#idk. i don't know what emotion i should feel. anger is gonna be the first one that makes it to the surface i think
genderfluid-druid · 1 year
#ok we're gonna try to finish this story in under 30 tags ok let's go#SO. 'hahaha yeah wow that's crazy that you know him! we did date yeah. (does not elaborate)'#but. okay confession time. i know this was a questionable choice. it was selfish. it fed the brain gremlin that craves validation#but i never blocked M on snapchat#so even though we never talked. i could see when he viewed my stories. and i won't lie. there is a smug part of me that enjoyed#letting him see me go on about my life.#i am a flawed bitch. so sue me. it was a manageable amount of contact that didn't send me into spirals#and he DID keep viewing them.#he even messaged me once! i don't know maybe a year ago. it was totally out of the blue. 'saw this book and thought of you' on a picture of#a nice edition of The Hobbit. i didn't respond. i had to have a petty moment for all the times during the Bad Era when i tried to message#him and he took too long (in my shitty estimation) to message back. so i left him on read. for like a year#okay you can see where this is going so I'll cut to the chase#'i ran into a friend of yours' is a perfectly reasonable conversation starter. it can be the whole conversation if it needs to be.#well. it wasn't#idk. my world state for the last six years has been 'M doesn't care for me and there is no world in which we ever have a civil chat again.'#well. that doesn't track with 'it's past my bedtime but i don't mind staying up to chat' and 'i would love to get an earful about podcasts'#and 'let's chat again' and 'it was really great to hear from you'#idk. i don't know what emotion i should feel. anger is gonna be the first one that makes it to the surface i think#got a good healthy dose of anger happening#grief. i do think there's some grief. mmhmm yep there it is#there are probably some positive emotions but those are the most strenuously repressed and i don't think I'm ready to let the collar off#i have made a lot of choices in the last six years to protect my mental health specifically because of how that relationship ended#so even just talking to him is. well for one thing it's playing a bit fast and loose with the health i have managed to build up#i feel good. my life has been good lately. my therapist moved me from monthly to once every three months. my social life is the most#thriving it's ever been#i am possibly in a place to unbox some things that were thrown in the attic as an emergency measure#i should talk to my therapist
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windvexer · 6 months
Hi, I hope you are not too busy lately. May I ask for advice ? When it comes to hexing, I heard someone advising to but the remains of the ritual as far away as possible from the house (I can't but the remains of the spell near the targets house but I can put it away). But I also remember reading that one should keep the remains of the spell in case something goes wrong. Is it dangerous to keep the remains of a hex inside my house or would it better to keep it ?
Ooo! Resolving conflicting magical information, are we? :D Love it.
Short answer:
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Longer answer:
IMO, both of these plans of action are predicated on some assumptions.
Taking the remains of a hex very far away from the home (and sometimes, as you mention, ideally near the target) is, from what I've seen, generally done by witches who are pretty much fuckin' done and are washing their hands of the situation.
Hex-casting is often an intensely emotional experience and can feel like a deep 'purge' on the part of the practitioner, a bloodletting of the poison within the practitioner to flow downhill to the person who, as far as the witch is concerned, ought to host it instead.
When the experience of the hexcasting is one of purification of rage, a practitioner may just want to get the fuck rid of the spellcasting remnants and get on with their life.
This is not an amagical action. Inasmuch as your magic probably should make you feel really good about the world you live in, your life, and your actions, deciding to be completely over it and get rid of spell remnants can be deeply magical, both in the personal and metaphysical sense.
Another reason people like to get rid of hex remnants is because they can reek of that nasty soul stank you've just bled out all over into the world, and hanging out with them can be uncomfortable and bring up unwanted emotions.
Fortunately, witches gonna witch, and if you desire to keep spell remnants without them leaking all over your nice life, there are many methods to contain and control magical objects.
All that being said, do I find that keeping hex remnants is actually dangerous? Well, no. I find it to be uncomfortable. They remind of of anger and injustice and all the bad things I felt that made me want to do it in the first place. "Negative vibes" spilling out into your environment isn't dangerous so much as it is a bit icky.
If we take a moment here, we should consider that most probably, the average hex should not be so dangerous that the spent spell remnants are actively generating danger for any random person who comes into contact with them.
I mean... do what you want to other people, I suppose. But if you are casting spells in such a way that they are so powerful and tumultuous that the little blob of burned candle wax or whatever is constantly generating harmful, dangerous effects even within a magically protected household, idk. Probably do just get rid of it at that point. Or try new spellcasting methods. Etc.
On the topic of needing to keep spell remnants so you can continually work over the spell, it's a decent option, but also:
On a personal level I'm not sure why you'd go out of your way to try and harm someone with magic, and then keep the remnants to make sure it's doing the exact kind of harm you want in foreseeable ways. Either get after 'em or don't, you know?
You can still influence and control prior spells you've cast even if you do not have the spell remnants.
Overall I really think that you should just do what makes you comfortable. I don't think you should feel obligated to hold on to hex remnants just because something hypothetically might happen down the road. If things can go to far you can do a reverse uno on your own magic and cast new spells to help.
On the other hand, if you feel like it's a good idea to keep the remnants around, set up a magical situation that safely holds these remnants in "jail" so you don't have to worry about the vibes leaking out into your house.
[None of this takes into account spells that dictate something specific must happen to materia magica, etc.]
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What the f-
Yeah. This is fine. This is great, even! I'm just scrolling around on Tumblr, havin a good time, then I see some asks talking about the new page and I get excited. I riot in my head, even! I squeal with joy because I absolutely adore your art!
Then Sonic pushes Shadow away and my heart breaks in half.
wtf /pos and /lh
I wanna psychoanalyze this so fuccin bad so I'm gonna try my best but everything is so clear and easy to see so idk how obvious this will all be. I'll have a TLDR at the end that will hopefully be shorter idfk
Also before I do that I just wanna say that I absolutely love THOAM and I'm so glad I've been along on such a crazy journey for this long. Love seeing your art evolve throughout the 2 years I've been here!
ok let's get on with it already-
Okay so the first thing I noticed is Sonic's demeanor in this entire chapter so far. Sonic wasn't necessarily pissed at Shadow before coming here, (I still fail to remember the name of their location) but he was a bit... He seemed angered to some degree. This obviously has to do with the lack of sleep he's been getting due to his incredibly painful transformation, and uh side note here, transforming on its own would be enough to make someone feel out of sorts. I totally understand why Sonic is acting odd, in this case.
Anyway, the point I'm making is that Shadow has slowly been testing Sonic's patience throughout this and the last chapter. In the last one, Shadow said something incredibly rude and impulsive, which lead to Sonic staying behind in the dorm while Shadow and Chip were getting mawled. He only came back because he knew they were in deep trouble. The hug he got from Shadow didn't really help all that much, even if it was a kind gesture and something the Ultimate Lifeform wouldn't typically do. Because, y'know, it's just a hug. People hug others all the time, and it's not even close to a real apology.
Then Chip stayed behind with Tails. And... Suddenly, Sonic took a complete 180!
Without Chip around, without Sonic's emotional support buddy, the blue blur is left with all these pent up emotions that he's been refusing to let out for a long time. The last time he cried was days ago when he accidentally attacked Amy, and for us, that was probably like 3-4 years ago at this point. He's hardly had enough time or room to really feel anything, and that leaves him all constipated and icky. Sure, he had to kind of mellow his real feelings when Chip was around because he's just a kid in Sonic's eyes, and when Sonic lashes out it impacts Chip in a bad way. This doesn't mean Sonic feels any better without Chip, because without him, there's no hype man to make him feel better. There are no comforting words or small chit-chats for the road and no pit stops to get snacks... It's just him and Shadow now, and since they're on a pretty important mission to, you know, fix the entire fucking world, there's like no time for breaks.
Combine all this with the fact that Sonic is stuck as a Werehog for this entire chapter, and for the entirety of this specific mission... Yeah, you've got a pretty cranky hedgehog. And here's the sad part in all of this: Sonic doesn't like feeling this angry and this alone, but no one seems to really understand him anymore. Not even Shadow. They don't know what it's like living two whole lives at once, having to go through all this pain and agony for so long and not able to tell a soul. They couldn't possibly comprehend!
So how should he feel when his closest companion makes an effort to understand, even just by a little bit?
Sonic is confused and angry at the world. He doesn't understand what to do or how to act, and without Chip's support and unintentional therapy, he's just kinda... Left to his thoughts. Shadow suddenly trying to help after being not very helpful for a while made things even more confusing, and the fact Shadow never told Sonic about the constant nighttime thing... Yeeeeeaaahhh, Sonic's not doing too hot.
Hope this wasn't too long and I hope Tumblr doesn't eat this up due to its length. Thanks so much for reading to the end and thanks for just being you. Because if you didn't exist the world would explode-
NEVER TOO LONG i think others also appreciate the theories ♥
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Dabi's dance
I'm losing my mind. The episode was SO GOOD. Have some scattered thoughts and reactions (spoiler-heavy stuff under the cut):
I had full faith that Shimono would do a stellar job with his voice acting but his performance went above and beyond my expectations. He gave me literal chills. The range of emotions he managed to fit into Dabi's lines? *chef kiss* The way he kept jumping between maddened elation and sadness, between righteous despair and chilling fury?? Stunning. Spectacular.
I think my favourite part was when he said "Why didn't you notice I was your son?" and managed to inject that simple line with contempt, hurt and disappointment at the same time. Incredible
Second best part was when Dabi went from yelling "You don't know anything, so let me break it to you" with seething rage and frustration to the chilling way he uttered the line right after, "You can never get away from your past". HHHHHHHHHH I think I lost my mind there. It was SO GOOD. The shift from frenzied anger to that ice-cold voice, coupled with the punch of that line gives you whiplash in the best possible way, and perfectly encapsulates the range of Dabi's emotions there. He's spiralling, yes, but he's not spouting nonsense because he's "crazy". He's furious because Enji thought he could move on without him, move on from Touya.
The close-up to his despairing pose when he says "I wanted to make you happy," a hand clutching his head and gripping his hair like when he was a kid, and his voice going all soft and kinda self-deprecatory... CHILLS
On a completely different note, the special hair dye remover changing Dabi's hair color like a magical girl transformation made me laugh. On behalf of the moon, he will punish you and send you into a flaming hell
THE DANCING. Okay, this one was a surprise. I went into the ep with 0 expectations for the actual dancing bit, having no idea how they would animate it and fearing a shitty adaptation, but I really liked what they did. His moves are exactly as awkward and frenzied as I expected them to be when I read the manga, but I feel like the anime better conveys Dabi's mental state through the whole thing (as it's supposed to, being a fluid visual media that conveys movement better than any stills ever could). Overall, his "dance" gave me the feeling of a puppet that got its strings abruptly cut off and moved like a broken toy. It wasn't a victory dance and it wasn't supposed to. The anime made it clear it was just Dabi working through his adrenaline. The first moves, the clapping, the arms moving wildly around with no clear pattern, the broad sweeping gestures, the way he seemingly doesn't know what to do with his limbs... it was the perfect depiction of Dabi letting out the energy building up under his skin, the same energy that draws on his emotions. He was drunk on a cocktail of conflicting feelings and his "dance" was a great visual way of showing that
Baby Touya was so small and precious TT_TT I felt my heart breaking for him all over again, and all the little glimpses we got crushed my soul. The card in the ending was a special low blow
Infant Touya struggling to stand on his tiny toddler feet *bawls*
Fuyumi and the flower... cries... now if only all of Bones' additions were good content like this...
Natsuo watching the broadcast on his phone... idk why but that scene punched me in the chest harder than it did when I read the manga. I'm gonna go cry
Fuyumi having colleagues right there with her as she watched too... another addition but I liked the detail of the guy looking worriedly at her instead of the screen
I'm not super thrilled that they added the still of Dabi looking like this:
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at this point of the story, because the original panel comes from much later, and it's supposed to depict Dabi from Enji's distorted POV, the way he pictures him in his memories. But I'm so happy about the whole ep that I'm gonna let this slide. Dabi should look a bit unhinged. It's his best flavor after all
Man, Endvr's fanboy is just as annoying as I remembered. "His lies won't shake our faith in our hero" WELL MAYBE THEY SHOULD. MAYBE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE EXACTLY THE KIND OF PEOPLE DABI'S CALLING OUT. Wouldn't that be crazy
Ha! they didn't show Hawks slicing Twice's back open, lol. Just a still. But hey, they had to keep it pg I guess. Let it not be said that Dabi doesn't think of the children /j
Kaji (Shouto's VA) also did an incredible job. The sheer panic in Shouto's voice when Dabi was plummeting towards them gave me chills. My boy was SCARED and CONFUSED and barely keeping his shit together himself and my heart broke for him. Now I'm really looking forward to his performance (and Shimono's) in the next ep, knowing what's coming
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keitorinrose · 3 months
OOH OH OH what if trolls x su au takes place after world tour or in trollstopia when branch is finally started to move on but come across the rejuvinator (made by the funk trolls btw cause who else would be technologically advanced to create a device like that) and I don't know if he decides to forward with the plan like spinel or if there's an external force in this
I was so focused on the su part of the au that i completely forgot what to do with the trolls timeline whoops 💀
I might have a potential way of how the timeline goes.
So we know in tbt that the hideout was something branch and floyd were gonna make when he came back. In this au the hideout was already made and it was where brozone hung out the most. It's also where the break up happened and where floyd asked branch to stay until he returned. Only brozone knows the location of the hideout so when the escape from bergen town happened the village didn't know branch was living there so they assume he died.
The first movie and world tour is probably going to be mostly the same minus branch being there.
(Maybe a bit after world tour)
John dory discovers new pop village. He comes across peppy who tells him the news of branch's death. After that JD searches for his brothers to tell the news. Because of the news brozone decides they should try to be a family again because they feel guilty for branch's death, thinking if one of them had stayed they could've protected him or if they had talked it out the break up never would have happened and branch would still be alive. So they talk it out and learn to forgive each other.
Maybe some times passes and that's when poppy wants to make trollstopia. When they finish it (which probably took a few months) they're going to throw a party to celebrate the start of trollstopia and brozone is gonna perform after 20 years. In the beginning they weren't so sure about it but in the end agreed to do it for branch. So poppy starts spreading invitations all over troll kingdom. While she is doing that, branch is foraging for food (it's the only time he goes outside and when he is, he tries to go back to the hideout asap just to make sure he doesn't miss floyd when he returns) and discovers one of the invitations. This is how he finds out that floyd was never going back for him. So while they're preparing the party that is when branch shows up.
About the injector and rejuvinator. Yeah they're definitely created by the funk trolls because I don't know who else could make something so advanced. The problem is that i have no idea yet how branch would know that and how he would take it. So im gonna have to figure that out.
The rejuvinator is probably going to be made out of some special gem because we know that in ttbgo they have some very strange gems in their world (an example the switcher-ruby).
And there is no external force at play here. Idk if I'm going to be able to explain this well. branch has been suffering severely mentally (being isolated for 20 years and staying in denial that floyd would return really messed him up) so when he finally has a confirmation that floyd will in fact not return, all these emotions just come crashing down on him. So what he does is let out all his anger and pain onto his brothers. He is not at a good place rn in his mind. He's feeling all that pain that he's been trying to repress for years. It's after the final fight with floyd when he tired himself out that he has the realisation of what he's doing. (I'm sorry if this isn't right I'm not really good with mental health stuff)
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burned-lariat · 1 year
Hi, ChaLynn stan checking in to cheer you up
I peeped yesterday's show. Painful shit, I know. These garbage plots stinks. It angers me the writers are minimizing Chase's cop instincts, ignoring both his observations of Lincs treatment of both BLQ and Blaze for plot purposes. Who in their right believes Blqthink of how all this will magically reap sweet ChayLynn rewards in another few months. (I'm giddy with excitement 😬 seee?)
Brook Lynn Quartermaine will NOT sign that nda contract. She signs the nda and its GAME OVER. If she values her self respect (questionable atm) and keeping Chase in her life that nda won't mean much if she doesn't sign it. Dont give Linc another W. Her pride and fear is getting in the way again. Imma give her this one benefit of the doubt this time only. If Chase knew about the nda, Linc would be a dead duck.
These writers I swear...smh. I like Blaze, but if she shoots her shot with "detective" (again questionable atm) Chase, I won't be mad at all. Girls no fighting please.
Blaze is BLQs placeholder with the singing voice. They look similar in profiles. She is living out BLQs wildest dreams singing w/ Chase, the love of BLQ's life. What Blaze said to Chase about him reminding of her passion for music when they sing together, she didn't want him to leave cause she feels safe around him, still stuck in a contract with Linc, that's BLQ. Blaze is verbalizing what BLQ isn't saying to Chase. Some detective he is. Hahaha. Silly concept.
How is Chase to know how BLQ feels when he can't wait to move on with his life without her. (liar liar pants on fire) Boy has it bad for her, can't ya tell. Lol
BLQ is in deep (awww). I haven't seen that look of despair on her face since she had to give back Bailey Lou. Yes, losing Chase is right up there. They were a little family unit at one time.. times that pain x10. It will get worse before for her tho. I can't wait for ChaLynn's official ILY. eeek!
🥰 Shoot I'm waiting on Sprina too, lucky me. Im not sure what happens in a couple if months from now cause I don't read spoilers. If this miserable mushball wants happiness, she's gonna have to fight for it. BLQ lost her voice once, she can't let Linc take it away from her again. This year's Nurses Ball will be the first since Nelle attacked her. I don't believe those emotional wounds have healed since then.
She's watching the love of her life slip away from her. We should be enjoying this "journey" that their on, no matter the cheese factor. We already know how Chase feels about BLQ, were waiting for her to catch up with him. (run BLQ run)
Endgame. Endgame. Endgame!
Update: I'm presently working on my one shot fic for you guys. Im rusty but ChayLynn is motivation. This is catharsis for me till we get over this slump. Hang in there.
Stay tuned. ❤
Yeah, the dumbing down of Chase and upping the selfishness of BLQ isn't working for anyone. Idk how the writers could think it does.
I have yet to see yesterday's episode, but I know that Chalynn was not one of the highlights, so I dread that viewing experience. I thought BLQ already agreed to sign the NDA, or she already did sign it, but is that not the case? If so, I hope she doesn't sign that crap. The serial sexual harassment is something that he can absolutely be nailed for.
I like Blaze a lot, and I think she has great chem with Chase. I absolutely wouldn't mind them having a fling or a genuine relationship (and it won't last too long since Blaze likely isn't going to stay).
I feel like Chase is still too angry at BLQ for what she did to come down and realize he still loves her, and while I'm glad there is a lasting consequence, I'm still not okay with BLQ getting worse treatment than Millow when Millow also wronged Chase brutally.
I wish we had a new Bailey Lou story, that or we fast-forward to them being back tovefht and saying their "I Love Yous." I want to enjoy the journey, but we've waited for years, and once we got what we wanted, it got taken away from us immediately. At this rate, I want shortcuts and proper redemption. If they're meant to be "long-term," the show should act like it.
And that's amazing! I can't wait to read it (and I will share any related links for it)! I'm glad it's working as catharsis. And thank you for the cheering up, it's always appreciated ❤️
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lancerious · 5 months
I think you know who I’m gonna say. But if you feel like you’re getting repetitive then Susie
Clearly, you were referring to any character but Spade King, right? It's obvious you want me to choose any other character :D (<- sarcasm lol).
I'll stat with Spade King first and see if I can think of anything new to say then I'll go to Susie :>.
First, I just want to complain about there not being any Spade King-centric merch on Fangamer yet. I got merch centered around ALL OF MY OTHER TOP 5 FAV DELTARUNE CHARACTERS (besides Rouxls) for crying out loud, I want some Spade King merch! Make a plush of him or something, first his character design is PERFECT for one of those, and second, it would be cute to pair him up with Lancer that way. Maybe there could be both plushies at a slight discount! At the VERY least Fangamer should give out Spade King merch on Father's Day because fathers. I don't care if Spade King isn't "popular" enough for merch, people are GUARANTEED to love it no matter how unpopular he is. I just want my Spade King merch man >:/.
Ok enough whining lol, time to talk about all the kings! I have this goofy idea in my mind where there was constant bickering & whining amongst all the kings when they ruled together. And it's not even bickering about important issues, it's silly things like "what's better choco diamonds or hearts donuts"/"which head of King of Clubs is the most annoying"/"how to pronounce this random word", things like that! Imagining this with how all the kings speak (or don't lol) makes it even funnier too, it would be hilarious to see the King of Hearts arguing with random hand gestures and so on. And NONE of the kings can agree with one another, they all OBVIOUSLY have the right opinion. Idk, I just think it's goofy :).
Something less funny and more adorable is the idea of Spade King's cape doubling as a blanket for Lancer sometimes. I mean, think of all Dark Worlds having seasons! We don't know if that's a thing, but imagine it is. I like to think that during the colder seasons--autumn and winter--Lancer needs extra insulation during the night because he's SMOL. Hence, Spade King's cape! I would think Spade King doesn't get cold super easily, so him giving up his cape temporarily wouldn't be a major issue for him. It's just a cute idea and I had to throw Lancer in here somehow lol.
I know I mentioned my headcannon of Spade King being a coffee addict, but a recent other headcannon popped in where Lancer accidentally drank coffee once due to not knowing what it was. Kid just saw his father's cup of coffee, thought "yeah I'll drink this" & did just that lol. Coffee and Lancer don't mix, that child is gonna be bouncing off the walls aaall day & Spade King will see that, go "heck no I'm not doing this", & make Rouxls watch over Lancer. Well, that or Lancer straight-up doesn't drink the coffee after one sip because it's too bitter for him. Either option works lol.
I want to bring this headcannon of mine up because I see SO many people claim otherwise; I don't think Spade King swears unless he's INCREDIBLY emotional, mostly just anger-emotional. The amount of people I see who think Spade King would swear every other sentence is OBSCENELY big, and I don't agree with this at all. If this were the case, Spade King would have already canonically said A LOT more than only "piss", which even then, the line that word is in was referencing what Susie told Kris at the beginning of Chapter 1. Also, we know for a fact Lancer is practically prohibited from swearing at all, which further proves my point. Spade King is not the swearing type, and I doubt he'll ever be like that. I would argue this isn't even a HEAD-cannon and is actually canonical to his character, but still. Either way, swearing is EXTREMELY minimal.
Spade King has a hidden stash of cashews underneath his--well, not really his anymore lol--throne. That's it, that is all there is.
I've had a lot of ideas on how Lancer got his bike, practically all of which involve Spade King as the one to give said bike. I still stand by that, but something else to add is this: What is Lancer's bike actually USED to be Spade King's bike when he was younger? The bike would have most likely had to be fixed up quite a bit, but still! It could hold a new special meaning for the bike as a whole. Heck, maybe this is part of why Lancer takes such good care of it, what with literally putting the bike in bed and all. Just a sweet li'l thought :).
Last thing for Spade King! I hold the belief that he was raised VERY strictly, and wasn't allowed to do a lot of things. Maybe the other kings had more lenient upbringings, making Spade King jealous/envious of them. Perhaps this is why Lancer has such loose guidelines in terms of what he can do on his own time. It's still a bit strict in some areas of course--one example is Lancer having to be home by a certain time to eat--but in terms of general free time, it's practically limitless for him.
Dang, I did have a lot of fresh Spade King ideas after all! I guess the ideas never stop with this guy. Anyway, onto Susie!
I think the most rational place to start with Susie is her character development! I LOVE the direction Susie is heading, what with becoming more open with others & overall less of a bully/outcast. It's crazy how good her dynamic is with other characters after two, I repeat TWO, canonical in-game days. TWO DAYS! I don't know ANYONE who can change that drastically in two days. Keep it up Susie!
Now for something depressing, every post like this has to have at least one depressing section. I remember how I shared the belief that Susie will warm up to Spade King by the end of Deltarune, but I don't see that being feasible now. Susie is growing as a character, but I don't think she'll get to the point where she's willing to see Spade King as little more than a sworn enemy. If anything, she will at most TOLERATE Lancer beginning to get along with his father again, even if we barely see that happen. I think a big part of why Susie seems to have a more intense hatred for Spade King compared to others is because of his threat to kill Lancer. Even though Spade King explicitly states that was a bluff and Lancer would (allegedly) have been fine, Susie flat-out refuses to accept that. I doubt Susie's mad at Spade King for what he did to HER, it's because of what he did to LANCER. Pretty sad to think about ngl, though we'll have to see how the game progresses.
Speaking of Lancer, I would gush about he & Susie's friendship--I gotta bring this up every time I mention Susie, it's the law--but this post is super long already and I don't have anything really fresh to say in this regard. Just know I still love this duo and their friendship and if anything happens to said friendship I will start a literal war :D!
Susie & Berdly's dynamic is hilarious. Then again, Berdly is hilarious in general. That's about it. It's just funny.
I'm personally intrigued by Susie's backstory and what her family life is like! I don't have tons of ideas in this regard but I doubt it's super positive. I imagine her and Spade King have similar familial/parental backgrounds, but who knows! I hope this sort of stuff is revealed later :).
I think that's it for Susie, I ironically don't have too much to say on her lol. Still, it's nice to cover different characters sometimes! Maybe I should ask for random character prompts more often :>.
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lilyclawthorne · 2 years
Hello i have offers for the kidnapping au
Agustín naturally feeling like it's his fault, and you know Alma doesn't love him too much so she definitely lets him hear that, then Félix snaps on him (on accident obviously because he's just upset) and him just being like. "Fuck it" and being completely reckless and not even trying to keep himself safe, just to save the triplets, and at "the moment of truth" instead of being clumsy he just. Freezes. Because he messed up in getting them kidnapped, he messed up in helping his mother in law, he messed up in helping Félix on the rescue mission, and he's suddenly so horrified to mess up again that he legitimately can't move to save his life.
But consider, when the rescue does happen one of the kidnappers going to shot someone and everyone is unable to act because if they do anything the person being aimed at will be shot on the spot (I'm thinking Félix perhaps because Agustín got their plan failing earlier) and he shoots and... Nothing happens. Kidnapper looks around in bewilderment and Agustín holds up the thingie that holds the bullets like "yeah, no" and now it's kidnappers with no guns vs. kids with superpowers and my man gets redemption arc
Like i also imagine he's the only one around actually knowing how to use a gun from the Encanto, he really didn't want to because it's accident prone Agustín, he knows he'll fuck up, but after Félix snaps at him he just hopes he'll fuck up in a self destructive way and not outwards thus going in for solo gun rescue instead of using his brain (because he probably knows that ideally no one should go alone, i don't think he would go in gun swinging as a first option. I think he'd be this reckless and stupid only after things pile up, over and over again being blamed by others and by himself into thinking his own safety isn't important)
Like idk he's clumsy, not dumb, i think he needs to be severely hurt to go make such a dumb decision like going in alone with a weapon he barely can handle
I’m gonna answer all of your asks in one go and just gonna put a read more
Agustín is almost certainly going to feel a LOT of misplaced guilt. Emotions are gonna be running REAL high and there’s a lot of anger and blame that people are looking to put on someone and he’s an easy target. (I also imagine Mirabel can empathize with him at some point in the middle of all this, feeling like is your fault the family is hurting and she would try very hard to help him understand he’s not at fault, but it’s never that easy is it?)
I do like the idea that he’d get impulsive and actually be the one to go first. It’s a more reckless and in the moment decision, that could better lead to the rest of the chaos and angst that follows.
I also love the idea of badass city boy Agustín having removed the bullets. Only one in the family who can work a gun, and completely unsuspected that he could swap something like that because of how clumsy he is.
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I feel like at this point is where Félix would get a little impulsive, he’s probably been making a plan already but now another person is gone and could get killed so he’s rushing to find Agustín before he gets too far away, partially to back him up, partially because he regrets what he said already.
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I kinda hate Alma getting nasty like that, like at this rate we’re gonna break casita again. But also emotions are running high and it’s not surprising people would lash out instead of addressing their own emotions.
I could see Dolores telling the other grandkids what she heard, and them trying to find a way to comfort him because honestly I think they’d be a little better at understanding not to immediately place blame. I mean this man literally went through a whole other trauma by witnessing them getting taken, and that’s not his fault. But by the time they try and find him and reach out, he’s gone.
I also really think if Alma said those things to him, and after everything happens, that if Julieta would find out she’d be very upset with her mother, and would have a hard time forgiving her afterwards. I imagine none of the triplets would blame him when this is all over
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kortsitron · 3 years
Pairing: Loki × Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: LOKI SERIES E6S1 SPOILERS, mention of killing/murder
Summary: You and Loki finally got to the end of time. You have two options what to do, neither of you wants to fight each other and after everything that happened to you, you are willing to accept your "destiny."
//I said I’m gonna rewrite episode 6 and I did it. I'm making this, because I'M SO FUCKING BROKEN after the Loki series finale. I WANT MY UNSEE JUICE. So about the one shot - Reader takes Sylvie's place and reader is not like her lol. This might be bit a bit cringy, idk what else to say, enjoy ^^//
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“So you have two options, okay? You either kill me, take my place and bring something worse than me or don't kill me and nothing changes.” He Who Remains also known as Kang told you and Loki with happy tone and smile on his face. You looked at Kang, smile still on his face, but he was calm and seemed that he didn't care what was about to happen to him. Then you glanced at Loki, who looked back at you, sitting the next to you on his chair. He was worried, wondering what you were thinking and he had feeling that you might be impulsive in that very moment. He knew that emotions were about tore you apart. You looked at the sword you had on your lap, holding the handle of it tightly. You had enough, you came here to end it all. Kang murmured something about crossing something, but you weren't listening. You barely heard Thunder rumbling.
Without thinking you quickly stood up and wanted to stab Kang right in his head, but before you could even touch him, Loki's sword blocked you from hurting the said man. You stared at Trickest with anger in your eyes, who was standing next to you, with calm expression on his face. “I can't let you do this, (Y/N).” He had no idea what you could do to Kang, so he used his powers to create a ball of magic that threw you across the room. “I didn't want to do that, I don't to fight you.”
“I don't want to fight either.” You stood up, sword still in your hand. At that very moment you understood everything, at least that you thought that. “Do you remember my nexus event?” You asked.
“Yes. You told me that you were almost killed and fighting back brought the TVA.”
“Yeah...” You threw you sword on the floor without any hesitation. You slowly walked towards Loki. “I guess my destiny was to die. So if I didn't die in my time-line, I guess I have to die somewhere else.” You were standing right in front of him and grabbed the hand he that was holding a sword and you put Loki's sword against your neck. “Please, do it quickly. I don't want it to be painful.” You started shaking, being afraid of death. Feeling teats coming to you eyes, you closed them patiently waiting for Loki to kill you.
“I don't want to hurt you.” He never wanted to hurt you, even though your first meeting with him wasn't too nice and you started fighting with him. He wanted to threw away his weapon, but as soon as you felt it disappear, you opened your eyes and brought it back harshly, hurting you neck, feeling a bit of pain that you've decided to ignore.
“Do it! If this is my destiny, I am willing to take it.” You smiled, even though tears left your eyes and didn't want to die. Loki wasn't planning to be the one to end your life, so dropped his swords on the floor, which made loud sound that made you shiver a bit. Right after that, Loki hugged you tightly. “What is that for?” You questioned, clearly confused by his actions. You couldn't help the blush that got on your cheeks and you really wanted to hide your face in your hands.
“You will not die, as long as I live, I will not allow anyone to hurt you. Dying is not your destiny.”
“What makes you so sure?” Loki chuckled, moved away from you and gently grabbed your face in his hands.
“I know you long enough to know that you won't give up so easily and I...” Loki wasn't sure if he should say it, if it was the best moment. He looked away to get his thoughts together, before glancing back at you and kissing your lips very gently, you were pretty surprised, but you didn't complain. After that he pulled away, took a deep breath and finally decided to confess his feelings. “I love you so much, (Y/N).”
“I-I-I had no idea, I thought you were seeing me as friend or partner.” You were surprised, the only thought that popped in your head was to tell him your feelings. “But I love you too. I'm so happy.” You almost jumped on him and hugged him. Loki hugged you back. “So um... What are we gonna do now?” Loki pulled away, not being sure what to do.
“I believe leaving would be good option.” You simply nodded as response. Loki and you thanked Kang and said goodbye, took both of your swords and left. “May I?” He asked, gesturing for you to take his hand. You answered with quick "Sure!" and took his hand. Loki chuckled at how happy you. “Please don't ever change, my dear.”
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cutemeat · 2 years
wait as a newish fan can you tell me how / why rob is misogynist? (like besides his weird things on the podcast lol idk if theres more) and also who is jordan lol
ok im gonna say first of all i was mostly just joking in those tags ur referring to KJNFGDKJ just as full disclosure before I dig into this any further. ..
that being said, me joking abt that stuff in regard to rob is bc it just seems like rob is insecure about how he's contributed to a shitty system and really screwed someone (jordan reid, aka the original Sweet Dee) over personally and after being made more aware of his place in contributing to said system he's overcompensating while he's working thru some of that.... and uh. in all honesty it's something that i find funny and make jokes about cuz i am also someone with an extremely fragile ego n it feels good to deflect and make fun of someone else for having a fragile ego LOL
so it seems like rob's talking on the podcast and in other interviews abt misogyny n trying to 'correct' himself or pulling out that fuckin button on the podcast for 'Solves the North Korea Situation'.... i think this ties into him reconnecting with Jordan (who, like i said, was the og sweet dee who got booted from the production at the last minute largely as result of her n rob breaking up n none of the other guys backing her up...) and basically writing the MQ ep A Dark Quiet Death about that whole situation and the falling out.. idk it just seems like. maybe having to reconcile the fact he has been A Part Of The Problem and an asshole has gotten to him n again it feels like he overcompensates for that in the pod n i like to exploit those insecurities im familiar with in my own ways for laughs LOL. but yknow... i am a 20 yr old unemployed HS drop out on tumblr dot com n hes got a nice mansion and successful career in the film industry so i dont feel like im gonna hurt any feelings here..
so with all that context out of the way: i dont think rob is Actually some raging misogynist ... and if he is I wouldn't know either way cuz I Dont Know The Guy! so def take what I say here with a grain of salt I am very often not being serious and bad at using tone indicators so I do apologize if any of it gets confusing kjndfgkjd. he def has been misogynistic in the ways a lot of men will be without rlly thinking much of it (think dennis' obliviousness to how insane some of his logic about women sounds on sunny, but maybe less predatory but again idk the guy lol) but as of now he seems like he's more aware of that n better late than never n all that!
(once again.. a lot of my opinions here are mostly based in my own experiences and emotions projected onto people and situations I have only heard accounts of in articles/blog posts/podcasts n interviews so def keep that in mind. don't take me as the authority on anything lol. google 'jordan reid' + 'always sunny' and read thru her old blog posts about the situation if u are so inclined and draw your own conclusions! but like i said it's a mostly interpersonal thing between two ppl i dont know and it doesnt seem like there's much bad blood on that interpersonal level anymore rather than anger with a system that failed her. that being said its def a part of the shows history that shouldn't just be forgotten or discarded as it is apart of a larger issue anyway. srry this is all so messy if it wasnt obvious by how badly i am at talking abt this stuff i feel weird talking about strangers lives even celebs but yknow. tbh if i wanna make jokes abt this shit i should be prepared to explain myself anyway. like god im so bad at talking abt any of it seriously but i always wanna know all the dirt cuz I'm so fuckin nosy I love drama n gossip and Backstory!!!)
+ this is an older article that sorta sums up the events n links to her blogpost about it!
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 8
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@hoppingheart said:
Hey c: I would like to ask for a Match up!!
I am female, have green/yellow eyes and brown, long locks.
I am a very calm and balanced person. I love to gain new knowledge and I am a chemist. In general, I am very interested in science, medicine and psychology and our universe. (idk I just want to understand how all that stuff work!)
I'm not interested in a person's appearance, I want to explore and love the inside.
But what belongs to me is a person with whom I can communicate well and it should also be a very calm person I guess, because loud people annoy me. I don't like being around people in general...
I also like reading books and comics and I like to write down my thoughts a lot. (:
It would be nice if a get a male match up and I am 24 years old.
Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day ❤️
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a/n: Hey there! I hope that you had a good week. Thank you for requesting and my apologies for making you wait so long. I had a lot to do and hadn´t the time and peace to write honestly. But I managed to work on your request in a few nights. And I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If not and if there is anything that bothers you please tell me so I can work on that and give you what you imagined. Other than that enjoy the little work I came up with. Happy reading, dear!
Match up rules can be HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @mgmgmgdo (Twitter)!!!
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· I decided to pair you up with my absolute favorite character. A character that got me curious from the first minute he appeared. The character I am talking about is Trafalgar D. Water Law (Not gonna lie. He gets me screaming whenever he says “room”. Like damn that man has way too much power over me! AnYwAyS….)
· I really think that you match so well. You have so many traits in you that not only resemble his but also traits he would love in a s/o
· Law is a pretty modest and chill person. A man that might be always alone and on his own but a man that holds power and intelligence
· You were in the library of the island that was your home. Your place of birth. An island filled by memories and times of joy and sadness. It was a pretty wealthy island who’s king always tried his best. A island, a kingdom supported and watched over by the revolutionary army since 15 years ago when the previous king used his power to torture his people and only take care of his own good life
· You were the daughter of a pretty well known doctor that not only had the position of the health minister of the kingdom but also was the head of the biggest hospital on the island
· You as his youngest and dearest daughter were having a good relationship. He loved you and always looked at you with pride. His daughter after all took the same path as he and worked in the medical industry. You were a psychologist that was aiming to also become a gynecologist just like your mother. Any person in the island knew and respected you for your intelligence and wisdom. So when it came that you told your father that you wanted to leave your dearly loved island and home he was confused and more so shocked when you said that you wanted to leave with a pirate.
· “I think something happened in the library today? Are you fine my dear?”, it took you some time to convince your parents to let you go and let you grow in your own way but after some time. You managed to do so.
· They let you go but didn´t understood what or how it happened that you wanted to leave with some pirates. Criminals. Murders. Scum’s. When told that there are many more ways to grow you smiled at them and shook your head. “Of course it is possible to grow in other ways but I want to grow in the same way he did. I want to be independent and strong just like him. He amazes me. And I am sure that he can teach me so much more. More than any other person here could.”
· How you meet Trafalgar Law you wonder? Let me tell you that.
· On a warm and sunny spring morning you were in the library looking for a book for your latest studies about the concept of punishment and reward in the process of teaching a child (I could talk hours about this since I had a course in college about it. It´s so interesting!)
· After getting everything you wanted you made your way to your favorite spot in the forest that was close to a cliff with a beautiful view to the more crowed areas of the island and it´s harbor
· You were taking notes when something weird caught your eyes.
· “A.. submarine…? I´m not dreaming.. am I? What is a submarine doing here? Wait does it belong to the marine?! Wait no. It has a black jolly roger so it must belong to a pirate”
· You were thinking whether you should go tell the sheriff of the island or go find a guard to make sure the king knows about this but you absolutely had no motivation to leave your books behind and search for someone. So you kept sitting there while ignoring the pirates that docked at the island
· And you managed to do that. You forgot about the pirates and got back to your studies until a bear asked for the way. A BEAR ASKED FOR THE WAY?!?!?
· “OH mY gOd!! You can speak!? How can you speak?!”, you looked at the big standing bear in front of you with widen eyes. You were scared but also fascinated so you pulled yourself together and apologized for your behavior. “I didn´t mean to hurt you with my words. How can I help?”, you smiled at the bear and assured him that he didn´t have to feel bad for scaring her and introduced yourself and lead him and two other man back to the city.
· When you reached the down town you told them that you will be going back and wished them the best. You were about to leave when one of them, who introduced himself as Sashi, asked you if you could help them get everything they needed since they didn´t knew the place and had to go back to the submarine quickly. You wondered why they were in a hurry but didn´t asked and helped them.
· Although they had you as a guide it still took you some time until they had everything. But nevertheless you had everything you needed and made your way back to the submarine. You had a good time with the people and actually forgot that they were pirates since they seemed to be so nice and respectful.
· At the submarine you helped them get everything inside and got plenty of thank you´s from the crew on board. After everything was on board you wished them the best and said your last goodbyes when a grumpy and annoyed looking man approached you from the forest.
· “Captain? What happened? Why did you leave the ship?”, asked the bear with worry in his eyes. You were confused and looked at the tall man who had a sword in his hand. “We have a problem. The pharmacies here won´t sell me any medical products without a permission paper of the health ministry or a doctor.”, you had a small smile on your lips and wondered what he needed that they didn´t sell him. As far as you knew basic medicines were always sell without a problem. “But did you tell them that you were a surgeon?”, the man looked at the bear with pure annoyance and frustration because of the situation he was in. He talked to him and some other people of his crew and tried to find a solution. You on the other hand were surprised that the captain of these pirates was a surgeon. You wanted to ask him were and who taught him to be a surgeon when the gaze of the man fell upon you.
· “Who are you and what are you doing on my submarine?”, the sudden shift of his voice from annoyance to anger surprised you and left you overwhelmed. “I´m no one special. I just helped your men to get the needed supplies and I will leave now. My apologizes for disturbing Sir.”, you were about to leave when the captain spoke up again. “You are a civilian of this island. Tell me why the pharmacies have such strict rules?”, you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “It´s a long story but as much as I can tell you and you need to know is that without permission you can´t be helped. But what do you exactly need? Usually they sell basic medicines without a problem.”, you asked worried to say something inappropriate and anger the pirate. “I´m a surgeon and I not only need basic supplies but also supplies for surgeries.”
· You had so many questions but help back and just nodded. Without thinking twice you asked for a pen and paper and told them that you will help them. With a simple nod the captain gave a permission that made one of his crew mates to go get you what you wanted. With a pen and a notebook in your hands you stared to write down whatever they needed. The list of supplies was accompanied by a letter by you and a signature of yours. The pirates were confused but didn´t asked what exactly you were doing until the captain took the writing and read the letter. With a raised brow and a smirk he told you that this was faking a document when you simply nodded and told him that this was going to help them. You took the paper back and mad him follow you and let you take care of the supplies. He wasn´t really opposed of the help of someone and clearly made you feel and hear it but there was nothing he could do. He needed all of the things and he absolutely had cero time and patience for waiting for a paper of the ministry. So he obeyed and did anything that was needed.
· “Thank you for helping. Is there a way I can pay you back?”, the words that left the dark haired mans lips made you think about a question that lingered on your mind since a while. “How did you become a surgeon? You´re obviously a pirate. Where did you gained all of the knowledge. And on top of that you seem pretty young for a surgeon. I´m really curious.”, you thought that you crossed a line when he looked you in the eyes with a emotionless expression. “I´m pretty young for a surgeon you say? What about you? You can´t be older than me. And the woman working there called you doctor too, didn´t she?”, with a smile on his lips he approached you and took the huge box out of your hands just to hand you his sword. “Take care of it for me. It´s precious, would you?”
· You were dumfounded and just blinked confused and followed him. Is a sword always that heavy? You wondered while you followed the man that walked past you. And it´s so big? The blade must be long. You were inspecting the sword in your hands while trying to remember your grandfathers knowledge of swords. He told me something about a number of really well known swords. I wonder if this one’s also part of it. You were lost in your thoughts when the voice of the over tattooed man took you by surprise and made you stumble over a none existing stone.
· “It´s just a sword. No more or less. Anyways don´t you wanna tell me what exactly your profession is?”, a bit dumfounded you looked at him then the sword for a few times until your brain realized that he asked you a question. “Well... yeah sure! I am a psychologist. My focus until now is on kids and teenager but I might also get into the studies for adults in the future. At the moment I am doing basis studies for gynecology out of interest but also because my best friend recently got pregnant. But honestly it is so interesting….”,
· You were talking like it was the most normal thing ever. As if it wasn´t something special that would make anyone see a genius in you. A beautiful genius with beautiful warm green- yellow eyes. Law was looking at you with awe but tried his best to keep a monotone look on. He once in a while hummed or nodded to make sure you don´t feel like you are talking to yourself. He was amazed by your passion and was full of joy that he found someone with a mind that was similar to his.
· “…. Although I really found interest in gynecology I honestly wouldn´t stop my work as a psychologist since it´s something I always wanted to do. I just want kids to be seen as an equally competent and smart living being as a adult…. Oh. Look we´re back. Hey Bepo!”
· Disappointment. Law was disappointed in the fact how short the way back to the submarine was. He wanted to hear you talk more about yourself. The wish to hear you do so made him do something that wasn´t like his usual self. “Guys, let´s stay here for today. We will set sail tomorrow. The island seems save and the people are nice. And your bodies need some sunlight. Bepo and the girls are way too sensitive lately.”, the girls of his crew instantly went into a fighting mode and were ready to throw hands if it weren´t for the boys who held them back. The sight of the mad girls and the worried looks of the boys really amused you and made you chuckle.
· “Do you mind having lunch with me? I would like to hear more about your researches.”, he asked while avoiding looking in your eyes. With a bright smile you nodded and asked him if he could tell you something about himself too, what he agreed on.
· Out of just one night it turned into a week the heart pirates stayed what was pretty unusual but didn´t seem to bother the captain a lot. In fact it was him who forgot that they had a plan to follow and reach Sabaody but that was long forgotten.
· With a lot of time and patience the man who kept talking with you managed to get you to join his crew and become a part time pirate how you liked to call it. He didn´t mind that and in fact liked it and called it cute
· It didn´t took you long to get used to your new environment and home. You had a good time and the heart pirates enjoyed your accompany. More so their actual captain that tried to be around you as much as possible. Even when you didn´t talk to each other and had a calm and peaceful silence fill the room you were in, he was happy. He liked and enjoyed it to the fullest. Quiet study sessions were a routine for the two of you. Every two days you would meet up in his bedroom (that was the only quiet place in the whole submarine because the crew is so damn loud and lively. Like basically the opposite of their captain) and have those little study sessions.
· With you being part of the heart pirates a lot of things changed for Law. As the captain who was also in charge for the health of his crew of 20 people he always had a lot to do. But since you came he had it way easier. From the day you put a feet on the submarine you asked for permission to take over the health quarter and the medical files of the crew. Without even having to start a discussion he gave them to you and let you take care of them.
· Law was grateful for you and your decision to join him in his journey. He appreciated and respected you so much that he would sometimes just stare at you when you worked while a tiny smile would lay on his lips. “Captain. Do you like y/n? Cuz you’re staring at her for more than an hour now. Like every day. Are you ok?”, would Penguin say and get a death glare from his captain.
· With months passing Law found out that he indeed liked you. He knew that he was more than just happy when you came to him for his opinion on something. He liked how you would leave his cabin without a word just to come back with a tray of coffee and water. He knew that his heart would start beating faster whenever you would stand at his back and give him a head massage. He knew that the slight pain that would grow in his heart whenever you would give Shashi or Penguin a head massage was because he wanted to be in their position. He knew that he didn´t like how you took care of the guys in his crew because you would touch them and give them a hug after every check up. He would feel sad whenever he would find you sitting between Bepos legs with some of his crew members around you when you told them stories about the universe and gave them astrology lessons they gladly and always took when they were free. You amazed them and taught them so many things.
· He knew and understood all of his emotions but never called them love until he was spending a night on deck of the submarine with you.
· He didn´t sleep for night’s again. He couldn´t sleep for nights but his body told him to do so. It screamed at him to lay down and close his eyes but his mind held him back like any other time too. His mind that told him that he needed to be awake and take care of his people. His mind that showed him the scariest and saddest scenarios whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would show him a picture of you whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would get his heart to start racing and being the cause of his heavy breathing.
· “Law you should sleep.”, you said walking up to him. You put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “Law?”, “I should sleep. I know that but my mind is telling me not because it is the only way I can keep my crew save.”, you said nothing. You kept quiet and listened to him. But your silence made him feel like he said the dumbest thing ever. “I´m sorry. I probably sound ridic…”, “No you don´t. I can understand you. Having these thoughts as a captain is accurate and understandable. There are people looking up to you. People who think that their captain will save them and take care of them no matter what will happen.”, Laws gaze that was fixed on the horizon was now drifting down to the water below them. “It´s okay to have these fears but you need to take care of yourself. Your body needs to rest. If you don´t want to do that for yourself then please do it for me and the rest of your crew. Because obviously I am the only one that can´t fight and needs protection.”
· A little smile grew on Laws lips that made him look at your hand that was laying on his. Your small hand that seemed so fragile like fine china. “There is nothing to worry about. I´ll protect you with my life y/n.”
· “I know you will but therefore you need to sleep and rest.”, Law stood on the spot without moving. His gaze now laying on your hand that was softly put on his made him realize how close you were standing next to him. So close. So damn close. He could feel the warmth that radiated from your body. He could feel you. But at the same time it wasn´t close enough. His brain was shut off and his mind was blank.
· Neither he nor did you know how it happened but one thing was clear. You were hugging each other and liking it. Law pulled you close to his body with absolutely nothing being able to fit between you two. The only thing that was separating you was your clothes. “Y/n….”, he was saying your name like he was about to start a sentence. A sentence that couldn´t leave his lips. He was frustrated. He was mad and he hated himself. He hid his face on your shoulder and breathed in your smell while a sentence left his lips you only could dream of.
· “Don´t leave me if you don´t wanna break my heart.”
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taichouu · 3 years
thoughts on the hashira? 👁️👄👁️
AH so many ,, I WILL BE TALKING SPOILERS FOR SOME. Also these are not in order <3
1. Mitsuri Kanroji - <3 I cannot thank Gotouge enough for making her love for her friends the drive for her goals. I'm sure I would have been fine if Gotouge went ahead and made her personality revolve around finding anyone attractive, but it truly is special to me that it's specifically her platonic love !! Her design is very cute, and I feel like her pupils should have been heart shaped but I digress.
2. Uzui Tengen - You either die a rengoku fan or live long enough to become a uzui fan when content of Rengoku runs out. My opinion on him fluctuates. I think his lines are funny and he says the most OUTLANDISH shit ever. I find it hilarious that he just clearly hates children. I think he's the type of guy who I'd hate irl with a burning passion but I'd still die for the dick tho- 💀😭 his mice are FUNNY FUNNY.
3. Kyojuro Rengoku - We all know my opinion of this man. I want to marry him and I want to eat a nice meal with him. He and I are both Taurus, have twin birthdays and have the most outlandish hairstyles. I relate to him hard as an eldest sibling and I think his character arc is really... idk.. sad :/ I have more thoughts on this.
4. Gyomei Himejima - On god I wish Gotouge gave him MORE. Just more anything. I find his personality parallel to Sanemi super intriguing, and I just.. I love him. I have nothing but good and pure thoughts about him.
5. Shinobu Kocho - OK I'm gonna be honest I kind of didn't like her for a long time. I don't know what it was. I thought the exploration of her anger was super interesting, but I feel like to me her character kind of .. bland? Please don't come for me 😭 I just didn't feel attached to her like everyone else did. I think she has the prettiest haori though <:)
6. Muichiro Tokito - Ah.. Mui Mui.... I love him. Tragic boy, and I'm such a sucker for the turquoise tips (my first oc when I was 9 actually had his exact same hairstyle LMFAO). I think he's very funny. I love him because he reminds me of my sister.
7. Sanemi Shinazugawa - I should hate him but I don't. Gotta say, out of all the hashira, I feel so hard for him with all of my heart. The fact that he's gotten left behind for his entire life and forced to live when it's clear (to me) he didn't even want to? Oh my God. I get so emotional about him. I love him in the way that you love someone who you can't love but want to love so badly. In a way, I do love him more than Rengoku. But it's also very different.
8. Obanai Iguro - Gotta say kinda went off with the aesthetic. Ok Beetlejuice get it ! I think it's cute that he likes Mitsuri.. Goth x Bubblegum couple wins AGAIN.
9. Giyu Tomioka - His backstory is so bland but at the same time....... he is so loveable. He makes my heart hurt and yearn for him. I also think his design is one of the most iconic despite being so simple? My best friend really likes Giyu so I associate him with good things <3
Honorable Mentions:
10. Shinjuro Rengoku - I fucking hate him and I want to beat him with my fists of fury every time he opens his mouth. No comment on his appearance-
11. Kanae Kocho - I thought she was cute !!! I wish we got more interaction between her and the other pillars or at least Shinobu.
"Thoughts on ____"?
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer~tarot is speculative and this is my interpretation of energy. Take it with a grain of salt.
Honey boi time. Strap down because this one is wild. Kinda. And soft. Really really soft. And a little creepy. Buckle in.
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So for starters Yoon has a dark, royal blue color energy. It isn't as opaque as Koos was but it was very... thick? Like its not that it wasn't opaque from a lack of energy but rather that kinda had clear energy mixed in too?? It was really pretty and its kinda like the more you look at it the deeper it gets?
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It was kinda like this but deeper? And it was almost reflective and "sparkly" idk put it was real pretty.
So first thing to note. Yoon is always easy for me to connect with so he didn't have any barriers put up or whatever so when I was going towards him he was in red flannel pj bottoms and I was like, "am I missing something?" But no. He was just being comfy I guess? Now usually when I connect with energy of a person there's this like eternal tree trunk rope colum thing of energy or something that I kinda follow and then there's little platforms that they're on? I always have my back facing the energy colum thing when I connect.
That was not the case this time. Yoon essentially led me to his side to face the energy trunk? And he was like, "its weird on this side, huh?" ??? Hello, sir. What the fuck. This to me hints that maybe he is also going out and consciously connecting to energies? Idk man. But I was like, "yeah, it is kinda weird" It only gets weirder.
Next I was facing yoon and I was like hey I want to read your soulmate and gave him like a big ole energy marble expecting that to kinda get the connection going but the only thing I heard from his soulmate was "I can't tell you" like shit. And then he dissolved my energy offering? Oki. And I essentially couldn't connect with his soulmate at all. Anyway, I floated off the little platform thing (that was real bizarre) and yoongi connected with me.
His soulmates energy wasn't present at all but I was told to continue any way. Now for in my opinion the creepiest part. So, keep in mind yoons is actively connected to me and I was like, "well, if your soulmate isn't here then please guide me to what deck I should use for their personality signifier and he pointed me to the fountain tarot.
I started shuffling and after I did one bridge shuffle and split it to do another one he was like, "hey, you're gonna get temperance reverse fyi" and I was like hahaha no. And he was like, "no. Listen to me. Bridge twice, hand shuffle twice and split into two. And you'll get temperance rev. Turn it ride side up when it comes out" I was like okay but you crazy. Tarot doesn't work like that
Guess what fucking came up? TEMPERANCE REVERSED when I tell you I freaked out I mean I fuckin freaked. I know it sounds made up or unbelievable and if I didn't see it happen I'd say its fake but FUCK DUDE. So i asked my pendulum if it should be reverse and it was like no, flips that shit. And I swear to God yoongi was laughing at me for being spooked like the smug ass that he is.
First note I wrote was sagittarius energy. This person has sagittarius energy. Yep yep yep. This person balances him out. Temperance is the card of sagittarius. Heavy fire influence in the cart.
Oki now onto personality explained. I got 3 of coins, the heirophant, ace of wands and the magician. This person is very spiritual and has been manifesting him (they’ve manesfesting eachother but I'll get to that later?) This is a person that values knowledge and is very creative and has a lot of quick ideas. This person also really values communication of knowledge. Loves to get it loves to share it. Probably the person that can tell you a stupid fact about almost anything.
We also have networked, storyteller, god and mentor. This is someone who loves to teach people about what they've learned. They like to share the wisdom (with the god card im inclined to say that they share spiritual wisdom but I don't see it as a career?) This person values communication and collecting knowledge.
Now, on to relationship. We have wheel of fortune, justice, ace of wands and the lovers. This relationship has been in the works on a spiritual level for a long time. They’ve been actively manifesting eachother. We know Yoon is at least a little psychic so this makes sense. This relationship is founded in balance. They treat eachother as equals. I also wrote, "certainly something devine". They have a witty rapport and its so so so loving! They have really good communication and respect for eachother! They are also good at keeping eachither accountable.
Now for this person's career. They’ve been going through a change so their career is undecided. There was likely a period of depression that put a pause on their career? But there's also the queen of coins which suggests that they will be making good money. Now, I chose 3 clarity cards on the queen of coins to help me figure out where this money will be coming from and I drew three more coin cards so this means this person is on the cusp of making some good money soon!
Now we have answer the call, awakening and share your voice. They are being called to be together. Again yoon is woke af and apparently so is his soulmate. The picture i get is like when they finally meet they're both a little shy because they've been connecting with eachothers energies and they're like, "whos gonna bring it up?" Like they are finally out of hiding when they meet. Its cute as fuck.
Oki. We have answered prayers, spiritual path and make time for self care. THEY ARE MANIFESTING EACHOTHER. They are a woke pair and the energy is so sturdy and solid. I also get the sense that they engage in self care together? Like they'll make sure to take care of themselves spiritual and physical. I also think that they would be that type of couple to have a mad bath bomb collection.
Side note: while I was doing this I got like a cute little picture in my head of them sitting on the couch in pj's and facemasks with towels on their heads sipping wine and that makes me soft.
Now onto the message from his soulmate cards. So we have release all anger, new idea, be positive, take a shot, Have you eaten? You're acting like a big ass baby and shit is going down with your job. Now. I made a note that this is from Yoon to his soulmate? Um, sir? But oki, yoon makes the rules. What I get from this is that his soulmate is currently going through some job related stuff and he's saying, "hey, its okay to start over. Do that thing you've been wanting to do for a while" he wants his soulmate to stop focusing on what isn't going right and just start fresh. I also lowkey think he's like, you need to just fucking chill. The world isn't imploding just because something isn't working out. Its very reassuring and it feels like he wants to comfort them. Cute
Let's talk about the descriptors now. Yoon was very picky with these? Which confused me. They don't know eachother in person is the vibe im getting and I don't think yoon has ever seen this person either? I think maybe he's had dreams of his soulmate? Idk but the cards are: quality time, fashionable, unique, free spirit, independent, short hair, younger, sweet, charming. I also made a note for brown hair and a masculine chart.
For my little word cards we have, fate, vows, serendipity and loyalty. WE GET IT. YOURE ADORABLE TOGETHER
"All men should learn before they die, what they are running from and to and why" is the little fortune. I think that this is yoon telling his soulmate to do some shadow work? Like find out why you do the things you do, why certain things anger you ect.
Now at this point I was told that I had to use the small deck to get more cards about the relationship. I was like "I already did that but whatever" and I did. I pulled 10 of cups, 2 of cups and the lovers again. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This is the most romantic and soulmatey soulmate reading ever. 10 of cups is emotional fulfillment. This is just everything. Everything! 2 of cups is romance, unified love. Its also about partnership. They work so well together. And the lovers card. Love, relationships and harmony. Oh my god its fucking nuts.
Now onto the final card. Again. Very very very clearly told that this is for his soulmate. We have, the perfection of your life. This card talks about a spiritual storm coming to shake things up in order to put things to put things back in perfect order. A quote I like from the book is, "all is unfolding to a perfect higher order." This to me kinda sums it up well. Shit is about to get crazy for his soulmate and its not a bad thing. Change is need for this person and there is change coming that will stir every thing up and place it back in better places. Ugh. I can't. He wants his soulmate not to fear the storm but rather embrace it and know that positive change will come out of it.
Last part. When the reading is over I always disconnect and essentially put the energy back? This time on yoons little platform (I sound like a lunatic trying to describe some of this shit I swear) I was like, "hey thanks for being cooperative and being so active and involved i appreciate that." And then he gave me an energy marble ball thing too? I was like, "thanks but what the fuck" and then I did what he did when I gave him the marble ball energy thing in the beginning and just... put it in my energy? Like thats what he did? so is that like an energy custom that I don't know about? Wtf. My best guess is that I gave him an offering of energy and he gave me some in return at the end? And then the little shit just dissappears? MIN YOONGI I HAVE QUESTIONS YOU CAN'T JUST DISSAPPEAR??
But he did. And that was the end. It was super fucking bizarre. So for say joo I connected to his soulmate through him. So it was a connection with the soulmate but hosted by joons energy? For Jk his soulmate gave me a direct link which was new and awesome but for Yoongi it was just a very direct connection with him. Just him.
That really tells me that he knows his soulmate well on a soul level and his soulmate literally said, "I can't tell you"
I'm confused but very happy for him!
Yoon is a very soft and sweet man, pass it on
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faebriel · 3 years
ok ok I'm insane and couldn't pick one so have two (no need to answer both if you don't want to)
“You talk to him.” Not kindly, but he does.
“I’m used to him,” he shoots back. “I’m the only person who is.”
That makes Niki feel something, some uncomfortable tug in her chest. She mentally kicks herself. It’s not jealousy, she reminds herself, because despite the near-cliff jumping and the long nights without food and the nuclear fallout that has punctuated her last few months, being jealous of Tommy would be the least reasonable thing she’s allowed herself to be, maybe ever.
“You don’t believe me,” Tommy says flatly. “You never - eugh.” He cuts himself off with another ragged sigh, running a hand down his face. “Look, Niki, it’s - we were all together in Pogtopia, right? But I was there first. With him. And you didn’t see the start of it, it was horrible, and I’m glad no one else saw the beginning of it either but it was still just so shit and he kept saying all these terrible things about Tubbo and Fundy and you and,” he takes a shaky breath, “then, when I died, I saw him.”
Her breath catches in her throat.
Well, the voice in the back of her head whistles. If you were still wondering about all this afterlife bullshit, if you want to know where you’re going after your third life, here you go.
“You didn’t even - this isn’t about L’Manberg, Wilbur!” Niki shouts.
And then he stops, breathing hard, and he looks at Niki the same way he does whenever her voice is being drowned out in a crowd - the way he does when he wants to hear her, when he wants to know what she has to say.
“What else is there?” he asks.
Niki freezes. Stock still, unable to move, unable to breathe, ice threading its way through her gut, her chest, her shoulders, chilled down to the bone. With slow-dawning horror, she can feel hot tears welling up behind her eyes, sitting in her throat, threatening to spill over into a sob. She swallows - to keep her cool, to stay calm, to keep it together -
And then, something in her chest just snaps.
“You said you’d come back for me!” she cries, and her voice hitches on the lump of tears at the back of her throat and god, she sounds absolutely pathetic. Wilbur’s face softens immediately, which somehow just makes her feel even worse. “In Manberg. When Schlatt put me in prison, and you and Tommy were in Pogtopia, you said you’d break me out when it was safe. I waited for weeks , Wilbur. It was… it was horrible.”
“Niki…” a kaleidoscope of emotions flicker across his face, and he seems unsure which to settle on. “We got you out though, right? After the festival.”
“You looked for the button first,” she says quietly, and he stills.
Her sniffling sounds embarrassingly loud against the quiet background of night.
thank you sm!!! i’m gonna put these under the cut because they got a little long sorry (tw for discussion of suicidal ideation)
to preface: tommy is kind of the accidental but incredibly necessary invisible support beam for niki and wilbur’s making amends in bitter. niki cannot accept wilbur’s actions and apology without first acknowledging her own actions and making steps towards an apology, because otherwise it kind of falls flat? in that ending scene niki finally gets what wilbur is feeling and wilbur finally gets that someone else knows how he feels (it’s not perfect 100% yet, but…. that’ll get explored later)
onto the actual snippet! “tommy talks to wilbur - not kindly, but he does” was very important to me! tommy has stuck by wilbur ever since pogtopia, but the tragedy is that he is not equipped to deal with wilbur’s issues, and it shows. wilbur’s first stream after revival depicts this really clearly, where tommy tails wilbur around the whole time but insults him, is still stuck on calling him the villain, physically fights him at some point, etc. on one hand this isn’t healthy but on the other hand tommy is actually around, which is more than can be said for basically any other ally wilbur has had on the dsmp, maybe excluding his dad, who literally killed him lmfao.
this whole issue is exacerbated by the fact that tommy believes that he is the only person who properly understands wilbur, the only person who gets what happened to him, and feels like wilbur is generally his burden to bear. he failed to stop wilbur from both 1. hurting other people and 2. killing himself after the pogtopia-manberg war - and he doesn’t trust wilbur not to do either of those things again, so he’s stuck hovering around wilbur while wilbur is inadvertently setting off his own trauma and feeling responsible for any way he might fuck up and hating that but not wanting to leave. tommy’s memory isn’t perfect and he isn’t a perfect narrator, what he remembers from pogtopia the most were the scariest parts and that’s understandable but it means he’s holding wilbur to the worst expectations of behaviour (and he does so very vocally). the others showed up later, sure, but in tommy’s eyes he’s the only one who saw wilbur’s descent, and by the time they showed up wilbur had already changed irreversably. tommy tries to rationalise this by splitting the ‘different wilburs’ apart from each other in his head (he does this in canon too - there’s one quote from like late 2020 where he says he and tubbo need to keep on going for who wilbur used to be, not who he became, even though they’re,, the same person), and no one challenges that perspective, so he just keeps doing it even though it’s not healthy for him or wilbur.
and then limbo happened and, oh geez, THAT didn’t help jhfaskjjfsa
tommy is on a bit of a knife edge with niki in this fic. niki’s in this state of “ok, he’s annoying whatever, i’m moving on”, but all tommy knows is that she tried to kill him that one time, disappeared off the face of the map, joined a book club with two people who definitely do not like him, and now is just acting weirdly mellow and polite. she is not someone he wants near wilbur bc what the fuck is she gonna do? what is he gonna do? who knows. he’s frustrated that niki doesn’t seem to acknowledge how he’s feeling (especially bc once upon a time she would have been someone he trusted to acknowledge them - they were friends, they fought together) and he’s taking a big step by telling someone about his concerns here, especially bc tommy doesn’t really like talking about them at all. he wouldn’t be saying absolutely anything to niki if he didn’t truly believe she should stay away from wilbur, even if he’s wrong about him. (sometimes i think i write tommy as a little too emotionally mature here but it all goes out the window when wilbur’s brought up. idk if that balances it out)
ok onto niki: this is the first she has actually heard of limbo! she’s only just come around to the fact that resurrection is possible at all. death is kind of a touchy subject for niki both in general and re: wilbur in the fic - she’s coming off of a period in her life where suicidal ideation was, uh, a big thing (whether you want to read that into canon or not is subjective, that’s just the angle i went with in this fic). the sudden existence of a life after death, miserable as it is - and whether she really believes in such a place, when it only exists in tommy and wilbur’s words - that is a lot of information for her to absorb all at once. death is a weird connection point for tommy and niki here, coming right off of the fact that they’ve just acknowledged each other having those problems - tommy, out of, yknow, altruism, would very much like to keep niki out of that place, and niki is quietly reckoning with the fact that that is where she would have sent him. the concept of limbo from the perspective of a character with no experience of it, even secondhand, is so interesting to me like what kind of eldritch location would you feel like you’re living in asghjkl
(also - i gotta be honest the jealousy angle here but mostly when she’s talking later about dream not deserving wilbur’s companionship kinda came out after this post came across my dash while writing. whoops /j)
fun fact, this is the very first snippet of bitter that i ever wrote! all the way back in may!! this is like the moment of the fic - it's where the miscommunication that niki and wilbur have been having is shattered entirely - and so sticking the landing was uhhh kinda important to me lol.
wilbur's entire being in this fic is basically consumed by L'Manberg - he equates his self worth to it entirely. in his eyes, everyone (rightfully) hates him because of what he did to L'Manberg, because L'Manberg was corrupted and he himself with it, etc. niki tries to tell herself this, and while it definitely does form part of her issues with him, it was the betrayal that causes her this much pain - that he seemingly brushed her and their friendship off entirely when he supposedly left her for dead in manberg. because here is what we as the audience know: wilbur couldn’t leave niki in trouble when he heard her life was in danger, even when he was trying to find the button (pretty much the only thing he sees himself as having left at this point) and so he returned. here is what it looks like from niki’s perspective: wilbur told her to wait in manberg until it was safe to come to pogtopia, laid the place with TNT, went to blow up the place, and only returned when he couldn’t find the detonator (and then the first thing she saw him do in pogtopia was encourage the pit behaviour but that’s not what we’re talking about asdfgh). that is massive miscommunication and it’s been brewing between them for months - to make a quirky little reference to the title, niki has been carrying that anger with her so long it's gone bitter. it was never just about l’manberg with niki - not that anger, not her and wilbur’s friendship (hence the little flashback earlier in the fic, bc niki’s relationship to anarchism and statehood or statelessness juxtaposed with her friendships with wilbur and eret - she loves l’manberg bc she loves wilbur, but she loves eret too and those national ties don’t undermine that - is Real Interesting to me) - so when wilbur asks what else there could possibly be (because in his mind, what else could she have bothered staying around for?), she just fucking breaks.
“Niki freezes. Stock still, unable to move, unable to breathe, ice threading its way through her gut...with slow-dawning horror, she can feel hot tears welling up behind her eyes” - prose discussion time! heat and cold are two big throughlines in this fic - particularly for niki, cold is what she is. admittedly when i started with it i mostly wanted to subvert hot = angry and cold = dead but i kinda ended up enjoying this take on it for what it is instead of just as a subversion (also i like the idea of revived people running hot, their bodies r working hard to keep em going). she’s holding onto her feelings and refusing to deal with them, she’s frozen over. descriptions of cold are key to niki’s mental state throughout the fic - cold weight on her chest, feelings of frostbite when she and wilbur hug the first time, ice cold water during the dinner scene, waking up in the cold flat, etc. this was an attempt at describing a more visceral feeling of like, when you’re really mad and you can just feel the adrenaline running through your veins. always felt more cold than hot to me. when she starts to cry, the facade she’s been putting on is finally thawing out and cracking the ice she’s buried her feelings under. (also gives an excuse to write warm comforting hugs towards the end /hj). it’s a loss, it’s catharsis, it’s a whole mess.
and ofc this is all news to wilbur and he feels terrible, because as unintentional as it was, he really really hurt her - because the destruction of l’manberg fucking sucked but above all else wilbur hurt the people he loved because they loved him so much and not in spite of it, because they cared about him so deeply and his death was a massive blow to them. this hasn’t even dawned on him, because how could it? he respects deeply niki (lowkey respects her opinion more than his own at this point) so he has to listen, because it’s niki (“and he looks at Niki the same way he does whenever her voice is being drowned out in a crowd - the way he does when he wants to hear her, when he wants to know what she has to say” - because he does), and what she says fucking floors him. in his eyes, he failed her by putting her in danger and then by destroying her home - the idea that she valued him and their friendship so much flies entirely over his head until this moment, and he is forced to re-evaluate the mindset that has motivated him since… basically since pogtopia! the way i write wilbur is like… yes, he’s one of niki’s closest friends and he’s more aware of her insecurities and issues than most (which is why he does always take the time to listen to her, etc) but he does over-idealise her a bit. tbf, i think he does to some extent with everyone (calling tubbo strong on the anniversary stream, for example). also the fact that he really wasn’t around for niki’s lowest moments as a character! he still thinks of her the way she was in l’manberg - confident, steadfast, respected - and this moment shatters that for him as he realises exactly what effect he and his death had on her and everyone else, not just by his actions, but because they loved him and cared for him so deeply.
sorry that this got horrifically long!! and thank you so much for sending snippets in <3333
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
15 notes · View notes
hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You? || BEN DROWNED
Pairing : Yandere! Ben Drowned X Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Yandere
Summary : Appears as a normal dude, but plot twist he's really not.
Wordcount: 4k lol
WARNINGS : This is fic is labeled as Yandere, for those who don't know what it means: "Somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance. But when it comes to their love (crush)they will act obsessive and violent." - Urban dictionary, poorly (but still disgustingly) described dead people, I know Ben originally doesn't kill but in the story he does, idk? Shit written¿ 
Also disclaimer this is my first time I've tried doing a yandere and it's obviously not my strongest point. Hope you enjoy either way.
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You glance at the abandoned game console which your friend had dumped at your place earlier this day.
According to him, something was very, very, wrong with it. The Nintendo 64 was old, of course, but your friend mentioned not being able to pass the boss battle. He mentioned something along the lines of 'it keeps glitching and Link keeps dying'. In other words ' I know you're a hacker and I suck at this game, please hack it for me so I can feel less like a loser'.
You keep writing the email you're supposed to sent to your boss for another thirty minutes, before letting your curiosity lead you. 
Before you know it, you've plugged in the old console with more cables than originally planned because of how old it is, and with how modern your tv is. The first odd thing that strikes you is that there's only one account on it, and it's not labeled with your friend's name. 
Instead of 'Noah', it's labeled with 'BEN DROWNED' in bold passive aggressive letters.
Simply pushing it to the back of your mind, you start playing.
The second odd thing about the game is that the game has a specific date and it mentions how far BEN, or well, Noah is in the game. Yet when you click it, you have to start all over.
You shrug that off too, simply noting it as the game being old.
Before you know it, several hours pass, and you're finally at the boss battle Noah mentioned. Deciding to see if you can beat it first, you do not plug your laptop in at the Nintendo 64, and opt to play instead.
However just like Noah mentioned, you die as soon as you're close to winning and the game starts glitching.
It takes you barely ten minutes before you're fed up with it, and soon enough you plug your laptop in. You start up some programs and open up a few sites, quickly starting to work. Your fingers glide over the keys of your laptop as you type in the codes in order to hack the game, however after a few minutes, the game starts glitching heavily, and suddenly there's a sentence in bold red letters on the screen of your tv.
It says before the glitching becomes way too much, and some weird kind of red circle appears. Your eyes widen before unplugging the tv and game console, forgetting that your laptop is connected to it.
You miss the small glitches on the laptop screen.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - -
He gritts his teeth as the access to his portal is suddenly denied, the power cut early enough to avoid him.
His red eyes wander in the green coded space, looking for an exit, something that'll make sure he can get his hands on whoever this is. Lucky for him, there's a small white space what'll lead to the outside of it.
Once he's trough, he realizes he's still close to his victim. In fact, he's even closer now.
He smirks as he realizes.
Killing her is fair game now.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - »
You tap your chin as you look as the items on the shelf.
" Should I get the red one or green one?" You mumble to yourself.
" I'd recommend the green one. Green is always better." A voice from behind you startles you.
You whip your head around to look at the stranger who's talking to you.
Behind you is a male you don't recognise from anywhere. And as you start to study him, you realize he's quite handsome. He's got blonde hair, blue eyes and a rosy skin colour. He's wearing black ripped jeans, a dark green shirt, along with a black zip up hoodie, which is left open, he's got a few black ear piercings in his right ear, and has a gold chain around his neck, which disappears beneath his shirt, weighed down by a charm hidden away from your eyes. To top it all of, he's got a matching dark green beanie on top of his messily styled bangs.
" What? Did I say something wrong?" The blonde boy suddenly sweats.
You smile and shake your head.
" No, you didn't. I just tough I was alone here." You smile at him.
ØⱧ ₴₩ɆɆ₮ⱧɆ₳Ɽ₮, ɎØɄ Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ฿ɆɆ₦ ₳ⱠØ₦Ɇ ₣ØⱤ ₳ VɆⱤɎ ⱠØ₦₲ ₮ł₥Ɇ ₦Ø₩.
" I take that you talk to yourself then?" The male spits at you.
You're not sure if that's meant offensive or not.
" Um, yeah? I tend to do that sometimes yeah." You say, looking down at your hands who're still holding the red silk scarf and green silk scarf.
Đø₦'₮ ฿ɇ ₳₣ɽ₳łđ, ł ₩ø₦'₮ ⱨʉɽ₮ ɏøʉ. Øɽ ₩łⱡⱡ ł?
The unknown male's eyes soften subconsciously, looking at you with an emotion you're not familiar with.
" My name is Ben. What's yours?" 
Ben? Haven't you heard that somewhere before?
You smile at him, oblivious to the fact that you're talking to a killer.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Ben."
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS ? ¿ »
His mind flooded with ideas.
There's so many options on what he can do to her.
Should he mess with her laptop?
Should he just kill her now?
Or should he become closer?
Maybe he should.
He looks at her trough the screen of the laptop, which is almost always open, today not being any different.
He watches her as while she watches something behind the laptop, from the sounds he can hear trough the mic, she's most likely watching tv.
Perhaps he should become closer to her.
Pull her closer only to have her blood staining his hands.
Oh yes, her blood shall soon become his.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴
She doesn't realize it when her laptop suddenly starts itself up, nor does she know that there's a figure crawling out of it.
He stared at her with deciphering eyes, silently wondering how she isn't dead yet.
If this was anyone else, he'd had them killed already. Their blood would already be staining his face and she would already be screaming in pain and dispair.
Yet here she was, laying peacefully on her bed. Asleep, obviously not dead. 
He wonders exactly what he should do next. She doesn't know that he's standing right next to her. It almost makes him laugh.
She doesn't even know that he exists.
She doesn't know that he's here.
He glares at her before moving back into the world of codes and technology.
For now, she lives.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ
" And then it suddenly started glitching and stuff. Weird isn't it?" You finish off your story as you look at your new friend, Ben.
After meeting in the grocery store, he had suddenly texted you. 
Not knowing how he got your number, you got concerned, and asked him. According to him, you had given it to him yourself. At first you didn't believe him, until he told you to check the time of his first message, which somehow was indeed around the same time you were in the grocery store. After that you just shrugged it off as that you forgot it yourself. After all, you knew yourself to be a person with the memory of a goldfish.
Today the two of you met up again, for the fourth time this week.
" Odd indeed. What did you do after that?" Ben asked, acting as if he's interested, even tough he's really not.
" I unplugged it. I think I'm gonna lay off hacking for a while." You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
Before he could even think of a response, there was an unknown woman at your table, also holding a cup of coffee.
" Y/N? Long time no see." The new woman greeted you with a smile, sitting down beside you on the booth.
Ben scowled at the newcomer.
Ⱨø₩ đ₳ɽɇ ₴ⱨɇ ₴ł₮ ฿ɇ₴łđɇ ₩ⱨ₳₮'₴ ₥ł₦ɇ ₩ł₮ⱨøʉ₮ ₥ɏ ₱ɇɽ₥ł₴₴łø₦
" Hey, Sara. It's indeed been too long. How are you?" You started chatting with Sara.
Meanwhile Ben's anger only grew.
" My names Ben." Ben suddenly dryly joined your conversation as he slammed his drink down onto the table aggressively, looking straight into Sara's eyes.
" Sorry. Didn't see you there. I'm Sara nice to mee-"
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Leave. We didn't invite you to come sit with us." Ben spat at her, looking at her with an intense look in his eyes.
Both you and your friend turned to look at him in confusion.
" Is something wrong with me being here? Did I offend you?" Sara asked, genuinely concerned.
Ben was fuming now, on the inside. Who does this girl think she is? First she comes to sit at their table uninvited, then she's capturing the attention of his new favorite plaything, and now she's questioning him? She has to go.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ
He heard her conversation with a male he certainly doesn't know trough her phone, using the microphone without her knowing.
According to what he knows, they're on a date. And according to her contacts, his name is Jaime. He can't find where they met, nor did he know why they met up.
But now that she's checked her reflexion one too many times, and made a pic of her full outfit to send to him, probably to mock him for not having her, ɏɇ₮, he realizes that she's on a date.
After some research by surfing quite literally trough the internet. It turned out this 'Jaime' person was Mexican, and had a soft persona. On his facebook page were pictures where he's working with animals or doing volunteers' work or overall just something where he's helping others. He found the black haired male pathetic, weak even.
In all honesty, even he himself didn't really find him a threat. Not when he looked like that and was overall just kind and bambi looking.
However, all his expectations are thrown out of the window when he hears them say their goodbyes.
" You know, I had a lot of fun tonight. You're really a nice person. In fact, I'd like to go on another date with you again." This voice was definitely that of a male's, probably Jaime.
" I agree. I had a lot of fun too." She said.
₣Ʉ₦? ⱧØ₩ ₵₳₦ Ł₮ ฿Ɇ ₳₦Ɏ ₣Ʉ₦ ₩Ł₮ⱧØɄ₮ ₥Ɇ?
" Good. Do you have a ride or would you like me to drive you home?-" He blocks out the rest of their conversation.
It appears that the good guy needs to go too.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆
" We should spend more time together." Ben says randomly as the two of you snuggle on the couch.
You giggle, your ears tinting red.
" We're already together all the time tough." You tell him softly.
" I know, but still. By the way, did your stupid date reply yet?" He asked, eyes focused on the tv in front of the two of you.
" No, and don't call him stupid." You pout, softly scolding him.
He grins at you with mysterious eyes.
You shrug it off, knowing it's part of him. The two of you have been hanging out for a while now. Almost three months to be precise. And you two have gotten very close. What used to be keeping distance and keeping the line between acquaintances and friends, had turned into friends or something more. You two almost hung out every day, you were basically attached to each other's hip now.
After a few peacefull moments, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Right as you left, your phone rang.
He turned to look at the disturbing sound  his eyes widening at the name which is appearing on the screen.
He stumbled over the couch to pick it up, an unpleasant feeling of suprise rising whitin him.
" Y/N?! You have to listen to me! Ben is not who you think he is! He's this-"
" I'm this what?" Ben smirked.
Damn you were taking a long time in the bathroom, not that he minded.
The other end of the line was dead silent.
" Don't worry. You don't need to say anything. I'll come home soon. And trust me, once I am, you will never be able to speak a word again." He spoke, an eerie calm in his voice.
" Goodbye, Sara." He said before hanging up.
" Sara called?" Your voice suddenly startled him.
" What? Oh, yeah. But she was in a hurry so she said she'd call you later." He smiled innocently.
You nodded and the two of you resumed watching the movie.
" Isn't there a way, that we could spend more time together?" He suddenly wondered out loud.
You sighed and turned to face him.
" I'm sorry Ben, but I have a job and I like spending time with other people too. So I'm afraid not." You told him softly.
An idea coded itself into his mind.
JɄ₴₮ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ ₥Ɇ, ɎØɄ'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₥Ł₦Ɇ ₴ØØ₦
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ
You sighed in dispair in the night air as you walked home. Once again, you were rejected in a job interview.
A few days ago you were fired from the job you actually liked. You couldn't understand why either. You didn't do anything wrong, you were quite hardworking and always finished the documents in time.
Your supervisor looked afraid, terrified even when he told you to immediately pack your bags and leave, and ever since you just can't seem to get in anywhere. Not even the gas station wanted you in charge.
" Well hello there. What do we have here." A creepy voice suddenly sounded from behind you.
You turned around only to be greeted by a man with a creepy smile and even creepier, eye lid-less eyes. He was holding a knife, making his intentions obvious.
You didn't need to think twice about his intentions and whipped your phone out of your pocket with the intentions to call the cops and running.
The killer sadly isn't stupid, and has you on the ground under him whitin seconds.
Your phone's screen crack and slides to the other side, the dialed number not pressed on call yet.
" Don't cry sweetheart. It doesn't suit your pretty face. Don't fret, I'll make sure, you'll smile forever. " The killer tells you happily.
Both of you don't realize that your phone screen suddenly lights up in a green colour. Nor does either of you realize the figure crawling out of it.
The both of you don't realize, until the killer is off you and tackled down on the ground beside you.
" I've told you before. She's fucking mine. Go bother someone else." Ben's voice sounds suddenly.
You turn your head to look at him.
This time he does not wear jeans and a sweater. No  this time, he looks like he came straight out of a... Video game? He looks like Link, the main personage of the game which your friend Noah had dropped off at your place around six months ago. 
Ben never told you he was into cosplaying.
Your ears suddenly tinted pink as you realized, he called you his. Suddenly you felt a little giddy, the guy you like so much might actually like you back.
The killer underneath Ben growls out something you can't hear before throwing the shorter off him and leaving.
" Are you okay?" You ask him.
He turns to you with red eyes.
Red. Fucking. Eyes.
And that's not the only thing about his eyes that changed.
Instead of the usual white eyes have, his are now black.
And even there it doesn't end.
There's blood running down his eyes onto his cheeks, as if he's crying blood.
You take a step back.
What the fuck is this?
" Don't be afraid! I know I look a little... Weird, but it's all just part of my..... Cosplay." He explains.
You ponder over it.
He's never gave you a reason to not trust you right? Or did he? 
You ignore the instinct to run away from him, instead choosing to calm down and follow your heart, which is telling you to trust him.
" Come with me. You can stay at my place tonight." Ben tells you, holding his hand out to you.
You take it.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ ›
It took longer than expected to reach his house. The whole road to his house is creepy. Ben appartly lives in this supermodern house in the woods.
Which is off already, the woods are known troughout the whole town as mystery. According to urban legends, there's creatures loving in there who shouldn't exist. Because of that, there's barely any people there. According to Ben, everything is all clear and safe, and you trust him with your heart.
You don't question him after his answer and instead follow him into the,indeed very,modern little house which is situated hidden behind the trees.
You get directly hit in the face with a copper scent as soon as you step foot into his house.
" Would you like something to drink?" He asks you as you enter his house, neither of you bothering to take your shoes off.
" Just water please." You tell him as you study the place.
The inside of the small house is more modern than the outside, with a big living space and an open kitchen. There's also three doors in the hallway.
One to the bathroom, one leading upstairs and one leading into the basement.
" Here you go." Ben returns, handing you a glass of water.
" Thanks, aren't you going to take off your make up and lenses?" You ask him.
His smile fades a bit, and for a moment you think you've accidentally offended him, but he nods with a pout before you can think about it twice.
" Yeah, that's probably a good idea. The livingroom is at the end of this hallway, feel free to make yourself comfortable." He smiles before going upstairs.
You stand still for a moment in the hallway as an eerie feeling suddenly starts crawling up your spine.
You ignore it, and instead start walking towards the livingroom.
Until the sound of something falling reaches your ears.
A sound that is directed from the basement.
Your first idea is to call for Ben, to alert him that you two probably aren't alone.
You don't do that however, because it could just be something falling off a shelf, right?
And so you decide to investigate it yourself.
As soon as you open the door to the basement, you're directly hit in the face with a very prominent copper scent. The same on you already smelled when you entered his house, except it's way too strong and there's something eerily familiar about it which you just can't pinpoint.
You silently push the door open, and turn on the lightswitch to the basement. Behind the door is a stony staircase, the rest of the basement is hidden away behind a wall. Curiosity takes over you, and you make your way downstairs before you can think about it twice.
As soon as you near the bottom, you spot blotches of red. The deep red substance is spread like a trail from he bottom stairs onto the rest of the room.
And then it clicks in your mind. It's blood. That's also the smell in the air. Was the intruder injured?
You step down the stairs while following the blood trail with you eyes.
You stumble back in fear and unpleasant suprise at the sight that greets you.
There's dead people down here. Most of which you don't recognise, but a few you do. 
You gasp as you look into a pair of wide blue eyes.
She's sitting there, eyes wide open, with cuts all over. There's big ones in her rib case and near her organs, you can even see Intestines spread over the floor.
She's obviously dead.
But how come she's here?
Ben didn't do this? Did he?
Next to her is Jaime, who's eyes are closed but his chest is rising and falling.
He's alive.
You run over to him and shake him awake, not minding the blood that's now on your hands.
" Jaime! Please! Wake up!" You say desperately, tears now escaping your eyes.
" Y/N? Y/N! You have to get out of here. Ben, he's not who you think he is!" He tells you desperately.
" I'm not leaving you! Can you walk?" You ask him trough your tears.
" I'm chipped Y/N, you have to go. Get help. Ben's insane. He's a de-"
" Demon? Mass murderer? Failure? Dead? Is one of those what you wanted to tell her? How dare you lie to her! I'm none of those!" A voice suddenly booms trough the air.
You turn around while starting to shake. Jaime tries to hold you close to him with the little strength he has left. There Ben stands, still with red pupils and black eyes, dried red streaks still on his cheeks.
" Don't fucking touch her." Ben screams angrily, ripping you all but gently away from the male, causing you to tremble against him.
" Don't be afraid my love, he won't touch you again." Ben sushes you.
Is he really thinking that you're afraid of him?
" N-no. Let me go. Do-don't touch me." You tell him, pushing away from him.
He looks confused by your behavior.
" What's wrong baby? Please don't believe whatever lies he told you.-"
" What lies?! That you've killed my friend?! That you've killed these innocent people?! That you've chipped him?!" You yelled.
" They all deserved it Y/N! They're all in the way of our love!" Ben yells back desperately, stepping towards you.
" I don't even know these people!" You say, stepping back into the wall, knocking into a shelf.
You turn around to see what you knocked into.
Wait, is that the Nintendo 64?
" They all stared at you with sick twisted ideas! They really do deserve it." He tells you.
Suddenly it clicks in your mind.
" You're Ben from the game." You state.
He nods.
" Yes bu-"
" How?.."
" You clicked my game onto your computer remember."
" It was you wasn't it? You're the reason I've lost my job. You're the reason my friends all turned their back to me." You wishper, eyes now gathering in your eyes.
You've been so incredibly fucking stupid.
He's the reason your life has turned down the drain.
" Yes. But it's good right. Now we can finally be together." He says like a crazy man in love.
Which he is.
You start sobbing as you fall onto your knees realizing, all these people here. They've all died because of you.
" Hey, don't worry my live. We can now finally be together."
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 ᘜ ᗩ ᘻ ᘿ  ᓍ ᐺ ᘿ ᖇ.
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