#ignore the fact it’s late
beetledrawz · 8 months
Day 10: Roulette
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🎵crazy roulette, spin the roulette🎵
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cyrafoam · 1 year
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so. um-
*leaves this on the table and runs away*
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moonlittalk · 2 months
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⤷ Episode 76: Conan vs. Kaitou KID
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courfee · 6 months
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Regulus finds a label maker. That’s useful.
Reg with a label maker from early morning, coffee cups by @alarainai stuck with me for some reason...
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mokadevs · 3 months
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day 28: made you smile
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4mamiyas · 6 months
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Minato and Thanatos.
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anagorah · 6 months
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starstriix · 10 days
Jock Week 2024 — Day 3: Maybe Brick and Jo wanna kiss and make up?
aka tdroti if they weren’t cowards
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flamet-draws · 8 months
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Mechtober Day 25: (No) Happy Endings
I was gonna say ‘In just under the wire 😤😤’ but it’s actually the 26th for me now so I’m late
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hyuckwrlds · 9 months
could I request a fluffy bf jaehyun joking around with jealous y/n hehe ❤️
>> double tap
wc: 601 what's after like?
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“i didn’t know jungwoo was in spain,” you comment absentmindedly, looking over jaehyun’s shoulder as he scrolls through his feed.
he pauses, snorting slightly. “yeah, he told the group chat he was tired of us then booked the next flight out of here.”
you chuckle then, walking around the couch to fall into the space beside him. shifting to rest your head on his shoulder, you watch in silence as he opens up jungwoo’s profile and shows you his past few photos. “seems like he’s having fun though.”
you hum. “yeah, looks like it.”
jaehyun gets back to the most recent post and snickers again at his friend’s smiling face. after a second, he double taps the photo.
you blink, head lifting suddenly. “did you just—”
he meets your gaze. “did i just what?”
“did you just like his photo?”
he laughs; some short airy noise of sheer disbelief while his brows furrow. “yeah? does it matter?”
“no—” you begin, frowning. “well, i mean—you never like my photos.”
he gives you a look, and you're not sure if it’s because he’s judging you or thinking about judging you. you’re suddenly too aware of how ridiculous you sound now. yet another part of you thinks it's fair—in your past three-something years of dating, he’s maybe liked two of your posts. and that was because you made him like them yourself.
“babe,” he says, a hand falling to your thigh in reassurance. “i literally choose the photos you post.”
you let out a breath. “i know, but still.”
a few seconds pass and his lips start to curl into a grin. “c’mon, don’t be like that. tell me you wouldn't like his posts too. look at him. he’s too cute.”
you reach over to smack his leg and he laughs. tossing his phone aside, he wraps his arms around you, a dimpled smile on his face.
“i’m kidding,” he chuckles, squeezing you tight as his head dips into the space between your neck and shoulder. “sorry, i didn’t know you cared so much about a double tap when you're the one dating me.”
“i don’t,” you pout, giving him another soft slap on the back when he pinches your sides. “but are my posts not cute enough to meet your criteria? am i not cute?”
“not when you’re getting jealous over jungwoo.”
“i am not jealous of jungwoo,” you huff, attempting to wrestle him off of you. his grip doesn't lessen and you blame all the time he spends at the gym. “i’m just wondering.”
“sure,” he coos sarcastically, beaming. “but just so you know, i wouldn’t be dating you if you weren’t cute. i love you the most. way more than i do jungwoo.”
he pulls back slightly to look at you and you feel your face burn under his gaze. why you’re suddenly shy, you have no idea. when you turn away, he laughs again.
“see?” he pokes your cheek. “cute.”
flustered from the slight onslaught of attention, you exhale a long breath. “i get it. anyway—”
“anyway,” he parrots teasingly. “you’re the cutest ever and i love you.”
with that, you finally surrender to his hold, leaning your head gently against his. strands of his hair tickle your cheek and all you can think about is how much you love the scent of his conditioner. you feel him press a kiss to your temple.
“i love you too,” you reply, and oh how you mean it.
“sorry i never like your photos,” he says after a moment, reaching for your hand.
“i guess i’m too busy liking you in person.”
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misfitmiska · 10 months
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Re-read Spy x Family while waiting for season 2 and had the urge to draw something fluffy. :3
I definitely over-rendered it but I was just having way too much fun messing around with the blending modes. x)
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starving-mimi · 3 months
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Ah, the good ol classic trope of a character trying the other's clothes, a classic, but still great.
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gotta be dapper right?
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reluctanttrabbit · 9 months
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of course they changed the tickets and went to go see barbie. peace and love on planet earth
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juliejoestar · 4 months
silly things i drew
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HEYY! excuse-me 🥺 can you do some hcs (sfw/nsfw) of sam dating a girl like "golden retriever" "hyper energy" and "hooded child who doesn't stop in place" girlf ?
thank you for requesting!! ♡
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warnings: none :)
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
- sam carpenter isn’t really known for her expressive nature - she tends to keep her emotions close to her chest unless she’d certain she can trust you.
- so when her friends and sister find out that she’s dating you - the human embodiment of sunshine itself - they can hardly believe it.
- because sam was… well, sam. and the pair of you were just so different; you were always so damn cheerful and had enough energy to rival a small child on a sugar rush, and as endearing as that was, it hardly fit into sam’s reserved and careful nature.
- but the two of just seemed to work - especially given just how enamoured sam is with you. the way you smile especially has her weak in the knees, all flustered like she’s suddenly a teenager in love.
- the way you smile alone is enough to make her day, so it’s a damn good thing that you grin at practically everything: when you wake up and see that the sun is shining, when your favourite song comes on the radio, and - sam’s personal favourite - when she finishes work and you look at her like she’s the centre of your entire universe.
- the best part of her day is when you run into her arms after a long shift, telling her just how much you’d missed her whilst she was gone. and with the way you kiss her, all gentle yet so damn eager , she can certainly tell.
- usually, sam can’t deal with rambling at all. it gets on her nerves, and there’s not enough people that she tolerates enough to potentially listen to for that long. but with you? god, she’d listen to you talk for days.
- she just sits there, nodding and smiling like an idiot as you ramble on about some movie you just watched or a cute dog you saw on your walk home - sometimes, she has no idea what it is that you’re tracking about, but she doesn’t even care - not when you’re so damn cute when you’re passionate.
- showers you with gifts - but feels totally embarrassed to give them to you. stands there awkwardly as you squeal over your new necklace, but can’t help but chuckle as you literally throw yourself at her, wrapping your arms around her so tightly that it’s a wonder you don’t break any bones.
- swears that it isn’t a big deal (she spent an obscene amount of money on it) and she only got it because she was near the store (you’d said you’d liked it weeks ago, and you deserved only the best). legend has it that you’re the only one that can make sam carpenter blush.
- you drag her everywhere with you - literally. you hold onto her hand and move from place to place so quickly that you might as well teleport, trying desperately to enjoy everything all at once.
- “wait, sam!! look at that! oh, it’s so great, do you see it?? it’s adorable!!”
“yeah, i see it princess - almost as cute as you.”
- the way you hurry around also means that sam keeping an eye on you becomes second nature; she’s always prepared to reach out or hook an arm around to ensure that you don’t trip over your own feet.
- seriously. sometimes she wonders what happens when she’s not there to catch you - although she does her damn hardest to make sure that’s never the case.
- sam is understandably already overprotective of those she cares about, but with you, she turns it up to an eleven. mostly, it’s because she worries - you were so sweet to everybody, and she didn’t want anybody to try and take advantage of that.
- she takes this very literally - glaring at almost every new person you introduce yourself to.
- it’s nothing you haven’t noticed though, and you can’t help but tease her for it. she just grumbles and says you’ve “turned her soft,” even despite the fact you can both she she’s smiling like an idiot <3
- you both also know that you have her wrapped around your finger without even trying - sam never has been able to say no to your puppy dog eyes.
- you definitely rope her into matching with you - whether it’s with makeup, outfits or accessories (she 100% wears a necklace with your initial on it <3)
- given your already…hyperactive nature, sam admirably tries her hardest to keep you away from caffeine - nothing good comes from that combination, trust her. you just think it’s sweet that she cares, and even if you don’t always take her advice, you appreciate her always looking out for you.
- on a semi-related note, your sleeping pattern isn’t the most regular, but when you do fall asleep, more often than not, it just happens to be on sam - whether it’s her shoulder or her chest, your girlfriend has had to resign herself to the role of personal pillow.
- not that she minds, and her heart definitely melts when she sees just how peaceful you look.
- you have a habit of wanting to try everything - meaning you’ve tried your hand at basically every hobby under the sun. painting, pottery, crocheting - you name it, you’ve probably wanted to try it at some point. even though you usually end up growing bored and inevitably give it up, sam keeps souvenirs from all of your endeavours and treasures them all, her favourite being a painting that, if you squint hard enough, shows the two of you on some sort of date.
- sam had never been somebody who revived a lot of compliments growing up, but with you? every single day, you make sure to let her know just how does ik she is to you and how much you love her, plain and simple. she doesn’t know if you’re aware just how much that means to her, but gif, she hopes you do.
- you’re possibly the only person- maybe even including tara - who can get away with calling her stupidly sappy nicknames.
- they’re corny as hell and make no sense half of the time, but they come from your heart - and sam can’t help but adore that fact.
- after a mere few months into your relationship, the difference in sam’s apartment is palpable: the table never is never not decorated with flowers you bought because “aren’t they just the prettiest things you’ve ever seen?”, photos of the pair of you are tacked up onto the fridge with heart magnets and all of your belongings are strewn across the place like you live there - which, at this point, you might as well.
- being around you in general just allows sam to relax immensely - your energy’s just so infectious that being around you instantly puts her in a good mood, and she loves the way you encourage her to be better without even trying.
- and, as sappy as it sounds, every moment sam spends with you, she finds herself becoming more and more completely enamoured with you <3
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parliamentoftoh · 1 year
“Willow is the Evelyn to Hunter’s Caleb!”
“Luz is the Evelyn to Hunter’s Caleb!”
y’all constantly be missing the key part of this which is that Hunter is not Caleb in anyone’s eyes but Belos, and we already know who Belos considered to be the Evelyn in this scenario.
it’s Flapjack. 
That’s it that’s your answer everyone pack it up and go home. 
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