#imma say this is my year in review
smallsimmer · 6 months
My Favorite Posts Each Month of 2023
I really did not post all that much this year, but here are the things I liked that I posted each month 💖
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cinamun · 2 months
@jayveesim brought up a really, REALLY good observation about that post-funeral flashback compared to Jay in the apartment confronting his mom.
So I want to take a little dive into this rabbit hole right quick.
Feel free to join me....
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It almost feels like that wasn't a statement. It feels like this entire line from Jay was either condescending in tone or questioning in tone. If it was condescending, he was likely mentally putting together puzzle pieces that have been missing for most of his life. "No one plays like my dad unless they are from my dad... REMEMBER MOM??" Or.... he's saying it because its something he tells HIMSELF.....
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Mercy hasn't stopped saying this in the 18 years since her Jackson's passing. In my head it was always because he was really good (like *gasp* Coltrane) and he died before he was really discovered. Perhaps other musicians noticed this unmatched talent and is all they talked about and is why they got booked for so many shows (kinda like Eva's abilities impressed the entire music department at UBrite). Maybe there were articles written about him? Because there are several peer-reviewed articles about Coltrane being the only person to play the way he played and being an influence to modern jazz and other genres. I mean... of course I modeled Jackson after that but wait, there's more!
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Is this the start of the pedestal placement? Was Jay indoctrinated? I loved how @tsunamirains was like still skeptical because Mercy has consistently put a do-no-wrong image of Jackson into Jay's head.
And then there's this....
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now wtf does THAT mean? We all know that"Understand?" means if you don't get it, imma make you get it. lol Why would Mercy say anything disparaging about Jackson anyway?
Okay.... I think i'm gonna crawl out of the rabbit hole now and finish my coffee but I was hoping someone caught the things and y'all caught the things.
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skzhua · 9 months
BESTIE SJSJSJ FIRST IMMA SAY YOUR ANGST WITH THE HAPPY ENDS? ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL LIKE IVE READ PLENTY AND NEVER COULD FIND ONE THAT SCRATCHED MY ITCH (or whatever they say)😭 SOOOO I SAW UOUR REQUESTS WERE OPENED AND I RAN HERE😭😭😭 i don't have a very ... Particular request like idk the exact word but it's basically just a smol thought you can write if you like💀
So basically stumbled upon a video of Binnie talking about how memebers are when angry and him sayin all it takes for him to calm down IS ANY SORT IF PHYSICAL TOUCH
Simply shakes me to the core every time I think about him being putty in my hands 🫦🫦 (no calling me out for being delusional i will police and jail)
Idek know how to base an entire one shot around just this tiny thing so let's just pretend i was gushing if you can't either 💀💀💀
The Three Times Changbin Got Mad, and the One Time He Didn't
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Pairing Seo Changbin x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff.
Word Count: 1,777
Warnings: Swearing. (not proofread yet!)
A/N: Like you said, extremely hard to base off an entire imagine just from this so I'm sorry if this is shitty. I tried real hard for inspiration to come but Changbin is such a soft person in my mind that I genuinely can't wrap my head around him getting angry lmao. I hope this does the trick!
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In the few years you had been dating the man, Changbin liked to consider himself as a calm person. In fact, he only got angry a few times. But those few times were intense.
JYP criticized his song. By then, it was no surprise to anyone that Changbin had some dislike towards his big boss. However, it was not the first time he got some harsh reviews on a demo. So why did this one in particular made him especially pissed? Because he wrote it about his lover, you.
When he wrote it, he hadn't seen you in days and missed you terribly. He gave his all to this song as he arranged and composed it only a few days after writing it. Once you finally found the time to see each other, he was so proud to show it to you. Of course you loved it and almost cried because, come on, how sweet is it that your boyfriend loves you so much that he makes a song about you?
Apparently, it was not enough to be released as an SKZ-RECORD.
"Is it the melody? I could change the hook for-" Changbin started, but Chan put his hand on his shoulder as to stop him from speaking any more.
"It's not just the melody. The lyrics are very explicitly directed to a significant other and some fans might react poorly to it. Plus, it doesn't sound like the kind of music you'd release. Your tone is too soft unlike usually."
Changbin was baffled. "Too soft? What about it? Do you expect me to sing about the love of my life while growling?"
Chan felt the tension growing. "Bin, it's not-"
"You think it's bad too?" he scoffed.
"I didn't say that but-"
"No, I get it." he cut him off again. "Thank you both for the feedback."
And just like that, he stormed out of the room, heading straight to the gym. It was the only he thought of letting out the build up rage his coworkers had caused. Music blasting in his headphones, doing his nth squat, he still couldn't calm down. As he dropped his dumbbell in front of him, his attention was drifted to the door opening to his left. Jisung stood there with a small smile. Changbin removed turned off his music and greeted the younger man with a wave. Jisung dropped his things in the corner of the room where the lockers were located before he joined him.
"You started without me?"
Changbin nodded, sweat dripping on his face. "I left the company early."
"Chan told me."
Not wanting to discuss about what had happened, he turned his music back on and went on with his workout. Jisung got the message and didn't bother him any further. They exercised together in silence.
An hour later, they left to go back home. It was no surprise for anyone when Changbin didn't take the time to greet Chan when he walked in the dorm as he went straight to his room. He pulled out a bag and then dialed your number.
On your side, you were doing nothing but watching a movie. Not having gotten the proper sleep for a while, you were dozing off easily. The ring coming from your phone woke you up immediately. Recognizing the contact picture of your boyfriend, you wasted no time to answer.
"Hey." you answered with a yawn.
"Hey." Changbin said softly. "Did I wake you up?"
"No." you chuckled. "What's up?"
He sighed in hesitation. "Can I come sleep at your place tonight? Something happened at work and I can't seem to calm down."
"Of course you can, but I might be already asleep when you come."
"It's fine with me, I just need a break from the guys for a bit."
Although he couldn't see, you smiled sadly. If he needed a break from the boys, it meant something really bad happened. Otherwise, he would try to fix things instead.
"Alright. If I don't answer the door, just come in, okay?!
And that's what he did. He did argue a bit with Chan whether it was a good idea sleeping at your place when they had an early practice the next day. Still, he left harshly and went to your apartment.
As you had predicted, you had fallen asleep already. His heart did get lighter at the sight of you, but he still had this knot inside of his stomach. In silence, he slipped under the covers and closed his eyes.
Changbin was already having a bad day. Not having slept much the night before, he was most definitely exhausted. So when Minho pointed out that he did not do a move the right way, it only fed his anger.
"We've been doing this choreography enough times, you should be able to do it properly." Minho sighed. "Can I see it again?"
Changbin suppressed any sign of annoyance and did as told. And he made the same mistake again.
Minho shook his head. "Try again."
And again, same thing.
"I'm sorry." he apologized in a small voice.
"We have a showcase tomorrow, you are supposed to master the choreography." Minho exhaled. "Again."
And it was the same. Maybe having called you until late at night was not a good idea after all.
"What is it with you today? Stop think about Y/N and focus."
That reached Changbin's limit. He would take any criticism or even insults, but he would never accept someone bringing you up for no reason.
"You know I can do this move normally, can't we just move on?"
"I'm just saying if you weren't so distracted with her-"
Changbin scoffed. "Don't go there, Minho."
"Am I wrong, though? I get you have your own little adventure with her, but I still expect you to be doing this properly."
"We're only practicing."
"And we visibly need practicing here."
Chan walked to stand between the two men. "Alright, I think this is enough."
"Tell that to him." Changbin nodded his head at Minho.
"I'm sorry for wanting us to be at our best."
"So the best would be for me to break up with Y/N and miserably work non-stop here?"
Minho's jaw clenched, Changbin could see it. The lack of answer was his cue that he had enough of the day. With a decided walk, he took his belongings and didn't forget to slam the door behind him.
He would have called you, but you had gone back to your parents' home for the weekend and he knew how much you missed them. So he went to the studio and drowned himself in his music. Oddly enough, he had enough inspiration to write a song. It was mostly spiteful so he would never actually put it out, but it did help. Still, even after hours submerged in sound mixing and some recordings here and there, he could get rid of the anger Minho had grown in his core.
He really wished you were there.
Jeongin stole his protein shake. For anyone else, this was not an issue at all. However, Changbin took his workout very seriously. So much so that it was almost to the point he'd pass it before the members. In this case, it was definitely that.
"It's half empty." he said through the phone.
The younger man having left to start his day already, he tried his best to justify his action from afar. "I stayed over last night and woke up late, this was the only thing I could digest quickly for the day. Anyway, you told me you'd make me one at some point."
Changbin scoffed. "I told you I'd make you one on the day you stop being a little shit."
"Hey, I have been nice for quite a while now."
"Congrats? What do you want me to say? Jeongin, this was perfectly mesured for me to get through the day and I was running out of protein powder so I was kind of counting on this one for my diet."
"Sorry, I didn't know."
"You could've asked at the very least."
"I said I'm sorry, really."
"Yeah right."
And he hung up, steam coming out of his ears as he stared at the shaker.
The slam of the hotel room's door made your heart stop for a second. When your eyes laid on your boyfriend coming in, you calmed down immediately. Still, the look on his face didn't scream happiness and that perked some worry in you.
"Hey, baby." you said softly while he was taking his shoes off.
He didn't speak any more and dropped down on the chair opposite to where you were. You knew him better than anybody else but the expression on his face was unreadable. It was negative for sure but you couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.
"How was the concert?" you finally broke the silence.
"The usual." he answered boringly.
"The fans?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "The usual."
Something was off and it annoyed the shit out of you. "Alright, what happened?"
"I'm not taking this as an answer."
He sighed, already feeling defeated. He couldn't hide anything from you, even the slightest thing. He went up to you and sat on the bed.
"It's not that big of a deal but my mic was cut and I missed a whole rap verse."
You let out a breath. "That's a shame... They fixed it at least?"
"Yeah but I got nervous after and messed everything up. Chan was on my back for the rest of the night and it pissed me off. Like, I don't know, I was trying."
You shushed him quick by stroking his hand with your thumb. Instantly, you could see his whole body relax a little. You didn't need to ask for him to crawl next to you, allowing you to engulf him in a cuddle. Rubbing the sides of his body, you kept quiet as your sole goal was to comfort him.
Changbin felt his heart pound less and less as he melted under your touch. Affection has always worked on him as a way to relax but you were a special one. Your presence could be enough for him to forget about anything remotely frustrating. You were his safe space and he felt so much love for you, no shit he would calm down so fast.
"Thank you." he whispered with a smile.
"It's nothing. Now, how about I order us some food and we go to bed?"
He moved around so he could see your face and smirked. "Are you paying?"
"Don't push your luck, Seo."
@lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
i am mad at this tiktok trend of video essay recommendations, and not just because i have a very very intense special interest in video essays and youtube commentary. -___- guyssss, a video essay does not have to be scary or unsettling to be a GOOD video essay. all of yalls reccs are like, 20-something minute videos about "gadagoobies left toe: a creepypasta turned real" and tbh thats like, a sphere of video 'essay'. imma say it, and imma be a lil time-elitist here, but 20 minutes is a video, not a video essay. if youve chosen a topic, and said topic cannot fill more than like half an hour, consider me unimpressed in either your research skills or topic choice. not to mention, again, horror internet video essays are like fuckin, 1/10th of the video essays out there. show me breadtube video essays, movie video essays, whatever the hell Jenny Nicholson is doing, Ro Ramdin, Contrapoints??
do yall want me to show you my spreadsheet O___O ill show u my fuckin spreadsheet, theres so much more out there besides your half furry sprites talking about internet horror from 2011 for 23 minutes.
my reccs? literally anything by Ladyknightthebrave. she has very very in depth and emotional video essays about media, including a big focus on holocaust media as she is Jewish. her Jojo Rabbit/The Book Thief video makes me cry EVERY time, and i cry like ten times a year. ough, she has a video about Cowboy Bebop that focuses SO MUCH on the music! A video essay about a bad holocaust movie where she literally interviews holocaust expertsss! Her video on MASH made me go watch the whole thing, same with Stargate. and gods, her video about Fleabag blew me away. just pleeease go check ANY of her videos out.
Jenny Nicholson. you want random? she's got it. she has a video where she reviews every single Land of Time movie, and theres a LOT of those. She deep dives into the brony fandom. etc etc. i know she's popular but still, theres a reason for that.
Contrapoints. absolutely gorgeous video making about politics, self, etc. and she's queer as hell, amazing. I just can't describe the depth she puts into her videos.
FDSignifier. a huge part of breadtube (or leftist youtube) who makes a lottt of excellent video essays on black masculinity. Big, full videos, with a good perspective to see if you are a white viewer.
CJ the X just has a ton of excellent video essays as well. They are very intellectual.
Ro Ramdin, my gods, most of her videos are not what i would call video essays, but she tows the line. Emotional, funny, to the point, amazingly shot, and compassionate to the bone.
i probably have more but here's my point, branch out, dont put non-horror video essays down. we get it, you watch gore on liveleak and draw ur edgy fursona with scars all over them. (was that harsh? sorry, just uhhh please consider perspective and the culture of creepypasta/horror online being a cesspool of self harm via forcing ones self to watch upsetting things)
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momo-de-avis · 8 months
Saw this on TikTok, thought you'd find it mildly interesting. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJvpDMqN/
A few things:
Sangria is 17€ everywhere in downtown Lisbon. 5€ is the glass. A jar of sangria is not going to be much cheaper than 17€ anywhere in Lisbon. I don't know who the fuck sees "sangria 5€" and expects that to be the price of a full one litre jar
I'm very positive I've seen those guys every other day. I walk that street almost every day, I have a stop there on the food tour and also there's a café there I often go to. It's a pretty chill street overall, but those dudes, if they are who I am remembering, they're those guys who are usually standing there trying to sell drugs that aren't really drugs. Now Imma be honest with you. I've dealt with them very often, for several years. Never, not once, had a problem. Yeah they're loud and a little annoying with the hustle, but when I was working near that street selling touristic services and they were next to me selling fake weed lmao they even defended us at some point.
I'm not saying everything described in the video did not happen. Likely it did. I said that street is very chill, but if you watch the vid you'll see in the background a building with flags and then a purple light. that building with flags is the Coliseum, the local concert hall. Which means this couple is officially on the wrong part of the street. Portas de Santo Antão, the street in question, is fine right before you get to that part, overall.
When travelling nobody has the mindset to just google every restaurant and check reviews, but keep in mind this is going to be a possibility. Lisbon is very, very popular right now as a tourist destination, and we Lisboners have known FOR YEARS about a lot of these restaurants functioning on the basis of scams. Portas de Santo Antão, again, is usually chill, but not always. Personally the way I deal with it is just pay for my shit and move along, cause you're in a foreign country and it's not worth the shitshow. You don't know what's going to happen, you don't know the country's laws, so just accept that you made a mistake. It happens often.
What this means is that Lisbon has become a city that requires thorough research before you sit your ass in a restaurant. Even for me, bro.
If the restaurant has people aggressively trying to get you to come inside and sit, avoid it. Granted that not all are going to be like this, and I can tell a couple ones in downtown that are chill, it's just the dudes are paid to do that ungrateful job. But there's Critical Zones
With that in mind, when eating lunch or dinner stay away from:
The upper part of Portas de Santo Antão
Rua dos Correeiros, for the love of god stay tf away from this one. The chances here of paying 500€ for a salmon are not zero. Loads of restaurants here are actually run by the biggest pickpocketer in Lisbon. THis is not a joke, it was on fucking TV
Rua Augusta although this one is fine for breakfast and sweets to be honest.
Rua dos Sapateiros (some of the oldest and most trustworthy and iconic restaurants in downtown are here)
Rua do Ouro for quick snakcs but nothing too traditional
Lower part of Portas de Santo Antão, namely Casa do Alentejo
Rua do Jardim do Regedor, namely, Bonjardim which is one of the oldest places and most trustworthy for piri piri chicken
Rua da Madalena. 100% nothing there is bad. Literally nothing I am not exagerating, best bifanas in Lisbon and some of the coollest wine bars too.
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maymeowmoo · 7 months
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New episode of Smg4?!?!?!? Well I'm inna writing mood soooooo.... Imma review/analysis and share my thoughts on the new episode >:) ["SMG4:SMG3's BOMB CAFE"] If you're bored feel free to read this overly detailed analysis of a 12:01 minute video! (Actually ~10:30ish)
Analyzing time! ^w^/
Smg3 being so happy abt his lil cafe is very cute. I did not expect Smg4 to be so goddam sassy in this episode but I like that they didn't get rid of their rivalry completely since u know, after so many years it would be odd for it to just disappear even if they have recently been bonding so much u<u
Still I couldn't help but feel a bit odd? Like idk if Four just desperately wanted Three to ask him for help w the coffee or what but DANG was he super into making Smg3's life harder. At 4:49 Smg4 basically goes screw it lets make Three more miserable and invites everyone. Like let bro learn overtime we don't need a Kirby Lunch Rush but with Smg3! Also Four's expressions? Dude is being SILLY on purpose u_u He continues his nuisance charade with 6:22 ("How can you not even have the unicorn frappucino?"). Like dang bro how abt u calm ur sass down and stop provoking Three even more? He does get a clear indication of Smg3's annoyance (8:51-8:52 Smg3 says "Shut up." to Four also stopping him from making another sassy remark) yet still continues. At 9:14 (Smg4:"So you admit you can't run a shop yet?") Four gives his snarky comment and all I can think of is how he intentionally made it harder for Three to run the dang shop. [Note: Tbh even someone who owned a shop would have a hard time with Smg4's Crew lets be fr.] Just like I said at the beginning of this paragraph I am starting to really believe Four wanted to be involved with Three somehow and the only way he knew how is by forcing conflict.
Characterization wise what surprised me is how even after two instances of Three yelling for the others to stop fighting they still continue on. Idk I just feel like they would've listened tbh. They were very... hyperactive I guess? The characters do act kinda like they should but it still felt odd to me for some reason. Eggdog as always has the best characterization tho, man do I like that silly egg thing. Anywho this wasn't the only thing that felt odd continuity wise. I would've thought Smg3 learnt to make proper coffee before he started up a cafe? Especially since he literally lived in a STARBUCKS??? Like I just think he would've idk tried making coffee before opening a cafe even if he didn't make any during his time in the Internet Graveyard. I did make up two explanations for this tho! One is that the dead memes (Specifically the funny lil knuckles) made the coffee during his time in the Internet Graveyard and the other is that he was just too anxiety/adrenaline ridden to make proper coffee. At the end of the day these things aren't huge issues for me but as I said before it did make me feel odd.
Smg4 getting called out for his sass was necessary for me to like this video so imma glad it happened and he doesn't just get away with his behavior. At 9:23 the realization of his silly shenanigans finally catch up to him and that means..... THE SMG34 PART OF THE EPISODE STARTS YEEHAW! Even though Smg4's and 3's confrontation felt just the tiny bit forced to me (probably Four's fault) it was so nice to see them being softer. I also really like how Three doesn't agree to Four's proposal without making some convoluted reasoning as to why this isn't just two pals helping each other out and is actually TOTALLY just a transactional thing. It feels really in character! Oh yeah since I need to put this somewhere at 9:47 Four is like "I want to help" and like... you made it harder and now you want to help? Better now then never tbh ^w^/
Jokes -> The joke at 2:27-2:34 made me chuckle ._. and that makes me somewhat disappointed in myself (You want it? Issa urs my friend is so real). 3:00 is also a joke I liked, it felt very relatable (I struggle with basic human stuff like buttons on a coffee machine also u_u aww man). 3:28-3:32 Decent joke! 4:12 having a Gmod Three bang the coffee machine was good but the sudden Pomni/Smg4 reaction wasn't for me :v (It is good for Au art tho, I've seen the Smg4 as Pomni art hehe ;P ). 5:55-6:05 Nice joke ^v^/ (Smg3 writing '1 jar of poison for Mario' was the cherry on top tbh). 6:29-6:35 just like the joke at three minutes the whole 'operating a coffee machine being like dark magic' is still funny to me. 7:35-7:38 7:45-7:46 the music that plays when the rainbow (acid) coffee is shown is cool. 8:34-8:49 The whole Tari going coo coo joke is honestly pretty unfunny ._. I did not like it :v. 10:44-10:45 'Cleaned up everything!' is such a funny pop up to put here. Joke APPROVED!
Joke wise I think this episode is actually quite solid. The one joke I really didn't like kinda puts it down but ignoring that issa cool ig :D (6,8/10)
Closing statement -> Dude Four on roller skates working at a cafe for Three? THIS IS JUST A FANFIC AT THIS POINT... and I am all for it ;D
[Note: I have no idea why I wrote this but I felt like it sooooo... YEAH! >:3 If you have any thoughts abt this ep I'd love to hear em ;o]
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unchained-hound-dog · 2 years
Could you please do AustinxReader with a bit of an age gap have a blowout fight stemming from reader’s insecurity and Austin is frustrated but ends in fluff?
Here you go!!
p.s my requests are still open!
Since your relationship with Austin became public a month ago, you'd recieved a very mixed review. Previous to it being public knowledge that you were dating him, you thought his fans would be happy for him but you weren't naive to the fact a lot of people would have things to say, negative things, your age gap being one of them.
Austin had been known to date women a few years younger than him, and when you met him at a mutual friends party, the idea of him being 5 years older than you did make you question the situation. You were 25, Austin was 30 and although you liked to think of yourself as independent, you had only ever dated guys your own age.
However being with Austin never made you feel as though there was an age difference, you were still old enough to be seen as a mature woman so what did it matter? Well according to a million instagram account, it mattered a lot.
why is Austin with another girl who was probably in diapers when he started filming for Elvis?!
this new "relationship" just screams gold digger
imma take a nap, wake me in a week when this shit show is over
The comments went on and on, making you feel physically sick that people could be so rude to someone they'd never met. You'd mentioned it to Austin before, after the first comment you saw you spoke to him about it and he simply explained that people would be jealous but if neither of you saw an issue with it then why does it matter?
You agreed, you loved Austin, but you'd never been in the public eye before and so when you start posting pictures on instagram and people are commenting horrific things, Austin suggests you turn your comments off, or only allow certain people to comment on your things.
But that doesn't stop people sharing photos of you walking around with Austin, or on your own, and ridiculing everything you do.
'Baby I'm home' Austin's voice calls through your small appartment, you didn't live together, but you'd given him a key to your place as it was closer to a lot of the meetings and sets he was currently going back and forth to.
'In the kitchen' you called out, placing your phone down on the side and turning to pull the meal you'd cooked out of the oven.
'mm something smells good' his voice was low as he set his phone and keys on the kitchen island, pressing a kiss to your cheek before moving to the fridge to get a drink.
'it's not much' you shrugged, you both moved around each other to get to what you needed.
'when was this taken?' Austin's looking at your phone which you'd left unlocked on a forum dedicated to posting hate about you.
'Oh not sure just came across it' you went to snatch the phone from the side but Austin had already picked it up and was scrolling.
'You really lookin' at all this shit? What have I told you? Why does it matter what everyone else thinks about OUR relationship?' his eyebrows are slightly raised as he looks at you for an answer.
'I just-'
'No Y/N, you're gunna make yourself sick looking at this crap all the time'
You both left the conversation there, neither one of you wanting to argue over it so you both sat and ate your food in front of the TV. When you were both done you'd set your plates on the coffee table and were on either ends of the couch. Austin was watching whatever was on the screen whilst you were texting your friend.
girl, have you seen this?! why can't people leave you both alone!'
You clicked on the link she'd sent you and it led to an article, the title was something about Austin dating a younger woman but the picture made a lump form in your throat. The picture was a terrible angle of you and Austin looked moody, the caption below it saying 'trouble in paradise'. You weren't sure why you were crying but the tears began to fall and you suddenly let out a sob, catching Austin's attention.
'Y/N? What's happened?' you shake your head and lock your phone, facing towards the TV in an attempt to move on
'Hey, talk to me' Austin was concerned, but when you informed him your upset was due to another article, he switched.
'How many god damn times are we gunna have this arguement? Are you so insecure in this relationship?' he was shouting now and you looked at him in annoyance.
'Yes Austin! Yes I am insecure, when everyone is telling me I'm too young to be dating you, too ugly, not good enough. Yes, it makes me feel like crap'
'What the hell do you want me to do about it?!' you're both yelling now, the moment getting heated.
'I don't know!' you scream at him, your body retracts into the couch as you sob and wipe your tears.
'Baby' Austin's voice is calmer now, he moves to sit beside you and pulls you into his chest.
'I'm sorry, this is just all so much so quick, I'm not used to it yet' your voice cracked and Austin's heart broke, he held you tight and kissed your head.
'I'm sorry baby, I should have been more understanding, why don't we leave our phones for tonight and just relax?'
'Not gunna make them go away'
Austin sighs at this, knowing you're right but having no idea how to handle the situation. Whilst you're taking a shower that evening he's posting a picture of you from the set of Elvis, it was before people knew about either of you, you were sitting in his chair in hair and makeup grinning up at him as he told a cheesy joke that got you smiling, it was also his lock screen. He captions the picture;
my one true love
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ayaspen · 1 year
Is “Across The Spider-Verse” a great sequel ? Yes.
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One thing to know about me, is that I’ve always been a spider-man girlie, granted I wasn’t even born when the Raimi’s trilogy dropped, and it took me twelve years after to discover that Spider-Man was not actually blonde (my younger brain always thought he was for some reason) but there’s no denying that Spider-Man has always been a pop culture symbol, even if you don’t know his story, there’s no way you haven’t heard or seen pictures of the masked vigilante who swings around the city with his webs.
And although there were different interpretations to his story, he was always the ordinary kid in Queens (or in our case Brooklyn) who’s got too much power in his hands and is struggling what to do with it, to later become the masked vigilante who saves people and understands the responsibility he have toward his people.
When Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse dropped in 2018, people had mixed reviews on the subject, (and I was a middle schooler who stumbled upon the trailer by accident but was intrigued nonetheless) I think people were afraid that this was going to end up not meeting their expectations, and boy did it exceed them!
The movie did very well (and for good reasons!), and managed to re-introduce the story of The Spider-Man with a twist, in this case introducing the Spider-Verse, and everyone went nuts about it, from the music to the animation to the well-crafted story. The movie was one of the best movies of that year, if not of all times.
But what happens when that movie has a sequel ?  4 years later and with a very enthusiastic fan-base ? Will it be a disappointment or another win ? 
Today, I’m ready to say that Across The Spider-Verse is as good if not better than the original, and here’s why…
Hello and welcome to Butterfly Scribbles, I am the Butterfly in question, and today we’re going to cross the multiverse…I mean the Spider-Verse, my bad!
So ladies and gentlemen, let’s do this again one last time!
(This review may contain spoilers for the movie, so If you haven’t seen it, I highly encourage you to do so, and then read my review after, have a nice time!)
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Miles Morales, is very much accustomed to being “Brooklyn’s one and only Spider-Man”, he loves his job, but him leading a double life starts to interfere with his life as Miles and his relationship with his family (and his grades), which leads to him feeling the loneliness this job imposes and starts terribly missing his spider friends.
After that he gets a visit from his best friend Gwen, and learns that there’s a whole universe full of Spider-people teaming up to protect his very existence which leads to a great conflict and a “Spider-hunt” to stop him from going to change his fate and protect the people he loves most in his life, all while redefining his story and doing what he thinks is his role as a hero.
I think the plot of the movie does a really great job of solidifying Miles as his own hero, he is constantly put into situations that tests his morals and beliefs of what he thinks he is doing right, while everyone is treating him like some ignorant teenager, there’s even a great scene where miles stand up for himself and says: “Everyone keeps telling me how my own story is supposed to go, Nah, Imma do my own thing” which is nothing if not great character development.
The twists at the end of the movie are also sure to leave you feeling blown away!
Like I said before, this movie gives the best arcs to its main hero, Miles goes through a journey of self discovery and finding himself all while struggling with the distance he creates with his family, especially his mom whom he keeps lying to, and her trying to understand what is going on with her son, to the point where she’s scared of him moving away from her.
Miles also feels like an outcast even with his peers, when he discovers the Spider-Verse, Gwen and Peter are against him joining the team for his safety, Miles then feels pressured to prove himself in order to gain respect and inclusion, which does not end up really well.
In the end, he chooses to do it his way, and decides to have fate in his powers and do what perceives to be the right thing, and save people when he has the chance to do so, even if it means having to deal with bigger consequences.
Gwen was one of the fan favorites after the release of the first movie, but the sequel gives more depth to her character, and expands upon her struggles, how she lost her best friend, peter parker, how he looked up to her and wanted to be “special” like she is, also justifying her choice to not be involved in friendships anymore.
Gwen also has an ongoing conflict with her dad, the captain of the city, who hates Spider-Woman and is leading a manhunt against her, blaming her for the murder of Peter, and how that creates a conflict with her father as Gwen, which leads to a confrontation and an identity reveal.
I think it was very smart to include Gwen as one of the protagonists of the movie for obvious reasons, now we know more about her, we sympathize with her as a heroine, and its show 
the similarities her and Miles are experiencing, establishing her role to be more than a love interest and I’m all here for it!
Other characters: 
I think the highlight of this movies is the hundreds of Spider-people we see, each with their own personality, costumes and very funny cameos too! 
My favorites have to be Spider Girl (Peter’s baby), Spider-Woman, Pavitr and Spider-Punk!
Animation and Music:
I think it’s necessary to have a whole section on this review dedicated to praise the animators and the song mixers for this movie, and It’s safe to say that without these two, the magic of the film wouldn’t be the same, I mean just imagine if It wasn’t an animated movie! and If it didn’t have such great singles like “What’s Up Danger”! 
truly a tragedy.
The animation for this movie specifically was really amazing, they combined multiple coloring styles to create the personality of each story like Gwen’s watercolor world in the start of the movie, the battle scenes are epic especially in the Spider hunt scenes with Miles and Miguel.
For the Score of the movie, I personally like the last track “Across The Spider-Verse (Start a Band)” track,I think the music really fits the last and best moments of the movie!
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In conclusion, and If you haven’t got it yet, I’m In LOVE with this movie! (I mean, why else would I write a whole essay about it right ?) It’s the perfect sequel to a perfect first, and I’m convinced it’s the best movie of the year and one of the best superhero movies ever !
So if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly encourage you to do so, because It is a great watch even for people who know nothing about Spider-Man.
If you did, well let me know in the comments so we can talk about it even more, cause I’m not even close to being done with it yet!
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johnny1note · 5 months
Imma keep it real with you, chief. Star Wars would have a way different public reception if more people realised that they are truly movies for children. Older children, but still for people whose worldview is still very black and white. And different trilogies work for different generations. I respect the OT for its impact, but they are very boring to me. The prequels are a really entertaining mess to me. They're my favorite because it's an unadulterated look into George Lucas's head. But the sequels took themselves too seriously tone-wise. So like the OT, they're boring. But I have no respect for them, because they're just an arm of the Disney brand. TLDR star wars are kids movies and are not high cinema like people pretend they are. I only like them when they're fun
I like the original film, I think it's both entertaining and well-made, but Empire bored me out of my mind when I tried to watch it as an adult, even if I can acknowledge some positive things about the filmmaking. I haven't even attempted to rewatch Return of the Jedi but the scene with the muppets singing jazz for Jabba the Hutt is just like...way too kitsch even for me.
The prequels are good meme fodder and there are good parts [Ian McDarmid's performance] and unintentionally funny parts, but I can't really say that I enjoy watching them as a whole. The RLM review of The Phantom Menace where he says "this script is like an eight-year-old wrote it" hits it on the nose--sometimes that's okay, Anastasia (1997) is one of my favorite movies ever and the nonsensical plot twists and turns remind me very much of a child's make-believe game--but the characters at least have to be distinct, which isn't the case in the prequels imho. I think the prequels could have been good but it's almost better that they weren't so that we can have "I don't like sand..."
I agree the sequels took themselves too seriously tone-wise, there were long stretches that were extremely boring and I thought it was way too dark for a young audience. The Last Jedi was so appalling to me that I didn't bother to watch the last one and I honestly don't think I ever will.
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desswright29 · 6 months
Right, she does go out of her way not to acknowledge us. Did she even see our bday page for her. I read all of them and some ppl put their heart on there telling her how much she means to them and nothing! She could have at least said thank you in a story or liked the posts…
Yea. She knows about the birthday page lol. I take pride in being objective and not allowing my biases to cloud my vision. Something that I speak on often that bothers me is how Letitia’s success has been vastly ignored in the U.S. People are not accepting of her as a black woman being the Black Panther, because they feel as though she got the part only because they had to do SOMETHING after Chadwick’s death and Chadwick and Ryan’s love for her catapulted her forward. People were not happy. And she got crumbs of recognition for an extremely POWERFUL performance. It irritates me highly. But, then Boom! Here we come! The Sapphic community! I don’t know if y’all were paying attention but outside of all the edits of us thinking she was fine, and all the fanfiction. There wasn’t a lot of ‘We loved Letitia Wright as Black Panther.’ There was a man who went viral saying “Letitia Wright isn’t as good as she thinks she is.” The masses were in agreement. I replied to the video listing off amazing roles she played. He watched “Silent Twins” and came back with rave reviews about Letitia and her performance. That is the type of power her fanbase holds. All she has to do is be her and we continue to show love and support and pull people in with us. Her Sapphic community is the ONLY thing keeping her relevant in the U.S. Though I personally prefer the way she handles her social media. I like that she’s not consistently active and chooses her peace. However, when she does choose to interact at one time or another a simple “I love y’all” would do wonders. Be honest she’d never have to say another word to us lol. That one thing would be enough to feed the fandom for years! Just a crumb of acknowledgement. No one needs her to turn backflips and cartwheels, but if I’m honest imma always go see a Letitia Wright movie because I love the way she brings life to her charecters, and she’s beautiful! She’s an amazing Talent.
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sazuka57 · 11 months
/post/718441984343293952/no-actually-im-mad-enough-about-it-to-speak-up when we do it people get mad and say that we're misunderstanding the characters and that we're so wrong and that it's fucking shit. i don't know what to do, i feel pressured to not fuck up
Anon imma give you my biggest secrets to fanfic writing, the ones that have carried me thru 15+ years of fic writing, of unwanted critics, of haters, and of little to no attention to my fics.
1) this is the most important one: write what makes YOU happy. Writing fanfic is a hobby and it should spark joy. It should make you happy. If this means you’re taking the big bad of the series and turning him into a baby that the heroes have to raise? Go for it. If it means a villain is your meow meow and you’re gonna rewrite the story to make him a good guy? Go for it. Whatever makes YOU happy. Because in the end, you are writing for yourself and for you to have fun. Yes validation is nice, but—
2) —but it’s not the end all, be all. It’s always so so sooooo good when people comment on your fics and leave you reviews and go nuts for your work. But I write for dead or niche fandoms and I rarely get attention on any of my work. And I made peace with that. You need to make peace with that. Validation is nice, but kudo/comments/hits are not the goal here: you having fun is.
3) ignore the haters. There are SO many gatekeepers in fandoms nowadays that it sucks the fun and joy out of life. Block them, don’t even reply, just block them. AO3 has mute and block buttons. Use them. And if they are extra rude? Report them. In the old days, we used to say “flames will be used to warm cold feet” which translates to “your hate is less than dirt” (flames here being haters and unwanted criticisms). It still applies.
4) this one is optional but: find like minded people! People who’d enjoy your work! People who you love discussing ideas with! It goes a long way to give motivation!
5) this one is hella important: it’s not ooc if it’s an au!! :) A person growing up in a war zone is gonna have very different experiences than a person growing up with parents who run a coffee shop and will have a different experience to growing up in an orphanage etc etc. and all of these things WILL affect a person’s behavior and will change how they interact with the world. Even if all those three scenarios had the same trauma (i.e. a fire), each one would react differently and would lose different things, which again, affects how they’d act.
6) BE ooc!! DO IT. Why? Because NO ONE is gonna write the character as “ic”’as the original writers/creators. The character in your head is different than the character in another person’s head, and in another’s, and so on. This is because our own lives and experiences affect the way we interact with the world—and fictional works. And working super hard to please the public means that someone out there will always go “that’s ooc how dare you.” You can never please everyone, remember that!
6.5) but also: write crackfic. It will help you break out of the fear of oocness so much. Even if you don’t write them, have crackfic ideas. They’re so good for your soul—humor is so good and cringe is dead.
7) and this is hella important: Anon you are human. Humans make mistakes. We fuck up. It’s how we learn and grow. And NO ONE was born perfect. Writing takes practice. Writing in character takes practice for every new character you write! It’s not easy! But you gotta trust yourself and your writing skills, and that requires practice too! Practice practice practice!!
So, TL;DR: Do what you want. Do what makes you happy. You are not being paid for this, and if people don’t like your writing, they can pay you to write exactly what they want. And fuck up as much as it takes for you to feel satisfied with the pieces your working with. And most important—aus and oocness go hand in hand.
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cryptidofthekeys · 7 months
Just came back from seeing the fnaf movie
and with NO SPOILERS
my review/thoughts are that movie is everything I've wanted and more, its exactly what I've been waiting the last 8 to 9+ long years for, I fucking loved it, it was genuinely incredible!
Nearly had a bit of an anxiety attack bc the previews were so fucking loud but when the movie started I was chill as could be
I do think at least one of the scenes could've and honestly should've been more impactful than what it was (not saying which one bc again,, no spoilers)
But I HIGHLY recommend it, that movie was incredible to me
oh btw @axepng
Imma tag ya bc you wanted me to give my thoughts/a small review
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Alright, so I just made a Wenclair post but imma make another one right now because oh my LORD I just saw the fandom breaking reviews, so sit down and grab a snack because it’s rambling time.
I see that many of you are discouraged from the prospect of Wenclair not being canon, this is understandable as I myself am really invested in these two. Hopefully this goes without saying, but NO ONE should hate on the show, the actors, etc etc. I refuse to let such toxicity run through this fandom. Like, this is just reviews for the first season. Please, I really, really don’t want a repeat of the Voltron fandom and cries of queerbaiting (and I wasn’t even remotely near being part of the Voltron fandom! It just got THAT bad that even I knew of its notorious reputation). Again, the show isn’t even out yet. Who’s to say Hunter going ‘fighting for Wenclair’ didn’t mean the course of their relationship in future seasons? We only have information on a first season that isn’t even out yet, so please, calm down on any hate and queerbaiting accusations.
That being said- y’all telling me you’re not buckled down for a slow burn? Wednesday is a character who needs a LOT of time and effort to build trust with on a romantic relationship level, so getting Wenclair all in one season would have been cool or whatever, but it also would’ve been pretty OOC since season one has confirmed only 8 episodes. On the flipside, the payoff of Wenclair’s growing friendship, that blooming trust, the eventual deep bond between them that not even Wednesday herself can deny? Is that not peak sapphic experience? Frenemies to begrudging allies to ‘I find your existence… not the worst’ ‘ppfft, thanks, Addams’ to friends to friends who would murder fer each other to ‘you are the sun that burns and enchants me, I hope this drought lasts a lifetime’. LIKE C’MON??? THE FLAVOR?? Don’t give up on Wenclair just yet y’all. (That being said, the line about droughts should be in a fanfic so imma mark that down fer later.)
And like, I think this next point is the most important thing to note. We all acknowledged our love for Wenclair as a delusion, ever since the beginning we knew we were pulling crumbs and making silly little headcanons. Yes, I would love if Wenclair became canon. Would I stop shipping it if it never does, though? Let’s see, I am a veteran Whiterose shipper of several years. Those two barely had a conversation in the entirety of Volume 8 and I am STILL willing to die on this hill fer them. I am a Lightcannon enjoyer despite the next to NOTHING crumbs in the entirety of their respective existences. Oh, you would not believe how many rarepairs I hold dear in the Pokémon world. The list goes on and on and on. Canon is cool and all but I hoard my random ships like a dragon of ye olde. Just look at what we, the OG Wenclair Warriors, made with just a few trailers and interviews and random instagram comments. The lovely art, the heart wrenching fanfics, the god tier headcanons. I dunno bout yall, but I’m not ready to give that all up just because canon said ‘mmmm no’. If no one got me, ao3 got me.
Trust me, I am well-aware the importance of good representation and I’m not saying you can’t be disappointed over this. What I am saying, however, is that you shouldn’t always let canon 100% dictate how you’re going to consume and enjoy a piece of media. So what if Wenclair isn’t canon? Their dynamic is AMAZING and nothing can take that away from me. There’s still potential and writing room for future seasons, and to that I say buckle down homies, we in it fer a long time and a good time.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
saw the post about blobjects again and just remembered even tho i dont REALLY crave like. Material goods as just STUFF to have (i like my digital collections just fine thank you) the most tf toy ever
imma call him baja blast hot rod
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[ID: A redeco Hot Rod toy in blue tones, and made of entirely clear plastic. He's mostly a cyan colour, with some accents like his thighs and spoiler in a more greeny aqua, and his windshield and tires in a lighter/more translucent blue. He's got foil decals in the same aqua, and gold for his head lights and flame detailing (plus chrome on his engine block). Painted sliver face. 1. Standing in bot mode, 2. Car mode from above. 3. Group shot with other decos of the mold. (Red clear, dark red and chromed, dark red, and light red). 4. The car mode from a diagonal/high angle. showing some of the side, the tires, his triple exhausts. END]
images from seibertron.com
hot rod is one of those tf design i think is just undivisably perfect. tho unlike whirl my icon guy its not in a like. every design iteration every shitty toy way. it just his movie design is the prettiest boy ever. and i have STRONG opinions that they should make his key colour Fucking Pink Again we already have so many fucking red tfs cmooooonn.
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[ID: 1. TF the movie (1986) Hot Rod, head shot profile, he's magenta pink with orange and yellow accents. 2. TF Cyberverse (2018), head shot front, he's bright red, orange and yellow accents. END]
[NO dissrespect to CV roddy as a design OR character. I love him so much. He's very pretty, and it is a GOOD red, I'm just saying. what if pink???]
For the blue razz tho, ill make the exception.
Now if I did want to actually possess this thing? Not even bringing that this a 13 year old a japanese exclusive from e-hobby, that came in a three pack. [from tfu.info] Okay. AND ON TOP OF THAT. All that clear plastic..... If you know toy people stuff you were probably already thinking it. I mentioned it as soon as I saw him even if don't KNOW this model has this issue. The shit is just really brittle, and ppl mention it enough on toy reviews that even I have a flinch response.
So uhhh all that said lets just do a quick search here. tfsource? out of stock, also. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. I found exactly ONE listing on ebay for the same. jesus.
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journeytalkzsp · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: From the POV of a fangirl (Spoilers. Duh.)
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So my friends asked for this and I adore that they actually care so I made it!
I needed at least a day to relax and collect my thoughts. I don’t normally do movie reviews as South Park is the only thing I talk about on here but Mario has taken over my life this year and it’s somewhat thanks to this movie! Again beware of spoilers! I have a lot to say, some good, some bad. But just know I warned you.
Just to give a little background, I’ve played Mario games since I was a kid, with my main two being Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. I’ve always enjoyed the games and I became an even bigger fan after playing Mario Odyssey (which to this day is my favorite Mario game… actually my favorite game of all time right behind Bully). I’ll admit I was worried the first time I heard about a movie, especially considering it was being made by Illumination. But after seeing the trailer I was HOOKED LIKE A FISH and reeled into the fanbase! I knew the promos and trailers would spoil a lot of the movie but there was nothing stopping me at that point.
And unlike most movies, I really enjoyed the months of hype leading up to it! I had so much fun over-analyzing the promos and discovering new fan artists… and read some incredible fanfics imma be honest. And of course catching up on all the games I missed out on as a kid! All this to say that as much as I enjoyed the movie, the outside effect of it was even better.
Now for the movie itself! Let me start off saying that it was clearly made with love. This wasn’t something made to market more games or advertise Nintendo. This was a thank you gift to the fans, new and old. They also went HARD with the promo! Being able to actually call Super Mario Bros. Plumbing? Genius.
The animation was beautiful. The attention to detail—like Bowser’s scales, the decor on Peach's crown and the highlights in the characters' eyes. So pretty. I also really loved how expressive every character was! It was so easy to tell what emotions they were feeling without the dialogue needed to express it. When y’all rewatch it, please pay attention to the beginning of the movie when Luigi finally gets his plate of food. His reaction is so freaking adorable and I wanna draw it. The action scenes were so fluid and Mario and Luigi’s bond was shown through touch alone. I loved that!
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Don’t even get me started on the soundtrack. They really put their all into it and I recognized so many subtle melodies and themes that took me right back to playing the games! The end credits music legit made my friend cry, hehe yeah I’m calling you out. Even the few pop culture songs that were added were very well timed and not overused! Also the Plummer Rap from “Super Mario Brothers Super Show” was a brilliant start, even if I already listened to it a thousand times after it was released in the promo. That song even got me to check out the show itself. Only episode one though. Watching ghosts lick Bowser’s feet wasn’t it for me. Speaking of Bowser, his ballad to Peach was absolutely amazing. Wonderful performance from Jack Black and he even wrote it too! Please watch the end credits if you haven't, there’s MORE!
But I’d say my favorite part of the movie was the characterization. I know Miyamoto oversaw the whole thing but I’m still impressed with how accurate the characters’ personalities were. Luigi was perfectly anxious, Mario was protective and charismatic, Peach was agreeable and assertive and Bowser was tough yet insecure. The dynamics were also great! I loved how genuine Luigi and Mario’s bond was. I also enjoyed Mario and Peach's subtle flirting that never gets addressed in the end (which is exactly like the games, I seriously love it!). I’m also super glad that it showed a bit of Bowser and Kamek interaction. Although I would’ve loved them to explore their “father and son” bond. GIMME FOUND FAMILY DAMN IT. Oh yeah and Toad wasn’t annoying! He was definitely the comedic relief but they didn’t overdo it! Him and his huge kart was my favorite thing. He’s just a silly little guy.
They definitely made it their mission to absolutely fill the movie with references and it was much appreciated! My personal favorites being the game cube ringtone, blue shell, cheep cheeps and the environments as a whole. I enjoyed the appearances of side characters like Kamek, Spike and Pauline. But I was honestly hoping for a few more like Daisy, Rosalina, Toadette and JUNIOR AND KOOPALINGS, DANG IT! You’re telling me they put so much emphasis on Bowser's sentimental side but didn’t include him being a father??? (Yes I know the koopalings aren’t technically his kids but Junior is and I was really disappointed at the lack of his presence).
But that brings me to the few problems I did have with this movie. And they all stem from the runtime length. It was WAY too short. And not in the way of “omg I loved it so much I need more!” No. It actually needed to be longer. I even heard it was supposed to be but things were cut? The pacing was too fast and there wasn’t enough time for individual character arcs. Don’t get me wrong there were conflicts, but they were resolved almost as soon as they began.
I’m also disappointed in the lack of Luigi content once they left Brooklyn. He really was just put in a cage for most of it, which is what everyone was worried about. It was cool to see him confront his fears to save his brother in the end but it would’ve felt more emotional and deserved if we got to see his internal struggles during his capture. I really loved that hot air balloon scene where he recalls a childhood memory of him and Mario. That! That’s what I wanted more of! I know there wasn’t much he could do in a cage but I was really hoping he’d be involved in attempting to convince Bowser to not go through with his plans. Or maybe even a scene where he tries to encourage the others that were captured to work as a team to escape or something. Idk man, I’m sure they could’ve come up with something good if they were just GIVEN A LONGER RUN TIME. They could’ve done a lot with an extra 20 minutes. I promise for the animators sake I would’ve waited months longer for this movie. Or they could’ve cut the dog and eel scenes honestly.
And as much as I appreciated them showing Bowser’s sentimental side (seriously it was one of the things I was hoping for the most). I really wish they could’ve done something with it other than just comedy. Don’t get me wrong, Bowser was so cute trying to woo Peach. He made me smile till my face hurt. But it’s clear he’s really lonely and rejected, and they could’ve done something a little deeper with that. When he told Mario that he ruined his chance to “finally be happy” the whole theater went “awww”. In the end he could’ve learned love from his subjects or his FAMILY. Sorry I’m still pretty peeved about that. Even something as simple as him befriending Luigi would’ve been a really nice touch but I guess I ask for too much. But nope they just shrunk him, put him in a jar and left him like that. Even main antagonists deserve good endings at times. I was kinda hoping they’d pull a “Lego Batman Movie” and force him to see that he’s hurting his kingdom in the process of his pursuit and he’d need to help in order to get everyone back home. Kinda corny I know but Lego Batman managed to do it with Joker in a way that wasn’t OOC. I was just missing the complexity. Still, I can’t complain about Bowser getting the shit beaten out of him and the classic tail spin move. I’ll admit I’ve always found Bowser’s defeats hilarious in the games. Please look up the ending of Bowsers Fury if you haven’t played it. I laughed for hours. I’m sorry Bowser but your pain is my gain at times. Also the large group of people who sat behind us had the exact same opinions, which felt validating. THEY ALSO WANTED JUNIOR DAMN IT!
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The merging between the two worlds at the end was pretty unexpected. I honestly think they added that in there so that Mario and Luigi could see their family again. But the concept of them being thrown into a magical world and not knowing how to get back home brings so much mystery and excitement. Kind of like how it felt watching The Owl House and Amphibia. But I appreciate that it’s implied they now live in the mushroom kingdom and can probably visit their family from time to time. Now that I think of it… going back to Luigi… why on earth would he want to stay?? He was sent straight to hell the moment he got there and was put in a cage for the rest of the movie and almost died a gruesome death. If Luigi had more screen time where he befriended someone, ANYONE, it would’ve given him an incentive to actually stay, other than just sticking with Mario.
Overall I’d say the movie did what it was set out to do. Which was to give fans a fun, nostalgic adventure. I’m not too sure if one would enjoy it if they’ve never played a single Mario game. It went hard on the animation and soundtrack, the voice actors did a good job (especially Jack Black and Charlie Day. Hell, even Chris Pratt did a good job). It wasn’t perfect. It was definitely too rushed for my taste and I would’ve appreciated it if they had slowed things down a bit. Luigi is currently my favorite character, so naturally I’m disappointed we couldn’t get more of him. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it more on the rewatch.
I suppose I should format this like my South Park reviews for the sake of consistency.
So that means it’s time for the ratings!
Things I liked:
• Bowser. Every moment he was on screen made me happy. I love him so much.
• The characters' personalities were spot on!
• The facial expressions and character designs. Very pretty movie to look at fr!
Things I disliked:
• Too fast paced. Needed room to breathe.
• Kept asking “where’s Luigi?”
• A general lack of my favorite trope “found family” when they easily could’ve used it with Bowser
Should I do ship of the day too? Eh, may as well. Congratulations Bowuigi! That damn trailer spawned a bunch of y’all even though the ship is a decade old. Hope y’all didn’t go into the movie expecting too much. It’s alright, we’ll get ‘em next time boys.
Final rating:
A good movie that was loyal to the games but the wait for it was better. I’m gonna go play Mario Galaxy now.
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…peaches, peaches, peaches peaches peaches 🎶
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Another book review because your girl just finished reading The Mark Of Athena!
WARNING! contains spoilers for The Mark Of Athena if you haven’t read it yet and don’t want major plot points to be spoiled dont read this! Also at one point I do swear!
Hello there my little sugar pancakes! Welcome back to another pointless book review/rant!
Mark of Athena - Rick Riordan
book rating:
🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩 .5 donuts out of 10! (Read to find out why it’s not a perfect 10)
First of UNCLE RICK STRAIGHT UP JUST YEETED PERCABETH INTO TATURAS LIKE WTF! They just got back together than *punch in the face* oof big scary giant war than when we caught our breath *stronger punch to the face* Bye bye percabeth have fun in HELL! like he did them so dirty! Also fun reminder Annabeth’s bag and dagger are lost so she can’t heal or defend herself and another key point is that her leg/ankle is practically useless at this point based of how much strain she has put on the injury. Percy has riptide but as mentioned early he is a bit rusty with his sword fighting and there is absolutely 0 water in Taturas so with Annabeth having nothing and Percy having a single sword they are practically doomed (haha funny joke they 100% have plot amour so they’ll be fine😅)
Next point is our poor boy Nico! He has a subscription to ultimate trauma plus and I think he needs to cancel that subscription asap! Just a quick recap of what this subscription has brought him:
Mother being killed
being stuck in a timeless hotel for 70+ years
getting out and almost being killed by monsters
Sister “abandoning” him and joining the hunter’s
said sister dies
realises oh shit I think I’m gay…
feels like no one loves him and leaves camp halfblood
gets sent on a suicide mission to Taturas
gets trapped in a jar of 3+ days
like that’s nine traumatic things and I think he is only like 13-14 at this point! Like give my boy a break! But at least he has Hazel to comfort him and yes i know Nico still has more trauma to come but like please let him cancel his subscription soon!
Speaking of trauma subscriptions poor bad boy supreme is heavily in his ‘I hate myself and no one loves me era’. The way he blames himself for everything even if it was inevitable or it wasn’t even his fault! He needs to cut himself some slack! And also shame on nemesis for telling and already insecure boy that he will always be the seventh wheel, like telling someone there the third wheel is harsh but the seventh?! That’s like a bullet to the heart! Also the complicated way that Hazel and Leo’s pasts intertwine is crazy! Hazels first boyfriend way Leo’s great grandpa and that Sammy (hazels first boyfriend) still blames himself for selling the diamond and believing it cause her disappearance! Like that’s just some next level shit!
Anyway overall I would say this was a great book that really gave us a quality insight into some further law, personality’s and backstory’s of these characters. I would rate this a 9.5/10 donuts not a perfect 10 because uncle Rick chucked percabeth into Taturas (imma start rating books out of donuts now)
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