#in defence of raisins
littlemissnoname13 · 2 years
Anatomy Book (D.M)
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Summary: She meets him at her university lecture and they strike up an instant bond. And as the story always goes. She falls in love with him. But on a seemingly mundane day the world turns on its axis, leaving her life upside down.
Warnings: angst, mcd, mentions of drinking and throwing up, only implied smut, some coarse language, implied car wreck, read at your own discretion.
Au: Modern (Draco Malfoy x Female!reader)
Words: 3209
A/n: third queued post. This one is a bit angsty and is told via flashbacks. Hopefully the transitions aren’t too messy. I haven’t proof read it so please excuse silly errors. 🥲
Master list
It is an incredibly ordinary day.
The overcast sky strewn with heavy clouds that look ready to burst open any moment is only adding to the dullness of it all.
An indie record is playing from the spinning record on the turntable—the melodies bleeding into the chiming of the cash register and the clinking of cutlery to create a soft tune, repetitive enough to put her to sleep.
The buttery, sweet, inviting smell of raisin bread just out of the oven fills the air of the cafe and she has half a mind to get up and buy herself some.
Maybe after finishing her coffee. She doesn’t really care.
For the first time in months, she has nowhere to be. Classes are canceled and she has no plans or any social obligations whatsoever.
She is free to go to that art show happening later in the day. She is free to read that one book she’d been wanting to read for the longest time. She has all the time needed to strip off that hideous paint job at her campus housing and yet, she finds herself sitting by the window of this outré excuse for a coffee shop in the middle of nowhere.
Another batch of freshly made bread is being taken out from the oven and she takes it as a sign to get her arse up and buy some. Only, she never makes it to the counter. The vibration of her phone in her pocket causes her to take a detour.
Rain is starting to pour by the time she steps out of the cafe to receive the phone call from an unknown number.
Frustratingly long minutes pass by as she stands out in the rain, stiff and unmoving while she listens to what the person on the other end has to say.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She quietly says into the receiver when the person is done speaking. “I’m on my way now.”
When she finally presses the end call button, the day no longer feels ordinary. The drive back to her house and the painfully long stagger to her wardrobe suddenly seem like events that will painfully brand themselves into her memories for as long as she shall live.
As for mid afternoon phone calls out of the blue?
She is positive she will dread them from here on out.
She lets his fingers glide along the fabrics hanging neatly in the closet and pulls out a dress.The inky black fabric reminds her of him. She often wonders if his black suits were simply a means to protect himself, make him look unapproachable.
“No one can hurt you if you don't let them close enough.” He used to say.
She understands that now.
6 months ago
Standardised tests were designed by the devil, she was sure.
She’d spent the last few weeks throwing back espresso shots and stubbing out countless HB pencils, only to place second in the entire class.
The boy currently sitting in front of her in the lecture hall had one-upped her by pretty much a landslide.
She wasn’t meaning to snoop but he had his test results open in a tab on his laptop. He was fast asleep and his white blond hair was defying gravity by poking in every direction imaginable.
His mouth was slightly parted and his shoulders were heaving up and down with the steady inhale and exhale of his breaths.
She’d spent half a semester in this class already and this was the first time she’s seen him. In her defence, she had been busy jotting down every word that came out of the lecturer’s mouth. In retrospect, most of the things weren’t even useful.
For a split of a second she wanted to tap him on the shoulder and place the styrofoam cup of coffee she bought for herself in his hand. She was yet to drink from it and he looked like he needed it more than she did.
She scanned through her mental memory folder for a name but she couldn’t remember ever seeing him in class. So while the lecturer continued with his presentation slides, she assigned every single boy name she could think of to the mysterious stranger in front of her to see if it would match.
None of them did.
There was just something otherworldly about him. Not in a he’s-an-alien type of way but more in a he-could-be-celestial type of way. He reminded her of stars and constellations and everything distant and unreachable. Something on could only look at and not touch.
When the painfully long lecture seminar was finally over, everyone gathered their things and scampered out of the hall like they’d been held there against their will. She too slung her bag on her shoulder and got ready to leave.
He was still sleeping and she was too afraid of waking him up.
On her way out, she placed her still warm and untouched coffee cup on his desk and came up with a made up name for the boy who reminded her of the stars.
When she entered the lecture hall the very next morning, she found a styrofoam cup waiting for her in her usual seat.
In front of her was Draco, or whatever his real name was. His glasses were resting on his nose and his brows were scrunched up in deep concentration at something on his laptop screen.
She quietly settled into her seat and lifted the styrofoam cup. On it was her name scribbled in a messy scrawl of the campus barista’s handwriting.
“Extra shot of espresso.” His voice came out in a gruff whisper. He was still facing the presentation slide.
“Thank you….” She whispered back, trailing off when she realised she can’t call him by the made up namesake in her head.
“Draco.” He said, tilting his head slightly backwards to look at her with eyes that were grey and gleaming like they’d absorbed all light in the universe. “I’m Draco.”
And at that moment she could easily confirm that there was no other name more suitable for the man in front of her.
Three weeks ago
Morning coffee became a ritual and Draco Malfoy became a friend to her. Even on days where he couldn’t come to class, he’d somehow get a cup sent to her.
The coffee, she’d enjoy. His absence, not so much.
It was a little over five in the evening when she was studying in her room at the campus housing when she heard the knock on her door.
It was him in his usual black turtleneck sweater plus a MacBook and a paper tray holding two cups of coffee.
“Catch me up on today’s class?” He quirked a brow at her.
She took the tray off his hand and led him inside. Having him in her room made her incredibly self conscious. She wished she’d put away the clothes laying on her hamper, and she wished she had better clothes on.
“Only if we finish up in an hour.” She said, “I’m meeting a friend for drinks later.”
“I leave for one day, and you replace me.” He curled his fist into a ball and stabbed at his chest with an invisible knife. “My heart’s shattered and smashed.”
“You’re so dramatic.” She settled down next to him on the edge of her bed. “You can join us if you want to.”
His eyes danced around while he contemplated his final answer. Then, he shrugged. “Okay,then.”
Thinking back, it was a terrible terrible idea.
After she introduced Draco to Astoria, the three of them threw down some shots at the bar.
They were tipsy to the point where bad songs sounded good enough to jump around and dance to but sober enough that they could walk Astoria home. After bidding Astoria goodbye, she threw up in a trash can and he almost threw up solely because she did.
Her head was reeling but she was just happy to walk home with him. Well, she assumed she was walking because she was too messed up to realise he was carrying her.
Draco carried her all the way up to her floor and gently lowered her into her bed. Then, he walked to the kitchenette to fetch a glass of water.
“Drink.” He instructed, kneeling on the floor next to her bed. She could never get over how bright his eyes were. She loved them.
“You know, the first time I saw you, I drove myself up a wall trying to guess what your name was?” She mumbled. Alcoholic beverages always made her talk too much.
“Really?” He chuckled, pushing strands of hair behind her ears. “What name was your top guess?”
“Draco.” She hiccuped.
“I mean, my first guess was Draco.”
“How come?” He asked, looking at her in awe.
She wanted him to look at her that way all the time. It felt so good.
“Well, you definitely did not seem like a David, or a Michael or even a Samuel.” She continued. “Every name I thought of just didn’t go until I thought of Draco. I guess It was a lucky guess.”
He leaned over and pressed a kiss onto her forehead and she melted right into him.
“I love that you’re named after a constellation...I love you.” She said out loud even though she didn’t mean to.
He backed away, and cleared his throat. “Food.” He said hurriedly. “You need to eat something, I’ll go check your fridge.”
She tried to not think about the sharp pang in her chest.
He left her with her thoughts and went through her empty fridge. When he found nothing, he pulled out his phone and ordered bagels to be delivered from the only restaurant that was open.
“My aunts are named Bellatrix and Andromeda” He offered, sitting back down next to her.
“And your mum?”
“Narcissa.” He kissed her forehead again. “I know it’s a bit of a deviation from the theme.”
“So are you going to name your children according to the theme or deviate?” She asked and he looked away, fidgeting at his phone.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll stick to the theme.”
“Really?” She arched her eyebrows, propping herself up on her elbow to get a better look at him. “I’m surprised because you called children miniature cretins when we were at the park the other day.”
“I’m pretending like I didn’t hear you.”
“No.” She protested. “Now I have to know what name you have in mind.”
He chucked his phone away onto the dresser and looked at her with conviction. “Scorpius.” He finally said. “Unless you have something better in your genius mind.”
“And what about girl names?”
“You tell me, since you seem to be such an expert on the matter.”
She rolled her eyes at him and punched him jokingly in the arm. He was surprisingly muscular under his shirt because her knuckles hurt.
“Elain.” She said mid laugh. “I like the name Elain.”
Saturday 7:47 A.M.
Astoria: I swear off alcohol for the rest of my life. 🤡. How are you coping?
Y/n: I feel like a zombie. I would have probably died of dehydration if it weren’t for Draco
Three dots appeared on her screen and vanished.
Y/n: Astoria?
Astoria: so, is it safe to assume you guys are a thing? 🍆🍑🔥
Y/n: we’re friends 😒
Astoria: Really?
Y/n: yes really. Why?
Astoria: I don’t know. He’s hot though.
Y/n: Do you like him?
Three dots appeared on her screen again before vanishing.
Astoria: yes?😣
Now it was her turn to type and erase. Her thumbs did a little dance around her keypad and as she thought of an appropriate reply.
Astoria: I’m gonna back off if you like him. I just thought I’d come clean with you. That’s all.
Y/n: I don’t like him like that.
Astoria: you sure?
Y/n: yes.
Saturday 5:56 P.M
Draco: Astoria me if I wanted to go get coffee later
Y/n: Oh.
Draco: I told her I have plans to study for the final exams with you.
Y/n: we can reschedule if you’d like
Draco: Why would I want that?
Sometimes, people say things without thinking it through and regret it later. This was that moment for her.
Y/n: I don’t know. Look, you should go get coffee with her if you want to. We have covered more than half of the suggested readings anyway.
Draco: Okay then.
Y/n: Okay then.
Two weeks ago
Draco didn’t go for coffee with Astoria.
At around twelve in the morning, she heard a knock on her door. And of course, it’s Draco sanding in front of her, minus the usual coffee.
“I don’t want to study right now, go awa—”
He stepped into the room and crashed his lips into hers without warning and she stumbled a little hitting her coat hanger.
His mouth is hot on hers and his hands are firm and knotted into the hairs at the nape of her neck.
“If you think this will make me agree to studying with you, you’re wrong.” She said in between kisses. “I have seen your test scores, you don’t need me.”
He backed away and looked her straight into the eyes and her legs suddenly felt like they were made out of soggy spaghetti. She would never get used to his eyes. If he was in fact a constellation, his eyes were Eltanin. The brightest star.
“But I do.” He said, his voice gravelly. “I do need you.”
Day before Yesterday
His Human Anatomy book is currently left face down on the floor next to the two styrofoam coffee cups along with the torn remains of her lace panties.
This time, they were at his apartment.
After the late night kiss, things had kind of escalated.
They’d spent a few days acting like it had never happened until lust bubbled over them and poured out in never ending abundance.
He had been reading about the human heart when she had kissed him and now she was in his bed.
She knew she’d have to leave soon.
In between the softness of his lips pressed onto the base of her neck as she watched his chest heave up and down in quiet contentment, she must have lost track of time.
He smelled of soap, aftershave and a promise of a heartbreak that can leave a person crippled with agonising pain. She inhaled the heady, seductive scent once and wondered if she could call herself a masochist if she secretly enjoyed the idea of her heart getting broken by him.
Draco opened only one of his eyes to look at her as if to make sure the moment was real. When he saw her, his head fell back onto the pillow and he let out a quiet breath.
“So you are real.”
“So I am.” She said, chuckling as she shifted her body weight away.
The sky was getting darker and darker, racing towards nightfall. She knew she was going to have to get up and leave any minute now and the idea of it pained her.
How could she convince herself to leave when he was reaching for her hand the moment she tried to step out of bed? Draco looked at her as if he was pleading her to stay and she was forced to swallow the lump forming in her throat.
Even while they were having sex, she had told him that she loved him and he had never said it back to her.
She wouldn’t be able to hook up with him in a casual sense.
She didn’t want to.
“I can’t stay, it wouldn’t be appropriate.” She sighed, gently pulling her arm away so she could pick up her bra from the foot of the bed.
He had left a blueish purple bruise on her neck and she felt a sharp prickle in her heart when she remembered the way he dipped her head back so he could plant rough kisses all across her jaw.
“I’d better get going.” She said to him and he jerked from the bed to meet her gaze.
“Will I see you tomorrow?”
She took a moment to contemplate.
Of course she wanted to come back tomorrow even though her head kept telling her she shouldn’t. So for safe measure, she decided to put an end to this for her own sake.
“I can’t.” She answered, trying to keep a cool exterior. “I’m sorry.”
“You're sorry?”
“I’m sorry this happened and I’m sorry I love you. I wish I could take all it back.”
“You don’t mean that.” He shook his head.
“I do.”
She picked up the remainder of her clothes and left, closing the door the the idea of them forever.
Everyone is wearing black and she hates it. She doesn’t want to wear another article of black clothing for the next decade.
His mother, Narcissa greets her at the entrance. She is just as beautiful as her name.
“I’m so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Malfoy.”
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. Draco always talked about you and I thought he would have liked it if you came.”
“He talked about me?” Her voice comes out rugged and shaky. She is dazed that this is even happening. On her drive here, she had convinced herself that it was all a nightmare but now it feels too real to be a nightmare.
“Every time he came down to the manor to see me.” Nascissa sniffles into a tissue. “He wasn’t supposed to drive down here yesterday. He came here to get a book about constellations from our library. Said it was important.”
She can’t breathe. The world is getting smaller and smaller.
“The book he took from the library perished with him it seems but the police was able to retrieve this book from the back seat of his car.” Narcissa hands her a book and leaves greet two people just entering before she can say anything back.
It is his Anatomy book, worn around the edges after being carried around in his bag too often.
The pages fall open to a page about the human heart. There, under an anatomically correct diagram of a human heart are four words she would never get to hear him say.
“I love you too.”
“I love you too.”
“I have always loved you.”
Tears flow down in violent streams across her cheeks as she flips to the next page.
In his handwriting, she sees the names of the two brightest stars of the Dragon Constellation.
He had circled El from Eltanin and Ain from Aldibain and scribbled Elain in cursive next to them.
She had never explained to him why she’d picked Elain that night but he had somehow figured it out. She guesses the conclusion of Elain was drawn with the help of the book of constellations.
Sobbing, she hugs his anatomy book in her chest and weeps till her eyes are bloodshot and irritated.
Back in the time of the ancient Egyptians, Thuban aka Alpha Draconis, used to be the pole star. Looking up at it would point to the true geographical north.
Then, there was a slight wobble in the Earth’s axis causing Polaris to be the new pole star.
Draco is not dead.
Not to her.
In about 23,000 years, the earth will drift and Thuban will be the pole star again
She tells herself that her time without him on this earth is but a shift in her axis. There will come a time when she’ll see him again.
For Draco is forever above the horizon.
Draco never sets.
End notes
She was supposed to die but I did a swap in the final draft. I have never ever killed off Draco in a story and writing this physically pained me.
Soz about my story spam. Feedback is always appreciated
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blubushie · 1 year
So I've emerged alive from my trip and I'm never taking that much again because it was a fucking rollercoaster. Here's some highlights (most of this is my best effort at transcription because my writing was practically unintelligible). Also ignore my weird posting times, my laptop is on California time.
I started gunposting to my best mate.
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I posted that thing about the implications of the Cars universe.
My best mate woke up and I can't spell wobbegong.
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I watched a Wendigoon conspiracy iceberg compilation that blew my mind.
Whatever this was.
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I went down then and had some lucidity for a little while. Sent my beta some passages from Chapter 10. We started talking about lambs, and then we discussed ketamine.
I apparently had very bad nausea that I don't remember.
One point I blacked out and woke up without any pants on but I was wearing trunks when I came to. I was not wearing trunks when I took the shrooms. I have no idea when I decided to take off my daks and put trunks on. Apparently I took off my shirt and lounged in bed for a while because I woke up in bed without my shirt on.
I made meself a vegemite sandwich, which I don't remember making or eating but there's a dirty plate in my sink and vegemite stuck in my molars.
I had a dip and did some writing.
I crested again and there's about a half hour there where I blacked out and have no recollection of anything that happened.
I wrote "You're tripping BALLS" four times on my arm in increasingly messy handwriting. I only do this when I have a bad trip so I reckon the trip went south at some point. I have no memory of the bad part of the trip.
I apparently decided to start cleaning my rifle but I stopped halfway through and the bolt was left sitting on the seat at my table.
I went through my search history toward the end of the trip and I apparently blacklisted "ninjago" on Tumblr (also some other tags but that's the funniest one).
Here's my fun Google history.
I think I was looking for corkwood fruit here. Cured corkwood can ease nausea so that's probably it.
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This is apparently when I started Carsposting.
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More gungoogling.
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I couldn't remember "MAS-38" so I looked this up instead. Really narrows it down.
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I blame my best mate for getting me back into Warriors.
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Started Googling knots.
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I was hungry apparently.
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Apparently there was a 20-minute gap where I read the comics and I got up to #4.
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This happened.
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I looked up this and found emojis for my Discord.
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I saw a photo of a kangaroo, reblogged it, then when my mutual reblogged it FROM ME I thought it was the first time I was seeing that particular photo.
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Told that same mutual this.
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I've run out of images to post but I also:
Googled "how many raisins are toxic to a dog" twice. I called them "raisins" instead of "sultanas," also I don't have any sultanas. Apparently I'm more American when I'm high and more Australian when I'm drunk.
Googled "short story about a house with an aifrcan savanna" (It's The Veldt by Ray Bradbury)
Googled "fagot obliterator" 5 different times
Looked up "do irish catholcis pray the rosary" (I was raised Roman Catholic)
Looked up "plants grown in space" 3 different times
Watched this video.
Looked up "australian stock horse working" a million different times
Sent a picture to my best mate of two horses getting married
Looked up "smith and wesson model 10", "is meat low in calories", and "burj khalifa" all within 5 minutes of each other
Looked up "how to write twelve hundred"
Looked up "carbonara"
Looked up "birdshot for home defense" and misspelt "defence," "will birdshot kill someone," and then 2 minutes later "can dogs eat tomatoes"
Looked up "do you need a permit to hunt in texas," looked up "400 divided by 5," and then "let me in meme"
Looked up "110 times 2," "1974 minus 220," "when was superman created," "when was it revealed that superman came from krypton," "origin of superman" on Wikipedia, "what toxin is rattlesnake venom," "hemotoxin," "hemotoxin" on Wikipedia, "neurotoxin," then "neurotoxin" on Wikipedia all within 15 minutes
Looked up "fit man with a paunch" at one point
Looked up "dundil tree," "dundil," "peanut tee," "bush peanut," "kurrajong," and "Brachychiton populneus". I couldn't spell "apples" but I could spell Brachychiton populneus.
Then I started Googling apples.
Started Googling venomous Australian snakes.
Started Googling my own job.
Googled "zooper dooper"
Started wargoogling. "Weapons of the Ottoman Army," "Dardanelles gun," "gallipoli cannons," "trench gun gallipoli," "Periscope rifle," and "trench gun gallipoli" again
Googled "deep fried gherkin" followed by "beach chicken"
Googled "woodward and bernstein watergate guy," then clicked the Wikipedia article "Deep Throat (Watergate)" and I distinctly remember laughing at this for a solid 10 minutes.
Googled "sbk frenhc smg"
Googled tenor saxophones in Sydney
Googled "stevo" and "stevo australia," I don't know anyone named Stevo
Googled "what muscles does thrusting use" and then looked up "glutes muscles"
Googled "deltoids," visited Tumblr for a few minutes, then Googled "muscles of the torso"
Have no idea what the fuck this was supposed to mean.
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Apparently my writing was very hard to understand but my best mate said it was fun hearing what was on my mind, to which I replied "i jave mo f8lter and i mist scram" and then requested she put that on my gravestone when I die.
I also said "i dive okt of rjd plane saxton jale sutyle and oand on kakadu and immediatley get eaten ny a corcidle" which I think was supposed to say "I dive out of a plane Saxton Hale style and land in Kakadu and immediately get eaten by a crocodile."
At one point said "I DONT WANT TO DOE AT 43 I LLNE OLD" which I think was supposed to say "I don't want to die at 43, I'll be old."
Then I blacked out for the next two hours and fell asleep at some point.
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pawsandtailss · 1 month
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Therian Tips : : Part 1
• Spiders
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Spiders (Coming from someone who is one + owns multiple)
Quads and gear:
Masks are great! You can find printable ones online for design ideas if you want to make them yourself. For gear you can buy realistic spider Halloween costumes online, but they tend to be quite expensive - if you’re on a budget I recommend looking at “cheap and easy spider Halloween costumes for kids” on YouTube!
Quads get a bit complicated because it depends on what kind of spider you are… The vast majority of spiders conserve energy by burrowing/staying in web hides. So there really isn’t a lot to do - however you could practice slow crawling — and jumping - if you’re a jumping spider. Slow and simple parkour on all fours is also a fun idea! Just make sure you’re being responsible and careful.
Food is quite difficult for us spiders because their diet consists entirely of insects….. so here are some tips —
- Sweet: Gummy worms, Gummy’s with jelly fillings, Mini chocolate wafer bites, Chocolate/Yogurt covered nuts or raisins, Grapes, Banana chips
- Savoury: Cherry tomatoes, Small pieces of iceberg lettuce, mini breadsticks, scrape out the inside of cucumbers (don’t waste them obviously!) and slurp em up !!
- Only do this with food it won’t stick too — but if you have any, get some of that cheap spider web stuff they have around Halloween and wrap your food in it! (This works best with things like vegetables and fruit!) it’s really validating…
- I cannot stress this enough .. BUILD DENS!! They’re so fun and Spiders absolutely love to burrow, dig and hide.
- Do vocals ! Yes..yes..I hear you - spiders don’t make sound do they?? Well that’s where you’re wrong! Lots of spiders often hiss in self defence — Male wolf spiders make drumming sounds — Wolf spiders can also chirp!! Like crickets! However it can also be described as a purring sound
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up September 9, 2022
Under the cut:
Moscow abandoned its main bastion in northeastern Ukraine on Saturday, in a sudden collapse of one of the war's principal front lines after Ukrainian forces made a rapid advance [Note: the situation of Ukraine pushing forward and Russia retreating is changing by the minute, so I am doing my best with that.]
Residents in Russian-controlled parts of the Kharkiv region have been advised to evacuate to Russia, according to the state-run news agency Tass
Electricity and water supply was restored in Energodar (Zaporizhzhia) 
ETA: A Tweet from the Institute of the Study of War with maps showing the advances of Ukrainian troops.
“Moscow abandoned its main bastion in northeastern Ukraine on Saturday, in a sudden collapse of one of the war's principal front lines after Ukrainian forces made a rapid advance.
The swift fall of Izium in Kharkiv province was Moscow's worst defeat since its troops were forced back from the capital Kyiv in March. Ukraine hailed it as a turning point in the 6-month-old war, with thousands of Russian soldiers leaving behind ammunition stockpiles and equipment as they fled.
Russian forces used Izium as the logistics base for one of their main campaigns - a months-long assault from the north on the adjacent Donbas region comprised of Donetsk and Luhansk.
The state-run TASS news agency quoted Russia's defence ministry as saying it had ordered troops to leave the vicinity and reinforce operations elsewhere in Donetsk.
The head of Russia's administration in Kharkiv told residents to evacuate the province and flee to Russia to "save lives," TASS reported. Witnesses described traffic jams of cars with people leaving Russian-held territory.
If the reported gains are held, it would be a serious blow for Russia, which Western intelligence services say has suffered huge casualties. It would also be a big boost for Ukraine, which is keen to show Western nations supplying it with weapons it deserves their continued support.
There is pressure on Kyiv to demonstrate progress before winter sets in, amid threats by Russian President Vladimir Putin to halt all energy shipments to Europe if Brussels goes ahead with a proposal to cap the price of Russian oil exports.
Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in Kyiv that Ukrainian forces had demonstrated they were capable of defeating the Russian army with the weapons given to them.
"And so I reiterate: the more weapons we receive, the faster we will win, and the faster this war will end," he said.
In his nightly video address on Saturday, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukraine's armed forces had recovered around 2,000 square kilometres (770 square miles) of territory since its counter-offensive was launched earlier this month.
"The Russian army is claiming the title of fastest army in the world ... keep running!" Andriy Yermak, Zelenskiy's chief of staff, wrote on Twitter.
Ukrainian officials stopped short of confirming they had recaptured Izium, but Yermak earlier posted a photo of troops on its outskirts and tweeted an emoji of grapes. The city's name means "raisin."
The Russian withdrawal announcement came hours after Ukrainian troops captured the city of Kupiansk farther north, the sole railway hub supplying Russia's entire front line across northeastern Ukraine. Ukrainian officials posted photos early on Saturday of their troops raising the country's blue-and-yellow flag in front of Kupiansk's city hall.
That left thousands of Russian troops abruptly cut off from supplies along a front that has seen some of the most intense battles of the war.
Igor Girkin, a former commander of pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, called the Russian pullback "a major defeat" in remarks on Telegram.”-via Reuters
“Residents in Russian-controlled parts of the Kharkiv region have been advised to evacuate to Russia, according to the state-run news agency Tass.
The area’s Russian-installed administrator Vitaly Ganchev reportedly said doing so would “save lives”.
It comes after the Russian defence ministry said it was pulling troops out of two key towns in the region as Ukrainian troops made rapid advances.
The towns, Izium and Balakliya, are crucial military supply hubs.
Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Russia’s adjoining Belgorod region, said on messaging app Telegram that food, heating and medical assistance were being provided to people queuing to enter Russia in vehicles at the Logachevka border crossing.
Andrey Turchak, a senior official in the pro-Kremlin United Russia party, said a volunteer corps had been deployed to help those fleeing Ukraine for Russia, and reported more than 400 vehicles at the border.”-via The Guardian
“In Energodar of the Zaporizhzhia region, the supply of electricity and water, which were absent due to Russian shelling, was restored.
This was  reported by the city mayor Dmytro Orlov, reports Ukrinform.
"Thanks, without exaggeration, to the heroic efforts of specialists of various enterprises - ZANP, ZaTESS, our utility companies - the supply of electricity was restored. Water also appeared in the taps. But please do not neglect the advice on stockpiling food that does not require cooking and drinking water. And even if you don't need these stocks, they will still be there," the mayor added.”-via Ukrininform (Ukrainian language source)
“Russian rocket fire hit Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv on Saturday evening, killing at least one person and damaging several homes, local officials said.
The strikes hit the western suburb of Kholodnohirsk and damaged several homes in Ukraine's second largest city, its mayor Ihor Terekhov said.Regional Governor Oleh Synehubov said rockets from an MLRS system had killed one person and wounded two.”-via Reuters
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riyasharmask · 1 year
What are 7 ways to boost your immune system?
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Immune system is the body’s defence mechanism that helps in fighting with different life threatening microscopic organisms, chronic diseases and disorders.
Duties and responsibilities towards family members and society, financial pressure and stress do not let us think and act in a positive way and stay healthy.
Such unavoidable circumstances are taking control of our life. We are inclined towards eating fast and processed food items, smoking nicotine and different types of prohibited drugs and drinking alcohol.
As a result, we do find ourselves trapped in different diseases in different parts of the body.
Let’s understand the signs of weak immune system and these are:
a)  Constantly suffering from cough and cold.
b)  High level of stress
c)  Excessive stomach problem
d) Wounds not easily healing.
e)   Intense infections.
f)  Easily getting tired.
Instead of spending huge amounts of money on medicines and treatment of the immunocompromised diseases like cancer, diabetes, hepatitis and other intestinal disorders, it is recommended to rely on Ayurveda. In fact, Ayurveda happens to be rewarding for your health. To achieve strong immune system, you need to maintain:
a)  Healthy liver function.
b)  Good digestive ability.
c)  Good hormonal and ojas balance.
d) Strong metabolism
Ayurveda would suggest you to go for simple steps for boosting immunity in the body
a)   Maintaining a proper diet: It is the foremost thing to maintain healthy immune system. Depending on the deficiency of kapha, vat and pitta doshas, you must actually select and eat the right food items. Most important thing is to boost and protect ojas and that is by consuming different types of nuts, raisins, dates, saffron and ghee. Adding garlic in your regular diet will help in removing toxins from the body and help you to fight cough and cold.
b)   Adequate sleep: Depending on the health condition , there is a need for proper balanced sleep. If you are suffering from kapha dosha then you must have 6 to 7 hours of sleep. Person suffering from vata dosha would require 8 hours of sleep. It will help in recovering from any type of joint pain. Person undergoing the problem of pitta dosha would have moderate sleep, not high as a vata dosha patient nor little as kapha dosha..As per the studies of researchers, adequate amount of sleep reduces the development of cancer.
c)    Waking up early:  Coming in contact with the rising sun boosts Vitamin D for the body. Further, it sharpens your memory and keeps your body and mind active.
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d) Exercise and yoga: Regular exercise and yoga in the morning hours before taking bath and breakfast will help in bringing relief from the toxins from the body. It will boost blood circulation and good gut health. Dancing, swimming, running, doing push ups and squatting are some exercises that one can adopt and practice on a daily basis. One can deal with cough and cold and nerve related disorders with the help of pranayama or simple breathing exercise.
e)    Reduce stress:  To wipe out the stress level from the body, you can engage in the activities that appeal to you or you find them interesting. You can travel to your favourite destination where you can get the opportunity to connect with nature. Meditation is another way of fighting stress. Ayurveda suggests to go for herbal steam therapy to reduce the stress hormone, boost blood circulation and nerves of the brain and body. Oil massage on the body and forehead is highly effective in reducing stress.
f)    Manage rising weight:  Weight management is another way to control obesity. To stay healthy for a long period of time, one should not be too obese or too thin. Or else, you will suffer from cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Too much thinness will lead to deficiency of iron, vitamins and other necessary nutrients.
g)   Staying hydrated: Drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water will cleanse the body from the toxins, boost healthy bowel movement and control dehydration, diarrhea and intestinal disorders
Above mentioned ways strengthen your immune system. As per the experts’ opinion, your strong bonding with nature will help to gain key to healthy life.
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incredibly stupid franziska and phoenix are blood siblings au
soooo imagine franziska's older sister/brother dies some time after she gives birth. as child grows up he realises he probably needs more possible heirs considering its a not a guarantee this one will end up meeting his standarts. just to make sure he creates perfect offspring he begins his research and finds phoenix's mom
she is decendant of well knows prosecutor (as well as defence attorney but he ignores that) and he arranges marriage between them. lets just assume her family is kind of a douchebag and accept his proposal without even asking her. he is rich and influential who wouldnt like to marry someone like him, right? (answer: anyone with a brain)
she goes with it anyway because she didnt want to disappoint her family. shortly after marriage she gets pregnant but notices that piece of shit would be awfull father after seeing him punish a child for small mistake
so what she does? she fakes miscarriage, acts like she is heartbroken enough to give up her marriage. she maybe even blackmails malfred with some family secrets she could sell to media (she has proofs ofc) to let her divorce
everything happened so secretly and house of von karma announces she dies shortly after miscarriage. she starts a brand new life overseas with her boy, who looked too much like her thankfully
fast forward to a few decades. ema is really into dna testing thing and she compares dna examples she randomly collects. she examines numerous examples she collects. from full siblings like her and lana to cousins like maya and pearl to absolutely unrelated people like phoenix and franziska
think about it, asian american guy (asian mom - american dad acording to his mom, she wanted to act like malfred never existed) must have too little common with german woman right??
she examines them. she examines them again and again and again but holly fuck did her machine broke down or something?? because NO WAY THE MOST UNRELATED TWO PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY RELATED
she loses some significant sleep over it and hell, she cant even share what she found because she never asked for permission to collect samples and who the fuck would believe her? she decides to just forget about it and move on.
when people ask what made her stop her madness with dna she just gives them stares of a war veteran
what if ema blurts out the truth, they got suspicious and make another dna test (maya bullies nick into accepting it, franziska only consented because there is no fucking way its true and she, the perfect franziska von karma will put end into those baseless gossips) and find out she is not actually nuts?
for franzika... im not really sure. maybe she just shrugs and moves on with her life. maybe she loses her shit over it. maybe she accepts him and demands perfection from him because thats what von karmas do. maybe she refuses to accept it and acts like they are not related at all unless she wants to tease miles because she is her own sister in law TWICE
franziska: (talking about his brother miles and mentions his partner)
person: oh he has a boyfriend? i would have never guessed. who is he?
franziska: (stone faced) my brother
Franziska: this is my brother miles edgeworth and next to him is his husband and my brother, phoenix wight
Miles: Franziska for gods sake can you please stop doing that
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omg26lilly · 6 months
My heart is fleeting, I'm lost in the crowd, schmoozing/ networking doing all I could to survive living this crazy life
Your running away saying you couldn't save me anyway
I'm drinking a bottle of wine, knowing you can’t look me in the eye
I'm falling, tripping on the deck, no has noticed when your losing me, I've fallen into the abyss, yet as it seems the time is just running out, without a doubt I make it all look easy, I'm reinventing new versions of myself just to keep everyone entertained.
It's evident that your not there, my interal thoughts spiralling in dispear.
You can't keep it up, when you love the simple life/ I wish I was your country wife.
How can I speak in defence when I'm spent, your fed up of fighting for my attention.
I'm sorry I can't keep you to myself, what a damage to myself spending time with myself.
You may of heard... it's distant, I'm still here.
It's nearly Christmas, maybe I'm just speaking nonsense, when your reputation is a shame, we unfollowed all your clan, still you got the royalists from your contributions.
Is it shame that you follow me in to the industry hoping to make your turn at history, however you cant take the pressure and fame being associated with your name.
While all the guests leave I'm left eating cheese, picking up raisins of the table that remind me I'm unstable, I'm not sorry that it's time to go, I'm right where you left me.
Passing ideas, singing through tears, it never was a long term deal when we were just trapped in a bubble.
You buried our problems underwater, we kept bulding a raft until the storm came bellowing in, so we drowned in our grief.
Time can be short, this is what we are taught, we dismantled our broken parts, our defects were glareing, I was so dareing, I was a shell of the person you knew.
I'm moving with no ill will, just trying to not make myself feel ill.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"Liquor Made In 'Pen' Starts Race Riot," Toronto Star. July 29, 1933. Page 1 & 2. ---- INMATES GET DRUNK ON HOME-MADE WINE BREWED FROM PRUNES --- "Binge" Causes Flare-up in Last Few Days At Portsmouth --- START RACE RIOTS --- IIl-Feeling Between White and Negro Prisoners Bringson Clash ---- Special to The Star Kingston July 29. - Home brew manufactured by the inmates, unknown to the prison officials, it is disclosed to-day, was the finishing touch that caused the "plenty of trouble at the penitentiary these last few days," described by Judge E. Madden when Frank Regan, counsel for Convict Michael McDonald, complained about his defence witness, Convict Phillip Roberts, having been flogged "like a dog" by prison officials. Prunes and yeast were the ingredients of the fiery liquid that set the men confined in the new female prison seething once again into minor revolt. Over a long period, prisoners Is the kitchen filched prunes and yeast. Where they hid the mixture while it fermented is yet a secret to the penitentiary authorities. For weeks it fizzed and grew powerful.
Lawyers in court, it is now re-ealed, sniffed when they caught at whiff, now and then, of a convict with breath. They couldn't understand it. They wondered and remained puzzled. Whatever luxuries might be at the female prison for the October ringleaders who have been isolated since the big mutinies, counsel felt certain there was not a government liquor store.
Tuesday night it was decided by the men with the home brew stocks to use it all themselves. As it was described by somebody close to them to-day, they determined to go on "thorough binge." According to a accounts, they succeeded.
In excuse for the lack of knowledge of the prison authorities, one prominent figure in the trials to-day said: "Many of the prisoners are allowed to have yeast cakes for medical treatment and it is one of the hardest things in the world to prevent prisoners from hiding prunes and raisins from their food."
Fight Started According to the warden's official statement, a fight developed Tuesday night when five or al convicts at the end of the supper Iine at the female prison jumped on a fellow-convict and severely man handled him.
The facts behind the meagre official story again, it develops to day, are that for some time feeling has been brewing between white and negro prisoners amongst the inmates of the female prison. This ill feeling apparently increased in strength like the prune wine.
The prune juice had its effect. The whites made for the negroes. While some held back the guards, one of the white prisoners slashed a negro across the back with a knife. The wound is alleged to be almost half an inch in depth. For almost two hours the prisoners, described "as lit up and in a murderous mood," had complete possession of the female prison yard. Many of the negro prisoners were severely beaten up and injured before guards, now reinforced, managed to regain some control. Protesting his innocence, Convict Phillip Roberts was hastily sentenced by the warden's court to five Iashes, although he was threatened at first with 20. "There is no doubt that Roberts' jaws are fractured," protested Frank Regan to-day. "His teeth were, knocked loose and he was still spitting blood when he appeared in the witness box on Friday afternoon.
"One hears it repeated by prison officials that prisoners are never strapped on the back above the waist. I personally saw Roberts when he was stripped before Judge Madden and Col. Keiller MacKay in a room behind the courtroom, and there was one welt from the strap three inches wide over the kidneys.
Flesh Lashed Away "There was also a piece of flesh almost as big as the end of a finger taken right out of the left hip, apparently where the end of the strap had hit from a heavy cut," declared Mr. Regan.
"Roberts claims that he is not the man that should have been punished at all," Mr. Regan added.
The reason he called Roberts as a witness, stated Mr. Regan, was because he himself had noticed the striking resemblance between Convicts McDonald and Roberts, and he wished to have the judge see the likeness. His argument, which he wished to make clear to the court, was that McDonald could easily have been mistaken in last October's mutiny in the penitentiary for Roberts.
In every way possible Mr. Regan contended, prison authorities had thwarted his intention. First of all, he discovered that Roberts had a heavy beard. From Judge Madden. MeDonald's counsel secured an order to have the beard shaved off.
"Now, when Roberts is at Iast produced." Mr. Regan complained, his face is so badly battered and swollen that the original likeness is thwarted. There is no reason why Roberts should have been flagged the night before he was to appear as a witness."
Absolute dental that the convicts at the female prison are "out of hand" was made by Warden Megloughlin to-day, although only recently a petition was circulated among the residents in the immediate neighborhood of the now prison against the howling and noise of the inmates at night, which kept the householders awake, and is said to have caused one case of break- down and nervous strain on this account.
Fear Prison Trial Part of this chronic state of mutiny among the prisoners is claimed to be their continued fear that they are to be tried by the warden's court, for the last October mutinies after the present court trials are over. Asked by Mr. Regan yesterday whether any of the men now being tried in the courts for their part in the disturbances in October would be tried again in the warden's court, Warden Mogloughlin answered that none would. Mr. Regan: "I take it from that answer that the others not tried in these courts will be tried in the warden's court?" The warden: "I don't know. The minister has it under consideration." Mr. Regan: "Has he indicated to you what his decision will be?" The warden: "No."
Mr. Regan: "Well, I can under- stand that. For while the affair took place last October, this is only the end of July and it is, perhaps. a little early to expect action the part of the department in that time." Laughter broke out in the court room, and had to be silenced.
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It's a disgusting thing, yet Ace was a man who never turned his back on a challenge, no matter how dangerous or gruesome. In this case, it was neither, but that did not make the task any more pleasant. Ace makes the weirdest faces at touching the little devils but basks in a sense of pride at his work when it's done - it's a raisin cake, just for Law. Who the fuck can enjoy raisins, seriously? Not even chocolate can save the baked good... As a final touch, Ace arranges the deco raisins to +
spell ‘ROOSINS’. He offers it to Law with a “Merry Christmas, you filthy animal” [ @pxrtgasdace ]
Whilst Ace bustled around the kitchen, Law flopped on the couch, oblivious to Ace’s self-inflicted suffering as his fingers dipped into Law’s bountiful raisin stash and pinched vile raisins for his secret project. Had Law suspected Ace had found his raisins, carefully hidden at the bottom of a huge sack of rice, in his underwear drawer, in the storage closet inside Rocky the blow-up crocodile, Law would have leaped out of the chair, primal instincts evoking concern for the safety of his raisins. Knowing how much Ace abhorred raisins, after some painful lessons learned, Law thought it best to keep Ace and raisins, the two loves of his life, separate and apart, for everyone’s sake. Although Law loved Ace, he had developed a fondness for, and a spiritual connection to, raisins, that he couldn’t just choose one over the other. Often Law felt guilty for eating raisins before kissing Ace but he figured ignorance was bliss in that regard.
It took a while, but Ace eventually emerged from the kitchen. At the sight of the cake Ace carried toward him, Law’s heart skipped a beat. He scrambled upright and his jaw dropped. He had the look of a cheating bastard caught in the act with his pants down. Still, Law’s immediate worry was that his raisins had been flushed down the toilet. Merry Christmas, Ace then wished him, and speechless, stupefied, Law gawped at Ace before he accepted the cake uncertainly with both hands, like a kindergartener receiving their certificate at graduation. Gradually, Law lowered his gaze to the beautifully decorated cake, heart-shaped with a rainbow medley of myriads of raisins, currants, sultanas, and golden raisins, covering every whit. For several seconds, Law blinked blankly at the cake, as if he was trying to figure out what it was. He read ROOSINS and his brows arched. Glancing back up at Ace, Law stared in incredulity. Then his face creased and he almost laughed.
Cocking his head to the side, Law said, “You didn’t have to.” Sure, he might love raisins but he also loved fish and rice and other foods Ace could touch without repulsion. Law knew Ace felt as strongly toward raisins as Law did toward bread. Thus, it came as a huge surprise that Ace had baked him a raisin cake, of all things. Law didn’t fancy cakes much, but the gesture was still incredibly sweet. If it wasn’t a gesture of affection, Law didn’t know what was, for Ace’s sacrifice must have been painful to bear. (Law would know. Whenever he prepared Ace sandwiches and hand-fed Ace pizza in bed, Law had to don gloves and a mask in order to avoid breathing in the bread fumes and touching the contaminants directly.)
Law started to reach for a raisin when he paused and gave Ace a dubious look. While they loved each other, their life was not free from the regular prank wars that Law half-expected the cake to explode in a matter of seconds, sending his precious raisins spattering the floor. Law could already foresee himself on his hands and knees, scrabbling to save all his jewels before Ace sucked them into the void of the vacuum cleaner and they were forever gone—Alexander, Beatrice, Caleb, Dominique, all their lives terminated before he could say his last goodbyes. What was this, some passive-aggressive attempt to get him to agree that raisins were disgusting? Law eyed Ace with scrutiny, though, nevertheless, he grasped the plate in both hands, unwilling to part with the cake, whether or not it was rigged to blow.
“Why?” Law asked. “Is this to apologize for something? Did you kill my turtle?” However, the temptation, a heavenly aura, oozing out of the raisins was so overpowering that, in spite of the risk of the cake exploding in his face, Law greedily plucked a raisin and popped it into his mouth. He smacked his lips and openly savored the raisin in front of Ace. Then he ate another and offered Ace a raisin, all the while suppressing the urge to moan theatrically. Ace wasn’t wrong. Law was quite filthy. Already, as he held the cake happily in his hands, he contemplated eating the raisins off the cake using only his mouth, leaving the cake parts for Ace to finish. But first—
For the umpteenth time, Law gave his speech in favor of raisins. “Raisins are good for you, you know?” Law recited. “They have many health benefits, including the prevention of constipation, because there’s nothing worse than poo lodged up there, than…well, foreign objects, obviously.” This time, however, instead of stopping there, Law droned on.
“Raisins aren’t bad. They may look absolutely ugly, but so do a lot of foods—like bread. Have you seen the holes in bread? Disgusting.” Law paused only to pop another raisin into his mouth. “Also, raisins, they may be dried up, but they’re still nutritious.” Raisins were truly undeserving of the hate they got from both the young and the old. As a child, Law had always born witness to others plucking raisins from bread, cakes, biscuits, and throwing the raisins out, or piling them up and feeding them to the neighbor’s dog as revenge for something absurd. The raisins never stood a chance in the harsh and cruel world.
“Raisins were once grapes in their prime. Yet everyone loves grapes but not raisins. Just because they lost their juice, they can’t be made into wine, jam, juice, jelly, etcetera, raisins are tossed out? Regarded as the outcasts of fruit? Nothing’s changed. They look different, taste different, but raisins are still once-grapes. They make great pocket-friendly snacks on the go. For those with nut allergies, raisins make a great substitute. And I’ve never heard of anyone dying from eating raisins nor getting obese from raisin consumption.
“It’s just like people—once they’re old and used up, they’re abandoned, if they can’t look after themselves.” Law rambled on. He had no idea why he felt the need to defend raisins so vehemently. But if Ace couldn’t see the good of raisins and remained averse to raisins, that was fine. Because Law loved Ace and it didn’t matter that they both hated each other’s favorite food. They had other favorite foods in common. Thus, Law said, “But thank you.” An impish twinkle in his eye, Law licked his fingers, purposefully sensual. With the raisins still half-chewed in his mouth, Law grabbed Ace’s shirt and pulled Ace in for a kiss.
“Don’t you think life is like being a raisin?” Law added, his lips barely brushing against Ace’s. His fist maintained its grip on Ace’s shirt. “You get your juice dried up, you’re wrinkly, ugly, defeated, but there will be someone out there…who still loves you, for who you are. When the world turns its back on you, when everyone throws you away, there will be someone who stands by your side and fights for you. When you think it’s over because you’re dried up…just remember, it’s okay.” Law released Ace’s shirt and softly cupped Ace’s face in his hands. “You’re not filthy like they say you are. It doesn’t matter what they say of you, what they think of you, what you think of yourself. I think you taste wonderful.” Law threw a handful of raisins at Ace’s face, grabbed his cake, and ran.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
Those Awful Holoshows
Summary: Tech's been awake for hours straight, but he never misses the opportunity to relax with you and mutually complain about any and every holoshow. However, he can only stay awake for so long, and your shoulder looks oh-so-comfortable...
Pairing: Tech x Reader
Reader Description: Reader is gender-neutral. This fic does not include any descriptions of their appearance. Word count: 1k
Tags: Fluff, Accidental cuddling, Literally sleeping together, Mutual pining.
Notes: more Tech content?? yeah, i know, but he is just.. he is so...  ;-; <3
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Another day, another poorly written holoshow to criticize. It's yours and Tech's favourite pastime, forcing yourselves to watch awful holoshows just so you can both be nasty about it. This tradition all started when Tech overheard you grumbling to yourself when your favourite show took a turn for the worst, and he couldn't help but peer over your shoulder and watch, making you jump when he commented "her heels do not look comfortable, nor do they match the rest of her outfit." Tech giving fashion advice? As it turns out, he knows more than enough about piecing an outfit together, and character design is one of his favourite topics to moan about. He also bitches about the technical side of each show; lighting, cinematography, audio, and so on, but his outfit comments never fail to make you laugh. "An action scene where our female protagonist is wearing heels? Again? If only the director valued realism, rather than allowing his genitalia to direct the show," Tech grumbles beside you, crossing his arms as he talks. You've set your holopad up on a pile of pillows at the end of Tech's bunk, leaning back against the cold, metal wall, a thin pillow preventing your back from aching. As the show has gone on, you've slouched down further and further, hands placed in your lap and a blanket shared between both of you. This viewing party arrangement is simply that, an opportunity for you two to let off some steam by getting worked up over poorly written shows, and you're so comfortable with Tech now that neither of you notice when your shoulders or knees brush together. "The show has a male director, Tech. That fact alone tells you all that you need to know," you reply, fixated on the action scene. "How unfortunate," Tech sighs, nodding in agreement. He offers you another cookie, and you take it whilst quietly thanking him, nibbling at the oatmeal and raisin snack. You weren't surprised when Tech informed you that these cookies are his favourite, and his face scrunched up when you asked why he didn't prefer chocolate chips. This is Tech, what else were you expecting? Both of you munch away, forcing yourselves through episode after episode, bonding through your hatred for sloppy camera work and low quality audio. Hours pass, and you don't realize how late it is until you let out a yawn. The other Batchers have tucked themselves into bed, ignoring your conversation, although they're used to it by now. You overhear Tech let out a soft exhale, but pay no mind to it, that is until his head gently rests on your shoulder, short brunette locks pressing to your cheek. This isn't the first time Tech's fallen asleep whilst watching ungodly shows, but it is the first time that he's accidentally cuddled up to you. You're almost certain that this is an accident, until moments later when you attempt to slowly unpick yourself from Tech's grasp, to have him grumble in his sleep, asking you to "stop moving." "Tech, I'm trying to tuck you into bed," you sigh, but Tech lowers his brows, his head moving with your body, clinging onto you. You sigh, and using your foot, you manage to knock your holopad off the stack of pillows and pull it closer, silencing the device and leaving it under Tech's pillow. Again, you attempt to tuck the nerd into bed, and with great difficulty, you eventually succeed. His goggles are left on, and as much as you want to take them off, you're not risking the high chance of waking him up. However, goggles on or not, Tech partially awakens, looking at you through squinted eyes as you're about to hop down from his bunk. "Where are you going?" he mumbles under his breath, barely loud enough for you to hear. "To bed," you reply. "But we... we're watching our show," he pouts. Oh, your heart, this man has no idea what's going on. In his defence, he has probably been awake for days on end, taking catnaps here and there, never gaining enough rest to properly function. No wonder he's so dazed and confused! "We were, but it's bedtime now," you coo. Tech lets out a dramatic huff and peers over to where your holopad was resting. Noticing its absence, he huffs again, and then turns back to you with a disappointed expression. "Okay..." he groans. "Well, come to bed then," Tech gestures to the small space beside him, a tight squeeze in his single bunk. "I'm going to bed, but this is your bed," you attempt to explain, but you know by now that your bunk is going to be unoccupied tonight. "Our show... our bed," Tech mumbles as his eyes fall shut, threatening to dip back into his slumber. Yet again, Tech reaches out for you, and you allow him to lightly grasp your arm and begin pulling you back into his bunk. Before you get too cosy, and whilst Tech is partially awake, you gently remove his goggles, lightly laughing at the way his face scrunches up when he has to move his head off the pillow. "Better?" you question. Tech pulls you tight against him, acting like you're his own Lula, and with his cheek resting on the top of your head, he softly mutters "better." Stars, who knew this man was so needy? Neither you, nor Tech has ever shown much interest in the other before, minus light, playful comments, and... spending most of your free time together. But you always assumed that Tech viewed you strictly platonically, right? It seems your findings are wrong, and your stomach begins to turn as Tech subconsciously lightly grazes his fingers over your back, playfully scratching away, kneading over the thick fabric of your shirt. No doubt, the morning is going to be awkward. You're probably going to wake up to find Tech looming over you, apologizing over and over for falling asleep on you; his cheeks will be burning bright red, sweat forming above his brow, fumbling over his words for the first time in his life. Maybe you can silence him with a kiss?
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logicgunn · 3 years
Home Is Where The Dog Is
This is my answer for day 9 of The June Something.
Drop the cast of a fandom you follow into a reality tv show - who/what/why?
There really was no competition for the show, it had to be Pit Bulls and Parolees.
If you want to read my other answers, find me here.
Pitbulls and Parolees
John Sheppard
Major John Sheppard was incarcerated for “conduct unbecoming” while serving in the United States Air Force. To no one's surprise, least of all his father’s, he was dishonourably discharged on release. He came to the attention of the rescue through former volunteer Evan Lorne (also ex-military) and was employed on the spot.
John had a dog growing up, a chocolate pit bull bitch called Nova. He will happily talk for hours on camera about her or the centre’s rescue dogs, and he knows each individual pit bull’s quirks and likes and dislikes, but when asked about his time in prison only has two words to say:
“No comment.”
At first, John didn’t seem to click with anyone other than the dogs until Rodney McKay joined the team. The two of them spend all their time together, even now that Rodney’s only around sporadically. Do we spy a blossoming romance?
Rodney McKay, PhD, PhD
Doctor Rodney McKay, PhD, PhD, served three years in a Nevada State prison for gang-related activities. He was released early for good behaviour and “considerable contributions to National Defence” while incarcerated. Towards the end of his prison sentence he entered the program through the Nevada State Outreach Program.
Rodney’s introduction to the rescue was...problematic to say the least. No one could figure out why a self-proclaimed cat person with no dog experience applied for the program, but it turned out that he was signed up by his former gang leader because she was “worried about him being lonely in his post-gang life”. Things started looking up when a blue brindle pit bull bitch called Luna started following him around like a lost puppy. Rodney ended up leaving the program and adopting Luna, but he visits the rescue as often as he can to help out in between work details in NORAD, and to spend time with John.
“What do you mean you want to know about my former gang life? I was never...look, this is really important...I was never in a gang. Never. Not even for a second. I didn’t even know there was a gang. I just...I moved to Nevada on a temporary work contract for the military, and yes it was at Area 51, but no I can’t tell you anything about it...but the point is that they offered me a house on the base and...God, can you imagine? Screaming kids and Wine Moms and...just no. So I looked for something to rent privately and found a cheap apartment in a complex a half-hour drive from work, and my landlord was a nice old woman – oh God, can I say that? Is old a slur? - anyway, she was a very nice woman and her name was Maria and she made me cookies when I came in to view the place, oat and raisin, not chocolate chip, and she told me the going rate was eight hundred dollars a month, but because I would be living alone and didn’t have a wife and kids she’d drop it to six-fifty and...look, I really didn’t have a lot of options. The job was well paying but there were relocation costs from Canada and I hadn’t been paid yet and...do you know how expensive it is to ship computing equipment from Ontario to Nevada? With a guarantee that it will be in full working order at the end of the journey? It’s extortionate, absolutely extortionate. So anyway, there was a nice older woman and oat cookies and cheap rent and it was fully furnished – did I mention it was fully furnished? With the comfiest queen-sized bed, no less, I’d have paid double for the bed alone, but...where was I? Yes a nice older woman and she owned the whole complex and most of the other apartments were inhabited by her nephews, she had a lot of nephews, and she got them to help me carry my equipment up the stairs because I was on the third floor. My flat was right next to hers and on days when I got home late and I was exhausted because I had to...well...whenever I had a hard day at work, I’d get home and she’d knock on the door and bring me dinner, real, home-cooked food, risotto, lasagne, soup, pasta and sauce – not sauce out of a jar but sauce that she made from scratch from tomatoes and herbs and olive oil. God, and the parmesan, have you ever had real, Italian parmesan? She said I needed to strengthen up so she fed me sometimes and in return, I made sure my rent was always on time and whenever her kitchen sink was acting up I went round and fixed it and when she needed groceries I drove her to the market and...look we became friends, okay? I even sometimes talked to her nephews in the hallway. I had no idea they weren’t her real nephews, I just figured she came from a very large, very Catholic family...but that’s not the point. The point is, she invited me round one day for dinner and there were a bunch of her nephews there with their wives and a handful of really friendly women I'd never met before...really friendly and kind of handsy...and we were drinking and there was music, and some of the guys showed me their tattoos, they had matching tattoos you see, not big and gaudy and highly visible, but discrete, small, on their chest right over the heart and...well I was pretty drunk and so when someone asked me if I wanted one I couldn’t really say no, could I? Maria looked so hopeful, so I said yes, sure, okay, and she was so happy and she got a tattoo gun and asked me what colour I wanted and I said she could pick and she filled it up and pressed it to my skin and it hurt, a lot, but it made her so happy so I didn’t complain, and the second she finished the cops burst into the apartment and arrested everyone. Now I have a criminal past and a tattoo that I can’t wash off with rubbing alcohol and...but the General in charge of the SG- uh, in NORAD said he might be able to have my record wiped clean under the circumstances. I have to live with the tattoo though.”
Teyla Emmagan
Teyla is one of the few female applicants to the program, and she brings with her a wealth of experience in canine care, having grown up in a family of ethical dog breeders. In fact “ethics” is her middle name – she has recently completed one of several prison sentences for “eco-terrorism”, i.e. handcuffing herself to a tree in the Amazon to try to fight deforestation. The judge who sentenced her warned her that the next incarceration would likely be in years rather than months, so she hung up her chains and turned her attention back to her other passion.
The dogs absolutely adore Teyla. She brings a much needed warm, serene disposition to the centre and has a reputation for easing even the most terrified of new rescues and calming any pit bull that gets overly territorial. In return, the dogs are fiercely protective of her, going so far as to ward off would-be aggressors (much to the detriment of her love-life).
When asked about her arrest and sentencing, she had this to say:
“Stop denying our planet is dying. Mother nature does not need us, we need her.”
Ronon Dex
Ronon Dex, a former oncologist at MD Anderson, Texas, was charged with unlawful killing when he helped a terminally ill patient end her own life. The trial was a highly publicised affair with the media in the courtroom for the entirety of the incredibly taxing thirteen-month trial that was further complicated by the concurrent and often hostile social pro-life and pro-dignity social movements in the state. The trial had to move location several times due to violent protest and eventually had to be conducted in a secret location and secured by the national guard, costing the government over $7m. Each participating news outlet was requested to dedicate a single reporter who would remain on location for the entirety of the trial, with their reports being scrutinised for any detail that might pinpoint their location. This led to even more disruption from the Free Press movement, but when all the national news providers signed on, things started to settle down.
Ronon always wanted a dog growing up, but his family’s migratory lifestyle made it an impossible dream. The very first thing he did when he started studying medicine was to adopt a chihuahua, name her Lola, and move her into his dorm. Everyone, from his roommates to the dorm warden to the professors to the Dean was aware of Lola’s presence, not least because he carried her around campus in a rainbow cross-body bag and fed her treats to keep her quiet in class. Naturally, no one dared to confront him about it. He had to give her up when he was incarcerated and he got the sad news that she passed away a month before his release. At the request of the prison warden, his application to the program was fast-tracked, and on the day of his release, he moved straight into a trailer on the outskirts of New Orleans. When asked about his imprisonment, Ronon had only the following to say:
“I have no regrets. If it had been anywhere but Texas, it wouldn’t have been an issue.”
When not at the rescue centre, Ronon can be found on the beach swimming with his adopted Portuguese Water Dog, Zeus.
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lunap95 · 3 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Super Sons (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne Characters: Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Maya Ducard, Collin Wilkes, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kara Zor-El Additional Tags: Roommates, Domestic Fluff, adopting a pet, High School, Jealousy, Running Away, Partners in Crime, Fake/Pretend Relationship, getting caught, Heartbeats, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Masquerade, Family Vacation, Marriage Proposal, JonDami Week 2021
Hey, hey, hey! Last day of the @jondami-week  Thank you so much for reading and leaving kudos and comments, it makes me super happy! As I mentioned I'm planning on doing a longer (but not too long) fic about Damian and Jon so please if you like anything of these prompts tell me so I can have a clearer idea on how to write them. Thanks!
Day 7: joint family vacation | proposal | free day
You can also read it under the cut
“Stephanie, I swear to God if you play that stupid song one more time.”
“Shut up, Jason, you didn’t have a good music taste even before your first death.”
“Come on, guys, I’m sure we can find something nice for every-” Duke dodged a hamburger and decided it was better not to get in between.
“Has anyone seen my sunglasses?” asked Conner, his sunglasses obviously over his head.
“No,” answered Tim not even making an attempt at pointing his mistake.
“I’m just saying, it would totally rock if you made a ‘Is Bruce Wayne Batman?’ headline,” Cassandra nodded at Dick’s words.
“You know it would actually be really funny,” Lois smirked, her smile too similar to one of the evildoers they usually fought.
“Not it wouldn’t!” interrupted Barbara visibly angry. “Because then we, instead of him, will have to deal with it later.”
“I stopped dealing with Bruce’s shit a long time ago, you should do the same,” proclaimed Kate taking a sip of his wine.
“This is the fourth time I have to repair a train, Kent,” argued Bruce on the other side of the field. “Is it really too much to ask to show a little restrain?”
“Oh, excuse, mister billionaire, next time a train is about to run over some innocent citizens I will kindly ask the train to stop,” refuted Clark.
“The only thing I’m saying,” not too far Alfred was in the middle of another discussion with Martha and Jon Kent. “that the recipe is obviously done with raisins.”
“Raisins? Maybe in that rainy spot of yours,” Martha seemed to be terribly offended. “But not here.”
Damian sighed for the hundredth time that day watching how the whole family continued creating absolute chaos. If his calculations were right there were just a few minutes left before someone screamed “food fight”. Next to him, Jon munched on a hamburger as if the picture did not bother him at all.
“Let’s have some picnic together, you said,” said Damian. “It would be fun, you said.”
“I think is nice.”
“Your cousin tried to throw Todd over the roof just an hour ago.”
“And I think Steph is about to ask her to do it again,” laughed Jon pointing at were Jason and Steph continued to argue about the music, Duke and Cass now enjoying their exchanged while eating popcorns.
“At least Grayson has stopped with the puns,” he was starting to question why the hell he had accepted Jon’s idea, this was bound to end in disaster.
“Well, actually I think he is telling my mum that story about the Napkin man.”
Jon could not help but smile at his groan. Maybe their families were a bit… chaotic when they met, but he actually enjoyed spending time together like this. As long as he kept a safe distance between him and Jason’s guns there should not be a problem (he still remembered when the Red Hood first discovered he was dating his younger brother, that had been a fun chase). And deep down he knew Damian enjoyed them too, but his boyfriend was too stubborn to admit it.
“I just don’t understand why you insisted so much on this.”
The box in his pocket seemed to get heavier with his words. They have been dating for almost eight years, living together for six of them. While he worked as a journalist in the Daily Planet, Damian had his hands full with inheriting the Batman legacy and leading the new Gotham Justice team along with Duke, although he still made some art exhibitions from time to time. He still went out as Superboy, mostly with Damian, but the defence of Metropolis had gone mainly to Supergirl and Conner, who now called himself Supernova. Their fathers had told them they would soon pass their mantle to them and Jon had decided he wanted to ask the big question before that happened.
“D, mind walking with me for a minute?”
Damian raised an eyebrow confused as to why his boyfriend wanted to walk on the same fields that had seen him grow, but he decided it would be way better than staying there. They walked while holding hands, chatting about their little things until they reached a familiar forest.
“Does it ring a bell?” Jon smiled.
“This is where we first met,” realised Damian. “Well, when I kidnap you after discovering you were a threat to society.”
“Well, you suspicious turned out to be correct, only not to society,” he winked at him. “Only a threat to you.”
“Hmm,” Damian wrapped his hands around his neck. “Maybe I should have let you tied on the examination table of the Batcave.”
“Then, you wouldn’t have this.”
Jon then proceeded to kneel in front of him, taking the box out of his pocket. Damian didn’t say anything but his eyes widened.
“Damian Wayne,” he proclaimed. “I never thought I could hate anyone more than the first time I met you. But with time, you showed me the great person you are. Because many might think of you as brash and arrogant, but I know your actions speak more than your words. I have seen you bleed for your teammates, cry for your brothers and sister and take care of your pets as if they were the most valuable thing on this planet,” he opened the box to show a ring with a green gemstone. “You became my best friend and later the love of my life and I can’t think of a better person to share the rest of my life with so… would you do me the super honour of becoming my husband?”
“Did you have to add the super thing?” but Damian was smiling and he could swear his eyes were shinning. “Of course I do, you sap.”
Jon did not waste any time jumping to capture his lips while putting the ring on his finger. The gem was the same shade in his eyes and the moment Jon saw it he knew he wanted his boyfriend to wear it.
“I’m going to make you the happiest man on Earth,” he whispered between kisses.
“I already am.”
There were still a lot of hardship to face, millions of adventures waiting for them on the corner, but in that instant, in the same forest where they met, both could feel the strength of their bond. A union that could not be broken by time or dangers, a connection that will be with them until the time they expired their last breath. So for the moment, they enjoyed this moment and the pure bliss of knowing they would never be alone as long as the other was next to them.
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skylardoesthings · 2 years
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enokvirkow · 2 years
The morning had gone much the same as any other. Ariadne, the first to rise, prepared herself for the day ahead — though rather than visit the grand dining hall to swipe the freshly presented fruits to bring in offer to her still-waking friends she instead set off to the morning markets to find them each something a little more special.
Initially the plan had been to get them some of the freshly baked breads. She remembered a sweeter date and walnut loaf from one of the hole-in-the-wall bakers that fed their fair share of working men and women looking for a quick and filling meal.
That was how she made the discovery. In her defence, they were not long home from extensive travel and the Tummelt kingdom was ever-changing from an array of different cultures, hard-working folk looking for sanctuary. Perhaps she could be forgiven for not bringing the pastry treat to Enok's attention sooner...
When he awoke, an unassuming little fish awaited him. The filling was comprised of an almond paste infused with tangy apple, sweet raisins and saffron. Different. Unusual, even. But it was damn delicious. Ariadne was certain Galahd's finest warrior would soon be on her heels to hound her for more.
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When he awoke, an unassuming little fish awaited him. The filling was comprised of an almond paste infused with tangy apple, sweet raisins and saffron. Different. Unusual, even. But it was damn delicious.
Rolling out of his hammock today, Enok hadn't expected to be met with such a treat. Especially not that early. Becaus eit was fucking early - he really didn't know from where Ari mustered the strength to wake up and go out at that time. Long ago on the islands he had had to get up early or stay late to fish at night. But now?
And the fish he had brought back had never been like this.
He had eyed the little pastry almost suspiciously, before taking it. He expected it to have a savoury, fishy taste. Because. Well. It was fish-shaped!
But it was sweet.
And it was apparently filled with utter blissful heaven!
Enok seriously stuttered that first bite before hmmm-ing loudly. Shoving the next bite into his face, he already was looking around for Ariadne with big eyes.
"Awi?!", Enok tried calling out for her, mouth far too full for that to work properly, as he quickly scurried their camp and found her by the horses. Nope. No time for the animals right now.
Gods. Why did that taste so good?! What was in that? Where had she gotten that?! He needed like... 12 more. At least! Some for the way! He needed the recipe... NEEDED it. Like air.
Ariadne didn't even get the chance to properly react as Enok had already grabbed her middle and swung he rover his shoulder, carrying her like a bag of flour, heading for the path towards the market.
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"Where did fu gefd dad?", he asked with stuffed cheeks, his blue eyes shining brightly as he looked towards her. She could be angry all she wanted about being manhandled like that - Enok was merciful enough to let her down the next moment - but he wouldn't let her go, just grabbing her hand. And almost like an excited little kid, he jumped forward and begged her.
"Fow me! You gofda! Pfwease?!"
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neutinya · 4 years
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Honestly I really love this dynamic jfjsjdj, it’s my fave team dynamic so far actually hhhhh
Extra info!!
So!! Meet new gen dateko that has evolved to be more than just and “ironwall” but also a “spear”. Tomura is a very strong spiker, on par with Mitsui actually!! And also!! They are notorious for their very tiny setter and very big libero!! Minori is one of the best setters in the prefecture despite his tiny size, he can also really jump!!
Minori has heterochromia, his right eye is grey and his left is brown. He was bullied a lot for it throughout his childhood. The scar on his right eye was actually from getting shoved around so much he cut it against the sidewalk ;;
People always make fun of his height and Tomura and Sho will not tolerate any of that shit. Minori was the very “oblivious, patient, innocent and kind” kinda person. He forgives people very easily and rarely got mad.
Sho is extremely quiet but he has a terrifying stare fjsjjs, he just doesn’t like talking and is sleeping most of the time. He’s half British!! His mom is British and his dad Japanese!! His English name is Salem
Tomura is like, loud and very headstrong but he was calm around Minori and sho. He likes raisins and will dump a container of it down his mouth like it was nothing
Also, because Minori is very physically affectionate, he always pats the team’s head if they played well etc. Sho and Tomura will bend down and let Minori pat their heads because they really liked it ahhhhh. Sometimes if they win a game, the team would all kinda just, line up, and let Minori pat and ruffle their hair fjskfjjd
Also it’s very common to see either sho or tomura spooning Minori because they did all the time when Minori was down. According to them it made Minori feel safe hdjsj
TLDR: Dateko’s third years are basically the defence squad for their tiny setter and captain
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 158 prt 2
Keith was still on the fence about returning to the house. Lance wanted to go. Keith didn’t want to go. He didn’t want Lance committing that place to memory and his nightmares getting worse
“Oh? Actually, I’ve got something to tell you. Lance fell asleep before I could talk to him about it... well, two somethings... You go first”
Pidge had something to tell him? Why did he get the feel he wasn’t going to be happy? She was smiling, but he knew how sharp her teeth could be behind that smile
“You’ve known Lance longer than I have, and I don’t want to fuck this up”
“Oh my god! You’re going to ask him to get hitched?!”
Keith sighed deeply
“Have you been talking to Krolia?”
“Yes, but not about that. Oh my god! When?! Are you getting married before he pops?!”
Keith pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat himself down next to the serving tray
“No. Lance and I both... we want to be together a while before... God. If my mother’s been at you, I’m so sorry”
Fucking Krolia. Only by sheer luck had the ring box not been found by Lance. Keith meant to throw it out, but it was hard when Lance generally took the rubbish out and the big bin was emptied once a week. Cocking her head, Pidge forgot she’d been whispering
“She hasn’t been... but if you’re not proposing, then what’s going on?”
“Lance said he wants to go back to the house where Sendak held them. He said he wants to see that it’s empty and that no one there’s suffering”
Immediately Pidge’s gaze dropped to Lance
“Hasn’t he been hurt enough?”
Keith nodded, more than grateful Pidge seemed to get his fears
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea. He asked Shiro, and Shiro’s been in a bit of daze since. We didn’t see Sendak’s body, but I trust Coran when he says Lance killed Sendak. He’s freaked out from his attack, overthinking things and I... He doesn’t forget. I’m scared if he goes there, he’s always going to have the house in his head”
“Dude, he’s already got the house in his head... Maybe... maybe he’s right? If he didn’t see the body then maybe he needs to see the house? You know he has to understand everything”
And now Pidge was shifting her thoughts to things Keith had already thought about
“He said he wants to put it behind him so he can focus on the future. You’ve been by his side longer... I’m not sure if I should say yes”
Pidge snorted with laughter, adjusting her glasses as she did
“Pfffft. I didn’t even know he was a vampire and I’m a paranormal investigator. Dude, you’re his boyfriend. You can tell him no. But if he thinks it might help, then the best we can do is be there with him. I mean, someone’s gotta start the fire and then provide the alibi”
Keith found himself smiling
“Here I was blaming myself for leading Lance astray and you say the same thing we’ve been thinking. We all want to burn the house down”
“In my defence, I think the house has it coming. I would have loved to kick Sendak, even only once in the ankle, that would have been enough”
“I can see that, but you’re lucky you never had to go face to face with him. I still have nightmares about the raisin fuck”
Pidge arched an eyebrow at his “raisin fuck”. Keith blaming Lance solely for his defaulting to bread related items
“Smooth, dude. Okay, well, I’m down to go. Hunk will too. You both have to get it into your head we’re not gonna let you guys go through this alone. Now, I’ve got news and Lance is gonna be so mad so I need to you turn the boyfriend charm on”
“I don’t know if I’ve got any charm”
“You must do. Kosmo totally got up, huffed, and then laid back down. That’s the most he’s been bothered moving in this heat”
“You broke my boyfriend and my fur son?”
“Rude. Matt wore him out this morning taking him for a run. Annnnnyway... You know how I am like the most amazing tech person you know and will ever meet, and you know how we’ve been not making videos lately... I have solved both problems because I am a genius”
Keith wasn’t going to debate facts. Pidge was as amazing as she thought she was
“I’m going to work at VOLTON! Oops... I mean, I’m going to work at VOLTRON. Before you get worried, it’s all in research and development. Meaning I’ll be tinkering with all that tech. Coran promised me like an amazing wage, as much tech as I could get my fingers on, and I get a company car!”
She was what? How? What?
“You what now?”
“I know you’re worried. I totally get it. I’d be worried about this amazing little me too. So, it’s like totally okay. I won’t see any vampires or werewolves outside of staff. Mum agreed... well, dad agreed that it’d be safer than letting me do whatever I want seeing Lance is pregnant and he really should be focusing on that. I get weekends free... and Coran said I could totally check out any equipment I want to use while hunting. Apparently he’s a total fan of our videos”
Pidge sounded so beyond excited that Keith had to almost physically cram his fist down his throat to push down the rush of fear he felt for her. Coran was only one fae. Things went wrong all the time... but for Pidge this was a once in a lifetime offer
“I want to be excited but I’m worried”
“Hunk threw up. He said he wasn’t going to, then he did. But think about it, I’m gonna be there and you’re gonna be there and when Lance gives birth I’m not going to be in the room but I’ll be in the complex. I have to have training. Basically enough training to fight a human off... I start next week full time”
What... the actual fuck... Pidge was... holy heck. He didn’t want this life for her. Lance didn’t want this life for her. Lance had busted his arse for years protecting Pidge from her overexcitable ways... and now she throwing herself into the jaws of a lion. He couldn’t... Lance was not going to be happy. He wasn’t happy. This was their Pidge and their Pidge needed to be safe at all times. He was being a bad friend not sharing her excitement. Lance kind of taught him that that was a thing and it was okay not to worry and to go with the flow
“I’m going to need... a moment. Are you sure this is what you want? I’m not trying to upset you, but you know what things can be like and they can be a whole lot worse. Lance managing to cause a commotion is what kept us from losing him”
Pidge’s shoulders slumped. Yeah. Definitely being a bad friend right now. He’d never be leaving VOLTRON’s employment once Lance learned about this
“I get that you guys are scared, but this could be a great chance to put something good on my resume. I’m not working with any magic, or with Lotor, or Acxa, Zethrid and Ezor. It’ll be things like redesigning your phone to be a bit more practical and better coordination communication, and encoding”
If Pidge could hack into the Blade network that said a lot for her skills but also did highlight that anyone might be able to. He couldn’t brain this right now
“Let me just process. What was the other thing you wanted to tell me?”
Pidge shifted her weight... Guilt coming over her face. How could things possibly get worse?! How could she not feel guilting for joining VOLTRON, but feel guilty about this
“I... Okay. I’m sorry. I started when... when I was trying to work out my feeling about Lance being a vampire and Matt being a werewolf. So... I um... started looking into your past too. I sent some emails out, and lately I’ve been asking Krolia. Umm. I know I shouldn’t have pried, but I know how much it’s a thing for you. I...”
Oh, God. This... she’d done something. Instantly his nose was put out of joint by Pidge having the audacity to poke into his past. He still had shit in there he hadn’t told Lance. What happened was his business. Not Pidge’s. When he told Lance, that was up to him. Lance knew how much it fucking hurt to go there...
“I found your dad’s grave. I know. I can see you want to yell, and I nearly gave up and no one was replying then I got email two weeks ago and I’ve like been confirming it and I’ve found his grave. I found a few articles on him too. Please, Keith. I know I invaded your privacy... I just... I don’t know what it’s like not to have my dad and I imagine it fucking sucks so I wanted to find something for you...”
She’d... found... Keith knew if he dug deep enough and manned up enough to face his past he may have found out, but... he wasn’t sure he... now she had... what the fuck was he supposed to do?
“I need some air”
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