and it will affect my performance, the way I'm treated will shift with my behavior. The causality of trauma is that you keep finding it. In 2019, I was bullied at work for the first time in my life while working in grocery. I've dealt with bullies before the trauma, but that requires a strength I don't have anymore. I need jobs I can walk out of to be safe, and tech employers want jobs with steep requirements and multiple testing interviews to make sure no-one is safe but them.
Looking at the work culture of tech, I feel myself reverse-engineering the logic that abused me. Their lives revolve around being obsessively superior, the 'grindset' is driven by fear of being surpassed by others. Unless you're one of the privileged, you live by the logic of elitism.
When I told my partner I didn't want to have sex because of the cheating, to her that was someone with a lesser station in life making demands of their superior. The cheating itself carried the logic of "I need more to balance out our partnership because you're just a loser". Gender roles as sexual economics, they're cruel because economies always are to the most replaceable classes.
There is an absolute logic to economic abuse and social status that no-one can dispel. You don't just spend the bulk of your life being a 'hustle mindset' creep and turn it off in personal relationships. That's who you are everywhere. In my mind, Tech companies driving inequality isn't just a function of technology but the people who build it. You may know that 'harassment in tech' was a news item for years, yet there no mechanism in that industry or even in our society to help survivors deal with it. It's just your problem. If you get out of this hole you teach everyone the lesson that 'anyone can do it', and if you don't you're ignored forever. Even the way we view victims is steeped in elitism.
This idea works fairly well being plugged into various scenarios. After our relationship ended I was mocked on twitter as an inferior. Someone who should've known their place and been more thankful. No-one bothered to question the weird narrative shift from 'my sweet, supporting partner' to 'my evil, worthless ex who wouldn't respect my power'. There is no moral difference here, simply knowing that I was worth less is supposed to carry all the credibility of publicly abusive statements. I could write pages and pages on how viciously economic elitism, and the abuse that follows can shape two people and the social circles around them.
I'm still trying. I see some classmates getting jobs and others returning to amazon fulfillment. I read experiences on this process - It's shocking to realize that normal people are experiencing the same stresses I am, not because of an exceptional series of abusive acts but because of the pressure exerted by the regular economy on them. I'm tempted to say Capitalism is as bad as life-ruining abuse, but for some that's what it is in the first place.
I don't think it's an accident that I did so well in my class. It didn't revolve around the same culture as employment does. I felt confident, social, likeable even. If I had just somehow dropped directly into work from that position, maybe I would've been okay.
I really just want to be safe and I don't know how else to do that. If it weren't for one of my injuries degenerating into arthritis I would already be in a fulfillment center or working grocery.
It occurred to me this week that I wanted to make video games with someone I loved and that's how I got here. I despise that romanticism now, but I feel emptier living without it.
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blossomonlinehk · 1 year
Mastering IB Physics: Blossom's Comprehensive IB Physics Online Course
At Blossom, we are proud to offer students an exceptional online learning experience that is designed to help them achieve success. In this blog, we will delve into our IB Physics online course and explore how it can benefit students looking to excel in their studies.
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aroaceofthesea · 10 months
i dont think i will ever get over "what is an advantage of a WLAN over a LAN?" "less risk of tripping over cables" that computer science in the IB was
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