#if there’s other fandoms that need this? send this to them… they’ll need it
mossyscavern · 5 months
A note for next year and a leap of needed faith.
… ok, here’s the thing you need to know for next year.
I tend to find myself in certain parts of fandoms that are either not that popular anymore, or are dead because it’s not working out that well.
And sometimes the fandom is largely popular because of how good a movie, video game or tv series is or it’s a favourite book.
Plus I’ve been thinking about doing some else.. something different. Gotta be fair, it doesn’t mean I’m losing touch with the wick fandom. It was one of the first fandoms that got me out of my comfort zone and branch out into a fanfic writing.
So yeah, the wick community holds a place in my heart and either so many new people finding out this community is still alive along with making new stuff. And some who have been in the fandom for a long time coming back to see new stuff created and going back to their roots!
But before I start making something new that might get a Jurassic change here in my profile and what I’m used to just note:
A fandom is a place where we make sure we keep our interests alive, weather it’s a game that’s never updated, a tv series that had to end, a books author stops writing Ora movie that lost its spark.
Just know it’s never a place to abandon or have it be known as dead. It’s a place to keep creating! Keep moving! Keep your interests alive!
Don’t stop drawing if it makes you happy! Don’t stop writing if it’s your comfort zone! Heck! Don’t stop making theories, headcanon’s or incorrect quotes just because you think the fandom is dead.
There’s always something to look forward to, especially when things aren’t going as planned when nothing seems to be working the way you wanted it to be.
I maybe making stories no one else here is used to but all I’m asking for everyone is this simple thing.
Never stop creating… but do take a break if needed, don’t want anyone overworking and having a burnout. It’s not that great.
My name is mossy, I’m still a very awkward person and I’ll see you all next year with both new, old and familiar.
Me: … *sighs*
???: what’s wrong?
Me: nothing, it’s just… It’s something new and I’ve known this fandom for soo now long, like.. what if I’ve said the wrong thing?! What if I did abandon the fandom, what if i never really make new content?!
???: don’t feel too bad about it, it’s like you said… nothing in this fandom is dead. As long as you keep creating.
Me: but… I’m scared.
???: then think of it as a stepping stone, think of it as an obstacle you can overcome, remember that scene in into the spider-verse? … all it takes is a leap of faith.
Me: … thanks… who are you anyways-?
Me, looks around, seeing no one, not even hearing a sound: ... hello?
Me: … weird. (Types the last thing before leaving)
Until then… see you all next year
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hi love! Ive been fawning over your drabbles for the past few hours (marauders girlie but ur honestly converting me into the other fandoms with ur writing).
I had a cute idea for a short poly!marauders, something involving maybe the reader and sirus being prone to getting sunburnt easily? (I hope this makes sense 😞) Where Remus and James tease the two of them but quiet down when they (reader/sirus) threaten not to put sunblock on for them (who would pass on that offer). Maybe a beach day?
Thank you lovely!
cw: reader is implied to have pale/light skin
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 745 words
“Hold your breath, lovie.” 
You pinch your eyes and mouth shut in anticipation, and still a small sound escapes you at the chilly spray hitting your back. 
“Fuck, that’s cold,” you hiss, and James chuckles as he sets the can of sunscreen down, rubbing it in with his hands. 
“You need it.” Remus’ tone is amused. He takes the sunscreen to give Sirius’ back the same treatment, ignoring your boyfriend’s shrill cursing. “You both do.”
“I don’t know, do they?” James asks, and you can hear the mischief in his voice as his fingers slip under the tie-string of your bikini top to get the sunscreen in there. “I think they may just refract the sunlight rather than soak it in. Look at them, they’re gleaming.” 
“Fuck off,” Sirius grumbles. 
“You may be right,” Remus says. A little smile plays on his lips as his hands move over Sirius’ shoulders. “I think if they walked about twenty meters off, I wouldn’t be able to tell either of them from the sand.” 
“Moony, be fair,” James chides lightly. “We’d be able to see ‘em. They’re definitely lighter than the sand.” 
“Alright.” You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. “We get it, we’re pale. You’re hilarious.” 
James’ hand snakes down, giving your bum a playful squeeze as he leans around you for a kiss. You give in much too easily for Sirius, who groans in protest as you close your eyes and relax into James’ embrace. He breaks the kiss after a few seconds, taking the sun lotion in hand and beginning to apply it to your face with loving, pacifying touches. 
“Turn around, love,” Remus says. 
“Oh, so you get to ridicule me and then I’m supposed to be obedient?” asks Sirius haughtily. 
“Well, I don’t think—” 
Remus picks the can of sunscreen back up, spraying it on the back of Sirius’ neck. He yelps, turning, and Remus pushes him down onto a folding chair. 
“There we are.” He crouches in front of his boyfriend, smearing sun lotion on his reddening face with the tolerant manner of a patient schoolteacher. “Oi, James, d’you think that if we got stranded at sea, one of these two might work as a beacon?” 
“Oh, absolutely.” You see the delighted scrunch of James’ nose when you glower, his thumb rubbing carefully under your eye. “We shouldn’t even bother with flares, they won’t be half as effective. Actually, if we take the sunscreen off them now, they’ll probably get red enough to attract the eye for miles.” 
Sirius huffs, but you give your boyfriends an appraising look. 
“So what I’m hearing,” you say slowly, “is that we need sunscreen and you don’t.”
Remus sends a small smile your way. “Basically, yes.” 
“S’not as essential for those of us with blood in our veins, lovie,” James agrees. 
“That’s too bad,” you tsk. “I guess you won’t be needing our help with it, then.” 
You look over at Sirius, and he grins, realizing what you’re about. 
“Yeah, seems like we’re off the hook, doesn’t it?” He smizes up at Remus, who frowns back at him. “They’re sort of missing out, the massage isn’t half bad.” 
James’ hands still on your face. “Is that a threat?” he asks amusedly. 
You shrug. “It’s an incentive.” 
“You realize we could just leave you like this,” Remus points out. “You could spend all day under the umbrella while James and I get to enjoy the sun.” 
“I’m perfectly capable of lotioning my own ass,” you say, and James’ eyes dip almost regretfully to the parts of you he hasn’t gotten to yet. “Or, I wouldn’t mind helping you finish up, Siri. Would that work for you?” 
Sirius grins sharply, ignoring where Remus sits in front of him and patting his lap twice. “Get over here, gorgeous.” 
You start that way, but James’ lotion-slicked hands catch at your waist, preventing you from getting far. You grin up at him, expectant. 
“Alright, point made.” He rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Sirius wouldn’t do half as good a job with you as I am anyway, so I’ll finish you up, then you do me. Fair?” 
You glance at Sirius, who exchanges a look with Remus before nodding back at you. 
“Fair,” you say. “I meant what I said, though. I’ll be doing my ass myself.” 
James’ face falls, and Sirius cackles loud enough that Remus looks around you in embarrassment. 
“Shouldn’t’ve made fun of her, Jamesie. Our actions have consequences.” 
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Crush Headcanons
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Leona Kingscholar, Floyd Leech
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: Fluff
How the NRC boys act when they have a crush, and how they try to win your heart over!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ah, yes. Our favorite emotionally-stunted dormwarden, Riddle Rosehearts. There’s not much of a precursor to him realizing he has feelings for you. One night, a few months into your friendship, Riddle will notice that he enjoys your company even more so than Trey or Cater. And then it hits him. Oh, he has a crush. 
His demeanor around you will do a complete 180 after that. While before, he would talk casually with you about any and all subject matter, he’s not so sure how to approach it anymore. He’ll go up to you in the hallways between classes and during free periods, back stiff as a board, and ask you to accompany him to the library to run some errands, or he’ll extend a gracious invitation to an unbirthday party next week. Yes, those are his exact words. 
You’ll be left wondering why Riddle’s demeanor has changed so much around you until you realize that he’s following all the steps to initiating a relationship from the NRC Gentleman’s Club Guide to Courting, 3rd Edition. Either that, or Trey will tell you outright to your face that Riddle is trying his best to win you over, he knows you like Riddle too, please just take him off of Trey’s hands for a while. 
Speaking of pawning Riddle off to be someone else’s problem, that’s exactly what most of Heartslabyul dorm will be doing once they catch onto Riddle’s feelings for you. They’ll keep you around as much as possible, because when you’re around, Riddle will try his best to keep himself contained. He could be right in the middle of shouting off with your head to a group of freshmen, but the moment you enter he stops dead in his tracks and lets them off with a warning. The first years scramble out of the room, silently thanking a higher power for sending them a guardian angel in their time of need. 
Cater is the best wingman Riddle could ask for, except that he didn’t ask for him. Regardless of how many times Riddle tells him that he wants to court you himself like a proper romantic candidate, Cater will insist that he needs to be more flashy about it! He can still be a classic man and be a bit more modern! Why doesn’t Riddle take you on a fancy dinner date to Mostro Lounge, instead of another boring ol’ tea party? (Cater definitely gets his head offed for that one). 
Riddle does take one piece of advice to heart, though. Cater suggests that spending time together and doing new things is the best way to get someone to like you, and Riddle thinks that’s reasonable enough. He’ll try to vary the things he invites you to do with him. One day you’ll be helping him paint the roses in the Rose Maze, and other days he’ll take you on a ride on his horse, Vorpal, around the racing track. 
Riddle will slowly lose the awkward formality that he held around you when he realized he liked you as more than a friend. His posture will relax and he’ll begin to talk to you normally again. One thing that won’t change though is the gentlemanly ways he treats you on these ‘trial dates.’ If you’re at dinner he’ll pull out your chair for you and hold the door. When strolling the campus he’ll link his arm in yours. If you’re trying to get a leg up on Vorpal’s back, he’ll hold your hand until you can steady yourself. It’s all very sweet really, and he’ll have a small smile on his face every time he does so.
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Ace Trappola
Ace is another case where you’d definitely be friends before he falls for you, but instead of establishing a formal ‘courting period’ like Riddle does, Ace will just… not change. He’s still the same roughish, loveable idiot to you, messing with you at the most inopportune moments and pulling tricks to steal your food. But somehow, he gets a bit softer whenever you’re around. Instead of just calling you a dumbass, he’ll call you my dumbass. That’s just how he shows his affections. 
Ace has had a few encounters with romance before, but he’s never once thought so much about how he must have looked to them. With you, he wants to look cool. He wants to be your number one, your first and best choice! If you’re watching him at basketball practice, he’ll throw you a wink whenever he scores a basket.
Deuce is now his rival, end of story. Whether or not Deuce knows it or even likes you in the first place, Ace will always be trying to one-up him in front of you. Deuce got 79 on his last potionology test? Expect Ace to be studying nonstop for the next week, and return to you with a 79.5. 0.5 points more than Deuce! You can tell who the better man is now, right? 
He’s not shy about his feelings, but he may not confirm them right away either. He’ll call you cute, mess with you, and playfully push you around a bit, letting you know that he likes you. But truth be told he’s a little afraid of the idea that you might not want to be with a troublemaker like him, so he’ll wait to see how you react to his advances. 
If you’re welcoming to them, then expect Ace to step up his game tenfold from then on. He’ll walk you to and from every class of the day, beg you to study with him in his dorm room, even show up at your door in the middle of the night with an armload of your favorite snacks. He’ll grin at you when you open the door, quickly shoving past you and inviting himself in to dump his successful ‘hunt’ on the table. Pick whichever ones you like, he got them all for you!
The best thing about Ace having a crush on you is that no matter what, he will always be your friend, first and foremost. He wants to have fun with you and enjoy life by your side. Laughter is common when you’re around him, and he’ll always be looking for new ways to make you smile. 
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona is an odd one. Upon first glance it seems like he doesn’t spare you one look. Sure, you might make friendly conversation with him while in passing, but he’s not showering you with attention at every opportunity like some others. It’s only when you notice that he’s a little more courteous around you than he is with others do you understand his true feelings towards you. 
Leona’s hints are subtle. Whenever you enter a room his ear will twitch as if he has just heard the most interesting tidbit of conversation. If your name is mentioned he might even raise his head to see what’s going on. He’ll keep an eye on you subtly from afar, especially when walking at night, to keep you safe. And a few choice orders from Ruggie later, and Leona will have your favorite food on the plate in front of him. He wants to know what it tastes like, so he can understand the subtlety of your character a bit better. 
This boy feels no need to show off in front of you. He knows he’s strong, you know he’s strong, and so does everyone else. While he wouldn’t mind you seeing him score a goal or two during Spelldrive, he doesn’t feel the need to prove it. If he’s really the game that day though, he’ll look up after scoring, and point directly towards you in the stands. Out of thousands of spectators, he knew exactly where you’ve been the whole time, and though no one else knows who he’s pointing to, he knows you’ll get the message. 
Many people are scared of him, sometimes for good reason. No one sets foot on Savanaclaw dorm territory without him knowing, and usually, it’ll end in a beatdown or a forceful eviction from the premises. With you though, you can wander through the entrance without so much as a comment from the students. Some of them are even friendly to you, waving and shouting greetings. It’s Leona’s orders that they treat you well, after all. 
The housewarden of Savanaclaw dorm is not ashamed of his feelings for you. Why should he be? Does caring about someone he holds in high esteem bring shame upon him? You’re a perfectly suitable romantic option. He’s not going to make a big show of his affection towards you, but he’s not going to hide it. He just lets it be. 
If you notice and take an interest in him too, great. He’ll see you next weekend for a date in the Botanical Gardens. 
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Floyd Leech
Floyd is eccentric at times and that carries over to his romantic life. He’s got a pretty face and unique look, so he’s used to getting attention from admirers here and there. Every so often, he’ll flirt back if the mood suits him. But most of the time they’re nothing more than passing flings or amusements. Something about you is different, though. Floyd trusts his intuition. 
Even if he has a fondness for you, you’re not safe from Floyd’s teasing. No one is, not even Azul or Jade. Floyd finds it’s a surefire way to get your attention- poke at you until you swat him away, then grab your hand in his and squeeze- but gently. 
You may not pick up on Floyd’s feelings towards you right away. He’s physically touchy with many people, not just you, and he generally gets a kick out of ‘playing’ with them. When you’re involved though, he’s a bit more amiable. He’ll lay off on the taunts and divert his focus to gifting you unusual compliments.  If no one’s ever complimented you on the comparison of your shoes to a deep sea anchor, then Floyd will do it. 
Floyd’s mood swings are a point of contingency for most people, and he knows this. For that reason he’s all the more appreciative of the empathy you show him- you try to understand how he’s feeling and why he feels that way. He won’t say it out loud but the gratitude shows- he’ll follow through with an action, even if his initial thought on it is negative. Sometimes, it’ll lead to him actually enjoying the activity you’ve roped him into. 
His nicknames for you vary at times, but he’ll always have one favorite one. Sometimes you’re his clamshell, sometimes you’re starfish or pearl. But at the end of the day, you’ll always be his little Shrimpy. 
Even though Floyd can be seen as lazy sometimes, he makes a consistent effort when it comes to spending time with you. It’s not uncommon to walk out of class and get swept up in his wake, then suddenly end up at a new restaurant that opened up in the commercial district to do chocolate-tasting with you. How did you even get there? Who knows.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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withdenim · 2 months
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I think it’s time I introduce my doomed ancient yuri to the ninjago fandom. I’ll leave the story under the cut if anyone wants to read it 💜 it includes my Wojira backstory and why I draw Nyad as oni
Wojira is the younger, less powerful sister of firstbourne, I think. Wojira and Firstbourne we’re both chill with Oni, but Firstbourne was more Reserved about it . Like, she didn’t enforce weird rules or anything but she also . Didn’t stop her kids from being really awful.
Wojira spent more time with Oni than other Dragons. Even her kids (wind and water Dragons) were sort of weird about it. She didn’t really like the sort of power hoarding attitude of the other Dragons and decided to teach them a lesson about it.
When the first master was born she realized that Oni blood COULD bear elemental magic, and she took in two Oni kids (Nyad and her brother who I made up and haven’t named yet lmao) and gave them wind and water (separately) magic. And the other Dragons were VERY mad about this. They thought it was disgraceful.
They tried to get Firstbourne to banish her . Firstbourne refused and so her kids just all worked together to banish her instead. And sort of gave her a fucked up cursed eternal headache (in the amulets) Whoops . Nyad and her brother followed Wojira into the realm of Ninjago and tried to ease her pain for years but eventually it just sort of broke her mind and she started laying absolute waste to everything.
The FSM goes through his whole story (still figuring out details of it in my headcanons) and comes to Ninjago, desperate for a new home. And Nyad and her brother (I really need to name them DIFNDKFM) are scared of him at first. But he shows them his elemental magic and they realize he’s like them (Oni with elemental magic). And they bond over that and tell him about Wojira. The first master decides to help Nyad convince the Merlopians and Islanders to resist Wojira and hopefully bring peace to the realm.
Over several months they become good friends, and they often calm Nyad’s brother by making beautiful little worlds out of their elemental magic for him. And the FSM promises that one day Ninjago will be safe like these worlds, and they’ll all be able to live there.
And these very very lonely people have made a little family.
Of course, the Oni hunters are sent to track down the FSM, and Mystaké is the first to find them. She announces herself and demands the first master return with her. He begs to stay just long enough to make this world safe for the people there, and she reluctantly agrees when they show her the safe world they’re planning to build. It looks beautiful.
Mystaké joins their efforts, hoping to speed along the process of the first master’s return to the first realm, but she finds herself amazed by their magic and (worse) deeply fond of the little trio. She falls in love with Nyad, and starts letting herself indulge in their hopeful fantasies of a safe world where no one will find them. In this time, Nyad gives the FSM a name of his own to use when they have their safer world. Hajime.
When the preparations are as ready as they’ll ever be, the Battle of Nine Days begins. On the eighth day, Nyad’s little brother (who wasn’t even fighting) is struck near-fatally, and Nyad launches a risky attack to try and end the battle once and for all. It’s unsuccessful, but she realizes Wojira’s weak spot. Like in canon, she merges with the sea, desperate to give the others a chance at the world they’d all hoped for, and hoping that her brother could be saved if the battle ended and he could get proper help.
She knows she should kill Wojira, but she can’t bring herself to. And instead of killing her she decides to take the amulets, and send Wojira into a deep, painless sleep, hopefully eternal.
Hajime is devastated by Nyad’s death, and though Mystaké grieves her as well, she’s a lot more accustomed to death, and watches her go, surprised by the ache in her heart.
The brother lives, but passes on his element very soon after the events of the battle, sick of it’s consequence. Hajime builds the new world and appoints new masters, though he doesn’t know where the water and wind elements went (not his domain). Mystaké never even brings up the idea of taking Hajime back to the first realm again, and protects him from other hunters when she can. Hajime lives a long long time before choosing to pass on and find peace for himself. Mystake lives another thousand years, farming strange enchanted teas, occasionally a companion to Wu and Garmadon.
In Hunted, she confides in Lloyd that if or when she dies, she would like to be sunk into the sea where the battle took place (not that she tells him the story. Just the location), and Lloyd thinks it’s just some weird senile old lady talk. But when she does die at the hands of his father and the Sons of Garmadon in Hunted, Lloyd doesn’t get a chance to row her out until after March of the Oni.
She liked Lloyd. He was a lot like Hajime.
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*Submissions are closed, here is where you can find the lists of all characters who made it in*
I now have a ko-fi
I love the idea of polls for characters that wouldn’t win otherwise because they’re too obscure, so I want to know what character people have the most strong opinions about, specifically who can split a room between negative or positive opinions the best.
For example: i haven’t heavily interacted with fandom since steven universe days so I’ll use Rose Quartz as an example. People either think she’s a soft uwu mom victim of the diamonds or an evil irredeemable space despot. I have never met a steven universe fan with a neutral opinion about her.
So that’s how your blorbo can win this poll: by being divisive. They don’t have to be popular or from a popular media, they just need the people who know them to have a strong opinion about them. In this poll, the character with the MOST EVEN balance of votes wins. I’ll post an example poll to show what I mean, but basically you’re encouraged to submit a blorbo if you love them or hate them! Either one helps them in this poll!
Here is where you can find the list of all characters with 2 or more submissions who made it in! Those with one submission who made it in will be added to this list in phases so I can check them.
Form has been removed from under the cut due to being closed but the rules remain up for reference:
- fictional characters only, no real people or characters based on real people, such as a minecraft youtuber’s self-named oc, or fictionalized versions of historical figures (ie no hamilton characters, but clone high or fate is fine)
- as stated above, only submit each character once, although you can submit as many DIFFERENT characters as you want. Sending this post to friends who hate your fave or vice versa is also fair game, as long as they only submit their true opinions!
- Although to add to the hopeful anti-bullying safeguard, and to publicly answer a question I was asked privately, you can also submit characters who are ocs from smaller or fan works, but only if you get explicit permission from the creator. I don’t want to make any smaller creators feel uncomfortable about their character being widely hated even if they are also widely loved
- you can love or hate the character for any reason as long as you have strong feelings about them! They’ll have a better chance of making it in and winning if they are a controversial character, but you don’t necessarily have to submit only characters you know are controversial. I’m also allowing particularly good reasoning/propaganda to sway me, although I’m planning to probably include 512 characters so that as many as possible can get in!
Inspired by @who-do-i-know-this-man @obscurewebcomictournament @obscurecharactershowdown @bestfictionaldivorce and others!
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detailtilted · 15 days
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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Marauders With Palestine Project FAQ
Can volunteers open themselves up to more prompts if availability changes/can people change the number of prompts they’ve marked themselves available for at a later time?
Absolutely! It will all depend on how many prompts we get, though.
Will there be a social way to contact other participants in the project?
Yes, they’ll all be added to a discord server shortly.
Where can people send proof of donation?
We’ll post the link to a form where the contributors will be able to send proof of donation as well as their prompt(s).
What is the deadline for art/fics/edits?
They may be posted all throughout June, so the hard deadline is June 30, 2024.
Do I have to post the art/fic/edits on my account when completed? (particularly for nsfw)
Preferably, yes. NSFW art can also be posted to ao3.
Will we be able to contact the person that submitted the prompt we're given, if we have any questions?
Yes, that will be possible. (Applies to art, fics, and edits)
Is it ok if participants don’t use discord/are only available for contact via email?
That’s perfectly fine, we can contact the participants via email, tumblr, or twitter, though discord is preferred.
How long will prompts be?
No longer than 100 words.
Are there any word count expectations for fics?
None at all, but we encourage writers to make their fics longer than 1.5k words.
Should the fics be tagged any specific way on ao3 to make it clear they’re for the project?
The fics need to be tagged with MWPProject 2024 Fandom Initiative, and they’ll also be added to a collection. 
Will prompts be filtered/checked for inappropriate/hateful content before they are given out?
Yes, any and all prompts will be checked and approved by the mods.
Can volunteers reject a prompt assigned to them if they are not comfortable with it?
Yes, the volunteers can contact the mods if they wish to change their prompts. 
How long do volunteers have to complete their contributions?
Prompts will be assigned between April 23-30th, and posting begins June 1. They can, however, post their works all throughout the month of June. 
If a volunteer doesn’t have any public socials, do they have to post their art/fic/edits?
They may create an ao3 account, there’s plenty of time for them to request one.
Do artists need to attach their names to the art?
If they want to remain anonymous, they may post their work to ao3 and we’ll keep it anonymous within the collection.
Are simple prompt requests ok?
The prompts can’t be longer than 100 words, so simple prompt requests are ok.
Would I need to donate the equivalent of 5USD or am I okay donating 5 dollars in my currency? (non US based donations)
It has to be the equivalent of 5USD in whichever currency you use.
Can someone donate on the behalf of another person who is unable to do so? 
Yes, they only need to let us know about it. 
May I post anonymously to the collection?
Do volunteers have to be a part of the discord server?
It’s not required but it is highly recommended.
Can you keep my email private/make sure it’s not shared outside of the mods?
Only the mods have access to the emails, you don’t need to worry about that.
Are there any preferences in terms of characterizations/appearances of characters?
No, but it is recommended to not be too specific so that the volunteers can work with their prompt as best as they can.
If donors have specific requests for how characters are drawn/written, will they be in contact with the volunteers assigned to their prompts? 
Yes, but at the end of the day, this isn’t commissioned fanwork, so the end result will be entirely up to the volunteer in question. Micromanaging will not be allowed.
If a volunteer is filling multiple prompts, can they decide how long each one is?
Yes they may.
Will prompts include tropes?
That is up to the donor, but being too specific with the prompt may make it hard for the assigned volunteer to fulfill it satisfactorily.
What will the prompts look like?
We will provide a form where the donors will be able to specify the pairing and their prompt. Please note: when listing pairings, use the Character Name x Character Name format (i.e. Remus x Sirius), versus ship names (i.e. Wolfstar), as some ship names aren’t well known, or vary across the fandom.
Does sketch mean actual sketch, or should there be a more polished final product?
Up to the artist, as styles and practices vary person to person. 
Can volunteers post their contributions on any social platforms?
Yes, they can.
Should writers characterize based on their own headcanons, or based off the wishes of the prompter?
The priority is fulfilling the prompt as it’s been given, but the volunteers can find a middle ground if they’re not entirely comfortable with something.
Where/who can I contact if later questions arise?
You can send an ask to the MWPP blog, or you can send an email to [email protected]. All mods tumblr urls are listed on the MWPP blog, and all mods will be available to answer questions in the discord server as well. 
How will we navigate if a volunteer is assigned a prompt they are uncomfortable with?
You may contact the mods and we’ll change it, bit please only do so if the prompt is genuinely something you cannot work with, as reassigning prompts may be troublesome for the mods.
Will I have to explicitly state in the final product that it was created for the project?
Do I have to post the fic/art/edit, or can I just send it to the prompter?
It needs to be posted, but it may be posted anonymously via ao3.
Can I participate as an artist with a collage rather than a drawing?
We won’t be accepting collages, as that is technically not original work and it wouldn’t be fair for the prompter.
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bad268 · 10 months
Hi 👉👈
Could I maybe request something similar to the confession piece but with a fluffy (maybe fluffy/suggestive if that's cool 👀) first kiss or a fluffy first serious/real "I love you" with our beloved frog boys (or just Grizzy, Pezzy or Droid solo, sorry Puffer 😅)?
Sober in Love (Frog Boys X Reader(Separate))
[Blank] in Love Pt 3
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (Kinda made it a part 2? But also not really?)
Warnings: Talk of lasik recovery (Droid's). Language (Cunt in Grizzy's)
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 1604 (about 400 words each)
Summary: 'I love you's from the Frog Boys.
As always, my requests are OPEN
<-Part 2
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It was cold. San Antonio winter was never that bad, but for some unknown reason, it decided to rage harder than normal this year. I had on one of Puffer’s hoodies, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks, and I was under a thick blanket. Yet I was still freezing. I was going to have to take some drastic measures.
I would need to get out of my cocoon to find Puffer.
Thankfully, I did not have to wait long as Puffer walked out of his office and climbed into my mountain of blankets. I immediately buried my face in his chest since he was a literal heater. He just chuckled before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and rubbing my arms to generate heat while his attention turned toward the show I had playing on the TV.
My hands were still freezing, so with a smirk, I moved my hands under Puffer’s hoodie and placed them flat on his back.
“Aye, woah!” He shouted, pushing me away. “You’re hands are freezing!”
“Why do you think I put them on your back?” I asked as if it were obvious. He just looked at me in disbelief, keeping me an arm’s width away. “Please? As my boyfriend, it is your responsibility to be my personal heater and right now you're doing a shitty job.”
“Fine get over here,” he sighed, pulling me back into his chest. I chuckled as I put my hands back under his hoodie and wrapped my legs around his waist, putting almost my entire body weight on him. He shook his head with a laugh before whispering, “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Awe, you love me?” I teased, looking up at him.
“Don’t make me take it back,” he threatened.
“You loving me or letting me put my cold hands up your shirt?”
“Well then, I was going to say I love you too, but I don’t like how you threatened me,” I joked as I slowly started to pull away.
“Oh shut up,” He pressed, pulling me straight back to his chest as he held one of my arms, so I couldn’t tear my hands out of his shirt.
“And I’m the clingy one?”
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Pezzy was streaming. It was a really random steam because he was bored. I was visiting my family since my sister just had her baby, so I was helping them out for the week. Pezzy wasn’t able to come with me, so I promised to send him loads of pictures.
“Guys, guess what,” He asked rhetorically to chat as he smiled at his phone. The chat started spamming random answers or emotes, so he flipped his phone around to show them. It was a picture I sent him of my outfit for dinner. “Look at them, chat. They’re so cute. They’ve been visiting their family, so they’ve sent me pictures every day.”
Immediately, the chat started filling with heart eyes, jokes about how I’m hot, or calling Pezzy a simp. He saw those immediately, and despite me calling him a simp all the time, he took offense to his chat picking up on it.
“Guys, I am literally not a simp. I am actually not a simp. I just love my significant other. So what?” Pezzy said fast as chat filled with more simp-related messages. He took a deep breath before shouting, “Guys, stop calling me a simp!”
I decided this would be a good time to call him since I was watching the stream on my laptop before dinner. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer as I continued to watch him frantically explain himself to chat.
“Guys, stop. Look, they’re calling me now! They’ll tell you I’m not a simp,” the stream audio came through just as Pezzy picked up the phone and greeted me.
Knowing he put me on speaker, I decided to tease him a little, “Hi my favorite simp. How’s your stream?”
“Not you too!” He shouted, taking the phone off the speaker as the chat started sending laughing emotes. “I swear, you’re watching the stream aren’t you?’
“Can’t I just call my favorite simp and tell him I love him too?” I asked innocently.
“I never said that,” He replied quickly, not believing that he confessed he loved me in front of five thousand people.
“I think chat has a clip somewhere,” I laughed.
“Chat if you can find a clip where I said I love Y/n, I’ll stream with them next week,” Pezzy said over the stream, and that’s when I noticed he hung up on me. It didn’t take long for chat to start spamming a link to the clip, causing Pezzy to sigh. “Ok, maybe I am a simp.”
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My eyes burned so much. One thing that no one told you about Lasik surgery was the first couple of hours after. My eyes burned so much, and I could not tell if it was from the surgery or from the lights in the kitchen. Droid promised to take care of me but completely forgot that Puffer, Pezzy, and Grizzy were coming over to film a cooking video in our new house, so that is where they were. The plan was a one-handed challenge, but it turned into a ‘make the best food for Y/n, so they don’t have to feel guilty that they’re disrupting their recovery’ stream.
“Is it pasta?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen with my eyes closed to get my antibiotics. I started patting around the counter, trying to find the bottle without opening my eyes. Droid saw my struggle, so he stopped cutting the chicken to wipe off his hands before grabbing the bottle from the cabinet. He opened it, dumped out one pill, and grabbed a glass to fill it with water before handing it to me. “Thank you.”
“No problem, and yes. Chicken Alfredo,” He answered, taking the glass and putting it in the sink once I finished it. “We’re actually almost done, so I’ll bring it over to the table.”
I groaned as I leaned forward where I thought Droid was. Apparently, he was not there, but he jumped back in front of me just in time for me to collide with his chest. “Do I have to do a taste test for the stream?”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he whispered, walking backward to get us out of frame.
“They’ll be mad at me,” I whined, starting to tear up before trying to calm down and not irritate my eyes more than they already are.
“They’ll understand,” He reassured. “You just had surgery today, and you are not 100 percent, so they won’t be upset if you don’t feel up to a full review.”
“I don’t deserve you,” I cried, leaning further into his chest. “I love you. Thank you for putting up with me.”
“I love you too,” He laughed. “You’ve dealt with me through crazier shit! This is nothing!”
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“What time did you guys get to the airport?” Fitz asked after we got to the Misfits’ house in Melbourne. We had to fly into Melbourne because we were attending PAX AUS, and knew it would be fun to come a couple of days earlier to hang out with our friends. However, the universe had different plans.
“4 AM Pacific,” Grizzy groaned, collapsing on the couch and pulling me down after we dropped our bags off in one of the rooms. “We had an overnight layover in LA, but the original flight was delayed. We just slept at the airport 'cause it was only like two hours before we would’ve needed to be back at the airport.”
“Those chairs were not comfy,” I complained as I curled up on Grizzy’s lap. I yawned as I leaned into Grizzy’s neck, attempting to hide my drowsiness from the guys. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”
“It’s a good thing we don’t have anything till tomorrow,” Swagger laughed as he walked in from the back patio. “You can chill out 'cause I bet the time difference didn’t help either.”
“No, it does not, and to make it worse, there was hella turbulence on the way over,” Grizzy added as he offhandedly ran his fingers through my hair. “We couldn’t sleep at the airport, couldn’t sleep on the plane, and now it’s technically four hours earlier than what we’re used to. This is shit.”
At some point during his rant, I gave in to the temptation of sleep. No one noticed until Toby came into the room.
“Why are you cunts talking so loud?” She asked. “Y/n is literally asleep.” With that, the room’s attention flipped to me. No one said anything for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to say until Grizzy started to stand up with me in his arms.
“I’ll take them to our room. It’s probably a good idea for us to get some sleep,” Grizzy whispered. “Dinner tonight, yeah?” The guys just nodded, so Grizzy took that and left the room.
When he walked into the room, he immediately set me on the bed, so he could set an alarm for later in the afternoon and changed both of us into comfier clothes. Just before he climbed into bed with me, I woke up slightly, not really recognizing where we were.
“We’re in our room. The guys said we’ll go to dinner later, but we can sleep for now,” Grizzy explained in a soft tone.
“Okay, I love you, Grizzy,” I whispered back and fell back asleep.
“I love you too.”
Part 4 ->
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alexandra-emerson · 3 months
Some Thoughts
(For readers horrified by what’s been going on in fandom who want to help)
I’m sad that some authors have been pulling their works from AO3, though I totally get it. But I’m not going to add to the “don’t sell fanfics” commentary much. I’m working with a lawyer to get mine taken down from Etsy, and it sucks, but I think this is an opportunity to talk about the fandom community as a whole. Specifically, what you can do to keep it alive and healthy.
I think it’s easy to sit at home, read about this illegal fanbinding drama with interest, run to AO3 to mass download your favorite fics, pat yourself on the back for not buying or selling fics illegally or not adding them to Goodreads, then move on with your life. But I would argue this passive attitude is just as harmful to the community, in some ways.
The Criticism Ratio
You all have probably heard that you’re supposed to deliver compliments and criticism with a ratio of 5:1. This is because negative comments stick in our heads more, so even if you were balancing the good and bad, or giving twice as many good comments as bad ones, the bad ones carry so much weight, they still seem to be winning.
With writing, I would argue this ratio is probably more like 10:1. Because it’s so personal. And most of us are so new to it. And it’s so much freaking work. I timed it once, and one chapter typically takes me 12 hours to write. That doesn’t include editing, or the hours my beta puts into editing. Then, to float all that work out into the world and get negativity back … oof, it makes embarking on the next 12 hours, and the next and the next VERY difficult.
My Experience
I’ve been an author of some popular fics in both the Harmony and Dramione spaces. On the Harmony side, I’ve dealt with personalized attacks, not just against my stories but against me as a person. And when that was going down, there weren’t a ton of fans speaking up on my behalf. I got a lot of DMs telling me those bullies were just the “loud minority” but from my point of view, with my supporters sounding like crickets, they felt like a majority. 
(Quick note to my Harmony readers: No I’m never writing Harmony again, get over it, and stop following me to every work I write next to ask me when I’m writing Harmony again. You had your chance to support me, and you fucking missed the boat.)
On the Dramione side, the public spaces are more moderated (thank God) so I’m less likely to stumble upon downright bullying. But this space is overwhelming in how BIG it is and how much conversation goes on about my fics. I always feel like the last to know when there’s some big Tik-Tok boom happening with one of my stories, when a story gets added to Goodreads, when there’s a reddit thread discussing the flaws in ‘Timeless’, when it gets posted for sale on Etsy, when someone popular binds it. It’s very hard to keep up with this giant fandom and it’s too much to handle at times. Which means if people don't send us things directly, we don't see it.
I also get this thing in Dramione that I didn’t get as much in Harmony where people act afraid or embarrassed to reach out to me. They’ll say things like, “I’m so sorry to bother you…” or “I’m sure you hear this all the time, and I know you don’t need to hear it from me too, but your works are great…” I think in Dramione people assume because it’s so big, other people are taking care of things, but that’s not the case. There is a lot of activity, for sure, but not much of that is making it back to the author.
My Ask
So anyway, think about the role you play in fandom. Are you contributing to the compliment bank, or the criticism one? (Remember, abstentions go with the majority. And in this case, every negative experience holds x10 weight).
Good things can be as simple as sending a quick note like, “Just letting you know I thought about your story today” or “Here’s another kudos because I just reread this gem!” It can be correcting a negative comment or review you see out in the wild, so that if the author ever stumbles across it, they see that their people are out there, sticking up for them. Ten people can instantly negate a bad comment with ten positive ones. Then if the author ever finds it, no harm done.
We all know the bad things that harm fandom, so there’s no need for me to rehash them here. But don’t forget that the passive things can be just as harmful. Things like: Rating a fanfic on Goodreads, because it’s already there, and you really want it to count towards your goal. Downloading a story, loving it, and never letting the author know. Reading rude comments online, complimenting yourself for not being that mean, then scrolling to the next thing.
My challenge to fandom is this: Let’s fill that compliment and support bucket so full that when an author does encounter a negative experience with one of their fanfics, they have a giant, fluffy pillow of endless love to fall back on. Let’s make those rare moments of nastiness truly feel like a minority to our creators. It’s not a ton of work. Our fandom is so flipping large, it just takes a tiny comment from each person to keep our community feeling like a fun, positive place to play.
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bylerficrecweek · 1 year
Calling all Bylers! There are so many talented and amazing creators in our community, and it’s time to show them some love! There are quite a few fics and authors that are very beloved by this fandom, and while they absolutely deserve all the hype they get, there are so many other amazing fics and authors out there waiting to be discovered! We want to help you shine the spotlight on your underrated faves and share the love.
How it works:
Byler Fic Rec Week will last from Friday, 3rd of March to Thursday, 9th of March. Each day will be themed around a different genre of Byler fanfic for you to rec your personal favourites of. Don’t be shy, share as many fics as you want that fit the day’s theme— the more the better! We’ll be reblogging all the recs that get shared to this account as an archive of hidden gems, and using the tag #BylerFicRecWeek2023. The specific genres for each day can be found here.
All you need to do to rec a fic is to share its title, the name of the author, and a link to it (You can embed hyperlinks to the fic and the author’s AO3 profile by highlighting the text, choosing the infinity symbol, and pasting in the URL). If you want to you can also add the AO3 summary, your own description, how it makes you feel, or anything about the fic that you think will make people interested in reading it. If the author has a Tumblr and you know the @ you can also tag them, so they know you like their fic enough to recommend!
You can share your rec lists by:
Posting them to your own blog. Make sure to tag #Byler so more people have a chance to discover your recs! Also use the tag #BylerFicRecWeek2023 so we can definitely find your lists to reblog!
Submitting them to this blog. Don’t feel comfortable making posting a list to your own blog for whatever reason? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Submit a list to us and we can post it for you. Note that posts you submit will include your username.
Sending them in as asks. If you’d prefer to use asks over submissions or you want to remain completely anonymous, feel free to send your recs in to us as asks! You can’t embed hyperlinks into asks, so please include the full URLs of any fics you share like this.
Other ways to get involved:
If you feel extra motivated, you can show your appreciation for your favourite fics with fanart, edits, gifsets, moodboards— however you like! If you tag fancontent for a fic you’re reccing with #BylerFicRecWeek2023 we’ll be sure to reblog it! Make sure to tag the fic’s author when you share your creation, because they’ll definitely want to see it.
NO NSFW. This blog will not post or reblog any submissions, asks, or posts made with the #BylerFicRecWeek2023 tag that contain NSFW fanfics. if you post a list containing multiple recs and only one of them is NSFW, we will still not share it.
Byler should be the MAIN pairing of any fics you rec for this event. Any side pairings are fine, but the fic needs to be centered on Byler.
There is no hard limit on how popular fanfics you rec for the event can be, but the main purpose of this event is to bring attention to smaller works and their creators. If you can, try to share recs for fics you haven’t seen talked about or that you feel deserve more attention than they get. Well-known writers and their stories are fantastic, but we want to help uplift other authors too.
Fics don't need to be completed for you to rec them! There are a lot of great ongoing stories that deserve to have more people on the hype train for new updates. That being said, please don't rec fics that have been confirmed  to be abandoned, or that haven't been updated since 2020. Anything that's received an update since then is fine to rec, as fics can come off hiatus at unexpected times.
Don't worry if you don't have fics to rec for each genre; you don't need to participate in every day to get involved.
Blog run and moderated by: @apatheticlexicographer , @willelfanpage , @ice-sculptures , @aceoflanterns , @miwism , @super-nova5045
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male s/o hcs ; poly eddie & frank
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requested by ; anonymous (12/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; eddie dear, frank frankly
outline ; “Noticed you’re doing poly welcome home headcanons 😎 can we have the gay oomfies Frank and Eddie with a male s/o? 👉😙👉”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
you and frank end up being the responsible boyfriends of your trio, making sure that eddie doesn’t sleep through all of his alarms and is late for his shift (poor lad isn’t a morning person, bless him)
frank uses traditional nicknames for you both (darling, love) and eddie uses more modern nicknames (sweetheart, hun)
your (read: frank’s) house has three bedrooms: the largest is the main bedroom where you all sleep, the smallest is the spare room used when one of you just needs some space or is overheating, and the third is a shared home office for all of your hobbies
eddie is a cuddly space heater and snores, frank is a light sleeper who doesn’t move and you get stuck in the middle
you and eddie have bought frank lots of novelty bow ties over the years — he’ll wear them all the time at home but refuses to wear them out
eddie makes scrapbooks for every year you’ve spent together — taking pictures at every opportunity and saving every letter and card you send each other
eddie is a morning person but tends to wake up late, frank lives off of coffee but always wakes up early
impromptu dancing in the kitchen and living room is extremely common
when eddie is on his rounds he’ll stop by and make sure to call you both from whatever phone is closest
he also always makes sure that you know the exact time as he has the only other clock in the neighbourhood on his wrist
matching pyjamas? matching pyjamas.
frank adds a night cap and slippers because he’s too old for his years and eddie usually ends up shirtless by the end of the night because he overheats very easily
whenever eddie rushes out of the door, he’ll always turn back to kiss you both before he leaves
frank refers to you both as his partners but eddie is much more direct by calling you his boyfriends and future husbands
whenever the weather is right for it, the three of you will go and catch butterflies for frank’s collection — listening with hearts in your eyes whilst he recounts plenty of facts about each new species you catch
whenever frank works himself into a tizzy and starts spinning, eddie will gently grasp his face to stop him from making himself lightheaded and you’ll be the one to talk him down
the best evenings are spent huddled on the sofa under a fuzzy blanket with hot cups of tea in front of a fire whilst frank reads you passages from the new book he’s picked up from howdy
if you call either of them babe they’ll turn bright red and lose the ability to speak
eddie is much more open with pda and frank is much more likely to get flustered and freeze if you try to initiate it with him
it’s not that he doesn’t like it, he’s just shy
and julie will tease him for it, he just knows it
you and frank keep a first aid kit in the house, right next to the front door, because the chances of eddie coming back with more bruises and scrapes than he left with is never zero
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lisbeth-kk · 7 months
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Sherlock fandom. The significance of Molly Hooper.
Of the utmost importance
Molly knew she was doomed the day she fell in love with Sherlock Holmes. He was gay and gorgeous; she was straight and unremarkable. Once Molly Hooper gave her heart, she did so fully. She’d do anything for the person in question and endure whatever cruelty they may send her way. A quick smile of gratefulness or the slightest touch made her swoon for days. It was always worth it. Until it wasn’t. 
When Sherlock Holmes entered her morgue for the first time, she knew after mere minutes that she’d die for the man if that’s what he’d ask of her. It was a kind of madness, and she was helpless once it got a hold of her. 
And then, John Watson walked into the lab with Mike and the world Molly knew changed. Sherlock became less brusque with her, at least in John’s presence. After the disastrous Christmas party at 221B, when Sherlock had analysed her gift and her feelings for the recipient, she’d finally snapped, and to her utter surprise Sherlock had apologised to her; even kissed her cheek. A shame she was too agitated to enjoy it fully. 
Molly admitted her defeat when she caught Sherlock’s glances in John’s direction. To her knowledge he’d never looked at anyone like that. The glances were brief, but Molly was always so tuned to Sherlock when he was around, and it wasn’t difficult to see if you knew where to look. 
“You look sad when he can’t see,” she told Sherlock in a bold moment. 
He hadn’t responded, but she saw his jaw tighten, and he’d left the lab shortly after without saying goodbye. That was answer enough.
Molly had cried and begged Sherlock not to go through with his plan, when Moriarty threatened John, Mrs. Hudson and Greg, but he was relentless. 
“It’s the only way to save them, Molly. I’m not doing this to hurt them, but it’s crucial that they’re left oblivious and John in particular. They’ll go after him if they for one second think he’s faking his grief,” Sherlock explained frantically while making a mess of his curls. 
“But it will destroy him, Sherlock! He loves you,” Molly tried to reason.  
“Don’t be ridiculous, Molly! Nobody loves me,” Sherlock huffed but he didn’t meet her eyes.
When she opened her mouth to protest further, Sherlock moved into her personal space. He cradled her face softly in his hands and looked her in the eyes without blinking.
“Please, Molly. There’s no other I’d trust with this. Moriarty thinks you’re insignificant and won’t suspect your involvement. Despite his shrewdness, he too has failed to observe all factors. If this shall work, I need your assistance.”
All of this were delivered in the softest tone she’d ever heard Sherlock use. He finished by kissing her temple. She bowed her head and whispered her acquiescence and to her astonishment his “thank you” had sounded choked, but when she looked up, he was his normal self again.
The goodbye kiss a few weeks later took her by surprise. It was fierce and dramatic like the man himself, but also a heartfelt thank you Sherlock couldn’t express in his hurry to get away to hunt down Moriarty’s network. 
She cried herself to sleep for months, and she had no difficulty mourning Sherlock at his funeral. Only one glance over at John convinced her that he loved Sherlock just the way Sherlock loved him. Her father had looked just the same at her mother’s funeral. A grieving husband, a widower. It had taken all her willpower not to spill the beans to John, to tell him that it was just a magic trick, that Sherlock was alive, but she’d promised. Sherlock had even made her say the words – “I can’t tell.”
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @phoenix27884 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely @gregorovitchworld @helloliriels @peanitbear @meetinginsamarra
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acourtofthought · 9 months
Because I follow the "Elain Archeron" tag, Tumblr will occasionally make recommendations on my feed and some of those happen to end up being posts written by E/riels.
One of these suggestions mentioned that Elain and Az are well suited to one another due to their quiet and reserved natures and I had to shake my head because, what?!
The Elain in the Night Court who talks softly, has hands that shake around Az, is quiet and reserved is the Elain still experiencing the effects of trauma which we know she still has because she herself confirmed it in SF.
The Elain from before:
She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious. There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day
Elain had taken charge of planning and finding me a last-minute dress, and … it would only be for an evening.
But I tried to smile, if only for Elain, who flitted about the room, personally greeting each guest and dancing with all their important sons.
Two in the morning, and yet the party was showing no signs of slowing. / Elain was laughing among a circle of beautiful friends, flushed and brilliant. Nesta had silently left at midnight, and I didn’t bother to say good-bye as I finally slipped upstairs.
Elain, to my surprise, had a horse, a satchel of food, and supplies ready when I hurried down the stairs. My father was nowhere in sight. But Elain threw her arms around me, and, holding tightly, said, “I remember—I remember all of it now.”
“We keep it secret—we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they’ll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she’ll send word ahead, and we’ll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays.
Order them to leave now.” “I’ll do it,” Elain said, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. She didn’t wait for either of us before she strode out, graceful as a doe.
“My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles.”
Does that seem like a reserved and quiet female or does that seem like someone who, while kind, takes charge and is the life of the party? Someone who comes alive when in the right place?
Does the Elain of the Night Court seem to be the center of everything that's going on or does she seem to fade in the presence of the others?
And if that's not convincing enough:
“Elain is overwhelmed by crowds.” “SHE DIDN'T USE TO BE THAT WAY". Nesta swirled her glass of amber liquid. “She loved balls and parties.” The words hung unspoken. But you and your court dragged us into this world. Took that joy away from her.
Feyre then tells Nesta she's "readjusting" and sure, Elain isn't a total shell, she's doing her best to make a life for herself but she's definitely not the vibrant person she once was.
We are told point blank that the Elain in the Night Court is different and it's clearly not a good thing.
Show me a scene where Az ever happily wandered around from person to person making conversation in a social setting outside of the IC. Show me a scene where he's happily chatting up even a single person outside the IC.
Show me a scene where people are eager to do things for Az because he's such a pleasure to be around.
Feyre wonders if Az gets some of his information from "stone cold manners" but there's never any proof of it happening and even if it had, having manners in order to spy on someone isn't the same as actually enjoying the interaction.
The fact is that Az and Elain do not have similar personalities and any connections people are trying to make is based off Elain as she is after very recent and extreme traumas.
It's a problem in this fandom that I often notice with certain groups and something they seem to do with both Gwyn and Elain.
They think Gwyn can't be interested in Az because she started SF in a low place. They look at Elain as she is in the NC and have based their entire opinion of who she is off that.
They fail to realize that ACOWAR, ACOFAS and SF are poor representations of who these two females actually are (as who they are in those books are who they are because of trauma). They fail to consider who they'll be once they've fully overcome their traumas.
Gwyn isn't going to shy away from males forever.
We've already seen growth from her in SF and she's only going to continue healing. Thinking that it's going to take too long for her to overcome what happened to her and therefore can not go on to have a happy relationship before the series ends is a disturbing mentality.
And thinking that we're not going to eventually see the return of the Elain who took charge and convinced others what to do with smiles alone, who thrived when surrounded by friends and non friends (just people in general), who loved balls and parties is a bit odd because that's the Elain who is canonically the happiest we've ever seen her to be.
And if there is the acknowledgement that we will see the return of that Elain but someone still believes she'd be well matched with Az who Cassian tells us "likes his space", it's possibly the strangest thing of all.
Sure Elain and Az are physically attracted to one another, that can not be disputed.
However what also cannot be disputed is that the Lucien who easily makes friends wherever he goes and enjoys parties, who prefers to avoid violence is an exact match for the happy version of Elain who easily makes friends, enjoys parties, and is bothered by cruelty.
Someone can prefer the opposites attract trope but it's completely false to claim that Elain and Az are similar in personality.
But regardless of what tropes we prefer, in the end what someone wants to see won't matter because SJM doesn't seem to prefer opposites attract and she's the one calling the shots.
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im-not-a-joke · 2 years
I’m giving you all more talia is a codename for noel stuff
because i’m sad and nischa makes me happy and y’all ate this shit up last time
cough heres the first part cough
okay 1) i’m so glad this fandom has collectively realized that catfish!noel is bad and 2) i perfectly timed that last post so go me
okay on to what you’re actually here for
- noel has to keep his phone on do not disturb during any class he has with another member of the choir
- one time, he forgets to turn do not disturb on before choir and his phone buzzes right as mischa sends him a text
- luckily the only one who noticed was ricky, who, to save their asses, turned on do not disturb
- mischa is awful at keeping secrets, the amount of time he goes “no- [ahem] talia-”
- the both of them feel bad for lying to their friends but uranium isn’t a great place to be out and gay
- ricky is a great cover man
- “hey, ricky, do mischa and noel seem weird today?” [in sign language] “that’s just how they are”
- noel’s mom also knows because mischa comes over after school pretty much every day
- they are so affectionate with each other and they hate that they have to put up barriers at school
- pretty much as soon as they walk into noel’s house until like 9 pm when mischa leaves, they are attached to each other
- mischa is touch starved fight me
- the two of them are constantly blowing up each other’s phones during the school day
- im talking paragraph after paragraph about random shit
- they also go back and forth telling each other how much they love each other
- noel locks his notifs so that you can’t see them from his lockscreen
- ocean and constance are known to steal noel’s phone for funsies and fill his camera roll and stalk his lockscreen notifs
- “noel why do you have so many locked texts :(” “why do you need to know”
- noel reads all his post-choir notifs from mischa on the way home, and will reply to them or make comments out loud to mischa
- penny clocks them as soon as she joins the choir
- she talks to ricky about it because he’s the most observant
- they have this whole convo in sign language
- “are they together?” “i’m not supposed to tell you” “so thats a yes?” “yeah don’t tell anyone though”
- ricky and penny like to roll their eyes at each other every time one of them catches mischa on his phone
- they’ll both go out of their way to ask mischa how “talia” is in front of noel because they think his little bi panic is funny
- “uhhh, [avoids eye contact with noel] she’s,,, doing well :)))”
- they’re so slay
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icejinlov3r · 3 months
ART CONTEST!!! - Frieza and Frost’s Fashion Show!!
So, I’m very much burnt out from writing (at least from my big stories, I’ll probably still drop occasional oneshots) and am taking a small hiatus. But turns hiatus can be a bit boring. So how am I gonna change that?
By hosting a random art contest for fun!!
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I thought this might be a fun little thing to drop. No idea how many participants they’ll actually be, but we’ll see 😁😁.
So, here’s how it’ll work. The theme will be my two fav bois, Frieza and Frost. Specifically, with the two of them wearing cute outfits that you guys come up with! There will be a time limit of one week (meaning March 26th, 2024 is the due date). And when that day comes, I’ll share everyone’s drawings in giant post - make it a little “fashion show” for everyone to see! And then the next day, I’ll set up votes so YOU guys can vote on the winner!
I’m gonna have votes set up for different categories too, such as “cutest outfits” or “most unique outfits” that people can also vote on. But the main winner at the end will get to request a drawing from me - on any character, fandom, or ship they want!
There are gonna be a few rules, but really it’s more like a guideline on the contest:
You don’t have to draw ship art of Frieza and Frost together - just a simple piece with these two wearing an outfit of your choice will suffice, or even two separate pics of each individual character will work (that said, ship art is welcome too).
They don’t have to wear matching outfits, have them wear whatever you come up with.
You are not limited just because both characters are male - you can dress them up in either male or female outfits, but they both only require ONE outfit each.
If you want to dress them up in outfits from a crossover show (for example, dress Frieza up as Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, etc) you can absolutely do that.
You can have Frieza and Frost be in any form you want - obviously most people recognize their final forms, but I’d be delighted to see them in their first forms, or Frieza in Golden Form.
Art can be digital or on paper, you’re free to choose.
You don’t have to follow me to participate - everyone is welcome!
Okay, now for the ACTUAL rules: please keep your outfits and drawings PG-13. I don’t know how many minors actually follow me, or look at my content, but I wanna make this available to everyone.
Leave some sort of signature on your art. I know most artists do anyway, but I don’t want anyone’s art to get stolen.
No AI art. I shouldn’t have to explain why.
And finally, please show good sportsmanship. No matter what category someone wins, or who wins the contest at the end, the point of this is just to have fun and show the creativity of many artists! If I catch word any any artists harassing me or other artists for any reason related to the contest, your art will immediately be disqualified. No if, ands, or buts. Be respectful.
Okay, I think that covers everything, but if I need to, I’ll update this later. Like I said, you have one week to submit your art. You can either DM it to me in my private messaging, or send it in my inbox - just don’t do it anonymously, otherwise giving proper credit to your art will be much more difficult. In any case, good luck, and I can’t wait to see your guy’s art!
@anonymous-harpy @bluberryboom @justme068 @purrfectcellz @gojiberry-bbq @airplaneear2 @amiz06-certified-b1mb0
(These are just great artists I’m tagging to see if they’re interested 😊)
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aceofwhump · 10 months
Hi! Do you have any favourite recovery fics??? Like Buck recovering from any one of his mishaps (or Anthony Bridgerton, or Matt Casey, or Mike Warren, etc) where they cover the process (the part that shows always skip where in one ep things are absolutely fucked and in the next they’re absolutely fine I’m looking at you and your rebar 9-1-1)
I have a TON of good recovery fics. Recovery fics are some of my favorite things to read! Especially really long ones where the character is recovering from a trauma. If you don't mind other fandoms I've got a ton of recovery fics to rec. Not a lot for Anthony Bridgerton or Mike Warren in terms of recovery fics for canon whump sadly. Actually there's not a lot of recovery fics for them period. But I hope some of these other ones will sate you!
The Witcher:
Hold On by CaptainRex_ika
It has been months since that day on the mountain, a day that left Jaskier alone. Now, he finds himself a captive of Nilfgaard, who just want Geralt and that child surprise of his, and they believe Jaskier is the way to get the White Wolf's attention. After all, he is known as the Witcher's Bard. Jaskier believes that this time Geralt won't come for him...not after that day.
warming of a heart by Alexlively88
tws: A/B/O, past rape/non con, abortion/discussion of abortion, rape recovery
Killing a rusalka is just a normal day in Geralt's life. It's just his job. What isn't his job is rescuing abused omegas. He does it anyway. Or, Jaskier is done with life. To his disappointment, life isn't done with him just yet.
If You Ask Me for My Fire (Just Watch Me Burn) by DigitalSaiyan
tws: past rape/non con, rape/noncon, rape recovery,
Jaskier has zero intention of sharing the degrading experience of getting tortured. Ever. He’ll bury the memories and someday they’ll be as scabbed over as Caingorn was. Which had been completely, absolutely, fine. And the only reason that wound is bleeding a little now is because Geralt came out of nowhere—after the most humiliating experience of his entire life—and reopened it. But that’s fine because he’ll leave and return to the terror of his smuggling work and forget about Geralt all over again. There's nothing hard drink and the constant danger of execution won’t get his mind off. There’s something therapeutic about fearing for one’s life that makes anything not of immediate concern go away. So yes, things were just fine before Geralt showed up. Two years post-Caingorn, Geralt rescues Jaskier from jail and sends him with Ciri to Kaer Morhen. However, Geralt starts to suspect Jaskier is hiding serious trauma.
Panic Attacks by AllTheQueensHorses
Jaskier, captured by Nilfgaard and tortured for weeks, has panic attacks because no one knows where he is and no one is coming to rescue him. Basically a giant whump fic with plenty of angst and hurt but no comfort until later. Trigger warnings throughout the whole story for panic attacks.
Broken by GonEwiththeWolveS
In which Geralt finds out Jaskier was tortured. Or, the self-indulgent hurt/comfort fic.
What am I, if not a bard? by Mi_chan
Geralt knows something happened to Jaskier. He doesn't know the details, but he knows he needs to do something to help the bard. Jaskier is stubborn and refuses to talk to him. Geralt doesn't give up that easily, though. ~ Since the series totally downplayed Jaskier's trauma, here's the fix. The bard is hurting, he's scared and doesn't know what to do with himself, but Geralt is there, acknowledging his pain. ~
an incessant burning by 1derspark
“Jaskier,” Geralt prompted after a while. “Can you look at me?” He shook his head and hoped that his mumbled "no" would be heard. Geralt sighed but didn’t try to move him. His hand was running a comforting trail up and down Jaskier’s back. Eventually, he spoke again. “Yen, she told me some things, but I didn’t realize…” He trailed off, and Jaskier could hear him swallow. A click of guilt in the throat. He reached over to Jaskier’s arm. When he didn’t startle or protest Geralt took his arm. He rubbed a gentle finger over the wax burn. It was a barely-there thing, nothing to get all riled up about. But even having his arm exposed made Jaskier want to crawl into a hole. (Or Jaskier’s newfound aversion to fire, and the comfort he deserves.)
Hand in Trembling Hand by PenAndInkPrincess
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier whispers at last. Geralt shifts so he can look at him. “I’m sorry I’m…like this, now.” “You don’t have to be sorry.” (Jaskier has a hard path to walk while he's healing. Geralt and Yennefer help him with this part.)
Ted Lasso:
an excess of warmth or coldness by bartonbones 
When Jamie is seriously injured during a match, Roy and Ted are reminded how much they care about him--as a son, or as a younger brother, or as an exposed nerve. Jamie is reminded what it's like to have people care when his face gets knocked in.
Lemons and Lavender by LivingProof
He peels his eyes open. Shit, they really must be giving him the good stuff, cause he could swear he knows that dark figure lurking in the doorway, where his old man came in a few minutes ago. He blinks a few times, waiting for it to vanish. It doesn’t. “Roy?” he croaks. He blinks again, and Roy…or whoever…is standing beside him, 'cept Jamie still can’t tell, cause he can only see his back, cause whoever it is isn’t looking at Jamie, he’s looking across the room. Towards that window. At Jamie’s dad. “The fuck do you fucking think you’re fucking doing here?” Yeah. That’s Roy.
Barn Raising by altschmerzes 
After the locker room disaster in Manchester, Roy drives Jamie home. The chaos they find when they arrive at the house swiftly proves it is not a safe place to spend the night, forcing a change of plans and a reroute to Roy’s own home. The following day Jamie experiences, in this order: The most bewildering breakfast of his life, a penalty kick clinic with a seven-year-old, and an overwhelming display from his teammates that brings him face to face with the fact that not only has he been accepted back in Richmond it’s also possible he might be, in a way he can’t remotely process or understand, loved here.
The Same Story by altschmerzes
It would've been traumatic enough for Jamie's father to ruin Richmond's most recent victory in front of the whole team, but when the confrontation turns violent in front of a gaggle of reporters, the ensuing social media firestorm is even worse. Over the next two and a half weeks, Jamie will have to navigate the charges against his father, walk a gauntlet of publicity that he never asked for, and prepare to give the interview of a lifetime.
Bones Don't Rust by not_whelmed_yet
The same capture & rescue fic everyone has written, but playing off two ideas: - I wanted to see Dream’s physical recovery take long enough that he could begin his mental/emotional recovery before heading back to the Dreaming - There’s a lot of ways to hurt an anthropomorphic entity without taking them out of their snowglobe
I will find you in your dreams by Salmaka
A story where Dream, confused and weak from his time in isolation doesn't make it back to the Dreaming but ends up in Hob's house instead.
To Learn to Breathe Again by ironlin
Upon returning back to the Dreaming, Dream finds himself struggling. Thankfully, Lucienne is there to help.
To Be Loved by Scribbles97
Buck knew he was spiralling, that the dread that had been shadowing him since leaving the hospital should have left when the doctor had given him the all clear. Yet, he can't help but feel like he's still missing something. Eddie hadn't been able to give him the answers, but maybe Bobby could. Calm, dependable, reassuring, Bobby always had the answers and helped him through stuff.
Goosebumps by Princessfbi 
Everyone kept telling Buck he was supposed to rest, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that when the cold was an incessant prickling under his skin. Five Times Buck Struggled to Stay Warm After Being Struck By Lightning and Put Into A Coma and One Time He Didn't.
Don't (Wanna) Know Who I Am by altschmerzes
Buck takes a nasty fall out on a job, and when he wakes up, he can't remember anything. Not what happened, not who the people in his hospital room are, not even his own name. The next two weeks he spends being passed from house to house every few days, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby taking turns keeping an eye on him while he tries to remember his life. The way back is slow and hard, and begs the question - who actually is Evan Buckley, and is he someone worth remembering? (Luckily, the rest of the 118 is there with an answer, if not to the first question, then at least to the second.)
Once Upon A Time
puppet strings by bewilderedmoth
Having technically died on more than one occasion now, having finally put all that trauma behind him and settled down in Storybrooke, August had hoped his troubles were long gone. When Gold returns to town in his quest to find the Author, hopes of a trouble free life in the sleepy town crumble away to dust. (A whumpy re-write of August's torture in S4, Ep 16. Set within the 'mess is mine' universe, but not actually canon to that AU)
they are mine by Lil_Redhead
Killian is still trying to deal with his emotional pain after returning from the underworld and all he needs is a motherly touch. Takes place after 5B season finale.
Unforgotten by NothingImpossibleOnlyImprobable
Killian went through so much in his centuries of life, especially in the Underworld. Nightmares were to be expected. This is canon-compliant with my Undefeated story, and it will eventually be a part of a larger collection of works dealing with the aftermath of everything he's survived, and some he didn't.
You can take the boys out of Neverland by WinkyCutto
The Lost Ones don't like having to live by the rules and Henry and his family are about to find out that bringing them back to Storybrooke may not have been the best idea... Hook whump galore, you have been warned.
Superman & Lois
Path to Recovery by Beth4LC
It’s been a month since Clark lost his powers and there are still no clear answers to when he’ll get them back. In the meantime, he focuses on connecting with the members of his family.
Powerless by Beth4LC
Clark is home and recovering after Ally’s near-fatal attack, and he starts to adjust to his new reality.
Deal by hearmerory
Chloe didn't spend five years being best friends with the Devil just to let him go back to Hell. But recovery? Relationships? These are not things Lucifer has ever found easy. In the weeks after Lucifer's return from Hell, he and the humans, angels and demons who surround him find out how long, hard and traumatic those roads can be.
Crystals by OkamiShadou98
After seeing Lucifer's scars, Chloe searches for the truth about her partner and his shadowed past. In doing so, she comes face to face with the psychological demons he shields himself from. Recovery is a long, twisted road for the Devil and his Detective. Eventual Deckerstar.
The Man From Uncle:
Agents, Missions, and Hospitals by Tallihensia
Getting hurt on a mission is enough to make a partner’s blood run cold. The aftermath and recovery, though, is almost as bad. Caring and trust makes it better.
The Martian:
Waiting in the Sky by midnightradio
Mark is back on the Hermes but getting rescued isn't quite as easy as it seemed. Fighting for your life is easy, but living with what you had to do to survive is harder.
I Win, Mars by chuckisgod
You didn't just have to save him. You have to put him back together, too. Ares 3 was in time to save Mark's life, but not quite his mind. The Hermes has hundreds of days of space travel before they all get back to Earth. It's a ship running without maintenance, and the primary engineer has the world's most severe case of PTSD. What happens? Canon-compliant.
Just Keep Going by chuckisgod
"And this is how this story ends. The story of Mark Watney is the story of a man who was stranded on Mars, and instead of giving up he did everything he could to make it back to Earth, because that's the point." What would being abandoned on an entire planet do to someone? A window into Mark's emotional state on Mars. A sincere attempt to stay true to the real-life health effects of solitary isolation.
Life on Earth by watneykingofmars
A series of drabbles and one-shots about Mark Watney readjusting to life on earth.
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Hearth and Home by lets_support_frogs
After his Agni Kai, Zuko flees the Fire Nation without Iroh or his crew. He finds himself stranded, alone, and injured in the Earth Kingdom when taken in and raised as a healer and farmer by an Earth Kingdom couple. He finds new ways to use his bending and to influence in the changing of the war with new understanding of himself, his bending, and the war. As someone with new perspectives and influence he is able to provide a greater understanding of being a teacher, warrior, and friend when meeting the gaang.   or Where Zuko gets to recover before using anger to protect himself when he is adopted by a nice Earth Kingdom family
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